Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

f. 20 Marion, Indiana Leader-Tribune Oct. 25, 1946 Scenes From BY ERSKINE JOHNSON Hollywood, Oct. 24-(NEA)-A pall of smoke hung over Hollywood for days, several years ago, after Mary Astor's diary was introduced AS evidence against. 'her in.

Franklyn Thorpe's divorce suit. Glamour gals all over town were furiously stuffing diaries into incin-erators. "Do still keep a diary?" we asked Mary, ducking behind 8 makeup table. "No, dear," she said. "I'm afraid even to write my name on a check." But all that, she said, she'd like to forget.

Once one of Hollywood's top glamour girls, Mary is now thoroughly domesticated, both on a and the screen. She is happily mar-! ried, this fourth time, to Thomas G. Wheelock, A manufacturer's sounds but he. isn't rearing two children by previous marriages and is playing mother roles on the screen, We remembered that Mary once escaped sugary ingenue roles by a prank of fate. She was playing golf with Producer Sol Wurtzel, and she missed A putt and hurled her club in one direction and barrage of naughty words in the other.

Sol did a double-take, then said: "Mary, I've had you all wrong. From now on I'm going to let you play 1. Her next role. was Eddie Loew's gun moll in "Dressed to Kill," and her career skyrocketed. We wondered if there might be such a twist behind her switch to screen "No, she said.

"Just the years did it." After all. she reminded us, she made her film debut in 1920, when she was 14. She doesn't mind playing mothsaid. long they have character. Like Fritzi, mother of Lizabeth Scott in Hal Wallis' new movie "Desert Town." Fritzi is quite a gal, running a gambling joint and a couple of other places which the censors hate to have mentioned.

"Fritzi," Mary says, "is a character. I like characters." But, please, Hollywood, don't cast our Mary as' A "bewildered" or "understanding" mother. she said, "I hate." It -happened during- scene which George Marshall was George singled out an extra to do a bit of business and say one line of dialog. That's the break extras wait for -more money and A chance to be seen. But the extra just couldn't seem to get the idea of what Marshall wanted.

Finally. in desperation, Marshall himself went the camera and acted out what he wanted the extra to do. "See," he said, "it's easy." "Look," said -extra. "If I could do it that good. I'd get an agent." SHORT TAKES: Red stooge ex-wife, at Edna, benefit still shows.

works She as his starred with him at a hospital party Herman Hover tossed for disabled veterans Wynn's hit in "20th Century" the El Patio theater stage left practically every star in for a crack at footlights Judy Garland' will do "Stage late month, with Ty Power" slated to star in "Petrified Forest" in November. Three studios are paging Jim-! my Melton, due in Hollywood for concert and opera dates soon. RIOTING PLANS BARED IN COURT Asheville, N. Oct: 21. (UP City court witnesses testified 10- day that W.

E. Connor, 29, selfappointed "reform" leader. was collecting guns and ammunition to police force and had threatened. to "blow up the courthouse with dynamite if necessary. Connor And David Wright, 23.

one of his lieutenants, were ordered held for the grand jury on charges of conspiracy to to to commit murder and conspiracy to rebel against the state. after today's hearing. Both originally had been charged with conspiracy to commit A riot. Charles B. Rollins, And F.

M. Kuykendall, two other Connor confederates. turned state's evidence, and were cleared of conspiracy to commit rioting. Rolling. a 23-vear-old veteran with shrapnel wounds in his hands; a had manned to enlist 100.

armed mien. who would capture' the city's entire police force at the "zero hour." Rollins said Connor outlined his! plans at A secret mortirg in A downtown garage attended by 43 men, many with guns. lie also told of Connor's plans for blowing, up the 16-story Buncombe county courthouse here. "if sary to capture the police force." CHICAGO ATTORNEY WILL PRESENT TALK torney, will be the first speaker of. the Talk of the Hour club Nov.

11,, Robert Gemmill. president, nounced last night as ticket sales; for the season's lectures advanced. Only 75 memberships are Available, Gemmill said, nut of the total number issued. Saltiel was scheduled to Speak March 10 but the date was advanced to. become the first in a series of "The talks, Challenge Subjects of of Saltiel Citizenship." will Ho be has served as special assistant to the attorney general of the United States.

All sessions will he held in the Marion public library auditorium, Gemmill said. William D. Saltiel. Chicago at- Today's Radio MIDWESTFREQUENCIES WLBO 1340. (C).

WIR 760 WLW 700 (N) WGI 1450 (N) wOwO 1900 (A) WIBO 1070 WHBU 1240 (A) WMAQ 670 (N) WIRE 1430 (N) WGN 720 (M) WIND 506 WKMO 1400 (C) (M) Indicates MBS (N) NBC (C) CBS and (A) American 6:00 a.m.-Sunrise Devotions-abc News--nbc Early Birds cbs News-mbs Jamboree-abo Early Birds--cbs Farm News-mbs News-nbc Time to Shine-nbc News--cbs News--abc' Roy Starkey-mbs Good Morning -cbs Morning Matinee -nbc Breakfast Club--abc Rhythm and Song-cbs 8:30 Coffee -mbs Mrs. Ferrell-cbs Editor's Daughter -nbc Breakfast Club--abc 9:00 Jane Day's House--mbs Morning Melodics-cbs CHARGE BACKED BY CHURCHILL London, Oct: (AP) -Winston Churchill said tonight that he had "facts" and "evidence" to support his suggestion that the Soviet Union had 200 divisions--more than 2,000,000 men- on a war. footing in net- Europe. Addressing his constituents in suburban Loughton, Churchill described his speech in the House of Commons yesterday as "a serious warning," and added dramatically: "I did not ask the question. (regarding Russian forces) without weighing very carefully the whole matter and without" consulting others, my friends and colleagues, and laying before them the evidences on which I proceeded.

"Nor did I ask the question without informing the government beforehand of my intentions, but you can take it from me that the facts I adduced are correct." Churchill praised Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin as "a sort of working class John Bull who has maintained continuity of policy 111 foreign affairs to a considerable extent," and lauded Prime Minister Clement Attlee's speech at Brighton today. "The fact that the British government have decisively broken with the Communists and are fronted against them, although it does not immediately affect the course of affairs in this island," he said, "has an important beneficial result abroad, because there are countries on the continentlike France--quivering under the Communist attack." I CHILE SELECTS NEW PRESIDENT Santiago. Chile, Oct. 24. (UP)Gabriel Gonzales Videla, 48, was confirmed today.

as president-elect of Chile by a joint session of congress thus assuring a continuation of the moderate leftist regimes which have ruled the country since Ganzales received 133 votes and his conservative opponent Eduardo Cruz co*ke, 46. One vote was blank. Gonzales will be inaugurated Nov. 3 for a 6-year period. He will succeed the late President Juan Antonio Rios who died June 27, the second successive Chilean chief executive to die in Like Rios, the new president is a strong of ican cooperation.

He visited extensively in. the United States and was a member of the Chilean I delegation to the United Nations conference at San Francisco. Six of the most modern units of the United States Navy are already en route to Valpariso in a special mission headed by Adm. William Leahy to participate in Gonzales: inauguration ceremonies, All of the political parties" represented in congress except the 'conservatives voted for Gonzales, thus endorsing the popular verdict of the voters in the Sept. 4 elecwhen she polled a 50,000 vote plurality.

Because Gonzalez and his conservative and liberal. opponents fell short of the required absolute majority at the polls. congress had to confirm the elections. Polling of the 185 senators and deputies, 5:10 began p. at m.

4:05 Gonzales p.m. WAS and proclaimed president-elect at 5:12 D. m. LACK OF SCHOOL BUSSES CITED Washington, Oct. 24.

-Sen. Wiley (R- Wis.) said today many schools in the nation trave been handicapped because. lack. buses and attributed this, the steel and coal strikes earlier in they Wiley, year. in A statement, called upon the civilian production administration to allot immediately 20.000 tons of sheet steel which, he said.

would result in production of 11,550 buses. Wiley said the coal and steel strikes were the result of a synthetic idea expressed and championed by (former Secretary Commerce) Henry Wallace. He told the country that wages could be increased 25 cents an hour. across the board without increasing the costs of the product. "That been clearly demonstrated to be false, but millions swallowed the idea, with the result that the strikes came upon us like 8 thief in the night and there followed "the shutdown -in production.

in steel and in nearly every other product." The Wisconsin senator said sufficient. school bus chassis have been built and delivered to bodymakers, but the latter have only been allotted sufficient steel to. take care of 12,500 units while their yenrly capacity WAS 23,800 units. "Unless the CPA takes care of this situation by alloting more sheet steel, these chassis will remain idle and the school children will be the sufferers," Wiley said. Programs Varieties-nbc My True Story-abe 9:30 Crosby Sings-mbs Road of Life-nbc Evelyn Winters ct -Hymns of All Churches--abc 10 Arthur Cbs Fred Waring-nbc Brenneman-abc Slam- cDs Home' Edition-abeNotable Neighbors--mbs Jack Berch-nbc -cbs Lyle Van--mbs News- nbc Glamour Manor--abc and Guy-abe Easy Aces Romance of Helen Trent News-nbc 12 Noc L.

Richardson-mbs Gilbert Forbes-cbs '50" Club-nbc Baukhage- in Dixie Four -mbs Sister-nbc. Inquiring Reporter-abe Hoosier Farm Circle bs Mrs. Burton-cbs Catherine Daniels-abc Guiding Light-nbc Cedric Foster-mbs for a Day--mbs Lone Journey--bs Bride Woman and In White at 2-mbs Adventure--bs Life Can Be Beautiful--nbc Ladies Be M. Party-mbs Books--cbs Melodies- -abc Pepper Young- nbc Does It-mbs House Party--cbs Wheel of Fortune 10-abc Backstage Wife Easy Does It-mbs Wheel of Fortune -abc Lorenzo Jones-nbc 4:00 When a Girl Marries-nbc Request Time--abc Name the Tune Take Easy-mbs Faces Life-nbc Lecture- -obs Dick TracySuperman--mbs Dick TracySuperman--mbs Plain Jack Captain Quiz--cbs Midnight and Tennessee Jed-abe Front Page LI'L ABNER IS NOBODY TO GRITT ME 10-25 ALLEY OOP WON'T STAND FOR THAT BUNCH OF YAPPIN' OL' DAMES PICKIN' A GIRL FOR ME! I'M GOIN' TO TH' PALACE! NEBBS Hawk-cbs Bill--nbc the Farrell-nbc THEM YALLER THEY ALL RUN AWAY, RATHER THAN F- FACE OH, NO, YOU'RE NOT, GONNA STAY HERE! THOSE BABES'LL YOU RIGHT OUT ON YOUR EAR! YOU KIDS MUSTN'T NICODEMUS IS DOING STALK ABOUT BETTER EVERY DAY, THAT THANKS TO YOUR NOXAGE, RUDY 16.25.46 RED RYDER LOOKS LIKE SOME BODI'SY HIM WANT YOU GETTIN WORRIED, LITTLE. TO TURN CROOKED BEAVER' GAMBLERS LCOSE RED RIDER: YOU'RE BUT, WHY, TOSS THEY CAN'T DO T' CANT MAYBE: 10-25 MUTT JEFF WHAT'S A MATTER I SIGN? WELL, CAN'T YOU READ OH YEH! WHAT THAT SIGN? SURE! DOES IT SAY? ONE WAY HENRY 7 OKE OKE DOKE! DOKE! POP KEEPS WEARING LOOK HOMER- -YOU SHABBY- ACTUALLY I'MSO OKAY- DOWNTOWN OKAY! AND C'MON HELP ONE SUIT TILL IT'S SICK OF THAT SUIT- ME PICK SOMETHING READY TO GIVE I DO WISH YOUD OUTUP AND FALL BUY SOMETHING SNAPPIERAPART me 5.


RESERVED Mix-mbs Lavalle-nbc Howe -cbs Baby Snooks-(bs Keirnan-abc To Be Announced Harrigan-mbs Burl Ives Roof-cbs Young Music by Dorsey--mbs Armstrong abc Thin Man-cbs Midnight-mbs This Is Your Thomas-nbc Minutes News- cbs Are Prescott--abc Ginny Simms-cDs Supper Club abc Break the Bank-abe Drama -cbs Gabriel Heater Lewis-mbs Time--nbc -cbs Moore and Swing-abe Harry James Gilbert- nbc The -abc Music Orchestra--other cbs 9:00 James M. -abc Peace SOMETIMES WELCOME WISH'T AH WARN'T T'ROGPATCH BRAVE AH'D RUN -UGH. HONEY BUT- -AH GOTTA -AN' DO MAH BRACE MAHSELF WHEN YOU AGREED TO BALONEY! SHE BE ASSISTANT KING, WHERE'S ALONG YOU STUCK YER NECK ZEL? BY FOR IN TH' SOCIAL RING! GADFRY, HER THIS THOUGH YOU REMAINTE SHE CAN DO ME! WARRIOR BOLD, IN TH SUMPIN BALL ROOM SCRIMMAGE ABOUT IT! YOU'LL DO AS YOU'RE TOLD! WE EVEN HEAVENS, EVEN BREATHE THE MATTER IT. NES. IM NOT IN ANT HURRY, ANT THOUGH: SOME OF THESE WHILE: MEN MIGHT BEG TO MAYOR? TALK PRETTY SOON: WELL, DON'T YOU KNOW IT, SAYS, YOU'RE ONLY SUPPOSED TO GO ONE WAY ON A ONE ONE WAY! A A A Fri the tw, COPR.


U. S. PAT. OFF. "I told Miss Jones the reason my homework was poor was because Dad always had the radio going, and now she wants to see him!" SOVIETS FACE U.

S. DEMAND Berlin, Oct. 24-(UP)-American officials will ask Soviet occupation authorities for a full report 011 the transfer to Russia of thousands of expert German technicians, Col. Frank Howley, S. military governor in Berlin, announced today.

I Another highly-placed American official, quoting leaders of the anti-Russian. social democratic party, said four major German war factories were being dismantled and shipped into Russia along with their workers. The plants reportedly being moved are the Askania precision instrument works in Berlin, the Zeiss optical works in Jena. the Junkers aircraft plant in Dessau, and the Siebel aircraft works in Halle. German sources reported that approximately 1,000 persons had been transferred from the aircraft factories at Dessau and Halle, and that 315 had been taken from Zeiss works and its subsidiary, the Schott Glass Works.

Five hundred workers from factories in or near Berlin already had been sent to Russia. (London newspapers stated in dispatches from Berlin that a minimum of 5,000 workers were being transferred, and the maximum may prove to be many thousands more.) Military government authorities said that all of the persons being removed to the USSR are residents of the Russian zone. of occupation. Some of the evacuees reportedly signed contracts requiring them to work for five to 10 years in the Soviet union. Others, were apparently given little or no advance The following announcement was said to have been distributed.

to workers at the optical factory in Jena "The Karl Zeiss works, will be. transferred to the Soviet union. You are employed by the Zeiss' works and therefore have to prepare for your departure. You will be transported in A passenger train. There will be freight cars for your baggage.

Russian soldiers will aid you during the departure. contract with you will be signed Lafter your- arrival in the Soviettin union. You will be paid as skilled workers in the Soviet union are: paid. The trip to the Soviet union will last four weeks." Howley. who said that the whole question will be thrashed out tomorrow at A meeting of the four Allied commandants of Berlin, said that reports of the.

dismantling of the Zeiss works "appear to be accurate." characterized other similar: reports R8 "unproven." DRUNK DRIVER FINED. W'abash. Oct. Brown. 23.

of Huntington, was fined $50 in court here on A charge of driving while intoxicated. Interpretation Of BY the JAMES News WHITE. (Associated Press Staff Writer) Many Americans applaud the statement by Secretary of State Byrnes that this country will not loans to countries which profess that American loans mean economic enslavement. This statement has silenced -for the time being. at least who.

-Communist propagandists arguing that this country. by its loans abroad, seeks to conquer the world for American big business. They 'might be equally speechless if they examined seriously American program for international trade agreements. The whole question of these Joans is tied in with the problem of Russo-American relations, which has tended toward rivalry rather than cooperation around the world. Americans like the Byrnes statement because it neatly hoists the propagandist on own petard.

But Americans are not. the only determinants of how well American policy works abroad, and the ultimate effect of the Byrnes statement remains to be seen. Already it has been pointed out that Russia and her satellites enjoy geographic position and natural resources which make them less dependent upon loans from rival block than might otherwise -be the case. While it's only logical for Americans to help their friends first, we nevertheless are up against the illogical but prevalent fallacy abroad our wealth is unlimit-1932. ed and that therefore any withholding of American aid is selfish and discriminatory.

To that extent we are able to hostile propaganda. Our world -wide commitments, meanwhile, place 115 somewhat in position of missionaries promoting faith in democracy. and our. loans and other aid may be. thought of by peoples in much the same light as they think of the food and relief which actual missionaries distribute.

Evangelists-found long ago that faith spreads best with its own practice. They found that making acceptance of the faith first. AS a condition for help to the needy, produced the character known as the "Rice Christian." He goes through the motions of conversion order. to get.the rice and that. is about all that happens.

We may not. mean to discriminate and thus perhaps invited "rice democracies." but that doesn't guarantee that we won't be acroused- of it: or that rival Communisms" might he one result in the end. SPEEDER FINED Fine of $1 and costs was assessed Bernard Miller, 17, R. R. 6.

when he pleaded guilty in city court. Thursday to a charge of speeding. He was arrested at 11:53 Wednesday at Twenty-second and. Washington streets by Marion police. Answer to Previous puss*e Former Official DOUGLASSL OLDER HORIZONTAL STALER TOE VERTICAL -GEM.

1,7 Pictured Brings about ROBERT former resi- 2 Harden dent commis- 3 Repetition DOUGLASS ESNOM sioner Phil- 4 Beast, IONEES ippines, 5 Atop Gen. 6 Mix TENDERED 13 Oil 7 Harvest 8 Hypothetical 27 Contend 43 Singing grout 14 He was once force 28 Finish 44 Gains an 9 Fog 29 Constellation .45 Either 15 Preposition 10 State 30 Unruly crowd 46. King of 16 Notion 11 Adorers 31 Chill Bashan 19 Rescue 12 Mountain 34 Irony 47 Assents nymphs 35 Talks idly 48 Brazilian state 20 Observed 17 Accomplish 37 Angry 49 Got off specch 21 Frolic 18 1 Type measure 38 Metric units 54 Spain (ab.) 22 Tea plant 26 Consumed 42 Repose 56 Hebrew deity 23 Babylonian 10 deity 24 Road (ab.) 25 Scrf 29 Wrong 32 Metal 20 33 Legendary bird 34 laste 10 36 Helps 39 Area measure 40 Pronoun 38 41 Pastry 44 Midday 48 Peel 50 Train passage 145 51 Therefore 50 52 Wing -shaped 53 Oppose 53 55 Mock. 57 Debars 58 58 Blackboards Tom Quincy Walter Hop Superman--mbs Jack Captain 5:45 Lowell World Radio Mystery NewsFulton Jack Smith Raymond Dancing Lone AH SO -abc -nbc FBI--abc News Funny-nbc Period -cba and. Comment-mbs Durante--cbs Byrnes.

Report on -nbc WENT TO TH' MEETING WITH TH' REST, AND YOU, MY BOY, SHE DID BEST! WE'LL SOON KNOW TH' WHEN AND HOW, 'CAUSE HERE COMES OL' ZEL RIGHT NOW! It Pays to Be IgnorantBoxing Bout--abc Spotlight on American Drama Stern -abc Ann Meet South Press- -mbs Talk Time for 15 minutes--nbc Supper Club Repeat nbe News cbs Newsreel -mba Story--nbc Time--abc Great Novels, drama Dance Orchestra-mbs News--nbc News--cbs 11:30 -Variety Hour-abe 4 Three Suns Trio--other nbc -By Al Capp SoB! THAT FIRST TIME GASP! ANYBODY KISS (SCa.) -By V. T. Hamelin GOSH, ZEL, BY OH, IT WAS OKAY, BUT YOUR LOOKS, ID STRENUOUS! THE GUESS YOUR LADIES? GIRL I HELD OUT MEETING WAS FOR WON BY NO SUCCESS! A NOSE! -By Hess -By Fred Harmon TIL FIX HIM LIKE RYDER'S 100 1 FIXED THE NOT NON: RED'S MEN KNOW IM CUTT: IN THESE PARTS AND ID BE SUSPECTED! WHAT'S COUSIN RUDY YOU? TOLD ME NOT TO BREATHE. BUT I CAN'T STOP! INS J. S.

PAT, OFF -By Bud Fisher WELL; ONLY GOIN' ONE WAY! -By Carl Anderson CARL agh 10-25 MA PAL TIT UP: 1 1 L. 4 10-25 ONE WAY HAW 5 5 1 1 1.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.