Denton Record-Chronicle from Denton, Texas (2024)

Clouds Looming On Business Horizon, Research Head Finds AUSTIN, March 4--MV-Cloueis, 1. it is tjw second straight apparently up on ths TWas business hortoon. The way business started the year off has University oj Texas Bureau of Business Research Director John R. Stockton concerned despite almost unanimous forecasts tor a rising trend to continue into been srmrJh- iod. TMai experienced 3 per cent i But dip In business activity in Jan- month of decline.

2. Every category of business measured during the month showed declines with only one exception. The December decline was not unusual In the it followed a month in which resumption of coal and raused an could 1 back" runs to stills, per cent; electric power consumption, 11 per cent; freight loadings. 2 per rent; erode petroleum production, 0 5 per cent. Only increase was in building permits, up 56.9 per cent.

may not be tution." The industrial part of those fig- vires show Aeclines substantially greater than consumer expenditures. "This fact is reason to be iuproxiinately the same what concerned, and raises ccur for the second doubt as to the accuracy month suggests that it I forecasts of no decline in a drc-n but the i unservea. me Business economy is i behind it may be significant, Dr January drops included r.arnie than retail trade,,,,, i i H.TUC, PREACHERS CONSCIENCE CLEAR NOW AUSTIN, March 4 (A A Trxus minister is sorry he killed "three or four sparrows." remorseful preacher wrote the Pish and Oyster Commission his conscience hurt. "I cannot preach against lawlessness untU I have clear. I myself ot this matter," he said.

Howard Dodgen. executive secretary, fixed him ui. He told the minister the law does not protect sparrovs. MARKETS SVTl'KnVY QKAIXS WORTH, March 4 No. 1 43-3 Oau Wo.

3 S4-9SC. Corn No. 1 white 1.70 72 No. 2 ytitow mllo ptr pounCs KORT I.IVKSKK'K PORT WORTH, March V-- StMrt yearlings and cows flrong. bulls steady to 50 higher firm, itocktr catui and calvw tuong to 50 and matt higher; acd yaarltnte ll-W, choice mliMi 87.0; 16.BO-1B, canncrv and cut- bulls iB-ao Stofktou thinks.

Here's ly an erratic flue-1 for 1350. The Industrial portion of lyst observed, the business economj- Is more dy- PjlSHt COTS included jstall r.anvle than retail trade ami "is tndusw probably more Important as a cause Slick Jf I consumption. It, per cent: crude oil of the changes in business activity." Dr. Stockton said, adding: -The decline should be a warning to watch carefully for further de- IConttaued from Fuse I) Is.vs in structural -were possible because of the crippling effects of the strike, just As construction progresses on Creel said that sever-All new mains would probably have to not evartu- be laid to efficiently tie Into the present water system. i The Piuein psrk site is bomer- velopments that might signsl general decine hi business Round About (Continued from Page 1) work for him.

Child's Custody Still Undecided GROESBECK. March 4 Who will have custody or the child that 1.600 couples want still was undecided after a court hearing. The child Is Dale Daily, two years old, whose mother is in the state hospital at Rusk. Recently after publicity about the child 1.600 applications to adopt Dale were re- Todav's court fcearins; broujht by Mr. and Mrs.

Rufu, I. in full bloom white most of them Baty of Galena Pari, who say show no color whatever So what are the great uncle and great aunt; Vr" 1Jle 7lis made i wm A us sprinr o- wii- of ihe child. Both are school teach- i S6.000 from the park improve! ter? ment bond fund; S6.000 the i water sewer bond I $12.000 from the water MARLIN. March --in-Despite highway patrolmen on the spot, eight vehicles were Wrecked In six accidents within 24 hours on a stretch of highway near here yesterday and Thursday. Two persons were injured and pstrolmeii estimated that $6,500 damage was done the eight vehicles.

Highway Patrolmen James Mason and Curtis Llpicomb started patrolling the area after the first two ac- t---- itt wvuucr- OI he bj Street, Street, on the east by Thomas which will be extended: on Hie wesr by county road, which will also be extended; and en the ension of PariaodieSin full are quite a few indications Ihat winter is still hanging on. The plum trees are in bloom and some few peach trees are in made the 400-yard stretch of black top very slick. ers. They seek custody of the child. Their action followed that the i Limestone Red who placed Dale with Mr.

and 3 Believed Alive In Sunken Ship MOBILE. March Coast Guard patrol boat sighted men in the pilotouse of As the city v. -head with its is here for a visit with rela- i tx Prior to her marriage she Sound todsy. but was unable "to Miss Johanna Linenschmidr, re them because of high waves. which sank in the Mississippi MCCARTHY HAS PENNY OR SO LEFT HOUSTON, March 4 Up, -Millionaire Oilman Glenn McCarthy put spiSe into rumors he is hparied for the poorhouss.

Houston sportsman, bcilder and, hotel owner said he has times" more oil in proven fields today than fit any time in riis career. Moreover, he said, every McCarthy business Imeres; todav is showing a profit, inclutiini his fabulous Sham- approved the low bid of 552.000 by been living in Cleveland for the Construction past 13 years where A. GroerUg hUSband ab a De -dioed pilothouse was the only part of the tug above water. Commission I (Continued from Page proie'sion out he's riso11 for civ- marshal, And. as a formality, o.

C. Kmght. called upon from many maces to and Roben Caidwell. seeking city secretary and a candidate for bring some form of entertainment Lle cliy attorney's Post. Both are mayor, submitted his resignation ms last place wh the commiss.oB.

to a i sf I terwlners was to Mustang were opened Tuesday and referred to committee for recommends- 1 E. D. Trajter may not be an im- but he's Mayor J. said lw i ij Aiusiang rriQav Yarbrougb Knight nigh: to a meeting in the schoo'l house. But.

there is no school con-1 City poll tax payers will get a lot for their money in the April 4 uiere is no scjiooj con- 1 n. i "Since you have withdrawn from ducted in the building now as eieclio n. There's an unusually large race I have decided to try to has gone into a consolidation dis- Stockw tvxiut ia-M, cam lt-33, woolcd Iirnb4 44- jwliug iu-3J. aged iriwp 10-14. woolet) Inmbt 20-34.

best butcher hogs H.7S- 17. 13-14, iMder plgt 10-14. Man Thought Dead Nabbed In Dallas DALLAS, March 4-- FBI said today a man under a rape indictment at Erie, mourned dead last fall, has btfin arrested here. Scott S. Alden, FBI agent in charge of the Dallas district, aald the man is Clyde Orlando Brown, 41, indicted Sept.

I at Erie. Alden said after Brown's Indictment he was released on 14,000 bond; that a lew days later he went fishing on Lake Erie, and on the following morning his boat washed ashore with his hat, jacket and fishing equipment in It. The FBI agent said Brown's family mourned him as dead, and allowed a finance company to repossess his car. Brown was indicted on a charge of luring an eight-year-old girl into a car. driving It to an isolated spot, and raping her.

succeed you sad carry program started ministration KrJcht's resignation was accept- the good trict. The pccpie of Mustang have sl(Lte ol can c. ates in the running S. (Continued From Page 1) United States take a new loot at the closing of Hungarian consulates in New York and Cleveland. 4.

Hungary said that Hungarian I citizens employed by the U. S. Government In Sofia total 103 persons most, of whom are "Fascists." ls Boylfc Sendees Held At Aubrey AUBREY, March 4 rumrat services for Mrs. Martha Boyle, who died Friday at p.m. her home.

In Aubrey, were held Saturday afternoon st the Aubrey Baptist Church. Joe Mitchell, pastor, and W. O. Henson conducted services. Burial was at New Hope Cemetery under the direction ot Beck Funeral Rome ot PUot Point.

Pallbearers were CMorge Dell, Will McNatt. Sam Hodges, J. E. Smith, J. Milton and H.

Hudson. Mrs. Boyle waa born July 1, itn AitOisy. Her parents were the late Mr. and Mrs.

J. A. Laasater. She married the latt M. T.

in Denton 45 years ago. she was a number of the Baptist Ohurth. Survivors are eight nephews. W. A.

Blanks and C. J. Blanks of Aubrey, Wiley Laaater ot Odell, Aaron Lassater of Denton, Lee Lassater, dec Lassater and Buddy Lassater of California, Tommy Lassaf.or of Wichita Falls, and five nieces, Mrs. John Warren of Da Queen, Mrs. Rusha Con, way of Denton.

Mrs. Oscar Thompson of Saiiger. Mrs. O. L.

Davis of Clyde, and Mrs. Mae Kennedy ot Bigsby, Okla. TWO CARS SLIGHTLY DAMAGED IN SMASHUP Two cars damaged slightly at 3:45 p.m. Saturday when a 1M9 Btilck and a 1941 Pontlac collided just south of Congress on North Locust. There were no injuries.

The Pontlac. driven by Mrs. O. T. Shlpp, 918 Egau, pulled from a parallel parkin? position on North Locust and the Buick, driven by William Claude Caatleberry, 3l'a West Highland, scrapped the side.

Damage to both cars was estimated at $150. 2-1 DEN-TON KKco*kD-CBBONICLI Sunday, Mar. 5, Tbe Dtnton Bible wiU In the honie of Mr. and Mri. R.

L. Richardson tonight at 7:30. The non-denominational class is open to the public. The tire little activity Saturday with only one call answered. At 3:30 p.m..

nremen answered a tall to 813 Welch and used a booater tank to extinguish a trash lire. PERSONALS Sam Allen, son of Mrs. Precious Jewel Allen, 521 Skinner, who entered the army July IMS, is reported: with the Infantry Regiment, stalloaed at Oifu, aa. The SHth a part Infantry, (Tropic Lightning" Divi- under Ma). OUR, V.

B. Keaii. Company to which Allen Is assigned, recently departed lor winter maneuvers at the baje of Mount Fuji, Japan's most famous mountain. Mrs. J.

D. Baltntine, Rout? 3, Justin, recently received word of the death of her aunt, Mrs, Laura Marohbanlis, SI. a former resident of Denton who has made her home in Denlson during recent years. Mrs. Uarchbanks is survlv- CLARY GETS LIFE ON WIFE MURDER CHARGE COLORADO CITY, March sentence of life imprisonment was assessed today against Oliff Clary on charges he murdered his wife.

Mrs. Clary's body was found in charred ruins of the couple's home after it burned Jan. 31, ed by several nephews and here. Mrs. A.

L. Harriet, 503 Bolivar, has returned from a week's visit with her brother, H. E. Chitnian, in Olobe, Arizona. went with relatives from Fort Worth.

William Wesley Wright, 40S Mounts, will celebrate birthday today with out-of-town guests. Judge and Mrs. Paul McCarroll will come from Dallas, Mr. Mrs Noble Wright, iJidy Louise and William Wesley 111, will come from McKimiey. and Mr.

and Mrs. W. Wright will come from yori Worth. Dcnton guests will be Mr. and Mrs.

William Crow Wright, Scripture, and Mrs. Allee.n Wright Bounds and Mary Elizabeth Bounds, 1211 Austin. Mrs, Edylhe M. Fiyler, 802 West Hickory, will attend the Merfe Norman Cosmetic School which will be held at the Rice Hotel, Houston, Monday through Saturday. Mr.

and Mrs. E. E. Hanks, 1821 West Chestnut, have returne-i from San Antonio where they visit ed her sister, Mrs. Bertha Terrv who has been ill for some time.

their return trip they visited daughter and son-in-law, Mr. RIM Mrs. N. A. Hlghtower in Austin.

Dr. Margaret M. Poole of Digli- ton. arrived in Denton Saturday for a visit with daughter, Dr. Virginia Ellle, 1303 West Oak.

HOSPITAL NOTES Dim Street Hospital and Cllnla Admitted: Clarence Whisenhunt, Tloga. surgery; Mrs. Hugh Brockett, 22J East Oak. medical patient. Dismissed: Marcus McClaln.

Aubrey. TM v. uu UJ ul me tmmiiiB for clEr offices, and they'll also i a PP 1 those tile oppose. The be asked to cast their votes on six te States rejected this charge. ed curing your ad- organized a community club of asked to cast their votes on six to a successful which "SMcV TisdeD is" preadeat i tracts seeking annexation into the city.

''The green bugs are doisg con- Though the city limits will be i Y- i marricge. She drinks the top of the Brooks Milk and he drinks the bottom half." principles reached iast In the fields, happy miners vho held out for contract. it clear that most of the miners were eager to get golf The American Magazine oilers $5 they can get ing on its "Why Don't They" page Mrs. Bullard sent this: "Pack a boiie in a can of dog food so he may have dessert after his meal." 2. R.

H. Jackson and Jack Clay- Joe OsmW1I Estate MRS. NOAH ROARK SUCCUMBS IN DALLAS Funeral services for Mrs. Lillian Roirk. wife of Noah Roark, Dallas attorney and former Denton resident, will be held at 2 p.m.

Monday in Dallas. Mrs. Roark died at her home In Dallas at 2:30 p.m. Saturday after an illness of several months. Mr.

and Mrs. Roark were married in Denton in 1903 and lived here for five years. She is a cousin to Mrs. PesrU Steer, 933 North Locust. NOTICE! TIN CAN TRASH HAUL FOR North Locust- East Oak end all Streets in between starts TUESDAY, MARCH 7th Hove your cam and iccurely locked in container! small for man to lift Ho No garbage please? is working on his "degree at NTSC -6 lmit in addiuon to writing insurance, Mrs.

Williams and two children. and tUiaron. 3, came' here with them and they are living I (Continued from'page 1) at 2010 West Hickors- Street Me-1 Williams wa-j connected with the cover 303 6 miles a 3 estimated advertising department of the Rec-' cos! of the Highway De- ord-ChronicIe at one time. I partment said Saturday. I State-financed projects mainly in the asphalt program of hiRhway improvement, will add 471 miles at ment.

The sudden accord caused President Truman to toss out hij request for power to seize and operate the mines. He will press Con- cress to set up a commission to study how to strengthen the coal industry, which he says is sick. The ICC cancelled Us r.ew order burning railroad passenger and for a slash of 15 per cent In coal- freight service. For Lewis it was a mighty triumph, adding benefits totalling SI.10 a day per man. The extra cost per ton of coal was estimated at 20 cents.

Southern operators had not yet lined up with the reached between Lewis and ar West, in- MIDGET SPIN CURLERS for perfect neckline turls for far fatter I Special Valve! Midget SPIN CurUrt in a Handy Ton! 1. Ifsiil TOBIN DRUG STORE M. SIDI SQUARI Ai dinner party, a lady seat- to ii6xi the- ciiirmEu of a tar BE corporation, asked him just what i a tln a'ed cost of 5876.000. En tn? functions of a chairman were i 8 estimated low bids on 21.8 I tors of the rui anu wes' In "My Madam." he of primary i I eluding mirjes owned hy steel com that is ran loo difficult to answer: 1 run panies. the funcitons of chairman are the same as the piece ol parsley placed ou top of a fish." SOCIAL SECURITY HEAD TO BE HERE MONDAY The Dallas office of tie Social Security Administration announced this week that Franklin Thompson.

field representative, will vUit hers Mcnday ai3 i Denionltes with their Social Security problems- Thompson's heatiquarters are to be in the post office. Vnere he tvii; give information and help to interested persons at 8:30 a.m. The SSA recommeiidi that all persons with Insurance accounts call on him and receive their copv ol "Insurance for Woricers and Their Families," which will bs given free. WelHr The Weilrngton gives you everything! Outdoor Wife She likes the the m-fnd the water the outdoor life. Her band not lilts "outdoor" ikin weather-beaten, dry, old beyond IU years.

Thafe why jhe the hormone cretm onrrnted by The hormone cream that vorlie beneath the turfaee to help drying and of akin. The flrat iue- crtam InlnOttr, firmer, akin of many thousanda of women TO I DRUG STORE N. On a la-inch dircct-'itw tube with bij. tilisiViBt picture. rWU.

Both mnd.rd AM and lUbt-irce KM, yw tMord Handles all 45 and 78 RPM. DuMMM. Du Mom', and ihc performance and ta- not foe Du Moat famoua, $675.00 Toliaferro Hardware US NEW KNMX WAUMllK ONLY MW Barfx t'ne Hands nrrrr tooch Undsrtow washing action-- Flushi-srsj" draining-- dt No no spinttet, no vibrnion-- and no bolting down! Fits anywhere in home, duplex or mcnt! IOW DOWN MYMfNT TUMS 1ST US SHOW YOU THf WOBUt'S WOjtKUSS WASHBll ECONOMY HOME AUTO STORES 215 OAK PHONI 1725.

Denton Record-Chronicle from Denton, Texas (2024)


Why is Denton Texas famous? ›

Playing host to the University of North Texas, Texas Woman's University, and North Central Texas College, Denton has earned a reputation as a progressive-thinking, diverse, and culturally vibrant center in the Dallas-Forth Worth metroplex.

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You may stop your subscription at any time by calling our Customer Service team at (940) 566-6888 (LEAVE A MESSAGE, PLEASE.

What is the crime rate in Denton, Texas? ›

Denton Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes4553,901
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)3.0325.95

What town has the most millionaires in Texas? ›

3 Texas cities make list for highest number of millionaires
  • Houston: 90,900 millionaires.
  • Dallas: 68,600 millionaires.
  • Austin: 32,700 millionaires.
Jun 12, 2024

What are the best areas to live in Denton? ›

Denton Neighborhoods | Where to Live in Denton

Some of the fastest-growing suburbs of Denton include Corinth, Hickory Creek, and Justin, with the historic homes along Oak Street and Hickory Street (near the UNT campus) also being very popular.

Who owns the Denton Record-Chronicle? ›

KERA, North Texas' source for NPR and PBS programming, and the Denton Record-Chronicle, Denton County's primary source of local news, have officially completed their previously announced acquisition. As of August 7, the newspaper belongs to a wholly owned LLC, Denton Public Media, operated by KERA.

How much is the Denton Record Chronicles subscription? ›

Can I subscribe to the e-Edition only? Absolutely. Pricing ranges from $1.99 to $2.49 per week, depending on your subscription length.

Who is the editor of the Denton Record-Chronicle? ›

Scott Parks - Managing Editor - Denton Record-Chronicle | LinkedIn.

What is the richest area in North Texas? ›

A ZIP code in Arlington — yes, Arlington — has overtaken Highland Park on Dallas Business Journal's annual list of wealthiest neighborhoods in the Metroplex, based on median income. The Tarrant County city of Southlake still ranks No. 1 on this year's list, leading the way for the sixth year in a row.

What is the best zip code to live in Denton Texas? ›

The 'hottest' North Texas ZIP codes to live in have this in...
  • 75035 (Frisco)
  • 75068 (Denton County, including Little Elm, Oak Point, Frisco, Lakewood Village and Paloma Creek South)
  • 76227 (Denton County, including Aubrey, Cross Roads, Denton, Little Elm, Krugerville, Prosper, Celina and Lincoln Park)
Jan 10, 2022

Is Denton Texas a expensive place to live? ›

Denton is ranked 73 out of 273 cities across the US in terms of cost of living. The cost of living in Denton is 103% of the national average.


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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.