Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate from Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

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KEWCAKTLE MOKNlbG HEKALD AND iN EKS ADVvJxE NEWCASTLE POLICE COURT NEWS OB' THE DAY PKOESSIONAL NOTICES W1 MONDAY EBRUARY AR way There On t062 MEETINGS ten SPI IEN no single seated CK Tl WILLIAMS Secretary 5583 Night" RAOB 683 be ITA years the New fTA IT? riy i 6461 1 SELL your Eye Trouble "e1 CAVALIER 160 4ih 6488 1 Adoption of Annual only EDI CATIUNLL to: tbe let lot We 6088 IT PULLIN CO ENROL NOW anti all nnuie TfiOM IT 11WC11TL1 tm He 148 TO HOMESEEKERS HOME id Dr blllty Indian Root 6 Bi he PILLS 01 Drive out the body poisons 1A POT a A PROHTAHTBL £255 ranota I Cottage paint log £1010 £1310 circum laboarer guilty to duo day Gramo Sewing At the Last Cotrraonwaalth Typlatea Exanu (he only Newcastle student to gain a Paaa was trained solely at ON TOP AGAIN tale Injuries likely will have to wait porter defend was ob Idenlity was Tbe they going Sales on Commission Only Clearing out Sales a Speciality Ita TAon Di A Lb id Re Offi 6108 of but 5 76 7Jd 13 5 76 COEE 43 OftEXUDATSS 7M8UT3D 48 ABS1S INCLUDING 13 WITH MOHOULS Keep the system active and thus maintain good health An old resident of West Wyalong dis trict tn tbe person of Mr John James Lemon baa died st the age of 19 ysarac He io survived by a widow and Mfl" family At May Sho tb'ind Theory Exams conducted by JrSA Students ot NBC had the following recora WE IND POSITIONS OR ALL STUDENTS EVENING1 eharp or the purpose (3) Trustees YOU CAN BUY ROM US WITH PERECT CONIDENCE SATIS ACTORY RESULTS CAMSBA Whole Plate Thornton Pickard Leniber Bellows rising end railing front wdth god lens 4 double dark slides carrying case dark cloth and trkwd for £9 10s SUIT Dark Orsgtoh Tleuther All Wool Tweed line 6 636 SWEATER COAT Oefit's Medium Grey All Wool front 10d CASH BAG Solid Hide 8 pockets 46 DC88ERT SPOONS very geod Plated old English patten sweh and 76 i dossa KNIVES White Xyloette Hawdtes absolutely secure very good steel each or 11 i fc ATTACHE CASE 14in solid leotMr niekal lover lock 166 BLANKET8 Grey and awn Mili tary 126 each BANGLE et Geld rouodwide Sited for streogth and pod snap DIALER'S BASKET large slat 81 SQUARE Disstoo 4 kin new OLD ESTABLISHED RERESHMENT ROOMS CONECTIONERY BUSINESS TENDER CLOSING 1 as a going concern "THE tbe Refreshment Rooms Business lu High st hands In half can TEHM COMMENCES ROM IRST LESSON NEWCASTLE BUSINESS COLLEGE LTD the premises LINOLEUMS Biggest Stocks Neve Reliable urnisher as Imposed on Blelsh Wlgglne Michael GREATEST Remedy on Earth tor Lost Vitality Lose of Manhood Weak Spine Brain 4 Nerves case post paid Sgt air Hall Beaumont st Islingtn Insured for cottege that effects of tbe eiajotaattoa of certain vertebrae 16 fac least growers Relieve Biliousness Constipation Indigestion and Headaches ot electing £13 £13 ML TS was made out agutnet the HIPWELL BulMer Hnndarisnft street MayMd 166 IRST CLASS Tyred Varnished Sulkice 3 I Tyred Sulklee £8 £12 each: 10 Box Certs 8 Tip Drays Wag gonette 10 sets Harness Baddies Bi cycles cheap Tanks Oalv Iron Cop pers Griller House Steps Corncraker 27s 6d Sulky Wheels 60s: Grindstone 17s 6d Barrows Carp Bench Plano Case 60ft Un Hose Grates Mantels sundries ail kinds Jackson 115 Denl aon st Hamilton 6166 OR SALE BY SATURDAY March walk in walk out oldest eatAblished aud Confectionery only In 3 tury and situated at 31! Higb st Owner has satisfactory reason for fuelling Lease Goodwill Plant and Stock Well appoint ed and fftfed up with electric tight and gas Annual turnover £3500 Rent £2 10s per week 3 Large plate glass win dows Purchase of stock optional In ventory at my office Tenders must be accompanied by a cash deposit of 10 per cent The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted CHAS HOLMES Estate Agent and Business Broker Buildings Maitland 1BCT CHI5AP WB COTTAGE 4 rooms concn PRICE 450 £75 Deposit or nlbus 'ebruary 14 Edgar Collingwood was fined £3 with coots of 4a or fourteen days' imprtnonment The magistrate was told by a traffic Inspector that defendant drove up Hunter street in stead ot King street George Trubody who was also pro secuted hy tnnpector Dumbrell for the Newcastle City Council was fined £1 with 4a costs or seven days' Imprison ment for allowing a vehicle to ata nA In Pacific street Hix proprietors of motor omnibuses were proceeded against by Inspector Dumbrell on behalf ot the City Coun cil for neglecting to comply with an ordinance requiring that conductors bo furnished with sponges to be used in connection with the sale of tickets Inspector Dumbrell in reply to the magistrate stated that these were the first prosecutions under the ordin ance Every proprietor of an omnibus had been served with a circular and a copy of the ordinance Pleas ot guilty were entered and a fie of £1 with 4o costa or seven days' imprisonment each of the following: James man James tteelbr James Arthur Greenwood Corbett and Henry Richard Pearce AGENTS Pluses My Cottage at OardlB la withdrawn from Sale MAR TIN 6227 URNITURE Mole Grey SuttM beau3 tltul tradeamanahlp at Ute maker's prices 77A Baauwtont uL Hamilton buy at auction 7 If you money we make a Lay by and ma pay oft as yon wish PREWTtOe ft OO MS HUNTER STREET WEST (The Oid Hotel) REE EVERY WOMAN whose health Is caus ing her nnxlciy or Is desirous ot mo Terms A Hrst claks WB Cottage 3 bedrooms ballf dinlns roctn kitchen laondry tube copper bath sewer Pre mier position A cottage we can recom mend ALEXANDER 4 8ON8 Aucs 128 Beauraont at Hamilton 81s gmfUMiwi Positively picked position A irst class WB Cottage in Carrington St 2 fine bedrooms hall dining room kit chen laundry tuba copper bath sewer Let to excellent tenant at 30 per wk ALEXANDER 4 SONS Aucs 123 Beuumont at Hamilton 81 Within an few Tbe the SUMMONS DIVISION Riotous Bobavlour Henry Benson Cluiton and Samvel Booth Hopton were each fined £1 with 'PHONE 724 RANK CLARKE SURGEON DENTIST AND RAY8 Comer Perkin and Hunter streets (Upstarra) Newcastle BURWOOD ST LOAN OICE 14 8 BURWOOD BTREET (off Hunter street) Next Northumberland Building Society NewouMle Phone 122 Only £276 We finance on deposit waieu A (irimn Auctioneers i 485 7Htinler et Newcastlv I KATTznD I 1 hedr din kit lAundrv hnlhr lasHpd ln bark vecan 6088 duh tubs gas copper eliv light por lAnd 4v 120 Handy to tram PRICE £850 £150 Deposit THOMPSON YOUNG 4 CO Huntcr st West above the Rank Corner 1760 Usual Meeting above will be MaHonic Wudnes Mock Night at ITA bar being they Tbe board with refused to led through the blowing The total damage Is estlma eq at The works were lind the adjoining RANK SOUTHWOOD Aaotloaeer Auction Mart 6 Welfe street GENERAL tbe will Me Institute WED 27th General A full of 44 fleet ot road and tbe place was well lighted He tendered the plan Euetece Glenville Lovett next witness entered the court on crutches and gave hie evidence from a seat at the tabic He stated be was tbe man aging director of the Ideal Stores On the night of riday December 7 he was at the Tighe's Hill shop and left tbervbout 1020 o'clock He rode warda the Mayfield terminus on bls tqo tor cycle which had no side car at tached He was on tbe outward bound on Iris correct side Approach ing the Junction of IngaH etreet and Maitland road he sa a motor car past ing the Carrlngton street Intersection It was travelling on the inward tram lines towards Newcaetlc The ear as travelling about twenty five ndlea all hour and witness vas doing about six miles an hour There were a man and a woman in the front and other passen gers in the back Suddenly tbe car swerved tn Its right and witness turned hie front wheel towards the footpath on his toft He was however struck by the right band mwd guard or splaabboard of the car As the veMrles were almost breast they were separated by about twelve or thirteen feet Had the veblelea continued in thlir tracks they would have been that distance apart when they passed As tbe car struck him it swerv ed again to th1' driver's left crossing both tramlines and pulling up about thirty yards from the point of the acci dent Tbe car stopped for one minute but none of the occupants rsme to bH assistance As the cor agrproaehed blm somebody screamed out A girl next tohe driver seemed to have hold of the steering wheel It appeared to him that she ae In the seat A mKn named O'Leary came up and lifted his bead and he wns taken to tbe hospital after being attended to by Dr Marotli John O'Leary a labeurnr living at Mayfield stated that wben standing near the junction of Maitland road and fn gall street ho heard a crash He saw a rain thrown into tbe air and a motor ear which was travelling towards Hill came vwerving across tbe road The ear pulled up after going about forty yards Two men and to ladies got out and walked aroond the eat when witness looKec up again were back In the rar which was io the direction ot Hill Alexander Shanko aged fifteen stated that he was a' the scene of tbe collision After the car passed be beard a scream and a crash Previously the ear swerved to Its right hand side The rar stepped after going aboul 40 yanfc Wltners and bls two companions ran up and rang out but tbe motor car moved off again Leonard Sweeney another youth gave a Mmllsr version of what transpired The magistrate Intimated that some stronger evidence would have to be ad jvanced If the defendant was to be com Cantre of Hamilton A Compact WR Villa 3 hndrooms hall dining room kitchen laundry copper sewered Imme diate iofscslon well worth inspection to day Terms ALEXANDER 4 SONS AUCS 1J2 Beaumont eL Hamilton 818 "DOMESTIC15 IMITATION la the highest source of flattery In future all our advts will commence with the word Look for it wben you require Mono Latest Records or a Machine 'DOMESTIC" MACHINERY PERKIN 8TREET I dHtnsged Intimber i materials I with Ltd 103 Scutt eL opp Railway Btelton Newcastle 8648 HAM and Beet and Mixed Business (no groceries) beet business In Newcastle district takings £60 to £80 weekly 5 years' lease £650 Ryao 4 Co Comm Bank Cbrs BAIN'8 White Ant Exterminator Co Ltd 51 Hunter eL Newcastle under take White Ant Extermination treat ments with a guarantee Testimonial over 25 years 8384 irt VIf NEWCASTTLE HAMILTON SOCCER OOTBALL CLUB nt Queensland end Minister for Agricul ture Is ot the opinion that the tick question la a national problem to bs tackled in broad tnaaner Referring to recent developments la connection vi 'b the spread ot tlcke end to tbe statoment lu the piw that tbe Aetltw Prime Minister (Dr Earle Page) bed been criticised Mr GIBIes said: "1 bave the assurance ot Mr A Cory the chief Inspector of stock that tbe tick can become acclimatised and thrive well in Victoria and Taemanla as It does in more northern part of Australia There is oo doubt In my opinion tbat the New South Wales authorities have In days gone by made every effort to keep the lick out of that States Since the lick hue crossed the border large sums of money have 'been spent by tbe New South Woles Government In an ef fort tn check its spread The recent outbreak of redwater on tbe Tweed River makes tbe matter a serious one for tbe stockowner! In that pert Per sonally I would not object to co opera tlve action between the two States Im mediately concerned and tbe Common weslb Government on similar linea to that adoptrd In regard to the buneby top Investigations in the banana Industry Such an arrangement of course would bave to leave Queensland free to carry out its own policy of cleansing areas" mltted for trial It ml girt be that there wm evidence for a civil action or of an oflience under tbo Motor TtHafTto Aot With the consent nf Mr O'Sullivan Ser geant Want allowed the court to see the police statements nt the additional wit nesses to be called Tbe magldtrate de cided 'hat on tbe evidence assumit tbat tbe additional witnesses gave evi dence In accordance with tbetr proofs no rase defendant who was discharged "How did this hap replled: was tra Inward bound ir and the motor cycle wen on the to cat fin said that If in lhe SISTER OLIVE Spiritualist will Inter view Client! for few weeks Hours 10 till 3 Honeysuckle Hsll lAmaa st Cook's wmurriNG of tbe Waretab Parents and Cittteits Association will be held at School Room TO NIGHT (Tuesday) 730 d'clock Aid HUGHES Pre KENNA Bee 6206 HiiAViELO IMT ARENT8 AND CrrlZKNB association NEWCASTLE MONTDEPIETE Opp Vteterta newtra It PERKIN rr NBWCARIUL 1172 46 URNITURE If you see a Bod Suite you like just give us a call and lave tbe shop profile We will make it tor much lees nod will be better made Only Address: actory 7 laman st off Darby st 5418 The Inmates were awakened by the noise of the fire and found the whole rear portion of the building in names hour the house was destroyed A articles of furniture were saved house was Insured for £200 but furniture was uninsured Mr Whvte stock Insnector baa ported to Wagga PP Board ralber serious outbreak of pleuro among eotne rattle near Tarcutte during the month All the animals affected were destroyed and others placed in quarantine The majority of the stock Io tbe Wagga dis trict Mr Whyte ssys are now In a very fair to fai condition white a great Improvement Is noticeable in stock pass ing through the teleysrds Tbe January returns of tbe Manning River Co operative actory give Indi rations of how the pastures In tbe dis trict have Improved since the rains Tbe output Increased IS per cent on the nravious month and showed an increase of 7 per cent compared with tbe samel month of 11)23 Grass and crops are growing prolifictjiy everywhere and sup plies continue to Increase each week with the prospect of heavy production right into the winter months Tbe motor trains on tbe The Rand end tbe Culeairn Holhrook tines art not giving satisfaction On several occasions an engine had to be sent to Tbe Rand to haul the motor in arriv ing st Cutealrn hours after the schedule lime On the Holbrook branch the mo tor train on one occasion was unable to make the trip and a locomotive was substituted and on another occasion the motor had io be hauled tn from Hol of the above will he held at Trades Hall on TUESDAY March at 7 30 quested 6100 HEAVY DUCK wide 8 yd AXE HANDLES SWEAT HAGS 2 4aen GENTS RAINCOATS special pur chase 16 6 114 SERGE WORKING COATS 16 126 15 large else LS 16 LEATHER LEGGINGS 76 pair QUILT8 86 116 16 BATHING COSTUMES 2 3 WHY NOT PO88K8 TOUR OWN Take advantage of my AMOUS B4SY TERMS Pay a DEPOSIT of CM and the rest ae RENT 30 LI to oovor CAPITAL AND INTEREST Legal Expmsee TRe HOMZ3 I have to offer are of MODERN DESIGN and In one of the BBT LOCALITIES MAYISLD C1O4S to TRAM TRAIN AND BUB ww AND SAVE WORRY MftlK waratflfe sws 4 motor you to Inspect MEETING of above Clubhe held In chanlcs 1 Hamilton NESDAY Inst business atiandanco A Special Meeting of the members ot the WeetoD School of Art will be beld In accordance with the provisions of the Trustees of School of Arts Etuollng Act IM2 in the Wes'on hocI of Arts on WEDNESDAY EVENING' March 12lb 1924 at 630 ptn Business three THOMPSON YOUNG 4 CO 1 Huoter et West above the Bank Corner 1 76 unum ANT BUILDING LOTS OR SALE City and ell Suburbs Cash or Terma Moctwee Arranged The Rest Optician in Newcastle Ail vvorg Guaranteed 201 Hl'NTER STREET Over Greentree Chemist Dulcie Bailey and me motor car wen' back Witness asked: pen?" Defendant veiling along the outward bound tramline Opposite each other hie wheel or my wheel seemed 'o slip He turned out and 1 ceaw to wards him" In inviting the defendant to go to the police station witness re marked be only received Information ihat day concerning ttes Identity of tbe driver of tbe motor car Defendantgreed to give a iatejneut which wit nose produced in court In reply to Mt Sullivan wltneae stated that defendant bad a good character Dr A Stephens a resident officer of the Newcastle Hospital gave evid ence of admitting Lovett to the institu tion between 11 and 11 on tbe night of December 7 last Lovett wae suffering from partial dislocation of tbe right blp a fracture of tbe upper end of the hip socket and abrasions and contusions on the right thigh and foot He left the hospital on January 6 Tbe magistrate Has he quite recov ered from bls No but be Is quite good enough to be at home Are hie Injuries likely to be permnn wn hve AAHIty In bls right leg Dr Parr ot Hamilton stated that be bad been treating Lovett enice Janu ary 6 Ho was suffering from a paraly sis of a nerve In the right leg which bed given rise to foot drop and inver sion of the foot There woe a numbness of tbo outer pert of tbe log extending from tbe knee to the tnas Witness also trmtep turn tor arter fractures An ray Ln vatt showed that were also broken Tbo magistrate: Are tn bo We et least elx months before jt will ba pos sible to toll It tbe nerve will regrow Sergeant Dori of Tlghe'e Hill stated that he visited tbe corner ot Maltland road end Ingall street Mayfield with a youth named Wilfred Qulggan and drew up a gam Than waa a good attrfaco COOKING Is a pleasure with IRE LANV8 New Belt Raising lour 4739 ONE WB Cottage every modern con venience garage etc 16 James street Hamilton 6231 Cheap Allot 44 15oJ (Tbacbunrau near Apply 186 Lindsay Ct 6383 BUSINESSES As my list to too largo to advertise each one please call M'Hattle opp Ncle Stn 6166 dr or inno wns destroyed wns insured for £61 The effect of the drought on Mock in the Mudgee district la shown 1y the returns given by the stock Kpectoi Mr Mndd to meeting of the Mudgee Board The numbers registered ut tbe beginning of were: Horses 7633 cattle 28797 sheep 527767 Compared with the previous annual return horsew had decrcancd hy I 1633 Callie by 7874 and eheep by '83923 in addition to euuHlng heavy i mortality the drouttht hnd He effect nn the natural Increases The report Is optimistic dealing with the outlook for the coming year Condition gen erally speaking he aays ore very ast Isfaetory and all pastures are Im proving owing to the rains during th past six weeks With the exception ot a few places where insufficient ruin has fallen there Is a good coat i Ing of gruas which Is growing well At the first annual meeting of the Guulburn Woollen Mills Mr i Gurdon said tbat arter seeing the Brad ford mills he was quite satisfied the Goulburn venture was going to be a success Mr Middlebrook said the first estimate received for the building tt was now antlci would cover the cost A number of cot provided for married hostel was proposed female employees ahoubl have sails tagc modern conva £615 Gardiner 4 Co Mayfield and Scot Hah House New castle 6108 HOTEL Western Une 4 years' lease rent 60 takings £60 weekly £653 Bpd Iran £150 Ryan 4 Co Comm Bank al tram slop 4 large rooms large front Chambers and back verandah every cotrv land 40 WALLSEND Coltages Boecawwn on APPy Newsagent £375: Maequarle st £340 High si iBroodmeartow 6231 £460 othere trom £200 Roy Byrues 4) "DOMESTIC" Records for your Gra Co Waileend and Speers' Point 821 mo "1 Love 'Tell Her I slu*tter" "Moon "Cun DoraeeUc Much Co Per 5461 Consult ant "This was a brutal man clous convictions one of which Is for assault You might have been com mitted for trial for inflicting grievous bodily Charge UoRubfftan James Conroy Moloney 28 a motor mechanic was charged with malicious ly inflicting grievous bodily harm on Eustace GranvilK Lovett at Mayfield on December 7 Sergeant A Ward prosecuted and Mr appeared for the defendant Plain clothes Constable Mun day gave evidence that he mw the de fendant st his place of business at 491 Hunter street West on ebruary 8 Witness said he was making inquiries into collision between a motor car and a motor cycle at Mayfield on De cember 7 1923 Defendant declared that he knew nothing of it Witness said: might us well tell you I have obtained a statement from a girl nsAned Dulcie Bailey and she states that she was in a motor car with two girls named attle Carr and Clare gart William Arthur and another young man whose name she does not know I have every reason to believe that you were driving the car that was concerned in this collision You then drove away and left tbe tnun Injured on the roadside" "Let me think" said the defendant remem ber bitting a motor cycle on Maitland road Mayfield but I thought he was all right Somebody sang out: "Everything Is riirb' Defendant In ana ver to another question Mid tbat wu tbe time the others were la admitted that nobody £6M ADAMSTOWN Two splen did and ooat WB Cota In excellent or der and best positions 2 and 3 bedr usual conva inagct at once Alleu 51 HUnter st 130 TWO CUTTAGES Everton st 5emc ron'a HW Hamilton best position very cheap Must be sold Land 50 IM MORONEY OR 74 Evertoa st Hamilton ARA 760 Dep 126 at 26 per week a ine WB Cottage tMiaining 3 bvirooma 5ft hall (Unlng rooai kA laundry bathroom every mo dern convenience drive ealrance Land i 1SS Your opportunity Walsh Griffin Auctioneers Da 7 Hunter St Newcastle 088 BAMXLTOV £874 Elevated and near tram A very desir able WR Cottage 3 line bedrooms hell diningroom kitchen laundry tube cop per bath sewer lath and plastered Immediate possession Just the right home ALEXANDER 4 SONS AuitB 123 Beaumont st Hamilton 818 SEND Your URNITURE AND EECTS TO AUCTION MART 5 Wolfe street Rev iber teilly was ebtertstnedt a social evening st Moree and pre sented with a wallet of notes prior to his departure to take charge of tbe new perish al Boggsbrl The municipal swimming baths st Orenge measuring 100ft by 40tt were officially opened by Dr A Cotvte tin Mayor on Saturday afternoon wk an sttandunca of about 20(10 Tbe death Is announced ot Mrs Cath erine Ann Horton wife ot Mr John Horton a well known Ooulburn pioneer She was 75 years ot age and native ot Goulburn and is survived by a widower three sons and three daughters Wllttam Williams a boy agedan Lvins at West WvalonC found unconscious In a paddock where he had been sent to catch a bores He was admitted to tbe district hospital suffering trom a eevora lasceratod wound and afracture of the skull ollowing on a tour ot inspection ot the Goulburn electorate by tbe Licenses Reduction Board 35 hotels ere called upon to ahqw cause why na Na rftelLfWbnfl will commence elctlng in Goal burn on March 4 Tha nunrahin of motor car which wan found abwdooed some months ago and which has been In the hands of the Chlltern police zvrr Ince has been established The car which belongs to an Adelaide firm was abandoned In Springhurst by two youthlL When the steamer 8t Albans on route to Australia called at Hongkong on ebruary 3 so epidemic ot small pox was raging there The disease wu unusually serious In the native quarters and rhe death rate high As a precaution the St Albans anchored In the stream and passengers were brought off by sampans A house owned by Hibbard nd occupied by 'J Avery at Turn bulgum was destroyed by fire early on Saturday morning ble Bedstead? 25s Col 32s 6d Wire Mat treses 16s 8tratcher 17s 6d Chest Drawers £2 10s Bedroom Suite £9 15s Tons of all kinds ot urnlmre In stock Shearman's 178 HUnler at opDwrty nt RECORDS Want to Buy Records Disc aud Cylinder any quantity We give best prices for Cameras Musical In struments Guns Curias Phonographs taken as part payment for any pew Rexo note The OLD CURIOSITY SHOP 327 HantoT aL Newcastle 88te C7M UlCXiTOI ms (Before Mr Lsldlsw 8M) Drunkennera Six first offenders were dealt wRh tor drunkenness On a charge ot drunken ness and disorderly conduct Auguslui Gwogntnl (38) an Italian who pleaded guilty through an Interpreter was fined £1 with tbs alternative of seven imprlsoatnsct Constable Wliitame ot the Water Police stated tbat at 630 on the previous afternoon he iw dstendast at the Nowcast la railway sta tion In a drunken condition Defendant wib a paanruger going through to Bris bane and paid for a window which be had broken Witness spoke to tbe de fendant who started to abuse every body 6461 BUSINESS CLOSE TO CITY £110 OT particulars a real good things witters irotu £130 up to £70d TIGHES WB £K) Owner will allow £15 tor ud evtii £50 denosrit balance MAYIELD PreUHy desIgned new Otntage nice allotment suit the most MTtlcular buyer Price £695 Deposit oatr £75 and terms to salt yon Land on easy terms Sult builders or Ifivnnct tiA lnL ra 1 1vt siac JtsuegviAl 8181 wsuvs mentB JAMES MOORE ft Land Specialist opp Brwacy Hun Lar st reel weu The Man Wbo Sells PRENTICE CO Hive ta larsa shlnmant At Attk Bedroom tkiltss st tbe following prices noee tsuigls Usk Sults 3 P1ecn Double Oak Suite AND 3 Piete Oak Suits at 3 Plece Oak Suite at 3 Pieee Oak Suits Die £13 Suite contains 4ft Robe large qosre mirror Drossing Table with tbre long drawers and pedestaL Abso lutely tbe best value since tbe war Why the you HAMILTON CITY The pick ot Two superior WB collages one £746 aud a very special one at £850 finance Walsh 4 Griffin Auctioneers 485 7 Hunter et Newcastle ms TaMBB nan Trt unYBRaAT8' A lust oC wu £176011 but pated that £1 2000 of the structure tages were being employees snd a for housing ths Thus the venture fled staff at the next annual meet Ing He hoped that at the next Annual meeting shareholders would aasemblettlred in clothes made from thu pro duct of the Goulburn Woollen Mills Mr 11 Rurrelt manager of the mills said that there was not the slightest doubt that the mills were going to be a nroittaute concern Herore iiv hoped (o have the machinery In go ili vi II ri Mr Gillies tbe Acting Premier MT1RT RE SOLD THIS WEEK GOOD SHOP AND DWELLING LEASE 6 YKiKB Genuine Reasons for Belling Easy to Manage Good stand AH information from 0W(kftfejW mm mnmanuQn7KVcZ8TLi GAB Glanmore No 14 EVERY TUESDAY Oddfellows' Hall Auckland St Nev Cirdldatea 830 shp Visiters welcome Milton 8ec TORONT6 LOL 27 THE Monthly ot the ixi rtge held in Hall on day Night Auction Lodge tiled 730 pm Hy or der WM 1 BARNIER Sec loltages Maeauarl st others trom £200 Uwilmtavssd Ara 4 CAjaan1 Pvtnl Here vou are ths lat set bit "Cut Yourself a Slice ot Caks" elc' KI I Kin VU Domestic Meh Co Perkjn eu I HAJHDHhSiSiNG and Tooacconisi one of the beet in Newcastle showing good returns Owner forced to sell Bargain Price etc ERRON 6178 Co PO Newcastle SBAGRASS Perambulators £4 10s Drop back Sulkies £2 6s Push Carts £1 12s 6d Chairs from 10s 6d Prendre Co 389 Hunter st (Tbo Old nwelRng at Wickham with 3 room? nicely laid out Hotel I 6148 riniv cwA enAA raw AaAm4( 0 ra Vffra 4 I ra £660 Dep £1OT Neat WB Cottage 2 bedrooms din room kit laundry bathroom elec light sewer I Land 39 Ha Good Buying WsJsb ft Griffin Auctioneers 486 7 Hunler Newcastle EMPTY Packing Canes for Sals In good order SOBBY'B LTD 761 4 and 5 rm Cottages £545 £600 and £660 These are ansps Dunne Co Aura WarataJi 1771 SAWMILL Complete Plant (cost over £80o tour years agoL Price £400 Caeh Hattie opp Newcastle Station Carpets Coir Mattings Best value nt Waiter 2898 PIANOLA Rolls "Avalop" "Jmrt Mar ried" "Ain't Wo Got un" 66 each Aeolian Coy 82 Hunterrat 682 £50 1'RPOSIT balance rent Mayfielf New WB Cottage only £650 M'Hattle opp Newcastle station 6156 URNITURE High grade hand made 4tl Sin Bedroom Suites maple £14 10n 77A Beaumont st Hamilton 6617 PIANOLA Rolls all popular from "Night Out" and "Kissing Time" it ea Aeolian Oy 2 Hunter st S82 "DOMESTIC" We are ths recognised firm for Gvttas Repairs Large Mocks of spare partsoobsni Perkln st 3 roomed WB Cottage land 60 100 Torrens Only £320 Gar diner Co Mayfield and Scottish House Newcastle 6108 GENUINE Mixed Business Maitland? takings £40 weekly 5 years' lease rent 226 inrt residence £200 Inspect To day Ryan 4 Co Comm BankCht 1 Mayfield Waratah' Ham TWO SN APS IN Adamstown I Uton and Hill on depoa £50 Good Corner 60 165 with a fair (kt £7S anl £100 Good terms Dunne lage erected thereon sufficient land oApAucsWaratah 17711 erect another Only £315 Also a WB Splendid Brick Villa six ririeiy isiu out Aitiu 'jirainer th Co Maltland rd Mayfield and Scot tish House Newcastle 6108' SCALES TO SUIT Cash I or easy terma Write tar oa alogues Ws port or Sean )Sr3 £2) Election of repair Dayton Scalas Dayton Scale Co Cprf) fnr geailOn if26 RITH Hon Srrriwy HOTEL ree House Northern Line bath Surrounded by workshops flour mills' butter factory etc Lease 6 years 10 1 months takln £70 week Well uro 747 ished and very dean Cash £1250 Harald Newton 69 Scott st OR SALE Best Quality Canvas Sides Cheapest in town Dou and Ends specially made by tradesman ox 12 Motor Lairry ryeieioo unty use few weeks practically new well oiled snd painted Also 3 Large Spring Kapok Seats Io perfect order The 10s A Gift 24 SPARKE ST Near Hlgh st Station 1806 West Maitland £660 naigS MATYTELD "DOMESTIC" Perfeetonola Gramo with 6 new Records £6 6a Domestic Meh Coy Sole Agents Perktarat 5461 LAWNMOWERS 3 4 5 blade patterns prices beutocK at QEnn a vmm nay WB COTTAGE 3 bed rooms all coovs Always on hand Also kitchen furniture and utensils The Old Curiosity Shop 9651 Terms arranged 3 WlUten sl Tighe's Hill GBORGPTOWN 4 roomed WB Cot tage an possible conva £575 Gardiner ft Co Mayfield and Scottish House New 6108 TRY REG A HAKKB'S AMOUS ISHING TACKLE 305 Hunter st Newcastle 'Phone 743 Investment Brick Residence very handy learh Guarantee tenant 10 to Mln widths 62 week £826 onn Ncle 8tn HEWITS GRAMOPHONES taken ae pert meat tor Rexonolas from 30 OR SALE Ovcrlstri 5 Seater Up top order £200 Studebaker £100 trrd £100 Accessories OH Grease in stock SOS? Ramhhnv iBttnnan Sllsberat tforoer Build 1 Ing Block 50 132: Psrry at Building1 4ft 6ln OAK Bedstead Spring Mattress Block 40 132 Terms Daley 294 4ft Sat Bedding compile for £7 10s Hunter st 61fi4 Prentice 4 Co 339 Hunter st (The Old BOARDING Estab ail furniture nine Hotel 6148 rare prom poa 12 perm boarders room £150 dep New Brick tor 6 more £Z76 Welk io walk out Bungalow 6 rooms every eonv eL Dunne ft Co Aocs Waratah 1771 sewer car ent £820 Daley 294 4 roomed WB Cot Hunter sLW 6184 HOTEL South Coast Tourist Resort lease over 4 years rent 30 takings £54 weekly £775 1Jan £100 Ryan ft Co Comm Bank Chrs NEW WB Cottage Broodmeadow rd THE ANNUAL MEETING of the above Aasoclatton will be held on WED NESDAY NIGHT 27th Iml at 730 pm Business: Election ot Officers JENKINS 3 rtUU DT' intasj WESTON SCHOOL ARTS Alleged Vagrant John Kelly (21) labourer charged with vagrancy wai remanded nntlKMonday on the application ot Sergeant Ward tbe police prosecutor Ball waa allowed la sureties of £10 No Prosecutor Edward Sydney ear (33) wharf labour er and Jesse Herbert Palmer (36) wharf labourer pleaded not guilty to having made use of threatening words to ran cis Allen In the bar of the Great Britain Hotel on Saturday There was ap pearance of the prosecutor and tbe de tendaatx were dlraharged Palmer acknowledged having broken a tin pint pot the property ot tbe Police Department and on a charge ot malicious damage he was fined 10s with 2 damages or two days' impelsonmaiit Constable Burns staled tbat when arrested and put In a cell at tbe Newcastle polKe station defendant kicked the tin about and dam aged it beyond repair Sequel to Disturbance Daisy Wilson (38) was fined Ids or three imprisonment for drunken ness and disorderly conduct and £1 with the alternative of seven im prisonment for baving mails ure ot threatening words Constable Burns Mated tbat at 616 pm on Satur day tbe defendant was under lhe influ ence of liquor tn Htunter Btceet West where a fight was In progress between two men She was calling out In a loud voice and her conduct caused a large crowd to congregate CotMaLle Millar stated that the threatening words com piniaen oi were used to Dim at i aslle police station Arising out nf Lhe same stances Allan Campbel) 27 was charged with and pleaded an unlawful assault on George Henry Noble Mr Cragg appeared for Noble a fireman of Cook's Hill who stated he was axsaulted in Jubilee lane about 6 o'clock on Saturday night Daisy I Wilson was there and he remarked to her that (here was some dirt on her dress At her request he stooped to brush it off and the next thing he re membered when the police came land he was holding the hoots of the ucciuair wuo was Krening nim He never saw the defendant before Con stable Burna stated that when bo reached the scene Noble was holding the defendant around the ankles and (he defendant appeared lo kick To the defendant witness said: "That wo man was she your wife?" Defendant replied: "No but we have been living together for about two or three years Dr kV A Qlanhon ra SnaManS officer at the Newcastle HonpHal ata I8 oata or seven days invmeonnent ted (hat defendant wkji suf faring behaviour Sergeant Toohffl a brokan nosa and brulswi and )acera (hat (be defendants were flghttnft ttone about the face To the Adamstown Park at 4 on ic wur poaaioie ror tne injuries to have been caused either by a kick Ing or with fists Defendant a shiftman at the Steel Works living at Islington said he Raw Noble nd Daiuy Wilson in the' laneway Wlloon walked towards hlml ss if going home Nnbln came up tol ana iLKea wnat ne A swing was made at retaliated He dinlcd having kicked Noble Daisy Wilson stated she was in the locnmoti Hotel with Noble and others Outside Nohle started to brush something from her dress and she did not rrrnemlwr anything more The magistrate Imposed a sentence of three months' Imprisonment and di rected that defendant pay costs of £3 His or undergo an additional detention I won't give vou a said the magistrate to defend who asked fnr the alternative assault nn thia and apparently you have pre the afternoon ot ebruary 9 Mr appeared tor Hopton UHreated a Horse Mr Wheeler pleaded guilty for red Woolley who was charged with having cruelly illtreated a horse on eb Iruary 18 Sergeant Ward the police nroservtor Mated that on the morning as doing "I question a young man ern teas who' Moved hy Woolley Droa carriers of Hamilton wns given a norae ana tnstrnc ted to take a load from Hamilton to NewcAMln goods shed On the road the horse was 'aken in custody by Inspec tor Creamer The magistrate: Thst is tbe borne I mw with Injuries to tbe ribs mark under tne collar and sores on locks Sergeant Ward: That Is so Mr Wheeler stated the trouble to lhe Inexperience of the boy wae very warm and tbe horw was con sidered to he In a fit condition when it was sent out The magistrate Imposed a fine of £5 with 8s costs or one Unlawfully In Bar A fine ot 15 with 8s costs or one Imprisonment was imposed on Tom Holmes who pleaded guilty to having contravened a prohibition or der hy being found In the bar of the Wickham Park Hotel Sergeent Young ot Islington said he saw defendant in the hotel on the afternoon of ebru ary 6 Defendant said to him: "This is the first mug of beer I have had this afiernoon" The magistrate told defendant that if he offended again the is nxliy would be doubled "Under stand that he added Information Dismissed George Monaghan represented by Mr I O'Donnell pleaded not guilty that being a person against whom a prohibition order was In force he was found In the bar of the Criterion Hotel Newcastle Constable Marshaid that on the afternoon of January 31 he saw defendant in lhe bar and on again passing It found that he was gone Half an hour later witness met defendant In Hunter street Defend ant denied that he wae In the hotel They went along and saw tbe barmaid who said she did not see defendant In the hotel but he might have been there Defendant remarked: "You are making It pretty hot on me I cannot come Into town without some of the police baving a at Later on the defendant admitted that he was in the bar but denied that he had a drink In evidence tbe defendant de clared that he was not In the hotel and had not had a drink for nine months When they went lo the ho tel Uoostal'le Marsh said to the li censee: "This man Is a prohibition 1st (laughter) Sergeant War: A prohibitionist! Mr 8c he la now Mllllam Reynolds a hotel corroborated lhe evidence of ant Mr O'Donnell stated it viously a case of mistaken The magistrate In dismissing the in formation sala there was the possi ot an error having been made Civic Prosecutions falling to drive his motor otn long the specified route on RANK 8OUTHWOOD 2176 Auctioneer 5 Wolfs st CHAS HOLMES PROPERTY SALESMAN 4 INANCIER WC8T MAITLAND HAS OR SALE ONE MINUTE ROM HIGH STREET STATION A COSY COTTAGE RESIDENCE thre rj nvi191 write tor a ropy Bedrooms Dining room Breakfast of our Sew Booklet of Variable Intor roosn Kitchen washhouse and Bath mation which yliould be In every bouse room every moderate oonv Electric Bend 3d tor postage Address all letters Lights Perfect Drainage Gas 4 uel to Dept NC COLLEGE Stoves 8 Verandahs cosad In £66u iHEALTH 54 Oxford st Sydney Estab 1M7 25 years 5330 UJt rhtetefi to 9 lines I theresfter 6d per (Advarttsera srs reminded that the Department will not dsllvar bearing addresses such as or any othsff nom ds pluate OR SALE 4 rooawd CoUagn 36 Ball streot CooTs H1U "THE Best Cooks use only IRELAND Self Raising lour "viSITOBS to ths CUy should take ad vsntegs of Bargain Bale 761 BICYCLE for Sale new tubes and irrva recently overhauled £6 or nssj offer? 16 IMrk sL Hamilton South £100 dsptra 4 and 5 rm Cottages WB new all cones £Mt 4 Dunne4 WarataJrn71 Maoquarls hold invest Two fine Dot Shops and Dwellings 'Veil nocked Price £1438 "HOTELGUiffiBB ull Range Nobbier! Whiskies Wines oa LVA 56 Mugs 1 Kansan's Auckland 4 Hunter ots "New WB Cottage Merewether near Glebe School ground 41 1 61 £8U0 TernsT Byan 4 Co Comm BankLn l'KNiTUiUS 3 rooms complete 146 unsung value Don't delay Modern Homes Co 77A Beoumont Hamilton £gn Mayfield (select Carrington st) heat WB eottaga ev conv 1 recom mend Inspec M'Hattle opp Ncle StaUon Bolte "Barney the Night" "Sawmill River Road" tt a Aeolian Coy 82 Hunter uU 683 "cnxMOPHtlNE Repairs doue at sbort kI notice all spare parts in stock Tbe Old Curiosity Shop651 Just tended Shipment Pre serving Pans Geod vaiuea 46 6 69 4li section Store 3343 RANSON'S Thin Key Household Tumb lers 3 per te doz Corner Auckland snd Buster eta 1U1 a positive result in the Usv ot New SolLruslng lour 473S Elevated pcTitlOn Six roomed Bungalow ail rooms large fira chiss home £1400 Gardiner ft Co Xsytield and Scottleh House Newcastle ft)K SALE Mayffald Abel sL 2 Blocks Lud ca 33 89 fenced three sides Accept reasonable offer 51 Bartoo st 6089 NOTICE T0 AGENTS I withdraw my property trom all apnu as It is sold by Hodges' Bros Hutchison 23 Cowper Georgetown 6113 SAGBtS8 Arm Chairs All one price 3 each The Cheapest in the City PrccU Co 39 Hunter st (The Old Hotel) 6148 "DOMESTIC" Call and hear the latest In Gramo Becords AJways first with he latest Domestic Mach Co Porkln SL 5461 iHuT and' Dwelling Hill leased for yrara at £2 pr week £776 Trrns Uyan 4 Co Comm Bank Cambers New 5 roomed WB Cot tage lovely home £860 dep £100 Gar diner ft MsyfieN and Scottish House Nmattle "Cut' 'Yottrealf Pece We ere not pastrycooks come and hear the record to day at THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP 413 327 Hunter atreet dreateAgency "Herald" OBce 6212 ADAMSTOWN Heights Charming Well built Rustle Villa ev conv Large allot £745 Low dep M'Haltla PLACKMercerhied Italian Cloth 54 inches wide Special 23 for this wash rfinly Ltd Hunter sL Edlsou cambtaation speaker 96 2 and 4 minutes recorda £8 10s The Old Curioeky Shop 9651 RANOLA Rolls "Avalon" 'Ain't Wo Got fktn" "Just Married" "Barney Goo gl" 66 ea Aeolian Coy 82 Honter st i WHY PAY RENT for ever? Be Inde pendent Own your own leotne inter view 1 opp Ncle Stn CLOSE Steel 6 rm WB Oot tage all convs Snap al £800 Depoa low Dunne 4 Co Aucs Waratah 1771 PIANOLA Rolla "Sawmill River Road" "You've Got to See Baby Ev'ry Nlghi" 6J6 ea Aeolian Coy 82 Hunter eL 82 WB Oottege 5 rooms all conva sewer 56 110 £675 Terms )eJ 294 Hunter st 6184 ONE Van and 1 Black Mara tot or separate cheap Apply 8 ern at Islington 6170 WINE health giving in single bottlea or wholesale Petberbrldge'e Mar ket sL YOUR SUIT wben expertly tailored by CORNISH 4 CO will look well through a long period 8166 NEWSAGENCY Mocked runs restd enttal suburb Also Mixed Businesa Books open Inspection £1S56 M'Hattle BEAUTIUL MapleBed Bolte Sac cash cheap Oak Suite After 6 pm 16 Bamdon Hamilton I OR Sale Mayfield new WB Cot tage drive entr Apply on job Vine st Just off Crebert sL 5609 Show (seat over 000) lead Ing Newcastle Suburb ex income Price £1000 M'Hattle opp Ncle Bin RKXONOLA (new) with t2 double sided Recorda 1 Ttn Needles £4 4s Cash or terras The Old Curiosity Shop "DOMESTIC" Singer Machine tt fully guaranteed Cash or terma Do mestic Mach Co Perkln et 5461 PIANOLA Rolto "Thru tbe "Cut Yourself Piece ot Cake" 66 ea Aeolian Coy 82 Hetnterel UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU uuuuuuuuu a MTB Of THM ADORKU UNION LOAN OICE sivwuwsr RKMRMmi WMTc H11' U25 a NAVY SUIT as te A i i NbeU atriM imHgo Barga Cht sod Beet Tailored inish TWEED 8UIT 80 stse 4 Gray? Stripe Cloth SMTtcnd Dressy Exceitantty Tailored SUIT to short Unt ftsrasa aaaraui VIS RMlUM te Dhredeemed Pledgs MI wwoJ CSnUk EUPHO Silver Besaon Class A solid bide cose magnificent loetrumsnt £17 10s Tte Old Curiosity Ehng 651 OR SALE Persian Knight Colt years untried Quinn Gre ta rd New lAtnbton 6086 TWO Blocks of Land In Bentlsy SL Islington Carpenter Power eL Is llngton 6171 LAWNMOWERS mw stocks Call In and see our aseortDenL Oar prices are lowest HEWIT8 IM YOUNG Citrus Orchard newly erected Cottage thereon urther particnlsrs CoolL Nurseryman Narafs B06 POR SALE' Halt Interest In City Es BUSH RUGS 39 PICK HANDLES SUIT CAKES 36 ELECTROPLATE 116 EP TEAPOT 31 REVOLVING CBUKT bottles £310 BP PICKLE JAR 166 MANDOLIN Italian make £33 'CELLO and BOW 41410 TENTS and LIES of all descrip tions for Bale or Hire TOQLB OB ALL TRADES 643 £925 Hamilton Mod Brick Oottags 4 rms ev conv very handy Newcastle Terms opp Ncle Stn MEN'S Black Meroerioed Shirts A few left at 46 to dear at Is Ltd Hunter st 123 CLASS Plano Hennerdolf £98 rash Mrs Allport Errtngtov av New tote Agency Exceptional chmooe Ad Lamoxoni SPETEKS Water ront Cot tsgee on easy terms Roy Byrnes A Co Waileend and Speers' Point 821 URNITURE Mole Gray Suites beau tiful tradesmans!) ip at the maker's prices 77A Beanmoot et HaasUtoo RECORUS Exchanged IMac and Cylin der We try them over Tbe Old Curiraity Bhop 337 Hutar et 9661 BOARDING HOUSE' central Ctty position always fulL ttent only 35 Well fur £150 M'Hattle opp Ncle Sto LARKED Special Display of Glass Sweets covered Usual t3 Special UHid Section Score 1343 OR SALE good Milking Cow £6f Six Block Orp Hens for Sole 4 Wtn LW1S oultrv ann Inha uui seu BARGAIN of tbe Day 6 nn WB Cot DON SWEAR 2 black tend £70q De TIBE 8KOOT 73M posit £1M Penne 4 Co Anew Waratah £100 dep New RueLi WHEN Buying or Selling Cbttage Cottage 3 bedrooms etc all conw Buetneea etc it pays to know your eewer £660 iMfoy 294 Hiuaar aL agent interview Hattie opp Ncle Stn £775 Hamilton Investment Brick biT Reeldence 7 rms ev ronv handy to1 ettv HiiM Mtn nz ia a eBiow 6 rooms every cones sewer S2L 211 Ncle Btetton iMley t94 Hunter st 6184 uw ruanu) a csrosu rius me na tural remedy tor all stomach troublea Try thenL PORTER Hon Se' NEWCASTLE RUGBY OOTBALL LEAGUE ASSO CIATION Th Annual Meeting brook Roth motors were out ot com mission on riday In hie recent xpeech at Shepperton IVicl Dr Earle Page Acting Prime Minister urged Australians more canned fruits our canned ftulle were need Commonwealth to lhe same extent the Americans used canned the estimated mirplua production Ing the current would be about inonno dozen 30ox tine "tilt nt he bounty scheme torlcs with a turnover of IDOOOOO were at work nnd would find a payable market for 32900 tone of fruit hich they had been told a few months ago could not be taken overscan A destructive fire b'oke out early on Saturday morning at th Katonnfba Power Joinery Works The building which was of wood was completely de stroyed as was en sdj 'nlng cottage A cottag? on the opposl'e rid was badly At the rear of the works a of sheds containing hulldlng were completely destroyed contents A s' ahte at ths was des'roved together horse and sulky The animal Lurtln 109 A TermE i 6 1 i I 6i I JK 41 I wK OM ZZZ I I 1 1) IB 3 HI1 I I 3 TUtor Bads Will fit aaotC "wifiun ail' WWW Di Can? 1 AJ nr i IlMMiWWOIUMUiMM dIJKK.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.