Haunted in Stilwater - Chapter 18 - BxsicRissa (2024)

Chapter Text

As the Saints gathered in their makeshift sanctuary, the dim light of candles on the coffee table began casting a soft glow over their faces, but the air was thick with tension. Carlos and Alyra’s recent encounter with Maero had left a palpable mark on the crew, and now, as they sat together, the weight of their shared burden hung heavy in the air.

Alyra, her usual aura of confidence tinged with a hint of weariness, took her place at the head, her gaze flickering over each member of the gang gathered around her. Gat, ever loyal and steadfast by her side, listened intently as she recounted the events that had transpired from seeing Donnie to the disastrous deal that had gone awry.

"So there we were, with Donnie caught in the middle," Alyra explained, her voice steady despite the turmoil within. "And Maero, that bastard, he almost had us dancing to his tune."

Gat's jaw tightened as he listened, his gaze unwavering. "Damn, I knew that little dick would show his face again at some point.” He rubbed his jaw, frustration evident. “So what now?"

"Now, we strategize," Alyra replied, her eyes flashing with resolve. "We show Maero he's not the only one who knows how to play this game."

Around them, the other Saints nodded in agreement, their faces set in determined expressions. Carlos, ever eager, spoke up. "But how do we take him down, Boss? Maero's got half the city under his thumb."

Alyra leaned back in her chair, her mind racing with possibilities. "We hit him where it hurts," she said finally, her voice low and intense. "We find his weaknesses, we exploit them. And we show him that the Saints aren't to be messed with."

“Well how the f*ck do we find that out? I don’t suppose you know what those weaknesses are?” Pierce interjected, his voice filled with curiosity.

Alyra chuckled, a hint of mischief in her eyes. “Damn right I do.”

“Yeah guys, you should’ve seen the Boss!" Carlos gushed, his excitement palpable. "Debería ser espía. Es tan observadora.” (She should be a spy, she’s so observant)

Shaundi ignored his excitement, hugging a pillow to her chest. “Um, what are they…” she asked cautiously, her eyes darting between Alyra and the others. She felt embarrassed as all eyes darted toward her. Alyra looked at Shaundi, a small smirk playing on her lips, making her nervous. The blonde nodded her head so the girl could continue. Shaundi licked her lips, “His weaknesses? How did you find out about them?”

Alyra took a sip of her beer, her expression unreadable. She hated beer. “Well, there are two I know for sure. With Donnie unexpectedly in the equation, that makes it three." She paused, letting the weight of her words sink in. "Maero loves two things more than anything in the entire world, including his gang: his tattoos, and Jessica."

She leaned forward, bracing herself on the table as her voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. "We steal his tattoo gun, load it with some sorta acid, put a delivery sticker on it, and we’re sold. He wanted to comment about my burn scars, maybe he was jealous. We can match.” She chuckled humorlessly, the sound echoing in the room. The others looked at her, absorbing the plan. Alyra’s chuckle faded, replaced by a cold, determined glint in her eyes. “Maero thinks he’s untouchable, but everyone has a weakness. We hit him where it hurts the most, and we show him the Saints are here to stay.”

“And Jessica?” Johnny asked.

She sighed before continuing, her tone becoming more serious. She sat upright, crossing her arms. “Jessica is his girlfriend. I don’t like putting innocent people in the mix, but she’s a bitch. I wouldn’t mind putting a bullet in her skull.” Everyone looked down, the gravity of Alyra's plan settling over them like a heavy blanket.

Shaundi’s eyes widened at the declaration. She never thought the Boss would be so…heartless. This wasn’t the same person who cuddled her when she was upset after Veteran Child’s antics or gave up her leather jacket because Shaundi was cold on their not-date the other night. This was the leader of the Third Street Saints. Someone who isn’t keen with getting f*cked over.

Carlos nodded in agreement, his expression hardening. “Yeah, you should’ve heard the sh*t his girl talked.”

Johnny slapped Alyra on the back, "Damn, boss. That’s a hell of a plan."

Pierce chuckled nervously, "Yeah, that's crazy."

Alyra grinned, the weight of her responsibilities momentarily lifting with her crew's support. "Crazy enough to work," she replied, her voice tinged with determination.

Carlos, always eager to contribute, leaned forward. "So, when do we hit Maero? I'm ready to kick some ass!" he exclaimed, a fire burning in his eyes. He was acting like they were taking a trip to the candy store, not discussing mass murder plans and torment.

"We hit him hard and fast, catch him off guard," Johnny suggested, his voice low and commanding.

Shaundi glanced around the room, her expression thoughtful. She rested the pillow beside her. "We need to be smart about this," she interjected, her tone serious. "Maero's not gonna go down without a fight. We gotta make sure we're one step ahead of him."

Pierce cut in, “Relax girl, we’ll figure it out. He ain’t gonna know what hit em’ until it’s too damn late for him to do sh*t about it.”

Shaundi could only glare daggers at his durag as he turned his head away from her.

Alyra leaned back, her eyes scanning the faces around the room. “We don’t take this lightly. This is about sending a message. We hit Maero where it hurts, we break his spirit, and we show him that the Saints won’t be messed with. Everyone in?”

One by one, the Saints met her gaze, their expressions resolute. Gat clenched his fists, a determined look in his eyes. Shaundi nodded, but her hesitation was evident in the slight furrow of her brow. Pierce gave a firm nod, his jaw set. Carlos gave two thumbs up, smiling ear to ear.

Alyra nodded, her mind already spinning with timelines for the plans and contingencies. "Alright, let's get to work," she declared, her voice cutting through the air with authority. "Maero's days are numbered, and we're the ones holding the clock."

As the evening wore on, the dimly lit room was suffused with the soft glow of neon signs, casting a warm ambiance over the gathering of Saints. Laughter and conversation intermingled with the clinking of glasses, creating a comforting symphony that enveloped them all.

Shaundi, attuned to the emotions swirling around her, approached Alyra with a concerned expression etched on her face. "Hey, Boss,” she began tentatively, her voice barely audible above the din of the room. "I, uh, I gotta ask you something."

Alyra turned to face her, her eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and masked vulnerability. "What's on your mind, Shaundi?" she asked, her tone gentle yet guarded.

Shaundi hesitated for a moment, nervously chewing on her lip before gathering her courage to speak. "Did you really mean that?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper. "About putting a bullet in the love of Maero's life?"

Alyra's expression hardened momentarily, the weight of her words hanging heavy in the air. "Yeah, I did," she admitted, her voice tinged with bitterness. "Jessica's caused us enough trouble and I’ve barely met her. She's not innocent, Shaundi. She's chosen to stand by Maero, despite everything he's done. If she didn’t want involved, she should’ve ran sooner.”

Shaundi's brow furrowed in concern, her gaze searching Alyra's face for any sign of doubt or hesitation. "But-" she paused, taking a deep breath to collect her thoughts. "Are we really gonna go down that path? I’m not comfortable with doing something like that.” She rubbed her own arm in discomfort.

Alyra's jaw tightened, the conflict within her evident in the furrow of her brow. “You don’t have to be. You’re not the one touching the gun,” she replied, her voice tight with emotion. “Look, sometimes, we have to make tough choices. We have to do what's necessary to protect our own."

Shaundi reached out, placing a comforting hand on Alyra's shoulder. The girl watched as the arm tensed underneath her hand, veins extruding around the various tattoos stars that appeared to be covering scars. "I get it," she said softly, her eyes filled with understanding. "But just remember, love can make people do crazy things. Let's not lose sight of who we are in the process."

Alyra nodded, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features before she composed herself once more, backing away from Shaundi so they are no longer touching. "Thanks, Shaundi," she said, her voice steady. "I'll keep that in mind." She walked away abruptly dismissing the conversation. Striding over to Johnny, her steps purposeful yet weighted with the weight of the conversation she had just brushed aside.

"What was that about?" Johnny inquired, his gaze probing as he met Alyra's eyes.

Alyra didn’t think he’d been watching them. "She's...hesitant about killing Jessica," Her voice was tinged with a hint of frustration at the reminder of Shaundi's reservations.

Johnny nodded thoughtfully, his expression thoughtful. "Kids got a big heart. Always about love."

Alyra let out a resigned sigh, her shoulders slumping slightly. "Love over loyalty? I could never do that." she shook her head, her voice betraying a hint of skepticism.

Johnny regarded her with a mixture of disbelief and concern. "You're not suggesting she'd betray us?" he questioned, his voice edged with a hint of worry.

Alyra shook her head, frustration evident in her expression. "I don't know what to think right now," she admitted, her voice heavy with uncertainty.

"Look A, you've had a long day and a few drinks, you’re not thinking straight." Johnny responded firmly, his tone tinged with admonition. Alyra scoffed, of course she wasn’t thinking straight; she didn’t exactly flow that way. Johnny knew what Alyra was thinking by the look on her face but didn’t let her childish mind stray him. He sighed, "Shaundi wouldn't go to Maero. She's got a big heart but at the end of the day, her loyalty is bigger than anything. Love is just a big motivator for her. She just has trouble grasping that it could be a weakness. She’s young, hasn’t lost much to know any better."

Alyra's frustration simmered beneath the surface, her mind swirling with doubts and fears. She found herself grappling with conflicting emotions, torn between her desire for loyalty and her fear of betrayal, especially from someone like Shaundi, whom she had grown to value as a trusted friend and one of her best lieutenants.

"I know, I know," Alyra muttered, her voice strained as she tried to push aside her doubts. "It's just... I can't shake this feeling, Johnny. What if she's hiding something? What if she's not as loyal as we think?” Alyra’s paranoia was eating away at her. ”I mean, she was dating a dude from the Sons of-"

“Sober you would never suggest that she was conspiring against us with her ex boyfriend. Let alone Maero. You know how bad she’s f*cked up over that relationship. You were there, and you’re helping her through it the most. I can see it, even if you hate admitting it.”

Johnny's hand on Alyra's shoulder provided a sense of grounding as his words washed over her, his steady gaze anchoring her in the midst of her doubts and fears. She listened intently as he spoke, his voice a calming presence amidst the turmoil swirling within her.

"Listen, A," Johnny continued, his tone a blend of firmness and compassion. "We've been through hell n’ back together. Shaundi's young, sure, but she understands what loyalty, trust, and love mean. I sure as hell wouldn’ve recruited her if I didn’t trust her. I sure as hell know you wouldn’ve have stayed at her place and became friends with her before the crew if you didn’t trust her."

Alyra shifted uncomfortably, a pang of guilt gnawing at her insides. Johnny's words struck a chord within her, reminding her of the bond she had formed with Shaundi a while before the Saints were reestablished.

"You should've seen your eyes the day you bailed me out," Johnny continued, his voice softening with a hint of nostalgia. "She’s the one who got you all lovey dovey n’ sh*t. I dunno about you, but I ain’t never seen you like that before.”

Johnny's words resonated deeply with Alyra, stirring memories she had buried beneath layers of bravado and defiance. The recollection of that day flashed vividly in her mind, the mixture of relief and affection she had felt as she watched Shaundi's unwavering support.

"Yeah," Alyra murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, "That was..." She paused, searching for the right words to convey the complexity of her emotions. "Different."

Johnny nodded, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I know you don't love her," he continued, his voice gentle yet perceptive, "But I know you're growing fond of her and..." He trailed off, leaving the statement hanging in the air between them, the unspoken sentiment heavy with implications.

Alyra bristled at the reminder, her discomfort evident in the tense set of her shoulders. She wasn't accustomed to discussing her emotions, especially not with someone as perceptive as Johnny. Especially not about the L word.

"Look, my point is," The dark haired man pressed on, his tone gentle yet insistent. "She's proven herself time and time again. I trust her, and you do too, deep down. It’s okay to be on the fence about how love can be a weakness but you also can’t let it hold you back from sh*t. You gotta understand where she’s comin’ from."

Alyra's gaze flickered to Johnny's, uncertainty clouding her features as she wrestled with her conflicting emotions. She knew that Johnny was right; Shaundi had stood by them through thick and thin, proving her loyalty time and time again. Yet, the lingering doubts still gnawed at her, casting a shadow over her trust.

"I want to trust her," Alyra admitted quietly, her voice tinged with vulnerability. She meant she wanted to trust her openinly, Johnny knew. Before he could comment, she continued, "I really do. It's just... hard."

Johnny offered her a reassuring smile, his eyes filled with understanding. "I know, A," he said softly, his voice a soothing balm to her troubled mind. "But we're all in this together. Shaundi's got our backs just as much as we've got hers."

Alyra's gaze softened as she met Johnny's understanding eyes, a mixture of gratitude and vulnerability reflected in her own. "Thanks, Johnny," she said quietly, her voice laced with sincerity. "For... understanding."

Johnny offered her a reassuring smile, his expression filled with empathy. "Anytime, A," he replied, his tone warm with reassurance. "We're family, remember? We look out for each other. I mean, you love me right? Cause’ I sure as hell love the f*ck out of your ass." He tackled her in a giant hug.

Her voice was muffled, as she struggled in his grasp. She could get out if she wanted too, but she loved his playfulness. “Johnny! Let go of me!”
“Admit it!”

“Fine! Yes!”

“What?” He shouted, gathering the attention of the crew, “Sorry! The musics loud, I’m gonna need you to speak up!” He snickered, teasing the blonde. He squeezed her tighter.

“f*cking hell, you’re going to be the death of me.” She murmured. She took a deep breathe, shouting, “I love you, okay Johnny, now go home!” She let out a laugh and a genuine smile for the first time in a while. She pushed him off her, almost making him topple into the back of the couch. He steadied himself before meeting her gaze.

A sense of reassurance washed over her, the weight of her doubts slowly beginning to lift. With Johnny's unwavering support and a reminder of Shaundi's steadfast loyalty, she felt a lot better. It was a feeling more intoxicating than any drink could provide, warming her from the inside out. Her gaze met Shaundi’s. In that moment, she knew they were in this together, through thick and thin. And that was a strength no amount of alcohol running through her veins could ever match.

Maybe she wasn’t as heartless as she tried to be after all.

Haunted in Stilwater - Chapter 18 - BxsicRissa (2024)


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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.