The Independent from Richmond, California (2024)

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Richmond, California

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Call Hearing On Pollution By Oil Ship MARTINEZ Martinez Judicial District Judge Sam Hall will Parents all rolic IXASANT HILL Gal orchestra will play for Pleasant Hill High School Parents Club's all rolic Nov 30 at Diablo Country Club near Danville The affair will begin at 9 pm ac cording to Mr and Mrs Nels Swen son co chairmen Also assisting are Bruce Herbert finances and Dennis Christie club president Tickets will be available at the door and from club members hear a State ish and Game Com i mission complaint Nov 26 on a charge of pollution of bay waters1 against the tanker Purisimia1 and the ship's captain Wid xneyer I The complaint was filed by Game Warden Al Doreo who said high octane gasoline escaped from the I ship while it was tied up Oct 311 at the Tidewater Oil Amorco I dock I Doreo said he discovered the in cident after receiving several com plaints about heavy gasoline smell along the waterfront Bail of $500 has been posted on behalf of the ship and the captain Schools Presented PLEASANT HILL Schools in the Pleasant Hill area will be pre 1 sented with framed reproductions of Gettysburg Address the Declar ation of Independence and the Bill of Rights by Pleasant Hill Junior1 Chamber of Commerce Sets of these historic documents are being distributed to all schools 1 as a part of the junior American Heritage Program ac cording to Donald Allen chairman Open Daily 9 to 9 GREAT WESTERN URNITURE CO 202 TENTH ST 3 ROOM GROUP LIVING ROOM BEDROOM KITCHENETTE $15995 No Monty Down 36 Month to Pay Out of State Credit GREAT WESTERN URNITURE CO? 202 Tenth Street Richmond OPEN SUNDAY 11 to 5 REE TURKEY with every purchase over 9950 CREDIT CLEARED AT OXCEI OPEN SUNDAY 11 TO 5 Chart or Removing Stains Rofltfc In removing stains from fabrics first determine nature of stain V1 Uvl VI ine And Ouster or Claims iled Short Change Suspects Ski Club Of and linens cottons and linens cottons Bluing Same Same cottons and" linens Butter Candle Wax' and linens Same cottons linens and Chewing Gum cottons Same linens and cottons Chocolate Same Cod Liver Oil linens and cottons Same linens cottons and Cottee Same linens cottons and Egg Same linens cottons and Same and linens Same cottons Grass 151 cottons and linens Same Grease linens cottons and Same linens cottons and Same Ink (India) as Ink (Writing) linens cottons and Same Iodine Unens and cottons Same Iron Rust linens cottons and Same Lipstick as linens and cottons Same Mildew Nail Polish tetra TH 3 4340 Same as cottons and linens Perspiration SPECIALS Tar Asphalt NOV 14 15 16 Tea I ft WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES SIZE DEAL PACK Lady's Choice MARGARINE 0n OODCENTER 11401 SAN PABLO CERRITO Paint and Varnish rayon loung attorney suffered and the result of The INDEPENDENT Shopping Edition 1 Thursday November 14 1957 STAIN Blood and Meat Juice Indelible Pencil and Indelible Ink clean warm water silks ruits and Berries (tresh or cooked) yard of a private home He appeared in Concord Ktuni cipal Court yesterday and entered a guilty plea Judge John Gara venta sentenced him to 10 days in jail to be served on week ends as well as pay the fine record shows prior con victions for drunk driving in 1949 1950 and 1953 MARTINEZ The sale $255000 in Martinez elementary school dis trict bonds has been authorized by the school trustees it was an nounced today The bonds technically will be sold through the board of supervi sors at a date to be announced later i The funds will be used to finance additional classrooms at the Susan Street school site and to prepare plans for the proposed elementary school in Alhambra Valley Bids for construction of the Sug ana Street classrooms are sched uled to be advertised for bids about Jan 15 The plans have been sent to the State Division of Architec ture for approval OAKITE and rench President To Visit NATO Offices PARIS rench President Rene Coty planes to make a for mal visit to NATO supreme head quarters outside Paris Nov 29 Authoritative informants said to day this will be announced offi cially by Saturday It will be the first such visit to the headquarters now commanded by US Gen Lauris Norstad arming5 eCoffeM Scrape off gently Then soak in turpentine or solvent type paint remover Rub out as much as possible and launder with OAK ITE and soap Wash as usual using OAKITE and soap powder or detergent Launder using OAKITE and soap or detergent: then bleach Heavy scorch usually cannot be removed using OAKITE stain with lard into Same but not for acetate rayon NO NET or Damages Of $301000 CONCORD A man and woman who arrived three weeks ago from Pennsylvania have been fined $25 and $10 respectively and ordered to leave the county permanently fol lowing their arrest short changing clerks in three Concord stores Charles Jackson 51 and Beulah Jackson 21 were arrested by Con cord police Nov 8 and appeared in Concord Municipal Court yes terday to plead guilty to petty theft charges Judge John Garaventa ordered them to make restitution of $24 to the stores they had short changed and also placed each on six month probation Jackson obtained the money by entering the stores purchasing small items then handing clerks various sized bills arguing about change palming bills and confus ing them so he was able to walk out with extra money police said The couple has resided at VV ifth St in Pittsburg Muri Deusing Will Address Audubon Meet MARTINEZ Muri Deusing Milwaukee Public Museum curator of education will be guest speaker at the Audubon Screen Tour at 8 pm Tuesday at East Contra Costa Junior College Deusing will show his sound film in and ac count of a 10000 mile safari to record the mass migration of thous ands of wild animals and birds across the Scregati Plain The film shows episcodes in hunt ing teamwork of lions the court ship dances of the crowned crane and sequences of elephant hippo potamus rhinoceros and giraffe wild life The program will be held in the new student activities building rather than in Building 12 the nor mal meeting place Deusing will be introduced by erd Ruth biology instructor and Audubon program chairman White silk wool and others use 2 tbsp peroxide to gal lon water and soak Va hr or longer rinse Or for wool try 1 tsp sodium perborate sponge with clean water Sponge with carbon tetrachlo Same as cottons and linens ride Then launder using OAK ITE and soap Wash as usual using OAKITE Same as cottons and linens and soap powder or detergent Diablo Giving Annual Show CONCORD Mt Diablo i fourty annual ski show will be held at 8 riday at Clay ton Vallpy School 4255 Clayton Rd Concord Skiing films will be shown and outdoor fashions will be modeled by Glen and Helen Dillon Vir ginia Vipperman Gina Recd Hel en Germain and Charles Ham mond of Concord and Joan and Donna Girot of Pittsburg In addition Ann Boero of Wai nut Creek will model ski fashions for youpgsters A variety of ski equipment will be displayed Refreshments will be served and interested persons are invited to attend by Hammond who is club president Ed Kamlan of Concord is show chairman remove as quickly as possible do not let stain use blotter or damp cloth to soak up excessive liquids try plain water first always rub stain very lightly do not use hotter than hand can stand strong alkalies or bleach on woolen or test treatment on dyed article or common stains follow chart suggestions: u'acu a nr COLORED ABRICS Same Youth May Be Sent To California YA MARTINEZ Attilo Granzella 20 a transient formerly employed at a Martinez doughnut shop for mally will be sentenced next Mon day on a grand theft charge Superior Judge Homer Pat terson yesterday announced his intention of sentencing the youth to the California Youth Authority but CYA acceptance of the case is required before formal sentencing Granzella surrendered himself to Texas authorities on Oct 7 ad mitting he had taken a money bag containing $389 from the laky Creme Donut Shop on Main St last May 28 He formerly worked at the shop Same use nail polish remover on acetate such as house coats Ingwear etc Scrane with carbon chloride or turpentine Then launder using OAKITE and soap British Motor Cor DISTRIBUTORS LTD 2655 Shattpck Ave Berkeley Open Every Day 9 am to 9 pm Including Sunday IKV UMI1 QU4KnllES ABgiant CONCORD Parents of an 18 year old Port Chicago student who died during football practice at Pacifica High School Sept 11 have filed a claim for $101000 damages from Mt Diablo Unified School District and rancis Meeks 58 Knox Park charge that the district and its employes were careless and negligent in allowing their son Thomas Meeks to play the knowledge he was ill and de sired to It states: was required to remain on the field and continue to participate in practice when he expired due to cessation of cardiac function due to myocardial anoxia precipitated by such strenu ous physical The claim was filed by Concord Dolgin and Page Martinez at torneys and was denied by district trustees Tuesday at a regular board meeting A $200000 claim for damages from City of Concord has been filed on behalf of Pauline Garcia 44 of Concord who was injured in a motorcycle accident Sept 14 oh Clayton Rd The claim which was denied by city councilmen was filed by Rich ard Soulsby Concord and charges that she great pain and bruises loss of one leg as the carelessness and negligence on the part of the city and its employes The accident occurred at about 1 am when the motorcycle on which she was a passenger over turned It was driven by David Hurley 25 of 513 Todd Ave who was also injured The claim states that a "danger nur and rlofnrtivp situation was Scorch Licatcu nt ic aLciiu ui me glui actions and omis sions by the city and its em ployes WASHABLE WHITE COTTONS AND LINENSSoak in cold water OAKITE so lution promptly followed by washing as usual using OAK ITE and soap powder or de tergent Wash as usual using OAKITE and soap powder or detergent Wash as usual using OAKITE and soap powder or detergent Crumble off all possible Place stained section on a blotter and press with hot iron Sponge with carbon tetrachloride Wet slightly with uce Sponge with carbon tetrachloride Wash as usual using OAKITE and soap powder or detergent Wash as usual using OAKITE and soap powder or detergent Wash as usual using OAKITE and soap powder or detergent Scrape off gently all possible then soak in cold water follow ed by washing as usual using OAKITE and soap Wash with hot water OAKITE and soap Small spots removed by pouring boiling hot water onto the cloth stretched over bowl Sponge with denatured alcohol Wash as usual using OAKITE and soap Wash as usual using OAKITE and soap powder or detergent Sponge with carbon tetrachlo ride or denatured alcohol Wash as usual using soap Wash as usual and soao or rub nr butter and work it the fiber to loosen stain Then wash with OAKITE soap pow der or detergent Make solution: little warm wa ter OAKITE and peroxide dis solve Apply with dropper Then apply lemon juice with dropper or clean coak let stand few minutes rinse If stain re mains repeat Make up solution 2 tbsp OAK ITE to 2 qts hot water swish through until iodine re moved Moisten stain with lemon juice apply salt and expose to bright sunlight Rust available at drug stores Sponge with carbon tetrachlo ride Then wash as usual using OAKITE and soap Wash as usual using OAKITE and soap powder or detergent Sponge with nail polish remover and launder using OAKITE and soap Warrant Issued or ailure To Pay ine MARTINEZ A bench warrant1 was issued by Superior Judge Hdmer Patterson yesterday for Harry Skopp 48 who is in arrears on payment of a $350 fine imposed Nov 19 1956 The probation department said Skopp has not been reporting in ac cordance with terms of his pro bation He was last known to have been in the Los Angeles area He originally was sentenced for burglarizing a Richmond jwelry 1 store ROLLS ROYCE BENTLEY 9 JAGUAR MORRIS MG LANCIA Sales Parts and Service Stiff Sentence On Drunk Driver Count CONCORD Alvin Thomas Courtois 36 of 41 Harbor Dr Pittsburg will spend the next five week ends in county jail and pay a $315 fine following his conviction on drunk driving charges Arrested Nov 8 by state high way patrolmen Courtois was also cited for driving on the wrong tide of the road after he lost con trol of his car and plowed up the 2 45 Lbs 65 Scout Troop 121 Sets Up Honor Court EL CERRITO Boy Scout Troop 121 sponsored by St James Lutheran church will conduct its first court of honor of the fall sea son next Monday evening it is an nounced by Scoutmaster Ray Stif fler It will be a 100 per cent court of honor for the troop during which every Scout will be awarded some sort of advancement Manny Ostrov chairman of the scout committee will talk to the troop expressing his apprecia tion of the fine work the scouts have done to attain their ad vancements RAINBOW Of $255000 or Schools MEA 6100 Lb 5100 RUSSETS RESH PRODUCE 2 6 3 71 Crispy I resh 59' 35f UERTE Lb Heads Stokelys large 4 lb bag New Crop SUNKIST ORDER YOUR TURKEY WITH US NOW 6 I colors too! RESH END CUT Pork oin Roast meal COMET CLEANSER ANCY AVOCADOS YELLOW ONIONS LARGE CRISP LETTUCE RESH CLEAN ARTICHOKES GUITTARD MILK DROPS NOW! 6 LAVOR VARIETY A in new KIBBLED AVOCADOS 2 35c ANCY RIPE BANANAS 229p ALL MEAT SKINLESS RANKS DUNCAN HINES' BUTTERMILK PANCAKE MIX 2 lb Pkg USDA GOOD RIB STEAK BORDEN'S NEW INSTANT COEE USDA GOOD RIB ROAST BLUE LAKE CUT GR BEANS 00 303 Cans GOLD COIN Cello Wrap ER3SI EK aeon 55 GODLEN CREAM CORN 7100 303 Cans 49' SANTA ROSA Eggss59' 39 PRODUCE POTATOES io39c NAVEL ORANGES 2 25c LETTUCE nc 2 J9 MARLO SPICED i I rmn de a Me vETILI DCHIMJ ZEE'S NAPKINS VW 40 Count I OOD center Bl 7022 Stockton Ave El Cerrito HOURS Week Days 8 to 9 4Gc 2 oz for OW Jar Jh LARGE RED DELICIOUS pa A APPLES GUARANTEED RESH GRADE "AA" ra LARGE EGGS 59 SUNSHINE MARTINI CRACKERS pk3 330 HBK3 97c 20 oz 1 Pkg 69cl ran a I I I deANj J9C A I 'l 1 NBC RITZ CRACKERS 33 Lge Pkg WV BORDEN'S POWER MILK STARLAC REE DELIVERY ($5 Purchare or More) REE PARKING ON TWO LOTS 5 Lbs I 594 CHUNK PINEAPPLE 4 TOO 303 Cans RED TART PITTED CHERRIES 4100 303 Cans HALVES OR SLICED PEACHES 4100 2 INEST RUIT co*ckTAIL 1 00 303 Cans HONEY POD PEAS 303 Cans CALI TOMATO JUICE 46 ox Cans LO GRAPERUIT JUICE 4100 46 oz Tins HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE JUICE 4100 46 oz Tins GRAVENSTEIN Apple Sauce A100 303 Cans STEWED TOMATOES C100 303 Cans NESTLES Choc Morsels TQ 6 oz Pkg 1 2 Qt Pkg BETTY 7 Varieties CAKE MIX 79 4 sap 1 a a.

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The Independent from Richmond, California (2024)


How many Chinese people are in Richmond CA? ›

The most commonly reported ethnic origin in Richmond is Chinese, with 99,870 people or 48 percent of the City's population having this background. This proportion has decreased from 54% in the 2016 Census which may be due to the fact that 'Hong Konger' is added as a new category in the 2021 Census.

What is the ethnicity of Richmond? ›

Nearly 58.0% of our population is non-white, with 39.9% of Richmonders identifying as Black. Between 2010 and 2020, the number of people identifying as Asian grew by almost 32.5%.

How much does it cost to live in Richmond, California? ›

Housing (Rent / Mortgage)$25,785
Other Housing$10,118
Total Annual Expenditure$117,139
4 more rows

What is the racial makeup of Richmond, CA? ›

Download Table Data
RaceTotalHigh School
Other Race18,95411,229
4 more rows

Which city in California has the most Chinese? ›

The Los Angeles County city of Monterey Park has the highest percentage of Chinese-Americans of any municipality, at 43.7% of its population, or 24,758 people.

Is Richmond full of Asians? ›

While only 17% of Canada's population is Asian, a surprising 74% of Richmond's population is Asian, and more than 50% are of Chinese descent. In this roughly 50-square-mile city, more than half of the restaurants are Asian.

Is Richmond a historically black city? ›

Richmond — frequently overlooked in Black and Indigenous history — is now establishing itself as a starting point for the Black American story, Moon tells Axios. The city was so central to American slavery that an estimated 1 in 4 Black Americans can trace some ancestry back to the area.

What are people from Richmond called? ›

Demonym. Richmonder. GDP. • Richmond (MSA)

Is Richmond a white area? ›

Within the London region, Havering had the highest White British percentage with 83.3%, followed by Bromley with 77.4%, Bexley with 77.3% and Richmond upon Thames with 71.4%.

What salary do you need to live in Richmond? ›

Typical Expenses
0 Children0 Children
Required annual income after taxes$38,229$52,715
Annual taxes$7,214$8,397
Required annual income before taxes$45,442$61,112
8 more rows

What is the most expensive area to live in Richmond? ›

1. Wilton. With a median home price of $2,424,181 and a median rent of $1,672, Wilton is the most expensive neighborhood on our list.

Where is the best place in Richmond to live? ›

Best Suburbs of Richmond, Virginia
  1. Short Pump. Population: 24,729. Median Home Value: $403,100.
  2. Wyndham. Population: 9,785. Median Home Value: $494,000. ...
  3. Wakefield. Population: 11,275. ...
  4. Innsbrook. Population: 7,753. ...
  5. Bon Air. Population: 16,366. ...
  6. Brandermill. Population: 13,173. ...
  7. Woodlake. Population: 7,319. ...
  8. Tuckahoe. Population: 44,990. ...

What is the crime rate in Richmond CA? ›

Richmond Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes1,0113,256
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)8.8528.49

Is Richmond considered the bay area? ›

Located in the San Francisco Bay Area's East Bay region, Richmond borders San Pablo, Albany, El Cerrito and Pinole in addition to the unincorporated communities of North Richmond, Hasford Heights, Kensington, El Sobrante, Bayview-Montalvin Manor, Tara Hills, and East Richmond Heights, and for a short distance San ...

What are some fun facts about Richmond CA? ›

Richmond was incorporated on August 7, 1905 and became a charter city on March 24, 1909. Richmond is best known for its unique history and role in the World War II home front effort. Between 1940 and 1945, tens- of-thousands of workers from all over the country streamed into the City to support wartime industries.

What percentage of Richmond Hill is Chinese? ›

Ethnic Origin (2021)PopulationPer cent
11 more rows

How many Chinese people live in the Greater Vancouver area? ›

A 2013 study by Dan Hiebert of the University of British Columbia predicted that by 2031 the Chinese population of Vancouver would be 809,000. By the 2021 Canadian census, Chinese Canadians enumerated 512,260, or 19.38%, of the metropolitan area's total population.

What percentage of California population is Chinese? ›

Asian ethnic populations in California and the U.S. in 2020
3.Asian Indian14%
33 more rows
Oct 20, 2023

What city in the U.S. has the highest percentage of Chinese population? ›

San Francisco, California has the highest per capita concentration of Chinese Americans of any major city in the United States, at an estimated 21.4%, or 172,181 people, and contains the second-largest total number of Chinese Americans of any U.S. city.


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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.