His lips on Mine - snifble (2024)

“Why can’t we just walk?” Cole argued.

Kai scoffed and lifted a hand to gesture to his hair. “I am not risking messing this up!” He then brought it down and brushed off his suit. “One taxi ride won't hurt,” Kai mumbled.

Jay licked his lips subconsciously and stuck his hands in his pocket. The streets were dim and the moon was rising. It was close to 7 pm by now.

Jay let his eyes glance over his friends. All were wearing fancy suits and their hair was perfectly combed so they looked their best. Zane had oiled his gears too.

The reason for this was because of Cyrus Borg. The inventor was holding a formal announcement party to, well, announce his new invention. It was quite a large invitation list. Over 150 people, if not more.

The ninja had been requested at this event. Cyrus had his guards ready for anything already, but the man was prone to getting kidnapped. In an attempt to increase his safety, he had wanted the ninja to come as well. Yet, in disguise. Coming in their normal ninja clothes would spark unease within the guests. There would be a chance that any bad guys would be scared off if they saw all five ninjas here (which would be good), but there would also be a chance that the bad guys would do something outside the party if they knew the city’s protectors were all at the party.

The taxi that Kai had ordered pulled up beside the ninja. Zane took his place in the front passenger seat while the others clumped in behind. Kai was shoved in the back as an act of revenge for hurrying into the car while Jay, Lloyd, and Cole sat behind the driver and Zane.

Zane gave a quick instruction to the driver as they began moving onto the road. Kai rested his elbows on the top of Jay’s seat. The lightning ninja was sat in the middle.

Lloyd looked over his shoulder at Kai. He frowned and furrowed his brows, “Wear your seatbelt, Kai” Lloyd scolded. Kai snorted at his words. “I am,” He insisted as he adjusted slightly in his seat.

Jay rolled his eyes and looked up. Kai met his eyes. “If you were you wouldn’t be able to sit like that,” Jay said. Kai narrowed his eyes at him before leaning back. A click could be heard. Jay snickered quietly and looked forward again.

Lloyd switched the topic nonchalantly. “Remember,” He said, “No alcohol and always stay at your post.”

“You’ve told us this too many times to count,” Cole quipped as he let his head lean back on the headrest. “There’s no way we could forget.”

The car drove over a small bump and made them all huff. The driver apologized briefly.

Zane spoke, his head not turning to them and instead watching the road. “That is because it is a valid part of this mission. Forgetting it would result in loss of respect and trust from Cyrus Borg.” He said.

“We know,” Kai groaned.

Jay looked out the front window as they approached the Borg Tower. The sight of it made him buzz with excitement. He would have enjoyed going to this no matter what. The task of protecting Cyrus was just a small negative.

As they drove closer, Jay could see how there were groups of people forming outside the tower. “How early are we?” Jay asked out loud. Lloyd checked the time on his watch briefly, “10 minutes ish’” He informed.

The car stopped by the sidewalk. The ninja exited one by one, Kai crawling out the back as the last one. Cole complained again about taking the taxi while Zane was preparing to pay for the ride. Right as Zane was about to send the money, the driver spoke up. “Uh, sorry to be so intrusive,” He apologized quickly. The ninja all turned their attention to him. “But- are you guys the Ninja-”

Jay immediately interrupted him with a panicked laugh. “The Ninja?!” He exclaimed. “No way, you’re crazy- haha! We’re just ordinary people going to an ordinary announcement party with ordinary intentions!” Jay said, his eyes blown wide.

The driver stared with a hanging jaw. Jay smiled widely and ushered Zane to pay quicker. As soon as the nindroid had finished the payment, Jay shut the car door and turned on his heels.

The driver was quick to drive off. Cole facepalmed. “Wow, great move, Jay,” He said sarcastically. Jay sent him a glare and crossed his arms, “Not like you could’ve done it better.” He defended himself.

Kai smiled obnoxiously, “I bet I could’ve!”

Everyone gave him a skeptical look. Kai’s smile quickly faltered into a grimace.

Lloyd shook his head. “No more bickering,” He said, voice turning serious, “We have a mission to do,”

The ninja began walking toward the tower. The chatter of the guests became louder as they neared the entrance. The group halted in front of the entrance along with the other guests. They quickly blended into the large crowd outside, looking like any ordinary group of distinguished people going to a party.

“Why do have to wait outside?” Kai asked sourly. Zane turned to him, “The party starts in 6 minutes.” He said. “When arriving early to an event, guests wait until the doors open to go in, Kai.”

Kai sent Zane a look. “Yeah, but why do-” He gestured to the Ninja with his hands. “we have to wait? Aren’t we supposed to protect Cyrus Borg?” He said as he crossed his arms. “There’s not much protecting to do out here,” He added.

“We’re supposed to blend in,” Jay said. Kai looked at him and Jay continued. “Besides, If there’s no one in there, who is there to protect him from?”

Lloyd nodded briefly. His eyes were fixated on the entrance. He didn’t bother to turn to the ninja. “Jay’s right,” He commented. Kai rolled his eyes, “First time ever,” he whispered bitterly. Jay was about to spit back when Cole nudged him briefly, making him turn to look up at the earth ninja with confusion.

Cole only jerked his head toward Zane and Lloyd. Jay looked over at them. Both of them were staring intensely at the entrance. Jay felt his gaze soften and shame gnawed slightly at his heart.

Zane had been serious about this. His bond with Cyrus Borg was strong because of Pixal. Jay knew how much this mission meant to Zane. Zane was probably wanting to repay the man for creating Pixal.

Lloyd was serious as well. If this mission somehow went wrong, both the Ninja’s image and the trust Cyrus had in them would be broken. As long as everything went according to the plan, they should be fine.

Jay couldn’t ignore the guilt he felt. Instead of noticing how his teammates were acting, he had been too busy pocking fun at Kai. Jay tried to lighten the mood. “What were the staring positions again?” He asked.

Lloyd ripped away his gaze from the entrance. He turned to the group and everyone shifted their eyes to him. Zane turned as well. Lloyd clasped his hands together, “Right,” He said and looked over the ninja.

Lloyd looked at Kai. “Kai will take the bathrooms,” He said, ignoring how Kai furrowed his brows in disgust. Jay stopped himself from snickering.

Lloyd turned to Cole, “I and Cole will take the stage.” He explained, then he looked to Jay.

“Jay will mingle in the crowd,” Lloyd continued. Jay silently celebrated. Getting to mingle was always fun when nobody knew who you were.

And lastly, Lloyd gestured to Zane. “Zane will stay by Cyrus’ side during the event.” He finished.

The others hummed in agreement. Lloyd nodded before checking his watch again. “It should be starting right about..” He turned as the doors opened. “Now.”

The audience cheered as the doors opened. Two guards had pushed open the large doors. They moved to the side as people began walking in through the doors. The light inside shined out into the dim street outside.

As the crowd began disappearing into the building, Jay took a step forward in an attempt to follow with the stream of people. Though, Zane grabbed his arm before he could get any further. “Wait,” He instructed. The android let go of Jay’s arm, leaving both Jay and the other ninja to watch him as he rummaged through his pockets.

He pulled his hands out, stretching it out and unfolding his closed fist. In his palm lay 5 pins. They all had a simple logo that none of the others recognized. Cole raised an eyebrow, “What’s these?” He reached forward and grabbed one out of Zane’s hand.

“Borg sent them to us,” Zane said as the others grabbed a pin for themselves. “He wanted us to attach it to our suits so the guards could recognize us.”

Jay huffed as he fumbled with the tiny piece of metal. “Neat,” He mumbled as he stuck the pin onto his suit.

The others clicked theirs on as well. Lloyd nodded simply and looked over to where the last people were disappearing inside. “Let’s go,” He said as he swiftly turned and walked toward the entrance. The others followed suit.

As they neared the entrance, Lloyd reminded them one last time. “Earpieces are always on - say if you see anything suspicious.”

“Of course,” They echoed back as they walked through the doors and into the party.

The lights were on. They were brighter than outside, but still dim enough for people not to notice the earpiece in either of the ninja’s ears. The music was on as well. It was low enough that you could still have a conversation, though.

The stage was way further away from the entrance. Alongside the wall of the party were both bars and some refreshment tables filled with all kinds of fancy snacks and treats.

Jay focused his attention back to his friends. They were beginning to split up. Kai was fighting his way through the crowd to get to the bathrooms while both Cole and Lloyd were taking a more calculated path toward the stage.

Zane gave Jay a nod before going the same way Lloyd and Cole had gone. He was possibly hoping for Cyrus to be by the stage.

Jay adjusted his tie before he, too, left the entrance and mingled with the crowd.

Maneuvering through the clumps of people without offending anyone was harder than expected. People were moving like wild rabbits and Jay couldn’t figure out where to start. His original plan was to find an open spot and scout the area, but the only problem was that there were no open spots.

Jay ended up getting stuck behind a group that hadn’t seen him wanting to pass through. They were too deep in their conversation to notice him standing behind them and urging them to move. Jay didn’t dare ask those snobs if they could move, so he turned away.

Jay spotted a small opening between the crowds and set into a hurried walk. As he walked, he used the time to look for any unusual activities. His eyes scanned over the crowd. There was nothing but fancy-clothed women and men. It was a fancy party, so he wouldn’t say it wasn’t expected.

“Are you guys seeing anything?” Lloyd asked through the earpiece. Everyone replied with a no.

“I’m bored already- why can’t anything happen?” Kai said.

“It’s a good thing nothing is happening,” Zane commented. “The safety of the guests is our number one priority,”

“I know, but I’m still bored.”

“You’re always bored,” Jay said as he looked over the crowd. Nobody seemed to be doing anything out of order.

“You have to mingle with people, you don’t get to say anything.” Kai pouted, his voice coming out a little scratchy.

Jay rolled his eyes and toned out the ninja talking in his ear. His tongue felt dry. It was getting hot being in here with all these people, especially when he kept moving around. He looked around until his eyes caught a glimpse of a bar between the crowd.

Jay held onto that glimpse and began walking faster. He pressed his way through the many people, ignoring how some of them grunted when he accidentally bumped into them.

Jay let his thoughts wander for a second, a second too much apparently, because he bumped into someone, hard. The man he bumped into turned to face him with a bewildered look. “Watch where you’re going!” He exclaimed. Jay shot him a glance, “Sorry!” He said before continuing. The man turned back to his friends with a scoff.

Jay tried his best to ignore his growing annoyance. The people here were getting on his nerves. And quickly.

Jay reached the bar. He looked around before spotting an open seat. He strolled over and sat down on the soft cushions with a soft sigh. The bar stools around him were filled with half-drunken people, laughing and joking as they downed more alcohol. Their snobbish personalities had been forgotten as the alcohol worked its magic.

Jay had never been one to enjoy alcohol.

Jay looked across the back bar, checking out all the different kinds of drinks, despite not planning on getting anything but water. His eyes shifted to the bartenders. They weren’t as stressed as he thought they would’ve been with all these people.

One of the bartenders made his way toward Jay. He shot Jay a smile before he stopped in front of him.

“Hello!” The man greeted with a smile. Jay felt the annoyance disappear and couldn’t help but smile back. Jay spoke, his voice high and friendly. “Hi, just a water please,”

Jay could hear Cole say something in his ear, but he ignored it and tried to focus on not letting the bartender see he had an earpiece on. It’s not exactly normal for a guest to have an earpiece on.

The bartender kept his smile on as Jay felt his eyes look him up and down. Jay gulped and crossed his arms over himself without thinking. Jay opened his mouth to say something at the staring, but the man quickly removed his eyes and looked him in the eyes with an apologetic look.

“Sorry,” He said quickly, “I have a staring problem,” He said, laughing it off. Jay felt himself relax. There was no reason to be so tense. His arms fell to his slide slowly and laughed as well.

“I get it, no worries,” Jay said. The bartender smiled and leaned his elbows on the bar counter. “So, how’d you get invited to the party?” He asked Jay.

Jay replied quickly, “I’m an old friend of Cyrus,” He said, “I come to every announcement party of his.” It was a recited phrase that Lloyd had come up with if anyone asked that question. Jay was glad he got to use it.

“Neat,” The bartender said. He kept his smile on, “I just got hired as a bartender, it’s my first time at such a fancy party.” The bartender said and chuckled. He looked past Jay and at the many guests behind him.

Jay raised an eyebrow. “Are you not supposed to be serving people?” Jay asked suddenly.

The bartender frowned and looked back at Jay. “You don’t wanna talk?” He asked softly.

Jay quickly shook his head, “That’s not what I meant!” The bartender laughed and removed his frown. “I’m just joking!” He exclaimed before his face fell back to a neutral look. “Besides, Cyrus hired way too many of us, the rest of them have it under control.”

Jay hummed.

“Jay is talking with people while I get to be called a creep for waiting outside the toilets?!”

“Kai, relax,” Cole said through the earpiece. “You’re so sour, just let Jay talk in peace, dude,”

“Try not to get distracted, Jay,” Lloyd said lightly.

Jay didn’t answer. He bit his cheek, “What about my drink, you haven’t forgotten, have you?” He asked the bartender. The bartender rolled his eyes playfully and turned silently to make his drink. Jay chuckled lightly.

Maybe he should get the guy’s number.

Jay quickly removed that thought. The guy was nice, yes, but Jay was in disguise and he didn’t want to have to lie to keep a friendship going. He had enough friends already.

The man took his time to make Jay’s drink, but he eventually turned around with the glass in hand. He smiled as he placed it down on the bar counter. “Here you go,” He said.

Jay smiled but didn’t take the glass yet. He moved his hands into his pocket, fumbling to find his cash. “How much do I owe you?” Jay asked while feeling around his pocket.

The man laughed again, “It’s on the house, don’t sweat it,” He said. Jay removed his hand from his pocket with a small huff. Jay smiled and grabbed the glass. He took it up to his lips and took a sip. The water felt nice and cool on his tongue. “That’s nice of you,” Jay commented after he swallowed the water.

The man shrugged, “You were good company,” He admitted before smiling again.

Jay smiled back. “Thanks for the talk,” He said. The bartender reached out to shake his hand. Jay shook it with his free hand.

The bartender turned on his heels before looking back at Jay, “See you around!” He said before walking down the bar.

Jay watched as he left. He took another sip before placing it on the bar counter. Jay spoke quietly, careful not to let other people hear him. “Is everything going okay?” He asked his team through the earpiece.

Zane was the first to reply. “Everything is clear. There have been no visible threats to Cyrus.”

“Nothing has happened here either,” Cole said.

“Somebody was looking quite sketchy,” Kai said. Jay lifted his eyebrows in interest. “Nothing happened though, just keep an eye out, Jay.”

“Thanks, I’ll be alert in case anything happens,” Jay said. They fell silent again.

Jay grabbed his glass and swirled his drink around. Jay felt his legs ache suddenly and adjusted in his seat. He stared at the drink in his hand. He could take a small break. No one would know.

Minutes passed of Jay sitting by the bar. Time flew by quickly, and soon he had finished the glass. Jay took it as a sign and placed the glass on the bar counter. He swung his legs over the side of the chair and got up.

When Jay’s feet touched the ground he stumbled forward out of nowhere. He struggled to regain his balance before finally standing steadily. Jay’s cheeks flushed up in embarrassment. He looked around quickly. Nobody had been paying attention to him.

Jay shook his legs. Maybe they had fallen asleep, he thought. He stopped after a few seconds and turned to the crowd again. Jay braced himself before making his way towards the crowd again.

He walked alongside the edge of the huge crowd. He hadn’t had much luck scouting from inside the crowd. It might be easier to scout from the edge instead.

Jay kept his head high as he walked. A small feeling of nausea had begun creeping up on him. He gulped harshly and hoped it would go away soon. He couldn’t afford to get sick right now.

Jay kept stumbling over his feet the past 5 minutes of walking around. His head had begun feeling light and the feeling of nausea was only growing stronger. He was beginning to panic slightly.

His whole body felt harder to control. It didn’t make sense. His brain was coming up with the worst-case scenarios. Was his drink spiked? But how would it be? Jay had kept an eye on his drink the whole time, there was no way.

It had to be a sickness that he had caught. He just hadn’t realized and now it was getting worse. He choked down the urge to vomit again. He just had to push through. The announcement was probably happening soon anyway.

“Announcement is beginning to start,” Cole said through the earpiece, confirming Jay’s thoughts. “You guys should begin coming to the stage.”

Jay took a closer look at the crowd and realized people were beginning to move toward the stage. He sighed in relief, yet the nausea was turning into dizziness and his heart was starting to beat faster.

“‘m not feeling so well,” Jay slurred out. He almost gasped at how hoarse he sounded. Now that he thought about it, it felt like his tongue was beginning to swell up. His heart skipped a beat and suddenly it felt harder to breathe.

“Come to the stage and we’ll have Zane check on you,” Lloyd said.

Jay swallowed. He didn’t feel like he could even reach the stage. His limbs felt heavy as he began walking. It was slow and he kept stumbling. It didn’t help when people would accidentally bump into him.

Jay’s ears rang. The music was too loud and the lights were too bright. He closed his eyes for a second. He tried to think, yet his thoughts felt messy and jumbled together.

Jay felt his arm getting grabbed. He opened his eyes and tried to see who it was, but his vision was blurry. Somebody said something to him and began pulling him away from the crowd.

Jay tried to calm himself down. It was probably Kai, he thought. He had passed the bathrooms not long ago.

That was until he noticed he was dragged away from the stage.

Jay forced his head to turn toward the person who was dragging him. They were faced away, but Jay realized who they were. The bartender. Was he going to help him? Maybe he was taking Jay to a first aid station.

They went right past that too. There was nobody around to see the man dragging Jay after him. Jay opened his mouth to protest, but his throat felt dry. He whined as his head thumped harder. What was happening?

His arm was hurting from the bartender's grip. Jay tried to pull his arm away, but his movements were slow and sluggish. He tried again. He tried to break with his heels, but they were only dragged across the ground.

“Jay, where are you? It’s about to start.” He heard Kai say through the earpiece.

Jay didn’t answer. He felt his panic rise as the man dragged him towards the elevator. Guests weren’t allowed up there, why were there no guards? Why were they going to the elevator?

The man walked right in. He pulled Jay up by the arm harshly. Jay tried to pull his arm back, watching as the man pressed one of the buttons. The elevator began to move up. Jay whined, “..stop-” He slurred as he fought to get out of the man's grip.

“Jay? What’s happening?”

The bartender smiled down at him. He lifted Jay by the arm again. “Relax,” He said smoothly as Jay kept struggling. “We’re just gonna have some fun.”

Jay shook his head repeatedly. What was happening? His head felt heavy, but he forced himself to keep it up. This was stupid, why couldn’t he move properly? He was a ninja, for FSM’s sake! Why wasn’t he doing anything?

The elevator stopped at the 6th floor. Jay tried to pull away again, this time putting all his strength into it, but it made no difference. The man exited the elevator like nothing had happened.

As the bartender dragged him through the long halls, Jay felt tears press at the corners of his vision. He tried to pull away again, but the man tightened his grip and snarled, “Stop it,”

Jay choked on a sob. This was nothing like the man he had talked to at the bar. Why was he doing this? Why wouldn’t he tell Jay what was happening?

Jay was feeling dizzier than before. His head was spinning and it was hard to make out where he was. He didn’t even realize when they stopped walking and entered a room until the hand around his arm let go.

Jay didn’t have the strength to keep himself upright. He fell onto the floor with a huff. The man laughed lightly at Jay’s struggle and reached down to grab him by the hair. His fingers slipped into Jay’s locks. He lifted Jay’s head to look him in the eyes.

Jay didn’t meet his eyes. He could barely see them. His vision was blurry and his whole body felt weak. The man didn’t bother and started to speak. “Just stay calm and I won’t hurt you,” He said softly.

Jay furrowed his brows and tried to speak, but his voice felt stuck in his throat.

“Somebody needs to find him,” Lloyd said.

“Yeah, but where is he?! Jay?!” Cole yelled frantically.

The man reached out with his other hand and caressed Jay’s cheek softly. He had crouched down. Jay inhaled sharply and tried to move his head away from the touch, but the man wouldn’t let him.

“Now, now,” The man soothed. “Calm down, pretty boy,” He said. Jay shivered with disgust and in a rush of adrenaline, he yanked his head back. The man’s fingers slipped out his hair and he slammed his head into the floorboards.

“You can’t just run off, Cole! It could be a scheme!” Kai said. The voice in his ears felt grating and Jay closed his eyes with a whine.

“I’m gonna go find him alright?! You guys can stay here,” Cole said, his voice lined with anger.

“But-” Kai protested but cut himself off.

The man snarled at Jay’s sudden pullback. His hand quickly came down and snaked around Jay’s waist, pulling him up again. The bartender hissed, “Stop it!” He said angrily as he moved his hands up to Jay’s shoulders.

Jay’s heart was pumping with panic. The back of his head was thumping with pain. The hands on his shoulders quickly made him realize where he was. Jay began squirming, desperate to get out of the man’s hold. The man squeezed harder as Jay squirmed.

He hissed again at Jay, but Jay kept moving. The bartender moved his hands under Jay’s armpits and lifted him into a stand. Jay wobbled on his feet as he stood. He tried to say something- anything to the ninja, but his tongue felt heavy in his throat.

The man let out a pleased grumble. His hands were still under Jay’s armpits, supporting the ninja as he wobbled before the man. Jay felt his head begin to fall with exhaustion. His escape attempts were leaving his body tired.

“I’ve already checked the bathrooms- I’ve checked everywhere!” Cole said, panicked. “I can’t find him!”

“What about the elevators?” Lloyd said quickly.

“The elevators are supposed to be guarded,” Zane said sternly.

Cole’s deep breaths could be heard, possibly from running, then an annoyed growl. “They’re not,” He said.

“They must have left their post to go see the announcement,” Kai said bitterly.

The man began dragging Jay toward a couch in the room. His hands had moved down to grab Jay by the arm again. Jay whimpered weakly when the man gave him a harsh tug, resulting in Jay stumbling forward and collapsing onto the couch.

Jay didn’t have time to gather his thoughts before the man’s hands were back on him. Jay felt his back press into the back of the couch.

Jay put two and two together. The only person to touch his drink had been the bartender, and now this? Jay cursed himself for not noticing that the bartender had put something in his drink. If he had only seen it, he wouldn’t be in this situation.

Jay wanted to fight back when the man’s hands began caressing his hips, yet the previous fire he had, had disappeared. His body was limp and his mind was hazy.

The man muttered small compliments as he let his hands massage Jay’s hip. He lifted his hands further up Jay’s body and forced Jay to lie down so the back of his neck was leaning on the armrest of the couch. Jay felt the muscles in his neck stretch uncomfortably and let out a whine.

“Shh..” The man cooed. He sat on his knees beside the couch, his hands resting on Jay’s chest. They felt cold. “Keep quiet, little bird, okay?” He said softly, his hands moving up to caress Jay’s face.

Jay’s breath hitched. He managed to move his head to the side in an attempt to escape the man’s hands, but they grabbed his face and pulled his head back.

“He’s not on the 2nd floor-” Cole interrupted himself with a heavy pant, “I’m checking every last floor until I find him,”

“Why can’t we help?” Kai half-snarled.

“We’re needed here,” Lloyd said. “Cole can handle this until the announcement ends,”

The man let out an offended growl and placed his hand in Jay’s hair, keeping him in place. “Stop that,” He scolded angrily. Jay only stared into the ceiling, his eyes wide.

The drug was making his whole body feel sluggish. At least, he hoped it was the drug. He hoped it was the drug that made him so weak. What would the others think if they saw how he let the man touch him?

At that thought, Jay tried to sit up. He almost got up, but the man was quick. He yanked Jay down by the hair. Jay yelped, and his hands flew up to try to pry the man's hands out of his hair.

The man didn’t seem to care. He got up from his knees with a snort, his hand still entangled with Jay’s. The man scolded him again, but Jay didn’t pay attention. He was only paying attention to how the man placed his free hand beside Jay’s torso. How the man swung his leg over Jay’s and how he was caging him in.

Jay let out a panicked gasp for air. He forgot all about the hand in his hair and tried to lift his legs to kick him off (If he even had the strength to do that). The man seemed to notice because he immediately sat on Jay’s legs.

The man clicked his tongue. He stared directly into Jay’s eyes, “That’s not very nice,” He said smoothly. Jay tried to work his tongue to snap back but to no use. Jay sent the man an angry scowl.

The man laughed over him. Jay scowled even more and tried again to sit up, but the man was quick to shut him down.

The man leaned further down toward Jay. His hand slipped from Jay’s locks and moved down to gently hold his face. The man's eyes were flying all around Jay’s face, seemingly checking him out. Jay almost vomited.

The man cooed again and began caressing Jay’s face. Jay looked anywhere but at the man. Goosebumps began covering his arms.

“What’s your name, pretty boy?” The man said lovingly. Jay didn’t even try to answer. It was only good the man didn’t know who he was.

The man hummed and Jay felt the hand move along his face. Jay squeezed his eyes shut. He needed to disassociate. To get any from this. He wanted to pretend that this was Nya. That this was his Yang doing this to him, not someone he had only met an hour ago.

The hands were just too cold. Too rough. They were nothing like Nya’s. Jay wanted to believe that if Nya hadn’t stayed back at the Monastery, this wouldn’t have happened. Then Jay wouldn’t be-

A finger snaked its way between Jay’s lips. It made Jay open his eyes in an instant. The finger grazed his tongue and without thinking he bit down.

The man yelled loudly and pulled the hand away. He was still sitting on Jay’s legs, holding his hand with care and cursing in pain. Jay tried to get up, but the same hand that had just been in his mouth slammed his head into the armrest in an instant.

“What is wrong with you?!” The man roared. Jay hissed as the man pressed his head further down on the armrest. The man’s hand was covering most of his face. Jay tried to lift his hands to pry it off, yet they were grabbed by the man’s other free hand.

He held them tightly together and brought them over Jay’s head. The man was leaning close to his head again. His brows were furrowed in anger. “f*cking whor*,” He spat. Jay flinched slightly.

The man tightened his grip on Jay’s wrists. He leaned even closer, moving the hand on Jay’s face slightly so he could look him in the eyes.

“If bite me again,” The man said, his voice dangerously low. “I will beat the sh*t out of you.”

Jay knew he would. Jay was drugged and there was no way he could defend himself.

His powers. He was the lightning ninja.

Jay had almost forgotten. He had been too panicked to realize. Hope flickered in his heart. Jay tried to start a crackle of lightning in his fingertips, but when the man didn’t react, the hope was crushed.

He tried again. Nothing.

Were the drugs doing this?

Jay was brought out of his thoughts when the man leaned forward and pressed his lips against Jay’s. Jay let out a sharp gasp of surprise. He tried to move away, but the hand that had previously been in his face had been moved into his hair, keeping him in place.

Jay felt the tears press on. The man’s lips were dry and irritating against his own. The man began trying to pry Jay’s lips open with his tongue, but Jay kept them closed tightly.

The man suddenly yanked on Jay’s hair. The man was quick to sneak his tongue in when Jay’s lips parted to yelp. Jay lifted his jaw slightly, getting getting to clamp down. He hesitated, his mind echoing the threat back to him.

The man’s tongue felt alien as it worked inside Jay’s mouth. The more Jay thought about the feeling, the more the tears pressed on. The man kept making out with him, touching places in Jay’s mouth that he would’ve never let anyone touch.

When the man moaned into Jay’s mouth, Jay let the tears spill. The man ignored him and kept going. His body was pressing against Jay’s. The man's hands moved down to hold Jay’s face, leaving his wrists free.

He could try to fight him off now. Try to make him stop. Jay only kept crying. He let his hands fall to his sides. He was too tired.

Cole kicked open the door. On the 6th floor, he had heard voices in the hall. He had run down until he ended up in front of the 5th door. He could recognize Jay’s crying anywhere.

Cole had braced himself for anything before he opened the door, but his heart still froze when he saw it.

Jay was under a larger man on the couch. The man’s hands were holding Jay’s face, hiding him so Cole couldn’t see his face. The man was enjoying himself, groaning and making lewd sounds. Cole’s anger grew.

“Hey!” Cole roared. He didn’t hesitate to run over, even when the man didn’t even spare him a glance. He was too focused with- with-

Cole reached the couch within a few strides. He didn’t think as he grabbed the man by the shirt and yanked him back. Cole heard the shirt rip a little when he ripped the man away. The man’s hands slipped off Jay’s face as he was heaved back. He let out a displeased yell.

Cole pulled him off the couch, off Jay. He hissed at the man as he brought his hands up

“What are you doing?!” The man exclaimed. He tried to shake Cole’s grip off, but it was no use. “Me and my friend were just having some fun!”

Cole growled and yanked on the man's shirt, turning him around to face him. This man was lying straight in his face. Cole saw how a string of spit connected the man’s and Jay’s lips when he pulled the man away. As if the man knew what he was thinking, he licked his lips cheekily.

Cole was about to beat this man black and blue, but a sob from Jay made him turn his attention away from the man. Cole threw the man harshly on the ground. Cole half sneered into his earpiece, “I need security on the 6th floor, 5th room on the right.”

“Did you find him?” Lloyd asked.

Cole turned his head toward Jay. Jay’s shoulders shook with silent sobs.


“As soon as this announcement ends I’m coming,” Kai said impatiently.

The man huffed from the floor, “Are you even allowed to do this? Where is your guard badge?” Cole paid no mind to him and walked over to Jay.

Cole crouched down beside the couch. Jay was laying limply on the couch. He had fresh tears down his cheeks and his eyes were puffy and red. He reached his hand over to grab Jay’s softly.

“Jay?” Cole asked quietly. Jay let out a sob and lifted both his hands to cover his face, slipping his hand out of Cole’s in the process. Cole frowned, his heart aching. “Hey,” Cole said, but Jay just shook his head while he kept crying.

“It’s- It’s gonna be okay,” Cole assured him. His eyes were locked on his friend. “Gaurd’s are already on their way, everything will be fine,” Cole said softly.

As if on cue, running could be heard down the hall. Cole turned his head over his shoulder. The man hadn’t moved from the ground. Guards entered the room. 2 of them moved to the man on the ground. They stared down at him menacingly.

A guard noticed Cole and Jay and walked over. Cole moved slightly in front of Jay, not wanting Jay to get seen in this vulnerable state. The guard tried to look behind Cole, but Cole cut him off.

“Get him out of here,” Cole said to the guard, his voice sharp.

The guard nodded simply and turned. He barked something to the other guards. The two others were quick to bend down and pick the man up.

“Hey!” The man protested. He squirmed wildly in their hold. He tried to kick the guards' legs out under them, but the guard only tightened his hold and dragged him further out of the room, the last guard followed after them. The sounds of struggle faded down the hall.

Cole turned with a soft sigh. Cole’s eyes wandered over Jay. He was shaking with each small cry. Cole cautiously lifted his eyes to Jay’s face. He lifted his hand and softly caressed both of Jay’s. “Jay,” He said, voice as tender as he could manage. “What happened?”

Cole knew what had happened. The man had sexually assaulted Jay. It was a stupid question, but he needed Jay to calm down. Asking questions usually helped with that.

Jay only rolled over on his side, his back facing the backrest of the couch. Cole’s hand slipped off Jay’s as he turned. Cole furrowed his brows in concern. He let his hands fall by his side with a soft sigh.

Jay curled into himself, his hands moving from his face and into his hair. They entangled with his locks and Jay began pulling. Cole was quick to protest. He brought his own hands up, gently grabbing Jay’s wrists. “None of that,” Cole scolded softly, pulling Jay’s hands out his hair. Jay only whined in response.

Cole began caressing Jay’s hands with his thumbs. “You said you didn’t feel good,” He said, thinking back to before the announcement. Jay nodded weakly. Cole bit his cheek nervously. He didn’t miss how sweaty Jay’s hands were.

Cole kept caressing Jay’s hands. Cole could hardly believe this was happening. He had often read about this type of thing happening in the news. He never thought it would happen to someone he knew so closely.

“When is this f*cker done talking?” Kai sneered.

“Kai!” Lloyd scolded.

“What?!” Kai snapped. “Something has happened to Jay and I have to stand here and do nothing?”

“You’re protecting Cyrus Borg,” Zane said.

“I know,” Kai said coldly.

Jay let out a broken sob that made Cole flinch. Cole squeezed Jay’s hand softly, “I’m right here,” He said quickly. “E-Everything is gonna be fine,” Cole couldn’t help the tremor in his voice.

A soft shake of Jay’s head. Cole frowned. “We’ll figure it all out,” He said, still squeezing Jay’s hands. Cole felt his eyes lock on Jay’s messy hair. “You’re okay,” Cole said, going back to caressing Jay’s hands.

Cole watched Jay’s chest rise and fall for minutes. Jay’s crying had subdued to small sniffles. Cole needed someone to come soon. He wasn’t the best at comforting and could feel his emotions threatening to come out.

Jay needed him right now, but seeing his best friend being so vulnerable and afraid was getting to him. He had been trying not to cry, but now it was getting harder and harder not to.

Luckily, Zane brought him out of his thoughts.

“The announcement has ended,” Zane said. “Someone can go help Cole and Jay, but the others must stay and supervise while people leave.”

“You should go,” Cole said. “You could scan him, and make sure he wasn’t given anything lethal.”

Jay wasn’t listening to the conversation. Cole was glad he wasn’t.

“Cole’s right,” Lloyd said.

Kai didn’t say anything to the matter.

“I’m on my way,” Zane said sternly.

Cole sighed in relief. His eyes shifted over to Jay again. “Everything will be okay,” He said out loud. He didn’t know who he was reassuring anymore. Himself, or Jay?

Cole wondered for a moment if Jay was asleep. If he was, would that be a good thing? Cole didn’t know if Zane needed him awake or not. Jay wasn’t asleep though. He sniffled again, indicating he was awake.

Cole lifted himself from his knees. He let Jay’s hand slip out of his own. It fell limply down on the couch.

Cole crouched down and placed his hand on Jay’s shoulder. He shook Jay gently. “Jay,” He said cautiously. “You gotta sit up, buddy,”

Jay whined. “..’urts,” He slurred. Cole frowned and spoke as tenderly as he could, “I know,” He said, “But you need to sit up, it’ll help,”

Jay reluctantly moved his hand to push himself up a little bit. Cole was quick to put his hand under Jay when he began to wobble, steadying him. Cole sat his other hand on Jay’s back and helped him sit up straight.

Cole met Jay’s eyes. They were beginning to get teary again. Cole opened his mouth to comfort him, but Jay leaned into his chest before he could. Cole huffed in surprise. He moved his arms up to wrap around Jay.

“It’s okay,” Cole said quietly. Jay buried his head further into Cole’s chest and let out a broken cry. Cole carefully caressed Jay’s back with his hands. “It’s gonna be okay,” He repeated to himself.

They sat like that for a minute, but eventually, Cole lifted his hands to grab Jay’s shoulders. He pulled his best friend away, meeting his puffy eyes. Cole inhaled shakily in an attempt to gather his emotions. Jay sniffled and leaned into the couch without a word. Cole let his hands slip off Jay’s shoulders. “Zane will check on you,” Cole said, his voice wavering.

Jay nodded simply and leaned further into the soft cushions of the couch.

Cole watched Jay’s head droop down. Cole clenched his fist. The man was going to pay. As soon as they got Jay to safety, Cole would personally find him and beat him to a bloody pulp. He should’ve just done it before the guards came, but comforting Jay was more important than that scumbag.

“I’m here,” Zane said.

Cole could hear the nindroids footsteps down the hall. He lifted himself from the crouch, giving Jay a small glance before turning to the door. Zane entered, a worried look plastered on his face.

Before Zane could say anything Cole sent him a look. Zane closed his mouth instantly. Instead, he walked past Cole and over to the couch where Jay was sitting. Cole followed after him.

Zane crouched down in front of Jay. Cole didn’t miss how Zane’s eyes flickered over Jay’s body, his face morphing into concern. Jay's head hung limply against his chest. His eyes were half closed. Zane spoke, “Jay,” He said. Jay lifted his head slightly to look at him. Zane smiled softly at him, hoping to hide the concern in his eyes. “I’m going to scan you for injuries,” He said, hoping it would bring some comfort to Jay.

Jay simply nodded. He tried to keep his head up, but it fell again. Cole moved to stand beside Zane as the nindroid began scanning. The blue laser moved up and down Jay’s figure.

“Everyone has left,” Kai announced.

“Zane is scanning him right now,” Cole said as he watched Jay carefully.

A minute more was all it took. Zane finished his scan. The blue laser died out and he turned his head to Cole. “Jay’s blood contains Rohypnol,” Zane said, his voice stern. “The back of his head has significant damage, the chance of a concussion is large.”

Cole knew what a concussion was, but the other? “Rohypnol?” He asked hesitantly. Zane nodded, “Rohypnol is the brand name for flunitrazepam. It’s a drug often used for drink spiking that causes sedation and potential memory loss.”

Cole gulped and let his eyes wander over to Jay. His head was still hanging down his chest.

“The best course of action would be to bring him back to the monastery to check him properly for a concussion,” Zane said, although it sounded more like a suggestion. Cole inhaled sharply, “Then let’s do that,” He declared.

“We’ll get Nya to come with The Bounty,” Lloyd said.

“Good idea,” Cole commented.

Zane turned to Jay who was still on the couch. Jay’s chest was rising and falling slowly and his hand hung limply by his side. Cole knew he was still awake. Jay’s hand would always twitch in a specific pattern when he was sleeping.

“I’ll carry him,” Cole said, his voice laced with exhaustion. The whole situation was stressful for all of them. Zane nodded and took a step to the side, allowing Cole to get in front of Jay.

Cole carefully placed his hand under Jay’s arms. He let out a short huff before heaving the lightning ninja up from the couch. Jay’s eyes were half closed. Jay only stirred slightly when Cole lifted him and placed an arm under him to hold him up.

Jay’s head fell on Cole’s shoulder, his arms still hanging limply. Cole sighed softly and turned to the door. Zane followed after him.

Cole tightened his grip when he felt Jay slip a little as he walked out the door. Zane closed the door after them with a soft click.

“Nya is on her way,” Lloyd said.

“Good, we are also on our way down,” Zane said, glancing back at Cole and Jay.

Jay let out a soft breath into Cole’s shoulder. Cole smiled softly. Everything was gonna be okay.

His lips on Mine - snifble (2024)


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.