Asheville Citizen-Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)

a Thero Im One FOUR TRAINMEN; 0E1D, TWO FATALLY INJURED. 1T9 afA Utt HABPER'S MY IMES STATEMENT RE WILSON I Qov. of New Jersey Said TBat OoL Harvey's Activ-' ity Was Hurting Him INAUGURATION DATE BE TWO Wfis Resolution Reported Favorably -For Making Date Last Thursday in April That Im Laxativo Bromo Quinine VMED THC WOAL9 OVCH TO OVKt A OOUtU OHE OAT. Comforts at Always remember the (nil name. tor this signature on every box.

SPECIAL PRICES Are j'ou in need of Extra Covering! If oflme here, our stock affords good selection at big re-" duction; Sweaters, Gloves, Underwear. Heavy Outer HALT Is the Order When wc have raised Garments all Bear Reductions Here With which to pay our debts before dissolving part-, To speedily accomplish the raising of this large amount of ready cash from the sale of our Btock, wc i offer anything iti, the house whether it is new 1 second hand Furniture, Stoves, House Furnishings, at 4 Your inspection is all we ask, 1 DEAL GOUGMIl We Oft Tog a "Square Deal" and "GolighUy-'on Um Priori A NOTICE OF TKlfSTEBTS BALK Under and virtue of the power of sale In a deed In trust executed to the undersigned as trustee- by Ameri can foundry 4 Supply company, a. corporation organised and existing under the laws of the state of North Carolina, dated the 22nd day of July, registered tn the offlce of the register of deeds of Buncombe county; state) of North "Carolina, In Book of Mortgaged and Deeds In trust No. tf. at page and by vlr.

tUe of said deed in trust, default haV' Ing made In the payment of the moneys secured by the said oeeq- in trust as well aa In other provisions contained in said deed trust, the undersigned wjll sell or cash at pub-Ho auction at the court house doer In the olty of Ashevllle, county of Buncombe and state of North Carolina, to the highest bidder lor cash on Saturday the loth day of January? A. 1(12, at 11 o'clock neon, the property contained In the said deed In trust 'and which is described therein aa follows: All that piece or parcel ef land, situate, lying and being In the state of North-Carolina-and In the county cl Buncombe, and bounded and' more, particularly described as follows, to-wtt; Beginning at a stake In the center of -Towir (Creek and In the west Hue of the Southern railroad right of way It being, the southeast corner of the 4 TVnntpithenea dawntsaM.rekoath If degrees tt minutes west S86 feet to a stake In the- center of said creek near its mouth; thence 'with the east margin of. the read north 25 degrees east 247 feet to a stake In the east margin of said road; thence south (7 degrees SO minutes east 182 feet te a stake In the west Hne of the South, een railroad right of way; thence with the same 200 feet to the beginning. Also all the land lying between the abow described and the French Being, the same land described in a certain deed dated the day of 111, form H. O.

Lea and Ella Las his wife, to the said American Foundry A Supply company. And also the following, all that property described In the said deed In trust, as follows: All the machinery, stock of goods, moulds, fixtures and properties of any and every kind and description whatsoever of the party of the- first part, said property being now In their place ef business at No. 162 Depot street, in the elty of Ashevllle, N. and at 359 'Depot street. In the city of Ashevllle.

N. C. And also all the stock In trade, nja-'chinery and fixtures acquired by the said American Foundry Supply company from the date of the said deed In trust to the date of the sale, to-wtt: 20th day of January A. 1(12, under the following provisions contained In the said deed In trust. And If Is hereby further and expressly agreed and declared by the party of the first part, that all the stock in trade, machinery and fixtures which the said party of the first part may from time to time hereafter, during the, continuance of this deed in trust, add to or incorporate with the present stock, or which shall from time to time during the continuance of this deed In trust be In, up on or about the places of business or building occupied by the said party of the first part for the purpose of trade at their places of business hereinbefore described, shall be Included In this deed of trust, and be subject the provisions and covenants herein contained: and the said party of the first part shall upon requests of the parties of the third part, or either of ttiem.

-execute a further RESULT DP COLLISION L. N. and C. St 0. Trains Bump Together and Many Passengers Are Hurt ENGINES EXPLODED1 lOCXSVIULE.

Jan. II Four trainmen are dead an.d two perhaps fatally Injured as tns result of the heauVon collision at tang Run, etgh teen miles east of here at o' clock this afternoon between an In bound Luuivlile and passenger train an 4 a Chesapeake Ohio train of empty Practical. ly all passengers on the bouls1lle and Nashville tram were more or less Two Chesapeake, and Ohio brakvmen, suffered severe In Both engines enpfoded. according to passengers, bits of. the wreckage falling on tha roofs of the coaches and terror list A the passengers who had been thrown Into masses In the forward end of the cara Passengers Immediately set to work helping the Injured from the coaches and went forward to Assist In extricating the Chesapeake and Ohio conductor and his brakeman, caught In the wreck age when the combination coach tn which W)y rode telescoped upon the snaiiereti engines.

The Chesapeake and Ohio train 'was "dead heading'' back to Lexington- Several previously the same train, out. had col lided with a cut of frietght car in East Louisville fend had to put back for repairs. Louisville and Kashvllre offtMals express the belief that the wreck was due'ld misunderstood or der REGARDING POLICY 'ViVai-e- (Conttnoed from Page One) return a report before January 26. for whlcfo date President White has called a conference ot operators and miner of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois and Indiana to Consider the proposed new, contracTr He ha not received from the, operators word as to whether not ttnty will Jolb In the conference. FORMER FIANCE COLORADO SPRINGS, Jan.

II. An affidavit, made here" February It. 1110... before L. P.

Lawon, a no-Ury publlcr, by Hiss Patsy Felts, of Salt Lake, daughters' a Kansas City Baptist minister, regarding hep relations wKh the Rev. T. Rlche-son, confessed murdered of his Miss Avis Llnnell of Hyanrrls, was mad public heroAoday. A certified copy of the affidavit has been requested by the state's attorney at Boston for the purpose, it Is believed here, of (ombatUng any attempt, to save Rlchesoh from the electric chair. 1 sets forth, amorig other- things, that 'Miss Felts became engaged to KJcheson; December 29, 1101, when Rlcheeon Was a student In William Jewell college, LJbsrty, Mo.

ACAINST, JOCKEY DA T(l'B. CHARLESTON 8. Jan. Announcement was made tonight by the Charleston Fair and Racing as sociation that the Canadian Racing association had indicated that It would, not support the New York Jockey club In Iter threat to outlaw the Charleston race meeting. A telegram from Secretary Frasler of the Canadian association states that that body wiy observe the Jockey club rulings only In so far as they concern fraud, HER "LEGACY? ALL A JOKE PHILADELPHIA, Jen.

Miss Helen Townsend Sngle, a school girl of sixteen, feels M3.000 poorer than yesterday, but tonight she declared to tier girl friends that 'lt doesn't worry me any and I really didn't have time to realize what so much money meant." A few of Mt Engle's girl friends in school last Krtday told her that friend of hern, John Hermer. of New York, had died, leaving her a legacy of $91,000 for her kindness to hie parents, who live near her. Miss Engel was spending her time yesterday trying to figure how much 13.000 va In -terms of pin money when he was Informed -that the "legacy" all a Joke. Does Every Woman Long to be Beautiful? In Household Help) "If you want light, fluffy and lustrous, hair, don't shampoo with soap and water which leave the hair duH and brittle. -To make a dry shampoo.

put a. cupful of corn meal Jn fruit Jar, add the content small original package of iherox, and shake well. Sprinkle a little on the head and brush out This makes your hair, clean, soft and silky and heightens lt color, "If you wsnt a fine Complexion, with soft and lovely akin, as a lm-ple home-made preparation, fuds by dissolving an original peckate of may-atone in half pmt of witch hazel. Apply to' face, neck and arm In the morning, rubbing gnth-. 'To reduro swelling, 'allay, inflammation, to stop ache in bark or Joints, to rdte pain from-sprain, bruise or soy Jkuse, apply.

Mother's Salve before retiring, rubbing In well. It is a iNEW. YORK. -Jan. II.

The current number of Harper's Weekly contains the following editorial announcement: i i our readers: ''We make the following 'reply "to many Inquiries from readers ot Harper's Weekly: "The name of Woodrow Wilson as our candidate for president was taken down from the head of tinece columns in response to a statement made to us directly, by Governor JWll son, to the effect that our support was affecting his candidacy Injurious- 1 only course left -open to us, in simple fairness to Wilson, no less than In consideration of our own aelf-respeot, was to cease. to advocate his nomination. vt' "We make' this explanation with great reluctance and the deepest regret But we cannot escape, the con clusion that very considerable number of our readers, who, have co operated earnestly and loyally in ad vanctng a movement which was In aogurated solely in 'the hope of ren dering a high service, are clearly entitled to this Information." WIIrftON WOCMNT TAIJt PRINCETON. N. Jan.

II When seen at his home here tonight Gor. Wilson refuaed to make any com ment upon the editorial 'which ap peared In Harper's Weekly, giving the reason for taking the governor's. name, aa a presidential candidate. from the head of the columns of that weekly. P.

0. DEPT. OrPICIALS UNDER BAD CHARGE i WASHINGTON, Jan. I.Charges that postofflee department officials 11' legally, expended 1,000.000 In payments to railroads for railway mall ears that did not come up to the legal standard- were made before the house committee on reform In the civil ser vice, today by Erban A. Walters, of Denver.

Walters declared that the postmaster general -and his assistants had compelled, subordinates to eeriMy that specified services had been received when as a 'matter of fac( they had been HI parU- cular charges were that the cars fur nished for railway mall service were "unsanitary, nnjnfe and worxed hard. hips upon the mall elerjee, resulting In Iom of life, ilmb kn health," rMJmUta1ecJdeil "to report fa bill ratectlng tv ernment employes against discharge when: they petition 'congress In their own behalf. GOLP OFTIOIAIA'ARRAKJNED NEW TORK, Jan. K-Offleials of many well-known golf Clubs through out sevrely arraign ed in a document given out tonight by B. C.

Watson, secretary Of the United States Golf association, who gives warning that members of six ty clubs will be barred from tomi petition In the amateur goit Cham pionship of the UnKed States at Chi cago next July unless they comply at once with the demand for official handicap lists. The herculean task of compiling national handicap list of golfers In- order to reduce the entry list for the amateur championship to the, beet calibre has been undertaken by the organisation, but the, work Is held up because of. the failure of sixty clubs to send handicap lists or. to give any official notification as to whether they have any players ejlgl ble to compete. UTTAGK MADE ON El (From Bandar's OWlsen.) where the French minister 1 considering the advisability of calling In the railway employes.

There la re newed unrest at Tien Tsin and serious disorders are prevalent in other places. Bishop J. Bashford, of the Methodist Episcopal mission at Shanghai, and other prominent Amer ican missionaries, have sent a cable gram to the administration at Wash, lngton expressing the. view- that a re- public Is inevitable and practicable. LONDON, Jan.

bomb thrower who attempted the life of Yuan fihl Kai, yesterday, has con fessed that the assassination of the premier was' to have been- the signal for a general rising in Peking, says a Peking to The Pally Telegraph. The wohle southeast portion of the city Is now picketed with troops, and house to house search resulted in the discovery of a bomb factory and the arrest of -several men having bombs la their possession. There are persistent rumors of an attempt to poison the empress dowager, who, however, becoming suspicious, refused to partake wf the fatal, cup. ABDICATION EDICT, PARIS, Jan. 17.

A secret cabinet council at Peking yesterday, prepared an abdication edict which prob ably will be promulgated today, ac cording to a despatch to the Euro-peon edltioa of tho New Her aid; The attempt Tuan 8hf Hal had forced the hends of hts ob durate prlneesj who, fearing attempts against themselves, decided to a Look t6o. ooo OETOUB POUND RATT3 On, lwigh Hrf laundry work for the family washing with all, flat pieces ironed. 1 Phono' A Trtol Alt We AsVf. Oliaaaaaas -W Treat Vpvi Iuu4rr Wliit -NOTICE Notice 1 hereby given that I will N. CV or gt the office of Merrlmon, Adam 11 Church street, Ashevllle, N.

tot ths entire stock of goods, ware and merchandise and all fixture and property, other than open account of ths Can-tan Co-Operatlve Co.i bankrupt, up to It a. in. on 'the 2Ind day of ltU, when th said bids will be opened at the oltiees of Merrlmon, Adam Adams, lit Ashevllle. and tr which time any party blddine may be -present and rtls 'any bid that tnsy may have made before that time. Upon the' closing of bids, no further bid will be considered br me as trustee, Said Stock, furniture and fixture to be sold ai a whole and freed and discharged from any and all lien and Incumbrance.

Complete inventory and appraisal can be seen either at the office of Merrlmon. Adam tt Ad 4ms, or my "'office lr Canton. This Jsnuary lir HAKItf M. OILMORK, Trusts. Canton to-Operative Bankrupt ltl-lS-10 1 POLICE BLOTTER'S DAILY RECORD The following arrest were made yesterday: A.

C. Johnson, drunk'i Tom Lee, assault and carrying concealed weapon. i. i The nam of R. M.

Smather which appeared in the police blotter a re corded In The CHlsea of Monday snoum nave Met K. M. Saunder. The Canadian, Northern railroad will enter tho city ot Montreal through a three-mile tunnel under the famous Mt Royat. i Wood's Seeds F6r 1012.

Our New Descriptive Catalof! is fully up-to-date, and tell ail about the best Garden and Farm Seeds. Every farmer and gardener should have a copy of this catalog, which has long been recog- rued a a standard authority, for the full and complete information which it give. 'V We are headquarters for- Grass and Clover Seeis, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas. Sola Beans and all Fara Seeds. Wood'! Descriptive Cstloi mailed free on request Write for it Jan.

1. fha house Judiciary committee today ordered 'favorably reported the "Henry resolution" changing the date of the presidential inauguration from March 4 to the last Thursday In April and the term ot representatives in congress to begin the second Tuesday' In January Instead of on March i. These, ohanges' would be effective April, I17. and January, lilt, respectively. The' Henry resolution would provide for extension of the term of the president and vice-president elected 'In lll to the last Thursday or April, ltlf.

Congress would convene annually on the second Tuesday In January. This would leave the, biennial elections In November except In ore in June, and in Main and Ver mont in September. Several' democratic members reserved the right to amend the resolution on the floor, The bill would also give congress constitutional power to legislate as i to successioa where there Is a vacancy on account of the death ot inability of the president-elect and vice-president- elect between the counting of the ele itoral vote and the Inauguration. "There la a complete hiatus here at said Henry, "and should these officials: die or become totally disabled between those there Is now, no' authority for filling the Va cancies." j. 4, 1 RELEASE OF WINESKIE i ORDERED BY COURT GREENSBORO, N.

Jan. Buperior court judge C. M. coos, to day held that the magistrates proceed Ings under which. Frank Wlneekle.

of High Point, was indicted and held tor the alleged embesalement of. ISO 000 from the Standard Mirror company. were' void and he ordered the release of the This was In answer to a writ of habeas corpus tnstittued by the defendant, who raised the point that a special legislative act creat ing a recorder's court for tho mantel polity of Point gavs that -court anginal and exclusive Jurisdiction In such cases. Judge Cook declined; to Issue bench warrant upon the stats ment of prosecuting counsel that sentiment wsa such in Hlgn Point that a fair trial, could not be obtained. The matter, It is said, will lay opart until the nex session of the grand Jury, PA' "I i .1 DEMOCRAT PRESIDES.

WASH WOTON. Jan. U-Th sight ef democrat prosldlntdVeTl deliberations of a republican' senate probably wilpbe a common sight' dur. Ing the remainder of the present ses sion. This peculiar situation wag vlr- wu i -u iwwj -non oefiwior uaillnger announced that he would not at this time press his motion for the -election of a president pro tempore of the senate.

He le the can didate ofrthe regular republicans for the place, but tho democrat in coal Itlon with ho Insurgent republicans have Supported Senator and there has bee a long- deadlock. Mr. Bacon has friends In both the republican camps, but Senator Gal linger cannot lay claim to the same feeling among Insurgent wing of his own party, Tnerer ore Senator Bacon has been occupying the chaty during the absences of Vlce-presldeftt Sher man. He directed the senate for three days during the vice-president's recent absence In TorU. Friend of Senator Oal linger ad- vised him not.

to -press his motion for a canvass disclosed that he could not command 'vote enough to win. The Implacable attitude of her Insur gent republicans is taken to Indicate that the war waged by In the tariff discussions last session will be resumed with ewen greater vigor and bitterness once the new schedules are reached. BITTTER, eOC PER PncWBv iHitAuu, Jan. n. sixty cent pound for butter wax said today "to be the price to which retail dealer In Chicago looked forward.

Quota tlons this afternoon reached 47 cents the highest In the city's history. This additional burden on the cost of living was blamed by the storekeeper to etearcfty resulting from the recent severe- weather conditions. but other persons were not slow to ascribe the advance to an alleged trust which has been under Investi gation by federal authorities. Tho bonus according to one usually well posted authority was declared to be on eastern housee that have been manipulating prices by mesns of large holdings of cold storage butter. PITS IX OPPONENTS PETITIOJI BELCH BRTOWN, Jan.

It When no legislator could be round Introduce a petition circulated by A. L. Pratt, Edward Sargent' opponent at the polls, ssklng the Oeneral Court to unseat Sargent and declare the petitioner elected, Mr. Sargent looked up Pratt, took hi petition and introduced It himself. "I'm It Boiton," said Sargent, "to serve my' constituent, and Mr.

Pratt is on of thsm. I'm willing to do anything reasonable to help SHOE MEX'S OmCERS. BOSTOV, Jan. t. H.

P. llgglns, of New ToTK, was elected president of the National Shoe wholesalers association at th annual meeting held here today. A. L. Lougie, of Rapids, and H.

Lee Brand, ef Roanoke, vice presidents; Milton French, of t-4s city and L. Belle-vy. nf Chicago, members of the executive board. HIGHrST FOR 2S TEARS. NEW TORK, Jan.

Tbo whole ale price of butter In New Tork today went to tt rente a pound, tho highest reached In twenty-eight years and retailer were asking tl cents with only limited supplies of ths best In as I It dedln trust of such after acquired property In terms similar to these present, with the Intent that such after acquired property shall ef fectually held as, a security for the payment of the -debts hereby secured. TMs the 20th day of December, A 1111. THOMAS A. JONEP, It Trustee. but they are ready to -do so If re quired.

HOW Cl'BA TOOK SEWS Jan. news of threatened intervention by the united States In Cubaq affairs which wag published In the late editions of the Havana afternoon papers, coming without the least warning, caused in tense excitement In the clubs cafes, while In all places of bile gathering it was the absorbing topic of discussion, Astonishment and re-sentment against American Interfer ence were mingled vary-gneral JiioredMRtfy AfJrriTTW a iieg 'Wanny con-; nrmed, th impression became gen eral that the suggestion of interven-- tlon probably would have a good feet In calming the existing veteran agitation and in quieting political ex citement. President Gomez, "seen at the palace tonight, said: 'I have only recently received Sec. retary Knox's note: through American minister. Mr.

Beaupre, and have not yet made a but prob ably will do so tomorrow. I am con vinced that no occasion has yet arisen for any intimation of Intervention. I believe that the Washington govern ment's attitude Is based an erroneous view of conditions In Cuba, arts Ing from distorted and greatly aggerated reports from Havana." CONFERENCE OF LEADERS. HAVANA. Jan.

a protract- ea caoinet meeting tonight it was decided that the president should summon tomorrow a conference of the leaders of all political parties and the veteran organizations to agree. If possible on a course of action. Apparently this Is preliminary to the preparation of a "reply to the Knox note. FAMOUS MINSTRELS TO APPEAR TONIGHT The famous "Honey Boy 'Minstrels," featuring George Evans Reese Prosser, will show at the Auditorium tonight lij view of the break in the cold snap, a large house Is expected. At the last show the recent overhauling of the Auditorium heating apparatus made a decided Improvement In the temperature qf the house which was quite comfortable.

-i ne iioney jjoy- minstrels are being followed by glowing press no tlcee. Seattle, It is reported, is to emulate New York city and perhaps surpass Chicago by building a forty-two story sky scraper. ANY miseries. Should you" be' suffering now from any stomach disorder you can get relief within five minutes. If you will get from, your pharmacist a tO-cent case of Pape's Olapep-sin you could always go to.

the table with a hearty appetite, and your meals would taste good, because you would know there would be no' Indigestion or sleepless nights or headache, br stomach misery all the next day; and, besides, you would not need laxatives or liver pills to keep, your stomach and bowels clean and fresb. Pape's Diapepsia can be obtained from your druggist, and contain more than sufficient thoroughly cure the worst case of indigestion or dyspepsia. There Is nothing better for gas on the stomach or squt odors from the stomach or to cure a stomach, headache. T4 couldn't keep a' handler; or more useful article in the house. UNITFD STATES MAY INTERVENE fN CUBA (Continued from Page One)) I ARBITRATION TAKEN IIP III SPEECH OF MINER in Other Senators Have Given Notice of Speeches to be -Made Soon Jaik H.

Cohsld. ration ot tho pending arbitration treaties wltk 'Qrjat 'rltgin mhjl Prance was falnly, begun In ths sen. ate today with a speech by Senator Rayner, f' MsjfyUind, and he subject will be Iftfthe senate regularly for some, time. Senator McCumber has given notice that he will address ths tho subject Thursday, and other senators are preparing to par ticlpate actively In the The sehat ha been informally tan- vaeaed on tHW etrength of the treaties by senators on both sides of the qusstlon. The administration senators are espeelally hopeful though more than willing for a delay' to mu- ter more support.

One poll mad by a senator who Is supporting the treaties figures out sixty senator for the treaties, unamended or amended In some acceptable way. six of thsas being somewhat subject to doubt; four teen against them, one still open to slight doubt, and tho remainder doubtful. Bl'WHAjrs JOIN MOVEMENT WASH JJoTON, 1 The Rus sian will Join. with the American, British, French, German and Japanese force In keeping railway com munication open from Peking to the i. Already the Russians are occu pying the east station of the Imperial railway ot North' China, at Tien TWn and all th various sections of the railway tins from Peking to ths open port of hlnwsntao ars now being guarded.

Minister Calhoun re ported these facts to the stat department today but did not record any marked development In. the effort for the restoration of "peace, 9 SAMPLE BOTTLE OFTEN PROVES BENEFICIAL Some time ago I was afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble and was Unable to obtain any relief from other medicines so sent for a sample bottle of your Swamp-Root. I received so much benefit from this small bottle that I purchased a large bottle of the druggist. I continued the of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root until I regarded myself as cured end sm now very good health, I recommended It to a oelthbor who has used It with the same result.

I regard your remedy, Swamp-Root, a preparation that will de all you claim for It. M.RS. ALBERT STERNER. Cressona, Ps. Personally appeared before me this ISth dsy of September, 10, Mrs.

Al bert Sterner, who subscribed the Above statement and make oath that the same I true in substance and tn fact. C. A. MOVER, J. P.

luer in TT Ir. Klliix-r A -1 Btnerhsmton, Y. Prove What am p. Root Will Do For You Send to Dr. Kilmer S.

for a-sample bottle. will convince' anyone. You' will also receive booklet of valuable Information, telling s'll about the kidneys and When writing, be aar and mention The Ashevllle Citt-Xen. Regular nd one-d- 'lnr A UTTLE D1APEPSIN Ef.DS INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, GAS OR Relief in Five Awaits Every Man or Woman Who Suffers From, a Bad r- Stomach Nothing will remain undigested or sour on your stomach if you will take a little tMapepsin occasionally. 'This powerful, digestive though! as harmless and pleasant as candywlll digest and prepare for as-slmilatlon into the blood all the food you can eat.

Eat -what you stomach eravesj. without the slightest fear of IndigestJos) or that you will be bothered with sour risings, belohtng. gas on stomach, heartburn, headaches stomach, bad breath, water brash, or a feeling like yoy had swallowed a tump ef lead," or, other disagreeable Lring down the curtain on he Manchu dynast)-. Tuan himself is authority for stating that -he- again tendered his resignation but It was not accep-ed. French, Oermaa and English are taught 1n tho schools ot Holland and pupils, ar'e required .16 pass exam ination In these languages before.

Asheville Citizen-Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)


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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.