Advent of the Demon King: A DMC-inspired RP (2024)

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UndyingPhoenix Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

#1: May 6th 2015 at 12:05:33 PM

And so, the fateful day dawned, when Victor Leranz, now no longer a solo agent, would step into his role in the coming trials, along with his new recruits. What would Fate and their choices change and lead them towards? It was going to be a busy day for all indeed, as were the ones ahead...

Victor's Purge Main Office, Outside the Front Door, 9:00 AM

"Alright, welcome to the main office, newbies. This is where the magic happens, where we get the jobs and the payments. Of course, it's not all about the money, as we all know. It's about the smoking hot ladies as well."

Victor Leranz stood in front of his offices, chuckling a bit at his last comment. His ashen hair moved slightly with the breeze, strangely strong for a warm, if cloudy day. He had to make a good first impression today, the whole day. He surveyed his new employees in front of him, wondering silently...or at least trying to.

"What a bunch we are...I like it."

He shook his head, apparently not aware of his audible whisper.

"Right. We've got a busy day ahead, so let's get the "grand" tour over with. I've...I mean we've, got places to be, people to see. Can't keep the customer waiting, now can we? Well...we could. Don't think they'd be happy though."

He swept his hands majestically towards the office, a bit strange considering it was pretty run down. The windows were dusty, clouded over from the outside and a few were even boarded up. It might even seem condemned if one didn't look too closely. Over the slightly weathered oak doors stood two pairs of neon lights, one white, one a blood red.

Victor's Purge

The building was small, inconspicuous, and a bit of a dump to be honest. Of course, that's what made it the perfect main office. Hidden, unnoticeable to the unaware eye, suitable for meetings with people with ACTUAL jobs. If the walls could speak of what went on behind those doors...

"Alright, enough gawking. Shall we?"

He gently nudged open the door, a slight creak echoing through the mostly empty street in Downtown...

And so, the madness begins. Of power, betrayal, hope, despair, of demons, angels, humans, and all in between. Of Victor and his miniature army of one-man weapons.

"Just another day in the office. Get used to what you do here today. Hope you hate routine. Questions?"

edited 6th May '15 12:06:11 PM by UndyingPhoenix

daltar (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#2: May 6th 2015 at 2:22:44 PM

"... Victor, dear, are you talking seriously? If not because of the neon sign I'd think this is the building you're going to demolish to build up you office" says Samantha W. Barker, not one shy to express her opinion even to the man who would be her boss "I mean it's fine if you're going to be running a soup kitchen... but what will our clients think of it when they come spend some big bucks on ending demonic threats?"

"... Seems spacious enough... more than enough space. Not really harmonic... but it has a good vibe. Seems good" says Rinchen off to one side, a hood added to her otherwise regular monk clothes obscuring her features as her brown eyes look over the place.

"... Hey what's with the tiny little Shaolin monk? Did you abduct a kid from a kung fu movie to join your staff, Victor?" continues Samantha with a little smile as she looks at Rinchen with a little smile of endearment and humor... before she lets out a little sigh "Man does this place need a feminine touch... though I guess that's even more value you're getting out of hiring me, dear" says Samantha, taking her first steps into the office.

"... Tiny little..." mumbles Rinchen letting out an annoyed sigh before she too steps inside the building.

svenorzokarkoff Since: Apr, 2013

#3: May 6th 2015 at 3:57:42 PM

Victor's Purge

"Haha, can't ya cut our boss some slack, Miss?"

Adrian Stolas stood next to Samantha. "It's a good solid building with plenty 'o space. We can worry 'bout the aesthetics later." He spoke in a southern drawl.

The man walked towards the doorway, vermillion eyes shining with amusem*nt beneath his Stetson.

edited 6th May '15 4:58:29 PM by svenorzokarkoff

daltar (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#4: May 6th 2015 at 4:37:07 PM

"Never. And specially not on the first day. Reap what you sow and first impressions are important. I wouldn't want him to get used to me going easy on him" says Samantha, harsh words though she says them with a bright, teasing smile on her face "And still, aesthetics are important. More so than most would believe"

Kosjurake The Wildest of Ronins from Tokyo LOCCENT Since: May, 2010 Relationship Status: I like big bots and I can not lie

The Wildest of Ronins

#5: May 6th 2015 at 4:45:06 PM

Alex stared unimpressed at the ramshackle building. He had been under the impression that joining an actual group instead of being a solo freelancer would improve his quality of life. Instead it seemed his new home office was going to be a dump.

"I'm not normally all that concerned with the look of a place. But are we sure this thing's up to code? I'd rather my obituary didn't end up reading, 'Accomplished Demon Hunter Killed by Collapsed Condemned Building.'"

Click Click Boom Boom

UndyingPhoenix Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

#6: May 7th 2015 at 7:01:58 AM

"Oh, don't worry. This place is up to code. You'll see..."

Inside Victor's Purge

The sight of a clean, neat office greeted them. A wooden desk to the left, a small carpet for wiping their feet, a lounge area with a few sofas for sitting on, and even a water cooler. A small fan whistled as it spun, creating a small, cool breeze. The desk was a mess, papers lying all over the place, and multiple trophies taken from demons decorated the walls. It was a bit dusty and sparse, but it was otherwise professional looking.

"See? Don't want the outside to look TOO good, or else every demon with a slight annoyance would be after this place. And I don't feel like paying for repairs and cleaning the place out every morning."

Victor sidled over to his desk, turning to face them, one hand casually leaning on the top of the table.

"So, welcome to Victor's Purge. Now, let's haul ass. We've got a party to get to."

He picked up a small sticky note from the desk.

"Oh right, forgot to tell you all about the party... Well, don't matter now."

svenorzokarkoff Since: Apr, 2013

#7: May 7th 2015 at 3:37:04 PM

Victor's Purge

Adrian let out a low whistle as he looked around. The interior definitely looked better than the exterior. "Well shoot, at least yer office looks the part." He said, staring at the wall mounts. " Really sets the mood."

Adrian raised an eyebrow, hearing that they had to attend a party. "Ya got a ride, or are we gonna haf'ta book it on foot?"

daltar (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#8: May 8th 2015 at 12:43:05 PM

"My, my Victor... Alright, this is way better. I still don't approve of the hideous exterior, but I get the why... And as long as this keeps being nice and cozy inside I think I'll survive" she says, moving around the place and checking for dust... and the little frown on her face as she checks her finger shows that she may do something about that later.

"Uh... party?" asks Rinchen with a bit of confusion.

Kosjurake The Wildest of Ronins from Tokyo LOCCENT Since: May, 2010 Relationship Status: I like big bots and I can not lie

The Wildest of Ronins

#9: May 10th 2015 at 12:14:00 AM

"Huh... hell of a dissonance between outside and inside."

Alex strolled over to look at some of Victor's demonic trophies up close, for all of two seconds before the man announced the party.

"Party?" Alex echoes Rinchen's confusion. "Why are we going to a party?"

Click Click Boom Boom

UndyingPhoenix Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

#10: May 10th 2015 at 1:37:09 AM

"Well, seeing as I'm no longer a one man army, and now that I've hired you, I went ahead and got ourselves a safehouse, a training hall, whatever you want to call it. You're welcome."

His devilish smile accentuated that last bit.

"Now, it's not too far away, so we can walk. Got complaints? Save 'em for later. Don't want to be late for our little housewarming party, now do we? I want full uniform, gotta really sell Victor's Purge for our clients there. All weapons, neatly kept on us, standard mission uniform, the works. Uniforms and stuff's through there. Pick whichever one you want."

He jabbed his thumb behind him, pointing to a storage room.

"Hurry up. Ain't got all day."

daltar (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#11: May 10th 2015 at 1:35:13 PM

"Thankfully I'm always presentable for any kind of party... and I keep my things neatly in order and within easy reach. So whatever you're cooking Victor, I'm ready" says Samantha with a an expectant grin, walking towards the door.

Rinchen for her part... well, she was carrying all she had with her. She decided to provisionally leave the backpack with her personal belongings and passport back at the office. She didn't know exactly what was the work uniform, so she kept her robes and weapons concealed as she walked towards the door.

Kosjurake The Wildest of Ronins from Tokyo LOCCENT Since: May, 2010 Relationship Status: I like big bots and I can not lie

The Wildest of Ronins

#12: May 11th 2015 at 12:53:53 PM

"Uniforms? Really? I'm already wearing the gear I normally wear on a job. I'll admit I had assumed that there'd be a trial by fire first. Not let's go to a party. But still I'd like to think it looks good enough for party purposes as well."

Alex gestured at his get up which definitely looked similar to a military dress uniform with added armor.

Click Click Boom Boom

svenorzokarkoff Since: Apr, 2013

#13: May 11th 2015 at 4:53:18 PM

Checking the wares

Ah'm guessing Victor ain't talking 'bout fancy suits... Adrian thought. Well, it won't hurt to take a gander, an' Ah could use some light armour...

"Much obliged, boss." the southerner tipped his hat to Victor, before entering the storage room to see what was in stock.

UndyingPhoenix Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

#14: May 12th 2015 at 10:53:33 AM

Shelf Shopping

"That's your mission gear? Well, I guess it's fine. Could use a bit more style really."

He looked over the military dress that his new employee wore. Not stylish, but it worked. He looked over his shoulder to the Rinchen and the others heading into the storage room.

"Alright, just pick whatever you want. I've got a little bit of everything in there, and I like people with style! Didn't know what you wanted, so I got only a FEW choice selections."

With that, he cartwheeled over the table, easily landing in his seat and with a kick on the table, launched his cell phone in the air, catching it and dialing a number.

"Hello, ACME Catering? I have a party I need you to deliver to...And it's going to be quite a loud one at that..."

Inside the Storage Buil-Room.

Were they sure Victor said a FEW things? A huge arsenal of weapons, armor and other equipment lay around the entire, nearly entire storey sized room. Leather jackets, trenchcoats, military fatigues, a medieval suit of freaking PLATE MAIL . And that was only on a small bit of one wall. There was stuff for guys, gals, and all things inbetween. Rocket launchers, light machine guns, pistols, almost any firearm you could name, even military ones, were on display in all their glory. And they were in mint condition too. An entire shelf was dedicated to modifications for all the guns. And that was nothing to mention the melee weapons. Combat knives, swords, axes, a FLAIL, a WARHAMMER. Victor sure knows some interesting people who know interesting people. Now with what could quite literally be the entire world of combat fashion at their fingertips, their choice would be quite difficult, especially for that fashion obsessed witch...


Victor's voice echoed from somewhere faintly behind them.

Kosjurake The Wildest of Ronins from Tokyo LOCCENT Since: May, 2010 Relationship Status: I like big bots and I can not lie

The Wildest of Ronins

#15: May 12th 2015 at 11:24:06 AM

"You're acting like we're going to be late to a party, and you are just now ordering the food for it? I don't think you know how catering works."

Alex ignored the slight against his gear, but did peak his head into the room and gave an appreciative whistle at the assortment of gear and toys Victor had gotten his hands on.

Click Click Boom Boom

svenorzokarkoff Since: Apr, 2013

#16: May 12th 2015 at 12:16:07 PM

"Not that much" he says...Ah got enough firepower around me ta take out half the demons in the county! Adrian thought.

A short while later, Adrian had picked out a brown reinforced duster, and was planning to find the time to lay some basic enchantments on it. He had also used the opportunity to repair Ghede and grabbed and a few boxes of shotgun ammunition.

''Well shoot, Ah don't look half bad." He remarked, looking at his new gear.

edited 12th May '15 12:17:25 PM by svenorzokarkoff

daltar (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#17: May 12th 2015 at 8:01:39 PM

"Oh dear... Yes, I think this may be beginning to be a closet worthy of a lady" Says Samantha, not one to doubt walking into such a place and taking her pick of pretty things.

Rinchen for her part, looked at the armory mostly not understanding the extend of power found within... and if nobody tells her otherwise, will just step out, continuing to dress in her same robes, sandals and carrying her very same weapons.

Sam for her part would stay inside for a long while... just until people got tired of waiting before stepping out wearing something like thisAdvent of the Demon King: A DMC-inspired RP (18), with a halberd slung over one shoulder and a revolver in her other hand "Hey Victor, don't mind if I borrow these?"

UndyingPhoenix Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

#18: May 13th 2015 at 7:46:44 AM

"Well, everything except the guns and the spear. Those are part of my collection. But I like your outfit, very stylish!"

He gives her a thumbs up, before shrugging as he sees Rinchen walking out.

"Well, I'm not going to force the point. Wear whatever feels comfortable. Now, let's go. Don't want to be late to the party."

With that, he stepped out the front door, walking down the abandoned street.


About an hour later, outside the Safehouse.

Victor surveyed Dawa, Adrian, Samantha (Sam from now on, he noted to himself) and Alexander.

"Alright, I'll go inside, meet a few clients, say a few words and then introduce you all. You'll know when."

With that, he swept around, barging into the building. Silence...

daltar (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#19: May 13th 2015 at 12:11:28 PM

"A hundred dollar bet, right here and now lady and gentlemen... The sign to go in will either be screaming, gunshots or an explosion" says Samantha with a grin "If you win, you'll be both 100 dollars richer and I'll be bored"

UndyingPhoenix Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

#20: May 13th 2015 at 12:31:08 PM

Chapter 1 Hell of a party: Victor's Housewarming

There is a few moments of silence, everything calm.

Of course, Victor would be having none of that. A few seconds later, the front door burst open, a Pride DemonAdvent of the Demon King: A DMC-inspired RP (22) flying out just over their heads, landing with a sickening thud and sliding a few meters, before disintegrating into sand with a ghastly moan. Victor nonchalantly walked into the doorway, a manic grin upon his face. He watched his handiwork dissolve, before looking down at the others from the top of the steps.

"Well? What are you waiting for?! The entertainments here, cuz these are a real bunch of clowns!"

He swung around, Eris and Eirene in his hands within moments, as he blasted a nearby demon back into the building. He dived, Matrix-style, spinning in mid air as he made demons on every side hole-y. Rolling expertly across the floor, he spun around on the spot, before landing in a crouch, that same, crazy face as before.


svenorzokarkoff Since: Apr, 2013

#21: May 13th 2015 at 12:37:47 PM

"Hm, tough choice." Adrian hummed. "Ah'll go with gunshots, Ah guess."

Of course, Victor seemed to go with Option D, meaning that the bet was a bust. Still, that was the past, and the present was calling for some good old-fashioned violence!

Grinning in excitement, Adrian equipped Cernnunos and began spinning it to build momentum. "Well then Ah guess now's a good time to show off our party tricks." He quipped

edited 13th May '15 1:04:06 PM by svenorzokarkoff

Kosjurake The Wildest of Ronins from Tokyo LOCCENT Since: May, 2010 Relationship Status: I like big bots and I can not lie

The Wildest of Ronins

#22: May 13th 2015 at 1:06:22 PM

"...Not exactly the kind of party I had thought you were talking about. But, works for me."

Alex cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders to loosen up a bit before striding up the stairs. A bearded axe appeared in both his hands which he then swiftly planted in the back of two pride demon skulls while their attention was on Victor. Two daggers appeared moments after when he stabbed into the front of the demons' throats as he continued striding into the fray. He then spun to the side partially to get out of the way of the door so the rest of the team could follow in, partially because he had just conjured up a big honking sword that he was building up momentum for to cleave a third demon lurking off to the side in half.

Click Click Boom Boom

daltar (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#23: May 13th 2015 at 1:29:55 PM

"You... consider this a party!?" asks the serious Rinchen, kneeling down to let the pride demon sail over her head... a serious look in her face at the sign of enemies. She didn't know what these people were thinking... but if there were demons, then there was a need to exterminate them.

Punching her fists together, Rinchen became armored in her gauntlets and greaves... and then proceeded to jump inside the place, looking for the nearest threat to eliminate with her martial arts.

Samantha for her part whistled softly... deciding to count the gunshots of Victor as enough to say she didn't lose the bet even if she didn't win it either... and wielding the halberd in one hand she moved into the building, looking for demons to carve over.

UndyingPhoenix Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

#24: May 13th 2015 at 1:49:12 PM

"Bullet for you, bullet for you, EVERYBODY GETS A BULLET!"

Victor is running along the walls, sliding across the floor, DANCING ON THE CEILING, all while shooting at Pride Demons with Eris and Eirene. While spinning and catching them in the air, because he can. Even the bullets that miss mysteriously ricochet to hit their target.

"C'mon! Dance for me, ya freaks! This is a party we're at!"

His coat is flying all over the place, yet he seems perfectly aware of everything. He quickly holster his handguns behind him, before pulling out Order and Chaos from nowhere.

"Let's get a bit crazy in here, shall we? I'll take the center stage."

His white, aural Devil Triggered state grows to surround him, while Order and Chaos become sharper, longer...more stylish as well. And with that, Victor has become like lightning, dashing to and from every demon, blitzing them with his enhanced fury.

"I'm barely trying here. Where's the REAL show?"

He just had to jinx it. A pair of Hell VanguardsAdvent of the Demon King: A DMC-inspired RP (27),evil laughs echoing even above the din of fighting, appeared with a black mist outside, brandishing their scythes. As well, several Glutton DemonsAdvent of the Demon King: A DMC-inspired RP (28) appear inside. They close in on the others. Of course, the most logical thing going through Victor's head is...

"I'll catch you guys later! I'll handle the big guys outside!"

With that, he leaps over the gathering horde of demons, making a break for the Hell Vanguards, leaving the others to handle the Gluttons and Prides.

edited 13th May '15 1:51:30 PM by UndyingPhoenix

svenorzokarkoff Since: Apr, 2013

#25: May 13th 2015 at 2:31:15 PM

Adrian wrapped Cernnunos around a Pride, before swinging it in an overhead arch and slamming it back into the ground. The hammerhead detonated on impact, killing the bound Pride and stunning nearby demons.

Grinning ferally, Adrian switched out Cernnunos for Ghede, before leaping into the fray. He killed a stunned Pride with a point-blank round of demonically-charged buckshot, and flipped the shotgun's lever over his fingers to load a new round. Whenever a Pride got to close, Adrian would stun the demon by using the momentum of Ghede's reload to shotgun-whip it across the jaw, before finishing it off with a round to the face.


Total posts: 36

Advent of the Demon King: A DMC-inspired RP (2024)


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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.