Clean date rolls recipe (2024)

Published: · Modified: by Hedi Hearts · This post may contain affiliate links · This blog generates income via ads · 34 Comments

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Originally this was meant to be fig rolls recipe, but somebody in my house ateall the figs before I had a chance to make this date rolls recipe, therefore I had to go for my emergency stash of dates and created clean date rolls instead. You can of course you figs instead of dates.

My daughteris crazy aboutfig rolls. I never bought them for her, but her nanny loves them and always has some in herhouse, so this where my daughter’s love for fig rolls comes from.

Whenever I pick up Sofia from her nanny’s house after work and we hop on the train to go home, Sofia often carefully takes out of her pocket two fig rolls wrapped up lovingly by her nanny in a napkin and slowly eats them making sure they last the whole 40 minutes train journey. A foodie in the making I would say, wouldn't you?

I wasn't sure if there would be a demand for a healthy fig roll recipe, but still went for it and here is my date rolls recipe……. Pretty tasty may I say. I posted a photo on my Facebook page to see if people were interested and the response was amazing. Lots of you commented that fig rolls are everyone’s childhood favourite or family favourite treat.

I think these would be a brilliant packed lunch treat for your little ones. I had two of these yesterday with a cup of Matcha Green Tea latte . Oh my word, the combination of these two is perfect and guilt free. Just try to stop at one!

Date rolls recipe


Clean date rolls recipe (12)

Clean date rolls

Originally this was meant to be healthy fig rolls recipe, but somebody in my house ateall the figsso I have created clean date rolls recipe instead.


  • 1 cup oat flour (oats blended in food processor)
  • ½ cup ground almonds
  • ½ cup ground chia seeds (I used ChiaBia )
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ cup maple syrup (or any other liquid sweetener)
  • 2 tsps vanilla extract
  • 3 tbsps coconut oil
  • 3 tbsps apple puree or mashed banana
  • Date filling
  • 1 cup dates, pitted
  • 2 tablespoon lemon juice


  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees and line your baking tray with baking paper.
  2. Soak your dates in boiling water and set aside
  3. Next make the oat flour in a food processor, add ground almonds, ground chia seeds and baking powder and mix well
  4. In separate bowl melt all the wet ingredients and once melted add to the food processor and combine well.
  5. Place the (very sticky) dough in the fridge to set for 1 hour
  6. After one hour drain the dates and pop in the food processor along with lemon juices. Process until you get a sticky paste and divide into 4 parts
  7. Take the dough out of the fridge and divide into 4 equal parts. Take a cling film and roll each part in between two pieces .You want each to be about half an inch thick and rectangular in shape. Spread out one part of the date filling length ways, fold over the dough lifting up the cling film and seal tight all the edges.
  8. Do the same with the remaining three pieces of dough and filling and place them all on the baking tray.
  9. Bake for 30 min or until brown. Let them cool down completely before cutting up.

If you do give this recipe a try, let me know! Leave a comment and take a picture and tag it #hedihearts on Instagram or share on my Facebook wall. I’d love to see what you come up with.

Much love,

PS: Before I sign out don't forget our next 3 Month Clean Eating Challenge starts on 1st of January. It cost £29.99 one off payment and you can join as many challenges as you like. We start a new one each month. Below is a photo of Natalie who did our challenge twice this year. This girl rocks! More info about challenge in here.

More Healthy Snacks Recipes

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  • Avocado Ice Lollies
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Reader Interactions


  1. michelle @ Boards&Knives

    How clever! I loved fig rolls (we call them Fig Newtons) and I never thought to try making them at home. I will definitely be saving this recipe!


    • Hedi Hearts

      They are so lovely Michelle. I think I might even prefer them with dates rather than figs 🙂 Hedi xxx


  2. Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine

    Fig Newtons with dates? I'm loving it! These look fab dear!


    • Hedi Hearts

      Yes, dates, meant to be figs, but they got lost in the house...somehow 🙂 Hedi xx


  3. Ordinary Vegan

    I like dates more then figs and they are less expensive. These look like a perfect healthy snack.


  4. [emailprotected]

    They look so good and are so full of healthy ingredients. I love the idea of using dates instead of figs.


    • Hedi Hearts

      thank you Mel! Hedi xxx


  5. Vanessa

    What a delicious and easy looking recipe! This looks like such a healthy treat my kids would love 🙂


    • Hedi Hearts

      My younger one (6) loves it and always helps me to make it! Hedi xxx


  6. Linda @ Veganosity

    I love fig cookies. This is such a great recipe. Thanks for the clear picture tutorial, it is so helpful.


    • Hedi Hearts

      My pleasure Linda, let me know if you make them. Hedi xxx


  7. The Food Hunter

    Must try making these


    • Hedi Hearts

      Let me know what you think Theresa. Hedi xxx


  8. Nicole

    I love Fig bars! Every time I want to make them, I end up just eating the figs. Going to save this recipe though for when I have more will power

    • Hedi Hearts

      hahaha I can very much relate Nicole! Hedi xxx


  9. Sophia @veggies dont bite

    These look delicious! I bet you can fill them with load of yummy things!


    • Hedi Hearts

      oh yes, going to try all sorts of dried fruit over the festive period. Hedi xxx


  10. The Vegan 8

    These look so wonderful girl and I love how healthy they are!! So perfect for the holidays too!


  11. Kathy Hester

    I totally need these right now! They are on my list of things to make tomorrow 🙂


    • Hedi Hearts

      Thank you Kathy! xx


  12. Gin

    Your date rolls look so delicious, much better than purchased! I've never made my own but you've inspired me to try!


    • Hedi Hearts

      Aww thank you Gin, happy to hear you feel inspired! Hedi xxx


  13. Sina @ Vegan Heaven

    This looks amazing, Hedi! I absolutely love the date filling. What a great idea. Can't wait to give it a try! 🙂


    • Hedi Hearts

      Thank you Sina! Hedi xxx


  14. Howie Fox

    How good do those rolls look?? This looks like an excellent recipe for me to try out to take on my next hike! xx


    • Hedi Hearts

      I love hiking Howie! I really miss this in UK. Hedi xx


  15. Claire

    Just made your fig rolls and my house smells amazballs!! Can't wait for them to cool down. ?


    • Hedi Hearts

      Thanks so much for lovely comment Claire. Were they nice? I hope so! Hedi xxx


  16. Natasha

    These are amazing! I just made a giant one and sliced it up - delicious! Xx


  17. Elisabeth Clifford

    Hi Hedi, Just made them, they are really nice. I wonder about the dough, could it be adapted for savoury rolls?, as it is gluten free and it is a great texture, do you have any idea about this?. Best wishes and thank you for your lovely recipes. Hare Krsna. Elisabeth.


    • Hedi Hearts

      Elisabeth I don't see why not! Give it a try and come back to let me know how you got on. Hedi xxx


  18. Pamela

    Is that 180 celcius? So I would cook them at 350 f?


    • Hedi Hearts

      Yes lovely, 180 Celsius, I am based in UK. Hedi xxx


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Clean date rolls recipe (2024)


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