The Best Simple Espresso Martini Recipe | Inspire • Travel • Eat (2024)

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How do you make an easy espresso martini? It can be overwhelming figuring out how to make an espresso martini as you might wonder if you need to have an espresso machine.

That’s the big question that puts people off, do I need an espresso machine to make an espresso martini and the answer is, no, you don’t need an espresso machine! It is great if you do but not necessary!

The Best Simple Espresso Martini Recipe | Inspire • Travel • Eat (1)

This easy espresso martini recipe and a bloody caesar are tied for the drinks I make this most as both have their necessary functions and both taste incredible. See here for the 6 best shot recipes for hosting as well!

This is a great recipe version because it is dummy proof and really is just a few simple ingredients and you are done. No espresso machines, no icing down hot espresso or coffee… it’s much more simple than that.

This has become a go to when hosting or as a pre-drink before heading out to get that extra boost of energy. Everyone absolutely loves this drink, it is extremely simple and provides the best start to your night. See our article for the 7 Best Easy Craft co*cktails.

I am officially too old for Red Bull vodkas because they give me the worst anxiety the next day and ummm… other things. This will be a game changing energy drink for you, looks nice for hosting people or even use it as a good start before you take off on a date night.

The Best Simple Espresso Martini Recipe | Inspire • Travel • Eat (2)

The goal is for your creations to make people happy and with a little espresso you can scientifically stimulate people there right from the jump. Make this your own as well, if you don’t like it too sweet than maybe skip the vanilla vodka and just go with straight vodka.

You can make this with just 3 ingredients if you want… really you just need two if you don’t have it all and it still comes out great! This recipe is very versatile so have some fun with it.

Maybe add a little chocolate syrup, use Baileys instead of Kahlua or use coffee instead of espresso. Really you can make this as fancy and complex as you want or just stick to the few recipe basics.

The most important rules to making co*cktails

When making a drink for people and you want them to love the experience you need to appeal to 4 senses. You must make it taste good of course so follow this recipe and the ideas along with it.

The Best Simple Espresso Martini Recipe | Inspire • Travel • Eat (3)

The drink needs to have a pleasant aroma and appeal to the sense of smell. Thus, to do that you need to add a garnish. What makes a craft co*cktail is that addition of the herb or spice to make it pop. This is why co*cktails from mixologists always have mint or sprigs in them.

A drink should also look beautiful and appeal to site. You eat and drink with your eyes first and no one wants to eat or drink something that looks gross or doesn’t look appetizing.

Finally, when people are enjoying their drink you need to give them a nice ambiance and setting. I can help you with the first 3 but the ambiance is on you… music, clean up, give them a shot so they are already getting drunk and everything is fun… up to you :).

One AMAZING way to add to your drink ambiance and appeal to all senses is infuse your liquor. Infusing liquor is the greatest lie in drink creation as what sounds extremely impressive is really just you pouring liquor into a jar and adding 1-2 ingredients then letting it sit for 1-7 days… or even 1 hour! From there just lie to your guests ;)… it’s a small fib.

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Infused liquor makes you look like some planned, smart super-hero that would do anything when hosting people. It will impress them and has you already 5 steps ahead on appealing to all of the senses.

The Best Simple Espresso Martini Recipe | Inspire • Travel • Eat (4)

If you are a tequila person this recipe is amazing with Patron XO Cafe. From here you can make a Mexpresso Martini, which is amazing a well! Straight tequila doesn’t translate as well but if you get that Patron XO Cafe then you are cooking with dynamite.

I legitimately like the tequila version more and it has a unique flair! That version of Patron is a little harder to find but most alcohol only stores like Total Wine and everywhere will have it. It is tough to find at grocery stores and gas stations etc though. However, it isn’t very expensive and is a great option for this recipe.

Is there a shot version of an espresso martini?

I am glad you asked. You can also make this a shot! Essentially the Shaft shot is an espresso martini, except you just put it in a rocks glass, use a straw and suck it down as fast as you can. For the full recipe of the shaft here is the link to the 6 best shots ever.

The Best Simple Espresso Martini Recipe | Inspire • Travel • Eat (5)

Best Simple Espresso Martini Recipe

Quick and easy espresso martini! How to make the best espresso martini, easily!

5 from 1 vote

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Course: APERTIF, Brunch, Drinks

Cuisine: American

Keyword: adult drinks, hosting, martini

Prep Time: 1 minute min

Cook Time: 1 minute min

Total Time: 3 minutes mins

Servings: 1


  • 2 ounces vanilla vodka or espresso tequila Espresso Tequila (Patron XO Cafe or Avion Espresso Liqueur). Espresso or Vanilla Vodka (Van Gogh and Smirnoff are options). You could also use regular vodka or tequila
  • 1 shot Kahlua Leave out if want a stronger martini. Sub Irish cream liquor if no Kahlua.
  • 2 shots Chilled espresso Espresso cold brew or Starbucks small espresso shots work great as well.
  • 3-4 cubes Ice


  • 1 shot Irish cream liqueur
  • Ground cinnamon sprinkled on top to garnish
  • Cinnamon stick or coffee beans for garnish
  • 2 oz chocolate syrup


  • Put all ingredients into a co*cktail shaker and shake. Can stir as well if no shaker option.

    The Best Simple Espresso Martini Recipe | Inspire • Travel • Eat (6)

  • Garnish with coffee beans, ground cinnamon stick or cinnamon.

    The Best Simple Espresso Martini Recipe | Inspire • Travel • Eat (7)


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The Best Simple Espresso Martini Recipe | Inspire • Travel • Eat (2024)


What liquor is best for an espresso martini? ›

The liquor base for an espresso martini co*cktail is vodka. We recommend choosing a premium unflavored vodka made with the finest ingredients to help the drink truly shine. The drink also incorporates a coffee liqueur.

Is Kahlua or Baileys better for Espresso Martini? ›

Kahlua is a coffee liqueur with a strong coffee flavor and a hint of caramel. It is a good choice for espresso martinis that you want to have a strong coffee flavor. Baileys is an Irish cream liqueur with a creamy texture and a flavor of chocolate, vanilla, and cream.

Why do you put Kahlua in Espresso Martini? ›

Kahlúa adds sweetness to your Espresso Martini, balancing out the other ingredients. And it helps create that velvety mouth-feel. What's a non-alcoholic alternative to Kahlúa in an espresso martini? As Kahlúa adds the sweetness and heavy mouth-feel, you'll need an alternative for that sensory experience.

How do I get more crema on my espresso martini? ›

The most satisfying part of an Espresso Martini is the foam. To create this, firstly you need to tap and swirl the shaker after adding the ingredients. Once you've done this make sure you shake the shaker hard for 20-30 seconds, this allows the natural oils in the coffee to combine with the air bubbles.

Should espresso martini be hot or cold coffee? ›

And it has to be hot espresso you pour into that shaker of ice. If you let the coffee cool, you'll lose much of the crema. That'll make it v. hard to create the froth you need on top of your co*cktail, no matter how hard you shake.

What is the base of an espresso martini? ›

The espresso martini, also known as a vodka espresso, is a cold caffeinated alcoholic drink made with espresso, coffee liqueur, and vodka. It is not a true martini as it contains neither gin nor vermouth, but is one of many drinks that incorporate the term martini into their names.

What does ordering an espresso martini say about you? ›

Espresso Martini

If this is your co*cktail of choice you are likely an intense individual who gives 100% to everything you do. Espresso Martini drinkers have a 'work hard, play hard attitude and are happy to take the lead in both professional and social situations.

What do the three beans in an espresso martini mean? ›

While there are many variations on the espresso martini co*cktail, you could say there's one standard garnish: three espresso beans floating on top. Tradition holds that these three beans represent health, wealth and happiness.

Why is everyone drinking espresso martinis? ›

The espresso martini is popular because it's simply a delicious drink: Beautiful to look at (as most martinis are), sweet and smooth, and a sinful mix of caffeine and alcohol. It's suitable for almost any occasion be it brunch, aperitif, after dinner, or just because.

What kind of alcohol do you put in espresso? ›

Sambuca is traditionally paired with espresso at Italian restaurants after dinner is done, but this sweet licorice-forward liqueur isn't the only option if you love its distinctive taste. Try a half-ounce of French pastis or even Greek ouzo for a bracing add-in.

What goes best with Espresso Martini? ›

Ideally the co*cktail pairs well with a good sweet and tart cheeseboard. But it definitely is great for dessert pairings with chocolate biscuits, cookies, a mocha mousse or a chocolate pudding as well. A simple scoop of vanilla ice cream would also be a fantastically easy option to pair with.

Can you use something other than vodka for Espresso Martini? ›

Garnish with coffee beans – if you're feeling fancy. No vodka? No problem! You can make an Espresso Martini without vodka – you could make an Espresso Martini with rum, an Espresso Martini with gin or an Espresso Martini with tequila.

What can I use in Espresso Martini instead of Kahlua? ›

Dark Rum: This helps replace the Kahlua in conventional espresso martinis. Sugar Free Simple Syrup: You have lots of syrup options, including Miss Mary's Sinless Syrups and ChocZero Vanilla Syrup. Both work well here.


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.