Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (2024)

Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (1)

Having a new notebook is a fantastic feeling, until you come to write on the first page. An empty notebook has so much potential, what will you fill the pages with? Of course, the first page is no different to any other page, but for some reason it can feel daunting.

Why is writing on the first page of a notebook so hard?

A common reason people find it hard to start the first page is uncertainty about how or what to write, perhaps mingled with not knowing how you’ll use the book in the future. Some people worry about making mistakes. The pressure to make a good impression on the first page, which may be seen more than other page, can be daunting and lead to anxiety about getting it just right. Lastly, there may be a sense of reluctance to ruin something that looks clean and untouched.

Here are some suggestions, to deal with these worries:

  1. Just start: Sometimes, taking that initial step and putting words on the page, no matter how imperfect, can help overcome the fear and get into a flow.
  2. Practice: If starting directly on the first page feels too intimidating, try practicing elsewhere—whether it’s in a separate document or in another notebook—until you feel more comfortable.
  3. Do the same thing in each book: Establishing a routine or specific format when starting each notebook can create familiarity so you being with confidence.

Ideas for the first page of a new notebook

  1. Copy in a headline from today’s news (get it from a newspaper or website)
  2. Write a list of wishes
  3. Intentionally leave it blank (I often do this as the first page of a journal is often bound differently so is less comfortable to write on)
  4. Write a list of things you are grateful for
  5. Stick in a photograph or picture of yourself
  6. Explain the notebook theme and why you chose it
  7. Complete a questionnaire about yourself e.g. weight, height, where you live
  8. Explain the people who you may mention in the book e.g. family tree, groups by association like work, list any abbreviations you use to refer to people such as initials
  9. Add your personal contact details (just in case you leave it somewhere)
  10. Write a prayer, mediation or affirmation, something that describes your current spiritual outlook
  11. Leave it blank so you can add a review or synopsis of the notebook once you’ve filled it
  12. Stick in a year summary calendar (potentially useful if you use a blank notebook instead of a dated one)
  13. Stick in a favourite picture
  14. Keep a store of useful information e.g. frequently used telephone numbers
  15. Write a summary of your goals or your mission statement
  16. Explain how you got the notebook e.g. gift from friend, bought on holiday
  17. Keep a list e.g. books read, countries visited
  18. Write a greeting to the book, possibly including an agreement about when, where and how you’ll use it
  19. Explain the notebooks purpose e.g. dream journal, to capture ideas while travelling
  20. Write a summary of your current situation e.g. where you live, job, relationships
  21. Write your feelings about the notebook and what you hope it will contain
  22. Copy in a favourite poem or lyric
  23. Write a favourite quote
  24. List of journaling prompts you want to be able to access easily
  25. Start straight into a journal entry
  26. Cover the pages with a collection of stickers
  27. Create a time capsule by answering the same prompts in every journal you start.

BONUS: If you’re writing a specific pandemic journal you could start with

  • a description of Covid-19
  • when and how you first heard about the virus
  • a map showing how it has spread around the world
  • why you want to keep a pandemic journal
  • a history of how the pandemic started

Ideas if you don’t like your first page

What if you write the wrong thing? What if your writing is messy? What if you decide you want to use the notebook for a different purpose? These all feel valid when you’re sitting in front of notebook, but when you really think about it, it is just a notebook. There are lots of things you can do if you decide you don’t like what you did on the first page.

  • tear the page out (but first think about if you really want to remove it)
  • cover the page with a picture so you can’t see what is underneath
  • stick the page to the preceeding page
  • annotate the page with a description of why you no longer like it
  • decorate the page e.g. coloured patterns, stickers
  • write a new first page and stick it over the top

Your ideas for the first page of a journal

Thank you to everyone who has written a comment sharing what you do on the first page. There are many great ideas that I haven’t considered and I love the variety; some are written as inspiration at the start of the journal, others are factual and others provide a comparison of yourself over time.

So if you are feeling daunted, here are more ideas on what to do with the first page:

  1. List of goals or the things you are aiming to achieve
  2. List of quotes
  3. List of writing prompts
  4. Write a paragraph explaining the purpose of the journal
  5. Favourite quote
  6. Summary of your life so far
  7. Quote lyrics to a song that relates to the journal
  8. Create a collage to visualise your intention for the journal – from Christina
  9. Date started and finished the journal – from Emma
  10. Write something personal and tear out the page – from AH
  11. Sign the page each time you write in the journal
  12. Add a picture of yourself, friends and family
  13. Write about your feelings about yourself, the things you love and the key people in your life
  14. Dedicate the book to your self-discoveryprocess – from Nancy Andres
  15. Introduce yourself.

How do I start my journals?

The first page is no different to the rest of the journal, so I write my first journal entry, although I usually make an effort to write neater. I do like the idea of writing an introduction at the start of every journal so I can compare how I’ve changed and developed over time, but I haven’t started this yet.

What do you do on the first page of a journal? Do you do anything special? Have you done this consistently over time? Have you every wanted to remove or redo a first page?

Frequently asked questions

What is so important about the first page?

Truthfully there is nothing important about the first page, it is just the same as any other page in the journal. However, it is a page that you could see often when you open the book so you might want to do something you’ll enjoy seeing. Or it can be a useful reference place if there are things you’d like to track over several books.

Do I need to do something special on the first page?

No. Your journal is your journal and you do what you want on the first page and every other page. One way of getting around seeing the first page each time you open the book is to use a bookmark to take you to the next blank page.

Do I need to do the same thing in every notebook?

No. Again, these are your books and you do what every you want. You could do something similar in the front of each book you use for the same intention, for example if you have a gardening journal start each book with a picture of your garden now. Or you can do something different in each journal, this gives you the opportunity to decide which you enjoy the most and to adapt as you grow. Or can do nothing and just start writing.

Can I use this list as things to write in a notebook?

Absolutely. This list doesn’t need to be limited to just the first page. For example, instead of just using a quote at the start of the journal, you could use one at the start each month or you can write a list of things you are grateful for each week.

Related Posts:

  • 7 different journals for children
  • Different types of journals to keep
  • How to create a pandemic journal entry
  • Manifestation Journaling: the magic to create your best life
  • How to Find the Right Journaling Time for you

by Kate Darktea Category: Journaling

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Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (7)

About Kate Darktea

I’m a working mum who understand how you feel. I work full time after making a career change a few years ago. My children do lots of activities which require lifts, and we’re renovating an old care home into our family home. I share what I learn to make it easier for you.

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Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (11)

9 years ago

I usually write a list of things I am aiming to achieve. I like these ideas. I definitely want to start writing a journal again.




Kate Darktea

9 years ago

Reply to emilytealady

I think I could be making better use of my first page because I usually don’t write anything on my first page. I like your idea of a list of what you want to achieve. Do you review it when you finish the book?


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (13)

Alexia H

8 years ago

For me, I found that leaving the 1st 3-5 pages blank for any and all interesting ideas/quotes/prompts/etc… is helpful so I never run out of journal entry ideas.



Kate Darktea

8 years ago

Reply to Alexia H

Hello Alexia,
Thank you for your comment. I’ve never left that many pages blank at the start of a notebook, in fact it took me several years before I left the very first page blank because it doesn’t lie flat very well. I like the idea of filling the first few pages with a summary of the content once you’ve finished the book.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (15)


8 years ago

On the first page of my journal, I write a little introductory paragraph, that mostly talks about what my journal is for, and I know this may seem immature, but I always write a warning about reading my journal. If you would do that, make sure to make it directed to the reader, that way, incase someone was actually snooping, they might feel guilty, and put it back. Finally, I write some basic information about me, like my name, DOB, and address. On the back of that page, I start of by my favourite quote, and I list down my goals for that year, and I keep a few empty spaces, just incase I wanted to add any goals, throughout the year.




Kate Darktea

8 years ago

Reply to Anna

Anna, that sounds like a great system. I’m not sure a warning on the first page will stop people reading if they want to, but reminding them that what they are about to read was written “in the moment” may be a worthwhile reminder that they shouldn’t get upset about what they read. I like the idea of writing your favourite quote and goals; it will be great to look back on in future years, especially if you’ve achieved most of them. I have to admit that I’m not very good at filling in the gaps in printed journals; the most I normally do is add my email address in the hope if someone fines it they will return it to me.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (17)


8 years ago

Hi! I have a blank notebook and I haven’t write anything in there. I love to write but I dont have any idea what should I write.



Kate Darktea

8 years ago

Reply to Mischa

Hello Mischa, thank you for your comment. I agree it can be a bit daunting starting a blank notebook. If you don’t know what to write in there maybe you should wait until you have a desire to write, or perhaps start by just writing about all the things you could use the notebook for and keep writing until you discover one that appeals to you. Good luck.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (19)

Davina B.

8 years ago

It is very close to the new year so I am going to make a resolution to keep a journal as a documentation of events that I feel are important.As of the new year I’m going to a new school (I am a 7th grader), so I felt this was a good time to start a serious and honest journal. I loved so many of your ideas and I have decided to make a quick summary of my life so far and add in a list of goals for my 13th year. I also thought it would be cool to quote lyrics to a song that relates to each journal entry (Awesome Right!). another thing normally do in my diaries is not mention who I am or use a code name just in case I lose it somewhere because I really don’t want some creep who knows all my deepest darkest secrets trying to friend me on Facebook! Ha Ha loved the article, you are a genius!!




Kate Darktea

8 years ago

Reply to Davina B.

Good luck Davina. I started my journal just before my 12th birthday and you can see some quotes from it that was 26 years ago so I’ve been writing for a long time. I like your idea of noting songs that are relevant for you as well, one year I tried to choose a song for each month so at the end of the year I’d have a CD of memories, but unfortunately I didn’t make the CD and I’ve lost the list.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (21)

8 years ago

I do a simple collage on the first page, with pictures from magazines, to visualise my intention for the notebook. I also use inspirational quotes, and key words 🙂



Kate Darktea

8 years ago

Reply to Cristina

Christina, that sounds like a great first page. I would love to see an example of one of your collages, have you shared any online>


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (23)

Marilyn Perkins

8 years ago

Hi Kate, I just found your list on Pinterest. I have several types of journals that I write in as and when I have something of interest or bugging me. Your ideas for a first page are both different and usable to me. I think I will be using more than one idea on the first few pages of my very new (It hasn’t arrived yet) first-time bullet journal. Thank you for your inspiration!!



Kate Darktea

8 years ago

Reply to Marilyn Perkins

Marilyn, thank you for your comment. I also have several notebooks depending on what I want to write. I haven’t kept a bullet journal but noticed I keep pinning lots of information on them so don’t think it will be too long before I give it a go.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (25)

7 years ago

Hi Kate…
Thank you for all your journaling ideas. Great ideas, btw.

Hey, I started a closed FB group called Barefoot Journaling Chronicles last year April 21, 2015 with a charter membership of 5…now running 224. We share all kinds of creative ideas for journaling, scrapbooking, and short story writing. We would love it if any of you reading this would like to join us. Just send a request and I’ll welcome you in! 🙂


~Evon Robinson



Kate Darktea

7 years ago

Reply to Evon Robinson

Evon, thank you for the comment and the heads up on your Facebook Group. I have sent a request so will hopefully see you in there.

Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (27)

7 years ago

Hi, this is a lovely post.
I always worry I will make notebooks look messy, so always end up with a pile of empty ones on my desk!
If I do ever have the courage to start one I often just put my name in nice handwriting and the date I started writing in the notebook. I sometimes leave a space to write the day I filled up all the pages too.




Kate Darktea

7 years ago

Reply to Emma

It is a shame we worry about being perfect, isn’t it Emma? A notebook is just a notebook so what will happen if we make it messy? I started reading / doing Finish this book* by Keri Smith which needs you to move outside your comfort zone and write in the book and cut up pages. She also has one called Wreck this journal.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (29)

7 years ago

Reply to Kate Darktea

I’ve got one of the Wreck this Journal books and I love it! (Although I’ve tried to make this a ‘neat kind of mess’ too haha…it didn’t work!) 🙂



Kate Darktea

7 years ago

Reply to Emma

Yes, I tried to do mine as neat as possible as well. I realised how silly this fear was when I did a week training course and I wrote all my text book annotations in pencil; did I really think at some point I would rub them all out!


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (31)

7 years ago

This is a great list! For me, I always reserve the front page for something special, but it ends up staying like that for years =/ Thanks for sharing. =]



Kate Darktea

7 years ago

Reply to Ashana Lian .

Thank you Ashana. These days I no longer see the first page as special and just write on it as if it was any other page, otherwise I also leave it blank.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (33)

[…] 23 Ideas For The First Page Of Your Journal […]


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (34)

7 years ago

This is an awesome list. I’ve written a similar post on my blog about journal prompts. Feel free to check it out!



Kate Darktea

7 years ago

Reply to AH

Thank you for the comment and the link to your list, there are some great suggestions on how to keep going with your journal. I like the idea of writing something painful and then tearing out the page, although I’m not sure I could tear a page out of my book even intentionally.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (36)


7 years ago

I haven’t started yet, but have been contemplating it. My concern is depending on what I write, what if someone else reads it. Sometimes it’s better to not have “evidence” of your thoughts. And in what tense do you write in it. I suppose any tense you want. But am I to assume someone will eventually read it…. like after I’m dead, or if a boyfriend or friend stumble upon it and end up reading some of it. And then that goes back to the beginning, what if I write terrible things about them or something and they read it.
And what do I do after I’ve written in it for awhile? Go back to the beginning and read what I wrote? It seems kind of silly to me to write all my thoughts and not have anyone read it. But at the same time, I don’t want anyone reading them. I’m confused.



Kate Darktea

7 years ago

Reply to Tina

Many many good questions Tina, and all I can offer you is my opinions.

Someone else reading your diary is a concern, but I’ve decided to trust my family, and I don’t think diaries are as interesting for someone else to read as is made out in the films. I don’t read back on my diaries, I just use the process of writing to clear my head. However, I agree it is a bit strange to write and not doing anything with it so I’ve started reading my books from 25 years ago (if you’re interested search for Words of Wisdom).

I write in a mix of tenses, depending on whether I’m writing about something in the past or future. I tend to write at night so it is mostly in the past tense about what happened that day, but when I’ve done morning pages they are often more about the future and what I’d like to happen that day.

If you decide to start, I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.



Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (38)


7 years ago

For my journal, I just wrote ‘Sincerely’ very large in the center, and every time I write something inside I sign the first page. It looks really cool with all the different utensils, and I’ve noticed that my signatures change over time!



Kate Darktea

7 years ago

Reply to Christine

That sounds like a great idea Christine. I switch between whether I want to have a very uniform journalling system with the same book and pen or variety. I admit I tend to go for variety as I’ve been given lots of my notebooks and use whatever pen is to hand and this method would highlight that each day is different.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (40)

Morgaine Swann

7 years ago

I always start my new journals with the same lyric from “Edge of Seventeen” by Stevie Nicks: “And the days go by, like a strand in the wind, in the web that is my own, I begin again…”




Kate Darktea

7 years ago

Reply to Morgaine Swann

Hello Morgaine, thank you for your comment. I like the idea of starting each book with the same quote. I’m not sure what I would pick as a lyric I’d be happy to use over a long period of time, a reason for me to spend more time listening to music.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (42)

7 years ago

Two Days Per Page Planning Notebook

[…] ttle introductory paragraph, that mostly talks about what my journal is for, and […]



Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (43)


7 years ago

For my cover and first page of my Journal, I put pictures of me, friends, family, quotes, lyrics, bands, feelings I feel about myself or who I believe I am ( my bad habits and flaws and everything else) etc. everything and anything I loved or the people I have in my life at the time when I start my journal. That way by the time I finish it I could see what changed in my life over the time or if I changed at all.



Kate Darktea

7 years ago

Reply to Venus

Hello Venus, thank you for your comment. I like your idea of adding pictures so you can see how things have changed. It must be very interesting to put your books next to each other and see the changes over time.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (45)

7 years ago

Fabulous list for the first page of a new journal or notebook. I dedicate the book to my self-discovery process. Journal writing is an exceptional self-care tool! Thanks for sharing.
Nancy Andres


Kate Darktea

7 years ago

Reply to Nancy Andres

Thank you for commenting Nancy.
I agree journal writing is good for self care, although I don’t think I make the most of that aspect. I’m currently recording the time I go to bed each night to encourage me to go earlier. How do you use yours?


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (47)

Reply to Kate Darktea

I have been journal writing for over 40 years, and have used various journals to record happy moments, process feelings, release stress, communicate with my higher power, and get in touch with inner wisdom. When I put pen to paper it helps me connect mind, body and spirit, a process that creates balance and joy in me. I even wrote and published a woman’s interactive journal, “Colors of Joy: A Woman’s Guide for Self-Discovery, Balance, and Bliss,” because I know journal writing is such a powerful way to come home to ourselves.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (48)


7 years ago

I have always liked introducing myself every time I start a new journal so when I look back at all of my journals together, I can see how my view of myself changed from the very 1st page!

These are all great ideas! 🙂



Kate Darktea

7 years ago

Reply to Alex

That is a lovely idea Alex. I have an introduction in my first diary in 1989, but haven’t done it since. I think it would be great to look back to see how you have developed over time. Do you include a photograph as well?


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (50)


7 years ago

I am reading the comments . Everyone is leaving the first pages blank. It’s a good idea, but I don’t like doing it. I write in my journals every day, and for each day I start with a page, where I write the date and than leave it blank. So at the end of the day I can write there a quote or song lyrics that talks about how my day was, or what I was thinking about. It really makes me feel free:D Sorry for my English, it’s not perfect. But in my opinion nothing on this world is perfect. Thanks for reading, have a nice day:)




Kate Darktea

6 years ago

Reply to Eszter

Thank you for your thoughts Eszter, I like your idea of adding a quote or lyric at the end of the day. Do you use ones you know or do you look for specific ones each day?


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (52)

Judy Bebb

7 years ago

I have a small book that I started about 6 years ago and every now and then I open it and on whichever page it opens at, I write how I feel that day, or just a general outpouring of my feelings. Some pages are just drawing, some just writing, some have paint etc. The book just fills organically if you like. There is no start and no finish, just random parts of my life – if that makes sense! I have realised that is it really my ‘angry’ book as it always seems to be when I am down I turn to the book, let it all out and it makes me feel better! I have other journals that are more artistic and fun, but I do like having one book which is where I can just be negative if you see what I mean, as it makes all my other work better! My life can’t be all that bad as I still have many empty pages! I used the front page to explain what the book was about – just incase anyone reading it thought I was constantly angry!



Kate Darktea

6 years ago

Reply to Judy Bebb

Hello Judy,
Thank you for your comment and details of your ‘angy’ book. It sounds very intriguing the idea of the book not having a start or end. Do you every look back at it starting at the beginning? I’m curious if you’ve noticed any patterns in what had ended up being grouped together.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (54)


7 years ago

I’m so happy I discovered this list… I was actually on your 15 Different Journals to Keep list! I tend to leave the first few pages of my journals blank. Horrendous hand writing, and a snoopy family are usually to blame, but I see a couple of these are perfect to counteract those problems! Thanks a million and a half! (:



Kate Darktea

6 years ago

Reply to Kae

Good luck with your journal writing Kae. I’m glad I could help and I hope you found a solution that works for you.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (56)

7 years ago

Lovely post!


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (57)

[…] Not sure what to do on the first blank page of your new journal? Try one of these […]


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (58)


7 years ago

I love these ideas. I will use them, no question, but it has also inspired me to make an inspiration page of my own listing some of these and other ideas as well. Thank you!



Kate Darktea

6 years ago

Reply to Suze

Thank you for the comment Suze, I’m glad you found the post useful.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (60)


6 years ago

Or just write out the year really neatly



Kate Darktea

6 years ago

Reply to Izzy

I know people do this in bullet journals so they have an easy reference, but it is not something I’ve considered for my personal writing journals. Thank you for the suggestion.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (62)

6 years ago

Details Of The Wild One Day Planner Notebook

[…] journal is for, and I know this may seem immature, but I always write a warning […]


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (63)

6 years ago

Love your list! I agree that keeping entries simple is often better. I recently published a journal to make journaling easier.




Kate Darktea

6 years ago

Reply to Jean Cogdell

Thank you for your comment Jean. I like simple and now use a lined notebook where I write the date at the top of the page and then a list of positive things from the day.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (65)

Alexis Victoria Reeves

6 years ago

I usually leave my first page blank and I don’t know why I do that but I’ve always done that. For my regular journaling, as part of my daily or on the days I journal I should say, I add a word of the day and the meaning. I just look up random words that sound interesting on the internet and jot it down. Sometimes I also share the biggest headlines that catch my attention of that day. I pick random days to list the price of gas on that particular day as well. I don’t think I have a rhyme or reason but I love to just journal how I’m feeling or what I’m thinking. It really helps when I’m mad about something and I can use my rainbow of colors to express my now.



Kate Darktea

6 years ago

Reply to Alexis Victoria Reeves

Hello Alexis, thank you for your comment. I like that you record headlines because I sometimes wonder if people look back on my journal in 100 years time will they think I was completely unaware and removed from the rest of the world. I also like that you look up words, it sounds like a great way to expand your vocabulary, do you use the new words outside your journal?


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (67)


6 years ago

Hello. Recently I’ve started including a passport photograph of myself. I typically spend 3 to 4 months in a journal and my hairstyles change, my look changes so I put a photo in.
Also included are my Bible verse for the year (the journal isn’t for religious purposes but the verse usually encourages me and I like to see it often).
I may have a quote that has caught my mind beofre starting it so will include that and then I fill in as I like or just leave it with the things I’ve mentioned.
Started daily (very loose use of the word) journaling again in 2013 and it’s been great!
Thank you for this write-up



Kate Darktea

6 years ago

Reply to Omolola

Thank you for the comment Omolola. I like the idea of including a picture of yourself. I imagine it’s fun to see a gradual change in yourself over a year and longer.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (69)


6 years ago

I just started my very first journal. On my first page I just wrote a list of journaling ideas to reflect back on, but for my first entry I wrote a list of wishes for myself. I wrote them similar to the way I would write wishes to a newly married couple or a new born baby. I think I will use the first couple of pages for inspirational quotes. Thank You for the suggestions!



Kate Darktea

6 years ago

Reply to Amy

Hello Amy,
Thank you for your comment and I’m glad you found my post useful. I used to do a lot of journaling exercises, but they are something I’ve got out of the habit of doing. However, I do like the sound of your list of wishes. Maybe it is something I’ll do when I get a new notebook.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (71)


6 years ago

I leave the first page open for any quotes I could easily come about finding in which might be of my liking or relate to my journals content. For the next page, couple of pages, or just the vary back of the first one I might put in a simple sort of like, if you will, table of contents or descriptive like state for/of each section of my journal as so I can easily find where I wrote or stopped writing of a certain time or thing. That way I can go back and either add to it, used the/that particular idea for other writing, or even daily activities such as if it were a recipe. Journals in a lot of ways are used to help keep my though,t pacifically those in danger of being forgotten and lost, in/on track. I do a lot of writing, drawing, am into music, and overall am just very VERY creative and there for are always coming up with ideas. This is great as long as I remember and keep track of my journals and notebooks instead of constantly misplacing them.



Kate Darktea

6 years ago

Reply to Molly

Hello Molly,
Your journals sounds a wonderful creative place to visit. You must get so much inspiration by looking back over past ones. I’ve sometimes thought of drawing in my journals but it is something I haven’t done yet.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (73)


5 years ago

I always put my full name the beginning entry date and the last entry date.
Then I fill it with current favorite family pictures, stickers, cut out coloring’s i’ve done.
sometimes the kids have gotten ahold of it and drawn a picture or scribbled so I draw a heart around it and the date their name and age. 🙂
Not sure why but I’ve always done it this way through all my journals starting in 1989.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (74)


5 years ago

I always draw my favorite scenes or animals on that first page so I always feel inspired when I open my book.



Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (75)


3 years ago

i just write it normally, well i do make sure it’s neat [like the rest of my journal] but i don’t write anything special.

like or reply if you do the same





Kate Darktea

3 years ago

Reply to yara

I do tend to have neater writing on the first page of a notebook.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (77)


3 years ago

I write a warning for snoopers and just write the nam eof my diary (you can name it) on the first page!



Kate Darktea

3 years ago

Reply to Rebbeca

Hello, I’ve never named my diaries, so I’m curious how you choose a name. Are they based on how they look, what you intend to write or how you feel?


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (79)

coco lucier

2 years ago

This is such a Huge Help ! Its 2021 and I have decided that I might actually start and finish a journal ..Wish me luck. I have mostly used the (to me) romantic leather wrap type and as they can be a bit wobbly I glue down a good firm piece of card stock to just toughen it up, the back I leave so Its my 3rd page I’m having to sort out 🙂

Thanks for the great ideas.



Kate Darktea

2 years ago

Reply to coco lucier

Good look with your journal, I hope this is the time to continue with it. If you stop, think of it is as a pause as you can return to the same book later.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (81)


1 year ago

I love the suggestions and ideas



Kate Darktea

1 year ago

Reply to Kerstin

Thank you. I hope you are enjoying your notebook.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (83)


1 month ago

I am starting my very first journal. I was looking for some ideas of what to write in the first page of journal, that I found this weblog…
The content and also the comments, every thing is very useful and inspiring!
Thank You For All Of Them



Kate Darktea

55 minutes ago

Reply to Shekiba

Thank you, I’m glad you found them useful. I hope you are enjoying your journal writing.


Start a journal: ideas for the first page of a new journal or notebook (2024)


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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.