The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE PRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: MONDAY MARCH 25 1878 NOTE AND COMMENT ANTI HAYE8 THUNDERBOLT THE PROPOSED TREATY WITH SPAIN ptdrlxran SPRINGIELD MONDAY MARCH 25 is SPORTING MATTERS A MASSACRE DOGS sail insulting was (described as church and a THE DAILY REPUBLICAN is Three Cents a Copy 18 cents a week 75 cents a month $9 a cither by carrier or mail free of postage THE WEEKLY REPUBLICAN is ive Cents a for six months $2 a year two copies to One address $350 three copies $5 five copies $750 hud each additional copy $150 and an extra copy for every ten or a Daily Republican free with a Club of 50 copies all free of postage Reduced Cash Rates: In Daily 5 cents a line (seven words) each insertion no charge Jess than 25 cents and and on page 8 in large type 10 cents a line nothing less than 50 cents before marriages and deaths 15 cents a line nothing less than 50 cents 20 cents a line tothing less than 50 cents 50 cents Births Mar riages and Deaths 25 cents In Weekly 12 cents a line nothing less than 50 cents special and display 20 cents a line Daily Republican continues to have a larger circulation in in Hampden and in Western Massachusetts than any other paper and a larger aggregate circulation than any other journal out of Boston in Massachusetts or in Connecticut No other paper circulates half so I freely or intimately among all parties and classes in central and interior New England reply "he peeled Letter to Albany Journal The state house lobby is expecting rich pick ings The railroad committee is likely to report bv a majority in favor of the new loan of six millions to the New York and New England railroad Would any business man in his senses think of putting money into a dead railroad enterprise in these times? The Legislature is going to need Gazette About this time of the year a great many republicans take an interest in politics and there is no reason why the president should not Journal Whatever the effect of Senator course may be within bis own state we desire to assure him in all the kindness of old friendship teat it does not make a good impression on the country at large We have a very small opinion of Scburz as to many matters He has done the republican party more injury than good but in the matter of stopping wholesale timberthwing and even in protecting forests from destruction he is in the right And the people understand it The sooner Senator Blaine understands this the better for (Pa) Commercial Gazette The only quarrel with the administration that finds loud and frequent expression is that it really seems to be opposed to stealing and to develop a growing disposition to make applica cation of tbe rules of civil service reform to lather than political merchandise of public of fices The illustrious predecessor of President Hayes turned away from the when its diffi culties confronted him but Hayes having in the beginning yielded some things to importunity and some to having indicated his common humanity by the indulgence of a few personal has been taught to harden his heart against fa voritisms and so the opening of the second year of his administration is of better promise than the first If the republican party can lift itself to the level of the adminis tration accept its good works as well done and make proclamation that it is going on with them it can elect a majority in the next House and the nexr Cincinnati Commercial The republican future is dependent upon its treatment or the treatment by its acknowledged leaders of questions broader and deeper than that of patronage If anxiety be felt respecting the party in tbe future it is be cause men from whom better things might have been expected are trifling with great interests and expending in trumpery private quarrels the energies that should be devoted to the coun York Times ROM WASHINGTON SCHURZ ON' THE TIMBER QUESTION Congressman Progress in the Mexican Tbe Postal IjftV rom Our Special Correspondent Washington Sunday Evening March 24 The understanding among the democrats of the Senate is that the chief use which Mr How intends to make of his Whitaker resolution is to show that this judge is a heavy defaulter to the government and yet is regarded by southern democrats as good enough to preside over one of their most important courts With this as a starting point they claim that Howe intends to open such a general attack as to compel them to answer and coupled with this they think ha hopes to arraign the course toward the South so as to compel them to come to his support and thus finally to place tbe president before the North as defended in Congress chiefly by democrats This is tbe democratic theory of attack There are a good many re publicans who accept this as correct and theie is general interest in the course the debate will take to morrow Mr friends say he has been engaged some time in collecting material in regard to Louisiana affairs pertaining it is un derstood mainly to the settlement under the commission and events subsequent to that The deficiency bill containing the timber clause will go to the House from the Senate to morrow and an attack upon Secretary Schurz is being organized in case the bill comes up fur debate and is not sent direct to a conference committee Information here is to the effect that Minister Lowell is making good progress in negotiating a commercial treaty with Spain and that its terms will be such as to largely benefit tbe United Stales in the trade with Cuba The ex pectation now is that a few months will suffice to complete the treaty and that it may be con cluded in time to Jay it before the Senate during tbe present session A gentleman reached here to night who dined with the late Representative Leonard the night before he was taken sick This gentleman was in Havana until Thursday the day before Leonard died and bis disease was not then supposed to bs yellow fever A number of insurgent chiefs Lad leiebed Havana when this gentleman left and the insurrection was thoroughly broken They were well satisfied with some of the terms of peace and thought they had pained many important points by their wv uinu uv viuih i war Leary walked until 810 Mtaiau IVWTU? lUi IHCAIW VVUlglll The friends of the Diaz government here sax Brown walked till that all difficulties between the two governments have been arranged and that uoon Mr arrival at tbe City of Mexico a cordial under We are heartily glad that Senator Howe going to make a long speech pitching into Hayes to day We hope Conkling and all tbe rest of them will follow suit have the griefs of the soreheads formulated and submitted to tbe country It will help the soreheads and it hurt tbe country Mr Schurz says tHat the Senate has put it beyond his power to stop the plunder of the timber thieves upon tbe public lands of the United States The timber thieves will doubtless feel and evince due gratitude to their protectors on the floor of the Senate chamber What the considerable portion of the American people who are not limber thieves will think about it is another matter We shall have to look out or they will get ahead of us down South in the reform that is sure to come sooner or later about the granting of railroad passes to paid servants of the state A committee of the South Carolina House re ported favorably last week a bill prohibiting members of the Legislature judges state and county officers from receiving free railroad passes and it was only defeated by six majority Another faithful treasury official Is lost in tbe sudden death of John Allison from apoplexy Saturday morning He was twice a member of Congress from Pennsylvania before the war and would have completed his ninth year of efficient work as register of the treasury on the 1st of April His is the second sudden death in the treasury department within a month irst Controller Taylor bavins been carried off by paralysis ebruary 25 Yet we presume there will be no difficulty in finding men enough ready to inn tbe risk of either place The question as to the degree of Gerrit knowledge of and complicity in John plans for breaking up slavery may now be re garded as settled John Cochrane has drawn from John Brown Jr a long letter of much in terest concerning his father's plans and in re gard to Mr Smith he stated what we have already supposed to be the fact that while Mr Smith knew approved and aided tbe one only plan which Brown formed he did not know of the particular env project at all Mr Cochrane declares that denial applied to the attack of erry which he could never have approved because of its involving treason against the United States Mr Cochrane adds that Mr rothingham concurs in his views of the subject Yankee privilege to that the bridegroom in tbe approaching wedding is not far from 70 inasmuch as be had graduated at Columbian college and the university of Virginia studied law and settled down in Baltimore as far back as 1834 If we do him injustice it is not our fault he must settle with Ben Perley Poore Kentucky is having worse luck with its Legis lature than Massachusetts It is bad enough certainly to have our General Court make a stay law for the savings bank but this is a trifle compared with the proposition now seriously urged at rankfort to pass a or stay tbe benefit of all classes of citizens of tbis The people of central and western Kentucky are pushing the movement tan the grounds that all their crops have depre elated enormously in value within the past year the stock raising business is prostrate and wide spread ruin threatened in the Blue Grass region if creditors try to enforce their claims which it is threatened would be resisted if necessary by armed force The Louisville Couiiei Journal reads tbe law makers a plain lesson the drift of which is that they had better drop the stay law business undo their ill judged work ia repealing tbe 8 per cent interest law to which it attributes the present agitation and go home Certainly it would seem as if one experience with a stay law such as Kentucky had half a century ago ought to last a life time Another man is perhaps to escape the gallows by means of a trifling accident Hester one of the Molly Maguires condemned to death for the murder of Rea at Locust Gap Junction Pa in 1870 was to have been hung to day but there are some new and startling developments in the case which may occasion a stay of proceedings A miner has filed an affidavit at Peoria III in which he claims to have been at work in Schuylkill county about the time the murder occurred and to have heard from Dan Kelley another of tbe condemned men a con fession that Hester had nothing to do with the crime he was asked to help but refused because Rea had been his friend This miner further testifies that he was not acquainted with Hester and knew nothing of subsequent events until the other day his wife brought him a copy of an illustrated paper containing his picture which he immediately recognized Mrs Hester and the secretary of state of Pennsylvania have been notified of this new turn of affairs and the latter has ordered the affidavit to be forwarded If Hester escapes the rope be can attribute his good fortune to the accidental discovery ef his portrait in an old newspaper One of the hopeful siens at tbe South is tbe growing protest of the better class of the community against such mob law outrages as used to pass without much notice Three recent cases within their especial fields have brought out emphatic protests from the Louisville (Ky) Courier Journal Richmond (Va) State and Augusta (Ga) three papers that rank among the highest in their section of the coun try The remarks of the latter paper are especially notable since they are in rebuke of an attempt to lynch a negro who was undoubtedly guilty of a most revolting crime The Chronicle insists that no enormity of crime can justify a mob in anticipating the proces es of the courts criticises with deserved severity a contemporary which had justified tbe performance and con cludes: defense of mob murder is as revolt ing to civilization as it is disreputable to jour It will doubtless be a good while yet before lynch law becomes as rare throughout the South as in the and by the way it isn't as rare in the western state of Iowa as it ought 1 to be but tbe tide is setting strongly and irresistibly in the right direction when the lead ing newspapers take this manly stand 1 There was a tremendous sensation in tbe patent office at Washington last week a clerk resigned ef bis own accord The Iowa Bouse finally thought better of it and adopted a resolution providing for the sub mission to the people of a constitutional amend ment giving woman tbe ballot Tbe Boston Journal which would have had us believe that the recent savings bank act was well considered now adduces as evidence of toe necessity of more legislation tremendous pressure brought to bear in its We thought so The Journal sees the gocse ripped open but nd eegs inside and no calls for a state commission to devise means for saving the sys tem so that we may have institutions for the working There have been reports for some time that Patent Commissioner Spear was near the end of bis iope and on Saturday it was announced that bis resignation had been asked for on account of serious charges against him He insists that theie is no tiuth in tbe statement and that be is on the best of terms with his official superiors Nevertheless we be surprised to see a vacancy in the office before long It is only fair to say for the Delaware gover nor who let the two negroes hang on riday that everybody admits he had made a most thorough investigation of the matter and that the court which tried and accused them refused to help tbe movement for their pardon There is another scandal at Washington and this time it is Henry Smith journal clerk of the House who is in trouble charged with ex torting $300 from a Mrs Northridge for assistance in getting her pension bill through tbe committee Of course Smith the charge explaining that the widow was simply offered him a gold medal which he refused and finally thrust a couple of $100 bills into his hand which he accepted in the presence of two friends and never made any secret of But the bad look about the thing is that Mrs Northridge wanted a receipt for her money and never got it They seem to accent the magnificent proihises of Mr Edward Crane of Massachusetts at their face value over in York state The canal committee of the Legislature reports against his project to build a narrow gauge railroad on the banks of the Erie canal McGarrahan submitted a great mass of evi dence to the Senate committee on lands Satur day in support of his claim to the New Idria mine the only interesting item of which was a telegram purporting to be from Jere Black which if genuine would show that while he was acting United States attorney general in 1864 he was also counsel for the company and performed services for which a fee of $5000 was promised him Secretary of the Navy Thompson one of your eight hour men himself and see any reason why tbe other men in the department should be let off with such short days The Louisiana papers have to mournfully con fess that the first Legislature under home rule didn't come up to expectations They do say the Old Public unctionary even Hannibal himself is distressed about the other Maine outrages upon the traditional num of the He says that when he (Hannibal) came to tbe Senate 30 years ago the first thing he was taught was to bebave him self and to see an upstart like Jim go on in this unbecoming manner is more than he can bear Pity tbe sorrows of an Old Public unctionary mere doesn't seem to be any doubt that if we must have a new mint Indianapolis is the place for it with its abandoned arsenal grounds and buildings but the committee on coinage inay insist on taking a pleasure trip at the public expense next summer for the nominal purpose of inspecting other claimants before deciding That banquet which the editor of tbe demo cratic Jackson Clarion recently gave to tbe members of the Mississippi Legislature white and black seems to have been a very pleasant affair The republican Times of the same city says of it: may be added that a number of white republicans accepted the hospitalities of Col Barksdale on the occasion referred to and that a few houis were spent in social intercourse which was highly enjoyed by all present regard less of race color former condition of servitude or political The New York free traders have been served quite right Leon Cbotteau having arrived in tbis country as a representative of the rench desire for reciprocal trade and bringing letters to tbe president and cabinet ministers has naturally fallen into the hands of that eminent publicist Edwin A The New York Evening Post says: article in the Times of to day makes it necessary for us to say that Mr Edwin A Pratt is no longer of the active spirits of tbe New York ree Trade Mr period of service as secretary of tbe ree Trade club came to an end some time ago and although we believe that he still remains a member of that organization he does not attend its meetings and has no authority to speak for any free trader except There is no disposition in New York to follow the recent savings bank legislation of Massachu setts William Macy president of the Sea bank for savings sad that he felt ashamed for Massacnusetts that tbe banks iu that state had been obliged for their protection to have such a law passed The state has not receded a particle in its views as expressed at the republican state con vention of last year It stands more strongly in favor of tbe southern policy than it did then There was a disposition through tbe canvass of 1877 to grumble and to repine there were far mere of tbe in oolitics than there now are The oppo ition to this has practically died out I hear no complaint made of it Those who found difficulty in enduring it at first now admit either that it was inevitable from the nece sities of the case or that the issue is Boston Letter The president is fast gaining ground again and with it we are glad to see a stiffening up in the lumbar region This is all he needed Afore power in his elbow to enable him to strike straight out from the shoulder Tbe president has stood calm cool and collected while the angry storm beat around him and now that it lulls and we can take an a count of its effects we see him not only unmoved but prepared for an aggressive campaign against all vulgar frauds ilb to enemies to punish or friends to reward ueror project of his own to subserve I resident Hayes stands in a truly enviable position (Va) State Tuesday must have been a day of pecubar satisfaction to every senator who has ever re coiled under pertness for Ingalls of Kansas and Hoar of Massachusetts sat down miu nire natent extinguishers Tha street car was full of senators as I came home both republicans and democrats and the vice presi dent was among them tbe air was full ot quiet enjoyment over the discomfiture of Mr Blaiue even among those who do not favor the secre tary action Said Senator Kernan to one who ranks impartially high in both parties whose name I must not call Hoar bad Mr Blaine at his mercy to was the quiet The Coming Campaign It is never a very long resting spell from poli tics that we get in tbis country and already the notes of preparation for the fall campaign are sounding in all parts of the land The Indiana democrats indeed have had their ticket and platform for the October election in the field over a month and though the general opinion even among themselves has come to be that tbis was rather forcing the season there seems to be a disposition all around to take an early start The managers on both sides view the prospect with a good deal of apprehension Tbe easy confidence of the democratic leaders that their party was sure to sweep the country has been rudely shaken by the result of the New Hamp shire election which shows that the great bulk of the republicans are true to their old allegiance and that no pell mell rush of recruits to the opposition can be looked for On the other hand the republicans see that if the country votes tbe same way as in 1876 they Use again the House atd go into the minority in the Senate Then there is more trouble than for many years before' to find an effective clap trap issue on either side The bloody shirt which has been only for so many republi cans ever since the war has at last dropped into tatters that the most skillful political tailor can never make presentable again while its attempted successor the southern claims bugbear does yet seriously frighten any body The democrats for tbeir part find the old platform timber too rotten for further recon struction The granting of home rule to the South has killed the old cry of carpet bag corruption and misrule and tbe new cry of does not replace it Meanwhile the financial follies to which both the old political parties have more or less yielded have quite demoralized a large share of tbe voting popula tion and the new National (greenback) party assumes quite serious proportions in some parts of the West How to arrest its growth by acced ing to its demands and at the same time not friglrten off other old supporters becomes an ugly question to the managers complicated as it is by the further fact that neither of tbe old patties can be Held closely together all over th country in a bold stand on any of these new issues The result is likely to ba as great confusion as we have seen in a congressional election these many years What the upshot of it all will be depends upen the attitude which the republican leaders finally conclude to occupy toward the administraticn If they find it impossible to recover their tempers and attempt to make the campaign on a platform of Hayes for not letting them run things as they used to itwill be their own funeral Tbe candidates in strong republican districts will pull through justas Andrew Jackson would still carry the tiaditional back districts of Pennsylvania for president but the score of close districts which th It give the effete despotisms a very high idea of the American navy to learn that one of its sloops of war which started with a load ofgoods for the Paris exposition has had to come back leaking to be tinkered uo for a fresh start It is tbe Wyoming which left New York on the 16th and bad got 500 miles out when the trouble was discovered and the captain concluded tbe best plan was to return to New York where it is thought the necessary repairs can be made in a couple ot days However tbe sinking of tbe British training ship Eurydice off tbe English coast yesterday with tbe loss of three or four hundred lives shows that tbe effete despostisms have very much the advantage of us In deed it would be hard to parallel such a series of misfortunes as the British navy has ex perienced the last few years The appropriation bills are getting along very will in Congress and if senators and representa tives were only content to leave buncombe alone there any reason why they might not go home by early summer ive of the eleven regular bills have been reported four have passed the House and one the fortification bill has gone through the Senate and received the signature The passage of the naval bill by the House exactly as the committee on appropriations reported it was an un precedented hut deserved compliment to good work in tbe committee room One important reform is incorporated in it in the appropriation of pay (or the various branches of the navy in detail instead of in a lump sum which might be diverted to other purposes as has been done in the past ortunately there is no danger of Uncle Dick trying any gans of this sort but considering what sort of a man has run the navy department of late years and tbe it finite possibilities of future secretaries it is well to get such a principle domesticated in tbe appropriation bill Look here Ben: Perley with a colon after the Ben) what does this mean? Your Congressional Directory advertises to give among other things the and time of of every man in Congress A current item credits venerable Representative of Maryland with being about to marry a rich widow of Princeton and a natural curiosity sends us to tbe Directory for the exact age of the man only to find tbe unsatisfactory statement that he born at A glance through the volume shows that other statesmen also cultivate as studied a silence about tbe exact data of their birth as the conventional old maid In the name of an outraged public we protest and in its tame we avail ourselves of an inalienable PULL DOWN THE TELEGRAPH WIRES rom the Gardner News The decision of the New England Associated Press to suspend tbe collection and transmission of news upon ast day ourth ot July Thanks giving and Christmas is evidently intended as a thrust at the enterorisiog Springfield Republican which always appears upon the morning after a holiday while with an occasional exception the other dailies do Dot issue But tbe Republican announces that it will continue to appear as usual the morning after these anniver saries and with all the news notwithstanding To gft a sure thing on Tbe Republican the Associated Press should urge tbe telegraph company to pull oown its wires upon those occasions There seems to be no other way to meet the emergency Tbe democratic party is fast dividing udcu two important points The two divisions are known as conservatives and implacable Cox of New Yoik seems to be at the head of the implacable and Hewitt of those who believe ttat the presi dent stifle ought not to be assailed and that no good can cone of any attempt to Hayes in his occupancy of the White House The line is being drawn very sharply and tbe two branches of the party are getting a goad way Special to New Orleans Times 4 LEARY WINS THE PEDESTRIAN CONTEST i The international walking contest in Agricul tural hall London ended Saturday night in a victory for Daniel the American (nativ of Ireland) who has led almost from the start The contest was given under the patronage of Sir John Astley who offered tbe prizes Tbe competitors were limited to 20 no restriction as to gait the man who could travel the most miles in 141 consecutive hours on foot and without assistance to receive £500 second man £100 third £50 every man traveling over 400 miles to receive £20 additional Vaughn who has been the only man in the contest besides that has had any prospect of winning since the second day completed 500 mile? at 738 ana tnen retired when he had completed miles and two laps which is 440 yards further than tbe ues nerioimanea nn rpnnrrt clock scoring 477 miles and two laps Ide also walked till 830 scoring 405 miles and four was then dpclsred Ihft winnar amid the playing of national airs and enthusiasm standing will be established A 10 mile trotting matchon the Bay District to Hse track at San rancisco Saturday between ha lts and for $1000 a side was very won by in 2730 being an average obJectloaabe feature of that clause of their bill of 245 for each mile which forbids mail matter from being carried The third and last spring meeting of tbe Har outside the mails This is the fact that a consid vard athletic association came off at the gymna erable part of news correspondence is carried bv slum in Cambridge "Saturday Tbe successful I contestants were: Standing high jump exPress or messenger on trains which do not Morse of the scientific school light weight I carry tbe mails and that it would be impossible wrestling' A Gaston class ot light to have the larger part of this class' of cor respondence carried by mail and delivered in between the juniors and freshmen won bv iho tnnetoruse former The Yale boat club has decided not to send a WHAT CARL SCHURZ HAS TO SAY four oared crew to compete at Seneca lake for a a chance to go to Europe Action of the Senate Restricting Prosecution of the Timber Thieve ROM THE WEST I be appropriation for the discovery andprose cution of timber depredators reduced as it has Tbe schooner Gen Miller Capt Mav bslouging been to $5000 by the Senate will under present having as a passenger Col Wiod United States testimony for the trial of many cases customs officer basbeen discovered bottom up I now pending in the difierent states There are a few miles up the coast and all on board were many suits sfill pending in Mis issippi Michigan undoubtedly lost Wisconsin Minnesota Louisiana and 17 indict! Mrs Hayes arrived at Columbus noents in lorida and 15 in California Saturday evening from Chillicothe She is the I In many instances it will be necessary in guest of her kinsman Gen Mitchell who gave a order to complete the testimony to em private reception in her honor Saturday night Poy surveying parties to retrace the lines George Bowler of Cincinnati one of the lbe depredations have been com principal owners of the Kentucky Central rail as to enable the government to toad died yesterday morning at Paris rance the particular subdivision The church cf the Mother nf Gori tRnrno tbe Poohc lands upon which tbe timber had Catholic: at CovlMton mwttlick hj The last distillery case connected with the apply the money appropriated to that purple Bristow prosecution of the whisky ring was dis and we shall be obhgea to abandon the inveMb posed of the United States court at Spring ga lion of tbe depredations and their pioecution Vd Conector Stephani in all other localities This is rather and Christian Pfeiffer being acquitted William than overstating the case I have considered i HeinricbschofeD the proprietor of the Lebanon and do now consider it my duty as atr officer St Clair dt tfllery had implicated these men of the government to execute the laws Bv Maj Bodman of St Louis and Lunigar of making an appropriation at all for the Droxscu Cairo and then fled the country Judgment has tion of timber depredations Congress recognize i bi9 bondsmen the principle that the laws in that respect 70380 and the government has sold the distillery be executed but if Congress makes that amro on proceedings in libel priation so small as to restrict me a very Bishop Talbott of tbe diocese of Indiana has imited sphere of action such an act will be been stricken with paralysis induced by over considered as virtually a proclamation to th work but is now improving and will recover timber depredators in all tbe length and bteadth Grace and Blanche Ritchie two little Missouri of to eo in and make themselves girls have just been awarded $10000 in a suit tbey are assured that tbe govern agaiost the Missouri Pacific railroad for the 110 ioDger have the means t0 interfere death of their parents who were killed near Big Wltn Bend last August One of tbe cbildten had I The amendment to the bill prohibiting tbe sskS 01 t3M0 tn rAvi dspacb the United States where the lumber grew will Sinus and lat fitting in my opinion have this effect: Iu the territories creek infJsriSVhB Mlh Bf6aer Montana Idaho Wyoming Utah and Dakota Milk river Mnnann tbe discriminate destruction of forests will go on tn the reservations of as heretofore without any interference or regnh the acfeet aod other tion on the part of the government unless further legislation be had and I am confident i i kberidan keeper of the Manitou (Mich) tbat the time is not far distant when tbe people ligbt and bis wife And baby were drowned especially of the mountainous regions will louk last week by the upsetting of their bjat They with great regret at their mountains stripped of clung to the keel lor over an hour and then their iorest growth which when once destroyed dropped off and sank the bab? first dyiug in will never reproduce itself and remetn tbe mother aims Richard Kit hen who was ber lbe effort nade to save it from de with them and survives to tell the story was ptruciion and tbe disastrous consequences which pickrd up after clinging to the boat for' four inevitab1? must follow which effort hasnow been bouis defeated There is one territory from which an extensive exportation of timber taken from A MINISTER DERARIIED oil fvivcur EuW'k specially ship building timber CROOKEDNESS INANClAL cowgen That is the territory of Washington Even if the small appropriation The doors of Clinton street Methodist church "0ed uev viina Penrne aopointed pastor by tha I went would not be able to use money ik recent Aew Jersey annual conference because such purposes unless the intention of ex rCHine has a leuutafinn nf licinrr hnvnnd hi I DOftatiOD bfl ConrlneivDlv cliAn means and leaving his debts unpaid ficulty of showing that intention is apparent ii ne aw prouiniteo from using this appro pnatiou in making seizures of timber cut upon Dtiblic lands tliA annt wharo if ia nnl A band of men and boys killed some 50 dogs logs in booms or in the timber yards of dealers at Bergen Point riday night because of restriced to seizures kSsblceanijUnea iDfl'Cted htt'e by a 0 at sbilK icrccious camps a country with so many inlets and little harbors I ns Washington territory we can succeed onlv in TO DAVS weather INDICATIONS very rate instances Even with a largeZa v' I prepriadon it wou be itnuosiblc for Jani ew Rugland colder partly cloudy such restrictions to prevent the bulk of that wt ather occaswual areas of light snow north ilkgitimate trade from going on before and westerly wind aud rising barometer I baling public limber iil therefore aj i republicans carried by slender majorities two yeaisago will pretty uniformly turn up demo i cratic Equally hopeless will it be for the re i publicans to attempt a campaign ofstudied si lence toward the president and his policies The voters whose faith in Mr promises turned these districts for the republicans in 1876 are not going to bother themselves to elect men now who refuse to support tbe president for trying to make the promises of 1876 actual facts in 1878 Certainly the independents whose support of Tilden or distrust of promises 'turned other c'ose districts into the democratic scale are not going to be won over by any such policy Tbe simple fact is and the able statesmen at tbe capital will find it out if they ever finish up their business and go home the snarls of the Jim Blaines and the abuse of the Jay organs represent the sentiment of tbe fe publican masses toward the president They enjoy very keenly the spectacle of a man in the White House whom the Blaines and Goulds like to see theie They find South Caro lina and Louisiana at peace for the first time since the war and th mail of a Packard compelled to earn his daily bread like any other man or a thief because there is no more stealing at Columbia do not disturb them They see the whole tribe of office seekers and office peddlers complaining because the offices are not divided among them as of old and find in this simple fact evidence of tbe beginning at least of the civil service reform they have long wanted Tbe congressman who is ready to come home and say that he believes in tbis sort of thing and means to support it will stand a good chance of being sent back to Washington the one who will very possibly find that the voters have concluded to try another man Happily for the people the next Congress is sure to be tolerably close in any case and no great harm is likely to come to theiepublic if the democrats control both branches of it It con cerns the republican managers more than the rest of us whether they learn in advance tbe lesson that their only hope of carrying the country in 1880 is by planting themselves on the Hayes platform of 1876 revised and improved or will only believe it after a defeat in 1878 College Boy Bbutality was again and most shockingly illustrated in the recent shooting of Alston a university cadet at Montgomery Ala Harrison a fellow student had things about a young lady who cousin and that chivalrous youth a member of the returned the compliment by striking Harrison in tbe face The latter in stantly drew a pistol and shot bis assailant five times the first ball passing through heart There had been a row between the occu pants of two rooms with Alston and Harrison as the respective champions and when the shoot ing occurred a brute from the room was heard to say out another man we have one and will kill while some one else shouted for 471 it is ahead One cadet testifies that Harrison yelled as if victorious when Alston was dying This goes rather ahead of the Princeton notion ot education which makes the breaking of a theological nose an important feature of the curriculum Two More JuroRs with verdict in the jury room and another in open court have come to light this time in the circuit court at Poughkeepsie The case was a suit for $250000 brought by parlies who had purchased a worthless ore mine in ishkill against the individual who sold and as alleged misrepresented the property and the jury went out to consider it last Wednesday evening On riday morning they rendered a verdict of $51000 for the plaintiff (having first made them selves ridiculous by handing in a sealed verdict which did not state tbe amount awarded) and at the request of the counsel the polling test was applied James Van Wagner said he not with the verdict though willing to it Charles Angel in his that the defendant misrepresented the property but as the plaintiff relied great deal on his own in the it was hard to say whether the case was one of fraud or not The judge promptly decided that the had not agreed and discharged them The Tragic ate of Congressman Leonard is too attractive a theme for the gossip to readily drop and since his reportsd death from yellow fever there have been all sorts of stories as to the real cause of it The fact that his is the first and only case of yellow fever in Havana this season lent support to the theory that he might have been poisoned by a rival suitor for the pretty hand or perhaps killed himself in a fit of the blues But there seems no good reason to doubt that he died a natural death he had started in a small boat for the New York steamer in the harbor when he was seized with a chill and returned to his hotel where he had some fever but promised to pull through till a relapse set In and carried him off More than one girl loses a lover in his death for he was the greatest in Congress Young handsome accomplished he seems to have captivated and been captivated temporarily by lots of pretty girls but everybody agrees that he did think a great deal of the Cuban beauty and really meant to keep his engagement to her if the ci uel parents would consent.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


What was Springfield MA originally called? ›

The history of Springfield, Massachusetts dates back to the colonial period, when it was founded in 1636 as Agawam Plantation, named after a nearby village of Algonkian-speaking Native Americans.

Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

How do I contact Mass Live? ›

If you need assistance with your subscription, please call our support desk at 413-788-1100.

What is special about Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Springfield, MA is the birthplace of basketball and home to Dr. Seuss, offering a rich history and vibrant cultural scene for visitors to explore. With its “City of Firsts” title, Springfield boasts a diverse array of attractions, from museums and parks to iconic landmarks and entertainment venues.

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

In terms of race and ethnicity, Springfield is 51.8% White, 22.3% Black or African American, 0.6% American Indian and Alaska Native, 2.4% Asian (1.2% Vietnamese, 0.3% Chinese, 0.2% Indian, 0.1% Cambodian, 0.1% Filipino, 0.1% Korean, 0.1% Pakistani, 0.1% Laotian), 0.1% Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, 18.0% ...

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

Who owns hot table in Springfield MA? ›

Hot Table was founded in 2007 by brothers John and Chris DeVoie and restauranteur Don Watroba in their hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts.

What was the federal arsenal in Springfield? ›

Springfield Armory was established in 1777 as a federal arsenal; as an arsenal, firearms that supplied the Continental Army during the American Revolution were stored here. After the Revolution, Springfield Arsenal was officially established as a federal armory where arms could be stored and produced.

Who owns Springfield Underground? ›

The Erlen Group is a family-owned group of companies, with assets like the Springfield Underground, Cold Zone, the Frisco Building and Lime Light Development, a developer of industrial parks and warehouses in southwest Missouri, according to the company website.

Is Mass a good place to live? ›

Pros of living in Massachusetts

Living in Massachusetts provides a blend of historical charm and modern amenities, making it a great place to live. The state has a robust educational system and a thriving job market, offering ample opportunities for personal and professional growth.

How do I contact mass government? ›

  1. Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office at (617) 725-4005.
  2. Toll-free in Massachusetts Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Toll-free in Massachusetts at (888) 870-7770.

How do I contact Massdot? ›

Massachusetts Department of Transportation
  1. For all departments Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, For all departments at (857) 368-4636. ...
  2. Toll Free Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Toll Free at (877) 623-6846. ...
  3. TTY Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, TTY at (857) 368-0655.

Is Springfield MA expensive? ›

What's the cost of living in Springfield, MA? Springfield is affordable Compared to other east coast metropolitan areas like Boston and New York City. Housing tends to get more expensive the further from the city center you go. The city's median home sale price is lower than the national median.

What is the crime rate in Springfield MA? ›

Springfield Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes1,3393,697
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)8.6924.00

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Group from Springfield's Sister City of Takikawa, Japan Visit the City: City of Springfield, MA.

Where did Springfield get its name? ›

An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex. Springfield, Massachusetts, became nationally important in 1777, when George Washington founded the United States' National Armory at Springfield.

What weapon such as the Springfield named after the Massachusetts city? ›

In 1795, the Springfield Armory produced the new nation's first musket - the Model 1795 Musket which was largely patterned after the French Charleville musket which had armed the French army during the American Revolution.

Why do they call Springfield Queen city? ›

Springfield earned the nickname “Queen City” as a major hub of culture and commerce in the Ozarks. Our Queen City Garden is a major hub of ornamental flowers and the wildlife it attracts through the seasons.

Is The Simpsons set in Springfield MA? ›

A panoramic view of Springfield, as seen in The Simpsons Movie (2007). According to the creator of the series, Oregon native Matt Groening, Springfield was inspired by a number of real-life locations (including Springfield, Oregon, and West Springfield, Massachusetts).


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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.