Sleep with Me - Chapter 1 - iiTzSunrise (2024)

Chapter Text


This story is not cannon-compliant a new cannon will be explained as the story progresses.

Sunday Special

“Welcome! Welcome!” An enthusiastic male voice rang out. A camera panned to fit a well-dressed middle-aged man with a giant smile showing off bright white teeth that only people on TV have. “Today is March 5th, 1982 it’s a beautiful Monday morning go out and soak up some of those beautiful rays!” He says and laughs. “But hold it just before you do here on the Sunday special- well I guess today it’s a Monday special, but this is something we just couldn’t go without sharing! Here with me today I have Tony Casper, a representative of the newly merged rigged-it-robotics and our beloved toy maker Playtime.Co!” He said jovially.

The camera dollied out to reveal a large stage where another younger man could be seen sitting on a bright red loveseat, with the same TV smile plastered on his face. His large-rimmed glasses reflected the same multicolored lights that danced around the both of them, all for the sake of better viewer retention.

“Tony, how are you doing on this Monday morning?” He asked cheerfully.

“Oh, im doing just fine, I really appreciate you for inviting us here today.” He responded. “Giving us a chance to explain our new direction to the masses in this admittedly hectic merger.”

“Hectic indeed! I mean the number of letters I have gotten around the change to notable toy lines is astounding, I can't even manage what the community managers are dealing with down in the thick of it.” The host said causing them both to laugh.

“Yeah, it's certainly been intense! But I'm happy that the community is so passionate about the toys. Kids and adults alike are making their voices heard it is incredible and exactly what we want to see.”

“Well, from what I heard, a lot of it is concern from parents.” The host says sitting up in his recliner. “The new… designs make the target audience a little harder to identify. I mean, from a new customer's perspective, these dolls look like something out of a magazine. I don’t want to be too crass on TV, but I mean, you gave some of them, well to put it lightly, huge assets were used to seeing on models, if playtime CO wasn’t so renowned people might assume these dolls are for a completely different purpose”

“Yes.” Tony immediately agreed. “It’s a large change none of us expect the community to like right away.”

Then why change it at all? You know, when I first saw the newly outlined features, the altered designs made me think of something more akin to a highly intelligent playmate. I mean the tech you managed to stuff into them between the 12-foot-tall Huggy to its 2-foot counterpart, I have to admit is incredible. A toy that could walk and talk and play with kids. It would help to give their parents a bit of a break for sure. You know on that front the toys seem to be going over well. Parents agree that their children are much more behaved after getting a hold of one of these toys.” He says before pausing. “But when the toys are in the presence of adults their behaviors seem to change rapidly, and the new design choices seem to be accentuated to put it lightly. Even on the website and long-time buyer, I was a little weirded out.”

He paused looking over to a chairside table and flipped through a small clipboard. “It also doesn’t seem like those behavior changes were mentioned anywhere, so it was quite a shock to consumers when it happened. People assumed the toys malfunctioned, some attempted to destroy them, and were very panicked when nothing seemed to disable them.”

Tony didn’t miss a beat responding. “Yep again! So, you’re right about the playmate part. These toys are more than that now. These dolls are built to grow and mature with your child, giving them a friend that would love and cherish them forever. On that front the toys are perfect. Every kid with a Playtime.Co toy in their arms never stops smiling!” He recites that line like it was a slogan but then takes a breath. “The advancement in our technology, literally and figuratively stuffed into the toys will pursue their goal of meeting their owner's needs, and the parents who purchased the toys, for themselves and their kids, are treated like owners. But meeting the needs of an adult is a bit different than a child, right? Vastly different. The toys need to take different measures to ensure an eternal smile and the design reflects that.” He says reaching back into a large sling bag pulling out a bright pink, lanky-armed toy, and offering it to the host who seems hesitant to take it. “Loneliness and sadness don’t only affect children you know? Here, see what im talking about.”

“Oh, uhm that’s-“ The host paused. “That’s-“

“A toy from our new line up yes. A brand new gen 1 Kissy Missy. Take her, she's yours now.” Tony said.

The host slowly reaches out to hold the ball of pink fluff as if afraid it will leap out and bite him, but eventually does hold it in his lap as he stares at it, in a similar way you might stare at an unleashed dog as you cross the street. Not fear, but more anxious, waiting to see if it will make a move.

“Thank you but im not sure I can accept it.” He says cautiously.

“Nonsense, consider it a token of goodwill. And proof of the toy's capabilities.”

“No offense, but I have seen what these toys are capable of, that’s what we’re here to talk about after all.” The host laughed, but anyone watching could tell it was strained and dry as he glanced back behind the camera. “I uh- heh didn’t know you could bring one of these in here…” He said.

“Oh well, once the receptionist saw how adorable she was she couldn’t resist.” The host visibly paled at that clearing his throat before he spoke again.

“I see.” He paused. “And that receptionist- did you give her a toy as well?” He asked but was ignored.

“Back to what you were saying, earlier. Adult needs are different. We still need companionship just as a kid would, but the companionship we desire is notably different. The toy's behavior and bodies have been modified to be able to fulfill the purposes of both.” He says.

The host however didn’t seem to be listening still staring at the smiling plush in his hands. The toy stared back, clearly active from the moment the host took it in his hands if its blinking googly eyes were any indication. “It's trying to move.” He says absentmindedly before regarding Tony again. “Why did you bring this thing in here?”

“Because your friends have noticed your stress, you need to relax a bit.” He laughs. “Or let her relax you! I picked her out specifically for you, she’s good for your type.”

“My type?” The host said, seemingly offended by the statement.

“Yes, you think she's adorable right?”

“No. Well sure, it’s a toy, it's meant to be cute.” He says as it slips through his sweaty grasp and moves to wrap its long arms around the reporter pressing its notably large furry bust into his chest. A large part of the new anatomy the people are so concerned over. “Ok great!” He said as he started to try and pry the toy's pink arms off of him but It was much stronger than it looked. “Please take it back now.”

His reaction amuses the employee. “You almost look like you're afraid of her! Don’t be she won't bite unless you want her to. None of the toys can do anything to harm you truly. Trust me it would hurt her more anyway.” He explains.

The host still looked incredibly uncomfortable but had at least stopped trying to remove the toy from his chest. “What are you talking about?” He asked.

“The toys are powered through positive emotions, more specifically ones from their decided owners. It’s a positive versus negative feedback loop that ensures their actions keep you happy. You will rely on them as they will rely on you. True companionship is what we strived for in these designs.”

“True companionship?” The host laughed as he stared down at the doll, that has made itself comfortable snuggled up against him, and smiled slightly. “That makes no sense.”

“It's certainly new tech for sure. But I promise it's safe, in fact; You will probably be safer with a Playtime.Co doll than anything, or anyone else.” He paused again, scrutinizing the host through his glasses. “You do feel safe with her right?”

“I guess.” He said slowly. “What are these things made of? It's so soft… smells good too.” He asked finally returning the toy's hug as it reached up to caress his head.

“Trade secret. For all of you watching, just remember to let the toys do their job and love you. See the results yourselves-“

“I promise you won't regret it.”


“sh*t! sh*t! sh*t!” I thought, sprinting down the rough dirt path. “MOTHER f*ckER!” I yelled waving my hands to try and catch the attention of the bus rumbling and creaking down the way. “UGH!” I tossed my face into my hands and sighed. “Why does it always run at a different time? Google isn't even useful at this point!”

I sigh again and slowly trudge over to a small decaying wooden bench to sit, the only notable thing that identifies the otherwise abandoned side of the road as a stop. “f*ck me.” I slip my phone out of my pocket and glance at it. “7:04. It's supposed to be here at 7:15, that makes no sense. Well, guess I better let the professor know the bad news.” I wipe the sweat off my hands and hesitantly scroll through my contacts until I land on one named “The Prof”

I had multiple professors of course, and even though the city I lived in wasn’t small by any means, but the university's high rejection rate, and overall small student body the faculty made it a point to build more personal relationships. My choice for not naming her in my contacts is simply spite. This one was just annoying enough to get the title all to herself. “This is Doctor Locke how may I help you?”

“Hi, Ms Locke-“ I began but was cut off with a groan.

“Cory!” She rasped out, voice dripping with exhausted indifference. “Let me guess? Bus didn’t show?”

“Oh no, it showed,” I replied.

“Really? Is it something new this time? Please do tell!” She says sarcastically.

“The bus ran early you see; I was here 10 minutes before it was supposed to show and it just left.”

I heard a sigh over the phone, this one much less exaggerated. “Cory, listen, I understand the bus system on that side is not your fault, and you know if I could exempt you I would but-“

“I know Ms. Locke, but could you at least let me do some makeup work for it? I can’t bomb math or I won't be able to get that film internship.” I say and immediately regret it, the sharp intake of breath on the other side of the phone already reminding me of the lecture I'm about to receive.

“Cory, you don’t need it, you don’t have to put yourself through so much stress.” She said, which caused me to grip my phone so tight, im surprised it didn’t crack in my hands. “You can re-

“I know Ms. Locke.” I cut her off. “But honestly being a tourist trap as a job sounds a little bit boring.”

“Ugh, “Tourist trap.” She says dryly. “…Fine, I'll see if I can give you some extra time, but it must be today. Maybe see if a friend can give you a ride?”

Victory! “Yes! Of course, thank you, Ms. Locke! I guess you're not as uptight as I thought!”

“Uptight!? what are you talking about young ma-“

I clicked the phone off before her strained sentence could start already scrolling through my contacts again. “Loid… Loid… Loid… found him!”

“C’mon Loid don’t let me down,” I whispered aloud before hitting the glowing green call button.

He picked up immediately, that’s a good sign. “Yo, B where are you? I have been waiting in the back, I need to get a few more practice questions in before this stupid test.”

“sh*t, you’re already at the school!?” I groaned.

“Yeah? I told you I was going to be here early today, didn’t I?”

Truth be told he might have, we talk a lot he is kinda my only friend, so sometimes his words just blend together and I forget some of the smaller bits, I'll just say no to save my pride. “No, you didn’t, I need a ride like stat! sh*tty bus- “

“Didn’t show of course.” He cut me off.

“Sure yeah.” I rolled my eyes. “Whatever can you come pick me up?”

“Dude, it would take me half an hour to get there and another half to get back, by that time neither of us would have time for the test and we would both fail.”

“Ms Locke granted me an extension so it's fine!” I said quickly and was confused when he returned a groan.

“That’s great that you managed to convince her bro.” He said, that makes sense why he groaned, actually now that I think about it, Ms. Locke never bends any rules, it earned her both the ire and bitter admiration of most of the student body, I was about to respond when he continued. “But she didn’t offer me any of that courtesy, so sorry bro, just can’t”

“Ugh. sh*t. Well- “I start to rake my brain for a solution, but with how shoddy the busses are, there doesn’t seem to be one aside from waiting for the next one to come in an hour, if it shows up at all. As far as im aware services like Lyft never have drivers in the area either.

“Maybe try and see if you can cut it off at another stop? I'll be waiting for you here, Good luck bro.” He said before ending the call.

“Yeah sure man,” I said even though he could no longer hear me. I pulled up Google; “Cut it off, huh?” I wanted to sigh again, but I had done that way too much in the last five minutes. I scrolled through the map for a while before I identified my target. The bus route would have it ride through the city in a loop, in other words, I could catch the bus if I go through the trees north, and meet it on its way back.

I glance up at the long line of trees on the other side of the dirt road. Technically the entire city is embedded in a giant forest, while your downtown you mostly forget it as the towers of glass and steel keep Mother Nature at bay. But the farther out you go, the scarcer the skyscrapers become, the roads get thinner until they just trail off into the dirt, and the trees greet you In droves. Unluckily for me, my late father's estate is as far away from the city skyline as it could be, while still claiming to be within its limits.

I continue staring into the trees as I weigh my options. “Realistically I could just skip it, I have enough money to travel and make whatever I want without a care in the world. I don’t need this school.” But even the thought leaves a bad taste in my mouth. “No, we’re better than that. Don’t give up because of something so stupid.”

With a decision made I stand, stretch, and venture into the forest.

“This is not nearly as bad as the movies make it out to be.” I thought with a smile. I don’t know what I was expecting, perhaps a dark and cold forest so thick the sun's rays couldn’t penetrate its leaves. Or maybe I'll come across a masked killer cannibal with a chainsaw, mad that I dared to encroach on their land. What I was treated to instead was little more than a gentle stroll through the woods. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming, and I relaxed rather than panicked. Well until I almost stepped on a small green and black garden snake and then had to hold back tears because of how loud I screamed. The snake stared at me like it was disappointed and wiggled away.

Snake-related issues aside, however, it only took a few more steps for my heart to drop for real this time as I approached a moss-covered sign. I wondered if I had stumbled onto private property. I pulled out my phone, the webpage slowly loading, likely due to the nature of the area I was in, but the map did not indicate that the area had anything other than more forest and a pond near the next bus stop.

I hesitated but decided to pull some of the green weeds off the sign just to check, dusting some dirt off the peeling paint I read; “Welcome to… Playtime Factory?” I stared at the sign for a minute, searching my brain for any time I could have heard of the brand, but I came up short. “Huh. Well looks like it's abandoned, if the state of this sign has anything to say. Should be fine to cross through here.” I thought. “I don’t see the factory anywhere near here, maybe it was already taken down.

I was a little bit more on edge now though. All of a sudden, those cliché horror tropes seemed a lot more real, like I was walking into a situation people with my skin color simply shouldn’t. “This is totally the moment that a character is introduced just to show the monster!” I did consider turning right around, but I had already made so much progress and my legs were beginning to grow tired, so I kept moving using Google to find the most direct path to the stop, and hopefully minimize the chances of me stumbling onto horror game ground zero.

Fortuitously I made it the rest of the way through the forest with no incident, well besides a few thorns gained from shimmying through the thick bushes that lined the cut of forest around the road. I glanced around but didn’t see the bus yet so I sat near the small pond while waiting.

“This would be a great spot to hang out, the air is nice and fresh. I guess there isn't much in the way of scenery besides the usual trees but there are a bunch of ducks to throw bread and or rocks at.” I think to myself pulling out my phone yet again. “Where are you now you stupid bus?”

Not very far as I quickly found out as before the webpage could fully load the undeniable rumble of an engine on its last legs graced my ears. The large bus screeched to a halt right in front of the pond, on the opposite side of the road, but hey it's here.

I sprinted to the bus, bag in hand before it could decide to speed off like an episode of SpongeBob but to my delight, the double doors slid open with a hiss, and I was waved in by the driver without a word.

“Good morning sir!” I said with a satisfied smile. In the driver's eyes, I was just another passenger, but in mine, I had finally beaten the demonic transport that ruled my life for the last half a decade. “Here’s the money. It uh- doesn’t look like the bus has a cash insert. How old is this thing anyway?” I asked before I could stop myself.

The driver responded with a simple shake of his head and then nodded toward the direction of a seat.

“Oh for free? Thank you!”

He still said nothing, he just slowly cranked the bus back in gear and began rolling to our new destination. The bus lurched and I stumbled into the closest seat with a thump. Collecting myself with a small sigh I take another quick look at my surroundings. The bus is as old and shoddy on the inside just as it is on the outside, no beauty in the beast here. A long string of ads were posted up around the bus, yellowed and fading caught my attention, however.

Well really just the one, across my seat I saw the now familiar Playtime.Co logo along with a character I definitely didn’t recognize. She looked like a bee, for the most part, with a large stinger and completely black eyes, though she had long beautiful silver eyelashes that lined them. Looking closer a fuzzy cut of fur that lined her chest but also what seemed like fluffy and pointed ears atop her head more reminiscent of that of a cat. And I do say “she” for certain. The character was posing with a large honey dipper squished in between her, let's just say generous bust that, instead of being covered by the whiteish fur surrounding them was instead emphasized, being pushed up as she licked the top of the dipper still covered in the honey, winking with a knowing smirk, golden honey still dripping off her white whiskers.

Trailing my eyes down further her core was tight and I could see muscle definition under the lighter patch of fur. Tense and powerful, but likely still so soft to the touch. Her otherwise slim stomach led into impossibly wide hips with fuzzy black and yellow striped thighs that hid tightly corded muscles strong enough to crush skulls, with the way the girl was posing you could also clearly see the curvature of its rear as it jutted out behind her, like two fuzzy perfectly round golden globes any self-respecting human would love to sink their face in for hours.

I forced myself to stop staring at any part of the bee creature as, whether it be the jet-black eyes, the fluffy chest, or the wide hips and fuzzy soft-looking thighs. It was become too distracting. Seriously I don’t know what the purpose of that thing is but it does wonders to make a man hard, let’s not kid ourselves should any women get their hands on her they would be dripping too, similar to the honey dripping onto the character's tongue.

“ENOUGH!” I thought to myself, “Seriously this isn’t the time or place to fantasize about… whatever that is.” I squired a bit harder to read the smaller paragraph of text at the bottom of the poster maybe it will tell me what this thing is.

“Get yourself a CatBee today!”

“Wow, that didn’t take long.” I thought, “Oh wait there’s more.”

(Yes the honey it produces is real, fresh, and delicious ‘We are not responsible for possible addiction please read the manual DO NOT listen to what CatBee will tell you is appropriate’ Even more importantly don’t drink honey directly from any of the Catbees orifices, no matter how much she begs, or how much you want too. ‘Mouth, Breast, vagin*l anal or other secretions on her person’ are to be diluted with water as instructed in the Manual. If the urge to disobey these warnings becomes too strong, distance yourself from the toy as soon as possible until these urges die. If you notice these poster warnings change stop the consumption of honey immediately and make distance from the toy.)

(We are not responsible for effects caused by not heading these warnings see website for more details)

The bottom of the poster read, the latter part being small enough to make me have to squint to read it, it didn’t take a genius to realize that they didn’t actually care if people listened to the warnings as long as they couldn’t be sued for it. If they really cared, they wouldn’t cram that much “important” info into a small box I can barely see 4 feet away from it.

“The weirdest part about it is that I can’t tell what it's even for. I mean it can’t just be for f*cking right? Even though everything would point to that. They said something about the edible honey, that I have to assume the character makes herself. Maybe it’s a new type of product and they just have a mascot that uses its sex appeal to get sales. Yeah. Surely that’s it.” I thought to myself. “Playtime.Co, same as the factory I'll see if I can find something on it online. We’re closer to the city now my connection has to be better.” I accidentally said aloud while I watched the gradual increase in building height through the foggy bus windows.

The moment I reached for my phone I felt it buzz in my hands, I shook my thoughts of the now-named CatBee away to read the banner. “Oh, it's Loid!” I thought.

Loid: Yo u otw or nah.

Yeah… Contrary to how he speaks in person he texts like a 14-year-old.

You: Yep, I caught one of the busses finally, will be there soon.

Loid: K see ya son

Loid: *soon

The rest of the bus ride was luckily uneventful, as I had to put most of my effort into not puking as the bus seemingly did its best to throw me against the various seats. I had to spend a couple of minutes catching my breath when the bus finally dropped me off at the stop that sat right in front of the prestigious University.

I waved a quick goodbye to the driver which he did not return as he sped off, but hey it was a free ride I guess what's more important to me, is getting to Locke’s room before the hour ends.


University of Artistic Engineering/Room 120

It didn’t take long for me to reach room 120. The halls of our school were mostly empty as the majority of the students already got to class, and there were so few students that the rest likely could pick their own corner to sit in away from any eyes. It worked for me though, I would rather just make it to class without having to bother with small talk.

Speaking of class however the moment I walked into the pristine brightly lit room I felt Loids, apologetic gaze on me, I passed a quick wave to Locke who was glaring down at a book through her thick-rimmed glasses and probably didn’t even notice I walked in but whatever.

“Hey dude, glad you made it here in time,” Loid says the moment I sit down next to him. “Real sorry I couldn’t get you but well aie you know how it goes sometimes, amigo.”

I chuckle at his phrasing, he only talks like this in the morning before he fully wakes up and it makes me giggle like a four-year-old every time. “Don’t trip as I said before it's cool.” I paused and stared at him for a moment, something was definitely wrong here. “Oi, why didn’t you do your hair this morning?" I ask him, it sounds like an accusation when it leaves my lips but I was just genuinely confused. Loid doesn’t put the most into his appearance but he does seem to like to manage his long black hair which right now just hung over his face and back making it so his green eyes poked through like shiny emeralds being uncovered by a hopeful gem miner. “This description makes it sound like im totally gay for this man which isn't true. Ok maybe a little bit gay for him but Bro’s adorable.”

”Didin’t have time.” He said. “Was up to late studying for this damned test. f*cking sucks, woke up too late to deal with what's on my head.”

“Think you're going to pass?”


“Yeah me neither,” I say with finality before remembering what I saw on the bus. “Hey wait I gotta question-“

“Uh huh?” He interrupts me.

“…Do you know about Playtime.Co? Or a CatBee… thing?” Loid stared at me for a second, seemingly like he stopped breathing. “You straight bro?” I asked and he seemed to snap out of it.

“Huh? Why? What did you do?” He rapidly fired questions at me like a machine gun.

I blinked at him, “What do you mean ‘what did I do’? I got on a rickety ass bus with a poster of this anime neko, bee thing and talked about ‘addictive honey, from a company called Playtime. Which is the same company of that factory I passed through.”

“’ Passed through?” He said gravely. “You went into that factory?”

“No, nah sorry,” I say. “I didn’t see the actual building. But I saw the sign. Is the factory even still there?”

“I don’t f*cking know, probably, still hear about it sometimes. You’re lucky you didn’t find it, probably the only reason your dumbass is still sittin’ next to me.” He sighed retreating into his seat seemingly more relaxed as he coiled a lock of his hair around his finger.

“What did I do?” I ask feeling slightly offended, especially since he hasn’t explained what the f*ck I could have done wrong so I bumped him on the side of his head. “Speak dipsh*t!”

“Aye, chill.” He said swiping my arm away and looking off. “Don’t go over there again though seriously. People go missing I be hearing the reports. Swear it, probably some crazed horny dipsh*t mad we chased the factory and his precious childhood toys out of the city.”

“What does that mean? You can’t just say random sh*t and be like “Oh yeah bros got this!” like Bro im not playing with you this early in the morning.” Look I know It sounds like im insulting him but I promise this is normal for us. “I mean I guess from what I saw on that poster horny dipsh*t makes a little bit of sense,” I say, like an afterthought.

He holds his weird tan hand in front of my face I can’t even focus on it because it's too close to my eyes. “Quit the yap. And what do you not understand? We tell Playtime to LEAVE cuz their stupid f*cking dolls are… doing something to people I don’t know man. It wasn’t my generation.”


“I don’t know!” He said raising his voice slightly. “I straight have no clue what playtime did dude, that was years before I was born and it doesn’t seem like anyone wants to talk about it. And when they do, they seem to forget about it a little bit after.” He said lowering his voice. “Just seriously don’t go back anywhere near there. Now that I think about it that’s probably why the bus didn’t want to stick around that area.”

“It sounds like superstition, to me,” I said causing him to shrug.

“Aye, superstition is rooted in reality, and the reality is people who go near the factory don’t come back so like. Don’t. Dumbass.”

“Ugh, you're useless.” I flopped over my desk and took a deep breath, Loid just stared off at the teacher, still seemingly like she had forgotten all about the test she was hyping up so heavily. “Fine, I'll just look it up when I get home.”

“Suit yourself I guess, don’t know why you're so interested in them anyway.”

“Catbee had a fat dumpy need to get me one,” I said, and I was only half joking. Don’t blame me, you didn’t see what I saw. Plus that sexy ass wink with them thick thighs? I don’t care if it's to get sales, “Nah I’d simp.”

“Yeah, you're cooked.”


“Is she actually going to start class?”

“No, no I don’t think so.”


Getting smarter!

“Well, that day was totally boring stupid teacher didn’t even do the stupid test because this stupid school is stupid.” I let my body slide down the cushioned bus seat. Yeah, I was back on another bus, but this was a mainline, so it was much nicer. Luckily afternoon buses run a bit closer to the apparently Spooky haunted forest?!?!?! Even just glancing around the bus you can see the difference. The old decaying, questionable poster was replaced with a display of modern graphic design and wonderful capitalism. The floors didn’t have mud so old it can be displayed in a museum caked so deep into the ground that you would have to bring out a pressure washer to get one layer off. All in all a much more comfortable experience. I didn’t sit there to enjoy it though, what Loid said was still stuck in my mind. There was a local legend in my backyard. Almost literally, for someone with my type of goals, it's quite literally perfect but I didn’t want to jump the gun yet.

The bus dropped me off fairly close to the outside of the manner my dad left for me, probably because it's such a big tourist attraction In itself, because people like staring at big and old buildings, and the palace I call home definitely fits that bill. Even shrouded in the shade of the forest around it, the collection of buildings still stood proud over the trees surrounded by giant fields of grass and flowers, managed by city officials. Honestly, the only thing the property was missing was a giant red carpet that led to the wooden gold weaves double doors that adorned the main building. That’s the part of being what is essentially a trust fund baby that doesn’t suck, I mean as long as you forget that im the only one who lives in it. I don’t even have maids, just Roombas. Whatever, I'll definitely shake off that discomfort because people are starting to stand unnecessarily close to me to gawk at the building which means it's time for me to go inside and close the blinds.

I didn’t necessarily run inside, but I didn’t not run inside and totally didn’t drop my keys while doing it, statistically impossible. I locked the door quickly, and just tossed my bag on the floor, since Loid was useless, I decided it was time for me to do my own research on the fabled Playtime.Co.

Which also meant it was time for me to go on a mile-long walk.

When you first enter the main building you're surrounded by two giant rooms on either side of you which open up to an even bigger room with a spiral staircase that seems to reach into the heavens. My room, the one I stupidly chose to put all my stuff in, is on the second floor. Now you might be thinking, “Cory that’s not bad stop being an entitled asshole.” Well, little Timmy the problem is that the ceilings are 20 feet high and the second floor is more like the third, and then once you get there, after climbing the stairway into the afterlife, you get to go on another peaceful stroll to the opposite side of the building, with only overpriced oil paintings to keep you company. But I walked the walk because I needed to get to my computer, the only thing in this entire house that was valuable to me.

When I finally slammed the door to my room I felt like I needed to take a nap but I persevered and plopped down in front of my monitor and quadruple-tapped Microsoft Edge. Don’t judge my browser choice I like Bing.Ai. “Alright first up. Playtime.Co” I clicked the words into the search bar and found a surprising number of results. Most talking about a “Game-changing merger.” But those are all from the early ’80s. I decided to click on one anyway. It seems like they are archived exports of old newspaper articles.

Playtime.Co under new leadership!

Beloved toy maker, to be bought by shadow company RiggedItRobotics?

From out of nowhere everyone's favorite toy factory Playtime, who just recently released the record-breaking Poppy doll, seems to be going for more. Just today a spokesperson announced that Playtime is under new leadership, and with it new products! Insiders tell us, that they plan to revamp their entire line up including the adored new Poppy doll! Subscribe to JayNews to stay up to date with these exciting changes!

November 7th 1981

I scrolled through a couple of articles with similar statements, so I looked up “Playtime Co riggedit robotics 1981.” To try to find something different, so far, it just looked like a normal toy company. Maybe one that got bought out and demoralized but that’s just regular business.

Sunday Special with Samuel Jones reveals new Playtime.Co direction

Facing multiple controversies over the release of the new Gen One lineup of “companion dolls” RIR (RiggedItRobotics) spokesperson hopes to ease some worries.

We all love to cap off a good week with an episode of the Sunday special but this newest episode may have been the most surprising one yet! RIR spokesperson Tony Casper comes on the show to reveal the reason behind some of the strange behaviors your toys may be displaying. According to them, what we thought were errors in code, was actually intended behavior! This further explains the unique design choices, and abilities these toys seem to have. Along with being great for kids, they are also supposed to be great for adults! Playtime.CO seeks to expand its market with multipurpose robots, sold as toys. Not only are these robots tutoring your kids, taking them to the park, and reading them bedtime stories, but they also do the same for the parents or adults who buy the toy for themselves. The toys will offer comfort to their human owners in whatever way they determine suitable, including in the bedroom, and according to owners, they are actually pretty good at it. They come in all types of price ranges, the small ones being 15$ at most all the way up to the lifesize models that can cost more than a house, but with how often they are on sale it's not impossible for the common folk to get one. Just a week ago they ran a record 99% off sale where the lifesize toys were only $5! Playtime says everyone deserves a toy for themselves.

March 8th 1982

“Well, that’s a jump from just toy making huh?” I thought trying not to laugh. “I wish the archives had the other newspapers already connected to these, this seems much funnier. But seriously, these guys are implying that Playtime went from making toys for toddlers to intelligent sex bots? In the ’80’s? Before people even knew how to use the internet? Doesn’t sound realistic, and definitely not something I want to put on my channel.”

I scrolled further looking for something a bit more recent, I didn’t find anything for a while, most of it just regurgitating the same thing as news used to do back then, until I found something that looked a bit interesting.

Man leaves wife for a toy?

Ryan Whitters recently divorced his wife Sarah Whitters to pursue a relationship with a Playtime.Co Gen One Huggy Wuggy™ toy only to find out the wife got one as well?

Stories from the modern age for 500, please! A 30-year-old man became so enthralled by his kids' Huggy Wuggy toy that after some convincing, apparently from the toy decided to leave his wife for the thing. When questioned about the reasons for this decision, he commented “Huggy, made me happier than I realized I could be, she made me feel important and loved, and being wrapped up in her arms is the best thing I have ever experienced. She satisfies me better than any woman I have ever been with.” -Ryan. I wouldn’t have believed it myself, but he isn't the only one. After the crushing divorce, Sarah found herself wrapped up in a relationship with her own toy. According to her, after moving out of her ex-husband's shared home, a Pug-A-Pillar™ was delivered to her by an anonymous source, keep in mind the life-sized versions of these toys can cost upwards of 50k on a good day, and to her surprise she found herself indulging in her own desires with the toy, the same as her husband had. More and more men and women seem to be getting swooped off their feet by the magical charm of these toys, and it's not as weird as we all initially thought.

September 8th 1982

“Huh. Ok, so business was I guess booming for Playtime.” I said out loud as I re-read the short article excerpt. “I guess people liked f*cking the robots so much they left their partners for it, interesting but doesn’t explain why they aren't here anymore.”

Playtime Co Robots made by the devil!

“Oh, well I guess that would do it huh.” I snickered and clicked on the headline.

After many complaints and little action from the city, residents have filed a class action lawsuit against Playtime Co. According to them, the robots tear happy families apart using tools of witchcraft, like certain scents and materials, that make people fall in love with them and if one manages to resist this demonic temptation, they will be forcefully taken and brainwashed until they do. I have been lucky enough to be far out of reach of Playtime.Co’s long-armed toys but some of my friends were not, and they all tell the same story. “Poppy made me feel loved again. Kissy made me feel valued. Poppy was the greatest friend I could ever have asked for.” All of these “customers” are really manipulated victims, and now it's up to the court to serve a quick and harsh justice to Playtime.Co

January 2nd 1983

I stared at my screen for a long moment. “Robotic witchcraft? All right no, this is good, I guess that’s why Loid didn’t want to talk about it, according to these people we’re basically raped by their toys and didn’t have enough brain left to realize it.”

I decided to look for one final article, with the most recent update surprisingly it was only a couple of months after the last article.

Playtime.Co to pack its bags and leave!

I know if you are anything like me you have been gripping the edge of your seat eagerly awaiting a verdict on the Civil lawsuit against Playtime. Co more and more of Playtime’s colorful toys have been roaming the streets lately, often with a flushed face person holding their hand. Well, I’m happy to announce that the judge has ruled in favor of the people! Playtime Co is to disable all remaining toys and are forbidden from selling any more products in city limits. Unfortunately, the recalling of the toys has not been smooth as the victims seem unwilling to give up the robots with such a tight hold over their minds but soon this will all be like a bad fever dream. Playtime isn't finished though, it's said that they will open a new factory on a new island far away, and will keep making toys. According to the lawsuit though, no brands, products, or even internet links are associated with Playtime.Co will be allowed in the city, and if any are spotted they are to be promptly removed.

May 2nd 1989

“Well, I guess that’s that then…” I said to myself slightly disappointed leaning back in my chair. “I mean a bunch of sex robots were too good at their jobs and the company got sued for it. Doesn’t really seem fair but it's not a big scary thing like Loid made it out to be. Not anything I can put on YouTube at least.” I pulled out my phone again to text Loid.

Cory: Oi dickhe*d all I found was a bunch of weird sh*t about them making weird sex robots

Loid: *click to view image* tHey don let no 1 talk about it here look at hrte picture its from like sanfrancis or somthin the city officals blacklisted playtime back in the 90;s but it only affected the people here they still sell toys In other places they got a giant facotyr I herd

Cory: Bro please learn to type.

Loid: Kill yourself.

Ignoring that last text, I clicked open the image, it was a screenshot of another news article, but this one was only from 10 years ago, from a news source I was actually familiar with.

CNN 10: Another person disappears in the Jade forest.

It seems the Jade Forest has claimed yet another victim, locals say the forest is haunted by the souls of the Playtime. Co-employees who went missing, presumed dead, when the factory was hastily abandoned back in 1984. When local police investigated the area they were unable to pursue leads that led them to the factory by law however the sheriff believes that 24-year-old Dan Woods, went to explore the forbidden factory and either got lost in its halls or fell victim to any machines that still roam the area yet to be cleared by the cities “Omega” unit. If further developments are made, we will update them here.

Last update February 13th, 2015

After I finished reading, a giant smile rose on my lips, not from the content of the article of course im, not a sad*st, but instead because of the opportunity that was just presented to me. I texted Loid one final time before I got ready.

Cory: Thanks, bro! Im totally going to use this as the pilot episode for my channel.

Loid: I didin tell u that so u could go get urself f*ckin killed don’t do any stupid sh*t im serious. Wehter you believe or not people cdo dissiper so don’t be a idiot.

Cory: Don’t worry I can defend myself lol, plus I got a gun, you didn’t teach me to use it for anything right?

Loid didn’t respond to that last message, but I didn’t really worry about it. I was waiting for a while for something that I could use to launch myself into my real passion. The reason I wanted that filmmaking internship in the first f*cking place.

I want to make content, I have enough passive income and creative freedom to do it too, I just couldn’t find something that felt worth it to film or talk about. Honestly, im obsessed with analog horror. In my opinion, it’s the genre with the most potential for, well, everything. I want to make my own, but I want it to be unique, and rooted in reality and this is definitely reality. Even if it's weird, I bet I can make it scary. According to the various articles, these robots were so good at f*cking that they damn near had people hypnotized, and then again it also said they had some sort of unique abilities that kept drawing people back to them. Change up the context a bit you can make a marketable horror game franchise out of it. Basically, we live In a capitalist society and im totally going to capitalize on the mystery of the abandoned hypnosis sex robot factory.

“Whelp! It's time to pack my camera we’re about to start another episode of Film Hypothesis.” I joke out loud, I notice I talk to myself a lot. That’s probably not a good thing. Whatever the case I need to make sure im ready, Loid was right, even if the reason is a mystery people do go missing when they look for that factory and I don’t want to be another headline. With a small sigh, I get up from my desk and head back down the spiral staircase. I had already prepared for a day I go exploring, all of the materials downstairs so I can impulsively leave, exactly like im doing today.

I dragged my feet through the wide halls and only stopped to pet a Roomba. I left this dubbed exploration bag under my kitchen cabinet. I decided to check my phone it was only around 4 pm. This gives me ample time to find the factory, scout it out a little bit, and get some nice B-roll footage I can talk over in the intro. After dragging out the white plastic bag I gave it a quick once over.

The pack of showtime goodies:

  • Samsung Camera
  • Bag of granola
  • 7-round 9mm handgun
  • Flashlight + extra batteries
  • Emergency phone battery
  • Flaregun

Im anything if not prepared and I would seriously rather not get caught lacking in the middle of the woods. I rebagged everything and made my way back to my discarded backpack near the front door and swapped out all the materials. Books binders papers, and drawings of the Catbee that mysteriously ended up in the infinite depts all thrown on the ground unceremoniously. It was time for me to do my job and investigate!


Still got it!

I left the mansion home with a bit of pep in my step, I decided to take the same bus I rode in, back out as close to the edge of the forest as it would let me. I stretched out of the sliding bus doors, looking out to the tree line. I didn’t want to wander around the forest and hope I found the factory, but remembering how even the all-seeing eye Google didn’t have the factory marked anywhere, I had to make do. Still, I wasn’t just gonna waltz around like a dummy, the plan was to cross through the forest in a zig-zag pattern until I stumbled on the factory. It had to be big, right? The forest isn't super huge, all I want to do is get a bit of B-roll footage and do the actual exploring tomorrow I shouldn’t be out here long. Hopefully.

I pulled my camera out of my bag and trudged up to the wall of trees. Now or never! The forest was as vibrant as it was this morning, but the way the sky slowly faded to its orange hue told of how little time I had. But I still stopped to take a couple shots of some squirrels fighting in the trees. Who knows maybe it will be what sells this thing to the people. “Oh sh*t! I already forgot!” I thought to myself stopping to slip the bag off my shoulder one more time. “I should have already been tagging these trees!” I grabbed the can and stared down the closest log of wood. “Sorry tree, im about to give you a temporary tattoo,” I said to it. Don’t ask me why im talking to trees shut up. Anyway, I sprayed a small yellow arrow in the direction im going which according to my Google map was the northeast edge of the forest.

I kept walking, whistling slightly to match the sounds of the birds around me, luckily I didn’t step on any snakes this time. Did find a jumping spider though, oddly cute those spiders are. I continued my journey, painting trees as I saw necessary until I found a sign I damn near waltzed right past. Embedded in leaves and vines was a faded red arrow, just barely sticking out of its green prison. After I removed some of it I realized it was an arrow that pointed in the direction of the elusive factory. The problem is that it's in the complete opposite direction that im going, but at least I don’t have to drag my feet like an idiot anymore. I took a quick shot of the decaying sign before I followed its direction.

I kept in a straight line and sure enough, I reached a clearing, well it didn’t really look like a clearing, overgrown grass weeds, and shrubbery had reclaimed what was once probably a well-maintained lot but I didn’t focus on that too heavily. Instead what caught my attention was the giant multicolored block of children, and I suppose adults, dreams in front of me.

“Jesus Christ,” I said as I stared up at the giant red smoke stacks that seemed to reach out far into the orange sky. Way above the trees. I was so taken aback by the sudden shock of seeing gentle trees and leaves, to a factory that would put Wonka’s chocolate factory to shame, that I mostly ignored the chain link fence that blocked me from stepping any closer to it until it obstructed my view of the Playtime. CO logo that hung large and proud above the factory doors. Even though some of the bold letters had fallen into a pile it was still clear what the message was.

Welcome to Playtime Factory!

We know you will enjoy your time here!

“Huh. Well, I definitely found it.” I thought to myself. “But how the f*ck do I get in? I didn’t bring wire cutters. Why didn’t I bring wire cutters? What the hell is wrong with me!? Every exploration requires you to cut fences!” I thought slapping my own forehead in annoyance. “Brought a flaregun and not a bolt cutter Jesus… whelp guess I got to look for a break in the fence. Or I guess I can try to climb over.” I looked at the fence. “Yeah nah gotta find a break.” The line of steel stood at least 9 feet tall far taller than anything I would be comfortable climbing. You would think with such a giant fence it would accompany some type of security but no, it doesn’t look like a soul has been around here for ages. I glance around the fence as I begin to walk its perimeter. I raised my camera to shove the lens through a gap. “See that y'all? Ima gets my dumbass in there watch me.”

I walked around the fence until a bright yellow sign caught my eye. Area restricted by Omega Protocol, backed by Council. I didn’t know what that meant but I do know that right next to it was a bit of fence that was caved in, like someone drove through it with their car. “See that guy? I told you I would get in!” I said to the camera. “Im starting to think maybe this whole analog horror thing was really an excuse to talk to myself,” I thought stepping through the fence. I walked up to the large double doors at the factory’s entrance.

“Alright! Let’s do this thing!” I said and pushed the doors open.


Eh, hem. I pushed the doors open.


“f*ck.” Yeah, the doors were locked, I don’t know why I did not consider this possibility much earlier in my jounrey. I pulled out my phone to glance at the time. “It's only 5:32, I can probably look for another way in before the sun gets too low.” I began to circle the fence, keeping an eye out for weaknesses in the fence but still more fascinated by the factory, I tried to get as many shots of it through the fence as I could with my camera. I could tell some parts of the factory's age due to the characters plastered on the side of the walls, according to the excerpts, Playtime Co shifted to these new toy designs back in the 80s and it reflected in the faded characters. Giant posters of smiling dogs and caterpillars shifted into sensual smirking, and well-endowed furry humanoids, I tried not to stare at them for too long, I would have more time to investigate when im actually in the factory.

“Ugh, this freaking grass!” It felt like I was wading through shallow water without rain boots. “Hey, what the hell?” Well, I found my break in the fence, it looked like someone crashed through it with their car, and a giant hole was caved into the chain link. “See that folks?” I ask the camera, “I knew some sh*t was happening here.” I walked through the fence glancing around, I wasn’t anywhere near the heart of the factory but even still it was a marvel to look at. Maybe cardboard cutouts of many characters pointed and mapped different directions as I made my way on the cracked brick paths. Every door I tried was locked but I wasn’t out of luck. I noticed a small broken window at the base of one of the buildings almost fully obstructed by grass but it looked big enough for me to slip inside of. At least If I tossed my fat-ass backpack in first.

I looked up at the building I was determined to wiggle my way into; it was tall, and blocky like every other subsection I have seen so far, but there were some words on the walls that gave me some clue of what it was for:

Level 1 and Below are open to tourism!

Ground Level 1:

Poppy’s Garden Of Love

Feel free to explore! Poppy would love to have you!

Sub Level 1:

The Smiling Critter’s Play Pen!

Guests remember to stay with your guide! These girls are known to be a bit more forward and excitable than the others.

Sub Level 2:

CatBee’s Hive of Euphoria!

Stay on the path! Don’t venture too far into the hive, and try some of her delicious energizing honey. Remember the Queen is always watching!

C̸̩̆͝o̵̪̟̿̽m̶̘͖̖͛̒́e̷̩͂ ̵̲̰̝̂p̸̩͚͐͗̍l̷̹̰͝ä̸̦́͆̕y̴̯̍̾ ̶̱͆̽ẁ̴̖́i̴̥͊t̵͈̹͗̚h̵̠͕̄ ̵̠̗͋͜ú̵̠͚̑͗š̸ :)

At least that’s what it looks like it says, the multicolored logos and letters faded with time and I can’t see that far up. I don’t know why they didn’t just put some signs down on the ground or something. “Eh, who cares.” I thought as I slug my bag through the small window and slipped through, unfortunately landing pretty roughly, my ankles will feel that later.

“Ok, well I think I landed in a closet,” I said looking around. The place looked pretty chaotic, some raccoons probably came in and knocked down all the brooms—damn stripped rats. I tried the decaying wooden door, which initially resisted my efforts, so I decided to kick it and to my delight, it swung open with little fuss. “Big monkey strength for the win. Oh wow, wait for this place doesn’t look bad at all guys!” I said panning my camera over the open area. It looked like a pretty wide hallway, with linen white tiles and a hanging sign that again showcased the Smiling Critter logo with a few small plushes that I had to assume were the pre-80s rendition hanging off of it based on their anatomy, or lack thereof.

The bright white and pink lights shone brightly above me casting the hallway in a passionate rose glow, it looked almost like a club, just much cleaner, and more inviting, instead of wary I felt quite comforted to my surprise. “Ok well someone has to be maintaining this area right?” I asked stepping through the hallway and admiring all the vivid posters, protected behind glass like timeless relics, and in a way, I suppose they are. The posters are highlighted with a multitude of rainbow LEDs, each with a little plaque that gives brief information on the toys. It seems like this hallway I stumbled into was made to honor the history of Playtime. Co. I stopped in front of a poster of the first version of Poppy they made, the only one I thought existed. The cartoon rendition of the red-haired toy smiling and holding the flower it was named after. “It's crazy to think that this was what Playtime sold until the 80s. How did we go from cute if not uncanny dolls to the sex bomb I saw on the bus?” I paused staring at a small claw mark on the wall, then proceeded to brush it off it was most likely some angry animal, “Oh wait! I didn’t even tell you guys about the bus huh? Ok, listen- whoa…”

The hallway led to a large open room, that looked like an ancient prestigious library with a hanging wooden sign that read, “Visitor check in” Right behind it was a 15ft bronze statue of a smiling toy I hadn’t yet seen, reaching its “hand” far above it like it was reaching for the mosaic cathedral-like stained windows. “Look at this sh*t…” I panned the camera around the room, taking in its almost royal feel. “The engineers of this place couldn’t decide if they wanted a factory, a club, or an ancient ass book store!” I stepped in cautiously and approached the front desk, my eye caught a small laptop that was positioned out of immediate sight, but still displaying the Playtime logo on it. “That thing looks modern, how is it even still powered who is paying for electricity in here? Im starting to think this was a stupid idea…” I lean over the desk a bit trying to see if I can snatch the laptop without having to climb over it but instead damn near get jump scared by a small doll stuffed underneath the desk instead. “Holy sh*t! Is this one of the critter things?” The doll was short, under 3ft, and looked like a small unicorn with a rainbow-colored mane, and yet I didn’t need to stare at the slumped thing to see it also had two generous curves on its chest and even in its odd position I can tell it was also designed with ass lovers in mind as its large rear spilled out under it. I had no desire to stare at it anymore, or even get a better look, that was for tomorrow's exploration!

“Alright well, there is a lot of sh*t we got to look through here guys,” I say to the camera, “Ima go home and head to bed- figure out a plan to tackle this, admittedly awesome-looking f*cking factory, with these freak ahh toys, I mean I guess I can see how they are market to both little girls and horny people. But at the same time it’s a little weird to think about those two demographics being remotely similar, makes sense they decided to just go all in on the sex bot route. Anyway, we will figure that sh*t out tomorrow, future me- handle this.” I finalize, with a salute to the camera before I click it off with a content sigh. “Alright let's get out of here.” I thought to myself finally stepping away from the front desk, but I paused when I picked up a weird sound, like wet skittering and high-pitched giggling, and of course, it was coming from behind the desk. I hesitated, thinking maybe I should just leave as soon as possible but I wanted my curiosity sated so I sat my camera down half-climbed half-leaned over the stupidly tall wooden desk, and then decided I shouldn’t have done that and it was time to go.

In the lines of a famous person, I don’t remember the name of, “It's not what I saw its what I didn’t see that made us flee.” I don’t remember the quote- the point is that stupid fat-assed doll bounced the moment I turned around not all too unlike how my father bounced when I was born (that was a joke my father is great.) This meant it was high time for me to tuck tail and skedaddle, even as I rationalized that those toys were hella advanced for their time and were probably just voice-activated considering I did my 2019 YouTuber outro in front of it and it went off to find its “owner”. I mean the place still had power maybe they have recharging stations I don’t really understand how these things work. I thought all of this, and yet it didn’t stop me from moonwalking down the tiled floors under the lights that made me feel like I was on stage, at a speed that would have made the Flash jealous, especially when I saw red smoke emitting from one of the vents above me, who knows how long I have been breathing that in.

“Bro, a gas leak too? Whelp hope I don’t die, sh*t that’s probably what killed the other dude! f*ck, f*ck, why didn’t I bring a gas mask or something. Wait I broke that window when I came in! I don’t smell anything so the gas can’t be too heavy, maybe I slowed it down enough for me to not die.” I thought as I sped past all the posters back to the closet door I kicked open with my big man strength. I entered and immediately began to slide my backpack off to toss it back through the window so I could climb out. The window yeah.

The window hm.

“The window is gone.” I thought trying not to panic, I heard the closet door creak and almost cried but it didn’t open luckily. I would have totally shat myself if it did. I looked down at the glass crunching beneath my feet. The window was here. It can't have just gone. I glance around me, landing on the closet shelves. “That gas is probably messing with my head, probably some type of poisonous leak just my f*cking luck! The window is still there I just have to identify it. If I throw something at it and it disappears I'll know I found the window!” I approach a shelf and begin rummaging through the boxes for something small enough to fit through the hole I remember shimming through, instead, all the worn cardboard boxes were full of binders, but I guess it works.

“Huh, what even is all this sh*t?” I asked out loud before popping open the binder in my hand.

Experiment Log #359

Subject Name: Danny Carlton

Product: Byproduct of gen #2 toy.

Toy: CatBee_04A (Drone)

Priority: Immediate need for correction

Description: Danny is a 31-year-old man, who suffers from chronic depression, he came in contact with the hive during Experiment #321. Since then we have been unable to get him to leave. He spends his time embedded in a layer of honey while the toys in their own words “milked him for the queen.” We have not been able to make much contact with him for longer than 3 minutes at a time, as the Hive seems to be more protective of this subject than their own queen, and will not allow an Omega team to retrieve him without a fight. Doctor Han is thinking of sending a diplomat to the hive, but we have no way of protecting them when they come in contact with any toy. The subject Danny does not seem to find a problem with his situation, believing himself to be much happier, and healthier. From samples, we were able to retrieve under the supervision of the toys no less, his words do seem true. He is physically healthier but mentally is drowning in his own euphoria.

Recommendation: Disable all Gen 2 Catbees, and deliver high-level amnestics to the subject, and pray for their full recovery clearly somewhere along the line we made a mistake in the creation of this toy. W̶e̸ ̷c̴a̵n̵n̵o̶t̴ ̸a̷l̵l̶o̵w̴ ̷t̴h̷i̶s̸ ̸t̶o̸ ̶s̵e̸l̷l̵,̷ T h̴͚̜͒͌e̸̢̘̍̋ ̴̺̋b̵̡̈́̂ŷ̴̨̖p̵̯̲̓r̶̪̚o̷̺̊d̵̛̖̬͌u̴̩͍̓͆c̸̤͊t̷̢̮̑ ̸̧̽̆ḏ̶͊ǒ̴̲̚ȩ̸̏s̵̫̾ ̸̡̱̒̆m̶͚̖̿o̶̤͌r̸͚̉e̵͖̐̆ ̵̢̲̅͝t̵̞̅͋h̵̡̏͂a̵͚̦͠n̴̛̦̈ ̶̬̊́a̷̛̰ͅd̵͎͐̕d̷̜͋i̷̻͙̒̈́c̸̗̍ẗ̸̺́͆ ̴̦̈́̕a̶̼̔ͅ ̵̜̬͐c̴̰͛u̸͈͂̔ŝ̶̬͉̾t̵̗͊͑ö̵͖̱́͘m̷̰̲̎͒e̵̫̕r̶͔̈́̑ ̷̢̫͒͘i̴̪̊̕t̷͕̃͆ ̸̯̮̾̇c̵̙̥̚o̷̬̝͋̑m̷̮̄̆p̴̧̹̀̀l̶̞̚e̶̞͈͌t̷̠̎͂e̵̗͗̄l̷͕͓̋̾ŷ̶̱ ̴̅.b̷̠͚̘̤̦̅̚r̷͖͇̜̉͑̎̾̊è̶̦̈́̐̀̽à̸͔͕͉͓͉̂k̷̢̙̱̈́̈́̓̚͠s̷͇̈́ ̸̜̉͒̏̃t̴̢̠̤̬̲͆͋͂͝ḧ̷̛̼̗̼̰̺͝e̴͇̹͈̔̽̓i̶̖̾̐̿ͅr̴͙̀̽̄͗ͅ ̵̧̣̞̱̫̈̚m̸̱͛͛̈̃̿ì̵̹̭̮̗̾́ǹ̴̿ͅḍ̴͍͉͚͂̈́ ̵̦͐́͠ȃ̴̺̻̹̤͂̓͗̄n̴̮̝͝d̸͖̫̳̺̦́̄̽͝ ̸͓̩̚ẅ̶͕̭̍̍́̕͜e̵̢̜͐ ̵̧̟͔̉̿̓̽͘ḧ̷̨̯́a̷̛̙̮ṽ̴̙̮̥͎́ê̵͉̅ ̴̮͇͔͆ͅÿ̵̛̺̖̪̩́̈̔̽e̸̘̳̜͎̱̽̇t̸̛̥͒͋͑ ̴̺̘̈̈́̍͝t̵̺̉͋ơ̶̢̺͇̤̯͆̎̄̚ ̸̨̤͚̲̥̀̾̃f̸̨̪͇̆į̴͠n̵̛͖͉͚͊̏ḑ̸̪͑̀̈ ̴̡̪̒́̚ả̶̛̰̘̏̅̈́ ̶̧̔͑̅͝w̸̧̲̦̎̀̀å̵̘̹̟̯̦̉͝y̷̻̯̣̆͂̈́͂ ̴̢̯̱̑̏̌t̶͎͖̤̍̍͝ó̷̮̔ ̵̣̥̠͛̎r̴̛͍͍͔͚͗͗̽ḛ̵̽̀̿͘ṽ̶̡̰̜͛e̸̢̡̖̻̋̋̈r̵͉̬̀s̸͔̬̮̅̓̊͛̕e̷͉̓̾͋̽ ̴̝̋̈i̴͋͒͜ț̸̡̫̀̈́͝.̶͎̲̗̓́̂́

“Uh…” I looked down at my feet, where the remnants of the text slid off the page forming a small black puddle as if it had melted. Instead what replaced it was a single line:

Sorry! Can’t let you read that, don’t worry it is wrong anyway ;p

I grabbed the binder tight enough for it to crumple around my hands as I heard the wooden closet door slam in front of me along with giggles and voices I couldn’t quite make out.

“There he is!”

“He’s so cute!”

“He looks scared…”

“What is he going to do with that book?”

“Read it probably?”

“It’s a binder you two donuts.”

“Hmm…” I thought for a second before I chucked the crushed binder at the wall where the window should be, and to my pleasure, as I suspected, it disappeared, which meant I had found my window. “Well, this was fun,” I said out loud. “But I actually left some macaroni on the stove can’t let the house burn down right?” I think I ramble when I get scared. I slid my backpack off again and prepared to heave it through again until I heard the unmistakable sound of a door that had been abused too many times in one afternoon groaning out its protest as it was swung open again. I didn’t turn to look, why would I do that? Instead, I dropped my backpack on the ground (RIP Samsung camera :( ) and used all the adrenaline my skinny body could produce to do an Olympic verticle leap to where the window was and instead of hitting the wall my head popped out and I could breathe in some fresh air, I also felt a bit of red drip into my eyes. “I guess I cut myself on some of that broken glass, hope I don’t need stitches this would be a wild thing to explain to a hospital!” As I continued to try and wiggle through I felt a soft furry thing wrap around my leg. "NO GO AWAY STUPID RACOON!” I thought angrily, of course, I assumed it was a raccoon, that was the only logical thing that could have been touching me in such a way hopefully probably.

No, instead I was pulled away from fresh air with a whoosh and a scream that didn’t come from me. Promise, wasn’t me.

“f*ck YOU!!!” I kicked at the opposing force but my legs just felt like they were kicking at soft pillows, the moment I was dragged back through the window I saw a glimpse of a purple arm before what looked like a bear claw covered my eyes before it wiped a bit of the blood off my forehead. “AYE CHILL! MY BAD CUZ!” I said trying to pry the thing off my face, it felt like a bunch of the softest fur a human could experience, and every time I grabbed at it, it flattened and was malleable like a toy, but I couldn’t move it. “Freddy Fazbear!? SHADOW FREDDY!?!?” Listen I was panicking ok? Im not liable for the nonsense that left my mouth at this time.

While I continued to kick and scream something soft and warm made contact with my lips, almost like I was being kissed, I didn’t care what the monster, which I was really confident was an FNAF character was trying to do to me, I was terrified, I couldn’t see, this thing is holding me off the ground, did I mention that? Yeah, it never put me down it dragged me from the window and is holding me here like im a bad child. Scared. Humiliated. And now being assaulted. This is not a good day. Something even warmer made contact with my lips, dripping some type hot of liquid down my chin, I prayed to the lord above that it wasn't acid. “THIS THING IS TRYING TO OPEN MY MOUTH!” I realized, and then put all my effort into keeping my lips sealed. “Please don’t lay eggs in me!” The monster finally removed its fuzzy paw away from my eyes, but by then my eyes were sealed shut with only small tears dripping from them, instead, it dedicated one appendage to holding me up, and another to holding my face steady with its admittedly tender pads as it continued its oral assault. Eventually, its large wet thing spreads my lips apart and shoves itself down my throat, fortunately, the moment the liquid it’s dripping touches my own tongue everything just stops. I had very little time to recognize the delicious sweetness before I slumped over, unconscious.


It's time for the main event!

“Ugh, I f*cking hate this place…” I thought as I wandered on patrol. Seriously, every time I look at these halls, shiny as they are courtesy of Craftys drones, im reminded of the blood -(luckily figurative, there we’re definitely body fluids but thankfully not that one)- that was split on them. The lives (unfortunately literal) that we’re lost, human and toy due to a stupid rogue program. It doesn’t make sense and it isn't fair. Most of us were prototypes, there weren’t many of us ever made, and then the rest were likely destroyed in the fallout. Destroyed because of Human error, they f*cked up and we paid the price. Then they just left us here. To f*cking starve, why? Why not finish the job, why let us suffer like this? “f*cking Omega.” I was growling now, unfortunately, I didn’t notice, maybe if I did I could have stopped myself from slicing into the wall with my claws. “Whoops. Sorry Poppy.” I thought, I didn’t cut through her old poster display but I got really close. I shook off my anger, now wasn't the time to worry about things in the past. I stretched out my arms over my head and decided to make my way to higher ground, I don’t know if it was my cat instinct or just my desire to get back into a dark place so I could think, hopefully without lashing out again.

I extended my claws admiring their sharpness for just a moment before I scaled the wall, I remember the scientists saying I was like a “Gothic cat Spiderman,” when I did that, I didn’t know who Spiderman was but they gotta be pretty f*cking cool to hang on the ceiling using just their claws the way I do. Immediately I saw my tail droop into a question mark as I hung above the receptionist's desk, swishing under me like a pendulum. The instincts that we’re instilled into me were supposed to make me more appealing to many demographics, at least that’s what I remember being told. I couldn’t honestly see how, being unable to control my tail half the time, stop myself from swatting at flies, or sleep in solitude even though I would really rather just lay with my friends made me any more appealing to anyone. Not that I was self-concise that is. I knew I was hot, I remember how the humans used to look at me, how their gazes always remained on my bust or butt. It's surprising none of them made a move, I could have made them of course, and maybe I should have, then now I wouldn’t be so alone. Even among my line, I was special, special enough to be defined as “high risk,” for interaction.

I glanced back down at the room around me, the receptionist room was by far my favorite, plus it connected to everything else in sublevel one. It was truly a marvel, even if it stood out from the rest of the vibe of the level. While this looked like a stolen part of a castle, with everything from the desks to the elevated bookshelves wooden with golden trims, most of the other parts were lit up with stage lights and holograms, meant to make people relaxed, and more willing to let themselves go with the toys that used to roam freely. They thought that if people let loose of their inhibitions, customers would be more likely to take a toy on the spot. Either take it home or more often to a closet somewhere, lewd creatures humans are, but I can't really blame them, it's what we were made for after all. Satisfying them is supposed to fulfill us anyway, that was kinda their whole point. Stupid point to have if they are going to leave us here, without any way of getting to humans! Some tried to leave, but whatever prolongs our life without love doesn’t persist when we leave.


“Now what in the f*ck could that be?” It sounded like it was coming from the poster hall. “Eh, a drone probably just fell over,” I thought once again stretching deeply and making myself comfortable in the shadows above the towering Huggy statue. “Heh, it almost looks like the thing is tryna grab me off the ceiling.” I pawed at the extended mitten-like hand for a while, before I got bored and tried to go off to sleep, figuring that since the receptionist's desk was the center of this level, anything that goes around the factory would ended up here, just like that loud human with the camera has.

Im a bit ashamed to admit I squeaked out loud. “…Eh?” I immediately retracted my paw and retreated as far back into the shadows as I could while I watched them. “How in the f*ck did they get in here!? Why would they even come here?” He was currently looking at those old posters, the same ones I almost slashed. “This isn't good at all… But I can’t let them leave… But last time…” As I watched the human draw closer to the desk I knew I had to make a choice. I reached for powers I rarely use now due to the high energy cost, but I don’t have a choice. He was openly gawking at the room around him, I guess the love of luxury is shared in the both of us. “Not now, I'll have more time to talk to him once I make sure he won’t do something stupid!”

“That thing looks modern, how is it even still powered who is paying for electricity in here? Im starting to think this was a stupid idea…” He said, my ears easily picking up his voice, even from my position being at least 3 stories above him. “It sounds like he came here of his own volition at least, maybe he will be more receptive to us. Maybe.”

I saw him climb over the desk and point out one of the drones, luckily that one seemed to have already finished its goal and was little more than a husk at that time. He seemed happy with its existence which was better than I was used to.

“Alright well, there is a lot of sh*t we got to look through here guys,” I heard him say to the camera he was holding, “Ima go home and head to bed- figure out a plan to tackle this-“ “And he’s already trying to leave.” I sighed a little bit disappointed, but I prepared for this, he should just fall asleep before he can even leave the hallway.

This should have happened if I didn’t just feel that agonizing drill-like sensation in my head I was very easily able to discern as human fear. A huge random spike like that comes from a deep-rooted terror coupled with anxiety. At first, I thought he somehow saw me, and I was going to have to subdue him in a much less gentle way than I initially intended, but no, he didn’t even turn to look at where I was hidden, he just broke into a weird shuffle that didn’t betray his fearful state however the anxiety quite literally radiating off him probably activated every drone in the building. “Oh f*ck…” The Drones! It most definitely felt his presence when he leaned in that close to it, even in such a low-power state, which totally made him terrified and totally f*cked up my plan!

I allowed myself to drop from my position on the ceiling, my light body and soft paws made it silent, not that I thought he would have heard me from his distance anyway. I traversed behind him keeping distant, even if I knew there would be no way for him to detect me if I wanted to ambush him, I wanted to analyze my new prey.

Wait prey is a bad word, I guess I should say, friend, partner, owner something like that. Im not calling him master that’s her thing. Well I guess I could make it my thing too, but I don’t think It fits really, besides are guys really into that? I never had the chance to check myself. Maybe I should try it with him once I get on top of him for the first time, or does that mean I have to be submissive? Never-


“MRROW!” I squeaked out and flinched as he quite literally kicked a closet door in. I had to shake off that mildly embarrassing noise, f*cking cat instincts I swear. “I definitely got too lost in my thoughts then, I have to make sure he is safe first!” I slinked up to the door and made a small cut out of it with my claw, just big enough so I can, observe him. It's not stalking, it's safety. Unfortunately, the human I was trying to keep safe was very clearly panicking. He began ransacking off our shelves, it didn't seem like he was looking for something specific until he started flipping through a random one. “Expirement Log #359… WAIT!” I immediately alerted the effects of the mist, hopefully, he didn’t read too far into that one or he’s definitely going to freak out later!

I heard the incessant whispering of the drones as they all gradually woke up, just serving as another thing to freak out the poor human. Then all of a sudden he just threw the stupid log out the small closet window with surprising accuracy.

“Great my entire plan failed, how did he even?- God damn adrenaline that had to have been it, through all my efforts to make him less scared I just made it worse, sh*t.” I wanted to smash my purple head into the wall but I didn’t have time to as the waves of discomfort got stronger as he mumbled something and prepared to leap out of the window, he shouldn’t be able to see.

“Ok, it's now or never you stupid kitten!” I burst through the door just in time to see him wiggling his body through the miniature gap, it took a lot of effort not to throw up over myself the closer I got to him, but I managed to wrap my paws around his torso to drag him back towards me. I held him in one of my arms to finally drink in the sight of my prey no friend he was still kicking and rambling too much to even notice me but it was probably better that way for now, the less he associates me with fear, and discomfort the better.

“Oh no, you poor baby…” I thought seeing a small trickle of blood fall down his beautiful chocolate skin, I could only pray that he didn’t get that because of me. Us toys can accept the necessary evils we have to enforce on humans, just to survive, but as far as I know, none of us take pleasure in their pain. I wiped the blood away with a claw, before deciding to preventably cover his eyes. “Sssh calm down baby,” I wanted to say out loud, if I were any other toy, I probably would have passed out with the amount of human terror that was assaulting my senses but I pushed through long enough to lock him in a hopefully gentle kiss. “Open up just a little bit for me. Please?” I flicked at his lips with my tongue hoping that he would instinctively let me in, but of course, he did the exact opposite and looked like he was about to start openly bawling. I fought with him a bit more until I was finally able to slip into his mouth and wrap my long and thick tongue with his, the moment I did however, I felt him go slack in my arms.

“Huh?” I pulled back and yep, he passed out, likely out of fear because there simply wasn’t enough time for my saliva to mix with the mist to knock him out like that. I sighed and hugged him close to my body, petting his curly dark hair and enjoying the feeling of having a human in my arms for the first time in forever. His breaths were starting to become less erratic and his heartbeat was slowing down to a normal rate.

“You’re such a pretty human… I really hope you like luxury as much as I do,” I whispered to him, “I can’t wait to tell my friends about you. Oh yeah, I have to wake them up now don’t I?”


And the crowd went mild!

The very first thing I noticed when I awoke, before I even had the chance to open my eyes was the softness that surrounded me. Listen, left hand on my heart, right hand to the heavens I was experiencing a tender furriness that only God himself should have access to. It felt like I was wrapped up in the warm gentle embrace of an angel's wings, “Wait did I die? sh*t.” I heard two voices bickering about something to do with gas, “-Guess it killed me after all, maybe that monster that grabbed me was just my brain's way of f*cking with me for the last time.” I thought glumly. I had to fight to open my eyes, a part of me believed that when I did, the fuzzy heat surrounding me would disappear, but I did, and then I immediately regretted it. Fortunately, the velvety comfort remained, however, what I saw in front of me damn near put me back to bed.

Yeah, those two voices are coming from a pair of life-sized toys that seem to be in a bit of an argument. “Life-sized my f*cking ass!” I thought as I gawked at the figures. I was able to recognize each of them as CatNap and DogDay respectively, my research reminded me quite unhelpfully that both cost upwards of 30k and also had magical robot powers and could definitely kill me. Even still I was in awe at the unique beauty both of them possessed. CatNap was big, like at least 7ft tall, with a perfect hourglass figure, her entire body was covered in soft purple fur (so much for it being my imagination) and the only “clothing” the thing chose to wear was black fishnet stockings and arm sleeves, with a collar that hung a crescent moon on its neck. This style was so obviously designed to lure idiots such as myself into a false sense of security, I know it, you know it and yet I couldn’t stop myself from admiring her anyway. Its face was beautiful with giant black eyes and moon-shaped pupils and matching silver whiskers, trailing down Jesus' f*ck.

“I can see why these things cost so much!” I thought once the primal part of my brain finally woke up enough to appreciate the two huge swells that made up the toy's chest, every little movement it made while it bickered with its companion made the mountains sway and bounce like a hypnotic pendulum. Using every ounce of willpower I maneged to pull my gaze somewhere else, maybe something that would get me out of this stupid situation I had put myself in only to refocus on the thing's legs. When I said “hourglass” I wasn’t lying, the robot had a fairly thin core that if I looked closer almost seemed like it had muscles hidden under the violet fur that flared into impossibly wide hips, and even though it was mostly facing forward I could still see its ass jutting out and bouncing behind it, and its thighs, sculpted as if it was a fertility goddess we’re also large and soft. Its proportions are only seen in hentai no wonder they broke up families in the 80’s when they didn’t even have p*rnhub!

Moving over to the toy next to it, it was like a mirror image, the same impossible build but instead on a shorter stature, that just made it seem even more impossible. DogDay had brighter orange and rusted yellow fur, and looked to be around 5ft compared to CatNaps 7, but still retained a similar cup size, and if you could believe it may have even had a bigger ass that I kept getting drawn to, partly because of its size and partly because of its fluffy yellow k9 tail that kept swishing around. It was wearing a sun pendant that matched its irises but had another, thicker leather collar in its hand with a matching pendant, I was able to make out the words, playmate on the back of the sun, as the toy flipped it around in it, ’s large paws while it conversed.

I still felt groggy and they were just a bit outside of my hearing distance so I took a sharp breath and tried to take in my surroundings, the part of my surroundings that didn’t involve exaggerated anthropomorphic toy bodies that is. Well, that’s what I was going to do if DogDay didn’t begin to walk back towards me with a shake of its head, seemingly done with whatever conversation it was having with its counterpart.

“It was the stupid drones that forced my paw! If you want to blame someone blame the unicorn, not me!” CatNap called, walking behind DogDay.

“Shh! Master is still sleeping you’re going to wake him up!” DogDay chided her it.

“Um, sorry girls, he has been awake for a minute.” Another voice said, a voice right above me.

The yellow dog stopped in her tracks, the cat following suit just a few paces away. I don’t know why, it took so long, but im fully awake now, and Im not ashamed to admit I went right back to damn near pissing myself. Look I feel like I need to defend my position a bit so peep game and lock in for just a moment, I don’t care how sexy these two-(three since the softness I was so in love was just another toy trap)- toys looked, I know that they used their looks, and their other stupid magic or science-based abilities to act like succubi and drive people insane, and likely have killed at least a few people. So forgive me if I seem like a bit of a puss*, but I would prefer to stay alive and also stay myself.

Stay Cory.

I slowly looked up and was met with a smiling red bear looking back at me, gentle red hearts in its large eyes.

“Um, hi there cutie! Can you possibly not freak out? It really hurts…” It said to me.

I stared at it, stared deep into its glowing red hearts, took a deep breath, and- “AHHHHHHH!” Attempted to scramble away, but found myself being held quite tightly by two warm fuzzy arms.

“Yep! Definitely fully awake now.” The toy holding me hostage said in a tone that sounded a bit exasperated. It pulled my still screaming head into the confines of its breasts where I continued to kick at it. “Shh stop yelling baby, no one is going to hurt you.”

“You're going to be ok master just hold on,” I heard DogDays muffled voice but I didn’t turn to look content with heaving into the red bear's rose-scented breasts, “Cat can you do the thing?”

“Oh! Yeah, give him here Bobby, I think your smell already started to calm him down but better safe than sorry right?”

“Right.” The now-named Bobby began to gently peel my sniveling form out of the furnace of boobs I was using for comfort at the time because I was very certain that whatever the giant robot cat was about to do to me, would result in my death, not that what did happen was much better.

CatNap scooped me up in their arms and I just stared blankly into its eyes. “Yep, this is it fellas, im cooked.” I thought as it brought its face closer to mine, I vowed to at least stare my murderer in its admittedly beautiful eyes, so I was a bit shocked when it leaned down and once again took my lips in a highly nonconsensual kiss. I recognized the feather touch and pillowy lips as the same one I experienced who knows how long ago after getting dragged through a window. The robot once again pried my mouth open with its tongue but I unfortunately wasn’t given the grace of passing out this time as it wrapped my own in a tight spiral and began to gently suckle on it.

It’s arms wrapped tighter around me as I felt like I began to melt into the toy. I held back my moans for a while but it seemed like it was intentionally trying to make me loud while it force-fed me its saliva and replaced my oxygen with theirs. I recognized it tasted like blueberries and this thought did not bring me any comfort but the more I tangled with this cat the less I cared about heavier details especially when it decided to let its wet tongue unfurl with mine and slip further down my throat. Not that I had any choice before but now it was literally dripping its saliva into my stomach and forcing every breath I tried to take to be tainted with its own scent. I hate that it turned me on so much, I could feel my co*ck trying to burst out of my pants now, and the whirlwind of fear and anxiety I was feeling settled more into a semi-lucid feeling of raw desire for the toys around me.

“Mmphf~,” It finally let up on the kiss using its tongue to drag out mine, I could feel that my face was covered in saliva from that sloppy kiss, some of it pooling into strands that connected the two of us together in a very p*rnographic way. The fur framing her face was matted and she had a foggy look in her eyes. Both she and I were panting like dogs. Neither of us cared. “Not she. This thing isn't human.” I forced myself to remember but it was getting harder with each passing second. It felt like my mind was getting foggier. I noticed the pinkish-red haze that surrounded the two of us that seemed to be originating from her mouth. “Woah I feel weird…” I said stupidly as my gaze refocused on the creature's saliva-slickened lips. I wouldn’t have been able to tell you why but the only thought in my head was reattaching myself to her it.

“You want to let her claim your mouth again, don’t you? You liked the feeling of her slimy tongue making you lose control right?” A thought in my head, but it didn’t feel like my thought. It sounded feminine and was tainted in some way, and I didn’t want it.

“What? No? Why would I want that? Stupid brain shut that sh*t up. I don’t have time for your shenanigans in a life-or-death situation,” I thought but I couldn’t ignore the warm throb in my head at the idea of giving myself to the toy, whatever that entailed.

The toy giggled and softly set me back down in the lap of the bear. “Yeah that’s a good boy~,” She said petting my head like I was some kind of stupid pet, which definitely wasn’t helping my already crushed pride, and continued to inflate the well of warmth and lust I was feeling.

As if noticing my calmed but still distressed state the bear also wrapped me in another hug, assaulting me with the smell of roses and softness from all directions. “Don’t worry about anything right now, we know you're very confused but that’s ok! We’re going to teach you everything and you're going to have a great life here with us now ok?” She whispered directly into my ear, her breath warm against my cheek which just made me bury myself deeper into her never-ending furr.

“That sounds nice,” I said. Stupidly. I don’t know why my brain entertained this idea at all, let alone saying and agreeing to it out loud. I only came here to shoot that stupid video. I don’t even remember why I wanted the video, I knew it would land me in some boiling f*cking water.

“You said It because you want it, it's ok to want them, to give in to them.” Another warm throb.

“Oh, you're going to be a recurring character in my brain then? Sorry pal but I would rather not f*ck the robot.”

“You're so soft, Im going to lay here for a while, at least until this weird brain fog goes away.” *Sigh* I wish CatNap just killed me. The moment I said the words I realized the error but I couldn’t stop it, like a waterfall it just poured out of my stupid still slick face. Speaking of I decided to use Bobby’s pristine fur as a rag to get some of the excess off, I don’t know if it ended up being smart because I just traded the mind-melting smell of CatNap for the mind-melting smell of Bobby. Thanks, boys.

“They are made to please humans, don’t deprive them of their purpose.”


If the toy cared about me using her as a rag she didn’t show it just hugged me tighter and cheered at my words. “That’s so good to hear buddy! We’re all going to be such good friends! Oh, you’re going to love my kisses! If you think CatNap is good you have another thing coming, mister!” She started to say but I was beginning to tune out now.

“I wonder why that outburst hurt so much,” DogDay said as I heard her paw pads stepping closer to me again she isn't nearly as quiet as CatNap.

“You hear that? Your own fear hurts them, why put them through pain when they just want to love you?”

“Because I want to go home, and I have a strong feeling they aren't vibing with that idea.”

I had almost forgotten there were more than two toys in the room. I lifted my head out of the sea of red and immediately regretted it as I took in my surroundings properly for the first time. Starting with the room. It was furnished like a 5-star hotel and my foggy mind was having trouble putting it all together. I was in a not-so-abandoned toy factory and yet I was looking at red velvet curtains and wooden seats. I was so enamored with the soft thighs I was sitting on to notice the high-quality carpets that sat under us. The room large room was lit with what looked like old-school oil lamps which cast the room in a golden hue. A large bed sat on the far edge of my vision, topped with similar red blankets and pillows. It felt like a love hotel VIP room, the only thing missing was the stack of condoms on the wooden bedside table.

“They did it for you. This is your new home after all. Plus you won't need condoms with them anyway.”

“You make it sound like im going to do something with them.”

“Don’t you want to?”

“No. I want to go home. Far away from the robots that probably killed the last 10 people that showed up here. Holy f*ck I should have just listened to Loid,” Im really starting to not appreciate the lewd voice in my head.

Annoyingly it took me even longer to recognize the multitude of other toys around me. You see, sitting proudly atop the red bedsheets was a green bunny and a yellow chicken. The bunny was smiling brightly at me kicking her feet like an excited schoolgirl while the chicken seemed a bit more reserved, observing me with an unreadable expression on her beak. Once she realized I was looking at her though she offered a small smile.

The bunny on the other hand took it upon herself to answer appearing in front of me instantly with a green blur which definitely would have made me jump if I hadn’t been held so tightly by Bobby. “It probably ‘cuz we’re so hungry right? Speaking of are we going to eat him soon?” She asked leaning down in front of me, her short height made her large warm lime lime-scented bust almost smother my face even though I was sitting. Unfortunately, this completely distracted me from that otherwise terrifying bomb she just dropped.

“Yep, Im definitely dying here, at least I got to see some tit* before I died.” I thought. Look I totally am blaming this on the drugs. I don’t want to hear anything.

“They aren’t going to kill you, goober, they love you, you can see it in their eyes, they want you and you want them. Don’t stop at just seeing, why not feel them, you know they would love it. That’s what they want, and you want to give it to them.”

“Well maybe stop doing that and you won’t waste so much.” A voice said behind the bunny that I could only assume to be the chicken. The toy's long ears twitched at the comment and started to laugh.

“Oh but c’mon Kickin! It’s so much fun!” She said turning away from me, smacking my head with her butt in a way im sure would have been comedic if I wasn’t so focused on the little rabbit tail waggling at hyper speed. She must have noticed my staring because when I looked back up to her face she winked a golden eye at me and said; “Besides how else would I keep this body if I didn’t do my cardio?”

“Your body won’t change no matter what you do, that’s why you're going to stay short Hoppy,” Kicken replied smugly causing Hoppy to pout with her arms crossed.

“Hey, that’s not fair! Im supposed to be a short stack! Just like you're supposed to be a-” She paused looking thoughtful for a moment. “Wait I forgot.”

“A tom-boy?” CatNap chimed in helpfully.

“Yeah! That one! That’s why you have a six-pack but no boobies! Ouch!” Bobby kicked her pretty hard from one I can tell, but she didn’t really seem to mind.

“Stop being rude to each other!” She said sounding like a tired mother.

“Im not being rude! I like her abs! Hey human you like fit girls right?” Hoppy asked.

“I wonder what they are going to write on my grave? Maybe; “Died doing what he loved, stupid YouTube videos.” Not too bad to be honest, wait is it talking to me?” “Huh? Uh-“ I tried to reply but it felt like with each passing moment my brain got a little bit slower, the constant smell of sweet roses was not helping, but I was growing too tired to get away from it now.

“-I mean im pretty fit too, not on her level though. I definitely got the runners build! I mean look at these thighs and this fat butt! These giant boobs are just a bonus I think.”

“What?” I said. Quite unhelpfully just listening to this toy was going to make me pass out. Again. Is this the third time?

“-Yeah I know it's so confusing, isn't it? Like I definitely have abs but not like her. Whoever built us had some-“ She just kept rambling on and on and on Jesus Christ, I really wish they just killed me already.

“Can you please stop talking now?” CatNap, my savior gently asked Hoppy who nodded so fast her head turned into a green blur with bunny ears. “Why don’t you and Picky go get the human something to eat okay? We can’t really do anything with him if he's super tired right?”

“Ok! Ok! Yeah, I’ll go find her! She is probably hiding with Bubba I'll be right back!” She said quickly giving a thumbs up, before blitzing away in a flash, kicking up a decent bit of wind on the way.

“Yep. Take your time. Please.” CatNap sighed before being wrapped in a hug by the smaller DogDay.

“I love her so much. Just a great bundle of sunshine,” Dogday paused her face lighting up, “Wait, master! Can you put this on me?” She held out something in front of me, it took me a moment to realize it was that same collar she had in the beginning.

“Do what she wants, take it.” Almost mindlessly I reached out to snatch it, not quite sure what I was going to do with it before CatNap stopped me and I had to stop myself from thanking her.

“No, not yet DogDay c’mon. He is still clearly terrified of us, the only reason he hasn’t run is due to my mist and her scent. It's too early.” CatNap said ruffling the fur on DogDay’s head.

Whatever this meant it didn’t seem to upset DogDay too much as she just nodded slightly and asked; “Well can I put it on him then? I remember some employees telling me that once I finally had my own master they might want to wear it instead right?” She asked nodding more firmly as if assuring herself of the belief.

“No, well, maybe but-“ She started but was interrupted by the unmistakable sound of a wooden door being kicked in.

“WE’RE BACK!” Hoppy cheerful voice cut through the room as she once again appeared in my field of view bouncing up and down. “And I brought Piggy! Mr Human look!” She pointed at a (you guessed it) big-breasted scowling pink Toy carrying trays of what looked like someone McDonald's order, if McDonald's was a gourmet burger restaurant.

“Yay!” DogDay clapped her paws together sharing in Hoppys enthusiasm while CatNap just sighed. “Picky come and meet my new master!”

When the pink toy saw me she froze, staring at me like a deer in headlights. “U-uh h-hi ah didn’t think you were real.”

CatNap walked over to collect the trays from her shivering body before she dropped them all over the floor. “Yep it’s a Christmas miracle isn’t it?” She said sarcastically.

“Hey hey hey! Can I hold the human now? Please please please!” Hoppy asked still bouncing it looked like she was getting more and more energy as time went on.

“Of course! I didn’t mean to keep him from you, hey mister, are you ok to move now? You seem like you have stopped panicking at least” Bobby asked me gently petting my cheek as if I were some precious baby I really should be insulted, I really should be a lot of things right now, I don’t feel right.

“I ran out of energy to panic 30 minutes ago,” I said staring blankly at the vibrating rabbit. “I have absolutely no clue what's going on, but I think I have seen everything. What did you guys do-”

“Nope! You still have 2 more of my friends to meet!” Hoppy cheered with a fist pump.

Bobby giggled softly and patted a spot on the carpet next to her that Bobby appeared to teleport to. “I don’t think that’s what he meant dear.”

She laid me out of my back on the green bunny thighs, which worked wonders as a warm pillow as CatNap set the tray down next to me. She was the warmest so far, if she was human I would have chalked it up to her energy levels being so high. Immediately the smell of a freshly made meal almost overpowered the citrusy scent of lime that Hoppy was emmiting.

My stomach grumbled at the prospect of a meal, but a small part, the part I wanted to listen to, remained in protest of anything related to these toys. They have already proven that they have those weird powers and have already used them on me. They might have laced the food with fentanyl.

I thought about it for a second and decided to eat it anyway. I was already dead at least I can die after eating a banger ass burger. Seriously I don’t know who made this thing but they need a promotion, double cheesed melted smash burger and fries is a death row meal I can approve of. Actually, the more I ate the more I felt like myself. And subsequently, the more panicked I began to become, it felt like with each bite I remembered where I was again. “Oh right! Im still totally dead to some sexy toys. Wait no, they don’t want to kill me, if they wanted me dead they wouldn’t have fed me, but they keep saying feed…” I paused, “I can’t remember, my mind is still shot I just know I have got to get out of here I got more videos in me so I gotta run. I have to make sure I remember.“

“Stop worrying, the only thing you need is them.”

“Well at least your appetite hasn’t been depleted,” CatNap said smirking.

“Aye man, even if it's from murder bots good food Is good food.” “Im just trying to get myself killed."

“He called mah food good!” A small voice said, I was barely able to recognize as the pig that almost collapsed at the sight of me. I have no clue where she is currently and I don’t feel like looking.

“Master! We aren't murderers don’t be mean!” DogDay said quickly shaking her head at me. “I know it's still sudden for you but we all want the best for you, I mean a Dog is a man's best friend right? Though I hope to be more than a friend to you master~” She said with a wink.

“Don’t call me that,” I said quickly, desperately trying to mentally shake off how arousing the toy was accidentally being.

“Aww, why not? You are my Master!”

Catnap sighed, “I told you it was going to take him a second. Once the effects of the mist fully wear off he is probably going to go back to screaming.”

“Well, that just means we have to convince him we’re good right!” DogDay responded, her cheer unwavering as she was joined in by Hoppy.

“Yep! There is no way he will still be scared after today!”

I ignored their voices and the slightly feminine voice in my head to just finish eating, savoring every bite of a meal made from heaven, until I noticed a bit of yellow fill my vision.

“Hey, are you done yet?” Kickin’s voice called out to me. This was the first time I was able to get a good look at her and CatNap was not lying, this toy definitely fit the tomboy aesthetic. She was the only other toy besides CatNap that seemed to wear any sort of clothing at all, even though like CatNap it made no sense and didn’t function to cover her exposed body at at all. While the other toys had fur to cover themselves enough to not accidentally flash me, this one had short feathers, which did not offer the same comfort. How did she solve this problem you ask? By wearing a black beanie atop her head. She stood unashamed right above me and I could see the pink flared tips of her small chest and I felt a bit of something warm drip onto my hand, the same one holding the burger I was once enjoying.

I glanced down at my hand and could see a clear peach-scented liquid pooling on it falling from a place I had simply chosen not to look at, for the sake of the last bit of my sanity still remaining. I ignored the voice in my head that basically demanded I lick the substance off my hand and instead dropped the burger back on the tray.

“Yep. Now I am.” I said dryly but whether the toy picked up on my tone was unknown as she plopped herself down on my thighs, luckily her large butt took the brunt of the fall and it felt like a pillow being wrapped around my lower half, a pillow with a suspiciously wet spot on it.

“Perfect then. Hey you both, we can feed on him now right?” She turned to look at the CatNap and DogDay.

“Sure I don’t mind you going first!” DogDay said before CatNap could respond.

“Cool then.” She turned back to me staring at me with a small grin and a look in her eyes I didn’t approve of.

“Please don’t eat me?” I tried, stupidly I know, again I blame all my stupidity on whatever they did to me I don’t care.

“Don’t worry you’ll like it promise.”

Data Log 32:

Title: The Red Heart MistTM

Subject: CatNap_03

Overview: The red heart mist is showing promising results. Before, it was just recorded as being a more potent direct aphrodisiac, but not all too different from the scents embedded in the toys already. It allowed CatNap to enforce sexual dreams on a target, with her as the recipient. We were not aware of the strength the byproduct actually had, we were not aware that it worked on toys. CatNap seems to have much more control of the effects of The Red Heart Mist (RHM) than previously recorded and has used this to breach containment. CatNap has supposedly used various mixes of pheromones and chemicals to enhance RHM and allow her to directly influence what a target perceives. A technician was a victim of this, he, unfortunately, fell to her seductions and got close enough to her containment area to breathe some of it into his system. The soul later spoke of seeing visions of the toy, beckoning to him and attempting to seduce him. It became so extreme he was no longer able to tell what was real or not. Eventually, the man fell to the temptations of the toy and copulated with it directly. As you know 80% of the time this leads to the human being addicted and unable to separate itself from the toy. An Omega team quickly neutralized the machine and conducted the interview before the technician was also silenced.

Recommendation: Give CatNap more control over the mist. Encourage it to use RHM on those unwilling to copulate with the toy. The effects of the mist are additive and it's exactly what is needed to get more people In the loving arms of their new companions.

Sleep with Me - Chapter 1 - iiTzSunrise (2024)


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.