The Odessa American from Odessa, Texas (2024)

Aftfjl MflS city hews 7 CAN 1, u'U MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1955 Largest Afternoon Circulation Between Fort Worth ond 1 Paso PAGE NINE By Galbraith Side Glances Crashes eekend 16 1 ri It 130 TECH TO PLAY AGAinsnmo Jurors Give Odessa Man 5-Year Term Drouth Puts WT Cattle On Decline li. Ii V.OV.V II 1 Reported- In Odessa Mil -J. i it i i ATLANTA UP The education committee of the Georgia board of regents recommended Monday that Tech be allowed to play the Sugar Bowl against a Pittsburgh team with a Negro player. The full board then began to discuss the recommendation. No serious injuries resulted from fVHwXf' traffic accidents within the city Here on the open range of West: After almost four hours deliber of Andrews Highway, near 25th, causing $145 damage.

The cab was driven by Wayne L. Jones, 43, 1303H North Milburn. Driver of the other car was Elmer L. Richardson, 33, J442 South Alle- during the weekend, despite the high number j( 16) investigated ty police in the two-day period. Texas, where once hundreds of.

ation; a 70th restrict Court jury brought in a guilty verdict at 2:40 2gs thousands of head of cattle roam Police said the brand new car that Jordan was operating which had been driven only 11 miles, sustained $750 damages. The Ruegge car received $1,000 damage. A crash west of Sixth and north of Lee resulted in a total of $75 Driving the cars involved were Robert E. Williams, 18, Treatea for injuries to the left ed, there are only a few thous a.m. Siindav in the robbery by as Mult trial of Lon G.

Reed, 63, Car hand and back and released from ghaney. At East Murphy and South Dixie. olyn Drive, and assessed, his pun-j and head left in most -counties, following five years of drouth. Figures on the rise and decline of the cattle empire were issued ishment at five years In the state Medical Center Hospital Saturday night was Odes S. 44, 2901 Eastover.

Jordan was the operator of a car that collided with another car, driven by Gene a taxi driven by R. L. Stevenson, 40 410 Lindy collided with an automobile driven by WiUie L. penitentiary. 804 East 36th, and Helen L.

Cop- bv the staff of the magazine. The Jenkins, 24, 615 East Murphy. The Thirteen witnesses appeared in the trial, which began Friday afternoon in Judge Paul McCoHum's len, 19, McCamey. -A taxi cab and a private ve- H. Ruegge, 24, 217 Santa Rita, at cao received $75 damage.

Third Paving Project Due for Odessa North Tom Green and East ran together in the 2300 block court. The jury's major responsi Lil 4 few bility was in weighing conflicting evidence given bylSbe only three Cattleman, of Fort Worth. The Cattleman writers summarized figures issued by the U. Census of Agriculture, which showed a great shift in the. cattle population from West to East Texas, said to be due both to the drouth and to cotton acreage con a i i -a a witnesses, to the assault, i Reed himself was on the stand Two' Accidents At Same Spot The Highway Patrol reported about two hours Saturday.

Lengthy testimony was also presented by his victim, Rufus A. Cox, 60, An trols in East Texas. Nitro Glycerine Reported Stolen Forty quarts of solidified nitro glycerine were stolen Saturday During the years from 1900 to! ,1954, when the last count was' Both cars involved in a crash in the 100 block of West Fourth, received $200 damage. The operators were James S. Key, 55, 309 South" Grant, and John W.

Pegg, 41, 719 North Tom Green. In an accident at the Speedway Drive Inn, Muskingum and East Eighth, a car driven bv Harman D. Noblett, 20, 2112 West Fifth sustained $75 damage. The other car involved, driven by Larndell Ewing, 14. 809 East 18th, was not damaged.

At the railroad crossing on West County Road, near Murphy, cars driven by William Z. King, 56, 1333 Drury Lane, and Cebere A third paving program is expected to be added to the present Brown and Root hot mix contract, under which some 140 blocks of drews I painting contractor, and John R. Hatten. 29, 3S02 North Colder, who was jointly indicted with Reed for the crime. The two accidents within about three hours of each other late Sunday made, there was a decline of one million head of cattle in Texas as a whole.

In 1900 there were 9.429.296 head of cattle listed. and early iMonday at an identical city streets have just been improved or are being paved now, it charges against Hatten have been spot less than a mile east of night from a jnagazine north of was reported at City Hall Monday with a great proportion of them Ct. MCA irm. Im. Odessa on Highway 80.

Only one person was injured vin the two the Sheriffs Posse Headquarters by City Manager Dick Pepin. dismissed, but District Attorney Warren Burnett has said he intends to have him re-indicted as an accessory. here in West Texas counties. In 1954 there were 8.235.535 head in Texas. The city has about 15 petitions off Highway 51, according to A mishaps, and he was treated at Medical Center Hospital and re in now from property owners who -Oh.

let's lend Fred and Marge the money they need. Seorge! You know how hard it is for us to take care oi our own bills!" C. (Bud) Shelton. investigator for Cox was severely beaten the twere not on either the first ors leased. the sheriff's office.

Figures given by the cattle cen manendi, no aaaress given. Shelton said that the thieves King's car received $75 Patrolmen said that James T. suses from 1900 on. include 1945, 1950 and 1954. with some, huge slumps recorded in West Texas.

sawed a hole in the roof of thelama8e. and the Martinez vehicle. second projects, Pepin said. The first paving project of this year included more than 100 blocks, while" about 40 more blocks were building to gam entrance. In Andrews County, where 52.

nitro belonged to Tom Zeigler, in night of April 5 after the three men left a local bar together and drove to a caliche pit northeast of Odessa. He said on the stand that Reed told hint they were going tc collect some money that a man owed Hatten. After the attack, the. men left Cox at the caliche pit. and he walked almost added this fall in a second group.

1994 head of cattle were listed in Shafer, 25, 114 South Texas, rammed his 1955 sedan into the rear of a 1955 truck driven by Robert Vernon Merrill. 24, Midland, at 9: 15 p. m. Sunday. Both men were fined $20.50 in justice court, Shafer for driving too fist for Safety Talks Slated For Odessa Schools dependent well shooter.

It was the second such theft within the past few months. Thirty-four quarts of nitro 'were If property owners for at least JU.iSOO, there were only 9.667 in more blocks et up petitions, 81954. i Ector County the cattle third and last group under the pre- population dropped from 30.225 to ueioert u. Flowers, 47, 1213 Wilson Drive, and Mamie E. Pollard.

35. 1322 19th, were the drivers of cars that crashed at West County Road and West 10th. Damage to both cars was slight. An automohile driven conditions and Merrill for having; stolen from Zeigler and George a mile a rip before v.Mvv.. Anout tne game number Co.

contract will be let 'of oil wells are here now. Panin fisirl nafitirtnc fitr the a a a defective turn indicator on tne i Randall-about four jnonths ago. aid truck. Neither was iniured but! The burelarv was not Hernandez. 22.

911 1 k. nH Arouna semtnoie uames group oi projects snouw an increase was recorded, Safety talks before school as-'the most safety-conscious girl in jShafer's car was heavilv damaged. by the owner until late Sunday. the fence of the ten ii wcic iwu.t Deiore tne council meeting on Tues-joni? of the few in West Texas i i ti -i 1 Milam shrl ir de- which heSnd his attorneys Hav rvc Anvnne interested in: n- win uc muc vy ui uic iuuihj suiuuu win; me second accident occurreoi uie omcer reported no suspects)- vauaiug scribed as a drunken braw fVin i kwl ki- nraa now- city traffic orficers during the named and photographed, with 12:20 a. m.

Mondav when 1950 in the case and no clues. Vh riiv Vnoinrina dlJ64 in annual Odessa American School her picture appearing in the Sun- pickup driven bv Voval Arthur, thieve no car tracks and A total of $375 damage was Moment engineering ue- One of the big decreases occur-Safetv Conscious Contest, which Ida American. Dec. II. Green.

45, Midland, struck the no fingerprints, he said. vcabsed two vehicles ran to- The added croup of streets isi ATI'm arundiROt underway last The second JX)rtion of the con. rear of a 1950 sedan driven bv shelton also said that two wcld-;" at "*ck nd Myrtle, on Dsible now because BroJn Mflead of cHNauonaI.Safc.Driving Day. ending Fridav. Dec.

16. will Marvin Wayne Morgan. 19. also of ing hoses and two oxygen werer rivp" bv Hoovcr SVS5 i large countf con r6 "lSTl The safety contest this year willj namjnJ of the most safety-Midland tors, at a total value of "$100. were; 3 WAhinton.

La. tract, as well mum wuin. uii1rnun.v. Arnimi frAtn Vt IK A Prair as i v. ii, i iirci nnn nn xnv run.

ik. 1 1 u. i i 1 1 i i t9 rtm i tmt TnAH'. first the underway on TWO Crmn. 9 i iiicu yiviuin win utr ptiuuniicu in neaa ana CIIHW.

nc paiu oj imr Hum ui iiiu triuinji At North Lee and West Second. 18. Prizes also will jin justice court for improper Service on East Highway 80 iiTw i. win ena rnaay. uec.

ncn Sunday. Dec. mishap involving cars driven hv III grams, repin stated. There still are streets to be Once cattle rich Crockett Coun- nrarlfH nn hfifh hrpvions nroiects. 1900 r----- ieii irom ui.tss nead in Carolyn" D.

Glass, 15, lOOfi West Nnrhinn Of rnnn th-and Anton5 c- Rcosta. UlTling Ul OrOUp Marfa. resulted in $100 damage. be awarded to the winners. jturning and driving in the wrong The Ector Countv School 5vs-n- His vehicle was demolished tern and the Odessa Police De-jn 'he collision, and patrolmen repayment are both cooperating in "Ported heavy damage to Morgan's the school safety contest.

as wen as naming iuius niiu gmicis (() 10,897 in 1954 Odessan's Bites In Roscoe Today i No figures on Culberson Countvl insiauea Deiore pavinR geis unuer-way. One of the largest sections of Is Scheduled cattle were available in 1900. butf the first 100-block contract is pav a total of 515 damage resulted from an accident at 903 South Crane. B. F.

Griffin, Sundown. was the driver of one of the "If Odessa can only keep up its iit had head in 1945 and! 'Pav. ur rtn.r. me Ol esi uuui ui vn.rsaa present low fatility rate for traffic 14.241 in, 1954. Daw The Association for.

Mentally 1HSTBICT COI BT Divorce uit f(ld: Lini Simmons r. Marilyn Francisa ig civil uit filfd. COINTV COl'RT for a accidents on city streets, the citvj Funeral services son County changed from 34,369 in Retarded Children is scheduled to cars involved. The other was Hwy ir i r-. oi mav Pin nutinnal rwnonitinn iwiu to; ih.v.

select a permanent name for thejowned by Donald Bodine, 1910 re Anoher major paving program Roughneck Dies In Car Mishap I orauiuru lyuiiu, oi, uiru oi- r-- Spring urdav night at Medical Center Jess Cariker. chief of police, Rangeland around Big for Odessa is underway on Nine v' in AC as.i ,1 vu i flnlv onp fraffic rlpalh in th ntv marrjas-- licnss ijjupcI. i ii v.v'L. iti. iiini i 1 1 4n4.Ni.

niKn ijti 1 tr iir-iu A. 11. 1 1 1 1 organization a meeting at p. m. Monday in the Ector County At the railroad crossing on Crippled Children's Treatment Crane a car driven by Dale F.

I'nmintl suit riled: Jam l.loyl where the COUntV IS paving an ai- r. w-p- rArnrHH thie vmr at. I nyd and Henry K.rim.Moh roule from Second Street. ,1" im- was down 10 13.8D. Monday at the First a 1 1 this ear.

al- rt.aired witn anting nn mmx cn. v. im. Church Roscoe. cc'i rntr iik 0,1 i fw! dropped in Jeff Davis Rev.

Harvev Wolfe of Sherwood on highways just beyond the city Thomas Jack West. 36, oilfield Se civil suits filed. This route is to be used tor rM aa m.v.i ri.ri In the first organizational meet -iHnin nrf Baptist cnurcn was 10 oniciaie. uu the widening and 'n bchennorn, 23,,416 West Lindberg, collided Wjth a truck- driven by Avery H. Stuarts, 35, 408 North Dotsy.

Damage was $50 to the automobile and $10 to truck. W. H. Leggett. 301 Lasseter.

is MEDICA1. CESTEK HOSPITAL in 1954. Lovine Countv fell MSnnir services were5 The season of Christmas shop-' Hospital Sundav afternoon Irom uie lempuraiy rAi hospital itraffic CESTEK HOSPITAL Road S98 in 1954 Loving Coi rrWra when tieat. Admitted Per. 3 HDrtv' frnm U'M 10lh trt Wfiof from 27,502 to 2.859.

J-d-. JffT WSlCounty around Stanton. Hail Xeri- Second. Brown and Root has tne Pat Martin; planned. and Christmas cheer booms Od m.

uunn, i Z- A Alius Carter. Harold James fftr th smith extension of ngaiea tarm land crowded onto Walnut, Came to Odessa T944;" ana w.i King, tarmrr Adams. Mis. Leo Tierte, West Countv Road, which will run injuries he sutterea an auto v' iUI mishap about 12:15 a. m.

Sunday. Retarded Children was tv -r i.u,. but committees were ap- The Texas Highway Pitrol re-i ported West received head -ndjP0 sname indicating a larger area than internal injuries when his car ap-jE County. Persons from as far parently YnLLMy as Barstow, McCamey and overturned about 10 miles east Monahans on U. S.

Highway 80. attended the first meet- uic mnyr, snppu irom irom Koscoe. wnere ne nan iivcu 31.644 head of cattle in 1900 tojfor 50 years. He was a retired, exceptionally timely, if it can in 1954. building contractor and lumbervent accidents now." Midland Countv fell from 44.4171 rd nrvratnr.

He was born in The chief said that accidents and the owner of a car that was involved in an accident with another car driven Jby Charles Miller, 25, 212 South Jackson. Carnage totalled $45. Driver of the cars involved in a from Clements to the Crane Highway, about three miles. Ward, B. I.

Lee, Lesly W. Mt-GarraK. Alvin Red. Mrs. R.

Trire and baby. Mra. Guy Southern. Jaik, Waspn, Mrs. Connie Luna.

Mra. E. L. Vlift. Maudine Caulbaugh.

Mra. Bill Carlisle. Mra. Haracy Haney. Mrs.

Pat Harris rars. U. Zea. Rfbfu Ann Staliinga. Patieali Dimred Dec.

Mi's. Llovd Mitchell. Mrs. L. fo 21.849.

Pecos Countv dropped Lebanon. and was married injuries were always aisnearien-in Crawford. to Mattie Winn. Sing, but nothing was so disastrous Truck Driver Hurt collision at North Grant and West jfrom 74.182 to 12.399; Presidio County from 41.796 to 20.491; Rca- Survivors include a dauahterjas a critical miury or latanty our include a aauenter. vnuvoi miuij nocket showine he lived at Jack Rozman of Odessa: ai'nr what, should be the happiest Hel in im How- hear cmm'ees appointed Pittman Hotel in Seminole.

How Virgil Werther, 40-year-old truck gan from 10.072 to 1945 to 4,976 in Mrs. Pi hwethelm. Mrs. Bea Rotindtree. a- il.

to select a permanent meeting son. Homer Dunn of Lubbock. of the year. Central! ism; Keeves trom di.iMO to ilasaret Kanaau ranver no lives i uic ever, he is believed to have lived in Crane recentlv. Little, juhav Anna Williams.

Santos Hotel was admitted to Medical Cen-1122. place, and they will set dates for future? meetin Annrnvimatclv 75 three grandchildren, Jimmy. Jac! ie and Nancy Rozman of Barnentes. XUly Fletcher Terry- can uoital samrrlav nipht fori Other counties showine declines Fifth were Odelia D. Thomas, 37, Odessa, and Warren M.

Comflin, 18, Odessa. A three-car crash took place at North Grant and East 14th, caus-inga total of $335. the drivers were Beverly A. East, 3128 North Hanco*ck, Bernice G. Winkler, 31, 130fi Century, and Julius G.

McConnell, 43, 609 North Whitaker. Aonette Oill. T.arrv Keith Rohbins. Judith Lisa 'treatment of a fractured toe. Wert- included Tom Green, around San Funeral arrangements are Pend-ipersong attended the "last meeting, ine at Hubbard Funeral Home.

anf association rpsnlvwi tn Strong Charqed Hubbard Funeral Home was in; her was tightening a nut on a wheel; Angeio. once the heart or a of arrangements 1 I 1 AAA .1 T- 1 1 A. I- TL-Ii ine nou- 1S 10 06 iaKen 10 toward the establishment of for burial. in vjvciluui iiiuii a home in this area for mentally retarded children. "ik Mrs.

Enmrv Donald Run. iirs. vVilham W. Wallace. Mm.

Luther iWden Graham. Majrdelena Band-eras David Wishert. James H. Messer. Mrs.

Arrinrf Allen Foreman. Mrs Louis Alton Kincannon. Panimy Olfnn Fletcher. Douglas Dairel! Biawiev. Len Jennings.

Hudtreons. Mis. Joe D. Lorkhard. Mrs.

Jral-lme Robinson. Mrs. Oorre Parks Willard Ir'ing Strong, 48. who when the wrencn DroKe ana nu nis erenomy. mere were toe.

7 1 1 head of cattle, compared to 122.512 in 1954. In Upton County the decline Approval Expected from 3S.726 to 4.768: Ward County dropped from 12.408 to Seven new directors of the. 7.495: Winkler from 15.142 to Two Cases Set For District Court gives his address as the Odessa PqDYqU YOLlth tioiei, nas Deen transierrea io. countv iail to face charges of! Odessqn Tredted In S. A.

Hosoital Dies In Hospital Benedict. increased from were set for trial! felony theft, after city detectives I 70th District Court 'arrMtert him Sunrlav nipht in con-! Two cases this week in Robbery Probe Continues Here Mrs Vat 'Harris Francisco o. lOdessa Chamber of Commerce are 02. and Yoakum and baby, Kmet Leejexpected to be approved at to 11.714. lirn.

i i i vvaiia ruenie, wno wouiu nave i.iwhpn tne civi aocKet was canea nertmn with th meft of an over Ltudsey ana naoy. -Mrs. mpetinff of the Board of e. i i .1 r- m.i i- 0hrfllA1 his second birthday 'jsa and bao. ilrs.

tnomas Aimirw -r-r Mu'holaon and baby. Mrs. Jimmy 'Directors at 5 D.m. Wednesdav ratt nonu at on the tate morning ny juagc rui coar irom tne first Mrs. Mae Adkins, 36.

Odessa, was being treated at Shannon Hos Fridav. died late Sunday afternoon at the Chamber. -The election ofiin the Lower Valley, where CanvlNlcCoIlum. Church. officers is expected to be held eron County dropped from 153.S93 Scheduled to ro before the jury Strong allegedly took coat be- in Medical Center Hospital after a two-week illness.

pital San Angeio, for injuries she received Saturday-night in an auto- Alice R. Kirby's suit against long to D. W. Leach, 1513 North later in the month. head to 28.995.

The boy was the son of Mr. andjmobile accident near San Aneelo John Peter Staves and the buH Dotsy. jof Joseph King and wife against! In a statement made to Chief Mrs. Gerardo Fuentez, Penwell. Mrs.

Adkins was being treated Fractures Foot (Traders and General Insuranceiof Detectives Andy Fenton. Strong.t'e is also survived oy three ifnr a back injury- Her condition Hub Caps Stolen said he had been drinking Sun- mot hers, Juse, Gera.rdo Jr. and reportedly was good. iCo. Mrs.

lois r. adci. imh rortn; Mrs. unaries liriccs. 2112 westi ine remainder or tne cases ciav nicnt and necKieci to co 10 svianuei.

1 ne uacssa woman was iniured Washington, is being treated injThird. reported to Police Sunday'on the docket were either passed church. When he left, he said.1 Funeral arrangements are pend-: when a car in which she was riding Medical Center Hospital for a fra-ithat four hub caps had been taken'or announced as settled. ihe took the wrong coat by mining at Hubbard Funeral Home, overturned. Elizah William Adkins ture right foot suffered in a fa Hi from her car, parked at the Colis- The jury panel is summoned for, take.

He was arrested a shortjThe rxxiy is expected to be Odessa, reportedly was the Saturday while shopping. ieum, Saturday night. 9 a.m. Tuesday. time later at his hotel.

to Alpine for burial. 'driver of the car. Odessa detectives and Sheriff's deputies were continuing their in vestigation Monday of the $750 arm ed robbery of King's Grocery Store, 3019 South Grant. Saturday night. Detectives have already checked out one suspect in the case, but no new have aien.

The robbery, which took place shortly before 8 p.m.. was staged by a lone gunman, who had been drinking, and who is thought tn have fled on foot. Funeral Services Scheduled Today Funeral services for Mrs. Angela Luna, 32, 407 East Ann, were to News Of Permian Basin Men In Service With Christmas rapidly approach-, uate of the University of TexasiCorps radio officer course at PortDeishlei hose wife. Margie, lives tering ihe Navy in January, and Mrs.

Arzie H. Ford of Royal- ing. the Postoffice Department has School of Dentistry. IMonmouth. N.

early in Novem-lat 2001 Fourth, -Pecos, andjhe was grauated from San Angeio, ty, Is an ammunition clerk in Ser- reminded friends and relatives that Amone the members xf the his ber Junior College. jvice Co. of the 8th Inf. The '23-year-old officer form'jwhose pviils live in Winnsboro, auended the University of a truck driver in Battery of the Pvt. Joe Vaughan, son ofiDiy.

in Germany. Ford is a 1954 erly held at 4 p.m. Monday at St. Oklah6ma Fipld Arliltirv Rn Mr. and Mrs.

Jack Vaughan of graduate of Southern Methodist of Fort a.kll airmail should be used, from now on to get greeting cars and letters to servicemen overseas. Odessa and area men will be i toric first class of the U. S. Air Force Academy at its temporary site in Denver is Melvin E. Pollard, son of Mr.

and Mrs. F. W. Pollard of 100 West 24th. was ap- 901 North Belmont, recently won and entered the Armv Area servicemen from Crane, An-jBenning.

and formerly em- Mary's Catholic Church with Fathet Wm. A. Lensing officiating. Burial was to be ia Odessa Cemetery. Phillips and baby, Mrs.

Harold Arthur Strickland and bahv. Mrs. "ej-il Trellis rVisa and baby. Mrs. Jav Ray Arnb-rsev anl bahv, Mrs F.

Tne bahv girl O'Muhael r.ahv girl OMuhael. Dennis Allen Groves Hirtaa Mr. nd iAillv Joe 813 -Bluebird, gitl. li Iba 1 Walter Cooper, 1417 Cr. ent.

Kir! 7 lha. Joe L. Palleraon ov. 6 lt IS ie. Daniel Larrv Shaffer.

1SW Eat JOt'i. bov. 7 lbs 12 oi Welandt, 313 Cont Dnr lbs. -William E. Binnharn.

S10 East 21t. girt. 7 lba. 11 Charles ft. Rmach.

1920 East Ser-nth. bov. Kavmond F. Mi 3U East Kennedy, girl. 3 lbs.

14 Deaths James B. Dunn. Palieats Admitted Der. 4 Mrs. Knriqu Porra.

Ueorge T. 'Steele. Cvnthia Kay Wheeler. ieki Diana Raymond O. Berry Mrs Davie Thomas.

Mr. J. D. Fisher Reynolds. Mrs.

Guadalupe Ramos. Mm. H. Miller. Mrs.

HetkarK PaleiKh Whitson. E. Mr-Kride. Alra. Bert Mann.

Shirley L. Smilev. Thomas West. Mra. A.

W. Ahet Mrs. H- D. Allison. Mrs.

Walter Tavlor. Mrs. Euserio Vera. Mrs. A.

D. Mrs. Adam Tlodnguet. Mra. Hanks.

Mrs. IV L. Hestand. Mrs. J.

L. Thomas. Mrs. J. II.

Hatten. Mrs. H. T. Sch-river.

Disaalaaed Iee. 4 Jr H. funnmrt.m. Olea Jordan. Gurid Dean O'Neal, Clarence Kenley.

Mra. Berry Brown. Mra. James Warren Bullxk. Pamela Lar-sn.

Mrs, Dale Moore. Mrs. Clyde W. Bailev. Mra James Benjamin F.

Trimble. J. R. Wilhs. Mrs.

Connie Luna, James Ward. Foster Oliver. Mra. Mitt Marshal! Rorera. Angus N.

McDonald. Tho-nas W. TUiman. Rebecca Ann Stallmas. Mrs.

Donald Charles Dar-rw and babv. Mrs. William Harvey Masaensrale and baby. Mrs. Bill Carlisle.

Mrs. Gavland Melton Craves. Mrs. "Bennie Wavne Klker and baby. Mrs.

Edward IMddlesav Sttiwelt and baby. Mrs. JoeL. Morrison and baby. Rirfas Dec.

4 Mr. aad Husfti D. Allison. 201 East Main, gii 1. lbs 2'- oz.

Waller Tavlor. 301 East Kennedy, b- I ha 14 e. Eusevio Vega. 9j Mattamoraa. girl 11.

Am drews, Seminole and Kermit were pioyea oy the western cottonpii tne "soiaier oi tne montn awara January, 1953. Hiswiie, Ber-report'ed among those taking partCo. of Pecos; jof Hqs. Co. in the 25th Inf.

Div. in nice. wiih Jiim in Germany. found in all parts of the world this Mrs. Luna died Saturday night Christmas, in the snowy hills of pointed to the academy while a in a major amphibious exercise in- Specialist 3-c Raby J.

VI Robert J. Burchardt, Naavy airjin her home followinz a brief ill- junior in Odessa High School. O. Ham- volving 25.000 Marines. 20.000 Navy-json of Mr.

and Mrs. sa nign nu aui ivu vuiicgc controlman 3-c, son of Mr. and ness Korea, the rain-drenched fields of England, the icy wastes of Greenland, the palm-fringed islands of Lt. Kenneth W. Perry of 1511 was employed by Alpine Drug Co.

Mr, H. RUrrhardt of 411 West men. 300 aircraft and 125 ships thatiiltcn of Andrews, also is taking Ridgecrest, completed the Signal while attending Sul Ross. Bvars. Hobbs.

reported to the Ca- took place in mid-November off part in the largest joint Army-Air Survivors include her husbandi H. Luna; two sons Adon and E. and three daughters, Rober- Hawaii and scattered over the Pfc Daniel Ford, 22, son of Mf. feaniss Field Naval Auxiliary Air the California coast. Force maneuvers since World War Camp Pendleton.

reportsiH in Louisiana. Hamilton is a ra- mbii nn in nrniie a nricn rtr nnrif a. ta, Elidia and Petra. is. that among Marines who took part diQ operator in Hqs.

Co. of the 6th Paul A. Rix Funeral Home was in charge arrangements. were two from Seminole, Gaylon.Bn., 3rd Inf. at fort Benning W.

Blakeley, son of Mrs. J. R. ana lormeriy attended iui koss co*ker of 214 Avenue and John' and McMurry College. D.

Porter, son of Mr. and Mrs.t Also at Fort Polk for the maneu- 2 Men Treated For Cut Wounds John F. Porter of 515 S. W. Sixth; jvers is 2nd Lt.

John K. Richard- Station in Corpus Chnsti for duty recently. The sailor was graduated from Hobbs High in June, 1953. Floyd B. Monk, son of Cleo Tal-ley of Route 1.

Odessa, recently re-enlisted for six years in the Air Force while stationed at Gary AFB, San Marcos." Monk enlisted in the Air Force in April, 1953 and has been stationed at Gary AFB since December, 1953. Marine Pfc Richard W. Frailey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hal W.

Frailey of Crane, is on duty as a musician -V) V. United States. Many of them are in Germany and France, in the islands of the Far East and others in Japan. Some of the lucky ones will-get home on Christmas leaves, but the majority will be far from home when Christmas carols and chimes sound their tidings. Judge B.

Evans, airman 3-c; son of Mr. and Mrs. Thames of 409 Ellis Drive, recently home on furlough, returned to Parks AFB, and has flown to Japan for dtity there. He recently graduated from the mechanics course at Sheppard AFB. Wichita Falls.

Army Pvt. Apolonio O. Espinosa. son of Mr. ajid Mrs.

Francisco M. Two men were admitted to Medi from Crane, Cpl. Richard D. High-json. son of Mr.

and Mrs. John A. tower, son of Mr, and Mrs. D. D.

Richardson of -3205 North Big Hightower of 810 S. Alford; iSpring. Midland. He is the execu- From Kermit. Cpl.

W. L. Med-'tive officer of Co. A of the 3rd Inf. calf, son of Mr.

and Mrs. TomDiv. at Fort Benning. He is a 1953 Medcalf of 210 North Locust, andigraduate of Texas A and M. I A recent arrival for duty with cal Center Hospital Sunday night for treatment of cuts received at May's Place about 5 p.m.

Frank J. Hudson, 31, 419 N. Sam Houston, was treated for a wound on his right shoulder blade, and, L. C. Johnson.

38, 225 S. Hanco*ck, was cut on his right arm, Hudson in the Marine Barracks Band at pie Marines, at Cherry Point, N. from Andrews, Pfc. Carrol Kolb. son of Mr.

and Mrs. J. Wooley. Some 110,000 troops from all parts of the United States are involved in Exercise Sagebrush in C. with the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing is Cpl.

Bllv J. Spangler, son Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Naval Aviation Cadet Wendell T. Nelson, son of Mr, and Mrs. T.

'of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Spangler of 413 is an employe of Garrison Tire Cedar, Kermit. He is a 1953 grad- Nelson of Denver City, recently; tspinosa or Alpine, recently com Louisiana. This maneuver will end Arthur r.

Slaughter. 8o East, 2Std peted the ammunition supply spec- uate of Kermit High School. Naval; and Johnson is a laborer for graduated from the Uv rtialtst course at the Ordnance Fred M. Whitmore, brick contra on Dec! and many of the men are expected to get home for Christmas. Stanley Helcomb, son of Mr.

and Pre-Flight. School at Pensacola.i Fla. He formerly attended Texas' PARATROOPER Pvt. Kan- tor. Mrs.

D. M. Holcomb of Crane, who trrv. girl, 6 ib. 13 'School, Aberdeen Proving Ground, ce, it odeii Hank.

1407 Sunset Before that he was stationed 335i North lat Fort Ord. Calif. He formerly Included in those takine oart In' recentlv spent a two-weeks leave Tech at Lubbock, and his next as-j neth Laroy nedaet, son ot signment is at Whiting Field. NAS, Mrs. MIn P.

King of Nocontv. 1 Fort Polk operation are'from the Navy at home, has gone attended Alpine High School. l-tr 1 1 11 11,11 to Treasure Island, to take i icy mil, aim ui mi. Jai-ksoa. hoy.

lh. 2' Julian L. Thomas, 1138 Lindberg. is pictured as ha started to Lt. Joseph P.

McCrimmonr 25, a a mm and Mrs. Clarence Hill of Grand- a 42-weeks course at the Navy.elec Driller Burned L. O. Fowler, 28, 308 East Ann. received a severe burn on his right hand Saturday night on a Zeplier Drilling Co.

lease near Midland. hr-v. Hi, ri. Jehn Henry flatten. air Blossom son or Dr.

ana Mrs. n. tronics school. He was second Milton, Fla. Henry Coombes.

son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Coombes of 1316 Clifford, recently was selected as colonel's orderly for the regimental commander of the 20th Inf. Crimmon of 3133 county NEW PARACHUTIST Jim-mit M.

Anderson, son of A. O. Anderson of 803 East Six-, th, recently completed basic airborne training at Fort Campbell, and received his parachutis wings after completing his fife qualifying jurnps. He is a member of Co. 51 Mh Airborne Inf.

falls, who is in Battery of the 94th Armored ield Artillery, regularly sationed at Fort Hood; Specialist 3-c Charles E. Cox. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B.

Cox Iane, boy. 7 lbs. 8 o. Deaths De. 4 Thomas

Walla Fuent. OSTI.OPATHIC CMMC recently was graduated from the military medical orientation course high man in his company in qualifying tests for, the school. Vance Winn, Navy seaman, son of Mr. and Mrs. I.

F. Winn of 3C29 Fowler, a driller for the company. make his fifth and qualifying I'ump as a paratrooper at Bragg, N. C. Hodges is a member of the radio sec tion, 325th Airborne Inf.

part of the 82nd Airborne Div. was burned when a. stove that he Fort Ord, Calif. The award De. I Ulna Mr.

as4 Mn.i lat the Medical hield service School, Fort Sam' Houston. Mc-jCrimmon. a dentist, was assigned ito Fort Riley, Kan. He 'is a grad- was made on the basis, of neatness was attempting to light exploded, of dress, soldierly bearing and undergoing treatment in standing in his training Medical Center HospitaL 305 Murphy, Alpine, a radiojMelody Lane, recently reported for operator with the 4th Armored Di- duty on board the Pacific Fleet decision at Fort Hood; Pfc Frank USS Shelton. Before en- H.

Harris, South Washing Ifn, boy, 7 lbs. 16.

The Odessa American from Odessa, Texas (2024)


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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.