Corpus Christi Caller-Times from Corpus Christi, Texas (2024)

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Corpus Christi Caller-Timesi

Corpus Christi, Texas

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rrmmro wwww -v- 4 '-yr Man Faces Union Leader Asks Mercury on COMPLETE NEWS OF SOUTH TEXAS PAGE 14C CORPUS CHRISTI TEXAS TUESDAY OCTOBER 20 1970 Victoria LAND OFFERED STATE BY WATER DISTRICT All Tangled Up In Leash Law Caller-Times Austin Bureau AUSTIN-An offer by a water district to the State of Texas of surplus land for park development purposes at Wesley Scale Dam reservior has been delivered to Parks and Wildlife Commission chairman Pearce Johnson Johnson said Monday he had received the offer in the mail in the past day or so and plans to turn it over to the Parks and Wildlife Department staff for their study and recommendations the way I handle these Johnson said be looking at Directors of the Lower Nueces River Water Supply District agreed Oct 8 to offer to the Parks and Wildlife Department 482 acres of land which includes three tracts on the north shore of Lake Corpus Christ! and the island tract in the lake The district because of maintenance problems decided the state which already maintains a 400-acre park at the lake would be the logical agency If the state Is not interested directors indicated they will consider selling the land to private dcvelo-pcors Decision to offer the land came at a meeting of the water district board Caller-Times News Service VICTORIA Tire question of stray dogs and increased impoundment fees and fines was again tabled by the city council when it met here Monday afternoon The dog problem has been the subject of long and detailed discussion at the last several council meetings with councilmen agreeing on the problem but disagreeing on a solution Bishops Affirm Role HOUSTON (AP) Episcopal bishops Monday approved the ordaining of women as deacons a first step toward the priesthood and revived the issue of their rights to become full priests and bishops It was the ordaining of a woman as a deacon which in the mid-'SOs brought a rebuke to the late Bishop James Pike from the bishops themselves As a deacon a person is re- Still Blue Law Wanting Effect Gted Canttfimt Ntwt itrvka A wanning that Texas blue laws would be strictly enforced in Alice apparently had an effect on local stores which had been violating the law the Jim Wells county attorney said Monday "Two stores which had been selling prohibited items on Sundays had the areas roped off in their buildings Arnold Garda said Garcia met last week with Alice Police Chief Edgar Jarratt and also with merchants concerning enforcement of the blue laws He said following Hurricane Celia merchants were permitted to sell any items because of the emergency However one or two continued to use the hurricane as an excuse prompting decision to enforce the law Garcia said the law provides that store managers and cashiers rolling prohibited items on a consecutive Saturday and Sunday can be fined $100 with each sale constituting a separate offense Dedication Set For Library At Falfurrias Calltr-Tmat Ntwt Sarvlca FALFURRIAS-Dedication of the new Ed Rachal Memorial Library formerly the Brooks County Pulidc Library is set for 2:30 pm Sunday Nov 8 The brief ceremony will be held in front of the new library located Just east of the Brooks County Courthouse and an open house at the new library will follow The present library will dose to tile public Oct 31 to fadlitate moving into the new library County officials also an-lunced nounce for the that a branch convenience of library library patrons in the southern pul of at Endno the county will open with a special ceremony at 7:30 Oct 29 A temporary II-ary station has been located in the Parish Hall of St Catholic Church A building for the hew branch library has been donated by Nicolas Cantu Jr with remodding furnished by Marcus Cantu Check Alcoa Plant Discharge Criticized CiHtMTimtt Ntwt ltrkt POINT COMFORT A leader of the steelworkers union here has asked the Texas Water Quality Board to rc-cxamlne complaints of mercury pollution inst the Aluminum Cor America plant Fred Mabry chairman of the safety and health committee of Local 4370 said Alcoa is losing 300 pounds of mercury daily mostly because of faulty and in adequate waste gas treating equipment At the present time in this Iant we have six people who ave obvious mercury poisoning" Mabry said Gordon Fulcher chairman of the Texas Water Quality Board Monday said he will ask the board's technical staff to look Into the complaint The board in September commended Alcoa and its Point Comfort plant manager for complying with TWQB order to reduce mercury discharge Fulcher said the plant had "drastically" cut the discharge from an offshore lagoon adja cent to the plant "We are glad to hear from any citizen who has concern" Fulcher said "This often leads to corrective actions I will ask that Mr statements be checked into If it is determined that they (Alcoa) arc errant we will take what remedial actions that need to be taken But it is necessary that the complaint be examined from a technical standpoint" Mabry's letter to Fulcher also complained (hat Alcoa seen fit to demote these people (the six who reportedly have mercury poisoning) to lower paying jobs with loss of senior! ty and other benefits of our con tract Mabry noted that: this plant mercury is still being discharged into the air and Is ultimately getting back Into La vaca Bay by condensation of mercury vapor in the air after it is cooled by natural forces and or by washing into the bay after it is cooled and settles on the land "This discharge of the mercury vapor into the air is due partly to Alcoa's efforts to reduce the contamination of the water directly but is due mostly to faulty and inadequate waste gas treating equipment We have people who work in this plant who will testify that Alcoa is losing about 300 pounds of mercury a day due to this faulty equipment" Mabry stated Mabry also sent a copy of the letter to State Rep Rex Braun of Houston a longtime opponent of industrial pollution who complimented his efforts and encouraged Mabry to keep up his fight Braun said Mabry's claim that Alcoa is still losing 300 pounds of mercury daily because of faulty equipment "is more than shocking it is an account of near-criminal conduct that should be stopped immediately" Braun said he will introduce a bill when the Legislature con venes in January proposing an Environmental Protection Act of 1971 which will give the people of Texas the legal standing needed for seeking injunctions to control such pollution Course Completed CtUtr-Timtt Ntwi Itrvlct KINGSVILLE Army Pfc David Garza 20 son of Mr and Mrs Luciano Garza of Kingsville has completed a 10-week ammunition storage course at the US Army Missile and Munitions School at Redstone Arsenal in Alabama Councilman Tom Evans chief advocate of stricter control pushed hard for Increasing the license fee from $150 to $3 and increasing impoundment fee to $10 and the fine for allowing a dog to run loose to $10 Evans also has advocated picking up all stray dogs on sight while other councilmen contend a complaint should be filed on a specific dog or owner before the animal is picked up During discussion it was found there are two current dog ordinances one adopted in and the other In 1969 which overlap making definitions un- The consei dear The consensus was to table further action until the two ordinances could he studied One councilman canceling both current ordinances and writing an entirely new one Speaking from the audience were Mrs Kenneth Edwards of the Six Flags Humane Society Mrs Henry Heinrich and Tom Snyder a postman in other business the council: to recommend to the park commission that it reconsi der its decision to make a motorcycle trail through about 18 acres of citv land near the sanitary land fill It also asked that the commission find a motorcycle trail outside the dty limits the second reading of an ordinance allowing benches with advertising to be placed on dty right-of-way The franchise was requested by Texign Inc a sesquicenten-nial committee will be formed to plan a celebration of the city's 150th birthday due in 1974 a report from John Balusek Jr director of public works concerning traffic 1 Howell inter- around ite School the mayor sign a lease with the Community Action Committee for the old city-county health center at 501 Depot St to be used child day care center results of a JayCee community improvement survey made by Harold Cobler Dennis Caka and Henry Glidden City Manager Auinonzea city Manager John Lee to negotiate a contract with A Robinson for trash containers to be placed along public streets a request from the Houston Pipeline Co for $1008 for removing a pipeline from dty right-of-way 2 Charges In Hit-Run Yoakum Oil Worker Arraigned As Result Of Traffic Death Calltr-TImtt Ntwi Strvlca Charles Alvin Hutit 31 of Yoakum an oil field worker was arraigned Monday on two charges resulting from the highway death of a Victoria youth Friday night Hardt was charged with fail ure to stop and render aid in Judge Alfed Justice of the Peace Court Bond was set at (1500 He was also charged with second degree negligent homicide in county court before Judge Wayne Hartman and bond on this charge was set at $1000 Hardt posted bonds on both charges The charges came as a result of a hit-and-run accident at 10:40 pm Friday when-John Michael Ley 15 of 202 Leisure Lane a student at Howell Intermediate School was killed and his brother Dennis 18 injured The two boys on a motorcycle were traveling north on US 77 when they were struck from behind by a car The motorcycle was dragged 377 feet partially under the car Dennis a student at Victoria High School was thrown clear while his brother was dragged an estimated 170 feet Following the accident the car left the scene and was later found abandoned on Salem Road Police reported pieces of the motorcycle under the car Hardt was arrested at 4:22 am Saturday at the home of his brother at 1516 Bonham Street in Victoria Arresting officers were Highway Patrolmen Dalton Meyer and Everette Hewett and city police officers and Car John Burney and Carl Beilis Mobile Home Park Law Discussed PORT LAVACA (Sp) City Planning Board members Monday night informally discussed possible provisions of a new mobile home park ordinance The board appeared to agree following a proposal by Adan Chavana that the ordinance should set lot size and provide for garbage and utility service right-of-way and street dedication Discussed at length was collection of property taxes on mobile homes "We want to get so strict as to run anybody out of town but we still want the mobile home owner to pay hisshare of the tax Chavana said City Manager Herman Lade-wig said that mobile home parte ordinances had been obtained from Houston San Antonio Corpus Christi and Beaumont Lyman Saylor board chairman later asked that an Austin ordinance be obtained Discussing requested state legislation whereby Port Lavaca would be authorized to enforce deed restrictions City Atty Mike Fricke said that the posed legislation might run into some opposition from other towns Thespians Set Play At Calhoun High CNItrTHntt Ntwi itrvlci PORT LAVACA (Sp) The National Thespian Society of Calhoun High School will present by Mary Chase Thursday and Saturday nights in the school auditorium Curtain time will be 8 pm Pat Ryan will play the role of Elwnod Dowd Other members of the east are Dianne Mowen Cvnthia Hubbard Brenda Nolen Glvnda Palmer Pat Lancaster Steve Whalen Gary Smith John Dier-lam Carla Bsrilleaux Bruce Lutrinper Jayme and Richard Poole Kay Holt is understudy Mrs Pat Jurek is Thespian sponsor Tickets will be $1 for adults and 50 cents for advance student ticket sales All tickets at the box office will be $1 Bids Requested In Kingsville CtHtr-TKntt Ntwt Strvlca Bids on six police cars two garbage trucks and other items will be opened by the Kingsville City Commission on Nov 2 at 4 pm The police units include three -I 4 3 i GOOD WEATHER FOR MAXIS Cod damp weather over the weekend keep Susan Stone from wearing a miniskirt downtown in San Antonio But she did wear a coat Susan is a junior speech major at the University of Texas-Austin (APWirephoto) Riot Caller-Times News Service KINGSVILLE In a 20-minute session Monday afternoon the Kingsville City Commission cleared a seven-item agenda and then spent an hour in a workshop session discussing a proposed bond issue The commission accepted two bids totaling $14946 for purchase of police equipment designed to quell civil disorders Motorola of Corpus Christi was awarded a $8730 Nor was being a considered a stage on the way to the priesthood A deacon however is the initial role of a minister headed for the priesthood although present canons bar that additional step to women A deacon as a member of the clergy can officiate in funerals and at civil marriages but is not qualified under church rules to pronounce the final marriage blessing However the Rev Phyllis Edwards ordained a deacon in California in 1964 by the late Bishop Pike reportedly has officiated in marriage services She is now working in the Diocese of Chicago After the late Bishop Pike ordained her the House of Bishops subsequently rebuked him for the action saying it was unilaterally improper and unau-irized and told him not to proceed with admitting her to the priesthood Asked if the procedure approved by the bishops here was the same as that used by Bishop Pike Bishop Ned Cole of Syracuse said "Basically it is" Four young Episcopal women who have completed seminary training and seek ordination to the priesthood were here at the convention and have crystallized the issue "The Gospel says we are whole people" commented one of them Suzanne Hiatt of Philadelphia after the deputies turned down the move to recognize women's rights to priests "But the convention says we are not" Ranch Tour Slated Today at Victoria CtOtr-Tbntt Ntwi Itnrtct VICTORIA A ranch sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce has been scheduled for Tuesday it has been announced The tour is scheduled to leave the chamber office at 8:30 am under the direction of Wayne Gilbreath The group will visit the Joe Dial ranch and the Henry Clay Koontz ranch were arrested in Galveston four days after the robbery and had part of the coins in their possession The trial court overruled a defense motion to quash the venire panel from which the Jury was to be selected after the defense had stipulated that the defendant had not been furnished a list of prospective Jurors Court-appointed attorneys for Wright were Nelson Sharpe and Ben A Martinez A Jury was selected and Wright was tried found guilty and sentenced to 30 years the penitentiary Another man Cedi Evans of Galveston who was arrested along with Wright for the Kingsville robbery was sentenced to life in prison after pleading guilty in Februai 1969 Evans also was charged San Antonio in connection with the June 1968 theft of -the $365000 McFSrlin diamond from San Antonio museum Yancey garden in holy orders and is listed on the roster of clergymen with the title of reverend A deacon may preach teach be put in charge of a congregation and distribute communion but not consecrate the bread and wine The action by the House of Bishops remains subject to rati fication by the other branch of the 34-million member denomination's bicameral legislative convention the lay-clergy House of Deputies It marked a developing shift in the attitude toward women's role in the ministry an office historically restricted to men In Catholic tradition which the Episcopal Church shares along with its links to Protestantism The bishops after voting to change the church laws to admit women to the dcaconate also agreed to take up the question of their eligibility for the priesthood and to be bishops The deputies in a closely divided ballot Saturday had rejected a proposal to affirm women's rights to become priests or bishops In the House of Bishops however Bishop Gerald Burrill of Chicago introduced a resolution to endorse the "principle for ordination of women to the priesthood" and for their consecration as bishops The resolution would not immediately change the church's rules against women priests since the other house has rejected the proposal but would put the bishops behind such a change "Everybody is saying the change will be made at the next convention" said Dr Jeannette Picard 75 of Minneapolis wife of the famed balloon aviation expert She has long advocated admission to the clergy In approving the ordering of women as deacons the bishops moved to clear up the vague status of the women deaconesses 30 of them who have not had clery standing nished to the defendant after the state announced it would seek the death penalty in the Texas law requires that defendants in capital cases if they are in jail be given at least two days to examine the list of veniremen The state had contended that the list was available in the district office to the defense attorneys However the law puts the burden on the state to tarnish the defendant with a list of prospective Jurors the appelate court ruled Wright was convicted in 105th District Court in July 1969 for the armed robbeiy of Ben nett of Kiqgville in which a $100000 coin collection was stolen According to court records Wright and a companion entered Bennett's home on Jan 2 1969 struck the 68-yearold victim in the face with a pistol and left him tied in his home He later was found by his daughter later was found by his daughter Wright and his companion ons Victoria School Clinic To Give Immunizations CtNlf-THnw Ntwt StrvlM VICTORIA The Victoria Independent School District will sponsor a free immunization clinic from 2 to 4 pm Sunday at the Hoplins 1 a School and Victoria High School AH students through 10 years of age who have not received immunization against rubella sometimes called German or Ihree-day measles diphtheria tetanus or polio are urged to register for the program scho ool official announced Parental permission must be obtained to receive the free shots and permission slips are available at all schools School Superintendent Chandler said more than 4000 students had registered Local doctors nurses and civic cluhs have donated their time to the program The vaccine is being provided by the state ialth partment iff Health Eggers Slates Speech at CtHtr-Ttam Ntwi Strvka Paul Eggers Republican candidate for governor will speak at Texas AAI University Tuesday His 4:30 pm speech In the Biology-Earth Sciences Auditorium will be followed by a ques-tion-and-answer session Eggers will be accompanied by his wife 1 Alice Club To Hear Midland Speaker Mltr-Tliiwt Ntwt Stnrfct ALICE Mrs' Pete Minnerly of Midland will be guest speaker at a meeting of the Alice Desk Derrick Quo at 8 pm Thursday in the Americana Motor Hotel Mrs Minnerly is executive assistant to W' Wiseman Jr independent oil producer and op-erator at Midland Defendant Wins New Trial For Kingsville Coin Robbery contract on a lone bid to furnish radio equpiment Helmets Masks Ray Gabba of Kingsville second low bidder on other items was given a $621044 contract to furnish items ranging from safety helmets and gas masks to riot shotguns and rifles George Cake Co of Dallas bid $94 under bid but commissioners accepted the local bid on recom-mendatio ation of Police Chief Paul Hulsey The city has received a federal grant of some $16000 for the equipment purchase In other action Monday the commissioners: a plaque to John Suurlock who is retiring as a city fireman after 24 yean service including some four yean as a relief fireman Spurlock also received a fishing rod and reel from his fellow firemen no protests at a public hearing on closing East Warren Street between South Sixth Street and the Missouri Pacific railroad tracks and ordered the street closed and the land returned to adjacent property owners Receives Fid Bids bds on furnishing gasoline and diesel feel to the city for the coming year but tabled them for study Gulf Oil Co of Houston was apparent low bidder at 144 cents a gallon for gasoline and 115 cents for diesel fuel the city commission meeting set for Oct 26 because city officials will be at- (ending the Texas Municipal League conventions Fort Worth on final reading a zoning ordinance and on second reading a new parade ordinance To Attend State Meet ImvWI SAN DIEGO Garcia of San Dino will represent the Duval-Jim Wells counties unit of the American Cancer Society at the state meeting in Fort Worth Oct 21 and 22 FOR HOME DELIVERY OF THE Corpus htistt Met I 1 I Nave the Cerpw Christi CeNer Befivmd te Taw Beevstep Early Each Minlaf Jhaaa Aftat Nearest Yea Alee M04-3511 Placed 2801 Araasas Pass 758-2541 Pert Arieses BeevMe FIS-14I9 PerHaad 113-4141 Neaavidas C14-3232 Pert Laveca 524-3074 Bishep 514-2171 Premeet 349-3544 Caere 975-3535 lefapie LAM 143 457-3335 Rockpert 729-2767 325-2312 labsleara -m 884-201 1 hear EX4-7247 Siataa EM4-1870 Pattaa 729-4173 Yaft 528-3017 CearpeWast mm 449-5491 Mad Ml 5-3324 Tfcrf Kw laplasida 774-2149 449-5491 ia Caarpe Was! Neaady 019-3252 Vkteria 575-5171 Biapsvle IY2-5940 Weedshere 3-4722 Hathb imMumw RI7-2128 Yeahaai iminm AX3-2181 Odeai 3291 Yarhtewa CR5-3473 MOBNINO ar EVENINGS A I and SUNDAYS OO wk I By ELEANOR MORTENSEN Caller-Times Staff Writer KINGSVILLE A man convicted and sentenced to 30 years for a $100000 coin robbery in Kingsville will get a new trial as the result of action by the appe late court in Austin The Court of Criminal Appeals Friday overruled the motion for a rehearing on the appelate court's decision last July ordering a new trial for Wright of Galveston who still is being held in Kleberg County JaiL Papers on the appelate actions were received by Miss Hazen Kramme Kleberg County district clerk Monday morning Dlst Atty William Mobley of Corpus Christ! had appeared before the higher court in Austin last week In support of his motion for a rehearing The appelate court in mid-July reversed the lower action on grounds that a list of action on grounds that a list of 1971 four-door station wagons to be used as combined ambulance-patrol cars and three 1971 fourdoor sedans The garbage trucks Include a 1971 20000 pound GVW rated truck and a 1971 27500 pound GVW rated truck Bids also are requested on one 16-foot dump brush body one 20-foot brush body and on office ies for the city for the coming year i F- prospective Jurors was not fur-1 tiA I.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.