Abilene Reporter-News from Abilene, Texas (2024)

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(F'il towy Saturday Morning December 30 1950 The Abilene Texas Reporter-Newt Page 13 TOWN NEWS Pre-Induction Exams Given Men Here Abilene in Top Bracket In Fire Prevention Activities Coleman Rancher Buys Hereford! New Beei Grading System Starts the paper read by Dr Bartim at the conference which opened Wednesday and cloned Friday Tax Suits Planned Abilene was among cities in the top 16 per rent of the 27th Annual National Fir Prevention Week contest sponsored by the National Board of Fire Underwriters An announcement released in New York Friday in an Aswirlated Press news die pitch said Atlantlr Iowa won first place in the nation Harold Stovall of Coleman hail tain grade Grade are a uniform bought 10 regiatered Hereford cow guide for uh In trading In meat from Garrett of Croxi Plaina These announced changes will affect only prime choice good and commercial rarcasa beef grades The standards are utility cutter and canner grades and will i main unchanged Triplett Cattle Company of Amarillo haa bought 400 choice lightweight yearling ateera for March delivery at 84 cent per pound from Joe Smith of Oalhart The aame company bought 500 yearling ateera for February delivery at 304 cents per pound from A total of 72 pro induction examination were given Friday to West Texas men The 72 West Texans were called to report for pro induction ex-The City of Abilene is preparing I aminatinn by their respective draft to go in court tn collect delinquent hoards Six were from Midland 17 In the municipality division of thetaXes allegedly owed by 26 proper-1 from Abilene 25 from Sweetwater contest I iy owners and 24 from San Angela "We were trying to win first j-om Mullane collector of back After being processed by the place in Texas Abilene Fire I taxM( jaa atated that the iuis I Army and Air Force Reenriting Marshal A iiiarkwoofl ara jB the mill The 26 suits Involve and Induction Station here the rnw1 delinquent city taxes totalling 15-1 men were to have not more than rating Smte we are In Hie top 10 qoo Two of the tax payers lnvolv- 21 days at home Those who pass-per cent in the nation we mVad ara to he sued on taxes owed led their pro induction teste wlU stand S00 rhsnc of placing on prrvmai property The remain- be called to report for induction Abllew teken second place I he CC0Un' re nd teBTi tMnnff A I Pmprrty owner who owe A iat the pre inductees and total of 2312 cities and towns delinquent city taxes maystill save I their draft boards are aa follows COTTON BELLES These lovelies were the last five in the running in the of Cotton" contest in Memphis Tenn They are left to right Jeannine Holland Houston Tex the winner Jean Neal Greenville second alternate Eleanore Chalmers San Luis Obispo Calif first alternate Elizabeth Anderson Sumner Miss and Ann Adams Tuscaloosa Ala (AP Wirephoto) the expense of being sued if they! From Midland: Detmer iiu-Hwimti juuiiinK i n4iai4 i Woodrum James Green Billy on activities of local fire depart- im paying I yoes william Davla Julian menta ln educating the public for br group or 20 suits are theU jlmrl Droppleman fire prevention This includes post- first to be placed in the court proc- h) Harm on Oni cr and essay contests In of collcctten since contract schools newspapers and radio pub- algnI this week between th Roaroe Jatm Rohert Wit lirity and other fire prevention edu- nSsrhL hh' I Geriark Jerry Clay Cochran Jack Jimmy Mllla of Del Rio a director of the National Lamb Feed' Phil Blunt of Manter Kins andn Association says the general 800 yearling hetfera from Blunt for impression is that price ceilings Immediate delivery at 29 cents per definitely are being figured out for pound The heifers will go to Colo- Jamba He recent was in rado to be fed Washington to consult with officials Triplett also bought for Colorado thre feeders 150 choice light heifer However even if ceiling price yearlings for immediate delivery at of dressed lambs Is set at prices Amarillo for 29 cents and 250 helf- MJ era at Stratford for 284 cents be hurt according to For a breeder in California Trip- th 01 lett boufht ISO choice Angus heif- mid-June good and choice er calves from Fred Hill of White- spring lamb rarcassn In New water Kans at 35 cente per 'ork brought 8M to 881 with those weighing over SO pounds at around 1 855 per cwt Fed lamb carcasses Jaek Boyd Nolan County ranch-1 weighing 85 to pounds are now has sold 830 mutton lambs to bringing U2 to 855 with 55 to 65-Roy Martin oft San Angelo for 29 Pound weights 846 to $50 cents per pound The lambs weighed 65 pounds around Russell Payne of Fort Stockton has sold 3000 clipped lambs Baok from a swing through the weighing 87 pounds off wheat at lamb wintering country of Hereford to Noel Cover of Cozard San Saba and Mason-O Jolly I Neb- tor 27 rents per pound YESTERDAY'S MARKETS who 111 handle the tax eases on a percentage basis Few Stocks Advance as Average Dips IN THE SPOTLIGHT ill GUM! rational campaigns The competition is held earh year lo budget the extent and effectiveness nf fire safety efforts throughout the nation during fire prevent Inn week In October It is sponsored tnintly by the National Roard nf Fire Underwriters and the National Fire Protection Association Van McGlothlln James Ray Dona-hoo Bobby Joe Scott Ray Reagan Myers William Clinton Sojourner Jr Billy Ray Proctor Glarence Wayne Johnson Royce Vemeil While Eugene Wintson Woods Bobby Glen Gilbert Mert Townsend and James Creston Eubanks From Sweetwater: Harold A Wade Marvin Shifflett James fo Import Mexican Meat NEW YORE Dee aalei rloe-Inp price and net ehenie of ttio ten most acllve alorka Frida Alleghany RonlonSM Oraham Taiga Mo Par Pf Lehlah Val Hupp Cdrp Ayro Mlg Benpuet Mng Oar Wood Ind Trana America Take Anti-Red Oath NEW mss Imiutar BtlaewS lun In d-aiand Irrfiular prlc rhanM narrow Iflud mill kuylnc and hadi-Inf rwcaoo Ulitd minor prlca chanfta Sir ad pood trade Weak (old off at cloia Weak to eenta lower top 13100 Steady fa IS eenta InVer Adkins Dies at Crews Financial Livestock local saddle maker and Gaines Shults peanut shelter both of whom have ranching interests report yearling ewes are being quoted at 82350 to 825 per head for delivery out of the wool Although it is extremely dry in that sector the sheep are wintering well and will make good gains provided there art spring rains Most of the wool from the lambs in that area was contracted at 80 to 93 cents per pound Clere Jones of Sonora haa sold 4000 blackface ewe lambs to A NFW TOBR STOTBS WASHINGTON Dec 29 tel Browning Robert Ana Joo Abilene municipal workers allljhe United States will lift the em-1 Rallnger Roy A Rennefeld or them are taking a non Red barn Mexican meat Saturday Hand James Hodges oath in compliance with rerent per- wvmimrnt source announced Sterling A Willingham Lewi aonnel rulings made by the City I Friday IL Rowlett Willie Gartman Commission I The ban is helng removed after! Jms P- Clegg WUlle Helm The employes of the city are now I Mexico agreed to rylet inspection I George Polnake Charles required to take an oath stating I requirements I Casey Buster Palmer Ber they are not a member of the Com- Live animals still are banned a a W- Jackson James munist Party or of any other or result of an outbreak of hoof and Robert Winn James ganisatlon which encourage tha mouth disease among Mexican eat- Fdward Ernest Lavigne overthrow of the jgovtramtvit of the I tic The embArgo on live anlmftliThomA8 Howard Bill Good United States by violence nr force wai Imposed Dee 18 1948 I son and Anthany 8 Jarana Previously oaths of allegiance AIowlng canned meat into the From San Angelo: Carrol Gena were taken only hy elective offl- United States Is expected to re- Lloyd Ynei William Etogena rers department heads and ap-hieve the aerioua financial aitua-1 Hanson Joel Perry Cavender WU-pointlva board at tha city Ition of Mexican cattlemen I Item Lewis Harden Jr James I The IT imported about 560- Harold Benion William Carr Soldier Promoted ooo head of livestock a year from I Moya Waller Louis Young Mexico before lha quarantine I Ahelino Joe Valdes Willis Darnell BALUNGER Dec 29 Adkins 77 a resident of Runnels County 29 yean died at his home in the Crews community at 12:10 pm Friday Mr Adkins bid been in failing 4 13a 14 4'k II1 Ma NEW YORK Dee 29 picked low-priced stocks advanced smartly ln a churning market Friday Despite heavy trading the market as a whole showed little price action Losses outnumbered gains but not by a very Impressive margin Price changes were limited mostly to less than 81 a share Trading volume was 3426666 shares Profit taking was the biggest drag on the market The Associated Press average dipped 26 cents to 88826 a share New highs for 1956 or longer were established by 100 Issues Missouri Pacific preferred wa a high flyer Jumping S3 to 82925 on top of Thursday's gain of 8425 Closing lower were Steel Chrysler Studehaker I Case Radio Kennecott Copper Allied Chemical Dow Chemical Du Pont American Woolen and Pan American Air Trimmed in the curb were Great Lakes Oil Pantepee Oil and Cities Service Louisiana Land advanced with Pancoastal Oil and Electric Bond Share Bonds moved narrowly kmg term governments slipped S'k 1 Neal of San Angelo for dellveiy health the last 10 months and in out of the wool at S24J0 per head serious condition the past four months I Born Nov 1 1878 in Harrison Changes In tha federal grade County he moved to Tarrant Coun- S3 3a 14 4 44 4S 113H 133 11 II HS 413 Arco Mfk 134 Beth Steel 3 Branlff Air Chryaler Corp Ill Cant Mntnra IS emit Oil Del 15 Dupont 1 Freeport Bulph S3 Oen flee 33S Oen Mntora 4 Onndrtrh iBFl in Oreyhnnad Corp 43 Dull OU 1 Houston oil 31 Int Harvester 8 Kan City Southern Lockheed Airs US Mo Kan Ten 33 Montaom Ward POST WOBTH FORT WOBTH Dm 'P-CattM ralvte 100 fully steady to itroiip emit fad yrarllngi and half-r M00 to II IW cnmmnn to medium 1100 lo SO 00 beat row 3100 to 3330: rannari and cutter 10 00 to 31 DtH uumir bull 30 00 to 3000: Rood nd rhnto (lauahtar calvt 3110 to 31M: rail common and medium laughter ralve 1 tat to 13 00 good and ebnlre itnrker calvaa 30 00 ta 31 HO Hnga 330: fully atoady: pood and choir 100 to IN lb butchara 1013 to 80: pood and choice 130 to 10 lb hoga 10 00 to 1013: aoara MM to 1100 a law light aw 101 to Sharp ON: fully ataady: ahorn ataugh-ter lamba 31 to odd aged ewea ION to 1300 wnolad feeder lamba MM CHICAGO CHICAOO Dec 10 'P Hnaa 10 0M: under 330 Ik weak to 3 rent lower heavier IS-SO eenta lowrr anwa 3VM eenta lower top 31 00 good ind rhotre 110-130 lha 404005: 140-110 lb 100-1011 Owl and rholee aowa under 430 lb IT 33-11 10 430-3N lb 1 00-113 Cattle 13M ralvea 3M only odda and enda ateara and hellfra: bulla weak to 39 renta lowar realera atrong nominally un-chanted Sheep 1M ateady: gnod to ehtoc native 13 llt'h 13 4i 41 13 lla SIP 91 33 5'h 33 lllfc SS'h it1 IT 43 tandardi for steer heifer and ty w)n a young man and later Roliert Andes 2662 Kirkwood Tt neve1 allowed lmportation St hs been promoted lo tha rankly Mexlran Panned mt because fIll(Lon Albert Braden Cecil did not come Dusel where he is stationed with the Mh iadarda Armored Division Fred McCabe Jr Frear Marshall Clark Briscoe 54 National Oyptum riatl SI No Am Aviation cow carcasses went Into effect yes-u" Dfnton County before coming to terday Runnels in 192L Under the new stsndjrds the ln ye ute 1N0' he mlr prevnt prime and choice grades ried to the formfr yirgle Duka at of betof will be combined under a I Mur-fihmll She died in 1904 and In tingle grade to be known as jgjj wa married to Mrs Lucy prime The present choVe grade Bell Henson in Fort Worth of blS Mr Adkina had been a member from the higher quality cattle nos £huh 04 Chrtal tor thi betel made I Survivor 'elude hi widow in an effort to grde I sonML Adkins Colorado an eiiort to mau ai-uwwi alKi -t ftul Andes served 13 months In Oer- tet to be about 75 many with tha occupation forces: mltol yr- Manuel Chris Pete Kauvelia Wade Lounihury Jr and Weimar llohmann SI4 334 94 314 144 94 114 114 494 4 11 114 14 SS 11 414 14 434 124 14 SIS 4 314 9 314 14 89 11 174 49 44 114 US 14 si 14 904 414 14 43' 13 4 394 04 Ma 43 Ohio Oil 333 Packard Motor 143 Pan Am Airways 349 Pan Am Airways 11 Panhandle PAR 3 Penney iJCt 33 Phillips Pet 3 Plymouth OS 31 Pun OU 11 II 4 14 104 93 474 lle is now assigned to the 34th Medium Tank Battalion waolrd lamba 31SA33 00 -tap 33 iparln ly: I ond tn thort fed akom lamba held Prof in New York from Thttraday U043IN: alauehtor awea 13Sa-11SS KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY Dee 3t tm -4 Cattle 9M: ralvea Sf: (enerally unehanied to fairly an- Tha ill 1949 produced 86-606W0 pounds of canned meat and about 116 million the previous year Imports from Argentina now run ahout 166 million pounds a year The Mexlran Imports ara expected to compete with the Argentine' meat Sett Conservationist To Speak Here Jan 8 114 Radio Corn at Am 3134 34 Republic Nteel 434 94 Sears Roeburk 13 120 BUtrlalr Oil 34 131 Bnrony Vacuum 294 7 stand Oil Cal 014 Ind 14 S-S SS sS aS Adkina of kind of berf produced and prefep- pari Orange two daughter Mn Pearl Ilya elaanup trade 3M0: Hoes 3 A0: hv rot ter Tim P'vl Winter and Mra SteU Snydrmeate apeetelUt for Texas Brldy two brother Lee Nolan Deputy's Burial Sunday rather alow uneven eatly 330 lha down ateady: (nod and eholre 10-3M lb 3039-13 liter 0-13 moally 30 lower lsrpely over 330 Iba send and rhoiro 300-333 lha IS 9-30 aow around lowar at 1100-13 33: ataca 1930 dnwn Sheep 10M aupply 1 car ahorn year-Itnya and taw aenttered bunrhee mixed nf- College Dr Fred Barton head nf tha Department of Speech at Abilene Christian College is In New York where he spoke before the Mid-Century Conference nf the Speech Association nf Amerira "Extemporaneous Prearhing in American Homlletlral Theory" was and Nathaniel Adkins both of Snyder points out that tha higher Fort Worth OTe itater Mri quality young beef in present Mf Burtoni fort Worth 12 grand-commercial grade is popular with chUdrCT and jg fret grandehil-many housewives It identification dren as a roparate grad will be bene- Mrvic wD1 conduct Grains Ctese With Scattered Gains ferlnsa arrletn he truck: lnptfea and year-llnga ateady: prartlrallr no ewea: onort and choice truck hi noUve lamba 31 medium COLORADO CITY Dec 29-Fu-nerai for Harvey A Cook 73 dep- ltF ekaMlrr Bel M4U8LI 1 sri uty iheriff and fleial to both the producers and ed at 2 pm Saturday in the Crews FOBFlON RCXHANGE NEW YORK DM 3 PnlYlfS chans talas: Found 33-34 unehanard: 3ta of a canf unchansrd Mtalco 1131 canti unehanffd Coleman Slock Show Draws 534 Entries Dooley Dawson widely known Texas soli conservationist and manager of the agriculture department nf the Second National Bank of Houston will speak before several Abilene groups Monday Jan ACC President Don Morris haa Invited the public to hear Dawson when he speaks Immediately following chapel service Dawson a 1932 graduate of Texas College who spent 11 years In tha Soli Conservation Service in Texas will also be heard at the Monday lunrheon of Abilene Junior Chamber nf Commerce and by ACC agriculture elaasea during the day Stock Averaqei consumers Methodist Church with John Da- He says that toss than half of vig minUtcr of the Eighth St 1 per cent of the total beef Church of Christ in Ballinger of-productiou qualifies for the pres-1 Wrltln ent prime grade but with the ceme- combinlng of the prime and choice dMfewby-Dr grades tha new prime grade £me become an important factor ini1 Funeral Home meat grading By ik AmwIbVI Prra 11 1 CHICAGO Dee 29 if The grain market ended 1950 Friday wilh scattered email gains and losses A fairly active trade was conducted Price changes never became very large Wheat closed lower to 4 higher corn 4-4 higher oats lower rye l-V lower soybeans 14 lower to higher end lard unrhanged to 13 cents higher Corn showed the best undertone Wilh livestock prirea at record levels for this time of year and with meat animal population on forma growing traders saw a good demand for the large corn supplies Snyder aaya that thasa changes In beef grade names should hava no effect on price Beef price art determined by the demand of cer- Dallas Teen-Agers Are Blamed for 2 Burglaries Here ronstahle in Mil chrll County since 1918 will- be con ducted at 8 pm Sunday at the Kiker and Son Funeral Home Chapel The Rev Shubert will officiate end burial will be in the Colorado City remetery Cook one of the first twins born in Nolan County died at 8:26 am Friday at the Root Hospital where his wife underwent major surgery about 26 minutes after 'his death Mrs Cook wa! reported in fair condition Friday morning Mr Cook and his brother Horace Cook who died in Sweetwater in June was bom June 19 1877 He lived In Milrhrll and Jones Counties all his life Survivors Include the widow four daughters Mrs Gilbert Quln-ncy of Pecos Lenora Conk of Luh-bork Mrs John Woodle nf Baltimore Md and Mrs Joe A Watson of Trenton NJ a son Harvey A Cook Jr of Ahluquerq'-v brother Henry Iims nf Loraine and a sister Mrs Ruby Robertson of Loraine New York Curb and food ehtpment 31 00-14 00: medium ond ood yearltnra with No 3 akin 3 00 SAN ANTONIO SHEEP SAN ANTONIO Dee 3 ijP Sheen 300 not mouth frh receipt to eatohllah trade Dealt 490 SM head medium Spanish type 1IM Grain CmrAGft T4BTK nirn law WHEAT War -TIt Sep CORN Mar Vey Jly Sep OATS Mar May Jlv Bep LARD Jan Mar May Jly FORT WORTH CASH FORT WORTH Dec 3 Wheat No 1 hard 33B'-034 Corn No 3 while 3 333-344 Oats Na 1 white 114-19 Sorohuma Ns 1 yellow mlta 3 33-91 per IN the KANSAS fTTY CASH KANSAS CITY tier 3 Whrat No 1 hard and dark hard 3 JS-3 40: No 3 red 3 374-3 43N Close' Mrh 3174 May 319-t Jlv 3 31t-: 9ep 3134 Peru No 3 white 1 M4N- No 1 yellow A mlaed 1 OPt-1 S3 tloaa May I 94 Oat No 1 while 37-1 03V CHICAGO CASH CHICAOO Dec 31 raah wheal: No 4 mixed 3 144: rnrn: No 1 yellow 17 Oata: No 1 heavy white 344 New Temporary Location COLEMAN Dee 29 (RNS)-En-tries for the annual Coleman County Livestock Show scheduled here Jan 15 and 16 total 534 reports Nathan Citett secretary of the livestock show group The entry list is reduced a bit due to sale restrictions placed on the lamb daises however the show continues to he one of the largest rounty shows in the nation and rivals many district shows The event will he held at the big show ham located at the rodeo grounds Total premiums tn he offered FFA and 4-H boys and girls have not been announced as yet County ranchers and farmers are handling the premium money and Coleman business men for the most part will look after purrhasri at the sale Domestic Flying Ends Biggest Year New York Bonds REA Loan Okayed HARRY HOLT Wool Mohair Go 317 4th 13S B0- Hy Um Amrlslrl Prm ATASr 4B Ill Cent IN Pftfm HR 98 SI LduI SPe'wS 8013 Snu fee 41 Tn Corp 3S 9ft WU BO ri'e IB1 JfH'te WASHINGTON Dec 29 if The Rural Electrification Admin-iFtratlnn Friday approved a loan or $225000 tn the Lamar County! Electric Cooperative Association Paris Texas Pb 8863 Hama Ph 7884 Office At Abilene Staraae Ca Cotton Woai Three Dallas youths brought here from Sweetwater Fri- day and blamed for the burglary WASHINGTON Dec 29 The I pf (W0 business houses here Wed-Civil Aeronautics Adminltrstion n)gM-aakl Friday civil flying played ita youths ona 11 one 18 end biggest rote in the nation econo- be third 18 were arrested in Big my during 1950 and is ready fo spring early Thursday morning make an equal contribution to na- and held in connection with tional defense in 1951 string of thefts from Dallas to Big Donald Nyrop CAA admini- Spring atrator aummed up the year and yoIan county Sheriff Cal Mont the outlook in a year end state- gomPry brought the three to Sweet-ment water and Abilene Detective He estimated that 18828000 pay- George Sutton end County Ju lng passengers rode the nation's venile Officer Turney Sparks pick scheduled airlines this year an in- ed tlwm up there Friday crease of 13 per cent over 1949 The The boys are believed responsi-llnei flew 460453000 miles with I ble for the Wednesday night bur-only four accidents giary in Abilene of the Burton Three accidents on domeitic air-1 Lingo Lumber Co 825 North Sec-lines caused 96 passenger deaths I ond St and the Nichols Grocery an Increase of three over last year and Market 901 North Hiird St but the rate of passenger fatali- City Detective McDonald ties for each 100 million passenger- said the boy would be taken to miles dropped one tenth of a point Dallas Saturday where police aay to 12 Thia equaled the best mark they began their spree of thefts by in history stealing a 1946 Pontiae automobile COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS Cattle Heg Prices Higher at Auction new tor rnTRFs KFW YOHK Dm 23 -CMtan duplaypd prfIv RTPidln Prldav ah mill buying and abort covering but laar aaaad an hwdgmr and llgilriaium dvplnpd tn ernatrr tnlum Kfw Orlrana wa a gM Privatp Atlanta advtc that a fw milU bought a fair amnnni of pot ton for prtrg and aummFr drlivrry but gfiiFrally mill trading wa light PRODUCERS LIVESTOCK AUCTION kfw toiir rrrruF VKW YOKK Ic 99 Wnnl fariirc riord BV tn 10 hifhr M'h 1M (m Mr? 3MA Jf WJ Oft 349 IB Dff 34AM Mfh TM BR OrtlfiRfttM iipnl wno tops JB0 Uf iB-BM Vf-ffomlnali Mrmphla advirfa Matpd that mill Inquiry light nittumly a amall bulnpa tv tn plaintiff rvanvar fvnm dvfandant rtnriarattry Judfmnnt itawanrtant ampt-w gave nolira nf appeal to 11th Court of Civil Appaala EaatlanH A Oaafheraite va Cnnatrur- tnn (n Jnr at al plamnff reanvar 11 tut Injuria hoapital mediral ta waa Opon wpa'hff waa mportod farorlnf lata ml ton harvaatlng with plrklng praetlrally (omplrtod I ato aftFfnonn prlca warn 4B rant haia higher to 38 rant lowar than tha SISIMfS IK3NS3 WIT Rllrv Frinkihi WhiumMiai Merkel siut Od-s Mrk-I FILFD IK Us DISTRICT Klerk Js4 Msdrr an Rsm ul tar Knertms MsrMnrt Crow snd lint Sinn irr-' -r 'ill tar Ismss KFW MOIOS 1 1 Hill BFCIST3RFn Hnbbr Hrlr Ford ChMisr App-3 1343 Kb Buirk LOCAL MARKETS The market was higher on both rattle and hogs at the Producers Livestock Aurtion sale Friday A total nf 506 rattle and 120 hogs were sold Good fat ealvra brought 828 to 832 medium fat ralve 825 to 82750 gnod fat yearling steers and mod tow close 'heifers 829 to 831 medium fat 43 in tt49 um yearling steers and heifers 825 to 43 19 41 19 4: (28 good Stocker steer ralvr 829 I- SIT- mnnA stnrker heifer eatvea good stnrker heifer calves panaf HUl Ckrdv a CmnipfcJal Credit Aaao- pravimi float March 43 May 42 II and Jula 41 SALES MONDAY F3IDAY Sole Starts 11 O'Cteck Kemeef 1 eiilas cart new highway 80 PttYjfa cloaad rant a hala hlvhar tn ft era: a lower than tha prarlou rloa CRAINS Fer Cwt Ba 1293 39 SIM 34 Ream Sorghums Oata Wheat Barley Mrh May JIa Oft pff 3B7f 44 Mrh MM 1B4B Mat 3411 9129 Middling pfrt 44 1TN nff 9 K-KniPlnnl I Fsrm-r M-rke': Fnr S-dT-r Dr fta'i-tab bird 34 Lnrual MerSel l's S' 3 Ax-'di Henri Bumps Hi I Merke Frscer Aler dsh' 333 H''ern j': Xslr 44tanr F-ed Pnn Ir T'S Amsrllln: CbreUer Ftaid McOmie Aihsnf: Buirk FOI'LTRT 13-14 1" 8-Yi i 44-3 '828 to 831 and common Stocker 111 Icalves 825 to 127 Good fat cows brought 820 to 823 50 canner and rutter rows 815 SALE Frr 34 14 OS 34 Farm Prices Post 4 Per Cent Increase Hn 4 lbs anil up Hens unrIM 4 lhs Stas ami Rnosters Kn 1 Turks- hens Ko I Toms rrcs NEW 4SIF413 FrTfBFe NEW CRT CANS Per 33 Flu-tns- rnl ifr-n -r in nrfnn futures here tO $18 goon SlOCSer COWS IZw in Fratar -esr end nperb'lnn itambw'ta J2J common Stocker COW 818 to ta- 20: gnod cows and calves $235 and 'he tradtn C-lnt nice were bs-elr 'ekdir 110 bt lusher ta 39 reels lower to 8350: and common rows and riatinn atravd J'jdamvnl Far! Warren Jr ay nit frtand Fart Warrn Ar rntnirrrrla! Crdtt Cnp oatmn aRiavd Jidgmpnt Hanrv Fdward Oti Domthv Mm (W: divnrra aran'ad Fir Hy ina nmi'h hv ttPk Inand Franna Martnn Bmlih ttardwar Mutual dan av Cn plaintiff mrnvar 149 for M)urma TM Piaitti TrinKr Univarai Infur-anrr Co piiimili mcovtr l)K hr IP lurin Ada Laafar Pallttigar: dk varra crantvd A Braaff at al va Alhart ta ftoddv: plaintiff rarnvar II BIB 43 and rhaturt mnrV ai a ita fnrarloaad ard auto told to aatiafy Judamant Marcarat Bnwarc va Ridnav Bnwati: tranfarrad ta 41nd DUtrtet Cnurt CRIfana Invaainiont Cr poralton aa Wft-hart Jaavpfi Pirn it il juditnaot of II 477 BB fnr aLlHItlff Jama A Ftnvd fl Hartford Aefldrnt and Indamnitv Ca: plaintiff rarnvar wank on pavvnan tntunaa WARRANTY OFF DB Ftl FD fl Miliar at ui MUr 1279 Pf Lot 1 Mllitr Bibd of Korth Pak Addn Rannaita A Waldin at ui to Jimmta Dva Jarkn IIS 9BB lo 11 IM II 94 Com Mjfhandk Addn rrr n-t No quntaltan Currant Raeaint BI'YTERFAT Frr Lh Rfl 1 11 Sour Sweet NIC1N TOW CtOBE Mrh 414 43 S3 4331 Ml 43 3b 43 to 43 14-43 It 43 44 41 4134 net tot tot to IMS DC to 7 IB to to 4-13 KFW ORLEANS MT KFW OR! FANS Dr to Teesdev ead Thursday He Sate 10 atk Cattle II am ABILENE LIVESTOCK AUCTION COMMISSION Where layer ead Sellar Meet Phene Bah McDeeial Tate Nawmae 1441 4LM Office 7714 7 3Z calves 8160 to 8250 Good heavy butrher bulls 822 to J2720: and light butcher and Stocker bulls $20 to $10 The hog market was topped at sold from 821 and the 120 head Tulsa Bomber Plant To Be Reopened have been set on any farm com modities The department (aid prices paid by farmers for goods and services used in family living and farm production went up nearly one per rent during the month to act a new record The index of prices received by farmers in mid-Derember was 286 per rent of the 1910-14 average compared with 276 percent a month rn-'nn rlo-eil pesdT unrhsnsed 411 Lnw mlddllni to 99- mkldllrf 419: t'Q 7t wre-r- 49 Rrepl 1313 Stark 111- SANTA MONICA Calif Dec 29 it 'P-Douglaa Aircraft Co announced I spm an am Mooai pjliah xrr npw awngi Friday it will it homher 4) Hnueion 41 nremi 41 Gladewater Paid WASHINGTON Dec 29 Farm prices rose about four per cent between mid-November and mid-December the Agriculture Department reported Friday The advance put prices about 188 per cent above the level prevailing just before the Korean war But they were still about seven per cent below the record level set In January 1948 Commodities which increased during the month Included egg wheat corn and wool Lower price wer received for cotton grapefruit hogs and chirk cm rntlonped i reopen Delinquent Taxes Ilia Pvlven Ahiiani Buirk 4-dvr Pa- Hiira 4Mpwr ORDFRH IS I'nd OiaiRK'T Ot BT Hlaak Jadaa PreaMIng Fred llarl I Ri4 aal Ilnrd di'mlp1 ta ptainuff Biaa PT Bmar eaa dianile'd after raue nf arOoc and taaaa and roala paid Make: Ru'h Hob fl CllfNiii Unit raiB dimiaart A at vq Paabfft rauae nf Bfhtm and taif and ro paid raia dif fpifd 0la Adklnn vt P'arwlard iid nf Indnrtai Apfldent a a rerma- ORIII R4 OF taifh OlkTBK OCIIT naa Thamaa BrHIwi JaBf pr'v iffk I AJfiaffdf wotinn ftof i tvui A4pBft dfffftdan epfp I a 151 it nntlp appaaL to II CnjFt Mi I(i1 Ash1' Fatand GLADEWATER IVc 2 F- Five major oil companies and ev- wi'ni a rn eral individuals Fndav pa 19I Jsim- Tiiwr 's s--siibi delinquent taxes tn the City ir'-r-h er --s rjutai Gladewater of 867539 85 Pavment came after meetings ofi jsn- iu: t- e-tt-- represen-j p'- maior oil i w--rn rh-n-t! agreed tn f-sv-r Rn 11 ra prniarv'n a if the Sim tt 4 Dap FI' iir ff fra'ffr u-a a wit rf-rc'-' a iinn rp t-j-! a- r- --a-r -a on Puli-v 1 in KMnn co Err plsnt at Tills Okla for produc-" stfrscf win dung I rw opilav tv jb aiftav pa mteMLin UUia-mph -refzst a sn Rr-n Auk 5 7 1 E'M r-n i-w-r 4 pf prfvwip daa lilt menh CS 4133 tr 43 r-sr (b 1415 Produce earlier and 233 percent a rear ago The record index was 306 set in January 1948 Under the law minimum ceilings fnr farm products must he the higher nf 1 parity prices for in-EigM major commodities v-ere I dividual Items or 2 the top prires at or above permissive minimum farmers received in the month be-price ceiling levels authorized by fore the war began In Korea late economic stabilization legislation in June They included cotton rice flue- Parity is a standard for measur-cuirri tnharen wool cnMnneed 1 ing farm price If is declared by their union Friday to "go hack to beef cattle lambs and veal calves law to be equaily fair to farmers Washington" to negotiate "mmc and those who buy their product favorable" terms in a rrorned Parity price are the goal of fed-(three era! farm programs lAmerican railroads tmn of R-47 atrulojot bnmnor 11 Tn plant now ocrnpirr! hy th Armr corps nf enginrers and All other important commodities were selling for less than minimum 'ceiling levels No price ceilings NIC AGO CHICAGO TW Kqfer HKhana-ed AA 93 vn'f 71 9 A 711 5 a7aM Kai unrbansad aveep pen a dnam companiaw osda on Iaf V-4 WBIVC penally rf jn 1 -44 warfR 44- cqf rnmnamea nairl hv -Ian i rr-' rf'i'p-8 rvegv rnmpanie pain ann i VMT TOOK VF'A" vrif it nc a-frr Di 13 imrt tCj a Mayor Carl Prude with tatives nf earh nf the The ritv I lir III Rfld interest Nino milvon pjrroq of used annually by travelers man cirs EM LITTLES SONS 2328 Butternut Aoilene Specializing in Oil Fisid erh etskw newweye ySAISe 9.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.