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Creation Date:From:

Outgoing Dominion Correspondence to NRC - North Anna ESP - RAIRegardingEnvironmental Portion of ESP Application (SN 04-170A)7/13/04 1:36PM<Ma22ie [emailprotected]>

Created By: Maggie [emailprotected]


JXC9 (Jack Cushing)

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Jack Cushing - Outgoing Dominion Correspondence to NRC - North Anna ESP - RAI RegardingEnvironmental Port-ion of ES Pesid

From: <[emailprotected]>To: <[emailprotected]>Date: 7/13/04 1:36PMSubject: Outgoing Dominion Correspondence to NRC - North Anna ESP - RAIRegardingEnvironmental Portion of ESP Application (SN 04-170A)

Mr. Cushing,

Joe Hegner asked that I send this to you electronically since Mr. Kugler isout of the office. Please note that the CD will be coming your way via thepostal service (mailed directly to you).

(See attached file: 04-170A_Letter&Attonly.pdf)

Maggie McClureAdministrative Assistant IlIlNuclear Licensing & Operations SupportDominion Resources Services, Inc.Innsbrook Technical Center, 2SE5000 Dominion BoulevardGlen Allen, VA 23060Phone: (804) 273-2200Company Tie Line: 8-730-2200Fax: (804) 273-3715Pager: (804) 273-3030, (8810)Email: Maggie

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Dominion Nudear North Anna, LLC 'rDominion5000 l)Dminion Boulevard, Glen Allen. VA 23060

July 12, 2004

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Serial No. 04-170AAttention: Document Control Desk ESP/LTBWashington, D.C. 20555 Docket No. 52-008


In its March 12, 2004 letter titled "Request for Additional Information (RAI) Regardingthe Environmental Portion of the Early Site Permit (ESP) Application for the NorthAnna Site (TAC No. MC1128)," the NRC requested additional information regardingcertain aspects of Dominion Nuclear North Anna, LLC's (Dominion's) Early Site Permitapplication. Dominion provided responses to 46 of the 51 RAls in a May 17, 2004letter. This letter contains responses to the remaining 5 RAls and 2 revisedresponses:

E3.8-7 (revised), E3.8-12, E5.4.2-2, E5.4.2-3 (revised), E5.4.3-1, E7.1-1, E7.2-1

In its June 3, 2004 letter titled "Request for Additional Information No. 7," the NRCrequested additional information regarding the Site Safety Analysis Report. One ofthe questions in that letter, RAI 2.3.4-1, impacts the response to RAI E7.1-1. The RAI2.3.4-1 response contains information related to the atmospheric dispersion factorsthat were also used in the response to RAI E7.1-1. Therefore, our response to RAI2.3.4-1 is included in this letter.

In addition, included in this letter are responses to various follow-up questions posedby the NRC staff during a June 23, 2004 telephone conference relating to 10 of the 46Dominion responses provided on May 17, 2004. The responses are listed below withthe original RAI number in parentheses.

1 (RAI E3.8-1), 2 (RAI E3.8-5), 3 (RAI E3.8-12), 4 (RAI E5.4.2-1),5 (RAI E5.4.2-2), 6 (RAI E5.4.3-1), 7 (RAI E5.4.4-1), 8 (RAI response E7.2),9 (RAI response E4.5-3), 10 (RAI response E4.5-4)

It is Dominion's intent to update the North Anna ESP application to incorporate theresponses to these and other RAls to support issuance of the NRC staff's draft safetyand environmental evaluations scheduled for later this year. Planned changes to theapplication are identified following the response to each RAI.

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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact us.

Very truly yours,

Eugene S. GrecheckVice President-Nuclear Support Services

Enclosures: 1.2.

Responses to Environmental RAlsCompact Disc (CD) containing the following:a. RADTRAN results for the GT-MHR and PBMR in response

to RAI E3.8-12.b. MAACS2 code outputs for the ABWR and AP1000 and

revised AP1000 Table 7-4 in response to follow-upenvironmental RAI 8 (RAI response 7.2).

c. PAVAN input files in response to RAI 2.3.4-1.

Commitments made in this letter:

1 . Revise North Anna ESP application to reflect Environmental RAI responses.

cc: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region IISam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center61 Forsyth Street, SWSuite 23T85Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Mr. Andy KuglerU.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionWashington, D.C. 20555

Mr. Michael ScottU. S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionWashington, D.C. 20555

Mr. M. T. Widmann (w/o Encl. 2)NRC Senior Resident InspectorNorth Anna Power Station

Ms. Ellie L. Irons, Program ManagerOffice of Environmental Impact ReviewVirginia Department of Environmental Quality

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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls



The foregoing document was acknowledged before me, in and for the County andCommonwealth aforesaid, today by Eugene S. Grecheck, who is Vice President,Nuclear Support Services, of Dominion Nuclear North Anna, LLC. He has affirmedbefore me that he is duly authorized to execute and file the foregoing document onbehalf of Dominion Nuclear North Anna, LLC, and that the statements in the documentare true to the best of his knowledge and belief.

I ,-.-1

Acknowledged before me this 1 L day of I, 20

My Commission expires: 5)31

Notary Public


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Serial No. 04-364Docket No. 52-008

Response to VDEQ Comments

Enclosure 1

Final Responses to NRC Requests for Additional InformationRegarding Environmental Portion of North Anna ESP Application


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

RAI E3.8-7 (NRC 3/12104 Letter)

p. 3-3-79 (Section, first paragraph) - The ER provides an annual valueof truck shipments for the reference LWR (110 shipments), the PBMR (18shipments), and GT-MHR (41 shipments). When adding up the individual valuesfor unirradiated fuel shipments, spent fuel shipments, and low level wasteshipments within that same section, we obtained different totals - reference LWR(112 shipments); PBMR (22 shipments); and GT-MHR (58 shipments). Explainthe differences.

Revised Response

Table 1 provides an estimate of truck shipments based on the following assumptions:

* 40 years of operation* 1 initial core load* 40 annual core reloads* 40 annual spent fuel shipments for the LWR; 34 annual spent fuel shipments for

the gas-cooled reactors (to achieve the much higher burnup and to account for aminimum five-year cooling time prior to shipping).

* 40 years of LLW generation

The estimate was normalized to an equivalent electrical generation (i.e., the GTMHRshipments were reduced by 12% and the PBMR shipments were reduced by 30%). Thecalculated numbers of shipments were then rounded to the next whole number.

I Table 1 I

Number of Shipments

LWR GT-MHR PBMRInitial core load 18 51 44Annual reload 6 20 20Annual spent fuel 60 38 16LLW 46 6 940 year total 4498 2383 1748Yearly average 113 60 44Adjusted yearly average 113 53 31

These values for the gas-cooled reactors are different from the ER and the RAI. Theoriginal worksheet used different assumptions in normalizing power and rounding. Onereason these numbers do not match the RAI numbers is that the total number ofunnormalized shipments are calculated first and then adjusted for the electricalgeneration to compute the annual shipments. Doing it this way, there is no annualrounding up of the number of shipments. This is a more representative estimate,


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

because the plant operator would likely wait until a full shipment was available and notjust ship because the year is drawing to a close.

Application Revision

The 8th paragraph of ER Section will be revised to read as follows (see also theresponse to follow-up RAI 2 in this letter):

The Table S-4 value, traffic density in trucks per day, for the reference LWR isgiven as less than one per day. Both the gas-cooled reactor technologies wouldalso have less than one per day. In fact, the new gas-cooled reactortechnologies would have far fewer shipments per year. The reference LWRbounding annual value for truck shipments is 113 based on a 40-year period,while the normalized number of truck shipments for the gas-cooled reactortechnologies would require as few as 31 for the PBMR and only 53 for the GT-MHR.


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

RAI E3.8-12 (NRC 3112104 Letter)

General comment - Provide a transportation risk assessment for gas-cooledreactor spent fuel shipments using an accepted methodology, such asRADTRAN V. Provide justification that the best available information has beenused to generate the RADTRAN input values, and that those values areappropriate for gas-cooled fuel shipments. Provide a comparison of the resultsof that assessment with the spent fuel shipment risk estimates contained inNUREG-0170, Final Environmental Statement on the Transportation ofRadioactive Material by Air and Other Modes.


RADTRAN V highway runs were conducted for a GT-MHR and a PBMR spent fuelshipment from the Maine Yankee Nuclear Plant to Yucca Mountain. (This route waschosen to conservatively bound potential transportation routes.) The TRAGIS RoutingEngine Version 1.4.15, which uses the 2000 Census data, provided the routinginformation and the population densities. This analysis of gas-cooled reactor fuelshipments was based on a conservative assumption that the transportation dose ratesare at the 10 CFR 71 regulatory limits of 2 mren/hr in the cab and 10 mrern/hr at 2meters from the cask. The input values were taken primarily from the Yucca MountainFinal EIS, in particular, the Transportation Health and Safety Calculation/AnalysisDocumentation in Support of the Final EIS for the Yucca Mountain Repository.Specifically, the values for the high integrity high-temperature gas-cooled reactor spentnuclear fuel referred to as type 8 were used. The inputs and output results of theseRADTRAN analyses are provided on the enclosed compact disc. A comparison of theincident free results with NUREG-01 70 is provided in Table 1.

Table 1. Comparlson of Incident Free ResultsPer shipment ADTRAN V per RADTRAN V perperson-rem from shipment person- shipment person-NUREG-0170 rem results for rem results for Differencebased on 1530 GTMHR Spent PBMR Spent Fuel betweenspent fuel truck Fuel from Maine from Maine RADTRAN Vshipments for the Yankee to Yucca Yankee to Yucca esults andyear 1985 Mountain Mountain NUREG-0170

Passengers 0 0.000 0.000 0.000Crew 0.123 0.157 0.157 0.034Attendants 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000Handlers 0.200 0.102 0.102 -0.098Off-Link 0.015 0.012 0.012 -0.003On-Link 0.007 0.081 0.081 0.073Stops 0.019 0.177 0.177 0.158Storage 0.005 0.000 0.000 -0.005motals 0.369 0.529 0.529 X


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

The major difference between these RADTRAN V analyses and NUREG-0170 is thedose during stops. Approximately 25% of the difference is the result of inspections atthe beginning and the end of the trip were included in these RADTRAN V simulationsbut which were not modeled in the NUREG-0170 analysis. The remaining differencecan be attributed to greater distance traveled, hence more refueling stops, and thedifferent methodologies used to calculate the stop doses. This evaluation used 1996truck stop data (Investigation of Radtran Stop Model Input Parameters for Truck Stops,SAND96-071 4C) and modeled public doses in two concentric rings: 1 m to 14m and30m to 800m. The population in the inner ring used the results of the Stop Model studywhile the population in the outer ring used route specific 2000 Census population dataweighted by a 3% urban, 26% suburban and 71% rural distribution. The NUREG-0170study modeled just one ring, 10 to 2600 feet, and used three fixed population densities.

Factors contributing to the increased on-link population dose are that NUREG-0170assumed a 2500 km shipment distance with a 5% urban, 5% suburban and 90% ruralpopulation. This evaluation used updated 2000 census information showing a 3%urban, 26% suburban and 71% rural population and a conservative 4,733 km shipmentdistance.

In addition to the incident free results, the RADTRAN V runs also include accidentresults. Due to the preliminary nature of the gas-cooled reactor fuel designs, it ispremature to provide a meaningful comparison with NUREG-0170. The RADTRAN Vruns were made with the gas-cooled fuel values in the Yucca Mountain FEIS.Specifically, the values for the high integrity high-temperature gas-cooled reactor spentnuclear fuel referred to as type 8 were used. As such, these runs give a reasonableestimate of what the GT-MHR and PBMR results might look like. It is important toremember that the gas-cooled reactor spent fuel shipments are no different from otherspent fuel shipments in that all shipments are required to meet NRC and DOTregulations. These regulations address design and performance standards for thecasks and specify radiological performance criteria for both normal transport and severeaccident conditions. Compliance with these regulations ensures that shipments will beconducted in a manner with minimal environmental Impacts.

Application Revision



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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

RAI E5.4.2-2 (NRC 3/12104 Letter)

Section 5.4.2 of ER (Radiation Doses to Members of Public) -The ER statesthat the LADTAP II computer code was used to calculate dose estimates to themaximally exposed individual and the population from the liquid effluent pathway.Provide the values of the following parameters that were used as inputs for theLAPTAP II analysis:

• Shore-width factor• Population supplied by drinking water* Dilution factor for water intake locations* Transit time from discharge location to water supply intake (hours)* Supply rate of drinking water for current water plant (gallons/day)* Average rate of water usage by individuals (gallons/day)* Total shoreline usage time (person-hours/year)* Dilution factor for current shoreline exposure location* Transit time from release point to current shoreline location* Total exposure time for swimming for the current usage location (person-

hours/year)* Dilution factor for the current swimming usage location* Transit time from the release point to current swimming location* Total exposure time for boating activities (person-hours/year)* Dilution factor for current boating usage location* Transit time from release point to current boating location (hours)


The values used as inputs for the LADTAP II computer program are as follows:

* Shore-width factor - 0.3* Population supplied by drinking water- 22,100* Dilution factor for water intake locations - 10* Transit time from discharge location to water supply intake (hours) - 0* Supply rate of drinking water for current water plant (gallons/day) - this

parameter is not used in LADTAP II if the total population supplied by drinkingwater is specified (see second bullet above)

• Average rate of water usage by individuals (gallons/day) - this. parameter is notused in LADTAP II if the total population supplied by drinking water is specified(see second bullet above)

* Total shoreline usage time (person-hours/year) - 1.31 E6* Dilution factor for current shoreline exposure location - 10* Transit time from release point to current shoreline location - 0* Total exposure time for swimming for the current usage location (person-

hours/year) - 8.76E5* Dilution factor for the current swimming usage location - 10


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

* Transit time from the release point to current swimming location -0* Total exposure time for boating activities (person-hours/year) - 2.19E6* Dilution factor for current boating usage location - 10* Transit time from release point to current boating location (hours) - 0

Application Revision



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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

E5.4.2-3 (NRC 3/12104 Letter)

Section 5.4.2 of ER (Radiation Doses to Members of Public) - The ER statesthat the GASPAR II computer code was used to calculate dose estimates to themaximally exposed individual and the population from the gaseous effluentpathway. Provide the values of the following parameters that were used asinputs for the GASPAR II analysis:

• Distance (miles) from site to northeast corner of US* Fraction of year leafy vegetables are grown* Fraction of year that milk-cows are on pasture* Fraction of the maximum individual's vegetable intake that is from his own

garden* Fraction of milk-cow feed intake that is from pasture while on pasture* Average absolute humidity over the growing season* Average temperature over the growing season* Fraction of year that goats are on pasture* Fraction of year that beef-cattle are on pasture* Fraction of beef-cattle intake that is from pasture while on pasture* Milk production (liters/year) by distance and sector* Meat production (kilograms/year) by distance and sector

Revised Response

The values used as inputs for the GASPAR II computer program are as follows:

* Distance (miles) from site to northeast corner of US - this parameter is only usedby GASPAR II if NEPA doses are calculated; NEPA doses, which extends to thepopulation beyond 50 miles of the plant, are not calculated because they are notspecified by NUREG-1555

* Fraction of year leafy vegetables are grown - 0.5* Fraction of year that milk-cows are on pasture - 0.67* Fraction of the maximum individual's vegetable intake that is from his own

garden - 0.76Fraction of milk-cow feed intake that is from pasture while on pasture - 1

* Average absolute humidity over the growing season - 8 g/m3

* Average temperature over the growing season - not used when absolutehumidity is specified

* Fraction of year that goats are on pasture - 0.75* Fraction of year that beef-cattle are on pasture - 0.67* Fraction of beef-cattle intake that is from pasture while on pasture - 1* Milk production (liters/year) by distance and sector - uniform production option

used with total of 7.17E8 liters/year* Meat production (kilograms/year) by distance and sector - uniform production

option used with total of 1.71 E9 kilograms/year


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

Applicatlon Revision



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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

RAI E5.4.3-1 (NRC 3/12/04 Letter)

Section 5.4.3 of ER (Impacts to Man) - Table 5.4-12 of the ER providescollective dose data within 50 miles of the proposed units. How were thecollective doses calculated? Were the LADTAP II and GASPAR II codes used tocalculate collective doses?


Other than the natural background dose, the doses per unit in Table 5.4-12 werecalculated using LADTAP II and GASPAR II. The doses from both units were obtainedby doubling the doses from a single unit.

Application Revision



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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

RAI E7.1-1 (NRC 3/12104 Letter)

Table 7.1-2 - Table 7.1-2 summarized the resulting doses at the ESP site forpostulated design basis accidents using the AP-1000 and the ABWR assurrogate designs. Update the table for each design basis accident to include (1)AP-1 000 and ABWR doses used for the exclusion area boundary and lowpopulation zone, and (2) the ratio of site-specific X/Qs to design certification X/Qsused.


ER Table 7.1-1 will be revised to show ratios of site-specific X/Qs to design certificationX/Qs. ER Table 7.1-2 will be revised to reflect the updated summary of doses. ERTables 7.1-4, 7.1-6, 7.1-8, 7.1-10, 7.1-11, 7.1-13, 7.1-15, 7.1-17, 7.1-19, 7.1-20, 7.1-22,7.1-24, 7.1-26, and 7.1-28 will be revised to show design certification doses and the X/Qratios used to obtain site-specific doses.

Application Revision

The first paragraph of ER Section 7.1.4 and ER Table 7.1-1 will be revised to read asfollows:

7.1.4 Radiological Consequences

For the accidents identified in Section 7.1.1, site-specific doses are calculated bymultiplying the design certification doses by the ratio of site X/Qs to designcertification X/Qs. Using the EAB and LPZ site X/Qs of 3.34E-5 and 2.1 7E-6sec/m3 , respectively, from Section 7.1.2, with the design certification X/Qs(Reference 12 and Reference 13), the following ratios are obtained:

Table 7.1-1 Design Certification X/Q Values and Ratios to Site x/Q Values

xIO (sec/mO) ;/Q Ratio (Site/DC)

Time (hr) AP1000 ABWR API000 ABWR

EAB 0 - 2 6.OOE-04 1.37E-03 5.57E-02 2.44E-02

LPZ 0- 8 1.35E-04 1.56E-04 1.61 E-02 1.39E-02

8 - 24 1.00E-04 9.61 E-05 2.17E-02 2.26E-02

24-96 5.40E-05 3.36E-05 4.02E-02 6.46E-02

96 - 720 2.20E-05 7.42E-06 9.86E-02 2.92E-01

Note: Ratio (Site/DC) columns show the ratios of site x/Qs to design certificationX/Qs.


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

ER Tables 7.1-2, 7.1-4, 7.1-6, 7.1-8, 7.1-10, 7.1-11, 7.1-13, 7.1-15, 7.1-17, 7.1-19, 7.1-20, 7.1-22, 7.1-24, 7.1-26, and 7.1-28 will be revised to read as shown on the followingpages.

Table 7.1-2 Summary of Design Basis Accident Doses

TEDE (Rem)SRPSection Accident Reactor EAB LPZ Limit

15.1.5 PWR Main Steam Une Break

Pre-Existing Iodine Spike AP1000 3.9E-02 1.1 E-02 25

Accident-initiated Iodine Spike AP1000 4.5E-02 4.5E-02 2.5

15.2.8 PWR Feedwater System Pipe Break AP1000 4.5E-02 4.5E-02 2.5

15.3.3 Reactor Coolant Pump Rotor Seizure AP1000 1.4E-01 9.6E-03 2.5(Locked Rotor Accident) ABWR Not Postulated

15.3.4 Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Break AP1000 1.4E-01 9.6E-03 2.5

ABWR Not Postulated

15.4.8 PWR Rod Ejection Accident AP1 000 1.7E-01 3.1 E-02 6.3

15.4.9 BWR Control Rod Drop Accident ABWR Not Postulated 6.3

15.6.2 Failure of Small Unes Carrying AP1000 7.2E-02 4.8E-03 2.5Primary Coolant Outside Containment-

ABWR 6.4E-03 4.1 E-04 2.5

15.6.3 PWR Steam Generator Tube Rupture

Pre-Existing Iodine Spike AP1000 1.7E-01 5.7E-03 25

Accident-initiated Iodine Spike AP1 000 8.4E-02 4.5E-03 2.5

15.6.4 BWR Main Steam Line Break

Pre-Existing Iodine Spike ABWR 7.6E-02 4.9E-03 25

Accident-Initiated Iodine Spike ABWR 3.7E-03 2.4E-04 2.5

15.6.5 Loss-of-Coolant Accident AP1000 1.4E+00 2.OE-01 25

ABWR 2.6E-01 1.7E+00 25

15.7.4 Fuel Handling Accident AP1000 1.3E-01 9.6E-03 6.3

ABWR 9.2E-02 6.OE-03 6.3


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAIs

TEDE (Rem)SRPSection Accident Reactor EAB LPZ Limit

Notes:The AP1000 design certification indicates that the doses associated with the feedwatersystem pipe break are bounded by the main steam line break (Reference 12, Section15.2.8.3).The AP1000 design certification indicates that the doses for the reactor coolant pumpshaft break are bounded by the reactor coolant pump rotor seizure (Reference 12,Section ABWR design certification indicates that there are no radiological consequences forthe reactor coolant pump rotor seizure, the reactor coolant pump shaft break, and thecontrol rod drop accident (Reference 13, Sections,, and

Table 7.1-4 Doses for AP1000 Main Steam Line Break, Pre-Existing iodine Spike

AP1000 TEDE (Rem) y/O Ratio Site TEDE (Rem)

Time EAB LPZ (Site/AP1000) EAB LPZ

0 - 2 hr 7.001-01 5.57E-02 3.90E-02

0- 8 hr 2.40E-01 1.61 E-02 3.86E-03

8 - 24 hr 8.00E-02 2.17E-02 1.742-03

24 - 96 hr 1.30E-01 4.02E-02 5.22E-03

96 - 720 hr O.OOE+00 9.86E-02 O.OOE+00

Total 7.OOE-01 4.5012-01 3.90E-02 1.08E-02

Umit 25 25


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8erial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

Table 7.1-6 Doses for AP1 000 MainSpike

Steam Line Break, Accident-initiated Iodine

AP1000 TEDE (Rem) z/O Ratio Site TEDE (Rem)

Time EAB LPZ (Site/AP1000) EAB LPZ

0-2 hr 8.OOE-01 5.57E-02 4.45E-02

0 - 8 hr 6.40E-01 1.61 E-02 1.03E-02

8 - 24 hr 4.20E-01 2.17E-02 9.11E-03

24- 96 hr 6.30E-01 4.02E-02 2.53E-02

96- 720 hr O.OOE+00 9.86E-02 O.OOE+00

Total 8.OOE-01 1.69E+00 4.45E-02 4.47E-02

Limit 2.5 2.5

Table 7.1-8 Doses for AP1 000 Locked Rotor Accident

AP 000 TEDE (Rem) X/O Ratio Site TEDE (Rem)

Time EAB LPZ (Site/AP1000) EAB LPZ

0 - 2 hr 2.50E+00 5.57E-02 1.39E-01

0 - 8 hr 6.OOE-01 1.61 E-02 9.64E-03

8 - 24 hr O.OOE+00 2.17E-02 O.OOE+00

24 - 96 hr O.OOE+00 4.02E-02 O.OOE+00

96 - 720 hr O.OOE+00 9.86E-02 O.OOE+00

Total 2.50E+00 6.OOE-01 1.39E-01 9.64E-03

Limit 2.5 2.5


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAIs

Table 7.1-10 Doses for AP1 000 Rod Ejection Accident

AP1 000 TEDE (Rem)



0-8 hr

8-24 hr

24-96 hr

96 - 720 hr



X/O Ratio

(Site/AP1 000)


1.61 E-02




Site TEDE (Rem)












Total 3.OOE+00 1.72E+00 1.67E-01 3.12E-02

Limit 6.3 6.3

Table 7.1-11 Doses for API 000 Failure of SmallOutside Containment

Lines Carrying Primary Coolant

Site TEDE (Rem)AP1000 TEDE (Rem)


0-2 hr

0-8 hr

8 -24 hr

24-96 hr

96 - 720 hr



x/O Ratio



1.61 E-02















Total 1.30E+00 3.OOE-01 7.24E-02 4.82E-03

Limit 2.5 2.5

Note: No activity release information is available for this accident.


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

Table 7.1-13 Doses for ABWR Failure of Small Lines Carrying Primary CoolantOutside Containment

ABWR EAB Dose (Sv) XIO Ratio Site TEDE (Rem)

Time W. Body Thyroid TEDE (SIteIABWR) EAB LPZ

0 - 2 hr 9.40E-04 4.80E-02 2.38E-03 2.44E-02 6.36E-03

0-8 hr 9.40E-04 4.80E-02 2.38E-03 1.58E-03 4.13E-04

8-24 hr O.OOE+00

24 - 96 hr O.OOE+00

96 - 720 hr O.OOE+00

Total 9.40E-04 4.80E-02 2.38E-03 6.36E-03 4.13E-04

Limit 25 25

Note: The ABWR TEDE is whole body dose plus 3% of thyroid dose. Since the ABWR designcertification document does not include an LPZ dose for this accident, the site LPZ dose Isobtained by multiplying the ABWR EAB dose by ratio of site LPZ X10 to ABWR EAB X/Q. The sitedoses include a multiplier of 1.10 for power adjustment.

Table 7.1-15 Doses for AP1 000 Steam Generator Tube Rupture, Pre-ExistingIodine Spike

API 000 TEDE (Rem) X10 Ratio Site TEDE (Rem)



0-8 hr

8-24 hr

24-96 hr

96- 720 hr







(Site/API 000)


1.61 E-02







. .





Total 3.OOE+O0 3.46E-01 1.67E-01 5.71 E-03

Limit 25 25


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

Table 7.1-17 Doses for AP1 000 Steam Generator Tube Rupture, Accident-initiatedIodine Spike

AP1000 TEDE (Rem) X/O Ratio Site TEDE (Rem)


0-2 hr

0-8 hr

8-24 hr

24-96 hr

96 - 720 hr








1.50E+00 2.52E-01



1.61 E-02















Table 7.1-19 Doses for ABWR Main Steam Line Break, Pre-Existing Iodine Spike

ABWR EAB Dose (Sv) X/Q Ratio Site TIEDE (Rem)

Time W. Body Thyroid TEDE (SIte/ABWR) EAB LPZ

0 - 2 hr 1.30E-02 5.10E-01 2.83E-02 2.44E-02 7.56E-02

0-8 hr 1.30E-02 5.101E-01 2.83E-02 1.58E-03 4.91E-03

8 - 24 hr O.OOE+00

24- 96 hr O.OOE+00

96 - 720 hr O.OOE+00

Total 1.30E-02 5.10E-01 2.83E-02 7.56E-02 4.91E-03

Limit 25 25

Note: The ABWR TEDE Is whole body dose plus 3% of thyroid dose. Since the ABWR designcertification document does not include an LPZ dose for this accident, the site LPZ dose isobtained by multiplying the ABWR EAB dose by ratio of site LPZ X/Q to ABWR EAB X/Q- Thesite doses Include a multiplier of 1.10 for power adjustment.


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

Table 7.1-20 Doses for ABWR Main Steam Line Break, Accident-Initiated IodineSpike

ABWR EAB Dose (Sv) X/Q Ratio


0-2 hr

0- 8 hr

8-24 hr

24-96 hr

96 - 720 hr

Totfn I

W. Body Thyroid TEDE (SitelABWR)

6.20E-04 2.60E-02 1.40E-03 2.44E-02

6.20E-04 2.60E-02 1.40E-03 1.58E-03

Site TEDE (Rem)










. Wt"g 6.20E-04 2.60E-02 1.40E-03 3./4t-03 Z.43t-U

Limit 2.5 2.5

Note: The ABWR TEDE is whole body dose plus 3% of thyroid dose. Since the ABWR designcertification document does not include an LPZ dose for this accident, the site LPZ dose isobtained by multiplying the ABWR EAB dose by ratio of site LPZ X/Q to ABWR EAB X/Q. Thesite doses Include a multiplier of 1.10 for power adjustment.

Table 7.1-22 Doses for AP1 000 Loss-of-Coolant Accident

API 000 TEDE (Rem) ZJQ Ratio Site TEDE (Rem)

Time EAB LPZ (Site/API000) EAB LPZ

0-2 hr 2.48E+01 5.57E-02 1.38E+00

0 - 8 hr 9.20E+00 1.61 E-02 1.48E-01

8 - 24 hr 3.30E-01 2.17E-02 7.16E-03

24 - 96 hr 3.1 OE-01 4.02E-02 1.25E-02

96 - 720 hr 2.90E-01 9.86E-02 2.86E-02

Total 2.48E+01 1.01 E+01 1.38E+00 1.96E-01

Limit 25 25


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Final Responses to Environmental RAls

Table 7.1-24 Doses for ABWR Loss-of-Coolant Accident



0-2 hr

W. Body Thyroid TEDE W. Body Thyroid

4.10E-02 1.90E+00 9.80E-02

(Sv) X/Q Ratio Site TEDE (Rem)


2.44E-02 2.62E-01

u - s nr 1.OOE-02 3.10E-01 1.93E-02 1.39E-02 2.94E-02

8-24hr 8.00E-03 2.OOE-01 1.40E-02 2.26E-02 3.46E-02

24-96 hr 1.1OE-02 7.90E-01 3.47E-02 6.46E-02 2.45E-01

96-720hr 9.OOE-03 1.10E+o0 4.20E-02 2.92E-01 1.35E+O0

4.10E-02 1.90E+00 9.80E-02 3.80E.02 2.40E+00 1.10E-01 2.62E-01 1.65E+00

Lmit 25 25

Note: The ABWR TEDE Is whole body dose plus 30/ of thyroid dose. The site doses include a multiplier of 1.10for power adjustment.

Table 7.1-26 Doses for API 000 Fuel Handling Accident

AP1000 TEDE (Rem)


0-2 hr

0-8 hr

8-24 hr

24-96 hr

96-720 hr




X/Q Ratio

(Site/API 000)


1.61 E-02

2.1 7E-02



Site TEDE (Rem)







2.40E+00 6.OOE-01













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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

Table 7.1-28 Doses for ABWR Fuel Handling Accident

ABWR EAB Dose (Sv)

W. Body Thyroid TEDETime


0-8 hr

8 -24 hr

24-96 hr

96 - 720 hr

X/Q Ratio




Site TEDE (Rem)


9.21 E-02







3.45E-02 5.99E-03




Total 1.20E-02 7.50E-01 3.45E-02 9.21 E-02 5.99E-03

ULmit 6.3 6.

Note: The ABWR TEDE is whole body dose plus 3% of thyroid dose. The site LPZ dose isobtained by multiplying ABWR EAB dose by ratio of site LPZ X/Q to ABWR EAB X/Q- The sitedoses include a multiplier of 1.10 for power adjustment.



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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

RAI E7.2-1 (NRC 3/12/04 Letter)

Section 7.2.2 - The ER addresses the severe accident impacts by using"exposure indices" (Els), which are based on the product of populationdistribution and wind direction frequency. The Els were assessed for the NorthAnna ESP site for the year 2040 based on a comparison of the 50-milepopulation projected for year 2040 to the 50-mile population for year 2030 usedin NUREG-1 437, Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewalof Nuclear Plants. Dominion estimated that the Els would be 90% greater thanreported in NUREG-1437. Please provide the following:

a. an assessment of the 1 0-mile and 150-mile Els for the ESP site for theyear 2040 based on consideration of the projected populations and theirdistributions within each of these regions and the best available winddirection frequency information,

b. the rationale for selecting the year 2040 as the basis for the severeaccident assessment, and

c. an assessment of the 10-mile and 150-mile Els for the ESP site for theyear 2065 (through which new unit operations could extend, according toSection of the Environmental Report), based on the sameconsiderations specified in a. above.


a. The 10-mile and 150 mile exposure indices (Els) for the North Anna ESP site forthe year 2040 are shown below:

10 Miles 150 Miles

2040 El 4.2E3 1.1E6

The Els are calculated based on the latest U.S. Census Bureau population data(circa 2000) projected to the year 2040. Best available wind direction frequencyinformation was used in the projection. Wind data was taken from hourly winddirection frequency information for the period 1996-1998.

Information on 10-mile and 150-mile Els for the North Anna site has beenpublished. NUREG 1437, Vol. 1, Generic Environmental Impact Statement forLicense Renewal of Nuclear Plants, includes two tables that provide 10-mile and150-mile Els for each licensed plant in the U.S. (The Els were calculated for themiddle year of license renewal.) The 10-mile El values in GEIS Table 5.7 rangefrom 96 to 18,959 with a North Anna value of 704. The 150-mile El values in


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Final Responses to Environmental RAls

GEIS Table 5.8 range from 132,195 to 2,863,844 with a North Anna value of876,587.

The North Anna El values at 10 and 150 miles shown above projected to theyear 2040 are within the range of values in the GEIS tables.

b. The year 2040 was selected as the basis for the severe accident assessmentbecause it represents a 40-year projection from the point in time of the mostrecent population data, circa 2000. This is consistent with the approach used inthe North Anna license renewal application, which similarly evaluated severeaccident impacts over a 40-year period.

c. The 1 0-mile and 150-mile exposure indices (Els) for the North Anna ESP site forthe year 2065 are provided in the table below:

10 Miles 150 Miles

2065 El 5.7E3 1.4E6

The 2065 Els for both 10 and 150 miles continue to be within the range of valuesspecified in the GEIS.


1. NUREG 1437, Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal ofNuclear Plants, Vol. 1, April 1996.

Application Revision

Section will be revised as follows: Evaluation of Potential Releases via Atmospheric PathwayThe site-specific significant factors of demography and meteorology are considered inthe evaluation of the atmospheric exposure pathway for new units at the ESP site. Forthis evaluation, NUREG-1437 calculates an exposure index (El) for use in comparingthe relative risk for the current fleet of nuclear power plants. NUREG-1437 provides thefollowing discussion of El:

Population, which changes over time, defines the number of people within agiven distance from the plant. Wind direction, which Is assumed not to changefrom year to year, helps determine what proportion of the population is at riskin a given direction, because radionuclides are carried by the wind. Therefore,an El relationship was developed by multiplying the wind direction frequency(fraction of the time per year) for each of 16 (22.5 degrees) compass sectors


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Final Responses to Environmental RAls

times the population in that sector for a given distance from the plant andsumming all products... . Population varies with population growth andmovement, and with the distance from any given plant. As the populationchanges for that plant, the El also changes (the larger the El, the larger thenumber of people at risk). Thus, El is proportional to risk and an El for a site fora future year can be used to predict the risk to the population around that sitein that future year.

Thus, the El is a function of population surrounding the site, weighted by the site-specific wind direction frequency, and is, therefore, a site-specific parameter. Becausemeteorological patterns, including wind direction frequency, tend to remain constantover time, the site meteorology would not be significantly different for the ESP site thanthat considered in NUREG-1437 for the NAPS site and only population can significantlyaffect the resulting risk in any given year of reactor operation.Two El values are evaluated in NUREG-1437. A 10-mile El is found to best correlatewith early fatalities and a 150-mile El is found to best correlate with latent fatalities andtotal dose. Using these indices, it is determined that the risk of early and latent fatalitiesfrom individual nuclear power plants is small and represents only a small fraction of therisk to which the public is exposed from other sources.

NUREG-1437 indicates a 10-mile El for the NAPS site of 704 for the year 2030, whilethe 10-mile El for the current generation of nuclear power plant sites ranges from 96 to18,959 (Reference 1, Table 5.7). Using the US Census Bureau population data (circa2000) projected to years 2040 and 2065 with the best available wind direction frequencyinformation (1996-1998), 10-mile El values of 4200 and 5700 are calculated for the ESPsite for the years 2040 and 2065, respectively. For both years, the ESP site 10-mile Elis within the range of risk calculated for the existing fleet of nuclear power plants.

NUREG-1437 indicates a 150-mile El for the NAPS site of 876,587 for the year 2030,while the 150-mile El for the current generation of nuclear power plant sites ranges from132,195 to 2,863,844 (Reference 1, Table 5.8). Using the US Census Bureaupopulation data (circa 2000) projected to years 2040 and 2065 with the best availablewind direction frequency Information (1996-1998), 150-mile El values of 1.1 E6 and1.4E6 are calculated for the ESP site for the years 2040 and 2065, respectively. Forboth years, the ESP site 150-mile El is within the range of risk calculated for the existingfleet of nuclear power plants.

Thus, the risks for new units at the ESP site for the atmospheric exposure pathwaywould be within the range of those considered in NUREG-1437 as'small." NUREG-1437, Section, indicates that these predicted effects of a severe accident "arenot expected to exceed a small fraction of that risk to which the population is alreadyexposed."


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

1. RAI E3.8-1 (Follow-up RAI from 6/23/04 Conference Call with NRC)

(Section 3.8.1 of ER) - The radionuclide inventory data for the IRIS andACR-700 plants is needed.

The applicant indicated that the data were available in the submittal titled "EarlySite Permit Environmental Reports Sections and Supporting Documentation"Adams Accession No. ML040580285. The data listed in this report do notappear to include the full radionuclide inventory. For example, for the ACR-700,no actinides are listed. In addition, there are radionuclides that are repeated andhave different values, but it is not clear whether these need to be added togetherfor a total of that radionuclide. Discuss whether actinides should be assumed forthe ACR-700 and explain how to handle the multiple values for the radionuclides.


Isotopic listings of the spent fuel inventories were not needed to conduct thecomparison with Table S-4 and the reference LWR. With the exception of Kr-85, thecomparison required only summary information for fission products, actinides and totalactivity. See ER Section 3.8.2. In addition to the summary information, the reactorvendors were asked the following: 'Note: If available, please provide a complete set ofthe ORIGEN runs results (or other applicable code for the appropriate reactor type)detailing the spent fuel inventories at 5 years decay." The responses varied. Several ofthe vendors provided isotopic listing of the inventories; a few provided the computerruns. In all cases, what was provided by the reactor vendors can be found in the "EarlySite Permit Environmental Reports Sections and Supporting Documentation," NRCAccession No. ML040580285. In the case of IRIS, only the summary information wasprovided. For the ACR-700, AECL provided the computer analysis for just the fissionproduct inventory. The multiple fission product outputs occur because the ACR-700 fuelbundle has four rings.

Application RevisIon



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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

2. RAI E3.8-5 (Follow-up RAI from 6/23/04 Conference Call with NRC)

(Section of ER) - The RAI response states that the initial core fuelloading for the PBMR is 20 MTU (2.5 MTU per reactor module), and the annualaverage fuel loading is 6.32 MTU/1000 MWe. The fuel design technical basisdocument states that 260,000 spheres are in the initial fuel loading of 2.5 MTUper reactor module with an annual reload of 18,000 spheres per module. The18,000 fuel spheres per reload seems low. The average annual fuel reload is6.32 MTU/1 000 MWe (equivalent to 1 MTU per 165 MWe module) per thetechnical basis document. Provide the calculation to justify the number ofspheres required for a reload.

The applicant requested references to the documents that contained theconflicting data. The staff provides the following:

It occurs in two places in the ESP Environmental Report Sections SupportingDocumentation ML040580285. First, in the section titled 3.8, Transportation ofRadioactive Materials. Table 3.8-2 at the end of Section 3.8.2, Gas-CooledReactor Transportation Worksheet, contains information on the unirradiated fuelshipments. Second, in the section titled Vendor Data Submittal for the PBMR,there is an Attachment 1 entitled ESP 8: Reactor Vendor Questionnaire. The firstpage of that attachment is an unnumbered table entitled 'Annual FuelRequirements." The data on fuel spheres is included in Section 2 Fuel Loadingand Section 4 Fuel Form.


An annual reload of 18,000 spheres per PBMR module is incorrect. The correct numberis 120,000 spheres per module.

Application Revision

The 3rd paragraph of ER Section will be revised to read as follows:

The reference LWR assumed an annual reload of 30 MTU. This quantityresulted in 6 truck shipments. For the new gas-cooled reactor technologies, thenumber of reload shipments was 20 for both the PBMR and GT-MHR. Thenumber of shipments normalized to the electrical generation changes to 14 forthe PBMR and 18 for the GT-MHR.


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAIs

The 8h paragraph of ER Section will be revised to read as follows (see also therevised response to RAI E3.8-7 in this letter):

The Table S-4 value, traffic density in trucks per day, for the reference LWR isgiven as less than one per day. Both the gas-cooled reactor technologies wouldalso have less than one per day. In fact, the new gas-cooled reactortechnologies would have far fewer shipments per year. The reference LWRbounding annual value for truck shipments is 113 based on a 40-year period,while the normalized number of truck shipments for the gas-cooled reactortechnologies would require as few as 31 for the PBMR and only 53 for the GT-MHR.

The 1st paragraph of ER Section will be revised to read as follows:

Of the close to 30 characteristics/conditions that were examined, there are only 8that were exceeded by the gas-cooled reactor technologies being considered.Three of these characteristics have no direct transportation impact on the healthand the environment: fuel form, U235 enrichment, and fuel rod cladding. Thereare operational issues and fuel cycle impact issues associated with thesecharacteristics that are addressed as part of the operating license and as part ofthe evaluation of Table S-3 'Uranium fuel cycle data," respectively. Two of thesecharacteristics (number of shipments for initial core loading and number of reloadshipments) are really a part of the overall truck transportation picture. When oneconsiders the total number of truck shipments (fresh fuel, spent fuel, andradioactive waste), the new reactor technologies have many fewer totalshipments. For example, on an average annual basis, the new reactortechnologies require 60 to 82 fewer truck shipments. Comparing the total numberof shipments is appropriate since the radiological impacts from fresh fuel arenegligible. One characteristic, burnup, manifests its impact through othercharacteristics, fuel inventory and decay heat at time of shipment, which areaddressed separately. In the case of decay heat, both of the gas-cooled reactortechnologies would generate fewer watts per MTU at time of shipment, and fewerkW per truck cask at time of shipment. The fuel inventory would be discussed aspart of the remaining two characteristics that were exceeded: actinide inventoryand krypton-85 inventory.


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

ER Table 3.8-2, for the number of unirradiated PBMR fuel reload shipments per year,will be revised to read as follows:

Table 3.8-2 Gas-cooled Reactor Transportation Impact EvaluationReference GT-MHR PBMRLWR (4 Modules) (8 Modules)

Reactor (Single Unit) (2400 MWt total) (3200 MWt total)Technology (1100 MWe) (1140 MWe total) (1320 MWe total) CommentsCharacteristicUnirradiated FuelNo. of reload 6 20 shipments 20 shipments 30 MTU annualshipments/year (520 elements per (120,000 fuel reload

reload per 1.32 spheres peryears x 4 module x 8modules; 80 modules, 48,000elements per spheres pertruck) truck)


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

3. RAI E3.8-12 (Follow-up RAI from 6/23/04 Conference Call with NRC)

(General comment) - Provide a transportation risk assessment for gas-cooledreactor spent fuel shipments using an acceptable methodology such asRADTRAN V.


See the response to RAI E3.8-12 contained in this letter.

Application Revision



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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

4. RAI E5.4.2-1 (Follow-up RAI from 6/23/04 Conference Call with NRC)

(Section 5.4.2 of ER, Radiation Doses to Member of Public) - The RAIresponse provided occupational dose estimates for AP1 000, ABWR, IRIS, andGT-MHR but did not provide a reference for the estimates. This informationconflicts with information found in the Dominion document, dated September 27,2002, titled "Study of Potential Sites for Deployment of New Nuclear Plants in theUnited States," which provides an upper bound value for occupational doses of100 person-rern/y. The RAI response provides an upper value of 150person-rern/y. Clarify which value is correct.

The applicant stated that there is no conflict between the RAI response and theinformation in the Dominion document. As stated in the RAI response, thecorrect value is 150 person-rern/y.


No response is required to this RAI.

Application Revision



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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

5. RAI E5.4.2-2 (Follow-up RAI from 6/23/04 Conference Call with NRC)

(Section 5.4.2 of ER, Radiation Doses to Member of Public) - In Table 5.4-1,what is the basis for the dilution factor for discharge of 10?


As shown in ER Tables 3.1-1 (Section 10.2.1) and 5.4-1, the liquid effluent release rateis 100 gpm with a dilution flow of 10,000 gpm. This yields a dilution factor of 100.Because a lower dilution factor yields higher doses, a dilution factor of 10 was used forconservatism.

Application Revision



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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAis

6. RAI E5.4.3-1 (Follow-up RAI from 6/23/04 Conference Call with NRC)

(Section 5.4.3 of ER - Impacts to Man) - Provide the information on how thepopulation doses in Table 5.4-12 of the ER were calculated. The footnote toTable 5.4-12 states that 125 mrernfperson-yr was used to calculate collectivedose to natural background. The value seems low, NCRP Report 94 (Exposureof the Population in the United States and Canada from Natural BackgroundRadiation) estimates dose to natural background radiation as 300 mrern/y.

During the telcon the staff clarified the question. The reworded question is asfollows: If the value of 125 mrem/person-yr is a site-specific number, describethe contributors to the dose and specifically identify if radon is considered.


The background dose of 125 mrem/yr is due to cosmic, terrestrial, and internalradiation. The dose due to the inhalation of radon is estimated as 200 mrem/yr (NCRPReport 94, Table 9.7), yielding a total of 325 mrernVyr.

Application Revision

ER Table 5.4-12 will be revised as follows:

Table 5.4-12 Collective Total Body Doses Within 50 Miles

Dose (person-rem/yr)

Each BothNew Unit Units

Liquid 1.4E+01 2.8E+01

Noble Gases 2.9E+00 5.8E+00

lodines and 1.4E+00 2.8E+00Particulates

H-3 and C-14 1.4E+01 2.7E+01

Total 3.2E+01 6.4E+01

Natural Background 9.2E+05 9.2E+05

Note: Natural background dose is based on a dose rate of 325mrem/person-yr (Reference 10, Table 1 1 B-8, and Reference 12,Table 9.7) and a population of 2.8E+06 (Table 2.5-8). Occupationalworkforce doses are not shown.


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Serial No. 04-1 70ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

The following reference will be added to ER Section 5.4 References:

12. NRP Report No. 94, Exposure of the Population in the United States andCanada from Natural Background Radiation, National Council on RadiationProtection and Measurements, 1987.


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

7. RAI E5.4.4-1 (Follow-up RAI from 6/23/04 Conference Call with NRC)

(Section 5.4.4 of ER - Impacts to Biota) - Table 5.4-16 has a value of 27 mremannually to the biota from the gaseous effluent pathway. How was this valueobtained?


The gaseous pathway doses were calculated using GASPAR II. Although GASPAR IIdoes not explicitly calculate biota doses, as indicated in ER Section, gaseousimmersion and ground deposition doses are independent of organism size.

The doses calculated using GASPAR II for humans were applied to biota with onemodification: the ground deposition doses were increased by a factor of two to accountfor the proximity of biota to the ground.

Application Revision



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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

8. RAI response E7.2 (Follow-up RAI from 6/23/04 Conference Call with NRC)

(Section 7.2 of ER - Severe Accidents) - Table 4, AP-1 000 Collapsed PlumeCharacterization Data, (pg 80) the values for REFTIM for Direct and IC appear tobe transposed. Please verify and correct if necessary by sending in a new Table4.

The staff also requested Dominion to send in two MAACS2 code outputs, one forthe ABWR and one for the AP-1 000.


Dominion provided the NRC a corrected table for the AP1 000 Collapsed PlumeCharacterization Data and MACCS2 code output files for the AP1000 and ABWR in aJune 14, 2004 e-mail. These were acknowledged by the NRC Staff in a June 14, 2004e-mail. (See docketed e-mail; NRC Accession No. ML041670414.) Copies of theAP1 000 table and MACCS2 code output files are included on the enclosed compactdisc (CD).

Application Revision



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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

9. RAI response E4.5-3 (Follow-up RAI from 6/23/04 Conference Call with NRC)

(Section 4.5 of ER - Radiation Exposure to Construction Workers) - Statesthat the thermo-luminescent dosimeter (TLD) measurements used to provide theaverage dose data in Table 4.5-1 were located at the west protected area fenceof the existing units.

Was a single TLD located at the west protected area fence or were there severalTLDs on this fence (and the data in Table 4.5-1 represented an average readingfrom these TLDs)?


The measurements at the west protected area fence are from a single TLD.

Application Revision



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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

10. RAI response E4.5-4 (Follow-up RAI from 6/23/04 Conference Call with NRC)

(Section 4.5 of ER - Radiation Exposure to Construction Workers) - Statesthat the west protected area fence TLD readings included dose rate contributionsfrom the independent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI) at the time ofmeasurement.

a) For each of the years listed in Table 4.5-1 (1996-2002) provide theapproximate percentage of full loading of the ISFSI.

b) Provide an explanation for the consecutive increases in the TLD dosemeasurements (shown in Table 4.5-1) from 55 mrem/yr in 2000 to 69 mrem/yr in2001 to 74 mrem/yr in 2002. Discuss whether this increase could be due toincreased loading of the ISFSI over these years.

c) Provide the total TLD measurement at the west protected area fence for theyear 2003.


a) Full load for the existing ISFSI pad is 28 casks. The number of casks placed on thepad each year, total at the end of the year, and percentage of the total are as follows:

Year Casks Added Total Casks Percentage Full1996 0 0 01997 0 0 01998 2 2 71999 3 5 182000 3 8 292001 3 11 392002 4 15 542003 4 19 68

Three more casks have been moved to the pad in 2004 to date, bringing the total to22, or about 79 percent.

b) Dominion attributes these increases to two activities that were occurring during thattime period that involved moving irradiated materials past the west gate. First,Dominion replaced the reactor vessel heads for North Anna Power Station Unit 2during the fourth quarter of 2002 and for Unit 1 during the first and second quartersof 2003. Second, Dominion was moving spent fuel casks with somewhat higherdose rates to the ISFSI during the third and fourth quarters of 2003 and the firstquarter of 2004.


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

c) The 2003 quarterly dose readings at the TLD on the west protected area fence were21 mrem, 20 mrem, 18 mrem, and 19 mrem, with a total for the year of 78 mrem.

Application Revision



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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

RAI 2.3.4-1 (NRC 6/3/04 Letter)

Please provide the results of executing the PAVAN computer code using thewind speed categories discussed in Section 4.6 of NUREG/CR-2858 (i.e., 0.5,0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 8.0, and 10.0 m/sec). Also, pleaseprovide a copy of the input files to execute PAVAN.


The PAVAN computer code has been rerun using the wind speed categories discussedin Section 4.6 of NUREG/CR-2858. The results are described in the applicationchanges described below. A copy of the input file used to execute PAVAN is providedon the enclosed compact disc (CD).

Application Revision

SSAR Section will be revised to read as follows: PAVAN Modeling Results

To calculate the maximum X/Q values, the shortest distances from the plantparameter envelope boundary to the EAB at each downwind sector were used.These distances are presented in Table 2.3-13. As presented in the table, themaximum 0-2 hours 0.5 percentile direction-dependent XIQ value (2.26 x 104

sec/M 3) is greater than the corresponding 5 percentile overall site XIQ value(1.56 x 104 sec/in3) at the EAB. Therefore, the direction-dependent0.5 percentile X/Q values were used as the proper X/Q values at EAB.

To be conservative, this shortest distance has been used as the LPZ distance forall downwind sectors in PAVAN modeling. Similarly, Table 2.3-14 shows themaximum 0-2 hours 0.5 percentile direction-dependent X/Q value (4.65 x 10-5sec/M 3) is greater than the corresponding 5 percentile overall site X/Q value(2.72 x 10-5 sec/m 3) at the LPZ. Therefore, the direction-dependent 0.5 percentileX/Q values were used at the LPZ.

The maximum X/Q values presented in Table 2.3-13 and Table 2.3-14 for theEAB and LPZ, respectively, are summarized below.


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAts

Table 2.3-3 PAVAN Results (0.5% Limiting Case, 1996-98 Meteorological Data)

Source Receptor 0-2 hr. aAdo_ . .

0-8 hr 8-24 hr 1-4 days 4-30 days Annual

Location Location (Dir, Dist) (Dir, Dist) (Dir, Dist) (Dir, Dist) (Dir, Dist) (Dir, Dist)2.26E-04 1.43E-04 1.14E-04 7.05E-05 3.55E-05 1.54E-05

Plant EAB (SE, (SE, (ESE, (ESE, (ESE, ESE,Envelope 1300 m) 1300 m) 1420 m) 1420 m) 1420 m) 1420 m)

Pnt LPZ 4.65E-05' 2.05E-05 1.36E-05 5.58E-06 1.55E-06 3.25 E-07Enveloa e (ESE, (ESE, (ESE, (ESE, (ESE, (ESE,pe 8843 m) 8843 m) 8843 m) 8843 m) 8843 m) 8843 m)

* The 0-2-hour X/Q value is reported here for reference only. It is not required based on RG 1.145.

SSAR Tables 2.3-13 and 2.3-14 will be replaced with revised tables as shown on thefollowing pages.

ER Section will be revised to read as follows: PAVAN Modeling Results

Based on the PAVAN-generated ordered X/Q values (see Table 2.7-11 andTable 2.7-12), the 50 percentile overall site XIQ values calculated by the model atthe EAB and LPZ are 3.34E-05 and 2.17E-06, respectively.

ER Tables 2.7-9 through 2.7-12 will be replaced with revised tables as shown on thefollowing pages.


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

Table 2.3-13 PAVAN Results for X/Q Values at the EAB

Plant Name: North Anna ESP Meteorological InstrumentationData Period: 1996-98 JFD Wind Sensors Height: 32.8 ftType of Release: Ground-Level Release AT Heights: 32.8 ft-158.9 ftSource of Data: OnsiteComments: Data period: 1/1/96 - 12/31/98Program: PAVAN, 10/76, 8/79 Revision, Implementation of Regulatory Guide 1.1450 Relative Concentration (X/Q) Values (sec/cubic meter) versus Averaging Time

Downwind Distance 0-2 Hours 0-8 Hours 8-24 Hours 1-4 Days 4-30 Days Annual Average Hours Per DownwindSector (Meters) Year Max 0-2 Sector

hr X/Q IsExceeded In





















































5.21 E-05

4.1 OE-05









3.61 E-05



3.61 E-05

4.11 E-05









1.21 E-05









9.01 E-06






























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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

ENE 1474 1.13E-04

E 1435 1.56E-04

ESE 1420 2.20E-04

SE 1300 2.26E-04

SSE 1086 1.30E-04

Max X/Q 2.26E-04

Site ULmit 1.56E-04

00.5 Percent X/Q to an Individual Is Umiting





8.61 E-05


7.91 E-05



7.01 E-05

3.01 E-05





1.35E-05 5.08E-06

2.39E-05 1.01 E-05

3.55E-05 1.54E-05

3.37E-05 1.40E-05

2.37E-05 1.08E-05

Total Hours Around Site:

3.19E-05 1.54E-05













1.06E-04 8.78E-05 5.802-05


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

Table 2.3-14 PAVAN Results for X/Q Values at the LPZ

USNRC Computer Code-PAVAN, Version 2.0

Plant Name: North Anna ESP Meteorological InstrumentationData Period: 1996-98 JFD Wind Sensors Height: 32.8 ftType of Release: Ground-Level Release AT Heights: 32.8 ft-1 58.9 ftSource of Data: OnsiteComments: Data period: 1/1/96 - 12/31/98Program: PAVAN, 10/76, 8/79 Revision, Implementation of Regulatory Guide 1.1450 Relative Concentration (XIQ) Values (sec/cubic meter) versus Averaging Time

Downwind Distance 0-2 Hours 0-8 Hours 8-24 Hours 1-4 Days 4-30 Days Annual Average Hours Per Year DownwindSector (Meters) Max 0-2 hr vdQ Is Sector

Exceeded InSector
























5.91 E-06


7.81 E-06












3.71 E-06




2.01 E-06


1.91 E-06










8.41 E-07




1.01 E-06









3.1 8E-07



7.81 E-07



6.61 E-08



6.61 E-08





























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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

NE 8843 1.69E-05

ENE 8843 1.79E-05

E 8843 2.86E-05

ESE 8843 4.65E-05

SE 8843 4.48E-05

SSE 8843 1.51 E-05

Max X/Q 4.65E-05

Site Umit 2.72E-05

00.5 Percent X/Q to an IndIvidual Is Umiting













2.31 E-06


3.51 E-06




6.93E-07 1.59E-07

5.48E-07 1.1OE-07

9.90E-07 2.11 E-07

1.55E-06 3.25E-07

1.22E-06 2.34E-07

5.34E-07 1.15E-07

Total Hours Around Site:

1.31E-06 3.25E-07













1.31E-05 9.07E-06 4.10E-06


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

Table 2.7-9 1996-98 NAPS Meteorological Data (33-ft Level)SECTOR CLASS Wind Speed (ms)

FREQUENCY CALM .34-.50 .51-.75 .7651.0 1.01-1.25 1.51-2.0 2.01-3.0 3.01-4.0 4.01-5.0 5.01-6.0 8.01-10 > 10.0 TOTALStability Class A - by AT

N 0 0 2 2 5 3 6 17 19 19 12 5 0 0 90NNE 0 0 0 0 2 3 5 6 14 4 1 2 0 0 37NE 0 0 0 2 2 1 4 5 8 3 6 2 0 0 33ENE 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 10 16 3 0 1 0 0 36E 0 0 1 2 3 2 22 15 4 5 1 0 0 0 55

ESE 0 0 0 2 4 7 19 26 6 5 0 0 0 0 69SE 0 0 0 0 1 4 18 26 2 0 0 0 0 0 51SSE 0 0 0 2 6 2 18 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 68S 0 0 0 2 3 8 33 113 10 1 0 0 0 0 170

SSW 0 0 0 0 5 5 24 107 73 12 0 1 0 0 227SW 0 0 0 0 3 3 15 35 50 20 9 1 0 0 136WSW 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 40 40 12 3 4 0 0 111W 0 0 0 0 1 4 7 52 55 28 8 3 0 0 158

WN0 O 0 0 1 4 4 19 46 39 36 30 7 0 0 166NW 0 0 1 2 13 8 41 78 54 26 16 11 3 0 253NNW 0 0 0 3 12 14 24 20 22 13 18 14 3 0 143

TOTAL 0 0 4 18 66 72 267 635 413 187 104 51 6 0 1823StablIty Class B - by AT

N 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 22 10 3 8 9 0 0 56NNE 0 0 0 1 0 1 5 8 8 3 1 0 0 0 27NE 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 9 8 5 1 1 0 0 29ENE 0 0 0 0 1 4 6 10 4 3 0 0 0 0 28E 0 0 0 1 2 4 12 12 6 2 0 0 0 0 39

ESE 0 0 0 1 1 3 20 30 2 1 1 0 0 0 59SE 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 13 4 0 0 0 0 0 28SSE 0 0 0 0 1 0 7 18 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 27S 0 0 0 0 2 3 18 39 6 3 0 0 0 0 71

SSW 0 0 0 1 0 2 16 48 40 15 15 8 0 0 145SW 0 1 0 0 1 1 4 18 26 11 4 3 0 0 69


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Environmental RAIsFinal Responses to

Table 2.7-9 1996-98 NAPS Meteorological Data (33-ft Level)SECTOR
















Wind Speed (mfis)




1.26-1.5 2.01-3.0

0 4 16

1 2 14

1 5 20

6 18 143 Ft 23































TOTAL 0 1 0 7 16 32 142 314 198 120 88 52 15 8 993

StabilIty Class C - by AT

N 0 0 0 5 5 1 14 17 28 28 28 11 1 0 138

NNE 0 0 0 0 3 1 7 9 9 10 8 0 0 0 47

N 0 0 0 2 5 3 3 8 5 3 4 0 0 0 33

ENE 0 0 0 1 3 1 10 17 12 6 0 0 0 0 50

E 0 0 0 0 6 7 13 18 8 3 1 0 0 0 56

ESE 0 0 0 3 3 12 31 48 13 3 5 1 0 0 119

SE 0 0 0 0 2 9 20 22 4 0 0 0 0 0 57

SSE 0 0 0 1 0 3 10 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 25

S 0 0 0 0 4 5 34 30 7 1 0 0 0 0 81

SSW 0 0 0 0 0 5 18 72 28 17 11 4 0 0 155

SW 0 0 0 1 1 4 8 35 28 18 14 10 0 0 119

WSW 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 17 8 6 6 4 0 0 48

W 0 0 0 1 4 3 5 14 17 7 4 3 0 0 58

WNW 0 0 0 4 6 2 10 21 17 15 11 1 2 0 89

NW 0 0 1 1 7 2 14 28 26 29 9 19 5 12 153

NNW 0 0 1 0 7 10 22 32 32 39 15 18 2 3 181

TOTAL 0 0 2 19 56 68 226 398 243 185 116 71 10 15 1409

Stability Class D - by AT

N 2 0 10 33 51 57 176 460 406 263 86 56 6 2 1608

NNE 0 0 6 23 55 53 173 358 233 122 42 16 5 0 1086

NE 0 0 5 14 52 56 139 290 179 87 23 5 7 1 858

ENE 0 1 7 28 45 54 119 227 138 66 21 7 4 0 717

E 0 2 11 31 60 41 138 230 171 63 20 9 11 0 787


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

Table 2.7-9 1996-98 NAPS Meteorological Data (33-ft Level)SECTOR CLASS Wind Speed (nfs)

FREOUENCY CALM .34-.50 .51..75 .76-1.0 1.01-1.25 1.26-1.5 2.01-3.0 3.01-4.0 4.01-5.0 5.01-6.0 6.01-8.0 8.01-10 >10.0 TOTAL

ESE 0 0 B 12 34 32 98 185 115 43 21 2 1 0 549

SE 0 2 7 9 22 21 79 224 59 14 4 0 0 0 441

SSE 0 2 6 13 25 25 56 89 15 2 1 0 0 0 234

S 0 1 5 32 55 75 167 199 38 14 2 0 0 0 588

SSW 1 2 9 39 64 63 176 352 175 91 48 12 0 0 1032

SW 1 2 17 36 51 47 140 266 176 64 41 32 2 0 875

WSW 0 1 13 20 16 21 44 100 102 63 18 4 0 0 402

W 0 4 7 28 31 16 40 67 55 36 17 3 0 0 304

WNW 1 0 3 22 31 32 70 107 74 69 34 25 8 2 478

NW 0 2 2 25 48 59 96 158 119 92 43 27 15 3 689

NNW 0 0 8 25 46 49 147 264 221 141 76 58 7 3 1045

TOTAL 5 19 122 390 686 701 1858 3576 2276 1230 497 256 66 11 11693

Stability Class E - by AT

N 2 3 14 27 16 16 31 62 28 24 6 9 3 0 241

NNE 1 7 10 21 23 11 29 54 29 9 3 4 3 0 204

NE 1 6 17 20 23 18 31 41 16 9 2 4 3 4 195

ENE 0 9 11 20 19 20 23 43 7 2 0 0 0 1 155

E 2 8 11 13 26 21 53 38 13 1 1 3 0 1 191

ESE 1 6 13 22 35 24 53 72 21 6 6 0 0 0 259

SE 0 4 17 36 28 31 96 131 21 1 1 1 1 0 368

SSE 0 5 17 39 38 50 96 58 10 5 5 0 0 0 323

S 1 14 54 94 115 117 244 185 58 22 1 0 0 0 905

SSW 4 11 67 132 125 85 157 280 145 33 8 1 0 0 1048

SW 1 9 45 102 101 72 133 229 120 50 12 5 0 0 879

WSW 1 11 39 69 56 40 46 97 69 10 1 2 0 0 441

W 1 13 45 81 111 80 105 141 38 18 5 0 0 0 638

WNW 0 11 30 85 99 93 143 107 45 24 10 10 1 0 658

NW 1 9 26 50 80 49 69 51 18 15 6 1 1 0 376

NNW 0 3 22 30 34 25 42 44 21 7 2 7 1 0 238

TOTAL 16 129 438 841 929 752 1351 1633 659 236 69 47 13 6 7119


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

Table 2.7-9 1996-98 NAPS Meteorological Data (33-ft Level)SECTOR CLASS Wind Speed (mWs)

FREQUENCY CALM .34-.50 .51..75 .76-1.0 1.01-1.25 1.26-1.5 1.51-2.0 2.01-3.0 3.01-4.0 4.01-5.0 5.01-6.0 6.01t8.0 8.01-10 >10.0 TOTAL

Stability Class F - by AT

N 1 3 5 4 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20

NNE 0 1 7 3 6 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 23

NE 1 4 7 3 4 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 25

ENE 2 2 7 9 4 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30

E 1 6 15 15 4 3 10 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 58

ESE 1 4 5 7 10 5 9 5 1 0 1 0 0 3 51

SE 0 6 8 8 6 5 8 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 45

SSE 0 1 10 12 6 10 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 46

S 0 7 10 36 31 20 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 117

SSW 1 4 17 55 55 30 28 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 200

SW 0 8 23 37 26 21 27 20 5 0 0 0 0 0 167

WSW 1 8 20 49 36 8 9 10 2 2 0 0 0 0 145

W 2 12 38 75 85 74 109 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 421

WNW 2 12 37 99 101 66 62 36 1 0 3 0 0 0 419

NW 0 6 24 37 44 20 16 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 158

NNW 2 7 14 7 5 4 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 49

TOTAL 14 91 247 456 424 276 309 131 11 3 7 0 0 5 1974

Stability Class G - by AT

N 3 7 5 5 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25

NNE 1 6 5 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16

NE 2 5 4 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16

ENE 0 4 5 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15

E 1 6 11 9 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29

ESE 0 1 7 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19

SE 0 1 2 5 6 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19

SSE 0 2 1 2 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9

S 0 0 1 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7

SSW 0 1 1 1 4 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14

SW 1 1 6 6 4 4 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 28



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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

Table 2.7-9 1996-98 NAPS Meteorological Data (33-ft Level)SECTOR CLASS Wind Speed (nVs)

FREQUENCY CALM .34-.50 .51-.75 .76-1.0 1.01-1.25 1.26-1.5 1.51-2.0 2.01-3.0 3.01-4.0 4.01-5.0 5.01-6.0 6.01-8.0 8.01-10 >10.0 TOTALWSW






























0 27

0 99

0 383

0 297

0 75NNW 4 14 25 IQ 10 3 A 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 16 76 183 313 276 124 77 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 1078

All Stabilitles - by AT

N 8 13 36 76 81 85 231 578 491 337 140 90 10 2 2178

NNE 2 14 28 51 90 69 222 437 294 148 55 22 8 0 1440

NE 4 15 33 45 87 82 183 353 216 108 36 12 10 5 1189

ENE 2 16 30 61 77 84 163 307 177 80 21 8 4 1 1031

E 4 22 49 71 103 78 248 315 202 74 23 12 11 3 1215

ESE 2 11 31 54 91 83 230 366 158 58 34 3 1 3 1125

SE 0 13 34 58 65 75 232 419 90 15 6 1 1 0 1009

SSE 0 10 34 69 77 92 191 218 28 7 8 0 0 0 732

S 1 22 70 166 211 231 508 567 119 41 3 0 0 0 1939

SSW 6 18 94 228 253 192 424 869 461 168 82 26 0 0 2821

SW 3 21 91 182 187 152 332 604 405 163 80 51 2 0 2273

WSW 3 22 82 145 114 71 121 280 237 102 31 18 0 0 1226

W 3 35 106 216 259 186 277 316 176 96 40 10 0 0 1720

WNW 3 28 109 331 359 255 349 342 197 157 97 47 13 2 2289

NW 4 32 99 206 281 182 271 342 238 187 95 66 32 23 2058

NNW 6 24 70 85 118 108 248 388 312 220 130 111 18 6 1844

TOTAL 51 316 996 2044 2453 2025 4230 6699 3801 1961 881 477 110 45 26089


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

Table 2.7-10 Shortest Distances from the ESP Plant Envelope Boundary to theEAB

Downwind Distance DistanceDirection (ft) (m)

S 3131 954

SSW 2877 877

SW 2860 872

WSW 2838 865

W 2860 872

WNW 2959 902

NW 3242 988

NNW 3822 1165

N 4521 1378

NNE 4589 1399

NE 4697 1432

ENE 4835 1474

E 4707 1435

ESE 4660 1420

SE 4266 1300

SSE 3562 1086


GWIOQOQ1 .TMP Page 1 1 II - NRC: Home Page· i C.\W1ND0WS\TEMP\GWl00001.TMP Page 1 1 C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GWIOQOQ1 .TMP Page 1 II Mail Envelope Properties (40F421FD.60B:17: 13835) Subject: - [PDF Document] (55)

Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

Table 2.7-11 PAVAN Results for XIQ Values at the EAB

Plant Name: North Anna ESPData Period: 1996-98 JFDType of Release: Ground-Level ReleaseSource of Data: OnsiteComments: Data period: 1/1/96 - 12/31/98Program: PAVAN, 10/76, 8/79 Revision, Implementation of RG 1.145Site Exclusion Boundary Calculations:

Five Percent Overall Site Limit.Building wake credit Is not included.Correction factors used In the annual average calculations.

Below are printed the ordered values of X/Q and the frequency with which that value is reached or exceeded.The top number is the X/Q. The middle number is the frequency normalized to this sector.

Meteorological InstrumentationWind Sensors Height: 32.8 ftAT Heights: 32.8 ft-1 58.9 ft

The third number is the frequency with respect to all time.

0 9.211E-04 9.140E-04 9.090E-04 8.847E-04 8.381E-04 8.101E-04 7.256E-04 6.790E-04 6.263E-04 6.215E-04

.001 .004 .005 .006 .007 .008 .013 .013 .029 .071

.00095 .00360 .00454 .00574 .00713 .00827 .01275 .01325 .02858 .07075

0 6.181E-04 6.142E-04 6.099E-04 6.050E-04 6.016E-04 6.016E-04 5.848E-04 5.832E-04 5.755E-04 5.699E-04

.094 .111 .112 .114 .118 .119 .120 .120 .121 .148

.09374 .11097 .11183 .11413 .11796 .11857 .11969 .12013 .12070 .14753

0 5.680E-04 5.639E-04 5.628E-04 5.527E-04 5.508E-04 5.499E-04 5.334E-04 4.934E-04 4.808E-04 4.617E-04

.169 .170 .176 .176 .180 .182 .183 .237 .238 .246

.16885 .17018 .17573 .17638 .18021 .18185 .18304 .23670 .23803 .24569

0 4.471E-04 4.177E-04 4.175E-04 4.147E-04 4.143E-04 4.121E-04 4.114E-04 4.091E-04 4.011E-04 4.002E-04

.247 .305 .324 .331 .389 .408 .446 .450 .477 .482

.24709 .30459 .32376 .33142 .38892 .40808 .44641 .45025 .47708 .48178


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls









o 3.977E-04



0 3.672E-04



0 3.290E-04



o 2.850E-04



o 2.620E-04



o 2.506E-04



o 2.441 E-04





















2.421 E-04



3.863E-04 3.834E-04

.520 .524

.52011 .52395

3.635E-04 3.627E-04

.618 .628

.61790 .62810

3.240E-04 3.132E-04

.788 .799

.78783 .79933

2.785E-04 2.765E-04

1.091 1.118

1.09138 1.11821

2.601E-04 2.575E-04

1.303 1.452

1.30267 1.45216

2.493E-04 2.492E-04

1.652 1.698

1.65173 1.69772

2.418E-04 2.407E-04

1.982 1.998

1.98221 1.99754











































































2.721 E-04









2.321 E-04









3.041 E-04



2.651 E-04




































- -





- .

o 2.280E-04 2.203E-04 2.203E-04 2.203E-04 2.180E-04 2.177E-04 2.142E-04 2.123E-04 2.107E-04 2.088E-04


GWIOQOQ1 .TMP Page 1 1 II - NRC: Home Page· i C.\W1ND0WS\TEMP\GWl00001.TMP Page 1 1 C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GWIOQOQ1 .TMP Page 1 II Mail Envelope Properties (40F421FD.60B:17: 13835) Subject: - [PDF Document] (57)

Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Environmental RAlsFinal Responses to

2.103 2.114 2.137 2.138 2.192 2.200 2.208 2.223 2.230 2.571

2.10296 2.11446 2.13745 2.13806 2.19173 2.19955 2.20789 2.22322 2.22953 2.57067

o 2.088E-04 2.083E-04 2.074E-04 2.057E-04 2.045E-04 2.027E-04 2.023E-04 1.988E-04 1.983E-04 1.974E-04

2.577 2.584 2.618 2.687 2.699 2.737 2.741 2.768 2.776 2.814

2.57721 2.58376 2.61825 2.68725 2.69875 2.73708 2.74135 2.76818 2.77584 2.81417

o 1.962E-04 1.957E-04 1.931E-04 1.927E-04 1.917E-04 1.914E-04 1.900E-04 1.879E-04 1.870E-04 1.847E-04

2.815 2.819 3.279 3.291 3.314 3.433 3.440 3.456 3.482 3.486

2.81545 2.81929 3.27925 3.29075 3.31375 3.43257 3.44024 3.45557 3.48240 3.48623

o 1.836E-04 1.814E-04 1.813E-04 1.799E-04 1.782E-04 1.768E-04 1.751E-04 1.712E-04 1.686E-04 1.671E-04

3.502 3.594 3.624 3.625 3.644 3.648 3.656 3.694 3.759 4.089

3.50157 3.59356 3.62422 3.62493 3.64410 3.64793 3.65560 3.69393 3.75909 4.08873

0 1.662E-04 1.659E-04 1.648E-04 1.646E-04 1.645E-04 1.644E-04 1.636E-04 1.635E-04 1.627E-04 1.614E-04

4.231 4.246 4.334 4.365 4.376 4.522 4.545 4.572 4.614 4.721

4.23055 4.24589 4.33404 4.36471 4.37621 4.52186 4.54486 4.57169 4.61386 4.72118

0 1.604E-04 1.602E-04 1.591 E-04 1.586E-04 1.578E-04 1.571 E-04 1.565E-04 1.558E-04 1.545E-04 1.539E-04

4.760 4.836 4.875 4.878 4.913 4.914 4.930 4.979 5.428 5.435

4.75951 4.83617 4.87450 4.87834 4.91283 4.91419 4.92952 4.97935 5.42782 5.43548

0 1.534E-04 1.531 E-04 1.520E-04 1.503E-04 1.498E-04 1.496E-04 1.481 E-04 1.469E-04 1.461 E-04 1.456E-04

5.451 5.554 5.600 5.604 5.612 5.635 5.688 5.742 5.744 5.786

5.45082 5.55431 5.60031 5.60414 5.61180 5.63480 5.68846 5.74213 5.74381 5.78597

0 1.451 E-04 1.434E-04 1.433E-04 1.420E-04 1.416E-04 1.416E-04 1.408E-04 1.407E-04 1.393E-04 1.392E-04

5.809 5.811 5.853 5.887 5.937 6.002 6.006 6.007 6.009 6.154


GWIOQOQ1 .TMP Page 1 1 II - NRC: Home Page· i C.\W1ND0WS\TEMP\GWl00001.TMP Page 1 1 C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GWIOQOQ1 .TMP Page 1 II Mail Envelope Properties (40F421FD.60B:17: 13835) Subject: - [PDF Document] (58)

Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

5.80897 5.81074 5.85290 5.88740 5.93723 6.00239 6.00622 6.00710 6.00863 6.15428

0 1.389E-04 1.382E-04 1.377E-04 1.376E-04 1.375E-04 1.371 E-04 1.361 E-04 1.343E*04 1.326E-04 1.322E-04

6.155 6.163 6.167 6.209 6.213 6.236 6.377 6.378 6.397 6.409

6.15514 6.16281 6.16664 6.20881 6.21264 6.23564 6.37746 6.37817 6.39733 6.40883

0 1.308E-04 1.304E-04 1.288E-04 1.284E-04 1.284E-04 1.278E-04 1.276E-04 1.265E-04 1.253E-04 1.253E-04

6.428 6.436 6.654 6.738 6.876 6.892 6.922 7.133 7.137 7.156

6.42800 6.43566 6.65415 6.73847 6.87646 6.89179 6.92246 7.13328 7.13711 7.15627

0 1.250E-04 1.246E-04 1.246E-04 1.236E-04 1.233E-04 1.224E-04 1.223E-04 1.221 E-04 1.216E-04 1.21 OE-04

7.168 7.172 7.551 7.693 7.980 7.984 7.992 8.069 8.092 8.218

7.16777 7.17161 7.55108 7.69290 7.98038 7.98421 7.99187 8.06853 8.09153 8.21802

0 1.209E-04 1.203E-04 1.201E-04 1.191E-04 1.188E-04 1.179E-04 1.168E-04 1.167E-04 1.159E-04 1.147E-04

8.237 8.318 8.506 8.509 8.574 8.601 8.686 8.747 8.770 8.774

8.23719 8.31768 8.50550 8.50933 8.57450 8.60133 8.68565 8.74698 8.76998 8.77381

0 1.139E-04 1.129E-04 1.129E-04 1.126E-04 1.121E-04 1.119E-04 1.102E-04 1.090E-04 1.088E-04 1.085E-04

8.793 8.801 8.804 8.812 8.820 8.843 8.946 8.962 9.130 9.149

8.79298 8.80064 8.80448 8.81214 8.81981 8.84280 8.94630 8.96163 9.13028 9.14945

0 1.068E-04 1.062E 04 1.052E-04 1.052E-04 1.044E.04 1.044E-04 1.037E-04 1.029E-04 1.027E-04 1.023E-04

9.157 9.295 9.395 9.399 9.464 9.502 9.517 9.563 9.682 9.694

9.15711 9.29510 9.39476 9.39859 9.46376 9.50209 9.51742 9.56341 9.68224 9.69374

0 1.014E-04 1.012E-04 9.988E-05 9.969E-05 9.942E-05 9.935E-05 9.887E-05 9.871E-05 9.866E-05 9.784E-05

9.732 9.943 9.970 10.357 10.391 10.395 10.495 10.702 11.028 11.047

9.73207 9.94288 9.96972 10.35685 10.39135 10.39518 10.49484 10.70182 11.02763 11.04680


GWIOQOQ1 .TMP Page 1 1 II - NRC: Home Page· i C.\W1ND0WS\TEMP\GWl00001.TMP Page 1 1 C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GWIOQOQ1 .TMP Page 1 II Mail Envelope Properties (40F421FD.60B:17: 13835) Subject: - [PDF Document] (59)

Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

0 9.765E-05 9.758E-05 9.750E-05 9.709E-05 9.683E-05 9.657E-05 9.633E-05 9.626E-05 9.609E-05 9.586E-05

11.120 11.131 11.139 11.396 11.583 11.737 11.852 11.940 12.078 12.097

11.11962 11.13112 11.13879 11.39560 11.58342 11.73674 11.85173 11.93989 12.07788 12.09705

0 9.568E-05 9.552E-05 9.470E-05 9.465E-05 9.445E-05 9.443E-05 9.396E-05 9.348E-05 9.171E-05 9.134E-05

12.132 12.247 12.254 12.427 12.442 12.615 12.618 12.752 12.902 12.906

12.13155 12.24654 12.25420 12.42669 12.44202 12.61451 12.61834 12.75250 12.90198 12.90582

0 9.070E-05 9.067E-05 8.908E-05 8.894E-05 8.842E-05 8.814E-05 8.755E-05 8.693E-05 8.663E-05 8.558E-05

12.982 13.013 13.163 13.193 13.301 13.362 13.534 13.623 13.642 13.718

12.98248 13.01314 13.16263 13.19330 13.30062 13.36195 13.53444 13.62259 13.64176 13.71842

0 8.493E-05 8.431E-05 8.395E-05 8.308E-05 8.239E-05 8.222E-05 8.173E-05 8.157E-05 8.137E-05 8.069E-05

13.826 13.941 13.987 14.240 14.320 14.604 14.623 14.646 14.723 14.872

13.82575 13.94074 13.98673 14.23971 14.32021 14.60385 14.62302 14.64602 14.72268 14.87216

0 8.022E-05 8.008E-05 7.965E-05 7.947E-05 7.892E-05 7.828E-05 7.790E-05 7.706E-05 7.602E-05 7.491 E-05

14.914 14.945 14.949 14.956 15.148 15.275 15.367 15.497 15.512 15.547

14.91433 14.94499 14.94882 14.95649 15.14814 15.27463 15.36662 15.49695 15.51228 15.54678

0 7.403E-05 7.345E-05 7.282E-05 7.164E-05 7.126E-05 7.121E-05 7.098E-05 7.082E-05 7.078E-05 7.074E-05

15.907 15.968 16.474 16.800 16.946 16.953 17.344 17.655 17.774 17.946

15.90708 15.96841 16.47437 16.80018 16.94583 16.95350 17.34447 17.65494 17.77377 17.94625

0 7.060E-05 7.004E-05 6.999E-05 6.977E-05 6.954E-05 6.878E-05 6.803E-05 6.716E-05 6.674E-05 6.670E-05

17.954 18.383 18.422 18.425 18.636 18.901 18.962 19.092 19.104 19.200

17.95392 18.38322 18.42155 18.42538 18.63620 18.90068 18.96201 19.09233 19.10383 19.19966

0 6.623E-05 6.540E-05 6.500E-05 6.426E-05 6.422E-05 6.419E-05 6.380E-05 6.336E-05 6.323E-05 6.316E-05


GWIOQOQ1 .TMP Page 1 1 II - NRC: Home Page· i C.\W1ND0WS\TEMP\GWl00001.TMP Page 1 1 C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GWIOQOQ1 .TMP Page 1 II Mail Envelope Properties (40F421FD.60B:17: 13835) Subject: - [PDF Document] (60)

Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls









19.219 19.223 19.257 19.295 19.391 19.437

19.21882 19.22266 19.25715 19.29548 19.39131 19.43731

0 6.314E-05 6.313E-05 6.297E-05 6.262E-05 6.255E-05 6.244E-05

20.005 20.070 20.097 20.292 20.369 20.376

20.00459 20.06976 20.09659 20.29207 20.36873 20.37640

0 6.166E-05 6.143E-05 6.117E-05 6.103E-05 6.089E-05 6.052E.05

21.239 21.258 21.308 21.396 21.446 21.768

21.23883 21.25800 21.30783 21.39598 21.44581 21.76779

0 5.993E-05 5.973E-05 5.961 E-05 5.938E-05 5.933E.05 5.923E-05

22.201 22.504 22.531 22.722 22.929 23.370

22.20092 22.50373 22.53056 22.72221 22.92920 23.37000

0 5.872E-05 5.852E-05 5.842E-05 5.836E-05 5.825E-05 5.822E-05

23.715 23.826 24.029 24.401 24.880 24.919

23.71497 23.82613 24.02928 24.40108 24.88021 24.91854

0 5.737E-05 5.731 E-05 5.703E-05 5.697E-05 5.679E-05 5.666E-05

25.455 25.835 25.842 25.854 26.241 26.666

25.45517 25.83464 25.84231 25.85381 26.24094 26.66641

0 5.509E-05 5.502E-05 5.442E-05 5.363E-05 5.341 E-05 5.336E-05

27.015 27.230 27.253 27.491 27.586 27.763

27.01522 27.22987 27.25286 27.49051 27.58634 27.76266

0 5.218E-05 5.140E-05 5.093E-05 5.069E-05 4.995E-05 4.994E-05

28.663 29.166 29.258 29.269 29.311 29.392

19.449 19.453 19.560 19.698

19.44880 19.45264 19.55996 19.69795

6.240E-05 6.231E-05 6.211E-05 6.179E-05

20.476 20.714 20.718 20.821

20.47606 20.71370 20.71754 20.82103

6.050E-05 6.031 E-05 6.016E-05 6.006E-05

21.806 21.971 22.082 22.117

21.80612 21.97094 22.08210 22.11659

5.915E-05 5.897E-05 5.895E-05 5.893E-05

23.378 23.489 23.696 23.703

23.37766 23.48882 23.69580 23.70347

5.795E-05 5.788E-05 5.773E-05 5.750E-05

25.122 25.133 25.168 25.179

25.12169 25.13319 25.16769 25.17919

5.635E-05 5.597E-05 5.591 E-05 5.537E-05

26.747 26.870 26.873 26.896

26.74690 26.86956 26.87339 26.89639

5.308E-05 5.304E-05 5.261 E-05 5.225E-05

28.131 28.150 28.338 28.445

28.13063 28.14979 28.33761 28.44494

4.982E-05 4.969E-05 4.968E-05 4.943E-05

29.472 29.495 29.618 29.629











GWIOQOQ1 .TMP Page 1 1 II - NRC: Home Page· i C.\W1ND0WS\TEMP\GWl00001.TMP Page 1 1 C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GWIOQOQ1 .TMP Page 1 II Mail Envelope Properties (40F421FD.60B:17: 13835) Subject: - [PDF Document] (61)

Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls











28.66342 29.16555 29.25754 29.26904 29.31120

0 4.936E-05 4.894E-05 4.875E-05 4.855E-05 4.834E-05

30.078 30.174 30.323 30.649 30.653

30.07781 30.17364 30.32313 30.64893 30.65277

0 4.723E-05 4.722E-05 4.698E-05 4.694E-05 4.596E-05

31.776 32.082 32.094 32.098 32.266

31.77584 32.08249 32.09398 32.09782 32.26647

0 4.395E-05 4.378E-05 4.347E-05 4.313E-05 4.273E-05

33.589 34.651 35.314 35.341 35.525

33.58886 34.65061 35.31373 35.34056 35.52454

0 4.198E-05 4.162E-05 4.120E-05 4.078E-05 4.042E-05

36.188 36.226 36.230 36.326 36.333

36.18766 36.22599 36.22982 36.32565 36.33332

0 3.915E-05 3.914E-05 3.900E-05 3.828E-05 3.788E-05

36.904 37.579 37.824 37.943 38.139

36.90444 37.57906 37.82437 37.94320 38.13868

0 3.727E-05 3.702E-05 3.698E-05 3.692E-05 3.662E-05

41.477 42.413 43.785 43.789 43.984

41.47725 42.41251 43.78474 43.78857 43.98406

0 3.558E-05 3.549E-05 3.541E-05 3.536E-05 3.521E-05

46.150 46.660 47.062 47.066 47.070

46.14972 46.65952 47.06199 47.06582 47.06965

29.39170 29.47219 29.49519 29.61785 29.62935

4.816E-05 4.785E-05 4.776E-05 4.735E-05 4.732E-05

30.814 30.898 31.255 31.393 31.669

30.81376 30.89808 31.25455 31.39254 31.66852

4.585E-05 4.567E-05 4.454E-05 4.447E-05 4.421 E-05

32.420 32.496 32.864 33.052 33.508

32.41979 32.49645 32.86442 33.05224 33.50837

4.273E-05 4.243E-05 4.224E-05 4.211 E-05 4.204E-05

35.540 35.559 35.563 35.590 35.812

35.53988 35.55904 35.56287 35.58971 35.81202

4.034E-05 3.982E-05 3.981 E-05 3.974E-05 3.946E-05

36.337 36.345 36.383 36.594 36.858

36.33715 36.34482 36.38315 36.59396 36.85844

3.780E-05 3.778E-05 3.768E-05 3.746E-05 3.727E-05

38.158 38.277 39.147 39.450 41.443

38.15784 38.27667 39.14677 39.44958 41.44276

3.654E-05 3.641 E-05 3.599E-05 3.582E-05 3.561 E-05

44.045 44.647 44.666 45.214 45.441

44.04539 44.64717 44.66634 45.21446 45.44061

3.450E-05 3.439E-05 3.418E-05 3.416E-05 3.405E-05

47.081 47.257 47.269 47.338 48.047

47.08115 47.25747 47.26897 47.33796 48.04708














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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAts

0 3.358E-05 3.354E-05 3.341E-05 3.335E-05 3.319E-05 3.319E-05 3.312E-05 3.294E-05 3.291E-05 3.279E-05

48.576 48.603 49.676 50.240 50.274 51.616 51.903 53.666 54.559 54.970

48.57603 48.60287 49.67612 50.23957 50.27407 51.61563 51.90311 53.66631 54.55940 54.96954

0 3.250E-05 3.245E-05 3.237E-05 3.201E-05 3.190E-05 3.178E-05 3.168E-05 3.157E-05 3.156E-05 3.152E-05

55.211 56.089 56.629 56.687 56.809 56.813 56.852 57.032 57.473 57.695

55.21102 56.08878 56.62924 56.68674 56.80939 56.81323 56.85156 57.03171 57.47251 57.69483

0 3.148E-05 3.138E-05 3.136E-05 3.130E-05 3.122E-05 3.090E-05 3.087E-05 3.068E-05 3.059E-05 3.045E-05

57.756 58.615 58.634 59.006 59.067 59.094 59.650 59.903 60.117 60.198

57.75616 58.61476 58.63392 59.00573 59.06705 59.09388 59.64967 59.90265 60.11730 60.19780

0 3.031 E-05 3.029E-05 3.026E-05 3.024E-05 3.012E-05 3.002E-05 2.989E-05 2.981 E-05 2.980E-05 2.936E-05

60.225 60.800 60.803 60.976 60.999 61.467 61.926 61.938 62.084 62.202

60.22463 60.79958 60.80342 60.97590 60.99890 61.46653 61.92649 61.93799 62.08365 62.20247

0 2.934E-05 2.904E-05 2.873E-05 2.871E-05 2.868E-05 2.847E-05 2.817E-05 2.809E-05 2.805E-05 2.795E-05

62.287 63.843 64.107 64.272 64.399 64.479 64.483 64.648 64.740 64.778

62.28680 63.84301 64.10749 64.27231 64.39880 64.47929 64.48312 64.64793 64.73993 64.77826


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls

Table 2.7-12 PAVAN Results for XIQ Values at the LPZ

Plant Name: North Anna ESPData Period: 1996-98 JFDType of Release: Ground-Level ReleaseSource of Data: OnsiteComments: Data period: 1/1/96 - 12/31/98Program: PAVAN, 10176, 8/79 Revision, Implementation of RG 1.145Low Population Zone Calculations:

Five Percent Overall Site Limit.Building wake credit Is not Included.Correction factors used in the annual average calculations.

Below are printed the ordered values of X/Q and the frequency with which that value Is reached or exceeded.

Meteorological InstrumentationWind Sensors Height: 32.8 ftAT Heights: 32.8 ft-1 58.9 ft

The top number is the X1IQ. The middle number is the frequency normalized to this sector.The third number is the frequency with respect to all time.

0 1.237E-04 8.410E-05 5.981E-05 5.607E-05 4.205E-05 4.067E-05 3.364E-05 2.803E-05 2.711E-05 2.701E-05

.061 .353 .406 1.108 2.307 2.656 3.714 4.190 5.136 5.198

.06133 .35264 .40630 1.10775 2.30749 2.65629 3.71421 4.18951 5.13627 5.19759

0 2.102E-05 2.033E-05 1.837E-05 1.776E-05 1.627E-05 1.492E-05 1.356E-05 1.256E-05 1.225E-05 1.017E-05

5.493 7.241 7.735 7.781 9.406 9.410 10.468 10.487 12.166 13.350

5.49274 7.24060 7.73506 7.78106 9.40626 9.41009 10.46801 10.48718 12.16604 13.35045

0 9.185E-06 8.543E-06 7.847E-06 7.348E-06 6.341E-06 6.123E-06 5.695E-06 5.303E-06 4.592E-06 4.550E-06

16.574 16.647 17.149 20.710 20.752 23.634 24.102 24.114 29.292 29.319

16.57403 16.64686 17.14898 20.70987 20.75204 23.63448 24.10211 24.11361 29.29204 29.31887

0 4.271E-06 3.417E-06 3.375E-06 2.848E-06 2.668E-06 2.482E-06 2.206E-06 2.136E-06 1.880E-06 1.493E-06

30.814 33.443 39.703 42.390 44.915 44.935 45.839 52.961 53.226 66.932

30.81375 33.44321 39.70255 42.38952 44.91549 44.93466 45.83926 52.96103 53.22552 66.93244


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Serial No. 04-170ADocket No. 52-008

Final Responses to Environmental RAls





0 1.41 OE-06 1.245E-06

67.113 67.120

67.11259 67.12025

0 6.226E-07 5.949E-07

83.089 84.070

83.08863 84.06989

0 2.122E-07 1.868E-07

88.512 89.221

88.51231 89.22141

0 5.305E-08 3.979E-08

99.494 99.889

99.49386 99.88866

1.151E-06 1.128E-06

75.844 75.894

75.84424 75.89405

4.759E-07 4.670E-07

84.323 85.189

84.32287 85.18914

1.592E-07 1.557E-07

90.789 91.234

90.78912 91.23375

3.183E-08 2.894E-08

99.969 100.000

99.96915 99.99981

1.026E-06 9.388E-07 9.339E-07 7.932E-07 7.471 E-07 6.366E-07

75.917 80.632 80.705 82.610 82.824 82.828

75.91705 80.63168 80.70450 82.60951 82.82416 82.82799

4.327E-07 4.244E-07 3.183E-07 3.113E-07 2.546E-07 2.335E-07

85.231 85.247 85.342 86.868 87.182 88.114

85.23130 85.24663 85.34245 86.86799 87.18228 88.11370

1.167E-07 1.061 E-07 9.339E-08 8.490E-08 7.958E-08 6.366E-08

91.506 95.143 95.182 95.239 97.581 98.758

91.50589 95.14342 95.18176 95.23925 97.58121 98.75794






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