#I don’t need my friends pulling a Demi Lovato and sending him LEAVE HER ALONE GET A JOB messages lmao | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (2024)

#I don’t need my friends pulling a Demi Lovato and sending him LEAVE HER ALONE GET A JOB messages lmao

gleeincorrectquotes · 2 years


How do y’all nicely tell someone ur close with to stop hitting on you even if it is a joke

#for centext; it’s my ex high school boyfriend who I’m still really good friends with#i think he still has a thing for me and he always sends me random messages that could be read as jokes but could be read seriously??#and I never know how to f*cking respond so I’ll just change the subject#but like it’s been nearly 2 years I think#I don’t think I’m leading him on?? and there’s a chance I’m reading too far into things but it’s pretty uncomfortable sometimes#I just need to get some advice and a lot of my friends know him and I don’t wanna embarrass the guy yknow?#I don’t need my friends pulling a Demi Lovato and sending him LEAVE HER ALONE GET A JOB messages lmao#so like if any of y’all have any tips you feel like sending a glee blog askgjghgh#not glee#jen rambles#not incorrect quotes#delete later

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mggpleasedontlookhere · 4 years


stone cold

Request:“Hi I love your stories 😍❤️ can I request an angst where Timmy and the reader are together but Timmy fell out of love with the reader. Inspired by Demi Lovato's song "stone cold" the line in the song " if happy is her, I'm happy for you" really got me. Thank you please notice me 😊” @kristineyoshaii

word count: 1,245 reading time aprox: 5 mins

You know they say that time is of the essence and that it must not be wasted on invaluable things because every moment is priceless. They say that only time will heal and that memories will soon be nothing a figment of our past lives. What they didn’t tell you is how cold those memories feel after time elapses.


“You’re my world, do you know that my love?” Timmy murmured, nuzzling his head into the crevice of my neck.“Do you know that out of all the people in the world, excluding my mom of course, you’d be the only one I’d ever do anything for” He stated, wrapping his arms around me tighter as we laid on his bed.

The moonlight engulfing the room entirely, casting shadows of the dressers onto the wall that stood in front of us. The air was crisp due to the autumnair and the open window that creaked ever so often.

“You’d do anything?” I questioned flipping over to face him, shifting under the white duvet to cuddle closer into his chest. I laid my head comfortably on his shoulder basking in his scent of old cologne combined with fresh linen.

“Anything, my love” He kissed the top of my head, exhaling into my head as he combed the tangled bits of hair.

“So you’d strip and give me a lap dance if I asked?” I playfully suggested, drawing figure eights on the surface of his skin, knowing the comfort that usually brings him.

He chuckled lightly, pressing another kiss, but on my forehead this time.“Maybe not everything”


We were in love. Maybe they were right and that we were too young. His friends always judged him because of his decision on our relationship. My friends always reminded me how gullible I was for continuously forgiving him after many fights and deliberations. But he was my person, he was part of me, and he made me.


“Hey babe, are we still on for movie night tonight?” I asked, looking behind me as I watched Timothee get ready for an interview he had to attend for New York Times. He was in the middle of rushing to put on his blazer and grabbinghis keys.

“Oh sh*t, my love I forgot, I’m so sorry I have a shoot toni-”

“It’s okay Timmy” I cut him off with a smile, laughing as he struggled to put his boots on.

He then came up behind me in a fit of laughter and began peppering kisses all over my collarbone.“You. are. the. best” He stated in between kisses, pulling away while wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug.“I promise my love, I’ll try my best to come back as soon as possible, and if not you have my permission to murder me”

“Go Chalamet, before I actually do murder you” I chuckled, shaking my head as he ran to the front door.

“I LOVE YOU Y/N Y/L/N” He yelled before slamming the door shut in a hurry.


He’d never forget to tell me that he loved me everytime he left, even if it was to pick up the mail that was delivered in the lobby of our apartment building. He loved me and I loved him.


“Hey baby” Timmy greeted as he walked through the front door, giving me a chaste peck on the cheek. I sat on our couch watching the latest season of Criminal Minds, resting from the tasks I had accomplished today.

“Hi darling” I greeted back.“When are you going to take a break my love, you’ve been working an awful lot” I inquired.

“Well, it’s all in a hard day’s work baby”

His response triggered an unnervingfeeling inside me, but I pushed it off.

“Okay darling”


He was an actor and he was famous. All eyes were on him, which put a lot of stress and anxiety on Timmy. I also knew he was a workaholic, but the difference was that he held passion in what he did, so I never questioned it.


Timmy came through the front door, his hair was disheveled, his shirt was buttoned in the wrong places and he looked overall exhausted. This caused me to jump up from where I was sitting and traveled over to where he was.

I placed a gentle hand on his cheek, shifting his face around to get a better look.“Geez Timmy, are you okay baby? What happened?” I asked, frantically checking his body for any injuries.

He simply brushed off my hand and replied,“I’m okay Y/N, relax a bit. I was doing my own stunts for a scene we were shooting” He explained, laughing as he glided in our bedroom.

“Well...do you need anything darling?” I continued, still worried about his state of appearance.

“No, I’m fine Y/N”


Fine. That’s a funny word.


“Hey baby, it’s me. Send me a text or call me when you come home” I sighed as I left him the sixth voicemail I’ve recorded. It was already 2am and he hasn’t come home yet.

My mind began exploring irrational theories of what could’ve happened to Timmy from getting jumped in an alleyway near Grand Central Station to him being kidnapped by a crazed fan.

All my thoughts were halted when my phone lit up, Timothee’s name appearing as a notification.

“Shoot is late, home tomorrow. GN”


He never came back home.

Well he did physically, but my Timmy didn’t come back home the next day.


“Y/N can’t you understand I have a job to do. Hell I’m the reason you even have a place to stay in” He argued, pinching the bridge of his nose as he turned away from me.

“Baby, I’m not saying to stop wo-”

“Stop, don’t call me that. Just stop”


We can make it work, right? We were Y/N and Timothee. We loved each other, we were each others worlds...right?


“Baby, please, please don’t go please” I begged, following Timmy as he paced to the front door with packed suitcases in both of his hands.“Baby, why are you- please baby...”

“Y/N I told you not to call me that” He said emotionlessly, huffing as he set his suitcases down to open the locks to the apartment door.

“But, I don’t understand, why? Why are you leaving me?” Sobs racked my entire body as I struggled to let simple sentences leave my mouth.

“Y/N please don’t be difficult, you knew this was bound to happen, especi-”

“You cheated on me didn’t you?” I accused him

He stared at me with an incredulous look, appearing more offended that I suspected him of such a heinous crime.

“What? No Y/N, you think I’d be one to cheat on you?” He retorted, staring at me in disbelief”

“Th-the long n-nights at work, an-and the excuses- I though-”

“Y/N, I don’t love you anymore”


Silence came after that, it was the hardest part to bear. Not when he confessed he didn’t love me anymore. Not the sleepless nights I spent alone without him by my side. But the silence that engulfed me in the aftermath.


“I’m...I’m sorry Y/N, I just don’t love you anymore”


He’s dating his co-star now. He’s won approximately one Golden Globe and have had two nominations for an Oscar award. His significant other had won one, but not him.

Although, she’d won more than an Oscar. She’d won Timmy. She makes him laugh now, she draws the figure eights on his chest now, she’s his comfort now, while I sit here in a pool of regret.

Time elapses and memories fade, but when they’re gone all you’re holding onto is the stone cold feeling of what was once there.

#Timothee#tim#timmy#lil timmy#timothee chalamet imagine#Timothee Chalamet#timothee chamalet#timothée chamalet#timothee fanfic#timothee fluff#timothee imagine#timothee blurb#timothée chalamet icons#timothée hal chalamet#timothee x you#timothee chalamet imagines#timothee chalamet x reader#timothee chalamet x you

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theparanormalperiodical · 3 years


31 Celebrity Ghost Stories You NEED To Read On Halloween Night (Or Any Time Of The Year, Screw The System)

*Puts on old professor glasses*

For generations we have been in awe of the celebrity.

*strokes beard*

For generations we have trodden their paths, followed their scents, and watched with wandering eyes exactly what they do - and all in the name of escapism.

Since the conception of humankind we have sought to understand what makes the rich and famous both rich and famous. Our philosophers decode mannerisms, our magazine editors calculate their every mistake, and the rest of us simply gaze up at the stars wondering how, why, and what we share in common with the glorified among us.

But you see-

*walks across the Ted Talk stage*

-they are just like us.

They make mistakes, they compare themselves to others, and yes, they even suck in their stomachs when trying on their new TopShop crop top and then shove it in the back of their sock drawer convinced their lower belly will always have too fat.

But even more than that, they have experiences with the paranormal.

*pulls up a chair and sits on it backwards cause for some reason people think it looks actually idk how people think it looks but whatever back to the imagery*

And so, on this Halloween night, we celebrate what brings us all together - no matter how much cash nor clout one has.

Shall we?

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Miley Cyrus

During her 2009 Europetour, Cyrus stayed in a flat in London - a flat that she claims was haunted.

"It was seriously so terrifying. It used to be an old bakery and they turned it into an apartment building, and I was having really crazy dreams and really scary things, and one night my little sister–it sounds crazy to tell you–but she was standing in the shower and all of a sudden I hear her scream.

I run in there and the water had somehow flipped to hot but it was still...It wasn’t like the water had just changed, the knob had turned but she hadn’t turned it and it was burning her.”

In the same bathroom Cyrus was convinced she saw a little boy sitting on the sink whilst she was showering. A series of other unexplained events took place until they delved into the family history of the bakery: it was passed down for generations from father to son. Cyrus believed she saw the last son to be left the bakery.


Turns out Cher doesn’t just believe in life after love but life after death, too.

The music legend herself is convinced that her late husband, Sonny, who died in 1998 is still making his presence known to her.

She claims his spirit has a habit of turning lights on to remind her he is there and often does this to her chandelier - even when there is no power.

“I love ghosts, I prefer ghosts to some people.”

Anna Nicole Smith

This late Playboy bunny was known for her bombshell sex appeal and scandalous career - but what about her forays into the supernatural?

"A ghost would crawl up my leg and have sex with me at an apartment a long time ago in Texas. I used to think it was my boyfriend, and one day I woke up and it wasn’t. It was, like, a spirit and it—woo! [miming a ghost flying from her bedsheets]—went up!

I was freaked out about it, but then I was, like, 'Well, you know what? He’s never hurt me and he just gave me some amazing sex so I have no problem.'"

When the interviewer asked her whether it was merely a dream Smith replied that it was happening every single night.


Just like Smith, Kesha’s own experience with the paranormal is rather more sexual.

In her own words she went to the “bone zone” with a ghost.

"I don't know his name. He just started caressing me. It was a sexy time, it wasn't, like, sex."

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Emma Stone

Back in 2014 Stone revealed on a late night talk show that the spirit of her grandfather often leaves quarters for her to find.

In fact, she claimed her family has a history of the small change - and its legacy clearly goes beyond the grave.

La Toya Jackson

Michael Jackson’s death is one of the most striking moments in modern history - but it turns out the King of Pop might also be the King of the Paranormal.

La Toya often claims she feels strong presences in the Jacksons’ childhood home and frequently shares about the supernatural activity coming from MJ’s old room. Many visitors, staff members, and family members have heard tap dancing coming from the room, even when they didn’t know who it used to belong to.

It was in this room that Michael would tap dance for two hours every sunday.

Susan Boyle

Boyle often recounts that she lost several members of her closest family within the span of a few short years and felt abandoned by her family. But in a 2011 interview she claimed she sees her mother’s spirit around her house, believing it to be a reminder from beyond the grave that she is not alone.

Megan Fox

"I was just in Mexico at my hotel and it was a bedroom, living room, bedroom...I had pre-ordered breakfast for 7:30, and at 7 a.m. I hear them come in with the table, I hear them pouring the coffee…

30 minutes later, at 7:30 I went in there, no table, no coffee, no food, no nothing, no one there. Door bell rings, I open the door, it's room service with my food...Brandy the nanny comes out later and says, 'Why did room service come at 7 when we told them to come at 7:30?' So you can't tell me I'm crazy, because two people heard it."

Ariana Grande

This paranormal enthusiast was visiting one of the gates of hell - Stull Cemetery - when she felt a sudden surge of negative energy around her. Flies suddenly appeared in the car and she smelt a strong odour of sulphur.

Both are symptoms of dark, demonic energy.

As they drove off she ‘apologised’ to the spirits for disturbing the peace and took a couple of pictures of the area before they left. She saw clear demonic faces in the image. When she tried to send it to her manager as proof of the strange goings on, the picture couldn’t be sent.


Because it was 666 megabytes.

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Joan Rivers

This comedian’s old Manhattan apartment might be worth $28 million but it's far more famous for the supernatural entities within its walls than its price tag.

In one iconic episode of Celebrity Ghost Stories Rivers claims she even brought in a voodoo priestess to help a former resident, ‘Mr Spencer’, pass on.

Marilyn Manson

Just like Rivers, Marilyn Manson told his own paranormal experience on CGS. But his story had less spirits and more, you know, Satan.

Pressured by his peers into reading demonic incantations in a supposedly haunted basem*nt, Manson claims he then heard demonic whispers around him asking if he believed in Satan.

Alyson Hannigan

Hannigan might be known for her Wiccan ways on the TV screen in Buffy The Vampire Slayer, but her encounters with the paranormal aren’t just captured by our favourite streaming services.

Back in 2003 Hannigan claimed she lived in a haunted house - but she believes the spirit is friendly.

“My friend saw him first one night. She said, 'I don't mean to alarm you, but I just saw a man follow us out of the house.' “

"Later that night I saw this silhouette of a man standing in the bathroom doorway. I was like, 'Sweetie, what are you doing?' I thought it was [fiance] Alexis [Denisof]. But then I looked and Alexis was asleep next to me.”

Nicolas Cage

Yes, the most memed actor in Hollywood has faced a series of paranormal experiences, too. In 2007 Cage purchased one of the most haunted houses in America in a bid to get inspired to write the latest horror novel.

He bought the LaLaurie Mansion in New Orleans, a house belonging to one of the 19th century’s most infamous serial killers.

Many believe the slaves tortured by Delphine LaLaurie still haunt the mansion. Perhaps Cage heard the wails and moans of her victims, or maybe he felt the demonic presence rumoured to have taken part in a murder of a tenant in 1894?

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Demi Lovato

Lovato often makes mention of her beliefs in the paranormal - especially when it comes to her haunted house in Texas. She claims a young girl named Emily haunts her home in the South, and has even mentioned that she was a childhood ‘friend’ when she was growing up.

But this tale has to be the most terrifying:

"One of my friends, Tucker, came over one time and he asked, 'So your house is haunted?' I said, 'Yeah, just watch. Something will happen. Something always happens.' We started to watch a movie when all of a sudden a laptop in my kitchen started to play a movie also. It was a black screen before, so it was a question of who turned it on and hit play.

And after that Tucker texted a friend saying, 'I think this house is haunted, a movie just turned on by itself,' and there was a 'glitch' in his phone that kept texting him back the word 'definitely' over and over again. That happened about 30 times."

Peter Jackson

Jackson might be known for putting mystical and magical creatures on the big screen, but he’s seen similar things in real life, too.

"One night I woke up and there was a figure in the room. She was really scary—her face was like a silent scream. She glided across the room and disappeared into the wall." He told Fran in the morning and she said, "'Was it the woman with a screaming face?’ We had never spoken about it.

She had seen the same ghost two years earlier. So I do believe in some energy, a spirit or a soul..."

Kendrick Lamar

From one famous rapper to another:

Lamar told Home Grown Radio that he had a dream about Tupac Shakur - a dream he believed conveyed a message from beyond. In the dream Tupac told him “Keep doing what you doing, don’t let my music die.”

Keanu Reeves

He’s one of the internet’s favourite celebrities - but what isn’t so famous about this Matrix star is his paranormal experience from when he was living in NYC.

"I'm probably like six, seven years old, we'd come from Australia. Renata, [our] nanny, in the bedroom, my sister is asleep, she's sitting over there, I'm hanging out. There was a doorway and all of a sudden this jacket comes waving through the doorway, this empty jacket — there's no body, there's no legs, it's just there. And then it disappears..."

The nanny saw the exact same thing.


Ghost nuns are not only on-trend but also terrify-ing. Adele can testify to that. In 2012 the singer moved into a plush Sussex mansion which used to be a convent.

A couple creepy noises later and she hired around-the-clock security to protect her against the paranormal activity. Who knows what she might’ve seen in her new $6 million home?

Matthew McConaughey

McConaughey claims his Hollywood mansion was haunted by an unhappy female spirit by the name of Madame Blu.

"I was not even under the influence and she was there. She wasn't that happy, it didn't seem like she was going to be much fun to hang around or have in my house, so I went ahead and stood my ground. I opened the door and said 'You can move around all you want but I'm not going anywhere.'"

"For weeks everyone that came to the house said the same thing: 'There's someone down in that hall, there's somebody down in that hall.'"

Ryan Gosling

Most of the celebs that made this list whip out their charming ‘lil spooky story to pique interest in their latest career venture. Gosling’s story, however, is actually pretty f*cking scary.

One day, in his childhood home, he saw a ghost of a young boy.

"He just sat. And I knew from a very young age that he was a ghost, too. He scared me. I told my mother, but she couldn't see him. Nobody could. And I learned to live with that. I had to…

Then, a few years later, [my mother] thought she saw him, then almost right away my cousin saw him, and then my uncle. And we were outta there in fairly short order."

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Laura Linney

Linney is one of Hollywood’s most cherished actresses - and even on the stage she has witnessed something from the other side.

She became a believer in the paranormal after working in the Belasco Theater on Broadway.

"I had forgotten this, and I was doing a play with Jane Alexander, and I turned to Jane Alexander, and I looked up to the upper balcony—there are two balconies there—and the upper balcony you can only get in from the outside, and those doors were locked; and I looked up, and there was a woman standing in the front row looking over with a blue dress and blonde hair.

I just thought, 'Well, hello!' I looked back at Jane, and I looked back up, and she was gone. I went to the house manager and I said, 'Joe, I think I saw a ghost.' And he went, 'male or female?' I said, 'female.' And he went, 'blue dress, blonde hair?'"

Megan Mullally

Another famous ghost that haunts a famous face features on this list. But this time the paranormal activity described by Mullally is certainly the most tragic.

She claims she lived in a house haunted by the spirit of Nicole Brown Simpson who was murdered in 1994. She believes that only when her husband watched the American Crime Story series about her death did the strange occurrences (most of which were odd and unexplained sounds) settle.

Kristen Stewart

Only last year our very own Bella Swan opened up not just about her own experiences with ghosts, but her own spiritual connection with other people.

“If I’m in a weird, small town, making a movie, and I’m in a strange apartment, I will literally be like, ‘No, please, I cannot deal. Anyone else, but it cannot be me.’ Who knows what ghosts are, but there is an energy that I’m really sensitive to. Not just with ghosts, but with people. People stain rooms all the time.”

Carrie Fisher

Carrie Fisher lived an extraordinary life. She was one of the few a-listers to openly discuss her struggles with mental health and drug use before it became so accepted in mainstream society. Unfortunately, these topics would haunt her in a rather more supernatural manner, too.

Following the overdose of a friend sleeping next to her in her mansion, Fisher claimed she would often feel their presence around her.

"Lights would go on and off, and I had this toy machine, that when you touched it would say, 'F*ck you! Eat sh*t! You’re an asshole!' And it would go off in the night, by itself, in my closet.”

She later hired an exorcist to cleanse the house of the spirit.

Halle Berry

Whilst filming Introducing Dorothy Dandridge, Berry would experience intense paranormal activity she believed was down to her dress.

A dress formerly owned by the woman titling the film.

"I'd come home and the housekeeper would say she'd heard my vanity chair moving upstairs in the bathroom. When the film was over, I desperately wanted to keep her dress, but it had to go. And then everything was fine."

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Lady Gaga

Just like Kendrick Lamar, Lady Gaga has had her own dealings with the spirit of an icon. But instead of rap legend Tupac, she got the late fashion designer Alexander McQueen.

"Right after he died, I wrote 'Born This Way.' I think he's up in heaven with fashion strings in his hands, marionetting away, planning this whole thing…

I didn't even write the f*king song. He did!"

Melissa McCarthy

Comedian Melissa McCarthy revealed in 2016 that she believed in ghosts - and gave insight into where her beliefs came from.

"I grew up on a farm and I didn't have any real friends,

I have a very strong belief that people are out there, because I was certainly talking to someone in those barns. Otherwise I'm just crazy. I really strongly believe in ghosts."

Jessica Alba

In 2008, Alba told US Weekly about her own encounter with the paranormal when she was a child.

“I felt this pressure and I couldn’t get up, I couldn’t scream, I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t do anything

Something definitely took the covers off me and I definitely couldn’t get off the bed, and then, once I did, I screamed, ran to my parents’ room and I don’t think I spent many nights in that house ever again.”

Jenna Bush Hager

The White House already has a reputation for its paranormal activity (Abe Lincoln often makes a reappearance during times of crisis) and this former first daughter has evidence to support such a claim.

"I was asleep, there was a fireplace in my room and all of a sudden I heard 1920's music coming out. I could feel it. I freaked out and ran into my sister's room. She was like, 'Please go back to sleep, this is ridiculous.'"

Lucy Liu

This Charlie’s Angel - like so many of the people included in this article - claims she had sexual relations with something supernatural.

“I felt everything. I climaxed. And then he floated away.”

Bella Thorne

"I was lying in bed when I saw a shadowy, silvery figure of an old woman creeping across my room, then it slipped into my closet…

I panicked and ran out of bed and swung open my closet door only to see she was in there. But she was gone. I was sure I had seen her ghost! It was really freaky."

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Do you believe ‘em?

If you liked this post be sure to like, reblog, and hit the follow button!

Got your own paranormal experience to share? Head on over to the peoplesparanormal.com to read real ghost stories and submit your own!

Happy Halloween, lads.

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mrs-dragneel-stark-solo · 4 years


Made for Me (part 1)

#I don’t need my friends pulling a Demi Lovato and sending him LEAVE HER ALONE GET A JOB messages lmao | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (8) #I don’t need my friends pulling a Demi Lovato and sending him LEAVE HER ALONE GET A JOB messages lmao | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (9)

18+ content!!!!

Part 1 of Made for Me

Pairing: Hayden Christensen x Lexi!OFC

Word count: 3480

Warning: choking, hair pulling, oral (M/F) receiving, smoking , tied down, master/pet, blindfolded, ice use, toy use, unprotected sex.

Note: this is a fic I created for the amazing @thorne93​ since she’s been such an amazing friend and because she wrote me a steamy professor! Tony x reader/ Bruce x reader. I hope this lives up to the standards of smut seeing as it's my first time writing it! Enjoy! Send me some feedback or some love.

Songs played while writing this:

Sexy Dirty Love- Demi Lovato

Come and get it- Selena Gomez

Boyfriend- Ariana Grande

Be Mean- DNCE

Addicted- Saving Abel

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We all have that one celebrity crush from when you were a child and for Lexi that person was Hayden Christensen, having grown up watching him be Anakin was amazing the work he does as that character was always something that she admired and not to forget how gorgeous he was. The one thing that we all have fantasies about is being able to meet our crush and be with them, what she didn’t know was that her biggest fantasies were just about to all come true.

Lexi has been looking forward to the Star Wars convention all summer long and it was finally here. She went alone as her best friend hadn’t been able to make it.

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After getting to the convention center she had grabbed her poster and a few other things. Lexi had a good feeling about today.

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“Woah! There’s so many cosplayers here!” She exclaimed to herself.

She walked around looking at all the booths. There were a few things she would go back to get later on in the day there had been a replica of Anakin’s saber that she had been looking to get for sometime and knew she would get it before the autograph signings.

New to being a cosplayer she had created a gender-bent version of Anakin when he had been turning to the dark side.

The corset was a dark brown and the skirt was dark brown fading to black. She had the hood on and wore contact lenses to show the red eyes . Many other people came up to her asking for pictures. This made her more confident and when she got the replica lightsaber she knew she was ready for when she met Hayden Christensen. She’d gone to get in like pretty early but was still surprised to see how long the line was.

A few more people were in front of her before getting to him.

“Ahhh I can’t believe I’m about to meet Hayden!” She squeals. And a person behind her agrees. They chat to pass the time until she’s next.

“Next!” Said the person who was passing the fans in.

Lexi walked up to the table and was met with a very smiley Hayden and her heart skipped a beat getting to be this close to him.

“Wow! Can you give me a turn please? That cosplay is spectacular” he said to her completely blown away by how beautiful she looked in the female version of his character.

“Umm… s-sure” she blushed.

He could tell she was a bit flustered and he liked it. Not getting to see her eyes clearly he went around the table.

“Do you mind if I pull the hood back?”

“N-no not at all Hayden.”

Getting closer Lexi was able to see his blue-gray eyes she was completely entranced by them.

He’s a lot closer than she thought he’d be. Lexi felt the warmth of his breathing as he took off her hood.

“Whoa neat! Your wearing contact is similar to the one I wore.”

“Really? I looked everywhere for some that look the closest to them.”

“Well I gotta say you did some great work with this, mind if we get a picture?”

“I would love to Hayden”

He pulled out his phone and took a selfie and then had someone do a full body for him.

“Hey do you have an Instagram? I’d like to send these to you so you can have a copy.”

“Yeah umm here let me type it into your phone.”

He handed her his phone and he can’t seem to stop looking at her. Or that when they met at the convention they would hit it off and there was something that he found mesmerizing about Her.

“Here let me sign the light saber and anything else you have.”

“Thank you so much!”

“Hey can you tell me your name?”

“ Its Lexi”

“That's a cool name, to Lexi the greatest female Anakin I’ve ever met”

“Thanks again this means a lot.”

“I’m glad I got to meet you Lexi” he goes and hugs her and kisses her cheek. Taking a step back he sees she’s blushing. He winks at her and walks back behind the booth.

Lexi has never been this flustered and quickly pulls the hood back on to hide her reddening cheeks. What she hadn’t noticed was that he had written his number on the back of her poster.

#I don’t need my friends pulling a Demi Lovato and sending him LEAVE HER ALONE GET A JOB messages lmao | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (13)

That very night Lexi and her friend Shannon shared screens to watch a movie and they talked about what happened at the convention.

“You're not gonna believe this but Hayden asked for my Instagram”

“No way! Omfg lucky you, now I really wish I'd been there to see your reaction’

“ Remember that cosplay said I was gonna do for the gender bent Anakin”

“You actually took it nice what did he say”

“He actually wrote a little message on my poster saying that I was the best female Anakin he’s ever met. “

“Why did he want your Instagram for though?”

“He took a picture of me with him as a selfie and then he asked someone to take a full body picture both of us together and he wanted me to have a copy”

“Lucky girl I bet you were freaking out.”

“I couldn’t stop blushing he was really close to me like upfront he took off my hood so you can see my contacts”

“You sound so smitten right now Lexi gosh I bet all the others were jealous”

They’d finished watching the movie and had a long conversation. Lexi went back to working on some of her things for her blog when she got a little notification on her phone. She picked up the phone to see what it was only to discover that it was a following request by none other than Hayden Christensen. Lexi couldn’t believe she was seeing this, he really did follow her. she was wondering whether she was dreaming or not so she clicked confirm.

Soon a message popped up saying “ Hey Lexi I hope you don’t mind me just here to send you the pictures. It was really great seeing you and in the cosplay. I hope I get to see you some other time”

She was shocked he wanted to see her again but he’s a famous actor and thought she’s a simple fan now he’s probably saying that just to be nice so she texted back “Thank you for the pictures I hope I see you at the next convention.”

After that Lexi put her phone down and turned it off going back to what she was working on. She wanted to talk to him but she didn’t know if Hayden would actually respond so she said to herself, “I think I’ll just continue working on what I was writing, I doubt he actually wants to talk to me just another one of his million fans”

Hayden didn’t really know how he would start off his message so he sort of went out on a whim and sent that he “Cannot believe he met her, she is such a gorgeous woman and the cosplay was unbelievable there was just something about her that he couldn’t quite stop thinking about, in a way she was very unique” and there was just this little feeling he had what he needed to see her again, although his work schedule may not allow it this soon he knew he’d find a way to see her.

Few months pass and nothing happened he didn’t text her because of filming but that maybe she would text him first to be honest he was very nervous he didn’t know exactly how he would start off a conversation with her he really wanted to get to know her but he felt that through text won’t be the same he wanted to see her talk about herself and see how she reacted and how she expresses herself.

Lexi was a little bummed out that she never heard back from him after the last thing he texted her. She hadn’t replied because she just didn’t know how to reply. After a while she really believed that just maybe he won’t want to talk to her but seeing as she hasn't given a single reply she went back to her life being a blogger, go to school doing her thing until she her phone dinged “Lexi I wanted to know if you were free sometime tonight I’d like to meet up.” It said but quickly he added “if that’s OK with you”

She was thrilled and scared because Hayden is one of her favorite actors ever and to just simply be texting him was a dream come true. Not wanting to leave him hanging again she replied “I’m free at 7 tonight. Where do you want to meet?”

“Great I’ll see you then ;)”

“Wait how will we meet up, I live in Tennessee?”

“Don’t you worry about that I’ll have everything ready.”

A little confused she went along with it. She had faith in him and whatever it was he was planning. Lexi was beyond thrilled and nervous because she was gonna meet up with Hayden Christensen! Her forever actor crush.

Even though she still had 3 hours until they meet up she began planning what she would wear. She wanted something casual but also cute. So she went for one of her go to outfits. Having her current hair color be pink, blue and purple she just washed and let it air dry in it’s cascade. As for her makeup she kept it simple with some blush, mascara and some matte lipstick.

As she finished getting ready she was screen sharing with her friend and co-writing partner so as not to fangirl so much in front of him. They were watching Awake a movie he happens to be in, her friend hasn't seen it so Lexi showed it to her while commenting throughout the movie Lexi kept her phone nearby so that she could see if she got a text. About halfway through the movie she finally got a text saying that she should come out that there’s a car waiting for her. She was getting excited again and would have to ask him how he knew where she lived.

“Omfg! I just got a text from him saying there’s a car waiting for me!”

“Good luck have fun and tell me all about it!” Shannon told her.

Lexi stepped out of her house and indeed there was a car parked waiting for her. The moment she walked down the stairs she was greeted by a chauffeur. He went around and got the door for her and helped her in and she thanked the man. The ride had a bit of a calming silence which had been a big help since Lexi was still very nervous about what the night would bring.

The car had stopped at a new food place that had been opened a few days prior to you going to the convention. The chauffeur got out of the car and opened your door and soon had taken you to the entrance where Lexi was met with Hayden holding some flowers.

“Hey Lexi I hope you liked these I didn’t know if you had a favorite flower so I got a variety of them.”

“Thank you Hayden they look beautiful.”

“They look as beautiful as you do tonight.”

He made her blush with that compliment. “So Hayden, I was wondering how did you ever figure out where I live?”

“Well I actually saw some of the things you posted on Instagram and had some help figuring out where in Tennessee you lived” he said sheepishly. “Don’t tell your friend but she was a big help too.” he smiled

Lexi was really at a loss of words because he went to all this trouble just to want to hang out with her. The night was spent getting to know each other as if they’ve been friends for years. Throughout the night he just couldn’t stop smiling at the way that Lexi spoke about her writing and the things she does. It had been over 4 hours since they were at the restaurant, not wanting the night to end just yet Lexi got bold enough to ask where he’s planning to stay,

There’s a little hotel not far from here that I was planning to get a room at.”

“Well after such a great time tonight I wanted to invite you to my home I have a spare bedroom there that you could use,” she shyly said. “The least I can do is make your stay here in Tennessee relaxing.”

“Thank you, that’s very kind of you, I was actually hoping to get a chance to do some sight seeing here, I was hoping you could show me around?”

“I would love to do that, how about we head home for now and we can make a list of what you might want to see?”

“Sure, lead the way darling” he moved to the side so that she could get back to the car. He put his hand on her lower back as they walked out of the restaurant.

Once they arrived at her house she led him to the guest room that was right next to hers and left him alone so that he could get set up and comfy. While that happened she changed into a big shirt and some shorts that she normally wore around the house. Meanwhile in the other room Hayden had gotten settled and changed from his outfit into a plain t-shirt and some sweatpants. After that he walked to what he assumed was the living room and looked around, there were many pictures of Lexi with her friends and family.

He was admiring her book collection when she walked in and asked, “Is there anything I can get for you?”

“No, I'm fine thanks for asking” he headed for the couch and sat down.

Lexi couldn’t help but watch him walk over to the couch. He looked so good in sweatpants. She stifled a groan at how turned on she was getting by the way he was dressed or how relaxed he looked in her home.

“I noticed you were looking at my book collection anything in there that caught your attention?”

“Yeah there were a few that I might take a look at later on if you don’t mind”

“Not at all, you’re welcome to borrow whichever you find most interesting.”

“That’s very kind of you Lexi, for tonight and everything”

“It’s no problem at all, but I should be thanking you for such an amazing night”

"You don’t mind if I open this window for a quick smoke do you?” he seemed a little nervous about asking.

"Go right ahead, make yourself at home" she waved at him. feeling less nervous now that they seem comfortable around each other.

He walked over to the window seat and opened the one window, there was a nice breeze out and he pulled out a cigarette from his pocket and his lighter, but what he doesn’t know is that Lexi loves seeing him smoke in movies and knowing that he actually smokes is even more nerve wracking. He notices that she’s started to rub her thighs together and figures out that she likes his little bad habit and he’s enjoying that it’s the little things that he does can easily get her turned on. She doesn't even know that he actually heard her moan when he walked over to the couch.

he turned back over to the window to blow the smoke out. he walked back to the couch where Lexi was now sitting at and sat close by her, being this close to her he could see the shade of brown that her eyes were a mix between milk and dark chocolate and even though they've known each other for a few hours he has this urge to pin her to the couch and mark her so everyone knows who she belongs to. He knew however he would have to wait and hope that he can show her that he wants to be a part of her life. He wasn't really sure if she would feel the same about him the way he feels about her.

He rubbed his hand on his chin and felt the small beard he was growing he would need to shave soon or else it would begin to bother him, plus the film he was going to be a part of required he have a clean shaven face. Lexi however thought he looked good with the beard, it was a nice change to always seeing him have a baby face on screen or at conventions.

“So what brought you to this quiet little town?” he started asking hoping to get to know her more.

“My family lived here for most of my childhood and I’ve never really considered leaving this place” she played with her hair and looks up “don’t get me wrong I do wish I could travel more but there’s ever really been a chance to do that.”

“Sounds like this place is your little slice of heaven, I’d be lucky if I had a place like that myself.” He places his arm behind her and his fingertips lightly brush her shoulders

“If you could go to one place in the world where and why?”

She shivered feeling his fingers ghost over her shoulder. “If I could go somewhere I think it would be Venice because I love the culture and the food too,” she blushed. “I think it would be an amazing place.”

This gave him an idea as to where he could take her next time, he hoped there would be more things he’ll be able to plan with her or for her.

“So tell me Mr. Celebrity, what’s it really like?” Lexi teased him. “Is it really like they say?”

“And what exactly do they say?”

“That's mostly paparazzi, glitz and glam?” she co*cked her head.

“Well for the most part it can be but I'm not really one for that I like to keep my life as simple as possible.” he smiles at her. He can’t help but feel so relaxed around her. “That’s why you hardly see anything about me on tv”

“Well if anything the moments you are on tv are the best.” she blushes.

The rest of the time was spent talking about anything and everything. There were moments of silence but they weren’t awkward. She felt as if she’d already gotten to know him so much more than she’d ever expect and he felt the same way there was so much they both still wanted to know about each other but this wasn't the time for that. Later on they’d both come to find that they equally had the same interests sexually. They talked for hours on end that night till Lexi realized that it was 3 am and they still planned on going out to do some sightseeing.

It had been hard for Lexi to fall asleep knowing she had her childhood crush sleeping in her guest room let alone knowing she’d be spending the whole day with him seeing all over the place she called home. Sleep finally found her and all she could dream about was Hayden sitting at the window smoking looking so gorgeous under the light of the moon. She woke up pretty early and headed out for a quick jog hoping that would bring her some energy for the day.

Hayden had woken up a little after she had gone on her run so he had taken his time trying to figure out what they could do. He laid in bed for a bit searching for things nearby hoping he might get to see some exciting stuff or even get to see her favorite places here. Once he had an idea on what to do he tossed his shirt on the bed and grabbed some fresh clothes and headed to the bathroom and turned on the shower letting it steam up for a bit. Neither of them had realized that the other was in the apartment.

“Hmm looks like he might still be sleeping, Oh I hope I didn’t keep him up too late” she said to herself as she headed to the kitchen to drink some water, Meanwhile Hayden was getting his things in order to shower. Unaware of him being in the bathroom she went to her room to grab some fresh clothes for the day and headed for the bathroom the door was pretty thick so she couldn't hear the water running. She walked in and was surprised when she bumped right into a very much naked Hayden.

#I don’t need my friends pulling a Demi Lovato and sending him LEAVE HER ALONE GET A JOB messages lmao | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (14)

#hayden christensen#hayden christensen smut

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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years


-What was the last song that you sang out loud?I’ve had Dance Again by Selena Gomez stuck in my head.

-If someone has bad breath, do you tell him or her?No :X I’m the worst about that stuff cause people will tell you they would want you to tell them, but I just feel so awkward about it and like how do you even bring something like that up? I mean, I have done the thing where I get some gum and offer them some haha, but I don’t tell them their breath smells.

-With which friend are you most likely to share a secret?I share my secrets with ya’ll and Twitter, ha.

-Do you have an item that comforts you when you are sad/scared?No. Well, unless count my phone cause I can use the YouTube app and listen to ASMR, which is calming for me.

-When are you likely to hide your emotions?I do that majority of the time. Well, try to. I downplay them a lot. I’m not as good at it anymore as I used to be. These past few years my emotions started taking over and getting the best of me. When I’m in a mood, I shut down and just get quiet and standoffish. If you talk to me, I’m short and you can just see all over my face.

-Which is scarier: Dying of thirst or of starvation?Both would be horrible.

-Who was the last person to take your breath away?I haven’t felt that way from a person in a very long time.

-When you turn on the TV, what channel do you flip to?My go-to channels to check first are always E! and MTV. If nothing of interest is on, then I just scroll through the guide. It also depends on the time of day.

-Have you ever tried to help someone quit smoking?No.

-What was the last comment someone made on your music taste?I don’t recall.

-Where do you go/what do you do when you need to calm down?My bed. I’ll typically listen to an ASMR video and probably find a survey to ramble about it in and/or tweet about it. Okay let’s be real, before I do any of that I probably have a good cry first.

-What was the last mess you cleaned up?Uhh I mean, I threw away my paper plate and napkins I used yesterday after I finished eating.

- [TW] Have you ever had to talk anyone out of suicide?Yes.

-When you think of tomorrow, what feelings come to mind?Nothing.

-Who, in your opinion, has an amazing voice?Demi Lovato first came to mind. She sang the hats and helmets off of everyone during her Super Bowl performance of the National Anthem.

-Would you ever camp out on a beach, under the stars?No.

-What is the last thing you complained about?Not feeling well and about how achey I am.

-What was the last curse-word you said?Probably “sh*t.”

-When you fake sick to get out of school, what do you say or do to convince your parents that you are sick?I’m 30 years old and no longer in school, but when I was younger I didn’t really have to do that because I felt sick often enough.

-How did you recover from your last bout of tears?I cried them all out and then just did my usual activities (Tumblr, surveys, YouTube, watched TV).

-Do you still talk to your very first best friend?No.

-When was the last time something went terribly wrong?Blah.

-How do you console someone when he or she is upset?I’m soooo awkward when it comes to that. I just let them vent if they need to, but I struggle with what to say and do.

-Have you ever seen either one of your parents cry?I’ve seen both and it’s the worst thing ever to me. I hate seeing one of my parents cry.

-Choose one: Trip to outerspace, or trip underneath the oceans?Oh jeez, you just listed a couple of my biggest fears.

-How often do you feel overwhelmed?Often.

-How do you deal with everyday life?I...don’t. :/

-Do you have any secret obsessions or guilty pleasures?Nah. I’m not ashamed of any of the things I like.

-Aside from on this survey, what was the last thing you wrote about?Whatever I last tweeted. I forget.

-Who in your family do you act like the most?I have a lot of my dad’s personality traits. He’s moody, irritable, and easily stressed and overwhelmed. Sound familiar?

-What is the most romantically sweet thing someone has done for you?Ty did a lot of things. The thing that always stands out is one year during Christmas he drove to my house one night because had a present for me and it consisted of little things that I mentioned briefly that I liked and it was just really sweet cause it showed he was actually listening and paying attention. The fact he remembered and then went out and bought those things for me was just really, really sweet. He was so excited to give it to me. He didn’t want me to open them right then, he wanted me to wait until Christmas and send him a video of me opening them so he could see my reaction.

-When you go out to the mall, do people stare?When I go anywhere in public people stare.

-Have you ever been confronted by a mall cop for your behavior?No, but I did have one tell me to take my hood off haha. I just came in and it was raining and he came up to me like, “you need to take off your hood.” Like okay jeez.

-What just tears at your heartstrings?Hearing about a child dying or being abused. Animal abuse, too. Breaks my heart.

-Is there a show you swear that you will never watch?I don’t feel that strongly, but there’s a lot of shows I have no interest in watching.

-What was the last topic that you ranted about?I don’t remember.

-Is there someone that makes you feel like you’re walking on eggshells?Sometimes. I’ve been told people feel that way around me as well.

-Were you ever afraid of one of your past teachers?No.

-Have you ever been in a physical fight on school grounds?No. Or ever.

-Have you written anything in a bathroom stall? What, if anything?Nope.

-Is your school like the drama capital of the country?I wasn’t involved in any of that when I was in school. I heard some stuff, but I wasn’t all invested in it like a lot of people.

-A homeless man asks you for 50 cents; how do you respond?If I have it, sure. I don’t usually have any change or cash on me, though.

-When was the last time you visited a thrift store?I don’t go to any.

-Can you handle constructive criticism?I can’t say I wouldn’t feel some type of way about it, ha. I’m just a sensitive bitch. Guess it would depend on what it was about, though. Like if someone was like, “hey, red doesn’t really look great with your skin tone and it clashes with your hair, you shouldn’t wear that” I wouldn’t care. I’d still wear it if I wanted.

Who is the most sensitive person that you know?Meeeee.

-Have you ever had a tooth (or teeth) pulled?Yes.

-You can have one famous person’s wardrobe; who do you choose, and why?I guess someone who was very casual like me and likes to wear graphic tees and leggings. I’d like to have their collection, ha.

-When was the last time you wrote someone a note?I have no idea.

-Do you tell your parents before you go somewhere, or just leave?My family and I are 4 adults living together and we all tell each other when we’re leaving and where we’re going. It’s just our thing. If something were to happen, we’d at least have an idea of where the other was headed. And it’s just common courtesy to us to say goodbye.

-What was the last thing you tried to get out of doing?I’d like to get out of my doctor appointment this afternoon. I’m still recouping.

-On average, how many surveys do you fill out in one day?It varies. Usually a few. Some days more than others.

-How many hours a day do you spend on Bzoink?I don’t use Bzoink.

-Which season do you dread the most?Summer D: It seems to go on forever and it just gets SO hot and miserable here.

-Do you ever brag about your achievements?I’ve never been one to brag. Not that I have anything to brag about, but it’s not a cute look.

-When was the last time that you watched the sun come up?Last week. We were at the airport before the sun was up and it was coming up after we just got on the plane.

-What did you do last Halloween?Watched scary movies and got takeout.

-Last Thanksgiving?Had a nice, big, delicious feast with my family.

-Last Christmas - if you celebrate?Christmas morning we got up early like we always do to open presents and then messed around with our stuff before pretty much resting the rest of the day. Oh, and we had our Christmas dinner that we usually do Christmas Eve, but my mom had to work until midnight that night.

-How did you celebrate the arrival of the new year?My mom and I watched the New Year’s festivities and counted down while the ball dropped. My dad fell asleep at like 9, so he was already out for the night and my brother was out with friends.

-Is there a foreign culture you’d like to learn more about?It’s interesting to learn about different cultures.

-Have you ever (purposely or accidentally) played with someone’s heart?I don’t think so. I’ve had it done to me a lot, though.

-Has anyone ever played with yours?Yes.

-Have you ever seen a famous painting and thought “I could have done that?”I admit that I’ve seen ones that were just like splatters and thought that. :X

-Fire drills: Did you ever wish they were real … just once?Yeah as a kid cause all that came to mind was we’d get to go home and not that it would mean there was an actual fire haha.

-What is the scariest thing about attending your school?I’m done with school.

-Are you a good judge of other people’s intentions?I think so.

What was the last thing that you felt strongly about?My faith.

-Shopping: best with friends, parents, bf/gf, or alone?Alone at home online, ha.

-What is one insecurity you have about your body?Everything.

-What is one part of your body that you are proud of?I like my hair currently only cause I recently got it colored and trimmed (finally).

-When was the last time someone told you to turn your music down?The night before we left for our trip. I was up late packing and my mom came in to ask me to turn my music down, ha. I didn’t end up sleeping at all that night. We left for the airport at 430. I didn’t sleep at all on the ride there or on our flight. I didn’t sleep until that night at the hotel. I honestly have NO idea how I did it.

-When you don’t know how to spell a word, do you look it up?Yeah, I just Google it real quick.

-Are you one to spend a lot of time in the bathroom?No.

-Have you seen the movie Super Size Me?Yeah, we had to in class. We watched it my sophom*ore year in my history class for some reason haha.

-Do you still eat at McDonald’s, regardless of that film?I was turned off to it for a little bit afterwards, but it didn’t last long. haha. I mean yeah, don’t eat it 3 times a day obviously.

-Do you ever consider the challenges other races go through?Yes.

-When was the last time you doubted your abilities?All the time. What abilities?

-At your favorite restaurant, what do you order?I always order chicken tenders and fries at any restaurant, ha.

-What was the last thing you wished for?I don’t wish for things.

-How many times a day, on average, do you look at the time?A lot.


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dark0angel13 · 5 years


Awakening: Chapter 1

I woke to the sound of Demi Lovato’s ‘Cool for the Summer’ as my phone rang somewhere off to my left. Groaning, I fumbled around half asleep, my arm searching for my nightstand as I made an effort to answer whoever it was that was calling me. They better have a good reason for waking me up.

“Hello?” I asked groggy, not bothering to look and see who it was that decided to wake me up this early in the morning. Clearly it was an idiot because I am not a morning person.

“Jesus Sarah it’s about time you answered your phone!” shouted a female voice from the other end of the line; letting me know right away just who it was. I should have known.

“It’s early Rachel, why are you calling me?” I responded a bit coldly as her image popped into my head: blonde hair that cascaded in waves down a slender face with light skin and amber eyes.

“Oh I don’t know, maybe because we have a final this morning and you’re already half an hour late.” Her tone rivaled mine in attitude and that was enough to have me shooting up out of bed.

“f*ck! Has Mr. Connolly failed me already? Do I have enough time to get there and take it before class ends? sh*t, I forgot to stu- Ow f*ck!” I stumbled around looking for clothes as I spoke, not seeing my backpack on the floor in front of me. I tripped, hitting my elbow on the desk and sending my phone flying in the process. I cursed again, struggling to find my bearings as I rushed to get ready for a test I very might have failed already. Once I had my phone back in hand I heard Rachel’s laughter from the other side.

“Relax girl, you’ve got the full allotted time if you can get here in five minutes. It seems your professors like you as much as I do. He’s giving you a mulligan so don’t blow-“That was all I needed to hear as I shoved on jeans and a clean shirt.

“Got it! I’ll be there in four minutes, time me!” The line was dead before she could even respond and I was rushing to brush my hair and down mouthwash before managing to get out the door. Three seconds later, I stopped and realize I forgot the backpack I had just recently tripped over, and swore under my breath. Now is not the time to be forgetting sh*t Sarah!

Rushing back to my door I fought with the lock before managing to get it open and grab my books and dart back out into the hall way once again, this time running face first into a hard chest. I stumbled back and cursed again before steadying myself. Looking up into eyes as blue as the ocean and a smile as bright as the sun. That beautiful face could only belong to one person, Drake. Lord he was the hottest guy in the dorm and I just ran into him like an idiot.

I blushed and stood quickly, “Oh my god Drake I’m so sorry!” Nice job klutz.

The man before me laughed lightly and spoke, his voice sending butterflies fluttering in my stomach. “Always bumping into things. You’re going to get hurt one of these days if you don’t watch where you’re going Sarah.” It was soft and smooth and had this been any other day I would have loved to sit and talk to him for hours. Of course he would pick the day I was late for an exam to talk to me. My luck was getting sh*ttier by the second.

“Hey wait-!”

I was off and running before he was back on his feet. “I’m late for an exam but I’ll make it up to you I promise!” I shouted back before sprinting down the steps. The icy breeze hit me like a slap to the face and I was shaking instantly. Of course I would forget my jacket. I cursed again and debated on going back for it but decided my test was worth more. This was my future, warmth could wait. Plus I wasn’t sure I could walk away from that face a second time. My self-control wasn’t that great, but then again when it came to Drake, no girl could control herself, so at least I wasn’t alone.

I sprinted on, my adrenaline keeping me warm even as the wind attempted to freeze me from the outside. If I made it in time and managed to pass this exam I would kiss Rachel. I could practically see my goal up ahead. About another hundred feet and I would be home free! I laughed in relief as I came upon the steps with seconds to spare.

“Thank God…” I mumbled to myself as I pulled open the door, sighing when the heat wrapped around me like a blanket. Taking a deep breath I looked back in the direction in which I had come and briefly wondered what Drake wanted to tell me before my eyes settled on a figure off to my left. I squinted to try and get a better look but my glasses only helped so much, and the person was too far away. Needless to say I had a shiver run down my spine before whomever it was ducked out of my line of sight.

“Okay creepy…” I didn’t have time to be watching weirdos I needed to get to the second floor before I missed my window. sh*t why am I so scatterbrained today? Shaking my head to clear it, I rushed towards the stairs knowing full well that by the time the elevator got here class would probably be over. This university really needed to update their buildings.

I took the steps two at a time while my body shook with nerves and my palms felt as if they had been dipped in water. Why the hell was I so nervous? It’s not like I was failing the class or anything. In all but one of my courses I had an A, so why was I worried? Because this class is the one you’re struggling to maintain a C in you dumbass. Oh yeah. f*ck.

Of course I would trip on the last stair and fall flat on my face. My glasses flew off and my cheek stung from the impact and I cursed again; fumbling around to gather the stuff that had sprawled over the floor.

“My god you are just one accident after another Sarah…” Her voice was full of exasperation as a hand reached out to pluck my glasses from behind the trash can.

“I don’t need your sh*t right now Rachel.” I snapped aggravated, rubbing my sore cheek as I took my spectacles. They were dirty and had a small crack in the corner of the right lens and all I could think of was that I now have to get a new pair of glasses. f*ck my life.

“You know, I would think you would be showing more gratitude to the girl who just saved your ass. Next time I’ll let you miss the exam.” She barked back at me with a glare in her eyes and I had no choice.

“You’re right I’m sorry. Thank you for waking me up I owe you one.” I sighed as we stood as one and she shot me a triumphant smile.

“No problem I’ll collect later. Right now you need to get your ass in there and pass this exam. If you fail you’re f*cked.” Her tone had gone from joking to serious so fast my head spun. She was right though; if I failed this test then I would fall behind and not have enough time to make up the credits in order to graduate. Why the f*ck did I want to go to Law School? Oh yeah, because I’m a masoch*stic idiot.

Taking a deep breath I nodded to my best friend before opening the door, “Wish me luck.” Was all I could say as my heart plummeted into my stomach.

“Good luck in there girl you’re gonna need it.” She gave a pity smile and I had to remind myself to slap the sh*t out of her later for not having any confidence in me, but right now I had to pass this damn exam or I could kiss my career goodbye. There was nothing to be stressed about right? All I had to do was score a perfect grade on this exam and I would get to stay in school. Easy.

“Ah, I’m glad you could make it Miss Blackwell. Care to explain why you are so late?” His voice was calm and even and had I not known this man better than most students I, would even go as far as to say he was amused. But unlucky me was somehow able to read people much better than they would like me to. His smirk twitched at his right side and his eyes gave away much more than he surely intended. He was aggravated and if I didn’t answer his question correctly then I was screwed.

“Well you see…I was up really late studying and I didn’t keep track of time. I guess I didn’t hear my alarm go off. I am so sorry Mr. Connolly it won’t happen again.” What better way to get out of trouble than to lie right? Lucky for me I was very good at lying. I have a specific set of skills that would make me the perfect criminal, and had most crimes been legal, I probably would have gone that route. A life of crime was a lot more exciting than Law School.

He stared me down for a moment, his brown eyes probing me for any sign of wavering (which he wouldn’t find) before he sighed again and shook his head. “What am I going to do with you Sarah? I know you are struggling in this class,” I winced at his words as if they burned, “but you are pushing yourself too hard. Trying too hard will only make you fail faster. Have you thought about a tutor?”

f*ck no. “Yes sir but I can’t afford the rates they want to charge for their help.” Stingy bastards. “I was going to ask Rachel if she would help me but she is only barely passing this class and I don’t want to put any extra stress on her.” I did my best to sound defeated and I would have laughed out loud at his expression as it changed from annoyance to understanding. He bought my lies as easily as the rest of them did. This was really too easy.

“Yes, I see where you are coming from. The students here can be rather,” He paused as if trying to find the right words to say. Greedy as f*ck? Evil? sad*stic bastards that enjoy watching other people suffer? The thoughts ran through my mind like little sarcastic rabbits as I watched the man before me. His suit was grey and his shirt a light blue that didn’t match his eyes at all and his shoes were the ugliest brown I had ever seen in my life. Jesus did his wife really let him leave the house like that every morning? “cut throat.” He finished with a small smirk.

I raised an eyebrow at him but remained quiet, instead my mind going back to the figure I saw earlier. Why was it there? Surely a student wouldn’t be skulking around in the shadows like that…right?

“I don’t think ‘cut throat’ really covers it Mr. Connolly.” I smirked with him but looked around to the now empty classroom save for a few students who were packing their things. Great I had his full, undivided attention. Yay me. “May I please start this exam?”

He eyes snapped back to me as if I had taken him from his thoughts and part of me briefly wondered just what could have been running through his mind, but decided I would be better off not imagining it. “Yes. There is a copy on the table there and you may sit anywhere. You have an hour and a half to finish and at the last five minutes I will allow open book but I wouldn’t count on those five minutes. This exam is meant to test your reasoning skills and your way of thinking. Don’t rush and you should be fine.”

Part of me wondered if he had given the rest of the class the five minutes thing but when my eyes landed on a pale young man off to the back of the class, his scowl was enough to tell me that I was the only one special enough to get that mercy rule. Great, another reason for them to hate my guts. I nodded absently before turning on my heel, meeting eyes with Mr. Glare before matching his scowl with one of my own. He looked away immediately with his feet pulling him towards the door and I smirked as I picked up my test. Yeah that’s right you f*cker, walk away.

The test stared at me with what I could only guess as mockery because let’s be honest, paper doesn’t really have a face. Still, the words seemed to scream ‘you’re going to fail!’ and all I wanted to do was rip the damn thing to shreds and run from the building. ‘Constitutional Criminal Procedure: Adjudication’ was all it said, the words grating on my nerves like sandpaper for reasons I have yet to figure out.

Okay Sarah just relax and focus you can do this! After giving myself a mental pep talk I opened the little booklet and read the first question. Immediately it made my brain hurt and had me wishing I had just ignored the call and stayed asleep. The first question was an essay in itself and had the professor not been watching me for a reaction to judge me by, I would have screamed and began ripping the hair out of my head.

After reading the makeshift essay again and again I got to the last part and held my breath. ‘Which of the following arguments would the defense council NOT make to support the claim?’ Jesus f*cking Christ why did the damn question have to be so complicated? My teeth were clenched so tight that my jaw hurt but I welcomed the pain because it gave me something to focus on when all I wanted to do was crawl into a hole and die. Why the f*ck did I want to be a lawyer? The question hung in the air like a heavy weight and the answer like a feather, fluttering around with mocking ease and eluding me to the point of frustration.

By the time I had finished the exam I was about ready to cry my eyes out. There was no way I passed that damn thing.

“The grades will be posted by Monday so keep an eye out. Have a good weekend Miss Blackwell.” His voice was almost mocking as he attempted to sound serious and concerned but we both knew he was a sh*tty liar and an even sh*ttier pretender. I would be lucky to get a damn D on this test.

“Yes Mr. Connolly. Thank you for the time extension and the five minute open book. I’ll see you on Monday.” Hopefully. If I don’t kill myself before then. I didn’t wait for his reply, simply got out of the room as fast as I could without looking like I was running from my demons, which was exactly what I wanted to do.

All but slamming the door behind me I bolted for the stairs; the outside suddenly feeling as essential as air itself. I was breathing hard by the time I crashed through the door to Pound Hall and stumbled into the fresh layer of snow. Once the icy air hit my face my legs collapsed under me and I hit the ground with a thud that was hard enough to jar my entire body.

“I’m gonna go ahead and assume that it went as bad as you look right now.” Rachel’s voice rang in my ears like a bell tolling and I had no doubt that the toll was for me.

“Way to state the obvious. I’m f*cked Chel.” I groaned with disappointment as she helped me to my feet before supporting me as we trudged back to our dorm building. Right then I was thankful for her sarcastic ass, as she did the best she could from keeping me from falling completely apart. She was everything I wanted to be: cool, composed, confident, blonde. I sighed aloud and looked to the ground where I watched our feet move in unison; her knee high black heeled boots looking positively spectacular compared to my black converse.

Rachel out shined me in every way. She was popular, funny, easy to get along with, had a great fashion sense, and her family was loaded. Me, well I was lucky to find a foster home for more than a few months. I was always fighting to survive and here she is, not having to work hard at anything in her life and I hated her for it. Yet at the same time she didn’t act like a stuck up bitch. She knew she was lucky but never once did she rub it in anyone’s face and I loved that about her. Yes Rachel Montgomery was the woman I loved and hated at the same time but I knew I could count on her for anything and another part of me was grateful to her for having my back.

“-st have to relax and not worry so much. Hey earth to Sarah, are you even listening to me?” Her voice pulled me from my self-pity and racing thoughts and I looked up to meet her eyes. Her amber eyes held a hint of emerald that matched my eyes almost as perfectly as her personality matched mine. I swear we were separated at birth, only she got the lucky family, and I got dealt the sh*tty hand.

“Yeah I’m listening sorry about that.”

She raised her eyebrow and shot me a look that read ‘yeah right’ before she spoke, “I’m not believing you for a second. If you were listening then what did I just say?” Her tone was co*cky and her smile just as confident as she stared me down and inwardly I groaned. Of course she would call me out like that. f*ck. Well if she wanted to be a smart ass two could definitely play at that game, and I as a very sore loser.

“I need to just relax and not worry so much.” I matched her tone as well as her smirk.

“I hate it when you do that. I swear one day I’m going to ask you to repeat what I said and you’re going to pull that sh*t and I’m just going to haul off and slap the f*ck out of you.” She sighed but couldn’t hide the smile that was threatening to counteract her slightly aggravated tone. She couldn’t stay mad at me and she knew it. Sarah one, Rachel zero. “I said that Mr. Connolly is a dick and his class is too hard but there is nothing we can do about it because this is what we paid for. Literally. So we, you especially, need to just relax and not worry so much.” She repeated the words almost automatically and had I been paying attention the first time I would have noticed that even her tone sounded exactly the same.

I scoffed and looked up to the stairs of our dorm hall and let out a tired breath. I really didn’t want to go back up there but I had to change out of my now wet clothes because if I stayed in them any longer I was going to freeze to death. “Just kill me now Chel. I don’t think I have the courage to face Connolly if I fail this test.”

“Oh stop being such a drama queen Sarah. You have the guts to be vegan for sh*t’s sake I think taking a failing grade with a grain of salt would be easy compared to turning down meat. I don’t know how you do it. I would die without burgers.” Her voice was in disbelief as she commented on my lifestyle choice but seconds after she mentioned food both our stomachs rang out in a symphony of hunger. Looking at one another we laughed aloud and for the first time that day my stress was something that I felt I could actually handle at the moment. Rachel always knew how to make me feel better. “What do you say we get changed and hit the bar? After this test I think we both need a drink.”

“Rachel you do realize it’s not even noon yet right?” I shot her a disdainful look as we took the stairs two at a time in a mini race to see who would get to the top first. I won of course, just like I always did.

“Jesus Sarah how are you that fast?”

“It’s because I don’t eat meat. Those burgers are slowing you down Chel.” I laughed as I reached my door; her coming to a stop at the room opposite mine.

“Bullsh*t. I say it’s because of your days as a cross country runner. Meat has nothing to do with it, you’re just jealous because you don’t know what happiness tastes like.”

“Oh I think I do and it’s not meat. Tofu is both delicious and healthy for you. Which is why I can whoop your ass in a foot race any time and any place.” I shot her a smirk before opening my door and closing it behind me before she could protest.

Once inside I sighed heavily and slid down the metal barrier to the floor where I closed my eyes to try and imagine a life where I wasn’t being buried alive by school work. Looking to my calendar I smiled somewhat relieved to notice that I didn’t have to go into work today and again wondered why I was killing myself. Oh yeah because I’m not rich and have to pay for tuition somehow. Not that it will matter much after Monday. It seemed that my thoughts were only getting more and more depressed just thinking about it. I felt like slamming my head into the wall a few times but decided against any further brain damage. This university was enough to make me feel like a total idiot; I didn’t need to add to the dead brain cells.

Looking around my small dorm room I sighed again. I had left in such a hurry that my clothes were strewn everywhere and open boxes of dried fruit lay about the floor. It wasn’t until I crawled over to my desk that I noticed it. A small white envelope that had my name written in a fancy writing and it was then that I realized that someone had been in my room. Stiffening, I looked around, wondering just what the reason had been for anyone to want to enter this mess of a room, but nothing was out of place. Not that I would really know myself because of the mess but still, nothing seemed missing. Well not yet at least.

Looking around now paranoid my eyes settled back on my door. It was locked when I came in so how the f*ck did someone get in here if I have the only key? I rubbed my temples with stressed fingers as my mind raced ever faster in an attempt to figure out just what the f*ck was going on but nothing was popping into my mind. Jesus Sarah you’re a f*cking Law Student this should be easy to figure out! Clearly I was a dumb law student.

Sighing aloud I forced my body to relax before stepping past my desk completely and stopping at the door to the bathroom. Whatever it was that was in the envelope could wait until after I chased the chill from my bones. Right then all I cared about was getting warm, and stressing over a letter that was definitely not supposed to be in my room, was not high enough on my priority list.

The water was exactly the way I liked it, scalding hot, and slowly the ice that had begun to spread through my body began to melt, leaving me toasty warm in the sauna that was my bathroom. My shampoo was my own mixture of ocean breeze and cherry explosion and the melding of the scents had my nose dancing and a hum coming from my lips. Top that off with cucumber and green tea body wash and I smelled fresh and amazing and whole for the first time that day. I should have taken a shower before I even left this morning. Then maybe I wouldn’t have been so stressed. Who am I kidding stressed might as well be my middle name.

Wrapping myself in the giant purple towel I wiped down the mirror to get a better look at my cheek from earlier. My reflection was like staring at a different person entirely. Her eyes were a dull green instead of my brilliant emerald. Her skin was too pale compared to my normal shade of ‘ghost white’. She had bags under her eyes and a tiredness that reflected back in her posture. She was tense and I knew that feeling all too well. At least her hair was the same as mine. Long and flowing in a river of fire down the sides of her face. It was straight as a board but I knew as soon as I dried it, the ringlets would spring up like flowers and I would have to straighten it. Looking further down my eyes settled on the scar that stretched across my right clavicle, its jagged edge enough to make me cringe. I don’t know how I got it or when I got it, but I did know that it had been there for as long as I could remember, and trying to recall what could have caused it only seemed to leave an ache behind my eyes.

Remembering now the reason I had looked at my reflection in the first place came rushing back and my eyes darted up to my right cheek. It was covered in a dark blotch that ran the entire length of that side of my face and just looking at it had a pain throbbing in time with my pulse. The center of it was purple, the outer edges already yellowing and I thanked God that I healed unusually fast. By tonight it would be a distant memory, but until then I would rely on concealer to cover it up. The last thing I needed was to draw attention to myself any more than I already did. Let’s face it, being a ginger didn’t exactly help me blend in.

A banging on my door had me nearly jumping out of my skin and I turned to the bathroom door so fast it put a kink in my neck. Ow f*ck. Already knowing who it was I shouted, “It’s open Rachel come on in I just got out of the shower!” I wasn’t sure if she heard me but while I reached into my drawer to pull out some undies and matching bra I heard the squeak behind me and started talking again.

“Sorry but I needed a shower or I was going to freeze to death.” My voice was light and I could have sworn I heard amusem*nt in my tone but disregarded the thought as the voice hit my ears. A voice that was male and definitely not Rachel.

“It’s alright I don’t mind the view.” It was playful and at first I didn’t recognize it. Instead whirling around quick enough to hit my ankle on the bed post and nearly fall back onto the mattress; clutching my towel to me as if my life depended on it. My heart was racing so fast I was sure it would burst from my chest, but all I could think to do was stare frightened at the man before me.

“Hey Sarah. You left before I could say anything earlier and I wanted to talk to you.” Drake spoke as if nothing was out of the ordinary at me being clad in only a towel and him standing in my room like he lived there. I was frozen and all I could think to do was nod blankly as I gripped the side of my desk so hard I could see my white knuckles out of the corner of my eye.

We stood in silence for a moment, me gawking at his perfect form like a love-struck girl while he simply met my gaze with a stare of his own, but for the life of me I couldn’t decipher the emotions I saw racing through them. This man was a conundrum I had been unable to figure out since the day I met him. He never gave anything away and I couldn’t read him like I could most other people. In fact I couldn’t read Rachel either. I wonder why?

Drake clearing his throat brought me from my thoughts as he shoved his hands into his pockets, “So…” He started and before he could continue I was talking.

“So you should get out of my room and let me get dressed. It’s not polite to barge into someone’s personal space and just stand there like an idiot while they’re standing before you naked.” I was aggravated now, at him and at myself, and all I wanted was to turn him around and shove him through my door and slam it closed in his face. I mean I knew he was hot but he didn’t have to stand there smirking like he knew it. The only downfall to this man was that he knew he was good looking and wasn’t afraid to use his hotness to get what he wanted. He was arrogance personified and part of me, the part that secretly enjoyed watching people like him fall from their pedestals, wanted to be the one to take his ass down a peg or two.

He simply smirked and his teeth were so perfect my knees felt weak. Lord this man was the very definition of sexy and it pissed me off that he knew I was just as helpless against his charms as the rest of the female population. “Technically you said to come in. So I was within my rights to do as you said.”

“Oh don’t pull your lawyer sh*t on me at a time like this. If you heard me say come in then you also heard that I said Rachel and not you. I thought you were her and had I known it was you I-“

“-wouldn’t be wearing that towel.” He finished my sentence and leaned against the wall.

I snorted and glared at him, “No. I would have told you to wait while I got dressed. Jeeze just because you’re hot doesn’t mean I want to jump your bones.” I froze the second those words came out of my mouth and would have given anything to take them back at that moment.

“So you do admit to me being hot.” His voice was matter of fact as he looked at me with a triumphant smirk. “Then you can also admit that you would love to go out to dinner with me tomorrow night.”

Damn. He knew I would say yes, and he knew that I knew, that he knew, and it just pissed me off more. Jesus this man really was not opposed to using his looks to get what he wanted. Why me though? I was just an ordinary law student. My anger boiled over at his co*cky grin and my teeth clenched so tight that it hurt my jaw.

“Just because you are so f*cking co*cky, no. I have plans with Rachel and I don’t feel like ditching her for an arrogant prick like you. Now if that was all you are free to turn around and leave.” My voice was like steel and I swear I saw shock register on his face before it was replaced by a calm that scared even me. This man was a mystery and the way he acted had me slightly nervous.

He took a step forward and I stiffened knowing full well that my eyes were probably wide as anything. He stopped almost as fast as he’d begun to approach and we appeared to be at a standoff before he spoke again. “We both know that’s a lie.” His eyes held an amusem*nt that had my blood boiling. How could he read me so f*cking well? His smirk said that he knew he was right and my reaction had proven it; the amused glint in his eyes said he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. I had only one option left and I had never thought it would come to that. I needed to lie better.

“I’m serious. I know you can’t handle being turned down because you think you’re so perfect, but I’m not desperate like all the other girls you f*ck. I will not be played for a fool.” My voice was a lot steadier than I thought it would be and I silently thanked God for giving me the calmness to counteract the turmoil that was raging within me.

Lost in my own thoughts again, I didn’t even see him approach, and before I knew it he was inches away, his smell invading my senses. It was a mixture of his deodorant and the cologne he wore and it had my heart skipping a beat and I hated myself for being so weak around this man. He reached up to grab a lock of my hair and I did my best to remain as still as possible but with his hand so close to my face I couldn’t stop the slight tremble in my limbs. His eyes traveled from my hair to my eyes before settling on the bruise I had on my cheek. His eyes changed in seconds and I could have sworn I saw anger swirling within the pools of blue.

“You’re hurt.” It was a statement more than a question and all I could do was nod in agreement before my hand went to my cheek of its own accord.

“I fell while I was rushing to take an exam this morning.” My voice had gone from confident to shaky in a matter of seconds and I scolded myself for cracking under the pressure of his gaze. The darkness in his eyes swirled ever faster before it was gone. In seconds he was back to his amused self, as if nothing had changed. It was like he didn’t even notice his eyes had even darkened or his voice had dropped to an almost hiss when he spoke, and if he did notice he gave no indication, which only proved to confuse me further.

“Can we start over?” His tone had changed yet again, and I swear I heard uncertainty in it this time. Like he was nervous for a reason that I couldn’t fathom. Why the hell did he have any reason to be nervous? The man was perfect.

When I said nothing he continued, “Sorry I get a little crazy when I like a girl. Let me retry this whole thing. Sarah Blackwell I was wondering if you would accompany me for dinner tomorrow evening?” The light in his eyes had changed and I almost forgot that I was still in a towel and I could feel my face get hotter.

“Uh…I…” I couldn’t seem to remember how to formulate words so I just stood there stuttering like an idiot before he dropped my hair and took a step back. When he was out of my personal space I took a deep breath in and crossed my arms. “I am still in only a towel and this doesn’t change the fact that you still barged into my room. I told you I have plans tomorrow night so my answer is still no. Sorry pretty boy.” I hadn’t intended on being so bitchy but I guess I wasn’t very good at portraying that because when he nodded curtly and turned on his heel his words were like ice.

“Right. Sorry for bothering you. Maybe another time.” Then he was gone and I was standing alone in the center of my room staring after him with a dumbfounded look on my face.

What the f*ck just happened? My heart was still pounding in my chest but at least my body had stopped trembling. Jesus I was putty whenever that man spoke to me. I really need to get a grip on myself. It was as if I were glued to the floor so when Rachel really did come in, she stopped and stared at me like I had three heads.

“Uh…do I even want to know why you are standing in the middle of the room in nothing but a towel?” Her tone was slightly amused and slightly concerned and all I could think to do was blurt out the first words that popped into my head.

“Drake Winsor just barged into my room while I was in a towel because I thought it was you at my door and I yelled to come in. He asked me out and I turned him down. He then proceeded to storm out of my room.” My voice was like a robot as I spoke and I watched as her face went from confused to shocked to slightly angry before settling on a look that read ‘no f*cking way did that just happen’.

“No f*cking way that happened!” See? Her words were almost a replication of the thoughts going through my mind and I silently thanked God that I could at least read her face at times like this.

“f*cking way.” Was all I said as I found the strength to turn back around and pull my clothes on while Rachel yammered on about me having to give her every detail and not leave anything out.

“That’s all that happened.” It was a lie and I knew it but luckily Chel couldn’t call me on it like Drake could.

She was silent for a moment before she disproved my assumption and I was holding back a scream of frustration as she spoke. “Bullsh*t.” How the f*ck were these two able to read me so f*cking easily? Was I slipping?

Sighing heavily I pulled on my black skinny jeans. My shirt was a violet sweater that clung to me like a second skin and dipped just low enough to show some cleavage but not so much that it screamed ‘I’m a whor*’. A perfect in between if I could say so myself. My jeans were ripped up the thighs and my sneakers were a stark contrast of purple against the midnight of the fabric. Once my hair was brushed and straightened, ( I was ignoring Rachel as she droned on) I placed a gray plaid beanie on my head.

“Hey I know you’re ignoring me.” agitation met my ears as I put on some black eyeliner and mascara to highlight the emerald of my eyes. Once my bruise was covered up and I had my black gem earrings in I turned to face her.

“Yes I am ignoring you because there is nothing else to say about it.” I crossed my arms and gave her a once over. Once again she outclassed me in every way. Her hair was like a waterfall of gold styled into waves around her face. She had on green eyeshadow that brought out the flecks of emerald in her otherwise mocha eyes and her lips were painted a soft pink. Her ears adorned hoops made of what looked like silver and part of me was jealous because my skin was so sensitive that it made me break out and burned my skin. I had to wear steel or gold. Her outfit consisted of a maroon skirt that stopped at mid-thigh. Under that she wore black leggings that clung to her like a second skin and knee high red boots with fur circling the tops of them. Her shirt (if you could call it that) was so thin you could see the tank top that she wore under it. The outer layer was a solid black that almost looked like velvet and her tank top was a paint splattered mess of reds and greys that was clearly done that way on purpose. Rachel wasn’t one to wear anything less than perfection. Her outer shirt, I realized, stopped at her belly button, but the tank top continued down to stop just above her hips.

Her winter jacket was a grey so dark it could have been black. It was long, stopping just above her knees and the hood and sleeve cuffs were covered in fur to match her boots. It hugged her form just like her leggings and the designs sewn into it that had patterns of gold, black, and red dancing along the bottom of her sleeves and up her back. This woman was indeed beautiful and I simply paled in comparison to her. The only thing that seemed to be going for me was my hair. It seemed that red heads were a rare find and everyone loved them. She still had many more suitors fawning over her than I did but hey at least I was getting some attention right?

When I was done staring at her she cleared her throat to bring me back to reality and motioned for me to follow her, “Now let’s go get some lunch and that drink.” Her voice was light and filled with enthusiasm as she smiled at me over her shoulder and I couldn’t help but smile back to her as I followed after her like a lost puppy. Yes when it came to Rachel and I, all I seemed to be was the shadow that followed her around and she was everything I couldn’t be. In a way we were a perfect match. Yep, separated at birth.




The place we went to for lunch was just north of campus so we didn’t have far to walk but by the time we stepped through the doors of the old brick building, I was all but a damn Popsicle. Rachel seemed unaffected by the falling snow and I wondered briefly if she was even human. I mean how can someone not be cold in this weather? Not normal. The place itself was small and cozy, offering music as well as a huge beer selection and the second we stepped inside my nose was assaulted from every direction. Beer, food, perfume, cologne, no matter which way I turned I was getting smacked in the face with another smell and each one had me relaxing automatically. I wasn’t sure what it was about this place but I loved coming here. It felt like home, or at least it did to me.

I made me feel like I wasn’t alone. All around us college students sat talking among themselves and I knew they were students because of the desperation and depression that hung in the air. Ah yes finals week blew for everyone who wasn’t a complete f*cking genius. Lucky f*ckers and their ability to pass any test without even studying while the rest of us freak over flash cards and faint at the sound of the cap coming off a pen. I swear by the time you graduated this school you were scared sh*tless at just the mention of an exam. Some people actually cried. Not me of course but still, some days I wanted to.

Rachel and I sat at the booth closest to the door should the need arise for us to run like hell (you never know when you’re going to need to run for your life). The only downfall to this was that each time the door opened, I was engulfed in a sea of frigid air that threatened to drown me with each intake of breath I took. Keeping my jacket on was a no brainer and my best friend only stared at me with a weird look on her face.

“No it’s not normal to take off your jacket this close to the f*cking door. I swear you’re not human Chel. I’m freezing just looking at you.” She smirked at my outburst and then again at my shivering before she sat back in her seat.

“That’s because I’m not human.” She said it as if it were true and I almost choked. What the hell are you a vampire?

“Yeah, me either.” I laughed and reached for a menu as a waitress approached our table. She only continued to smirk as the woman took out her pad and a pen. Just looking at it had me stressing out. Surely I failed this test. Surely I was about to be kicked out of Law School. Surely I wouldn’t be able to show my face to her again. f*ck my life.

“Sarah. Earth to Sarah…anyone in that head of yours?” I only realized I had spaced out when Rachel’s hand was waving in front of my face.

“What?” was all I could think to say as I shot her an apologetic look. I really needed to pay more attention instead of letting my thoughts run wild.

“The waitress is here to take our drink order. What are you gonna have?” I could practically taste the agitation and venom in her words. If it was one thing Rachel hated it was when I would space out and she had to bring me back down to earth.

“Oh uh, I’ll take a long island iced tea please.” Lord how I loved those f*cking drinks. I could drink until I passed out and not even have to taste the liquor.

“May I see your ID’s ladies? Policy and all that.” She smiled as her eyes traveled from me to Rachel and then back to me. It was almost uncomfortable as her eyes were on me while I dug around for my wallet. Why did I have to attract all the crazy ones? Did God hate me or something? Finally finding the damn piece of plastic, I held it out for her to take a look and I swear to all that is holy, that her eyes never even once traveled to my damn license. Her eyes never even left mine and it was an extremely long and awkward staring contest before I couldn’t take anymore.

Once I broke eye contact with the strange woman she seemed to snap out of whatever trance she had been in and looked to Rachel, her eyes giving the blonde’s ID a once over before she nodded in approval and turned on her heel. “I shall be right back with your drinks.” And then she was gone and it took every ounce of self-control I had not to bolt out the f*cking door.

Chuckling met my ears the second the woman left and immediately I cast a glare across the table. “You shut your mouth right now.” I hissed as I slunk back further in my seat.

“I haven’t even said anything.” She looked at me with pretend shock and horror before she and I both finished her sentence.


There was a short moment of silence before our drinks arrived and I avoided the woman like she was the plague in hopes that she would just walk away and not stay and make things weirder. When my drink was set in front of me I muttered thanks while I stared at the table, suddenly finding each and every crack in the wood fascinating.

“She’s gone now you can stop staring into the table.” Sarcasm if I had ever heard it, and it had my temper flaring slightly.

“Well what do you expect me to do? She was like giving me full on creeper syndrome. It’s like I attract all the f*cking psychos.” I exhaled heavily before taking two large gulps of my drink. The sweet taste filled my mouth in seconds and I could have cried it tasted so good. I needed this.

“She was very interested in you. Maybe it’s your hair.” That was a statement instead of a question and I looked at her quizzically.

“What does my hair have to do with anything?”

“A lot of people find red heads exotic so maybe you just caught her eye.” Her eyes were laughing at me and all I wanted to do was slap the sh*t out of her.

“Oh can it blondie. If I could choose my hair color I would not be a ginger. Tonight’s a full moon so maybe it’s just bringing all the crazies out.”

“You believe in that load of crap?”

“You don’t? Miss ‘I’m not human’?” I laughed at the glare she shot me and innocently sipped my drink as the creepy woman came back around to take our food order. After ordering a salad, and Rachel ordering a burger, she disappeared without a sideways glance in my direction and I could have danced in relief.

“So you left your glasses at the dorm?”

“Yeah the lens is cracked and I am not about to walk around with cracked glasses. I’ve got contacts in though so I can see just fine.” She nodded in understanding as the door behind us opened and laughter met our ears. It had to have someone we both knew because the look in Rachel’s eyes read shock and disbelief and that was rare for her. Holding my breath I turned around and regretted it immediately.

Of f*cking course. Just my luck right? I inwardly groaned as my eyes met Drake’s and he stopped, an emotion I couldn’t quite place shining in his eyes. He was clad in blue faded jeans that clung to him and accentuated his strong legs. His black button down polo was open to reveal his white tank top underneath and the way his sandy hair fell around his head all messy had my heart skipping a beat. Lord this man was hot and I really needed to stop thinking about it.

“Sarah, fancy running into you here.” His voice was lighter than I expected and shock ran through my eyes before settling on neutral.

“Yeah weird huh?” Really? That’s all you can f*cking say? I swear he heard my inner reprimand because he laughed aloud and shot me a wink before taking a step in and allowing the door to close behind him. It was then that I realized he wasn’t alone and instantly my eyes wandered to the two men behind him. I didn’t know either but they looked familiar to me, like I think I had a class with one of them. The first was a dark skinned man with bleached blonde hair that was combed nicely at the top but shaved at the sides. His eyes were gold flecked green and his teeth were white as snow when he smiled. He was built similar to Drake, tall and handsome with well-defined lines and musculature. Did you really just think musculature? Jesus I need a life. He was dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and a ‘From Ashes to New’ shirt on that hugged his form like a second skin. Top that off with a bulky letterman’s jacket, from his high school no doubt, and he was a very handsome law student.

The next man was short and on the chunky side with a wide stance and wider shoulders. He wore a faded old navy shirt that had long sleeves reaching from under the short sleeves and dark blue ripped jeans that were clearly from wear and not bought that way. He had normal brown eyes and short spikey brown hair and all I could think of was how boring this man looked compared to the other two.

“Definitely.” Drake’s word drew me back (yet again) from my thoughts as he shoved his hands into his pockets. “So would you two ladies like some company?” His smile was radiant and when I looked to Rachel I could see the glint in her eyes. Oh boy.

“No.” “Yes.” We spoke as one but with two totally different answers and as if I hadn’t even said anything he nodded to Rachel before sitting down beside me, his dark skinned friend taking a seat next to Chel and the short one pulling up a chair to sit at the head of the table. I stiffened uncomfortably at the closeness of the man beside me and sent a death glare to my so called best friend and made a mental note to unfriend her later.

“So how you do you think you guys did on finals today?” The man beside Rachel broke the ice and part of me wanted to kiss him for being the first to speak, but the other part wanted me to grab a knife and gut the f*cker for bringing up finals when I was sure I failed.

Defeated, I lay my head down on the table and spoke, “Don’t remind me of the traumatic time I had today. I failed for sure. I’m f*cked and that’s all there is to it.”

“I’m sure you passed Sarah stop being over dramatic.” I swear, had we been alone I would have lunged across the table at her. I shot her another glare from the surface of the table before she returned it with one of her own and a smirk to match it. Yep you’re getting unfriended.

“Reece why don’t you run out to my car and get my bag.” Drake spoke as if he were president of the f*cking world, and Reece actually nodded silently before getting up and walking out the door. There was something off about this man and I couldn’t figure out what it was, but I sure as hell was going to find out.

The opening of the door had me remembering that he too, like Rachel didn’t have a jacket on, or even near him for that matter. At least she was smart enough to have hers with her, but this guy was pretty much asking to die from the flu. “How are you not cold?” A shiver ran down my spine at just the mention of the word and he smirked.

“With you next to me I don’t need a jacket, it’s warm enough already.” Well aren’t you Mr. Smooth. As if he read my mind, he flashed a toothy grin and Reece sat down opposite him after handing him a black and tan backpack. “You took off earlier and I didn’t get a chance to give this to you.” He was talking into his bag as he dug around and a moment later he pulled out an IPhone and it was then that my heart stopped altogether. f*ck f*ck f*ck.

I was at a loss for words as he placed it in front of me and as if on cue it lit up saying I had a text message from my boss asking me to come in today. Oops, too late now I’m already drinking. “You dropped this when you bumped into me this morning and you took off so fast that I didn’t get a chance to tell you that you dropped it.” It was official, I had the worst luck in the universe and to push it further, it had to be Drake that gave it back to me. “I was gonna give it back to you when I was at your dorm earlier but I got distracted.” He winked.

I wanted to scream in frustration but managed to keep calm as I responded my voice surprisingly even. “Thank you for returning it. I hadn’t even noticed I dropped it.”

He smiled again and placed his hands behind his head, “It’s no problem I’m glad to help.” His eyes said he was hiding something and his smirk confirmed it, but before he could say anything Rachel chimed in.

“She mentioned that earlier but didn’t go into detail about it. Any reason you stopped by?” Who the f*ck are you my mother?

“To return her phone to her like I said. That and to ask her out to dinner tomorrow night but she said you two had plans.” Without even looking at him I heard the mischief in his words. What was even worse was that I could see the wheels turning in Rachel’s head as well. f*ck me.

“No we don’t have plans for tomorrow I have to work.” And there it is ladies and gentlemen. My best friend betraying me to the guy that saw me naked.

“Oh I could have sworn she said you guys had plans.” His voice was surprised but I could hear the underlying satisfaction as he leaned back in the booth. Jesus did you two f*cking rehearse this?

The table grew silent as I did my best to become one with the leather of my seat, pressing myself as hard into it as I could but to no avail. Reece saw my turmoil and tried to help but he only seemed to make it worse. Bless the poor man’s heart but also curse him and his children. “Is this because of the awkwardness you told me about Drake?” I stiffened at his words and the only thing I could do, was think about earlier when he was inches away from me and my towel clad body. Holy.f*cking. sh*t. I thought only girls gossiped? What the hell was this world coming to?

This time Drake stiffened, and part of me wanted to laugh at him but I knew that if I did that I could kiss my dignity goodbye. Rachel’s eyes lit up at his reaction and she leaned in closer to us, “Oh? What happened?” Like you don’t already know! I wanted to scream I was so embarrassed and frustrated that when the woman returned with our food I wasn’t even hungry. She took the three guy’s order and smiled before walking away and I sighed in slight relief that she didn’t do anything else creepy.

Chubby who had been silent this whole time laughed aloud before crossing his arms, “This is gonna be good. I wanna know what happened too.” His voice was scratchy as if he smoked and it took all my self-control not to throw the napkin dispenser at him. Everyone at the table turned to stare at him in a single movement and he shut up immediately and sat back in his chair.

Yeah, you better shut the f*ck up fatty. I stiffened at my own thoughts, realizing just how much of a bitch I was being today and instantly felt bad. I mean it wasn’t his fault that my life was falling apart and my so called best friend seemed to be conspiring with the hot guy in the dorm to ruin me. He was just an innocent victim of my rage and I made a mental note to apologize to him later even though he had no idea what I would be apologizing for.

After a moment I sighed and sat up straighter, suddenly finding my courage as I met Rachel’s eyes. “I already told you what happened Chel I’m not saying it again. It seems that chatty Cathy over here told Reece as well so now the entire table knows and I would rather we leave it at that.”

When the chubby one made a comment of not knowing, I could take no more. Clearly this day had been ruined, and I had no one to blame but myself. Sighing aloud I reached into my wallet to pull out some cash and leave it on the table before climbing over Drake once again to head towards the door, my cell phone gripped tightly in my hand this time. “I’m sorry; I’ll catch you guys later.” I didn’t stick around to hear them argue with me about it, instead rushing out the door and jogging to the nearest bus stop. When it was clear that no one was going to come after me I sighed with relief and clenched my teeth.

It wasn’t until the bus pulled away from the curb that I saw Drake exit the bar, his eyes scanning the area before coming to rest on me. There was a wave of guilt followed by slight anger and another emotion I couldn’t quite place, but I thought little of it as he was left standing in the street. Letting out the breath I didn’t know I was holding, I looked out the window to see the sky had become overcast and the temp had dropped another few degrees. The clock tower at the center of the Campus read half past five and I let out another exasperated breath. I really needed to learn how to relax. When I pulled the string to stop I exited and strolled into the liquor store that was a block away. The wind was cold as it whipped at my hair but right then I was so focused on the alcohol that the cold didn’t even affect me. All I wanted to do was buy something that would make me forget today and hopefully keep me out of it all day tomorrow as well.

I stopped just outside the door and remembered that I had a text from my boss and cursed under my breath. Taking a deep breath I responded telling her that I felt sick after my exam and no I wouldn’t be coming in. I had tomorrow off to but Sunday I had to go in, and part of me wanted to just say f*ck it and quit right then and there but unlike Rachel I needed the money. Not waiting for her reply I marched through the door and straight to the Whiskey isle. Right now I needed something strong but good tasting and the only thing that came to mind was Fireball. Grabbing a handle of that along with a twelve pack of Reds Apple Ale, I looked like an alcoholic as I approached the cashier. After showing my ID I nodded in thanks and headed back out.

Once again the wind was cold enough to freeze me where I stood, and not having the patience to wait for the next bus I started walking back to campus. It was only like two or three miles so it was no big deal but with the chill on the wind it felt like I had to walk a thousand miles instead of a couple. Maybe the wait for the bus would be worth it? Glancing back at the stop where a sketchy looking guy stood along with a homeless man and I had my answer. No f*cking way. Mind made up I gripped the paper bag tighter and walked on, my feet crunching in the snow and my nose running from the cold.

About five minutes had passed since I had left and I could see the last rays of light through the clouds as the lights from the first campus building lit up. I passed building after building and as I walked, a feeling that I was being watched crept over my skin. Now paranoid I looked around me but saw nothing and no one. Yup you’re insane. Growling slightly to myself as I walked the HLS Apartments came into view and I could have cried. Just a little further and I would collapse onto my bed and binge out on leftover steamed Tofu and Veggies and then drink until I passed out. Maybe throw in some Law & Order as I went. I stopped at my own thoughts and smirked. Wow how original, a law student watching Law & Order. I really needed to get a life. Or a boyfriend. Or both.

As I approached the stairs that led to the main door to the complex I stopped and tensed up. Off to the side of the place I could see a figure hidden in shadow just like earlier that day and it felt as if my blood was freezing in my veins. Super creeped out now I forced my feet onward and up the steps until I hit the landing and I heard rustling off to my right. I jumped at the sound and did my best to calm my erratic heart but it did little to help.

When I was just about ready to drop everything and run screaming from the building the figure stepped out and a voice met my ears. “I was wondering when you would get back.”

I whirled to face the stranger with a look of fear no doubt etched into my face when I locked eyes with the one who now stood a few feet from me.

“Jesus f*cking Christ Rachel you scared the sh*t out of me!” I shouted in full on panic attack mode as my hand rested over my heart.

She smirked and held up her hands, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” The amusem*nt in her voice did little to help my nerves.

“Well next time make some f*cking noise.” I snapped back before turning on my heel and opening the door. She followed me in silently and the trip upstairs was an awkward and silent one and just when I thought I would get to escape to my room without incident she spoke, once again disproving my thoughts.

“Are you alright? After you stormed off today I wanted to go after you but Drake said to give you some space.” Though her words sounded guilty they also held a hint of something I couldn’t quite place.

So you listen to Drake now? Is whatI wanted to say, but stopped myself for fear of starting a fight. The last thing I needed was to fight with my best friend. “I’m fine don’t worry about it.” Was all I said as I turned the key. When I heard the familiar click of the lock I sighed to myself. Almost there. You’re almost free.

A hand fell on my shoulder at that moment and I did my best not to jump in surprise. “I’m sorry about earlier Sarah. I didn’t mean to upset you if I did.” There it was again. That faint hint of something in the tone of her voice that had alarm bells going off in my mind. Something was off with her just like I knew something was off with Drake but for the life of me I didn’t know what. All I knew was that my gut was telling me not to believe a word she or Drake said. Not that I would believe him anyway because I barely knew the man but not being able to trust my best friend didn’t sit well with me.

As if she could read my mind she squeezed my shoulder and her eyes hardened slightly, “You believe me don’t you?” Her words were almost desperate and the more I wanted to say yes, the more I knew I should say no. I did neither, instead gave her a quick hug before backing into my room.

“I’m sorry I’m really tired and just want to be alone for a while. I’ll call you tomorrow.” I didn’t even give her time to respond before I closed the door but I did catch a glimpse of anger shining in her eyes as it clicked shut. She would no doubt be pissed tomorrow but right then I didn’t care. I watched her silhouette linger outside my door for a moment before her shadow vanished and I heard her door slam shut. Sighing again I set my bag on my bed and closed the curtains.

That one action had my heart racing in my chest once again. Why are my curtains open? I swore I closed them before I took a shower earlier. Seriously freaked out now I closed them quickly before reaching into my bag to pull out my small pocket knife.

Steeling myself and clearing my head I walked around my apartment/dorm, checking every inch and turning on every light. I opened all cabinets and even the mini fridge but nothing popped out at me. I checked the bathroom and closets but again found nothing. I really was losing my mind.

I need a drink. The thought entered my head and everything else vanished like smoke on the wind. I had the bottle of whiskey opened in seconds and a glass already in hand. The beer was still cold so not having to wait for it to chill was a good thing. Plus it was colder than the f*cking arctic out so I had nothing to worry about. I poured myself a regular shot and gulped it down, wincing at the fire that seared its way down my throat before filling the glass half way and adding the Reds. I downed half of it right there before walking over to my bed, the heat already radiating out of me in waves.

Glancing around my space I sighed at the mess it was. With determination I cleaned and organized rather quickly, refilling my drink as I went until I could barely walk straight and knew then that I had better find my bed again before I found the floor. Bringing the handle with me I snuggled under the covers before opening my laptop to log into Netflix. What I needed right now was something funny to take my mind off school, the incident in here earlier today, the bar, and the creepy figure that I had seen that turned out to be Rachel the second time. Not finding anything interesting there I tried Hulu and sighed contently when I put on Ridiculousness. Nothing could make someone laugh faster than watching some poor fool make an idiot of themselves on camera. I was giggling in minutes and feeling slightly better before something caught my eye.

Looking over to my desk I noticed the note that was still there and stiffened. Oh yeah I almost forgot about that thing. I suppose I should open it. Crawling out of bed after setting the whiskey down I wobbled slightly before steadying myself long enough to grab the note and climb back into bed. I stared at my name written neatly on the front before turning it around and opening it. While I wondered who in their right mind would break into someone’s room and leave something instead of taking something, I pulled out the folded piece of paper. It was regular lined notebook paper that still had the hoogadiggies (yes I call them that) attached to the sides. Hehe hoogadiggies. I chuckled at my own humor before opening it. The second my eyes landed on the words my body froze.

I stared for a long time, forgetting to breathe until the need for air became too much and I sucked in a shaky breath. This was a joke. Some f*cktard playing tricks on me. It had to be. Nothing else could explain the words that were written.

You can’t hide forever.

My hands were shaking as I gripped the note for dear life. What the f*ck was going on? What did this even mean? Looking around my eerily silent dorm room I noticed how suddenly everything seemed out of place. Where my walls always that white? Didn’t my bed press up against the window instead of sticking out a bit? I closed all the cabinets didn’t I?

Suddenly everything seemed wrong and I felt like my brain would explode at any moment if I didn’t calm down. My heart pounded in my chest, my breath was coming so fast I didn’t know how I was even breathing, and my palms were so sweaty that when I wiped them on my jeans they left wet marks. Get a hold of yourself Sarah! I tried clearing my head but all I could think about was someone breaking through my window with a machete and hacking me to bits right there. A shiver ran down my spine as I shakily moved the curtain aside to check and see if it was locked. It was and it made me feel a little better but fear still pounded through my bloodstream and I was half tempted to call Rachel and have her come over to keep me company but decided against it. She didn’t need me bothering her for something that was most likely nothing but a stupid prank. Not to mention I had been drinking and she would no doubt be able to smell it on my breath and the last thing I needed was for her to rant about me just being drunk and telling me to go to sleep.

I glared at my door, anger suddenly filling my being. Why was I even mad? She hadn’t even said any of that? Why the f*ck was I getting mad at an imaginary conversation that probably would never happen? I really was losing my mind.

“Okay Sarah get it together.” Slapping my cheeks to clear my head I looked to the note one more time before another wave of fear washed over me. In an instant I felt sober enough to pass a f*cking sobriety test and alert enough to be able to hear that Rachel was watching a rerun of Friends across the hall. I was too stressed and I needed to relax. Packing the note away in the top drawer of my desk and nearly slamming the drawer home, I grabbed the bottle of whiskey and chugged until I couldn’t breathe.

In a matter of seconds my head was spinning and fuzzy and the heat that had filled me earlier was back in spades. I felt as if there was a fire in the pit of my stomach but I didn’t care. I needed something that would knock me out and fast. Double checking that my door was locked I stumbled back to my bed where I fell more than laid down and gulped down some more alcohol. If I did anything tonight it would be getting sh*t faced to the point of black out. I needed it almost as much as I needed air at that moment.

The last thing I remember was toppling the empty bottle on the floor beside me and collapsing while the end of an episode of Ridiculousness played and doing my best not to puke everywhere.


So this is the first chapter to my novel. Hope you all enjoy it :) Big thanks to @fairywithajetblackheart For being my beta reader and helping me with any errors and sh*t, you rock darling!

#Awakening#Chapter 1#Sarah Blackwell#Writing is hard#Novel Writing is even harder#I swear I know what I'm doing sometimes

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queencatherynerhys · 6 years


Tell Me You Love Me - TRR AU Part 3

A/N: I tried so hard to wait to post this, but I couldn’t. I love this chapter! I have been in a writing high these past couple of days! Let me just say how fun this was for me to write! It is the longest one that I have written so far, 4043 words! Crazy! I had fun with this emotional ride! I hope you do too! Thank you for all the love, encouragement and kind words!

Summary: Liam and Catheryne’s friendship have been strained by her revelation. Is there hope for them?

Song Inspiration: Tell Me You Love Me by Demi Lovato (can you tell that I’m a fan of her?)

Tag List: @captainkingliam @decisso @devineinterventions2 @madaraismtheroyalweisme @drakewalkerwhipped @laniquelove @drakesfiance @hhiggs @hellospunkiebrewster @alicars @mrswalkerreynolds @mfackenthal @simplyaiden-blog @hopefulmoonobject @blackcatkita @cocomaxley

Previous Parts:

Ruin the Friendship – TRR AU Part 1

Delicate – TRR AU Part 2

#I don’t need my friends pulling a Demi Lovato and sending him LEAVE HER ALONE GET A JOB messages lmao | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (15)

Panic starts to rise in my chest. Why the hell am I on boat? Where in the hell am I? I can’t breathe. Strong winds hurtle my hair, slapping me in the face. Water enters the ship and the terror from my impending doom engulfs me. Waves upon waves crash against my craft. I hang on for dear life against the railing, but to no avail. I am thrown off violently crashing into the merciless ocean. I swim to the top for air only to be met by another violent wave submerging me underwater. I rise to the surface once more, locating my raft in the darkness. I catch a glimpse of the sail and I put all my energy into my strokes. The current is so strong. I’m almost there. The boat is within arm’s length. I’m almost there. I was about to grab hold when the current sweeps me underneath pulling me into its ruthless clutches. No, please, no. I scream with all the energy and breath I had left. I scream my pain and anguish. I am swept undersea, letting go of the tiny ember of hope I had held onto, I submit into my despair with open arms.

She jolts awake, breathing hard. Her head pounded, and she can feel the intense throbbing pain behind her eyes. She’s been in Hana and Maxwell’s apartment plenty of times that she knew where they kept their pain meds in their kitchen. She notices a note on the kitchen table with her name on it. She recognizes Hana’s elegant handwriting immediately. Hey Cath, Maxwell has headed into class and I left for work, but I made you some breakfast before leaving. You can find it in the fridge. You can also borrow some of my clothes just in case you want to take a shower and get out of your nasty ones. I’ll talk to you later. Love, Hana. Responsible to a fault, that girl, this is a trait of hers that she is grateful for. She took advantage of her offer and hopped in the shower. She took a long shower, staying under the stream water so long that her fingertips turned prune-y. She had hoped that the hot water would cleanse away all memory of the previous night. It didn’t.

She stepped into living room after getting dressed and checked the clock in the living room. It read 9:23am. He should be in class by now. She felt relieved knowing that she won’t have to face him…yet. I’m not ready. I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to face him. She steps into the lively streets of New York City, slowly treading the path back to her apartment. She arrives at the flat she shared with Liam. The internal storm of misery and torment finally subside, leaving nothing but a scar tissue where her heart used to be in its carnage. She is numb, and she is actually thankful for that.

She makes her way to her room, passing Liam’s on the way. He left his door open. His usually very neat, making his bed every day before he left. Today was the exception, his room was a mess. Blankets and pillows strewn about as if he had a restless night. His uniform thrown on the floor messily, as if he woke up late. Her best friend was never the one to leave things disorganized. I wonder if he slept alright. Probably not. He found out his girlfriend was cheating on him, then I had to go and be a drama queen and tell him how I felt. Worst anniversary ever. f*cking whiskey! I should really learn to not mix anger with a bottle of Jack Daniels. She shakes her head to put a halt on her train of thoughts as she continues to make her way to her room.

She didn’t have classes today, so she had a few hours to herself before she had to get ready for a long shift. She decided to pour herself into her homework and finishing the papers for her finals to distract herself from Liam. It’s so difficult to do when she’s surrounded with pictures and memories of him. Every where she looks, there he is. He’s even on her nightstand. It was a picture of the 15-year-old version of them. She grabs the picture and gazes at it. She couldn’t stop herself from flashing back to that memory.

It was the first birthday she was celebrating after the death of her parents. Catheryne was two days younger than Liam, so it became a tradition to celebrate their birthdays together. For once in her life, she was sad that their birthdays were during the summer break. At least if she was in school she could be distracted with work, but there was no escape. She dreaded this day. She missed them. She missed their mini traditions; her mom was a great baker and always made her a cake, her dad would sing to his own version of the Happy Birthday Song with his guitar.

She had asked the Rhys’ to not throw a celebration for her birthday. For this birthday, all she wanted was some time alone. No friends to entertain, no fake smiles, no pity looks from everyone. “Liam, you can still throw yourself a birthday party. Don’t let me sour your special day.” She felt awful for ruining their tradition, but she just couldn’t do it this year. “Ryne, you are not souring anything. You’re my best friend and I can’t imagine not celebrating our birthdays together. So, whatever you wanna do, we will do.” She looked at him with grateful eyes.

She will never forget that birthday. She was awakened by the sounds of a strumming guitar. Liam walked into her room singing happy birthday. He didn’t have her father’s angelic voice, but it sufficed. What in the world is he doing? He finishes the song as she sits up on her bed. “Happy Birthday, Ryne.” Upon hearing her nickname, her eyes welled up. There were only two people in the world who called her by her nickname, her father and Liam. She misses her dad.

“Liam…” she was left with absolutely no words. “Is…Is this why you asked for my dad’s guitar two weeks ago?” asking him with her early morning voice. “Yeah, sorry I lied about my reason. I really wanted to surprise you. You don’t wanna know how many YouTube videos I had to watch to learn this simple song,” He says, sheepishly. She stared at him, awestruck at the effort he has put into this. “Oh, wait here, I have to get the second part to the surprise.” He ducks out of the room. There was a second part? How much work did he put into this? Her trance was interrupted when he walked in with a birthday cake in his hands. It was chocolate, just like her favorite, and it was topped with 15 lit candles. It didn’t look store bought so she asked, “Liam, did you make this?” She inquired her friend. “My mom guided me through it, but it was mostly me. Well then, make a wish.” She closed her eyes and thought of a wish, I wish to never forget this day or this feeling, and with that in mind she sends it to the universe with a blow of her candles.

“Liam, thank you, seriously, this means more to me than you could possibly know.” He grabbed her hands with his and replied, “You’re very welcome, Ryne, but the day is only getting started. Now, go get a shower and get dressed. I’ll be down by the beach when you’re done.” He squeezed her hand as he stands up to leave.

She met him down by their safe haven. She was so thankful that their little beach, the small place where she found peace, wasn’t a tourist spot. They had the freedom to run around, their parents never had to worry about them disappearing for hours when they go off on their explorations. She stood there admiring his tall physique, his blonde hair being ruffled by the summer breeze. She thinks to herself, He looks like a prince from a book when he stands there like that. I think if he desired it, he could be a Disney prince, he definitely met all the criteria. He had the biggest heart out of everyone I know. And not to mention he was incredibly handsome! She feels a stirring in her heart, something she’s never felt before, but she didn’t dwell on it. She walked up beside him and said, “So, what now?” He jumped when he heard her; he was so concentrated on the horizon that he didn’t register her presence at all. “Well, I have one more surprise for you, but we’re gonna have to travel there.” His eyes twinkled, just like it always did whenever they were about to embark on an adventure. “Liam, seriously you’ve done enough for today.” “I am not taking a no for an answer, Ryne, now follow me.”

They marched back up to the house. He instructed her to wait out front while he grabbed something. A few minutes later, he shows up with a bicycle in tow. “Is that Leo’s bike? Why is there a basket attached to it?” He holds up a picnic basket to answer her question. “Uhhh, why do we need to go somewhere to have a picnic when there’s a perfectly undisturbed beach right here where we can do the same thing?” He heartily laughs at her and replies, “Ryne, would you just trust me for once in your life and get in the back.” She shakes her head and hops on the bicycle’s pegs. Demanding, as always, somethings never change.

She wrapped her arms around him as he pedaled their way to an unknown location. After 6 miles, they finally get there. It was the memorial where her parents are buried. They weave their way to their tombstones. Liam sets up the picnic while Catheryne cleaned her parents stone and its surroundings, clearing it of twigs and leaves.

“Hi, Mom, Dad. It’s me, Catheryne,” she felt a little silly talking out loud, but she needed to be close to them. “It’s my birthday today. Liam is here with me. I just want to thank you for bringing me into this world. You’re the best parents a child can ask for. I miss you every day.” She allowed a tear to fall from her eyes as she knelt before her parents. Liam’s hand finds its way to rest on her shoulder. How can this simple gesture bring so much comfort? It’s as if his hand held her, preventing her from being blown away by the winds of her despair.

They sat on the picnic blanket, laughing and talking the day away. This isn’t how she imagined this day would go. She thought she would spend the whole day lying in bed, surrounded by her depression from the loss of her parents, but here she was with the only family she had left. Liam had given her the best birthday gift, and she couldn’t be more grateful for her best friend and his big heart.

They watched the sun set in the horizon. She basked in the last glimpse of the sunlight until it disappeared, signaling that the time has come to return home. He looked at her as she stood there, eyes closed, facing towards the sunset. She looks content and happy. I guess I did my part well. I’m glad to have given her this day. She deserves so much happiness after all that had happened with her family this year. He smiled with satisfaction. He hated to break that surreal moment, but he announced, “Hey, we should head back. It’s gonna get dark soon.” She opened her eyes, acknowledging him and nodding her reply. “Liam, thank you so much for this day. I…It…I’ll never forget it.” She felt embarrassed that she couldn’t find the right words that she was feeling. She admired him in the orange rays of the sunset. He looks like a dream in this lighting. The flutter in her heart and stomach came back. What is that? Stop being an idiot, Catheryne. Liam is probably looking at you like you’re stupid for looking at him with goofy eyes. Her best friend replied by giving her the softest kiss on her cheek. He lingered there for a moment. He pulled away, saying “It makes me happy to see you happy, Ryne, happy birthday.” With that, he walked away to get his bike leaving her all alone to her emotions. The flutter in her heart became an intense warm sensation emanating from her heart. The sudden realization of what her feelings had hit her like a bullet train, quick and sudden. I am in love with my best friend. I am in love with Liam Rhys.

Her loud alarm pulled her back to her reality. It was time to get ready for work. She places the picture back on her nightstand, facing down. She couldn’t bare to look at it anymore. Her birthday wish from that memory, was just that, a wish. Life clearly loved to remind her of her aching heart. She gets up from her bed to her vanity and put on her everyday make-up. She smiles at the mirror, hoping to cheer herself up, but even with effort her smile never reached her eyes. She sighs in defeat.

She grabs her shoulder bag and keys from the hook by her door and heads for work. She loves walking in the midst of the hustle and bustle of New York City. It is where she truly feels like she can disappear.

The mediocre dive bar she works at come into view. Before she entered, she inhales a deep breath steeling herself for the long night ahead. You can do this, Catheryne. Just take it one foot at a time. You can make it through this. She releases her breath and trudges forward, head hanging low. She walks back to the locker area, shoving her items in her locker. She lazily puts on her disgusting apron and puts her hair up in a bun. “Catheryne, stop standing there and gawking like an idiot and get out there!” Her asshole of a manager, Declan, barked at her. She pinches the bridge of her nose and closes her eyes as she uses her hand to lean forward against the lockers. You can do this. You can do this. Even as she repeats it in her mind, her resolve is slowly dissipating.

As if she didn’t have enough on her plate at that moment, life decides to pile on to her mess. “Hey, Ryne.” Hearing his voice made all the blood rush into her face. She balls her fist on her side, remembering the night before and all the anguish he . “I can’t do this with you tonight, Liam.” She whispers through gritted teeth before stepping out into the floor without looking at him. She is already frustrated with her boss. She can’t handle him, too.

She went about the motions of being a waitress. Her feet are screaming with pain from running back and forth to the kitchen and the room, handing and taking orders. Her emotional health is strained from the barrage of harassing customers. It was a busy night. It was a Friday after all. When she would get a break from the flow of customers she had to attend to, she would catch him looking at her from the corner of her eye, concern carved on his chiseled face. She was hanging on by a thread. She didn’t know how long she could keep up the feigned strength she conveyed to the world.

She is making her way back to the kitchen to pick up an order when a loud, rowdy customer stops her in her track. “Hey, doll, why don’t you and your purty self come here and let me tell you somethin,” This is the nature of her job, rude people mixed with alcohol is a concoction for disaster. She turns and makes her way to his table full of raucous men just like him. “Yes?” she replied politely, hiding her anger for his insulting demeanor. “I ain’t never seen someone as beautiful as you. I was wonderin’ if you’d like to come with me to my hotel after your done from here. I think I can blow your mind.” He is clearly drunk off his ass; his slurred country accent makes it difficult to understand him. She was fuming with rage at his insulting comment, but nonetheless she replies with a calm tone, “Thanks for the offer, but I must decline.” She turns to walk away when he slaps her right on the ass.

The tiny thread she held onto finally snapped. She whirls around, letting her anger fuel her. Before she even knew it, she slaps the rude man squarely across the face. Her hand stung from the impact, but it was nothing compared to the fury coursing through her veins. How dare he?! Disgusting, insulting, perverted bastard! The man stands up, hollering at her, “WHAT THE HELL?! I’LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR THAT, YOU BITCH!” His hand recoils behind him, getting ready to take a shot at her

Liam watches her with careful eyes as she goes about this encounter. He has known her a long time, he can read her tells. He can read the anger that was hidden behind her smile and eyes. The way this man is treating her enrages him, but he tries to concentrate back to tending the bar. His work was halted when he sees Catheryne walking back to the man slapping him in the face, she was shaking with anger. What the hell just happened? His instinct to protect her guides him across the bar to where the conflict is unraveling. He steps in front of her, putting himself between them, his arm blocks the blow that he was about to throw at Catheryne. He retaliates by punching him hard on the stomach, and using momentum and rage, he punches the man in the face, knocking him out.

Declan comes out from the kitchen, witnessing the commotion that just happened. “What in the hell is happening? Liam! Catheryne! You insufferable morons! What the hell…” Liam stops him mid-sentence, “You know, Declan,” enunciating the syllables of his name, “you just may be one of the worst goddamned person in the planet. We quit!” He goes to the back to grab his and Catheryne’s belongings. He grabs her hand and pulls her, a little too violently, out of the bar back to their apartment.

When they arrive at their place, she finally speaks up, “What the hell did you do, Liam?” He is making his way to the cabinet where they kept the strong rum. He skips the glass and downs a gulp straight from the bottle. “Liam, what the f*ck?! You shouldn’t have done that!” He couldn’t believe what she just said, and he stared at her with incredulous eyes. Is she really angry at me after I just protected her from that god-awful man?

Her body trembles from all the emotions racing within her. What just happened? I’ve never lost my senses like that before. Oh God, what is happening to me? Her feelings for Liam is ruining her. She watches as he sets down the bottle on the counter. She sees his white knuckles gripping the countertop. “What did you want me to do, Catheryne, hmm?” He speaks quietly, his tone almost felt like the calm before the storm. “I don’t know, Liam, but you shouldn’t have interfered. Now, we both have no jobs.” She responded, matching the tone of his voice.

“So, you’re saying I should’ve just let him hit you?! Is that it, Ryne?” his voice gradually rising in volume. “Well, I’m sorry that I couldn’t just stand there and watch him treat you like that. I’m sorry that I couldn’t be a bad friend.” Friend, there is that word again. Such a simple word, but it cuts through me like a double-edged sword. She paces across the room, grabbing the rum and consumes a considerable amount of it. She stomps athwart in their living room. Her panic, rising to the surface. He continues his rant, “I’m sorry that I all I wanted was to protect you!”

“We’re not in high school anymore, Liam, ok,” she snaps at him. “I’m not the weak, little girl you had to protect from her bullies! I can stand on my own two feet!” Her hands flail around her as she speaks, and her tears get the best of her, staining her face.

The storm has arrived as they both explode. “I don’t know what you want me to do, Ryne?! I just want to take the past couple of days and pretend it never happened! Then, we could continue just as the two best friends living in the city of dreams, happy!” He screams at her.

She has taken aback by the timbre of his voice. Not once, in the 16 years, that they have known each other has he treated her this way. Happy, is that what he thought our relationship was? “Happy, really? Liam, have you been really that blind all throughout this years?! I have loved you since we were kids. I fell in love with you when we were 15! Happy, isn’t the word I would use to describe this relationship.” All her frustration and anger poured out of her, she couldn’t keep them in anymore. I am so tired. I am so tired of hurting. She meets his eyes across the room and she let go, “I was miserable, Liam. I am miserable! My heart broke every time I saw you with other girls, wishing I was them, wishing you looked at me like the way you do with them! The anger I would feel towards them for breaking your heart scared me! I don’t know who I am anymore. I lost myself because of you, because of my love for you. I am so tired, Liam. I am tired of hurting. I am tired of crying myself to sleep. Loving you is more painful than when I lost my parents. I don’t know what it is about you. I tried so hard, Liam. I really did. I tried to stop my feelings for you, but clearly it didn’t work.” She laughs bitterly. She was done. She was done waiting for the day he’ll love her, too.

She heads towards the door, leaving to stay at Hana’s for the weekend. He suddenly steps in front of her, blocking the way to the door. She tries to weave her away forward, but his broad physique compared to her petite frame always had her at a disadvantage. “I’m sorry, Ryne! I’m so sorry! How can I make this go away? Tell me, please! How can we go back to the way it was?” He pleads with her. “We can’t.” She simply stated. “No, I refuse to believe that!” He is trying so hard to hang on to his best friend, his confidant. He grabs her arms refusing to let her go. “There must be a way to fix this! There has to be! Tell me how I can fix this! Tell me how I can stop you from hurting.” She wiggles out of his hold, heading out the door. “CATHERYNE, PLEASE!” He is begging her to stay. “Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.” She loses what sanity she has left and yells at him, pouring all of herself and her love for him into her words,

“I WANT YOU TO TELL ME YOU LOVE ME, TOO!” She turns around to look at him. She didn’t need to stay to hear his excuse or whatever retort he has planned. She could see the answer written all over his face, and she finally accepted defeat and walked away.

#playchoices#trr#trr au#king liam#liam x mc#tellmeyouloveme#romance#angst

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tilltheendwilliwrite · 6 years


Rise Up

Chapter Eleven

#I don’t need my friends pulling a Demi Lovato and sending him LEAVE HER ALONE GET A JOB messages lmao | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (16)

Previous Chapter

Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader | Word Count: 4197 Warnings: Angst, swearing

Song: Nightingale by Demi Lovato

A week passed. Seven days of hell. Seven days in which you were slowly going insane.

You lived in a constant state of fight or flight, your adrenalin high never waning. It was like being back there, on that world where you spent months with little sleep and even less food. Where the anxiety and continuous state of on never wavered.

Elektra’s scent, the one only you could smell, had invaded every inch of the common rooms. You could smell her in the halls. The lounge. The communal spaces. Her voice, sweetly laced with condensation was aimed at all times toward Matty. If you had to hear Matthew purred in that accent one more time you were going to flip a bitch so f*cking hard.

It had gotten to the point where the rest of the team walked on eggshells around you. They all knew the stress it was causing, the nightmares it was inducing. Once it had been Bucky’s screams which had echoed down the hall at night. Now, it was yours.

The first night after Steve had fed you marshmallows until you felt like one and taken you to bed where he worked off the sugar high, you’d gone to sleep happy and sated only to wake hours later, standing at the foot of the bed with blood on your hands. Someone had brought the sword to your room and left it on the sofa, but in your dream state, you’d picked it up as you had that final day when it had been covered in the blood of your sisters, and squeezed the blade so hard it cut straight to the bone.

Steve’s yell of fear had drawn Bucky and Wanda to you, to find him crouched on the floor before you, trying desperately to coax the sword from your grasp.

Wanda had jumped in and managed to bring you back to find the blade coated in red and your hands on fire with pain.

You’d lashed out, terrified and only half aware, missing Steve by a whisper when he’d jerked back, but it had been Bucky who’d reached between you and snatched the sword from your grasp, sending metal screaming across metal.

The god-awful sound was so raw, it snapped you fully into the present, and you cried when you realized what you’d done.

Steve didn’t blame you, neither did Bucky or Wanda or anyone else, but you’d insisted afterward that Bucky keep the blade.

While Steve had taken you to medical to get your hands patched up, your heart had shattered a little more for, once she thought you were out of hearing range, Wanda broke down against Bucky, her sobs ringing in your ears as she murmured over and over again, “Never ask. Don’t ever ask. You do not want to see.”

She’d caught a glimpse of the carnage in your memory.

After, Wanda had become a staunch supporter of you. She had your back in all things, and you loved her for it, even as guilt ate at you.

The worst part was, Elektra was disarming to most people. She was refined, charming, and from what others had said, beautiful. She made people like her.

Not your team, not your friends. They were all far too wary of her, knowing what she was, but you’d heard her laughing with a few of the men in different departments, claiming her innocence and how she had no idea why the resident Valkyrie had it out for her.

Matt was no better. Everywhere he went, she had to be there. He loathed to leave Elektra alone, and she hung on him when they were together. He’d brought her to your sessions with Matt, and every time you’d had to bow out, unable to stomach the smell for more than ten minutes.

Her presence in your life was like a whip, driving you onward, wielded by a sad*stic taskmaster.

Add in how Loki had not returned, how you’d heard nothing of Asgard in days, and you were unravelling. What sanity you’d gained with Matt’s arrival, what control you’d learned was all falling to pieces.

She was making you crazy.

You wanted her dead.

The worst part was, she wasn’t doing anything technically wrong. She hadn’t tried to contact anyone outside the facility. She lived here relatively quietly. Matt was happy, though he seemed less Matt with her around. He’d lost some of his spark and fire when she arrived and taken over, treating him as if he were an invalid when he was one of the most capable people you’d ever met. She was friendly to everyone and, so far, she hadn’t tried to drain the life from anyone’s soul.

It was disconcerting for, though she was Sjeletyv, she didn’t act like the ones you’d face in the past. She wasn’t an automaton bent on total annihilation. Whether that was because she wasn’t Sjeletyv in truth, but a human turned into one of the hated race, you couldn’t be certain. So little was known of them.

They hadn’t been ones to make conversation, and even when you’d managed to capture one alive, a nearly impossible feat, they had been nothing more than mindless killing machines. The ljå had been much more sentient, but by the gods, catching one of those bastards usually cost more lives than the intel had been worth. They were crafty assholes, spoke in riddles and a guttural language so difficult to understand, half the time you weren’t sure what they were saying.

Even now, over a millennium later, you still had no idea if the Sjeletyv were even of that race of crazed, bloodthirsty beings, or if that race had once been something else. If they could turn the people of the world you’d gone to assist - if they could turn your own sisters - and now the humans of this realm… who was to say what they originally were.

It made your brain hurt, and you’d come outside to spend time with Hemmelighet to clear the headache Elektra’s putrid scent had given you.

He stood within the walls of his barn, wings relaxed and head down, dozing on three legs while you worked a brush over his hide. The grooming was a way to bond with him, grow closer, and gain in partnership.

It was soothing for you as well. The consistent stroking and sound of the bristles over his hair, the way his skin would quiver or tail would swing when a fly bothered him, and the scent of warm hide, dust, and straw were pleasant. Add in the quiet stillness of the barn and the chirping of the birds, and your tranquillity was assured.

The curry comb and soft body brush went back on the shelf by the door, and you were in the process of finding the bottle of oil you could scent but not locate when the forest went silent. Not quiet like when a fox was on the hunt, but silent. The kind of silence which only came when a large predator was on the prowl.

Your skin crawled. A shiver traced your spine. Warning sirens were going off in your brain, and you palmed the dagger you kept tucked at the small of your back. “Stay here,” you murmured to Hemmelighet when the big stallion stirred awake.

As soon as you stepped beyond the cool interior of the barn, you smelt her. “C’mon out, Elektra. Not like you to skulk.”

“I was curious where you were always sneaking off to. I didn’t want to intrude.”

You turned your head to the right and walked farther from the doors to the barn. “Well, that would be the first time all week, but you’re not welcome here. This is my private space.” So far, Matt hadn’t said a word to her about the Pegasus or your personal history, and for that you were grateful. What secrets you’d asked Matt to keep, he was honouring.

How did you know? You lived in a constant state of awareness when it came to the two of them. You weren’t sleeping more than snatches at night before the scent of her drifting through the air vents would send you spiralling into new nightmares and hell, and more than once you’d left Steve asleep in your bed to go up to the roof and doze beneath the stars.

That was how you knew exactly what Matt and Elektra spoke of. Yes, you eavesdropped, and no, you had no qualms or regrets about it. You were protecting your team, your family. If once or twice you’d tuned into things you didn’t want to hear, well, at least you knew Matt wasn’t one to spill secrets during pillow talk.

“A barn is your secret?” she snickered and sauntered closer with her arms crossed over her chest like she owned the damn world. “And what are you hiding in your barn, you don’t want me to see?”

“And why would anything I do be about you, Elektra?” you asked, placing yourself between her and the door. “Now, leave before I make you leave.”

“Make me leave?” She laughed. “And sending me running back to Matthew to tell him how unpleasant you are?”

“You know, Elektra, unlike you I don’t need to manipulate my man into caring for me.”

“Bitch!” she hissed, her hands falling to her sides.

You shifted your stance, drawing your foot behind you in preparation. “I asked you to go. This is my private space and my private business. You are not welcome. If you come here again, I won’t hesitate to hurt you.”

She snorted her contempt. “You keep saying that, yet all I see is a bitch with a vision problem who can’t fight longer than ten minutes before throwing in the towel. Matthew is so disappointed in you. No wonder he begged me to come and help him.”

Her words froze you in place. “What?” Was that why she was here? Had Matt been disappointed in you? You couldn’t be certain as you hadn’t started listening in until recently. Were you such a failure he had brought in extra help?

“What’s that matter, (Y/N)? Cat got your tongue?” You could hear the smirk in her voice. “Did you think Matthew was proud of your progress? That you were getting better?”

“You’re so full of sh*t!” you spat, refusing to let her get in your head. It was the same bullsh*t Garry had pulled, playing freaking mind games. “Why are you really here, Elektra? You play this part, but it’s getting old, so spit it out already! Who the f*ck are you working for, and what the hell do they want?”

“I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about,” she huffed, turning up her nose.

You made to retort, something sharp and cutting when the wind shifted and took her scent straight in the open door behind you.

Hemmelighet let out such a trumpet of rage; it seemed to come from a thousand Pegasi as he burst out the stable door to bugle his battle cry and rise on his hind legs. His wings stretched to their full span as he pawed at the air, screamed a challenge and lunged for her.

“Hemmelighet! No!” you barked, but he was in full battle fever and wouldn’t be halted so easily.

Elektra screamed, the sound ripping through the forest as she fell back, trying to escape the hooves slamming into the ground over and over. A wing whipped forward and sent her flying into the trunk of a tree with a crunch.

There was no help for it. You knew he would kill her if he got a chance, and the only way to stop that from happening was to wrestle the control away from your enraged mount. But you hadn’t ridden him, not yet. Not when you weren’t certain you would be able to use your enhanced senses from his back. You’d been nervous even to try.

Now, you had no choice.

When Elektra shrieked a second time and scrambled out of the way, you ran for the shifting hindquarters and leapfrogged your way over them, miscalculating slightly and winding up perched nearly on his neck.

He bellowed again and rounded his back, dropping his head as he prepared to buck.

You snaked your metal-clad hand into his mane and yanked with all your might, forcing his head up and his back down. “Hemmelighet! Enough!”

He paused, ears twisting and head curling to look back at you perched too high on his withers before shaking all over. He danced beneath you, hooves moving in a restless rhythm and snapped thick white teeth at Elektra.

“I know she is,” you said softly when he warned you what she was and glared at the hated creature staring at the two of you in wonder. “But her death is not yet warranted.”

He snorted, blowing hard through his nose and you knew the feeling. The stench of death wafted from her even greater than before.

“Get up. Go back to Matt, and don’t ever come back here,” you hissed at her. “Try it, and I may not be around to stop him the next time.” She did not have the claws or the reach to be much of a challenge to your mount.

She made to speak but the sound of running feet cut her off, and you took the opportunity to dart back where you belonged. The only thing to save you had been your toes catching on his wings. Otherwise, you would have gone right over him in your lunge and likely ended up under his hooves.

Hemmelighet backed away from her slowly as your knees settled into the hollow behind his wings. With your hand wrapped in his mane, you soothed him with the other as first Steve, then Bucky, then Matt and Sam ran into the clearing before the barn.

All stopped to gape at you on the back of the Pegasus, before a small whimper from Elektra drew Matt’s attention.

“Elektra!” he gasped darting toward her and causing your steed to snort.

Hemmelighet had just lost all respect for Matt, soft hands or not, and flicked his tail in contempt before kicking viciously at the tree behind him. The sold thwack was followed by a thunderous crack when the trunk snapped and fell into the forest behind him. Granted, it wasn’t like it was as big as a redwood, but it was still an impressive feat when accomplished by what was, essentially, a horse.

“What happened?” Matt asked Elektra who was letting big false tears roll down her face.

“I just came… to talk to her… and it attacked me!” she sobbed.

You rolled your eyes. “Take her and go, Matt. I warned her she wasn’t welcome here, but she insisted on knowing my secrets. Now you know, so get the hell out of here before I let Hemmelighet finish what he started!”

“(Y/N),” Matt began, exasperation heavy in his voice.

“No, Matt. Just no. I’ve done everything in my power to stay out of your business, to let her be, to ignore the instincts screaming inside me, and the one thing I asked in return was for her to stay out of this, to leave my private business alone, but no. She can’t. She sticks her nose in where it doesn’t belong. I don’t give a flying f*ck if she isn’t the same Sjeletyv that I fought. Keep her out of my business!”

Hemmelighet tensed, and you clamped your knees to his sides when he reared up to bugle and paw and scream his thoughts on the matter. When he dropped back to the ground, you smiled, wicked, cold, and heartless.

“He says, “Come here again, and your head will meet the same fate the tree just did.” Pegasi don’t have the restraint their riders do. They only know the instinct. They only know a hoof to the head is an effective way of killing your kind.”

“That’s enough!” Matt barked, turning a harsh glare your way.

It hurt to have him look at you like that, like you were the enemy when the truth was so far from it. “Matty…”

“No. I think you’ve said enough. Maybe we should pack up and go, because we can’t keep doing this.” He helped Elektra to her feet. “You’re not happy. She’s not happy. No one is getting along. I don’t know what to do anymore!”

“I’m sorry, Matt,” you said softly. “But I can’t be in the same room with her. I just can’t.” You gave Hemmelighet’s mane a twist, and the Pegasus spun away, his powerful hindquarters launching him down the trail toward the bunker. The trees were too dense for him to spread his wings, but his legs were strong, and you bent low over his neck as he raced through the forest.

The feel of a Pegasus between your thighs again after so long felt amazing, and you let him run where he would, heart aching in your chest and tears streaming down your face.

It was too hard. You couldn’t put aside the past for one person. You couldn’t look at her and not see death, not when her scent permeated every part of the home meant to be your safe place. It was shredding you to pieces. Again, there was an invader in your home, stealing your peace, making you crazy, causing you to doubt and fear and despair in the same way Garry had.

Why couldn’t you just have peace? Why couldn’t you just live your life? Why couldn’t you be happy?

The crunch of gravel suddenly filled your ears as you realized you’d left the forest, and you sat up, uncertain how long you’d been wallowing in your self-pity. Mighty wings spread wide, and you were airborne between one breath and the next. The thrust of his downward stroke rocked you back, but you gripped tighter with your thighs and threaded your other hand into his mane.

The rumble from his chest made you sob out a soft laugh. “Thank you,” you sighed, leaning down to hug his neck when he levelled out.

Hemmelighet was right. Here, in the sky and amongst the clouds, there was a place no one could take from you. Here was a feeling of peace you could only find on his back, and he would take you there whenever you needed it.


Steve levelled a stern glare toward Matt and Elektra, angrier than he’d been in some time. “You know, maybe you should leave.”

“Cap,” Sam murmured, giving him the side-eye, evidently trying to remind him of just why she was still here.

“No, Sam. No.” Steve stalked across the clearing. “How you been sleeping, Matt? Huh? Pretty good?”

Matt frowned but nodded. “Fine. Why?”

“Because my girl sure as sh*t ain’t! She relives the battles she fought with the Sjeletyv every damn night! I don’t think she’s caught more than a handful of hours in seven days. Seven days, Murdock! And all because you keep picking at her!” Steve turned his glare on Elektra.

“Wait, now, Captain. That’s not fair. Elektra hasn’t done anything!” Matt defended.

“No? Just being here is enough, but let’s recap shall we?” Steve sneered, looking between the two of them. “We asked you here to help (Y/N), which in the weeks you’ve been doing so she’s been succeeding in leaps and bounds. Then, she shows up. Fine. She’s your girl. We get it. You want her here and still have things left to work on with my girl, then she stays, but you need to pull your head out of your ass!”

“Steve,” Bucky called, grasping him by the shoulder.

Steve only shook his head. “She can’t be around you, Elektra. She can’t. It takes everything she is not put a blade through your heart.”

“Well,” Elektra flipped her hair back over her shoulder, “maybe she needs to learn some restraint? Some self-discipline. If she’s so out of control, maybe she shouldn’t be an Avenger.”

Red seemed to wash through Steve’s vision. It was only Bucky’s bone-crushing grip on his shoulder that held him back. “Don’t ever talk about her like you know. You don’t know. You don’t know what she went through!” Steve snarled.

She snorted. “Like it was anything worth crying over.”

It was as if she had no sense of self-preservation. None.

Steve lunged, Bucky intervened, and Matt jerked Elektra out of the way.

“You don’t know! A battle that lasted nearly a damn year and saw only a quarter of her sister come home! Over three thousand Valkyrie dead is not something to sneer at!”

Everyone froze.

Steve let out a frustrated huff and thrust his hand into his hair. They hadn’t talked about it. Not to anyone. She’d given Tony the information he’d wanted, but the rest… the blood, sweat, and tears… those were all for Steve to shoulder. A burden he would gladly carry if she would only let him.

Wanda had gotten a glimpse. She’d come to him the day after with wet eyes and a shaky smile and said she was one-hundred percent on board with whatever happened next. At this point, if they needed, she’d happily dig through Elektra’s mind. It was not an offer freely given by the Scarlet Witch. It was, in fact, something Wanda seriously disliked doing, but for her to offer… Steve knew whatever lived in his best girl’s head was far worse than he could imagine.

“Jesus… Steve…” Bucky whispered.

“She doesn’t sleep because she can’t. If she doesn’t have some form of PTSD, then I’m not a Captain.” He turned his hard gaze back to Elektra. “And all of it is because you stink.”

“I beg your pardon!” she gasped.

“Not to the rest of us, but to her you smell of death. Blood and death and battle. You want to know why she can’t train from more than ten minutes. It’s because you refuse to let her do so without being there. That’s how long she can stand before she needs to throw up. Before the memories are so goddamn overwhelming, it’s all she can do to force them back.”

“Cap…” Sam gasped, eyes wide and horrified.

“She can’t sleep in our room because she can smell you. She can’t stay in the common areas because you’re there too. This,” he threw his arm at the barn, “was just about the only place she could come and find a semblance of peace. You’ve now taken that from her as well. So don’t talk to me about restraint, Elektra. Don’t lecture me on how she’s handling things. She’s doing everything she can to hold it together because you asked her to, Matt. She’s trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, Ms. Natchios, but when you invade her space and cause her to have flashbacks of taking off four of her own sister's heads after they became exactly what you are, you make things f*cking hard!”

They both stood, open-mouthed and gaping at him, but Steve was done. He was through. He couldn’t even look at them anymore. Not when (Y/N)’s heart was beating out a hard, pain filled rhythm in his chest. “Stay or go, I don’t care anymore, but if you stay, Matt goes back to training (Y/N) without Ms. Natchios supervision, and you, Elektra, are going to tell us everything you know of the Hand! All of it!”

With a hard huff of breath, Steve turned on his heel and stormed away, Bucky and Sam hot on his heels. They were nearly back to the compound before either said a thing.

“You sure that was a good idea, Cap?” Sam asked.

“Yeah, Steve. Ain’t it better to keep little miss soul sucker where we can keep an eye on her?” Bucky agreed.

“I won’t keep doing this to (Y/N). She can’t sleep, won’t eat, and spends all her time keeping tabs on them. The only peace she was finding was out her with Hemme, and now Elektra’s screwed that up, too. It’s tearing her apart, and it's only been seven days. And with Loki not back, and no word from Asgard, she’s struggling…”

The fast beat of striking hooves could be heard as the galloping horse came closer. She’d been so worried about riding again, afraid for both herself and Hemme, the Pegasus agreeing to the shortened form of his name for the benefit of the rest of them, but to see her up there on her giant steed, looking exactly as he’d imagined had stolen his breath.

She sat him like it was second nature, like she’d been born to ride. Hemme himself had looked like a war mount; his eyes shaded red and teeth bared. His muscle had rippled with his restless feet, setting the metal of her gauntlet flashing in the dappled sunlight and the blue sheen in his spectacular feathers gleaming.

When she’d turned him, and they’d raced off together, Steve had had a heart-stopping moment of concern, but she’d ducked low to his neck as the ache had started to throb in Steve’s chest.

Now, he turned toward the sound and watched the two of them explode from the forest. Enormous wings spread, lifted high, and swept down, sending them soaring into the sky. Here, again, she looked stunning, so powerful and strong and fierce on her big black steed.

He tracked their path, and when he was sure he knew their direction, Steve ran for the garage, leaving Bucky and Sam behind, both grinning like idiots. They’d gotten his bike fixed, and it rumbled into life beneath him as he took off after his girl.

Next Chapter

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namjoonsteeth · 6 years


Ruin The Friendship (part VIII)

#I don’t need my friends pulling a Demi Lovato and sending him LEAVE HER ALONE GET A JOB messages lmao | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (17)

Title: Ruin The Friendship (mini-series) Part 8

Word-Count: 7.4k

Pairing: Jay Park/ Reader (kinda)

Summary: Best friends to lovers. Inspired by Ruin The Friendship - Demi Lovato.

Genre: Smutty Fluff

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7

“Has anyone ever told you exactly how dramatic you are?”

Chae waits with a lamp in one hand and the other hand on her hip in my doorway. She shakes her head at me while I say goodbye to the important areas in my apartment. I’ve been officially moved into Jay’s place for a little more than 48 hours, and honestly, I’m really dragging this out but I love this apartment. It’s like the beginning and the end of the second era of my life. Everything just looks so bare now, even more so than when I moved in. Where before I could at least see all the ways I wanted to decorate and make it my own, now it just feels empty.

“Yes, my boyfriend tells me at least ten times a day but thank you for your input,”

“You barely even lived here for the last month and a half, Y/n,” Chae sighs and turns around to leave me and my apartment with our last few seconds together.

I give everything one last look before shutting the door behind me. We’ve moved everything out within a few days and I really wouldn’t be able to do any of it on my own. Chae and her perfectionism came in handy once again as she made sure we sorted everything correctly and in a timely manner.

We go through the garage toward my new 2013 Ford Focus, which is of course far less ridiculous than Jay’s car. He complained how it’ll just sit in his garage for three months but I can’t do it every day.

“Thanks again, Chae,” I sigh as we slide in beside each other.

“You know it’s no problem. How do you feel? You still freaking out?”

I roll my eyes. “I never freak out,”

“You’re a liar. You’re the queen of irrational cognitive displacement,”

I look at her. “What is that? It sounds made up,”

“It is,” she laughs. “You just, I don’t know. You think in circles. It’s like a spiral or something. With each loop, everything just gets bigger and more complicated,”

I sigh, unable to disagree because she’s right. I am in a constant state of irrational cognitive displacement or whatever. I think too much. I’m over-thinking, over-analyzing, over-exaggerating.

“I definitely am glad I’m moving in,” I say. “I didn’t think I would be. Ask me a few weeks ago if I’d be moving into Jay’s place and I’d call you crazy. I just,” I trail off trying to find words not caught in my complicated spiral of thoughts.

“I can’t tell you a legitimate reason for why I’m moving in with him other than I just want to. I feel like I have to justify it for some reason,”

“Who are you justifying it to?” Chae asks while I pull onto the street and head to Jay’s place, my place.

“Myself, mostly,”

“You love him,” Chae says.

I nod in agreement.

“You don’t see anyone else for you. He’s the only person you’re planning to be with for the rest of your life,”


“You want to live with him,”


“Then f*ck everything else, Y/n,” she laughs. “Honestly, life is too short to second guess what makes you happy,”

“You don’t think it’s too soon?” I ask.

“What does Jay think?”

I pull my lip between my teeth. Jay has been helping me unpack and making space in his closet and the rest of his home for my stuff. And he couldn’t be happier. He’s taken to emphasizing that everything is *ours* now. It’s gotten quite annoying.

“He’s happy,” I say.

“Well, who cares what I think! Listen, you guys have loved each other for so long. The regular rules and social expectations don’t apply here. If you’re happy and feel good then go for it. There’s not a doubt in my mind that that boy won’t drop everything just to make sure your feet won’t touch the ground,”

*Who cares?*

She’s right. Of course, she is. At the end of the day, it’s just me and Jay. It has been since I moved to Seoul. Contrary to how subtle I thought I was being, it’s obvious why I moved here in the first place. LA, New York, even parts of Portland would have been better options for starting a fashion career.

“Have you heard from that journalist from the blog?”

Gina called me yesterday with an update on the Elise situation on her front. It turns out the writer of the sh*tty article was actually paid to write it. I don’t understand the mechanics behind all of it but I did get the most important part; Haute Magazine is suing Elise Reagan. I’ve always been a big believer in what energy you put in the universe come back to you. Elise is a snake, whatever she deserves for her behavior will come back to here without me.

“Haute is taking care of Elise,” I say pulling into the garage of my new home. I park beside Jay’s car, glad he’s home for once before the sun goes down. No doubt he’s still working.

“Since you’re moving in with your boyfriend does that mean our sleepovers are done?” Chae pokes her bottom lip out.

I shake my head. “Of course not. He signed up for this. We can take just kick him out to the guest bedroom,” I say smiling.

I pull out my phone to call him to help with boxes. Hopefully, he can take a break from whatever he’s doing.

“I’m downstairs with a few more boxes. Can you please help,”

“Am I helping or carrying everything by myself again,”

I smirk remembering how taken Bora was with Jay’s closet when she helped me bring over a majority of my clothes. Jay ended up bringing my stuff in by himself despite me telling him we’d help as soon as I got done showing her around.

“Chae’s with me and she couldn’t care less about your closet,”

I hear him shift around, probably coming down the elevator. “That’s supposed to make me feel better?”

“Not necessarily,” I say. “Besides it’s only a few. We could probably all grab one or two and make it in one trip,”

“Ok, baby. I’m on my way down now,”

He hangs up just as the elevator doors open. With a white tank top and a pair of basketball shorts, he looks like he’s been lounging around the house since I left this morning. *Good.* He doesn’t take off nearly enough time for himself.

“Hey Chae,” Jay says while waving at my friend. He leans over to kiss the side of my mouth. “You,”

“You?” I scoff. “You’ve really gotten too comfortable,” I frown at him.

He makes a face, scrunching up his nose at me and I can’t help but smile.

“Boxes in the trunk and back seat. We need to hurry so we can get ready for the wedding,”

“Yes ma’am,” he says while opening the back door. Jay ends up with two in his arms while Chae and I grab one each. This is just the stuff I want to get unpacked as soon as I can. Anything else I’ll get tomorrow. The three of us ride up to the apartment. Chae and Jay talk about work, mainly Jay leaving in a couple of days.

“Do you want a tour?” I ask her. She shakes her head and waves me off.

“No, go get ready. I’ll see it another time. Call me tomorrow?” She leans in to press her lips against my cheek and she’s off.

Jay walks past after setting the boxes in his closet. His hand slaps my behind roughly.

“Let’s go, you’ll take at least two hours to look for something to wear,”

I rub my stinging cheek and frown at him before slapping his ass right back. “Actually, I have it hanging in your closet-,”

“Our closet,” he says with a smile. I roll my eyes, ignoring the correction.

“We get two hours, and we’re out the door. And since you want to complain about me taking too long, I’m not doing your hair,”

“You do realize I’ve lived alone for more than ten years now, right? I can do my own hair,”

An hour and a half later my makeup is done and I’m just about to slip into my dress when Jay knocks on the bathroom door. He peeks his head in, a sheepish smile on his face.

“Can you part my hair for me?”

I laugh loudly and shake my head at him. Still, I put some products away to make room. I lift my self on the counter and wait for him to come over. He settles between my legs, his hands running up my bare thighs.

“I’ve lived alone for ten years,” I mock his voice from earlier. “I can do my own hair,”

Jay’s eyes narrow on me. “You’re so annoying,”

“You like it a lot,” I say as I focus on styling a side swept part in his hair. I feel his hands move up my sides, touching the lining of my red push-up.

“I like this a lot,” he whispers. I reach for some hair pomade and work it through his hair so the style stays.

“I’m not surprised. Come on, Jay, we have to get going,” I say pushing him gently so I can hop off the counter. “Don’t go anywhere, please. I need you to zip my dress,”

He leans on the counter beside me, his eyes roaming over my body. When they come back up to my own gaze, his eyes are soft.

“I don’t tell you enough, but you’re very pretty,”

I lean in to kiss him gently before grabbing my dress off the back of the door.

“I’m wearing three pounds of make-up,” I point out. His arms come up to wrap around my waist. He brings my back to his chest and his chin on my shoulder.

“I see you with dried drool on your chin every morning. I still think you’re pretty then too,”

“Why are you being cute?” I laugh. He laughs too and squeezes me tight once before dropping a kiss down on my neck. His mouth moves across my skin gently.

“I can’t just want to call my girlfriend pretty?”

“It’s weird. You aren’t this nice,” I say. His teeth scrape across my skin, sending goosebumps down my spine. His fingers go up to the back of my shoulder where my tattoo is. He traces the curved lines of the short phrase slowly.

“Are you still mad that I went without you?”

He pulls me in again, his arms wrapping around my waist. I try not to react to my ass pressed against him or how good his skin feels against mine.

Jay sighs, his chest moving heavily against my back. “I wasn’t mad. I was just a little upset with myself. I made you a lot of promises. I told you I’d show you around and help you get settled. Even the little things that you needed me here for. Just bring your friend, I haven’t been here,”

“I understand, Jay. I’ve always gotten how busy you are,”

“Doesn’t make it less sh*tty,”

I turn around in his arms so I can see his face. “You never asked me to wait on you. You didn’t even ask me to come here, it was all my choice,”

He reaches up, cupping my neck. “It kind of makes it worse though, because I knew you would be here. I didn’t ask you to wait until I got my sh*t in place because I knew you would,”

I think about what he says. Maybe I should care. Maybe it does matter that for the better part of our relationship together, I’ve been unknowingly put on hold just so he could do whatever he wanted.

“I don’t care,” I tell him. “We were kids. We’re still kids. There are things you wanted for your own life and you accomplished them. What kind of friend would I be if I was upset with you trying to achieve your goals?”

I pull away from him and pull my co*cktail dress over my head. He reaches out to help me be careful of my hair. I turn again so he can zip it up for me.

“Why does it always seem like you’re trying to talk me out of wanting you?” I say.

He’s quiet behind me for a few seconds as his fingers glide across my spine while he closes my dress. Finally, he sighs.

“I don’t want you to feel stuck,” he says. “Before you had boyfriends and it didn’t matter if I was on a three-month tour. I just don’t want you to think that you have to stay just because-,”

“I’m here,” I tell him. “Even if I didn’t want to be, there’s something about your stupid face and hands and mouth that’ll keep me in your bed,”

“So, you’re saying you’re using me for my body,” he looks fake offended.

I pat his chest and lean up to kiss his neck. “Just keep looking pretty and you’ll have nothing to worry about, baby,”

“Let's go,” he sighs rolling his eyes.

I slip my shoes on and grab my purse on our way out. Jay holds my hand throughout the drive. This is one of the few times we’ve gone out together. We’ve just been so busy that conventional date nights never cross our minds. We both much rather be wrapped around together in bed or having takeout in his office than anything else.

The venue for the wedding is a pretty building made of mostly glass. Everything seems so open and clear, with sunlight pouring in. Jay pulls me toward our seat at a round table with other label mates.

“I’m going to find something to drink,” I tell him as he greets his friends.

“You sit,” he says pulling my chair out for me. “I’ll find you some water,”

“Thank you,” I smile up at him while he goes.

Chase catches my eye across the table. “This is so weird,” he mumbles.

“Your face is weird,” I shoot back at him.

“No, it’s not weird it’s kind of gross,” he says ignoring my insult. “I haven’t seen him out since you guys started dating,”

I raise an eyebrow at him. “Are you jealous?”

He rolls his eyes at me. “No, I bet the other guys back home would be weirded out too,” he explains.

I shake my head at him, rolling my eyes. Still, I can’t keep the smile off my face. I miss spending time with Chase. The three of us used to get in tons of trouble back home for skipping classes.

“I’m glad you guys are together finally though,” he smiles genuinely at me. “You might want to save him. He looks like he’s gotten caught by a few fans over there,” he gestures behind me.

I turn around to see Jay surrounded by a group of women, which isn’t that much of a surprise. He looks like he’s been trying to inch out of the circle for a while now. Someone besides him leans in with a laugh and touches his arm.

“He can handle himself,”

“Are you sure? I’ve seen that look on women before,” he points at the group. “That blonde one looks like she’s ready to jump him,”

I look one more time, ready to brush it off until I see her face. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Elise smile so much. I stand to make my way over to her.

“I’m taking my phone out so just make sure she hits you first,”

I roll my eyes and flip him off as I walk away. I feel my blood boil the closer I get to her. Why does she have to be so pretty? Evil people shouldn’t look like her.

Jay sighs in relief when he sees me. He tries to move further out of the circle but like one entity, they follow him. He opens his arm so I can settle beneath it.

“Baby, these are friends of the bride,”

I greet them all, purposely ignoring Elise. Her mouth curls up into a Cheshire smile.

“You don’t want to say hi to me now, Y/n?”

“Not really. I do want you to stay away from my boyfriend, though,” I smile politely at her.

She laughs. “We’re at the same wedding. What do you want me to do?”

“You’re going to pretend you have no idea who Jay Park is because the next time I see you even breathe on him, it might be your last,”

Her light blue eyes widen for a split second before they narrow on me. She takes a long gulp from the glass between her fingers.

“Wow, you actually are crazy. Possessive girlfriends aren’t a trendy thing anymore, Y/n,”

“Possessive girlfriend my ass,” I smile. “If this was me being possessive I would have stuck my tongue in his mouth made you watch just so you know that he’s mine,” I tell her. I take a step closer to her. “But you already know, right? Or you wouldn’t be so salty,”

I step closer to her so that I can lean in. “It burns that he doesn’t want you doesn’t it? That you aren’t allowed to have him? I would be mad too, I mean look at him,”

Smartly, Jay stays silent; avoiding eye contact with both of us. I lean into him, wrapping my arm around his waist. His arm comes around my shoulder.

“Maybe you’re right, though. I am a little possessive. So this is a warning. You only get one Elise. If I see you, specifically you, touch this man at all, crazy won’t come close to what I’ll do to you. As far as the Haute article is concerned-,”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she interrupts.

“As far as the Haute article is concerned,” I repeat. “Ms. Waters has proof you monetarily coerced a writer with information that didn’t belong to you. I can sue your ass,”

“You’re threatening me,” she says looking around to make sure everyone heard me. I don’t care. I want as many ears as possible so she has no excuse. I’m making sureshe 100% knows what I’m saying.

“Sweetie, I’m not threatening you. Haute magazine is suing you. I don’t think I’ll have to do anything. That’s of course if I find out you’re f*cking with my company again,”

“You have to be f*cking kidding me,” she exclaims loudly. A few more eyes land on our small gathering.

“Careful, Elise. You don’t want people to think you lack class. Try reigning in the dramatics a little,”

Jay taps my shoulder. When I look up at him he tilts his head toward our seats. I say goodbye to the rest of the bride’s friends leaving Elise for last.

“Do yourself a favor, and be a stranger Elise. At least to Jay, right? You wouldn’t want any of those pretty extensions out of place,”

We sit. I know that Jay is itching to say something. He pulls my hand onto his bouncing thigh, intertwining our fingers. I watch his mouth twist to the side. Finally, he leans forward to whisper in my ear.

“Since when are you confrontational?”

I roll my eyes at him ready to pull my hand away but he grips me tighter. “Stop letting people touch you,” I frown.

“You’re mad at me?” He laughs.

“No, just stop being so,” I trail off looking at him.

The red silk patterned shirt would look tacky on anyone else. He has somehow turned it into a thing; three buttons undone, his tattoos peeking out, one side tucked into his jeans while the other hangs. He looks too good. I want to cover him up with a tablecloth but I also want him on display while letting everyone know he’s mine. I’m having mixed emotional reactions to him.

“Never mind,” I settle, keeping my eyes pointed toward the stage.

“For what it’s worth, I’m really turned on,” he whispers.


“The whole passive-aggressive thing was what did it I think,” he muses. “Anyway, I think I saw a broom closet or something earlier,”

“We’re not fornicating at a wedding, Jay. That’s bad luck,”

“Says who?” He asks.

I ignore him, mainly because the ceremony starts up. It’s too beautiful. It doesn’t make me want to rush to walk down the aisle but I definitely get the hype. The bride looks like a princess. None of us can really take our eyes off of the couple.

When the ceremony ends, a few people give speeches and some of the AOMG artists sing.

“I’m going to go pick out some music,” Jay says getting up to stretch while other guests stand to congratulate the couple. I watch the shirt rise a bit showing just a sliver of his skin.

“Are you the expert on wedding music or something,” I raise an eyebrow at him.

He laughs bending down to press a kiss to my cheek. “You really can’t help but be sarcastic,”

“It’s who I am, baby. You love it,” I tease.

He shakes his head with a smile and heads toward the DJ table which is just Ugly Duck and a system.

I watch him lean over the computer, smiling at his friend.

“Can you stop looking at him like that? And I can’t believe you didn’t even tell me,”

I look behind me just as Chase takes the seat Jay has abandoned. He looks nice in a pressed, chic suit. He smiles at me as I roll my eyes.

“You’re too busy for me,” I tell him.

I grew up with Chase too. Of course, we’re both closer to Jay than we’d ever been to each other. I’ve still known him for about the same time as Jay. I was cheering for him just as much as I was Jay back then. I don’t think I can consider him a best friend but there’s definitely a mutual love and respect between us.

“Is that your excuse? I’m actually offended,” he crosses his arms over his broad chest, a hint of a smile on his lips.

“It just happened. I wouldn’t be able to tell you the beginning of it if I wanted to,”

He laughs loudly. “I can tell you the beginning. Your apartment, two months ago, Jay Park is Jay Park. It was only a matter of time,”

I frown at my boyfriend. “I swear men talk more than women do,” I scoff.

Chase knocks his shoulder against mine to bring my attention back to him.

“He’s wanted you since we were kids, you know?” His lips pull into a smile when I shake my head.

“You’ve always been off limits. All the guys in the crew knew that they couldn’t even think about approaching you,”

I raise an eyebrow. “He said that?”

Chase shakes his head and leans back in his chair, watching me like he’s seeing sixteen years old me still trying to fit in with the guys.

“No, he never said anything. You know how it is. He doesn’t give anything away if he doesn’t want to. It was an unspoken rule. I remember one of the guys mentioning you for some reason and he shut it down immediately. He said you were too good for any of us. Which was true,”

I roll my eyes but turn my attention back to Jay who laughs with his friends as they look at something on the screen.

“Why did he wait so long?”

“I can’t tell you. Maybe with everything happening so fast he finally wants something that he knows has always been consistent. You aren’t going anywhere, right?”

I cut my eyes at Chase. He laughs holding up his hands in defense. “I’m kidding! I’m glad you guys are finally figuring it out,”

He reaches over to knock his knuckles gently against my jaw. “I know you think I’ve always been partial to Jay, but we’re friends too, Y/n. I’ve known you for as long as I can remember, so if you need anything you can call me,”

I nod. Chase has always been Jay’s right hand and vice versa. For some reason, I used to think that Jay could only have one of us as his best friend. There were a few times when I was jealous of how close they were. Now, I know it’s just always been different. There were things about Jay I never got or he’d never really been able to talk to me about and Cha-Cha stepped into those areas. Likewise, there were parts of Jay’s life that Chase couldn’t fill.

“You’ve always taken care of him. I know you don’t need to hear it, but thank you,” I say.

Chase smiles. “You’re welcome, but I’m completely absolved of all responsibility for now on,”

“No, that’s not what I said,” I laugh.

“Yeah, well, that’s what I heard,” He laughs too.

I look at Jay moving to the music and laughing with a few guests. He really is a magnet, pulling everybody in easily. There are people around him with their phones out taking videos and pictures but he seems wholly unbothered.

Suddenly, Chase blanches next to me. I look over at him fake gagging. He takes a sip of the liquor in his cup like he’s washing down something foul before his face splits into a grin.

“You’re disgustingly in love with him,”

I roll my eyes standing. “Shut up, you’re disgusting,”

“You literally haven’t changed since you were sixteen,” he shoots back.

“Shut up,”

He laughs at my lack of creativity as I flip him off quickly before going to dance with my boyfriend. Jay catches me around the waist just as I make it to him, singing some soul song that’s playing. I rest my arms over his shoulders as he sings to me.

I’ve noticed that I haven’t stopped smiling. I don’t think I actually have been this happy before, this content. I don’t think about the fact that he’s leaving me in a day and a half or that I won’t see him for months. He’s here, with a smile pressed against my cheek and his arms around me.

“You and Cha-Cha ok?”

“He gave me his blessing, I think,” I smile.

Jay shakes his head smiling. “You guys have always been odd together,”

“We used to compete for your affection,” I laugh. “Well, I did anyway. He couldn’t care less,”

Jay’s mouth touches mine before he pulls me close, tucking my head under his chin. I hold him tighter, closing my eyes as we sway together.

“Did you pack yet?” I ask him.

“No,” he laughs. “I’m sure you did for me anyway,”

“They’re suggestions, nothing set in concrete,”

Jay laughs again pressing his lips against my forehead. “You’re obsessed with my closet. I think it’s the only reason you’ve moved in,”

“Actually, that shower head in the main bathroom is the only reason. Your closet is an added bonus,”

“Wow,” he says. “I feel used,”

“You’re being used, you should,”

“I don’t think this is a healthy relationship,”

“Should we see a counselor or something?”

Jay pulls back to look at me for a while. Before I know it, he’s kissing me so thoroughly, I almost forget that we’re in the middle of a wedding reception. His fingers dig into the material of my dress as I pull back embarrassed.

“I don’t know how I’m going to say goodbye to you,” he whispers.

I feel my throat clog up. I pull him close to stop myself from looking at him. I cry when I do. When he’s sleeping and I lay eyes on him, counting down how many nights I have left, I can’t help but tear up.

“Is it too early to go?” I ask.

“Not at all, baby. Whatever you want,”

“I want to stay in bed for the rest of the night,”

“Ok, let’s get out of here then,” he says. He pulls me along as he says his goodbyes to his friends. We congratulate the couple one more time before we exit, eager to get home.

I don’t even think it’s about sex, right now. I want to get as close to him as possible and soak in whatever I can. We get home and climb into bed with the light still outside.

Jay pulls my thigh to hook over his hip, his fingers moving absently over my skin. Every so often, his hand ghosts over my ass. And we talk. We laugh and make fun of each other. We watch movies for hours, curled together sharing each other’s space. I’m wondering if I’d ever had a better night with him, and I want more of it.

A few hours later and it’s still early. Jay taps on his phone, a concentrated pinch between his brows.

“I got you something,” he says after a while. “I would’ve had you come with me but I went and fell in love,”

I raise my eyebrows at him tiredly. “What are you talking about?”

He sets his phone down and gets out of bed just as the doorbell rings. He leaves to get the door. I can hear him talking to someone quietly before he calls my name.

I grab another one of his t-shirts and shorts quickly before making my way toward the living room.

Jay is sitting on the floor with white fluff crawling around on his lap. I sit across from him and he sets it on my thigh.

“You got me a cat?” I ask holding the small white ball against my chest. Jay reaches over to scratch at the cat’s chin. I feel its body relax in my hands. Even animals can’t resist him.

“Junior isn’t just a cat,”

“You named my cat already?” I ask. I’m feeling like Junior is more for Jay than for me.

“He’s not yours, that’s first of all,” Jay frowns. He places his hands under Junior’s body and brings him against his own chest.

“Second, you can’t tell me his face doesn’t look like a Junior,”

I look at the cat curled up against Jay like there’s no other place in the world he’d rather be.

“He’s trained and everything, baby. And he’s so sweet. I was going to get you a kitten but I saw him in the back and I couldn’t resist,”

I can see how he’d get enraptured by how beautiful he is. They’re the same in that way, bringing people in without really thinking about it.

I reach out to run my hand over to scratch behind his ears while Jay stares down at him lovingly.

“You’re kind of ridiculous,” I smile.

“I don’t want you to be lonely,” He says looking at me. “I know you have your work, and your friends, and a life outside of me, but at least with him someone will be home when you get in,”

“You’re not even home when I get in,” I laugh.

“Beside the point, Y/n,”

I laugh and lean into him. His arm comes around me, pulling me in closer.

“Do you like him?” He asks softly. He presses his lips against my hair.

“I do. I like that you don’t want to leave me alone especially,”

My phone rings pulling us out of the moment. I get up to get it out of my purse on the couch. When I answer, it the manager of a girl group I work with often.

“I need a favor,” he says quickly.

“Ok,” I say. I’m not getting what’s so important that he’s calling me at eight-thirty.

“We need you to style the album jacket photo shoot in the Philippines tomorrow. We know it’s short notice but we’ve really run out of options, and you’re the only one we trust to do it right,”

“I have plans tomorrow and I can’t spring this on Bora,”

“I’m begging you, Y/n. The girls are literally down to a single make-up artist and two hairdressers between the nine of them. No one can decide what to wear, we’re also missing pieces that’s we’d planned out specifically for the concept. I’ll pay you whatever you want. I just need you here,”

“You know it’s not about the money,”

“I’m begging you for help, Y/n. I need you here,”

I sigh running my fingers over my eyes. Already I’m trying to think of flight times and if I can make it to Jay’s show. I can’t ask Bora to drop everything to help me again.

“Let me talk to my-,” I trail off shaking my head. We had more time than this. A whole day was left for us to spend with each other. “Let me figure some things out and I’ll call you within the hour to see what I can do,”

Jay looks at me with Junior against his chest when I hang up. “You aren’t coming to Macau,” he says simply.

I shake my head, tearing up again. Our flight was scheduled out of Ichleon early in the morning so he could have time to rehearse, but I’d have to leave at the same time or a little earlier so I can get there with enough time to see what I’m working with.

“I’m sorry,” I say. I feel a lump of emotion start to clog my throat. I don’t want to say goodbye. Not tonight. Not in the morning.

“Work is work, baby,” he sighs.

Work is work.

*I guess*

“I’ll see if I can wrap it up early and get a flight so I can make the show,” I try to rationalize even though I already know it won’t work out. He’ll have to leave straight from the show to the States like we’d planned.

Jay leans over to press his lips against mine. When he pulls back, I see how disappointed he really is in his eyes. “Go,” he says quietly. A tiny smile touches his lips.

“Go, I’ll see you in a few weeks. I can’t ask you to keep taking off time from work,”

I sigh, dabbing my eyes again.

Jay sighs too, his arm draws me against his side. “This is going to be the longest three months of my life,” he laughs humorlessly.

Between the shows he has in the states and Canada, he has to put out his English album and promo for that starts right after he wraps up the shows. His schedule is so packed tight, I highly doubt he’ll have time to come home in between. I’m really trying not to think about the high possibility of not seeing him for almost three months.

“You’ll call me every night right? You’ll take care of yourself and make sure you’re not overworking,”

“Yes, baby,”

I sniff frowning up at the ceiling. “God, I’m such a f*cking baby,”

Jay kisses my neck, his mouth trailing down to my collarbone. I try to subdue the shiver that crawls down my spine for Junior’s sake. He shifts a little before falling still again.

“I love you,” Jay whispers. A hand reaches up to cup the side of my face, pulling my mouth toward his. “I’m going to call you so much you’ll get sick of me,”

“I don’t know how I’m going to do this,” I pout. Jay runs his thumb over my bottom lip that sticks out. He brings his mouth down on mine again, sucking my lip between his.

“Stop acting like you’ll never see me again,” He scolds with a small smile.

“I feel like I just got you back,” I whisper shakily. I’ve been spoiled for close to two months now. I’d gotten to touch him and see him every day now. I got more than I expected from that short call what seems like years ago. A few months ago I was just content with seeing my best friend when I could, now I can’t see how that was ever enough.

In our little space, it was easy to forget who he is. It was easy to forget that he belongs to his fans first and foremost. I don’t think I even want to try to compete with his dedication to them. And I’ve been ok with it. I really was. Now, I can’t get enough of holding him, kissing him, touching him.

“What are you thinking about?” He asks quietly.

“That I’m going to have to get used to saying bye to you,” I reach up tracing the stars that surround the compass.

“That’s your favorite, right?” He asks me.


“The compass,” he explains. “It’s been your favorite since I got it,”

I shrug my fingers immediately going to one of the points. “It just makes me think of us back home for some reason. I don’t know why, but it makes me nostalgic,”

“I got it because of you,” he says quietly.

My eyes snap to his. “What?”

“I’ve always struggled with where exactly home is. For the longest time, I couldn’t decide if it was still Seattle or not. But then you moved here and it was like I didn’t have to choose anymore. You were always who I wanted to go back to. No matter if you were living in the states or here; you’ve always been my definition of going home,”

I don’t know what to say. Very few times has he struck me speechless. But now, I really can’t form a sentence.

“My life has been chaotic recently,” he continues when I stay quiet. “There’s been a lot going on and I know what I said earlier about having you wait for me and I’m sorry to ask you to wait for it to slow down a little, but I’m asking anyway because I don’t think I can go back to not having you love me like you do. I know that it’ll be hard and sometimes we might get frustrated and take it out on each other. I’m fine with that, Y/n. If I know that at the end of all of this I’ll have you, I’m fine with everything else that comes with it,”

I imagine how hard it’s been for him. He’s been in a few relationships. I’ve seen him really try to make them work but have them dissolve in a matter of weeks. This is new to him too. The only difference is that we really have no other option. I’m more than prepared to spend the rest of my life with him. We just have to figure out this part of it.

“I’ll be here,” I say.

“I’m kind of glad you aren’t going to be able to send me off to the States,”

I snap my eyes up at him, frowning. He reaches over to smooth the dent between my eyebrows.


“You’ll cry and I won’t be able to go,” He smiles weakly.

“I’m going to cry regardless,” I say.

“Yeah, I know. I just, I can’t handle you and airports anymore,” he pushes my hair out of my face for me. “I feel like you’re always crying recently,”

I roll my eyes. “Shut up. It’s always because of you,”

He stands and sets Junior down on his bed before reaching out for my hand. He leads me to our room, his fingers entwined with mine. When he looks at me, I feel my heart crack into pieces. It’s our last night in our bed, for a long time. We climb into bed, clinging to each other, our mouths trying to say all the things we won’t be able to until we see each other again.

Wordlessly, he grabs a condom and pulls himself into place. We make love slow like we have all the time in the world. I hold his face, my thumbs tracing over the sharp angles while I arch above him.

I sigh against his mouth, trying to commit all of this to memory. I don’t want to forget what it feels like to have his attention solely on making me feel good. One hand threads in my hair while the other directs my hips exactly the way he wants me to move.

“f*ck,” he groans against my mouth. “I love you, Y/n, so much,”

I can’t say anything because he takes my mouth again pushing his tongue against my lips. Pulling back, I press my hands against his chest. My head drops back as I lose myself in the swivel of my hips against his.

When we finally collapse against each other, I bury my face into his neck and hold him tight against me. This is the last time I’ll let myself cry. At least that’s what I tell myself. Jay holds me tighter, rubbing my back as I shake against him. I don’t think it’s ever been this bad. I don’t think I’ve ever had so much foreboding about him leaving. I’ve just been so happy, so in love that I forgot what it’s like to miss him for more than a week.

“Please stop crying, baby,” Jay sighs. He pulls back, swiping his thumbs under my eyes.

“I know, I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me,”

His hands coast over my skin softly. I press my lips against his neck, his chin, his lips, touching every part of him that I can.

Jay falls asleep not long after. I change my flight from Macau to the Philippines. Even after that, I’m up for at least another two hours thinking ahead about how I’ll rearrange my schedule as soon as I can.

In the morning we get up to shower groggily. I’m leaving before Jay has to. With my carry-on on my back, I cling to him tight.

“I’ll call you later,” I say.


“Chae said she’ll check up on Junior for us,”

“Ok,” he says squeezing me tight.

“Don’t work too hard, and try to have fun,”

I feel Jay’s chest shake as he laughs against me. “You’ll miss your flight,”

“I kind of want to,” I pout. He pulls back before kissing me hard. His mouth stays glued to mine until I can’t breathe. His hands reach down to cup my butt. He squeezes my flesh gently.

“I love you,” I tell him, leaning my head against his chest.

“I love you too,”

I get a text alert that my car is downstairs and I let go of him reluctantly. I say goodbye to Junior while Jay walks me to the door. He leans in again kissing my cheek.

“I’ll see you in a few weeks,” he says.

“Ok,” I call behind me.

I leave finally. My plane ride is spent sleeping and trying to forget that I have a day of work ahead of me instead of going to Jay’s show.

As expected, the shoot lasts all day. By the time I get back to the hotel, Jay’s on stage and I can’t call him. I send him a text telling him to call me when he can and end up passed out.

I’m home by noon the next morning. Junior circles around my feet when I come in. I pick him up and hold him to my chest looking around. Everything just looks too big. It still feels like a bachelor’s pad, but I don’t really want to change anything yet. At least not while Jay’s gone. I plop myself on the couch and pull out my phone to reread my last message from Jay.

Jay: flight is taking off now, I’ll call you when I land. Take care of Junior and don’t touch my clothes. Love you, baby

That was this morning. I won’t hear from him again until probably late tonight. Another thing I’ll have to get used to, time zones. There’s nothing else to do but wait to hear from him.

#jay park#jay park imagine#aomg#jay park scenarios#h1ghrmusic

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jasntodds · 6 years


Ruin The Friendship

Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x ReaderWords: 1,671Warnings: Angst, bits of fluffRequest: Wattpad user: prompts 32 & 36 with Stiles, please?Prompts:32:“You two are actual children.”“We just know how to have fun.”36:“Boys are so overrated.”Summary: During a power outage, you confess your feelings for your longtime friend, StilesSong: Ruin The Friendship - Demi LovatoA/N: It’s been storming nonstop here and I’ve been listening to so much Demi so apparently, this is what happens when I combine those things with prompts. Also, requests are open so feel free to send em :) Masterlist Prompt list

#I don’t need my friends pulling a Demi Lovato and sending him LEAVE HER ALONE GET A JOB messages lmao | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (18)

It doesn't rain much in the California town of Beacon Hills but when it does, it seems to either drizzle for five minutes or storm all day. This happened to be one of the times it was going to storm all day so you found yourself laying across the McCall couch reading one of your favorite books while Scott and Stiles were planted in front of the TV playing some video game you couldn't care less about.

Their laughing and bickering filled your ears with the roaring thunder outside. You were used to the boys making noise while you read. You've been friends with them your whole life. You can do anything no matter how loud and obnoxious they were being. Some people might even call it selective hearing. But, due to your current annoyance with Stiles, you kept finding it harder to focus on the story you wanted to be sucked into.

"You two are actual children." You groan, looking over to them as Stiles is jiggling Scott's PlayStation controller joystick to mess him up.

"We just know how to have fun." Stiles retorts as his character kills Scott's character.

"You cheated!" Scott yells, glaring at Stiles.

"Ah, yes, video games. Much fun, very." You roll your eyes with the sarcastic remark and look back to your book.

"Hey, Mr. Werewolf, you use your magic wolf senses in lacrosse. It's not cheating. It's using your resources." Stiles holds his head up and you can't help but let out a loud laugh.

"So, if I'm sitting next to Lydia in psychics and I don't know the answer, I can look at her paper and take her answer because she's sitting next to me so she's technically a resource." You move your eyes back to the boys who were now facing you.

Stiles looks to Scott with the shrug of his shoulders. "Absolutely."

"Your morals are just a little warped, dude." Your voice holds hints of annoyance.

"My morals are just fine, y/n." Stiles rests an elbow on the coffee table that was separating you from the dark-haired boys.

"Are they?" You raise your brows and purse your lips with doubt.

"Yes." Stiles holds his head up high, confident with his response.

"You know, snooping through police files is is illegal, right?" You co*ck a brow, holding your attitude towards him.

"You never seemed to have a problem with it before." His eyes widen as if he were trying to figure out your sudden attitude.

"Oh, what am I supposed to do? Voice my opinion? We all know voicing any opinion that doesn't sit right with you is going to just boil your blood and you'll hold to your opinion and do whatever your plan was anyway." You snap and notice the 'yikes' expression on Scott's face.

"That's not true!" Stiles tries to defend himself. "Name one time!"

"Uh, I said Isaac wasn't bad a person, you told me I was wrong and continued to hover him just in case he killed your precious Lydia. I said there was more to Derek and maybe we should hear him out. You continued to think he was some crazy mass murderer. Oh, right, and remember that time I told you you shouldn't go looking for Erica and Boyd alone, but you did it anyway and you ended up with a pistol-whipped face and Gerard could have killed you. Should I go on or? Because that's sophom*ore year alone."

"Okay, but I had good reasons for all of that."

You look to Scott with raised brows, wanting to laugh at the bullsh*t Stiles was feeding you. "You just proved my point."

Stiles moves his jaw back and forth, processing what you've just spilled to him. He isn't pleased but Stiles is never pleased when things don't go his way. Normally, you'd feel bad for displeasing him but today you weren't having any of his sh*t. You were growing tired of his nonsense and his sarcasm hit your final nerve.

"Well, fine." Stiles stands up as thunder rumbles through the house. "I'm gonna pee before the power goes out because trust me, peeing in the f*cking dark isn't fun. Unless, you wanna disagree with that, too?" His head co*cks to the right as he glares at you before walking off.

Scott lets out a breath as he moves to sit beside you, the couch sinking down with his weight. "What's up with you?" He asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Come on," Scott nudges you with his shoulder. "You don't snap on Stiles like that."

"Doesn't he just piss you off sometimes?"

"Of course." Scott chuckles lightly as lightning shines through the window. "It's Stiles but you're more than just pissed off. What'd he do?"

He let out a sigh and run a hand through your hair. "Blew me off for Lydia yesterday, again."

"Still like him, huh?"

"Psh, come on, Scott. Boys are so overrated." You shake your head but the comment is sarcastic, knowing you don't actually have to tell Scott your true feelings for Stiles.

"Why don't you just tell him?" Scott questions as if it's no big deal.

"Because," You groan, hating talking about it. "if he doesn't like me back then like it'll be awkward and if he does, what? We date awhile, break up, and never talk again?"

"Okay, but if he does and you two date and don't break up..." Scott reasons. "You don't know unless you try, y/n." Scott shrugs.

"You're always such an optimist. Does it ever get tiring?" You start laughing at the rhetorical question.

"I guess it comes naturally." Scott laughs with you just as Stiles walks into the room.

"At least someone was able to lift your spirits." Stiles says but he wasn't being sarcastic or funny, he seemed to have absorbed the attitude you projected onto him.

"Right, anyway," Scott starts but is cut off but a horrendous crack that thunders through the house, rattlings the windows as the power goes out.

"Amazing." You groan, staring at the window as a beam of lightning brightens the room for a few seconds.

"Even the storm is tired of listening to you complain." Stiles's voice hits your ears and without even being able to see him, you were sure he was glaring at you.

"There's candles and flashlights in the kitchen. I'll be back." Scott says and you feel the side of the couch lift up as he gets up.

"I'll come with you." You offer, standing up and pulling your phone from your pocket.

"I got it." Scott says, your phone light shining enough to get a glimpse of his face. "Just, ya know, wait here." Scott exits the room and you sigh, slumping back onto the couch but finding yourself half sitting on Stiles.

"You could look before you sit." He says but doesn't move you off of him.

"You could not just take someone's seat." You flip the flashlight on your phone on and place it on the coffee table to give some light.

"What's your problem?"

"No problem." You shake your head and move off his lap but you find yourself wishing you'd have just stayed.

"Why are you being so bitchy then?"

"If you have to ask, it's not worth it." You cross your arms and slouch into the couch.

"Is this about last night?" Stiles resituates himself so he can face you. The light from your phone hits his face just right, almost making you forgive your annoyance with him.

"Yeah." You say quietly, embarrassment creeping onto your face as you know Stiles is going to force you to talk about why last night would have upset you. Although, he should figure it out himself.

"What's so wrong? She needed me, you know how that is."

"No, I don't. Because when I need you, you always seem to be with Lydia. But when I need Scott, he leaves Malia and comes to me because he's a good friend. You're too much up Lydia's ass to even bother to ask how I'm doing. So, no Stiles, I don't really know what that's like but thanks for finally asking. " Your sarcasm takes over at the end of your small rant, not wanting to give away just how hurt you were by his actions.

"Why didn't you just tell me?"

"Because," You start but stop, not really sure how you should answer it. The only real answer you had was for him to just stop being so utterly oblivious and maybe he'd figure it out but you knew that really wouldn't get you very far and would just lead to a giant argument. "I just, I don't know, okay?" Just then, another flash of lightning comes through the room. You're able to see his arms, slight veins sticking out of them and goosebumps trailing down his forearm. "I didn't really think I had to point it out for you."

"Point what out?" He asks, his voice rising with more confusion.

"You...look really good." You say, fighting agaisnt yourself.

"Uh, thanks?" His brows furrow.

"I mean, you look good like all the time with your brown hair and brown eyes. And you're, ya know, five foot eight."

"Wait." Stiles's eyes widen with another crack of thunder in the background of your conversation. "You like me?"

"Uh, maybe?" You look at him quizzically.

"What do you mean maybe?"

"I mean, what if I did?"

"Then, maybe I like you...too?"

"Wait. Really?" You nearly yell, realizing maybe you weren't the only one oblivious. "Why didn't you say anything then?"

"I didn't think you liked me!"

"How could I not?" You come right back.

"Because, you're f*cking beautiful and smart, funny. You're one of the best people I've ever met. I just, didn't think you'd go for me." Stiles says almost too fast for you to understand.

"Oh...well I do. Like a f*cking lot." You say without any hesitance.

"You really like me." Stiles says, a giant smile plastered across his face.

"You really like me." You repeat, holding the same smile with tinted cheeks.

"I've been dying to do this." Stiles says with excitement as he grasps your cheeks gently and pulls your mouth to his. Butterflies swarm in your stomach as your heart flutters and you completely melt under him, finally getting the one thing you've wanted for so long.

"Finally." Scott jokes, breaking up the kiss all too soon. "Took you two long enough."

#stiles imagine#stiles stilinski#teen wolf#scott mccall#stiles x reader#stiles stilinski x reader#stiles stilinski imagine#request#dylan o'brien#tyler posey#prompt 32#prompt 36

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daughterof-chaos · 7 years


Nothing But a Whisper

#I don’t need my friends pulling a Demi Lovato and sending him LEAVE HER ALONE GET A JOB messages lmao | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (19)

Author’s Note: This is a Happy Lowman imagine based on Body Say by Demi Lovato as requested by the lovely @lovatolowman23. This is also imagine number 7 for Music Monday #2! I hope you enjoy it doll! **WARNING** this imagine is smut-tastic.

This is my work–originally posted to my old blog @callmemrskozik which is no longer in use. Just wanted to put it out there so people don’t fill up my inbox accusing me of plagiarism.

Nothing but a Whisper


If I had it my way, I would take you downIf I had it my way, I would turn you outAnd if my body had a say, I would come againScared of what I might say, cause I’m at the edgeAnd our eyes are crossing paths across the roomThere’s only one thing left for us to doYou can touch me with slow handsSpeed it up, baby, make me sweatDreamland, take me there cause I want your sexIf my body had a say, I wouldn’t turn awayTouch, make love, taste youIf my body told the truth, baby I would doJust what I want to


Hurricane Paige blew into their lives creating a path of destruction in such a way that leaves people believing whole heartedly that they were happy it happened, including him. The party at Diosa is well underway, and while he normally would have found a girl to bury himself into by now, he can’t take his eyes off of her.

Paige laughs, head tipping back to expose the long line of her throat and licking his lips he’s filled with the desperate need to sink his teeth into her. She’s effectively shut down every man whose come her way, and for a moment he wonders if the reason she dismisses them is because she has a taste for other women, but when her eyes meet his he notices the spark of lust that flashes quickly in her eyes before she looks away and with a smile of his own he pops another toothpick into his mouth as he contemplates how best to catch a hurricane.


Paige excuses herself to the restroom, and slipping inside she presses her back to the door. Life among the Sons has been anything but boring, and pressing her thighs tightly together she realizes it’s been a lesson in self-control more than anything else. It wasn’t that she wasn’t attracted to the men who approached her; she wasn’t dead after all, but she remembered the warning her mother gave her before she left home to stay with her best friend Lyla.

“Don’t get wrapped up in a Son Paigey,” her mother said a soft smile on her lips as she hugged her good bye, “you’ll end up dead, or worse, in love.”

No amount of warning though could have prepared her for the onslaught of need, especially when she sees him staring at her from across the room. Happy. There’s something dark about him, and while it would send most running in the opposite direction it sent a thrill through her that pulls a moan from her lips.


If I had it my way, I would take the leadAnd if I had it my way, I would take you deepIf my body had a say, I’d get it off my chestShow you all the red lace underneath this dressAnd our eyes are crossing paths across the roomThere’s only one thing left for us to doYou can touch me with slow handsSpeed it up, baby, make me sweatDreamland, take me there cause I want your sexIf my body had a say, I wouldn’t turn awayTouch, make love, taste youIf my body told the truth, baby I would doJust what I want to


She can imagine what it would feel like to have his hands on her, and closing her eyes she lets the fantasy spiral out.

She’d walk out of the bathroom, one goal in mind, and when she found him, she’d take him by the hand, leading him to a vacant room. He’d try to take control, a man like that would have to, but she wouldn’t let him. No, she’d be the one in charge; pushing him onto the bed so he can watch her undress, revealing the red lace hiding under the skin tight black material of her dress, and when at last his hands did touch her they’d be rough, demanding.

And she’d give. Letting him sink into her, taking him as deep as he can go, and when he pushed her to her limit, she’d find a way to push herself a little bit further. For him.


He watched her slip down the hall, and when minutes tick by and she doesn’t come back, he decides to search her out. He presses through the crowd of people, finding an eerie peace when the music muffles behind him as he steps into the hall Paige disappeared down. His steps are slow and deliberate as he peaks his head into each room he passes, each time he finds that she’s nowhere to be found, and just when he’s about to give up he hears a soft moan coming from the bathroom. He pushes the door open just enough to peer inside, and his mouth goes dry when he finds Paige, dressed pulled down to reveal lace covered breasts, a hand cupping one while her other hand dips into the matching lacey panties.

Her eyes are closed as she presses her head back against the wall, and without thinking he walks in, letting the door slide closed behind him. He’s gone completely rock hard in his jeans, and as much as he wants to grasp himself, he can’t. He’s too busy watching Paige.

“Mmm…” she moans, and after a few more minutes her chest starts to heave, and she comes, loudly.

“Damn baby…” the words slip from his lips and to her credit she only jumps a little when realizing she isn’t alone.


My mind is getting in the wayCan’t feel what my body sayI'mma tell you anywayI'mma tell you anywayMy mind is getting in the wayCan’t feel what my body sayI'mma show you anywayI'mma show you anywayThere’s only one thing left for us to doOh, you can


The remnants of her org*sm still roll through her and that’s what she attributes the fact that she hasn’t fallen over from embarrassment to. Happy stares at her, and she recognizes the look in his eyes.

Pure, unfiltered lust.

She wants to act, but her Momma’s voice in her head rings loud.

She’s desperate to taste him, to feel him buried inside of her, to ride and be ridden…

If she could just get her body and mind to be on the same page.

Her eyes stay on his as he draws closer, and when he stands close enough for her to reach out and touch, the breath catches in her chest.

“I want you Paige,” his voice is a rasp that causes her belly to clench, and deciding that her mind is just going to have to deal with the consequences later, she closes the distance between them, her lips pressing to his. He kisses her almost violently as he lifts her up, circling them out of the bathroom and into the closest room.


You can touch me with slow handsSpeed it up, baby, make me sweatDreamland, take me there cause I want your sexIf my body had a say, I wouldn’t turn awayTouch, make love, taste youIf my body told the truth, baby I would doJust what I want toYou can touch me with slow handsDreamlandIf my body had a say, I wouldn’t turn awayTouch, make love, taste youIf my body told the truth, baby I would doJust what I want to


She smirks as she pulls the zipper of her dress back up, her eyes on Happy’s sleeping form. He’s flat on his back, the sheet pulled to his waist, one hand under his head while his other palm is flat on his stomach.

Even in sleep he gives off an air of intimidation.

She gathers her shoes up and crosses to him, pressing her lips to his temple, and when his eyes flicker and slide open she grins down at him before pressing her lips to his one more time.

“You were better than I imagined,” her lips curve against his ear and before he can make a grab for her to show just how much better he can be she slips away leaving nothing but a whisper of her laughter behind.

#Sons of Anarchy#SAMPERV#Happy Lowman#Fanfiction#fanfic#smuttastic

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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.