The News-Messenger from Fremont, Ohio (2024)

of of of of 000. 0 0 TWO THE FREMONT NEWS-MESSENGER, FREMONT, OHIO, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1939 Court News SEEKS INJUNCTION Petition for injunction and equitable relief has been filed in common pleas court by Mary MagdaJena Cole against County Treasurer Howard Zimmerman, County Auditor O. J. Stierwalt and the city of Fremont. Plaintiff's petition asks the court to enjoin county officials from charging special sewer assessments on two oulots and 20 lots in connection with construction of the Liberty street sewer.

The plaintiff claims here property is not drained by the sewer, the sewer has not given service to the property, that the sewer was not constructed according to original specifications and its construction was illegal. The plaintiff also asks the court to restrain county officials from adding penalties for general real estate taxes in 1936, 1937 and 1938. Stahl Stahl represent the plaintiff. PETITION FILED Inez L. Martin has filed petition in common pleas court to obtain one-half interest in two.

80-acre tracts of Jackson land. a action is brought townships her step plaintiff Mrs. claims Theresa the Jackson. defendant received deeds on August 25 and November 8. 1937 to the tracts.

The plaintiff claims her father, the late Thomas J. Jackson, was mentally incompetent by virtue of advanced age and infirmities at that time to transfer the property. Louis F. Foos is named a party defendant in the action through possession the land. Attorney Hunsinger represents the plaintiff.

FORECLOSURE SUIT Petition in foreclosure has been filed in common pleas court by the Savings Bank Company against Carrie Meek Keegan and Leonard Keegan, of Townsend township. Judgment of $1,750 and $600 on notes for which mortgages are held on Riley township land is asked. Carrie A. Meak, of Riley township, and Ashley Huffman, Clyde hardware merchant, are named party defendants because of liens on the property, while the Ohio Public Service Company is named party defendants because of an easem*nt on the land. Bracy and Young, of Clyde, represent the plaintiff.

PERMITS TRANSFER Authority has been given in probate court for transfer of 88 acres in Townsend township in the estate of the late W. Colvin. a Application for transfer was filed by Leo Colvin, executor. Transfer was made of one-half interest to Ellen Louise Colvin, granddaughter, Bellevue, and interest each to Lloyd one- George Colvin. grandsons, of Clyde.

Similar distribution of in 84 shares of Cleveland Securities Corporation stock also was permitted in the estate. WRIT FILED Writ of partition in the common pleas action of Fred Schuett against John Schuett and has been filed in the clerk of courts. Appraisal of 101 acres in Woodville township was returned at. $8,080. Orville Damschroder, Christ Reimer and Ed Schumaker were appraisers.

SEEKS DIVORCE Edith R. Sabo has filed petition for divorce in common pleas court, naming Paul Sabo as defendant. The petition states the couple was married September 2, 1938 at fin and charges the defendant with gross neglect. Attorney I. G.

Stout represents the plaintiff. REALTY TRANSFERS Oren C. Wheeler and Zena Wheeler to Charles F. and Dymple C. Jenkins, 4778, Franks' Allotment, Fremont, $1.

Laura Dreitzler to O. C. Wheeler, lot 93, Fairview Beach, Townsend township, $1. Barbara Whiteman to Marie and Herman Konopatski, lot 119 Helena, $1. JUDGMENT GIVEN Judgment of $277.53 on a cognovit note has been awarded in common pleas court to Leonard Apple-: gate, administrator of the estate of the late Aaron Gahn and plaintiff in action against Fred Ehlers, of RFD 2, Clyde.

NAMED ADMINISTRATOR Charles A. Ochs pointed on, probate court been, adminap- istrator of the estate of Marget Ackerman, late of Fremont. Bond of $7,000 was furnished to administer an estate estimated as $3,500 in personal property. APPROVES SALE Approval has been given in probate court on the petition to sell securities in the estate of Alvira Hall Little, late of Fremont. Mrs.

Fanny K. Sarnes, administratrix, petitioned for an order to sell 15 shares of Bulkley Building Company stock. REPORT FILED Report of distribution to Clara Mabelle Popp of claims for $937 has been filed in probate court in the estate of the late Jay A. Popp. Report of distribution was filed by Clara M.

Popp, executrix. APPOINTMENT MADE J. T. Barnard has been appointed in probate court as administrator of the estate of Mary E. Barnard.

late of York township. of $1,200 has been furnished minister the estate, estimated as $3,400. ASKS LAND SALE Petition for sale of lot 6, Vickery, appraised at $930, has been filed in probate court by Walter Cleveland, administrator of the estate of the late Flora Cleveland. Edith Caldwell, Bryon Cleveland and Walter Cleveland are defendants in the civil action. Bracy and Young, of Clyde, represent the plaintiff.

FUNERAL IS HELD Funeral services for William A. Myers, 82, brother of Bryan Myers, of Clyde, who died Friday at the home of his son, Irvin E. Myers, in Marion. were held Sunday at McClure and burial was in Olive Branch cemetery, REPUBLICANS AT DINNERS PRAISE LINCOLN'S LEAD John D. M.

Hamilton for Unity 'Through 1940 Elections (By Associated Press) Republicans in many, cities will have an eye on presidential campaign tonight at dinners servance concluding, a 130th week obanniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birth. The largest gathering, will be in York, persons made reservations to hear speeches by former President Herbert Hoover, five governors, and other Republican, National Chairman John Hamilton said the keynote of the dinners was "victory through unity in 1940." Not all the tributes to the Civil War President, however, were of a political nature. Standing Lincoln's tomb at Springfield, National Commander Stephen F. Chadwick of the American Legion said yesterday: Preserve Principles "The principles of Americanism preserved for us by Lincoln's statesmanship and success may some day come to be appreciated as is the life of Lincoln himself. "From respect of our example, there may yet come the day when all nations will accept our way of life, when our ideals will lose their nationality and be accepted for what he truly and reverently, believe them to be---the ideals for man's government and conduct toward his fellow man." Secretary Wallace in a Lincoln day speech in New York criticized the Nazi regime in Germany for teaching its youth to believe their race and nation superior.

SIX ARE KILLED IN OHIO TRAFFIC (By Associated Press) An accident near Marion, which cost the lives of two persons injured others, headed Ohio's week -end story of death on the highways. Walter Menninger, 24, was killed instantly and Miss Mary Havin, 26, was injured fatally when Menninger's automobile struck bridge. At Cleveland Vernon Bartley, 16, was killed when an automobile plunged down a 40-foot embankment, and Andrew Pagos, was injured fatally when struck by" an automobile. Laverne, 32, of Columbus, met death in the collision of two trailer trucks near Amster- dam, N. Y.

Henry Phillips, 53, was struck and killed by an automobile at Youngstown. RISING SUN WILL OFFER INSTITUTE First session of the Rising Sun Community Farmers' Institute be held in the high school auditorium February 14. Officers of the recently organized Institute are W. F. Stevens, president; George Grover, vice-president; Mrs.

Wilbur Bell, secretary; F. D. Blarton, treasurer; Mrs. M. G.

Elliott, hostess. Among the speakers at the allday meeting will be County Agent B. W. Reading. RESERVES RULING ON PATENT SUIT TOLEDO, Feb.

Judge Frank L. Kloeb, of Toledo, requested 'both sides to file briefs and reserved decision last week in the patent suit of Bellevue Manufacturing Company against the Western Auto Supply Company, of Kansas City. The suit concerns sale of exhaust deflector pipes by the defendant and is based on the sale by a Toledo store. OUR WEATHER MAN WEATHER CONDITIONS High pressure is general over Canada, the states cast of the MiNsissippi and the Pacific states. A disturbance over the central pining states is attended by light snowfall from the northern lake region to Montana, while fair weather general elsewhere through the SNOW States.

per atures moderated from the Rockies to the Atlantic except where along the Canadian border, It was somewhat colder this morning, FREMONT READINGS 44: on Highest date temperature yesterday same last year 48; lowest temperature yesterday 18: on same date last year 31; precipitalast tion yesterday on same date year .00. City Today 7130 A.M. Maximum Yesterday Amarillo 38 clear 60 Atlanta 32 clear 54 Boston 38 cloudy 38 Buffalo 32 part cloudy 36 Chicago 36 clear Cincinnati 36 clear 48 Cleveland 42 clear 46 Columbus 32 clear 41 Denver 36 cloudy 58 Detroit 34 clear 40 Duluth 10 snoW EI PaRo 30 clear 16 Kansas City 44 clear 56 62 Los Angeles 46 clear 70 Miami 68 cloudy 80 Medicine Hat 20 clear 8 Minneapolis 20 cloudy 40 New Orleans 58 rain 62 York 32 clear 38 Parkersburg 30 clear 48 Phoenix 42 cloudy 68 Pittsburgh 32 clear 10 Portland, Ore. 40 cloudy 48 San Francisco 46 clear 54 Washington 32 clear 48 Winnipeg -18 part cloudy Yesterday's High Miami 80. Today's Low Cochrane, Out.

ROUND ABOUT. FREMONT. PAUL CLEVELAND, OF CLYDE, has been named manager of the Clyde theater to succeed Jack Fisher. Cleveland for the past year has been booth operator at the theater. the son of Principal W.

J. Cleveland, of Lutz school, Fremont. Fisher was recently named secretary, of the Sandusky County THE GIBSONBURG FARMERS' Union will sponsor an old-fash-1 ioned round and square dance Wednesday night at Klink Ridge on State Highway 199. Door prize will be awarded. Noon Day Lunch, 35c, 45c, 60c.

Bud Brutus Wonder Bar. adv. WORK WAS IN PROGRESS Monday on all WPA projects in the county, according to officials at the WPA office in the court house. A large number of new WPA workers assigned last week were placed on projects Monday throughout the county. FORTY CANDIDATES WERE initiated at a district Eagles meeting Sunday afternoon in Toledo.

Attending from Fremont were George W. Miller, Grover C. Gerdand Don Crosskill. Bellevue ing, Jack Conklin, Lester, Young, drill and ritual team was in charge of the initiatory work. MEN OF DICKINSON TENT, Maccabees, will meet in M.

W. A. hall on south Front street at 8 p. Thursday. Heart Center Ice Cream Brick, 25c.

Campbell's Garrison St. I adv. ROBERT LEFFLER, OF LIMA, has accepted a position at the Fremont Montgomery Ward store as head of the sports department to succeed Virgil Major, who resigned Saturday, CONGRESSMAN DUDLEY White, Norwalk, of 13th Ohio district, will address the Ohio Society of New York in that city Tuesday night. REGULAR MEETING OF THE Stokes school Parent-Teacher association in Riley township will be held Monday night at the school. Notice V.

F. W. Regular m.m meeting Monday night, 8:00 p. Refreshments. adv.

SONS OF THE LEGION OF EDgar Thurston Post will meet at 7:30 p. Monday at the Legion home on south Buckland avenue. Motion pictures will be shown. FREMONT POLICE REPORTED Monday that they had no further trace of the men responsible for the burglary of two Fremont homes, perpetrated while they posed as tity of the person, or persons, who sewing machine repairmen. Idenbroke into the New Central freight depot also was unsolved.

Try "Bigvalue" Pocahontas Substitute in your furnace. Only $7.75. Fangboner Seed Co. adv. MISS RUBY AVERA, 412 SOUTH street, reported to police Saturday at 8 p.

m. that she had lost a brown leather pocketbook, containing a wrist watch and a medical thermometer, on south Front street. DWIGHT HETRICK, LINDSEY R. F. D.

1, reported to police Saturday night that he had lost a brown billfold, containing $4 in currency, automobile keys and his driver's license, in Fremont on the night of February 5. He believes it was lost on south Front street, in the vicinity of the theater. D. A. R.

Concert, Feb. 16, Presbyterian Church. adv. MRS. OTTO BLISS, OF MIDDLE street, is confined to her home with illness.

MRS. FRED FELTZ, OF 818 White avenue, Monday was reported 111 at her home. Townsend Club Ladies will give a silver tea. Cards and other amusem*nts. Wed.

Feb. 15th at I. 0. 0. F.

Hall. Door prize. Public invited. adv. CHARLES KISTLER, OF ERlin, remains confined at his home with influenza.

MR. AND MRS. ROBERT co*ckrell, of east State street, have chosen Darlene Mae as the name of their daughter, born February 9 in Memorial hospital. The mother was the former Miss Mardell Wisbon. Heart Center Ice Cream Bricks, Valentine Box, Candy, Valentines.

Campbell's, Garrison St. adv. MR. AND MRS. SHELDON Winkler, of Prospect street, have named their son, born February 6 in Memorial Sheldon Charles.

This is their first child. RUSS HOOGERHYDE, NATIONal archery champion, will make a public appearance in Ross high school auditorium at 8:30 a. Wednesday in a student assembly program. Hoogerhyde is known as the "greatest living bowman." The program will be open to the public school officials, announced. OFFICES OF THE AID FOR the Aged and of state examiners at the court house were closed Monday as state employes were given a holiday for Lincoln's birthday anniversary.

CONFERENCE ON FEDERAL adult education work in. Sandusky county between Supt. E. Ryder and Miss Way and Mr. Schwartz, of the Toledo federal adult education office, was conducted Monday morning at the county superintendent's office.


Stokes and Assistant Principal Fred Bode were in Tiffin Monday afternoon for district CHURCH OFFERS PLAY THURSDAY Shiloh United Brethren Congregation Gives "House on Sand" HELENA, Feb. Shiloh United Brethren church, of Helena, will present the play, "The House on the Sand," in the town hall Thursday 8 p. m. The play is the story of a modern home that has become entangled in the spirit of the times and has lost its former idealism. By a chain of circ*mstances, the danger of the course being pursued is realized, with the family determined to return to its former principles.

Proceeds of the play will be given to the ministerial pension endowment fund. The cast is as follows: Thomas Reynolds, business executive, the Rev. W. E. Bovey; Mrs.

Reynolds, Mrs. Ida Bovey; Alec, their oldest son, Roy Balsizer; Phyllis, the daughter, Mrs. Ruth Balsizer; Max, the youngest son, Ned Clink. Dan Mulvaney, factory hand, Dale Sherrard; Rose, his daughter, Mrs. Eleanor Metzler; Mag, the Reynolds maid, Mrs.

Edna Klotz; and Mrs. Sniggles, a "nosey" neighbor, Ruth Fought. Mrs. Zera Ruth will be the pianist. The opening scene of the play gives a picture, of the family before the main story.

In this scene, the parts of Alec and Phyllis will be taken by Kenneth Fausey and Beulah Belle Fought. LUTHER LEAGUE TO HAVE RALLY Plans for a Luther league rally May 7 at Grace Lutheran church, Fremont, were discussed Sunday when officers of the Federation of Luther leagues met at St. Paul's Lutheran church, Clyde. Sig Svanoe of Fremont, president of the Federation, attended. Edgar Mader, freshman at Capital university, Columbus, of Sandusky; Miss Frances Martin of Columbus, and Paul Miller of Sandusky, were other officers present.

A democratic form of circle discussion, to be led by the Rev. Otto Ebert of Columbus, will feature the evening session of the rally. An additional banner to be presented to the league having the largest number present, will be awarded. In the past there has been one banner for the league having the highest percentage present. The Federation planned for each league to sponsor a religious display in a downtown store window during the Easter season.

TOLEDO ROBBERY FUGITIVE NABBED NEW YORK, Feb. Bolger, 47, will be given hearing Feb. 20 as a fugitive from the London, prison farm, police said today. He is being held without bail. Detective Marcel Kagzynski, who arrested Bolger in 1923 for a Toledo robbery for which he was sentenced to a one to 15-year term, spotted him in a crowd here and nabbed him again.

Bolger escaped from the prison farm June 19, meeting of school principals. The round-table discussion of school officials was started at 4 p. m. at Tiffin Columbian high school. ANNUAL BANQUET OF THE Woodville volunteer fire 6:30 department will be sponsored at p.

Wednesday at the Woodville American Legion hall. Members of the Legion women's auxiliary will serve. Chief Lawrence Molkenbur will preside during a program to follow the banquet. MISS MARIAM WOLF, A state health department nurse, is in Fremont for conferences Monday and Tuesday Helen Doll Leiser, county nurse. SUPT.

H. E. RYDER WAS A speaker at the opening session Monday morning of the Townsend Community Institute at Whitmore. FRANK HULL, OF FREMONT. R.

F. D. 2, who fell on the ice three weeks ago to fracture his left arm, above the wrist, was treated at a Fremont doctor's office Monday afternoon. The break was sustained when he was helping a car out of a ditch, near his home. MISS MARJORIE RESTLE, OF Court street, has accepted a position as a waitress in the Charles restaurant.

MR. AND MRS. EARL SCOTT, of 305 south Buchanan street, have moved to 316 south Buchanan street. Mrs. Scott, who is suffering a fractured leg, was taken to her new home Saturday in the WellerWonderly ambulance.

REGULAR FEBRUARY MEETing of the Fremont Retail Merchants' Association will be held at p. m. Monday at the Jackson hotel. Several important business matters are to be discussed, according to Attorney B. Lucas, secretary.

BENJAMIN J. CHAMBERS WAS nominated for the position of pastmaster at Genoa, Monday by President Roosevelt. The nomination has been sent to the Senate for confirmation. DIRECTORS OF THE SANDUSky County Farm Bureau Co-operative Association will hold a regular meeting in the Farm Bureau offices Monday at 8 p. m.

SMITH'S TENNESSEANS, WHO broadcast regularly over station WSPD, Toledo, will be at the Moose lodge Rathskeller on Saturday night, February 25, to play for public dance, it was announced Monday. I SENIOR CARDINAL IS ROME-BOUND NEW YORK, Feb. Cardinal O'Connell, of Boston, senior cardinal of the United States, arrived today from Nassau, Bahamas, Rome aboard to the attend the Britannic, meeting of the college of cardinals. He said in an interview the late Pope Pius XI was "a fearless champion of truth and right." RABBI SPEAKS TO ROTARIANS Rabbi Bernard M. Dorman of Beth Israel Temple, Lima, gave an inspirational talk on the subject: "Was Abraham Lincoln a Religious Man" at the Monday meeting, of the Fremont club, held at the Hotel Rabbi Dorfman stated that Lincoln, although he did not belong to any church or subscribe to any ligious creed, was never-the-less highly religious and this was fest in his humanitarian aspect of life.

Guests at the luncheon were Harry Poulston, secretary of the Lima Rotary club, and John liamson of the Toledo club. CLUB TO OFFER SUPPER AFFAIR When the All-Welcome Community club meets Friday, February 17, in the Washington township school, at Lindsey, a pancake and sausage supper will be served and a special program presented. The supper will be served from 5:30 p. m. to 7 p.

m. Music will be furnished by the Lindsey orchestra and there will be community singing. A debate, "Resolved: That There Should be Months in a Year Instead of Twelve," will be a feature of the program. A group songs will be sung by the phonic quartet, of Fremont, which is composed of Mrs. A.

W. Shlesinger, Mrs. Hobart Davis, Mrs. Arthur Moore and Miss Edna Grace Burkett. Mrs.

Wilfred Fry will accompany them. Mrs. Carol Suter will give a reading. "Swing for the Heathens" is the name of the play which will be given by Mrs. Norman Strohl, Mrs.

C. E. Reeves, Mrs. Ted Hineline, Mrs. Wilfred Fought, Mrs.

R. C. Fought, Mrs. Howard Kocher, Mrs. B.

J. Burkett, Mrs. Oliver Payden and Mrs. Ora Adkins. SEVERAL TO HEAR GOVERNOR BRICKER Sandusky county horse breeders plan to attend a banquet of the Seneca County Horse Breeders Association, to be held in Trinity Reformed church, Tiffin, at 7:15 p.

m. Wednesday, February 15. The speaker will be Gov. John Bricker and arrangements are being made for 800 guests. Those from Sandusky county who have made reservations are: Earl Balsizer, S.

P. Dunham, J. L. Widman, R. C.

Beier, Clarence Palmer, Dr. W. M. Martinsen and County Agent B. W.

Reading. MACCABEE JUNIORS STAGE INITIATION Maccabee Juniors held a regular meeting Saturday in the M. W. A. hall and ten new members were initiated.

A potluck dinner at noon preceded the meeting. Clyde Tooman, commander, conducted the meeting. LeRoy Fowler and Doris Kinsey were in charge of games and contests. Merit stamps were awarded for golden deeds and for stories written on Abraham Lincoln and on the origin of St. Valentine's day, The following program was given: poems, by Doris Kinsey, Eddie Dicker and Clyde Tooman; cornet solo, by Thecla Nitschke; and piano selections by Marion Hampshire, Marcella Snyder and Marilyn Boyer.

At the close of the meeting a Valentine box was opened and each present received a Valentine. The attendance prize to Clyde Tooman and Lois Walters. The next meeting will be in the form of a George Washington party. MOOSE TO LAUNCH ANOTHER CAMPAIGN The Fremont Moose lodge membership drive committee will meet at the Temple at 9 p. m.

Monday, at lated which for time plans will be the new campaign, is to start February 20. The new drill team of 20 members, organized last Friday, will also hold its first practice. Regular lodge meeting will be Thursday night and after the business session the Three Barons will entertain. This is to be a regular weekly feature, John Horn, dictator of the lodge, stated. VALENTINE PARTY TO FEATURE MEET St.

Joseph's Parent-Teacher association will meet Tuesday at 7:30 p. in Educational hall. A valentine party will follow the program. The Sisters of Notre Dame will be in charge of the program. Mrs.

Gerald Gabel, president, will conduct the meeting. The hosiptality committee, under the chairmanship Mrs. Loren Parks, will be in charge of the valentine party. Refreshments will be served. FARMERS URGED TO SIGN EARLY Contracts for Beet Acreage Available; 4,000 Acres Are Signed Farmers in the Fremont area of the Great Lakes Sugar Co.

are being urged to contact fieldmen at once in regard to contracting for acreage in 1939, according to A. C. Joost, area manager. Mr. Joost said Monday that more than 4,000 acres had already been signed and with a this reduced all quota of 10,920 acres for year, available acreage is expected to be signed within a short time.

In this connection, R. H. Beck, fieldman for Sandusky, Ballville, Riley, Rice, Green Creek, Washington and Jackson townships, announced that he would be at the refinery offices here all day Wednesday for the purpose of signing contracts. Growers are urged to contact him if possible. The series of educational meetings, now being held under the sponsorship of the company, will be brough to a close this week.

A meeting was held in Lime City hall at 1:30 p. m. Monday, with Mr. Joost and County Agent B. W.

Reading as speakers. A meeting is to be held in Elmore, at the American Legion hall, Tuesday at 8 p. m. with Mr. Joost and Carl S.

Bittner, Ottawa county agent, as speakers; in Curtice, Tuesday at 12, noon; with Bittner and E. O. Williams, Lucas county agent, speakers; in Oak Harbor community Wednesday at 8 p. m. with Mr.

Bittner and Mr. Joost, speakers, and in Bettsville, Thursday at 8 p. m. This meeting will be in the school house with M. L.

Howell, Seneca county agent, and Mr. Joost speakers. SALES TAX HAS ANOTHER SLUMP Sandusky county's sales tax revenue for the first four weeks of 1939 fell behind that for the first four weeks of 1938, according to a report released Monday by State Treasurer Don H. Ebright. The county's total sale of prepaid sales tax receipts for the first was $11,747.60, compared to $13,011.15 for the same period in 1938.

Receipts for the week ending January 28 were $2,767.47, while those for the same week last year were $2,846.43. Figures for neighboring counties, listing total for the week ending January 28, amount for the same week in 1938, 1939 collection to date and the 1938 receipts for the same period in that order, follow: Ottawa .91, $5,716.57, Wood $2,286.42, $11,648.78, Seneca $3,583.74, $16,602.07, Huron $2,585.42, $11,256.59, Erie county $3,106.88, $13,145.04, $13,893.23. PICKETT, LEGRAND WIN IN DISTRICT James Pickett, of Clyde, and Vic LeGrand, of Fremont, will be able to compete next month at Columbus in the state extemporaneous speaking contest by virtue of their showing Saturday in the district contest at Findlay. Pickett, a veteran high school speaker, won first place at Findlay, while LeGrand and Jack Sayre, of Eleven contestants from Fremont, Findlay, tied for, second place. Findlay, Bluffton, Sylvania, Rockford and Sylvania competed Saturday.

Despite a cold and her first competition, Lucy Reinbolt, Fremont high school entrant, did well in her. presentation. J. Edwin Gordon and C. H.

Weaver, of the Ross school faculty, accompanied mont contestants to Findlay, with the latter serving as a contest judge. DRIVER CITED FOR BEING UNLICENSED Nelson A. Byers, 29, of 1122 Morrison street, was to appear before Mayor Ed. J. Franks on a charge of driving an automobile without an operator's license.

The citation, made by Officer Keith Hutchison, followed a collision between cars driven by Byers and a parked car owned by E. G. LeJeune, 1714 Buckland avenue, at 8 p. m. Saturday tin the 1300 block, west State street.

Byers claimed that a truck crowded him into LeJeune's car. MARKETS CLOSED FOR LINCOLN DAY NEW YORK, Feb. 13-AP-The New York stock exchange, curb exchange, cotton exchange, Chicago board of trade and most principal security and commodity markets throughout the country were closed today in observance of a Lincoln's birthday holiday. WPA WORKER KILLED CAMBRIDGE, Feb. 13-APJohn Mirling, 60-year-old WPA worker, was killed today by a Baltimore and Ohio freight train at Kipling, east of here.

LOOK WHO'S HERE February 12: Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Peterson, of Port Clinton, are the parents of a son, born Sunday at 2 a. m. in Memorial hospital.

February 13: Mr. and Mrs. Howard White, of Arch street, are the parents of a son, born Monday at 6 a. m. in Memorial hospital PERSONALS Miss Jane Wolfe, of Hayes avenue, returned home Sunday from Columbus where she had spent the weekend as a guest of Miss Marie The girls were former students at Miami university, Oxford, and a group of former classmates joined them at Columbus.

Mrs. Norman Rolf and daughter, Diane, of Pemberville, visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred of west of Fremont, last Sunday they were weekended dinner guests of Fremont friends. Miss Julia Janusz and Richard Mehling, Miss Mary Stierwalt and Walter Haynes were in Toledo Sunday and witnessed a program at the WSPD broadcasting station.

Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Howe, of Akron, were the weekend guests of Mr.

and Mrs. A. G. Walter, of Birchard avenue. Mrs.

Howe and Mrs. Walter are sisters. Miss Ethel Werth, of Clyde, R. F. 1, underwent emergency major operation Monday noon in Memorial hospital.

Dr. D. W. Philo, of Birchard avenue, was professional caller at Burgoon Saturday. POST OF V.

F. W. WILL BE ACTIVE A busy week is in store for members of Fremont F. its auxiliary and affiliated organizations. There will be a regular meeting of the post Monday night at which important business will cussed.

The new kitchen bequipment will be used for the first time following the meeting. On Wednesday, the Post will observe the annual nation-wide "Hello America" program with a dance and a special network radio program, Invitations to attend the meeting here have been extended to posts in Sandusky, Bellevue, Port Clinton and Fostoria by Commander R. R. Lehman. This will be followed by the Daughters of the V.

F. W. party Thursday, to which the similar organization in Sandusky has invited. Friday evening the Auxillary will sponsor a card party. LEAGUE DISCUSSES 'MODERN DANCING' "Modern Dancing" was discussed Sunday night when approximately 20 members of the Luther league met at 6 p.

m. in the church. The group was divided into two sections with Justine Ernst and Milan Druckenmiller as captains. Beryl Price and Warren Ruff played a clarinet duet and Bernice Decker sang a solo. Norma Poorman was in charge of the program.

Ruth Claus will be in charge of next Sunday's program when Principal A. C. Stokes will speak. Hospital News Patients released Saturday from Memorial hospital were: Jack Auxter, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Tom Auxter, of east State street, had undergone mastoid operations; Theodore Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Jones, of Ohio avenue; and Mrs. Paul Craig and daughter, of Green Springs. Miss Anna Earhart, of the Jackson annex, surgical patient who had been in Memorial hospital since October 10, was released Sunday.

She has been ill. Miss Earhart was seriously, the home of a sister, on U. S. Highway 12, in the Weller-Wonderly ambulance. Patients released Monday from Memorial hospital were: Benjamin Craig, of Clyde, R.

F. who was injured in an auto accident at Green Springs; Mrs. John A. Snell, of Toledo, surgical patient; and Dr. J.

J. Gedert, of Clyde, who has been confined with pneumonia. Leland (Pete) Erchenbrecher, 19, former Ross high football star, underwent an emergency appendectomy at 4 a. m. Monday in Memorial hospital.

His condition was said "apparently good" Monday. Laura Emmy Rose, nine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wyman, of Lindsey, underwent an appendectomy Saturday night in Community hospital. Miss Margaret Sheely, nurse at Memorial hospital, underwent an emergency appendectomy Sunday morning at Memorial hospital.

Her condition was said good Monday. Mrs. Vernel St. Clair, medical patient, of Port Clinton, and Miss Ruth Bingman, of R. F.

D. 6, medical patient, were released Sunday from Memorial hospital. Ellwel Oakleaf, six-and-one-halfyear old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Oakleaf, of Green Springs, underwent minor operation Saturday in Memorial hospital.

Mrs. Russell Beeker, of Herbster street, was released Saturday from Memorial hospital. Her son remained at the hospital. Mrs. Jesse Gibben, of Cleveland, is receiving medical treatment at Memorial hospital where she was admitted last weekend.

Mrs. Sylvan Reidling and son, of Willow street, were taken home Sunday in Eagon's ambulance. Mrs. Harry Johnson, of Helena, submitted to a major operation on Monday in Memorial hospital. WANT DECENT BOOKS FORT WAYNE, Feb.

13- Decent Literature is being formed in the Catholic church stop circulation of indecent books, magazines and pictures, UNION SERVICES WELL ATTENDED (Continued from Page 1) followed the announced procedure. The Rev. Fred C. Vanator, pastor of the First Brethren church, presided. Invocation was offered by the Rev.

D. L. Caldwell, D. pastor of the Trinity Evangelical church. Massed Choir Sings Music of the massed choir, which was well received, was directed by the Rev.

F. M. Otto, pastor of the St. Mark's Lutheran church. The Rev.

B. E. Stevens, pastor of the Hayes Memorial Methodist Episcopal church, led the closing prayer. Miss Lucy Garvin, church organist, and Mrs. Rona Walton Fry, played the organ and piano at the services.

GRACE BANQUET TO BE THURSDAY Approximately 450 of the Grace Lutheran church are expected to attend a special congregational banquet which will be held Thursday at 6:30 p. m. in the church dining hall. The Rev. Norman Menter, of.

Detroit, Arthur W. Overmyer, judge of the sixth district court of appeals, and the Rev. Lawrence S. Price, pastor of Grace church, will be the speakers. A brass quartet from Ross High school will provide several numbers.

Dinner music will be furnished by the Grace Sunday School orchestra, under the direction of Jack Lorenzen. Heads of the various organizations will be in charge of the meal which will be served at cost. GRATE SECOND IN LODGE CONTEST Ritualistic team of the Fremont Elks lodge placed second in a contest held in Bowling Green on Sunday, to pick the winner in the northern section of northwestern Ohio. Toledo won the contest and next Sunday will compete against four other teams in Lima. Other teams that participated Sunday were Findlay and Bowling Green.

Several of the Fremonters on the team gave an excellent performance in the individual contest, being rated nearly perfect. Ray Grob and R. J. Blose were selected to act as judge and checker in the coming contest at Lima. Those from Fremont were at Bowling Green were: and who.

Mrs. C. W. Auxter, Mr. and Mrs.

W. R. Dunigan, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Havens, Mr.

and Mrs. George M. Lieber, Henry Stahl, R. J. Blose, Earl Smarage and W.

J. Rich, secretary of the local lodge. REV. FR. HAGGERTY TALKS TO SOCETY The Rev.

Fr. Thomas Haggerty, O. M. was guest speaker at a breakfast of the St. Ann's Holy Name society held Sunday following 7:30 mass in St.

Ann's auditorlum. Father Haggerty, who is temporarily assisting with parish duties at St. Ann's church, gave an interesting talk on his work in missionary fields in this country. He spoke of duties in insane asylums and prisons. Approximately 50 men attended.

The committee. in charge of the event Mrs. Urban Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes, Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Russell, Mr. and Mrs. William Hughes and Miss Thelma Hughes. FENDERS DAMAGED WHEN CARS CRASH Automobiles driven by Rod Link, 1500 McPherson boulevard and Miss Jean Gottron, 1306 Hayes avenue, collided in the 1300 block, Hayes avenue, Sunday at 2:45 p.

m. According to Link, he was enroute west and saw Miss Gottron backing out of a driveway. She had stopped her car and he thought she was waiting for him to pass. However, as he proceeded, the other car continued to back out of the drive and the collision resulted. Fenders were damaged.

RETIRED MINISTER DIES OF INJURIES COLUMBUS, Feb. Rev. Peter L. Mark, retired Methodist Episcopal minister of nearby Westerville who died yesterday, will be buried Tuesday in Washington Court House where he was born 90 years ago. Mr.

Mark succumbed to injuries suffered Jan. 31, when struck by an automobile while crossing a street near his home. The driver was exonerated. Entering, the ministry at the age Mr. Mark served in 19 pastorates before retiring 25 years ago.

He was a member of the Ohio conference for 64 years. FRACTURES HIP KANSAS, Feb. Henry Rousher, 72, sustained a fractured hip bone in a fall at her home at 10:30 a. Monday. She was taken to the Fostoria hospital by the Herrold's ambulance of Fostoria.

TOM MOONEY RESTS LOS ANGELES, Feb. 13-AP- Tom Mooney rested at the home of friends here today preparatory to undergoing an operation for gall stones..

The News-Messenger from Fremont, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.