Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate from Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

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NEWCASTLE MORNING HERALD AND ADVOCATE MONDAY EBRUARY li 1930 MAITLAND DISTRICT Bishop 37 29 56 Webb 2D Staaden 18 32 WEST MAITLAND SENSATIONAL ARREST TWO YOUTHS CHARGED While on duty at midnight on riday A Emmett ana Conrtable A Bonney rtiiturbe throe youth in the vird of Sfesava McGovern and Ribee'a pre roitea in High rtreet Wert Maitland One nf the youth was arrerted by Sergeant Emmett and another by Conrtable Bonney but the third escaped and had not been Icu atc up to lout evening One of the youth" who bolted on the eight of the police was followed by Con tahle Bonney but was arrested in Bul street after three ahola had been jid over hie head i the Wert Maitland Poll Court on Saturday before Mr Reed Alfred Ernest Murphy was charged Mitlr having been found in an enclosed aid of Meears McGovern and Rihee at W'st Maitland for an unlawful purpose Be vjis further charged with having in bis nossesHion four rubber sole and one meter tube reasonably suspected to bare been stolen On the application of Sergeant 8 Turner ho waa remanded till ebruary IT bail being allowed self in £30 andA sureties of £1S each Another youth waa brought before the thiWren's Court end waa remanded till ebruary 13 MAITLAND SHOW CLOSING ENTRIES Jlait land Show will be opened on Meh and "ill continue for lour day and ihrcr nights Intending exhibitors are re minded that enures close on ebruary IT tor nil sections except trotting sporting ii dogs which arc due on ebruary 24 Si heduies may be obtained on applica tr the Secretary Mr Monte Brown irotn "bom member ship badges may be rured These budges admit one man and mo ladies for £11 to all sessions the show including grounds and graud od and boldeis are also entitled to tree admittance for motor cars or other chicles On Saturday Mr Brown received from Mie Keane of Bathurst entries in il: jumping section for Main Top hanee and Index three horses tbot will make tb ir first upnenram at Maitland Show Singleton Mitchell's lat and Maitland haie entered for the District Exhibit and a rhe three committees have been prepar for months there is sure to be very Iron competition Mr Brown explains that so many up rijlions burn been received for side spaima that the steward arc i roritinn to make sclecliun of the bestujo sbntva wliich will make a show iu themselves MR McENEARNEY'S DEATH Ihr Corofiir Mr Reed PM a mafrutehal inquiry at the IV wt Mt ii hnd Courthouse on Siituiddy con rrning the itiddeu death of John Tbomu MrEnearnty at Buchanan on January 25 Dr Soiling that he wus called in the residence on January Prior to rht he had not attended Mr MvEoeavncy hci ai a patient of Ih A King nw of Sydney In hit opinion dentiljSi ran tad by Midden heart failure He on marks of violence i 'itufahje Keenpt ii nlbritig eaid puw the bedv ahoul lit or ix hour mrer death There were no Kuspicious mi umstance TereM Miirgarri MrEn earner widow of dAieiaed Mid bhr wait wakened during i he previous night by dce(ied niaknig bnijiida She Hked him what wan the mat ter with him end he replied Ho was ip bis usual health on the previ mis day and wan in the best of spirits Some years ago Dr King told her husband rhit his heart was not strong urther evidence was given by deceas ed son rederick McEnearney Mr Reed found that death bad resulted from natural eausea sudden heart failure ACCIDENTS i eoig Chapman 44 a resident of ar 'y employed as a miner in Meet Greta colliery near eat Maitland was crushed between a skip and prop on Saturday morning He received heavy contusionsi the right hip sad on the lower purli the buck ie levehrd first aid from 'laitiaiid ambulance and was taken In Jv iri i Km ri If capital While playing at Jiart Guta on Sun A peckiiui ii aged it' roars bumped ngamst tree and rei eiied an incisedmind lsiu long on the top of the I'o ul He received lint aid from Mart Idtul ambulance SMALL MEETINGS Addresses by Communists POLICE IN EVIDENCE Means Rom and Huggett of the Com munist party Sydney addressed a public meeting on the ire Brigade Iteeerve Abennaiu "hen there was mi attendance or 300 or 400 It was noogmsed that ths visit was a precuisor to the aggregate meetings otherwise there would have been a much larger attendance from all parts of the Abermuin district There was a good muster of police in uniform mid plain clothes The speakers did not hide the fact thut were present to denounce the Labour party ederal and State mid the leaders of the Miners' They were very vigorous in their denunciation of the mining leaders who were described as traitors to the euime A state ment that the leadere were actually are ranging with the owners fur a scheme to defeat the objects of tire rank and tile was received with derision and dissent The speakers dealt in detail with the Soviet system and claimed that it was the only source from which the wor ker could hope for redress Both speakers attacked the ederal and State Govern menu Expressions of opinion among the miners about the visit of the Communist speakers show that they considered that rhe objective was to divide tbe leaders from the men on the coalfield and to bring about ouch state of confusion thut the "Cunununista could jump into the and direct oprutiuna to their ohq MtisfactioD The men appear to be bring of the interference of outsiders There were no visiting Communist speakers at the usual Sunday night street corner meeting at Caunock it was poor ly attended and was very orderly A num ber of plain clothes and uniformed police were present Ur Jeffrey who Los Been on the fields for some months was the principal speaker end his address fol lowed the liMs rrf previous ones Im road between Ceeenoek and Kurt i during the evening The police reported that everything was quiet BOWLS ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPETITION The following will represent East Nait aa against Hamilton in the first game tbs elaetrio light competition to mgbt at East McKimm Noble Chris 4U Bills Beckley Russell Longworth oster RsndalLCotterill Warwick Wil liams Lackey Young Clift Moon tnergeneiM: Appleton Barnier Dim nock fcolae HUNTER CRICKET SENIOR COMPETITION The second round in the Hunter River District Cricket Association ienior com pctitkon cloaed on Siturday the winotre of the mekhee being Ent MdtUad Brenxton and Robim Scores: EAST MAITLAND MARISTS EAST irst Innings HI Second Innings Cook Mclnesrney 17 Cook Brodley 7 Hockley Melnearnev 24 Burg fbw Bradley 3 Ixredham Wright 9 A Burg Mclnearnev Wright 11 Voting Mvlnearney 17 Ebbeek Wright 4 1) Denver not out It Cook st O'Hearn Wright 13 Williams Wright 1U Sundries 9 Total 137 Mvlnearney three lor 52 Wright five for 39 Bradley two for 30 MARIST BROTHERS irst Nine wickets for 61 (in nings declared dosed) Second Innings Osland Cook It Erskine run out 16 Bradley Cook fl Wright Young Cook I O'Hesin Young 3d Denver Burg 9 XV Power Burg 4 Mclnearney Conk 14 XV Sutton Cook A Burg 2 Trelto not out fl XV absent Sundries I 'lotol Conk three for A Burg three fur 14 Cook for 32 KURRI vTbRANXTON CYCLING CeMnock Amateur Cycling Club carried out a three miles road race on the Mait land road course on Saturday afternoon Hawkins Stsecs won by 10 yards from Walters 40secs Edmunds scr filled third place The winner's time was Smins 12aeca Edmunds secured fast est time covering the distance in 7min SSseca BADLY INJURED Man Knocked by Car SYDNEY Sunday Severe injuries were received by Charles Llewellyn aged 26 of Archer street Bur wood when Ire waa knocked dowu by i motor car while croMing Parramatta road Petersham yesterday The Newtown Am bulance was called anl Llewellyn waa taken to hospital where be waa admitted in a serious condition suffering from i fractured skull fractured right leg an I abrasions to srms and head GIRLS ARRESTED SUSPECTED SYDNEY Monday Morning By the arrest of three young women in a house in Campbell etreet City lest night and the sneat of two others at Redfern the police feel that they ure on the track of a organisation with great ramifications A young Chin ese also arrested RECORD Close of Billiards Matches KURRI KUK1U ust Innings 91 Second Inninga Paul A Bendek li 6 XV Bristow st Allen Bridge 33 1 Hunter A Bendeiih 6 ti Schofield run oul Pringle run out 9 Cahill A Bendeich 0 Arundate lbw Thiir't 24 Hume Hatcher Thrift 0 Jarvis Deary A Alien Hatvhei Bridge 4 ield not out 9 Sundries '6 Total 96 Bowling A Bendeich 3 for 14 Deasy 1 for 24: Thrift 2 for 25 A Bridge 2 for 13 BRANXTON irat Inning Edinunde Allen 23 I) Thrift Paul Allen 43 Seai Kton Allen 4 A Bendeic li lbw Alim 41 Hatcher not out 191 Linslev not out 17 Sundries 16 Total four wieketa for Bowling: Allen 4 for 41 ROBINS NORTHERN irst Innings McPherson and ikes 6 Moore Johnson Wntsou 5 MacMillan Dombiniu 8 Petrrson Boll Oakes 51 Haddon Jarrett 1 Tegg Jarrett 0 Stoine JohiiMin Dombrain 66 lirei knian Dombrain 9 Moaamun ct Paaatield Oukca 67 Brackley and Oakes Denny not out 5 Sundries 15 Total '2W Bonding: Oakes 4 for 57 I Dombrain 3 for 66 XV Jarrett 2 for 49 A Watson 1 for 2u NORTHERN DIVJBION irrt Inning A XVatson and McPherson 82 Mahonv Denny MacMillan '20 Donibrain Peterson Moore 14 Bell XV Moore Jarrett Tegg Moore IW Oakes and Brossman 55 Carter st Denny Peterson 23 PuMitield Brosamau Peterson 13 It X'ukeiy Peterson 6 ftell and 1 Broaunan 4 XV Johnson not out 2 Sundries 13 Total :0 Bowling: Peterson 3 for 28 Brow man 2 for 23 Moore 1 for 10 Moore 2 for 67 MacMillan 1 for 63 SWIMMING Three handicaps were conducted in the river at XValah Park West Maitland ou Saturday afternoon Senior Handicap 100 Yards irst heat: Townsend Urecs Osland Ssec 2 Others: 8 Duggan fh ecs Andrews 18aecs Laue acr Won by a touch Second heat: Sseca Webb frees 2 Others: Brown 4eeS XV Wickham Ifrecs XX' on by a length Third beat: XV Osland 1'sees 1 Greedy Isec 2 Others: XV Pilgrim 3secs Mitchel) iser Won by a touch inal: XV Osland I7secs I frees 2: Townsend Usees 3 JUNIOR HANDICAP 33 yards irst heat: Jennings 6secs I Edmonds luce 2 Others: Townsend ISsece Piemuin scr Won easily Second heat: CroMinghsm Deers 1 Jennings Osecs 2 Osland Isec aha started XVon by a touch Third heat: Rstnpling Ifrees I Lethbridge Zeevs 2 XV Wickham acr also started Won by a length Jenninge 13aecs I CYos singham 9eeco 2 Rampling 17aees 3 Jennings fracs also started XVon by a length HANDICAP 33 yard Mias I Johnston 23seea i Miss Townsend Ileses 2 Mina A Deegan 16 secs 3 XVon easily CESSNOCK CRICKET Ellalong and South Cemnoek ouimenced their match in tbv ninth round of the grade competition on Saturday after noon 8eores ELLALONG irst Innings A enner lbw Evans Jarrett Evans fl armer Hamilton Cher ry 23 Bridge Cherry 1 Moncrief Cherry 2 Bridge Elliott Evans 60 Bridge Rowe 21 Snape not out 27 Henry Rowe 0 Bridge Evua Rowe 2 Sundries 6 Total 1 Bowline: Howe 4 for 8 Evans 3 tor 39 Morton 0 for 60 Hsmiltou 0 tor 33 RILE SHOOTING 34 30 33 30 30 33 30 39 29 TU 67 U5 63 64 U4 61 60 38 33 35 32 34 34 39 3D 31 39 Cronla Ellery gil Pryor Rosser Walsh Garoham Watson Davies ne Maitland Rifle Club held a clubhoot on Saturday on Metford range in two him at auu yaraa let stage 2nd stag LONDON ebruary 8 Lindrum as was expected created a world's record for hie aggregate fortnight's Elay and also msde hi" loth tour figure reek the match and the 46th of the tour McConachy made his victory practically certain in the afternoon by increasing his overnight lead of 108 to 1238 Newmau in the evening made two fine breaks averaging 138 tor 1108 and McConachy 80 lor 804 The scores were: Lindrum 30817 iu eluding breaks uf 1 13 1050 260 643 8mitb 19314 including Ineska ol 21)1 1258 and 406 MeCouaehy: '23786 including breaks of 171 255 456 174 106 131 and 40: New man 22853 including breaks of 309 346 453 end 103 59th ANNIVERSARY Tighe's Hill Methodism The fifty ninth anniversary of Hill Methodist Church was celebrated yesterday "hen special servit ea were con ducted iu tbe morning and evening by the Rev Dr Prescott Principal of Newington College Sydney In the af ternoon the choir ted by Mr Brown presented the sacred cantata Ifolling The choir as assisted by uu orchestra conrpriaiirg Mrs Smith (''igaul Miso Wellford Ipiarmi Messrs MeCoan Dunbar and Dunbar and Misses Galbraith and Cunningliam Iviolins) Mr Wright (cornet) Mr ulton (i larionet) and Merer Brown and Peaco*ck aud Mina Brook (saxophones) Thcrlinir arid musicians gave muvh appreciated performance the singing both iu choruses ant) solos show ing skilled expression and beauty of tone The Rev Bullen presided over the gathering and voiced the approval of the large congregation At the evening service Dr Preacott preached to crowded congregation lire subject having reference to present day national prubienw The text was from Luke 21 verse 28 hearts failed them for fear and they looked for those things which are coming ou the earth Tbe attitude of our country's leaders said Dr Prescott was expressed in those words The men on the watch tower were faithful people giving serious eon ideiatioii to the problems They were tell ing us that we were standing in very grave danger Men and nations were com ing to a prei ipk Meu needed to have their eyes open There was the dsuger relating to the food aupphew and there the danger of the changed atti tude of the coloured races calling out for the things have enjoyed and might he that white domination ot lire world was doomed Thera won also the threat o( war He urged that the people aliould keep iu touch with Gml by prayer and supplication aud consider well whem redemption from present dangers might come Concluding Dr Prescott appealed for special player in these times of in dustrial trouble It waa not for the church to decide between man and man but to send out a constant litany that will might be accomplished The anthems at tbe evening rorrlce were is tba Lamb 'It My Love be Drawn to of Home and Blight Clime Mrs A Shuw nog the aolo Glorious An PICNICKERS POISONED OUR TAKEN TO HOSPITAL SYDNEY riday Mrs Mary Cougblan 31 of Maroubra Thomas Hamer 30 of Msroubia Hotel Hamer 14 ami Thomas Hamer 11 were admitted to hospital to night suffering from ptomaine poisoning They were members of a picnic party of about eight at Maroubra to day it is Iwlieved that they ale pressed tongue None of the others was affected JUNIORRED CROSS Assistance rom Belmont The Committee of the Junior Red Cross is anxious for an exrneaaion of gratitude to be conveyed publicly to the generous dourrra of the Christmas appeals for Jun ior Red Crom Homes for delicate children It was with the greateet gratification that it was found that so many resident of Belmont thought kindtv and generously of the poor children committed to the cere of tbe Junior Red Cross Ths contributors were Mrs oster friend Alma Hender son BL Knowles Parkinson Mrs le Mrs King Mrs Woolley Mr White head Mra Campion Mrs Wiltshire Mrs Jnbnaton Mire Bruton Mr Mathews Mra Bruton Mrs West A Canning Anthony Qrcville gtnith Edna Marshall Addis Henderson Mr and hire Evans Mias Clare Elis Roy Neville Mr Anderson Mr Johnrtou sranathiaer Mra Carter Mra Hetherington Mrs Corner Mrs Myere Mrs Collins Mrs Owfne Mrg Tappin Henderson Mra Millies Mrs Johnson Mrs Laing Neills Miller Mrs Baker Mrs WooUsy fieholea family Mra Gal vin Brydon Rex Mra Htrareavea Mra Morgan Mrs Errant Mra rhillina Mra Barton Elsie Williams Mra Pie kies Mrs Hawkins Mrs Keery Mra Jones Jackson Mrs Cnllup Mrs Smith Mrs Baxter Mrs Alsundsr Mfs Marks Ltytoda for loads Grosvenar tUnsta Oydaey THE BROKEN HILL PROPRIETARY toMPANV LIMITED i lion and Steel Xt'oiker IRin MILL rpHE XBiiVL MILL ILL RESUME 1 OPERATIONS AT 8 A Tl ESDAY NEXT 1JTH INSTANT A TING MANAGER THE BROKEN HILL PROPRIETARY COMPANY LIMITED I lnm nid Steel XX' oiks I BLOOM ANO RAIL MILLS THE AlloX'i: MILLS 1V1LL ItLSUME OPERATIONS AT 1'2 NOON TO DAY I Monday) HUH INSTANT 5203 ACTING MANAGER WANTED TO HU Three lines each uccee litu: line flLD Cedar Walnut oy Mahogany ur riiture Cash priiee given Reply OITnre 7887 TRcYN SAE XVANTED 2 to 3 feet good jkuppnditiou Paiticulars to uld" Office 78SC "ASH at door for urniture Sundries or anylbiug sak atle 1879 Newcastle CENTRAL UKNITORE EXCHANGE 483 Huuter rt Went 741M P' Uouremplaiiuu diipoalug ol your ur niture couault ua Ws will BUY UR CASH or aell lor sou by auction HOY UREY A CO IS Wotie at till HW HP' jfci I mf Molly isher ''Creme Chaituoitaii Oh! I loe it Surely there is imprisoned within it some witi bci that makes it auvh blessing for aunburn freckles end tan so priceiere as a base for lacs powder And bow it must sell or I know tremendous lot cf fellow artists who use it" Thu spoke Miss Mollie isher lovely atsga favourite at the Theatre Royal Melbourne 8o pretty Thick cheatnut hair eyes to blue a creamy rote petal happy abe must be Creme Charmoaan makes your akin bn yeare sounder inettier lovelier Groee eu A aenretion in the ahop Price 2fl large DOUBLE SIZE jar Sold every where SHALLOW DIVING Necks Broken SYDNEY Sunday During the past fsw weeks a number of cases of broken necks have been re ported in moat uses occasioned by the victim diving into shallow water To day ths numbers were swelled by three William Cousins (161 of Queen street Woolahra dived in shallow water at Double Bay and broke bis neck He died almost instantly George Campbell (151 nf Terminus street Liverpool dived into a shallow portion of the George's River at Liver pool and failed to appear After a few aeconda hie companions went to bis areist ance and biounlit him to the shore in a dated condition He waa treated at LiVernol Hospital and conveyed to the Royal Prime Alfred Hospital where it was ascertained be had fractured his spine Eric Ingram (291 of Mai rstreet oef ton dived into water at Milterra and dis located hi erk and died later ELL 150 EET CAR GOES OVER CLI MELBOURNE Sunday ailing tn take a eharn turn on the mountain road at KeHiek today a motor car rolled 150 feet down tha mountain aide The injured were Mra Iris Symons 27 of Burwood fractured spine an) Albert co*cks a dislocated arm two young children who were asleep iu tbe back ofliarwerninjured PUBLIC KOT1CEB my Wife does not return home with in 14 days 1 will tel) up home Mi I bill 32 Downie st medmore 7893 THE undersigned will Not be sponsible for any Debts contracted in my mime without my written authority Mr GILL 32 Downie st Smedmore MISS MILDRED HILL LAB WILL BROADCAST (rum Station 3U THIS ATERNOON or apiuuntmenta at Palings 2 pm to pm Mondays anil 7'hursdays Ring 'Phone 069 Newcastle 009 Maitland Coalfield Notice to Advertiiers Io consequence of the cease rim el railway traliie on tha Maitland I'ailwava it i will he necessary hi averll er to lodge advertioenienta I with Agents in the Coalfield towns much earlier than uaual In Memoriam Notices should he hauilrd to Agent! two days before they are due fm Hirer tion end all other advertise mente before pood each day ARRESTED IN ERROR Sequel to Death MELBOURNE Sunday Tno men were arrested in eror nt Kil more yesterday following the finding of the body of rank Riddett 50 ut rnili ran tn a creek bed at Kilmore His bead bore several wounds Riddett ac companied tbe two men on a hawking trip When he left home be had £40 hut only 13 wua found iu bia pockets and later when intercepted by the police one of hia conipaniona had about £40 in bis poseenston A post mortem examination however showed that Riddett's collapse was due to heart failure and his head injuries were caused through the fall Eventually Bin companions explained that Riddett had intended going to Melbourne to ob tain fuitliei stoi ka and left bis money CONIDENCE RESTORED AUSTRALIAN BONDS RISE CANBERRA Sunday A cable from the High Commissioner in London i Nir Ryriei to the Prime Minister iMr Scullinl states that the recent joint statement made by Messrs Scullin and Theodore on Australian's financial situation has been responsible for an excellent recovery in the prieva of Australian storks and bond" ou the Lon don market It is stated that there him been improvement in the price of £6 on £100 Londe Mr Seiilliu raid to day that he eontd see no reason why there should uot be a continual improveineot MISCELLANEOUS QUITS Cleaned Pressed 76 BRIDGE Dyer Uleauei Hat Ilviiovatora tuecn au Kdlv Koi uer 73M8 WHATEVER Airiiuja Cowau de alloys Hniert Lockioucbes aud other veriiilo Krug Ourimbub 41 4045 XTOL'K Own Broadcasting Station '2 HDE Newcastle Entirely new equipment and management 'Phone Waratah 487 ADIES! LADIES! LADIES! A Meyer Hart Pilla 6 and L27 per box 365 Hunter st Newcastle 3727 1GNUMV1TUL" preserves 4 protects 4 Arll 'rood structures Good colours 4 null tins 22 or cheap Parnt Materials HEWnBKOS VOUR Hd Greino taken as deposit for A X'oltona Payments 36 wkly DO MESTIC Hnnterrt 5125 I ADIES I LADIES I LADIES: A Meyer Hurt Pills 0 and 12 per box 335 Hunter tt Newcastle 3727 SITUATIONS VACANT lines 1 each succeeding line XVANTED Strong arid intelligent lor iri ni i dl store lencul and delivery work: able tn ride tricycle Good pnr trinity fur right tyiw Jul Age 13 17 Bring rek iem I nm toiluv UUODVEAH TYRE CO 78li2 79 Hunter XVest UAlRDRESSEIt X'iiitel7lZrcr 1 King tticct TfeXI AVANT ook tieneral Wages 33' Mra lnuiie Hoicl Seaham XVANirD experienced Ba maid Referenve essential Api Northern Star Hotel Hamilton 7889 WANTED Housekeeper working man 1 child not obreeted to Reply rl'it ing I'apea and pa: tic ulna to AP oHrral'L'' 781'3 COSTLY SCHEMES RELIE UNEMPLOYMENT LONDON ebruary 8 Political i rrcles are cciilattug cin riiing the memorandum stated to bnve been prepared by Sir Oswald Mosley Sir Lansbiny nud Mr Tuui Johnston the Muiii tei who tire ai riating Mr ThoirKiH deal with unemployment I In trio are reported to have been dissatis fied with the progress and prepared their own schemes which were described as drastic and costly Mr Thomas said they were impracticable and passed the report on to Cabinet POLICE COURT REMANDS Arrest in Mayfield Assault In the Newcastle Police Court on Sat urday Mr Doolau granted tbe fol lowing remands Ada Jones 4 domestic duties charged with having used improper language in Main road Cardiff on ebruary 7: John Jaruea Mi Master 35 labourer charged with having behaved in an offensive man ner in Bull street Newcastle on ebru ary 7: and Ernest Huttley 4'i mechanic charged with having maliciously damaged two indows the property vi George Henry Noble to the extent of 25 at Newcastle on ebruary 8 were each re manded until to day Walter O'Hare 19 charged with having broken into the shop of Nathan Thomas Walters Vaisey Marttend road Mayfield and having stolen 143' a in money and a quantity of coupons and three die' was remanded until ebruary 17 Oti Ireing taken to the police Jfation O'Hare was charged with haring asKiultetl and coused actual bodily harm to rank L'aae jeweller at Maitlatid road Mu field O'Hare was released on £2U0 boil Harold Rippon 18 uud John Gilliert Jackson 21 labouveni both charged with having broken into tbe motor gar age of Martin Abbot ord 25 Corona street Hamilton on or about January 7 and having etoleu a motor cur (Nu 155212) were remanded until ebruary 24 Bail was allowed in every case ex ept that io which Jones was conceraed Bui! waa not soujlrtmthacs PREMIER AMATEUR CLUB The Premier Amateur Swimming Club held a 73yd handicap in conjunction with Caldwell point score heat: Murray 7sec 1 Deed 4seca 2 Vlitcheli 4sece 3 Time filsees Kgcond heat: A Atkins 4secs 2: Belcher 2eses 2 A Allan Usees 3 lime 49seca Third heat: Brown 2eca 1 Rose Isec 2 Saddler 3eecs 3 Time 43 ourth heal: A Cohen frees 1 Ellyslt scr 2 Butterworth Users 3 Timo Mlsecs inal: Brown I Atkina 2 Ellyatt 3 XVon by two yanls Time 41 flsecs breaking Bur record for the but is of 42ees The club diving championship Mc CTncken 257 points I Lock liar 235 points 2 t'ross 248 (Klints 3 The 73yds Bunitay handicap irst beat: Rose Isec I Belcher 2secs 2: Atkins 3secs 3 Time 46 2 5 sn Second heat: Deed 7scce 1: A Cohen Jan i 2: Bell 6uecs 3 Time720 Third heat: Murray7sec Cook 12sks 2 A Lewis Ilsecs 3 Time Sflaeca inal: Belcher and A Cohen dek het I Rose 3 Time Belcher 49 3 teecs Cohen 52 3 5aees 75yda Backstroke point Big nail 4secs 1 Atkins Bwc 2 Mur ra scr 3 Time 66 3 3aecs 130yds Medley Relay (breaststroke backstroke and free style) 60yde Deed McGann Murray 1 Cook Rom Watt 3 Membera dtsiroua of entering for event st Singleton carnival on ebruary 22 are reminded that their entries should be in tlo hands of the Seeretarv before tbe end of thia week Member selected tu train for the lOOOyda teams race are requested to attend training on Monday and WoD uesday evanlnge A general meeting of tbe club member'ill he held in tbe i lubrooina artertbe usual point score race on Wednesday evening TENDERS (Three lines per inch 61 MUNICIPALITY CASINO TENDER? SANITARY AND GARBAGE SERVICES TENDERS will be receiied uulil 4 pan TUESDAY ebruary 25th Instant for carrying la) Sanitary ervier Ibl Garbage Service for a term of five year commencing lt April 1030 A copy uf the specifications may be had on application EVERY BURNS Tow ii clerk Town Hall Casino 7tl ebruary I'rJfl 52OT MEREXVETHER TENDER NEW S( IJ XVAY LLEWEL LYN STREET IONTRACT 10301 TENDERS are iiivitf 1 mid will be re ceived until 4 pm XVerliiesday 12th eb ruary 1930 for the nristrur troa of a new Suh way under the Newessile Coal Min ing Company's Railway Lh wellyn treat Mei ewethrr Tenders to be sealed and en dorsed adlresed tn the undersigned must bo tici runpiiur i by i heque or cash deposit equal to per cent of the total value of the work tendered for The Council does not bind to ac cept the lowest or anv tender ELWYN KERR AAIA Town Clerk Council Chambers Merewetbor 5th ebruary lf3 5150 LOST AND OUND (Three line each siic eediuu line 6d ptOUND One Galah with ring on leg A Apply 10 XVibon Hamilton 7883 t'OUND Real Hag Rar Bench A Sundav tinner spplv Joan Atiini )18Durb rtNew nelh 7898 OST Hot Shoi llatier' iiduv Re AJ wind on ictunjing '7 Suirlry street Hamilton Sutilli 7997 OST Watch Ino eeing keepaake Re AJ a rd Shop roi nei urry arid Union Sts Hill OST nene Neuasilr Hospital Black Aj Retriever answers io name or Sc Ottv Upward Phillips Belmont RACES (Three lines 2 per inch 6) GOSEORD RACES TUESDAY EBRUARY 18 MAIDEN HANDICAP tp Due mile LYING XVELTEH £40 Six turlouus UNPLACED HANDICAP £39 Six fur lomrw MAIDEN NURSERY' HANDICAP £30 our iml ii half furb ns HANDft £39 Srx fmhujg STEWARDS' MILE One mile AJC Rules ainl llcgnli tionx Enliaucc ee for each race One Pound Entrie close 4 pm THIS DAY Mon ileyi ebruary in l)'3fi and may be made with Mr Ryan 39 Huater stieet New easi EVANS Secretary 135 Lliaabeth strcct Sydney 520(1 DUNGOG RACES SATURDAY EBRUARY 22 1 MAIDEN HANDICAP furlong £4 second li so fl from prize 2 LYING HANDli AP 4 furlongs £12 serond hiie £2 from prize 3 NOVICE HANDll AP C's finloii £5 second hors £1 from or all home vhkh have never won i lir prize eweeliiig Maiden vv cepted 1 DRC HANDICAP rive furlong £15er on) horse £2 Iroin prize 3 NOVit HANDICAP Sts lurlong £7 vond horse £1 from prize lor II horses (Eat have never won a fir prize exceeding £10 Maidens ex cepted 6 INAL HANDICAP 4 furlong srrmid liorae £1 from prize Nomination close 0 pm MONDAi 17 Entrouce If7 i '1 Ji i lull's usual rebates will be paid urrhor partii ulnra from BENNETT' Hou Secretin' Phom 21 4 be held 7915 MEETINGS (Three lines 2 per inch B'J A GQREGATE MEETINGS AGGREGATE MEETINGS convened the Rank and ile Conference are to on rsuA i KURRI 1" ni CESSNOCK 3 TYRELL Chairman O'HEEE Secretary PARENTS and Aoriiti A 1'1 A 1)1 1 1114 I 1 'testing will lie held in SCHOOL ROOM TO NIGHT (Mvudavl ut 8 Hnu nesa Election of Officers Bnlame slieei and report nud general and new Menilx rx are cordinlly invited XV XRN'QCK Hon Sec tNITEI I'RKK TRADE SOCIETY No 2 Hrultch Newcastle MEMBERS of the above art to attend Special Meeting MONDti ebruary lit at TRADES BALL pm Buineaa very important TJ C1MQ Drouir IptxL j' H' SANDERSON Sec NOTICE ISLINGTON PARK TENNIS CLUB THE 7TH ANNUAL MEETING ut the ubovf bib it iJJ be held in hih Room on TUESDAY 11th inst at 7 3" pm AH members are requested to In pertDt JOHN RAE 78g Hon Secretary NEW LAMBTON PROGRESS ASSOCIATION MEETING NEXT WEDNESDAY EBRUARY 12th AT 8 PM Buainr: Election of OB'ii ci TENNIS GENERAL ANNUAL MEETING of the NEWCASTLE LAWN TENNIS ASSQ CUTKIN Will take place HAMILTON COUNCIL CHAMBERS THURSDAY NIGHT NEXT ebruary 13 743 O'RYAN 5266 Secretary DRESSMAKING AND SEWING BUSINESS NOTICES Ml 8 SAMUEL Ct Hunter and Darby St Nan eartle Over McLeod' Jeweller UP TO DATE Diemnaker and Coe rumicre Ladiea' own material made up Dreaamaknig and Millinery thoroughly luugbe Special term for girl lrnina lor the trade C'le held Morning end Afternoon Cutting itting 'Phone ISlfl TO LET ANU WANTED Three line 1: each iiiceecding line M) A SMALL Cottage 7 Eva Hanul ton all couv Rent 22fl Apply I Eva at Hamilton near railway rtatrou ADAMSTOWN WB Cottage 4 rnia all couv Kent 23' SOUTH WOOD 5 Wolfe Newcastle A TTRAf 'TI VE COTTA ES Adn instow a 270 Broidmeailow 22 0 Jiiiwtion new Brick Cottages 3ii 226 3i) with gar im New lrimhlmi 3n' Carrington 12lf I iy on Hill 7' tw itb giiragoi Kirig rt City Xu Hamilton 25 37 t) 52fi 13 Georgetown 25 Hill 25' City near beach 270 Wickham 29' Merenfe ther 33 42' nrniahed Cottage and lat Ref re Rent ollei ted Estate managed XV Mi HATTI 43 Hunter rt ID AR BEACH Brick Huurc 5 roonvL3 garage nil i nnvctiii iicein Particular ling IKH Newcastle 73S5 13RICK toilage 19 Tudor at Hamilton all coin 28 avoDi 15th 311 rt Hamilton 20117 TNAR BEACH 36 Nice Cot 4 imsv A gas and find stove elec Clean ALLEN 16 XVatt st New 4 room acuitery alt eonvs 22 4t'A Ridge rt Key 93 Mitchell Merew ether 7904 BUY the wife an ELECTRIC IRON or KETTLE Easy Term 26 wkly DO mertic Huntei rt 5123 pEEB THAN HOSPITALS' Medicine from 1 up AU dieea Thomae Swuin Chemist Dawon et Nc VAtvE GRlNblNG by your own garage 135 Linilay rt Ham tradesman in or otherwise 7913 ADIES LADIES 1 LaBUsI A Meyer Hatt Pilla 6 and 12 per box 355 Hunter Newcaatla 3727 ANGAROO4' pAlNYTTbe beet pa rut £valua aver offered XVbite and Colour 1 18 ier gallon HEW1T BROS DENTAL NOTICE MRS A LARKIN DENTIST HA3 REMOVED ROM DENTAL ROOMS OVER MICK HUNTER STREET TO SURGERIES HUNTER STREET WEST OPP UNION STREET Newcartle 640 Newcastle Suburban Co operative Society PAINLESS DENTISTRY you tray grt an pshm ite of tbe exact Atofet of your vork before commencing Obtain nn cider from the Secretary IT NOW pURN inom and Tuia OPP PALING near POST OICE PITY Hill 176 30 27 fl Wiekham 22 6: Mayfield 22H 26 Hamilton 17 32'6 49' 43' Islington 23' Merewether 326 376 42 ALLEN Watt rt Newcastle 7871 1 1 lat brooni dining kll hen cimra lose Iranis 4 Dixoii st Hunnltiiu TbXi AALMBERS ih above Society ii miinled that they may have all their Denial Work rnmpleted through alls Sncietr ami by Calling upon DENTIST HUTCHINSON S3 HUM ER ST JrtOTTAGE all eonvs elvee tram lui Rawon st Ap Parker Gor don at Mayfield or 8 10 Bolton at New1 PITY Nicely urn lat gas stove self 28 gas el linen included Corner I id Dm by St 7324 rVlTY urn Hal lat ncir lie'iidi ielei 1 locality all cuu 1'7 Watt 1 utreol Sli9 ITV £2 Superior SC Unfiirnd lat 2 bedims DOUGLAS 4 BAKER 85 Scott HILL Brk Dwelling 3 rmx all coms Rent 27' SOUTH XVOOD 5 Newcastle ptARDI Mod Brick or Wooden Cot 1 tages bandy train works 176 to 30) 4 to 6 room ree removal Estate Office near Hotel 3501 urnished sr Bah ouy int: ai ill lid Room with kib hvii ette 2S hurch st ity PUR'NISHELi Ground luor lat li loom iuuiii kitchen nlw share room suit 2 tiu nds nil eums 02 Watt wt Rent 17 ii Handy cverylliiug every com A pplv Nr 2 77K URND lat every mod couv lately M'll coutd Suit mc Rent 32i ptv Apply Ocean View lat Mitcbell st Stolit 'Phone 111 Stockton URND lit 2 heilrtn ell mod couv ar bi'ni'bes and few mills' "(Ik to i itv 7 Militari road New ctle Ejt Also Room gents to ebai "373 HAMILTON Brick Cottage bedims diiiiiig iooni lounge stove elc light 20 Stevl Hamijftm HAMILTON' XV Cottage rnnni all Keill 27 6 iLTHXX 1 I Wuh rt Xeu iistle 7SiY( 37 0 Att'r Bink Hmie 3 nr bedim ev appt DOUGLAS i BAKER 8 5 Sndt st HAMILTON Udtmd House 1:1 flenm tt St: Cook's Hill 98 Biil! 57 Railway 4 Kent 23 With i with out lorkup garage CI tub mid 32 Ten 1 371 Newcastle I TlON 37 liiiyT train' A'llijiT Brick Cott i uriva Garage Dill GLXS i BAKER RiScott TUNUTION Bil Dwelling' 5 Toom Hnt 23 SOUTHWUVD 5 XVnlfe et New ensile TUNCITON Self contained Hat with tiiotur garage Rent 3' SOUTH XViniD 5 X'ulie st itle 78rti fVTELXXTTHEtE WB Cottage 8 1 11 rooms all cone Jleni 25 SOLTH Xi'OOi) 5 XVolle rtNew MARYVILLE ill wieCNewiv pained gns CUUV Apply Meili ha Maryville 7732 Mayfield vj olta s'rwi DOUGLAS 4 1 II XKKR 85 Suti st njEii'EWE'l HER Mo iri t'liltagm 3 br bi cirkf all conv ga u' Marguret st ipp Station A TEi tEXVETlIER iiriidT" Uoltage' el' 4'3 (1Ud coni unit married noli from tram and bem Mod reul lovr Agr ncy Mer ewethvr IX TARRIED Couple in business want 2 b'oonis furnished or iinl'uriiisiie i 'iilli of garage: handy Co op: in adult family Maiming co Hamilton ist i'll a Nit ELY nrnd Bed Sittrngioom on giouud lloor self contaiued ga stove i Wtt 876 MEW' LAMBTON neavrrnj Mod' Cottage all coms Rent redueed to1 22 Clayton A Moxey Ltd 4 Woficsti XTEWCASTLE On the HiH'Motor Gar 1 age Rent 10 SOUTHWOUD XViili'e at N'ewcnatle EiVTiAMIlidN WB Cottage 3 lad nns din rm kit breakfast: Ion ngci in every mod conv 45 A Berkeley XVolle 7873 PRIVATE 1 mniiv S'l im 'phone would like buurd Lady Teacher pi rmsiiieas Cieutleliiun II A ''Hcilild1' all wrlluig Luck up Garage cement yard lluuter rt Well Burket Sou 151 Kmg st 4475 TO LET Cottage Bruuker road Hamil ton West Rent £1 per week A Jewell Belle' ue Hotel Bank Coiner Tij'LKT717'Jolin Tighe' Hill Cottage aud Im uu Garage Apply 18 Maigeret at Tighe's Hill 7870 Tt) Let unnelled Cottage in return for board Reply 31" c'o Office TO LET Cottage with all convenience Auiilv 139 Brnnker ioaL Almus I tow ii 773 Well urnished Double and A Single BeJioonr Apply 2D Seotl st Nvwi aetlc 7861 TU LET Balcony lul two rouma and kitchenette every uouv 23 Parnell Place Newcastle 7S0S TWO Nice Cottage Merewether bmii with garages Rent 37ti 42 Etev Iis and in epleitilid miler ALLEN ill yiiU rtoN'eromitliu "871 LET Self contained lat over bup A lot Darby st Rent 2lz wi week Ap ply Bpruve' Mniket 100 Darby at Newcastle 4JW mo LE'ir Waratah Cottage 2 bedroom A nJ) cuina near trum and Irani 13 Lornu at Key next door Polak Lambtou 7383 PHOESSIONAL (Three lines 2 per inch 6) pOKSULT IL DAISLEY Smgeou Dentist Ririft 87 XVaJIteud for ao appointment EJ Suigevu Dentist HAS 11EMOVED HIS SURGERIES TU HUNTER STREET Over Mick Simmon Node 1227 4XSJ (Th tee lines 2 per iuvb 6) JUNES leliti es and ot Ml HOLLY JUNES arc invited to Cie uneral ut her hte beloved llirsban XVALTEH JUNES to moi I rhe pesidence of Mis Ii Dunning in Cnuieli street Jlaiticld Tin Aller uno 2 15 o'clock lor C'lmrclr ot Englund lii 'terv Sri lldg lc 11 THOMAS A SON 7tX Under lakci relatives and friend of PAS'AE 4AMILY me invited Io attend lie uneral of thei late i Btothci in liw WALTER JONES to riova from the reaideuce An ri II11111 ng nuii rtrtvt May field This 4 ttorii 'cu nt 215 o'eloik i i the I hus ot England Cemetery Sandgate THOMAS SON TfiVi Uudertakrt The elatrvea and friend of Ml IV I Jill iv' A Jones of llirugog are intitc 1 to attend the 11I or their IiIh beloved Son WALTER JONES Io ninl? tutri the resilience of Mr II Dunnini 'huirh irtreet May held Illis AftrioOii at 215 o'clock i Du iburoh of England Cemetery Srudgatc Tlll'MAS A SON I iidertakers MEARS The rotitii mid friend of Mr md Mrs CHRISTOPHER MEARS nu I AMILY nf 110 Mitchell street Morewetbeil me kiudly invited attend the nuei rJ of their hto d' mlv lined and Sister NAN'l'X to leave uur Mortuary Chapel I'aci'ij Nitwrastle Thia (Mon davi Xlte iuiou nt 215 for rui i England emetery Sandgale 11 1 New tle stit 1 WOOD COILL LTD unertl Director and Suburb Tel New 282 Hum ii Tli relativris and friend of IU Mi rn Mr XV i MEARS Mr II MEARS uud Mr uud Mrs ft KENDELL nr kindly invited to attend the uneral of their lite dearly loved (1 nnrl mrliter and A ieie NANCY' XJARS to leave our Miotuary Chanel 2s fir street Neweiil) This (Mon dir Alternooii at 215' o'clock for fliun of England Crinefi iy Siudgate i ci New iBtle Station Wool) (Ol ILL LID uneral Div ctore New ensile uid Suburb 'lei New 282 H1111 756 WILLIAMS The rieiidl of JAMBS XVILLIAMS anti AMILY aie invited to attend the funeral oj tlicir late beloved XX'ife mid Mother CATHERINE XVTL1IAMB to move from their residence ullerton street Stwcktz This Afternoon ab 13n o'clock for Methodist rCemetery Sandgate JONAH BEX7AN 5213 Uiidartiker JAMES MURRAY UNER AL DIRECTOR 77 BELOHDST HAMILTON Phon Him 70 1 ARUEST and Molt Complete up i al Parlour in the Northara' Dte tricl Nov vlthl for UH of rt(r desired ELLIOTT DALY UNERAL niKECIORfi HAU LAND ROAD MAYIELD WEST VylCKHTSf 67k Dwelling 5 rooms vv Ate Rent 176 bOUTH WOOD 5 WoUe rt Newcastls T87ELL fiini Double Bedroom room e)f private family every conv 33 Tudor xt Hamilton 7901 TVELL uiod ront Bedroom use i onr gs el iron right ut Bank Corner 17 Pordier rt 7877 MOORE UNERAL DIRECTOR 452 NEWCASTLE MORTUARY CHAPEL 70 HANNELL ST WICKHAM TEL 188 HAMILTON OOLLIEBY MECHANICS ASSOCIATION COMBINED MEETINGS MEMBERS will be held a Mlow Tuelv Hth Inst Bellbird Buffalo Hull 10 am: Cewmodt Oddfellow' Hull 12 Wert Wnllsend Rvhnul of Art II am Wailsend Maowii Hall 2 pm XVEDNEBDAY 12th lurt XVerton Parish Hall Ifl am Karri Hell 12 urmii: UwoUtou Hthmil of All 10 dni AduniHtottu RuwIp'n Hotel A pm MORTON Secretory Egg lerton i lowen CLOHAL WREATHS UKUB8EB AN 1 CI1OH8 and EMBLEMS (or all oa inn ierii lower Cape ad Artificial XX'ieail lwy oo banu Write Ring 360 EOGUESTON HUNTH KTRECT tl I i i 11 1 '1 I 2 $1 I.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.