The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)

CITY POLICE COIIBT. modest spectator; over the Wall of Held fob Tbial There KEEP COOL! WE HATE NOW IE ST0EE WEDNESDAY 1S0KN1NG, JULY 4, 1S0S. CELEBRATED PATENT OS DOUBia SPMHaf: No paper will do sent from tho Banner, otf ico.oatalde of tho city limits without tho cash In advance. Ono week bofore the expiration of tho term of cadi subscrl n- SHr of the paper will notify tho snbscriber of the fact; arid at tho expiration of the term it -will bo promptly discontinued. The ladles are notified to call at Thompeori Brother's, (late D.

G. Jones and sed -a in j-v mttj h( arafio 'r-t-I iOAT Aihll: -'A crowd in attendance at the City Police Court room; yesterday, to witness the pre liminary examination of Nelson Esqv'Matthews'presiding. The accused was charged with uniting in marriage, on Thursday last one Johnson, a so-called wjiite jnan, and Josephine McConnjeo, negro in violation of the stotutcViof- the State; Messrs. Redy conducted the r.fDistrict Attorney, -appearea-lor tne aetense. The marriage license, nnaiscer certincate, sc.

produced in evidence, after which, severa' witnesses'wore examined, all color exi cept the fellow Jbmison. But little argu? ment was made the prosecution or defense, tho case being submitted on the merits of the evidence offered. Esq. Matthews considered the testimony con clusive enough to warrant him in holding Nelson Merry in $1000 hail for his uppear- ance at the Criminal Court. KIVER INTELLIGENCE.

STEAMBOAT. i AEEIVED. J. P. 'Webbj Eyansviile.

Mercury, Louisville. Annie White, St. DEPARTED. J. Webb, EvonsviUe.

Cairo. The river is getting on its last legs, there being about five feet scant on the shoals. We advertise that reliable steamer, the Annie White, for Cairo and St Louis, a1 10 o'clock this morning Cap't T. L. Tay lor goes out in command, and Morris Dor seyisatthe Those who wish to know further," should apply to Harrison Son.

Business on the wharf, yesterday, was moderately active. Bath-houses seem to be all the go, and several new structures of that' nature are being built We wish a full measure of success to all thus engaged in measures so promotive of the public health and con venience. CITY, ITEMS. Ther members of Tennessee Division No. 30, and Temple Division No.

22, Soos of are earnestly requested to attend a called meeting of Tennessee Division at their Hall in Masonic Tem ple, this evening at 6tf o'clock, for the of attending the public'Installation of officers by Elysian Grove Division 1, at the Baptist Chnrch, South Cherry, street. By order of. the Patriarch. L. A.

It S. jyMt The place to ohtaic.good insurance is the office the State Insurance Company of; Nashville, lecond National Bank Building, College street. E. TVillard, 23)f Union street, has received waveriy Magazine, Flag of Onr Union, True Flag, Yankee Blade, Sunday Mercury, Police Gazette, New York Mercury; Herald, World, News, and alt late dallies and weeklies. The advertisem*nt of Messrs.

Pandoulai Iv a No. 12 Cherry street, will be found in the colQmns tho of KMlay, They have on hand one the most complete stocks, of Fancy-Groceries that was ever in this market, while their stock of Liquors, Wines, cannot be excelled by any II house in the country. Call on them and you wilt satisfied with what we Bay. Nashvilij! attd Nosinw aaisax Railboati Coji- panv. The anneal meeting of the stockholders of this Company was held in this city on Monday.

There was a large attendance and much interest manifested in the early completion of this impor tant road, which is expected to be finishedwith the exception of Tennessee River Bridge, to the Ississippi IUver, by. the 1st day of December next The reports of the President, Superinten dent and Secretary; and Treasurer, were anaine.inarKs-ol.tne stockholders tendered the President and other officers of the road for thoir efficient management of its affairs. The forpKing gentlemen were elected Directors1'1 Mcnairy, A. liruiCKs, If. Hicksj Cooper, Jno.

B. Johnson, W. S. Whltcman, W. F.

Bang and W. J. Carter. From the city of Hickman D. Kingman, J.

H. Dodds, and J. A. Lander- dale. From Weakly county John A.

Gardner and E. Vincent From Obion Thomas E. Gleason. At a subsequent meeting of the Board Directors, Mr. M.

Burns was unanimously re elected President, Col. W. P. Innis Chief Engineer and Superintendent, John t. Ewing Treasurer, and H.

L. Claiborne Secretary. The Board of Directors, by a resolution unanimously adopted, tender President Bums their cordial and unremit ting support ln his. arduous exertions to secure' the early-completion of this important enterprise, and thank him for his past services and success in laintalnlng the organization and the greatly improved prospects of the road," attributable to the energy and efficiency of his management After the transaction of some private business, the Board adjourned. Messrs.

H. H. Harrisou'and O. J. Stub-bleflcld the State as Directors.

Cailender fc Garrett's great sale of 48 building lots in Buena Vista, takes place' on the Sth lust Don't fail to attend. You can buy lots at your. own price. Omnibuses leave their bfflco lit 9 o'clock k. m.

The finest lot of cigars, pipes, and every thing else in this line, has just'beon received' by onr young mends, Ed. AI. Davis No. 3'J Union street, which they are offering at the lowest prices. Do not fail to try their well selected stock.

The lovers of good things can go to Stcdman's and find them this morning, between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock. They wfll have a lunch to suit the holiday Varbum tap. W. Bradley's Duplex Elleptic or Double Spring Skirts have grown deservedly popular, combining, as thsy do, elegance, lightness, dura bility, comfort and economy. A full and varied supply have been received byour friends, Grier northwest corner Public Sc-uare, where the ladies of Nashville and David son connty can supply themselves.

Chasqe" or'Fnui. The popular Dry Goods House of D. E. Jones Co. has passed into the hands of Thompson Brothers, who rank among the oldest and most enterprising merchants of Nashville.

See card in this morning's Bankeb. A Nashville Fiem nc Cincinnati. We omitted, inadvertently, yesterday, to call attention to the card of Messrs. McFerran Menefee Hehslcy, Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, Cin cinnati. The well known firm of Lanier, Phillips Co.

have been dissolved, Messrs. Lanier Phil lips" retiring from business, and our old friend, H. C. Hcnslcy, associating with McFerran Mcncfce, under the firm atyle of McFerran, Men efee Hcnslcy. The names alone best bespeak their ownrccommchdation.

Although located in Cincinnati, we consider them old Nashville men, andltHcirs, emphatically, a Tenncssee'Housc. Long may it flourish. The Dairy advertised this morning by Arlington Farrar is one of the most prosperous in this vicinity, and we are assured has cleared a large amount of money in the last few years. The owner of this dairy owns a large farm in Kentucky, and desires to remove to it and improve it, Is the only reason for selling. Any one desiring to embark in this very profitable business, could not do better than to call at once on Messrs.

Arlington Farrar. E. P. Cone has received the New York Weekly and Sunday Mercury, Army and Navy Journal, American Agriculturist, Courier des Etats Unls, Echo do Italia, Petroleum Recorder, Methodist, Every Saturday, Weekly Magazine, True Flag, American Union, Flag of Our Union, German Leslie's, Waveriy, Yankee Notions, Budgetof Fun, Peterson's Magazine, Appleton's K. R.

Guide, Yankee Blade, World, Weekly Review, Citizen, and late dailies. C. Barnard's Pens are for Bale In Nasville by Messrs. Berry Messrs. Kline Sherman, E.

P. Cone. Gamble aud Wholesale by Wm. C. Collier.

Je2D-lw D. G. Orr, is our authorized Agent te re ceive and receipt for subscriptions to the RxruttLi can Bannes, at Moorcsvillc, in Marshall connty. Sand for Masons furbished by Knight Bros. Purest and Stoetbst Cod Liver On.

In the world; manufactured trotn fresh selected Liver on the sea coast. This oil is characterized by sweetness and parity peculiar to It alone. Its reputation is so great that it takes the lead of other and ii universally prescribed by phy slcians. Remember to ask for Hazard Cas well's Cod Ltver Mack Co. New York, sole Manufacturers.

For sale in Nnahvillco. maly The office to Inecse Lira in, is the" Kkiokftuiock ee, with SuErms. Anderson, Johnson Smith, Agents. je2G-lm For one of those gems of art, a beantifnl Pearl Miniature, call at Gler's Gallery, -12 union street. jyl-lm 1 tne x'nyroiecnniea- ui cumcub ouisme "without distinction of color." This concluded the programme and the Court and its audience adjourned to go fishing until after ihe And" so this morning aU is aereao upon the Public Squire.

"Snvo that from yonder pump ami dnstystahv The moplng-shoe-blacK, and the laundry maid, Complain of such as from the town And leave their little quarterage a ihk.ssjte TRAGEOT. "Wool-Catlicrinc'' and Snpcrsli- Africa. One of the strangest, as well as one of the most diverting cases of colored con nubial infelicity came up before tho Re- cprder.ycsterday hag trans pired in that tribunal for many days. Two; negroes, man and wife Charles Bransfbrd and Ann Carter had each other arrested! for disorderly conduct According. to the evidence of disinterested spectators it was 'simply a "knock-down and drag-out, in which the bifercated habiliaments of Charles, which he calls his "pants," were torn up the spine -by his lovely spouse, and a little of the lustrous back hair of tho latter was torn in the same direction.

by the injured partner of her "pheelinx and her phame." She said, in defence of herself that she "nuwer tored his close" except in an eager desire to recover a lock of her hair, which she said he had clipped from her head and concealed inhiB pocketj A waggish limb of the law who reads Pcpe, enthusiastically, except when im mersed in Blackstone or the Banner, offered the suggestion, ina "This nymph, to the destruction of maukind, Nourish two locks, which graceful hung behind. The adventurous Frccdman tne two lock's admired. He saw, he wished, and to tho prize aspired. She avowed that on frequent' occasions, she had caught him her Sho cherished a superstitious dread, that by some witchcraft of wit" lie designed to cook it on shovel, and compass her destruction by the aid of magic, inasmuch as he had threatened with mysterious look and -language to make her "walk oh lier back and head to beg his She woke up from a dream of peace, and found the "bar" was gone, and immedi ately confronted her faithless lord "Itestorc the lock," she cried and all around, Kestore th6 lock." Uio vaulted "roofs rebound. Not llcrcc Othello in so louda strain, Eoar'dfor the handkerchief that caused his pain.

Charles couldnt stand it he knockedJieT down and (this was. the casus belli which summoned the police. She insisted upon exhibiting, the wool in court, and unwrapped from the folds of an old newspaper, a little, twist' of nappy wool, hardly discernible without the aid of a micro-scrope. This production ol the cat in the meal tub convulsed, the court and nearly suppressed the trial. It was finally disposed of, however, by a fine of five dollars and costs to each, and they retired from the scene, and took the hair with them O.

B. T. Nou Est Investus. Since the demise of the Freedmen's Court, the occupation of the illustrious Attorney General, whose highly scented eloquence has often moved that tribunal to tears, seems to been quite gone. As to what are his available means of support is a deep mystery to those who have been curious enough, to.

watch the vagaries. of this eccentric individual. That his moraia are rather bad, and his tastes and associations still worse, is but too plainly recorded on our police docket. O. B.

Ts last appearance was before Esquire Matthews on Monday, under -a charge of open and notorious lewdness, MMrhyinShinjlagrdnte tiously among the Regress, known facc-Y;" He was to give $100 bail for his appearance 'es-terdav at 2rF. jl; Mr. Blum, a watch maker doing business on Cedar street, being his security. When the case came up lor hearing no prosecutor appeared, and Esquire Matthews discharged the distinguished accused. The EtluopeahdamserLroniwhpse arms.

O. B. Y. was so ruthlessly torn claims to be his wife, but our Lothario of the Lengthy Locksdenies the soft impeachment, and says that he is only a "boarder." It is whispered that he has accepted an invitation to Doggy's harem; in tho mountains of East Tennessee. Installation.

Elysian Grove Division, No. 1, Sons of Temperance, will have a public Installation of officers, elected Wednesday, June27tn, at tne tjnerry at, Baptist Church, South Nashville, this ev-enimr at 8 1-2 oclock. The-officers -elect are as'follows B. F. Monroe, W.

JohnHailey, W. E. Skipwith, R. T. T.

Knox, A. R. Rev. A. W.

Smith, Chaplain; W. W. Knox, F. J. M.

Bruce, Treas urer; James Weaver, James Wrenn, A. M. J. C. Wrenn, I.

G. W. Fer-. 0. S.

Speeches will bo delivered by W. B. Thompson, G. W.P.; and Rev R. A.

Young, of Tulip St. Church, Edgefield. It is hopod that there will be a full at tendance. Hoese Stealing. Geo.

Brabant was yesterday arrested by the Detective Police for. horse stealing. He had an animal in his possession at the time of his arrest, and had already sold a sorrel horse, supposed to belong to a Mr. Pitts, residing near Pulaski, to Mr. J.

jP. Red- ford, whose arrest is mentioned elsewhere Perjtjby. At a late hour yesterday evening the police were out with a war rant from Esquire Patterson for the arrest of Qco. G. Minor for perjury, on the com plaint of B.

S. Douglas and F. W. Minor. Some dark transactions are hinted at, which will be developed at an early inves tigation Ceiminal Coubt.

The cases before this court yesterday were confined to n'e- crocs, indicted for various offences. The negro girl who stole 800 from Mr. Allen on Summer some weeks since, was sent to the Penitentiary for three years. A negro was convicted of malicious stabbing, and sent to prison for two years. Robbing Stokes.

Detective Funston yesterday apprehended Grayson R. Hill, a negro, on suspicion of having been en gaged in robbing tho store, of Ozanhe Wood. Summer street, between Union and Church, on Sunday last. The cir c*mstantial cvidenco against Hill is very strong. "i County Coukt.

The proceedings of the County Court yesterday, were not of nature to interest the general public, hav ing been devoted principally to business relating to county roads, the appointment of overseers, after which the Court adjourned to the next quarterly meeting, Burned. The passenger' and eating house at Cristianna, on the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, known as the Hatfield Place, was destroyed by fire a few nights ago. Theatricals. Harry with combination selected from the company which performed at the Old Theatre last season, has just commenced an engage ment at Chattanooga. Reooveeed Property.

Mr. Bond of Spring Hill, Williamson county, came town a day or two since and took posses sion of his two horses recohtly recovered by. detective Starkey in Robertson county, Greece had her bruicers, orators and Paces, And many good llung have they dono.and uucrcu. The fanners shine in Pindar's enortinir naircs Demosthenes was some, although he stuttered And time has treasured through revolving ages ine sunniest growl th aforesaid wise men uttered, Whether the snarlinc cvnic. tub out.

races. Or dripping Socrates, half smothered, spluttered uc mis my apoincgm, my tpse atru, Earth's a queer planet anyhow yon fix it. The Court room was jammed to its ut most capacity dress-circle, parterre" and colored gallery. It was an ocean of up-: turned physiognomies the most varied that ever spentjits gazo. upon the awful majesty serene municipal justice.

There were unusually large number of- warrants against elegant young bruisers for cruelty the fair the fair, we mean of that Vanity-Fair-of the North end, too familiarly known as "Smoky" The manner which the birds of gay plumage have had their pretty feathers rumpled in that sylvan roost is heart rending, to speak the least of it. Wm. Jacobs, for instance, who may be: set down, beyond question, as Unoriginal Jacobs," was arraigned for an unholy invasion of the sacred eyrie of ono of those eagle birds by who came into court behind a killing white lace veil, testify against him. William, luxuri ated under a speckled shirt and stroked his redolent beard with the complacency a blaze man. of the who had hung his heart upon his sleeve to be henpecked at by the feminine daws of all jun- gledom.

Jacobs it seems ascended to the dove-cote of the Houris without the aid a Jacob's ladder, and to establish his character at first blush, as a man of nerve and importance, threatened to kick la dame Blanche of the immaculate veil into the street. Another injured witness testified that she hailed from Gallatin, and Jacobs accosted her and she replied with the intrepidity of the Gallatains. Jacobs suggestively requested her not to "git her feet on her shoulders," a pose, she assured court, she was not in the habit of assuming, in public. Jake was required to appease the wrath of the goddesses by a fine of 5 and costs. Wm.

Tucker, whd is sensitive upon the subject of his legitimacy, we beg leave to insinuate, is beyond doubt a legitimate descendant of tho illustrious line of Tucker's, of which old Dan was a patriarch that old who was so eccentric on question of late suppers, etc. An old dame in black asserted that Tucker came into her precinct, in a wild, excited sort of way, prowling round and feeling of pockets promiscuously. Considering this conduct un-masonic, and unbecoming an officer and a gentleman, she endeavored to summon a court-martial in person, of Tucker's brother (by his first wife.) This proceeding roused all latent energy of Tucker, and kcuk old lady under the cor." He not only struck her in her own house, butpulledher into the fresh air, where he got her head in chancery," and sent her incontinently to grass, in a few still more decisive thumps. This, of course, was more than human nature could bear without having recourse to the Recordor's Court, which is the Panacea for all the ills of the suburbs. We presume it is needless to mention that Tucker is now working the Summer season through at a very limited salary in the city Stony-Logical Institution.

Hattie Ford the illustrious, the irrepressible Hattie the "Hatty," with a perpetual "brick" off with the usual fine for inebriation, and. as the warrant clmrgetu it "bilking anacklttSn. with a glazed shirt collar to match, is a nice young from up town, who now and then asserts his supe riority among the unprotected innocents. jungular Fairy-land, by knocking some them down. There was a flutter iu Court room as one of these pretty enchantresses, with angered brow, and flashing eye glided defiantly to the centre the halls of justice.

The great Public heart palpitated in its eagerness to take her evidence into the. great Public ear. Looking so like a bunch of fresh violets she stood there in front of it, the inno cent Court might nut have known that had ever classed with the "Harpies of shore," but by. her own Mr. Glaze, in the glaze of his Sunday-est glitter, had" rudely entered her boudoir, without a reserve ticket, by battering in the door.

She ordered him to "leave her base man," whereat he knocked her down. Tho idea of a man's knocking do.wn that derby hat and June plumage, say nothing of the lace veil, nor the black peepers behind it, is a reflection up the gallantryiof the Smokeronian Youth that Municipal Justice, shuddering to the shoulder blades, refuses to tolerate. Mr, Glaze was fined 50 and costs, and stands fair chance to usher in the Glorious So Fourth," this morning, with a hammer chorus in tho Work House Opera. Sallie Willard, in propria persona derby hat, brown-kid gloves, frizzed hair of auburn hue (partly her own and partly rented by the week), charming expansion of skirt and marvellous freshness of complexion, considering the tropical atmosphere she breathes. This delightful ap.

parition fell amongst the court savants to make complaint of the Princess Emma Hines, who had struck her over the left eye in a dispute about a little matter of security for payment of a previous fine. Hines was fined ten dollars and costs and the avenged plaintiff- with smile of triumph, a wink at some of her constituents, and a sudden swirl of her tilted crinoline, which went far toward exposing what was before only dreamed of, or existed only in imagination, swept out of the court, to the admiration of the attendant "bummers," who no doubt thought with the Poet, Confucius, that "Those calves were not a fleeting show, or man illusion gn-cu, They're fllled with bran or stalled with tow, And swell abont a foot or so, Audlooku first rate, by heaven," Tho next was a case of hideous amalgamation, in which Fount Gower, a pale face and Mary Jordan, a dusky daughter of Africa, (for whom the 4th of July was Specially invented,) were up on a charge of loving not wisely but too well. If this state of -things goes on, the rose-wood hue of delightful Africa will degenerate into the mere sickly, sallow mahogany of radicalism. There are more Duggans between the House of Representatives and tho Sulphur Springs than are dreamed of in our philosophy. Both of these beauties were fined 30, and in default were sent down to weild the hammer of constitutional liberty over a heap of unromantic and unsympathetic stone And funs together, hand and hand.

In solitude to pine, They tluil, Idas! their honeymoon Is nothlug but moonshine! One of our minstrel bards of Deaderick, has the misfortune to have for his washer woman one of that ostracised class of carrier pigeons, with whom young men are forbid to walk the streets. He had the additional misfortune to engage in con verse with-her on the corner of Union and Cherry, about his stray linen. The Coilrt inflicted a fine of $10 which struck discor dantly the fine ear of the minstrel, and he took ail appeal. In ordor to givb him more, ballast for so lofty a flight, the Court increased the fine to $50 and costs. Fred Barber was barber-ously drank upon the street and demurely consented to spend his Fourth of July in the Work OVER Fiver Hundreri Oloth iObats I PEOM THB ifiost Siiraona Cloth; TO nl Lowest Priced Vi O' Cloth Manufactured PlqUB CASSIMKKS SD1TS, BATISTB CaWsiBEBS SUITS, DEAB D'BTTB SUITS, ENQIJSH O.TON SUITS, (U eol6ri)' FKBNOI CHIN US SE4BSUCSA SUITS, CB.WLBCHBCK SUITS, H1TB DUCK LDJKH SUITS, ducb: junto suits, SPANISH LUSTBS.COATS i 'v i Mulberty CoVd Cloth Dress Frock Coats It Black Dahlia 'Jc anl fcjusxl Qrenadine SiUi Vests: French Marseilles Skeleton Cloth and Cassimere A TboM igoods are eminently wonhjHhojUten-tloaf all rapedilly in-rito the attention of tho pnblic j.

to'tUla' Vexj Olxeap and Superb StocK II I Whether they wish toibny or not. Wc will lake thesefeoods. great pleasure in Bhowinff LJKQSE aprlltl-Sm" MEDICALOARD FOB SPECIAL DISEASES rpHIS DISPENSARY IS UNDER THE EXCLU-JL STYE care of Dr. LEONIDAS. L.

COLEMAN, a graduate of. the University of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, in 1845 arid 4C, and native of North Carolina. Ho treats and cures all curable diseases the pelvic-viscera Hemorrhoid, Fistula, Strlcr. Bladder, Calculus, dlseascB of the terns and OvnriiL and Antlcinated Difficult Parturition, and llCIl ail aiseases incmcui. vj iuc laimic ritwMM nf nrivnte character, (without enu merating them,) of either sex, he oahhot bcKC- flance to all competition in their cure.

Whoovcr places themselves under his care may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman. Medicines furnished and sent by express to any pomt, or prescriptions sent by letter, that can be nUedby any competent druggist. nrmmitnttnn hv 1 rtieT rcsooctfnllv solicited: Postofflce Box 802, Dispensary Gi North Cherry NASHVILLE, 1 mayST-3iu H. BAILEY, Uannbetnrer of and Wholcswo Dealer in all kind of 9 I CHOICE AMERICAN AND FRENCH ON TI 0 NUTS, T4 THIBD ST. LOUIS.

Constantly on hand every description of FIKE-WOKKS, TORPEDOES, FLAGS, LANTITRIJS, TORPEDO AND CRACKEK PISTOLS, etc. ale. apr3-8m i A. H. HUItLEY 00., Wholesale and Itc'taH Dealers in Groceries, Bacon, Lard QBEKNSWARK, HOLLOW WARF, LIQUOHS, LEATHER, BOOTS.

SHOES, HATS CDTliiK, ETd, 3To. 55 Broad Streefc aprMm KA3HTnJ.It.TENK So, 20. IN'o. 20. WATEEFIELD WALKER.

STJMMEE HATS. ONE HUNDRED STYLES. FRENCH PELTS, PANAMAS, LEGHOEMS, DUNSTABLE, DIAMOND, BRAIDS, RIO 8TRAN AND CHINA PEARL. With yariety of other seasonable and elegant All Ages anil Complexion. WATERMELD WALKER'S, i Hat and Cap Blanufactarcrs JeO-tf 50 West Side Pnblls SgTinre.

BANKING HOUSE OF A. WHEEESS CO. (EstablltftcdinlSSS,) NO. 25 UNION STREET, NASHVILLE, TENN. OVERNMENT SECURITIES OF ALL-DE-VJT SCRIPTIONS, Stocks, Bonds, Specie, Bank Notes, Foreign and Domestic Exchange, bought and sold.

Bnsincss Paper negotiated. Cullectlona made on all parts of the United neierence is mnuB Wu.j lio country, and to Banks andiBankers ofUua citv. je2-tf Til 15 CITY- Amusem*nts. lie tuatheth notransle in himself jN'or la not moved by concord of sweet sonnds, Is lit fur treasons, stratagems and anoHa. The song-birds are among us again, "with tinsel and with merry bells." On Monday evening, and on yesterday evening, the Holman Troupe was received by audiences embracing Nashville's best The Operas were for fhe first- occasion, "The Bohemian Girl," lor the second, Somnambulistl" In each of these charming' pieces the company appeared to advantage: 'The Soprano (Muss Sallie Holman) sings with great zest.

The barritone, (Mr. Crane,) is hardly surpassed by our old friend The balance of the people are very well trained, and make up what may be faithfully pronounced a most agreeable tout ensemble. iilne persons out of ten would pro for the Solman's to the best Italian troupe out of the Scala. The reason is obvious. The Holman's play the operas; play them, like ordinary dramas, in English and merely sing the songs, chorusses and quartettes.

Thus. most uncultured spectator gets at once the plot and the music too. This evening the Child of the Regiment," a military piece, and very thci Fourth of July, will be performed. How to Celebrate the Fouirrn. Quite a variety of festivities appropriate the occasion have been proposed for the celebration of bur National anuivers-ary.

Our friends, the officers and employees of the N. N. are to give basket pic-nic at Kingston From the well-known politeness and hospitality of these gentlemen, we may predict that the day will be delightfully spent There will also be a pic-nic at Bosley's Springs, to which persons of all colors are, we undeistai'd, invited. Father Ryan will deliver an address at Rains' Grove, between 11 and 12 o'clock. We may reasonably look for a rare 'effort' from the author of that famous poem the "Conquered Banner." The pic-nic is given in behalf of the inmates of St.

Mary's Orphan Asylum. Rehsosal. We welcome back' to" our city Senator Frazier, of Knox, and Senator Johnson, of Marshall both men of sterling worth and ability, advocates of sound political principles, and the sincere exponents of genuine conservatism tub bold and manly conservatism which is our sols hope during the interregnum of Radicalism in our State These gentlemen have promptly answered the Governor's summons to assemble at the Capitol today, and have come fully determined to represent the sentiments of their constituents from which wo augur that the vote of neither Senator Frazier nor Senator Joluison will be recorded in'favor of the Constitutional Ainendment They represent thattheir people at home are quiet and contented, and that the crops will yield a better return than was at first anticipated. Pbice of Boahu. It is a matter of conj gratulation with our-friends who command but small incomes (and wo knovr Scverol oF tlmt-4Mihu-: r-i board has" fallen so materially within the last two weeks.

Hotels, Boarding-Hous-es, Restaurants, all have at last come down to living prices. This may reasonably be attributed to a superabundance of vegetables in our city market The butchers, we believe, still hold out, but it is vciy evident that the present exhorbitant prices for meat can not long be maintained. Cheapness in living and morality go well together. Give a man plenty to cat and he will be so much the better citizen. The greatest viilainies.are generally com mined on an empty stomach.

Me.mbei: of the Bab Aekested. Jas. P. Rexford, a member of the legal profession, was arrested yesterday, under a charge of having stolen horses in his possession, knowing them to be stolen. He was taken before Esq.

Meacham, for examination, but owing to the absence of important witnesses, the case was postponed until 'Friday next, the accused, being held in 200 bail for Ms appearance at that time. Mr. Rexford was a Captain in the U. S. Volunteer service during the war, and settled here for the practice of the law in the spring of 1805.

Nashville Nokthwestebn Rail road. A second meeting of the stock- holders of this road was held yesterday, aud the following officers were, elected M. M. Burns, President; Col. W.

P. InnsB, chief. Engineer and Superintendent Jno. O. Ewing, Treasurer; H.

L. -Claiborne, Secretary. A unanimous vote of thanks was tendered by the Board of Directors to Mr. Burns for his efficient management of the road under his late term of office. Neqko Tbdnk-Bbkakeb.

A negro name Johnson Handy was arrested and brought bofore Recorder Wilkinson, yesterday, for breaking open a trunk, belonging to Gen. B. R. Johnson, and taking therefrom $G0 in currency. Five dollars of the money was found on tho floor and about $3(1 on the negro's person, who was lying drunk in the cellar of the building where" the robbery was committed.

He was sent to the city jail for seventy days. The will be a quorum of the Senate present at the assembling of the Legislature to-day. But few of the members of the House have arrived, and it is whispered that the ne cessary number will not be present, in answer to Governor Brownlow's summons Stealing Cloihing. A negress named Mary Johnson, charged with stealing a lot of clothing was arrested by the Police yesterday in tho. act of leaving on "the Johnsonville train.

She was brought before the Recorder and the trial was ton-tinued, to procure evidence. We are requested by Major Ewing, Genera! Freight Agent of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, and Nashville and Northwestern Railroad, to state that there will be no business transacted at either of those offices to-day. Pkksoxal. Our young friend Sumner Kirkpatrick late of Kirkpatrick boot and shoe merchants has become associated with the house of John Morrow Son, in the sales department of that establishment I. 0.

Q. F. A series of interesting ceremonies took place at the First'Baptist Church last night, connected with the in stallation of the recently elected officers of the lodge of I. O. O.

F. Post Office Notice. arc requested to state that the Post Office will be open from 7 to 9A o'cluck this morning. Our old friend Jo. Ramsey, of Bedford county, is in the city.

of an to in to of, of the the the the tho oit of of the of all as she the to on a BUY TOUR Lisle Thread VnknhuJ Check Cambric Unclerslilit Gauze ltterlno LINEN DRAWERS, JEANS DRAWERS, Tl CHECK CAMBBlC DRXWBI, MUSLIN DRAWERS, NOVU SILK DRAWERS, GAUZE MERINO DRAWERS, Silk, Ulerino and Cotton Half Hoso, Gloves, Hand'cbicfs Suspenders, NecktleH, Scarf and Collars, Shirts in great varieties, white col'd. HATS AND CAPS, and cheapest Btock; ever oucred )n thia markeC It. IT. THOIPSOTV, 2S Cherry street, near Union. jeT-tf 3 RAVES SO, 228..

Market street, 228 JLOUISVItLE, KIT. WnOLXSALB DBALBSHf Drngs and All Kinds of Patent JScdicincs, Perfumery and Fancy Articles, AND PROPRIETORS OF ALL OF DR GRAVES REMEDIES. GRAVES' AGUE PILLS, THAT NEVER FAIL to cure Agne, CblHa. and Intermittent Fevers. GRAVES Al-BILLOUS PILLS, a Safe, mild and efficient cathartic, used in nil Fevers, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, andairderangemcuts of the Digestive Organs.

i ORAVES' CHOLERA CURE, used internally, cures Cholera and Cholera Morbus cures Cramp Colic in five minntes. And Colic in horeesVjuid nothing better for Dysentery, Diarrhoea and Flux; applied outwardly for Rheumatism and Neuralgia. GRAVES CANDY VERMIFUGE is a. safe, mild and certain worm destroyer. GRAVES' PAIN EXTRACTOR will give Immediate relief in cases of scalds and burns, and cure Scald Head, old Ulcers and Tetter.

GRAVES PILE OINTMENT will cure Piles quicker than anv other remedy. GRAVES CURE FOR DIPTHERIA and all Throat Diseases, is the onlyi reiiableremedy for these painful and dangerous diseases. GBAVES POMADE gives a beautiful gloas to the hair, and will-destroy all vermin, if any should be in the hair, and will kill all kinds of. lice, and la certain cure for common and camp Itch. All of the above medicines are warranted to give entire satisfaction.

All or HiimnhrRvVi Srwriflr ITnmfnnithIr MwlL cinenforsaleoy GRAVES SON. All of Dr. GRAVES' medicines are sold by BERRY, DEMOVILLE WIIARTGN, luti, vuiuv'iuuuui uaitiut, Druggists, Public Square, Je26-Sm Sale of YalualIc t-otw. Wm. Shane, Executor.

-Export. AS DIRECTED BY A DECREE OF THE Connty. Court or Davidson County, at Ita April Term; 1S66, and renewed at its Jime Term, 1866, in the above cause, I will offer at public sale, at the South end of the Court House in the city of Nashville, on SATURDAY, the 14th day of July, 1SG6, atl2ocIw.k v.y the following described lot of ground belonging to the estate of John Shane, deceased, to-wit One house andjot of, ground In the city of Nashville fronting about 47-feet ba "South High street, and running hack to the Tennessee and Alabama railroad. Alan fl 1ntnf rrmnnrl fn In uTTeVi flTSay" street; ana Ynmnng -OHCK-utmn- wardly on tne line ol a la icei niiey -iX ieei, a street 50 feet wide. Tebsis, Onc-thlrd cash, and for the balance of payment, five and eight months credit, with interest from day of sale.

Notes and satisfactory secu rity requueo, ana a ueu reiaineu. J. 11. niuuvu, je23-3w" Clerk. GROCERY STORE.


WOOD, Goods delivered in any part.of or Edgefield, free of charge. je23nV To Coutru-cCors REDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE OFFICE Ihn Chulrmnn nf. th StrflP.t CummltltfC Un til TUESDAY, the 3d day of Jnly next, for the construction of SIX HUNDRED lineal feet, more nr Ipjjx. nf PLuik Sidewalks on South Market, South College, South Cherry and South Summer streets; norm iuuriet, uiui yuuu uuuvuyi-eon streets. I'lous and spcafications can De seen ai tne oince or tne LitT iiniiineer, no.

nortn umy buvcu Chairman Street Committee. Je23-td Grand Pleasure Excursion I FROM NASHVILLE TO CHATTANOOGA a GRAND EXCURSION will take placo from XI. CINCINNATI and iajujviiaUk, ON JULY 1st, 1866, rrtwrnmimitil 14th. 1S6S. The Citi zens orNashville are invited toparticlpate.

TJcKfcts will be sold to Chattanooga and Retnrn at to the 7th. Eood for a Return Trip on or before thelith. Tickets procured-j at IOC BL UIOUO. llOLUl, OUltCJ uuuau, auu a ura TickotOfflce, Nashville, Chattanooga "RniimTTrin. sS.

All should take advantage of this oDDortnnlty. as it will probably bo the lost one offered this seasonal low ra jel9Jyg Ohio White Sulphur. Spring mrtTR veil Known ard nonular resort bavin J. been lately purchased and -thoroughly R-F1TTEU und REFURMSHBD in tti jlKST STYLE by the undersigned, will be open lor the recebuon 01 vjnimro UN THE S0TH OF ItiOG. The WftLion ol the SDrinz and the medicinal proDertiea of the wstew are a sure eunrantetw acainst all MAlARIOUS and iCONTAGlUUS DIcEASifS.

Omtiibuecrwill run Irom all day' trains on the c. fltid C. R. Pasicnirerf.leavlri' Clncin- liati by the 0 o'clock a Uat" will arrive at the BpnrigBatlS o'clock i and by leavtnir on the 9 o'clock a. k.

will arrive at-the SpiingB at 4.3QT. k. All letters, baggage, packages, etc, belonging to gcasti-, convejedi to and from the Hnrlntrtt. Tret nrchanro. A One Cpiillion Baud will be In attendance throughout tne season.

The nsoal trip tickets at reduced rates of farr wU'V Issued by the-various zaUroads frcui Cincinnati. 7 THE UFFICE will be under; the supoivislon ot Jnrjor d. sr. riuciu, iaiiy 01 uc aubuib nress, iress, and formerly of UraC. AJandSt.

Louis R. ndbfC. F. 1 .11 formerly of the Gait Houso. Louisville, and lately iot the Burnet House, Cincinnati.

CnHti vifiitinir the Snrimni can have every tnit tKn tATc unrt accommodations will bo equal, If' not superior, to an j. watering place In th United States. Fare $4 per day for tronrlcntrgncsls, and pro rata raves lur families, children and servants. JUiiN a- rattni, ProprtctoK MOORE NICHOLS, Agents. No.

4" Courtland street, -N. Y. mayl53m WILLETT, BIDDELL Architect CiVU EngineerK and SOKVETORS, CORNER CHURCH "febSMy AND HICD STREETS. boibreafc Uke tho Bih; 'aprlng ifilrlfli1'' bat will their perfock and beautiful shape -mord thac'(wlcea8' fore ARE'nniverfalijr acknowledgod-by all ladies thioRghoubthe -length and breadth -of ihe land to be the most -jPbbjcbct and agtiebabus ever invented. They are not equalled for elegance, lightness, durability, comfort and economy Tkls invention consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Steel ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, cdgto edge, maktnc the toughest, most flexible, ehwttc and duriblc spring ever The wohdefftil fiextbnity and crest com for and ulea'snre to anv lodv wnsrinir the Dnplcx Elliptic Skirt will be exp'e7--ed Carlages, Rollroad Cars, ChuTt Pws, Arm Chairs, for Promenade and.

House Dreie, as tbe skirt can be fojdeo. when iniue, to occupv a small space, as easily as a Silk or Mnslln Dresp. For Children. Mtsftt-A and Y-nnntr Tx. dies, thpy are superior to all others.

They are unquestionably tho LIGHTEST, most DESIRA -BLR, COMFORTABLE, aud ECONOICAL SKIRT ever made. For sale in all first clas stores where First Class Sklrta are sold; in this city, thr-ughout the United States and elsewhere. At whnTslf by jobbers Incverr city, arid by the sole owners of patent and Exclusive Manufacturers, Wests 'Bradley Carey Warehouse and Office, 97 Cnarabfra and 79 and 81 Heade strcetsMNew This ridrMB rcallvtbe ane thin? rlMlnvf hcingcapable of endnilng. amonnt orxrQFh- iogand doubling wlthont tho-flfebtesc daraige toitBBbapc Qdey-a Eady'ffBoot; "The -Dnpler RUIp'ic- i tbegrcatoat Improve men: In Hood Dally 1 lrnca "TbeyarenoteqasHda irLeleianc. elasticity, dnrablllty, comfort, or economy." N.

Y. Dally IleMld. "Tho-'Dnnlei Elliptic' la'arcepted a ih jalp'jt ateRftomrda perfection In T. Bve-: BlnirPoat. J-.

vtrgiveame moat orainary iria aiyie mat Bnrera of. ahmll iminilhi. tbe boon to be sore tbeyect tbe genuine-article, whlrh'Isthe onlv 'Skirt with -dnnhle rjrInE In eaeh boon. Enqnlre Tur J. W.

Bradley1 Dooble; Elliptic Skirt. Be rnre hla name 1. on the asjrt-band. Noneotheradregennlne. Get Reheat.

Li LJ BHADLEVWIPUPLKX MKIUT. MOST POPDUB AND FLKXIBLE IN CSE.I For tale, In styles' and, ap7-Sm. 67Collece street. ailAWEl DUPLEX SK1UT, VKBT FLKXIBtE. Of snperipr rnannfacinre.

and nnqncrtlonablyi ciesaa auraoie, comionaoie, ana SKIRT -For Baldfnlui-BleVby- A. apr88md Corner Chn'-cb and High BEAOKBEEET W-IlTE. For sale bv -jr ROTTEN, Hnrriciine Springer i1 THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS now ready for the "reception of 'visitors who may uesire 10 avau uionseivcti 01 lis ncaiuj-givicp waters. No Mineral waters in the State have vet been discovered which-have "proved so miraculously effective in curing diseases of the LTVER, BOWELS, "KIDNEYS. 5- "and STOMACH.

In. fact, i ALMOST ALL DISEASES. are more or lessTJencJltted by their use. The is the freestone; rvfitsp nnotirrtilDurir1 V.onrv minh Tflll tf nan I fit make the fart excellent' and visitors comfortable. -Tbeso Springs Are located 'In Franklin etx milea eoutb of Tullahoma.

and ran lb uses can be; had Pt 'any time For further parnenmra auoress ine.cnucrsigucu Bi-miiniioma Ty. g.miller.. TO BE OPENED; ON 'THE 1ST; OF "4. 1866 1 I i BLOUNT COUNITT, i rt TENN. FLANDEttS CO." HAVING REPAINED AND REFURNISIIEp.

with nfurnitareretc the above "WATERING Will open the same on the 1st of June next, for the reception of and would respectfully recornraend It to Its friends and all others in search of health, comfort and pleasure. Our gardens, vineyards and orchards are ln-a fine condition. We have SULPHUIt, SOFT AND ORDINARY DRINKING WAMERS. The medical properties and the. benefits derived from their use, are too well known to require re capitulation here.

Families can be accommodated with Gothic Cat toca that surround the lawn. The scenery Is romantic and varied, such as must possess a powerful charm for tho.mosf refilled ad mirer of the beautiful and grand in nature, and presents the strongest attraction to. both tho inva lid and pleasure-seeker. Customary amusem*nts, such as Dancing, Billiards. Bowling, etc.

Will be so conducted as not to be objectionable to the most quiet visitor. Regular daily mail coaches loaves." KNOXVtLLE Every morning, and parties can secure special conveyance from LOUDON. The proprietors will make every effort to prelect their guests from exorbitant charges In every direc tion. ZST Our beds and bedding "are new and first onalltv. Our terms of board, be very reasonable, and liberal-arrangemeuta will be made for families wishing to spend the season.

J. C. FLINDERS Montrale Springs, via. Knorvlllc, Tenn, JeT-tf: AMERICAN WINE kxtiurACTUiiKus or CHAMPAGNE STILL WINES, THAifPAQNE AND CATAWBA BRANDY, Omcz-No. 33O1W0 street, Bt Mo.

iimniril wrjJK SPARKLING "Imperial" "Mli-Kitirl Native Hohy." -17 00 8parkllng The above in pints 2.0U inure per caso. cfrtrr r. ui i.t.h. 9no Ohio Catawba 9 Dry Drr Isabella, Virginia Seedling Desert Catawba Brandy. TheSfsTili ffav, the lowest prices, according to quality, aiso, --HRiCwa.

Office. 8 Olive t-. St. Lonls, Mo. A Hb-rai dlpcouut tolbe Trade.

'rt-lioljT mem piay. 'Strainer Dreai Goods. jva-at Nottoe. S. S.

Riddlehurgcr would Inform his! old friends and patrons that since greenbacks havo become so scarce, be will furnish good and regu-lar Pinner at tho low.prlce otttttycants.i'.Call aronnd, 'friends, and see me, as in days gone by. Very respectfully, SJ S. lUddleburger. avuic a. vaj.

ku uow prepareu to furnish Fourth of July excursions, pic-nics, with their well known. Soda. Water, Porter and Ale, in the shortest notice; Delivered at railroad depots or anywhere in the corporation free of l3re-. Jy3pt Bill Arp Surry bf Eagle's Nest and Prison; Life of Jeff. Davhv-A Rebel War, Clerk's Diary 1 Life or Stonewall Jackson ror sale at NewB Depot, Commercial Hotel.

jy3-tf Grenadine-Robes "which 'coot are selling for thirty, at Thompson Brother's. Jy3-st Organdy Robes which cost twenty dollars are selling fourteen, at-Tho'mpsoi jy3-3t Tni Gueat Mast or Nisnvm-i At-4C andi 4S South College street you will find things newj ana oia, nsetul and necessary in cverv familv. suchascannobo found In any warehouse in tho city. F.Fleminlr4Co. a ie4-tf Our young friends, K.

M. Davis' No. 31 Union street, have jnst received one of the largest ana most complete assortments of Cigars, Tobacco, that cv market; Go there if you want to get gooa smoking. Sand for Plasterers tarnished by Knfght Clbabimq Out siLC Br Lrr CoThe largo stock of Dry-Goods, Boots'; and Shoes, Nctiona, is to be cleared out by the 1st or Ja nary, 1807. Wo will sell for sixty days longer at private sale.

Merchants, city and country customers will do well to call and examine the stock, whichls the best In the State, and must he sold. The store is No. 15 Union street. may30.2m t-1 -r Bee Hive Pootooeatu Gallebt Corner Union and Cherry. Carte do- $3.00 per doiL, or Porcelain Pictures, etc proportionately cheap.

All work warranted. McGill, Hall Co. may30-3ra' Railuoad PionTuep. Everything from a Conductor's Check to the finest 'Way Bobk'or'Frelght Book, printed at the Baheb office, and handsomely bound. J.

Gravel for Roofing furnished by Knight Bros. Messrs. Oanom Co Booksellers and Stationers, are our authorized agents for the Daily and Weekly Bakxer at Pulaski. For fine Carte do Vlsites, or Plain and Colored Photographs, call, at Gler'a Gallery, il Union street. -i Jyl-lm Gravel for Walks fur-iahed by Knight Bros.

PAanoiTLAB Nonas. The Merchants' Lette' Sheet Price Current, for the current week, containing fatt'and'uitfuilylprcpared'report of the Nashville market, and embracing a variety of of interest and vnluei will be printed and ready for'delivery at an carlyliouFon Thursday morning. Parties ordering fifty or more copies will have their business cards Jusertcd. and those taking a dozen aud less than flftyj' their names, as "for,"-etc, by handing in their orders early-Wednesday morning. Regular subscribers-will be furnished as herctoforeat their offices on Thursday morning.

New orders will be received at the counting room' df- Una office, at tho office of the Board of Commerce, Jno. II. Latton, or the House of Jno. Morrow i is the authorized Agent for the Bannjx in Qeoeqk H. Oht my dear, how hoL Maet Yes, you look like you arc- ready to mclL UwTjL Why, I Witt tell yinf exactly what to do.

Sam. Hyman's( Old Clothing Market street and the yoniold clothes and put on a nice cool, linen suit Then yon will feci about as cool as a cucumber. GroEx II. I can't see why-tho ladies all-recommend Sam. Ilyman.

He must be a favorite- Mabt A. I will tell you how he i aTfavorite keeps good cTothep, and sells them low, so don say another but malce a line for Sam's, cor ncr Market street end Public Square. jeafrw Sand and. Gravel delivered to any part of the city, at the lowest rates, by Knight No. 40, Church street.

Execution Docket. Rule Dockets, Trial Dockets, Minute Tax Books, and every, other kind of Books used by County, Criminal andChanccry Clerks, made of the best, material and workman- suip, by Marshall Bmcc, 23 Deaderick street. Jc.3-tf Stxamboat 'Pmtmwo. All cheaply, promptly, at the 'Bammkk -office. Gravel for Streets Tamlfhcd by Knight Biw.

SPECIAL NOTICES. EVERY WOMAf 1HT THE Should read and remember those important facts auuui DR. DODD'8 NERVINE AND INVIGORATOR. Among it is Woman's Best Friend I Leneoi-rhca (or Whites.) Amenorrhea slnn.l Ameuorrhea. fflowin'r.

Dlsmcnorrhea (oain lUi mensi.ruat.iuu, jjjxpvuzia, citit xnuutncj nragging uunu oeiicttmiiic, ium ui oircuiii, wuiiui. depression, constipated bowels, sleepiness irrita bility, and the innumerable symptoms of low vital itv and disturbed circulation are cured bv this ex- traornnary mcuicine. unc icaapoouiui in vaiur is' worth more as an invigorating tonic, than any amonnt of Alcoholic Bitters, which are always attended by reaction ana DODD'S NERVINE equalizes the circulation of the Nervous Fluldj pro motes the free circulation of the blood aids diges tioncures costlvcness retnilates the bowels, and restores the vital organs to their natural activity. it contains no imum or oincr do souous amir. and as an Invlgorator will make strong and healthy me wcuKesi sysicm.

No woman should desnalr of Dcrfcct restoration to health nntil she has thoroughly tried DODD'S NERVINE. All Druggists sell it. Price $1.00. II. B.

STORER Proprietors, T5 Fulton sticet, New York. AND CANDY AT WHOLESALE AT D. D. DENTON CO STEAM BAKERY, 6 AND BROAD STREET." ma3-tf Sand for Bricklayers furnished by Knight Bros. The Bannes Job Rooms, at the Banker Build ing, Deaderick street, are supplied with the finest and most varied stocks of Counting Room Paper, (ruled and plain,) and the" most complete assort- mcntof Plain and Colored-Blank Cards in this section.

Every description of Counting Houeo Printing neatly executed. TOMATO "WINE I TOMATO TVEVE A Pleasant, Invigorating from tc Stimnlaut, mode PURE JUICE OF THE TOMATO! And containing, In a large degree, the MEDICINAL AND HEALTH-IMPROVING QUALITIES VEGETABLE ITSELF. For sale, by tho Gallon or bottle, by KLINE SHERMAN, Pharmaceutists, Masonic Temple, Chnrch street. jcl-Sm W. FREEMAN 'DXALEBS IW ALL PAPER LOOKING GLASSES 1 PICTURE FRAMES 1' WIIWOYT SXEAES INSIDE VENETIAN BLINDS, Ac, 28 Public Square, Cor.

Deaderick, Je9-3m NASHVILLE, a Belli Socrirltr aicmiskt "tAim by Flro i ver or. "Kaliroaiav- PollrVri 'fit the noma Iasnranco- Cdmpmy W. Willi Cash.MtB, Colriijiljlil Arctic oefi.OOO ttBiftCaM 1 .000,000 orh" American 70,000 A'djn'Hied' and Vafa ni (his -Aiifc' for Hbios "J'i. 'FAKWsiiro'aT a Corner Cherry aud Cuioii hirccu sal-Cm Rational bank; TJADOTILI.TBNNBSaKB., Designated and TrxncstoJ Agent of theXJnited State, find Fiscal Agent for the'Klala of Tennessee. CAPITAL STOCK; 50,000 SURPLUS RXCEiVEd DEPOSITS AND MAKES COLLEQ.

TIONS on all accessible points In the United States. rTXEp.STATESBONpS,.. GOLD, and "UNCTJEEENT.MdNBT, 'it-BOUOHfiatoSOLD. (J Kt. C.

MoCBORY, Caahinr. O. SAKTORD; Presldsnt. Mn. -r R.

JAMISON, Assistant Cnahlor. ili lHill. and ItUIIsite for Salt'. Zack. T.

ifcSaleof Lanra J.Hays.-. ACCORDANCE Wlm A DECREE the May Term, 1S05, of the Connty Conrtof Davidson county, In the caiiFu, I will offer for sslc at public anctlon'onthepreinlseiv i Ith. day of July, 1S0S, tto Mill, ahd Yard, conrnlnlhc anont one acre of Undj to the estste of William S. Ha tk deceased, and altnsted. in District "4 -orsalc 'TERMSI5 and for one 'and twa yeara with Interest Kotes with, satisfactory security required, and lieu ro talned: P.

L. N1CHOL. Clerk. JelS-tdf' Special Notice ALL OTHER PAIH1ES INTERESTED, A BEfHEREBY NOTIFIED. TIIAT THE UN-JC1 "derslimed is tbe ou-ner of the Patent-far tha Improved Howe Truss for Bridges and other Structures, in and for the States of Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Texas; that he will soon present claims -for Patent fees on all Bridges built on said plan In above named i i L.


lie that, they the Wholesnlo Drng-buaness, "Its' branches, 'nt. their present stand, rcspectf ally solicit a con' tinuance of past favors. Beeswax, Ginseng and Feathers wanted at tho highest market rates. may2T-dw3m 20 Deaderick 'Street, Sim Bel arid Cross Keys. FLTWJCDXAH atf pnilnn civen to House and.

Hotel Bell and Repairing, Key Hi-, tine. SciNA-virieiy orsllrer plated Door Platew -best qnalivy. Number Plates, aprSJlra WOOL. I WILL -PAY CASH, OR EXCHANGE' JEAN? andLinseys for Wool. Will boy it either, in tha'trreaae or clean washed will have wool Into Linsey, Jeans and' BlankeS.

ED. R. PENNB41KER, Tor LcbanonSiills, mayZailm" K. 6 Sotith-Market atrcoi. 1THE.SOUTHEB lit II S.JE ,1 JATTTES A.

MeCMJIIE, 38 tTXIOW STn TriTOrnePiraMIHEK ArnJ WHOLESALE AND Jxl Retail Dealer. In PIANOS, i 'Sole Agent for, tbe -irorld-renownod STSINWAY Also, A. H. Oslo A Co, John B. Durham.

andOolerj-bergi Voupcl. Solo -Agent MTShart. Nced- CHURCH and PARLOR -HARMO-' KIUMS and MELODEONS, together with She Music Music Boots, and Mnsical Merchandise This being the oldest and largest Music tore in the Sonth, enables the proprietor to sell at the lowest possible rates. Descriptive Catalogues of Music and-lnatrument8ifumlsljed npon application: Music furnished free of postage. jc3-3m THESEWANEE COLLEGIATE DESTITUTE.

WINCHESTER, FRANKLIN TENNESSEE, Is now in fall operation, and offers THE YOUTH OF SOUTH T-' 1 peculiar advantagca for acqniring a tnorouga -ENGLISH, VCLASSICAL, or BUSINESS EDUCATION. r-S LOCATION IS TEN MILES FROM UNIVERSITY PLACE, on tho Sewanee Mountain, and is one of the most healthful In the State. BOARD can be had in the best private families at $15 to $20pcrmonth. TUITION varies from $8 to $15 per quarter, according to vanccmcnt. comcBiinfiCATiojrs may hW addressed to the Rector, the Rev.

F. L. KNIGHT, D3)H at Winchester, or to tho President of the Board of Tratecs, GEORGE It. FAIRBANKS, at Nashville. C.

T. Ql'lNTABD, Bishop of Tennessee JellWm Farm for Sale. 1 AA ACRES OF LAND, FIVE MILES NORTH 4UU of Sparta, White county on tho Cherry Creek road; MS acres cleared, balance timbered with Oak, Hickory, Ash, Poplar and Walnnt. Good frame dwelling with 'eight rooicA besides, cellar, store room, kitchen, with good outbuildings; splendid orchard of apple, poach, plnm and all the smaller fruits. Soil good.

Growing grass, clover, wheat, com, tobacco etc, nncly. Abundance of water on various portions of the tract, constituting It a No. 1 stock rarm. Tbe above property canoe bought for about what tho Improvements would cost to build no, by making application to NEWSOM CO- Agents, Jc21-3w West Side JAMES C. MALONS," AITOBKEI'AT-lAW, NAlJHynji, TENN.

rORIOB West ttlOC ruouc oqamic, wraar u. lre and Deaderick streets, np atalm. Portofflco Box 1S3. ja21-ty.

The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)


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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.