My Gluten Free White Chocolate and Raspberry Cheesecake Recipe (No-Bake) (2024)

Say hello to mygluten free white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake recipe! So many of you have asked me for more no-bake cheesecakes… well here you go!

Mygluten free white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake recipe is pretty much the dessert of my dreams and it’s 100% no bake. Let’s get started…

First of all – yes, I have done something I don’t often do too much… I’ve made a recipe using dairy products!

My blog started out posting the recipes that I basically used to make for Mark and myself meaning that they were mostly gluten free and dairy free for Mark.

But as my blog has grown, my Instagram DMs are rammed with requests for different bakes and desserts. So these days, I’m more than happy to say thanks for putting up with me by creating a few recipes for you lot!

(sorry Mark – I will make you something awesome instead)

And one of the requests I just kept getting was for agluten free white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake recipe. What great taste you guys have!

But one thing I’ve always noticed online is the massive divide between the people who want purely gluten free products/recipes and the people who want gluten free andare also free from something else – like dairy for example.

So the people who want purely gluten free products are pretty miffed about always having to buy gf and df products just because it’s convenient for brands to lump the two together.

But then, some people want products to be free from multiple things because, well… they need to be free from multiple things! So in a way, you kinda feel like you can’t win.

But as they always say – you can’t please everybody!

(well, I’m going to try anyway but creating real dairy cheesecake recipes and hopefully a few dairy free ones along the way too)

So I thought I’d quit holding back from making the insanely beautiful and indulgent cheesecakes I know I could make for you guys…

and here it is!

As with all no-bake cheesecakes, the hardest part is being patient enough to not eat this entire thing before it sets. It really is pretty basic.

Give the thing a good amount of time to set (I leave mine overnight) and you’ll be guaranteed a beautiful, perfect slice that holds together every time.

Plus, don’t let my photos fool you, the finishing touches are incredibly basic and easy too. Just a pile of chopped white choc cubes, raspberries and some grated white choc. Simple!

(wow, did anyone else read that in a ‘TV meerkat accent’? Just me?)

Anyway, here’s mygluten free white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake recipe!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I make this recipe dairy-free?

For years I’ve always said no… but I’ve finally found a way to make tons of my cheesecakes dairy-free by using the following products as replacements for the dairy products.

So stick to these swaps and you’ll be enjoying a gluten-free AND dairy-free white chocolate cheesecake in no time!

Don’t forget to ensure that the biscuits you use for the base are dairy-free too.

Phew, that was quite a few changes, but trust me – it’s worth it! I also have a dairy-free vanilla cheesecake over here if you fancy too.

My Gluten Free White Chocolate and Raspberry Cheesecake Recipe (No-Bake) (6)

Gluten Free White Chocolate and Raspberry Cheesecake Recipe (No-Bake)

Say hello to my gluten free white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake recipe! It's 100% no bake, so it's super simple and just needs chilling in the fridge.

SERVINGS: 15 slices

PREP TIME: 30 minutes mins

TOTAL TIME: 5 hours hrs 30 minutes mins


4.80 from 196 votes


For the biscuit base

  • 320 g gluten free digestive biscuits
  • 150 g hard margarine / butter

For the cheesecake

  • 500 g mascarpone
  • 100 g icing sugar
  • 250 g white chocolate
  • 300 ml double cream
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 275 g fresh raspberries

For the topping

  • extra chunks of white chocolate
  • extra fresh raspberries


  • Crush your gluten free digestives. I place mine in a sandwich bag and hit them with a rolling pin. You can make them quite small or have some chunkier bits.

  • Melt your margarine or butter - I do this in the microwave.

  • Pour your melted margarine/butter into your crushed biscuits and mix together.

  • Press your biscuit mixture into the tin you are going to be making your cheesecake in. Press it down nice and firmly.

  • Place it in the fridge to chill whilst you make your cheesecake top. (I leave mine in the fridge for at least 30 minutes)

  • Melt your white chocolate, either in the microwave or over a ban marie. Leave to cool.

  • To make your cheesecake filling mix together your cream cheese, icing sugar and vanilla extract. I use my KitchenAid to do this on a low/medium setting for only about 10-20 seconds. You could you an electric hand mixer too.

  • Add in the double cream and keep mixing until it firms up a little. (I had the KitchenAid on a medium setting for just under 2 minutes for this - try not to over mix though... don't let it split!)

  • Pour in your melted white chocolate and mix in briefly to combine.

  • Fold through your fresh raspberries. (I kept some whole and also crushed some down)

  • Spread your mixture on top of the biscuit base and place in the fridge to chill overnight.

  • To decorate place some white chocolate chunks, raspberries and also grate some white chocolate on top.

  • Keep refrigerated until serving and if you have leftovers. Enjoy!


I use a 20cm loose bottom deep tin, but you could also use a springform tin.


Serving: 1g | Calories: 554kcal | Carbohydrates: 38g | Protein: 5g | Fat: 44g | Saturated Fat: 22g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 18g | Trans Fat: 2g | Cholesterol: 77mg | Sodium: 234mg | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 30g

Thanks for reading how to make my gluten free white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake recipe!If you make it, I’d love to see how it turned out. So absolutely make sure that you send me a pic using my social media links below…

Any questions about the recipe? Please do let me know by leaving a comment below or on Facebook / Twitter / Instagram!

Thanks for reading,

Becky xxx

Oh and don’t forget to pin this for later!

My Gluten Free White Chocolate and Raspberry Cheesecake Recipe (No-Bake) (8)

My Gluten Free White Chocolate and Raspberry Cheesecake Recipe (No-Bake) (9)
Gluten-Free Recipe

My Gluten Free White Chocolate and Raspberry Cheesecake Recipe (No-Bake) (2024)


How do you make a no-bake cheesecake firmer? ›

Chilling the Cheesecake

But given time to chill all the way down to 40°F (4°C), which takes about six hours, the filling becomes firm and dense, much more like a "real" cheesecake and far easier to slice.

Will my no-bake cheesecake set? ›

How long does a no-bake cheesecake take to set in the fridge? Generally at least 6 hours, but most recipes recommend an overnight rest. I think resting for up to 24 hours is fine.

Why did no-bake cheesecake not set? ›

In some cases, your filling just needs more time to chill. No-bake cheesecakes generally need at least 4-6 hours in the refrigerator to set properly. If your filling is still runny after that time, try chilling it for another 2-4 hours.

Can you over whip no-bake cheesecake? ›

Runny Cheesecake mixtures

Sometimes, you can simply over whisk, or under whisk a mixture. I cannot explain the differences, as it can vary as to why! You need to make sure when whisking a no-bake cheesecake mixture that you keep an eye on the mixture constantly so you can see when it thickens up!

What not to do when making cheesecake? ›

16 Mistakes You're Making With Homemade Cheesecake
  1. Working with cold ingredients. Hobo_018/Getty Images. ...
  2. Using whipped cream cheese. ...
  3. Using low-fat cream cheese. ...
  4. Undermixing your cheesecake. ...
  5. Not diversifying your cheeses. ...
  6. Not being careful with your eggs. ...
  7. Only making plain cheesecake. ...
  8. Baking in anything but a springform pan.
May 29, 2023

Why is my no bake cheesecake base too hard? ›

If you find that the crumb base is still too hard, then you could slightly reduce the amount of butter used, though we would advise caution on this as the base could become too crumbly instead.

How to thicken no-bake cheesecake batter? ›

How to Thicken No-Bake Cheesecake
  1. As mentioned, the most important step is to beat cold heavy cream into peaks. Fold the whipped cream into the cheesecake filling gently so you don't deflate the air. ...
  2. Refrigerate the cheesecake for at least 6-8 hours, but overnight is better.
Mar 14, 2019

Can you leave no-bake cheesecake out overnight? ›

Even if your recipe is traditional in that you bake your cheesecake (no-bake recipes don't contain eggs), once it has had a chance to cool outside the oven (about an hour), it must go back in the fridge.

Should I cover no-bake cheesecake in the fridge? ›

No-bake cheesecakes should be stored in the refrigerator to keep them fresh and prevent spoilage. Here are some tips for storing no-bake cheesecakes: Cover the cheesecake with plastic wrap or foil to prevent it from drying out or absorbing any odors from other foods in the fridge.

Does no bake cheesecake taste better? ›

They both are great in their own way. It all narrows down to your personal preferences. If you enjoy dense and velvety cake, a baked cheesecake is the one for you. Or if you crave some light and airy dessert post-dinner, go for the no-bake one.

How do you know if no bake cheesecake is bad? ›

When in doubt, give it a smell. A sour, off-putting odor is a definite sign it has spoiled and should not be consumed. Always store your no bake cheesecake in the refrigerator. If not consuming immediately, cover it with a cake dome or plastic wrap, not foil as it can give off a metallic taste.

Why is my no bake cheesecake base soggy? ›

I'd say it's too much liquid in the cheesecake batter and it didn't set fast enough and the liquid and moisture got into the base. Baking the base would help, but I guess if you need to bake it then there's no point to make a no bake cheesecake. Buiscuits, butter and a bit of cocoa powder for the base.

Can I use heavy cream instead of whipping cream in cheesecake? ›

Fresh cream doesn't have enough fat to get itself churned into a nice, thick cream that can stand stably on the crumbly biscuit layer, yet light in texture. It's actually heavy whipping cream that does the job.

What is a substitute for heavy whipping cream in cheesecake? ›

The 10 Best Substitutes for Heavy Cream
  1. Milk and butter.
  2. Soy milk and olive oil.
  3. Milk and cornstarch.
  4. Half-and-half.
  5. Tofu and soy.
  6. Yogurt and milk.
  7. Evaporated milk.
  8. Cottage cheese and milk.

How do you make cheesecake stiffer? ›

A bit of alcohol or acid can help set your cheesecake a bit firmer, as well as making sure that you use full fat cream cheese (the cheaper stuff can be a bit looser than something like philly too) as well as double cream which you whip quite firm.

Why are my no bakes not setting? ›

Why Didn't My No-Bake Cookies Set? Likely, you didn't boil the mixture long enough.

Can I put my no bake cheesecake in the freezer to set? ›

No, do not use the freezer to set the cheesecake, as this will result in a less attractive texture and the filling will not slice properly.

Does cheesecake get firmer as it cools? ›

You might worry a runny middle means raw cheesecake, but it's totally safe and normal. The center will firm up as it cools on a cooling rack, resulting in the smooth surface you want. Test Kitchen Tip: Cheesecakes made with sour cream should jiggle a little more and will have a larger soft spot in the center.


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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.