The Asheville Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)

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The Asheville Timesi

Asheville, North Carolina

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7 Tuesday August 8 1950 Asheville North Carolina and Mrs Samuel that above carry 'Parade Will Launch Dairy Show Asheville's here hospital charge in naay xv mi i Vanderbilt riotei 10 a Sunday 0 ceremony that1 he would not favor 73Q Te (Pastor Niemoeller hwill speak on I increased appropriations from theiChapei Emma 2 it Ik hmAh I A I A aal Chez collision for $62848 on for Superior by next 411A Mita Ji ar $7000Be In Court 250 Marine Reservists InThis Area Licensed To Wed Richard McKinney 22 Ashe ville and Rue Waldrop 21 Bluff of march would be from Street at the Courthouse College Street to Market to North Pack Square to Avenue to Haywood Street Dell Schools of Medical Tech nology and Criminology will move September 1 to 66 Haywood Street Pothier director of the schools said they will occupy quar ters which formerly housed Blanton Business College He said the new quarters would be thoroughly renovated and enlarged and that the new classrooms will be open in time to permit a full registration period for the next quarterly enrollment starting in Oc tober fire at the at 851 Merrimon fire alarm at 1:30 dential shoes of Dr Thurmond Kitchin and participating in what he calls first step in getting budding plans to rolling Yesterday he talked with several leaders of 'the project Including Jens rederick Larson architect City Police Court Collections Total $8245025 or ear Building Permits Wiley Griffin four room resi dence 377 Riverview Drive $3000 Leverett repairs to resi dence 14 Vernell Street $150 Mrs Nelle Crawford repairs to residence 30 Tryon Street $500 Lewis enlarge garage 154 Montana Avenue $300 Cannon Plano House advertising signs 75 North Market Street $30 Evans business building 319 Broadway $150 Asheville Ice and Storage Com pany repairs to building Riverside Drive $300 Ellington addition to resi dence 150 orest HUI Drive $300 Walter McGuire and John Acee five room residence 14 Erskine Avenue $6400 John Gibson addition to residence 41 Herman Avenue $400 Trash ire A small trash Paul Restaurant Avenue caused a today but the blaze had been extinguished by employes by the time a fire truck from the Merri mon Avenue station arrived No damage was reported School To Move for the new Wake orest campus in wiriatrm Salem: Hubert Olive of Lexington president of the col lege board of trustees Charles Babco*ck of Winston Salem and Dr Carpenter dean of the Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake orest Toddy he was to speak to the Rotary Club at its luncheqn meet ing Tomorrow he will meet with the planning and building commltte for the college He is looking over the site at Reynolds where Wake orest Col lege will be located studying plans for the development of the campus and gnrally discussing the portunity to make progress which came to the Baptist college in the gift of the Smith Reynolds oun aaaon I cherish the hope "that we shall be ready tot move In late 1952 or early in lorida Day The Asheville Rotary Club will observe Thursday as "lorida The entire luncheon program will be devoted to loridians Guest speaker wil Ibe Walter Matherly dean of the University of lorida Clarence Moon of St Petersburg la Is program chair man Entertainment will include num bers by the Asheville Barber Shop Singers The group will meet in the George Vanderbilt Hotel at 1 President Tribble Of Wake orest Seeks To Speed Up Building iiri 5 1 1 Ilf Here Harold Wayland Tribble the new president of Wake orest Col lege is a forthright man Asking how he felt about picking up the college from its century old magnolia studded campus and mov ing it to brand new quarters a hundred miles away he said straightway an opportunity to make progress comes we hold back because of attachment to a locality" Dr Tribble is in Winston Salem for three days making his first visit since the Wake orest trustees Quartet Entertains The Skylarks Quartet entertained with a program of songs at the weekly luncheon meeting of the American Business Club in the George Vanderbilt today Comprising the group were Tom my Lane Jim Renshaw Paul Ams bary and Bird WaddiU New Members New members will be inducted by the Junior Chamber of Commerce following a buffet dinner at 7 today in the Battery Park Hotel Philip Woollcott will speak Ann Mulvanev left Plaza I The' deep red flowers which have I 1 L1II A parade next Monday will inau gurate activities at the annual Asheville Junior Dairy Cattle Show Charles Demid director of public safety disclosed today tha the Asheville Agricultural Develop ment Commission sponsor of the show had requested permission to hold a parade at 3 Monday to publicize the show which will be held the following day at Barnard Walker No 2 tobacco warehouse Line Vance along Street Patton and City Auditorium There will be approximately 20 floats in the parade 4 Club arid uture armers of America members from 15 Western counties will participate in the show There was a total of 36 years in sentences of one or more years: 3 791 months in sentences of from 30 days to 10 months: and 1398 days in sentences under 30 days each Other figures of the report show: Probable cause in charges send ing to Superior Court 253 appeals from Police Court sentences to Su perior Court 549 do probable cause as to charges '60 not guilty ver dicts 661 nol pros with leave by State 895 transferred to Domestic Relation Court 149: placed on pro bation 56 and cars ordered con fiscated 11 The Police Court report was turn ed over to Director of Public Safety Charles Dermid 1 Judge Sam Cathey is court judge with Reed Kitchin as substitute Will Hampton is solicitor Court officers are selected from' the uniformed po lice of the department Mis Leona Zacharyv is secretary to the Court Clerk I Heaviest Police Court sentences of todays session went to Jack King and Arthur Burnett both of Hendersonville King was given 1 sentences total ing 13 months eight months on a charge of driving intoxicated four months on a hit and run charge and 30 days for driving without a 1 license Burnett was sentenced to eight months on a charge of aiding and abetting in driving intoxicated and three months on a charge of aid ing and abetting tn hit run driv ing Judgment was continued on a drunkenness count Charles Shivers of 34 Louis Street was fined $100 and court costs on a charge of driving intoxicated and a sentence of six months on the roads was suspended on court con He was required to make 1 restitution of $30 to the prosecuting witness arid pay costs on a hit run charge A 30 day Jah sentence was suspended in the hit run count Ed Wyatt Of Bernardsville was given a suspended sentence of nine months on a charge of unlawful possession of homebrew Gerald Bishop of Leicester RD 1 was taxed $25 and costs a sentence of four months being suspended He was charged with reckless driv ing Notice Of Appeal Thomas Whitesides of 46 Vance Street was fined $25 and costs on a reckless driving charge Notice was given of appeal to Su perior Court and bond was set at $50 Ruby Roberts of 10 agg Street was given two 30 day sentences to serve concurrently on charges of drunkenness and vagrancy Execu tion of the judgment was held up pending a report to the court from clinical examinations Nora Garner of Beverly Heights was sentenced to 30 days in jail on a charge of drunkenness Judg ment was continued on a drunken ness count Esther Wells of 48 Buffalo Street 1 was sentenced to 30 days in jail on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon A Jones of Alabama was given two 30 day terms consecutively on charges pl drunkenness and disor derly conduct Roy Bowditch of 242 South Beau mont Street was found not guilty of a charge of disobeying an offi cer He was fined $10 and costs on a speeding charge Charles Collette of Eagle Street was granted a continued judgment on a charge of violation of the sales tax ordinance Paul James Rowe of Marion charged with speeding and Harvey Penlay of Skyland charged with driving without a license failed to appear for trial Cases continued with defendants and charges follow: James Elkins of Swannanoa larceny to August 12 a Annie BL Goodman of 60 aVUey Street unlawful possession of whis key keeping liquor for sale and carrying transporting' and deliver ing liquor to August 15 Berdlne Smith of 34 Ridge Street unlawful possession of whiskey keep ing liquor for sale and carrying transporting and delivering liquor to August 15 Leo Brooks of Asheville driving intoxicated to August 18 Driving Charge George A Shea of Spartanburg driving intoxicated to August 11 Mary Alice Henton of 495 Hender sonville Road driving Intoxicated to August 11 Richard Neal Shipley of 1910 Hay wood Road driving intoxicated and hit run driving to August 11 William Council of Alexander reckless driving and no driver's license to August 11 Louis Spurgeon Courtney of Green ville 'C driving intoxicated to August 11 Ottl Vernon West of Skyland driving intoxicated and drunken ness to August 11 Eugene Gregg of Swannanoa for nication and adultery to August 10 Betty Sue Harris of Swannanoa fornication and adultery to August 10 Mrs Margaret Peterson of 41 Vir ginia Avenue assault to August 10 Mrs Elsie Israel of 64 Narbeth Road assault to August 10 There were 50 cases on the calen dar Judge Sam Cathey presiding Solicitor Will Hampton prosecuted KENILWORTH YOUTH KEPT BUSY WINNING Cecil Harris a Kenilworth young ster apparently was busy last week Earlier in the week he captured the Kenilworth badminton kincles tournament and then teamed up with Dick Woods to win the doubles championship Later he sat down and won the checkers crown The Bowen Eller reunion will be held August 27 at the Pleasant Grove Church orin Eller Cove Road Bascocnbe 'Eller 1 choirtnan of the reunion committee CITY SCHOOL BOARD NAMES ARCHITECTS Would Make Murray Hill Asheland Sites Available qr Parks Architect Lipdsey Gudger and the arcnitectUral firm of bix As sociates were named by City School Board yesterday to supervise build ing of four new schools here Gudger already has prepared pre liminary drawings for new buildings at Hill Street and William Ran dolph Schools and a contract was authorized with him for these two structures Six Associate was selected for Ayco*ck and Livingston Street Schools and a supervisory architect will be Darned far eacn building from among three firm members Stewart Rogers Henry Gaines and Anthony Lord No Decision No decision was reached on loca tion of a proposed $60009 admin istration building on the site of the old Orange Street School Superin tendent Byers said office and storage space may be found else where! The group asked the County Board of Education to lease Ashe land Avenue and Murray Hill school property to the City without cost for 50 years to make possible an ex pansion of the City park system The City would raze the Asheland building and turn materials over to the school board Leases could be terminated on six months notice if it was oecioed that th property was again needed by the schools The County board also was asked to sell property formerly occupied by the South Asheville Negro School in Kenilworth Adopts Calendar The board adopted a calendar which win return the 7200 students to their classrooms Sep tember 5 Thanksgiving holiday will begin November 22 and end November 27 Christmas holidays December 19 January 2 and spring holidays March 22 arch 28 Schools will close June 1 A schedule Was adopted setting teachers salaries 4t the same level as last year Grade teachers will get $2500 to $3000 depending on experience Mrs Jeannette Harrison Parker at Queen Carson School and Paul Murphy at David Millard Junior High School were elected as hew teachers Chairman Johnson presided at the meeting in David Millard Junior High School Program TUESDAV 7 Kenilworth Community Club Community Center Junior Chamber of Com merce Battery arkj Hotel 7:30 Division 6 18i Or ganized Naval Reserve Training Center 7:30 Nichols Jr Order of DeMolay Masonic Temple 7:30 Tent revival Downer Chapel Emma 57 Asheville National Guard Municipal Building i 7:30 Biltmore Masonic Lodge Biltmore Plaza Odd ellows Ravens croft Drive' 8 Civil Air Patrol City Hall 8 Alcoholics Anonymous Club Room Manor Grounds 8 Rockwell Ballew Ameri can Legion Post Courthouse! 8 Moose Lodge 30 1 2 Broadway WEDNESDAY 11 a St Episcopal Church auxiliary to sporisor bene fit book review Plonk School of Creative Arts Lions Club George Tent revival Downer 8 Elks 232 Hay wood Street New Arrivals A son to Mr and Mrs Randall 112 Louisiana Avenue to day in St JOsepns Hospital A son to Mr and Mrs Weatherman of Candler' RD 2 at I St Hospital yesterday A son to Mr and Mrs rrea Moore of Swannanoa RD I at St Hospital yesterday A daughter to' Mr and Mrs Diggs today in Pittsburgh Pa Diggs is the son of Mr and Mrs Blalr of West Terrace Apartments Two Henderson Men ISENATE TO GET Get Prison Sentences BILL ON INDIAN I 1 I LEASE i During the fiscal year coding June 30 1950 the Asheville Police Court collected revenues of $82 450 25 it was revealed today in the annual report of rank Messer clerk Revenue for the previous fiscal year 194849 was $8536960 but this Included several thousand dol lars levied In fines and costs during the special Police Court gambling rackets cases it was explained During the fiscal year July 1 1949 through June :30 1950 a total of 7A51 cases were tried in the City Court as compared with a total of 7JJ97 during the previous fiscal vear A breakdown of the past fiscal year shows costs totaled $34J26 $4087680: law library fund $74045 and state' pension fund $5 907 Court was conducted 313 days dur morial Mission Hticpital where he ingthe year and jconvicted' defend A Al A Bum WW KVWU 355 years nine monthsnd'TS days call to active duty af fects 200 to 250 Marine Corps Vol unteer Reservists in Western North Carolina it is believed No orders have been received but 1st Lt William Williamson re serve recruiting officer said orders would probably come through At lanta headquarters for the Sixth Marine Corps Reserve Group There are about 11 officers in the area he added and their orders are ex pected directly from Washington There are approximately 75 vol unteer reservist in Buncombe County it is believed with the re mainder at Hendersonville Waynes ville and other points There are no active units a volunteer train ing unit having disbanded here around the first of the year 12 ROM WNC PASS NC BAR EXAMINATION NC EMPLOYES SEEK MINIMUM PENSION S50 I Jackson Macon Swam Dis 5 frict Health Department Joins System RALEIGH Aug 8 Board of Trustees ofi the Teachers 1 arid State Employe Retirement 'System want a pension minimum of $50 monthly fonV retired state workers and teachers Approximately pf the 2J5hO retired' teachers and ptate employes receiving pensions get less' than $50 a months according 15 Nathan Yel ton executive aecretjiry of the re tirement system 'j 'fl Yelton told the bpard yesterday It would ats about $350000 the first' year of 'the pext biennium toi establish the $50 minimum The befaxd voted to ask the' legislature lot the funds i Created In7 941 The retirement system was creat ed in 194L Retirement benefits are based on average yearly salaries Employes put in five per cent of their earnings arid the state matches with an eqal amount' XY I Committee ahin cr Redden Proposes Amend ment Authorizing Addl Chest Needs I tional Agreement I WASHINGTON Aug The Committee on Public So Senate Interior Subcommittee to licitation Is weighty the needs of da 1 to report1 to the fuh the Community Chest aod woeder 1 bfll authoriaing th ing if the public wants to go back to multiple fund campaigns jNorth Carolina Cherokee Indians A budget of $1589420 for the I to lease a part of their resebratiqa next (fiscal Chest 'operation I for business purposes I i was presented to the committee's The two senators Me i review board late yesterxlay Theariand (D ArixJ and Lehman board decided to gather additional! ID disagreed a to the Information and set I Mon lcx6 of the measure nd said day for a special meeting to decide I 10 ox the action to conduct a the House the bill campaign for the ayunt I authorizes the Cherokees to lease Chert representatives told the for years to th 1 years pt service worked only a short time after the (retirement sys tem was establishedand at a time when salaries 'were comparatively I 'low many of those retired are receiving mere pittances Some are' a low as $5S8 a month for persons who worked as maps as 20 years for the State 1 1 Yel ton said the $350000 cost of supple meriting' pensions would di minish each year because of the decline in the number of person who would otherwise' be receiving less than $50 monthly The proposal would be of benefit chiefly to those who have already yetired lirible At wmnloves are 1 1 tr Yelton said that present thelguperintendent of park maintenance said he a small quantity or the seeds tour years retirement system to paying out fall He saved the new seeds and today has prize beds on the Plaza Pack Square Blfc Pritchard Park Recreation Park Aston Park arid Rhododendron Park The seeds are riot for imarrt at its meeting also I approved seven local unite for par sale he added I tidpatlon in the N0 Local Gov 1 ern mental EmploysT Retirement a alveville Bricflv nJctem rrnder this local em 1 rwaHCViiie iscws xnciy nlbves contribute lair per cent ox their salaries and tire local govern 1 mental units ior wpqn ukj wwa a TIV CUUWlUUVC itofC BaUMM fUnits which Joined the planning the Jackson Macon Swain District I yNEW POLLUTION ifliemoellers CONTROL BILL (Rogers Mrs Cover Sworn In PUr sLvu As Stream Sanitation rieire YiflCLy Committee Members The Rev Martln' Hi I RALEIGH Aug 8 Gov famed German Lutheran emor Scott said today he felt the and Mrs Niemoelteri ih sprak at has come when must Uke definite to control pollu thh church fl Ition of North Carolina streams Members are invited to bring speaking at swearing in cere tiieir wives and rpsirivations for monies for four members of the dinner may be made by telephoning state Stream Sanitation and Con the church office (servaiion Committee the Governor Monthly meetings of the sesslonsjsajd he planned to propone but the board of deacon and I few new programs to the 1951 leg oruild will follow the general meet 1 ixlature but he asserted the legis lators should give con hNlemoeller spoke at Lake Juno 1 sideration" to stream pollution leg hSiu this moving gnd was slated islatlon tri speak again at 8:30 and Defeated Tn 1949 at 7:30 tomorrow I Stream legislation was defeated He speaks at Montreat at 10 a1 in the 1949 legislature Thursday 10 a hu and 7:30 pi The Governor also told the group riday 10 a mg Saturday andUhat gathered in his office for Hotel report was one by (there be competitive! bidding be 1 0 whose store at tween the cooperative anc others I Morganioti Woman Dies Of Polio An 18 year old expectant mother from Monranton died to a here today about 3:30 tnafter being admitted riday with polio myelitis 1 I I1 She was the daugfiter of jMrl and Mrs red Rom of Morganton The body was taken to poMman uneral Home in Morganton) Mor ri Gearing BMck was in here Nine New Cases I Of Polio Resorted RALEIGH Aug 7 Nin ntw case of polio were reported to the State Board of Health today It followed the report yesterday of 22 cAses over he three day week end period I The cases today included five of July onset and four of August Two each werb reported by Burke Johnston and Moerel counties 1 and one each by Buncombe Mecklen burg and "Wake PI ill The new cases brought the total for the year to 187! including I 23 for July and eight far August Cases reported yesterday included seven from Durham county Dr Roy Norton dtite Health Of fleer noting decline In the hum ber of cases reported fori August suggested the possibility that a seasonal decline in incidence of the disease might have been reached Damage jdcliwi board that the sum offered had anners ederation Cooperative of 1 been' cut down from the original North' Carolina I I total of $18245031 by reducing the James McClure president of the i amount of nine of the 19 cooperative explained! today that i agencie the organization planned to install I Chairman Edward Deacon said I refrigeration facilities dairy ma the figure did not appear to be chLnery and other equipment tof xealistic in view of the estimated mke i farming more profitable for need and was told that the slash i 'JI would lead to a partial return' to the old temofindividuaJ furxi Iped to oppose a section of Iths drives The board thereupon de bU1 ltexJan lease rights to ths cided to hold up its decision Cooperative I or the last three years here the Rep Redden ID C) public has been unwilling to con 0f the bill and Senator Graham tribute more than about $120 JX0 id C) i proposed an amend 1 1 annually to the chest it was point ment which would open the rights ed out and workers were reluctant to other groups besides Co i tc set the budget figure too far operative and also would! permit 1 above that amount The Chest the Indians 1 to lease land along budget has been shrinking each8hwaja running through thoif redden said these ri aSnrf thousands of visitors to the Great i tion of the TuberculoslsAcia goky Mounuin National Park I tton for solicltatian of $15000 inqre iBlu Ridge Parkway1 when i Christmas Seals starting November completed aho wUl go through! toe 20 reservation I I I jrz I Mcarland said he' would favor WATCH authorizing toe Cherokee to lease ItlXVklaJj vv ril till land along the highways set well al I A JJPn AT I small tract originally proposal' ALULU Al Jto be leaded to the Cooperative rt'rrarr'ir riTVI Thia position was 1 supported bySit JfEV Irl til Chief Henry Bradley of toe tribe and Joe Jennings superintendent Arnold Bridgw of 135 InuIsisljjjhOTwer he felt! Avenue reported to the Police De fuU committee might want to limit partment today that someone en the leasing authority1 to the small tered his home and took rings andhnct described in the IbtH a passed a watch valued at $285 by the House with the proviso that 1 Amonx outer 1 Rudolph Alonzo whose store at tween the cooperative 1 1055 Haywood Road was broken into terested 1 bv wav of the frontdoorand robbed! of $27 in cigarettes cnewing gum and cash I Mrs Rogers of 12 Center Lane reported someone broke into her home and took a tame model 1 radio valued at $170 It was reported from the office of the North Carolina Highway Com mission on Emma Road that the of fice had been entered and a pair of shoes had been stolen Raymond Harding 16 of 339 1 2 Westover Place was arrested in connection with the robbery the report state 40 Delegates Going To Labor Meeting More than 40 Asheville union rep resentatives will attend the annual North Carolina State ederation of Labor convention in Winston Salem next week Central Labor Union President James Barrett said to day Asheville delegates will meet at 8 today at Central Labor Union Hall in the Paragon Building to draft resolutions to be offered at the State meeting The convention will open Monday and continue for three day TTads council representatives aill hold a pre convention session Sunday at Winston Salem EJECTION ACTION SCHEDULED OR TRIAL The ejection action of Shuford vs Rudy Alonso con cerning recovery of property on Haywood Road was the first trial scheduled for jury action today in the civil term of Buncombe Supe rior Court The regular August civil term opened yesterday Judge George Patton of ranklin la presiding In the only other case disposed of this morning Margaret Agnes McLean was granted a divorce from Edward Omer McLean BLOOD CENTER HOURS The Red Cross blood center Ttroadwav will remain open donors tomorrow 'Thursday and riday of this week from 9 a to 4 Twelve applicants from Western North Carolina passed the written examination given August 1 3 by the State Board of Law Examiners ac cording to an Associated Press dis patch from Raleigh They include: Adrian Arledge Rutherford ton Joseph Byrd 6r Morganton Max Cogburn Candler Harold Epps Asheville Charles ul ton ranklin: Robert Gash Bre vard: Claude Hamrick Avondale Lester Mason Jr Murphy Glen Penland Asheville Oscar Starnes Jr' Asheville Barbara Stockton ranklin Wade Vonnoy Jr West Jefferson James Going of Tryon re a license through exchange of credentials from South Carolina ull Rehearsals or Edwards Band Start On Monday ull rehearsals and formation drills for Lee Edwards High School band members will begin Monday August 14 it was announced by Joe DeNardo band director for Asheville city schools Instruments will be Issued to the Lee Edwards band members Thurs day at 9:30 a in David Millard Junior High School AH student who plan to'register for tha band are asked to get their instrument at thgt time' Rehearsal win be held daily from August 14 until the opening of school on September 5 The drum major majorettes twlrlers and tumblers wiU meet Tuesday and riday each week at David Millard After preliminary work the entire group will move Lee Edwards lor drills BOWEN ELLER REUNION The Bowen Eller reunion win I Paul Warlick yf Asheville has peen named president of the Coca Cola Bottling Oomapy of Ander aon i He succeeds Mrs 'Lillian Webster who died last Apri Mrs Webster was a sister in law of the late Lee Ellis 7 hn winnRtM Witil the Anderson the past year and prior to that was asso eiated with Grbve Stone and Sand Company at Swanngnoa He win continue to make his home her CITY PLAYGROUNDS ATTENDANCE GAINS Attendance at organized activities at City playground climbed to 5 642qlast week a pf 500 over the previous week Mtej Augusta Bar nett director of recreation disclosed today i The figure lx nearly 8Q0 below the average for eight weks of summer organized play It represents the 'number partici pating in the various activities of the Recreation Department not toe total number of children playing Miss Barnett said CARTER Over 60 members i of the Carter family win hold reunion Sunday in the Antioch Baptist Church in Democrat The reunion will begin at 10 a and will continue through the day Members attending are asked to bring picnc'lunches IN GOOD CONDITION I Hardy Davidson pf Swannanoa is a reported in good condition at Me I underwent majtfr operation ye I today the general theme tjof the enuren 1 highway fund for city street unless ih Central Europe gasoline taxes are Increased to raise 1 Mr Niemoeller will speak at the funds Lake Junaluska today and tomor effect the Governor told the riw at 3 and at Montreat cities that if they favor the kt 7 'p Thursday and 9 a tax boost he would not help them Saturday I with their street maintenance prob Dr Toyohlko Kagawa widely lems known Japanese religious leader Returning to proposed stream leg also will speak at both assemblies isla tion the Governor said he did He will speak at Lake Junaluska not know whether the legislature at 10 a and 8:30 tomor would be disposed to pass a stream row and 8:30 Thursday and pollution law but should at Montreat at 8 today He I have been done many years ago" spoke last night at Montreat land time' is right here now when we should do something about Ashctlllc Man rL Effect Health yr He said that the stream poDu JrieaaS Anaerson Ition problem affected the health of the people industrial develop nOttLiniPri JL1 i rni ment of the state wildlife resources and agriculture i Those sworn in as members 01 lithe committee were Mayor Scott Berkley of Goldsboro Carroll (Rogers of Try on Mrs Cover of Andrews and Bricgers 01 Wilson Bridger was reappointed ollowing the ceremony member of the committee met with rej terested in conserving the The only way to sign up is to beat water resources the draft board to the draw A IVM damage action was start a in BimcxrmM Court bv Manin Moore 1 friend afcatzut Bixnardvme Bus I 1 IH unes i The uit stems from a last June! 16 on 8 Highway 70 involving on automobile driven I by Moore aod a bus owned by the de fendant company I Plaintiff asks $6000 compensatory damages for alleged personal injuries and $1000 for alleged automobile damage and medical bill I iH Two divorce i sctloh here' been instituted: I I i Jc Annie Dillingham Smith Cltr enc Lee smith two separa firm I I I i I I Juanita Dari Spradlin Mor ri Spradlin adultery alleged ll I Pipe Contract ij I Awar Jed! Crane i 1 I Company Here i 'j The City today awarded contracts totaling $1085S5 for water pi and hydrant to grve aaaea lire in th hooviiv inai Koon Development 1 i III 'I i Hocking eity purchasing agent ald that tha Crane Com pany of Asheville was given con tract to deliver 4000 feeti of 8 lndi pipe for 87J880 I IM feet of lnch pipe for $1980 and a specific num ber of joint for $9755 i TU r'rtmmrw fit he said lotte was awarded a contract to liver four 'fire hydrant and valve TOO LATE TO ENLIST WHEN GREETINGS COME It's too late to enlist after you get those "greetings from the Presi dent" Recruiters for the armed forcesherein the ederal Building re ported today that youths who have already received their notifications to report from Selective Service have been coming in to enlist You do it they observed the draft board to the draw GIRLS ADMIRE ZENNIAS Mis Mary eligible xor retire a Will Rn0r rank Hall jfcttXBCtCa tnc Bticnuon or DOlIl sncvnnaiia cniu luuuow av giuni a Each fall he saved the new seeds and today has prize tbeds on the Plaza Pack Square i If 1 2k 'if fl irMr MK 'k IKraaHE jWmlma i I 1 'Wmh i TH y' 1 Sa I SMMI aj.

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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.