The Den Of Many; Bed Of One - TwistedViolets - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

Chapter 1


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

We should protest the disgusting food,” Nanami said with an irritated look.

Toji said nothing, eating the slop on his plate with no complaint. Toji rarely had complaints, he just went with the flow.

“We aren’t animals,” Nanami took a bite of his own food. The texture was slimy.

The food was bland but not necessarily bad tasting; it tasted like nothing. But that's what annoyed Nanami the most about it.

It was nothing.

He could be eating cardboard and get the same results.

The cafeteria is buzzing with other test subjects, some are alphas, some betas, no omegas.

Omegas were too rare and delicate to put with these heathens. They wouldn’t survive long here in such a dangerous place.Strong alphas ready to snap and rut at any given time; they weren’t safe. Not even if they were marked.

The alphas here were unpredictable and wild beasts. They would f*ck and knot anything with a wet hole. They were barely restrained. The staff didn't care for their health or happiness; only the results. The scientists just wanted to see how they would react.

The only alphas here that had any sense of self was Nanami himself, Toji, and Sukuna. The last one being the self proclaimed king of the alphas here.

I don’t think anyone gives a sh*t, Nanami. You might as well save your breath. They don't care. No matter how much you complain they won't change it.”

Nanami frowned deeply and stabbed his food with irritation.

"That's why we need to start protesting. We have no other option," he said.

Sukuna scoffed. "Protesting will get you thrown into solitary."

Solitary meant they were put into a dark room alone and starved, dehydrated, and tortured. The staff liked to break them down mentally and physically to make sure they knew their place; to make them submit.

Nanami had been to solitary once and that was more than enough for the rest of his life. The experience still gave him nightmares to this day and he was not interested in repeating that.

He would not be broken, though.

“I know,” he sighs. “But I can dream can’t I?”

They ate together until the bell rang to signal the end of meal time.

Everyone filed out and back to their cells. Nanami had the luxury of knowing how to read and that’s what he did with his free time. He spent hours reading books in his cell.

There was nothing interesting in here; nothing fun. Just concrete, cold walls and a cot to sleep on and a toilet to piss in. There wasn't much to entertain yourself.

This is the life of someone who was born cursed. Born an alpha too powerful to be allowed to live freely among people. So here they were, stuck in this prison for all their lives because they were too different.



“I’m Yuuji Itadori, nice to meet you all! I have been assigned to this facility’s soothing program. I am an omega and I will be here if anyone needs help with their ruts or similar issues. I'm happy to be here and hope that we can all get along!"

Yuuji introduced himself to the group of them. Everyone stared silently at him. They were not interested in making friends. Nanami could sense the way certain alphas wanted to pounce on the omega immediately. His instincts flared.

The scent of an omega so close to him, so sweet. The others were probably smelling the same thing and wanting to claim him for their own. Wanted to take his sweet little hole, the first omega they’ve seen in years or ever. Some people were here since birth.

The scientist/Guard/pain in Nanami’s heart Suguru stood nearby as Yuuji introduced himself. His hair pulled up in a bun, eyes sharp and watching everything around him carefully as he stood with arms crossed. Ready to step in if something went wrong.

Yuuji looked cute, innocent. Too strange to be here. He didn't belong here.

A lamb among wolves.

His eyes met Nanami's briefly. He smiled at Nanami but there was no joy behind that smile; just politeness to hide his discomfort, his fear. It has to be an uncomforable place for an omega, surrounded by aggressive alphas who were barely kept under control with heavy sedatives.

Nanami could smell his anxiety in his scent but it was quickly masked with a fake sweetness that made him want to throw up.

“Any and all requests for his services must go through me,” Suguru steps forward and puts himself between the others and Yuuji. “A guide will be given to everyone and for those who can not read we will have a meeting where it will be read to you. Please respect this omega's boundaries and remember he is not here to be used as a cumdump by anyone who wishes. He is here professionally. If you can not behave you will be removed from this program immediately and be forced to spend your ruts in isolation. He warned.

Yuuji nodded along. "Thank you," he said.

Nanami wondered if he was really prepared for this place.

He hoped he would stay safe. If he was smart he'd run.


Sukuna was one of those alphas, one of the ones who wanted to f*ck Yuuji into oblivion. Nanami could see it clear as day on that man's face.

His eyes were glazed, staring at him. His nostrils flared and his co*ck was hard in seconds, leaking and twitching with desire. His tongue swiped over his lip as Yuuji walked past.

Yuuji smelled like candy apples and cotton-candy, sweet, sugary and delicious.

Nanami scrunched his nose up. He doesn't not understand, after all,his own arousal stirred at the scent of an omega. He hadn’t laid with an omega in years, just before he was taken into this hell. The memory of it was faint but he remembered it. The soft body of his mate beneath him.

He remembers the way his omega cried for him to fill him up with his seed.

So yes, he knows the appeal. He has that the same hunger. But he isn’t like these mindless creatures.

Yuuji walked past, unaware of Sukuna's gaze on him. Sukuna followed Yuuji with his eyes, never looking away. Yuuji was oblivious to the fact he was being watched like prey by Sukuna.

Sukuna's eyes narrowed and Nanami felt goosebumps form on his skin from the intensity of that stare.

"You're drooling," he said.

Tojis voice brought him out of his musings. Nanami shook his head and wiped at his mouth. Sure enough, saliva was dribbling out and onto the floor.

He was getting worked up by the mere scent alone.

He had better self-control than this.

He wishes he was like Toji, unable to smell scents and in turn unable to scent. It seemed like a god sent ability in this place. To be free of the constant barrage of pheromones assaulting his senses constantly.

Toji however didn’t think much of his gift. He never said much about how he got here, he just accepted it and moved forward.

He didn't let it affect him or bother him.

It was admirable.

Nanami envied it.

Nanami wanted to get out, he wanted to be free but he knows the world isn’t build for them.

They would be hated everywhere they went, shunned and feared for being too powerful, to different.

They were freaks.

He knew that but still, he wanted it anyway.

He wanted freedom.

He wanted to feel grass beneath his feet, to smell the flowers, see the sun and breathe fresh air. He wanted to see the sky again, not just through a barred off window.


Itadori Yuuji was a ray of sunshine in a dark storm. A beacon of light shining in the darkness. He was a bright and cheerful omega that everyone loved immediately upon meeting.

There were meetings held, he offered items with his scent on them to calm the alphas down when they were agitated. He talked to them kindly. He didn't act afraid or intimidated by them.

He didn’t treat them like monsters, didn't look at them like animals.

Itadori Yuuji was an angel sent from heaven to rescue them all. At least that was the thought running through many heads here.

Even Toji couldn’t deny it, Nanami had caught him staring at Yuuji several times now. The man's eyes following Yuuji wherever he walked.

"Think I’ll qualify for that program? I wouldn’t mind a fling or two with that omega. I haven’t been with anyone since my wife-”

“You were married?! I can't imagine you with a spouse, Toji."

Toji laughed.

Yeah, wasn’t exactly a fairytale romance or anything. But she did change my life forever. She was pregnant when we got separated.

“You’re a dad?!”

Nanami learns something new everyday.

Toji was a father, he had a child somewhere out there, a family of his own. Nanami couldn’t imagine what it would be like to find his family after being here so long. It must be heartbreaking.

Somehow, Toji barely seems bothered. He keeps going forward with his life without a care in the world.

Nanami will not let himself get worked up like some animal. He is not a beast, he is human and he will behave as such.

He is not like those alphaholes, Not like Sukuna.

Nanami is a gentleman.


I read Alphaholes once somewhere and I laughed. Thanks who ever invented that.

Chapter 2


Hello~ thanks for the support on this haha. I didn’t think it’d get so much cause it’s kinda crazy and way out of the norm of the Jujutsu Kaisen world haha.

I love you all ╰(*´︶`*)╯

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Yuuji’s first job is creating scented items for the alphas that are more aggressive. He works on a small scale, wearing clothes he’s been given that he will donate to them, scenting them with his scent and then putting them in boxes to be handed out.

Yuuji likes doing this, the scenting part. He enjoys the way it makes him feel. His inner omega purrs at the thought of pleasing these alphas. It’s an easy job.

He gets paid a good amount for this too.

When he first started he wasn't expecting to enjoy this so much. But he finds he loves it, he feels useful. He feels like his presence is needed here.

His grandpa wanted him to help people, he wanted him to do good things. This job is helping him do that.

He can help these poor alphas, give them peace of mind when they are struggling. Give them the comfort and attention they have been starved of.

He can make their lives better and he will gladly do it.

So the first part of the job is easy. Scenting the items, making them nice and comforting, making sure they are perfect before sending them away for distribution to the right alphas who need them.

But the second part, the part where provides comfort with his body? That’s where things get complicated.

He makes his soothing office pretty and comfortable. He decorates his desk and chair with blankets and throws. He puts pillows everywhere to make it look inviting and cozy. It takes some time but it turns out beautifully.

He has his own space where he works, he has a couch for clients to lay on if they’d like to talk and a large nest for them to lay with him in.

“How are you feeling so far?” Suguru asks, leaning against the doorframe as if guarding Yuuji.

Yuuji looks up and smiles. "Good. So far it’s been what I expected. I think I have the scenting part down pat and I think my room here will work fine as a place for the more intimate sessions. Do I need to change anything? I know I can't please all alphas equally but I do want to try."

Suguru’s hair falls into his face. Yuuji notices the dark bags under his eyes.

He wonders if this is a normal occurrence or just the product of stress.

“No, I think the room looks great. It smells nice too. I’ve gotten many requests for you already, you should expect to be very busy in the near future. I suggest starting with some easier cases first, get a feel for the job. Don't push too hard, okay? The contract is clear about what is and isn’t allowed. We don’t want anyone getting hurt here.”

Yuuji nodded. "Right, thank you for all the advice."

He had read his contract multiple times to ensure he understood every single word, but he was thankful for any further guidance he could get.

"Of course," Suguru said. "This position is never one I thought we'd have here. Especially filled by someone that isn't...technically a professional. I'm sure those cheap certificates they had you get won't prepare you for the real thing."

Yuuji laughed nervously, fidgeting with the edge of his shirt.

“I guess not," he agreed. "But I'm excited to learn! And I'm happy to be here. I...I've always wanted to have a career where I helped people although I had imagined something like a fireman but...I can't say that this isn't interesting!" He tried his best to sound chipper. "...I'll make sure to do my best!"

Suguru raised an eyebrow skeptically.

"I'm serious," he insisted.

"Well," the other sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, "if you say so."

Yuuji watched him walk away, wondering if he'd said something wrong.


His provided bedroom is small but nice enough. There is a dresser and a mirror, a closet filled with various outfits and lingerie. The bathroom is attached with a shower and sink. He has a TV that plays a few free channels. He's allowed outside in the halls where he can sometimes see glimpses of lab rooms and offices, but not often since he's not authorized to go beyond this hallway.

There's a vending machine that gives out free drinks and snacks. He can use it whenever he wants and it's stocked regularly. He can also a handful of meals each week from the cafeteria if he wishes. The menu changes every day and he can order anything he likes.

The food is good.

He reads over some requests as he lays in bed. He tries his best to memorize the names and faces of the alphas who requested him. The list is long and he's nervous but determined.

He can do this!

The files are endless. Each folder contains a picture and description of each alpha.

The information ranges from basic details like height to more personal stuff like discovered likes and dislikes. Yuuji is shocked to see that some of these men had been brought in here days after being born, never knowing a day without concrete floors or white walls as far as the eye can see.

The thought saddens him greatly. No affection or comfort? What kind of childhood is that? It sounds awful.

And yet...

The alphas here seem relatively healthy and well fed. Their rooms are spacious, the beds comfortable and clean, no bugs or rats anywhere, no filth or grunge.

He thinks maybe they've grown used to it. They don't know any better.

Or maybe they just don't care.

Yuuji shakes his head, pushing away his thoughts. He shouldn’t be judging them based on assumptions.

One file does stand out from rest however, a familiar name catching his attention. It’s the name of a family he’s sure he’s heard of.

Gojo Satoru.

A tall man with pale skin and snow-white hair. Blue eyes like ice. In his picture he’s a mess, his hair disheveled, eyes bloodshot, his thin gown ripped revealing part of his chest underneath. His face bruised as he stares into the camera with a scowl. He looks angry, frustrated even.

The notes mention he's been here since birth, determined a monster. An alpha with powers beyond comprehension. He is feral, dangerous. His ruts are painful, uncontrollable. The only way to stop his aggression was to sedate him. Due to his animalistic nature he’s kept in a cell without human interactions.

Yuuji swallows and flips a page. The request page. The request was not put in by the alpha but by Suguru himself.

The request was simple.

'Become Gojo’s first omegan interaction. If it’s positive, please do your best to help him settle down. It would be beneficial to all parties.’

The next pages are medical documents showing his physical health, his vitals, etc. All normal.

The only thing that stands out is his sexual status.

A note written by a doctor saying 'his sem*n is highly potent due to his unique physiology. The chance of pregnancy is high, use protection.'

That's...interesting. He wonders why the doctors would write such a note.

He closes the file, pressing it against his lips as he thinks about this.

Is this man really a monster as they say or is he just misunderstood? Maybe he just needs someone to love him and care for him. Has the man ever known affection? Has he ever been given a hug? Does the man even know what a hug is?

Yuuji doesn't know, but he's going to find out.

He jots down his information on his acceptance list.

Gojo Satoru.

He has no idea what he just signed up for.


Incoming Feral Gojo alert ( ゚д゚)

-Yuuji is most fascinated by Gojo so far but this is not a GOYUU centered fic. The other boys will definitely be getting lots of love hehe 😳

-Suguru is tired and wonders everyday how he ended up in this career lmao. They told him he’d help humanity but all it seems like he’s doing is imprisoning decent people and torturing them. Alphas like Nanami really don’t belong here :,(

Chapter 3


A longer chapter cause I love you :D

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Nanami has no friends here.

Not that that's a surprise.

He talks to Toji who doesn’t even pretend to listen. He talks to Sukuna who just laughs and insults him. He talks to Suguru who gives him a pity smile before leaving him alone again.

The other alphas snap and bark at each other, fighting over scraps. It disgusts Nanami, seeing them act as if they are dogs and nothing more than wild beasts. It sickens him to watch them tear at one another. They fight for dominance like animals, growling and snarling as they claw at flesh.

Nanami does not like to fight. He prefers peaceful solutions to problems instead.

He avoids conflict when he can. But he can’t always. Sometimes he must fight.

Sometimes violence is necessary.

“Sukuna-Sama! I have brought you a present, my king~!"

Some no name alpha of no importance says in the rec room (Aka a room with one couch Sukuna has claimed as his throne.) Sukana sits upon it with his feet up on some other no name alpha.

Nanami rolls his eyes as he reads his book and pretends not to hear any of this. Sukuna doesn’t deserve to be called such things, especially since the man has never done anything for anyone here. He acts like he runs this entire place but he doesn’t.

Although Nanami doesn’t doubt that he is a strong fighter. His scent is powerful, his aura commanding. He radiates confidence. If he’s in a certain mood he can bring a whole room to their knees with just a glare. It would be impressive if his attitude wasn’t so annoying.

Sukuna is a bully and Nanami is not into bullies.

“Disgusting,” Sukuna sneers. His eyes roam over the alpha, unimpressed. “You think this pathetic offering will earn your favor in my eyes?"

The no name Alpha bows low before him. His hands shaking slightly from the strain of the pose.

"I am honored to even be considered worthy enough to present a gift to you, Sukuna-Sama!" He says.

Sukuna raises a brow. "Oh, really? Is that so? You are lucky that I let you live with this insulting display." He says.

The alpha nods vigorously. "I apologize, Sukuna-Sama. Please forgive me. I will prove myself to you."

Nanami watches as the alpha presents himself before Sukuna. Submissive.

Nanami looks away to the opposite side of the room where Toji is sleeping soundly with his head resting against one hand. His eyes shut tight and breathing slow. He takes the community nest for himself, uncaring if anyone has a problem with this.

No one messes with him.

There’s only a handful of them here. A group that shares this space for a hour then they are sent back to their room and another group will come. If they put too many here there would be scenting disputes and fights, it wouldn't be good.

The room is dim. It smells faintly of bleach, cleaning supplies, and sweat mixed together in an unpleasant odor.

It reminds Nanami how trapped he is but still he does his best behavior each week to earn his hour in this room. It's the highlight of his week, to be surrounded by soft things and warmth. To hold the scenting plushies in his arms and pretend he was somewhere else. Anywhere but here.

This place is enough to drive anyone mad.


Yuuji’s request list is long. Longer than he had expected, he had hoped to have some free time but it looks like that isn’t happening. His first session starts tomorrow morning.

He’s nervous.

What will he say? How should he introduce himself to these alphas? What should his first impression be like? What is he supposed to wear?

There’s a small guide he’s given. It lists the basics but it doesn’t cover everything. The rules state that he should wear loose-fitting clothing, but nothing too revealing. He is required to wear a tight fitting collar on his neck to prevent biting. He should prepare himself internally, in case of penetration- most alphas here do not know the proper way to prepare an omega nor would most even attempt to do so.

The guide tells him to keep calm, stay focused on the alphas. Listen to what they want, do not force the issue. Be patient.

Condoms are essential. Lubrication may or may not be needed depending on the situation and the alpha.

He reads it over and then again until his head spins from trying to absorb all this information. He takes deep breaths.

Inhale. Exhale.

He repeats the action until he calms down.

Okay, this will be easy. He’s an omega, after all. Omegas were made to be submissive creatures, meant to take and give pleasure. This isn't anything new. It's natural.

Yuuji is far from a virgin. He has experience with sex. He’s done a few questionable things in the past to help his grandpa pay bills although he lied and told him he got a part time job. He knows his way around an alpha co*ck. He knows what to touch and where, when and how much pressure to use.

But even knowing all that…he’s never been in a role where he’s considered a ‘professional' at something.

It's daunting.

His phone dings. The service is awful here. It’s a notification that his favorite manga has released a new chapter.

He stays up all night reading it, forgetting all about his worries.


Yuuji preps his office with care.

He puts on some calming music. He lights candles and incense to mask the scent of the sterile environment. His bottom aches from his preparation, slick leaking from his hole as he works, his body as ready as it will ever be.

His mind buzzes with anxiety but he tries to ignore it, he tries to focus on the task at hand. He’s got this! The request didn’t even mention sex! Maybe he’s over prepared for no reason.

There’s a knock on his door before it opens. Suguru pokes his head in. “Are you ready? Your first client is here."

Yuuji nods, smiling brightly at him. He hopes he looks confident. "Ready as I'll ever be," he says cheerfully.

Suguru nods, stepping aside so that his client can enter. Yuuji takes note of his appearance immediately. Tall, muscular build, blond hair, glasses that hide his eyes but Yuuji can feel his gaze on him. Yuuji swallows, suddenly self conscious.

"Hello! Welcome," he waves at the alpha, gesturing for him to sit down. What was his name again?

Nanami Kento.

"Thank you," the man responds politely. He takes a seat across from Yuuji on the couch.

He doesn’t smell as strong as other alphas, but there is an underlying musky tone to his scent.

Suguru watches for a moment before leaving. Yuuji waits patiently while Nanami looks around.

Nanami glances at him. "You're an omega."

"Yes," he replies.

"You will be eaten alive here.”

"I...hope not."

The room is silent for a long moment, neither moving or saying anything. Yuuji gathers his confidence before speaking.

"Your request was for comfort. Did you have something specific in mind? There’s many options available. We can simply chat, cuddle, massage, scenting-"

"Just talking would be fine," he cuts him off.

Yuuji nods, sitting beside him. He keeps a respectable distance but close enough he could reach out and grab his arm or leg if he so chose to do so.

"Tell me about yourself?" He asked.

Yuuji blinks in confusion. He's not expecting this.

He clears his throat, trying to figure out what kind of information the alpha might wish to receive.

"I'm Yuuji Itadori. I have no mate or children. I like cooking, reading manga, and taking walks."

"I'm Nanami, as you already know. I have no family. My life consists of books and solitude."

They talk about their interests, about their lives. It’s strangely nice. He feels like he understands Nanami a bit better now after spending time with him.

“Your session will be ending soon, are you sure you don’t wish me to provide any services for you? My offer is always open," Yuuji offers, smiling sweetly at him.

Nanami looks thoughtful for a moment. He shakes his head, turning down Yuuji's offer. “No…honestly I wasn’t sure why I even applied. I just thought…you’d like a break from the others. If that’s alright with you, I’d like to continue our conversation another time."

Yuuji beams, nodding enthusiastically. "Sure! I'd like that," he agrees. "I’ll put you in for a weekly visit then?"

"If you don’t mind," Nanami stands.

The bell rings, signaling their time together is up. There’s shuffling outside his door and then a guard appears to lead Nanami away. The two exchange pleasantries as they part ways.

He can't believe it, his first appointment went so smoothly. He feels giddy, he feels like he's floating on a cloud and nothing can stop him.

There’s a loud bang outside the door and Yuuji rushes to investigate. At the end of the hall, a large metal door is newly dented. There’s shuffling and nails digging into steel. Then silence.

Yuuji looks up, noticing a sign on the door.

‘Warning; Feral Alpha. Do Not Enter. Keep Away From door.’

The sign hangs crookedly, half ripped off and barely holding on.

There's a small slit of a window on the door, covered by thick iron bars. There’s nothing but darkness on the other side. Yuuji steps forward to look but he’s stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

Suguru stands behind him, looking tired but determined as always. He shakes his head and pushes Yuuji away gently.

"Do not approach that room without permission. Ever." He warns. "It's not safe."

“Because of a feral alpha?…is it…Gojo?”

Suguru nods.

“But didn’t you want him to be soothed? To be comforted? How am I going to do that if I can’t see him?”

“You will do so while he is chained up and drugged. You won't interact with him until he's docile and calm. Your first meeting will be under supervision and only when we are ready for you to do so. Until then, stay away" Suguru orders, his voice firm. "This is for your safety, Yuuji."


Yuuji goes through many meetings with many alphas. Some have muzzles to protect him, others have gloves to hide away their sharp nails. He meets many alphas who are polite enough, some are shy and nervous, others are aggressive but manageable with enough medication.

For the most part, they are as he expected.

But he also gets some interesting cases like a guy who wants to just lay in his lap for an hour without saying a single word. Another alpha who just wanted to sniff him.

One alpha who wanted to lick him all over.

He must assume that his first clients were very picked through, to ensure he had a good first experience working. Because he didn’t end up in any sexual situations.

He was grateful for this because it meant he could get a feel for the job before diving in.

The only client of the day that really worried him was Gojo.

“This is just an introduction, to see his reaction to you. You won’t be doing anything today, just meeting him. He will be muzzled, gloved, restrained in a bed, and sedated. I will watch you and step in at any point if necessary. If I tell you to leave then you must listen without hesitation. Do you understand?"

Yuuji nodded nervously. Suguru looked at him sternly, waiting until he agreed verbally.

"I...yes..." Yuuji mumbled. "I understand."


They walk together towards where the alpha is contained.

It's dark, cold. The air feels heavy and thick. They pass a few scientists who whisper among themselves as they glance over at them, curious. Yuuji ignores them, focusing on the task ahead.

As they approach the door he begins to feel apprehensive. His heartbeat quickens as he sees the door looming ahead.

"Here we are," Suguru announces. Yuuji looks at Suguru, unsure.

"Ready?" Suguru asked, pressing a button that opens the door. The door opens into a small hallway where a second door is, recently installed after Gojo had broken the last one. Yuuji follows him inside. It takes several seconds for his eyes to adjust to the darkness of the hall.

“We keep it dark because he gets overwhelmed easily with bright light. His eyes are very sensitive." Suguru explains.

Yuuji nods.

"He's been kept in isolation since birth. He does not speak nor does he understand speech. Though that does not mean he doesn’t understand tones.” Suguru continues. They arrive at a third door that leads directly into a room with a hospital-looking set up. A large glass window shows them the scene beyond it.

A large alpha laying on top of an equally large bed. Chains wrap around each limb, keeping him in a spread eagle position. A muzzle covers his mouth, a leather strap tied tightly to keep it secure. Gloves are attached securely to each hand to keep them from tearing at anything. He wears black boxers but nothing else. He's completely naked.

His eyes are closed. His breathing shallow. His muscles tense and flex.

It’s…almost disturbing how beautiful he appears despite the restraints. His skin flawless, pale as snow with no imperfections. His body toned and lean.

Yuuji feels his heart race as he watches the man breathe deeply. Inhaling and exhaling slowly, calmly.

He seems asleep. Or perhaps unconscious.

Yuuji looks away from the alpha to look at Sugurus face. “You will enter the room and scent it, if he appears to react positively to you I will allow you further visits." He instructs, his voice calm as ever but Yuuji hears the hint of concern beneath his words.

"I'll be right behind the glass, if he becomes aggressive I will intervene immediately. Don't be alarmed. This will be the easiest part. Once you enter the room he'll wake up. The sedative we gave him is wearing off, he should start to become more active as time moves along.

He hesitates. He bites his lip anxiously before taking a tentative step to the door before opening it slowly and cautiously. The hinges squeak slightly, causing the alpha to stir.

Yuuji holds still.

The alpha opens his eyes, blue irises staring straight at him. Yuuji feels his body freeze as the alpha's gaze locks onto him.

His scent wafts over to Yuuji, making his mouth water as he inhales, his instincts responding immediately, telling him he should run away from this alpha.

Run away and find a safe place to hide. To wait until this alpha is gone.

The alpha stares unblinkingly at Yuuji, almost hypnotising as he breathes steadily. Yuuji swallows but steps further inside.

He’s got this. Yuuji will never turn away from someone in need. Never.

He is here to help.

To soothe and calm.

The alpha doesn’t move as Yuuji approaches, doesn't growl nor snarl at him.

Does he instinctively know Yuuji is an omega before he even scents the room? Is that possible? Does Yuuji look like a typical omega? Is his body language submissive?

Yuuji stands by the bed. The alpha stares at him silently, unmoving. Yuuji can't help but notice the bulge in his pants, the erection growing as he watches the omega approach.

The room smells of the alpha; strong pheromones filling every inch of space with its scent; a mix of cinnamon, pine needles and mint with hints of vanilla and honey. It's an intoxicating smell that has Yuuji feeling hot all of a sudden.

He’s never felt this way at a scent before but he ignores it.

“Hi,” Yuuji says, trying to sound cheerful and friendly despite being terrified. He takes in a deep breath and smiles. "My name's Itadori Yuuji…I'm a soothing omega!”

The alpha makes no sound. Just continues to gaze at Yuuji with those eerily beautiful eyes that seem to pierce through his soul.

Itadori swallows again, trying to remain calm and collected. The alpha's nostrils flare and he tilts his head curiously at the omega in front of him.

Maybe it’s pointless to speak to him, maybe he doesn’t know what Yuuji is saying. But he feels like he has to fill up the silence between them.

"If you like me…and you'd want to see me again...we could have more intimate meetings. I'm here to make you feel better!"

Still the alpha stays silent, unmoving.

The chains pull against his limbs. The metal clangs loudly. Yuuji flinches at the sound. The alpha growls low in response, the vibrations reverting through him. Yuuji takes a step backwards.

The alpha calms again.

Yuuji wonders if he should leave. This is awkward. Even if the chains and stuff is for his safety…he still feels uncomfortable.

Suguru knocks on the glass behind him. "Keep talking to him," his voice says over the intercom.

Yuuji nods and looks at the alpha, smiling softly. "Um...well..." he tries thinking of what to say next. "Your name is Gojo…right? You’re a pretty strong alpha, huh? I’m surprised I’m the first omega assigned to you…”

Gojo makes a noise, something akin to a whine. It sounds sad to Yuuji's ears.

"Can I come closer? Will you hurt me?" Yuuji asks, moving towards the alpha carefully as to not startle him. "Do you want me to stay away?"

The question hangs between them. Neither answering.

Yuuji reaches the edge of the bed, his fingers brushing along the chains binding the alpha to it. The coolness surprises him momentarily. It's hard metal. Cold and rough.

“I don’t think it’s right to chain you up like this. if you’re on your best behavior I’m sure we can have chain free meetings, wouldn’t that be nice. We can get to know each other better…”

Gojo’s eyes dilate and he whines again. He shakes his head and tries to get rid of the muzzle. His body struggles against his bonds, the metal rattling loudly as the alpha attempts to escape. The noise echoes throughout the room, bouncing off the walls and reverberating back to Yuuji.

It sounds terrifying, primal, animalistic. It sends shivers up Yuuji spine and makes his stomach churn with fear.

The alpha stops moving after a few moments, panting heavily.

“It’s no use, you can not free yourself. It's for your own good." Suguru speaks through the intercom once more.

Yuuji scents the room now, hoping the smell of his omega scenting will calm the alpha. He rubs his wrists against the pillows near him, rubbing his scent glands all over the fabric.

He hopes his scent is comforting.

Gojo soothes against the sheets, nosing at his pillow. He seems to like the scent of Yuuji. That's good!

He takes a risk then, leaning over the bed, letting his hand touch gingerly against the alpha's cheek. Gojo leans into his touch, closing his eyes. He breathes deep and slow. Yuuji pets his cheek lightly.

He feels warm, soft. His skin is smooth under yuuji palm.

"You are such a good boy, Gojo," Yuuji whispers, stroking his thumb across the alpha's cheek. "You are a wonderful alpha and deserve to be taken care of properly..."

Gojo opens his eyes, staring up into Yuuji's eyes, his pupils blown wide. He looks hungry, starving, starved for touch and affection for so long and now Yuuji is feeding him. Giving him exactly what he craves.

He wants to give him more, he wants to feed his desire and make him feel happy, fulfilled.

But he knows he shouldn’t. He knows he should pull away from this situation. He can't let himself get carried away.

He takes a breath. Steeling himself, he pulls away from his alpha. Gojo makes a sound, a low whimper as Yuuji moves his hand. Yuuji gives him an apologetic smile, patting his head gently.

The bell rings. Their meeting has ended. Yuuji steps away from the alpha quickly. He turns and hurries out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

"That...that was good. Very well done." Suguru compliments, smiling proudly at Yuuji as he enters the observation room. Yuuji blushes under his praise. "He reacted positively. Would you be interested in coming back again?"

Yuuji nods.

"Then I'll schedule you for weekly visits."

Yuuji nods again.

His heart is going crazy in his chest. His blood pumping through his veins rapidly. His body tingling all over with excitement.

He feels proud of himself and as he turns to look through the glass he’s disgusted with himself too. The alpha looks so helpless in his current state. So vulnerable, so alone.

Yuuji wants to help him. He wants to free him.

He wants to hold him and comfort him.

And the worst thing? Is that he knows he can't.

He can't help him. He can't free him. He can't comfort him. He has to leave him in here like this. Even as his eyes drift to the glass and they look so damn sad. Even as he whines and strains at his chains and Yuuji just wants to hug him tight and promise him everything will be okay. Promise he will come back and visit again next week.

Even though he knows he shouldn’t.

“You wouldn’t think he’s heavily sedated with all that movement, would you? He usually isn't so lively." Suguru remarks offhandedly and Yuuji looks back at the man in the room. "He must like you," Suguru chuckles and Yuuji blushes again. He can't deny that his heart flutters with pride.

This might be his calling. To soothe alphas, to bring comfort and love to a creature that hasn't known either of these things in its existence. He wants nothing more than to help. He wants to be useful.

"Would you like to have dinner with me? Now that you’re done with the day. I can answer any questions you might have," Suguru offers, leading the way out of the room and down the hallway, leaving the alpha to stare after them, longing and sad. Yuuji looks away quickly.

"I would like that. Thank you," he replies, following behind Suguru obediently. " I haven’t had any more intimate requests today…was that your doing? You know, giving me easy cases to begin with?" His voice is timid and quiet, almost afraid to ask. He doesn’t want to insult or offend Suguru.

Suguru chuckles softly as he begins to walk towards the cafeteria. "Perhaps," he responds simply.

They arrive at the cafeteria, the line already long despite it being early in evening hours. There’s many different conversations happening at once around them. Some loud laughter from a table nearby. The buzz of activity fills the air with energy.

“Thank you for your help." Suguru says, his tone sincere as they walk towards the line. "You are doing a great service to this place…we’d never had an omega come in before due to our…unusual nature. I was surprised when the higher ups actually suggested this program…usually they are so strict and traditional with the rules.

“I’m glad they are trying to change. I think it's a wonderful idea," Yuuji smiles brightly up at the man who looks surprised by his enthusiasm. "I think these alphas needed someone like me."

"Well," Suguru laughs, shaking his head fondly, "we shall see how you fare with the rest of the pack. There's a few more difficult cases that need tending to."

They reach the end, picking up a tray of food each and heading off towards a corner table. “I haven’t seen any female alphas here yet…do we have any?"

Suguru pauses. He frowns, looking thoughtful for a moment. Then he answers, "No...there aren’t any. I don’t know why. I guess they tend to be less violent and more docile in general so they aren't as much of a concern as male ones are.

"Oh..." Yuuji trails off, unsure how to proceed from there, "that makes sense, I suppose...

What did Nanami request of you?"

"Huh? Oh, he didn't really request anything other than just a chat. Which is fine by me. It was nice. I liked talking to him.”

“figured as much…that one is a weird case," Suguru muses. He sips at his coffee and sighs happily before continuing. "He’s prim and proper and honestly, I don’t know why he’s here. He has zero aggression, he's calm, collected. He doesn't fight anyone, he doesn’t cause any problems. Yet here he is." He gestures around the room vaguely before returning his hand to the mug on the table.

"That’s awful? Why keep someone locked in here if they aren’t dangerous?"

Yuuji frowns, thinking about Nanami and how nice he sounded. How much of a gentleman he was, how sweet he acted.

"I'm not sure myself," Suguru admits quietly. He takes another sip, sighing again. “His file for entry is classified- we probably shouldn’t discuss these things in the open though. You aren’t cleared for this level of information -" he waves his free hand around in dismissal, "I wouldn’t mind though, if you’d like to visit my room in private-”

“You have a room here too?! Here I thought I was special. Getting my own office and everything!" Yuuji laughs.

Suguru grins at him.

"You should see it. I’ve got the biggest one here~" He teases.

"I bet!" Yuuji giggles, taking a bit of his food before asking. "How come you live here?

“Free housing…although I don’t stay here full time. I spend weekends visiting my parents. But this place is home for most of the year."

"Wow, that's amazing. You must really enjoy your work then."

"Yes, I do." He agrees. "There's never a dull moment…is that a yes to seeing my room? After dinner?"

Yuuji stops mid chew and narrows his eyes. Is this like a date? Is he hitting on Yuuji right now? Yuuji isn't opposed to it but this is a workplace and Yuuji is supposed to be professional and all that...

But then again Suguru is very very hot. Yuuji can't help but notice that fact. His long silky hair and pretty lashes, his plump lips and gorgeous smile. He’s attractive and Yuuji wouldn’t mind spending time alone with him.

He's always been a sucker for a hot older man. Which is probably what led him down this road of being a soothing omega in the first place…

"Yes, sure! I'd love too."

Suguru smiles. "Perfect."


I wasn't sure if I wanted Suguru to have a slice of Yuuji pie but I couldn't stand to leave him out hehe. Things are going to start picking up soon XD

Chapter 4


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Suguru’s room is spacious. Bigger than yuuji's by at least two times. There are books everywhere; shelves full of novels and non-fiction titles alike.

It feels comfortable. Homey almost.

Suguru offers him some tea which he accepts. They sit at opposite ends of an old worn out sofa. The cushions are soft and firm enough to support their bodies. The fabric is worn from age and use but still sturdy. It smells clean but slightly stale too. It’s been here a long time.

“I hope it isn’t too strong." Suguru apologises as he hands yuuji his cup. "I prefer mine stronger." The tea is hot against his lips. The taste bitter on his tongue as he swallows. It leaves a strange after taste that reminds him vaguely of honey.

"It's nice, thank you." Yuuji smiles.

Yuuji has always been a natural people pleaser, he likes making others feel comfortable and happy around him. It's part of his personality, he supposes.

"So…do you like my room? It's a bit messy I'm afraid, I haven't been home much lately."

Yuuji nods. "It's cozy." He glances around the room briefly before settling his focus back on Suguru. For the first time since he met the man he could actually smell his scent.

It’s diluted by something. Maybe he wears scent blockers? Yuuji can barely smell it but he notices it all the same. Suguru has a subtle earthy scent that reminds him of autumn days spent walking through fields of flowers or sitting beside a river watching fish swim lazily by. A scent that’s simply cozy, relaxing…but it’s alpha all the same.

Yuuji inhales deeply without meaning to, enjoying the aroma that surrounds him.

Sugurus smile widens as he notices this. "Do you like my scent?” Suguru unbuttons his lab coat and as it slips off his shoulders a small scent blocking patch is revealed on his lower neck. He removes it and crumples it up before shoving it in his coat pocket before discarding his coat over the back of the couch.

His scent becomes much bolder, stronger. Yuuji's mouth waters at its intensity. It's intoxicating. It makes his heart pound and his stomach flutter with butterflies. His body reacts instantly to its call, sending heat coursing through his veins.

Suguru smells good.

But in a good way, not in the way Gojo’s dominated him completely, made every fiber in his body scream to submit, to bend over and present his ass to the feral alpha who would take him right then and there if given the chance. No, Suguro's scent is gentle yet firm, demanding yet patient.

Oh boy, Yuuji is f*cked.

Suguru pulls his hair out of its loose ponytail and it splays across his shoulders beautifully, cascading over him like a waterfall. His eyes shine with mischief as he watches Yuuji squirm under his gaze.

His smell is familiar some how. Like a memory forgotten. Something from long ago that brings back feelings he hadn’t realised were there. A warmth that spreads throughout his body, enveloping him in its comforting embrace. A safety net that wraps around his soul and protects him from harm.

It’s like an omegas smell.

"I do," Yuuji answers truthfully, "you smell very good. I can't quite put a name to your scent though...I feel like I've smelt this scent before..."

"I get that alot, I have been told I have an unusual smell for an alpha. I never really minded but…everyone here is stuck up and pretentious. If I don’t hide it they’d definitely give me some snide comments about my scent being unmasculine, too weak."

Yuuji nods slowly, taking a sip from his tea before placing it on the table in front of them.

"I like it," he says quietly. He looks down, embarrassed, "I don’t really think of scents like that. I mean…I guess sometimes I do but not in a negative way. It's just...different...but I think it suits you. It's very nice. Comforting even.”

They continue chatting until they run out of things to talk about. It's late now, Suguru has changed into a casual pair of sweatpants and an oversized shirt with a cartoon cat print on it.

Yuuji thinks he looks cute in his sleepwear but he says nothing. He half expected them to be in bed together by this point but he supposed maybe he misjudged the situation.

"You're welcome to stay the night," Suguru offers suddenly, startling Yuuji who was half dozing off on the couch. He jerks upright at the suggestion and shakes his head.

"No, no. I shouldn't, I need to be in my office tomorrow morning and-" He begins to stand but Suguru grabs his arm gently.

"I won't bite." He says softly.

stares at him for a moment before opening his mouth to reply-

Suguru’s phone rings and he picks it up. A woman’s voice speaks to him on the other side of the line.

"Shoko," Suguru says with a frown, "yes. Yes. I see, well that can't be helped. He had his first meeting with an omega today- no I didn’t forget to tell you."

He pauses as Shokos voice gets louder. Yuuji can only catch pieces, words like dangerous and stupid and idiot.

He hears a sigh and he looks back at him, his expression tired.

“I’ll be there shortly. I'll handle it," he promises. The phone goes dead and Suguru stands with a huff. "Sorry, work calls...let’s do this again sometime?"

He doesn’t wait for yuuji to answer, instead rushing around the apartment getting ready for something. He puts his coat back on, slipping his shoes back onto his feet.

"I can walk you back to your room if you'd like? You should probably head off to bed soon anyway."

Yuuji nods, standing to follow him out of the apartment. "Okay, thank you."

The hallway outside his room is empty, the lights low. The silence is deafening. Yuuji shivers slightly as the cold air hits him.

They walk together quietly, side by side. Yuuji can hear his own footsteps echo off the tiles as they move through the building.

They only pass one other person as they walk down the corridor. A guard dressed in black uniform with a gun holstered at his hip. He looks bored as he walks past them, not bothering to acknowledge either of them.

Yuuji looks up at the ceiling, noticing the fluorescent light above them flickers slightly as they pass underneath.

“Is something wrong with Gojo? Did they say?" Yuuji breaks the silence after a while.

He feels a hand brush across the top of his knuckles.

“An erection lasting more than 3 hours can be serious, I should check it out," Suguru jokes lightly. His fingers intertwine with yuuji. His grip is firm but soft at the same time, his palm slightly sweaty.

“Really?!” he asks. His cheeks flush red at their joined hands but he doesn’t pull away. He feels his heart racing inside his ribs. His breathing quickens.

"Yeah, it could lead to a medical emergency-”

“No I mean- is that really what they called you for? Is he okay?" He squeezes Suguru's hand tightly in concern. "Should I go with you?"

He feels his hand being squeezed back. "It's fine, you should rest, you have a big schedule ahead of you tomorrow. Besides," he adds, leaning closer, whispering into his ear, "this is alpha business. It wouldn’t be appropriate for you to see him in such a condition."


In the morning Yuuji enters Gojo's observing room before work. He peers through the glass window, curious. It's dark, only one dim light illuminating the room. Gojo is not chained up like yesterday. Instead he's laying peacefully in a small nest, surrounded by pillows and blankets. He's curled up in a ball, half nude, on Suguru's lap.

Suguru sits calmly with a book in his hands, head against the wall, asleep. No scent blocker on his neck, letting his scent freely roam in the room. Gojo whines and moves closer to Suguru, nuzzling against his leg, rubbing himself on the man. Suguru stirs but doesn't wake.

Gojo looks peaceful here. Did Suguru not want Yuuji to see this? Why isn't he chained up now? Was it just an act to scare him away from the alpha? To protect him from whatever danger he might pose? He can't understand.

He leaves the room quietly, deciding not to wake the sleeping pair and continues down towards his office. He has a busy day ahead of him with new clients and appointments.

He'll ask Suguru later about what he saw. For now he has to prepare for his workday ahead.


I need opinions! Should this work have explicit sex scenes or more implied ones? I had originally planned explicit ones but that was when it was just my fantasy lol. Thoughts?

-background Suguru being Gojo’s only bestie- much more on this later! Maybe GojoxSuguru if you squint.

Chapter 5


Thanks for all the kudos and comments! Love you all! :D


Explicit Sukuna/Yuuji inbetween the /// feel free to skip to the second /// once you hit the first if you do not wish to read this.

For those who do read it be aware of Sukuna’s slu*t shaming behavior, controlling vibes, and a blow j*b ✨

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Suguru's back hurts .

He rubs his lower back as he awakens , groaning softly at the sore muscles. His legs have fallen asleep, tingling with the feeling of pins and needles. He tries to stretch them but finds that the limbs won’t respond to his commands. Gojo lazes across them , keeping them trapped beneath his weight.

Suguru sighs heavily, running a hand through his messy bedhead. His scent glands ache, swollen and raw from constant use.

He needs to shower. Wash the stink and filth off himself and then eat and get back to work. He can't lay here forever like this. He has things to do, places to go and people to meet. At least Gojo is content after last nights fit.

The cell is cold, the nest is warm, Suguru's scent covers it entirely. His omega like scent has always worked wonders on Gojo since Suguru became his head caretaker. It soothes him when he's upset, it helps him fall asleep and stay calm, it calms his nerves and settles the beast inside him, making him less violent and more compliant. His scent isn't truly omega, however, it does not make Gojo aroused as Yuuji's scent had done.

It was an odd discovery, that an alpha like Gojo was calmed by Suguru.

Suguru wondered how much the alpha actually comprehended, how much of the conversation went in and out of the alpha, whether it was just a blur or if there was something else going on behind those bright blues. Suguru knew there was intelligence there. The alpha was capable of learning and adapting. But he was also unpredictable, volatile. Dangerous.

And Suguru had no desire to die anytime soon.

Gojo shifts on top of him, stretching his long limbs. Suguru winces at the pressure on his thighs. "Gojo ," he calls softly, "it's time for you to get up, you've had your cuddle session."

Gojo doesn't answer. He doesn't open his eyes either, just snuggles closer, pressing his face into Suguru's stomach and inhaling deeply before exhaling a satisfied sigh. The scent of Suguru's skin is intoxicating to Gojo and Suguru knows this. It's like the comfort of a mother 's embrace mixed with the excitement of youth; like coming home to a lover after an absence.

Gojo was still so very touch starved despite Suguru's frequent presence.

"You need to get up," Suguru repeats sternly, nudging Gojo . "We have to get you cleaned up and put you in proper clothes if you wish to see Yuuji again. I'm not going to let you embarrass yourself."

The mention of Yuuji causes Gojo's eyes to fly open and a smile to form upon his lips; a rare sight indeed. His pupils dilate as he stares up at Suguru with adoration. He rolls off of Suguru and onto his back, stretching his arms above his head with a groan of pleasure as he does so.

He’s a big cat.

Suguru sighs heavily, shaking off the numb feeling as blood begins circulating through his lower legs again and stands up, straightening his lab clothes and brushing off any dirt that might have gotten on him .

It'll be a long morning, Gojo hated baths.


Sukuna acts like he owns Yuuji’s office. Like he belongs inside this tiny space. He struts about, touching and smelling and scenting every object he lays hands upon. His nose scrunches up in disgust, his lips curl into a grimace whenever he finds something he dislikes (which appears to be everything) and yet he refuses to stop his exploration until he's satisfied that he has learned every inch of the room.

It makes Yuuji nervous. Seeing him walk around the room like he's searching for something. Like he expects a hidden trapdoor or secret panel to magically appear beneath his feet.

He sits awkwardly on the edge of his desk, watching Sukuna . “Would you like to go over the rules?" Yuuji asks softly.

Sukuna stops in his tracks and looks up sharply at him. Yuuji swallow, his throat is tight and dry. Sukuna glares at him, his eyes dark, pupils blown wide with lust.

Yuuji shifts slightly on the table, his legs crossed over one another, trying to ignore the little voice in his head that tells him this alpha is different than the ones he’s treated so far. This alpha won’t be easy to handle like the rest. This alpha might hurt him if given the chance.

Sukuna stalks towards him slowly, his eyes never wavering from Yuuji. “I understand the concept. You’re here to soothe my needs." He replies simply. "And if I want to f*ck you I can?"

Yuuji's cheeks feel like they may become hot any second. This alpha has no tact. But the fact he can speak so clearly and calmly is refreshing. Most the alphas he treats are more on the feral side and speak in short phrases and growls.

Sukuna reaches out his hand and cups Yuuji's cheek gently. He tilts his head to the side slightly, examining his face.

"Yes," he answers finally, nodding his head, "I am here to serve your needs. Reasonably. I am not a cum dump or a toy to be used.”

“You have pride . I like that. I like a challenge." He runs his thumb across yuuji bottom lip. Yuuji shivers at the touch. "Tell me...what's your name?"

His voice drops low and husky.

“You should know it.”

“As if I would bother to know the name of an omega below me, brat. Tell me your name." His hand slides from Yuuji's chin up to cup his jaw. He leans forward until Yuuji has nowhere left to go, pinned between Sukuna's body and the desk behind him.

“Yuuji ," he breathes quietly, "Its Itadori Yuuji."

The hand gripping his face moves down to his chest, resting right above his heart. It beats wildly under the touch of his palm . The sensation sends a chill through him .

Yuuji," Sukuna purrs, tasting the syllables on his tongue. "Such a pretty omega." His fingers dig into Yuuji flesh possessively as his hand moves down to Yuuji's hip bone and rests there lightly. “Tell me why a brat like you is in a place like this?"

His breath ghosts across the exposed column of yuuji's neck, making the hairs there stand on end, his skin prickling with goosebumps at the contact.

Something about this alpha is getting on his nerves. He's too close to him. His scent too strong. His aura overwhelming his senses. He feels suffocated and dizzy and yet he can't bring himself to move, to push this alpha back. His aura is demanding, commanding obedience without words. His scent fills Yuuji's lungs. It makes him want to submit. To bend over and let Sukuna claim him right here and now.

Yuuji swallows thickly, trying not to squirm underneath the touch. His throat burns and his collar feels tight around his throat as if it's choking him. "My family needed the money. I volunteered myself."

"Volunteered to be a whor* ? Do you enjoy getting f*cked? Is that why you're here?"

Sukuna's hand slips lower and his fingers brush against yuuji's thigh, tracing circles across the fabric of his pants, teasing him with his touch. It sends sparks up his spine as the tips of his nails graze the skin. His touch leaves a trail of fire wherever it lands. Heat coils in his stomach, burning white hot inside him.

He’s a professional. He will not mix his personal feelings with business.

"I'm not a whor*. I'm a healer. There’s a difference . I don’t like your attitude.”

Sukuna's hand grips tightly onto his thigh. It’s tight enough to leave a bruise. His fingers squeeze painfully around it. He lets go and grabs his other leg, pulling them apart roughly. He steps into the gap, pressing his body firmly against Yuuji's own, his chest pressed against his torso and his hips grinding against his crotch.

“I’m sick then ," Sukuna growls. Yuuji gasps as he feels the alpha's co*ck rub against his own . "And only you can heal me." The alpha grinds against him again, making yuuji moan softly.

He knows this type of alpha. The type who gets turned on by the idea of owning someone, of possessing them.

“I’m not an object . If’d you like to my assistance in this area you will have to ask properly," Yuuji states, struggling to keep his voice calm. His hands reach down to grab onto Sukuna's wrists, trying to push his hands back away from his body. " I 'm not here for you to take advantage of. So if you can't behave like a gentleman I'll ask you kindly to leave my office."

He can feel Sukuna stiffen, his grip loosening around his thigh. The alpha pulls back slightly, looking down at him with narrowed eyes. Yuuji can feel his breath ghosting across his face .

“I like you ," Sukuna whispers. His voice is low and soft, almost affectionate. "You're feisty. You're strong. I like that."

He moves closer once again, bringing his face inches away from Yuuji's own. “You should become mine. I’ve yearned for a queen to rule alongside me .”

Sukuna's scent envelopes him, engulfing him in its warmth like an embrace.

Yuuji takes in his words for a few seconds then he’s shaking his head, trying to clear it.

This alpha is delusional! But then again, aren’t they all?


Yuuji pushes Sukuna's hand aside and climbs down off his desk. He walks over to nest and sits down, crossing his legs neatly in front of him. He looks back over at Sukuna who remains standing where he left him. He watches with curious interest.

"Let's begin our first session together. Sit down please. I can see you are dealing with sexual frustration ."

Sukuna scoffs and shakes his head. He doesn’t move from where he stands though. He stays rooted in position, arms folded in front of him. His eyes are cold and calculating. Yuuji can tell he's thinking, plotting.

It's unnerving to be stared at so intensely. It makes Yuuji feel vulnerable and exposed even though his clothes are perfectly in place and he's covered up.

Sukuna's gaze travels up and down his figure, studying every curve of his body. His eyes linger between his thighs for a moment before he glances up again, meeting his eyes once more.

"Sexual frustration? Is that what you call it?"

Yuuji nods, gesturing to the nest. "It's only your first session with me. You haven't been allowed near an omega in a long time, I presume . It's only natural; you've built up a large amount of tension and need release. I can provide you that."

He pats the space next to himself, inviting Sukuna to sit with him. Sukuna hesitates, eyeing the spot warily before moving over to the nest and sitting down next to Yuuji. He sits rigidly, keeping his posture straight and tall . He's proper , unlike the other alpha's Yuuji has encountered thus far.

" What's the point of this?" Sukuna asks.

" The nest is the best place for this sort of treatment. You need to feel secure, comfortable in my presence ..." Yuuji leans over, presses a hand along Sukuna's thigh . " and relaxed."

The touch makes Sukuna tense, his muscles twitching under Yuuji's fingertips. " We may not have time for a full treatment today but if you'd like I could get you off with my mouth ? It's quick and efficient." He squeezes Sukuna's leg gently. "Or perhaps you prefer something more intimate? Perhaps something more personal? We could spend time together, cuddle, hold each other, talk, whatever you desire."

Yuuji waits for Sukuna's answer, his heart pounding rapidly in anticipation. Sukuna's expression remains neutral but Yuuji can detect the slight shift in his posture, the slight tremor to his limbs.

"Brat, are you sure you want my cum down your throat?"

" You're clean. I checked your records. And yes, of course -" he needs to play into the fantasy. " if you're my king , it's only right that I worship your co*ck."

Yuuji watches as Sukuna's eyes widen slightly. Then his expression turns serious and he reaches up a hand to stroke the side of Yuuji's face. His thumb traces the outline of Yuuji's lips as he continues speaking. " You're easy. You're eager for it, for me, aren't you?"

Sukuna's scent grows stronger. It surrounds the room, invading every inch of air around Yuuji. His head spins. He nods as he tugs on Sukuna's uniform bottoms. The alpha lifts himself up just slightly so that they slide off his hips and down his thighs. His dick stands erect it's released into the open air. Its length is thick and heavy, curving up towards the ceiling. The head is flushed red with precum dripping down its shaft.

This is Yuuji's first real job. So far he's done everything to the book. He's been careful and cautious and followed the instructions given to him. Now though...this is different, this isn't written down anywhere for him to read and memorise and follow blindly.

The co*ck twitches as Yuuji stares down at it . His tongue licks his lips unconsciously as he imagines wrapping his hand and lips around it, tasting the salty sweetness of it, taking it deep down to the base and sucking hard until the alpha c*ms and coats his throat and stomach in his seed.

He doesn't hate being an omega.

He enjoys it. He craves it, the feeling and taste and smell of it. He wants to be filled and knotted and f*cked raw.

His hole is already leaking slick, dripping wet with need, desperate for attention. It's been prepared by him in the shower before his sessions but he's yet to be filled. Even so, he knows he must be professional and keep his thoughts and feelings out of it. This is his work.

Sukuna spreads his thighs and leans back into the nest and get's comfortable. "Brat , come closer, show me what you can do. You must prove you are worthy of being my Queen."

Yuuji moves between the alpha's legs and kneels on the nest. He wraps one hand around the length of Sukuna's co*ck

Sukuna smirks, his eyes darkening at Yuuji's submissiveness and willingness.

He begins stroking slowly at first. Up and down and up and down, building a rhythm, teasing Sukuna. "Am I the first to touch your co*ck, my King? Have you ever been touched by anyone other than yourself before?" he whispers softly.

" I have. You are not my first but you may certainly be come my favorite. Now get to work brat, suck me off and make me cum. I'm growing impatient." Sukuna's hand moves to the back of Yuuji's head to press him on to his co*ck.

Yuuji complies.

His mouth opens eagerly for Sukuna and his tongue slips out between pink lips. He licks at the tip, swirling around the head, tasting the saltiness of precum mixed with musk and arousal and Sukuna. Sukuna pushes more, forcing himself down Yuuji's throat, gagging him and making drool drip down his chin.

Yuuji tries his hardest but he can't quite take the length of the alpha all in one shot. His throat tightens around it. It's so thick, so hot, so hard, and it's filling him so full that he struggles to breathe.

He moans around the thickness and his hands grasp at Sukuna's hips, holding him still, keeping him from moving too far into him. He can feel his pulse beating fast against his skin and his blood pumping furiously.

Sukuna growls and bucks his hips upwards, pushing more of his length past the tightness surrounding it until Yuuji is choking on his co*ck, tears running freely from his eyes. Sukuna watches the tears and grins . His fingers tangle tightly through Yuuji hair and pull hard until he cries out.

"Good little Omega, take my co*ck. Take all of it, swallow it down and make me cum."

He thrusts into him hard. This is against the rules of the facility but Yuuji is enjoying the rough treatment. His co*ck pulses in his pants.

He sucks Sukuna hard and swallows the length. He's never taken such a big co*ck before, he didn't realise just how massive Sukuna was until his throat bulged and stretched from the size.

The taste of him, the smell, the texture and warmth and heat and pressure...everything overwhelms his senses.

Yuuji's mind goes fuzzy as he loses himself in pleasure.

Maybe Sukuna is right. Maybe Yuuji is a whor*. Or maybe he just enjoys sucking co*ck. He doesn't care anymore, not as he takes more and more of Sukuna's co*ck into himself, swallowing it greedily, savouring each drop of precum he tastes.

The alpha moans above him as Yuuji's nose brushes his pubes .

"Good boy," he murmurs, his hand stroking through yuuji pink strands . "You look good with tears streaming down your pretty face. Keep taking my co*ck like a good slu*t."

He pushes himself deeper into Yuuji and Yuuji gags. His throat convulses and he chokes. He tries to pull off but Sukuna keeps him rooted in place. The grip on his scalp hurts but he likes it.

Sukuna is the type of dominating alpha that want's Yuuji to pass out on his co*ck, choke on his knot and be unable to speak the following day. Yuuji isn't the biggest fan of that but...he also doesn't hate the idea of being f*cked senseless either...

Sukuna pulls back until he's almost all the way out then pushes his length fully inside of Yuuji. He stills , letting his co*ck rest deep in the back of yuuji's throat for several moments. Yuuji feels his throat muscles contract around Sukuna's length. His tongue lapping at the underside while he struggles to keep breathing.

"I'm going to cum down your throat. Don't let a single drop go to waste, brat."

Sukuna holds Yuuji's head in place and begins rocking his hips back and forth slowly, pumping himself into him over and over and over again until his movements become jerky and erratic.

He's so close to finishing and he's desperate to finish inside of Yuuji. To fill his throat up with his seed. His knot slaps against Yuuji's lips, begging for entrance. That's unsafe, however. Yuuji knows this and pulls back just as Sukuna thrusts forward to cum, making sure to keep his knot from entering.

The cum spurts out of Sukuna's tip in a thick rope, splashing against his tongue and coating the back of yuuji''s throat. Yuuji swallows quickly, trying to catch as much of it as he can before pulling away entirely from Sukuna's co*ck with a gasp.

He sits back, wiping away the tears from his face and staring up at Sukuna with wide eyes.

His chest rises and falls in rapid succession, his lungs struggling to catch their breath.

Sukuna stares down at him, his eyes dark and lust-filled. "You're a good whor*, brat," he says quietly before reaching out and caressing his cheek. "I do not know if you are worthy to be my queen yet, but I do accept you as my co*ck warmer."

He strokes along yuuji jawline, brushing aside the stray locks of hair sticking to his damp forehead. "Your throat was made for my dick." he whispers, leaning forward, pressing his lips against yuuji's temple.

Sukuna's scent is so strong. Yuuji inhales deeply, savouring the sweet, musky scent of alpha, the hint of sweat and dirt and sex clinging to him. There's a beep, the session is ending soon. "I hope you will return soon, Sukuna-Sama ," Yuuji whispers, nuzzling into Sukuna's palm.

Sukuna chuckles, running his thumb over Yuuji's lower lip and then pressing inside his mouth gently. He swishes around the reminisces of his cum. "I will." He promises.

There's another loud beep.

"Time's run out," Yuuji whispers, kissing the pad of his thumb. "I hope you enjoyed your time with me."

There's a knock then the door opens and Suguru appears. "I 'm sorry to interrupt but it's time for Sukuna to leave." He looks between them , taking in Yuuji's flushed cheeks and the satisfied smile on Sukuna's face.

He says nothing but he knows.


Yuuji cleans the nest. Cleans each item Sukuna touched in the room. Makes sure to erase his presence from the room before brushing his mouth out and washing away the evidence of Sukuna's release. He showers thoroughly, making sure every inch of his body is cleaned of the alpha, before putting on fresh work uniform for the next client he must deal with.

Suguru comes into his office shortly after he's done changing and sits down on the couch. "How was the session with him?" he asks curiously, tilting his head slightly to one side.

"Fine, thank you. I handled it well. I think he might have liked me." he answers honestly before adding, "he's not very pleasant."

"No, not at all. He can be quite cruel sometimes. Are you okay though? You seem a little flustered. Did he hurt you?"

Yuuji shakes his head. "Not at all. He's rough but ...not in an unpleasant way? I don't know . I'm fine." He smiles reassuringly at Suguru. "Really."

Suguru frowns slightly and leans forward. "Are you absolutely certain?" He asks seriously, his tone stern.

"Yes, I promise."

Suguru takes a few steps to his desk and leans across it towards Yuuji. " So you won't mind if I check for myself then?" he inquires.

Yuuji freezes, unsure of what he means. "Uh, sure? Go right ahead. I told you, he didn't hurt me. I'm fine-"

His voice trails off as Suguru reaches out and touches his mouth lightly with the tips of his fingertips. "Open up," he orders gently.

Yuuji obeys, his lips parting slightly.

Suguru slips two digits inside his mouth and slides them over his tongue, exploring its depths. His touch lingers longer than Yuuji expects. He doesn't pull away immediately when he finds no trace of Sukuna. Instead he continues exploring Yuuji's mouth with slow strokes.

"Your throat is red ," Suguru notes casually as he removes his fingers, licking them clean. "Did Sukuna f*ck your mouth?"

Yuuji looks to the side. "Isn't there some patient confidentiality policy here?"

Suguru chuckles lightly. "I'm afraid not, Yuuji. Not with these kinds of patients. At least, where your services are concerned. All your notes will be shared in the office anyway.

Yuuji sighs. "Then yes." There's no point in hiding anything, not from Suguru. "He did...and it was intense."

Suguru hums thoughtfully. "Did you cum too?" He asks bluntly.

Yuuji blushes bright crimson. He can feel the heat creeping up his neck to his cheeks. " I'm a professional! Why would you even ask that?! It's inappropriate to ask!"

"Good, I was hoping I could be you first~"

Yuuji coughs , covering his mouth . " Were you really asking me on a date yesterday? Was that a joke or...?"

"I was, yes." Suguru answers simply as if it's not weird to ask a coworker out while discussing their sexual encounters with a dangerous alpha.

Yuuji is losing his mind...somehow he thinks he's ended up with some kind of harem. He's never been so popular in his life...and it's not like he hates it, he's actually flattered.. . he's just not used to it.

"Uh Gojo-" Yuuji changes the subject. "-This morning I saw you two-"

"I know." Suguru cuts him off abruptly.

"Why? I thought he hated everyone and everything."

"Gojo doesn't hate anyone." Suguru corrects, shaking his head. "He just acts on instincts, he's feral. He doesn't think things through properly. He does what he feels is necessary at the moment ...and sometimes he craves comfort and somehow he found comfort in me."

Yuuji bites his bottom lip. He wants to ask more. But he doesn't dare pry further. Suguru seems reluctant to discuss it and he doesn't want to upset him or push him away with his curiosity and questions.

"I see." Yuuji mutters instead. "Well, I guess it's good then? That he has someone like you."

Suguru nods, smiling softly, sadly. "I guess so..."

Yuuji clears his throat loudly, drawing Suguru's attention back to himself. He doesn't want to think about Gojo and Suguru anymore, he needs to focus. He needs to do his job.

"So... is there another client waiting for me? My list said I had one more."

" Yes… there's one more."

He pauses and looks away.


The next alpha is muzzled and chained. He's kept on his hands and knees with his arms shackled behind his back . He only communicates in growls and whines. His eyes are wild and unfocused, darting everywhere except at his face. He refuses to look at him. It unnerves Yuuji but he stays composed. He must do what he's paid to.

With clients like this, he starts with scenting the room.

Yuuji walks to the middle of the room where the nest sits and begins spreading out the blanket. It's soft and fluffy and smells of him, of omega. He lays the sheet over the top of his bedding and smoothed out any wrinkles before moving onto the other objects he has placed throughout the room. Pillows and stuffed animals he’s already pre scented. He gathers them all in the nest until it’s drowning in his scent.

Once he's finished with that he sits in the nest and calls the alpha to him.

"Please sit with me , alpha. You're safe now."

The alpha sniffs the air before crawling forward. Yuuji watches as he hesitantly approaches. The chain clanks loudly against the ground. He stops just short of touching Yuuji, his nose twitching wildly as he takes in his scent.

He looks up at Yuuji and growls low in his throat. He doesn't move any closer. As he sits there and inhales he calms down slightly, his body relaxing somewhat. His pupils shrink to normal size and the tension eases out of his muscles.

His eyes remain locked onto his though.

Yuuji reaches out slowly and places both palms on the sides of the man's face and gently strokes along his cheeks with gentle thumbs, tracing circles on his skin. The man leans into the touch, his head tilts slightly to one side and he lets out a sigh.

They are weak to his scent, to his comfort.

It's not surprising, considering how starved they all are for affection and touch. It's been so many years since any one of them had been touched with kindness, with love, with gentleness.

"I'm glad you are finally here." Yuuji says warmly. " I made this nest for us to share." He moves his hands from the alpha's face to his neck and begins rubbing small circles on the skin there.

The alpha closes his eyes, enjoying the sensation of yuuji's fingers massaging into the flesh. Soon the alpha is like jelly , melting beneath his skilled fingers. It's a shame he has to be restrained like he is. It would be so lovely just to hold him, to cuddle and pet him.

Yuuji continues working at the knots of muscles along the alpha's neck and the alpha melts into Yuuji, falling into him. Yuuji wraps his hands around his back as they fall back into the nest and he pulls him closer, cradling him in his arms as if he were a child, as if he needed protecting. The alpha buries his nose deep into Yuuji's neck and breathes him in. The cold of the muzzle burns his skin but the alpha’s entire body relaxes and Yuuji can feel his heart rate decrease dramatically.

His breathing becomes slow and steady and his eyelids begin dropping closed. His eyes flutter shut and Yuuji smiles.

He’s asleep .

Yuuji continues to pet and cuddle him until their session is over. The alpha is calm when Suguru comes to grab him , he doesn't struggle or fight against his chains as he is lead away. He looks peaceful.

Yuuji hopes he's able to stay that way.


Yuuji is exhausted after a long day of treating alpha's. He collapses down into his bed that feels…wrong. He spends the night making it into a proper nest. One that is safe and secure and comforting for him. It helps ease the stress of the day but his dreams aren't kind.

Yuuji dreams of alphas. He dreams of their hands on his body. Their tongues licking at his flesh, tasting him. They bite into his skin and rip apart his clothes. Their mouths sucking at his nipples, biting down hard enough that he bleeds.

He wakes in the morning with a scream stuck in his throat. Sweat drips from his forehead and pools on top of the sheets below. He shivers and trembles and tries to shake off the feeling. It doesn't fade though. Instead it sticks to him. Like glue. A sticky residue that won't come clean.

It clings tightly to him throughout breakfast and as he gets dressed for work.

He can feel it weighing on the edges of his vision. The shadows dance around in the corners. The voices whisper to him. Calling to him, beckoning for him to join in their madness.

This job… it might kill him.

It's worth it for his grandpa though. For his family. He'll endure it all for him. Even if it makes him feel disgusted with himself by the end of it…it’d all be worth it.

For now though, he slaps his cheeks and waves the dream away. He does not hate alphas. He likes their attention. He likes feeling needed. He likes sex. For now, he can handle this.

He can.


Things are starting to pick up hehe.

-Minor Yuuji having a internal crisis. This won't be focused on in the story as I don't want this story to become too angsty or full of feelings but once in a while there may be hints or nudges towards how a job like this will effect Yuuji in the long run. He's trying his best to be professional and to keep his feelings out of every session.

-Yuuji; there are rules you can't use use me-
Sukuna; Brat-
Yuuji; Never mind

-Someday Sukuna will become softer...Yuuji has this effect on people.

-Suguru is kinda SUS.

-Is Sukuna delusional? Or does he know his place as the king of curses? Is there still curses around? Do they still have their cursed techniques? We will be going over this soon :D (Have I addressed this yet? I don't think so.)

-there’s a scene missing from this chapter for plot reasons and I’m sad. I quite liked it :,(

Chapter 6


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Yuuji tries to remember how he even heard of this job in the first place. He remembers the interview, signing all those forms, and agreeing to the rules and regulations but...what exactly did the ad say...?

He can't recall the exact wording...he can't picture the images or the font...all he can recall is the offer. A large sum of money for something he could do with ease. It sounded too good to be true. He'd jumped right into it without thinking twice…

Now here he is, trapped in a facility with alphas that want nothing more than his body to use and abuse and knot. He wants to help them…every time he passes a cell and looks at their faces he feels guilt. These are humans too...they deserve better.

He wishes they could go outside and get fresh air. He wishes they could see trees and grass and flowers. He wishes he could take them somewhere nice, someplace beautiful...but they're stuck here. Trapped.

It’s no wonder they are the way they are…

Still, what does Yuuji know? He's young, naive, sheltered. He's never been in such a situation before, never experienced this side of the world. Maybe it’s best they stay here. Maybe they are safer this way. Who knows what would happen if they were unleashed.

Yuuji tells himself it’s better this way but with each passing client he feels more uncertain.


It seems…calmer here. Nanami notes that the halls are quieter today, less chaotic. No alphas screaming and shouting at each other. It’s refreshing to have peace and silence for once in this godforsaken place...but Nanami knows it's not real peace, it's an illusion, a lie. This place is filled with chaos; it runs rampant throughout every inch of the facility like an infection spreading disease and rot.

He doesn’t think he belongs here but what does he know?

He knows that today is shower day for all the alpha inmates. It happens twice a week. It's a chore, a task, a requirement. Everyone is supposed to shower and clean themselves, scrub the filth and grime off their bodies, wash the sweat and dirt and dried blood away.

Nanami doesn’t particularly enjoy bathing with others. He hates the feeling of being watched and judged and scrutinized by strangers. The way their eyes roam over his naked form, lingering on areas he prefers to keep hidden away from sight.

He’s a modest person and group showers with these people does not appeal to him at all.

So he tries to situate himself between Toji and Sukuna’s stalls. It works for the most part. They never look at him, they keep their gazes fixed elsewhere.

Today however he finds Sukuna caries a strange scent- Yuuji’s scent. Nanami’s stomach drops and he can’t resist from looking at Sukuna and wondering what that man had done to that poor kid.

“You saw Yuuji, didn’t you?”

I don't see why it concerns you. Lower alphas shouldn’t stick their noses where higher ranked alphas do business."

He doesn’t need to turn around to see Toji roll his eyes at Sukuna. "I bet you f*cked him Didn’t you?” Toji leans over the stall and seems interested in the conversation.

Sukuna ignores his remark and keeps washing himself, his hands running over his skin slowly. "He’s a brat," his voice echoes throughout the room, "I've had better. He needs to learn how to swallow co*ck properly."

Toji smirks. His gaze flickers briefly towards Nanami before returning back to Sukuna. “Brats are cute though. Don’t tell me you didn't enjoy f*cking him."

I didn't f*ck him. I f*cked his mouth. That's all."

Nanami does not want to listen but he does anyway because he's curious, and maybe he wants confirmation, that Sukuna hadn't taken things too far.

"That's all, huh?" Toji laughs, his voice ringing throughout the tiled room. "You sure it was just his mouth? You didn't shove your dick up his ass and knot him too? You didn't f*ck him raw?" He taunts Sukuna.

Sukuna glares back at Toji but says nothing. He simply finishes cleaning his body and turns off the water before stepping out of the stall. "If you must know, fruit like him tastes better when you savour it." He dabs at himself with a towel and begins putting on his uniform pants. He doesn't button them up all the way, leaving them hanging loose around his waist. He looks casual and relaxed as if he's completely unaware of the tension in the air.

"Fruit is meant to be savoured?"

Nanami glances over at Toji, watching him closely. He looks amused as he speaks although he seems genuinely interested in what Sukuna has to say.

"Yes. It's best when you eat it slowly. Suck every drop and lick the juices from your fingers. Then when your tongue grows tired then you bite into its core."

Nanami can almost taste Yuuji on his tongue just listening to the way Sukuna talks about him. He’s not a saint. His thoughts wander to places they shouldn’t. He thinks back to the time when they were alone together. When he was so close and smelled so good.

But Nanami promised himself he wouldn’t give into his desires. He would never let those feelings take root within him. He wouldn’t allow them blossom and flower like a garden of poisonous flowers ready to choke and poison him.

No, he wouldn’t indulge. He will instead become a safe place for Yuuji. Their sessions will be conversations between two people, friends even. Nothing more and certainly nothing less.


"Huh?!" Toji almost rips the paper in his hands. "Why was I denied?! I've behaved like the perfect alpha they expect in here!"

Suguru raises an eyebrow at his words. "Have you really?" he asks skeptically, folding his arms across his chest. "I don't think you understand the concept of 'perfect'."

Toji makes a motion with his hands, swirling his fingers aside his head. "Everyone around here is insaneand yet I'm considered the worst one here."

Suguru frowns as the table shakes. The room's white walls seem to press down on him, suffocating him with their sterile atmosphere. Their weekly conversation isn’t going as planned...and it always does. Toji never has complaints or really any comments about the treatment he receives here. He never speaks about his issues or hearing him speak now, openly, freely, about something so personal and unexpected and new.

"You're not the worst."

Toji snorts. "Then why wasn't I approved when Sukuna was?"

Suguru sighs heavily, his shoulders slumping forward. "It's complicated." He explains. "There's a system in place. A scale of sorts. Your past crimes, actions, behaviour- it all plays into who can and who cannot have access to certain treatments. You have killed omegas, Toji-"

"For money. Nobody is paying me now." Toji points out.

" Still, the fact remains that you have killed them. That you have preyed upon them." Suguru continues, his voice softening. "That is not acceptable."

Toji's nostrils flare slightly and a muscle in his jaw twitches visibly. His hands grip tightly onto his arm rests as if he might crush the metal under his fingertips. “Okay,” he says finally, letting go of a breath. "I guess I'll accept that. But I'm not the only one with a record like this, am I? What about Sukuna?"

Suguru nods slowly. "Yes. Sukuna does have his own problems.

The conversation stops abruptly. Neither man speaks.

They both know what Toji is referring to. They both know why he brought up Sukuna in the first place...and Suguru can no longer comment on it. It’s against policy.


The week ends and Yuuji celebrates with a slice of cafeteria cake. His first week of work. He feels accomplished despite the fact he hadn’t done alot.

The cake is dry and crumbly. The frosting is too sweet, cloying and sticky. It sticks to his teeth and tongue and makes his mouth taste bitter. He chews slowly. Savouring the flavour. Trying desperately to ignore everything else.

He can hear laughter behind him. Loud voices echoing throughout the room, ringing in his ears. He can smell sweat. His coworkers chat about this or that but he doesn’t really follow anything until a tray plops down in front of his and a sweet smile hits him.


The woman is gorgeous in her nurse uniform, her hair in a down. Her face has a natural glow to it, her cheeks pink and flushed. “Do you mind if I sit with you?” She asks politely. Yuuji shakes his head, gesturing to the empty seat across from him.

He didn’t think there were other omegas here.

She sits down, her hands folded neatly in front of herself. She doesn't pick up any cutlery or try eating. She merely stares straight ahead at nothing in particular.

Her name tag reads Shoko Ieiri.

"I'm sorry I haven't met you yet. We're always busy here." she apologises, bowing her head slightly.

Yuuji waves his hands dismissively in front of him, shaking his head.Oh, it's fine! I'm not offended at all!"

Shoko smiles warmly and nods. "Thank you. I'm happy to finally have another omega here though. It’s rare that they allow them to work here due to the nature of what we do…”

Yuuji understands.

Alphas can get violent when they are around omegas. He knows that well enough by now. He also understands why it is necessary for him, as a soothing omega, to be present here.

"How long have you worked here?" he asks curiously, taking a bite of cake.

Her smile falters for a second. She looks away, her expression darkening. "Too long."

Yuuji blinks.

What an odd answer.

He decides not to push her any further though. If she doesn't want to talk then he won't force her. “I work in the basem*nt, if you ever want to visit. I’m the lead doctor there and deal with most of the alphas that come in. Most importantly though, I’m Suguru’s best friend so he tells me everything. I know all the secrets."

Yuuji perks up immediately upon hearing that, leaning closer to her. "Secrets?"


"Like what?"

"Like how Gojo has to be chained like a dog during his baths."

Yuuji nearly chokes on his cake, covering his mouth to prevent any crumbs from getting into Shoko's face. "Really!? That sounds…”

He imagines it.

Imagines Gojo chained and collared, kneeling before Suguru who washes and rinses his hair, his nails scraping against Gojo's scalp. Gojo shaking the water from his skin, tongue out, panting.

“Cute actually,” Yuuji finishes.

"He is, isn’t he? I hope you continue to see him that way." Shoko sighs wistfully. "Gojo needs a proper mate, he’s been past his mating prime for a long time now."

A mate, huh...

“I can’t become his mate- my contract forbids bonding.”

“Sure, intentional mating but let’s say he pushes you down and bites you against your will I don’t think anyone can blame you for that. If you wanted his bite…who would really know?”

Yuuji swallows thickly. "You're suggesting I break the terms of my contract?"

Shoko tilts her head slightly, staring intently at him. "I don’t know what you’re talking about. You should finish eating. I don’t want to keep you too long from your job." She stands up, grabbing onto her tray as she does. "I'll see you around, Yuuji."

He watches silently as she walks away, disappearing out of sight.

His mind whirls with possibilities...he's not opposed to the idea of being bonded...he's not opposed to the idea of having an alpha's mark…but to Gojo? A feral alpha? It seems risky. Dangerous. Unpredictable...and yet he's intrigued.

He won’t bond with anyone here but he can’t deny that the alphas here are…his type. Yuuji is a professional though. At least he’s trying to be one.


-Shoko is Gojo's unofficial wing girl HAHA-

Chapter 7


Only half checked over so far! It’ll be fully cleaned up hopefully by tomorrow but I wanted to get it out early for you guys <3

Spoilers ahead:::::::::

-Sexy time W/ Suguru…-

Chapter Text

Nanami is a gentleman beyond measure. Honestly Yuuji doesn’t even know an alpha out of this place as decent as Nanami. The man is polite, kind, courteous, and respectful.

He doesn’t stare at Yuuji. He doesn't ogle him with lust in his eyes. His eyes never wander below the neck. He's never inappropriate or rude or demanding. He treats him like an equal.

Yuuji is thankful.

Their conversations start simple and casual. They discuss their daily lives. How they spend their free time, what hobbies they enjoy, what they dislike...they talk until the session is over and Nanami is taken away, back to his cell.

That’s how it goes.

“I often see you reading books during your free time. What are they about? Anything interesting?"

"Not particularly. They don’t have much of a selection here…not many of the alphas can read, so I end up rereading the same books over and over again..."

Yuuji leans in close to him. He takes in Nanami’s scent, his natural earthy tones mixing with his soap. “I could get you different ones next time if you'd like."

"Wouldn't that be breaking some kind of rule?"

Yuuji chuckles softly. "I think people will think I’m silly, bringing you books. But you deserve something nice. I want to make you happy, Nanamin."

Nanami's eyes widen slightly at the sudden nickname. He doesn’t object to it or tell him not to call him that. Instead he simply nods and accepts it as a new thing between them.

“Do you have a specific genre in mind? A author you like? Maybe a topic you enjoy learning about?" Yuuji offers. His mind racing through all the possibilities.

The alpha shakes his head, smiling slightly before speaking. "I'm open to anything. I'll take whatever you bring."

"Are there any genres you avoid though? Or authors you hate? Maybe topics you find boring?" Yuuji continues questioning, hoping to narrow down the options for Nanami.

Nanami considers the question, humming quietly for a moment before finally replying. It's obvious that he hasn't thought too deeply about this subject before. He doesn't seem to have a strong opinion on the matter either. He simply shrugs casually before continuing to answer Yuuji's inquiry with honesty. “I’ve never been into fantasy stories or science fiction. I tend to lean more towards nonfiction. Books based upon true events or historical accounts interest me. And of course I do not dislike romance novels I'm sure you already know. They often write from the perspective of an omega and it’s interesting to experience life from such a perspective."

Yuuji nods, listening carefully to every word that falls from Nanami's lips before responding.

He’s read books like that too...he enjoys them as well…Although they are usually more positive views of an omegan lifestyle, there are many that paint a darker picture, one of suffering and pain.

Omegas are seen by society as weak.

Prey. Pets. Toys. Objects. Things that exist solely for an alpha's use and pleasure. Most omegas end up in jobs like Yuuji’s but against their will. Not many places will hire them in proper roles...not unless they can prove themselves as valuable assets.

Betas take normal roles. Cashiers, receptionists, secretaries, teachers, etc…they have the most freedom to choose careers and live their lives.

Alphas have the most control. They get the top jobs, make the most money, own the biggest houses, and have the largest families. They hold all the power. All the wealth. Everything.

It's unfair but that's the reality.

That's the world Yuuj is living in. A world he's accepted. A world he's grown accustomed to. A world he doesn't mind. He has his grandfather and that's all he truly cares for. His family. His grandpa is sick. He needs medicine. Money. Yuuji has none of those things so he's here...

Nanami’s glasses catch on the light above them, making them shine. His eyes are bright behind his lenses, his pupils dilated slightly. His lips part as his tongue darts out briefly, wetting the bottom one.

He’s resisting the urge to touch Yuuji. Yuuji can sense his need. His desire. It radiates from him like heat. It makes Yuuji want to reach out and take his hand, hold it close to his chest. He resists that temptation though, choosing instead, to keep things professional.

If Nanami does not want to discuss his alpha desires yet then Yuuji respects that. He will not press the issue. He does, however wish he did want to discuss it. Because then he would be able to help Nanami in a more personal way.

Yuuji already has a soft spot for him.

He’s been told he has a bleeding heart, that he gets too attached, and it's true. He's always cared too much, felt too deeply, loved too intensely. He doesn’t think that’s a problem, he thinks that is a strength of his. He doesn’t want to change himself just because society says he should.

Yuuji has always believed in following his instincts above everything else. He trusts himself.


Yuuji spends the rest of the day scenting items that will be given away to the alpha.

He rubs his wrists over the fabrics, marking them with his scent glands, ensuring that each item smells strongly of him.

Once the laundry basket is filled with scented articles, Suguru takes it away and brings him a new one for him to repeat his actions with.

it’s a slow process. One that takes hours and requires concentration. He must concentrate hard on releasing a steady stream of pheromones.

It isn’t difficult for Yuuji though. It comes naturally to him.

His scent screams omega, safe, secure, and comfort.

Suguru returns with the last basket. He places it on the floor in front of Yuuji and watches silently as he begins his task of scenting everything inside.

"How are you feeling today?" he asks suddenly, startling yuuji out of his focus.

Yuuji pauses briefly, glancing up at him curiously, before returning to work, continuing to scent each individual piece. "Fine. Thank you."

"Good. You've been working hard.”

Yuuji hums in acknowledgement.

"You're doing great, you know. The alphas are behaving better than ever before...and that's thanks to you." he compliments, smiling warmly. Yuuji smiles back, his cheeks flushing slightly under the kind words.

"Thank You," he responds again. It seems like the appropriate response. "I hope I can continue helping everyone..."

"You will. We'll make sure you do."

Yuuji nods. He hopes he can too. It's nice being able to help others.

“When you’re done with work…would you want to come have dinner with me?" he suggests, offering his company to Yuuji once more as if he were asking for permission to be with Yuuji.

Yuuji looks up at him. Is this another attempt at a date? Yuuji isn’t quite sure on the coworker dating policy but he figures it doesn't matter if Suguru is pushing so hard…but at the same time he didn’t imagine anyone would want to be with him when he’s in this line of work.

He assumed he’d been seen as a dirty omega. Used goods.

Still, he appreciates Suguru trying. He never had many suitors…or well he supposed he had many in highschool but he was often aloof and didn’t realize until later they were hitting on him. He likes how Suguru is. He's straightforward with his desires and intentions and that's admirable...even if Yuuji is still confused by it all.

"I...yes. Okay." he accepts and Suguru's entire face lights up at the reply. He beams brightly at yuuji, practically glowing.

He seems genuinely happy and excited by the prospect which warms Yuuji heart.


Dinner is the same as always.

Yuuji eats his fill while they chat about this and that. “I met shoko yesterday...She was nice to speak to. I didn’t think there were other omegas here."

"She’s…not really part of the main team. She mostly works in isolation with patients and doesn’t interact with the alphas here very much, unlike you, so it makes sense you haven‘t crossed paths with her."

"Oh I see..."

"She was probably curious about you. She’s been put under a lot of pressure lately to-” Suguru looks to the side and back, as if making sure no one was listening to them.

No one is.

“To breed Gojo with a suitable omega. The higher ups and his clan are convinced they’ve raised him wrong and if a pup were to have half his potential and raised correctly they'd make an unstoppable alpha. So they're putting the pressure on her to find him a proper mate."

"That sounds gross."

Suguru shrugs indifferently. "Yeah but it happens all the time. There's nothing special about it...although I guess it is unusual for a feral alpha to be used as a stud. That’s why I wanted you to befriend him- not for breeding necessarily but to get him accustomed to an omega’s presence. He’s very picky with who he doesn’t want to murder.” Suguru laughs at the last part, as if it’s a joke, but Yuuji has doubts.

“Is Gojo really that bad?"


Yuuji stabs his fork into his meal a little too hard. His knuckles go white as it punctures the plastic plate. He hates this. This facility. It’s all starting to seem gross and cruel.

Gojo shouldn’t be forced into breeding like some prized stallion.

Suguru reaches across the table and lays a hand on top of Yuuji's, gently stroking the back of it, soothing him. "I’m off tonight…do you want to spend time together?" he offers again.

It feels like he wants to cheer Yuuji up. Like he wants to distract his thoughts. Or maybe he just wants a companion for the night.

Yuuji nods slowly, agreeing to it.

After all…he does like Suguru and Suguru likes him. Why deny the offer of a nice evening? Hopefully, not ended before it even begins.

They finish their meals and clean up the mess.

Then Suguru guides him to his room. His hand rests on his lower back and his fingers occasionally dip lower to his hip in a teasing manner that sends shivers up his spine.

Yuuji would be embarrassed about how turned on he is already if he wasn't so focused on the sensation of Suguru's touch. The warmth of his palm against his skin, sending sparks through his nerves.

These touches are definitely suggestive. Suguru is being bold and forward with his advances and Yuuji isn’t going to complain.

He could definitely go for a fling… but…

Does Suguru want more than that? It feels dirty in a way to be used like this. As if just because his career is related to his neithers doesn’t mean he’s easy!

But he's not opposed either.

Yuuji isn’t stupid or blind. Suguru is attractive. His scent is nice. His personality is charming. He seems like an alpha who will take care of his mate properly. Yuuji wouldn’t mind seeing if they could be more.

They stop outside of Suguru’s room and Yuuji co*cks his head to the side slightly as he waits for the him to open the door. When he does Yuuji steps inside and he’s kissed.

It catches him off guard at first but he quickly adjusts to the situation. He kisses back, pressing closer to the alpha, his hands sliding over his body, caressing his chest.

“Shouldn’t we talk about this?” Yuuji breathes out as it ends.

“We should,” Suguru agrees but kisses him again all the same.

Yuuji melts into the second kiss. Their mouths move together smoothly, their tongues intertwining. Yuuji can feel the slick gathering between his legs as he moans softly into their embrace.

Suguru pulls away and a line of saliva connects them. “I want you in my bed tonight. To be the first alpha to claim you. Will you let me?" Suguru asks huskily as his hands slip underneath Yuuji's shirt to stroke his bare skin.

Yuuji shivers and tilts his head as Suguru kisses his neck. “Is this…some kind of competition to you? I thought…”

He tries to hide his disappointment but if Suguru truly only wanted in his pants and in his pants alone for some sort of alpha brownie points he’s not sure he wants to continue this.

Suguru chuckles and presses another kiss against his throat before pulling away to look at him properly. "No. Sorry that’s a bad way to phase it. Yes, it would very much please my alpha instincts to be the first here to take you but that’s not why I perused you. I’m not…I don't think of you as just a conquest. It's not about being the first, it's about being the right one." He clarifies. "I want us to…be more than just a casual affair."

"Oh." Yuuji breathes out and his heart beats wildly in his chest. "I...I want that too."

“You do?”

Yuuji nods.


Suguru strips like it's a ritual he's done a thousand times before; slowly, deliberately and carefully. Each article of clothing comes off without any fanfare. His jacket is removed, his tie is untied, his shoes are unlaced. His shirt is unbuttoned, his pants are pulled off, and he stands before him completely naked.

He's beautiful.

He is lean but muscled. Every part of him is defined by lines and angles, sharp and strong despite how he smells. “God,” Yuuji bites his lips, already striped and bear on the bed while Suguru shows off. He can't help but admire every bit of his form.

Suguru grins, pleased by this reaction. "Like what you see?" he teases, his voice dripping with honey and sugar.

Yuuji spreads his thighs as a way of confirmation, showing off his glistening puss* that's ready for Suguru. His own co*ck, small and useless stands at attention despite itself.

He can hear the sharp intake of air and then Suguru climbs onto the bed. “Do you prefer the light on or off?” He asks softly, hovering overtop Yuuji.

“Ceiling light off but…the bedside lamp can be on. I like to see my partner." He admits shyly, averting his gaze from Suguru.

The bed dips slightly as he moves closer, his breath tickling the shell of Yuuji's ear. “Your wish is my command.”

He claps and the ceiling light goes off.

“Oh wow, why doesn’t my room do that?!" Yuuji wonders out loud as he watches as the lights dim, leaving the bedside lamps the primary source of lighting. The warm glow of light bathes them both as Suguru settles on top of Yuuji, straddling him.

Suguru humours him, answering with a smile. "You'd be surprised at the number of rooms in here equipped with them. I can check your room out tomorrow.” He offers.

“Thanks,” Yuuji runs a hand up Suguru’s chest. He traces a finger along the outline of his abs. He can feel the muscles rippling beneath his fingertips as the alpha tenses up at the touch. His skin is smooth and warm under his hand.

“Should we use condoms?”

Yuuji’s fingers swirl around a nipple and it hardens. “I’m supposed to for clients but I am on birth control and disease free. I was screened before I came here. What about you?" He asks as his hand travels southward.

His palm brushes lightly across his belly and Suguru shivers involuntarily. “I got tested recently. I'm clean. But it doesn’t matter. If you want me to use a condom I'll use them, if it will make you feel better about being intimate with me." Suguru replies, kissing the side of yuuji's neck. "I don’t want you to feel like I'm using you...I want this to happen organically. You're not just a quick f*ck for me, I promise."

Suguru is sincere and honest. His feelings clear and genuine. He wants this to be more than just sex, more than casual. He wants to build a relationship.

Yuuji wants that too.

“We should use them. Just in case." Yuuji agrees, wrapping his arms around the back of Suguru's neck and pulling him close to him. Their bodies pressed flush against each other, his legs wrap around his hips as he rolls his hips upwards.“I’m so wet for you we won’t need any lube.” Yuuji purrs.

The alpha inhales sharply and groans deeply as he grinds down on him. "f*ck," He growls out and Yuuji moans loudly as the thick head of his co*ck rubs against him. “What do you like about me?” he inquires as he continues rubbing against Yuuji.

It takes everything he has not to whine. "I love your scent. Your hair looks good when it’s messy and splayed down like this. I like how you carry yourself."

"And what don’t you like?"

"Nothing so far."

Suguru smiles and nuzzles Yuuji. "That's a relief. I don't know if I could stand hearing you list off my flaws. Not now."

They stay like that for a moment longer. Their breaths mingling together in a haze. Yuuji's hands roam all over Suguru's body. Exploring every inch.

“What do you like about me?” Yuuji mirror the question, digging his heel into Suguru’s ass, dragging him in closer.

Suguru moans low in his throat. His eyes flutter shut as he answers Yuuji. "I like how cute your expressions get when I touch you. You blush so easily and react so well. You’re honest. Too honest even. Too good for your own good but it's refreshing. It's a rare sight to see someone like you here." He praises.

Yuuj shivers at the compliment and leans in to capture another kiss from Suguru.

Suguru's mouth is hot and wet as they slide together. His co*ck brushes through his slick as their hips move, creating a rhythm together. Their bodies fit perfectly together, their movements synced and fluid. It all feels natural and easy between them and Yuuji finds himself getting lost in sensation, letting instinct guide him.

He can feel his body reacting to the alpha above him. His heart rate quickens. The hairs on the back of his neck stand erect. A shiver runs through him and goosebumps erupt over his flesh.

He’s so ready.

Suguru’s co*ck presses against his entrance and it almost pops in when his phone rings. Suguru collapses against him and groans.

“If you answer that I’m breaking up with you.” Yuuji threatens. He doesn’t mean it. He doesn't want to be rude but he really needs Suguru to focus on him and ignore that damn ringing.

If Suguru leaves him wet and needy like this he might actually murder someone.

"Sorry, sorry. It could be work- important." he mutters, rolling to grab his cell. He picks it up and answers. "Hello? This is Getou speaking."

Yuuji pouts, crossing his arm over his chest.

Suguru slips a hand around his co*ck and gives him a few tugs as he listens to the person on the other side talk. Yuuji holds back his moans but his toes curl.

"Yes I, no. I can do that." he continues, stroking Yuuji faster. "Does the morning work?”

Yuuji gasps, arching off the bed as a thumb circles over the tip.

"Yes. I'll bring my notes with me and we can discuss the details over brunch...thank you, goodbye." he hangs up and tosses it away, focusing entirely on pleasuring yuuji.

"You aren’t leaving me again?”

“Nope,” Suguru kisses down his body before he kisses his co*ck. “And now to make up for my rudeness...I’ll give you the best head of your life~” he winks, licking a stripe up his shaft.

"Ah!" Yuuji cries out, throwing arm over his face.

Suguru wraps an arm around yuuji's waist to hold him in place. "Don't cover your face." he chides, grabbing hold tightly onto yuuji's wrist to pull his hand away so he can look at him fully.

"I like seeing you fall apart."

The first swipe of Suguru's tongue sends electricity coursing through Yuuji, making his toes curl even more than he thought possible. He’s never been pleasured here before…alphas tended to be selfish lovers.

Suguru knows exactly what he's supposed to do to make Yuuji feel good; licking and sucking on the tip then he takes the full length in his mouth like it’s nothing.

His co*ck twitches inside Suguru's mouth. The warmth envelops him completely. His tongue slides along the underside of the head, pressing against the slit. He bobs his head up and down, taking him deep. His co*ck Is small enough that it doesn’t choke him. He can swallow it whole easily. His lips stretch around it beautifully as if made to suck Yuuji. He looks like a dream and he makes Yuuji feel so special.

Yuuji's eyes roll back, losing himself in ecstasy as pleasure builds inside him.

Yuuji c*ms.


He goes red as he realizes how fast but Suguru merely smirks as his release spills out over his tongue, coating it in a layer of white. He pulls away, letting the last drops land on his lips and chin.

He opens his mouth and shows off Yuuji’s load before swallowing.

"Wow, that...was..."

"Amazing? Spectacular? The best you've ever had?"

Yuuji groans and drags Suguru up to him and they kiss. “f*ck me, alpha~" Yuuji begs as he tastes himself in Suguru's mouth. He spreads his legs wider. His puss* gushing slick onto the mattress. He wants to be f*cked. He wants Suguru inside him right now.

He’ll be over sensitive and he'll feel sore tomorrow but it'll be worth it to have Suguru's co*ck in him finally.

Suguru's co*ck throbs against Yuuji, leaking precum on his thighs. “Are you sure you’re ready for that?" he asks, his voice husky with desire.

"Yes, please."

"You beg so pretty. I love hearing you plead." Suguru coos, running his fingers down Yuuji's belly. His nails raking across his skin lightly, leaving behind faint marks that burn slightly.

"Please..." Yuuji repeats, squirming beneath Suguru. “Please Alpha!”

"Good omega."

Suguru lines the head of his dick at yuuji's entrance, pressing it into him gently.

Yuuji gasps loudly at the contact, arching up into him. His hole flutters around the tip, welcoming it eagerly. It's big and stretches him open in a way he hasn’t felt in a long time.

Suguru’s hair splays down his shoulders and his eyes narrow as he pushes himself deeper inside yuuji. It hurts slightly, stretching his walls to the max as Suguru enters him but the feeling soon turns to euphoric bliss.

Yuuji's body trembles and shakes with every thrust. He feels like he could come undone at any moment but he holds on. He clings tightly, desperately to the sheets beneath him, digging his fingers deep into the mattress.

“You’re tight.”

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologise- I f*cking love it."

The sound of flesh slapping together fills the bedroom as Suguru thrusts into Yuuji. His co*ck hits places deep inside him that Yuuji didn’t even know he had. His insides quiver, pulsating around it. He can feel every ridge, every vein, every throb, and pulse.

He’s missed this. He hadn’t realized how much he needed it until he felt Suguru inside him. He feels full. Complete. Satiated. His alpha is filling him up. Taking care of his needs.

Even if Yuuji wasn’t born an omega he’s sure he’d yearn for this.

"So good," Suguru whispers, panting against Yuuji's lips. "I love how you feel." He kisses him again. Hard. Passionate. Hungry. His hands wander down Yuuji's sides. He cups Yuuji's ass cheeks, squeezing tightly, kneading his softness. He squeezes hard enough to bruise as he continues to f*ck him.

Yuuji moans loudly, unable to contain his voice. The bed hits the wall with each movement, creaking and squeaking under them.

He's close. His entire body tenses, preparing itself. His toes dig into the bedding below. His legs wrap around Suguru's waist tighter to hold him in place. He’s already so sensitive it burns but he needs it. His body craves more of the alpha, demanding more of him.

He wants Suguru deeper inside him. He wants to be filled with his seed, his knot, his everything.

Suguru gives it to him.

His knot starts forming and tugging on his entrance. “Can I knot you? Please? Let me knot you." He begs, nuzzling against his neck. He bites into the soft flesh of his shoulder hard enough to draw blood.

“You can knot me. Please knot me." Yuuji moans out as pain mixes with pleasure.

Suguru groans, burying himself to the hilt. His co*ck twitches as it releases his sem*n deep inside yuuji. His knot swells, locking the two together for several moments.

The warmth of the cum spreads throughout Yuuji. He feels like he's floating as he comes down from his climax. His muscles relax and he sinks further into the mattress beneath him, basking in the afterglow.

It takes much longer than it should have to realize Suguru just came. Inside him. Without a condom.

"Oh." He utters with a defeated expression.

"Hmm? Something wrong?" Suguru lifts his head to look at Yuuji, his brow furrowing. "Did I hurt you?"

"No, I just-" he pauses, biting his bottom lip. “We didn’t use a condom.”

Suguru stares for a moment before he curses underneath his breath. “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking clearly. I got so caught up in the pleasure I forgot." He apologizes sheepishly.

"It's alright. We were both lost in our instincts."


"I wanted this too. I’m on the pill it’s fine it’ll just be a pain to clean up-”

“I’ll clean you up." Suguru interrupts. "After my knot goes down we can take a shower together. I want to pamper you after this...if that's okay?"

It takes Yuuji aback.

He's not used to this level of consideration. Most alphas don’t care about how their omegas are after mating. He's always been the one to clean himself up after sex.

He could get use to this.

The Den Of Many; Bed Of One - TwistedViolets - 呪術廻戦 (2024)


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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Views: 6157

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.