Hybrid 200-Hour Hatha & Yin Yoga Teacher Training - India (2024)



Hybrid 200-Hour Hatha & Yin Yoga Teacher Training - India (1)

Terms & Conditions

  1. During the yoga teacher training, workshop, course, drop-in class, yoga retreat, or any similar yoga related event, as the case may be, that I choose to participate in (hereinafter referred to as the “Event”), held by Sampoorna Yoga Shala Private Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Sampoorna Yoga”), I voluntarily and willingly choose to participate in the classes offered by Sampoorna Yoga, including but not limited to Meditation, Pranayama, Asana, Chanting, Philosophy, Hands on adjustment, any other yoga related class, exercise or event (including social or spiritual events), and any other related yoga activity offered by Sampoorna Yoga (all such classes are hereto referred to as “Yoga Classes”).
  2. I recognise that the Event and the Yoga Classes in which I will be participating may require physical and mental exertion. I further understand and acknowledge that despite the great amount of care that Sampoorna Yoga and its staff is taking, the Event and the Yoga Classes may expose me to many inherent risks, including accidents, injury, illness, and so forth. I assume all risk of injuries associated with my participation in the Event and the Yoga Classes, including but not limited to injuries, strains, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, including high heat and/or humidity, contact with nature/animals, local food, and all other such risks being known and appreciated by me.
  3. I understand that it is my full responsibility to consult a physician/doctor prior to and regarding my participation in the Event and the Yoga Classes, and I understand Sampoorna has no medical obligation/responsibilityupon its students, and there is no medical staff in the premises of the school. Any hospital, clinic or local doctor I may need to attend to are not related to Sampoona, and therefore Sampoorna is not responsible for any medical approach received privately outside of the premises of the school.
  4. I represent and warrant that I am physically fit and I have no medical condition, which would prevent my full participation in the Event and Yoga Classes I have applied to join.In case of having a previous injury, I am totally responsible for the outcome of my participation in the Event and/or Yoga Classes, and I don’t expectSampoorna, or any of its teachers to provide me any consultation, treatment or recommendation for my physical condition, at any given time of the Event/Yoga Classes.
  5. I understand that in the event of any injury, in need to consult a doctor, or in need of hospitalization, I shall be responsible for my own treatment and for any fees or amounts related to such consultation or hospitalization.I also understand that Sampoorna can facilitate the contact with external medical resources, but it is not Sampoorna’s responsibility to acquire/arrange these services for me. Ialso acknowledge that Sampoorna’s teaching staff are highly qualified in their area but they cannot provide any diagnosis and/or treatment.
  6. If I am pregnant, I understand that I participate fully at my own risk and that of my unborn child/children. Also, if I have any injury or problem whatsoever (including but not limited to injuries, heart problems, back or neck problems, asthma, epilepsy, ulcer, hernia, high blood pressure, and so forth), I understand that I may be not fit to participate in certain Yoga Classes, in which case I will inform Sampoorna Yo­ga immediately of such condition, and Sampoorna Yoga shall have the full authority to prohibit me from participating in such Yoga Classes, if need be. In any case, whether I have disclosed or have not disclosed such injury or problem, I understand that if despite my injury or problem I still decide to participate in the Yoga Classes, I would be participating fully at my own risk.
  7. I understand that from time to time during Yoga Classes, the instructor may physically adjust students’ form and posture, and I hereby accept receiving such adjustments. If I do not want such physical adjustments for any reason whatsoever, notably because of an injury, or any other personal reason, I will so inform the instructor at each class I attend. I also acknowledge that if I do wish to receive such adjustments, it is my responsibility to inform the instructor when an adjustment has gone as far as I desire at that time.
  8. I hereby take full and sole responsibility from any liability of loss or damage to personal property associated with the Event, the Yoga Classes or any other events held by Sampoorna Yoga.
  9. I understand and agree that 400 Euros deposit to be paid to book my place is non-refundable, non-cancellable and non-transferable to another person under any circ*mstances, unless pre-approved by Sampoorna’s management team, in writing. This deposit, can be transferred to any other course on any other date within any period of time as long as I inform Sampoorna at least one month in advance. There is no limit of time to use this deposit.
    Balance course fee: Is to be paid upon arrival to Sampoorna by Card/Cash. If I cannot join the course for some reason, I am NOT liable to pay the remaining course fee.
  10. I further understand and agree that once I have joined the Event or any of the Yoga Classes, I shall be responsible and liable to pay Sampoorna Yoga the fees of the Event I am participating in (including accommodation and/or any other package agreed upon, as the case may be), which fees are non refundable, non cancellable, and non transferable to another person, unless otherwise agreed by Sampoorna Yoga.I also acknowledge, that I am responsible for any fee associated to my physical/online payments to Sampoorna
  11. I understand and agree that Sampoorna Yoga may from time to time, as it deems fit, change the course content, schedule, teachers, and any other academic, methodological, technical, or logistic aspect of the Event I am participating in, without previous notice.­
  12. As a student of your training course, I give consent to my contact details (name, email and phone number) being passed onto your partners like Yoga Alliance Professional, so they can contact me directly and invite me to register as a Trainee and Teacher. And I understand that I have the option of opting out of this registration process.
  13. I acknowledge that Sampoorna Yoga may take photographs or/and videos of the Event that may include me, and I hereby represent that I have no objection of Sampoorna Yoga taking such photographs or/and videos. I authorize Sampoorna Yoga, its assignees and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/or electronically. I agree that Sampoorna Yoga may use such photographs and/or videos of me with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content.I also understand, I can take my own pictures and videos, to post on my personal Social Media, but only and only if all my classmates and teachersagree and feel comfortable with me posting these pics on public posts on my wall.
  14. During the course, if I bring my kid(s) whether minor or major is solely my responsibility and not the responsibility of Sampoorna Yoga or its staff. I also understand that if I have requested a babysitter, Sampoorna staff will try to help me in arranging a babysitter. However with or without a babysitter it will still be my responsibility for my child /children.
  15. If I have paid the full course fee, I can request a refund (minus the 400 Euros deposit + transcation charges) three months in advance of the course start date. After this time refunds and cancellations are not possible.

After having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of my participation in the Event, I agree, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, to HOLD HARMLESS, WAIVE, RELEASE, AND CONVENANT NOT TO SUE Sampoorna Yoga, its trainers, its officers, agents, employees, organizers, representatives, and successors from any responsibility, liabilities, demands, actions, or claims of any nature whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by me, or to any property belonging to me, while participating in the Event and in Sampoorna Yoga’s activities, or while in, on or upon the premises where the activity is being conducted.

By submitting my application I indicate that I have read, understood and accepted this Waiver of Liability and its content. I am aware that this is a waiver and a release of liability and I voluntarily agree to its terms.

I Accept

Política de No Reembolso Cursos en línea

  1. Entiendo y acepto que la tarifa del curso en línea debe pagarse en su totalidad para obtener acceso a la plataforma en línea.
  2. Entiendo y acepto que una vez que haya pagado la tarifa del curso en línea, esta cantidad no es reembolsable, no es cancelable ni transferible bajo ninguna circunstancia.
  3. Entiendo y acepto que al pagar el curso en línea me comprometo a completar el curso, ya sea dentro del plazo sugerido por Sampoorna Yoga o a mi propio ritmo; pero si decido no continuar con el curso, en cualquier momento, es únicamente mi responsabilidad y Sampoorna Yoga no está obligada a devolver ninguna cantidad de la tarifa del curso.

Release and Waiver Liabilities

Por la presente, leo, entiendo y acepto lo siguiente:

  1. Estoy participando en clases de yoga, programas de salud, talleres y / u otras actividades de bienestar, trabajo corporal, terapia, ejercicio y artes curativas (colectivamente, las "Actividades") ofrecidas por Sampoorna Yoga, Goa, India (la “Escuela). Las actividades se pueden ofrecer en la ubicación física de la escuela o en línea a través de videos, televisión, podcasts, aplicaciones u otros medios o plataformas digitales. Todas estas ofertas, ya sean físicas o en línea, se considerarán "Actividades".
  2. Reconozco que debo tener una salud física y mental adecuada para participar en las Actividades. Entiendo que las Actividades pueden requerir un esfuerzo físico intenso, y declaro y garantizo que estoy físicamente en forma para participar, y que no tengo ninguna condición médica que impida mi plena participación en las Actividades. Reconozco que las Actividades pueden causar o agravar una lesión física o afección médica. Entiendo que es mi responsabilidad consultar con un médico antes de participar en las Actividades. Si lo he hecho, he seguido el consejo del médico. Entiendo que la Escuela se reserva el derecho de rechazar mi participación en cualquier Actividad por razones médicas, de acondicionamiento físico o por cualquier otro motivo.
  3. Soy consciente de que mi participación en las Actividades podría provocar presión arterial alta, desmayos, trastornos de los latidos cardíacos, lesiones físicas, ataques cardíacos o derrames cerebrales y pueden agravar lesiones preexistentes. Entiendo que podría experimentar lesiones musculares, de espalda, de cuello y de otro tipo como resultado de mi participación en las Actividades. Entiendo mis limitaciones físicas y soy lo suficientemente consciente de mí mismo para detener o modificar mi participación en cualquier Actividad antes de que me lastime o agrave una lesión preexistente.
  4. En consideración a que se me permita participar en las Actividades, acepto asumir toda la responsabilidad por los riesgos, lesiones o daños, conocidos o desconocidos, en los que pueda incurrir como resultado de participar en las Actividades de la Escuela, incluidos aquellos que puedan resultar de la negligencia de la Escuela.
  5. En consideración adicional de que se me permita participar en las Actividades, renuncio consciente y voluntariamente a cualquier "Reclamo" (como se define a continuación) que pueda tener contra la Escuela, sus propietarios, gerentes, maestros, instructores, presentadores de talleres, empleados, contratistas independientes y personal (cada uno, una "Parte Liberada") que pueda mantener como resultado de participar en las Actividades de la Escuela, incluso si el Reclamo surge de la negligencia de cualquier Parte Liberada o de cualquier otra persona. Acepto indemnizar y eximir de responsabilidad a cada Parte Liberada de cualquier pérdida, costo o responsabilidad incurrida en la defensa de cualquier Reclamo realizada por mí o cualquier persona que presente un Reclamo en mi nombre, incluso si el Reclamo se alega o resultó de la negligencia de cualquier Parte Liberada o cualquier otra persona. "Reclamo" incluye, pero no se limita a todas y cada una de las responsabilidades, reclamaciones, demandas, gastos, honorarios, acciones legales, derechos de acciones por daños, lesiones personales, sufrimiento mental y angustia, o muerte que pueda sufrir yo, mi cónyuge, hijos o el niño por nacer (incluidos los honorarios o gastos legales) en relación con la participación en cualquier Actividad.
  6. Yo, mis herederos o representantes legales exoneramos para siempre, renunciamos, damos de alta y nos comprometemos a no demandar a ninguna Parte Liberada por ningún Reclamo causado por negligencia u otros actos de una Parte Liberada.
  7. Por la presente, entiendo que la Escuela de vez en cuando puede fotografiar, grabar videos o grabar clases o eventos que ocurran en la Escuela y colocar dichas fotografías y videos en su sitio web o plataforma de redes sociales. Por la presente doy mi consentimiento para el uso de mi imagen que puede aparecer en dicha fotografía o video.
  8. Este acuerdo se interpretará de conformidad con las leyes del Estado de Goa, India, y se regirá por ellas, y todas las acciones, demandas, reclamos yprocedimientos relacionados con este acuerdo se llevarán ante un tribunal de jurisdicción competente ubicado en Cancona, Goa, India. En caso de que alguna disposición de este acuerdo se considere inválida, ilegal o inaplicable, no afectará a ninguna otra disposición de este acuerdo y este acuerdo se interpretará como si dicha disposición nunca se hubiera contenido en este documento. Reconozco que he leído cuidadosamente este acuerdo y entiendo completamente su contenido. Acepto voluntaria y conscientemente los términos y condiciones aquí establecidos. Soy consciente de que al firmar este acuerdo, estoy renunciando a derechos sustanciales, incluido mi derecho a demandar y ciertos derechos legales que mis herederos, familiares, ejecutores, administradores y cesionarios pueden tener contra cualquier Parte Liberada.

Terms & Conditions

  1. During the yoga teacher training, workshop, course, drop-in class, yoga retreat, or any similar yoga related event, as the case may be, that I choose to participate in (hereinafter referred to as the “Event”), held by Sampoorna Yoga Shala Private Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Sampoorna Yoga”), I voluntarily and willingly choose to participate in the classes offered by Sampoorna Yoga, including but not limited to Meditation, Pranayama, Asana, Chanting, Philosophy, Hands on adjustment, any other yoga related class, exercise or event (including social or spiritual events), and any other related yoga activity offered by Sampoorna Yoga (all such classes are hereto referred to as “Yoga Classes”).
  2. I recognise that the Event and the Yoga Classes in which I will be participating may require physical and mental exertion. I further understand and acknowledge that despite the great amount of care that Sampoorna Yoga and its staff is taking, the Event and the Yoga Classes may expose me to many inherent risks, including accidents, injury, illness, and so forth. I assume all risk of injuries associated with my participation in the Event and the Yoga Classes, including but not limited to injuries, strains, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, including high heat and/or humidity, contact with nature/animals, local food, and all other such risks being known and appreciated by me.
  3. I understand that it is my full responsibility to consult a physician/doctor prior to and regarding my participation in the Event and the Yoga Classes, and I understand Sampoorna has no medical obligation/responsibilityupon its students, and there is no medical staff in the premises of the school. Any hospital, clinic or local doctor I may need to attend to are not related to Sampoona, and therefore Sampoorna is not responsible for any medical approach received privately outside of the premises of the school.
  4. I represent and warrant that I am physically fit and I have no medical condition, which would prevent my full participation in the Event and Yoga Classes I have applied to join.In case of having a previous injury, I am totally responsible for the outcome of my participation in the Event and/or Yoga Classes, and I don’t expectSampoorna, or any of its teachers to provide me any consultation, treatment or recommendation for my physical condition, at any given time of the Event/Yoga Classes.
  5. I understand that in the event of any injury, in need to consult a doctor, or in need of hospitalization, I shall be responsible for my own treatment and for any fees or amounts related to such consultation or hospitalization.I also understand that Sampoorna can facilitate the contact with external medical resources, but it is not Sampoorna’s responsibility to acquire/arrange these services for me. Ialso acknowledge that Sampoorna’s teaching staff are highly qualified in their area but they cannot provide any diagnosis and/or treatment.
  6. If I am pregnant, I understand that I participate fully at my own risk and that of my unborn child/children. Also, if I have any injury or problem whatsoever (including but not limited to injuries, heart problems, back or neck problems, asthma, epilepsy, ulcer, hernia, high blood pressure, and so forth), I understand that I may be not fit to participate in certain Yoga Classes, in which case I will inform Sampoorna Yo­ga immediately of such condition, and Sampoorna Yoga shall have the full authority to prohibit me from participating in such Yoga Classes, if need be. In any case, whether I have disclosed or have not disclosed such injury or problem, I understand that if despite my injury or problem I still decide to participate in the Yoga Classes, I would be participating fully at my own risk.
  7. I understand that from time to time during Yoga Classes, the instructor may physically adjust students’ form and posture, and I hereby accept receiving such adjustments. If I do not want such physical adjustments for any reason whatsoever, notably because of an injury, or any other personal reason, I will so inform the instructor at each class I attend. I also acknowledge that if I do wish to receive such adjustments, it is my responsibility to inform the instructor when an adjustment has gone as far as I desire at that time.
  8. I hereby take full and sole responsibility from any liability of loss or damage to personal property associated with the Event, the Yoga Classes or any other events held by Sampoorna Yoga.
  9. I understand and agree that 400 Euros deposit to be paid to book my place is non-refundable, non-cancellable and non-transferable to another person under any circ*mstances, unless pre-approved by Sampoorna’s management team, in writing. This deposit, can be transferred to any other course on any other date within any period of time as long as I inform Sampoorna at least one month in advance. There is no limit of time to use this deposit.
    Balance course fee: Is to be paid upon arrival to Sampoorna by Card/Cash. If I cannot join the course for some reason, I am NOT liable to pay the remaining course fee.
  10. I further understand and agree that once I have joined the Event or any of the Yoga Classes, I shall be responsible and liable to pay Sampoorna Yoga the fees of the Event I am participating in (including accommodation and/or any other package agreed upon, as the case may be), which fees are non refundable, non cancellable, and non transferable to another person, unless otherwise agreed by Sampoorna Yoga.I also acknowledge, that I am responsible for any fee associated to my physical/online payments to Sampoorna
  11. I understand and agree that Sampoorna Yoga may from time to time, as it deems fit, change the course content, schedule, teachers, and any other academic, methodological, technical, or logistic aspect of the Event I am participating in, without previous notice.­
  12. As a student of your training course, I give consent to my contact details (name, email and phone number) being passed onto your partners like Yoga Alliance Professional, so they can contact me directly and invite me to register as a Trainee and Teacher. And I understand that I have the option of opting out of this registration process.
  13. I acknowledge that Sampoorna Yoga may take photographs or/and videos of the Event that may include me, and I hereby represent that I have no objection of Sampoorna Yoga taking such photographs or/and videos. I authorize Sampoorna Yoga, its assignees and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/or electronically. I agree that Sampoorna Yoga may use such photographs and/or videos of me with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content.I also understand, I can take my own pictures and videos, to post on my personal Social Media, but only and only if all my classmates and teachersagree and feel comfortable with me posting these pics on public posts on my wall.
  14. During the course, if I bring my kid(s) whether minor or major is solely my responsibility and not the responsibility of Sampoorna Yoga or its staff. I also understand that if I have requested a babysitter, Sampoorna staff will try to help me in arranging a babysitter. However with or without a babysitter it will still be my responsibility for my child /children.
  15. If I have paid the full course fee, I can request a refund (minus the 400 Euros deposit + transcation charges) three months in advance of the course start date. After this time refunds and cancellations are not possible.

After having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of my participation in the Event, I agree, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, to HOLD HARMLESS, WAIVE, RELEASE, AND CONVENANT NOT TO SUE Sampoorna Yoga, its trainers, its officers, agents, employees, organizers, representatives, and successors from any responsibility, liabilities, demands, actions, or claims of any nature whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by me, or to any property belonging to me, while participating in the Event and in Sampoorna Yoga’s activities, or while in, on or upon the premises where the activity is being conducted.

By submitting my application I indicate that I have read, understood and accepted this Waiver of Liability and its content. I am aware that this is a waiver and a release of liability and I voluntarily agree to its terms.

I Accept

Non-Refund Policy Online Courses

By sending the application, I hereby agree to the following:

  1. I understand and agree that the Online Course fee should be paid in full in order to acquire access to the online platform.
  2. I understand and agree that once I have paid the Online Course fee, this amount is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable under any circ*mstance.
  3. I understand and agree that by paying the Online Course I commit to complete the course -either withing the timeframe suggested by Sampoorna Yoga or at my own pace- but if I decide not to continue with the course -at any time- is solely my responsibility and Sampoorna Yoga is not obliged to return any amount of the course fee.

Release and Waiver Liabilities

By sending the application I hereby agree to the following:

  1. I am participating in yoga classes, health programs, workshops and/or other wellness, body work, therapy, exercise and healing arts activities (collectively, the “Activities”) offered by Sampoorna Yoga, Goa, India. The Activities may be offered in the physical location of the School or offered online by videos, television, podcasts, apps or other digital media or platforms. All of such offerings, either physical or online, shall be considered “Activities.”
  2. I recognize that I must be in adequate physical and mental health to participate in the Activities. I understand that the Activities may require intense physical exertion, and I represent and warrant that I am physically fit enough to participate, and I have no medical condition which would prevent my full participation in the Activities. I recognize that the Activities may cause or aggravate a physical injury or medical condition. I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician before my participation in the Activities. If I have done so, I have taken the physician’s advice. I understand that the School reserves the right to refuse my participation in any Activity on medical, fitness or any other grounds.
  3. I am aware that my participation in the Activities could result in high blood pressure, fainting, heartbeat disorders, physical injury, heart attack or stroke and may aggravate pre-existing injuries. I understand that I could experience muscle, back, neck and other injuries as a result of my participation in the Activities. I understand my physical limitations and I am sufficiently self-aware to stop or modify my participation in any Activity before I become injured or aggravate a pre-existing injury.
  4. In consideration of being permitted to participate in the Activities, I agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages, known or unknown, which I might incur as a result of participating in the Activities at the School, including those which may result from the negligence of the School.
  5. In further consideration of being permitted to participate in the Activities, I knowingly, voluntarily and expressly waive any “Claim” (as defined below) I may have against the School, its owners, managers, teachers, instructors, workshop presenters, employees, independent contractors and staff (each, a “Released Party”) that I may sustain as a result of participating in the Activities at the School even if the Claim arises from the negligence of any Released Party or anyone else. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless each Released Party from any loss, cost, or liability incurred in defending any Claim made by me or anyone making a Claim on my behalf, even if the Claim is alleged to or did result from the negligence of any Released Party or anyone else. “Claim” includes but is not limited to any and all liabilities, claims, demands, expenses, fees, legal actions, rights of actions for damages, personal injury, mental suffering and distress, or death that I may suffer, my spouse, children or unborn child may suffer (including any legal fees or expenses) in connection with participation in any Activity.
  6. I, my heirs or legal representatives forever release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue any Released Party for any Claim caused by any negligence or other acts of a Released Party.
  7. I hereby understand that the School from time to time may photograph, video, or otherwise record classes or events occurring at the School and place such photographs and videos on its Website or social media platform. I hereby consent to the use of my image that may appear in any such photograph or video.
  8. This agreement shall be construed in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of the State of Goa, India and that all actions, suits, claims and proceedings relating to this agreement shall be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction located in Cancona, Goa, India. In case any provision of this agreement shall be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall not affect any other provision of this agreement and this agreement shall be construed as if such provision had never been contained herein. I acknowledge that I have carefully read this agreement and fully understand its contents. I voluntarily and knowingly agree to the terms and conditions stated herein. I am aware that by signing this agreement, I am giving up substantial rights, including my right to sue and certain legal rights my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators and assigns may have against any Released Party.

Terms & Conditions

By sending the Application form, I hereby agree to the following:

  1. During the yoga teacher training, workshop, course, drop-in class, yoga retreat, or any similar yoga related event, as the case may be, that I choose to participate in (hereinafter referred to as the “Event”), held by Sampoorna Yoga Shala Private Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Sampoorna Yoga”), I voluntarily and willingly choose to participate in the classes offered by Sampoorna Yoga, including but not limited to Meditation, Pranayama, Asana, Chanting, Philosophy, Hands on adjustment, any other yoga related class, exercise or event (including social or spiritual events), and any other related yoga activity offered by Sampoorna Yoga (all such classes are hereto referred to as “Yoga Classes”).
  2. I recognise that the Event and the Yoga Classes in which I will be participating may require physical and mental exertion. I further understand and acknowledge that despite the great amount of care that Sampoorna Yoga and its staff is taking, the Event and the Yoga Classes may expose me to many inherent risks, including accidents, injury, illness, and so forth. I assume all risk of injuries associated with my participation in the Event and the Yoga Classes, including but not limited to injuries, strains, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, including high heat and/or humidity, contact with nature/animals, local food, and all other such risks being known and appreciated by me.
  3. I understand that it is my full responsibility to consult a physician/doctor prior to and regarding my participation in the Event and the Yoga Classes, and I understand Sampoorna has no medical obligation/responsibilityupon its students, and there is no medical staff in the premises of the school. Any hospital, clinic or local doctor I may need to attend to are not related to Sampoona, and therefore Sampoorna is not responsible for any medical approach received privately outside of the premises of the school.
  4. I represent and warrant that I am physically fit and I have no medical condition, which would prevent my full participation in the Event and Yoga Classes I have applied to join.In case of having a previous injury, I am totally responsible for the outcome of my participation in the Event and/or Yoga Classes, and I don’t expectSampoorna, or any of its teachers to provide me any consultation, treatment or recommendation for my physical condition, at any given time of the Event/Yoga Classes.
  5. I understand that in the event of any injury, in need to consult a doctor, or in need of hospitalization, I shall be responsible for my own treatment and for any fees or amounts related to such consultation or hospitalization.I also understand that Sampoorna can facilitate the contact with external medical resources, but it is not Sampoorna’s responsibility to acquire/arrange these services for me. Ialso acknowledge that Sampoorna’s teaching staff are highly qualified in their area but they cannot provide any diagnosis and/or treatment.
  6. If I am pregnant, I understand that I participate fully at my own risk and that of my unborn child/children. Also, if I have any injury or problem whatsoever (including but not limited to injuries, heart problems, back or neck problems, asthma, epilepsy, ulcer, hernia, high blood pressure, and so forth), I understand that I may be not fit to participate in certain Yoga Classes, in which case I will inform Sampoorna Yo¬ga immediately of such condition, and Sampoorna Yoga shall have the full authority to prohibit me from participating in such Yoga Classes, if need be. In any case, whether I have disclosed or have not disclosed such injury or problem, I understand that if despite my injury or problem I still decide to participate in the Yoga Classes, I would be participating fully at my own risk.
  7. I understand that from time to time during Yoga Classes, the instructor may physically adjust students’ form and posture, and I hereby accept receiving such adjustments. If I do not want such physical adjustments for any reason whatsoever, notably because of an injury, or any other personal reason, I will so inform the instructor at each class I attend. I also acknowledge that if I do wish to receive such adjustments, it is my responsibility to inform the instructor when an adjustment has gone as far as I desire at that time.
  8. I hereby take full and sole responsibility from any liability of loss or damage to personal property associated with the Event, the Yoga Classes or any other events held by Sampoorna Yoga.
  9. I understand and agree that Sampoorna Yoga may from time to time, as it deems fit, change the course content, schedule, teachers, and any other academic, methodological, technical, or logistic aspect of the Event I am participating in, without previous notice.
  10. As a student of your training course, I give consent to my contact details (name, email and phone number) being passed onto your partners like Yoga Alliance Professional, so they can contact me directly and invite me to register as a Trainee and Teacher. And I understand that I have the option of opting out of this registration process.
  11. I acknowledge that Sampoorna Yoga may take photographs or/and videos of the Event that may include me, and I hereby represent that I have no objection of Sampoorna Yoga taking such photographs or/and videos. I authorize Sampoorna Yoga, its assignees and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/or electronically. I agree that Sampoorna Yoga may use such photographs and/or videos of me with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content.I also understand, I can take my own pictures and videos, to post on my personal Social Media, but only and only if all my classmates and teachersagree and feel comfortable with me posting these pics on public posts on my wall.
  12. During the course, if I bring my kid(s) whether minor or major is solely my responsibility and not the responsibility of Sampoorna Yoga or its staff. I also understand that if I have requested a babysitter, Sampoorna staff will try to help me in arranging a babysitter. However with or without a babysitter it will still be my responsibility for my child /children.

After having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of my participation in the Event, I agree, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, to HOLD HARMLESS, WAIVE, RELEASE, AND CONVENANT NOT TO SUE Sampoorna Yoga, its trainers, its officers, agents, employees, organizers, representatives, and successors from any responsibility, liabilities, demands, actions, or claims of any nature whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by me, or to any property belonging to me, while participating in the Event and in Sampoorna Yoga’s activities, or while in, on or upon the premises where the activity is being conducted.

By submitting my application I indicate that I have read, understood and accepted this Waiver of Liability and its content. I am aware that this is a waiver and a release of liability and I voluntarily agree to its terms.


By sending the Application form, I hereby agree to the following:

  1. I understand that the initial booking amount of €400 is non-refundable in any circ*mstances even if I decide to cancel, reschedule or not-participate in the courses or events I have signed up for, even if it is due to any travel restrictions, lockdowns, or any similar or non-similar reasons or even due to any pandemic or military operations or a war or anything else of the similar nature, any act of god or any other unforeseen circ*mstances by either parties.
  2. I understand that if I am not able to participate in the event, I have signed up for, Sampoorna Yoga will allow me to use the same at a later date towards the same or any other similar courses as long as I inform them about it via email to [emailprotected] at least 48 hours before the event start date. Failing to do so may result in forfeiting the initial deposit.
  3. I understand that the initial €400 also covers the cost of the pre-study non-contact hours training (if applicable) provided by Sampoorna via online module. Which means that with the initial deposit of €400 I am not only confirming my place in the course but also getting an online course in return.
  4. I understand and agree that once I have physically checked-into Sampoorna Yoga, Goa or joined the course in-person I shall become responsible and liable to pay Sampoorna Yoga the complete course fees. This fee becomes non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable unless otherwise agreed by Sampoorna Yoga in written.
  5. If I fall sick due to Covid or if the course has to be stopped due to covid restrictions or any similar reasons the school may consider transferring my pro-rata balance course fee to any future course of my choice. The ultimate decision lies with Sampoorna Yoga.
  6. I understand and agree that once I have joined the course physically, Sampoorna yoga is not be liable to refund me the course fee if I chose to drop-out of the course due to any reasons or circ*mstances.
  7. I understand that Sampoorna Yoga reserves the right to terminate my participation or continuation in the course if it finds my presence disturbing to the group process. In such case Sampoorna Yoga reserves the right to refund my fee. If it does it will only be on prorate basis.
  8. I understand that if Sampoorna Yoga has to cancel/re-schedule/stop/cancell the course for any situation beyond its control such as any pandemic or war related restrictions or any other reason deemed fit by them, prior to the beginning of the course, then I am entitled for a full refund except the €400 which serves as the booking amount as well as the non-contact hours online module if applicable. Sampoorna Yoga will also not be liable to cover any other losses I might incur such as travel, insurance etc. due to any such cancellations.
  9. Sampoorna Yoga reserves the right to make minor amendments in the course content, teachers or accommodation if needed and the same can not be used by me to ask for a refund.
  10. Any and all arbitrations will be subject to the jurisdiction of Canacona, Goa, India.


  1. Cancellation Policies Towards Initial Deposit:
    • The initial deposit of 400 euros isstrictly non-refundable and non-cancellable.
    • Nevertheless, if -due to COVID-19 situations- you cannot make it to the course, the initial400 euros deposit can be transferred to either:
      • Any other future in-person course in Costa Rica or Goa, India. OR
      • Any of our online courses.
  2. CancellationPoliciesTowardsRemainingBalance:
    • The remaining balance (full fee minus deposit and minus Early Bird Discount -if applicable)is due60 days before the course start date.
    • If after paying the due balance, you cannot attend to the course due to COVID circ*mstances, the total fee paid (minus the400 euros deposit)will be refundedas follows:
      • If you cancel 45 days before the course start date: Full amount can be refunded except the 400 euros deposit.
      • If cancelled between 30-45 days before the course start date: 50% of the food and accommodation part is refundable by the resort. The other 50% is non-refundable and non-transferable. The remaining amount for the concept oftuition feewill be refundable (except the 400 euros deposit).
      • If cancelled within 30 days or less of the course start date: There are no refunds towards accommodation and food. The tuition fee will be refunded (except the 400 euros deposit).
    • Please note that while making any refunds your bank/PayPal may levy some transaction charges which will be bear by the participant.
    • Please allow us approximately 30 days after cancelling to make the respective refunds, if applicable.
  3. Any and all legal arbitrations are subject to jurisdiction and law of Costa Rica.


  1. I voluntarily and willingly choose to participate in the Yoga Teacher Training, course, yoga retreat, or any similar yoga-related event, (hereinafter referred to as“Event”) that includes, but not limited to, Meditation, Pranayama, Asana, Chanting, Philosophy, Hands-on adjustments, and any other yoga-related class, exercise or activity (including social or spiritual gatherings), hereinafter referred to as“Yoga Classes”, offered/held by“Sampoorna Yoga”.
  2. Applying for this course means that I -the applicant agree to release all the teachers, staff, organisers of Sampoorna Yoga, The Goddess Garden and Yoga Alliance from any and all responsibility for any injuries, sickness, diseases or any other type of emotional, physical or mental losses which may be sustained during or as a result of stay, classes or program sessions.
  3. I recognise that the Event and the Yoga Classes in which I will be participating may require physical and mental exertion. I further understand and acknowledge that, despite the great amount of care that Sampoorna Yoga and its staff is taking, the Event and the Yoga Classes may expose me to many inherent risks, including accidents, injuries, illness, and so forth. I assume all risk of injuries associated with my participation in the Event and the Yoga Classes, including but not limited to injuries, strains, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather (including rainstorms, thunderbolts, high temperatures and/or humidity), contact with nature/animals/insects, local food, and all other such risks being known and appreciated by me.
  4. I understand that it is my full responsibility to consult a physician/doctor prior to and regarding my participation in the Event and the Yoga Classes, and I understand Sampoorna Yoga has no medical obligation/responsibility upon its students, and there is no medical staff in the premises of the school. Any hospital, clinic or local doctor I may need to attend to are not related to Sampoorna Yoga, and therefore Sampoorna Yoga is not responsible for any medical approach received privately outside of the premises of the school.
  5. I represent and warrant that I am physically fit and I have no medical condition, which would prevent my full participation in the Event and Yoga Classes I have applied to join. In case of having a previous injury, I am totally responsible for the outcome of my participation in the Event and/or Yoga Classes, and I don’t expect Sampoorna Yoga, or any of its teachers to provide me any consultation, treatment or recommendation for my physical condition, at any given time of the Event and/or Yoga Classes.
  6. I understand that in the event of any injury, in need to consult a doctor, or in need of hospitalization, I shall be responsible for my own treatment and for any fees or amounts related to such consultation or hospitalization. I also understand that Sampoorna Yoga can facilitate contact with external medical resources, but it is not Sampoorna Yoga’s responsibility to acquire/arrange these services for me. I also acknowledge that Sampoorna Yoga’s teaching staff are highly qualified in their area but they cannot provide any medical/clinical diagnosis and/or treatment.
  7. I understand that I am solely responsible for my own health, safety and well-being.
  8. If I am pregnant, I understand that I participate fully at my own risk and that of my unborn child/children. Also, if I have any injury or physical/emotional/psychological problem/condition whatsoever (including but not limited to injuries, heart problems, back or neck problems, asthma, epilepsy, ulcer, hernia, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, and so forth), I understand that I may be not fit to participate in certain Yoga Classes, in which case I will inform Sampoorna Yoga immediately of such condition, and Sampoorna Yoga shall have the full authority to prohibit me from participating in such Yoga Classes, and request me to complete assignments/homework to compensate my absence for such classes, if need be. In any case, whether I have disclosed or have not disclosed such injury or problem, I understand that, if despite my injury or problem I still decide to participate in the Yoga Classes, I would be participating fully at my own risk.
  9. I understand that from time to time during Yoga Classes, the instructor(s) may physically adjust students’ form and posture, and I hereby accept receiving such adjustments. If I do not want such physical adjustments for any reason whatsoever, notably because of an injury, or any other personal reason, I will inform the instructor(s) at each class I attend. I also acknowledge that if I do wish to receive such adjustments, it is my responsibility to inform the instructor(s) when an adjustment has gone as far as I desire at that time.
  10. I hereby take full and sole responsibility from any liability of loss or damage to personal property associated with the Event, the Yoga Classes or any other events held by Sampoorna Yoga.
  11. I understand and agree that the deposit amount plus transaction charges paid to Sampoorna Yoga for securing my place in the Event is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable to another person, but such amount -except the transaction charges- may only be transferred and used -by me- as credit in a future Event held by Sampoorna Yoga in Costa Rica, provided that Sampoorna Yoga is informed of such wish to transfer the deposit amount according to Sampoorna Yoga Payment and Cancellation Policy.
  12. I further understand and agree that prior joining the Event or any of the Yoga Classes organized/held by Sampoorna Yoga, I shall be responsible and liable to pay Sampoorna Yoga the fees of the Event/Yoga Classes I am participating in (including accommodation and/or any other package agreed upon, as the case may be), which fees are non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable to another person, unless otherwise approved by Sampoorna Yoga. I also acknowledge that I am responsible for any fee associated with my payments to Sampoorna Yoga (bank transfers/deposits, online payments, using credit/debit card, etc.). All the above in concordance with Sampoorna Yoga Payment and Cancellation Policy.
  13. I understand and agree that Sampoorna Yoga may -from time to time-, as it deems fit, change the course content, schedule, teachers, and any other academic, methodological, technical, or logistic aspect of the Event/Yoga Classes I am participating in, without previous notice.
  14. As a student of any yoga training course organized by Sampoorna Yoga, I give consent to my contact details (name, email and phone number) being passed onto Sampoorna Yoga’s partners such as Yoga Alliance USA, so they can contact me directly and invite me to register as a Trainee and Teacher. And I understand that I have the choice of opting out of this registration process.
  15. I acknowledge that Sampoorna Yoga may take photographs or/and videos of the Event/Yoga Classes that may include me, and I hereby represent that I have no objection of Sampoorna Yoga taking such photographs or/and videos. I authorize Sampoorna Yoga, its assignees and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/or electronically. I agree that Sampoorna Yoga may use such photographs and/or videos of me with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including but not limited such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content. I also understand, I can take my own pictures and videos, to post on my personal Social Media, but only and only if all my classmates and teachers agree and feel comfortable with me posting these pictures on public posts on my wall. If I post these pictures/videos I will always tag Sampoorna Yoga.
  16. During the Event/Yoga Classes, if I bring my kid(s) -whether minor or major- is solely my responsibility and not the responsibility of Sampoorna Yoga, its staff, or The Goddess Garden’s staff. I also understand that it is not possible to arrange for a local babysitter. Therefore, if I attend the Event with my kid(s), I must bring another adult with me to take care and look after my child /children.
  17. FORCE MAJEURE CLAUSE: Neither party will hold the other responsible for a delay or failure to perform under this Agreement when the delay or failure is caused by natural disaster, COVID situation, diplomatic or military incident, intervention of civil or military authority, or similar circ*mstance that a reasonable person would agree is beyond the control of the delayed or non-performing party (and not due to that party’s negligence). The affected party will notify the other party as soon as is practical of the expected delay or failure to perform. In the occurrence of such an event causing either party to be unable to uphold this agreement, deposit and payments made will be transferable to future dates, pending availability.

After having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of my participation in the Event/Yoga Classes/Teacher Training, I agree, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, to HOLD FREE, HARMLESS, WAIVE, RELEASE, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE Sampoorna Yoga or The Goddess Garden, its trainers, its officers, agents, employees, organizers, representatives, and successors from any responsibility, liabilities, demands, actions, or claims of any nature whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage, liability, cost, expense, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by me, or to any property belonging to me, while participating in the Event/Yoga Classes/Teacher Training and in any of Sampoorna Yoga’s activities, or while in, on or upon the premises where the activity is being conducted, to the extent such loss, damage, liability, cost or expense arise out of my own negligent acts or omissions.

By submitting my application by email, I certify that I have read, understood and accepted this Waiver of Liability and its content. I certify that I will abide by the facility rules and regulations. I am aware that this is a waiver and a release of liability and I voluntarily agree to its terms.

Discount Policy for Sampoorna Yoga, Goa In-person Courses Applicable 11th April 2022 onwards

Early Bird Discounts: We offer different Early Bird Discounts for different courses. These discounts are applicable to both, in-person and online YTTCs. This discount can not be combined with any other type of discounts until and unless approved by Sampoorna Yoga in writing.


Applicable from 11th Apr 2022

By sending the Application Form, I hereby agree to the following:

  1. I am signing up for the online course with full awareness, after having read and understood all the details of the course including the Terms and Conditions as well as the Refund Policy.
  2. I understand that the course fee paid towards any and all the online course is non-refundable, non-cancellable and non-transferable under any circ*mstances.
  3. The course fee covers the cost of the online training provided by Sampoorna Yoga, and this includes the student manual and all other study resources available on the online platform, live sessions, interaction with the teacher(s) of the course, and the certificate upon completion of the course.
  4. I understand that I will have lifetime access to the material of the course, as long as the hosting e-learning platform exists.
  5. I understand that all the course material and resources such as the TTC manual, documents in PDF format and audios and videos are ONLY for my own personal use, and I am not authorized to distribute, replicate, copy, share, or use them in any other way, unless I have a written consent from Sampoorna Yoga.
  6. I understand that I have up to ONE year (from the start date of the course) to complete the same to get the certificate of completion. I agree to fulfil the requirements needed to receive the certificate (i.e., studying all the lectures, and passing the exam(s), within the ONE year after starting the course.
  7. I agree that if, for whatever reason, I need an extension (after the initial one-year period) to complete the certification I will be entitled to pay a $100 USD administrative fee for each additional month of extension I request.
  8. I understand that if -in the unlikely case- Sampoorna Yoga has to cancel, re-schedule or stop an online course I signed up for due to any unforeseeable circ*mstances, then I will be entitled for a full refund but Sampoorna Yoga will not be liable for any other losses I might incur.
  9. I understand that this course is conducted by Sampoorna Yoga, Costa Rica and any and all legal arbitrations are subject to jurisdiction and law of Costa Rica.

Terms & Conditions for Online Courses

By sending the Application Form, I hereby agree to the following:

  1. During the online Yoga Teacher Training/Course I chose to participate in held by Sampoorna Yoga, I voluntarily and willingly choose to participate in the classes offered as part of its curriculum, including but not limited to Meditation, Pranayama, Asana, Chanting, Philosophy, Yoga Nidra, and any other yoga-related class.
  2. I recognise that the online yoga classes in which I will be participating may require physical and mental exertion. I further understand and acknowledge that I will practice them under my own responsibility. I assume all risk of injuries associated with my participation in the training/course, including but not limited to injuries, strains, accidents, and all other risks being known and appreciated by me.
  3. I understand that it is my full responsibility to consult a physician/doctor prior to and regarding my participation in the training/course, and I understand that Sampoorna Yoga has no medical obligation/responsibility upon its students.
  4. I represent and warrant that I am physically fit and I have no medical condition, which would prevent my full participation in the training/course I have booked. In case if I have any injuries or medical condition, I am totally responsible for the outcome of my participation in the training or the course, and I don’t expect Sampoorna Yoga, or any of its teachers to provide me any consultation, treatment or recommendation for my physical condition, at any given time.
  5. I understand that in the event of any injury, pregnancy or any other condition in need to consult a doctor, or in need of hospitalization, I shall be responsible for my own treatment and for any fees or amounts related to such consultation or hospitalization. I also understand that it is not Sampoorna’s responsibility to acquire/arrange these services for me. I also acknowledge that Sampoorna’s teaching staff are highly qualified in their area but they cannot and they won’t provide any diagnosis and/or treatment.
  6. If I am pregnant, I understand that I participate fully at my own risk and that of my unborn child/children. Also, if I have any injury or problem whatsoever (including but not limited to injuries, heart problems, back or neck problems, asthma, epilepsy, ulcer, hernia, high blood pressure, and so forth), I understand that I may be not fit to participate in certain yoga classes, in which case the decision to participate will be mine. And I understand that if, despite my injury or problem, I still decide to participate in the yoga classes, I would be participating fully at my own risk and will not hold Sampoorna Yoga or any of its staff liable.
  7. I understand and agree that Sampoorna Yoga may, from time to time, as it deems fit, change the course content, schedule, teachers, and any other academic, methodological, technical, or logistic aspect of the training/course I am participating in, without previous notice.
  8. As a student of Sampoorna Yoga’s training/courses, I give consent to my contact details (name, email and phone number) being passed onto your partners like Yoga Alliance, so they can contact me directly and invite me to register as a Trainee and Teacher. And I understand that I have the option of opting out of their registration process (which is completely voluntary and optional).
  9. I acknowledge that Sampoorna Yoga may repost the stories and posts I share in my social media, and I hereby represent that I have no objection of Sampoorna Yoga doing so. I authorize Sampoorna Yoga, its assignees and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/or electronically. I agree that Sampoorna Yoga may use such stories and posts of me with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including but no limited to publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content.
  10. I acknowledge that Sampoorna Yoga may take pictures or screenshots during the online courses and I hereby represent that I have no objection of Sampoorna Yoga doing so. I authorize Sampoorna Yoga, its assignees and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/or electronically. I agree that Sampoorna Yoga may use such stories and posts of me with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including but no limited to publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content.

After having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of my participation in the training/course, I agree, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, to HOLD HARMLESS, WAIVE, RELEASE, AND CONVENANT NOT TO SUE Sampoorna Yoga, its trainers, its officers, agents, employees, organizers, representatives, and successors from any responsibility, liabilities, demands, actions, or claims of any nature whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by me, or to any property belonging to me, while participating in the online training/course.

By submitting my application I indicate that I have read, understood and accepted this Waiver of Liability and its content. I am aware that this is a waiver and a release of liability and I voluntarily agree to its terms.


By sending the Application Form, I hereby agree to the following:

  1. The initial booking amount of €400 is non-refundable in any circ*mstances whether it’s due to travel restrictions, lockdowns, or any similar or non-similar reasons due to covid or anything else of the similar nature, any act of god or any other unforeseen circ*mstances by either parties.
  2. Even if you have to cancel or reschedule your participation in the training or the event you are signing up for, your initial deposit of €400 will always be safe and you can use it anytime in future for any in-person or online courses offered by Sampoorna yoga.
  3. The initial €400 also covers the cost of the pre-study non-contact hours training provided by Sampoorna via online module. Which means that with the initial deposit of €400 you are not only confirming you place in the course but also getting an online course in return.
  4. The full course fee is non-refundable but transferable to a future date if you are choosing to pay the entire course fee now to avail the special flat discount of €500 before the advertised date.
  5. Balance course fee: The remaining fee which is towards the in-person training in Goa is be paid upon arrival to Sampoorna Yoga, Goa by Card/Cash.
  6. Once you have physically joined the course or the event you are signing up for, you shall become liable to pay Sampoorna Yoga the complete fees of the Course or event. This fees becomes non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable unless otherwise agreed by Sampoorna Yoga in written. But If I fall sick due to Covid or if the course has to be stopped due to covid restrictions or any similar reasons the school may consider transferring my pro-rata balance course fee to any future course of my choice.
  7. I understand and agree that once I have joined the course physically, Sampoorna yoga is not be liable to refund me the course fee if I chose to drop-out of the course due to my personal reasons or circ*mstances.
  8. Sampoorna Yoga reserves the right to terminate your participation or continuation in the course if it finds your presence disturbing to the group process. In such case Sampoorna Yoga will refund my fee on pro-rata basis.
  9. If Sampoorna Yoga has to cancel the course for any situation beyond its control such as covid related restrictions or any other reason deemed fit, prior to the beginning of the course, then you will be entitled for a full refund if you have paid the entire course fee except the €400 for which you would continue to have access to the online non-contact hours module. Sampoorna Yoga will not be liable to cover any other losses I might incur such as travel, insurance etc. due to any such cancellations.


Applicable from 11th Apr 2022

By sending the Application Form, I hereby agree to the following:

  1. I am signing up for the online course with full awareness, after having read and understood all the details of the course including the Terms and Conditions as well as the Refund Policy.
  2. I understand that the course fee paid towards any and all the online course is non-refundable, non-cancellable and non-transferable under any circ*mstances.
  3. The course fee covers the cost of the online training provided by Sampoorna Yoga, and this includes the student manual and all other study resources available on the online platform, live sessions, interaction with the teacher(s) of the course, and the certificate upon completion of the course.
  4. I understand that I will have lifetime access to the material of the course, as long as the hosting e-learning platform exists.
  5. I understand that all the course material and resources such as the TTC manual, documents in PDF format and audios and videos are ONLY for my own personal use, and I am not authorized to distribute, replicate, copy, share, or use them in any other way, unless I have a written consent from Sampoorna Yoga.
  6. I understand that I have up to ONE year (from the start date of the course) to complete the same to get the certificate of completion. I agree to fulfil the requirements needed to receive the certificate (i.e., studying all the lectures, and passing the exam(s), within the ONE year after starting the course.
  7. I agree that if, for whatever reason, I need an extension (after the initial one-year period) to complete the certification I will be entitled to pay a $100 USD administrative fee for each additional month of extension I request.
  8. I understand that if -in the unlikely case- Sampoorna Yoga has to cancel, re-schedule or stop an online course I signed up for due to any unforeseeable circ*mstances, then I will be entitled for a full refund but Sampoorna Yoga will not be liable for any other losses I might incur.
  9. I understand that this course is conducted by Sampoorna Yoga, Costa Rica and any and all legal arbitrations are subject to jurisdiction and law of Costa Rica.

Terms & Conditions for Yoga Holiday & Retreats

By sending the booking request, I hereby agree to the following:

  1. I understand that the initial booking amount of €400 is non-refundable in any circ*mstances even if I decide to cancel, reschedule or not-participate in the courses or events I have signed up for, even if it is due to any travel restrictions, lockdowns, or any similar or non-similar reasons or even due to any pandemic or military operations or a war or anything else of the similar nature, any act of God or any other unforeseen circ*mstances by either party.
  2. The deposit of 400 Euros is transferrable to any other dates (depending upon availability) if informed at least 14 days before the start date. The deposit will become non-transferrable if intimation is received with 14 days of the course start date.
  3. I understand and agree that I have to pay the balance fee before checking in if there is any. The entire fee becomes non-refundable, non-cancellable and non-transferrable once I have checked in.
  4. I understand that Sampoorna Yoga reserves the right to terminate my participation or continuation in the course if it finds my presence disturbing to the group process. In such case Sampoorna Yoga reserves the right to refund my fee. If it, does it will only be on prorate basis.
  5. I understand that if Sampoorna Yoga has to cancel/re-schedule/stop/cancel the course for any situation beyond its control such as any pandemic or war related restrictions or any other reason deemed fit by them, prior to the beginning of the event, then I am entitled for a full refund except the €400. Sampoorna Yoga will not be liable to cover any other losses I might incur such as travel, insurance etc. due to any such cancellations.
  6. Sampoorna Yoga reserves the right to make minor amendments in the program offered or accommodation if needed.
  7. Any and all arbitrations will be subject to the jurisdiction of Canacona, Goa, India.


By sending the Application form, I hereby agree to the following:

  1. I acknowledge that the initial booking amount of €400 is non-refundable under any circ*mstances, including but not limited to cancellations, rescheduling, or non-participation in the courses or events I have enrolled in. This includes events arising from travel restrictions, lockdowns, pandemics, military operations, wars, acts of God, or any other unforeseen circ*mstances affecting either party.
  2. I acknowledge that any and all course paid is non-refundable under any circ*mstances, including but not limited to cancellations, rescheduling, or non-participation in the courses or events I have enrolled in. This includes events arising from travel restrictions, lockdowns, pandemics, military operations, wars, acts of God, or any other unforeseen circ*mstances affecting either party.
  3. Cancellation policy: All bookings are non-refundable, non-cancellable and non-transferrable. I understand that if I am unable to participate in the event I have enrolled in, Sampoorna Yoga may permit me to utilize the amount for the same event or any other similar courses, provided I notify them via email at [emailprotected] at least 48 hours before the event start date. Failure to do so may result in forfeiting the initial deposit.
  4. Goa: I understand and agree that once I have physically checked into Sampoorna Yoga, Goa, or joined the course in person, I am obligated to pay Sampoorna Yoga the complete course fees. This fee is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable unless otherwise agreed by Sampoorna Yoga in writing.
  5. I understand and agree that once I have physically joined the course in Goa or Bali, Sampoorna Yoga is not liable to refund the course fee if I choose to drop out of the course due to any reasons or circ*mstances.
  6. Bali Courses: I understand that 50% of the course fee (inclusive of the initial deposit of €400) must be settled 90 days before the course commencement, and the remaining 50% of the course fee must be paid 30 days before the course start date.
  7. Any fees paid for in-person courses in Bali or Goa or any online courses are not transferable or interchangeable.
  8. I understand that Sampoorna Yoga reserves the right to terminate my participation or continuation in the course if my presence is found to be disturbing to the group process. In such a case, Sampoorna Yoga reserves the right to refund or not refund my fee on a prorate basis.
  9. I understand that if Sampoorna Yoga has to cancel, reschedule, stop, or cancel the course due to any situation beyond its control, such as pandemic or war-related restrictions or any other national or international emergencies before or during the course, I am not entitled to any refunds. However, I will be allowed to use the course fee for any future courses conducted by Sampoorna. Sampoorna Yoga is not liable to cover any other losses I might incur, such as travel, insurance, etc., due to any such cancellations.
  10. Sampoorna Yoga reserves the right to make minor amendments to the course content, teachers, or accommodation if needed, and the same cannot be used by me to request a refund.
  11. Any and all arbitrations will be subject to the jurisdiction of Goa, India.


By sending the Application form, I hereby agree to the following:

  1. I understand that the initial booking amount of €200 is non-refundable in any circ*mstances even if I decide to cancel, reschedule or not-participate in the courses or events I have signed up for, even if it is due to any travel restrictions, lockdowns, or any similar or non-similar reasons or even due to any pandemic or military operations or a war or anything else of the similar nature, any act of god or any other unforeseen circ*mstances by either parties.
  2. I understand that if I am not able to participate in the event, I have signed up for, Sampoorna Yoga will allow me to use the same at a later date towards the same or any other similar courses as long as I inform them about it via email to [emailprotected] at least 48 hours before the event start date. Failing to do so may result in forfeiting the initial deposit.
  3. I understand that the initial €200 also covers the cost of the pre-study non-contact hours training (if applicable) provided by Sampoorna via online module. Which means that with the initial deposit of €200 I am not only confirming my place in the course but also getting an online course in return.
  4. I understand and agree that once I have physically checked-into Sampoorna Yoga, Goa or joined the course in-person I shall become responsible and liable to pay Sampoorna Yoga the complete course fees. This fee becomes non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable unless otherwise agreed by Sampoorna Yoga in written.
  5. If I fall sick due to Covid or if the course has to be stopped due to covid restrictions or any similar reasons the school may consider transferring my pro-rata balance course fee to any future course of my choice. The ultimate decision lies with Sampoorna Yoga.
  6. I understand and agree that once I have joined the course physically, Sampoorna yoga is not be liable to refund me the course fee if I chose to drop-out of the course due to any reasons or circ*mstances.
  7. I understand that Sampoorna Yoga reserves the right to terminate my participation or continuation in the course if it finds my presence disturbing to the group process. In such case Sampoorna Yoga reserves the right to refund my fee. If it does it will only be on prorate basis.
  8. I understand that if Sampoorna Yoga has to cancel/re-schedule/stop/cancell the course for any situation beyond its control such as any pandemic or war related restrictions or any other reason deemed fit by them, prior to the beginning of the course, then I am entitled for a full refund except the €200 which serves as the booking amount as well as the non-contact hours online module if applicable. Sampoorna Yoga will also not be liable to cover any other losses I might incur such as travel, insurance etc. due to any such cancellations.
  9. Sampoorna Yoga reserves the right to make minor amendments in the course content, teachers or accommodation if needed and the same can not be used by me to ask for a refund.
  10. Any and all arbitrations will be subject to the jurisdiction of Canacona, Goa, India.


By sending the Application form, I hereby agree to the following:

  1. I acknowledge that the initial booking amount of €300 is non-refundable under any circ*mstances, including but not limited to cancellations, rescheduling, or non-participation in the courses or events I have enrolled in. This includes events arising from travel restrictions, lockdowns, pandemics, military operations, wars, acts of God, or any other unforeseen circ*mstances affecting either party.
  2. I acknowledge that any and all course paid is non-refundable under any circ*mstances, including but not limited to cancellations, rescheduling, or non-participation in the courses or events I have enrolled in. This includes events arising from travel restrictions, lockdowns, pandemics, military operations, wars, acts of God, or any other unforeseen circ*mstances affecting either party.
  3. Cancellation policy: All bookings are non-refundable, non-cancellable and non-transferrable. I understand that if I am unable to participate in the event I have enrolled in, Sampoorna Yoga may permit me to utilize the amount for the same event or any other similar courses, provided I notify them via email at [emailprotected] at least 48 hours before the event start date. Failure to do so may result in forfeiting the initial deposit.
  4. Goa: I understand and agree that once I have physically checked into Sampoorna Yoga, Goa, or joined the course in person, I am obligated to pay Sampoorna Yoga the complete course fees. This fee is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable unless otherwise agreed by Sampoorna Yoga in writing.
  5. I understand and agree that once I have physically joined the course in Goa or Bali, Sampoorna Yoga is not liable to refund the course fee if I choose to drop out of the course due to any reasons or circ*mstances.
  6. Bali Courses: I understand that 50% of the course fee (inclusive of the initial deposit of €300) must be settled 90 days before the course commencement, and the remaining 50% of the course fee must be paid 30 days before the course start date.
  7. Any fees paid for in-person courses in Bali or Goa or any online courses are not transferable or interchangeable.
  8. I understand that Sampoorna Yoga reserves the right to terminate my participation or continuation in the course if my presence is found to be disturbing to the group process. In such a case, Sampoorna Yoga reserves the right to refund or not refund my fee on a prorate basis.
  9. I understand that if Sampoorna Yoga has to cancel, reschedule, stop, or cancel the course due to any situation beyond its control, such as pandemic or war-related restrictions or any other national or international emergencies before or during the course, I am not entitled to any refunds. However, I will be allowed to use the course fee for any future courses conducted by Sampoorna. Sampoorna Yoga is not liable to cover any other losses I might incur, such as travel, insurance, etc., due to any such cancellations.
  10. Sampoorna Yoga reserves the right to make minor amendments to the course content, teachers, or accommodation if needed, and the same cannot be used by me to request a refund.
  11. Any and all arbitrations will be subject to the jurisdiction of Goa, India.
Hybrid 200-Hour Hatha & Yin Yoga Teacher Training - India (2024)


Is 200 hours enough to teach yoga? ›

Choosing a 200-hour yoga teacher training program without proper techniques, training, and practice is a red flag because the program may lack credentials, oversight, and a standardized curriculum. This could result in inadequate or unsafe training that fails to prepare you to teach yoga competently and safely.

How long does it take to complete 200 hr yoga teacher training? ›

200 hours of yoga teacher training translates to roughly 25 days of intense and delightful training. This also means that you'll be spending quite a bit of time in beautiful and sunny California. Get your yoga teacher certification and start teaching as soon as you get home on a yoga teacher training in California.

What is the best yoga teacher training 200 hours? ›

Known for its personal trainer certification program, ISSA also offers a 200-hour yoga teacher training certification program approved by the Yoga Alliance. While it's a fully online course, live weekly virtual study sessions allow students to connect directly with both their instructors and peers.

Which yoga institute is government approved in India? ›

Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga (MDNIY) is an autonomous organisation under Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India.

What is the difference between YTT and RYT 200? ›

YTT, or Yoga Teacher Training, refers to the training program itself, while RYT refers to the certification level. Completing a YTT program does not automatically make you an RYT; you must also pass a test and meet other requirements to become registered with the Yoga Alliance as an RYT.

How hard is yoga teacher training? ›

Yoga teacher training will require a significant amount of energy. You'll find yourself exerting mental, physical, and emotional energy. You'll spend mental energy learning new information and skills. You'll learn a lot about the history and philosophy of yoga.

How much experience do you need to do yoga teacher training? ›

The amount of experience necessary for a yoga teacher training program will vary depending on the program. Generally, most programs require at least one year of consistent yoga practice and/or teaching experience. Some may require additional experience depending on the level of the training program.

What is the best online yoga certification in India? ›

If you are looking for best online yoga teacher training course in 2024 then consider choosing a program at Raj Yoga Rishikesh. Join this 200-hour online Yoga Teacher Certification and enhance your practice in the comfort of your own home.

Which state is famous for yoga in India? ›


Known as Yoga Capital of the World, it attracts lots of pilgrims every year from India and all over the world. Rishikesh is known for Yoga and meditation therapies where many ashrams in Rishikesh offers courses on meditation, yoga, and philosophy.

Which university is best for yoga in India? ›

Top Government Colleges for Yoga Courses

Uttarakhand Open University, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, and the University of Rajasthan are some of the popular government colleges that offer Yoga courses in India.

Can I teach yoga without certification in India? ›

There is no doubt that yoga certification is often the standard considered across the world for yoga instructors to teach at repeated yoga studios and schools. But if you wish to continue without certification, then be assured that the scope and context in your teaching would be limited.

How many hours of yoga do you need to teach? ›

Yoga instructor certification requirements

Complete at least 200 hours of training with a qualifying yoga school. Keep in mind that you must complete all your training at one school and cannot combine training from multiple schools.

How many hours of yoga do you need to be an instructor? ›

While each studio will have their own hiring criteria, generally speaking, they will want their students to have completed at least a 200 hour yoga teacher training. More frequently, studios are also looking for teachers with a 500 hour certificate.

How many hours of yoga to teach? ›

Teaching time Requirements:

Teachers can register as a RYT 200 if they have successfully completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training that is registered with Yoga Alliance. All training hours must come from the same school and multiple trainings cannot be combined to meet the 200-hour Requirement.


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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.