Até você aparecer - Chapter 15 - withtheoldstars - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

Regulus slammed his fist into the steering wheel, tears streaming down his face. He hadn't shed a tear when his parents died. Not even at their funeral. He didn't cry when he saw Sirius' bleeding face, a mask of crimson. He kept everything bottled up inside, all the bad feelings so deep within that they began to eat him alive, consume him from within.

His heart pounded furiously, and he felt as though he might vomit, but each time he opened his mouth, only more tears and sobs erupted from his throat.

It was all coming out of him. Every nightmare. Every harrowing night. His broken relationship with his brother. His fear of abandonment. His fear of losing James.

When he got caught at yet another red light, Regulus screamed inside the car, his cries drowned out by the blare of horns and the light rain outside.

His mobile rang, and Narcissa's name appeared on the screen—undoubtedly wanting to know his whereabouts after he had brazenly taken her keys and stolen her car.

He ignored it and tried once again to call James. Straight to voicemail. He tried Sirius. Voicemail. He tried Barty. Evan. Dorcas. Voicemail. Voicemail. Voicemail.

More tears fell down his face, uncontrollable now that he had started to cry. Regulus repeatedly punched the steering wheel again and screamed once more. If something happened to James, he would never forgive himself.

Bellatrix could have arranged anything, but based on what he got from Narcissa before running off, she was likely keeping tabs on the Hogwarts Fight Club and had orchestrated an ambush to sabotage James. His cousin was exactly the sort of person who would harm countless others just to settle a score with one person—she didn't give a f*ck that other influential figures like Crouch or Rosier might be collateral. No, she was indifferent to the consequences, as long as it meant bringing harm to James.

She arranged an ambush for the police to catch the fight club. She was risking years of a system simply because Regulus had irritated her. And now that she had control of the inheritance and already had put Sirius in the hospital, she knew the most effective way to get back at him was to mess with James.

He just had to get there before the fight started. It would be better if he arrived before the betting began, but the world wasn't perfect, and Regulus wasn't the best driver.

The final between James and Evan would take place around Hogwarts, as all the matches had, but with a slight difference - due to issues with the police, they relocated this final showdown to what all the students referred to as the dungeons. Underneath Hogwarts lay several unused rooms. These corridors were far underground, carved from rough-hewn stone, the walls bearing the scars of time like wrinkled skin. The air was thick with the musty scent of age, and the dampness seeped through the ancient stones. So so far underground that there was no reception.

No f*cking reception.

He breathed as James had taught him. Inhaling deeply through his nose, he counted slowly to five. He held his breath, counting to five again, and then exhaled through his mouth, counting to five once more.

He calmed himself. He was calm. Regulus was calm.

A loud honk sounded from the car behind, and Regulus turned angrily, lowering his car window. "Fuch off, you bloody wanker! Give me a f*cking second!"

The thought of hurting James haunted him deeply. But, he already had. He ran away from him and left him to suffer. He had already hurt James because that's what he did.


He shook his head, dismissing the thought from his mind. No. He was not like that anymore.

It was thinking about James that drove him to accelerate the car, the sound of the tyres gripping the road echoing in his ears.

He turned back to face forward, and as soon as the lights turned green, he accelerated the car and swerved sharply, cutting off the car next to him. He sped through the streets of Islington, weaving through traffic and taking sharp turns with reckless abandon. Ignoring his cousin's phone calls, he raced down Pentonville Road towards King's Cross. As he approached King's Cross, he barely slowed, dodging the other vehicles - which earned him angry honks. He continued at this breakneck pace, crossing Euston Road and finally making his way into Bloomsbury. He didn't ease up until he reached Hogwarts, where he finally slowed to a stop, his heart still pounding from the wild drive.

He was in the heart of London, in Bloomsbury, central London, on the main campus of Hogwarts where below lay the infamous dungeons. He didn't want to imagine how many police officers would show up there if they were called.

Regulus jumped and gazed at the entrance to Hogwarts, where the magnificent main castle loomed in the distance. The grand neoclassical façade of Hogwarts, its columns and pediments echoing the classical ancient architecture. He left the car parked in the middle of the pavement, without bothering to close it properly. With Narcissa now possessing half of his money, the c*nt could afford a new car. He dashed towards the gate and started to climb, paying no heed to the doorman's shouts.

"What on earth are you doing, boy?" Hagrid, the long-time doorman of Hogwarts, started to give chase, but Regulus was relentless.

"Apologises! You can keep the car for yourself if you like," Regulus threw the keys back and carried on running.

Regulus had heard from Barty how to get to the basem*nt where the fight was set to take place if he wanted to appear there after signing the inheritance transfer papers. Making his way through the dimly lit corridors of Hogwarts, Regulus finally located the entrance just after passing a majestic statue depicting one of the university's founders. The statue stood tall and imposing, carved in exquisite detail. Beyond it, Regulus found himself facing a pair of massive oak doors, intricately carved with ornate patterns and adorned with ancient symbols. Regulus didn't usually wander around this part of the university, but he knew these doors were typically kept locked. It was another sure sign that influential figures, not just students, were involved in these fights.

With a deep breath, Regulus pushed open one of the doors, revealing a stairwell leading down into the depths of the castle. The stone steps descended into darkness, their edges worn smooth by the countless footsteps of students and staff over the years. The distant echoes of voices and the faint flicker of lights hinted, drawing Regulus closer.

He sprinted down the stairs and came face to face with one of the Prewett twins - Gideon - counting money as he leaned against the door that led to the room where the fight was going to take place. The corridor stretched ahead, lined with numerous other doors and staircases leading further down

"Prewett!" he called out, lifting his chin as he shouted.

Prewett's eyes were huge even in the softly lit hallway. "Baby Black? What the bloody hell are you doing-"

"The f*cking police could be here any minute, and I'm not letting James get arrested. So, you can kindly f*ck off or I'm going full mental on you!"

He had said it in the same manner he'd seen his brother act so many times in fights. Prewett's gaze briefly lowered to him as he was taller than he was, but then returned to Regulus's face as he sidestepped. Regulus's expression and words had the power to sway him without the need for any punches.

Regulus pushed open the hefty doors and entered a vast, elongated basem*nt bustling with possibly hundreds of students. It was the liveliest and most crowded match he had ever witnessed - there were those accustomed to attending every fight and others who were new to the experience. They waved money in the air, sipped drinks, and laughed eagerly as they waited.

Looking around, he noticed several separate rooms in the right corner and knew that James would be in one of them. He didn't need to push through the crowd; they were already making way for him to pass. As he neared the doors, one marked GRYFFINDOR in red and the other SLYTHERIN in green, he placed his hand on the faded red paint and pushed the door open.

"You've got some bloody nerve!" McKinnon was the first to spot him.

Marlene had some bruises on her face, probably from the fight against Evan. She followed his gaze behind him as if expecting someone to appear. Lily and Mary stood close to her with curious looks and crossed arms. The last time he had seen them, he had told Lily to go piss off.

His brother was there, a cigarette behind his ear, watching him intently, his face expressionless and motionless. Right next to him was James, standing with tense shoulders, focused on wrapping his hands with the white bandages that would help prevent injuries. Despite Regulus’ presence, James didn’t raise his eyes, his attention firmly fixed on his task, and the tension in the room was palpable.

He swept his eyes quickly again around the room, focusing on his brother for a second longer.

"Everybody get the f*ck out." Regulus was met with silence and now James' heavy eyes were on him.

"You heard. Everyone out," It wasn't James who said it, it was Sirius. His brother, his face much less swollen and bruised than he had seen it a week ago, walked past him towards the door. Reluctantly, the other Gryffindors left until he and James remained there.


"f*ck off," James said, his voice lacking any gentleness. "Took you long enough."

"You have to listen to me—"

"Here to do some begging, yeah?" James interrupted, his eyes piercing and hard. "Maybe you should make a list of everything you need to apologise to me for," he teased, "and then maybe I'll accept it."

James was using his own words against him. Making him eat his own words… Oh, how Regulus was obsessed with him.

He knew he needed to be quick. He had to stop the fight, but seeing James in front of him so angry made him miss him so much.

"Eu te amo," he said, the Portuguese words curling around his tongue. "I've probably loved you since the first time I saw you, and I absolutely love you now." He bit his lip, not letting his eyes water. "I was so terrified of being with you that I fooled myself that this wasn't real, that it was all just pretending. But it never was, could never be with you... com você, " he admitted. James's gaze weighed so heavily on him that he lowered his eyes before looking up again, trying to muster a smile. "I love you, James."

The man in front of him looked to the side, shaking his head, his brown eyes brimming with the emotion he was holding back. "You do," he said, not questioning, just stating.

"And I wouldn't mind doing some begging later."

James stood up, his shoulder slightly co*cked to the side, his eyes piercing behind his glasses. His bare torso was adorned only with a chain around his neck and a cross resting on his chest. He bit the bandage and finished tying it around his hand.

"You ran away."

"I know."

"You ran away from me."

"I know."

"Sirius was bleeding, you were gone, and I was alone."

"I know," Regulus repeated. "I'm sorry."

James stopped in front of him, imposing and tall. "And now you're telling me you love me? What's wrong with you, Regulus?"


James kissed him.

He gasped, gripping James' waist for support as his large hands cradled his face, drawing him close with strength and yearning. The kiss deepened, a mixture of desperation and affection. He could feel in the way James kissed him how angry James was, how much he had hurt him. Regulus swallowed all those feelings as if he wanted to absorb James' pain and bad feelings through the kiss and take them inside himself.

"You make me so incredibly mad, Regulus."

"Give it to me, James. I can take it."

He was lost. Lost in the sensation of James touching him again. His warmth enveloped him, lifting the weight from his shoulders. He was sinking into that familiar spiral of love that always enveloped him when James was near. It drove him mad to have spent so many weeks without him, to have spent more time in his life away from James than with him.

His palms pressed against the skin of James's chest, feeling his heart pounding. He wanted to meld their skin together to ensure they wouldn't be separated again.

"I'm so-" James breathed, kissing him, "I'm so angry at you, but I can't stop. I can't," he whispered between kisses, his lips devouring him, "I can't."

"You can stay mad at me for as long as you wish, as long as you continue to love me through it," Regulus whispered.

James' eyes darkened behind the lenses, blurred from their breathing. "I never told you I loved you," he said arrogantly.

"You didn't," Regulus murmured, "but I know you do."

James laughed dryly, holding Regulus' chin with one hand. "You do have a lot of nerve."

Regulus wanted to stay kissing James right then and there, regardless of the fight he had to win. He wanted to keep kissing James, even if it meant forgetting to breathe. But Regulus had come for a reason.

"Don't fight today," he said, and, as if on cue, James released him immediately. "Bellatrix is planning something again. She probably knows the fight is happening here, and I think she's got the police involved."

James' face became impossible to read again, his body like an impenetrable wall. He looked at Regulus, then to the side, and laughed, shaking his head, his eyes dead-pan as he turned to him. "Your cousin doesn't scare me."

"I don't want to see you hurt like Sirius," he said. "I won't stand for it!"

"Do you think your little friend's going to hurt me?"

"Not him," he replied. If the fight hadn't been with Evan, and instead with any other Slytherin, Regulus would have already been trying to drag James out of there by force. But he trusted Evan not to betray him in favour of Bellatrix. "But it's not safe to fight today."

"It's never safe to fight, Regulus."

"James, you don't understand—"

"No," James cut him off, his voice seething with anger. "You don't understand," he said. "I'm James f*cking Potter, and I'm not afraid of your batsh*t cousin. Is she up to something? Good for me , because it gives me an excuse to finish her off." His entire posture was the same as when he fought. Tall. Imposing his place as the owner of the whole f*cking place. "Everything she sends my way, I'll smash to bits. Lucius? Give me two seconds and he'll be on the floor bleedin'. The police? I'll invite 'em for tea at my house, what do you reckon?" He laughed without humour. "I'll destroy everything she sends our way until she has nothing left. "

Regulus swallowed hard. "Something bad is about to happen. I can feel it coming, James- please," he begged, "please, don't fight today."

"Do you want me not to fight so badly that you're begging me?" James asked a hint of amusem*nt in his voice. "Tell me, did you bet on me or against me?"

Regulus froze, his thoughts racing. "Against you," he admitted quietly, feeling a pang of guilt. He didn't know what else to say. "Please, James, please, don't do this."

James smiled, approaching him again, and gently cupped Regulus' face. "You look so pretty when you beg."

"James-" He was interrupted by big lips on top of his teardrop.

"Why don't you go outside and look pretty for me while I beat the sh*t out of your friend?"

"Lock the doors," Peter shouted over the speaker, a broad grin on his face. "No one leaves here alive because this is the Battle of Hogwarts!" The students cheered, the excitement palpable. Amidst the jumping and shouting students, Regulus stood motionless, his eyes fixed on the door marked 'Gryffindor' in red. "The final battle is finally here!"

"Battle of Hogwarts. Battle of Hogwarts. Battle of Hogwarts," they chanted.

"That's right," Peter rallied the crowd. "Betting stops once the opponents hit the floor. No touching the fighters, no helping, no changing bets. Break these rules, and you'll get a proper beating and be thrown out on your arse," he warned. "Now, for our fighters... almost anything goes! Eye-poking, hitting below the belt, and biting are off-limits! Do you reckon they can manage to keep it civil?" he taunted.

"Knock 'im dead, Rosier!" a Slytherin supporter shouted back in a thick Liverpool accent.

"Prongs will wipe the floor with him!" another Gryffindor retorted, sparking a wave of laughter and cheers from the crowd.

"The fight ends by forfeit or knockout," Peter continued. He turned his face towards the doors, where Regulus' gaze remained fixed. "Representing the Slytherins, here he is...From fifth place last year to the finals this year! It's been two years since Slytherin reached this stage, and he has come and changed everything. EVAN ROSIER!"

Evan exited the room with a confident smile and his chin high. His short white cornrows were tight, and 'Barty' was written across his chest in what appeared to be blood.

Regulus turned to Barty beside him, who wore a smile and a focused expression. Despite not being a fighter, he was shirtless with Evan's name written on his chest in red crimson.

"And here he is, the one we all know and love," Peter began to announce, and the audience erupted into cheers. "The undefeated, unstoppable one who stands as our reigning champion, feared by them all! Our champion, our Gryffindor…JAMES 'PRONGS' POTTER!"

The screams became so loud that Regulus' ears were muffled.

James made his entrance like a king ascending to his throne. He stood with his arms wide open, embracing the frenzied screams, the applause, and the attention. He was revelling in it. A broad smile spread across his lips as if he had already won. But unlike the other times Regulus had seen him fight, James was angry.

He had seen James fight with excitement and even fury, but now James was angry.

And Regulus could feel in his bones that tonight that would be his undoing.

"Take it easy, Regulus," Barty said mischievously beside him, "because it's going to be a lot worse when you see Potter getting proper thrashed."

Regulus ignored him and looked at his brother across the mat, on the Gryffindor side. His brother stood there with his arms crossed, looking back at him. Lights were flashing around the room, and smoke hung in the air. Regulus shook his head, and Sirius turned to James, who had just stepped onto the mat, still basking in the applause he was receiving.

He didn't see it ending well as Peter yelled over the speaker, starting the fight, and James started to attack Evan with anger.

The fight began so abruptly, with no time to blink. James wasn't pausing to catch his breath or think. He attacked with relentless determination, striking however he could, and Evan struggled to keep up. James charged forward aggressively, each move overwhelming Evan and himself. Evan managed to block and dodge, staying on his feet against the onslaught.

Next to him, Pandora had her eyes closed, her face buried in Dorcas' shoulder, who couldn't tear her eyes away from the fight - just as excited as the rest of the crowd.

For the first time since he began watching the bouts, Regulus noticed that Barty stayed silent, merely observing the match without shouting or leaping about. He couldn't fathom how Barty managed it because when he saw Evan going after James, Regulus screamed. Barty glanced at him sideways with a knowing smile, then down at his arm, where Regulus was gripping him tightly.

Regulus' eyes returned to the mat and were met by James' stare fixed on him.

James was distracted.

Sensing this, Evan tripped James, making him stumble backwards, and then quickly lunged forward, mounting James and delivering a series of rapid punches to his face.

Each blow landed with a thud, eliciting gasps from the crowd as Regulus found himself unable to look away. It was like seeing Dolohov on top of his brother all over again, punching him repeatedly while he lay defenceless.

"Come on!" Regulus shouted. "Come on, James!"

He knew he was getting dirty looks, being on the Slytherin side of the crowd, but he couldn't control himself. The sound of Evan's fist hitting James was torturous, filled with desperation. It was the worst sound he had ever heard, taking him back to one of the most harrowing nights of his life when he had put his brother in danger.

James had his forearms up, blocking most of the punches aimed at his face, but he was still pinned beneath Evan's body. The fists were relentless, pounding away with a fury that left the crowd breathless and Regulus in pain. James twisted his torso, trying to throw Evan off balance, but Evan countered by driving his knee into James' side.

The noise James made tore at Regulus. It was raw and angry, more of a roar than a cry. Judging by how his body twitched, it must have struck his rib. Regulus' grip on Barty's arm tightened even more. His heart was racing, and he wanted to leap onto the mat and push Evan away from James, just as he had done for his brother.

The clock was ticking, and the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach grew heavier and heavier. He sensed something terrible was about to happen - he could almost see the police breaking in through the doorway even though he couldn't take his eyes off James to look at the door.

Regulus was about to throw up when James swung his leg around, hooking it around Evan's ankle and yanking hard, trying to topple him. Evan staggered, his balance faltering and James wasted no time to push up with his other leg, twisting his body and forcing Evan off him.

James scrambled to his feet, breathing heavily, his eyes wandering on Evan unfocused.

The crowd erupted into chaos as everyone seemed to jump all at once, shouting and clapping with cheers ringing out. Next to him, Barty tensed, and Pandora began to boo loudly. Nearby, he noticed other Slytherins joining in, and his eyes met Rabastan's. His ex-boyfriend quickly looked away as if he didn't want to repeat the scene in which James faced him. Standing beside Rabastan was a man with straight black hair, whom he recognised as Snape, one of his friends. He wasn't really into the whole fight club scene, but he had seen him there a couple of times.

On the other side, Sirius clapped and yelled, with Marlene nearly slamming into him. The Prewett twins hurled beer around in their excitement, while Kingsley and Emmeline Vance cheered wildly, arms raised high.

Evan lunged forward, throwing a wild punch, but James ducked under it, delivering a swift uppercut to Evan's jaw. The crowd erupted again as James followed up with a series of rapid jabs, driving Evan back. His friend tried to counter with a hook, but James sidestepped, delivering a powerful kick to Evan's midsection, sending him sprawling to the ground.

Regulus gasped, and James turned to look at him as the crowd was up and loud as if he could hear him. James' eyes seemed to become distant and shocked. It was then that Regulus realised tears were streaming down his own face.

Completely lost, James began to turn around and Evan sprang up and delivered a swift, high kick to his face. The impact was brutal, sending James crashing to the floor with a resounding thud. The noise of his body hitting the ground was drowned out by the roaring crowd, electrified by Evan's sudden move.

Evan stood up tall and dominant, poised to either continue the fight or end it. But, before he could move, James slapped the mat twice.


James rose from the floor, a hand to his ribs, blood running from his face down his neck. He was in pain and it wouldn't have been easy to continue fighting, but James would never back down.

Yet, Regulus asked him to. So James did.

"I'm done," he said and it could have been a whisper that Regulus would still be able to hear it because of how silent the audience was.

It seemed like everyone was waiting for James to laugh it off and then finish Evan. But instead, James stepped down from the mat and, with hard steps, strutted over to Regulus.

Regulus felt tears flowing with every step James took towards him. Confusion and disbelief swirled in his mind as he watched him approach.

James held his face, wiped his tears with his bloodstained fingers, and pulled him in for a long kiss. He kissed as if he was in pain.

His ears vibrated with the audience's screams as Peter raised Evan's arm, declaring him the champion of the Battle of Hogwarts.

The world shifted into something private as everything around them became muffled. James' eyes were fixed on him, not unfocused anymore, his bloody hands smeared across Regulus' face. As his hand started to split away Regulus held James' wrists, pressing his hands even more firmly against his face.

Blood ran down James' face, mixing with sweat. He was so absorbed in him that he barely noticed Barty on the mat, lifting Evan high with the help of other Slytherins, or the celebration everyone was having, with drinks splashing in the air and money flying.

"You told me to f*ck off," Regulus said.

"What? You don't like it when I mean like you?" James said that arrogance and blood were coming out of his mouth.

"And now you're jumping out of the ring for me."

"I can multitask."

There was James, using Regulus' own words against him again.

"I love you, James," Regulus said breathlessly as if he were the one who had been fighting. His hands moved from James' wrists, along his forearms, up to his shoulders, and then he hugged him, his palms spreading across James' broad back. "Tell me you will have me back."

James tilted his head, eyes heavy and Regulus missed his glasses, which he took off for fights. "I never didn't have you."

He knew he had much more to talk about with James, but at that moment he hoped the kiss he gave him would convey all the words he couldn't say then. It was beyond this world that James was still beautiful, even though he was bruised and covered in blood.

Regulus looked around at the party unfolding, his friends on the mat celebrating, the Gryffindors in shock and anger. "You just put yourself into so much trouble for me."

"What a pretty face doesn't do-"

"I gave the inheritance to my cousins," Regulus said quickly, looking deep into James' eyes. "I'm done with all that. That's what I was doing before – and then Narcissa told me what Bellatrix was up to, so I came as fast as I could–"

"Did you run across London for me, Regulus Black?" James asked, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "I suppose you do love me."

Regulus was about to ask if James would admit he loved him or if he was still too pissed off for that. But then the music in the basem*nt stopped abruptly, and the lights came on.

"Everyone f*cking scatter, the coppers are 'ere again!" shouted one of the Prewett twins through the megaphone. Pettigrew was nowhere to be seen. "And when I find out who's causing this mess and grassing us up, I'll unleash the Mad Dog on ya!"

James smirked at him and took his hand, running among the many students who were already dashing in all directions. Regulus smiled as he was pulled along by James, a warm feeling spreading through his chest, just like the first day they saw each other again when he returned from London. They ran hand in hand, fleeing the police after one of James’s fights.

Everyone had to climb the same stairs to get back, but when they reached the top near the statue, most fled through the main entrance. James went the other way, probably already knowing the better shortcuts.

He should be worried because it turned out Narcissa was telling the truth and Bellatrix had sent the police after them. Somehow, his older cousin knew too much about the club, even though she had graduated from Hogwarts years ago. Despite everything, he couldn’t help but feel at least a little happy to be there, running with James.

This time, he was the one who laughed out loud and intertwined their fingers tighter.

James navigated Regulus through the labyrinthine corridors of the university, their footsteps echoing off the cold, stone walls. They darted left and right, passing portraits of stern-faced professors and antique tapestries depicting scenes of history. The dim overhead lights buzzed intermittently, casting eerie shadows that danced along the corridor's edges as they hurried towards the back exit. Finally, they reached the heavy doors, pushed it open and stepped out into the deserted parking lot.

"I thought we'd be caught this time," Regulus said.

"I don't get caught," James replied confidently.

"Oh, what are we doing here then?"

Regulus turned to the familiar voice of Rodolphus bloody Lestrange, who was emerging from one of the few cars parked in the lot. He opened his arms with a smile that reminded him of his younger brother's — the same dark skin tone, but sporting a perfectly trimmed beard.

"Bella sent you to do her dirty work?" Regulus asked, stepping in front of James.

Two more men exited the car: one Regulus recognised as Thorfinn Rowle, a close friend of his cousin that she'd met at Hogwarts and the other was Yaxley who was always at their family dinner. They stood slightly behind Rodolphus, crossed arms.

"You've really wound her up this time," he said. "You and your f*cking brother."

"And what are you going to do about it?"

Rodolphus grinned, a cruel and eager expression on his face. "Do you know how I got your cousin to marry me?" he asked. "When I promised her I'd break someone's nose, and broke someone's jaw instead," He glanced back at James. "I reckon the club standards have dropped in recent years."

"Things aren't like they used to be," Rowle said, letting out a mean chuckle.

Rodolphus removed the black gloves he was wearing and folded them meticulously before tucking them into his trousers pocket. "This won't take long, lads," he said. "One of you grab Regulus, and the other Potter," he continued, as if they weren't present as if it made no difference whether they knew he intended to beat them. But Regulus was more afraid of the shadow that had not left the car with the other. The shadow of someone sitting quietly in the back seat.

James grabbed his forearm and pulled him behind him. Despite being bruised and bloodied, he stood tall with his chin raised, showing no sign of pain.

"I'm right here, big lad," he challenged.

Rodolphus swung a punch, but James ducked under it. Seizing the moment, he delivered a swift kick to Yaxley's chest sending him crashing against the car's bumper.

Ignoring Regulus, Rowle lunged at James, trapping him in a tight headlock. And Rodolphus exploited James' position to throw a sharp punch to his stomach. And he really was as tough as he'd bragged; his punch packed a hard, strong, painful hit - unfazed by the pain on his knuckles, he landed another blow on James.

But before Regulus could do anything, James managed to wriggle free, swiftly twisting out of Rowle's grip. James shoved Rodolphus in the chest and was immediately met with a punch from Yaxley that James pushed away with a kick to his groin.

Rodolphus swung at James again, but he deftly dodged and delivered an uppercut, catching Rodolphus squarely on the chin.

The three of them circled James, but Rodolphus and Yaxley were down while Rowle came at him with full strength and James ducked low, dropping to his knees and grappling Rowle's legs, lifting him off the ground and slamming him down hard. Straddling Rowle, he threw precise jabs and hooks at his face, punching with both hands, one after the other, each blow landing solidly.

Just as James was finishing him off, Rodolphus lunged at him, and they rolled across the floor, grappling until James ended up on top but was quickly kicked in the chest by Rodolphus, who sprang to his feet.

The two stared at each other, eyes dark and furious. Then, with a simultaneous lunge, they collided, fists flying in a flurry of blows. Rodolphus threw a wild hook, which James blocked with his forearm before landing on him a quick jab to the ribs. Rodolphus swung again, catching James on the shoulder.

Rodolphus seemed like he really didn't want to back down, but James was just too furious and simply better. James responded with a fierce elbow strike, sending Rodolphus stumbling back.

Fueled by a seething anger, James grabbed Rodolphus by the collar with a grip of iron. His eyes burned with fury as he swung him around with all his might, slamming Rodolphus's head against the car’s side mirror. The glass exploded on impact, shards flying everywhere.

Before Rodolphus hit the floor, dazed and bleeding, his eyes unfocused and breath coming in ragged gasps, James was already walking away. He looked unfazed, ready to go home, his chest still heaving with adrenaline.

"Let's go," he said, his voice steady and firm.

Regulus looked at the even more bloodied and bruised James and pulled him by the neck. "We have to stop meeting like this," he joked.

James chuckled weakly and grabbed him by the chin. "You always look pretty waiting for me."

Their banter was abruptly interrupted by the sudden sound of cars arriving, coinciding with the heavy creak of Hogwarts' door swinging open. Several students split out into the night, their murmurs carrying on the cold wind, including Barty and his brother standing side by side, which left Regulus even more perplexed.

The shadow in Roldplphus' car moved and its headlights piercing the darkness. First came a black boot, then another, followed by the unmistakable figure of his cousin, Bellatrix. She stepped out with deliberate grace, a sad*st smile playing on her lips as she took in the chaotic scene before her.

Bellatrix's eyes narrowed as they landed on her husband, sprawled and bleeding on the cold ground. Her laughter rang out like a chilling echo in the night air. "Always so bloody slippery, aren't you, Regulus?" Her voice dripped with disdain and a hint of something darker, sending shivers down his spine. "Always hiding, lurking in the hallways like a bloody coward," she sneered. She took out her phone and appeared to send a message. "Looks like everyone's here," she said, feigning confusion. "Oh, who do you think is investing money in this? Just the students, eh?"

"f*ck off," Regulus roared. "When will you get tired? When will this end?" He was irritated, angry. He wanted to scream, no, he wanted to hit.

"You lied to me!" she screamed, her voice echoing through the stillness of the night, the students around them watching in silent shock. "You tricked me, you bastard! I trusted you, and you betrayed me, you deceitful c*nt!" Her face twisted with rage, tears of fury streaming down her cheeks as she glared at him.

"What the f*ck are you on about?"

"The inheritance! My family inheritance! "

"I gave it to you!"

"You tricked me, you wanted to make me look f*cking stupid! You used me! All those promises, all those lies! I trusted you, and you made a fool of me!" she was in such a rage that became scarier by the second. "You conniving, manipulative bastard! I'm your f*cking family and this is how you repay me?"

"You're—" he took a deep breath, steadying himself, "insane. You can't be happy because you're a hollow shell of a person. You're utterly miserable. You are a right bitch. Always trying to drag everyone else down with you because you can't bear to see anyone else happy. It's pathetic, really. You've turned into nothing but a bitter, vindictive nightmare or you always were-"

"And you are a TRAITOR! You f*cking arsehole, you're going to get what you f*ckING DESERVE!" her voice echoed with a chilling intensity, each word dripping with venomous rage. Her posture was tense, every muscle coiled with a manic energy that seemed ready to explode. Her eyes blazed with a wild, uncontained fury, fixated on him with a frightening intensity. "I won't rest until you pay for this, for every lie you've told. Do you think you can just walk away after everything you've done? No, Regulus, I'll make sure you suffer."

He was terrified. Bellatrix was mad. But with what confidence he had left, he straightened his posture. "I doubt it." He had already doubted her before, but this time he wouldn't let her come out on top.

"Is that so?"

"If we win, you and I are done, Bella," he said. "This is it."

"This is it, Reggie," she agreed, co*cking her head. "Prepare yourselves, everyone," she said, opening her arms and spinning around in place, laughing maniacally. "This is the Battle of Hogwarts!" she said, removing her long velvet gloves to reveal her hand wrapped in fighting bandages. Regulus' eyes widened as he glanced at James. "How I missed this."

Bellatrix was a fighter.

James gritted his teeth and walked past Regulus, hunched over slightly from the severe pain in his ribs and limping. He had taken a beating, but there he stood in front of Regulus, ready to face his cousin for him.

"Let's get this over with, vadia do caralho," he said firmly.

Bellatrix co*cked her head and licked her lips. "Are you going to fight me, Potter?"

"No," Regulus said, his chin held high. He glanced sideways to where Barty and Evan stood, watching him carefully, waiting. "Hold him."

His friends moved swiftly, not giving James a moment to prepare as they trapped him in a tight grip.

There weren't nearly as many people there as at James and Evan's fight, but it was enough to form a little audience around them, with the cars illuminating them at the centre of the circle. The crowd seemed eager, drunkenly happy, their faces lit up with excitement and anticipation not getting in the way as they watched James be held down. Bellatrix laughed loudly, her mouth wide open.

"Wait- Que -" James shouted. "REGULUS, NO!" He struggled to break free, but Evan and Barty held him firmly in place. Evan secured his arms while Barty maintained a solid hold on his torso.

He looked at James and attempted a smile. Holding James's face with both hands, he kissed him gently on the lips, without much force. James's eyes were wide, and he shook his head, trembling.

As James struggled, Regulus began to unbutton his bloodied shirt, pacing deliberately around the circle with his cousin tracking his every move.

"Regulus," his brother called from the front of the crowd.

"Trust me." Regulus swallowed.

Sirius pressed his lips together. "Don't f*cking embarrass me."

"Não," James cracked. "Sirius! Que porra você 'ta fazendo? What the bloody hell are you doing? Sirius! Sirius-" he was at a loss, looking desperately at his friends. "Marlene, I'm telling you to do something- FABIAN!"

When Fabian threatened to walk away, Sirius raised his arm, halting him. He shook his head, and James screamed again, urging someone to take action, not to let Regulus go through with it.

Dorcas stood nearby, her brow furrowed with apprehension, her eyes flickering between James and Regulus. Pandora stood beside her, with a mix of concern and determination. Lily and Mary shared worried glances, their faces drawn with anxiety as they watched them. The crowd around them mirrored a spectrum of emotions—some with furrowed brows and clenched fists, others with mouths agape in shock or brows creased in worry. It was a mix of anticipation and unease, the air thick as everyone waited to see.

Bellatrix possessed a rage that he had never witnessed in anyone before. It had always simmered within her since childhood, but now it blazed with an intensity he had never seen. He had wronged her, and she thirsted for his suffering.

"Are you going to fight me, Reggie?" she taunted, her laughter echoing coldly. "Do you even know how to throw a punch, or are you too much of a coward to even try? Letting your brother take the lead while you hide in the shadows, just like you did as children?"

"Don't worry, Bella. I'm a quick learner. And I learned from the best."

Regulus avoided looking at James; he could still hear his screams and his struggles. But he knew what he was doing.

When he and James needed excuses to escape Sirius' constant presence to be able to do whatever they wanted they claimed they were practising —whether it was practising kissing or fighting. In that brief time, he learned everything he could: how to make James come in record time and how to break a f*cking nose.

He ripped the shirt he had taken off into pieces and wrapped a thin band around each hand. Standing tall, he raised both arms into fists in front of his face. His cousin began circling him like a snake, poised to strike, studying his stance, looking for any sign of vulnerability. She was clearly enjoying himself, but there was something about her posture, a touch of caution.

"And the fight never ends at Hogwarts Fight Club!" Regulus barely paid attention to Pettigrew's voice blaring through the megaphone from atop a car, his excitement palpable. "And the rules now are... there are no rules!" he announced, a wicked gleam in his eye as he glanced around the gathering.

Suddenly, a voice from the crowd shouted, "We want the Battle of the Brothers!"

Pettigrew chuckled, shaking his head. "As much as we'd all love to see that, tonight it's a different kind of family showdown. Place your bets, place your bets!" he continued, his Somerset accent coming through with a hint of rustic charm. "Tonight, it's a battle of family ties! Who's bloody ready?"

Screams drowned out Regulus' ears as Bellatrix charged at him like a maniac. She closed the distance with lightning speed, bobbing and weaving, before unleashing a fierce jab that caught Regulus square on the jaw. The impact rattled his teeth, sending a jolt of pain through his skull. Bellatrix followed up with a series of hooks and uppercuts, each blow landing hard. The hooks crashed into his ribs, the strikes causing a sharp, stabbing pain and the uppercuts hammered into his stomach, driving the air from his lungs and leaving him gasping for breath.

Regulus tried to block and counter, but Bellatrix's was relentless. She moved with a controlled aggression, her movements sharp and calculated. When he finally dodged a punch, it seemed like she planned it.

As he turned to her, she delivered a high kick to his face, sending him crashing to the ground. Regulus' head thudded heavily against the floor, a surge of intense pain shooting through him. His ears rang, the sound muffled, but James' screams cut through it as well as Bellatrix's loud laugh.

"Don't cry, baby cousin," she taunted. "Don't run to your mummy. Well, how's mum and dad, Reggie?"

His eyes flicked to his brother, who observed him intently with a firm jaw and crossed arms. Sirius appeared conflicted, torn with concern, his gaze speaking volumes. Yet, despite it, Sirius remained rooted in place, nodding silently.

Regulus rose slowly, blood trickling from his mouth and nose, his entire body aching from the pain. He chuckled softly, looking up with his hair falling over his face. "I buried them six feet under, Bella," he said. "Just like I'll do to you."

He charged at Bellatrix with the pain driving him forward. Ignoring his own pain, he launched into a punch getting her right in the cheek. Bellatrix began to bleed at once and snarled furiously, but Regulus did not stop. He continued charging at her and his cousin, taken aback, stumbled backwards, her face twisting in both surprise and fury.

"Your mother hit better than you," Bellatrix sneered.

"And who taught you how to fight, cousin?" he asked, smiling through bloodied lips. "Your husband or the professor you used f*ck at uni?"

"Go f*ck yourself!" Bellatrix spat. "You're nothing but a traitor to our blood!"

"Riddle, isn't it?" he continued, smirking. "I suppose he got sacked-"

She screamed and went after him. Regulus gritted his teeth as he lunged forward, ducking under Bellatrix's wild swing and getting her legs. With a quick, calculated move, he lifted her off the ground, the crowd around them erupting in shocked gasps and shouts. They trembled with anticipation as Regulus slammed Bellatrix back down hard, the impact echoing through the floor. Bellatrix hissed in pain, her hand slipping from her grasp on his neck as she struggled to regain her footing.

Bellatrix's eyes blazed with rage as she recovered, her lips curling into a cruel smile. Regulus tensed, readying himself for her, his heart pounding. The crowd watched with bated breath, some shouting excitedly while others held their breath in tense silence.

Regulus felt exhausted and in pain. He was fairly certain his nose was broken and he might have a touch of concussion. And he could already picture the large bruises that would soon cover the areas where he had taken a beating.

"Not too bad for a traitor, eh?" Regulus chuckled, wiping the blood that trickled down his face with the back of his hand. He bowed slightly, fists raised in front of his face, beckoning Bellatrix forward with a wave.

Bellatrix launched herself at him skillfully, knocking him to the ground. Regulus scrambled to defend himself, planting his feet firmly on her chest and stomach, but she relentlessly landed blows around his head.

"Don't let her hold you down, Regulus!" someone shouted, their voice urging him on.

With strength, he used his legs to lift her off him to the hard floor, then twisted to pin her arm between his thighs while executing a swift arm lock. His cousin let out a scream but got free, bringing them face to face once more.

Bellatrix's movements were fast and chaotic as she wrestled with him until they slammed against the hard metal of the car hood. She locked him in place, her grip unyielding and strong. Panic surged through Regulus, the taste of blood thick in his mouth as she lifted him up and started punching him again.

His ribs and jaw throbbed with pain as he pushed himself to the floor. She pursued him, trapping him in a suffocating headlock under her armpit, her grip tightening with each passing second. Darkness crept into Regulus' vision as he fought to breathe, his mind swimming with terror.

With all his remaining strength, Regulus twisted his arm around her head and used her weight against her and he flipped Bellatrix over his shoulder, giving himself a break from her grip.

Regulus gasped for air, staggering back as adrenaline pumped through his veins. Bellatrix, unfazed, regained her balance. She had blood on her face, but her expression betrayed no pain, only anger. Spitting out blood, she broke into a bloody smile.

But Regulus was done. He was so f*cking done.

She swung a punch at him, but he dodged. Evading again as she tried once more, he slipped under her arm and delivered a hard kick to her ribs. As she turned, he struck with his right fist, then followed up with a left, watching blood spray.

Just like he'd seen James do before, Regulus launched himself, pivoting on the ball of his supporting foot. Extending his leg outward with precision, toes pointed, he delivered the full force of the kick. The arc of his leg sliced through the air and his foot connected with Bellatrix's face.

The silence that followed as Bellatrix collapsed to the ground might have been just in his mind, but it felt like the world had paused: his cousin lay on the ground, and he stood tall.

He rose straight, blood running down his face, his slightly sweaty hair sticking to his forehead. His ears were ringing and pain shot through his body, but he smiled through heavy, half-lidded eyes and the taste of blood in his mouth.

His heavy eyes scanned the screaming audience. They passed over his brother, who wore a smile and clapped slowly, then Dorcas and Pandora, who mirrored the gesture. Finally, his gaze settled on Barty and Evan, their faces etched with shock, still holding James with the assistance of Marlene and Fabian. The four of them supported James, who now appeared calm and observant, but they were all breathing heavily, indicating he had just settled down.

Regulus raised his chin towards James, tilting his head, and spread his arms wide. It had been his turn and he had f*cking done it.

James finally released himself from the grip. He approached slowly, almost calculatingly, as if sizing up an opponent in a fight. Drawing near, he placed his arm around Regulus' waist, pulling him close and causing Regulus to rise on his toes.

"Eu te amo, Regulus," James declared. "I f*cking love you."

Regulus pulled him closer by the neck, their lips crashing together in a passionate kiss. Their blood mingled with saliva in a painful kiss.

James held him where it hurt, fingers gripping with a thrilling mix of pain and desire, each touch igniting sparks along Regulus's spine. Their bodies pressed together, chests heaving in sync as urgency built between them. Regulus moaned into the kiss, a sound muffled by the intensity of the kiss. James's lips moved hungrily against his, a tantalising dance of tongues and teeth that left Regulus dizzy with need.

In the distance, he heard Pettigrew announce him as the winner, but as he gazed into James's brown eyes, he knew he had already won since the very moment he sensed James loved him, back in Brazil, in their own little world. At that very moment, he was there.

"Stand aside, for the heir to the noble House of Black has arrived!" Sirius proclaimed from the roof of James' car, waving the document in the air as though fanning himself. "Disinherited no longer!"

Regulus held a copy of the same document in his hands. He had retrieved it from Bellatrix's car before Lucius and Narcissa arrived to take Bella and Rodolphus away. It had been interesting, to say the least, to watch Lucius and Narcissa's security guards bundle Bellatrix and Rodolphus into the car, with Sirius laughing loudly beside him while Regulus stared at the inheritance paper, smudging it with drops of blood trickling down his face.

His parents had never formally disinherited Sirius—never signed any documents, never removed his name from the inheritance. When Regulus had signed the papers and passed them to his cousins, it had all been futile because Sirius also needed to sign them. But he hadn't. This detail had slipped past his cousins, or perhaps it had been deliberately overlooked by someone they trusted. He still had Kreacher's message opened on his phone.

The inheritance was theirs. The house was theirs. The Black name was theirs.

Regulus sat on the hood of the car as Sirius slid in next to him, their shoulders touching. Sirius' face was still faded bruises, while Regulus's face was bloodied, with bruises starting to form.

"I hate you for everything you put me through," Sirius said.

"I hate you too for everything you've put me through," Regulus replied.

Sirius smiled and stretched out his arm, trying to wipe some of Regulus' blood from his face with his hand. "I suppose we're even now."

"I suppose so," Regulus murmured.

"I think the worst thing you did to me," he continued, his gaze flicking to where James sat in the car, hands on the steering wheel, "was not leaving without saying anything, I'm just as guilty, or even taking a beating because of you. The worst thing was falling in love with my best friend and making him suffer."

"I don't want to cause him any more suffering," Regulus muttered softly. "I think he knows that."

"If he makes you suffer, let me know and I'll beat him up," Sirius said. They were silent for a moment and then laughed.

The tension that had hung between them for so long seemed to dissipate in that shared moment. Both bruised and battered. Both betrayed. Brothers. But they would be fine, wouldn’t they?

Regulus glanced back once more, looking at James through the car window. James, with dried blood on his face, gave a closed-mouth smile, kissed two fingers, and lifted them towards Regulus before placing them over his heart. Yes, they would be fine.

They locked eyes. "Behold the noble House of Black," Regulus muttered, "full of c*nts and ghosts."

Até você aparecer - Chapter 15 - withtheoldstars - Harry Potter (2024)


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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.