Nowata Daily Star from Nowata, Oklahoma (2024)

is can is this feed such p. call. 5. 2 to a a THE DIT IN 25 MISER (OKLA.) DAILY STAR DECEMBER: 29, 1959 Clarice Sorey, Society Editor In order to assure: publication, pictures and items must be in the hands of the Society editor within five days. Phone 46 or 922 So Society (Photo Courtesy Coffeyville Journal) Will Keiths To Celebrate Their Golden Anniversary Mr.

and Mrs. Will Keith of Lena-: pah will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary Jan. 2. They will bold open house on Sunday Jan. 4, at their home.

All their friends and relatives are invited to call between the hours of and 5 p.m. vi Will Keith and Pearl Azalea Harvey were united in marriage at the Independence court house, Jan. 2, 1909, by Judge Yeager. The couple set up housekeeping in Delaware where Mr. Keith was employed with Barbre and French General Store, later opened a store of his own.

They later moved to Nowata, where he served as clerk of the county court and several other offices. They lived in Coffeyville in 1918-19 where Mr. Keith was associated with his brother, the late J.H. Keith, in the oil industry. They moved to Eastland, for 20 years where they owned and operated a chain of servace stations and tire stores in central Texas.

Their daughter, Wilma Ellen. now Mrs. C. F. Lair was born there.

They have two grandchildren, Janice Kay and William Richard Lair, also of Lenapah. They moved to Lenapah in 1937 and opened a grocery store which they operated until he became County Commissioner in 1947. He then retired with the exception of being associated with his son-inlaw raising Black Angus cattle on their ranch 3 miles west of Lenapah. They also own a farm east of and Mrs. Keith are members of the Lenapah Methodist church.

She has been affiliated with the church since she was 12 years old. She has been a member of the Verdigris Valley Home Demonstra- tion club almost since its beginning, and has held different offices. Mrs. Bobby Yirsa Is Hostess To Diumond Point Club Mrs. Bobby Gene Yirsa was hostess, to the recent Christmas party meeting of the Diamind Point Home Demonstration club.

Mrs. R. E. Pearsall, president conducted the meeting. Mrs.

J. O. Stark gave the devotionals. After the business meeting, members exchanged gifts around a decorated Christmas tree, and secret sisters names were revealed and names drawn for another year. The January meeting will be in the home of Mrs.

J. O. Stark. Prices Down! Up to 75 per cent discount on Gifts, plus 10c discount on all sales over $1.00. Leo Atkisson, 230 North Maple.

29-2tc Rexall's Tuesday Special: Pot Roast of Beef with Potatoes, Carrots and Gravy, Cole Slaw and Hot Biscuits. Support your County Schools, Buy your auto tag at home. 1me Medical Mirror Better Health WHAT DOCTORS SAY ABOUT 'Through C0 0. "Please discuss chronic mas- A. You have every right to be titis.

Can it lead to something A. "Mastitis" means inflammation of breast tissue. Chronic indicates that the condition has been present for quite some time. Mild breast inflammation, which shows up as a tender spot lump often due to repeated or, slight injury as might be produced by a tight bra. In chronic cystic mastitis there are breast lumps but not much, inflammation.

The lumps may be of almost any size and may or may not be tender. A fair percentage of breast cancers seem to start in the changes of chronic cystic mastitis. It is very important that any unusual breast conditions be brought to the attention of your doctor. Early discovery and prompt medical advice is a must in breast disorders. Knowing this, many women examine their breasts every month or so, just to make sure.

For free booklets showing how self-examinations are made write to The American Cancer Society, Louisville, Ky. 0. "I read a lot about heart trouble and its cause but I am more mixed up than ever. How important is diet, exercise and other things in causing heart A confused reader. confused because there no simple explanation.

Rich diets increase blood fats in some people which, in turn, is thought to be bad for blood vessels, including the coronary vessels that the heart muscle. However, there is no absolute proof that alone causes, coronary, fats attacks, may be Higher just one of many factors. There seems to be some individual or personal susceptibility to coronary disease. This proneness is probably influby many things as heredity, diet, sex hormones, physical exercise (or lack of it, mental stress, and other life situations. What we do to combat heart disease? As a start we might develop healthier habits and try to live more moderately.

However, caution shouldn't be carried to the point of stripping away all incentive or push. Few would suggest that we exist in a continuous state of boredom just so we can live long enough to develop something besides heart trouble. Answers do not. necessarily reflect the opinion of doctors. The diag nosis and treatment of disease is the function of the patient's sonal physician.

Questions directed to Science Editors, Box 396, Madison Sq. N. Y. 10, N. Y.

will be incorporated in these colwhen possible. Published as Service by CITY REXALLDRUG 124 E. Cherokee St. Phone 25 SOCIAL CALENDAR 4 Monday Sunrise Chapter No. 22.

7:15 p. m. to practice for installation, both 1959 officers. shower for Mr. and Mrs.

Dennis Tevebaugh, 7:50 p. m. sponsored by Diamond Point Community, in the school building. All friends are invited. Tuesday Ladies Prayer group, 10 a.

m. First. Presbyterian church. Sunday Mr. and Mrs.

Will Keith, Lenapah, to celebrate Golden wedding anniversary with open house. to 5 m. Friends and relatives are invited to Earl Robertsons Entertain At Dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Earl Robertson entertained Sunday with a dinner at their home, 536 South Maple, honorfamily birthdays and wedding ine.

anniversaries. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moree, Mr. and Mrs.

Merle Morce. Steve and Patty. Mr. and Lee Moree, Norma, Jerry, and Debbie, Mrs. Loma Robertson, Cecil Robertson, all of Claremore; Sue Black, Tulsa, A.

R. Bartz, Don and Bud, Stevensville. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ruhr, Nashville, Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Bartz, Los Angeles, and Joy Sue Robertson, Anderson, Ind. Nowata Hospital Admissions to the Nowata Hospital include Mrs. Flo Chambers. Delaware, Frank Emberson, ol Ann Bellamy and Betty Gilmore, all of Nowata, Mrs.

Gary Fuller, Kingman, Sherry Stanart, Alluwe and Lonnie Rue, Big Cabin. Dismissed were Charles Jackson, Tulsa, Joe Neese, Talala, and Eve. ett Loghry, Wichita. Prices Down! Up to 75 per cent discount on Gifts, plus 10c discount on all sales over $1.00. Leo Arkisson, 230 North Maple.

29-2tc Buy your Auto Tags in No- wata County to support your schools. D11-Ime Births Mr. and Mrs. Gary Fuller, Kingman, announce the birth of a daughter at 4:20 p. m.

Sunday in the Nowata Hospital. She weighed 7 pounds and 12 ounces. A son was born to Mr. and Arley White, Nowata, at 3:43 p.m. Saturday 1n the Clinic Hospital.

She weighed 8 pounds and 3 cunees. Support your County Schools, Buy your auto tag at home. 1mc Clinic Hospital Patients admitted to the Clinic Hospital were Mrs. J. W.

Denton, Jimmy Hagebusch, Bartlesville. Mrs. Grace Richardson. Lee Bauman. Mrs.

Arley White Dolly Hallett. Elizabeth Bowman, A. A. Foster and Mrs. Allen Henderson, all of Nowata.

Dismissed were Mrs. Mennie Mae Seabolt and Mrs. Addie Van Bibber, both of Nowata, and Jerry Wayne Irons, Delaware. Prices Down! Up to 75 per cent discount on Gifts, plus 10c discount on all sales over $1.00. Leo Atkisson, 230 North Maple.

29-2tc PRODUCE PRODUCE Butterfat 54c Heavy Hens 12c Light Hens 8c Light Fryers 12c Heavy Fryers 20c Eggs Roosters 5c TOMATO LETTUCE MIRACLE WHIP Salad Dressing KRAFT ALL YOU NEED FOR A WONDERFUL SALAD YOUNG AND POPULAR WITH THE NEW 8278 PATT-0-RAMA 12-20 A favorite style for a new season the youthful sheath that's kind to your figure. No. 8278 with patt-o-rama is in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 14, 34 bust, yards of 35-inch. For this pattern, send 35c in COINS.

your name, address, size desired, and the PATTERN NUMBER to Sue Burnett Nowata Daily Star 372 W. Quincy Street, Chicago 6, Ill. Add 5c for each pattern for first class mailing. Send 35 cents today for your copy of the Fall and Winter '58 edition of our complete pattern magazine Basic Fasions. It's ed with smart, easy to sew designs, special features.

Civil Record Marriage Licenses David Edward Coon, 21, Perkins. and Matilda Jane Blackwell, 18, Perkins. Phillip T. Nesbitt. 31, Des Plaine and Frances Kay Tarver, 19, Des Plaines.

Charles Vetters, 45, Bartlesville, and Joann Thomas, 24, Bartlesville. Joe Patteson, 20, Nowata, and Marquita Dee, 18, Nowata. Larry L. Vaughn, 20, Independence, and Sharon Musgrove, 15, Independence. Richard R.

Hough, 21, Independence, and Catherine Tackett, 22, Independence. Frank Carlile, 39, Barnsdall. and Sophia Twigg, 42, Ponca City. IN HAYES HOME Recent guests here in the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Joe Hayes and family, were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stephen. Joyce and Ronald Gene, Synray, Mr. and Mrs.

Jack Stephens and Lyndall, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hayes, Chelsea; Mr. and Mrs. J.

C. Clanton and Judy, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Noblitt and Larry, Tulsa; Mr. and Mrs.

David Murray, Bartlesville; and Ronnie Inman, Ramona. World Briefs NEW POLAR BASE LITTLE AMERICA, Antarctica (P) A 10-man ground party left today set up a U. S. auxiliary base 160 miles from Little America on the trail to Byrd Station. WEDDING DATE SET TOKRO (PI Crown Prince Akihito's wedding to Miss Michiko today was tentatively set for April.

SEVEN QUESTIONED CARACAS. Venezuela SE -Seven men suspected of planning an attack on President-elect Romulo Betancourt were held today for questioning. The men were picked up while near Betancourt's house Saturday night. The President elect was not at home. BEOFFICIAL A top ARRESTED official of private West Berlin intelligence agency has been arrested on suspicion of being a Communist spy, West Berlin police said the man is Dr.

Kurt Werner, 59. head of an economic section of he League of Free Jurists. FACES CRISIS TOKYO UP) Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi is facing his most serious political threat in months in office following his failure to persuade three Cabinet members to resign. The three are members of the pro-Western Kishi's Liberal Democratic party. They are part of a group of dissidents who want a bigger share of top party jobs and Cabinet posts U.S.

JET CRASHES KESGRAVE, England (PI A crashing U. S. AIR Force jet tore a 100-yard-long trail of destruction through this village today, killing one resident. The plane, its engine afire, plowed into the ground only minute after taking off. It killed a woman, injured several other persons, wrecked a gas station and a house and damaged several others.

The pilot, 1st Lt. Charles L. Prescott, Santa Monica, parachuted to safety unhurt. 'Wonderful' Hubby Admits 2 Slayings BUFFALO, N. Y.

(PI A man, described by his wife as a wonderful husband, admitted today he had killed two waitresses and had attacked many other women, 20- lice reported. One of the waitresses was slain Christmas eve, the other seven years ago. Mrs. H. Patterson, Oologan, was here this morning attending to business matters.

DR. LEE C. MC CLUNG Chiropractor 418 N. PinePHONE 1506 Hours: 9 a.m. 'til 5 p.m.

Closed Thursdays Specials For Tuesday and Wednesday Only No. 1 Red Delicious All Varieties Jiffy APPLES CAKE MIX or CORNBREAD MIX 2 Lbs. 25cl 10c Pkg. Fresh Pork Sunny, Quarters BACKBONES OLEO 55 Cub. 2 Pkgs.

1-Lb. 29c. Check our Low Everyday Prices! Free Premiums. Too -Ask Us. VOLUNTARY Landers Bros.

Peach Shortcake VANILLA CREAM grandma used to bake. In her day, you will remember, she had to do without the convenience of pancake mix to save her time. Cut the shortcake into generous squares and split. Spoon sweetened peach slices between and on top and serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream. Old-fashioned Peach Shortcake can be enjoyed the year around if frozen peaches are used when the others are not available.

Makes Peach Shortenkes Shortcake: Sweetened fresh or frozen 2 cups pancake mix peaches cup sugar Vanilla ice cream cup butter or margarine cup milk Heat oven to hot For the shortcake, mix together pancake mix and sugar; cut in butter until mixture resembles Just because the strawberry season has passed is no reason to stop enjoying shortcake for dessert. Golden these peaches with blushing cheeks make the tastiest shortcake during Indian summer months. Try an old-fashioned Peach Shortcake today using your favorite pancake mix. You'll delight in this recipe because it's so much like the one crumbs. Add milk, stirring lightly (Add a little more milk if necessary dough evenly into a 7 11-inch pan.

15 to 20 minutes. To serve, cut shortcake into 8 Serve sandwich style with peaches Garnish with a scoop of ice cream. A State, County Meet Bond Goals Oklahoma Is "over the top" in U.S. Savings Bonds purchases with 101 per cent of the $61 million goal for 1958 already subscribed. R.

W. Benjamin, county chairman, said that purchases during the January through November, 1958, period amount to $61,674,130 as compared to $52,536,613 during the same period a year ago. The state now holds the position of being fourth in the nation in percent of sales improvement over last year, The three states with better records than Oklahoma are Nebraska, Kansas and South Dakota, listed in order of rank. Nowata county purchases during 5 Killed In Kansas Crash SEDAN, Kan. (P) Five Arkansans, en route home from a holiday visit Colorado, were killed Sunday when their car and a pickup truck collided on a bridge near here.

Killed were Frank Zitzman, 62; his wife, Jessie, 65; Sloan Rudy, 55: nis wife, Mary, 50; and Mrs. Lona O' Bannon, about 80, mother of Mrs. Zitzman. All lived at Imboden, Ark. The driver, of the truck, Virgil Heckathorn, Winfield, was hospitalized at Coffeyville, where his condition was reported as fair.

(Heckathorn is a nephew of Mrs. H. H. Smith, 201 E. Choctaw, Nowata.

He sustained a broken left knee cap, broken right arm, chest injuries, facial cuts and bruises.) Undersheriff C. F. Gibbs said ice in the U. S. Highway 166 bridge may have caused the collision.

The Arkansans had been visiting stepson of the Zitzmans, Bill Pitts, in Colorado Springs. AKRIGHT-WARWICK BONDS Sell It With A Star Classified Mrs. C. T. Stewart, route 2 Delaware, attended to business and shopped here today.

only until mixture is dampened. to make a soft dough.) Pat Bake in preheated oven pieces. Split each piece in half; between and on top of shortcake. the 11-month period amounted $212,149.00, which is 121 per of the 1958 goal of $175,400.00. Snuff And Beer Longevity Secret? ST.

LOUIS (AP) Want to live to be 100 plus? Try a daily ration of snuff and beer, says Mrs. Annie Seifert, who was 101 Monday. Mrs. Seifert topped her snuff and glass of beer with some ice cream and cake at a birthday celebration at the Little Sisters of the Poor home. Among the presents was a good-sized supply of snuff.

C. E. Mikkelsen, route 2 Delaware, was calling on friends in the city this morning. For glorious burgers Cheez Whiz 'em. Spoon 11 into hat foots Heat 111 taro Spread It! KRAFT'S pasteurized precess cheese spread for dazes 9 DESTROYED BY FIRE.

BUT IT PAID OFF The Treasury keeps a record of every U.S. Savings Bond If your bonds are lost, stolen or destroyed, you get every cent back with interest NERVI'1 It's hard to find an investment as safe and sound as U.S. SavON ings Bonds. And now Series AN EQUAL Bonds earn more too at maturity. But the most important thing they earn is peace.

VALUE ID Peace costs money. Money for industrial and military strength to help keep the peace. Money for science and educaTREASURY tion to help make peace lasting. Every Savings Bond you buy OCT NOT TRANSFERA helps strengthen America's ONITED SUNLESS peace power. Are you buying as many as you might? Help strengthen America's Peace Power BUY U.S.

SAVINGS BONDS The U.S. Government does not pay for this advertising. The Treasury Department thanks, for their patriotic donation, The Advertising Council and Nowata Daily Star.

Nowata Daily Star from Nowata, Oklahoma (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.