The Isle of Wight County Press and South of England Reporter from Newport, Isle of Wight, England (2024)

I i directly trouble of I -am afraid x3 defendant for yeast A WABElfOl'SE. worry, no deienoant how license had then to be takeu-ont. I caused the we-iave now many to many dogs aotrs she '-old you sne had, a reading I that condition i that the 5s, and Bs. off down South-street. It was, in his opinion, churches.

Other r. he the lameness if i he indeed to work the horse in that i. never noticed that the horse was very lame on £2Q lis. 3d. 7.

who said that got i persisted costs, in working what he nleaded v. asked the horac- token in I his had 1 necessity for more support from subscribers, to Eskell, the maternity nurse, who undertook the work It I or mittee, on I Mortimer as 'ndebtedjxj RX her the I receipts' husband i A FENERAN, if he hon. treasurer, amounts brought as he a H. he had side MI a treasurer, with had to A £198 money waa done dririncr W. Morey, Stanley, Witness's 1 onJ was psad January owing ahhongh her, 1 A 7Ad.

0 0 psid would tb. i Society would I and I he meant to go home and that they nine Friday, I walking that he or slowly, I bered up proving nothing slowly, whether eyes he got only one small ward; all tbe beds of whioh were should got home trepw'faig skull. They found a and: York-avenue andTs ifbout whether he on were wantid the he was keeping of Siat riliived him on the a keeping straigh' awkwaid corner jBe had never had ocoaaton to aeka queitioa before se to fendant i i just take place 1 1 flta iusu after i i 3 i i .1 tu.t I I A A ATTGTJST 4, a jpnlxrg i I.W. SESSIONS. as the letter would withdtour-the- who drank it.

Then they both went to the charge if the Bench would pennit.i-Tlw^bairnHm, Cemetery and saw thainaeral of a woman they kneto, cn the and afterward. they parted. On getting home to the Bench that tW SATURDAY, at the Guildiihfl, Nea-port, before- John FardeU) said they put no dates as a role to 7 0 Admiral 'Sir Algernon do Horsey, EJS-B. (chair- these things. They very often weatabont far-weeks.

man), Sir Harrington Simeon, Geerge Chairman: Is there mnch this Bort of up Sheddeu, J. EL Ogiander, Edward J. Upward, Major W. feild-Clarke, the Chairman of the Rural Diatiict Council (Charles Dahell, Chair- ought to go on man of the Sandown District Council (T. A- "Wright, the 1 Chairman of the.

Bhaoklm District Conned (Francis -after "Inspector, said it curate was as much to blame as the Coleman: Magistrates' Clack the house waa locked up and witness had the hjay going Coleman: There is too This one isia the most objectionable iotrm. to go oa with the-case-if the Bench A- p.m. on Saturday last. Prisoner came into the bar morning, the result of injuries sustained by -would hear and a stop put to-this sort of and On the application of Mr. W.

A Baker, of Ningwood Dairy whom Mr. Drew appeared, was the worse for drink. He told him that io had I at once said 1 did not have that money." Witness I bicycle. She visited him there on the following day. finding that deceased died through being a lentally the Bench gradted an ejectment-order against a man had a complaint of his going to the i cautioned her and told her 3e.

was stolen from a He did not express a wish to witness to coma home. knocked down by the cyclist. He thought would named Saunders, who had applicant's employ, Palmer's and asking for assistance. He but obtained permission to remain on until applicant some papers ontof hS pocket and said that waa what required, the house. "Rt.TflWTT BIB MOTHER'S CONTROL.

Mary Sinter, widow, of Gurnard, was summoned other rfaces. Cwhen locked up he had apenu. lor neglecting to send her 12-year-old Wilfrid, to Magistrates' Otark said he appeared to Wltoeea told her he wofild deliver any meaaage to her were ffi in his head. He did go out at all. Dr.

authorities there, and at Cowes had done J.P. secretary Education Committee, prosecuted, and 'said in abroad, as there was no work to be got at home. tbe Bench made an attendance afcainst the Several.friends had promised to help him. Ha did father, bat immediately after the boy wils sent to not think there was any harm in doing what he did. ijince then the father had been convicted of larciny at Ryde in drink.

When charged she repeated that she only ordefed the deceased to be kept qniet, which they sisters, and nurses there for all they did- I They had had unfortunately died, and, whilst-the Committee February, 1905. He said that through this convic- took half a pleaded guilty sympathised with the mother, they felt bound" to take tion he could not get anything regular to taking half a crown. She said there was 3s. on proceedings, as boy was apparently, beyond the was fined icontrol of his was ein ployed at work fused time for Chairman told him I drink at the time. She was vei iduring the.greater part of the was running (about the streets.

of Cowfea. If the boy did not limproive it might be necessary to apply for him to be it to get her money to take upstairs and found only-6d- left. While Bhe waff at the Cemetery CORONER'S COURT. A A BICYCLE ACCIDENT AT EAST COWES." inquest waa held at the! County Hospital oa that Shatter said that on the 28th A pleaded July out of the Bey. J.

N- Palmer'i He afterwards caught prisoner, Tuesday evening by the Acting Deputy Coroner of half a crown and two sixpences. -Walter Russell, son of the lioense-holdM of the Faldon Eldndge, the body of Bichard Henry Gill, that he waa in charge'of the barat about aged 32, driller, who died in that Hospital on Monday Chairman thought the case and osiled for a brandy and soda, which she paid knocked down with a on Jaly assurance that that was hot at all his i for with 2a. 6d. She was Ryall said he Qnmsdick was foreman of the jury, tried to find prisoner on Saturday night, but was unable to do-so, although ha had her hoQsekept under 0 deceased, deposed that late in the even- absolute facts. He thought they i observation daring the night.

On Sunday morning, i a of Saturday, the 14th ofJoly, Bhe was informed condusion that the cyclist Was not i at about II he found her in a hoose at Oakfleld. Witness told her ha wished to speak to hex, and she I Cowes and that he had been knocked down by a at the place. They would have no meiulty in pullad house in Hill-street, where she had been on the camo home at 3 on the Tuesday afternoon. i I previous i. day, A and 3 he i shouM take her to the station, I rr.

then thought his condition, very Witness also had oomplainte erf On the way she aeked if the money ben for. prisoner havingbeea to Sir Alexander Onslow' the County have recMied said he wanted to go husband, but conld not then Gibson visited him on Wednesday morning, and she There was hardly any evidence, to prove I be let her a penny on I did not have any it was only hall a On his arriving at the station she handed he would get on all right, but deceased got worse as cyclist waB to blame' for toy negligence. stating that she had spent the remainder in the day went on. Dr. Gibson sent medicine and that if he were brought there again he would probably I was stated that pi hot have the option of a fine.

The stop children, their ages ranging between 10 and 2 yearn, pot to this sort of thing the Chief Constable (Mr. C. said the it happened. He did not say that any one war to an" industrial school. For a considerable Coleman asked permission to confiscate prisoner's I wdman'B hukband was in Court, bet he feared he the attendance officer had gobe to tho-boy's Chairman Apple- Conld not say anything in her was i to fetch him and 1 cany carry him 1 ton, a powerful, rough-looking man, was also oharged fined or ten days imprisonment.

1 with begging at Sandown. He told the when. rv 1 DISTRICT NUBSING I On Tuesday afternoon, the Mayor (Mr. Harry there was some one in front of him. Owing to the Mrs; Rodda will Spend a short holiday prior to cora- said he applied for ati attendance order, I broken food.

He was under the influence of Shepard) presided at the annual meeting of the above darkness he did not see any one crossing the roac and under the circ*mstances he. asked the to IPrisoner; I did not beg for the food; I had it given me. Society, at the Guildhall, Newport, those present being the Mayoress (Miss Shepazd), I H. Edmund Sharpe i Newport), W. H.

was five feet from the kerb. Witness put on hear, swcieo when using refused. When told No." She wished to jbe a they had no control over him, his one Idea care was taken of deceased. It would pay jit. being to get out of doors.

He said that his pains shown thought his Opinion was that with a few days rest could not do. On Thursday morning Dr. Gibson visited him, and in the afternoon they decided to try allowed her to come there at all hours; their kind- days, and Was re- I mantel-piece and she left 6d. She was the worse for to get him to the Infirmary, as that was deceased's ness own wish. On 20th, he came to that Did he say how, the accident happened said he had nd recollection of how Holland deposed that he arrested prisoner for and put in the certificate showing that the hoy-had begging.

He refused to go back with him to Mr. 'made only 26 out of a possible- 53 attendances. W.arne's shop and assaulted him. When searched I There had been a lot of complaints about the I 4s. 2Jd! was found on prisoner and a quantity of remit the costs if said I Kassell, assistant at Mr.

Warne's boot always-sent the boy and did not know that i shop, stated that prisoner came there and asked fox who denied that- Atkinson, Dr. Groves, J.P., Dr. Thompson, Mr. J. 3 twelve 1 previous convictions against I I Stanley, J.P^" a and 3 Mrs.

ILTw Stanley, Mr. Mv I left 1 and witness was thrown 1 off to fir .11 Frederick John Elford, electrician, of Osborne- road, East Cowes, was next called, and told by the Coroner that he need not answer any question which DEPARTURE OF THE REV. J. H. RODDA would tend to incriminate him in any way.

He said that on the 14th of Jnly he Was riding a bicycle down York-avenue, on the left side, putting out the after three years' very successful labour, at electric lamps, just after 11 o'clock. He believed until very close to hita. Then he noticed deceased walking up the. road and did bis best to Ventnor previous to the departure of-Mr. and Mxr.

avoid him. He was just to the! left of Rodda. A'lsdy in the ahop I Nattor (vicar of St. Paul's, Barton), and Miles his brake, but struck deceased with his left shoulder, address, as president of the Ventnor P.S.A. Brother- with dne If he were mde in Hospkal It Was due to his unconscious state.

They could riot that their brother would be rode to any Onei' The Coroner said no. doubt he would not Intention- ally have been anything of the sort. Miss Gill: It is a hard to sit'add 1 he was rude to any one. The Coroner: He could hardly sible for anything that might have happer Miss Gill said that at, home not one deceased's lips that was in any way rude. The Coroner aaid they must be told the juty that he had pone into the rather Mabel Elsie Gill, 4, Alfred-street, East Oowaa, morecareftrily than usual in order to be i of the her brother was in the Cottage Hospital at East exceptional pace and that it was excepti bally dark also come to the conclusion that the cyclisi home he went straight to bed.

Just he-could to avoid him. Aa far as he could ji that deceased was discharged from Hospital at his own wish and desire. Th Another sister said it was deceased's greatest wish come to that Infirmary. She thanked the doctors, to her had been excessive. She could not say te same for the East Cqwes Hospital The Coroner: We don't want anything of that sort.

I Bhall be sorry I let yon speak if say toy- thing like that. The Foreman said the jury-found that the a pure accident, i A SPEAKS UP I A That is not part of Flux: 'No, Frank GsJe, attendance officer for. the charged, that Caxishrooke district, bore but Mr. Flux's statement, he was not attending until Mr. Gale came tcr hor a copper.

at 6.30 the morning. She had tQ be Oway at-work any one to to get a Irving foi herself and the was waa frightened at very hard she should have that trouble. She'bad swore, 1 had "sdways given orders for him to go to school every I him in various places, for begging, drunkenness, I and Mrs. Eldridge, Mr. and Mrs.

too nine, and she-conld not answerfor his not going. I and Chairman said the sooner he and Shepard, Mrs. Templeman Mew, BUss Feneran at the corner. Another man waa walking by the side with, by the former, an illuminated address, and by you I 1 others'leamed that they could not follow this (hon. secretary), MIBS Mortimer, Mrs.

B. W. Tilley, of the deceased. Witness rang his bell the the latter with a purse: of gold, on behalf of the aade an an Iwith impunity the better. He would have 14 days' Mrs.

R. F. Eldridge, Mra. Burton, Mrs. Yelf, Mrs.

comers'on bis way down. The accident occurred members. attendance twderwithout-costs, the Chairman a saying hard was also charged with toJ W. Morey. Mjss Shepard, Mba Attnson, just before he got to the corner.

Witness got up and 13 the chest several times. I-prisoner, who kicked, was handcuffcd and taken toil absence were announced from Aid. and Mrs. Francis at the time. He was nearing the last lamp which he tional the a hand-cart, using filthy language all I Pittis, Mrs.

Mackenzie Edwards, and Mrs. Nutter. I the Russell, the witness in the I Mr. Eldridge read the annual report as followis: Hospital. a'bicyele withouta said previous case, "said P.O.

Holland did not strike The committee present their 17th annual report, believed on to Uth nlt-he saw defendant riding prisoner, but was very kind to You their second with the work of two nurses. Miss by and dazzled the deceased's Witness was serve Him in truth with all your heart: for consider 12 died, thrown off his bicycle, the hielrway at Borddnoi: 'without a light, are telling infernal lies, lies, lies about me (thump- Robertson has attended 122 cases. Of these and wSd he had a puncture and the lamp ing the dock). I cannot stand it. I all lies "they and one was removed to the Workhouse Infirmary, deceased on the road.

He- had an oil lamp on his close' of tto service the Sacrament of 'the Lord's "woold aot born, and he was being late back Shotter corroborated and said they got a She.paid4337 visits. Many of these cases were of bicycle, but the gas light of the other cyclist put his defendant had a i tod a quarter pair of hand-trucks te put the prisoner very long duration, and requiring skill and close into the Bhade. It was a very awkward Defendant said he had sot "fed Prisoner One truck wasn't a pair, waa it? Mind attention, committee cannot speak too higMy attend to his machine, your stops went on to say that he had I of Nurse Robertson's and attention to the eotting late, he thought tramped 7000 miles and could not get work. A patients, never sparing herself when Bhe can give saw him first. There Was a i lamp on the right Bttle way" (iaoghterj, as woman took a shilling out of, his waistcoat pocket relief or comfort.

The doctors, as well as the com- and an electrio light on the left. sabout getting home and had no watch Chichester 1 When "he got to Portsmouth he he mittee, are quite satisfied with Jhe manner in which The Coroner Your statements are rather con- Helena). The ladies presiding at tbe tables; were Kip, (fatnghter). He" then cams across the cbnfj was off o.ver the water to get away from them, and her work is carried he then gotoff ancf-gave-his he went without a drop of beer on purpose to come rrtolds. pleaded to and 2d.

to land; and had half a pint of sentenced to a hard labour. to hold responsible for Mm Bench made he hoped thai- that wo nld be-a nlnducement that-the boy attended yOR GOOD- COSDOCT BAKCE-. Frederick sapper in Rdyi not hurt. Witness "itved a bicycle with the other-side, H. the This was right i the shadow of a big tree vice-presidents, Mr.

G. H. Tory and Mr. G. to her to assault on P.O.

Holland, who said he struck him in- Miss George, Mr. Morey, Mr. W. B. Water- went to deceased's His own knee was There was a cjrowdea congregation, addi- They struggled, and.

worth, and others. Apologies for unavoidable hurt tod his hand scratched. He was riding slowly had to put out. He helped to carry deceased to the 23-24, God forbid that I shouJd sin against the Lord His bicycle was en as he did not want to risk i without a losing his good conduct badge by HAWNG a-conviction the Bench Weald remitthe fine. In otberwords, the case was on of the OR MONDAY, at the -Guildhall, before the Mayor took the holiday work, which she has done ably and be-fiped 9s.

over: he could not do more than that. He paid 9d. holiday nurse had nine fresh cases, and where happened yon could not see any one there. only about live yards from the deceased when ont. Mrs.

Thomas again under- tradictory. You say it was very dark and yet there Mrs. Twyman, Mrs. H. A.

Cooper, Mrs. Cooper, were these lights. Witness They thifow an awkward shadow. The NEWPORT BOROUGH POLICE. SOUMZ A.FTKEWOOH" PIBXCKBA35CE AT COWES.

Robert Bullen, James Thomas. John the committee parted with her. Mrs. Grosholtz to avoid deceased. Heath, labourer, of Union-road, Cowes, ttbsxgBd with using obscene language on the previous Mew, and William J.

Whittington, Esq. iSanday afternoon, tfhen, according to Snow, defendtot BtftrMftrg on his doorstep expressing bis opinion strongly, "in the language produced," not appear, was summoned for being drunk and dis- those who have helped them by gifts of old linen and who preceded him was an acetylene one. Deceased not neglect the other members of the congregation, about a disturbance which was taking place between order! the afternoon of the 25th ulL 8 nursing requisites. They specially wish to mei denied'that he was out at the -Hawkins said-owing to complaints received he went the St. Paul's and Newport Reed and Brass 1 VWww, was a disturbance outside and he went "downstairs pod told them one might just as well worirseven days iikweek teyio reat there oa Sandys.

Hfehadbeen is. teetotaler for three yeacs to keep out of that Court. DenutTChief Constable (Supt. neigWjoura, said defep- in reply (Harry Shepard, Francis Pittia, S. Stanley, C.

Salter, William C. seven months to the satisfaction of the committee. IN I THEOUGH BB1NK. WUlif*ck. Taylor, dealer, of Orchard-etrtiet, who did visits.

The thanks of the committee are given to all said he went to-bed after dinner, but there to Orchard-street, where, in a builder's wdikshop, he paid 219 visits (four died, and one was removed to distance from which he saw deceased was not the I.W. County Hospital), making 131 cases sufficient'te enable him to pull he swerved attended by the nurses. Of these 101 recovered, or I across. The electric light was 60 or 70ft. away, over by the Rev.

S. L. Warne, who, in the! course of were relieved, leaving 12 on the books. Nurse I Could not say whether walking quickly in July, 1905, was obliged to leave in sing his path. Witness had good eyesight to family arcumBtances.

It was great regrCt perfectly sober. He repeated that he did everything it and waa the Mr. Siipmonds (a juror) said an acetylene lamp would naturally dazzle the eyes of a pedestrian as possessed by Mr. Rodda as a young people's minister. Nurse Eskell had 27 cases, and 373 visits.

compared with an oil lamp. Witness said he believed the lamp of the cyclist while essentially a young people's did was in the shadow of a tree. Witness was not going more than two or three miles an hour. He boa two brakes on before he struck the deceased. The Deputy Chief Constable (Mt.

J. H. Gallaway) Would the machine balance going; at that rate The Coroner: think so. i was fined 2a. 6d.

and 13s. costs, the i fined 7a 6d. and cnete in defiult 7 stating that the fine was light as the coete I previous convictions the I. W. by a was called an acetylene lamp.

He was well in the Rodda would have remained another year with them, took np the work, and has carried it on well for nearly Nurse Grosholtz attended 38 cases, and made 723 wore heavy. Thaw against defendant. (Stories and Nellie Grant, husband tod Wife, and 7ase with dxearderiy behaviour dnring the; disturbance at- said that on A 4 A the same time and Snow said the-defen- attached to a quarrel and using very low Prexi "OFLIEEI Noticing language. The Grants were the-aggressors, having- crossed the road to Mrs. Spragg's and picked the he quarrel.

That was the disturbance there that othef nearly as laKge as a shilling. Defendant came i carried day, and owing to complaints he went-there to die- from the Market witneas asked if to knew about 'Miu pecse a-crowa of denied dia- Drderiy coodaet, saying they Annie Grant, a sister of one of the defendants, called Jar the-datence, admitted thero was a the off then fThe-jsase against Sproggwas ty Chief Constable said in. consequence of nces took place there, tod the coini i to the police had necesaary-to thai there to look them On Sunday. Grants were fined 2s. 6d.

and 6s. 6d. very cruel H-jn-deioalt of disteasa seven days. I fact, a few kind friends contr: woman. 61 Cowes, were charged to a in I I Mew and "in rotai I they'hslf i i to" watch They wished Mr.

Rodda-every success. Thoy ail Hopkins, R.S-P.CjA., inwards tion from, the committee according to rule, and are and the accident happened, the bicvele of the I to an a inot ellglblejor re-election for a For th. com, witoe.s striking was on heavy cart standing outside the County the animal' was veqr fidgMty F. hon secretary. Mr.

Eldridge moved the adoption of the report, I see the deceased struck, as they were watching examined it, and nnderitbe pad he found two raw which was seconded by Henry Shepard, and lamp named. Elford was thrown off his bicySe unanimously. welL He did not see him coming at alL The lam Mortimer, Mortinoftr. i Vinn. hon.

treasurer, read i t.Tin the finan- I ki, J. 1 NC wounds, one nearly as large as a half-crown and the which showed and defendant replied Well ttot is of £37 deceased's right nearest to the foot-path. He did not ing," and was proceeding to drive away. Wit- to £70 2s. lid.

Fees received fore leg, the fetlock of which was very hot and maternity nurse amounted to £3016s. and the They could have been walking very fast, as they the horse old Mr. Blake, the veterinary surgeon, gave him parish fund and 9s. 7d. fropi offertories at St.

light. Witness rendered what assistance he could, "that was in their heartB, him it was humiliating emission to work it and he was going to do so, and Thomas St. St. John's, and the Unitarian! a the cyclist did the Bame. Deceased did not- say went condition.

for the services of the, beyond. Witness was about 6ft. from the pavement, He told defendant he had no right to work receipts for the services of the nurse amounted tol were-half tufeed round. He did norhear a bell rung, in that condition, and defendant £17 6s. 6d.

£10 was received from the St. Paul's but it might'have while they Were watching the he brethren had spoken sincerely and expressed up the total; 1 a word. Witness went with him i to the hospital. the 13s. I UU CWIUIA DIUO UG IMI.

NUIACA -Insp. Hopkins said in ponaequenee of what the last 4 i a amounted to £162 13s. anl after meet- There were two other men ahead of witness and the witness told him he went in seardi of ttie defendant i and found him in the Brewery yard in OrocKer-street i joSyuaed. The "maternity nurse guarantee fund i Elford on the ground he was looking after deceased. horse and cart, after a of Rrains to take a to £50.

In moving the adoption of the He saw the wick of the bicycle lamp in the middle of home. Asked what he intended to defendant balance-sheet, Miss Mortimer called attention to the the road. iH-toalth. Sh8 Ion the 18th nit. he visited company with P.C- a dogs.

He asked said he was oing to-take home a load of grains. I fact that the receipts had been £5 less than last year, Witness Replied oa are not, with the animal and the expenditure about £22 more, which had so Th The horse was very lame, on I considerably reduced their balance, hence the that state. naa, i fore- which was very hot. The animal wer. ffi Xo 1 1 1 thu.

to luutx). i a 4 th. Nurses' Witness and the deceased were both perfectly sober. other expenses a balance of £10 19s. cyclist had passed them all right.

He did not see By the Deputy Chief Constable Most peonle ime down the hill as fast' as they could, but he aid to him. not see Elford coming. Alfred Roscoe Feltham, Osborne-road, East Cowea, coppersmith's labourer, aaid that he was 14th to i dog. i that he should i the sufficiency'ot the licenses. As to the.

age Of the which was carried. Mr. Stanley proposed the election of Mrs. Vibert all right; also- the second, a gasoline light, a vary and Mrs. James Eldridge to vacancies on the com- veterinary mittee, caused by the retirement of Mrs.

Mew bright one, and he watched it to the bottom of the f.M.G. for his services in the Sonth African war, and Mrs. Burton; whose services they much valued. coming right in front of him, about five yards away. The Rev.

W. Nutter seconded the proposition, He stepped ah one Bide and it passed him all right. which was carried unanimously. to i a i to'a resolution of hearty an accident had taken place, flecquld not much noneof the dogs under six months, and she said a i MfcVAft i 1 horse lwim out nnt of the the cart cart and and had had Mr. Mr.

J. Cowper Cowner Blake examine it, with the result that the animal was excellently rendered services of Nurse Robertson, anything else on the ground. He saw Elford when I the Gneen Dragon stables, where ithad been and said they all felt she was a most excellent nurse he came to their assistance. They removed the No." She did to for the poulticing been treatii ikSi a i i 2 hfd i tao? 4 ih.J JI, th.t th. the part mlS intentional, do do.

you 1 would no, not 1 A A A 5 I of tbe collectors, but bat to a feeling a that the not think it'was me itia alter Vicar of Newport seconded the resolution, 11 o'clock, when he saw two Bicycle lights coming hich was earned. hill. As he turned round he. saw another Directly afterwards he turned round and saw that members of the because of the darkness. On running jback he found Blake I pxofeedon appreciated the most devoted and deceased on his back iu the road.

He did not see deceased to the foot-path, sent for a doctor, procured of Col. Miles Atkinson proposed a hearty vote a stretcher, and took him to tto Witness aind is placed on ha(f-pay on completing five years' I of thanks to the lady, collectors and the hon. auditor was about five, feet from the pavement and from service as a in the R.A. (Mr. F.

King) for their valued services, saying 10 to 15 yards from where the deceased was. He heard no Could not say how fast the cyclist was goihg he passed witness. He was'. The Isle of Wight Rifle Volunteer Battalion will that Bhe had an riamber of- dogs she took out the licenses for them. was not fit to work.

He saw the sores, one being i J. Bhe did not take out more licenses in January as there were several puppies which tod since attained been rubbed off that day. Tto horse's shoes were B. E. Martin, Minns, and Tilley.

their majority- (laoghler), or reached six months of prOcUcaily lam. He wished to -impress upon tto BeoCh the foot that altered and the animal was a little bettor wheat Miss Cronstonn said She tod 14 dogs it was the. Bench There was no sign of a corn. they fortunately had in Miss Feneran, it would have after 11 o'clock on the 14th July to'see a man lying under Col. Sturmy Cave, and; a Blue force, the quite a.mistake on her pkrt.

She tod no intention or horse would be fit for work when it got all right. been impossible for the Society to have achieved in York-avenue, close to the turnirjg into Park-street. oommand of which has been given to Col. Seely, the i 9 8 1 father," but he found out it waasix'week. ago that saw tarial duties through all those years with conspicuous jit was very dark indeed in that part.

The UnT fnToTtirhn ha helieved she from the some demed the charge, ability and devotion. There was' no one who would out and the electrio light'and it wa "he gas was colonel commandant of the 'v'B. Hampshire When and i costs; in default of distress-14 days. i I HiRh-Btreet, defendant called at "1 1. IF evidently of some standing, from which the scab tod practically new and ill-fitting, tod no doubt that Defendant said he was working it under the instrac- what it had.

The burden of the work had fallen upon He had been removed to the pavetoient and was near chief of the Isle of 'Wight Battalion. Eldridge, not in the-least: Tilley. and C. D. Vibert, and the Misses George, Groves seconded the resolution, which to be more severe.

He tod that carried unanimously. The Mayor said that without a secretary such as Miss Feberan, who had carried out the hon. secre- great tree. He was in an unconscious condition, I Henry Stainer, dairyman, of give more time to tto work, or who was more able to dazried by the bright light. "That cyclist was not more than a in front of Elford.

The latter made a curve participate in the big cyclist mancBuvres which are to ito clear witness, but he did not think he need have take place next week under the supervision of Major- so. Dr. Harry Walter Ewen said he called shortly Defences. There will be a forcq is what, as a thrifty Housewife, of' Freshwater, another absentee, charged with being drunk and disorderly at He saw Mr. Blake, of Ryde, morning and Freshwater Bay on the evening of the -19th Foyle saw him reeling, about the road-and' behaving in a very disorderly, manber.

When spoken said he had known the he'continued his was fined 5s. costs; in default 14 days. ONTY THE OLOBY BONO, tmILLZZ I carry, out those duties than Miss Feneran, wh( I re-election he tod great pleasure in proposing, with labourers, of Shide, were charged that about 8.20 Oh the UM i i Ttfevious Sunday evening defendant drove- throneh 0 a I 1 tost thanks for to I 0 1 wiu. uiauas ror Dibbens, said the horse was not lame when it left were already full fnll in other ways she was good enough the stable, neither was there any sore hing more than a little heat bump, and 1 arranged not to touch that. He suggested The Mayor also proposed the re-election of Miss limbs.

hearty thanks for Dock, of Ryde, head carter to Mis. services, remarking that although It I find tn lnok affjir th. was pitch dorka Witness saw that it was a serious case aMd asked Regiment in succession to Col. Sturmy Cave, who was full, but he got'a patient moved and sent for seconded th. resolution, which deceased.

He was undressed and examined, a a and Feneran returned was not absolutely jun conscious, but move His pupils were sensible to light and to no discharge froni his nose' or ears. Beyond ing wound on the face there was np bruise her. hands detect, and no limbs were broken. He! was put to bed. During thenight he was aick and vomited a mOx the Army Ordnance department, has been re- the at any did what of.

FROM VENTNOR. Rev. J. H. Rodda, Bible Christian minister, left on Tuesday morningi for Penzance, where he and i i i 8 at Bristol oa the 26th August round of'farewell gatherings were held On Sunday afternoon Mr.

Rodda'gave hifl farewell having cleared him with the machine. He fell to the hood, in the Bible Christian Church, befoire a gather- of ing of over 200 members. He was presented by tto I In tto evening Mr. Rodda preached his farewell seats having to be provided. The tev.

gentle- man took for his text the words. of 1 Samuel xii. ag to pray for yod: but I will teach you tha with a bright light had just gone good and the right way: Only fear the Lord and when he get up he found how great things He hath done for you." At the pper was a large number Jn Monday afternoon a public tea was held for the rpose of bidding farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Rodda.

lends from all parts of the circuit attended, iniclu- ig the Rev. S. Louis Warne, the Rev. Page, and the senior circuit steward, Mr. G.

Ijaylor (St. Dver, Mrs. Rayner, the Misses Childs (2), and There wasa good company. In the evening a public meeting was held, presided his address, warmly eulogised the work Mr. and straight or cros- Mrs.

Rodda. He.said that in moving about amongst people during the-two years he buen in' tha PERFECT TOHE. circuit ne had heard a single word uttered against the character and £onduet of their PERFECT TOOCtti high testimony in these days of keen The Rev. Page (Shanklin) spoke of the Bpleridid gifts He seemed to reach the hearts of young people, but whom his work was just as much appreciated. A.

Cooper, speaking on behllf of tUe Bondty- Bchool, their appreciation of the work and, From 33 Guinea. Guh, or per Moot wdrth of Mr. Rodda and the helpful influence which he exercised over the children in the, Sunday-school, who were always delighted to seel and hear Mr. Mayoruttr. narry bnewuraj naa tne i Henry Bright, clerk, May Cottage, Adelaide-grove, Rodda.

Mr. H. J. Cooper, as secretary to the i with and thoroughly East the deceased overtook him a he Y.P.S.C.E., spoke of the regret of the Endeavourers wSwctionT defendant, who done up, and the chair has been a great pleasure was going np York-avenne, a few minutes after 11 at the approaching departure of Mr. Rodda, and The committee regret to say o'clock.

They crossed from the left of the road to expressed warm appreciation of his work amongst their funds have fallen off, as the the right. They were watching a cyclist coming over Mr. W. Cooper, voicing the feelings of the I will show. There would have been a deficiency, but thehifl with an extraordinarily bright lamp, he thought Ventnor Church, said they were hoping that Mr.

but they all believed be was following Divine loved bo one of themselves. He knew, a man in bis working clottoB just as well as a in his best, and he always had a cheery hearty grip of the band for him. Mr. Taylor, the circuit steward, presented Mr. Rodda with a substantial cheque, subscribed to in- small iumB by tto friends throughout the circuit.

Mr. E.Calloway, on behalf of the Young Men's Bible Class, presented Mr. Rodda with a silver-mounted i i lamps. The electric light was 100 yards walking-stick and an address. The Rev.

J. H. i i and a Disease, not that wears out a i i a and i B-henmatism, i a Disgfrders, GraveL, Stone, Neuralgia, are a caused by i Disease. J. Butcher, 8, Cjilver- i a or weak Mr.

kidneys a i a i a i a dropsy, i a over years ago a i A heart a I a i trouble, a i a a a i whioh i i a i some of the warning symp- a i i toms a i a i a pains in the loins and sides, a a i i stiffness of the joints, tiredness, i a I a i i failing strength, broken sleep, tijie i i a a i urinajy disorders, watery swell- i i a i ings, continual thirst, cold hauds i as i and feet, and'sallow complexion. I got wet through, ago i a i i a a i i I a keep them right. i i a a i a i ajnd i Back. i I i a kidneys, is what yon must have i a a i i if yon would be well. i I a i i a Fills stimulate, strengthen, and, a i a outs.

cure the kidneys. a i a unsupported statement. I i a i i after day evidence is published i i a i i proving beyond doubt that any ftealth i I a i Kidney Puis. Ai Backache a I i need, before I a again, i i a a is box, or for 6 boxes. They eoittiot fa.

mo A I i I Qodfrej St Eitended i i 61, I STREET, BTDE, 1 I likckwiter in a.landau, singing and shoutibg at the top-of their voices: He called to them to BO-qmetly, J. V. Blake saw the animal for lameness, and as a wWch was carried amid a but they stood np.and waved thejr hats, and result i tifaa poulticed and specially shod with, six weeks ago Mr. also gave evidence, saying when was decidedly better and able, to talk; L.LL. bat 1 1 remem- accident, to go WUnesaVdvised hejrtv vote of thanks to rtop he was.

On Tuesday Jit Freshwater, with the temporary rank of captain, ONLY 1 6 denwnstratedjhe matron ssfd a nurse had a oomplalnt that and he succeeds Brevet-Major Riddell, appointed- to ssa a I he sii driver, who'swd there iJas nothing but the case with a eahtdon singing of Bench fined £1 and costs, which, on the of Thank you, 1 COUNTY BENCH: at Ryde, Glynn, Esq. A. Millward, On-ihe chair), and G. H. Harrison, GAVE AWAY H3B "IIOG.

Frank James, lah6nxnr, Sandown, was summoned for having, kept a'dog without a license on the 19th of Jnly C. Renny met-. defendant- with a fawn lurcher dog in WaLl-lane, Brading. Asked if he had. charged with having used obscene language on the months, 01 license, he said the Witness told hipi it was, and'defendant said he should the oSence, "frown it that J.

16 years of age, was fined 2s. 6d. and 10s. fid. 0 Pas he drowned it gryen it away to.some or seven days.

one The dog was nine months 10s. or 1 days; A. CARRIAGE 8 I.ICENBH. Walter Dyer," hackney carriage proprietor; having been drunk and disorderly in High-street on elsewhere with Reference to a the amoSnt i charged withhaving kept two carriages Gordge said defendant was knocking people collected there on Hospital Sunday being devotod to them to Uiink that hi h.A I license on of May last, and pleaded J. W.

snpervifior of Excise,) White stated Uiat on the 21st with a Mjkrefa and on the 2nd May he saw laadah far the conveyance of passengers. On the ChieTEonsUble (Mr. C. Oreenstreetl 24th! of April he nsed a brake. On the 14th of May i defendant was locked up all Saturday night and i i were on the defendant's IPisnt i i defendant had been reminded to renew his stated that he had been in the Service two Bceoae- He did not press for heavy penalty, but had a clean 2s.

6d. and 4s. costs, or for aocfa as deter others from neglecting three money was paid by the officer. to eat he only had OM a he hsed one carriage at a The txafcvwae used oooc only. He had no horse at ill street, was charged with having stolen 3e.

from toaold the broke three months roofii at 6, Hill-street, the.moneys of Jane a i 1 railrirl. said he only saw -the brake used stated that on Saturday, at 12 said he should not have used it' o'clock, she was In Green-street, when a little girl than bat that the landau waa of was 6d. costa, or A'BEGGDIG LETTKB- (jagged at Cofestoaa said pSnornvwdw was a native of Rjrde, was arrested" ii Bembridge, he was from house to housS i i ana with a petition, united and unsigned, pleading for BufSciant money to go to Casadst harvesting. He, had weertamed that the letter was written by the St. James's," who admitted that he did not saw her take a penny from tinder knowtho The man waa under the inflnence a i qUsa stopped at Defendant was i a Mayor got through He a a mady 0 there.

But they Inspector Hopkmy Were ordered to include had never had a bettw a 8 to the total costs they were very mnch obliged for 8 £1 16a. In addition to the fine. muck of buiy ttm como i Mr. Stanley seconded, saying they were greatly RYDE BOROUGH BENCH. Mayor for his kindness Mayor (F.

W- Randall, H. H. Pollard, and James James, to be there, as there waa nothing in the town which his family Esq. OBSCENITY. Frank JBjtiheU, Play Street Farm, errand boy, was on was not' six mdnths old.

foreshore on the 22nd Buckland proved offence, ana and aetenaant, defendant, wno who was was said to to be aoout I a a i tod-he said he wanted to go home; he much preferred to. do so His home was not very itu off, and witness thought plate at Browndown on Saturday, when the R.M. be would very likely be better there. His mother of Eaatney, the retained the trophy said they were not good at nursing, bathe went home with his sister. He had told the matron that of Wight Rifle Volunteers reached the semi-final of.

then indebted to the Mayor for his kmdmess then and on to keep him there against his 7 wUl, tklt many other occasions. came under the care of DrTGiWjT The. proposition was carried by acclamation, and certain deceased could not hwa i W. Hammond Riddett, the Mayor, in reply, i it was a very great pleasure was au brolhorlnd ua PP or 5 deserved their attention and support more than the The Coroner It Is a v.r» a work of the nursing of the sick poor, as was carried Dr a by that Society? When one vSTted of the neonle as i a a came the people during the last Jniy oaf was impressed with the need there he about i a i i i i encamped at "Xaveriond. Tbe help of the officers, ahd other helpers, £ad he had beLn hapiwae.

it would be impoesible to carry on soch a work. 1 Lt a number being raised to about 500 strong. Firing will people of Newport, and he had spoken Strongly waa keot nnder 1 5 a a He next fli! sanie ordnance will be used, the company making 0 not knock off the pavement to get ot, to ut mm 0 A ont officer ot the pohes do muJh uub larger largei coUecttofl him. He aaid that no doubt 1 listen to it all. A man known to his church nd known to the world, but neither church nor rorld knew hint as well as-he knew himself.

Con- cions as he was of all hia.shortcomings and all his ins of omission, he felt that he was altogether iworthy of all the generous things that had been id. He betmoke their kindly sympathy on behalf if the Rev. Elias Jenkins, his successdr, and asked bat they, would extend to ihim the loyal co- peration, warm and love that they had 1 I JOTTINGS. Goold Adams, who was recently down tto hill. The first, a plain light, passed him noted from in dommand of the 11th rarrison Artillety (Golden-hill), and who gained the appointed; to the command of the com- of Royal Garrison Artillery at Shoebaryness'.

Reynolds, C.R.E. of the Isle of-Wiglifc istrict, has been formally promoted W. H. Darby an Wednesday gave np command the Royal Garrison Artillery in the Isle of Wight, to-day (Saturday) go into camp at Swanage as a unit Society coine at a fair pace he would not sav fast or slow ot the Hampshire volunteer Infantry Brigade under Col. the Hon.

H. G. L. Crichton. The other corps i i i i 01 nis macmne.

oouia not sav-wnether he to attend the camp are the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Volunteer Battalions Hampshire Regiment. The cyclists of the Isle of Wight Battalion will Gen. Sir H. H. Settle, commanding the Portsmouth Col.

Simonds has been formally appointedv: lieut- be brought to the Hospital. There has severed his connection with ihe corps on appoint- ment to command. Col. Townshend, C.B., who a few months ago served in the Isle of Wight With the 1st Battalion Royal Fusiliers, has appointed to act as com- mandor of the Allahabad Brigade in India. Gapt.

Villiers Stuart, having ceased to be employed appointed to the Royal; Fusiliera. Lieut. Thomson, adjutant of'the 5th DepCt Royal and yet costs Garrison Artillery at Bear borough, on Saturday took went on the of the 'Edinburgh Artillery Mijuwt, who recently underwent their annnal training the 88th Co. Royal Garrison Artillery at Hong Kong. The final shoot for the Southern District cap took defeating the 3rd V.B.

Hants by 23 points. The Isle had no business the competition. HANTS VOLUNTEERS.AT YAVERLAND. About 150 of the officers and men of 'tbo 2nd Hants R.G.A. Volunteers went into camp at Yaverland on Satferday for their annual training, and during the there on week the specialists.have been 1 V-rd a work.

1 The that couree of drill has included gOn-laying, depression A SAILA3 CLSABISa THE PAVEMBNT." William Sheypard, 19, ordinary seaman, H.M.S. Victory. Portsmouth, appeared to answer a charge of Society had a claim and hold on i the 28th of. only admitted the drunkenness. off the p4vement, and, though cautioned, he repeated tbe funds of that Society, with the result that a i Thev this conduct half an hour later.

The people he did small committee had been'appointed to invesliJLte not knock offthe pavement had to get off it to let him BAD CASK. Emma Wright, 41, married woman, of 34, Green- oat of a house asked her to Sii U.K." TEAS ECONOMICAL, DELICIOUS. from th. age.u did so wid prisoner, who Mid i in TO I 4 SOi(, Mked witeei. lor drink.

i a i Ryde, was charged with having would i drop of brudy if ah. would oom. J. LONG, QQKDOK HOOU. bom.

with WitoMa wait to th. cot SSr BI.ACKBURS, W. D.TO, i H. MASTEBS, 16. Hioj.

HTUIT. unUnnriVlD' A rni I ryrr insideroely, but "the next night fits-began to increase in frequency, and thay decided- on a. trepan. There wai so nmoh. blood olpt that gave np the case He died, on Ifcondav morning, Between the fits he waa wae thirsty and oould recognise a nurses, That day witness a a post-mortem examination and found the whole rf the brain, between the membranes and the brain, fnll of tnen Hottsjt.

i a i some beor. Witness gave her a prisoner in th. house and went and got 3 8 A A JJPK.T POB PABTICDLAHS OT A -STBI-WSRI: 6D: I UNITED TEA Deceaeed'e sister, who hod previously given Wiiness fatrhed the hmc a is ta 1 EMPIRE WAREHOUSES. LONDON. i fracture of to be found but there was a slight sefteaing of the of the brain on the right side.

The extent of the hemorrhage showed that the case must be fataL Witness ceuld find no external marks-at all wbenhe A 1 I came to the Hospital. Dooeased aaid sj biovcle ran Wm and he hit the orown of his" head between the kerb and tbe read. evidence, said her brother a i i og, pogition-findiwg, and tele- phone work. This is the sixth regiment will come in Vo-day (Saturday), the total next week from the three batteries, and Thursday and U'riday will! be important Idays. Thire will be class firing on Thursday with the 6in.

b.r. gttnS in Yavevland and on FridaV the 4 7 0 Brantihes i inside the 'highest figure of merit in this series gaining the honour of representing- the corps in the Southern district competition. Uapt. Chpw is the adjutant, a number of officers have been in camp this week. The members of the regiment are now re- removed, bat it was evidently only part a ceiving the.

new style of head-gear in place ot the "gilfcbox." stems are built up, it i i important it your Blood Pure A tbe Health of the Systeta will follow. BLOOD being whichvoar should be kept pure. If you suffer from any Skin or Blood disease, such as ECZEMA, SCROFULA, SCURVY, BAD LEGS, BLOOD POISON, RHEUMATISM, GOUT, BOILS, PIMPLES, you should test the value of The World-Famed Blood Porltier. It ia wl ranted to oloaooe the Blood of all imporitJ from whatever causa arieiag. a a i a I bought but only in the boxes, which i "way.

a i a 8, Wells-street, Oxford-street, London, a I i i of pills that oared 'Mr. Batcher. and gravel, the following are Backache, headache, Don't try to curd your symp- that is no use. You must set the kidneys right: A medicine which acts and only upon the Doan's Backache Edngy This is nq one who suffers from kidney any kind will be cured by using Doan's Back- ache Kidney PUls. Doan'g Backache Kidney Fills are a may bo had of all chemists and stores, or I a post from the Forter-McClellan Be sure yon.get exactly me same kind LILLIPUTIAN NOTED HOUSE FOR BABY LINES iXD CHILDREN'S OUTFITTING OF EVEBY DESCRIPTION.

Coats, Pelisses, Hats, and Bonnets, also Underclothing. Children's Coats and Milliaery mad. to order. i i FOTunsnxD. AXO BUSIXXTTES TBIMHSB.

LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING, AND HILLINEBI A. WILLCOX, 67, A NEWPORT. FOR YACHTING. 0 A I A Good assortment of Gowns, Wrapptrs, and other accessories. H.

PACK fe UNION RYDE. No Breakfast Table i complete without EPPS'S COCOA An Food of the EPPS'S COCOA Finest quality and flavour. EPPS'S COCOA The Original Cocoa and EPPS'S COCOA Tbe Most Nutritions and Economical. the Immediate Relief ultimate Core of NEURALGIA, ISr TOOTHACHE NERVOUS FULL-WEIGHT TEA i you are determined to have. And so you will insist on being servedjwith MAYPOLE' TEA.

very best, too, It's the ALB. There, are also reliable Blends at Maypole" and MAYPOLE DAIRY COMPANY, it LIMITED. i I I For and I TONIC. iere are many ailmnnto, such aa Neuralgia, Tic- iwuloureux. and general Nervous DebUity, which depend, entirely upon the condition of the Nervous System, and io? have been prescrihed In vainf and'which must be restored toTts normal condition bcforesuchpainfulrwStscanbeabollshed.

MILUDGK A TONIC quickly rebuilds the shattered Nerve- i it to throw off such maladies as above-named, and also fortify itagainst the attacks ef many other tf 011 blo- some ailments. MNJUDOB'S NKHVXNK TO.NIO is frea from all deleterious ingredients; itoonsistBof NKKVTKK TONIC is not unpleasant to the taste, causes no feeline of nausea of ther PKICK II- MBBOTTLK. POBTFEKBW. A- HAEDOE BOH, ILP.S:, 47, Newport. I A MOTORajMOTORS.

For Motor Work of any. description we guarantee satisfaction. Skilled Mechanics only employed. INSPECTION PIT. GARAGE.

ACCUMULATORS CHABOBD, TYRES VULCANISED, Ac. Mechanics cap to A of til. Island. CLOSE TO TOWN-HALL, All communications for the County Press should be distinctly addressed "County Press, 8t. Newpert, I.

should sent coaeapoadence to thefoblisker. Used on Board a KENT (3) H.M.S. BERWICK (2) ELM.S. POWERFUL (2) H.M^., REPULSE H.M.S. TERRIBLE HJiLS.

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The bag contains every- thing necessary for the quick and easy making of delightful cakes, The bag tells-you how to. make many good things for the table. COLMAN'S SELF-RISING FLOUK.

The Isle of Wight County Press and South of England Reporter from Newport, Isle of Wight, England (2024)


How much is the Isle of Wight county Press? ›

After the monthly trial period, monthly subscription will be charged at £2.99 per month. After the one-year trial period, annual digital subscription will be charged at £34 per year. All subscriptions auto-renew.

What county is the Isle of Wight in? ›

Isle of Wight, island, unitary authority, and geographic county, part of the historic county of Hampshire. It lies off the south coast of England, in the English Channel.

Is Isle of Wight expensive to live? ›

As of December 2023, the overall average monthly rental price (according to is £1093 on the Isle of Wight compared to £1596 in Hampshire and £929 in Lancashire.

Can anyone go to live on the Isle of Wight? ›

Purchasing. Unlike neighbouring Guernsey, there are no restrictions on purchasing property on the IOW for UK residents and International non-residents. However, non-residents may have to pay more significant deposits than residents. The process is the same as it is throughout the UK, and a solicitor is advised.

Why is the Isle of Wight so famous? ›

The Isle of Wight has always been a favourite holiday hotspot, with Queen Victoria, Charles Darwen, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Charles Dickens, Lewis Carroll, Jane Austen and many more all connected with the Island as home or a favourite bolt hole.

What food is the Isle of Wight famous for? ›

The Isle of Wight is traditionally known for fine crab and indulgent cream teas, but this beach-blessed island also produces asparagus, honey, strawberries, tomatoes and garlic that are among the best in the southwest of Britain.

What is someone from the Isle of Wight called? ›

A: Generally, people from the Isle of Wight are called 'caulkheads' or 'Islanders' or according to Wikipedia 'Vectensians or Vectians'. The rule seems to be that you have to be a third generation Islander to call yourself a 'caulkhead'.

Is food more expensive on the Isle of Wight? ›

Of the towns and cities analysed, the study revealed that the Isle of Wight is amongst one of the cheapest places for families to buy food. The Island ranked the 3rd most affordable, whilst nearby Bournemouth ranked in the top 5 most expensive places along with London, Leeds and Edinburgh.

Who owns the Isle of Wight county Press? ›

The paper had been owned locally from its foundation until July 2017, when it was taken over by Newsquest Media Group.

What is the sales tax in the Isle of Wight VA? ›

Generally, retail sales is defined as a sale to a consumer, or any person, for any purpose other than for resale. The tax rate in Virginia is 6%, (5% state and 1% local).

How many pubs are there on the Isle of Wight? ›

The Isle of Wight has lost ten of its pubs since 2010, according to official figures. The figures from the Office for National Statistics show that in 2010 there were 130 pubs and bars, but by 2017 that had fallen to 120.


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