[TC] FROM NOTHING, A Rogue's Tale - Book I [COMPLETED] - Page 24 (2024)

48. Pilots

768-05-15 13:07
We just got a disturbing message from Slots. Apparently Wildcat's Tenjin malfunctioned.
“Alright,” I told Slots. “We'll be there shortly.” Then I cut comms and called down to the flight deck to give them the heads up.
When the message was relayed from the crewman that answered the call to the Chief I immediately began hearing the crew being straightened out with some very colorful language. I have to admit I'd never heard of “limp wristed, pipe humping grease suckers” or “maggot ridden piles of Paranid droppings” before but it did seem to very accurately convey the way the Chief felt about the situation. He was in fact so loud that despite being nowhere near the comm the entire bridge heard him explaining that, “IF I DON'T GET SOME ANSWERS RIGHT NOW AND I MEAN RIGHT THIS VERY INSTANT I'M GOING TO SNATCH THE EYES FROM EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU SLACK JAWED ROTTEN CROTCHED TURD WORMS AND SK ...” I cut comms figuring the crewman who took my call had more immediate concerns to deal with.
“Crap.” Ok I knew what I had to do. “Ms. Seldon bring us alongside the Tiamat. Sayleen, Malcolm, with me please.” I then made my way into my ready room. When the hatch doors slid closed behind them I looked at Malcolm. “You've got the Tiamat.” I said.
He blinked. “W-what?” he stammered.
“You've got the Tiamat. She's yours whenever I'm not aboard. That means I'm promoting you to Captain. Congratulations. I'm sorry this is all on such short notice. We'll have a ceremony and all get drunk later. In the meantime I need you to keep this sector and the missile complex safe.” I stepped up so I could look him dead in the eye. “Can you handle that?”
He looked right back at me. “Aye aye, Admiral,” he said calmly.
That was a weight off. “Good.” I nodded. “You can crew her while you're at it. I'll leave the second shuttle at your disposal and several of the freighters. Lucifer will be here most of the time so you can have him help you and you can always call me if you need anything.” He nodded and I could see him start working out logistics in his head. “Malcolm,” I said and he looked back at me. “You're disembarking immediately. You might want to go pack.”
He grinned at me. “Of course, Admiral,” he laughed with an inclination of his head. A moment later he left the compartment. I turned to Sayleen. “Which means the Destiny is now officially yours whenever I'm not aboard.”
She nodded. “Yes, Admiral,” she said and I could see the joy in her eyes. “Thank you, sir.”
I grinned at her. Then I gestured to the bridge. “Shall we, Captain?”
About twenty minutes later Malcolm was beamed aboard the Tiamat. Then I ordered a jump to the House. As we exited the gate I saw that both Tenjins were still in space. Ripjaw was pacing what appeared to be a very wounded Wildcat. I turned to Yalos. “Diagnostic on Wildcat?”
“It ssseemsss that the computer has been inssstructed to disssable all interfassse with the pilot.”
“Yessss, sssir, it seems that all internal and co*ckpit acsssesssible controlsss have been blocked by an internal feedback loop desssigned, it ssseemsss, to keep the pilot from flying hisss own ssship.” He looked up at me. “It wasss sssome sssort of sssabotage, sssir.”
My eye narrowed. “Send all the data to the Chief. Lock it. I don't want anyone but Chief Greyson able to access it.” Yalos nodded and I looked at Endy. “Ms. Springer, get me the Chief.” I looked at her, “and I mean the Chief, not one of his deckhands.”
“Yes, Admiral.”
I looked at Yalos. “Can we bring Wildcat in by remote?”
“Yesss, Admiral,” he said.
I opened a channel to Wil. “Wildcat. Destiny.”
“Go ahead Destiny.” He sounded ragged and tired.
“How are you, Wil?”
“Aaah,” he said, “can I answer that question after a hot shower and a pint of spacefuel?”
I smirked. “Yeah, you sure can.” I looked at Yalos. “We're going to bring you in, Wil. So let go of the controls, alright?”
“Lettin' go, boss” he said. “Thanks, boss.”
I nodded at Yalos. He nodded back and took control of the ship.
“I have the Chief for you sir,” Endy said.
“I'll talk to you soon, Wil,” I said.
“Aye aye, Drake,” he said, exhausted.
I opened the channel to the flight deck. The Chief's square jaw and half smoked cigar were thrust into the camera below a pair of eyes the color of storm clouds. “Chief,” I said.
“Admiral,” he growled back at me.
“It was sabotage,” I said. “There was some sort of computer feedback loop designed to keep the pilot from interfacing with the ship and according to my technical officer it was deliberate.”I watched the thunderheads gather in the Chiefs eyes. “We've sent you all the data we've got and Wil's coming in on remote.” I was watching the Chief and I saw the muscles of his jaw clamp into a hard wall from the corner of bone below the ear to the top of his head beneath his perfect silver crew cut. He knew how it happened. He didn't do it, but I'd bet my last credit that he knew exactly how it had been done. “Chief.” I said and watched him glare at me. “He's liable to be a bit,” I leaned in to hold the Chief's eyes, “upset.”
He chewed his cigar.
“I need you to get to the bottom of this, Chief. I know Wil can be a bit,” I sucked that front canine again, “abrasive? But this is unacceptable. These guys put their lives in my hands when they get into one of my fighters.”
“I get it, Admiral,” he growled at me, not quite able to say the word 'admiral' without it sounding like foul language. I watched him look up and survey the flight deck with death in his eyes. Then he looked back at me. “I might need to hire a couple more hands when this is all said and done.”
“Just keep me in the loop ...” I said and he cutt comms, “ … Chief.” It occurred to me that there were very few people that could get away with that. The Chief and Calon Bro, neither of whom were officers, were at the top of that very short list, though. Odd.
A moment later I looked over my shoulder at Kleo Rana, who'd taken it upon herself to stay close at hand. “Gunny,” I said and she looked not quite at, more like 'through' me. “I want a couple peacekeepers on that flight deck. Wil's armed.”
“Already taken care of, sir.” She stated, matter-of-fact. “He's to be escorted directly to sick bay.”
“Huh,” I grunted. “Well, all right.” I knew I liked her. She nodded at me and went back to surveying the bridge with her version of the thousand yard stare.
A few minutes later and Wil was aboard. I had already decided I was going to leave the Destiny to watch the House and had my new Hyperion jump into sector. As it was entering transporter range Sayleen asked to speak to me in private again. So a moment later we stepped into my ready room.
“You're going off alone?”
“I was thinking I'd bring Gunnery Sergeant Rana and several marines with me.”
“Drake you just beat the hell out of that ship. What if something goes wrong?”
I smirked. “I'm sure you'll be monitoring me the whole time.”
“I'm not joking,” she said.
“I intend to turn that into my personal ship,” I said. “That means having it repaired and outfitted with all of my favorite equipment. I'm going to Legend's Home. The first thing I'm going to do is have it repaired at the OTAS shipyard, I'm sure they'll love to look over one these Hyperion's anyway. They might even give me a break on the price. Then I'll hit the Split EQ in Thuruk's Beard, the Teladi EQ in Company Pride and then finally the Terracorp HQ in Home of Light. I'm sure between all of those stops and all of the computers and technicians looking it over that everything will get straightened out. I also intend to pick up a crew. While I'm about all of this I'm going to spend some of our ill gotten gain building several Wasp missile factories. So the Endless and Wide Load will be shuttling back and forth between the Military Complex and Legend's Home and I'll need to be there to supervise construction. Wildcat's out of commission. I don't trust the sector to just one Tenjin so that means bringing in more guns. Ea't and Z'ppt, Ps'y Ct'ic, Alex Murray and Edison are all busy. The Tiamat is watching the Military Complex. That leaves the Destiny. So there you go. Your first assignment as Captain of the Destiny is to make sure my weed complex doesn't get shot at while avoiding any unnecessary conflict. Please,” I actually lifted my hands in front of my chest, “be bored.”
“Stars, Drake!” she said and shook her head. “How do you even keep all that straight in your head?”
“I imagine you describing an afternoon in engineering would sound much the same way to me.” She was still processing that when I stepped in and kissed her. “I'll be back in a few hours. Until then the Destiny is yours.” I then walked away leaving Sayleen in the ready room with her mouth open. On the bridge I looked at Gunnery Sergeant Rana, “Gunny.”
“Put together a team of five, including yourself, to accompany me on the Hyperion.”
“Yes sir,” she nodded.
“I'm flying over ahead of you,” I said. “Make it happen.”
“Aye aye, sir.” She saluted me and marched away.

768-05-15 15:43
So, I've spent the last several hours having this ship repaired and outfitted. It's been fully equipped with all the software I or anyone I decide to put in charge of it may need plus a very expensive Split Turbo Boost system. It currently sports four CIG's as a main battery with a secondary grouping of four PBG's with HEPT's and PAC's in the turrets. It may be a bit too heavy on the power generators and I'm thinking of replacing some of the energy based weapons with EBC's for energy maintenance. It's also carrying enough ordinance to level a small sector. I've decided to name it the “Magus.”
While I was out and about though I discovered something that may result in the Teladi developing an attitude with us again. Namely Ianamus Zura.
http://i1123.photobucket.com/albums/l55 ... tion01.jpg
http://i1123.photobucket.com/albums/l55 ... tion02.jpg
The sec def consists of nothing but some M4's and M5's. There's nothing even remotely resembling a threat. On the other hand there are four TL's in the sector, three of which are civilian. A Hospital Ship, a Casino, an Arena, and a Supply Albatross. Approximately fifty million credits in juicy, delicious, predominantly unarmed capital ship … with nothing to stop me but neighborly good will. I have a feeling our relationship with the Teladi may be getting strained in the near future.
Anyway, in between my visits to various EQ's and corporation HQ's I've been visiting the Military Complex to oversee the construction of several new production lines. Over the last several hours I've had the Endless and the Wide Load build:
2 x Cattle Ranch L
2 x Cahoona Bakery L
2 x Wasp Missile Factory
and Heh heh heh,
2 x Firestorm Torpedo Factory (NUKES!!!)
and tie them into the complex. I was having such a good time in fact that I decided to grant a request from my spacefuel dependent CAG and added
1 x Wheat Farm L
1 x Spacefuel Distillery L
to the House of Dreams.
While I was there I saw the necessity for guards once again.
http://i1123.photobucket.com/albums/l55 ... ties01.jpg
I think I just figured out where I went wrong looking for candidates for guard duty. I need the addicts. Z'ppt and Ps'y would make excellent guards for the House of Dreams. They have ulterior motives. Ea't s'Quid and Wil Stead only want to destroy their enemies. To them I need to provide battle. I think I may even allow Ea't to start hunting in Hatikvah's Faith and Nopileos Memorial. It will keep him occupied and provide a potential source of income depending on what he picks up. Also, considering he'll primarily be targeting the Boron in all likelihood he'll bring back dinner. Hmm. That reminds me. I wonder if I should have one of those Krispy Fried Boron franchises built in the House of Dreams or if that would hurt my profits? I bet Ea't would guard the damn complex then! Hmm. I think it would hurt my profits, though. At the moment the House is utterly neutral and I sell to all races, including the Boron and the Paranid. Yes, even the Paranid. I will happily take their money.
Ok. Anyway. That's the easy stuff. That was even fun. The hard part of the day is still before me. Ea't has sent word that he has traveled the length and breadth of the known universe and Z'ppt has scoured every known pirate base for scum and villainy willing to work for us. They have exhausted all options and have acquired a grand total of nine pilots (apparently there were more but they keep killing each other) and wants to know if he can drop them off and go hunt Boron. I sense a lack of enthusiasm for the task at hand. I send word back that he can bring them to the Destiny but I'm not yet ready to cut him loose on the Boron. Yet.
Crap. I suppose this means I have to go meet them. Well maybe … no. I have to meet them. I intend to put some of these … people … in the co*ckpits of eight million credit fighters. I should really meet them. Of course if I don't I can just blame Z'ppt if something goes wrong …

768-05-15 16:04
All right. I come alongside the Destiny and beam aboard with my marines. I've found I really like Kleo Rana. She's smart, steady and quiet. She controls her people not with the bellowing threats that Calon uses but with mere eye contact. The most subtle narrowing of her eyes, the meanest compression of her lips and you'd think she'd just threatened their lives. On the other hand the most minimal smile from her and they act as if they'd just received hours of accolades. I've decided that I'm keeping her. Henceforth she will be in charge of my personal security. Mostly because it's easier to think without all the screaming. I'll let Calon know this evening.
So, the next question is where and how do I want do this? I comm the bridge. Endy answers.
“Admiral,” she hails me.
“Ms. Springer,” I return it, “where are the potential pilots?”
“Captain Selek has had them kept aboard the Leviathan until you return, Admiral,” she informed me.
“Good,” I said. That simplifies things.
“Commander Z'ppt is awaiting you in your ready room.”
I nodded. “I'll be there momentarily.” I said. I looked at Gunnery Sergeant Rana. “I want you to stick close during this.”
“Yes, sir.” she stated without so much as making eye contact.
A few moments later we stepped on to the bridge and Sayleen smiled at me. “Admiral,” she said inclining her head.
“Captain,” I said, returning the nod. “All is well, I take it?”
“I believe so,” she said. “I hope you don't mind but I had H'nt c'Pu move the lasertowers.”
I stopped walking and looked at her.
“Well, I noticed a number of pirates entering the sector on their way to the base in the west, and despite not being a threat to us they were flagging as hostile and the lasertowers would fire upon them and in many cases destroy them.”
I nodded.
“Well, they weren't a threat to us, and I'm sure firing upon them wasn't encouraging good relations so … “
I nodded. “Where are they now?”
“Guarding the approach to the House of Dreams.”
I nodded. “Good thinking.” I smiled and took another step toward my ready room.
“Drake?” She said quietly. I looked up.
“Your … “ she frowned. “That woman, Hayla, has been demanding to see you. She's rather insistent.”
I'm not sure what crossed my face or appeared in my eyes but Sayleen took a step back. “Lock the doors to her room. Disable the comm and ignore her.”
Sayleen nodded and I continued walking. A moment later I was entering the ready room. Z'ppt and Calon Bro were standing at the window and turned to face me as I entered. Gunny Rana immediately stepped off to the left side of the door and put her back to the wall. Anyone entering would look at the rest of us and likely not see her. I nodded to myself. Then I walked up, nodded at Calon, “Master Gunnery Sergeant,” and clasped wrists with Z'ppt. “You're search bore fruit?” I asked.
He took a breath and rolled his eyes slightly. “They are crude,” he said.
I nodded. “I was expecting as much.” I looked at the three couches facing the window. They were set up in a square 'u' around a simple faux-glass table. I looked up and realized I didn't have anyone to give the order to. Hmm. Endy would have to do. I opened comms with Endy Springer and asked her to have Chef send someone to the ready room. Then I gestured to the couches. A moment later we were all seated and Z'ppt handed me the datapad with all of the names. “Anyone worth looking at?” I asked.
“All of them. I only brought those that bioscanner agreed with. Those with stories that failed Ea't took great pleasure in throwing from ship.”
I chuckled. “I'm sure he did.” I smirked. “Does he really want to chase down Boron this late in the day?”
“I think so. Yes.” Z'ppt looked right at me. “He's been restless.”
I sighed. “Ok, so what do you have for me?”
“Jim Kellar,” he said.
I looked up and met his eye. “What do you think of him?” I asked.
He nodded. “I like him.” He said. “I talked with him yesterday, and asked Endy to research his background. He can fly a fighter,” Z'ppt said, “and I think we should try him in Tenjin,” he held my eye though, “but with him, Bomber might be better fit. He also has training to Captain a missile frigate.”
“Really?” I asked, just out of habit. I had read his background already. Z'ppt nodded. “I'll keep that in mind. Ok,” I said, “well I suppose we should get him out that jail cell then. Have quarters arranged for him.” Z'ppt nodded and I looked at Calon. “I'm sure I don't have to tell you that security needs to be stepped up a bit?” He held my eye. “Common areas are fine but I don't want anyone that doesn't belong in any of the sensitive areas of the ship. That means guards at the bridge, engineering, the hangar deck, the armory … all of it. Anywhere someone might be able to cause mischief is under lock and key.”
“I've got it,” he said, then, “Sir.”
I was looking back to Z'ppt when one of Chef's stewards arrived. I made eye contact and said, “Water and fresh glasses. Enough for … “ I looked at Z'ppt with the question.
“Nine,” he said.
I looked back at the Steward and said, “Twelve.” The steward nodded and vanished. “Ok, so who's next?”
“Jake and Kyle Sillarn,” he said, pointing at the datapad. “The brothers.”
I looked it over. “You like them?”
“Yes,” he nodded. “I like temperaments and both say they can handle heavy fighters and bioscanner confirms.”
I nodded. “Alright,” I said. “Let's meet them.”
“Wait.” It was Gunny Rana. We all looked up, Z'ppt and I with identical expressions of confusion and Calon with a nod of respect. She was on her wrist comm and crossing the room. A moment later she looked at me. “I'm sorry, Sir, but I'd like several more men in the room before you begin bringing potential threats aboard.”
I nodded and a moment later she allowed four more marines into the room and had them take up positions around the room. Then she addressed Z'ppt. “Do they know where they are?” She asked.
“No, they've been kept in a closed room.”
“Then we should keep it that way.” She looked at me and I used the controls in the couch to turn the window black and opaque. Then she asked, “have they all been disarmed?”
Z'ppt nodded. “There were several incidents earlier.” He said. “After Ea't had one shot the rest gave up their weapons.”
“Were they searched?”
“No,” he answered.
She was on the comm again arranging several marines to beam over to the Leviathan and search all of the applicants. I looked at Calon while this was going on. “I'm keeping her.” I said.
“I thought you might.” He rumbled back at me.
“Yes,” she was saying. “The Sillarn brothers.” Several minutes later she looked at me and nodded. Then she coordinated with the bridge and had them beamed into the room in between all of us and the window.
“Well. Well. Jake my bro,” one of them said. “I do believe we're here.”
“Yes, my sibling I do believe you're right.” They were both tall and lean with dark hair and eyes sporting sparse bristles on their chins.
“Welcome,” I said and gestured to the empty couch beside them. “Have a seat, please.” They both did while taking in the entire room with quick, nervous glances. The steward had re-appeared and was setting a pitcher of water and a tray of glasses on the table in front of us. With a single finger I gestured for him to remain close by but out of the way. He inclined his head and backed up out of the way. I looked back to the brothers. “Can I offer you anything?” I asked. I gestured to the water. “Something to drink?” They both smiled nervously and looked from me to each other and then both reached out to fill up a glass each. When they were done and giving me their attentions again I said, “My name is Drakhar.” I gestured. “This is my ship. Do you know why you're here?” I asked.
“You're looking for pilots.” It was the one that the other had named Jake.
I nodded. “Specifically,” I said, “I am looking for fighter pilots.” I gestured to Z'ppt. “You've already met my CAG … “
“What's a CAG?” It was the other, Kyle. The first elbowed him in a very brotherly way, telling him to shut up.
I smiled. “It's an acronym.” I said. “It stands for 'Commander Air Group.' It's just a short and easy way of saying that Commander Z'ppt is in charge of all my fighters. Which, right now, doesn't amount to much.” Z'ppt raised his eyebrows and nodded. “You see, I've been stealing all of his pilots and reassigning them.” They were both taking this all in with exact same expression. It was charming, somehow. “Which,” I continued, “is were you come in.”
“What would we be doing?” Jake asked.
“You'd be flying … “ I looked at Z'ppt.
“Tenjins.” He supplied and I nodded and looked back at the brothers.
“... heavy fighters for me. With all that might entail. I supply the ships, the weapons and the ordinance. You supply the skill.”
They'd both raised their eyebrows and then looked at each other. After a moment they looked back at me and Jake asked, “You're looking for combat pilots?”
“Yes,” I said.
They exchanged another look. It was amazing how much could be communicated without words between people that knew each other. The slightest twitch of an eyebrow asked 'what do you think?' The meanest tilt of the head said 'I don't know it depends.' They then both looked back at me.
“What are you paying?” Jake asked me.
“A hundred thousand credits a day each,” I said, “and a percentage of the take.”
“Take?” Jake echoed.
My eye narrowed and I smiled dangerously. “You do know what we do, don't you?”
I watched as the exact same expression of understanding spread across both of their faces. They looked at each other again and then back to me. “You're them?” Jake said with something like awe.
“The Phantoms,” Kyle said in the same tone.
“Phantoms?” Calon growled.
I laughed. “Aye,” I said and he looked at me. “It seems we've acquired a reputation.”
“You are them!” Kyle said. They exchanged another glance, this time both of them with open mouths. They looked back at me.
I smiled. “So?”
“If we say no?” Jake asked.
I glanced at the darkened window and nodded. “We return you to wherever we found you and go our separate ways. No harm done.”
“Can we think about it?”
I glanced at Calon and he shook his head ever so slightly. I looked back at them. “Feel free to talk about it here, but I'm afraid I need your answer before you go. Which brings up another point. If you say no, here and now, that's fine. I'll have you brought back to wherever we found you and all is well and good.” I leaned in to emphasize my point. “If you say yes, though, I can make you rich. I can make you a part of a family. I can give you ships to fly and an opportunity to be a part of something grand.” I looked at Calon and he nodded almost imperceptibly. I looked back to the two of them, and looked right in Jake's eye. “But if you say yes, and I let you see our operation, if you learn the locations of our bases, if you learn our strengths and our weaknesses … you don't get to back out.” I stared at him and waited for what I was saying to register. After a moment his mouth opened and he glanced past me at Gunny Rana and the marines in the room. “Do you understand me?” I asked him.
He met my eye again and nodded. Then he took his brothers arm and pulled him a short way away from us and they began talking in hushed voices. I looked at Z'ppt and Calon. Then I asked no one in particular. “What time is it?”
“Sixteen thirty, Sir” Gunny Rana said from behind my left shoulder.
I looked back at Z'ppt. “If we do this one at a time it's going to take all night.”
“What do you want to do?”
“We've got seven left?” I said and he nodded. I looked at Gunny Rana. “You alright with me bringing three or four of them over at a time?” I watched her glance at Calon for a split second and then she seemed to do a quick calculation in her head. Then she nodded.
“That's fine, Sir,” she said.
“All right,” I looked at Z'ppt. “That's what we'll do then. Four then three.” Just as I said this I got the impression the brothers had reached a conclusion and turned my head to look at them. Jake was looking like he wasn't sure about what he was about to say. Kyle was behind him looking right at me.
“One hundred thousand credits a day?” Jake asked and I nodded. He looked at his brother again, who nodded and gave him a 'go on' look. Jake turned back to me and took a deep breath. “Ok,” he said. “We're in.”
I held his eye and raised an eyebrow. “You're sure?” I asked.
He looked at his brother and Kyle stepped past him. “We're in,” he said.
I smiled. “All right.” I said. Then I looked at Calon.
“You boys sleeping together or separate?” Calon growled and I watched with amusem*nt as they both seemed to shrink a little from my very coarse Master Gunnery Sergeant.
“Separate,” Jake said while Kyle simultaneously said, “together.” They looked at each other and Jake gave him a you've got to be kidding me look and after a moment Kyle said, “Separate.”
Calon grumbled something that sounded vulgar and opened comms, “Two coming out. Separate rooms.” He looked at them again with something that resembled disgust. “Adjacent if possible.” I glanced back to Jake and Kyle and saw the doubts forming.
“Don't mind him,” I said. “He's like that with everyone.” Calon grumbled again. “Including me.” I offered.
Calon pointed at the doors that led into the Captain's mess which had just opened to reveal a pair of fully armed marines. “That way,” he growled at them and I watched, again with amusem*nt, as they left the room with frequent glances back over their shoulders … mostly at Calon. Z'ppt had just finished talking with someone I assume was Ea't.
He looked back at me with a sigh. “We've lost another one,” he said.
“They're just dropping like flies aren't they?”
Z'ppt shrugged. “Several of them are,” he shrugged, “dangerous.”
“Which?” Gunny Rana asked.
Z'ppt looked at her.
“Which of them are dangerous?” she clarified.
“All of them,” he said. Then he leaned over and picked up the data pad. “But,” he pulled up a file and showed it to her. “This one in particular.”
“Rosel,” she nodded. Then she looked up at me. “I'd like him brought over alone.”
I nodded. Z'ppt commed over to the Leviathan and several moments later an Argon male was beamed over in front of us. He was a big guy, in the neighborhood of a hundred and ninety centimeters (6' 3”) tall and ninety kilograms (240lbs) in weight. He had very short hair and a beard the same length. He was looking around with an expression of complete disinterest. He glanced at me but then seemed to take in the half dozen marines in the room. His eyes lingered on Calon longest of all and as they did he sucked one of his front teeth.
“Mister Rosel?” I said and gestured to the couch across from me.
“Mister?” he echoed derisively. Then he stepped over to the couch and collapsed on it, kicking one foot out in front of him.
“Can I offer you something to drink?” I asked.
He glanced at the water and then looked at me. “Got anything harder?”
“Spacefuel?” I asked.
He pursed his lips and nodded. “Yeah,” he said. “That'll do.”
I glanced at the steward who disappeared to fetch it. Then I picked up the datapad and looked over what he'd told Ea't and Z'ppt already and what Endy had been able to find over the net. Ex Argon military. Freelanced for the Split. Considered too hostile by both. I looked up at him. “That's impressive,” I said.
“What's that?”
“Your contract with the Split was terminated because they considered you too hostile.”
“I didn't realize that was possible.”
“Actually,” he said, “they considered me 'dangerously unstable.'” He said it and grinned. “I was working for Family Zyarth and there was a border dispute with Family Njy. I was using a welding laser to cut hull panels off the ship. They decided this was an indication of an 'unstable' and 'hyper-aggressive' personality.”
“Is it?” I asked.
He looked at me as if I was a moron. “Well, yeah!” The steward had stepped up beside him and was pouring the spacefuel into a glass. Rosel took the bottle from him and upended it into his lips. I watched several rivulets run down the side of his face. “Aaah!” he said, taking the bottle away from his mouth. He looked at me. “So you the prick that runs this gig?”
I smirked. “I would be said prick, yes.”
“So, you're looking for fighter pilots.”
“I'm looking for fighter pilots than work me, yeah.”
He looked around and sniffed through his right nostril. Then he stared at me and hit the bottle of fuel again. As he took it away from his mouth he blinked. “That's good sh*t,” he said.
“You're welcome.”
“All right, so what are you paying, cuz I don't work for free!”
“One hundred thousand credits a day plus a percentage of the take.” I said. “My ship. My guns. My ordinance.”
He nodded and seemed to be fishing something from behind a back tooth with his tongue. He nodded and seemed to be rolling it around in his head. “A hundred thousand a day?”
I nodded.
“Plus a part of the take?”
I nodded.
“And I get to blow sh*t up for you?”
I smirked. “I'm sure it can be arranged.”
He looked around at the marines and then at Calon and his gaze stuck. After a moment I could feel the tension growing between them.
“So!” I said, shocking the both of them and when … I looked at the data pad again … Roger Rosel looked at me again I said, “So there's the offer. Take it or leave it.”
“You need an answer now?”
“Yeah,” I said, “'fraid so.”
“What if I say no?”
I chuckled and looked at Calon. “Why do they always ask that?” He growled something unintelligible. I looked back at Roger Rosel. “You walk away.” I said. “We take you back to wherever you came from and you go your way.” Then I told him the same thing I told the Sillarn brothers. “But if you say 'yes' you don't get to back out later.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means you don't get to learn where I live and then go tell my enemies.”
“So if I take the job … ?”
“You keep it,” Calon growled at him. “Or your ass is mine.”
I saw Rosel starting to get up. All around the room weapons were co*cked and raised. Calon started to grin.
“Enough!” I was on my feet. Everyone was looking at me. I looked at Calon and let my eye burn him. He held it for a moment before looking away. Then I looked back at Rosel and let him see it too. “This is MY house!” I thundered. “Sit down.” I hissed. He did. “Work for me and I'll make you rich. Say no and you walk away.” I pointed my cane at him. “But don't frak with me.”
He looked me up and down and after a moment he nodded. “So if I say yes, then what?”
“You'll take orders from him.” I nodded at Z'ppt. “For the time being you'd live here but that could change soon.”
He was nodding. He was amused. “Alright.” He said. “I'm in.”
I looked right at him. Or maybe I looked through him. “You understand what you're agreeing to?”
He smirked and flicked another glance up and down my frame. “Yeah,” he said and shrugged. “I always wanted to work for the best and rumor has it that's you.”
I stared at him for a moment. “Aboard my ship you will behave.”
He gave me an open mouthed grin that said we'll see clear as day. I looked at Z'ppt and raised my eyebrow. He shrugged in a you're call way and I nodded. I looked back at Rosel.
“I'm not sure about you,” I said, “but I'm game if you are. It is your life after all.”
“Well all right!” He said, and I'll be damned if he didn't look smug. “Where's the party?!”
I looked at Calon and nodded. Calon stood up and after a brief visual exchange with Gunny Rana he looked at Rosel and said, “follow me.”
I watched them leave the room together with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. “Now that is just not going to end well for somebody.” I said and looked back at Z'ppt, who just shrugged. “All right,” I sighed. “Who's next?”
“Elizabeta Montigia, Lu t'nkt, and Eric James,” Z'ppt said.
“Any chance we can just bring 'em all over and get this done?”
“No, Sir,” Gunny Rana said. “Six is too many.”
I squinted. It suddenly occurred to me that Gunny Rana might actually be worse than both Sayleen and Malcolm put together. I took a deep breath. “No,” I said. “I want this over.” I looked at her. “I want you to beam over to the Leviathan. Do what you need to do to secure the situation then call me. I want to address all of them at the same time.”
“Instead of beaming over there,” she said, “beam them into a cell in the brig. Then address them over the comm.”
“Doesn't show a lot of trust,” I said.
“We don't trust them.” She stated.
“Well, there is that.” I chuckled. “All right.” I nodded. “Make it happen.”

768-05-15 16:57
So it was about fifteen minutes later and I was marching into the brig with Z'ppt and Gunny Rana. Calon had finished saying whatever he had to say to Roger Rosel and had rejoined me right before I reached the brig.
“Enjoy yourself?”
He gave me a flat stare. I nodded and let it drop. A moment later I was stepping into the brig and turning to face the six people in the cell to my right. Just as I did so I saw a beautiful woman. She was absolutely luminous. Her skin was pale and fair and she was looking right at me like some sort of doll. Just as our eyes met an Argon man stepped up behind her and cupped her breasts. It was obvious he hadn't noticed us and I was reaching for the comm to inform him he was offending me when she reached up and touched his neck. A moment later he was falling backward and blood was spilling over his chest like a bib.
“What the frak?” Calon said from beside me.
I was still staring at her. She'd never even broke eye contact. I watched the corners of her mouth curl up ever so slightly and she turned her hand around so I could see the razor between her fingers. Behind her the man was gagging and sliding down the wall. I turned to Z'ppt. “Who is that?” I asked.
“Eric James,” he said.
“No.” I said. “Not the filth. The woman.”
“Oh,” he said and looked down at the datapad. “Elizabeta Montigia.” He said. “Argon. Twenty four years old. Just discharged from the Argon military for emotional instability. Nova pilot.”
The others in the cell had distanced themselves from her. Behind her the groper was gasping his last breaths at the bottom of a red streak on the wall. Elizabeta Monitgia was looking me right in the eye smiling a doll's smile. Without looking away from her I asked, “who are the rest of them?”
“The one in the hat is 'Lance Bowden,'” Z'ppt said and I was vaguely aware of a smiling man to my left with his back and one foot against the wall. He was shaking his head gently and saying something I couldn't hear. “The Teladi is,” Z'ppt frowned beside me. “Quistodes Fabricat Vintner the hundred and fourteenth.”
That snapped me away from Elizabeta's hypnotizing face. “What?!” I said and looked at the datapad in Z'ppt's hands.
“That's what is says, boss,” he said.
“Bloody Teladi and their names.” I shook my head and looked back to the cell, and her face. Oh, this might be a problem.
“He's not much of a combat pilot,” Z'ppt said. “But he seems to have extensive connections in the black market I thought might be useful.”
“He might get along with Slots.” I said, looking at the girl again. Her beauty was hypnotizing.
“The other human is Fred “Falkirion” Majors. He's Argon ex military as well. A scout. The Split is Lu t'tnkt, ex Split miltary, Mamba Pilot. The other one … “
“Is dead and therefor irrelevant.” I cut him off.
Z'ppt nodded. All right. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Then I looked at Z'ppt and nodded. He turned on the intercom and I turned back to the cell and deliberately looked each of them in the eyes, trying to avoid Elizabeta. It didn't work. My eyes just kept returning to her face. Dark, nearly black hair, fair skin and that doll's smile. It wasn't lust I was feeling but a strange fascination. I couldn't explain it. I also couldn't seem to keep my eyes off her.
“So,” I said, “at this point you should all know why you're here. I need combat fighter pilots. The pay is a hundred thousand credits a day plus a percentage of the take. I don't know the exact percentage … “
“Point six percent,” Z'ppt said.
“There you have it,” I said. “Point six percent. It might not sound like much but we go after big targets. Arenas. Casinos. Warships. This morning we took two Paranid Ares and a Hyperion Vanguard. We kept the Hyperion but sold the frigates for sixty million credits. I don't know what that amounts to ...”
“Three hundred and sixty thousand,” Z'ppt said.
I glanced at him and nodded. “Three hundred and sixty thousand, plus the hundred thousand for the day and that's four hundred and sixty thousand. Nearly half a million for a days work flying somebody else's fighter, shooting somebody else's guns, firing somebody else's missiles and sleeping on somebody else's ship. Take it or leave it but I need your answer now. Walk away right now and all is well but if you accept my offer that's it.” They started to stand up and face me. I saw scowls and raised eyebrows. “You don't get to learn my secrets and walk away with them.” I cut the intercom and looked at Z'ppt. “I'll let you take their answers.” I looked one last time at Elizabeta Montigia, who was still smiling at me, then I left the compartment.
“What time is it?” I asked Gunny Rana.
“Seventeen ten, Sir,” she said.
“Thanks,” I said. “I knew there was a reason I'm tired.”


Drakhar Military Complex
2 x XL Solar Power Plant (150% production)
1 x Silicon Mine L (Yield 55)
1 x Silicon Mine L (Yield 22)
1 x Silicon Mine L (Yield 21)
1 x Silicon Mine L (Yield 12)
1 x Silicon Mine L (Yield 08 )
1 x Ore mine L (Yield 50)
1 x Ore mine L (Yield 34)
3 x Crystal Fab L
1 x Crystal Fab M
2 x Cattle Ranch L
2 x Cahoona Bakery L
6 x Sun Oil Refinery L
6 x Flower Farm L
2 x Wasp Missile Factory
5 x Typhoon Missile Factory
3 x Flail Missile Production Facility
3 x Hammer Torpedo Fabrication Facility
2 x Firestorm Torpedo Factory

Drakes House of Dreams
1 x L Solar Power Plant (100% production)
1 x L Silicon Mine (45 silicon asteroid)
1 x L Crystal Fab
1 x L Flower Farm
1 x L Sun Oil Refinery
2 x L Dream Farm
2 x L Bliss Place
1 x Wheat Farm L
1 x Space Fuel Distillery

M7 – Cerberus “Destiny” (Sayleen Selek)
M7 – Panther “Tiamat” (Malcolm Roberts)
M7M – Ares “Ma Mort D'Ami” (Lucifer)
M6+ - Heavy Osprey “Last Word” (Alex Murray)
M6+ - Heavy Dragon “Leviathan” (Ea't s'Quid)
M6+ - Hyperion Vanguard “Magus” (Drake)
M6+ - Hyperion Vanguard “Sirrush” (Ps'y Ct'ic)
M3+ Tenjin “Warlock” (Drake)

White Wing (Destiny)
M3+ Tenjin “Ferron” (Z'ppt)
M3+ Tenjin “Wildcat” (Wil Stead)
M3+ Tenjin “Ripjaw” (H'nt c'Pu)

Red Wing (Sirrush)
M3+ Tenjin “Triskellion” (Ps'y Ct'ic)
M3+ Tenjin “Phoenix” (Edison Maxwell)

M3+ Tenjin “Tenjin 01”
M3+ Tenjin “Tenjin 02”
M3+ Tenjin “Tenjin 03”
M3+ Tenjin “Tenjin 04”
M3 – Falcon Sentinel
M3 – Falcon Hauler 01
M3 – Falcon Hauler 02
M3 – Eclipse
M4 – Elite
M5 – Jaguar Raider
M5+ - Kestrel “Kestrel 01”
M5+ - Kestrel “Kestrel 02”
M5+ - Kestrel “Kestrel 03”
M5+ - Kestrel “Kestrel 04”
M5+ - Kestrel “Kestrel 05”
M5+ - Kestrel “Kestrel 06”
M5+ - Kestrel “Kestrel 07”

TL – Elephant “Endless”
TL – Hercules “Wide Load”
TM – Pelican “Mother”
TM – Pelican
TS - Caiman Hauler “Tag Along”
TS - Demeter “Beggar's Solace”
TS - Vulture Tanker “renamed - Outfitter”
TS - Mercury Hauler “Go'Fer”
TP - Hermes “Drakhar Employee Shuttle 01”
TP - Hermes “Drakhar Employee Shuttle 02”
TP - Iguana Vanguard

11,474,216 Credits – Personal Account
4,653,075 Credits - House of Dreams

[TC] FROM NOTHING, A Rogue's Tale - Book I [COMPLETED] - Page 24 (2024)


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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Author information

Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.