The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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20 THE SPRINGIELD DA IL' REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS: THURSDAY JANUARY 27 1927 AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOB11ES EM PLOY MEN! BUSINESS SERVICE Automobiles Kt Sule 33 ProfeHSlunal Services Help II Anto Accessories Repairing 28 iy2 In Plano Tuners Henovatlng and Dyeing 1C EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted emale 32 by goo 17 WANT ADS pom START HERE BUSINESS SERVICE Business Services Offered 18 ANNO CEM ExN TS lorists 19 Building Contracting 10 Lost and found TOOL AND DIE DESIGNERS WANTED of China 20 MOON SEDAN Help Wanted Maie 33 BEAIIN INC 6360 339 Worthington St finish median AUTOMOBILES 24 Papering Automobile Dealers Male or emale 31 Automobiles or Sale CORPORATION HEADQUARTERS CHICAGO I 3(1 tsltuatfons Wanter emale (Rated AAA 1) 26 Printing Stationery CARS AND TRUCKS REPOSSESSED River 6128 672 Main St heavy duty Professiona' Sei vices 27 from tho I MOON THE DOCTOR WILL BE BACK IN THIRTY MINUTES 1 Wrtte for Booklet mimute Rea Pat OflL Coryiht 1927 hy The Chfcapj 1 rt'mr the the WANTED Character Impersonators read era etc Earl Amusem*nts 1635 Main 1922 car See ROLLS ROYCE CO WALNUT 0400 CARS 889 finish paint and bal Load to Washington Sul livan the mover 19 Broadway SALESMEN (3) experienced 1n the brush newspaper or specialty line to represent a nationally advertised product See Mr Nor ton after 9 a 405 Hitchco*ck Bldg GLASSES Shell rimmed lost In or on Main St between and 3d National Bank Walnut 5374 SALESMEN Room 511 1597 Main St or work on small Interchangeable parte HILL SECTION 49 Wilbraham Ave 2 ga rages for rent Wai 1209 or 238G Situated near the Capitol and the Union Station ton coupe coach ccach attitude of the British gov expressed in its mem It stresses "however the there are no American con has at de be AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN WANTED life of re SEH A LITTLE bit Excuse Sailings scheduled every rU day from New York over night from Miami BOX 117 UNION OICE BOSTON WAIX PAPER PAINT CO DECORATORS1 PAPERHANGERS 979 MAIN ST WALNUT 8530 China and the Senate I REGAN Painting and paperhanging $350 per room 69 Eddy St WAS APAtO COULDN'T IMISH MY PIE PETE in Shanghai are British defense effort to prevent capturing and ce city of Shanghai TAUZR Experienced on Hoffman presses and repairing altering and women' garments itzgerald 308 Bridge St AMBITIOUS salesmen nnd salesladies who will work only live wires need apply Call after 1 Room 22 182 State St MAN familiar with office work and able to do selling 1695 Main St Room 312 ORR MOTOR CO 92 Memorial St Just Over Memorial Bridge Walnut 5103 Walnut 51M SALESMEN Manufacturer of nationally advertised line of automobile chemical products wants experienced salesman for nearby counties Clean selling record re qulred Must have car Commission bn si Drawing acct Excellent opportunity Box 66 Union Office CANVAS wood baskets (4) lost between Columbus Ave via Orange and Dickinson Sts to Sumner Ave Reward 8713 Reconditioned new tires new paint Jewett Sedan reconditioned new tires new paint ord Sedan late model $100 1 1 DAYf ALL EXPENJEJ yIjU ana up Drug clerk with 3 or 4 exper'ence Apply ournier's Pharmacy Hubbard St Ludlow Mass SALESMAN To sell pianos vfc trolas nnd radios Good propos tlon for right party In good lively territory about 35 miles outside of Springfield Box 1955 Union Office Wanted nemitiful appointments Excellent food and service Open to men and women No Tipping HUDSON Real bargain $325 Over land Spfld 643 Main St River 7455 JORDAN TOURING Excellent condition Owner leaving city $290 8587 LADY'S WHITE GOLD WRIST WATCH with link bracelet Initials Re ward Call Walnut 990 Ask for Edith Mc Carthy SUM MONEY Hoar 1587 Main St balloon tires PLATING polishing oxidizing lacquering and coloring silver brass or copper Spfld Plating Works 17 Taylor St 6666 ROYAL TYPEWRITER COMPANY 150 New Park Ave Hartford Conn au such Catholic young man Polish' American preferred: ou's'de work: coni' mission Write Box 127 Union Office MAN AND WIE farm position with house hospital chambermaid Hanley Emp 273 Dwight St Reo 6 cvl Dodge Graham Jewett coach White 5 ton dump Autocar 3 ton dump Mack 2U ton Dodge Graham rack body White 2 ton ord ord ord ord Dodge sedan ord coupe Maxwell coach SILK SCAR peach color hand painted lost Sat Reward 1532 LATE 1023 IERCE ARROW MODEL 33 ENCLOSED DRIVE 7 PASS SEDAN WITH DIVISION GLASS EXCELLENT CONDITION AUTO GLASS radiator covers winter spe cialties Jefferson Auto Top Co Wai 1617 1061 Dwight St ed with one another for control In China The government of the Unit ed States expects however that the people of China and their leaders will recognize the right of American citi zen In China to protection tor and property during the period conflict for which they are not sponsible "In the event that the Chinese thorities are unable to afford protection it is of course the funda mental duty of the United States to protect the lives and property of its citizens It Is with the possible ne cessity for this in view that Ameri can naval forces arc now in Chinese waters "This government wishes to deal with China in a most liberal spirit It holds no concessions in China and never manifested any imperialistic titude toward that country It sires however that its citizens given equal opportunity with the citi zens of the other powers to reside In China and to pursue their legitimate occupations without special privileges monopolies or spneres or special terest or the the the lem explained that it will take a month to six weeks to move the British troops to Shanghai The precaution ary steps therefore must be earlier than by other countries such' as Japan which is only a few steaming from Shanghai and the United States which can meet emergencies by the quick dispatch of troops Philippines State of War In Lieut Gen Sir Philip NASH COACH newly painted price very low A Center Inc 486 Bridge St 7915 MEN 2 married preferred local sales work $10 and commissions Trial period Rm 516 Terminal Bldg 4 to fl today AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT l'AUTS There la hardly an orphan Genden Bros cannot supply pans for 2387 Main cor Morgan St 1300 1926 1926 1925 1925 1924 1921 1925 1019 1925 1926 1926 1925 1926 '924 60 CAR GARAGE OR RENT BEST LOCATION With showroom and service station steam heated equipped and now oper ating Phone River 820 Chetwodc commander in chief at Aidershot in saying farewell to the troops depart ing for China today said: "There Is no state of war in China and be if we can prevent it You are going to protect property we hold by treaty Keep your temper smil The British Labor movement tonight sent a delegation to Sir Austen Cham berlain secretary for foreign affairs SALESMAN We have an open ing at the present time for one or two salesman Must be progressive and willing to work young men preferred experience unnecessary references required See Mr Galentine George Adame Inc 648 State St GRACE DODGE HOTEL cWASHiNGTONDC( RULES NORTH CAROLINA CONVICTS CAN BE LOGGED Raleigh Jan (AP) ging of convicts in North Carolina prisons is legal tho supremo court held here today The high court re versed a judgment delivered by Judge A Stack in Buncombe superior court assessing a fine of $25 and costs against Reavis superintendent of the Buncombe county prison camp for whipping a prisoner OLDS 4 Model 43A excellent mechanical condition new paint good tires A Center Inc 486 Bridge St 7915 RICKENB ACKER Straght 8 coupe road ster 1926 used 3 months inance Co River 5603 Service Station i Renairine 15 irst class for Box 100 Hnlycke Union Office 1 orces Race for Shanghai London Jan 26 (AP) The race for Shanghai prize city of the Orient is on between the British army and navy and the Chinese Nationalists The Cantonese conquest of the great International settlement at the mouth of the Yangtze where 40000 foreigners reside and many foreign refuges from all parts of China are now gathered and where tho immense foreign trade interests of China are centered must be accomplished with in six weeks if the Cantonese are to avoil dealing with the British defense force of 20 000 men who are hurriedly leaving or will soon leave British porta In Malta and India It is repeatedly emphasized by the British foreign office however that there will be no clash between the British and Cantonese unless British lives and property endangered The force will make no the Cantonese from cupylng the native if they are strong enough to do so The British maintain that the ques tion of the control of Chekiang prov ince right up to the limits of Shang international settlement is a problem to be settled by the attack ing forces of Gen Chiang Kai shek commander of the Cantonese troops and the defending army of Marshal Sun Chuan fang ruler of Chekiang Will Defend City Line Should Shanghai Itself be threaten ed either by fighting or by the rabble of a defeated Chinese army the Brit ish defense force together with the Shanghai volunteer organization and whatever forces Japan the United States and rance have available would probably be deployed along the 21 line which would completely cut off Shanghai from the interior This 21 mile Vne has been defended on previous occasions by volunteers and foreign detachments when Chinese civil war threatened the city While government officials lay stress on neutrality and nonaggressive in tentions in the ar East the man in tho street seems mainly Interested in little which is being played up in the newspapers by pages of pictures of the departing troops and graphic descriptions of sol farewells The foreign office maintains that emphasis given by the press to precautionary measures distorts whole picture of the Chinese prob confronting the country It is Pacific HART Gen Agent Passenger Dept 4VS Boylston St Boston Mass PAINTING and paperhanplng Very low prices Pisani Tel 1675 or 3S9 5V HOUSE PAINTING paperhanqing Beaver board and metal ceilings Special prices this mo Miller 47 Laurel Av 9308 Moving Trucking Storage 23 EMP BUREAU Sec stenog $25 exp stenog $20 66 Vernon St after which the Laborltes adopted a resolution deploring "the Haunted mil itary demonstration against the Can ton government as the effect may sth up a spirit of panic and aggression on both sides and make inevitable the ry misfortunes it is pretended to prevent demonstration is likely to thwart the policy of nego tiation and amicablo settlement which the foreign office was appearing to pursue and tends to set that policy aside for one of threat and defiance ORDS! ORPS! 1825 Tudor 1924 ordor 1925 Coupe 1924 1825 Touring 1 ton truck 1925 6 post body 1924 panel delivery 1926 ord Tudor 1826 ord Coupe 1925 ord Tudor terms to suit free stor age See Henry 2550 Main St It 4880 BUICK 1823 2 passenger coupe excellent condition Tel Orchard 22 between 9 and 5 RESH CUT Howers house plants and floral designs for all occasions Wenk lorists 128 Hanco*ck St 4724 Green house 930 Allen St Character Impersonators read ers etc Earl Amusem*nts 1695 Main St 20 SALESLADIES WANTED at onceOur new advertising proposition can't he beat Come In and see us Naylor Co 138 Dwight St Springfield CHEVROLET tour 1924 used very little Perfect condition Slot Walnut 320 SALESMAN Experienced salesman who desires to Increase his Income and obtain a permanent position where hts ability to close business will be fully rewarded Heat ing of homes by Nokol oil heating equip ment Is thoroughly established Liberal ad vertising campaign and sales co operation by sales manager Arrangements Can ba made with sales manager for appointment for interview Automatic Oil Heating Co 238 Dwight St SALESMAN Manufacturer of a prominent washing ma chine has opening for a capable man who can develop into larger positions Write Box 51 Union Office Doing $400000 national advertising annually with market unlimited with product proved tested and found with method of sale now being used doing over $6000 000 worth of business annually has three openings In this district for men preferably between the ages of 28 and 40 who believe success Isspelled with four letters WORK Earning possibilities $3000 to $6000 men selected will be trained and coached to succeed In our business right In Springfield for 30 days This has nothing to do with stocks bonds real estate or Insurance but experi ence in these fields helpful Telephone Walnut 8828 or write LaSalle Extension University 308 Stearns Bldg eitrners has been spread under Rus sian direction llely on American Warships American warships safeguard for eigners in Shanghai Capable of land ing 800 men they are the largest foreign naval contingent at present protecting the "Paris of the There was more felt today for safety of foreigners in tho interior and other coastal cities than for in Shanghai at least for the present Most of the American wom en and children already ha've left the oochow district of ukien prov ince and the rest are preparing to withdraw Anxiety was caused there by the recent attack upon foreign mission property and upon foreigners tnemseives many being beaten fanatical Chinese mobs Ten Chinese were executed for mob violence in oochow after Cantonese had arrested 200 charged with being implicated in it rom the interior of Chekiang and Kiangsu provinces evacuation of American women and children is planned to Shanghai in view of threats that Cantonese armies are about to overrun these provinces and because of the antiforeign feeling that has been engendered Small disorders continue in towns up the Yangtze river but some encouragement was felt when British and American busi ness men returned to their vocations in Hankow WINTER SPORTS Now At Their Best All Over New England ur Information Apply to KEW ENGLAK1) HOTEL ASSOCIATION Pierce Rldfc Copley Si Boston AUBURN 8 88 sedan: brand new fully equipped terms inance Co Wai 320 HEMSTITCHING done at 8c a yard pleat ing skirts for $150 Baby Shop 297 Bridge St River 1254 CHIMNEYS CLEANED by suction posi tively no dirt no dust: fireplaces boilers and furnaces also cleaned by this modem supervaruum process A Richardson 133 Orleans St Walnut 1291 A LONG ESTABLISHED AUTOMO BILE DISTRIBUTOR IN SPRING IELD HAS AN OPENING OR ANOTHER SALESMAN THE MAN WANTED MUST BE ABLE TO SHOW THAT HE HAS SOLD SUC i CESULLY BUT NOT NECES SARILY AUTOMOBILES WILLING NESS TO WORK IS ESSENTIAL TO THE RIGHT MAN A REAL OP PORTUNITY IS OERED ALL REPLIES WILL BE TREATED STRICTLY CONIDENTIAL Business stationery of all kinds Ask Cor quotations Premier Printing Co 5G Harrison Ave River 1456 ESSEX COACH 1926 Like new Duco paint many extras $430 Terms ESSEX TOURING bumpers balloon tires many other extras nnd new paint Car in excellent condition Owner must sell Phone Mr Wing River 6170 PAINTING and paperhanging $350 per room White River ESSEX COACH 1925 Perfect throughout trunk bumpers etc inance Cn 320 1927 1925 1924 1925 1925 CADILLAC 1926 phaeton 1923 Lincoln se dan 1926 Nash 7 pass sedan 1925 neo coupe 1924 Studebaker light 6 sedan: 1926 lint sedan: 1924 Nash pass sedan 1922 Packard muring 1923 Hudson sedan Jerry Duryea Inc Cadillac Distributors 563 State St River 7410 CHRYSLER ROAD model 71) 1926 Buick 1922 4 pass coupe Hudson brougham 1926 Essex coach 192G Essex coach 1925 Essex coach 1924 Chevrolet sedan 1924 Chevrolet tour 1924 Willys Knight sedan 1924 Jewett touring 1923: Essex road 1922 Essex toifring 1922 Hudson 4 pass coupe 1922 1924 Dodge Cadillac sedan 1923: Dodge touring 1922 Velle touring 1923 Hudson touring 1923 rveu louring neu louring Terms to suit free storage Your taken in trade for a good used car Henry 2550 Main St Tel 480 AST through route to Van couver Victoria Connections for Seattle California and Coast points Go or return through the Canadian Pacific Rockies See them in their winter splendor Travel on a train remarkable for schedule time Compartment observation cars unsurpassed dining car service At Vancouver Magnificent Van couver Hotel At Victoria the Empiess Hotel also Canadian Pacific Standard AH Year Round Trip Tickets at Reduced Rates Call or write for full information Ask for Tour 28 AIREDALE 5 mos old Call Sulli van 360 Not tlncham St Walnut 8403 It BRACELET Silver link with 3 sap phires on JVelllngton St or Harrison Ave Walnut ATLANTIC CITYN Tk reoize! family Hotel 1 th Jersey Coast NEW COLONIAL HOTEL the social center of this charming British colony Unique grill and tap room open air dance garden New York Booking Office Room 202 67 Wall Street AUBURN SALES AND SERVICE BLAND'S 611 MAIN ST RIVER 5646 MARCEL WAVING 50 cents One retouch free Strand apts Room 382 Walnut 7253 1926 NASH 2 door sedan fully equipped Has balloon tires 4 wheel brakes and Duco finish 1926 NASH tight sedan: fully equipped balloon tints 4 wheel brakes 1926 ESSEX coach balloon tires and good paint 1925 NASH 2 door sedan 4 whee! brakes balloon tires ana ijuco 1925 ORD coupe good loon tires 1925 HUDSON coach Duco finish 1923 NASH sedan Duco nArfftpt 1923 BUICK roadster Duco finish AU good tires desired the unity the Independence and prosperity of the Chinese Secretary Kellug says in his state ment "It has deslredHhat tariff con 1 trol and extraterritoriality provided 1 by our treaties with China should as early as possible be released "The United States Is now and has been ever since the negotiation of the Washington treaty prepare to enter into negotiations with any govern ment of China or delegates who can represent or speak for China not only for the putting into force of the sur taxes of the Washington treaty but entirelyoreleasing taric control and re storing complete tariff autonomy to China United States would expect however that It be granted most fa vored nation treatment and that there should be no discrimination by grants of special privileges and that the open door with equal opportunity for trade In China shall be maintained: and further that China should afford every protection to American citizens to their property and rights United States is prepared to put into force the recommendations of the extraterritoriality commission which can be put Into force without a treaty at once and to' negotiate the release of extraterritorial rights as soon as China is prepared to provide protection by law and through her courts to American citizens their rights and Ready to Negotiate Steps leading up to the Pekin cus toms and extraterritorial conferences initiated by Secretary Kellogg at the request of the Chinese (Pekin) gov ernment are reviewed by the secre tary to show the willingness of the United States to deal 'liberally with China as to the unequal treaties It is pointed out that the American del egation to the customs conference proposed that the powers authorize at once the levying by China of the 2M to 5 per cent customs surtaxes agreed to at Washington The Amer ican group also announced willingness to negotiate forthwith a new tariff autonomy and up to the middle of April 1926 there' appeared every prospect termination of the con ference to the satisfaction of the Chi nese and the other Mr Kel logg says but about that time the government which represented China at the conference was forced out of power althougn the American dele gates remained at Pekin until July 3 hoping without result that the Chi nese internal situation would stabilize and permit continuance of their work "The government of the United States was ready then and is ready now to continue the negotiations of the entire subject of the tariff and extraterritoriality or to take nn nego tiations on behalf of the Un'ted Stages Mr Kellogg concluddes only question Is with whom it shall negotiate As I have said heretofore if China can agree upon the appoint ment of delegates representing the authorities or the people of the coun try we are prepared to negotiate such a treaty however existing treaties which were ratified by the Senate of the United States cannot be abrogated by the President but must be super seded by new treaties negotiated with somebody representing subsequently ratified bv of the United States Welcomes Awakening government of the United States has watched with sympathetic interest the nationalistic awakening of China and welcomes every advance by the Chinese people toward reor ganizing their system of government "During the difficult years since the establishment of the new regime in 1912 the government of the United States has endeavored in every way to maintain an attitude of the most careful and strict neutrality as among the several factions that have disput Trans Canada to the North Pacific Coast and California Britain Makes New Offers London Jan 26 The British cabi net took immediate steps to "soften" its policy toward China today upon receipt of advices that the Un ted States is 'Ukely to favor a reconsid eration ofXthe unequal treaties be tween ChinA and the interested pow ers A new memorandum described as containing constructive proposals applicable to all in was cabled to British Charge faires O'Malley at Hankow was directed to present the communi cation to Eugene CJien Cantonese for eign minister and secure a reply at the earliest possible hour It is admitted that an earlier memorandum offering "to treat with any Chinese government demonstrating an authoritative did not satisfy Chon Today's communication is Intended to serve the double purpose of reiter ating a nonaggressive claim and smoking out Chen to see if he will really "place his cards on the table" The position is being made difficult by the charge of nearly all other political parties that the gov ernment is dominated by the militar ists and the "die of the war party PAPERHANGING and painting: lowest prices Coyle River 6771 PAINTING and paperhanging: wallpaper re moved by machine Koehler II CHRYSLER 70 coa'h 1826 brand new fully equipped Snetlflce inance Co 320 ORD ton truck 1826 excellent condition price $250 also others: Reo Speedwagon On Grove Garage River 7278 ORD COUPE 1923 Perfect condition $75 terms Walnut Annual Summer Cruise to the MEDITERRANEAN and EUROPE fpedally chartered the Cunard and Anchor Linet rom New York June 30th back in New York Sepclst1927 The itinerary includes Madeira Spain Greece Constantinople Cyprus the Holy Land Egypt Naples Home Monaco Paris London returning to New York via Havre Southampton Op tional OverlandTours duringthe Cruise to Italy Switzerland the Rhine rance and England Time in for Radio lecturecn this cruise Station WJZ New York every Sunday nighlat 830 Eastern Standard Time Thos Cook fct Son 167 Tremont St Bnton It or A Cnrroll 1383 MMn St or A Wentworth 81 btate St Spring field LINT 80 sport touring 1927 brand new Repossessed by inance Co It 5603 171 NT nooRrsodan 1926 like new Sac inance Co Walnut 320 CHRYSLER 98 4 door aedan 1926 Chev rolet coupe late model 2 to choose from Chevrolet coach late model A Reopell 700 State St CHANDLER COACl I Retinishrd low price Overland Spfid 6 13 Main St 7455 SALESMEN Salary and commlsMnn chance of ad 'ancemrnt to right party ply Mr Rernillnra 467 Dwight St lynke Worsted weavers for night tvirk on Knowles looms Oily experienced wpiv prs on two1oom work need apply Mills South Hadley alls Mass 1st class all round baker steady position Apply at once Mancaddy (tardy Shop Greenfield Mass WRIST WATCH gold octagon initials lost by district nurse cor Lin den and Chestnut Sts Call Mrs Paul 8480 or WRIST WATCH Gold octa gon monogram Reward 3723 WRIST WATCH In vicinity of Handy Co inder return to office of Handy Co Hampden St IRST CLASS Only those accus tomed to wording on high class merchandise need apply Box 65 Union Office GIRL preferred 16 or over light housework Cart of child 5 years Good home Walnut 2273 amous Cruises BY CUMARO BIG NEW OIL 3URNERS ms vatMt rlndimr hotels guides drives AND WESTERN BlOIwVV A MEDITERRANEAN 52 DATS $6OO to $1300ss July 2 Indudcs Lisbon Spain Tangier Al giers Italy Riviera Sweden Norway Scotland Berlin (Paris London) 1927 World Cruise leaves Im Angeles eb 5 Vacancies Jan 1 6 28 Around the World125 days $1250 to $3000 Jan25'28To the Mediterranean 65 days $600 to $1700 A Wentnortli bl St A Cnrroll 1383 Main St Clark Time Bldu: New York Munsojt fl Wall Street New th Or Recognized Tourist Agent1 CLASH EARED WHEN POWERS DEEND CITY (Continued rom irst Page) INC master cleaners and dyers of garments rugs and household furnishings ree col lev ion and delivery service 13 State St River 7525 RUGS compressed air cleane! steam ster lllzerf tapestry SI 50 Cresc ht Cai pet Cleaning Co 56 Harrison Ave 3196 OR A MAN with specialty sales experi ence who can deposit $125 as guarantee can offer subagency on device which will earn $300 monthly no competition no house to house soliciting Write Hush A Phone: Agency 9 Sherman St Charles town Mass HIGH GRADE SALESMAN wanted Married niaa between ages of 25 and 40 No (ravel Ing After training period successful men make $300 per month Reply confidential Write Boa 134 Union Office giving phone number YOUNG MEN 4 to learn salesmanship with large New York concern Chance fop advancement Call after 830 a DIsL Supt Room 405 1362 Main St YOUNG MEN Energetic permanent work references start $40 while loaming: dally drawing account household necessity Ap ply Room 516 1695 Main St 3 to 5 tn today CHIMNEYS SWEPT from top to bottom all kinds of roofs nnd valleys repaired mason work of all kinds A Rich ardson 133 Orleans St Phone 6291 Permanent and portable con sttuctlnn Unit Construction Co 225 Park Ave West Spfid River 3470 CONCILIATORY POLICY STATED I BY KELLOGG Ij (Continued rom irst rupted by a Chinese revolution in 1925 were authorized to sign and expected to sign such a treaty It is stated 3To Drop Extraterritorial Claims As to extraterritorial treaties Secre tary Kellogg affirms the desire of the Washington government to make effective at once recommendations of the Pekin extraterritoriality commis sion which do not require treaty changes and to negotiate with China a new treaty covering the progres sive relinquishment of extraterritorial rights proposed by that commission "as soon as China is prepared to pro vide protection by law and through her courts to American citizens their rights and The statement makes no mention Of the British Chinese memorandum to which it was originally planned to be a reply It Is described by Mr Kellogg as a It has been cabled to Minister MacMurray for publication at Pekin with instructions to forward it at once to the consuls generai at Hankow to the Cantonese government headquarters and to Shanghai for similar publication to In sure understanding by all Chinese factional leaders' of 'the American at titude Copies have been handed to tho representatives in Washington of the powers signatory to the Washing ton conference treaties for the in formation of their governments The statement on its face does not develop any wide divergence of view from the ernment orandum fact that cessions in China President Coolidge has let it be known that in this respect there is room for differences in Amer ican and British policy in dealing with the Chinese problem United States has always podfie sedan brand new Chrysler 70 brougham Buick Redan 7pass Chevrolet Redan Nash roah advance 6 Reo Redan lint sedan model 55 rnarh Many others full line of (ires Pay as you Open evenings JACK STONE 109 Dwight St Walnut 5565 LINT SEDAN (T26) Used very little: fully equipped $82 terms Walnut 429 CHAIRS RESEATED by the blind Edward Scheurer 739 Sumner Ave Walnut ALL CHAIRS cushions parlor suites etc neatly reuphofstored and repaired ree estimates Walnut 6449 tPHOLSTERING AND Ksti mates Call Called for and de livered BUICK SiORT RD Packard Single 6 Sport 1926 Studebaker Standaid 6 Coach lint Sedan Willys Knight Sedan INTERNATIONAL MOTOR CAR CO 573 Main St Walnut 3097 BUICK REBUILT USED TOUR INGS COUPE SEDANS SPR1NGIEI BUICK CO 630 MAIN ST 7872 ROBERTS AUTO EXCHANGE Westerly end South End bridge: used care bought and sold parts of all makes Rivet 6445 USED ORD See Henry 2550 Main St Tel River 4880 HAMPDEN ENCLOSURES Manufacturers All kinds top and metal work Hampd Auto Top Metal Co 31 33 Winter St River 4905 POLICE DOG Male 9 mos old strayed away Monday Please call River POCKET BOOK LOST CONTAINING 1 wo safe deposit box keys Reward Call Wal nut 5696 PEARL ROSARY lost Sat between the Westinghouse and Duxyea St Spfld USED Norcross Cameton Cu est 1904 distributors for Chrysler fours and sixes 151 Bridge St Tel River 6170 WILLI AMM )TOR SALES Recc idl tinned Dodge Bros cars a few nthe model 61 Bliss St Walnut 47ft GOLD BAND RING with Sept 2 writ ten on inside lost Reward Return to 319 Bridge St HIGH SCHOOL RING 1027 lost between Elliot and Bridge Sts Tues on top inside River 834 ORDS 1921 1922 1023 ord tourings 10 of them at $25 each All In running order Auto Sales Co 95 Liberty St ORD ORDOR sedan late 1925 5 balloon tires lock wheel 4465 between 5 6 ORDS 1925 ton truck chassis $125 1925 truck new body and cab $260: 1925 truck high side open express $225 several 1923 and 24 chassis priced right: 1924 delivery top body $95: 1923 panel delivery $75 1924 roadster pickup body very good $100 Auto Sales Co 95 Liberty St ORDS 50 repossessed by banks all late models Call WM093 ANDERSON A urniture and plana movers local and long distance storage 157 59 tebanun St Wai 3087 GLOTH TRASKR 9 Cypress St geing to Thila Pa between now and eb 10th with 2 closed 5 ton vans Low rate on any thing returning Office Phone Wai R440 Residence 43 Church St Walnut NASH CHEVROLET AGENCY (Thomp sonville Conn Tel 606 Come down and see our 50 used cars and save money: 1926 Chevrolet coupe 1926 ord coupe NASH 2 door sedan 1926 perfect condition small mileage $875 inance Co 4594 WANTED men 25 td 40 yrs to distrib ute 100 free samples per week and inks orders for tho Better Brushes Must be satisfied with $40 and hnus for trial pe riod Apply Rm 517 1695 Main St 2 to 6 WANTED 10 MEN between 20 and 35 who have ambition and are not afraid of work to connect with the largest home appliance concern in the world A future assured if you can qualify uture expansion will require 100 more executives If interested call at 125 State St Service Appliance Co AUTO BODIES repaired and refinished In varnish or Duco All Metal Company Inc 531 Worthington St River 7491 IBERLOID LIGHTS in auto curtains: they average 40c each curtains completed the same day received Dunn Co 32 Patton St KNOX MOTORS ASSO 53 Wllluaham Rd 313u fender and body repairs enamel Ing Authorized Duco Refinishing Station SEDAN ROOS re covered In best prices range from $10 to $15 Cars taken by appointment Dunn Co 32 Pat ton St CALL RIVER 5676 or furniture and piano moving Pfires reasonable iVeRS EXPR Established 1871 ur niture and moving River 19 Broadway Residence Walnut 2994 LOADS tT New York and Boston wanted Weekly rips Sullivan "The Mover 19 Broadway 2900 Res' Wal nut 2994 urniture Moving $3 hour: dump trucking 11 ranklin' 1581 1921 touring $75 1922 touring $35 1924 (late) touring $100: 1925 runalxut pickup body $175 Used nrd parts Byrnes Motor Co ord Dealers 29 Belmont Ave Walnut 82 1926 touring brand new body $300: 1926 runabout like new $300: 1926 runabout with steel delivery body perfect shape $250: 1924 touring $75: 1923 coupe $75 1923 sedan $125: 1924 Tudor $175 1925 ordor $300 Auto Sales Co 95 Lib erty St ORDS ORDS 1927 model Tudor Sedan like new $400 192G ordor Sedan 3375 1926 Tudor Sedan $350 1926 Coupe $350 1926 Touring $250 1926 Runabout $200 1925 Touring $125 1924 Touring $50 1926 Runabout sllp on body $200 1925 Panel Truck $100 Have on hand 70 ords late models: some cannot be told from new Sold with guarantee: cars bought by me cf inance Co Cash or eaay terms one year to pay Acker man 48 Willow St City PIANO AND PI AVER repairing (10 vrs with orbes Wallace) Tuning $2 50 re building a specialty WOLE A HENNION 284 Walnut St Wai 326ft PIANOS TUNED $150 Introductory price Repairing high grade work guaranteed best references airfield 1142 AMBITIOUS and serious minded young mar Tied man who can speak Polish or rench who is willing to work 12 hrs a day In business with possibilities of a great future and large eaminga Selling experience though preferred is unnecessary if the de sire to work hard and learn is big Good salary ands commission to start Apply be tween 12 and 1 to Mr Bourque Mgr Gibbs Piano Co 185 Dwight St Springfield Mass BARBER WANTED At 320 Dwight St HOUSEKEEPING wanted by middle aged woman no objections to 1 or 2 children 31 Tracy St River HOUSEKEEPER ITOtestant widow 4Q years refined home capable full manage ment Box 110 Holyoke Union Office OICE wanted Good Phone Walnut 8719 IOS1TIONS as cook or general housekeep er wanted River 407 EMP? BUREAU 36 New Dwight St for results Cal1 River 8998 WOMAN wats general housework best of references Box 136 Union Office Automobile or Sale II Y3 KN I I IT CO A CH and sedan re finished new tires bargains Overland Springfield 643 Main St River 7455 Tudor roach 1925 with balloon tires Call Walnut 8551 GOOD USED CARS CADILLAC AND OTHER MAKES JERRY DURYEA INC 563 STATE ST RIVER 7410 Heating and Plumbing MAGEE Ranges furnaces and gas stoves Elmer Wellman 240 Chest nut St River PATIENTS Private home Nurse 21 Vernon St Northampton Tel RANGEVIEW SANITARIUM Amherst Mass: a homelike place for the invalid acute or chronic Rational appliances trained nurses and resident physician insure the heat of care REGINA MAI)NE Now located at 135 Bridge St the Brldgway Barber Shop Tel Wal 9895 Shanqoolng marcelling manicuring facials and scalp massage TOURAINE BEAUTYARLOruEverything 1 in beauty culture marcel waving 75c 182 State St Touralne Bldg TOWNE SCHOOL BEAUTY CULTURE Thorough courses In all branches Ro 622 Ct Sq Bldg 31 Elm St River 6858 Join the Bathing Parade at tj Unspoiled by Summer Stormi where golden sunshine makes water enjoyable every qsT hours from New York no pas ports You will find the OLD ESTABLISHED manufacturer selling automobile accessory direct to consumer at $3 wishes responsible representative full ox part time Auto device sells on sight Ex elusive distributor Room 3 101 State St OPPORTUNITY for salesman to sell final ity line: a few openings left in Western Massachusetts See District Sales Man ager Room 207 25 Harrison Ave OUTSIDE SALESMEN (2) to work through nne of the largest department stores In the city Married men preferred Will thorough ly train men Permanent position for those who qualify Call between 530 and 7 xn 121 Chestnut Bt Room 246 SHOE SALESMAN Give experience and age Must have 3 or more years in retail shoe work Box 125 Union Office USED CARS BOUGHT OR Jack Stone Dwight St Wain 5565 WE PAY CASH for good used Henry 2550 Main St Tel River 4880 ARTIICIAL TEETH A SPECIALTY' DK HARVEY 288 Chestnut St 2121 BUSCALL NURSING Est 1890 moderate rates 235 Pine St 6838 CHILDREN'S 171 Maple St children cared tor hr or day responsible person Walnut 4733 OREST PARK REST HOME for elderly invalids chronics and acute cases 5419 LORENCE 175 State St Swed ish massage Wed Thurs and ri 9 a to 6 River 8693 MASSAGENoThlng better mentally and physically than a thorough massage Call nurse Walnut 2564 COMPETENT WOMAN for general house work in family of three adults Tay lor 546 White Street City COUNTER GIRL wanted Apply New Dwight Restaurant 28 New Dwight St COMPETENT COOK would like position in private family River COOKING wanted Can furnish references Call 1161 Carew St COLORED MAID wants light work in small family JK COMPETENT HELP of all kinds Mis Henry's Emp Bureau 531 State 5112 GIRL would like jantry or chamber Walnut GOOD COOK housekeeper preferably charge of home Box 141 Union Office QLA'MOROUS days and magic nights under the golden spell of the Caribbean in Spain" have a New World counterpart ia America's beautifu? of Rate include attractive motor tours in and about San Juan 9mc 'ven permitted Magnificent and Lorenaa 'mate sailings everv Thursdxr PORTO RICO LINE Cruise Department: 25 Broadway New York vr Any Authorised Tourist Agent Millinery Dressmaking 22 CURTAINS and draperies made to order blankets rebound puffs and pillows recov ered Walnut NEW IROQUOIS HOTEL Atlantic Ci(y represents the best thought in modern hotel construction with rates lower than any other first class hotel Radio nnd telephone in most rooms Jt Queen Prop IL Lttdy Owner AT ONCE 2 competent girls as cook and chambermaid waitress fnr small family high wages references Hanley Emp Bu reau 273 Dwight St ALL KINDS of Earl Amusem*nt 1695 Main St Motorcycles and Bicsele 12 ABSOLUTELY no Interest charges on orders taken now for April I delivery of a new or rebuilt Harley Davidson Dyer Everett Inc 555 State St GOOD TIME to start payment toward your new Henderson or Super motorcycle Let De Montlgny 11 Catharine SJ JOIN the Indian club today $1 starts you Call In or phone for full particulars Cran dall Cycle Co 826 State St River 4455 Auto Livery Garages AUTOS TO DR I HERTZ CYL RIVER 888 66 TAYLOR ST DRIVE IT YOURSEL BUICKS DODGES ORD 1 TON TRUCKS 21 PASS CHAIR COACH SPRINGIELD AUTO CO 34 SANORD ST RIVER 7 OVERLAND (6) sedan late 1926 repossessed by inance Co $575 OVERLAND SIX SEDANS and coaches with many miles of unused transportation Cros by Overland Co Opp sHotel Kimball MEN with or without cars to take orders from satisfied customers $3 to $40 week ly Steady position Advancement Call 25 Harrison Ave Poom 1 llh MEN 18 to 35 ypnrs of age common school education Call 168 Bridge St Room 401 HONEST EXPERIENCED laundress wanted 2 and 3 days a week Must have recent references and understand Thor washer Box GO Union Office IRONER on drag Ironing experienced pre ferred Bright active girls for shaking Dale Bros Laundry 472 Union St NEWELL SERVICE College graduate for office position typist and stenographer 104 State St NURSES In a hospital for the treatment of nervous and mental patients Salary $45 per month Including board and room Write rank Robertson med cal supt Stamford Hall Stamford Conn RELIABLE PERSON over 20 to occasionally stay evenings with 2 children Vicinity of Sumner Ave near railroad Box 67 Union Office WOMEN 25 and 40 for pleasant outside work Salary Meekins Packard Wheat Inc KAY STARS Alive I PO YOU EEL BETTER NOW KAYO? I i AI IMfrA 1 i i17iiiiLi? Phone Kenmore 0617MaDBBBMaBnMBBBaOeD i 1 1 1 I mwwm Kjy WUNUOK Me I 'YK I mt ik xv is I ti i ir'vk rxxt it i ji i 11 i rt? a i i cl a a P1TV I A ir A I I brf JRSfcS I I me ZKlXlkJ jLKYYJLJ 1 At li 1 Itl MOY I vi BM 11 I SAHEjS I A a ii irvi I ru wiut 1 1 Kr Mie i i i i lz 4 I Ann a rvni Oi crCkAiKrc I I HERE TAKE il UAH IMO X1C It I I 1 7 a ROlJAHT AO I 1 Ml 11 I reJ i 771 to 1 nt 1 OO KAW I VTt S1 MB Ll er i Nh irafeaj I Afonya ZS A IHNI 11 i'yy fl 1 i L2 I Mfta niKjkico i I UJ vain a i i nv i mir i 1 i AAJ I eTtlklilirul (Sr JSa I 1 PORTO HICO kiwkh 4 in 1 1 1 1 if I 'I I IT Jrjy I HZ WwK I Ph i 41 I I.

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About The Springfield Daily Republican Archive

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


What was the original name of the city of Springfield MA? ›

The history of Springfield, Massachusetts dates back to the colonial period, when it was founded in 1636 as Agawam Plantation, named after a nearby village of Algonkian-speaking Native Americans. It was the northernmost settlement of the Connecticut Colony.

What is famous about Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Springfield has several nicknames—"The City of Firsts", due to the many innovations developed there, such as the first American dictionary, the first American gas-powered automobile, and the first machining lathe for interchangeable parts; "The City of Homes", due to its Victorian residential architecture; and "Hoop ...

Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

Who founded Springfield Massachusetts? ›

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

Springfield Demographics

White: 46.06% Black or African American: 20.52% Two or more races: 18.5% Other race: 11.62%

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Group from Springfield's Sister City of Takikawa, Japan Visit the City: City of Springfield, MA.

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

What is a fun fact about Springfield? ›

As the largest city in central Illinois, with a population of 117,000, Springfield is best known for being the home of our 16th President Abraham Lincoln and the place where President Barack Obama spent his early career in politics.

Is Springfield MA expensive? ›

What's the cost of living in Springfield, MA? Springfield is affordable Compared to other east coast metropolitan areas like Boston and New York City. Housing tends to get more expensive the further from the city center you go. The city's median home sale price is lower than the national median.

Who owns hot table in Springfield MA? ›

Hot Table was founded in 2007 by brothers John and Chris DeVoie and restauranteur Don Watroba in their hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts.

What is the federal arsenal in Springfield? ›

Springfield Armory was established in 1777 as a federal arsenal; as an arsenal, firearms that supplied the Continental Army during the American Revolution were stored here. After the Revolution, Springfield Arsenal was officially established as a federal armory where arms could be stored and produced.

Who owns Springfield Underground? ›

The Erlen Group is a family-owned group of companies, with assets like the Springfield Underground, Cold Zone, the Frisco Building and Lime Light Development, a developer of industrial parks and warehouses in southwest Missouri, according to the company website.

Why is Springfield, MA famous? ›

It has been known as the “City of Firsts” – a moniker earned through a history of innovation, including America's first Armory and military arsenal and the first American made automobile. Springfield may be best known for two other innovations - the birthplace of basketball and of Theodor Geisel, better known as “Dr.

What sport was invented in Springfield Massachusetts? ›

The Birthplace of Basketball

Basketball is built into the fabric of Springfield College. The game was invented by Springfield College instructor and graduate student James Naismith in 1891, and has grown into the worldwide athletic phenomenon we know it to be today.

Why is Springfield MA called the City of Homes? ›

Springfield is known as the “City of Homes” for its Victorian mansions and collection of unique architecture as well as the multitude of single-family homes constructed for manufacturing workers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Where did Springfield get its name? ›

An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex. Springfield, Massachusetts, became nationally important in 1777, when George Washington founded the United States' National Armory at Springfield.

How many of the 50 states have a city named Springfield? ›

According to a common factoid, there's a community called Springfield in all 50 states, but the U.S. Board on Geographic Names says that's not true: only 34 states have a Springfield. The real champ is Riverside. Unless you live in Alaska, Hawaii, Louisiana, or Oklahoma, there's at least one Riverside in your state.

When did West Springfield MA become a city? ›

West Springfield, Massachusetts
Incorporated (town)1774
Incorporated (city)2000
28 more rows

What year did Springfield become a city? ›

Inc. town, 1832; city, 1840. Pop. (2010) 116,250; Springfield Metro Area, 210,170; (2020) 114,394; Springfield Metro Area, 208,640.


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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.