Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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Fort Worth Star-Telegrami

Fort Worth, Texas

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LJ MONDAY SEPTEMBER 21933 FORT WORTH EVENING Keeps on And Just Look at Wins Beauty Air Head nI THROUGHOUT THE WORLD PEOPLE HAVE VARIOUS RITES OR OBSERVANCES THAT- are carried out at wedding ceremonies Here is the latest and most unique guard of honor in a guard of nurses and babies This unusual scene is the marriage of Dr Murray Fraser of Halifax Nova Scotia to Miss Audrey Roulston of St Nova Scotia Theirs was the first marriage ceremony performed in the church of the Rotunda Maternity Hospital Dublin Ireland They both were very pleased notice their smiling faces CROWNED NORTH AT A BEAUTY-pageant at Old Orchard Maine Miss Jerri Starr (left) of Montreal received her trophy from Marion Moll hlond Philadelphia model Miss Starr is a brunet weighs 100 pounds and is exactly five feet She said she probably would seek a film role in Hollywood THE FAST STEPPING PEARL DERBY KEPT on trotting to finish after losing her driver in a remarkable spill caught by the camera at Sydney Australia as the President Handicap was being contested Note that the driver is directly in the path' of next horse He escaped serious injury Labor Counts Gains Discusses Problems Fort Worth Rainfall During Last 10 ears I IYER BURIAL I THE PORTRAIT OF THE duch*ess of Devonshire attributed to Gainsborough for which Morgan Sr paid SI 50000 it declared a faka by art experts CLEVELAND Sept 2 Harold Neumann the Moline 111 air Cash sought his third straight day of stardom at the National Air Races Monday as he joined nine other pilots in the Thompson trophy race the world speed classic for land planes Neumann who thrilled the thousands of spectators Sunday by winning the third and final lap of the Greve trophy race after taking the first two heats Saturday said he would pilot Benny in the Thompson speed test "Mr is the same plane Howard piloted to win the Los Angeles to Cleveland Bendix race Friday CoL Roscoe Turner who came in second in the Bendix race in an elapsed time of 23 seconds behind Howard was expected to give Neumann a close contest Free-for-All The Thompson race outstanding event of the National Air Races is open to any type of airplane and is a free-for-all for men pilots It will be over a distance of 150 miles in la laps ever a 15-mile course Qualifying speed is 225 miles an hour Officials said 12 planes are entered in the Thompson race but that only 10 are expected to start Competing with Neumann and Turner providing they qualify will be Wittman Oshkosh Wis Woods (Penny) Olers Henryetta Okla Marion McKeen Hollywood CaL Lee Miles Oklahoma City Gordon Israel Chicago A Kling Lemont HI Art Chester Moline HI and David Elmendorf Los Angeles The winner takes a cash prize of $6750 with the remainder of $15-000 divided up among second third fourth and fifth place winners Expect New Record During the Thompson trials a new world land plane record is looked for spectators had unscheduled thrills when the plane of one of three skywriting stunt pilots appeared to burst into Came while soaring above the grandstands Surplus oil in the cowling was on fire The pilot did not know of the incident until after the three planes landed and then it was impossible to tell which plane had been afire A high wind which blew the parachute jumpers all over the Held caused one to narrowly miss the grandstand It landed on an awning Clifford Henderson managing director estimated attendance at 75000 persons A colorful fireworks display will bring the races to a close tonight MISSING MAN (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) the fabled gold fields of Cripple Creek and an investor in oil and life insurance enterprises Ady is a native of Newton Kan who came here in 1895 His marriage to the former Mrs Burns took place in St Church in New York in 1920 The estate of her late husband was estimated as high as $6000000 A capitalist with- varied interests for two decades Ady had curtailed his activity -somewhat in recent months MISSING MAN IS BROTHER OF ROSCOE ADY FORT WORTH Joseph Ady Jr 53 missing from his Colorado Springs home since Friday night is a brother of Roscoe Ady director of publicity for the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce Fear was expressed by the local man that his brother might have suffered a heart attack The missing man had been ill of a heart ailment several years having taken treatment in Austria recently The capitalist relatives here were Informed cashed a $35 check in Colorado Springs a short time after leaving his home SQUADRON GENERAL Valle and not Marshal Balbo ransatlautic armada leader is expected to command the Italian air force in Ethiopia S1B73B7 Pii Applications for $167367 in loans and grants were received at state PWA headquarters here Monday as officials and their staffs worked throughout a holiday in an effort to have on file as many applications as possible by midnight Thursday the state deadline on requests for PWA funds The office will remain open until midnight Thursday Julian Montgomery acting state director said Monday Following is a list of the applications received Monday: Protect waterworks $5000 Texas College of Arts and Industries Kingsville museum $25000 Booker swimming pooj $10000 Cooper rest room $4-000 Roaring Springs fire station $1500 Harlingen school improvements $25000 Pyron Consolidated County Line High School $33633 Progress school building $8500 and Timpson swimming pool $19734 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) from Burbank Hollywood and Los Angeles answered the alarm At the airport the Western Air Express operations department reported the plane made a perfect takeoff in the face of overcast skies and some fog As the big metal ship passed over the administration building in a circuit of the field however its motors were heard to misfire A mile from the airport the plane seemed to waver and the pilot apparently tried to head it back fighting adverse winds and failing power Several poles were torn down by the impact as the plane turned into a roaring furnace smashed on into dairy barns on the Walter Thompson ranch i Sherwood was one of the veterans of Western Air Express having joined the organization shortly after it was formed in 1924 and remaining almost continuously in its service Burlew a graduate of Stanford University several years ago had been' with the airline about two months He leaves his father and mother Dr and Mrs Jesse Bur-lew and his widow Lucille all of Santa Ana Cal 'Miss Naylor went to work for the air company last Feb 1 Members of her family were not at home soon after the mishap (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10) tually was evacuated Sunday night as residents fled to higher ground Key West boarded up in preparation for the storm and shipping in the Keys and as far up the coast as Miami took to cover Northeast storm varhings flew around the tip of the peninsula from Miami to Fort Myers The weather -was squally Reports to the colonial government at Nassau said the Bahama Islands escaped with' minor damage and no casualties when the storm passed over Long Island and just below Andros Island One boat sank but its crew was saved PATRONAGE POLICY OF NEW DEAL CRITICIZED WASHINGTON Sept 2 The Republican national committee in a statement describing all persons named to federal jobs as Monday took exception to the patronage policy The statement said 150000 persons have been added to the Government payroll during the New Deal adding that all federal agencies no one can obtain a job unless he or she has the indorsem*nt of a Democratic Congressman Senator or organization IS KILLED 15 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) head He was rushed to a hospital at Greenville where it was said his condition was critical Dunlap also in a Greenville hospital was said to' be in a serious condition Only five of the wounded required hospitalization They were Mc-Dougal and Dunlap and three who were taken to an Anderson hospital Leslie Taylor 25 shot in the abdomen George Bade 23 shot in the left leg and Saxon The other wounded received first aid treatment at the emergency hospital sta tion here and were discharged Attendants at the station said they treated "about but had no record on all of them Troops Bear Rifle Coroner Roy McCoy of Anderson County came here and made a preliminary investigation He said an inquest would be held but set no date for it Troops called out by the Governor who said he had statement to immediately were units of the Two Hundred and Sixty-third Coast Artillery each with three officers and 66 men They were ordered to duty armed with rifles andy sidearms CTurner a clerk in a store immediately across from the ipain plant of the mill said the shooting broke out at 6:10 bunch of strikers and sympathizers were picketing the main entrance and regular employes of the mill were in front of the plant op the little hill just before the trouble" he said "Other regular employes were also behind the strikers and sympathizers see any officers at first but they had said they would be present at the opening "The thing that started the shooting as I saw it was when Melton broke the picket line In his automobile to take his children to work Line Breaker Slugged Right away the shooting started Windows of car were shattered and somebody jumped on the running board and slugged him "In no time bullets were whistling everywhere The workers on the hill in front of the will and all the others it seemed started shooting some of the strikers set off about half a stick of dynamite out in the open It do any harm and looked like It was just exploded to eonfuse everybody fighting lasted only about five minutes "When the first bullets were fired the strikers began to run In a few minutes none was in sight was a crowd of about 300 here Just before the mill opened but a little later only a few of the regular workers were left the pickets ran they left Mrs Kelly dead and the others wounded Some of the wounded ran off I guess to see doctors "About the same time the shooting started at the main plant shooting started at the No 4 plant a mile from here somebody told TRIES TO STEAL AUTO WITH SLEEPING CHILD DALLAS Sept 2 A man was held in jail Monday after attempting to steal an automobile in which a sleeping child lay The man apparently was unaware that the child was in the car The parents of the girl Mr and Mrs Cox stopped the would-be thief and Cox held him until the arrival of officers An accomplice struck Mrs Cox with a crank THREE GIRLS HELD AS NORTH SIDE RUNAWAYS Thrt girls 12 13 and 15 were arrested Monday as runaways and told officers they had left their North Side homes "just for They explained they spent the night on the lawn of Circle Park They were arrested when they returned to the home of one Police say the trio will be turned over to uvenile authorities demand for a shorter work week was again put forward Monday with the estimate that 11000000 workers still are unemployed demands a five-day week a six-hour day and a wage that will enable a man and his family to live in reasonable said Frank Morrison A of secretary in his Labor Day message Among problems were list ed probable court tests of all the labor legislation enacted by the just adjourned Congress Leaders also pondered what success they would have at the next session with proposed legislation to re-establish NRA codes and to write the 30-hour week into law without 'a constitutional amendment Labor leaders were scattered over the country to make their speeches William Green federation president was at Canton Ohio and Morrison at Madison Wis Secretary Perkins planned to discuss the social security program in a radio speech to be broadcast from Boston on a coast-to-coast hookup Long Plops Stump Tour of Arkansas Texas Louisiana SHREVEPORT La Sept 2 UP) With Senator Long in the Midwest talking about publishing another book Dr Sanderson a political friend here declared Long had told him he planned a stump tour of several Louisiana Arkansas and Texas cities beginning Sept 14 Long said at Indianapolis Sunday night that his new book would be entitled "My- First Days in the White it contains one hell of a lot about what I would do in the White he said adding that it would be published within a month Long wrote his first book an autobiography several ears ago It was entitled "Every Man a The speaking tour as given by Dr Sanderson included Longview Texas Sept 21 US Payroll Is Up Another $1800000 WASHINGTON Sept 2 The Government payroll increased another $1800000 in July as the total of civil executive employes reached a new postwar high of 729769 The monthly statement of the Civil Service Commission showed federal payroll of $111110248 for July compared with $109295603 in June A total of 12057 workers were added to Government civil payrolls throughout the country bringing the total to 729769 compared with June's 717712 In the District of Columbia 104-498 workers were reported for July compared with 103453 in June and 102539 in May Main increases occurred in the general accounting office the Resettlement Administration the Tennessee Valley Authority and among temporary office workers for the Army and Navy COTTON PICKER STRIKE THREATENED IN SOUTH MEMPHIS Tenn Sept 2 CP) A strike of laborers in some of the cotton fields appeared likely Monday as officials of the Southern Tenant Farmers Union disclosed that organization has decided to ask cotton picking wages of $1 per hundred pounds Mitchell secretary said the executive council of the union had decided upon an organized strike possibly the first ever called among cotton field laborers as a means of fighting for the wage demands Local strike committees said Mitchell would determine dates on which strikes in their areas would begin Soldier Shot in Face SAN ANTONIO Sept 2 Priv Howard Faulkner of Company Twenty-third Infantry was shot through the face at his barracks Monday morning and a private from the same company was taken into custody by military WASHINGTON Sept 2 Organized labor stopped work-Monday to count its gains and discuss its problems At Labor Day rallies throughout the country union workingmen beard their leaders applaud enactment of the Wagner labor disputes law the Guffey bituminous coal stabilization act railroad pension measures and the social security program President Roosevelt and Congress were praised by some speakers In an address at Fairmont Va Sunday John Lewis president of the United Mine Workers and a vice president of the American Federation of Labor said the Roosevelt record- was so good that labor in the contest to come has no choice but to support the This declaration from the head of a union that claims upward of 500-000 members gave rise to speculation among the political-minded here as to whether the October convention in Atlantic City would indorse Roosevelt for re-election Typical of the gratitude felt by beneficiaries of The Star-Telegram Free Milk and Ice Fund were the contents of a letter received Monday from a family who asked for aid just long enough to get back on its feet It follows: take this liberty only to prove our appreciation and lifelong gratitude toward the milk and ice fund column and to a private family who so wholeheartedly and unselfishly came to our rescue In our Donations to Fund I Weekend donations to the I milk and ice fund: Few $100 I I Auxiliary of First I I Presbyterian Church in mem- I ory of Mrs Everett I sister Mrs I I Total $350 I I 4 time of great need they made possible two quarts of pure wholesome sweet milk daily for our little boy who was ill over three months and was saved at door by the competent and untiring care rendered by the wonderful doctors and nurses of the City-County Hospital "His continued and successful gain back to health was due to the great deeds of kindness to him and also to our little girl we do not believe in waiting until death to send a bouquet Also we firmly believe the Lord intended for those who recognize the fine things of life to be willing to tell it deeds certainly were done from Christian hearts not in search of praise Our daily and lifelong prayer unto all mentioned is that richest blessings be over ail in all undertakings and also that we may turn back to the- world seven-fold the beautiful blessings which have been ours from them and the city as a Mr and Mrs Hubert McBrayer 1000 Acres Under Water at Fabens EL PASO Sept 2 About 1000 acres were inundated and several families moved out of their homes as the swollen Rio Grande broke through levees in four places near Fabens 35 miles east of here Sunday night An early check revealed no casualties Fabens was In no danger but further damage to much crop land in that area was anticipated as the stream which reached its crest Sunday night slowly moved southward Hundreds of workmen were pressed into service in an attempt to lessen the water flow through the holes in the-levees (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) sentence should be deferred until the higher court rules on the appeal of Stevens a co-defendant given the death penalty the Gover nor stated "Even if Stevens is granted a new trial and if he should be given a lesser penalty at a second trial that is not sufficient basis for not carrying out the verdict against May A precedent was set for such a situation about two weeks ago when I did not Intercede In the electrocution of one of three codefendants two of whom were given the death penalty and the third 50 Stevens now is at Alcatraz Island prison off the coast of California serving a 27-year sentence for a mail robbery here Feb 21 1933 The murders at Handley according to the contention grew out of a quarrel over division of the loot The death conviction against Stevens now is on appeal before the Court of Criminal Appeals Liquor Law Indefinite In regard to the special session of the Legislature called for Sept 16 Governor Allred said he has not come to a definite opinion as to the kind of regulatory measure for the control of liquor which would be most satisfactory He is giving the matter a great deal of study he added and is having figures and statistics prepared by several state offi cials as a basis for estimating possible revenues "Any bill which is enacted should be subjected beforehand to a careful' scrutiny to determine if it will be legal in every he asserted "In passing new legislation it is easy to let legal flaws escape notice until the law is passed In my opinion the liquor control bill should be submitted to the Attorney General for his opinion on its complete legality and perhaps to other qualified The Governor commented that 0McKinsey of Weatherford Assistant Attorney General under administration as Attorney General has suggested might be a good thing to return to the old local option laws rather than attempt to branch out ce npletely into the field of new legislation on liquor There may be some merit to this Hands Bound The chief executive of the State is hopeful the relief situation largely will have been settled by the first of the year when revenue from the relief bonds is expected to be exhausted He reasoned enactment of the state old age pension system should help considerably and that functioning of the WPA to its fullest extent also will take care of many unemployed "Failure of the voters to pass the fourth amendment providing that constitutional amendments may be submitted at special sessions practically cripples the called session in efforts to pass any relief provisions other than the old age he explained special session can not bind the credft of the State or make any appropriations for In addition to liquor legislation and the old age pension system the special session also must adopt salary bill for officials in counties of more than 20000 population in accordance with the amendment abolishing the fee system in such counties the Governor said Senator Tom DeBerry who sponsored the amendment has notified the Governor he will start next week on preparation of a salary bill Allred added The Governor believes the special session can transact all the necessary business In 30 days BODY OF DROWNED MEXICAN IS SOUGHT LAREDO Sept Efforts were made Monday to recover the body of Juan Figueroa 26 who was drowned Sunday night while attempting to swim from the Mexican side to the American side of the Rio Grande Mario Figueroa a cousin and Simon Zepeda who were with Juan were jailed on charges of unlawfully entering the United States Another Tunnel of Gopher Is Believed Found LOS ANGELES Sept 2 UP) One of the many underground passageways of Herbert Wright criminal known as the "Human was believed found by police Monday It led under a bank in nearby Watts Wright now is serving a sentence of 2 to 20 years in San Quentin prison for robbery after being wounded and captured in an exciting police chase through a tunnel he had burrowed under a street intersection in downtown Hollywood The tunnel was discovered Sunday by carpenters tearing up a rotting floor In it were found an acetylene torch safebreaking tools tanks and hose It apparently had been abandoned about two years Officers who crawled through the burrow believed at first the persons who dug it may have perished in the Long Beach earthquake The hole was found to have an exit in the brush of a vacant lot across the street from the bank Three Are Held in Gunbattle Events CORSICANA Sept 2 Three men are in custody here charged in eight complaints as a result of investigations into incidents surround ing a gun battle at Frost Aug 14 when Nightwatchman Will Melton was seriously injured and David Stone 31 Dallas was shot fatally Robert Guy Phillips Dallas was arrested several days ago and Wood-row Weimer Dallas was arrested Saturday by Dallas officers Harvey Breazeale was arrested in Waco Sunday and brought to Corsicana The three are charged in complaints filed in Judge court with assault with intent to murder highway robbery conspiracy to commit murder con spiracy to commit burglary conspiracy to commit theft conspiracy to rob the Citizens State Bank and conspiracy to commit theft at the Citizens State Bank of Frost and conspiracy to commit highway robbery FARLEY SEES VICTORY WITH SAME PLURALITY NEW YORK Sept 2 Postmaster General Farley chairman of the Democratic National Committee and campaign manager for President Roosevelt predicts the re-election in 1936 "by exactly the same he had in 1932 Farley returned Sunday from a vacation that took him as far as Hawaii He minimized the possibility of a third party in 1936 and said he expected the fight to be straight out between liberals of the Roosevelt camp and conservative Republicans the President tells his story he will sell his bill of Farley said SPRINGTOWN SCHOOLS WILL OPEN ON SEPT 9 SPRINGTOWN Sept 2 Spring-town schools will open Sept 9 Supt Jack Coppage announced Monday The staff of instructors will include Joe Hart high school principal Charlie Rohrer grammar school principal Stone Arnold Munn Hufstedler and Misses Julia Monk Hazel Wren Mary Austin Juanita Davenport Lorea Davis Mary Boyd Alice Brooks and Valera Harper TO BET Edgar Mayer 65 vice president of Washer Brothers who died Sunday will be buried in Hebrew Rest Cemetery Tuesday after serv ices at 4:30 at Temple Beth-El Mr Mayer died of a heart attack at his home in the Forest Park Apartments i He had lived here 35 years and had been associated with Washer Brothers since 1916 His first position with that store was that of secretary-treasurer Mr Mayer was a Shriner a member of Masonic Lodge No 148 and of Congregation Beth-El He was a native of Indianapolis and had not been active in business for five years because of his health Surviving are his widow three brothers Max and Raymond Mayer Fort Worth and Dr Albert Mayer New York City and two sisters Mrs Leon Gross fort Worth and Mrs Aaron A Mann Henderson Ky Active pallbearers will be I Spencer Dan Barfield A Harris Harry Floyd Bean Matthews Joseph Wolf and Kirk Honorary pallbearers will be A Rosenthal Jacob Chanosky' Simon Carb Herman Leder man Dr Will Horn Massie Jul Baumann White Henry Spero Bass Ben A1 Shanblum McNaughton Morris Schiff Harold Amster Jacob Heninger Max Mehl I Horwitz Dan A Levy Dr Morris Badt Born and Frederick Dr A Woodward Max Gilbert Charles Hamilton Sol Gordon Dr Warwick Dr Gayle Miller Warren Ray William Me-Crea Morrissey Woltz Shannon Russell Griffith Theodore Mack Harry Walton Joel Rosen and Adolph Cohen Six Are Injured in Triple Collision SAN ANTONIO Sept 2 (JF) Six were injured one a San Antonio traffic policeman Monday night in a triple-automobile collision on the Austin highway 18 miles north of San Antonio The traffic officer is Charles Petri driver of one of the cars Another automobile collided with and then struck a third automobile behind the Petri machine according to the officer Petri and his wife were bruised and shaken up and their 2-year-old son was injured slightly Staff Sergt Ganshaw Third Squadron Randolph Field was driving the car behind Petri Mrs Ganshaw was bruised and cut and two children riding in the Ganshaw car were hurt Five Killed When Auto Hits Bridge SIBLEY Iowa Sept 2 Five Worthington Minn young men were dead here today of injuries sustained yesterday when their automobile crashed into the railing of a concrete bridge at 65 miles an hour The dead: William Peters 24 Lloyd Kramer 19 Vincent Burns 20 Mike Long 26 and Glenn Wolf-ly 23 The speedometer of the ear crushed so badly that the motor was back of the windshield had jammed at 65 miles an hour i -v 4 i If.

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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.