Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion (2024)


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Stardew Valley
Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion for All 33 Characters
Version 1.3

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"Format": "1.5",
"Changes": [
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Abigail",
"Mon4": "I'm getting an urge to visit the lake by Sebastian's house...#$b#...but it's only at its best when it's raining.",
"Mon6": "As I've gotten older, I've figured out a way to give my parents a pretty awesome death glare.#$e#I think they're legitimately afraid of it, on some level.$h",
"Mon8": "...Oh, @! Hi.$h#$e#Want to hang out for a while? Here! Let me read your palm. *giggle* $h",
"Tue4": "Sometimes I wonder... are everyone's parents as out-of-touch as mine are?$s#$e#Seems like their idea of a girl being adventurous is to try on a new dress or something.$u",
"Tue6": "Hi, I'm glad to see you.$h#$e#I want to take my mind off things for a while... how is your day going?",
"Tue8": "One of my online friends seems to get along so great with her parents.$s#$e#Is it normal for a girl my age to feel like I'm perpetually stuck in those early teenage years?$s",
"Wed2": "Oh, hi @. Taking a break from your work?#$e#Me too. Oh! Nothing physical... the classes I take are all online.",
"Wed4": "My favorite classes? Probably anthropology... media arts...#$b#Don't know what I'd do with those for a career, though.",
"Wed6": "Which do you think is cooler: broadswords or katanas?#$e#I'm partial to both. I guess it just depends on the situation.",
"Wed10": "If I ever have kids, I'm making sure they get to be who they want to be.#$e#Even if their lives are completely different from what I expect, that'd be okay, right?",
"Thu": "Ugh... I'm not in a good mood right now.$s#$e#I said I'm not in a good mood... what do you want?$a",
"Thu2": "Sebastian's basically my best friend. I don't know what I'd do without him.#$e#We pretty much grew up together.",
"Thu4": "#$1 Abigail1#Oh no, I think my Dad's going to cook dinner tonight...$s#$e#I don't feel like doing anything today...$u",
"Thu6": "I picked up how to play the drums pretty easily as a kid. My own set is in storage, though.#$e#Good thing Sam has some.",
"Thu8": "I wonder if I would have turned out differently if I hadn't been born and raised in this little town.$u#$e#Do you ever think about other versions of yourself in alternate timelines?",
"Thu10": "Hi.$l#$e#Do you feel like everything seems unreal lately?$l#$b#Not in a bad way, though.$h",
"Fri2": "We're all going to hang out in the saloon this evening. It's kind of like a Friday tradition, I guess.",
"Fri4": "It's saloon night. Wanna join us this evening?#$e#I just like having all my friends in one place.",
"Fri6": "The birds were happily chirping today. They're too simple to understand the future.#$e#It's better to be like them, isn't it?",
"Fri8": "I've often wondered if one day, I'll wake up and realize that the reality I knew was just a dream.#$e#But these days, I don't really hope that's the case.$l",
"Sat2": "Ugh, so much homework to do this weekend.$s#$e#I've still got a few hours before the procrastination becomes risky, though.",
"Sat4": "$d joja#Dad's really stressed about the store lately. He's been all passive agressive, taking it out on me and Mom.$s|With JojaMart gone, it's actually really nice to see Dad in a positive mood more often.$h",
"Sat6": "You came all this way to visit me? That's nice.$h#$e#So have you been exploring the mountain caves at all?#$e#Interesting. I'd like to go there myself one of these days.$l",
"Sat8": "How can non-existence be so bad if we're not around to experience it?#$e#It's not like I miss my 'life' from before I was born. It's probably the same after.",
"Sat10": "Dying one day and ceasing to exist didn't sound so bad before. But these days, the stakes seem too high.$l#$b#I don't want to lose what I have now.$l",
"summer_6": "I went to the beach last night, after dark... Sometimes you can see strange lights bobbing over the sea.#$e#Or maybe that was just a dream I had... It doesn't feel real anymore.",
"summer_Mon2": "$d joja#I try to help out in the shop on most days. Business has been pretty bad since the Joja Mart opened, though.|Ever since JojaMart shut down we've been doing great at the shop!$h",
"summer_Mon4": "'Legend of the Prairie King' is still driving me crazy.#$e#I tend to stick more to RPGs. Maybe that's why I'm not the best at shooters.",
"summer_Mon6": "My pet guinea pig, David, just hates this hot weather. He's fussy.",
"summer_Mon8": "I used to think Pelican Town was kinda drab, but lately I'm starting to love some things about it.$h",
"summer_Tue2": "I can play the flute, but I only play when the mood strikes me right.#$e#The lake up north is a good spot for it.",
"summer_Tue4": "I do what I can to help with the store. It's not my favorite, but I figure I have to do at least a little something.",
"summer_Tue6": "You're an interesting guy, @. I'm glad you moved here.$h^You're an interesting lady, @. I'm glad you moved here.$h",
"summer_Tue10": "Dad sometimes calls you his 'business partner.'$u#$b#He is going to freak when he finds out about the two of us hanging out.$h",
"summer_Wed2": "Online classes are fine. I much prefer it to having to drive all the way to campus.#$e#Plus, I'm not a big fan of packing myself into a classroom with a bunch of weird people.",
"summer_Wed4": "I would love to live in an old farmhouse like you.#$b#The creak of a floorboard, the slow plumes of dust whispering through the rafters... There's something special about an old building, isn't there?",
"summer_Wed10": "Your farmhouse is really beautiful.#$e#Walking by it, I just get a sense of its history, its soul, like I'm nostalgic for an experience I haven't had yet.",
"summer_Thu8": "I read that there's a section of the mines that's frozen over. Doesn't that sound nice, right about now?#$e#It'd be like stepping into a big freezer.",
"summer_Thu10": "Wow, you look nice today.#$e#I mean, that summer air is really good for the complexion, isn't it?... heh...$l",
"summer_Fri2": "Sebastian's a few years older than I am, but he's one of the few people who actually gets me.",
"summer_Fri4": "I kind of wish I had a cat. Unfortunately, my Dad is allergic to pretty much everything.",
"summer_Fri6": "If I ever get reincarnated, I'd want to be a cat in my next life. They've really got it figured out.",
"summer_Fri8": "If I had a cat, I'd spoil the heck out of him.#$e#House cats should be appropriately chunky, don't you think?",
"summer_Fri10": "Do you ever get lonely on your farm?",
"summer_Sat4": "What's your favorite part about fall?#$e#For me, it's just everything that's not... all of this. What we have right now.",
"summer_Sat6": "I'm actually enjoying myself this summer.$h#$e#It's funny how quickly one's outlook can change.",
"summer_Sat10": "This might be the best summer of my life.$l#$e#But getting to spend time with you in the fall sounds even better.$l",
"summer_Sun6": "My parents aren't terrible people. I just feel like they're keeping me stuck in the life of a child.$u#$e#I mean, you've got your farm. You can do whatever you want.#$e#I just feel like I'm meant for more than what I have.",
"fall_Mon4": "I need to get some good use out of this season while it lasts. It's a good day to be outside.",
"fall_Mon6": "Haha, see? I don't hate the outdoors. It just has to be the way I like it.$h",
"fall_Mon8": "You know, I could actually see myself becoming a farmer some day...#$e#But how would that ever happen? *chuckle*$l",
"fall_Tue": "$d joja#I try to help out in the shop on most days. Business has been pretty bad since the Joja Mart opened, though.|Ever since JojaMart shut down we've been doing great at the shop!$h",
"fall_Tue2": "Sebastian's basically my best friend. I don't know what I'd do without him.#$e#We pretty much grew up together.",
"fall_Tue4": "$d joja#Dad's really stressed about the store lately. He's been all passive agressive, taking it out on me and Mom.$s|With JojaMart gone, it's actually really nice to see Dad in a positive mood more often.$h",
"fall_Tue8": "$d joja#Why the heck did my parents decide to move to a small town if it was just going to be more stressful for them?$a|I heard my dad put on quite a show at the Community Center, right when it was restored. I wish I could've seen it.$h",
"fall_Wed4": "Are you growing pumpkins on your farm this year?#$e#Save one for me!$h",
"fall_Wed8": "I wonder if they'll let me design some of the features in the Spirit's Eve maze someday.#$e#I've got some ideas I've sketched. I just don't know who even to show them to.",
"fall_Wed10": "Dad sometimes calls you his 'business partner.'$u#$b#He is going to freak when he finds out about the two of us hanging out.$h",
"fall_Thu4": "Sebastian's a few years older than I am, but he's one of the few people who actually gets me.#$e#Well, and you and Sam sort of do, too.$h",
"fall_Thu6": "#$1 AbigailHAND#Last night I dreamt that my left hand had turned into a gigantic %noun. Does that mean anything?#$e#%Abigail doesn't seem to be interested in talking right now.",
"fall_Thu8": "I've often wondered if one day, I'll wake up and realize that the reality I knew was just a dream.#$e#But these days, I don't really hope that's the case.$l",
"fall_Thu10": "I had an interesting dream last night, with you in it.#$e#It was a good dream.$h",
"fall_Fri6": "I wish the season lasted a little longer.$8#$e#When the wind really picks up, I almost feel like a kid again.",
"fall_Fri10": "I usually feel lonely this time of year, but not anymore.$l#$e#@, what are your plans for the future?",
"fall_Sat6": "Hi.$h#$e#Your hair looks cool today... did you do something different?",
"fall_Sat8": "Oh! Did I tell you? I finally beat 'Prairie King.' Took long enough, huh?$h#$e#Then it starts over in hard mode. Getting past the first level of that is my new project.$u",
"fall_Sun6": "If it's an especially windy day, I like facing the wind directly and letting it blow back my hair.#$b#It's like facing some kind of immortal godbeast, or something. Just like, \"Rah! Bring it!\"$h",
"fall_Sun8": "Hmm... what should I do tonight?#$q 27/28 fall_Sun_old#I was thinking about dyeing my hair again... what do you think?#$r 27 10 Sun_27#Dye it black.#$r 27 10 Sun_27#Why not blonde?#$r 27 20 Sun_WildColor#How about bubblegum pink?#$r 28 0 Sun_28#I like your hair just the way it is!",
"winter_Mon4": "Maybe I should build a snow squidmonster. That'd be a nice change of pace.",
"winter_Mon6": "It's just too cold to go outside much.#$e#But I do enjoy building a snowgoon.$h",
"winter_Mon8": "When I was a kid, I built a pretty epic snow fort. I threw snowballs at just about everyone who passed by.#$e#For obvious reasons, my campaign didn't last long. Good times, though.",
"winter_Tue4": "It's so cold, I wish we had a hot cup of cocoa to share.$h",
"winter_Tue6": "Oh! Did I tell you? I finally beat 'Prairie King.' Took long enough, huh?$h#$e#Then it starts over in hard mode. Getting past the first level of that is my new project.$u",
"winter_Tue8": "It's so cold, I wish we had a hot cup of cocoa to share.$h",
"winter_Tue10": "*hug* Hey you!$h#$e#Um... just tryin' to get warm!$l",
"winter_Wed2": "Hi. If you're ever bored, you can always hang out in my room.#$e#As long as I'm not changing, of course!",
"winter_Wed6": "It must be nice not having crops to worry about this time of year.#$e#And that means you can hang out with me more often!$h",
"winter_Wed10": "Do you ever get lonely on your farm?",
"winter_Thu4": "So, how deep have you gone in those mines, anyway?",
"winter_Thu6": "When I was a kid, I always thought life was too long, because it's the longest thing you'll ever experience.#$b#...And all the old people who said otherwise were wrong. Now that I'm an adult, I sort of see what they mean.",
"winter_Thu10": "Another year is almost over...#$b#But this was a really good year, don't you think?$h",
"winter_Fri4": "'Legend of the Prairie King' is still driving me crazy.#$e#I tend to stick more to RPGs. Maybe that's why I'm not the best at shooters.",
"winter_Fri8": "Do you ever worry that maybe all your hard work and effort might all be for nothing?$s#$e#Oh! I mean...! Not YOUR hard work. I just meant 'you' as in the general 'you.' No, don't worry. You're perfect.$l#$b#I mean...!$7#$b#Yeah, hope your day's going well!$h",
"winter_Fri10": "@, there's something I want to tell you...#$e#It's just... um... well... your boots! They, uh...look really clean... *gulp*#$e#That's all... *sigh*$s",
"winter_Sat6": "My favorite classes? Probably anthropology... media arts...$u#$b#Don't know what I'd do with those for a career, though.",
"winter_Sat8": "I've been daydreaming a lot lately...#$e#Oh! You want to know what it's about? Well...$u#$b#...It's a secret.$h",
"winter_Sat10": "Thanks for not getting weirded out after the bit with the spirit board.$l#$e#I was seriously worried that you'd never talk to me again.$l",
"winter_Sun10": "Hey, if you ever want to come into my room, you can just walk right in.#$e#...You don't have to knock.$l",
"1_2": "Staying up until midnight used to be more fun when I was a kid.#$b#Seems like I do that all the time these days.#$e#Oh yeah, happy new year!",
"spring_12": "I'm definitely going to enter the egg hunt tomorrow. Are you?",
"spring_23": "Well, tomorrow is the flower dance. Dancing is alright, but they make me wear this stupid white dress...$s",
"summer_10": "Everyone's excited for the Luau tomorrow. Maybe a little nervous, too, considering the Governor will be here.",
"summer_27": "You can't miss tomorrow's festival. It's one of the most beautiful wonders of the valley.",
"fall_26": "Will I see you tomorrow at the halloween festival? Look for me in the haunted maze.$h",
"winter_7": "I'm looking forward to making a snow man tomorrow.",
"winter_24": "I'm going to eat so much cranberry sauce tomorrow.$h",
"winter_28": "Hey! Are you going to stay up until midnight?#$e#Oh, that's right, you have to get up early tomorrow just like any day...",
"spring_12_2": "I'm definitely going to enter the egg hunt tomorrow. Are you?",
"summer_10_2": "Everyone's excited for the Luau tomorrow. Maybe a little nervous, too, considering the Governor will be here.",
"fall_26_2": "I'll give the haunted maze another shot this year. There just better not be any spiders.",
"winter_24_2": "Tomorrow'll be a good day. What's not to love about the food?#$e#It actually makes me want to spend some time with my parents. It's just a good time for it, you know?",
"winter_28_2": "Hey! Are you going to stay up until midnight?#$e#Oh, that's right, you have to get up early tomorrow just like any day...",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogueAbigail",
"Rainy_Day_0": "#$c .5#I think I'll bust out my good ol' sketchbook today. I've got some ideas for mythical beasts that could be fun.#The dark... the rain... it gets me excited.$l",
"Rainy_Day_1": "Hey, remember when we played that duet by the lake? This weather reminds me of that day.#$e#$c .5#Do you still carry around that mini harp? That one kind of surprised me. Where'd you learn to play, anyway?#You really surprised me with that mini-harp... I never expected that. I guess that's why I like you so much.$l",
"Rainy_Day_2": "Hey! I woke up early and did some exploring on my own. I found this and it reminded me of you. [768 767 769 66 82]#$e#$c .5#Where'd I find it at this ungodly early hour? Ooh, wouldn't YOU like to know?$h#Think you can find something better than that? I'm not so sure!$h",
"Rainy_Day_3": "#$c .5#Hehe, I did some sword training in the rainy darkness. You've gotta admit, your wife is pretty epic.$h#It might be a good day to visit the caves, huh? Just be careful out there, and if you go, bring a Life Elixir or two.",
"Rainy_Day_4": "#$c .5#Is it getting kind of dusty in here? Don't worry, I'll take care of it.#Maybe I'll boot up Journey Of The Prairie King today... one of these days I swear I'll beat it fully.$h",
"Rainy_Night_0": "#$c .5#The countryside looks more interesting on a day like this, don't you think?#I was just gazing out into the rainswept woods... I swear I saw something darker than black shifting around the trees.$6",
"Rainy_Night_1": "#$c .5#Hey! You look like you've been hard at work. Can I help you relax?^Have you been working hard? You look cute when you're a little exhausted.$h#It's a good night to see a ghost...",
"Rainy_Night_2": "#$c .5#Can you feel it? There's a stillness in the rain...#It's kind of funny how people pray for the rain to go away. I'm like, \"dude",
"Rainy_Night_3": "#$c .5#The sound of rain should put us right to sleep tonight.#On nights like this, I like to turn the light down low and just listen...$8",
"Rainy_Night_4": "#$c .5#Aaaaand... soup surprise for you, my love! Enjoy! [199 218 219 727 730]$h#I felt like making some soup for dinner. I hope it's not too disgusting. [199 218 219 727 730]$h",
"Indoor_Day_0": "#$c .5#You're always so active. It's motivating just to watch you, because you always seem to care about whatever you're doing.#I always loved this place, long before you moved in. Now I can explore the farm whenever I want!$h",
"Indoor_Day_1": "#$c .5#You'll never believe how I got my hands on this! But I figured you'd like it. [286 287 205 732 441]$h#Hey. Heading out into the wild? I got you something...[286 287 205 732 441]#$e#Use that if you get into a tough spot. It should help keep you safe.",
"Indoor_Day_2": "#$c .5#Today might be a good day for me to slip away to the mines. Nothing too serious. Just for a little change of pace.#Heading to the mines? Hey... if you find something tasty, remember to bring me a piece!$h",
"Indoor_Day_3": "#$c .5#There's always something new happening on our farm... I love it.#Hey! I'm just debating what I should do today. I'm not used to having this much freedom!",
"Indoor_Day_4": "#$c .5#Sure, I can do some cleaning today, no problem. It's actually kind of fun to clean up when I'm thinking about you.#You don't mind if I do some re-decorating now and then, do you? I'm still excited to have a place of my own to work on.",
"Indoor_Night_0": "#$c .5#Heyyy, what'd you do? Enchant me with a love spell, or something? You look really good tonight.$l#I had a good day, today. There's always something interesting going on around here, if you look close enough.",
"Indoor_Night_1": "#$c .5#Are you ready for bed soon? I turned on the electric blanket for us...$l#Hey! Tell me about your day. Did anything exciting happen?$h",
"Indoor_Night_2": "#$c .5#No more screen time for me tonight. I don't want it to screw with my circadian rhythm.#I used to be a night owl, but I'm starting to enjoy the rhythm of life on the farm. It feels natural.",
"Indoor_Night_3": "#$c .5#Mmm, it's a good night for a cup of tea.#*yawn*... I'm ready to call it a night pretty soon.$h",
"Indoor_Night_4": "#$c .5#David Jr.'s been running spastic laps around his cage. I hope he doesn't keep it up after we go to bed.#The sounds of the night are louder out here. I'll never stop enjoying that.",
"Outdoor_0": "#$c .5#What an awesome morning! I can't believe how many of these I missed before we got married.$h#The soft breeze is blowing mountain air throughout the valley today. It smells like fresh pine and sage.",
"Outdoor_1": "#$c .5#I'm just going to hang out here, okay?#$e#There's a lot of interesting bugs and things out here. *chuckle*$h#Hmm... I think we've got plenty of space for outdoor slime ranching!",
"Outdoor_2": "#$c .5#I've just got this strange feeling like a fairy, or a witch, or something has been here before.#Make sure to keep things tidy around your Grandpa's shrine. There's something special about it, I can feel it.",
"Outdoor_3": "#$c .5#I'm scanning the outer reaches of the farm. Do you see anything unusual out there today?#It's pretty cool that we have a cave on our property. It's something I always dreamed about.$h",
"Outdoor_4": "#$c .5#We should hang out on the porch sometime and snack on some blackberry cobbler. That would be the best.$h#I always forget to put some snacks in my pocket. *rumble*$h",
"funLeave_Abigail": "#$c .5#I'm visiting my parents today. Someone's gotta check in with them, right?#I'm going in to town today, just so you know. I need to stretch these legs a bit.",
"funReturn_Abigail": "#$c .5#My day was pretty good. How 'bout yours? Oh, and my parents say hi.#Hey! Did you have a good day? Mine went well. It was refreshing to take a walk.$h",
"OneKid_3": "#$c .5#I can relate to my parents a little better now. Hoo, I must have been a little terror as a kid.$h#I can't believe I'm a \"mom\"... life is weird.$h",
"TwoKids_0": "#$c .5#Haha, Mom and Dad thought I was hard to raise? Try raising two!$h#I already gave %kid1 and %kid2 their chocolate cereal. They were screaming!",
"TwoKids_2": "#$c .5#I'd do anything for our kids. I'd fight every last monster around if it meant keeping them safe!#I had a dream that %kid2 will grow up to be a famous monster hunter. I've already been thinking about a little armor set.",
"TwoKids_3": "#$c .5#We had kids young, but look on the bright side! At least we won't be super old when they're all grown up.#A cool old house, a couple kids, and an amazing farm. I never thought I'd come this far... but, hey! Our lives are just getting started.$h",
"spring_6": "Do we have anything on the farm that's good for sharpening a katana? Or would I have to go to Clint's for that?",
"spring_16": "Will you get mad at me if I go for an all-day video game binge today?#$b#Sorry, it just... sounds really nice.$l",
"summer_19": "I'm feeling kind of explodey today.#$e#I made some cherry bombs. [286]Here's one for you if you need to let off some steam.$h",
"summer_22": "Ugh... Didn't sleep well, and my back is killing me. I can't adult today...$s#$e#...But, yeah, I'll try. Sorry.#$e#I know it hasn't been that much time since we first met, but in some respects, I feel like I was still just a little kid then.$s#$b#I feel like I've grown up a lot since then. But I also feel such a long way off from... my parents' level of maturity, for example.$u#$e#Heh. Who knew entering adulthood would be just as scary as entering the mines?#$b#I'm glad you're with me.$l",
"summer_23": "Some of my old online classmates squeed when they found out I was getting married. It's good to keep in touch with them.",
"fall_12": "So uh, dumb question: What's the... \"final boss\" of the farming year? Is it the fall harvest? Like, right now?#$b#Or is there no final boss?",
"fall_24": "Is it the 24th already? Yes!!$h#$b#That means I need to make time for my yearly playthrough of 'Time Ignition.'#$e#It's the anniversary for the game's release. I can probably get through it all in just a few days. Sorry if I seem preoccupied.",
"fall_28": "Not a bad wrap-up to fall! I just finished 'Time Ignition' yesterday, and the Spirit's Eve festival was awesome once again...#$b#...except for those freaking spiders. *shudder*$s#$e#Still, though!$h",
"winter_1": "It's kinda funny how people pray for the weather to go their way.#$b#Sure, one guy might do his snow dance, and he gets his wish. But then some other dude's out there freezing his butt off and dying.#$e#If I were Yoba, I'd have a tough time trying to decide whose prayers I answer, and whose I ignore.#$b#I'll pass on taking that job.$h",
"winter_8": "I know we're all grown up, but you've gotta let me get out some of my inner child today. I'm going to make a snowman that's extra uncanny.$h",
"winter_19": "Tonight's supposed to be a Saloon night again. Think you can make it?#$e#It's my due diligence as a friend. I'm happy I have you to myself on all the other evenings.$h",
"winter_24": "I think I enjoy the Feast of the Winter Star more when I pause and realize how much I have to be thankful for.#$e#It hasn't been a bad life so far, you know?$h",
"winter_28": "I know I'm not much of a drinker, but hey, here are some adult beverages for the evening. Tonight's as good a night as any! [346][346]",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Alex",
"Mon4": "All I need to do is show up for junior league gridball tryouts. Should be challenging, but not too hard.#$e#After a season or two of junior league, it's pro all the way, baby.",
"Mon6": "There are some junior league gridball tryouts at the end of the month. I could give it a shot, but I uh... I dunno.#$e#Maybe another year of training would be what's best for me so I can make a good first impression.",
"Mon8": "You know, I used to want fame and fortune, but lately I've been starting to sing a different tune. In the end it's the humble little things that satisfy, don't you think?#$e#I still want to go pro, but it's not the most important thing in the world.",
"Tue2": "I spend a lot of time at the beach during the summer.#$e#Hey, if you're up for a game of catch, you should meet me there next month.",
"Tue4": "It's important to have goals. Ever since I finished high school, I've really relied on my workout routines to give a sense of structure to my days.",
"Tue6": "Nothing's better than an energetic day at the beach with your friends... right?",
"Tue8": "*sigh*... I wish I had more friends in this town who wanted to play sports with me.$s#$e#I mean, it's the perfect place for it! Such a shame for it to go to waste.",
"Tue10": "Heyyy.#$e#You're lookin' good today!$h#$e#So what's new?",
"Wed4": "Do you ever watch Sports Report?#$b#I've been glued to it in the evenings. The gridball draft is going on right now.$h",
"Wed6": "Gridball's more than just a game to me. It's really the one thing that I've always been good at.#$e#I don't know what I'd do without it.",
"Wed8": "Everyone around me has always told me I'm the best player they have. Gridball is my life.#$e#Then one day, high school ends, and it's like all those promises everyone implied about you just vanish.$s#$e#Gotta figure out something else with me life, I guess. Right?",
"Wed10": "I feel like I learn so much from you, @. I appreciate that you're honest with me.#$e#We'll see where my sports career goes. I appreciate that you're there for me whether I make it or not.",
"Thu2": "I feel bad for people who have allergies. It's like, how do you even get your heart rate up if you're sneezing all the time?",
"Thu4": "I was going to try out for junior-league gridball last year, but my knee was kind of messed up.#$e#Hey, you can't rush this kind of stuff.",
"Thu6": "The air's starting to warm up... I'm feeling pumped.",
"Thu8": "Everybody's got to have dreams. I think it's really cool how you just got up one day and came here to take over the farm.#$e#Hats off to you.",
"Fri2": "In school, my teachers always complained about how gridball players make too much money. That's so ridiculous.#$e#If anything, they're underpaid. How many people do you know who can do what a pro does?",
"Fri4": "Hey, @. I'm glad you stopped by.#$e#I'm not ashamed to say that I love my Grandma!#$e#Now Grandpa, on the other hand...#$e#Just kidding.$h",
"Fri6": "It might sound weird, but I kind of miss having a coach yelling at me and telling me what to do.$s#$e#I can motivate myself, but when you're giving it your all for someone else, it's just different, you know?",
"Fri8": "Hi @. You look sporty today.$h^Hey @. Did you do something different with your hair? Something keeps grabbing my attention.$h",
"Fri10": "Hey um...$l#$b#Let me know if you ever want some help with your farmwork.$l#$e#I've gotta do something that's more than just exercise for its own sake, right?$h",
"Sat2": "Hey, Haley's pretty great, don't you think?#$e#No, we're not dating right now. She's uh... going through some stuff.#$e#But it's probably headed there again soon.",
"Sat4": "Grandma keeps complaining I take up too much space in the freezer with all of my ice cube trays.#$b#But I mean, how else am I supposed to have enough ice to take ice baths?",
"Sat6": "My arms are really sore, but that's the sign of progress for a guy like me.#$e#I must've done a thousand push-ups yesterday.",
"Sat8": "...Where do you think I'll be in 10 years?$s",
"Sat10": "I've been having a hard time staying focused lately.$l",
"Sun_inlaw_Haley": "Oh, hey. How's the married life coming along?$9",
"Sun6_inlaw_Haley": "I'll admit... I was a little jealous when you and Haley got married. But, hey... It's a chance for me to learn something new about myself.$9",
"Sun6": "Hey, come by my room any afternoon you want and we can work out together.#$e#It's really a lot more fun to work out with friends.$h",
"Sun8": "Hey, come by my room any afternoon you want and we can work out together.#$e#It's a lot more fun that way.$h",
"Sun10": "Haley and I always thought we could be the town's 'power couple,' but it was always complicated.#$e#We just weren't meant for each other, beyond being friends.#$e#I mean, clearly, right?$l",
"summer_Mon2": "So do you work out?#$e#I guess working on the farm sort of counts, but it's not really the same as pumping iron.",
"summer_Mon4": "Hey, nice tan.",
"summer_Mon6": "Hey @. Having a nice summer?#$e#What's new with you?",
"summer_Mon8": "Hey, come by my room any afternoon you want and we can work out together.#$e#It's a lot more fun that way.$h",
"summer_Mon10": "It's weird. I never really talked about my feelings with many people before I met you.$l#$e#I feel like I can just be myself.$l",
"summer_Tue4": "Back when I played for school, it was such a long bus ride just to get there. I became known as the out-of-town kid.#$e#But after they saw how good I was, nobody ever looked down on me again.",
"summer_Tue6": "If my hair wasn't so popular with the ladies, I swear I'd shave it all off in a second.#$e#*sigh*... Life can be tough.",
"summer_Tue8": "Hey, @.$s#$e#You know, I was just thinking how I really miss playing on a team. But what am I supposed to do?#$b#It's not like I have enough money to move out of town...",
"summer_Wed6": "I've lost touch with a lot of my gridball buddies. Last I heard, Zane was making straight A's in college. And Brody apparently already has a kid.$s#$e#So weird.$s",
"summer_Wed8": "You know, I actually wouldn't mind being a farmer... it seems a lot like playing sports, in a way.#$e#I like being outdoors and doing things with my hands.",
"summer_Thu6": "Sometimes I feel really tempted to eat some of the ice cream from the stand when no one's looking.$h#$e#My rule is that for every scoop of ice cream, I have to do a hundred extra pushups. So I pace myself.",
"summer_Thu8": "You know what? I'm going to start reading a new book!",
"summer_Thu10": "@! Hey! Look what I saved for you. [233]$h#$e#Shhh, don't tell anyone.$h",
"summer_Fri": "What do you want?#$e#I've got more important things to do right now.",
"summer_Fri2": "I'm working the ice cream stand this summer. Heh, be sure to support local businesses!$h",
"summer_Fri4": "My ice cream job is just something I'm doing so I can put money toward turning pro.#$e#In a little while, I'll be able to move to Zuzu City and play for a junior league.#$b#But for right now, there's the matter of professional-grade equipment.",
"summer_Fri10": "@, if I ever have kids, I'm going to make sure they have the best dad ever.#$e#That'd be my greatest victory. And it's a possibility to look forward to, you know?",
"summer_Sat": "Mmmm... I smell a barbeque.#$e#Damn I could go for a burger.",
"summer_Sat2": "Mmmm... Whatever Gus is cookin' up at the saloon, it smells like heaven.",
"summer_Sat4": "Mmmm... I smell a barbeque.#$e#Damn I could go for a burger.",
"summer_Sat6": "What if they made ice cream out of protein instead of cream?#$e#No no! Hear me out! It would just be like a protein shake, but iced! I think I might be onto something!",
"summer_Sun": "Haley's pretty hot, don't you think?#$e#It really sucks that there aren't more hot girls in Pelican Town.^Maybe you oughta hang out with her.",
"summer_Sun2": "I got these new shoes yesterday 'cuz my old pair had a brown smudge.#$b#I just threw them into the garbage. I would've donated them but I don't like the idea of some weirdo wearing my shoes, ya know?#$e#...What?$a",
"summer_Sun_inlaw_Haley": "Oh, hey. How's the married life coming along?$9",
"summer_Sun6_inlaw_Haley": "I'll admit... I was a little jealous when you and Haley got married. But, hey... It's a chance for me to learn something new about myself.$9",
"summer_Sun4": "Oh wow...your shoes are a little dirty... but that's fine, too!#$e#Different people have different tastes I guess.",
"summer_Sun6": "It might sound weird, but I kind of miss having a coach yelling at me and telling me what to do.$s#$e#I can motivate myself, but when you're giving it your all for someone else, it's just different, you know?",
"summer_Sun10": "@, I wonder sometimes whether my mom would be proud of me.$s#$e#I managed to find you. And I know we can make things work between the two of us. I guess that's something.$l#$e#See you around.$l",
"fall_Mon2": "Did you see Cheroky make that play last night? That was insane!$h#$e#Reminds me of what I used to do on the field.",
"fall_Mon4": "My Grandma told me I should spend more time studying.#$e#Maybe she's right...$s",
"fall_Mon6": "I've got all these old books that my mom used to have. It's interesting to see what she was into.#$e#It's kind of like looking at a photo of her, only with words, if that makes sense.$h",
"fall_Mon10": "Tunnelers won again last night! They're having an amazing season this year!$h#$e#Sorry, I am really happy right now.$l",
"fall_Tue": "Isn't it sad how some people just don't ever reach their full potential?#$e#The important thing is just to keep fighting, no matter what.",
"fall_Tue4": "When the going gets tough, I imagine that some people just give up and settle for mediocrity.#$e#Anybody who's like that must not have a lot of self-respect.",
"fall_Tue6": "I didn't make much money this year from the ice cream stand.$s#$e#@, what am I even doing?$s",
"fall_Tue8": "I was thinking, maybe it's important to appreciate the little things around you.#$e#I always heard people say that, but it only recently started making sense.",
"fall_Wed8": "I finally took the plunge... I've decided to stop putting gel in my hair.#$e#I wouldn't want to be friends with someone who only liked me because I have gel in my hair.",
"fall_Thu2": "What's up, @?",
"fall_Thu4": "Dude, you are the bomb.^@, you are one awesome girl, you know that?#$e#Just the way you walked right into town one day, and said, \"Yup! I'm gonna fix up this farm!\" and you straight up did it!#$b#I think people like you and me are on another level.",
"fall_Thu6": "I remember the final play of the regional championship game. The score was tied, and we were just ten seconds away from the end.#$b#I saw the leaves go flying around in a gust of wind, and I threw the ball, knowing the wind would knock it to the side a bit.#$b#Zane caught it perfectly and we scored. No overtime.#$e#It was a good feeling, y'know?$l",
"fall_Thu10": "@! Um... Hi.$l#$e#Sorry! I mean, uh...$l#$b#Is it cool if we hang out soon?",
"fall_Fri2": "That guy Clint? I don't know a whole lot about him.#$b#Apparently he used to play gridball, but he's kind of old now.",
"fall_Fri6": "I'm going to do a ton of sit-ups tonight.#$e#You have to work really hard if you want to achieve your maximum potential.",
"fall_Fri8": "You know, I used to want fame and fortune, but lately I've been starting to sing a different tune. In the end it's the humble little things that satisfy, don't you think?#$e#I still want to go pro, but it's not the most important thing in the world.",
"fall_Fri10": "Haley's good as a friend, I think. It's just that she never listened to me the way you do.#$e#I felt like I always had to act like a big shot when I was around her. And if I told her how I realy felt, she'd just lose interest in me.$s#$e#But having those memories make me appreciate who I have now, that much more.$l",
"fall_Sat2": "Hey, Haley's pretty great, don't you think?#$e#No, we're not dating right now. She's uh... going through some stuff.#$e#But it's probably headed there again soon.",
"fall_Sat4": "Salmon is definitely my favorite kind of fish. Especially when it's in season.#$e#It just has to be cooked the right way.",
"fall_Sat6": "I was reading up on how salmon has a lot of... what do you call it? 'Omega-3 fatty acids.'#$b#So at first, I was like, \"Whoa, I don't need extra fat in my diet,\" but it turns out it's the kind that's really good for you.",
"fall_Sat8": "I have no idea where my dad is. I've spent a lot of time thinking what I'd say if I ever saw him.#$e#It wouldn't be pretty. Maybe some wounds are better left unopened.$a",
"fall_Sun4": "Gridball's on today! I've waited all week for this.$u",
"fall_Sun6": "Hey, @, if my grandpa won't get off the freakin' TV, is it alright if I just sprint over to your house to watch the game?#$e#What kind of TV do you have, anyway?",
"fall_Sun8": "Hey, the gridball game is on today!#$e#Sundays are pretty awesome in the fall.$u",
"fall_Sun10": "I was always worried that I might turn out like my dad. Still am.$a#$e#But with you around, I don't feel so worried anymore.",
"winter_Mon2": "What's something good from the saloon that could warm me up?",
"winter_Mon4": "You like the snow? Me... I'm just looking forward to spring.",
"winter_Mon6": "Hey, we should work out sometime. The air in the hot spring isn't so dry like it is everywhere else.^Hey, we should work out at the hot spring sometime... er, I mean, I guess you can't get in on my side? Ah, oh well.",
"winter_Mon8": "@, you know how people say high school is the best years of your life?$s#$b#What if that's true? Is it all downhill from here?$s",
"winter_Mon10": "I think I disagree that high school is the best years of your life.#$b#This year, for one, has been better.$l",
"winter_Tue4_inlaw_Haley": "I'll admit... I was a little jealous when you and Haley got married. But, hey... It's a chance for me to learn something new about myself.$9",
"winter_Tue4": "Hey, @. Could you do me a favor?$l#$b#If you see Haley, tell her I'm busy.$l#$e#Thanks.",
"winter_Tue6": "You're a cool person to hang out with, @. I feel like I learn something new every time I see you.",
"winter_Tue10": "Hey! What's up?$h#$e#Are you bored, too? What a coincidence.$l#$e#Hey, we can hang out anytime.",
"winter_Wed4": "I don't really play video games. Why would I want to push buttons and watch a guy throw a ball on the screen...#$b#...when I could do the same thing in real life?",
"winter_Wed6": "So not much grows on your farm during the winter? You must be a little bored then.#$e#Hey, you and me, buddy! Welcome to the club.$h^Hey, you and me, @! Welcome to the club.$h",
"winter_Wed8": "You know what? I'm going to start reading a new book!",
"winter_Wed10": "I finished reading this book that my grandma said was my mom's favorite.#$b#It was about these two teenagers who travel through time and change history.#$b#So weird. I had no idea my mom was into that stuff.",
"winter_Thu4": "Nobody really knows who owns Dusty. I feed him sometimes, but so do a few other people.#$e#This pen's been here for as long as I can remember. I think it's even been here longer than Dusty.",
"winter_Thu6": "I wish I could control the weather.",
"winter_Thu8": "I had a dream the other night where my mom was there. Then I woke up.$s#$e#Reality bites sometimes.$a",
"winter_Thu10": "If I ever make a lot of money, I'll make sure all my friends and family are taken care of.#$e#That means you, too.$h",
"winter_Fri6": "Do you think I'll wind up like Clint if I don't make pro soon?$s",
"winter_Fri10": "@, are your parents proud of you?#$e#Well, here's one guy who's pretty proud of you.$l",
"winter_Sat": "There's some weird people living in this town.#$ that guy Sebastian. Why does he wear black all the time?#$e#I don't get it.",
"winter_Sat2": "I bet if I tried to play catch with that guy Sebastian, he'd just duck and cover when I threw the ball at him.$h#4e#What? Sorry, yeah, I guess that was kind a jerk thing to say.",
"winter_Sat4": "There's some weird people living in this town.#$ that guy Sebastian. Why does he wear black all the time?#$e#I don't get it.",
"winter_Sat10": "@, you're totally different from me, but I feel like you've shown me a whole different side of life.#$e#Maybe I shouldn't be so judgmental of people who are different from me.",
"winter_Sun": "Hey, the gridball game is on today!#$e#This might be my favorite day of the week.",
"winter_Sun2": "At least the gridball season keeps going through winter. But it just gets too snowy where we live to do anything.",
"winter_Sun4": "Hey, the gridball game is on today!#$e#This might be my favorite day of the week.",
"winter_Sun6": "At least the gridball season keeps going through winter. But it just gets too snowy where we live to do anything.",
"winter_Sun8": "Hey @. Do you want to hang out?#$e#It's okay if I miss the start of the game. I'm happy to spend a little time with you.",
"1_2": "Happy new year!#$e#I'm going to try to upgrade my workout again this year.",
"spring_23": "Nervous? No way, I'm not nervous about finding a partner at the dance tomorrow.#$e#Why would I be?",
"summer_10": "Tomorrow should be a good day at the beach. Good food, too!$h",
"fall_15": "I'm not gonna lie, it rocks pretty hard to step outside of your house and have a full-fledged carnival waiting for you.$h",
"fall_26": "Hmm... if I go into the haunted maze tomorrow, I wonder if I should bring my bat.",
"winter_24": "There's gonna be so much good food tomorrow! I just need to watch and make sure I don't overdo it.",
"winter_28": "Good weather's coming back! I can't wait.",
"summer_10_2": "Tomorrow should be a good day at the beach. Good food, too!$h",
"fall_15_2": "I'm not gonna lie, it rocks pretty hard to step outside of your house and have a full-fledged carnival waiting for you.$h",
"fall_26_2": "Hmm... if I go into the haunted maze tomorrow, I wonder if I should bring my bat.",
"winter_24_2": "There's gonna be so much good food tomorrow! I just need to watch and make sure I don't overdo it.",
"winter_28_2": "Good weather's coming back! I can't wait.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogueAlex",
"Rainy_Day_0": "#$c .5#With all this space, I can really achieve a full body workout.#I know you're not the type of farmer who'd raise beef cattle. That's okay; I can just get some steak at the store.",
"Rainy_Day_1": "#$c .5#I never had many friends in town... I sometimes wonder how I'd end up if you never moved here.$9#I wonder what my old high school buddies are up to? Today might be a good day to call.",
"Rainy_Day_2": "#$c .5#Aw... I was gonna do some jogging outside. But I can't really do it in this weather.#You know what? I'm gonna make the best of it today. Life's too short to mope around whenever it rains. Now... what can I do inside...?",
"Rainy_Day_3": "#$c .5#*grumble*... I just woke up and I'm hungry for some protein.$9#Mmm... do we have any eggs? I'm craving eggs.$9",
"Rainy_Day_4": "#$c .5#It's a good day to read. I don't want to become stagnant now that I'm a married guy!#I'm trying to catch up on all the books I was supposed to read in high school. Sometimes they start out boring, but they're actually really good!",
"patio_Alex": "#$c .5#Unghh... one... Unghhh... two... It feels great to lift weights outdoors!$6#*huff*... Alright! *puff*... Feelin' alive! *huff*...$6",
"Rainy_Night_0": "#$c .5#Hey, did you have a good day? I'm sure tomorrow will be even better.$h#Have you been going into the mine? 'Cause if so, just uh... stay safe?$s",
"Rainy_Night_1": "#$c .5#How's it going? I've been carrying the old gridball around with me all day. A guy can pretend...$u#I called up my old buddy, Zane. It was great! We just picked up right where we left off.$h",
"Rainy_Night_2": "#$c .5#Oh... the smell? I've been eating garlic all day. I'm trying to stay manly... Sorry.$l#I wonder what it'd be like to stand under a waterfall...?",
"Rainy_Night_3": "#$c .5#I've been setting aside a few scraps for Dusty. He deserves a treat now and then.#I stopped by to visit Dusty today. Old boy just keeps on truckin'!$h",
"Rainy_Night_4": "#$c .5#I was hungry so I made some dinner. Here, I saved you a plate. [241 242 225 214 198]$h#I don't really eat too many energy bars. I like real food better, like this! Here, bon appetit! [241 242 225 214 198]$h",
"Indoor_Day_0": "#$c .5#Ahh... there's nothing like a good night's sleep next to my husband!$h^Ahh... there's nothing like a good night's sleep next to my wife!$h#Feels good to stay in good health! We only get one body. Gotta make use of it!$h",
"Indoor_Day_1": "Hey, honey! I made you a hot breakfast.[195 210 211]#$e#$c .5#If you want to get strong, you have to eat like you mean it!#Good food, straight from the source! I'm so glad we've got this farm.$h",
"Indoor_Day_2": "#$c .5#Come here. *squeeze*... Mmhmm. You're firming up from all that farm work.#Today's a good day to read something. ...Yeah, I've been keeping that going.$h",
"Indoor_Day_3": "#$c .5#I'm still getting used to cooking and doing laundry... It's not exactly my favorite, but I knew what I was getting into when I married you.$h#I got some books from the library that I need to finish before they're due. I want to keep my mind as fit as my body.",
"Indoor_Day_4": "#$c .5#There's a couple things around the house that I'm going to try and fix today. Don't worry about me, I'm not bored.#Leave the cleaning to me today! It's fun to have you picture me as a sexy cleaning brand mascot.$h",
"Indoor_Night_0": "#$c .5#It feels good to push yourself to the limit, doesn't it? You'll really feel like you earned your place in the soft bed tonight.#Let me know if you're sore. I know some physical therapy techniques that can help you if you need 'em.",
"Indoor_Night_1": "#$c .5#Did you get a haircut or something? You're looking pretty good today. Maybe it's all that fresh air...$l#Another busy day? I like how you keep as active as you do.$l",
"Indoor_Night_2": "#$c .5#Tell me all about your day. It's good to get everything off your chest now and then.#Dinner's ready! I bet you're famished. [241 242 225 214 198]$h",
"Indoor_Night_3": "#$c .5#Hey... I got some new shorts. I thought you might be interested to know...$l#I feel like my mom can rest at peace, knowing how things have worked out for me. I'm lucky to have you.",
"Indoor_Night_4": "#$c .5#If you need some quiet time to yourself, that's okay with me.#Hey. Got some energy left in you?$l",
"Outdoor_0": "#$c .5#Hey. When I stand here and look out over our land... I'm really proud. You've done great work.#If we ever moved, I'd really miss these sunrises. This is a good spot to stay put for a while, don't you think?",
"Outdoor_1": "#$c .5#This is a great place to raise children. I would've loved growing up in a place like this. So much room to run around!#A fresh start for a fresh new day! Each day is like opening a new present.$h",
"Outdoor_2": "#$c .5#I like to spend as much time outside as possible. It just feels better to be out here.#I guess I'm a fresh air snob. It was getting a bit stuffy for me inside the house, so I came out here.",
"Outdoor_3": "#$c .5#Look at us, with our little farm. We make a cute couple.$h^Hey. Maybe it's the golden light, but you look beautiful today.$l#Glad I got up in time to see the early morning. It's always the best part of the day, but it's so easy to miss if you sleep in.$h",
"Outdoor_4": "#$c .5#Ahh... It feels great to be outside. Stardew Valley really is the most beautiful place...#I wonder how old Dusty's doing? I oughta pay him a visit.",
"OneKid_0": "#$c .5#I'm still getting used to my new life as a stay-at-home dad.$h#I could run a marathon if I really needed to, but looking after a kid all day is a completely different kind of exhaustion.$s",
"OneKid_1": "#$c .5#Our little one's going to grow up strong, just like Daddy.#I've had to cut back on my workout routine a bit so I can take care of %kid1, but it's more than worth it.$h",
"OneKid_3": "#$c .5#I wonder what it's like to be pregnant...?$h#Ahh, little %kid1... you've got a lot of life in front of you, don't ya?$h",
"TwoKids_2": "#$c .5#When the kids get bigger, I don't suppose you could spare some of the farm space to make a little gridball field...?$l#Maybe %kid2 will be the first professional gridball played from Pelican Town?$h",
"TwoKids_3": "#$c .5#I finally have the family life that I missed out on as a kid... thank you.$l#That'd be great if the kids are into sports. I want to make sure they stay healthy. But I'll support them in any kind of life they choose.",
"funLeave_Alex": "#$c .5#I'm going into town today. I'll see you tonight.#It's about time I owe a visit to Grandma and Grandpa. That's where I'll be, so drop in if you get a chance!",
"funReturn_Alex": "#$c .5#I had a good day. I like to see my grandparents often; they're getting pretty old.#It was nice visiting town today. Grandma had some cookies out, of course!",
"spring_3": "These past couple of days have been pretty busy for you, haven't they?",
"spring_15": "When I visit my grandpa today, I wonder if I can get him to watch something good with me.#$b#Like... Sports Report! I don't wanna miss a minute of the gridball draft.$h",
"spring_27": "I should update my workout mix. Summer's gonna be here soon!",
"summer_3": "I gotta say, I don't really miss working at the ice cream stand.#$e#What, do you miss the ice cream? Well, we could always make our own.#$b#I think uh... Sam's mom has a recipe. Or did she already share it with you?",
"summer_12": "My stomach's all stretched after yesterday and I'm hungry again. I'd better take it easy today.",
"summer_15": "Oof, I think I messed up my knee yesterday. Better take it easy with the leg days for a little while.#$e#Don't worry, I value my body too much to abuse it. I'll make sure I don't make it worse.",
"summer_20": "Oh yeah! My knee's doing much better now. Thanks for asking.$h",
"fall_3": "I almost forgot, it's salmon season! You know what sounds good?$h#$e#Pan roasted salmon with a lemon butter sauce. And a side of kale and... whatever that grain is. The one that isn't rice.$l",
"fall_7": "It's the Tunnelers' first game of the season today! Oh, man, I'm so psyched!$h",
"fall_11": "Whoa... I may have overdone it with the protein and carbo-loading this morning. Getting... diminishing returns.$s",
"fall_22": "Oh yeah, yesterday's game was awesome! The Tunnelers were down, but they came back and crushed it in the last couple minutes.$h",
"winter_10": "When I was younger, I didn't think I really needed friends. Just respect.$9#$e#But now, I can see I was missing out. It's strange to think I went through so much of my life with so little genuine human connection...$9",
"winter_15": "These cold days are pretty rough on my grandparents. I'd better go visit 'em today.",
"winter_22": "*sigh*... Just one more gridball game of the season, but at least it'll be a good one. The championship game is coming up on new year's eve.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Caroline",
"Mon2": "Was Abby polite the last time you saw her?#$e#Usually, she's polite to others, but she does have the occasional outburst. I hope she's been good to you.",
"Mon4": "Abby's actually pretty musically talented, but she's never stuck with one instrument for too long.#$b#Have you ever heard her play anything?",
"Mon6": "Abby and I keep fighting. I really wish she'd understand that I know more than she thinks.$3#$e$Sorry, I hope your day is going well.",
"Tue": "On Wednesdays the shop is closed.#$e#Keep that in mind if you're going to need anything.",
"Tue2": "If you need fast cash, Pierre will be happy to buy whatever produce you have.#$e#Even if it's foraged, we'll still take it. Those kinds of items give our stock a bit of local character.$h",
"Tue4": "Jodi and I have been friends for a number of years now. I'm so glad that she and her family moved into town.#$e#Sometimes I wonder if I could even get by without her.",
"Tue6": "I'm still amazed with how Jodi went back for round two, raising another boy. I remember Sam was quite a handful.$h#$e#It was \"one and done\" for Pierre and me. That was our plan from the get-go.",
"Tue8": "Pierre's a hard worker. Sometimes I feel guilty about how much he's sacrificed to keep this store running.",
"Tue10": "Jodi and I were just talking about some of the things you've done for the community.$h#$e#Personally, I'm glad that you're a positive influence on Abby.$h",
"Wed2": "Oh hello! I hope you're feeling a little more at home now, in Pelican Town.",
"Wed4": "Hey, have you tried making parsnip soup yet?$h#$e#It'd probably be easier if you saved some parsnips from the spring, huh?",
"Wed6": "Stardew Valley is nice, but I wish I knew more people.#$e#I'm glad that we've become friends.",
"Wed8": "I do what I can to stay social. Truth be told, though, it takes a lot of effort for me.#$b#That's the life of a recovering introvert, I guess.",
"Thu": "I've seen wild horseradish in the forest.#$e#Foraging can be a fun way to earn some cash. Or you can use what you find as gifts or food.",
"Thu2": "It's nice that we never have to worry about being short on ingredients when it comes time to make dinner.",
"Thu4": "#$1 Caroline1#Hmmm... I wonder if I can get Pierre to cook dinner tonight.#$e#Hmmm... what am I going to make for dinner tonight?#$e#Maybe I'll just get take-out from the Saloon.",
"Thu6": "$d Joja#I'm worried about Pierre. Each time we lose business to JojaMart, he can barely sleep for days.|I'm never going to forget the day Pierre stood up to Morris like that. It reminds me of when we were both younger.$h",
"Fri4": "Abby goes to the saloon with a couple of her friends on Friday nights. Maybe you could join them?",
"Fri6": "Pierre is multi-talented. Have you ever heard him sing?#h#$e#He's also quite athletic. Or he was, anyway...",
"Fri8": "$d Joja#Jodi's my best friend, but does she have to shop at JojaMart? I don't know how to address the topic appropriately with her.$s|One of the best things about JojaMart closing down is that I don't have to worry about Jodi shopping there anymore.$h",
"Fri10": "Be sure to show some support for Jodi when you see her next. It's very difficult for her, the way her husband is away.",
"Fri10_2": "I thought I'd see a new side to Jodi after Kent returned from the war, but things still seem to be difficult for her.#$e#Maybe we could make her family some dinners?",
"Sat": "I host an aerobics class on Tuesdays in our living room. You can come if you'd like.",
"Sat2": "Is it just me, or does Abigail have an unhealthy interest in doom and gloom?#$e#Maybe I'm just too old to understand.",
"Sat6": "I thought I'd set a good example for Abigail with the aerobics classes I host, but if anything, it just seems like it pushed her away from wanting to exercise.#$e#I guess I shouldn't be surprised.",
"Sat8": "#$1 Caroline12#When we first moved here, I took a while to settle down... I wasn't ready for the domestic life.#$e#Pierre's a bit traditional... but he's a good man. He's ambitious, but he always puts his family first.",
"Sun2": "Feel free to pray at the Shrine of Yoba if you'd like.#$e#No, it's not really my thing. I do respect those who practice, though.",
"Sun4": "Between the Shrine of Yoba, the aerobics classes, and the store, we've had to get used to people just walking through our home on a regular basis.#$e#Communal living isn't so bad as long as people are respectful.",
"Sun6": "Everyone wants their own child to make fewer mistakes than they themselves made.$s#$e#Is it too much to ask, that Abby stays safe and happy?",
"Sun8": "I worry too much as it is, and life is short. It's not worth it to let life get you down all the time.#$e#We have to make peace with what we have.",
"summer_Mon": "Do you grow any flowers on your farm this time of year?",
"summer_Mon6": "Time seems to go by faster and faster the older you get...$s ",
"summer_Thu": "I've been seeing wild fruits in the forest lately.#$e#Foraging can be a fun way to earn some cash. Or you can use what you find as gifts or food.",
"summer_Thu6": "The wild grapes that grow here are great for making wine. Are you making any wine right now?",
"summer_Thu8": "Be sure to save some tomatoes at the end of the season so you can make vegetable stew.#$e#Once it's fall, all you need is a beet. It's a dream recipe for how good it is with so few ingredients.",
"summer_Sat6": "Sorry if Abby's ever said anything that made you feel awkward.#$b#I wonder if she could have learned better social skills if she'd gotten outside a bit more.",
"fall_Mon10": "I hope Abby doesn't make the same mistakes I made when I was her age...$s#$e#Uhm, I mean, looks like we've got another exercise class tomorrow! I'll see you around?",
"fall_Thu": "Are you doing any foraging this season? I've seen edible mushrooms in the forest.#$e#I should probably mention that I'm not a big fan of them, though.",
"fall_Thu6": "There are some good recipes that you can make year round with wild mushrooms, so it's not a bad idea to stock up.#$e#Or if you're not much of a cook, you can always sell them to us.",
"fall_Thu8": "$d Joja#I'm worried about Pierre. Each time we lose business to JojaMart, he can barely sleep for days.|I'm never going to forget the day Pierre stood up to Morris like that. It reminds me of when we were both younger.$h",
"fall_Sat6": "Abby's always had a strange interest in the occult. I'm not sure where she gets it from...",
"fall_Sat8": "Is it just me, or does Abigail play too many video games?#$e#Maybe I'm a little old-fashioned.",
"winter_Thu": "Winter is harsh, but you can dig up some roots if you're lucky.#$e#Foraging can be a fun way to earn some cash. Or you can use what you find as gifts or food.",
"winter_Thu6": "#$1 Caroline1#Hmmm... I wonder if I can get Pierre to cook dinner tonight.#$e#Hmmm... what am I going to make for dinner tonight?#$e#Maybe I'll just get take-out from the Saloon.",
"winter_Thu8": "$d Joja#I'm worried about Pierre. Each time we lose business to JojaMart, he can barely sleep for days.|I'm never going to forget the day Pierre stood up to Morris like that. It reminds me of when we were both younger.$h",
"winter_Fri6": "Don't you think Abby would look better with her natural hair color?#$e#She used to have light chestnut-colored hair.",
"spring_12": "Pierre has some really great things to sell tomorrow. Has he told you about it yet?$h",
"summer_27": "The Moonlight Jellies are really a sight to behold. They bring back some great memories I've shared with Pierre.$h",
"fall_15": "I wish Pierre wouldn't get so obsessed with his grange display. He has enough on his mind as it is...",
"winter_28": "Well, here we are at the end of the year! Any resolutions you're starting tomorrow?",
"1_2": "Happy new year! Pierre's been waiting for you.$h",
"spring_12_2": "We'll see you at the egg festival tomorrow, yes?",
"summer_27_2": "*whew* What a summer. I think we've all earned a bit of a break.",
"fall_15_2": "I wish Pierre wouldn't get so obsessed with his grange display. He has enough on his mind as it is...",
"winter_28_2": "Well, here we are at the end of the year! Any resolutions you're starting tomorrow?",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Clint",
"Mon2": "Another day, another dollar.",
"Mon8": "Maybe I was born in the wrong era. A few hundred years ago, and my skillset would've been much more respected.",
"Tue2": "You inherited a pretty basic toolset, huh? Yeah, let me know how I can help with that.",
"Tue4": "I've got some holes in my schedule today and tomorrow. If you want me to upgrade a tool, now's a good time for it...",
"Tue6": "Y'know, I'm pretty good at what I do. It's just that blacksmithing isn't the type of talent most people care about.#$e#Pff, maybe in my next life I could be a rock star.",
"Tue8": "I guess I don't mind what I do for a living. It's just pretty isolating.#$e#I don't feel like I ever have anything interesting to share with the other townsfolk.",
"Wed2": "Hey. Got any work for me?",
"Wed4": "I like making weapons, too.#$b#If you're interested, you'll have to ask Marlon up north. He's my retailer.",
"Thu4": "How did those furnace blueprints work out for you? Did you craft a furnace?#$e#Hey, I just figured it was something you could use.",
"Thu6": "This little shop is a relic left over from Pelican Town's glory days as a mining town.#$e#The only reason I could afford this place was because the mining operation was in a downward spiral.",
"Fri4": "What kind of beer do you drink? Porter? Stout?#$e#I'm a lager man, myself.",
"Fri8": "It's strange how I've been drinking Gus's beer and eating his food for years, but I barely know a thing about him.",
"Sat2": "Most people would take a weekend on a day like this, wouldn't they?#$e#Me? Nope.",
"Sun2": "Hey, if you've got geodes, make sure you don't sell 'em. Bring 'em to me and I'll help you crack 'em open.",
"Sun6": "Iridium is exceedingly rare, not to mention difficult to work with.#$e#If you happen to find any, though, I'd be excited to see what I can do with it.",
"Sun10": "So how are your tools holding up?",
"summer_Tue4": "I went fishing with Willy a long time ago.#$e#Let's just say fishing's not for me.",
"summer_Sun6": "I couldn't tell you too much about the molecular properties of metal. You'd have to ask Demetrius or his daughter about that one.#$e#I just know how to make it into the shape I want.",
"summer_Thu10": "Hey, c'mon, you've got to admit that it was pretty fortunate for you to land in a town with its own blacksmith.$h#$e#Would you be able to get as much done on the farm otherwise?#$e#Well, I'm just glad I could find some purpose for my work. So thank you for that.",
"fall_Mon": "Looks like the Tunnelers had a good game last night.#$e#Cheroky's speed is really what drives the team.",
"fall_Mon8": "Sometimes I wonder if there's anyone in this town lower on the social ladder than I am.$s#$e#Even Shane seems down pretty low, but at least he knows how to socialize if he feels like it.$s",
"fall_Tue2": "I played a little Gridball back in school. Wasn't the worst at it, either.#$e#It was fun while it lasted.",
"fall_Tue8": "My old gridball teammates... I've no idea where any of them are these days.#$e#Some of them probably wouldn't even remember me.",
"fall_Thu": "Got anything good growing on your farm right now?",
"fall_Thu6": "Dr. Harvey says I should lose some weight. Hah.#$e#I'm swinging a hammer and lifting metal in here every day. I count that as my exercise.",
"winter_Mon4": "There's something special about holding a rare gem in your hands, knowing the earth took a helluva long time to create it.$h#$e#If a gem were a living thing, your whole life would seem like the blink of an eye to it.",
"winter_Sat4": "I mostly do minor jobs for contractors who outsource their work here.#$e#It's more enjoyable if I get to work on one of your tools, though.",
"winter_Sun8": "I've heard about Dwarves in the mines. Not sure what I'd do if I ever saw one.#$e#Probably piss myself.$h",
"winter_Fri8": "No skills besides blacksmithing, no family, and no marriage prospects.$s#$b#@, you realize I'm going to do the same exact thing until I die?$s",
"winter_Wed8": "What's the purpose of life? Ahh, damn it. Don't ask me questions like that.#$e#Tried anything good at the saloon lately?",
"winter_28": "*sigh* Well, did you at least have a good year?",
"1_2": "Any resolutions this year?#$e#Nah, not me. I don't really see the point.#$e#Still, though, at least it's nice outside.",
"Mon_inlaw_Emily": "So uh... how's uh... how's Emily?$s",
"summer_Thu_inlaw_Emily": "...$s#$e#...What? Oh...#$e#...I think you know what.$s#$e#What do you need?",
"fall_Mon_inlaw_Emily": "How are you and Emily?#$e#Oh, that's great!#$e#I'm glad for you two. Really, I am.",
"winter_Sun_inlaw_Emily": "I'm not in the mood to chat today.$s#$e#Just get the hell out of here!$3#$e#Sorry I... that was...$4#$b#I'm sorry. What do you need?$s",
"winter_28_2": "Hey, I hope your year was good.#$e#Me? Oh, I'll manage. I'm glad winter's just about finished.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Demetrius",
"Mon2": "Maru worked hard to get through school early. Now she's studying a variety of sciences independently.#$e#I'm glad that I can provide her the equipment she needs to pursue her future.$h",
"Mon4": "I'm happy Maru got her job at the clinic. Medicine is a very respectable profession, but I'll be happy with whatever kind of science she ultimately decides upon.",
"Mon6": "I know that Maru will have to leave the Valley eventually. If she got stuck here for too long, it could hinder her potential.$s#$e#For the moment, though, I think her living here works out well, though.",
"Mon8": "I can already see Maru's scientific achievements surpassing mine in her future.#$e#I'm very lucky that she's turning out the way she is.$h",
"Tue2": "Stardew Valley continues to impress me with the diversity of its flora and fauna.#$e#I'm surprised there weren't any other scientists observing the area before I arrived.",
"Tue4": "Exploring the mines could be interesting, but my fields are ecology and biochemistry, rather than geology.#$e#If we found evidence indicating a significant causal link between the mines and the vegetation up here, well then that would be another story.",
"Tue6": "The drastic changes between the seasons are crucial for keeping the wildlife migrating...#$b$...which in turn is crucial for preventing one single population from becoming too dominant.#$e#I keep pretty good tabs on the various local species, so I'll let you know if I see anything unusual.",
"Tue8": "Have you ever visited Calico Desert?#$e#I was more interested in studying the Valley's ecosystem, but the fact that we have a desert just a day trip's drive away has remained quite a mystery.",
"Wed4": "Hi @! How are you doing today?#$e#I wish I could make your farming job easier somehow.",
"Wed6": "I've been collecting some useful data from that cave on your farm.#$b#It's unique in that it produces flora that are often unavailable in the direct surrounding environment.#$e#We're still years away from determining how to utilize this, though.",
"Wed8": "Whenever my field research becomes a bit stagnating, I'll admit that I enjoy a little off-the-wall chemistry.#$e#I got my hands on a little cesium a few years ago. Robin said \"never again.\"$h",
"Wed10": "Sorry, I must talk your ear off from time to time, don't I?",
"Thu2": "Growing any green beans? One of my favorite comfort foods uses them in a recipe.",
"Thu4": "There are a variety of sponsors who support my work. It took several years of publication and networking to be able to set up my lab out here.#$e#I did have my sights on Stardew Valley for quite a while.$h",
"Thu6": "It's no wonder that humans have been farming in this region for countless generations. It takes an environment like this for early man to thrive.",
"Fri4": "Robin has a hot temper. It's better to stay on her good side.#$ if I could only quantify her mood levels, perhaps I could model the fluctuations using a sinusoidal curve...$u",
"Fri6": "When I met Robin in college, a lot of my friends were pretty awestruck at my willingness to date someone who's already a mom.#$e#What can I say? We were just a good match.$h",
"Fri8": "I can't help but analyze the 'why' of everything. The way plants grow, the way food tastes, the reason good art looks beautiful.#$e#But every once in a while, I recognize the need to detach, stop questioning, and simply dance with my wife.",
"Sat4": "One aim of my research is to figure out the exact environmental conditions that we see here in the Valley, that make it so uniquely fertile for such a wide variety of species.#$e#In terms of application, we could use it to bolster the abundance of crop turnouts in less fertile regions.",
"Sat6": "Greetings, @. How is your work progressing?#$e#If you grow any pristine crops, it would be a privilege to examine them.#$e#And possibly taste them!$h",
"Sat10": "Have you heard of giant crops? Apparently, if certain crops become so dominant in a wide enough plot of land, there's a small chance for the giant variant to manifest.#$e#Nature almost bred them out of existence, since their size makes them impractical for natural selection.",
"Sun4": "My work basically is my hobby. Occasionally, though, I'll cook a meal, too.",
"Sun6": "For Sebastian, I left most of the parenting to Robin.#$e#Even today, it's usually best to stay out of his way and let Robin handle things with him.",
"Sun8": "Sebastian always seems bored by just about every aspect of my work.$s#$e#Computer science is a science, though. I've always tried to bond with him over that, but there's still a bit of a divide between us.#$e#The books I've read say that's to be expected.",
"Sun10": "Between you and me, I really thought that Sebastian would have moved out by now.$s#$e#He's even older than I was when I first met Robin...$s#$e#As long as he works and pays the rent, though...",
"Sun_inlaw_Sebastian": "It's such a relief that Sebastian's finally moved out. I did always think you were a good match for him.$h",
"summer_Mon6": "Why is it that ice cream tastes so good? Science may never provide an answer.#$e#Ha ha, just kidding. It's the fat and sugar.$h",
"summer_Tue4": "Fertilizer is best for producing quality crops, but if you need to rush a crop to maturity, use Speed Gro.#$b#In theory, you could get three melon harvests that way, instead of two.",
"summer_Tue8": "You can use sap and fish to make quality fertilizer.#$e#If it's too time consuming to get the fish, maybe you could catch some snails or periwinkles in some crab pots instead.",
"summer_Thu4": "Hmm... If strigolactone levels could be increased, would it have a proportional effect on mycorhizal growth?$u#$b#Oh! Sorry. I was pondering some data and I didn't notice you there.#$e#Do you need anything?",
"summer_Thu8": "I became a scientist because I wanted to contribute to the progression of our species.#$e#Of course, none of this would be possible without farmers such as yourself.$h",
"summer_Fri": "Do you have any animals on your farm?",
"summer_Fri2": "$p 40#So I heard Maru had you look through that telescope out back.|If you and Maru become friends, I'm sure she'll show you how to use that telescope out back.#$e#Pretty exciting, huh?",
"fall_Wed": "Let's see... perhaps the nitrogen fixation level is affected by nematode secretions...$u#$b#Oh! Sorry. I was pondering some data and I didn't notice you there.#$e#Do you need anything?",
"fall_Thu": "How's the farming business going? It's corn season, isn't it?#$e#I can imagine it being pretty peaceful, working outdoors with plants all day.",
"fall_Thu6": "Maru sure spends a lot of time working on those gadgets of hers.#$e#I'm glad she's so dedicated.",
"fall_Thu_inlaw_Maru": "I'm still flabbergasted about Maru's secret robot... was it all a dream?",
"fall_Sun": "During this time of year I divert my attentions to fungi.",
"fall_Sun6": "We know a lot about nature thanks to science.#$e#But there's always a lot more to learn.",
"winter_Wed": "Talk to my wife if you want to increase the size of your house.",
"winter_Wed4": "Do you have a kitchen in your house yet?#$e#Cooking is kind of like doing lab work.",
"winter_Sat": "Hello.#$e#%Demetrius seems lost in thought.",
"winter_Sat4": "Let's see... if seasonal nitrogen levels could be modeled by a piecewise function...$u#$b#Oh! Sorry. I was analyzing data and I didn't notice you there.#$e#Do you need anything?",
"winter_Sat8": "Feel free to harvest as much lumber and stone from this area as you please.",
"Event_tomato1": "Really? I figured a farmer would know the correct answer...$s",
"Event_tomato2": "See? @ agrees with me.",
"Event_Lab_Silence": "Well, we'd better titrate this solution before it crystallizes on us.",
"Event_Lab_Rat": "*sigh*... %fork$4",
"1_2": "Happy new year! Lots of work ahead of both of us.",
"summer_28": "You got my letter, right? Don't be late! You won't want to wait a whole 'nother year for it.$h",
"winter_28": "We've completed another rotation around the sun!#$e#That deserves a celebration, it seems.",
"summer_28_2": "You got my letter, right? Don't be late! You won't want to wait a whole 'nother year for it.",
"winter_28_2": "We've completed another rotation around the sun!#$e#That deserves a celebration, it seems.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Dwarf",
"Mon": "Welcome to my shop.",
"Mon2": "My name? My people have never used names.#$e#No, it isn't confusing. Frankly, I would have a harder time trying to remember a different name for every person I've met.",
"Mon4": "I got some of this stuff from the surface. I just take it from your people during the night.#$e#Hmm? What is this concept you call \"private property\"?",
"Mon6": "When you humans had your mining operation below, I had to be very crafty to evade detection.#$e#Obviously, I don't care much about that anymore. I humbly welcome you here.",
"Mon8": "You keep coming back here. Do you... like bombs?",
"Tue": "I know that you are new to my language. Please, ask me to repeat anything you hear me say.",
"Tue2": "When was I born? Well, some time ago. It was...#$b#...wait, when would that be on your calendar?#$b#Some time in late \"summer,\" I think. Summer 22?",
"Tue4": "Ah... cave carrot stew, cave carrot roast, cave carrot soup and cave carrots au gratin.#$e#...And a ramekin of cave carrot brulee to sweeten the night.#$e#What?",
"Tue6": "Occasionally, I see a gray-haired human come through here.",
"Tue8": "You thought Dwarves had long beards? But... I do have a long beard. Can't you see it?#$e#What, a beard like the gray-haired human has? Well his isn't just long, it's excessive.",
"Tue10": "I don't think I survived the Elemental Wars because of my bravery. On the contrary, the only thing I was ever good at was hiding.#$e#I'm not proud of that fact.",
"Wed2": "You're only how many years old?#$b#Ah, yes, I apologize. In a dwarven lifespan, you would still be a child.#$e#I hope you take no offense.",
"Wed4": "Long ago, my people knew the secrets of advanced technology. The archaeological evidence proves that.#$e#But I wonder where it came from? And where did it all go? I guess some questions will never be answered...",
"Wed6": "I'm impressed by how much your species has advanced in the past 100 years alone.#$b#Are humans always in a rush like that?",
"Wed8": "A few times, I have seen a strange, blue human climbing down through the mines.#$e#At least, I think he's one of you humans.#$e#I don't trust him.",
"Wed10": "Of course I need money. Why would I sell my products for free?",
"Thu": "You're not a spy sent by the Shadow People, are you?#$e#I'm keeping my eye on you.",
"Thu2": "Yes, I live alone. I have no family. You can thank the shadow brutes for that.",
"Thu4": "I feel most comfortable underground.#$e#The deeper underground the better.",
"Thu6": "Most floors in the mines have become unlivable. Too many monsters.#$e#Living up here will have to do, though.",
"Thu10": "I humbly thank you for your continued visits. You have made me consider humans differently since you showed up.",
"Fri2": "Most humans fear the unknown... that's why I've hidden my shop here.#$e#Your mining skills prove you're trustworthy.",
"Fri4": "Please inform me if you find any precious stones in the mine.",
"Fri6": "My language is so much easier than what humans speak. You learned enough to have this conversation with me fairly quickly, did you not?#$e#Nonetheless, your skills are praiseworthy for a newcomer.",
"Fri8": "Zzzzzz... Oh?#$e#My apologies. I usually delve into the mines during your night and I sleep at some point during your day. What do you need?",
"Sat2": "So you're a farmer, then? Do you raise any slimes?",
"Sat4": "I am happy to receive any Dwarven artifacts that you find. But seeing them does fill me with a bit of sadness, too.#$e#I can't offer you any reward for them, but... just so you know.",
"Sat6": "The mines can be a treacherous place. Be careful, friend.",
"Sat8": "Explosives are only dangerous if you are a fool. I have used things like these since my earliest days.",
"Sun": "Care to buy anything today?",
"Sun2": "I am willing to try human cuisine, yes. Why don't you bring some by?",
"Sun4": "One day you'll have to tell me about this beverage you call \"milk\".",
"Sun6": "The old way of my life is gone. I must connect with humans, but I also do not think your species would receive me well if I walked through the town.#$e#The light outside would drive me crazy in a matter of minutes, too.",
"Sun8": "You are without a doubt the one human I have spoken to more than any other.#$e#I was always taught to stay away from humans, but I am glad that I decided to shun that rule.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Elliott",
"Mon2": "Pelican Town is a uniquely peaceful place. I could tell that from the moment I thought of settling in.#$e#I hope you feel the same.$h",
"Mon4": "I hope you've come to think of this place as 'home.'",
"Mon6": "I am a firm believer that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.#$b#If that's true, then I'd consider writing to be the most direct pathway to where our minds create the beauty we experience.",
"Mon10": "When you're around, @, the feelings in my heart can only be called poetry without words.$l#$e#I hope all is well with you.$h",
"Tue2": "So many people go their whole lives without ever truly learning how to pay attention... to our surroundings, to ourselves...#$b#How much life is wasted in that manner?$s",
"Tue8": "A day can never be boring when you follow the whims of your imagination.$u#$e#Sorry, am I babbling on about nonsense?",
"Tue10": "In my life, I've spent so much time alone, but I think I may be ready for a change to that.$l",
"Wed2": "Be sure to drop by my cabin whenever you visit the beach.$h#$e#I often crave solitude, but too much can deter one's well being.",
"Wed4": "Please excuse the sorry state of my cabin.",
"Thu": "Hello, @.#$e#Are you well?",
"Thu10": "I've tried my hand at some sonnets lately.$l#$e#Oh! I've written nothing worth another's attention.#$e#Perhaps another time.",
"Fri2": "You must have met Leah by now, yes? She has been a good friend since I arrived in town.#$e#I do enjoy a good debate with her about aesthetics.",
"Fri8": "Farmwork with excellence must require a muse. What inspires you, @?",
"Fri10": "Maybe one of my next pieces will be about you, @. I hope you don't mind.$h",
"Sat2": "I don't believe in holding onto many material possessions. I keep only what I need.",
"Sat4": "'Awake, my visage of the looming sun#$b#As nature's chorus lifts its voice as one.'#$b#Oh, @, I was mulling over some my poetry just now. Lately, the springtime has awakened my creativity.",
"Sat6": "I have no TV, no computer, and no radio. Sometimes I wonder if I would have a difficult time rejoining 'mainstream' society.",
"Sat8": "Some people are shy. Keep showing interest in them and they'll get comfortable around you.#$e#Everyone likes to have friends, even that grumpy blacksmith.",
"Sun2": "Oh, so you came here to escape your old life, too?#$e#It appears we have some commonalities.",
"Sun4": "I respect Leah's pursuit of beauty in material art.#$b#For me, though, beauty only exists in the mind. Words, thoughts, and music are enough for me.$h",
"Sun8": "'Awake, my visage of the looming sun#$b#As nature's chorus lifts its voice as one.'#$b#Oh, @, I was mulling over some my poetry just now. Lately, the springtime has awakened my creativity.",
"summer_Mon10": "Is it any coincidence that I can't help but picture you whenever I sit down to write?$l",
"summer_Tue2": "@? You look puzzled.#$b#I guess the hot summer air can make us a little dizzy.",
"summer_Tue4": "Visit my cabin whenever you like. I could use the company.$h",
"summer_Tue10": "I write these days, hoping that whatever I compose will be pleasing to you.#$e#It's a whole different experience, writing for someone else instead of myself, but I am already quite fond of it!",
"summer_Wed4": "The life of a single plant is a story within itself.#$b#Its struggle, its endurance, all for the sake of achieving its purpose of bearing fruit.#$e#The journey of a literary hero is quite similar.$h",
"summer_Wed6": "If it weren't for the ocean, I fear that my cabin would practically become a sweat lodge during this month.",
"summer_Wed10": "We ought to share a bottle of wine sometime... to celebrate the progress we've shared in this life!",
"summer_Thu2": "I took to writing stories from an early age. I played imaginitive games endlessly.#$b#But something certainly clicked the day I decided to start writing down the stories that had come so naturally to me.",
"summer_Thu4": "Some of my best ideas jump into my head when I sit and play my piano.#$e#Of course, some of my worst hours of procrastination happen there, too...$s",
"summer_Thu6": "It's true that I didn't always have an easy time in school.$s#$b#I spent so much time being different from my peers, that eventually, 'different' became the only identity I knew.#$e#At least I've come to know myself pretty well because of that.",
"summer_Thu10": "I think of how much I was bullied and outcast as a child. To find someone like you, I feel luckier than I ever thought I'd be.$l",
"summer_Fri2": "Leah has been telling me about her latest art projects. They sound fascinating.#$e#Some of them she likes to keep secret until they are finished, though. I quite understand.",
"summer_Fri4": "Writing with a pen is actually quite a bit easier than writing at a computer.#$b#With a pen, you have to commit to the words you write, so it makes me much less indecisive.$h",
"summer_Fri6": "It was quite an ordeal bringing that piano into my home. Moving it across the beach was no easy feat.#$e#I'm just glad that Mayor Lewis had one for sale from a previous resident who had moved out.",
"summer_Sat4": "'And darkness, conquered like a drunken bawd#$b#Submits a fallen face to summer's laud.'#$b#Ah, @, I was just coming up with a little bit of poetry to cheer me up. I hope your day is well.$h",
"summer_Sat6": "When the sound of the ocean is ever present, it almost seems to become a part of my very being. Walking into the silence of the woods is suddenly the exotic experience.",
"summer_Sat8": "I'd like to think of your work on the farm as a great romance. To conquer death and breathe life back into what was lost...#$b#Thematically speaking, that is where we as people find our hope.",
"summer_Sun4": "All of the characters I create are in some way a reflection of me.#$b#In that sense, I consider myself to have explored many of the far reaches of my personality.$h",
"summer_Sun6": "Writing is quite a bit like acting. Sometimes, I find myself lost in the mind of a character. It's always quite exciting.$h#$e#I prefer to keep my audience away until the story is complete, though.",
"summer_Sun10": "I can often see pieces of myself in the characters I create. But lately, I've written some vignettes that resemble you more than me.$l",
"fall_Mon6": "It's been said that a pirate's ship, full of plundered gold, shipwrecked here a long time ago.",
"fall_Mon10": "Hello, @. I must admit I've felt rather amorous lately.$l#$e#Have you?$l",
"fall_Tue4": "I've read most of the classics, but I find myself returning to them again and again.#$e#I wonder if anything I write will ever last for more than a generation?",
"fall_Wed2": "One thing I adore about this beach is that I can enjoy a luxurious steamed lobster dinner on the cheap.$h#$e#The finest things in life require very little money if you know where to look.",
"fall_Wed4": "I admire the classics, but right now I have my nose buried in a few popular novels, too.#$e#I can always learn more from published authors if I hope to become their peer one day.$h",
"fall_Wed6": "One thing I adore about this beach is that I can enjoy a luxurious steamed lobster dinner on the cheap.$h#$e#The finest things in life require very little money if you know where to look.",
"fall_Thu2": "It takes a lot of sweeping to keep the sand from forming a layer in my cabin.$s#$e#Just as long as it doesn't get in my bed.",
"fall_Thu4": "Oh dear! A tiny crab appears to have made his home in my shirt pocket.$l#$e#That's the trouble with living on the beach.",
"fall_Thu6": "I cannot deny how the seasons affect my mood. No doubt, then, they must affect my writing?$s#$e#But what if, then, I miss my chance to write the scene that I need so badly, and I have to wait for a whole year?$s",
"fall_Thu10": "It's wonderful to see you, @! Shall we go for a walk along the beach sometime?$h",
"fall_Fri4": "My legs are stiff from sitting at my writing desk all night.$s#$e#Sometimes I envy you, @.",
"fall_Fri6": "I have a terrible headache today from too much eyestrain. Maybe I need an appropriate lamp for when I stay up late to write.$s",
"fall_Fri8": "The plants in my home have been doing quite well. How about the ones on your farm?$h",
"fall_Sat4": "'A breath of leaves that sprightly-stirs the day$s#$b#And beckons mortals all unto decay...'$s#$b#Ah, @, it's just some lines of verse I'm working on. A little poetry offers some reprieve from my main project.$h",
"fall_Sat6": "Every time I go to write a scene, it ends up taking so much longer than I expect.$s#$e#The more complex a story becomes, the more I have to analyze whether the symbols and motifs are consistent, among other things.",
"fall_Sat8": "I'm relieved to have finished my book, but I can't stop writing now. Creativity can vanish if it goes unused.",
"fall_Sat10": "I've already started brainstorming some ideas for another book.#$e#Yes, this is something I intend to keep doing.$h",
"fall_Sun4": "I've been trying to catch up on some contemporary fiction. I must make sure that I haven't haphazardly duplicated another author's ideas.",
"fall_Sun6": "Everyone always thinks of summer when they think of beaches. But an autumn beach has its own glassy beauty that should not go overlooked.",
"fall_Sun8": "There's something poetic about the thriving nature of a farm in autumn, as nature as a whole begins its steady decline toward winter.#$e#Life... death... rebirth, all three have their separate phases, but all exist simultaneously, too.",
"winter_Mon4": "These dark winter days do affect my disposition.$s#$q 060/061/062/063 winter_Mon_old#Does the winter season affect your mood, too? #$r 060 0 Mon_060#It takes the wind out of my sails.#$r 061 0 Mon_061#It perks me right up!#$r 062 0 Mon_062#It's a mix of joy and melancholy.#$r 063 0 Mon_063#No affect on me.",
"winter_Mon_old": "$p 060#Are you taking good care of yourself?|I must not allow myself to succumb to a state of ennui.",
"Mon_060": "Oh dear! It must be difficult to be a farmer when every living thing is asleep. Please come talk with me whenever you like.",
"Mon_061": "Is that so? Yes, I suppose there is something quite uplifting about the holiday spirit.",
"Mon_062": "That's exactly how it is for me, too. Some of my best writing has come from wintertime, but it does tend to be darker in tone.",
"Mon_063": "Is that so? Well, I admire your impervious nature, then!",
"winter_Tue4": "$d Joja#JojaMarts have always filled me with a deep sense of loathing. I haven't been in one in years.|It warms my heart whenever I see others shopping at Pierre's. I'm reminded of how the soul of this town won me over.",
"winter_Tue6": "I've written countless stories before, but if I'm going to submit something for publication, it has to be perfect!$a#$e#Writing can exacerbate my perfectionist tendencies quite a lot.$s",
"winter_Tue8": "'A sheen of silky snow across the knoll#$b#Invites the lonely one to find his soul...'#$b#Ah, @, I'm just working on a little poetry to invigorate my inspiration.$h",
"winter_Wed": "A day can never be boring when you follow the whims of your imagination.$u#$e#Sorry, am I babbling on about nonsense?",
"winter_Wed4": "@, you've trudged through the snow to visit me?#$e#I'm honored!$h",
"winter_Wed6": "I've been so involved in my own work that I've neglected to ask how your work is going. How is the farm?#$e#Do you have plans for building anything new for the coming year?",
"winter_Wed8": "I am a firm believer that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.#$b#If that's true, then I'd consider writing to be the most direct pathway to where our minds create the beauty we experience.",
"winter_Thu6": "It was a fantastic night last night! I must have written another two full pages every hour!$h#$e#I try to relish those personal victories.",
"winter_Thu8": "Breathe deeply. Do you notice it? That's the smell of the sea.#$e#Whenever I smell the sea, it reminds me of my youth. The ocean really impressed me as a child.",
"winter_Thu10": "My parents were among those who thought I was crazy to move here.#$b#When I read their most recent letter, though, they seemed more accepting.",
"winter_Fri4": "Some of my best ideas jump into my head when I sit and play my piano.#$e#Of course, some of my worst hours of procrastination happen there, too...$s",
"winter_Fri6": "I only got through writing three sentences all day yesterday. Three sentences!$s#$e#My brain simply must be exhausted.",
"winter_Fri8": "Some of my best ideas jump into my head when I sit and play my piano.#$e#Of course, some of my worst hours of procrastination happen there, too...$s",
"winter_Fri10": "I can often see pieces of myself in the characters I create. But lately, I've written some vignettes that resemble you more than me.$l",
"winter_Sat4": "'A sheen of silky snow across the knoll#$b#Invites the lonely one to find his soul...'#$b#Ah, @, I'm just working on a little poetry to invigorate my inspiration.$h",
"winter_Sun6": "The cold does make my cabin feel lonelier.$s#$e#Perhaps if I could just use this loneliness as a source of inspiration...$s",
"winter_Sun8": "I think I'll make enough to get by for another few months!$h#$e#It's easier for me as I have so few expenses, but for a while, I was worried I would go broke.",
"1_2": "Such a beautiful morning today! Happy new year!$h",
"summer_27": "The moonlight jellies' visit made for a wonderful experience last year. I hope this year proves no different.#$e#And you can't beat the location of my home!$h",
"winter_15": "These boats made quite the entrance when they arrived this morning!",
"winter_28": "Here's to another chapter of our lives! [459]$h#$e#Cheers.",
"summer_27_2": "The moonlight jellies' visit made for a wonderful experience last year. I hope this year proves no different.#$e#And you can't beat the location of my home!$h",
"winter_15_2": "The night market is back. I never imagined I'd have that kind of wonderful spectacle right outside my front door.$h",
"winter_28_2": "Here's to another chapter of our lives! [459]$h#$e#Cheers.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogueElliott",
"Rainy_Day_0": "#$c .5#I feel inspired today... I think I'll do some writing.#I love waking up to the gentleness of that sound. Don't you?$h",
"Rainy_Day_1": "The sound of rain, in some tiny way, reminds me of my cabin by the beach.#$e#$c .5#I may be due for another walk down there, soon.#The farm is wonderful, but I do miss the sound of the ocean.",
"Rainy_Day_2": "I got up early and made coffee.[395]#$e#$c .5#This is a surpassingly delicious blend. I've become quite familiar with how coffee should taste, if I may say so.$h#I find that a cup of this exquisite brew makes the early morning a lot more pleasant.",
"Rainy_Day_3": "#$c .5#I think I'll remain indoors today, my dear. The rain causes my hair to go limp.#Goodness! I'm in constant admiration at how you boldly venture outside on these days, yet it never dampens your spirit.",
"Rainy_Day_4": "My inspiration for writing is like the weather... it comes and goes at random. Today I feel entirely dull.$s#$e#Perhaps I'll read one of the classics to get my creative juices flowing.",
"patio_Elliott": "#$c .5#Ah, what a lovely day to read a book... don't you think, my dear?#Feel free to join me if you're taking a break, my dear.$h",
"Rainy_Night_0": "#$c .5#Our triumphant hero returns! How was your day?$h^Our triumphant heroine returns! How was your day?$h#Good evening. Did you have a productive day, @?^Good evening. Did you have a productive day, my dear?",
"Rainy_Night_1": "#$c .5#You're ice cold! Let me keep you warm.$l#Dear, what are you doing, burying your wet face in my hair like that? I'm not a towel!$l",
"Rainy_Night_2": "#$c .5#Ah, my dear, I was just thinking about you. Welcome home.$h#My skill with words is unmatched, yet I can't find the way to properly describe your allure.$l^My skill with words is unmatched, yet I can't find the way to properly describe your beauty.$l",
"Rainy_Night_3": "#$c .5#What did I do today? I'll just say this... it takes a lot of work to maintain this rugged physique!#Isolating? No, it's never isolating here, compared to the beach. Simply the promise of your return each evening keeps my mind quite copacetic.$h",
"Rainy_Night_4": "My love... I wouldn't trade you for 100 iridium bars.#$e#Nor 1000...#$e#Not even 10,000 bars, no.$7#$e#...$7#$e#No, not even 100,000 bars!$a#$e#...$s#$e#Wa... one million bars of pure iridium...? Don't make me do this...$8",
"Indoor_Day_0": "#$c .5#I've been taking much better care of myself now that we're together. The bachelor life wasn't particularly healthy for me.#How on earth did I manage to rough it out in that old shack? Even now, it already feels like a memory out of someone else's life.",
"Indoor_Day_1": "Good morning! I made us a pot of coffee.[395]#$e#$c .5#I find myself craving this robust flavor nearly every morning.#I know how to brew it just right, if I may say so. I'm a bit of connoisseur.$h",
"Indoor_Day_2": "#$c .5#If you find a spider in the house, don't squash it! Just let me know and I'll take the poor thing outside.#I woke up with some thoughts swimming in my head for a little vignette. I'll have to write those thoughts down before they vanish.",
"Indoor_Day_3": "#$c .5#Today is going to be a fantastic day... I can feel it! I get this special feeling in my nose...$h#A sheen of silky sun across your hair... reminds me how I know I've found my home, wherein your gleaming gaze invites to share... a moment in the sun to call our own.",
"Indoor_Day_4": "#$c .5#Dear, what do you think we should do for dinner tonight? It's your pick.#I've had this recurring nightmare that you gave me a buzz cut... You wouldn't ever do that to me, would you?$s#$e#I trust you.",
"Indoor_Night_0": "#$c .5#Mmm, good evening, my dear. Come closer.$l#From the brightest winter star, to the shimmer of an iridium vein... nothing can compare to my wonderful man.$l^From the brightest winter star, to the fragrant fairy rose... nothing can compare with your captivating beauty.$l",
"Indoor_Night_1": "#$c .5#A crackling fire adds wonderful ambiance to the house... every piece of wood burns in a unique way.#There's no sand on the floor, but I still have a lingering habit of brushing off the bottoms of my feet before I climb in bed.",
"Indoor_Night_2": "#$c .5#Every time I look out at the fields, I'm eager to learn more about your work. Why don't you teach me something new?#I never had much success growing plants in my old beach house. Hopefully I can pick up a thing or two by watching you.##$e#In this respect, you are the master and I only a humble apprentice.",
"Indoor_Night_3": "#$c .5#When I behold thy wondrous face, a precious jewel of form and grace, my heart... torn by the dread of night, is purified with golden light.#A darkened, starry sky will blanket us, and I will wrap you up within my arms. Locked in that shroud we'll find our peace and thus, we'll lull into repose with gentle charms.#$e#Poetry is the only way I can begin to describe my feelings for you.$l",
"Indoor_Night_4": "#$c .5#I came to know gourmet seafood quite well while I lived on the beach. [198 202 727 728]Bon appetit!$h#I spent the afternoon daydreaming about the ocean. So I decided to cook some seafood. [198 202 727 728]$h",
"Outdoor_0": "#$c .5#My wildest dreams have come true... just look at this incredible landscape!#It's the strangest thing, but I get fewer tangles in my hair when I dry it outside. I try to do that on occasion.",
"Outdoor_1": "#$c .5#The best authors manage to master a variety of voices and styles. That's an ongoing goal of my own.#Fertile soil beneath my feet, fresh air to fill my lungs, and the sun's warmth to delight my skin... Life is going well.",
"Outdoor_2": "#$c .5#I might stay here and write some poetry. I'm feeling a sudden surge of creativity! You go on ahead and take care of business.#Triumphant wheel that spins the sky, illuminate us with a sigh. For now the dawn-air's chorus croons, to summon nature's youthful tunes.$h",
"Outdoor_3": "#$c .5#If I stay perfectly still, perhaps a resplendent butterfly will bless my nose with a landing.#Scarecrows seem to work well here. I can't imagine the birds are short on food in the nearby forests.",
"Outdoor_4": "#$c .5#Good morning. May I steal a soft kiss from my love?$l#I drank too much coffee... my mouth feels about as dry as the Calico Desert.$s#$e#Oh... sorry about the coffee breath.$7",
"OneKid_0": "#$c .5#How strange... I no longer feel like the protagonist of my own life. And yet, it doesn't bother me at all.#Have you had any time to entertain little %kid1 today? Maybe a second child will make things easier for both of us.",
"OneKid_1": "#$c .5#I feel like raising our child is the start of a brand new story! It will always be our greatest.#Little %kid1 is going to have the perfect childhood here. There's so much to explore.",
"OneKid_3": "#$c .5#What are some good toys that we can get? I want our child to be learning something new as often as possible.#Caring for babies isn't exactly my strong suit... but I'll do my best to be a good father.",
"TwoKids_0": "#$c .5#I wonder how long it'll be before our children can appreciate gourmet seafood?#I already gave %kid1 and %kid2 their food. They eat a lot for such small creatures!",
"TwoKids_1": "#$c .5#I told the children a little story last night as they were drifting off. You can color me smitten.$l#I was carrying %kid1 earlier, and I could've sworn I heard a \"Da...da\".$h",
"TwoKids_2": "#$c .5#Is raising children an art? If it is, I must say that it it quite the competition for my favorite.$h#I'm going to teach %kid1 to read as soon as possible! That's a great way for children to learn about the world.",
"TwoKids_3": "#$c .5#Goodness! I'm still able to write a little, but I have to do it in short bursts when our child requires such attention.#We've done well, @. The farm is doing excellent and our healthy children are a great joy. I couldn't be happier.",
"funLeave_Elliott": "#$c .5#I think I'll walk down to the beach today. It's always nice to see the ocean again.#If I walk to the beach today, I wonder who I'll see? There's only one way to find out.$h",
"funReturn_Elliott": "#$c .5#I had a nice time at the beach by myself. I watched the waves come and go, just like old times.#The beach was quiet today, and yet so full of life. I quite enjoyed myself. And how was your day?",
"spring_3": "I wonder what new stories we'll have to tell this year? This new chapter of our lives is still just beginning.",
"spring_15": "I wonder how Leah is faring this spring. Have you seen her much?",
"spring_18": "I have a new book from the library that's an absolute joy.#$b#The author's command of our language is masterful. The rhythmic sentence structures, the diction... I wonder if I could emulate the style a bit?",
"spring_28": "The fledgling days of the year are at a close. There's no reason to grieve, though! Summer, fall, and winter all have a precious beauty to them, too.",
"summer_6": "I have to make sure I write something today. Even if it's just a sentence, it makes all the difference in the world.#$e#I fear I would lose my momentum if I gave into any excuses for laziness.",
"summer_15": "My soul is alive today!$h#$b#And I know that will not be the case forever. I don't want to miss a second of what this day has to offer.",
"summer_18": "The halcyon days of summers are not gone! No, they're here in front of us, right now!$h#$e#Blissful as our childhood memories may be, we must not allow nostalgia to blind us. Today is just as precious as any day from years ago.",
"summer_22": "I wonder what little treasures of the sea are washing up on the beach these days?#$e#I've always enjoyed examining those tide pools. The edge of the pool is the edge of the world for some of those creatures!$h",
"fall_5": "None of the stories I've written are beautiful, so to speak. Beauty is an experience of the mind.#$b#I think of my written work as a gateway into that experience. Whether the reader successfully enters into beauty is largely up to them.#$b#But I like to think I make it easier for them.$h#$e#Sorry, is it too early to be speaking of such things?",
"fall_8": "That old piano is still sitting in my old shack. I wonder if today is a good day to pay it a visit?",
"fall_20": "Dear me. I should have flossed more carefully last night. I'm afraid one of my gums is rather sore.$s",
"fall_23": "I wrote a short little vignette yesterday. I just need to polish it up today.#$b#Would you like me to read it to you after we go to bed tonight?$h",
"winter_4": "Having a fresh field of unfettered snow... it's like having a blank sheet of paper and a pen.#$b#Such potential to explore!$h",
"winter_12": "I must say, it is delightfully cozy in here! My old cabin got so cold.$h#$b#Just as I might have started missing it, I remember how rudimentary it truly was.",
"winter_16": "My fingers used to get so stiff as I wrote in that cold, old cabin.#$b#I never have to worry about that here.$h",
"winter_21": "I've always thought, as long as speaking is one of the most fundamentally human things we do, I might as well take some pride in it.$h#$e#I say I should speak mellifluously, even if others may find it strange.#$b#Yet, you know me well, dear: It would be strange if I didn 't speak in my most authentic voice, would it not?",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Emily",
"cc_Bus": "The bus is finally back in service, and we can go to the desert! Have you met my friend Sandy yet?$h#$e#I'm also glad that Pam got her old job back.$h",
"Tue2": "Leah comes into the saloon sometimes. You should go ahead and talk to her.#$e#She's a real sweetheart.",
"Tue10": "Hey, @.$l#$b#%*kiss*#$b#You don't mind if I do that, do you? Physical touch is really important to me.$l",
"Wed2": "I like sleeping in when I can. I stay out pretty late on nights that I work, so it's just a routine I've fallen into.",
"Thu2": "I'm sorry, you must miss your grandfather so much.$u#$b#But once a soul comes into existence, there's no reason why it has to go away completely. I'm sure you'll see him again soon.",
"Thu8": "Dancing is important to me, but I have no plans to dance for a big audience.#$e#It helps me to connect with the physical energy of the world around me.#$b#And if I share that connection with a handful of close friends, that makes it really special for me.",
"Fri2": "Friday nights at the saloon are a lot of fun. It's good to get into a sense of flow when the speed picks up.",
"Fri4": "The flowers are really alive out there! I look out at the grassy fields and I see a sea of souls, shifting and mingling.#$e#It's beautiful to be a part of it all.",
"Fri6": "We have to remember that everyone is connected to everyone and everything else.#$b#The happiness you share today will make ripples across time for hundreds of years.",
"Fri8": "It's always important to spread goodness, but we also have to remember that everyone is on a different journey.#$b#In my view, there's never any room for judging someone else for their situation.#$e#Just love others, right? That's what it's all about.",
"Fri10": "I don't think anyone will be suspicious if they see me kissing you. Everyone knows I'm the touchy-feely type.#$e#Oh?#$b#%*kiss*#$b#Heehee...$h",
"Sat2": "Clothing is the gateway between your body and the world that surrounds you.#$b#I like to make clothing that connects me harmoniously with the day's experiences.",
"Sat4": "I've experimented with making my own dyes from materials that come from around here.#$e#Synthetic dyes just don't work on your skin the same way natural ones do.",
"Sat8": "In a way, Yoba plays an important role in my life, but I believe her presence goes beyond anything we can comprehend.#$b#Who knows? Maybe she isn't even a 'she.'",
"Sun6": "I think it's neat how my parents learned to do what makes them happy.#$e#I do miss them, but it isn't really that different from anyone who moves out when they reach adulthood.#$b#For Haley and me, it's just the reverse.",
"Sun8": "I can't shirk my responsibilities to this town, to the house, to Haley...$u#$b#My parents are abroad, where they need to be, but I'm also here, where I need to be, so...",
"Sun10": "@, you're very special to me. You know that, right?$u#$e#Everyone and everything around me is also special, but you... I can't seem to stop thinking about you...$u#$e#...Come what may, I felt compelled to tell you that.$u",
"summer_Mon6": "I don't completely buy into the idea of the 'self.'#$b#It makes much more sense to me that all of existence is one divine presence, and we are merely ripples upon it.",
"summer_Mon10": "@, hold on a sec.$l#$b#%*kiss*#$b#...$l#$b#Have a wonderful day!$l",
"summer_Tue2": "It's another workout day today. I love waking up all those dormant muscles in my body!",
"summer_Tue4": "There are some great spots to go camping around here. Is that your thing, very much?",
"summer_Wed4": "I gave my friend Sandy a call earlier today. Sounds like it's pretty lonely out in the desert.$u#$e#I believe everyone is always where they need to be, but we'll see if the universe provides another path for her.$u",
"summer_Wed8": "Have you talked to the birds lately?#$b#...It's important to remember that we have so much more in common than you think.",
"summer_Wed10": "@... do you think we're... destined for more than just our day-to-day conversations?$l",
"summer_Thu4": "I feel guided to take more risks, lately.#$q 040/041/042 summer_Thu_old#So, @, do you believe in fate?#$r 040 0 Thu_040#No, we control our lives.#$r 041 0 Thu_041#Yes, there's no such thing as choice.#$r 042 10 Thu_042#I'm not sure.",
"summer_Thu_old": "$p 042#I still have to listen carefully to the conscience that the universe gifts to us, though.|I still have to listen carefully to the conscience that the universe communicates to us, though.",
"Thu_040": "I've thought that, too, but what if I'd been born with a different brain? Would I have made the same choices?#$b#And could I still call those choices my own, if it was pure luck that I got that brain?",
"Thu_041": "Right? I can't deny that we only make our 'choices' because of preexisting influences.#$b#That's why I can't ever judge someone for the situation they're in.",
"Thu_042": "Hey, maybe that's the best way to be! There's so much to wonder at in the universe.",
"summer_Thu8": "We're just standing here, but the universe has brought us to this exact moment!$h#$b#It's absolutely amazing if you stop and think about it.",
"summer_Sat4": "We should always treat one another with not just respect, but love, too.#$e#I try to treat everyone the same. Sandy, Clint, Shane, you... everyone.#$e#Because you're all wonderful in your own ways!$h",
"summer_Sat10": "I want to love everyone equally, @, but I can't deny that what I feel for you is... a little deeper.$u#$e#Do you think you'll live here a long time?$u",
"summer_Sun6": "Hi, @! We've become decent friends, haven't we?$h#$e#That's fine with me. You're a cool guy.^I'm glad.$h",
"summer_Sun8": "Hi, @! We've become decent friends, haven't we?$h#$e#This may sound weird, but I've always been certain this would happen.",
"summer_Sun10": "Souls swirl together like clouds forming and reshaping in the sky. I'm glad we've crossed paths as we have, @.$l",
"fall_Mon4": "I've been working on some sweaters for when the days get colder.#$e#My goal is for the fabric to create a warm, nostalgic feeling for whoever wears it.",
"fall_Tue8": "Everyone has something to contribute to this world. Whether it's big or small makes no difference.",
"fall_Tue10": "In a way, Yoba plays an important role in my life, but I believe her presence goes beyond anything we can comprehend.#$b#Who knows? Maybe she isn't even a 'she.'",
"fall_Wed2": "One place where I put my foot down is with salmon. No other creature labors like they do to fulfill their purpose.$s#$e#If you catch one, I hope you'll toss it back.$s",
"fall_Wed8": "I wish Gus wouldn't make his salmon dinner recipe. If we aren't careful, we'll run the world clean out of salmon.$s",
"fall_Thu2": "I saw a little family of mushrooms living under one of the trees in town.$l#$e#Cutest thing ever!$h",
"fall_Thu4": "I practice transcendental meditation. It's very important, I think, to get in touch with the world we cannot usually see.",
"fall_Fri4": "Smell that clean air? It's lovely, isn't it?#$b#I just fear that the Joja Co.'s of the world will take this away from us.$u",
"fall_Fri8": "Life can't last for all time, so we have to make sure we embrace every day!#$b#But also, what IS 'time,' anyway?",
"fall_Fri10": "It's okay for me if people see us kiss. Everyone in town knows I'm the touchy-feely type.#$e#Oh?#$b#%*kiss*#$b#Heehee...$h",
"fall_Sat4": "I don't have any huge plans for life. I prefer not to stress about the future.",
"fall_Sat8": "There's good people in this town who just can't seem to find happiness. It makes me sad.$u#$e#Working in the saloon, I hear first-hand about everyone's problems.$u",
"fall_Sat10": "Hi @.$l#$e#My heart rate picked up as soon as I saw you. Here, put your hand on my chest.$l",
"fall_Sun4": "There's so many invisible barriers holding us back. Why can't people learn to let go and celebrate freedom?#$e#Me? Well, you know what they say... 'You can't cage a wild Junimo'.",
"fall_Sun8": "You're such a nice person, @! Thanks for being my friend.$h",
"fall_Sun10": "You're such a nice person, @! Thanks for being good to me.$h",
"winter_Mon4": "Every now and then, I get a craving for a good vegan burger.#$e#I'm not actually vegan, or vegetarian. I just eat whatever feels most nourishing for my body and spirit.",
"winter_Mon8": "Be careful an icicle doesn't fall on your head! I wouldn't want you to get hurt!",
"winter_Mon10": "@, hold on a sec.$l#$b#%*kiss*#$b#...$h#$b#Have a wonderful day!$h",
"winter_Tue6": "We can all use a little more dancing in our lives, don't you think?#$e#In a way, all of life is a dance. It's just a matter of how well aware your physicality recognizes that.",
"winter_Tue8": "I hope we all can learn to age as well as the changing of the seasons into winter.",
"winter_Wed": "I wish Haley would get a job or at least contribute to cooking and cleaning.$s#$e#I think she's hoping to marry someone rich.$u",
"winter_Wed2": "I really wish Haley would pitch in more with keeping the house clean.#$e#Ah well. I just wish we all could learn to accept the responsibilities that are laid before us.",
"winter_Wed6": "Haley and I aren't made for such a big house. It's a hassle to keep it clean.#$e#Ah well. I really shouldn't be complaining.#$e#Your farmhouse seems nice and cozy.$h",
"winter_Wed8": "I do wonder sometimes where Haley will end up.$u#$e#I'm sure she'll wind up exactly where she needs to be.",
"winter_Wed10": "Sometimes it feels like I have to be a parent to Haley. But that's not a role I can really fill...$u",
"winter_Wed_inlaw_Haley": "I'm so happy that Haley found you. The universe had a plan for her after all!$h",
"winter_Thu4": "It's free hug day today!$h#$b#%*hug*#$b#I hope your day goes wonderfully!$h",
"winter_Thu10": "You look like you could use a little human connection.$h#$b#%*kiss*#$b#Touch is important. I wish more people were open about it.$h",
"winter_Fri2": "Crystals hold various potent properties. Some of them can serve as a nexus for spiritual connections with others.#$e#Clint's big into crystals, too. That's probably why we're such good friends.$h",
"winter_Fri6": "If I wasn't so busy I'd help you dig around in that cave by the lake.#$e#I bet there are some powerful crystals inside there.",
"winter_Fri8": "It isn't always easy trying to show love and compassion for everyone.#$e#What if the love I show for one person hurts someone else?$s",
"winter_Sat6": "The world around us is sleeping, but the spirits are still very much alive.#$e#You can hear the spirits if you know how to listen with more than just your ears...",
"winter_Sat8": "Life can't last for all time, so we have to make sure we embrace every day!#$b#But also, what IS 'time,' anyway?",
"winter_Sun2": "My homemade sweaters have been really cozy in this cold weather.",
"winter_Sun6": "There were some huge snowflakes outside the other night!#$e#Sometimes, I really enjoy walking home late at night.",
"winter_Sun8": "My sister and I might fight sometimes, but I would really miss her if she left.#$e#I think she'll become a very nice young lady some day... Don't tell her I said that.$h#$e#So, is there anything you want to talk about?",
"winter_Sun8_inlaw_Haley": "Say hi to my sister for me! And remind her to visit me tomorrow.",
"winter_Sun10": "The spiritual connection that I feel to you... do you feel it too?$l#$b#It's like a million invisible threads connecting the two of us.$l#$e#...No?#$b#%*kiss*#$b#How about now?$l",
"1_2": "Where will fate lead us this year? I'm eager to find out.$h",
"spring_23": "Who will I dance with tomorrow at the festival? Wherever my presence is needed the most, that's where I'll end up!",
"summer_10": "Hey, look for me tomorrow at the luau. I'll greet you, but probably not in the way you're used to.",
"summer_27": "The moonlight jellies will be here soon. As people, we have so much we can learn from them.$l",
"fall_15": "I'm looking forward to the crowds at the fair tomorrow. There will be so many interesting people to meet!",
"fall_26": "Gus has some pretty tasty treats that he's been prepping for Spirit's Eve. Be sure to say hi!",
"winter_9": "Those poor fish! I hope Mayor Lewis was responsible with them after yesterday's competition.$s",
"winter_24": "It's been a whirlwind at work lately.#$b#Gus has been in high gear with all the food he's been cooking for the feast!",
"spring_23_2": "Who will I dance with tomorrow at the festival? Wherever my presence is needed the most, that's where I'll end up!",
"summer_10_2": "Hey, look for me tomorrow at the luau. I'll greet you, but probably not in the way you're used to.",
"summer_27_2": "The moonlight jellies will be here soon. As people, we have so much we can learn from them.$l",
"fall_15_2": "Tomorrow will be a good day for people watching. What are your plans for the fair?",
"fall_26_2": "Gus has some pretty tasty treats that he's been prepping for Spirit's Eve. Be sure to say hi!",
"winter_9_2": "Those poor fish! I hope Mayor Lewis was responsible with them after yesterday's competition.$s",
"winter_24_2": "It's been a whirlwind at work lately.#$b#Gus has been in high gear with all the food he's been cooking for the feast!",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogueEmily",
"Rainy_Day_0": "#$c .5#I wonder where the flying insects go when it rains? Don't they get hit by the raindrops?#I hope all the animals out there are taking shelter. Maybe they're all sleeping in.",
"Rainy_Day_1": "#$c .5#A day like this is a blessing from mother nature.#When one raindrop falls on your head, how many times do you think its water molecules have been in the sky before?",
"Rainy_Day_2": "#$c .5#Good morning... I got this gift for you. Don't worry, I already purified it with sage incense. [428 440 444 338 207]#It's pretty wet out there, isn't it? Here, this item will keep you well. [428 440 444 338 207]",
"Rainy_Day_3": "#$c .5#I meant to let the parrot go free, but his wing never fully healed. He seems content, though. I give him lots of attention.#The parrot seems enjoy living inside, especially on days like these. He told me that he's happy here.",
"Rainy_Day_4": "#$c .5#I never told you this... but when you first moved here I had a dream about you. I knew right then that our life-paths would intertwine.$4#I've already forgotten last night's dreams. How strange. They were crystal clear when I first awoke.$u",
"Rainy_Night_0": "#$c .5#Every moment has a unique and precious beauty... do you notice? It can be easy to forget, sometimes.#It's important to find something to love about each day. For me today, it was watching the fields dance to the rain in the afternoon.",
"patio_Emily": "#$c .5#This is my favorite spot for a morning meditation. I visualize the energy from this crystal garden flowing through my body.#%Emily appears to want some personal time.",
"Rainy_Night_1": "#$c .5#I can hear the plants talking to each other... they're so happy after today's rain!#Does the weather have you feeling down? I wonder if a little clothing therapy would help?",
"Rainy_Night_2": "#$c .5#How was your day? You look a little soggy.#Did you get everything done that you'd hoped? Don't worry if you didn't. Each day is special, even if it isn't what we planned.",
"Rainy_Night_3": "#$c .5#My day was very peaceful. How was yours?#I wonder if the animals enjoy cuddling up together on a night like this.",
"Rainy_Night_4": "#$c .5#Want some dessert? It's my special raw, gluten-free version, sweetened only with cactus syrup.[232 234 223 220]$h#I made you a treat! Sandy sent me the agave nectar that I used in it. [232 234 223 220]$h",
"Rainy_Night_5": "#$c .5#Does the sound of rain ever put you in a trance?#I feel like our souls are especially in step tonight. Maybe we can head to bed a little early?$l",
"Indoor_Day_0": "#$c .5#Another beautiful day on %farm farm... I have faith that something good will happen today!$h#What physical objects do you feel especially connected to today? Be sure not to overlook them.",
"Indoor_Day_1": "#$c .5#Here, take this. It's for you. [428 440 444 338 207 395 749]#I've been saving this for a special occasion. Today seems like the right day. [428 440 444 338 207 395 749]",
"Indoor_Day_2": "#$c .5#Hey, someone must've gotten a good night of sleep... you look fresh this morning.$h#One day, we'll all wake up from this life, as if from a pleasant sleep. But for now and many years, I just want to enjoy this dream.",
"Indoor_Day_3": "#$c .5#My horoscope for the day isn't too good... but I'm going to make the best of it, as always. Let's get to work!#I wonder what Haley's doing today? I hope she has something planned.",
"Indoor_Day_4": "#$c .5#Ughh... *gurgle*... I ate too many bran muffins for breakfast.$s#Good morning! Give me a kiss before you go.$l",
"Indoor_Night_0": "#$c .5#Is that a new hole I see in your shirt? I can sew that up for you, no problem.#I danced a little while you were out. It always helps bring me back in touch with reality.",
"Indoor_Night_1": "#$c .5#Welcome home. I hope you had a wonderful day.#Welcome home. I love the way you look at me like that.$l",
"Indoor_Night_2": "#$c .5#Is it bed time already? My, the day just floated away from me again.$u#I just got off the phone with Sandy. Sounds like she had a great time visiting Zuzu City not too long ago.",
"Indoor_Night_3": "#$c .5#Ah, that aroma! It can only be you. It's a good smell.$h#I feel so comforted, the split-second I hear your footsteps land on the deck.$l",
"Indoor_Night_4": "#$c .5#I swept the whole house, washed the windows, dusted, and cleaned the fridge. It was a very productive day!#Maybe someday when we retire, we can travel the world, like my parents. At least just for a little bit.$u",
"Outdoor_0": "#$c .5#I love getting up early. There's a certain freshness to the air and the wildlife is much more active.#Shh, if you pause and listen very carefully, you can hear the ocean.$h",
"Outdoor_1": "#$c .5#What's on the agenda today, dear?#If you need a break later today, you can meditate over at the crystal garden. There's no wrong way how to do it.",
"Outdoor_3": "#$c .5#A little sunlight is good for you. Just don't get crispy, okay?#There's so much to do today! Not in the stressful sense, but just in the 'appreciation' way.",
"Outdoor_4": "Good morning! I was wondering when you'd finally roll out of bed!$h#$e#$c .5#I was hoping you wouldn't miss this beautiful morning.#It's okay... you deserve a good night of rest.",
"OneKid_0": "#$c .5#I hope we can raise our child to be kind and considerate. That's more important than getting A's in school.#Little %kid1 will probably grow up to like vegetables if we set a good example. What do you think?",
"OneKid_1": "#$c .5#Is one child enough, or should we raise another? I guess we'll just see where fate leads us.#To think... if you'd never felt upset at your old job, you never would've moved here, we'd have never met, and %kid1 wouldn't even exist.$l",
"OneKid_3": "#$c .5#I lit a pale green candle and shook a sprig of baby-mint over our little one. That should ward off any dangerous spirits.#I love %kid1's cute little baby noises.$h",
"TwoKids_1": "#$c .5#A big house, two kids and a parrot... I have my hands full!#Yoba has blessed our home so much! We have that much more responsibility to show love and support to others.",
"TwoKids_2": "#$c .5#I hope the parrot doesn't feel neglected, but I have to admit that these kids keep my hands more than full.$s#Well, %kid2 certainly has your hair...$u",
"TwoKids_3": "#$c .5#Oh, I already fed the kids their organic quinoa puffs with goat milk. You just focus on the farm!#I forgot to tell you, the kids loved seeing their Aunt Haley yesterday. She stopped by.",
"funLeave_Emily": "#$c .5#I'm going to visit town today, and later on I'm going to help out at the saloon. Have a nice day.#Gus rang. Said he had some work for me, so that's where I'll be later today if you need me.",
"funReturn_Emily": "#$c .5#My day went well... it's good to get out of the house now and then.#What a wonderful day today! It was nice to take a stroll through Pelican Town.$h",
"spring_14": "The farm must seem like an endless expanse to the bugs and worms. It's an entire world, really.#$e#When I think about people standing all over the planet, we're just like the bugs who only know the farm. What lies beyond?#$e#Everything is relative. It's just a matter of perspective.",
"spring_19": "It's Friday! Are you going to have a night out, or are you going to stay in?",
"spring_27": "The parrot sang me a little song right before you got up. Did you hear it, or were you still out?",
"summer_7": "I'll never forget that bear that showed up on our camping trip.#$b#Nor the part that came after that.$l",
"summer_12": "I hope I didn't go overboard with the dancing yesterday. I'm thirstier today than I expected.$u#$e#Oh, of course I noticed you. My eyes were closed, but I heard your footsteps and felt your presence.",
"summer_18": "Do we have any structures that could be temporarily repurposed as a sweat-lodge? It's just a thought I had.",
"summer_22": "I know some people might be a little put-off by the things I believe and the way I act. But it's just the way I am.$u#$e#I don't know how to be myself any other way.",
"summer_26": "Today is 'Do Something Nice for a Random Person' Day. Maybe I'll pay for Clint's burger tonight at the Saloon.#$e#Anyone in mind whose day you'd like to brighten?",
"fall_4": "*sigh*... Salmon season.$s#$e#I hope as many as possible complete their long upstream journey.$s",
"fall_7": "Mmm, maybe we can make it survival burger night, tonight?#$e#I've just got a craving.",
"fall_10": "Are you going down into the mines any time soon? I know that Yoba will protect you, but it doesn't hurt to be vigilant on your end, too.$u",
"fall_14": "When my feelings for you first developed, I secretly feared I'd lose my passion for loving the world around me...$u#$b#...that all my love was diverted into you.$u#$b#But now, I can see the opposite is true. The bond I share with you just spurs me on, to love everyone and everything even more!#$e#...$l",
"fall_20": "The spirits are really active this time of year. Stand by the trees in the forest, and you can hear more than just the wind whispering through.",
"winter_10": "You know, I noticed that Haley's keeping the house in pretty good shape!#$e#Who knew that all I had to do was move out, and she's suddenly step it up?$h",
"winter_22": "@, I just wanted to say, as long as we've known each other, you've never tried to change me from the person I am.$u#$b#I know... a lot of people don't really understand me, and possibly sometimes I do things that even confuse you a little, too...$u#$b#...But you've always accepted me.$u#$e#So... thank you.$u",
"winter_16": "I hope Shane and Clint are doing okay. I don't see them as much as I used to.$u",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Evelyn",
"Introduction": "Why, hello and welcome to our little community, dear!#$b#You can call me 'Granny' if you like.$h",
"Mon4": "There used to be so many children in this town. My, how they've grown up!",
"Mon6": "I have good days and bad days with my energy. Today is a good day.#$e#Even if it's a bad day, there's no use moping about it.",
"Tue2": "How's life on that farm going for you?#$e#George mentioned to me how glad he was to see someone working on it again. I don't know if he'll tell you that, though.",
"Tue6": "It's nice of you to take the time to visit George and me.#$e#Without young people around, we'd age much faster.$h",
"Wed8": "So what are young folks into these days?#$e#I suppose I'd have to visit Zuzu City to find out for sure. Pelican Town must not be like a lot of other places.",
"Thu4": "I'll be baking cookies today. I like to make flower shapes in the spring.$h#$e#Have you tried a little baking yet, dear?",
"Thu6": "I think if I cut them right, I can make my cookies look like tulips today.#$e#Even if no one eats the cookies, it helps me to do something creative.",
"Thu8": "It's cookie baking day again. If we wind up with leftovers, I'll be sure to send you some in the mail.",
"Fri2": "George watches the news a lot. I worry it'll give him a skewed perspective of the world.#$e#If you want a better perspective, look no further than your own neighbors. That's what I say.",
"Fri4": "You'll see George heading to the Shrine of Yoba on Sundays.#$b#His own little traditions are the only things that can get him to do anything good for him.",
"Fri6": "I hate to ask, dear, but could you talk to George a bit for me? The longer he stays locked up in the house, the crankier he becomes.#$e#I'm terribly sorry.",
"Fri8": "One of George's favorite TV programs is so violent. And he always keeps the volume up so loud.#$e#I worry it can't be good for his health. Why bring more stress into the house when we don't need it?",
"Fri10": "George agreed to turn the volume down on the TV. Turns out his ears are actually better than mine.#$e#That's no little victory. I've been asking him for years.",
"Sat4": "Springtime always gives me a fresh sense of hope. I figure these old bones still have a number of good years still left!",
"Sun6": "I keep a diary, but I always write down what I did two days ago. It's an exercise that helps me with my memory.",
"summer_Wed6": "I would go to Caroline's aerobics class if I could keep up half the speed of those other ladies.#$e#It's fine, though. I just do some basic stretches in the morning, and I walk a lot. Can't do much else beyond that.",
"summer_Thu4": "I'm going to bake cookies today. They're coconut wonders shaped like little palm trees! Heehee.$h#$e#Have you tried a little baking yet, dear?",
"summer_Thu6": "It seems like we always have more visitors when I start baking cookies.#$e#My mother taught me the recipe.",
"summer_Thu8": "Maybe today's a good day to make homemade bread, instead.#$e#I can't make bread every day. It's a little rough on the joints. Today is a good day, though.",
"summer_Sun10": "*sniff* ...Hello, dear.$s#$e#I'm sorry for you to see me like this. It was around this time of year that we lost our daughter, Alex's mother.$s#$e#I'll be alright by tomorrow, dear. Thank you for asking.$s",
"fall_Tue6": "So what are young folks into these days?#$e#I suppose I'd have to visit Zuzu City to find out for sure. Pelican Town must not be like a lot of other places.",
"fall_Wed8": "What's the secret to a lifelong marriage? Well that's quite a question!#$b#Of course, there are countless answers, but the one thing all those answers have in common...#$ that you must love, simply and unceasingly.",
"fall_Thu4": "Today I'm baking cookies. They're shaped like little pumpkins.$h#$e#Have you tried a little baking yet, dear?",
"fall_Thu6": "I think I'll try something different today. Leaf-shaped cookies! $h#$e#It helps me to make something that reflects what I see outside.",
"fall_Thu8": "Hey there, dearie. I was just thinking I might have to make a treat to send you in the mail sometime.$h#$e#It'll just have to be a surprise, though.$h",
"fall_Sat": "Are you friends with Alex?#$e#Sometimes he worries me sick.",
"fall_Sat4": "Does Alex still spend time with that girl Haley? She's a good girl, but I wonder whether she gives him the kind of support he needs.",
"fall_Sat8": "Have you been spending much time with Alex lately?#$e#I just wonder sometimes where his life is headed.",
"winter_Mon6": "I've walked the same roads of Pelican Town a hundred thousand times.#$e#But today is the first day I've ever walked them THIS time.$h",
"winter_Mon10": "Perhaps George will outlive me in the long run. If that happens, you tell him not to burden Alex for too long!$s#$e#No young man needs that kind of responsibility.$s",
"winter_Tue8": "Every day is so hard with George, but we can't move into assisted living.#$b#This community is really what keeps us going. If we didn't have Pelican Town, we wouldn't have anything.",
"winter_Thu": "It's another great day for baking cookies. They're in the shape of little snowmen this time.#$e#Maybe I'll tell you my recipe one of these days.",
"winter_Thu4": "It's another great day for baking cookies. They're in the shape of little snowmen this time.$h#$e#Have you tried a little baking yet, dear?",
"Winter_Thu6": "I've got some snowflake-shaped cookie cutters to use today. This should be fun!$h",
"winter_Thu10": "I bake cookies because they never fail to make George open up to me.#$e#He had a bite of cookie in his mouth when he looked right at me and said \"I love you\" for the first time.#$e#He's kept that going ever since.",
"1_2": "Well, a very fine day to you too, dearie! I hope your year is off to a nice start.$h",
"spring_21": "Looks like I need to get started on the flower arrangements for the dance next week.#$e#I hope you'll be there, dearie!$h",
"spring_23": "The flower arrangements for tomorrow's dance are all but finished. I hope Mayor Lewis will be pleased.#$e#And I hope you'll be pleased, too!$h",
"summer_10": "Mayor Lewis always gets so nervous for the Luau. Be sure to show him some support.#$e#The best way to do that is simply to bring something delicious for the soup.",
"winter_7": "I'll gladly brave the cold for tomorrow's Ice Festival. That's an important one for me.#$e#I'll even drag George along with me, no matter what he says.$h",
"winter_1": "I had Alex hang up the old winter decorations this morning. I'd say he did a great job!",
"winter_28": "Best wishes in the new year, dearie. It's such a blessing to have you here in town.",
"spring_21_2": "Looks like I need to get started on the flower arrangements for the dance next week.#$e#I hope you'll be there, dearie!$h",
"spring_23_2": "The flower arrangements for tomorrow's dance are all but finished. I hope Mayor Lewis will be pleased.#$e#And I hope you'll be pleased, too!$h",
"summer_10_2": "Mayor Lewis always gets so nervous for the Luau. Be sure to show him some support.#$e#The best way to do that is simply to bring something delicious for the soup.",
"winter_7_2": "I'll gladly brave the cold for tomorrow's Ice Festival. That's an important one for me.#$e#I'll even drag George along with me, no matter what he says.$h",
"winter_28_2": "Best wishes in the new year, dearie. It's such a blessing to have you here in town.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/George",
"Mon2": "All right. What is it you want from me, anyway?",
"Mon4": "Still haven't given up yet, huh?#$e#The farm, I mean. Still goin'?",
"Mon6": "I'm surprised you want to be friends with an old-timer like me.",
"Mon8": "Is there really a place for me in this world, anymore?#$e#Maybe that's just the way it has to be.",
"Mon10": "You may or may not have heard already, but our daughter passed away some years ago.$s#$e#I don't know how Evelyn manages each day. I know that she's just as broken up about it as I am.$s",
"Tue": "Hmmph... Looks like another gloomy day.",
"Tue2": "Yeah, look at you, runnin' around like that. Just rub it in, why don't ya?",
"Tue4": "What're you doing, wasting your time talking to an old man like me?#$e#Don't young people even stay busy anymore?",
"Tue6": "I don't understand what you young people are planning to do with this world.#$e#All I can say is that it ain't the world I once knew.",
"Tue10": "You know, I shouldn't get too depressed about my legs.#$e#I should just be happy that I'm alive.$h",
"Wed2": "Are you trying to get me to buy something? I'm not interested.",
"Wed4": "You be thankful for what you have on that farm, d'you hear?#$e#Before you know it, life'll pull the rug out from under you.#$e#It's only a matter of time.",
"Wed8": "I wish my legs worked so I could play catch with Alex.$s#$e#That'll never happen.$s",
"Wed10": "@! Let me turn off this darned television and we can have a little chat.$h#$e#So what are the young people doing these days?",
"Thu2": "What do you want? Now's not a good time.#$e#Why? 'Cause it ain't.",
"Thu4": "Looks like another rerun today.#$e#Shouldn't you be out and about?",
"Thu8": "You ever watch this show \"36\"? Now that's some good entertainment.$h#$e#Nobody ever stops this guy from fighting the terrorists. He just does whatever he wants and it's hilarious.$h",
"Thu10": "When you get as old as me it's a lot harder to adjust to new things.#$e#One day you'll know what I mean.#$e#Go on, enjoy yourself while you're still young.",
"Fri": "That farm's been in miserable shape for years.#$e#And you want to restore it? Hmph. Good luck.",
"Fri2": "So you're a farmer, huh? At least it's honest work.",
"Fri6": "You be thankful now, that Stardew Valley is one of the few places where you can still work the land how you want.#$e#These politicians just want to regulate, regulate, regulate like they own this country. Hmph.",
"Sat": "The weekend is no different than any other time, for me.#$e#That's how it is when you're retired.",
"Sat2": "Hi there.#$e#What's going on out there, anyway?",
"Sat4": "My prescription just keeps getting more and more expensive.#$e#This wouldn't have been a problem a generation or two ago. But these drug companies keep hiking the cost!",
"Sat6": "Is it the weekend already? I guess I'll have to get out of the house soon, then.",
"Sat8": "Evelyn's always been the best cook I know. And she just keeps getting better.#$e#Wish I could say the same about something I can do.$s",
"Sun": "What's it take for a little peace and quiet around here?",
"Sun2": "Aren't you cold? They don't make sweaters like they used to.#$e#*Sigh*",
"Sun4": "Is it the end of the week already? I lose track of what day it is.",
"Sun6": "It'll be good to be out of the house for a while.#$e#What are you up to today, young man?^What are you up to today, young miss?",
"Sun10": "I didn't spend much time praying till recently.#$b#For a while, I was furious with Yoba, what with me losing everything I had.#$e#I have a kernel of faith that there's something better for me after this old body's ticker runs out.#$b#It's not much, but what's an old man like me to do?$s",
"summer_Tue10": "From time to time, I can still see Clara in Alex's eyes.#$e#Alex is a good kid. You make sure you look out for him.",
"summer_Sun10": "Whoa there! You'd better make way for me when I'm on the move, you rascal, or I might just run you down with this juggernaut!$h",
"fall_Sat10": "Recently, I've been trying my best to stay positive each day.#$e#It isn't always easy. I apologize if I seem a little up and down.",
"fall_Sun10": "Yep, I can do jumps, wheelies, spins... all kinds of tricks.$h#$e#Look over there!#$b#Oop, ya just missed me doing a somersault. Too bad.$h",
"winter_Sat10": "Sometimes I wonder if everybody is just waiting for me to die.#$b#Heh. I'll show them. I have plenty of years left in this old body.",
"winter_Sun10": "I don't know how Evelyn even puts up with me anymore.$s#$e#Sometimes I feel more like a patient than her husband.$s",
"summer_10": "What? There's another festival tomorrow? Didn't we just have one?",
"winter_15": "Night Market? No thank you. Nothing would make me want to go to that aberrant sideshow.#$e#Why's it have to be so late, anyway?",
"winter_24": "Now why wouldn't I be excited about tomorrow? Take a wild guess.#$e#Oh, do you enjoy sitting in the freezing cold for hours?",
"winter_28": "Another year gone. My life feels like a flip-book.",
"1_2": "Everyone in the news is just talking new year's this, new year's that. Isn't anything happening in the world?#$e#Hah, the news people must assume the whole world just stops when they stop talking about it.$h",
"summer_10_2": "What? There's another festival tomorrow? Didn't we just have one?",
"winter_15_2": "Night Market? No thank you. Nothing would make me want to go to that aberrant sideshow.#$e#Why's it have to be so late, anyway?",
"winter_24_2": "Now why wouldn't I be excited about tomorrow? Take a wild guess.#$e#Oh, do you enjoy sitting in the freezing cold for hours?",
"winter_28_2": "Another year gone. My life feels like a flip-book.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Gus",
/*"Saloon": null,
"Saloon4": null,
"Saloon8": null,
"Saloon_Tue": null,
"Saloon_Thu": null,
"Saloon_Fri": null,*/
"Mon": "Yeah, I know a lot about the people living here.#$e#That's one of the benefits of being a bartender.$h#$e#Sometimes I hear too much...",
"Mon2": "Hey there, @.#$e#So how's work treatin' you lately?#$b#I know things can be hard sometimes. We all get there eventually, though, as long as we don't give up!",
"Mon4": "Have you tried the games in the arcade yet?#$e#I don't play 'em myself. I just figured that every good saloon needs some games as part of the atmosphere.",
"Mon6": "Emily's a great girl. Have you two been hanging out much?",
"Mon8": "*whisper* Hey, @. Y'know, I've been thinking...$s#$q 010/011 Mon_old#If I help someone make bad choices with their drinking habits, is that on me?#$r 010 -20 Mon_010#Honestly? Yes.#$r 011 0 Mon_011#No. Everyone's responsible for themselves.",
"Mon_old": "$p 010#We're just gonna have to politely disagree on what we talked about the other week. I respect your opinion, though.|I appreciate hearing your opinion the other week. You're a good friend.",
"Mon_010": "Hmm. Thank you for your opinion. I'll have to think about it.$s",
"Mon_011": "That's always been my philosophy. It's just that after years of seeing customers' struggles up close and personal, it starts to wear on you.$s",
"Mon10": "I know I can't solve every customer's problems, but behind the counter, I can still be there and treat them as a person.",
"Tue2": "I've got some self-published cookbooks for sale, too. Have you checked them out?",
"Tue4": "You should see what's on the menu tonight! I've got something really special.",
"Tue6": "It was always my dream to open a little restaurant of my own.#$e#Things worked out well! I don't think an old-fashioned saloon like this would be possible in a bigger town.$h",
"Tue8": "Be sure to give that jukebox a spin sometime. What are you in the mood for?",
"Wed": "Glad to see you, buddy.$h^Glad to see you, young lady.$h#$q 012/013/014/015 Wed_old#I've got a cold beer here on the house.[346] What's today's battle? Lay it on me.#$r 012 10 Wed_012#It's kind of lonely here.#$r 013 10 Wed_013#I know nothing about farming.#$r 014 10 Wed_014#I have no money.#$r 015 0 Wed_015#Everything's peachy!",
"Wed_old": "$p 015#I hope things are still going well! Let me know if you need a pick-me-up, though.|Remember you've got lots of friends here at the saloon. Especially on Fridays!",
"Wed_012": "I feel ya. That's the reality for any newcomer.#$b#But relatively speaking, there are quite a few singles your age in Pelican Town. You're bound to hit it off with someone.$h",
"Wed_013": "Well, I once knew nothing about cooking and brewing! But here I am.$h#$b#Truth is, we all start somewhere. Be sure to forgive yourself when things go wrong, and I'm sure you'll make it.",
"Wed_014": "Oh yes, we've all been there, if we're not there now.$h#$b#But you know, your future looks bright. You're a landowner! I'm sure things will work out.",
"Wed_015": "Is that so? Well, I'm glad to hear it. Pelican Town truly is a special place.$h#$b#Just let me know if something comes up. I'm always ready to lend an ear.",
"Wed2": "Not to boast or anything, but the Saloon is the best place to be on a Friday night!$h#$e#Hope you can make it this week.",
"Wed4": "Emily's been working here for a while now. I don't know what I'd do without her!#$e#I would hate to have to clean all those pots by myself.$s",
"Wed6": "I try to source as many fresh, local ingredients as possible.#$b#Otherwise, what would really make my spaghetti or my salad any different from other restaurants'?",
"Wed8": "Yes, I was married once, a long time ago. Did I ever tell you that?$s#$e#She's no longer with us. But I think about her every day.$s#$e#I like to think that what I do here at the saloon is to fulfill the dream we had together. First and foremost, just spread joy. I don't think she'd want anything less.",
"Wed10": "After my wife passed, marrying again isn't for me. For some of us, we only meet the love of our life once.#$e#Despite life's hardships, we must never forget to spread joy to those around us.",
"Thu2": "I'm no hedonist, but I truly think that good food and drink are some of the greatest things a person can live for.$h",
"Thu4": "I feel like I've got even more of a reason to love Pelican Town when I'm able to source locally from your farm!$h#$e#So, if you're growing something good, I'd be honored if you brought some by!",
"Thu10": "*whisper* I've been limiting the number of drinks I give Pam, more than I used to.#$e#I swear she's got a flask in her pocket, though, because sometimes she still winds up pretty sloshy.$s",
"Fri2": "Hi there, @. How's that farming life working out for you? Be sure to treat yourself right every once in a while.",
"Fri4": "Sam tries so hard at billiards, but he loses to Sebastian each time.#$e#Sam must be a really good sport about it, because they've been at it week after week!$h",
"Fri6": "I don't actually drink very much myself. I'm mainly doing this to make a living.#$e#Although I do enjoy a taste of the Stardew Valley vintage from time to time.",
"Fri8": "Whew! What a week it's been!#$e#I meant everyone else's week. I don't consider things done until the last mug is washed tonight!$h",
"Sat": "Business was great last night. I'm pleased.#$e#Be sure to drop by again soon!$h",
"Sat2": "Are you much of a chef, @?#$e#If you have a kitchen and some recipes, you can cook some useful dishes.#$e#Home-cooked meals make great gifts, as well.",
"Sat4": "I play a little violin when I find the opportunity. As much as I love cooking, sometimes it's good to have a hobby that isn't also your job.",
"Sat6": "Look, I know I serve a lot of drinks to a few of my customers. But I'm a strong believer in personal freedom. That's all.$3#$e#Sorry... what's new with you?",
"Sat8": "I think I've earned a little glass of Stardew Red tonight.#$e#Are you going to be enjoying anything, @?",
"Sun2": "I think I found the right place for myself here in Stardew Valley. This is the exact kind of place I looked for my whole life.",
"Sun4": "How are you doing, @?#$e#Me? Just livin' the dream.$h",
"Sun6": "I know I can't fix everyone's problems, but if I can make a fellow something delicious, I feel I've done my part.",
"Sun8": "The Stardrop Saloon is definitely one of the older buildings in town.#$e#I restored it when I first bought it, but I'm far from the original owner.",
"Sun10": "You're a good friend, @. Here's one on the house.[346]#$e#Cheers! To another good week!",
"summer_Sun2": "This might be my favorite season. I bet you can grow a lot of great produce right now.",
"summer_Sun6": "What a hot day! I could really go for some fresh-squeezed orange juice right now.#$e#It's an old favorite of mine.$h",
"fall_Fri4": "Hey, @! Did you ever try making the 'salmon dinner' recipe I sent you? Now's the time to get the ingredients!$h#$e#You'll also need some kale, though.",
"fall_Fri8": "Made any cranberry sauce lately? The ingredients are pretty easy to get this time of year.#$e#It'll get you into the mood of the season, for sure.",
"winter_Sat": "Sure is chilly out there! Think you could do with a hot cup of coffee?",
"winter_Sat6": "Now's the perfect time of year to huddle up next to the fire with some good comfort food.#$e#Maybe a little pizza? Or... what ideas do you have?",
"1_2": "I hope you were able to get up on time today! How's the start of the new year for you so far?$h",
"spring_12": "Boy howdy! I've been staying up late the past few nights, getting ready for the Egg Festival!#$e#Just wait till you see what I've prepared.",
"summer_10": "I've got some good dishes prepped for the Luau tomorrow, but I try to steer clear of the communal soup.#$e#It's really a hit-and-miss tradition, and I'd rather play it safe when it comes to my reputation.$s",
"fall_15": "Gonna be at the fair tomorrow? Look for me up north. I'll be making burgers all day.",
"fall_26": "There's some pretty spooky stuff at the Spirit's Eve festival. Me? I'll just stick with hosting the buffet.",
"winter_24": "What's a good festival without some good food? *chuckle* I've saved all my best recipes for this feast, so don't go missin' it!$h",
"winter_28": "Happy new year, @! I'm breaking out the good stuff tonight! [348]$h#$e#Cheers to a great year in Stardew Valley. May the next year be even better!",
"spring_12_2": "Boy howdy! I've been staying up late the past few nights, getting ready for the Egg Festival!#$e#Just wait till you see what I've prepared.",
"summer_10_2": "I've got some good dishes prepped for the Luau tomorrow, but I try to steer clear of the communal soup.#$e#It's really a hit-and-miss tradition, and I'd rather play it safe when it comes to my reputation.$s",
"fall_15_2": "Gonna be at the fair tomorrow? Look for me up north. I'll be making burgers all day.",
"fall_26_2": "There's some pretty spooky stuff at the Spirit's Eve festival. Me? I'll just stick with hosting the buffet. Same as usual.",
"winter_24_2": "What's a good festival without some good food? *chuckle* I've saved all my best recipes for this feast, so don't go missin' it!$h",
"winter_28_2": "Happy new year, @! I'm breaking out the good stuff tonight! [348]$h#$e#Cheers to a great year in Stardew Valley. May the next year be even better!",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Haley",
"Mon4": "I spent 3 hours practicing my signature today.#$e#I guess that's pretty silly, huh?",
"Mon6": "I used to complain about this town being so small, but I've grown to like it.#$e#If it was much bigger it wouldn't feel like a community.",
"Tue2": "I wonder if any nice shells washed up on the beach this morning?#$e#This isn't the best time of year for shells, though.",
"Tue6": "Hey, we should hang out at the beach this summer.$h#$e#Oh, I guess you'll be pretty busy, though, huh?#$e#Well, if you've got time, then.",
"Tue10": "Oof. I stayed up late reading cookbooks and trying out a couple of new recipes.$s#$e#Why? Oh, well, I just thought you might like it if I got good at that.#$e#Sorry, I'll share some with you sometime.$l",
"Wed2": "Hmm... I wish it were summer.$u",
"Wed4": "I'm glad that the flowers are starting to bloom.#$e#Those pink ones smell so good.$h",
"Wed8": "There are only two things I like about this town.#$b#One of them is the beach.#$e#The other one is a secret! *giggle*$h",
"Thu2": "*sigh* I could really go for a cupcake right now.#$e#Do you need something?",
"Thu4": "Guys should have to read fashion magazines... just so you understand how much work girls have to put in each day.^You can borrow my fashion magazines if you want, after I'm done with them.#$e#What a girl shows on the outside is what people will think of her. Some girls think otherwise, but that's just the truth of the world.#$e#I don't make up the rules.",
"Thu6": "I cooked dinner last night. It actually turned out okay!#$e#But I did make a huge mess in the kitchen...",
"Thu10": "I was thinking I could try to move away someday, whenever it became clear that Alex's career wouldn't ever get off the ground.$s#$b#But now, I don't think I would move away, even if I could. I have too much to lose here.$l",
"Sat": "I'm feeling an urge to go shopping. Ugh! I wish there was a mall here.",
"Sat2": "Oh. Hi farmer boy.^Oh. Hi farmer girl.#$q 070/072/074 Sat_old#No offense, but why would you choose to work on the weekends, anyway?#$r 070 0 Sat_070#It's just for now until the farm's in good shape.#$r 070 0 Sat_070#I just enjoy it.#$r 072 0 Sat_072#There are living things that need my attention.#$r 073 0 Sat_073#I'm not working today, actually.",
"Sat_old": "$p 073#Enjoying 'not working' again today?|Enjoying your gross job still?",
"Sat_070": "Wow. Okay.$u",
"Sat_072": "Really? Won't they be okay for just one day?",
"Sat_073": "Yeah right. Then how come you look all dirty?$h#$e#Oh. Or do you just always look like that?",
"Sat4": "I'm feeling an urge to go shopping. Ugh! I wish there was a mall here.",
"Sat6": "Is your farm doing okay? Maybe I should come by and take some pictures of it.#$b#Or... sorry, is that okay?",
"Sat8": "#$1 haleySeagull#Yesterday I found a seagull with her wing caught in a net. I set her free, of course. She looked so helpless, the poor thing.$k$s#$e#You know, I should probably start exercising more... this youthful metabolism won't last forever.",
"Sun": "My sister is so weird. Sometimes I wonder if we're actually related.$u",
"Sun2": "Hey.#$b#Have you seen Alex?",
"Sun4": "Sometimes I wish Emily would just treat me like she treats everyone else.#$e#She doesn't care what other people do with their lives, but if it's something I do, she gets all up in my business.$u#$e#I don't know...",
"Sun6": "I'm thinking about donating a bunch of clothes... I must have a hundred pairs of shoes.",
"Sun4_inlaw_Emily": "The house is so empty and quiet without Emily around.",
"Sun8_inlaw_Emily": "The house is so empty and quiet without Emily around. I never thought I'd miss her this much.$s#$b#But are you guys doing well?",
"Sun10_inlaw_Emily": "The house is so empty and quiet without Emily around. I get so lonely.$s#$e#Why don't you come by?$l",
"summer_Mon2": "Pretty much everyone who talks to Emily says she's weird.#$e#Some of the clothes she makes are nice, but why would you wear them when there are a ton of perfectly good brands out there?",
"summer_Mon4": "I'm going to get such a nice tan this summer.",
"summer_Mon6": "I should start reading some books instead of magazines.#$e#It's good to learn things, isn't it?#$e#I only ever look at the pictures.",
"summer_Tue2": "Do you wear those clothes every day?",
"summer_Tue4": "$p 47#Hey I found this new tool to open jars with. So you won't need to help me anymore.$h|There's not a cloud in the sky today.$h",
"summer_Tue8": "I guess living in the country isn't so bad.#$e#If I lived in the city I might start to miss all the trees.#$e#@, I think I've been hanging out with you too much.$h",
"summer_Wed4": "It's so hot today!#$e#I wish I had some ice cream.$s",
"summer_Wed6": "Hey, I'm sorry if I was rude to you when we first met.$s#$e#You're actually really nice. I just didn't understand why anyone would choose to move here.$s",
"summer_Wed10": "Oh, I was just about to reapply my sunscreen. Can you help?$h#$e#I just need some right between my shoulder blades. Go ahead. Don't be shy.",
"summer_Thu2": "Alex could teach you a thing or two about staying in shape, just FYI.^Oh, hey. This might seem blunt? But Alex told me to let you know... that he's not interested. Just in case you were wondering.",
"summer_Thu4": "If you stay in the sun a lot it'll make your hair lighter.#$e#It's a good thing to know!",
"summer_Thu6": "If you stay in the sun a lot it will make your hair lighter... But you don't want to get sunburnt, either.#$e#I just want a healthy amount of sunlight. Everything in moderation, right?",
"summer_Fri4": "For girls, shopping actually releases healthy chemicals into the brain. Did you know about that?#$e#A lot of guys just don't get that.^You should try it sometime.",
"summer_Fri8": "I heard back from one of my friends who moved to Zuzu City a few years back. It doesn't sound as glamorous as I'd thought.#$e#She's working like crazy and can barely afford the rent. It's sad, but it actually makes me grateful to live in Pelican Town.",
"summer_Fri10": "Oh, hi @!#$e#Do you like kids?$l",
"summer_Sat": "Farming sounds so boring...#$q 142/143 summer_Sat_old#What do you even do all day?#$r 142 10 summer_Sat_12#Care for plants#$r 142 10 summer_Sat_12#Explore the caves#$r 143 -10 summer_Sat_13#Snoop around in your room#$r 142 10 summer_Sat_12#Dig for treasure",
"summer_Sat6": "It seems like a good day to go swimming.",
"summer_Sat10": "Rowr. Well I thought this day couldn't get any hotter.$l#$e#What have you been thinking about today?$l",
"summer_Sun2": "So you're still not bored with that farm?#$e#Sure, okay. You do you.",
"summer_Sun4": "Emily usually cooks dinner... But she makes weird stuff like quinoa.",
"summer_Sun_inlaw_Emily": "Oh... hey.",
"summer_Sun4_inlaw_Emily": "Has Emily been cooking for you? I kind of miss her cooking. It was actually really good.$s",
"summer_Sun6_inlaw_Emily": "First my parents leave, and now Emily, too. I just...$s#$e#It's a lot, you know?$s#$e#I'm sorry. I know it's selfish of me.$s",
"summer_Sun8_inlaw_Emily": "Hey. How's my sister?#$e#I've been getting along okay. It's been an adjustment.",
"summer_Sun10_inlaw_Emily": "The house is so empty and quiet without Emily around. I get so lonely.$s#$e#Why don't you come by?$l",
"fall_Mon2": "If I lived in the city, I wouldn't have to worry about slimy leaves and mud everywhere you go.",
"fall_Mon4": "It's gross when all these fallen leaves get slimy.",
"fall_Mon6": "$p 48#Did I ever tell you I found another one of my great-grandma's bracelets in the attic?|See this bracelet? It belonged to my great-grandmother.#$e#She was a really interesting lady.",
"fall_Mon10": "@, I'm happy to see you today.$h",
"fall_Tue2": "Something smells earthy...#$b#Oh, right. You work on a farm.",
"fall_Tue4": "Do you have baby bunnies on your farm? Bunnies are SO cute! <",
"fall_Tue8": "I'm starting to like the smell of dirt. Isn't that weird?#$e#I think it's because you're around all the time.$h",
"fall_Wed4": "If you're ever bored, come say hi.",
"fall_Wed6": "I've been experimenting with a slow-speed shutter lately. It gives the fall colors that sort of 'bloom' effect.",
"fall_Wed8": "If you're ever bored, come say hi.$h",
"fall_Thu4": "Glitter lipstick is life.#$e#Don't try to deny this objective fact.#$e#*giggle*$11",
"fall_Thu6": "Shopping just doesn't sound as fun as it used to.#$e#What's happening to me?#$e#Hmm...",
"fall_Fri4": "You look like you've been doing a lot of hard work.#$b#Why don't you take the rest of the day off?",
"fall_Fri8": "I got some good shots of salmon jumping out of the water. It takes a lot of patience to get it just right.#$e#Is that what fishing is kind of like?",
"fall_Fri10": "Hey sexy.#$e#I was just thinking about you.#$e#Miss you.$l",
"fall_Sat8": "Maybe I'll try a little watercolor painting today. It'll be fun to do something creative.#$e#I have lots of photos I can use for inspiration, too.",
"fall_Sun10": "I don't think I'd be very happy in this town without you, @. So, thank you.#$e#Seriously, I'll do anything for you if you need it.$l",
"fall_Sun_inlaw_Emily": "Oh... hey.",
"fall_Sun4_inlaw_Emily": "So... how's my sister?",
"fall_Sun6_inlaw_Emily": "First my parents leave, and now Emily, too. I just...$s#$e#It's a lot, you know?$s#$e#I'm sorry. I know it's selfish of me.$s",
"fall_Sun8_inlaw_Emily": "I've had to change my habits a lot to keep the house in shape.#$e#I mean, you've seen it, right? I'm not doing a bad job, am I?",
"fall_Sun10_inlaw_Emily": "The house is so empty and quiet without Emily around. I get so lonely.$s#$e#Why don't you come by?$l",
"winter_Mon6": "A little fresh coconut would make me feel like I'm someplace warmer.#$e#Plus, there's this special volumizing treatment I read about that uses coconut oil. I've tried it a few times and it's the best.",
"winter_Mon8": "I wish it were warmer here in Stardew Valley.#$e#I could move somewhere else, but...",
"winter_Tue6": "Hmm. It's too cold to take any good photos right now.$u#$e#Snow is pretty, but my fingers would freeze.",
"winter_Tue10": "Alex and I have had kind of an on-again off-again thing since we were kids.$u#$e#He's a good guy, but we're much better off as just friends.#$e#...So you don't have to worry about a thing.$l",
"winter_Wed": "I wish someone would bring me a peppermint coffee.$s#$e#Don't even bother, I know you won't be able to make one.",
"winter_Wed4": "Hmm. What brand is your shirt?#$e#Oh. Um, nevermind.",
"winter_Thu": "I'm going to start writing a list of all the clothes I need for next spring.",
"winter_Fri": "Do you have a pony on your farm?$h#$e#Oh. That's disappointing...$s",
"winter_Fri6": "How do you get everything all organized on that farm? Like, how did you even start?#$e#It's so crazy to me that you can just do that.",
"winter_Fri10": "I never thought I'd say this, but I actually think it's really cool that you live on a farm. I wish I did, too.#$e#I just keep thinking about it'll look like when all of the plants bloom again in the spring.#$e#And thinking about you in the middle of the field... that's the best part.",
"winter_Sat": "The only good thing about winter is that I get to sleep more.#$e#I like at least 10 hours of sleep every night.",
"winter_Sat2": "Oohhh, I'm so sleepy.$s#$e#Oh well. At least it feels good to sleep in each day.#$e#You've got raccoon eyes. Are you okay?",
"winter_Sat4": "The only good thing about winter is that I get to sleep more.#$e#I like at least 10 hours of sleep every night.",
"winter_Sat6": "The snow was all rainbow-twinkly this morning. I got some good macro shots.#$e#Then I went back to bed.",
"winter_Sun": "Will you say hi to Alex for me?#$e#Thanks.",
"winter_Sun6": "Um, if you see Alex could you tell him I'm busy today?#$e#Thanks.",
"winter_Sun_inlaw_Emily": "Oh... hey.",
"winter_Sun4_inlaw_Emily": "I'm just going to come on out and say it. I really miss Emily. I didn't think I would, but I do.",
"winter_Sun6_inlaw_Emily": "What am I supposed to do with myself these days?$a",
"winter_Sun8_inlaw_Emily": "I've started thinking about my future a bit more.#$e#I always thought someone nice would come and sweep me off my feet, but it looks like Emily was the lucky one between the two of us.$s",
"winter_Sun10_inlaw_Emily": "The house is so empty and quiet without Emily around. I get so lonely.$s#$e#Why don't you come by?$l",
"1_2": "I think this year, I need to keep working on my photography.#$e#Any new year's resolutions for you?",
"summer_12": "Did you see Emily yesterday at the Luau? So ridiculous.$11",
"fall_1": "It's fall already?$s",
"winter_28": "Finally. I was thinking this cold weather would never end.#$e#Just have to wait for all this slush to finish melting.",
"summer_12_2": "Did you see Emily yesterday at the Luau? So ridiculous.$11",
"winter_28_2": "Finally. I was thinking this cold weather would never end.#$e#Just have to wait for all this slush to finish melting.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogueHaley",
"Rainy_Day_0": "#$c .5#Ohh, I had plans to go outside today...$s#I've changed a lot over the years, but I still prefer sunny weather.",
"Rainy_Day_1": "#$c .5#Getting old someday is kind of scary. I'm just glad I'll have you with me.#Sometimes I daydream about our retirement... relaxing on the sunny beaches of the Fern Islands!#$e#Do you ever think about the future?",
"Rainy_Day_2": "Good morning! I got up early and baked something sweet for you! [223 234 211 651 731]#$e#$c .5#I wonder if I could work as a baker? ...But maybe it wouldn't be as fun. I like baking for you.#I know you're strong, but you still need to eat well to stay at your best!$h",
"Rainy_Day_3": "#$c .5#I can't go outside today... my hair will go limp. Forgive me, dear.$s#$e#I want to look my best for you.",
"Rainy_Day_4": "#$c .5#Oh no... If this weather keeps up I'll get so pale.$s#Are you going out in this weather? Just make sure to wipe your boots on the way back in, honey.#$e#I'll just stay here and do some housework.",
"patio_Haley": "#$c .5#Say 'goat cheese'!#I'm documenting our time here on this farm. Today's another memory in the making!",
"Rainy_Night_0": "#$c .5#Oh, I'm glad you're back. It's so cold in here by myself... Are you almost ready to shut off the lights?#*giggle* When you get soaked in the rain, it's gross, but it's also kind of hot to see you trudge in like that.$11",
"Rainy_Night_1": "#$c .5#How do you handle the rain like you do? Ugh, I would die.#I hope it's nice and sunny tomorrow morning. Too much rain can make me moody.$s",
"Rainy_Night_2": "#$c .5#Oh, thank goodness! I thought I might not see you until the morning.#I hope Emily isn't too lonely all by herself. I should visit her again soon.$7",
"Rainy_Night_3": "#$c .5#Today was kind of a drag for me. Sorry if I'm no fun.$s#Rain is horrible for a photographer. The lighting is awful, and you can't go outside without ruining your equipment!$s",
"Rainy_Night_4": "#$c .5#Cooking helped pass the time today. It just took a little effort to get started. [727 231 207 199]#I made a hot meal for you, honey. Lots of spice, just how you like it. Enjoy! [727 231 207 199]$h",
"Indoor_Day_0": "Good morning! Did you sleep well?$h#$e#$c .5#I don't need as much sleep as much as I used to, before I met you. I don't know what that's all about.#I think I might break out the old camera today... the lighting is just perfect.",
"Indoor_Day_1": "Good morning, dear! Smells good, doesn't it? I made you breakfast! [194 195 210 211 216]#$e#$c .5#Cooking's a lot more fun when you've got someone to cook for.$11#I know you're busy with your work. I'm here to support you in any way I can!",
"Indoor_Day_2": "#$c .5#Morning, sunshine! You still look a little sleepy.$h#Did you sleep okay? You were snoring a little.$h#$e#I've got some chores to do in here. Have a good day.",
"Indoor_Day_3": "#$c .5#I'm glad I've learned to enjoy cleaning! The house gets dirty very easily. It's satisfying to get everything squeaky clean.#I hope today's not too busy of a day. We should spend some time with each other.#$e#Can I have a kiss before you leave?$11",
"Indoor_Day_4": "#$c .5#I felt like I had no direction in life before I met you. Now I have exactly what I want.$l#Good morning, dear. Another day of farm chores, huh? I'll be thinking of you. <$h",
"Indoor_Night_0": "#$c .5#You look like you've been working hard, dear. Let me help you de-stress.$l#I never thought I'd say this, but the country lifestyle really suits me.$h",
"Indoor_Night_1": "#$c .5#Good evening, honey. Anything you need from me to help you unwind?$l#Thanks for being a domestic wife. I know I'm a bit traditional that way, but I really like it.",
"Indoor_Night_2": "Oh good, you're back!<$h#$e#$c .5#This is probably my favorite time of the day.$l#How was your day?",
"Indoor_Night_3": "#$c .5#Oh, that smell? I just put on a little fleur de cerisier perfume before you came in. I hope you like it.#Good evening, honey. When do you want to head to bed?$l",
"Indoor_Night_4": "#$c .5#Dinner's ready! I hope you're hungry![727 231 207 199 197 212 208]$h#This recipe took a while to make, but it was a really fun one. Dig in! [727 231 207 199 197 212 208]$h",
"Outdoor_0": "I always feel best when I'm outside, breathing fresh air.#$e#$c .5#You know what I mean, right? Like, look at you. You're always outside.#Don't get me wrong, your grandpa's old cottage is very nice! But nothing beats this beautiful landscape.",
"Outdoor_1": "#$c .5#I'm going to give Emily a call today. I just need to wait until she gets up.#We've got to make sure the farm is cute! That might be important... right, honey?",
"Outdoor_2": "#$c .5#Is today going to be another busy day?#Hi, honey! If I knew more about farm work I'd help you out more. Sorry!#$e#I'll be thinking of you.$h",
"Outdoor_3": "#$c .5#I used to be so bored with this town. But once you learn how to stop and appreciate things, not really that bad.#I'm just going to do some dusting over here. That should help you out, right?",
"Outdoor_4": "#$c .5#Looks like a good day to work on my tan, don't you think, sweetheart?#Don't overwork yourself, dear. Make sure and take a break every now and then, or get something to eat.",
"Outdoor_Haley": "#$c .5#Looks like a good day to work on my tan, don't you think, sweetheart?",
"funLeave_Haley": "#$c .5#Well, I can't hang around here the whole week. Today's my day to get out.#I'm going to socialize in town for a bit today.",
"funReturn_Haley": "#$c .5#Everyone's so much nicer to me these days. It's probably because I'm nicer to them, too.$h#It was nice seeing everyone in town. Did you have a good day, dear?",
"OneKid_3": "#$c .5#*sniff* I'm not crying 'cause I'm sad. I'm crying 'cause... I just- didn't- know- ...I could love our baby so much. *sniff*$s#Isn't it strange? I'm not used to being a mother.",
"TwoKids_2": "#$c .5#Watch out for those babies! Here comes the cute brigade!$h#Isn't %kid2 a very good-looking baby?",
"TwoKids_3": "#$c .5#Two kids later and I've kept my figure. Not to boast or anything, but...$h^One more positive thing about adopting? We both got to keep our figures.$h#A big house, two kids, and a beautiful plot of land. I'm not sure what else I could ask for.",
"spring_8": "I have to admit I was a bit of a drama queen when I was younger.#$e#Okay, maybe a pretty big drama queen.$h#$e#But it's just crazy to think about. Those teenage years are like something out of someone else's life. They're so distant now.",
"spring_14": "I hope you don't mind it if I still say hi to Alex during the festivals.#$e#It's a small town, so I feel like we've all got to be friends.",
"spring_22": "There are a lot of pretty flowers out there! I wouldn't mind if you brought some home so I could decorate my hair for later this week...",
"spring_23": "What? Of course we're still young enough for the flower dance. Don't be silly.$h#$e#And I'm looking forward to showing the whole town how proud I am to be with you.",
"spring_28": "I hope we make some good memories this summer. What are you looking forward to?",
"summer_6": "You know, one kind of funny thing about not spending every day with Alex anymore... I don't have to listen to him talk nonstop about sports.",
"summer_8": "If you get too hot out there, why don't you come looking for me? We'll spend some time in the shade.",
"summer_12": "I like dancing, but when Emily does her thing at the luau, it's actually more fun for me just to watch.",
"summer_22": "Want me to wear anything sexy tonight?#$e#Hah, like that's even a question, right?$h",
"summer_27": "The Moonlight Jellies are tomorrow night. Can we call it a date?",
"fall_3": "Well, there we go! I just had to bake something to pull me out of the fall blues. Here, give it a try. [223 234 211 651 731]",
"fall_8": "With the colors outside, I don't want to miss the opportunity for some good photos.#$e#Maybe I can do some watercolor painting, too. I just need to stay creative.",
"fall_13": "It's time to renew my subscription to 'Fashion Girl.' I have to remember to do that today.#$e#I know, I'm getting a little old for them. But what's wrong with a little teenage-years nostalgia?",
"fall_22": "Brr... it's actually pretty cold this morning. I'd almost expect it to snow soon.$s",
"fall_28": "I think I saw a few snowflakes this morning. It's always so magical to see the first ones of the year.",
"winter_8": "I wanna drop by my darkroom today. I've got some photos to develop.#$e#Plus, it wouldn't be bad to check in on Emily. It's almost like I'm the big sister now, in certain ways.",
"winter_22": "That was fun, getting up in the middle of the night like that and watching a movie.$h#$e#I'm a little sleepy, but it was worth it.#$e#Besides, it's not like either of us was sleeping well, anyway.",
"winter_24": "The Feast is tomorrow! What are you hoping to find under that tree?$h",
"winter_28": "Happy new year, almost! I baked a pie for tonight. [222 608]$h#$e#Maybe you can get something to drink, and we'll have ourselves a little celebration.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Harvey",
"Mon4": "It's important to make sure you keep up a hobby outside of your regular work.#$q 080/081/082/083 Mon_old#What's your biggest hobby outside of farming, @?#$r 080 5 Mon_080#Fishing#$r 081 5 Mon_081#Socializing#$r 082 5 Mon_082#Home decor#$r 083 -50 Mon_083#Binge drinking",
"Mon_old": "$p 083#As your doctor, I have to ask, have you found a healthy outlet that doesn't involve alcohol?|Without a little variety, it becomes easy to burn yourself out. I'm glad you have a healthy outlet.",
"Mon_080": "Is that so? Yes, well, this is a great region for fishing.$h#$b#Plus, I imagine you could fix some great meals with your catches.",
"Mon_081": "Ah, good! It helps to be in good company. We are social animals, after all.$h#$b#I could probably do with a little more social time, myself.",
"Mon_082": "Sounds interesting. A house is not a home without a bit of personality, right?",
"Mon_083": "Ohhh... that's...$s#$b#I didn't expect you to say that. Can I give you a number for a support group?",
"Mon6": "A lot of my patients have become more accustomed to me.#$b#Appointments are less stressful when there's a sense of trust in the room.",
"Mon8": "I'd like to stay in Stardew Valley for a while. I'm finally starting to feel involved in the community.#$e#It feels good to know that you're useful.",
"Tue2": "Dairy products are healthy for small children in moderation, but it's actually a good idea for adults to limit milk and cheese.#$e#Fish is good to eat on a regular basis for the health of your brain.",
"Tue4": "It's important for the examination room to remain confidential, so please don't linger too long if I'm busy seeing a patient.#$e#It's nice to see you, though.",
"Tue6": "A lot of my job comes down to paperwork. If I worked in a big hospital, a secretary would do a lot of it for me.#$e#It's still easier here, in the long-run. I get the occasional afternoon off.",
"Tue8": "Oh, @, hello!$h#$b#I guess our clinic has come to have a more laid-back atmosphere than most doctor's offices. You can just drop in.#$e#Everyone seems okay with it. That's just an element of the unique personality of our town.",
"Tue10": "Don't overwork yourself, @. Doctor's orders!#$e#Your health is important to me.$l",
"Wed": "Remember to cover your mouth when you sneeze.#$e#Then make sure to wash your hands.",
"Wed2": "It's good to get out for a walk every now and then. I wish I could get outside more, myself.#$e#That's not really a problem for you though, is it?$h",
"Thu2": "Fermented foods are great for the digestive system. Not everyone's a fan, but humans all over the world survived on them for millennia.#$e#As such, our bodies are still dependent on them for the probiotics.",
"Thu4": "Sorry if I've ever sounded patronizing with my medical advice. It's my job to remind people of basic care habits.#$e#I wish it weren't necessary, but the statistics show that an alarming number of people don't take the advice we all received as schoolchildren.",
"Thu6": "All of my patients' medical records are strictly confidential. I hope you understand why I can't always chat about how my day went.",
"Thu10": "It's a lot of work, being a doctor. I don't eat as well as I should.$s#$e#If I didn't live alone I think it would be easier.$l",
"Fri2": "The doctor who worked here before me must have been around when Pelican Town still had its mining operation.#$b#There must have been a lot of respiratory problems that he had to deal with. I can only imagine.$s",
"Fri8": "Sometimes it's a challenge trying to balance the roles of 'doctor' and 'neighbor' with the other townsfolk.#$e#I'll still take it over the anonymity of only seeing most patients once a year, though.",
"Sat": "Today's my day off, but I figure I shouldn't stay cooped up all day.",
"Sat2": "Can I do anything for you?#$e#Take care.",
"Sat6": "I usually stay inside on Saturdays to work on my hobbies.#$e#Also, sometimes it's a bit exhausting to be in public all week, when the town views me with a very specific role in mind...",
"Sat8": "@! How nice of you to stop and say hello!#$e#It's been a quiet but fascinating day for me. I've been reading up on some more famous pilots.",
"Sun": "When I'm at the clinic, feel free to come around behind the counter if want to talk about anything non-business related.#$e#That's the benefit of working in a small town.",
"Sun2": "Hmm... I'm struggling to make ends meet. I don't have enough patients.#$e#I guess I should try to get patients from the neighboring towns...",
"Sun4": "Our government provides a small pension for the routine checkups I do on all the villagers, but the rest of my income is commission based.#$e#Yes, it's no secret that our nation's healthcare system needs reform, but I went to med school to be a healer rather than a politician.",
"Sun10": "The closest I ever came to giving up on medicine was during the pediatric rotation of my residency, in the trauma center.$s#$e#It was... a lot to handle.$s#$b#But I'm glad I pushed onward, to care for those who need it. What else is there to do?",
"summer_Tue": "It's okay to get a moderate amount of sunlight. Just don't get burnt.#$e#Okay. Take care! Stay healthy.",
"summer_Tue2": "Be sure to keep hydrated when you're working out in the field.#$e#Wearing a hat is a good idea, too.",
"summer_Tue4": "Do you have any bees on your farm? There's strong evidence to suggest that local honey does mitigate allergy symptoms.",
"summer_Tue8": "Eight years of med school were like one continuous blur. Ever since I moved here, I actually feel like I can slow down again.#$e#I should have some time to head outside tomorrow.$h#$e#Not every doctor gets that luxury.",
"summer_Thu2": "Maru is a great help around here. I think she could be very successful pursuing medicine as a career.#$e#Of course, she's quite gifted in other sciences, too. Who knows where she'll end up.",
"summer_Thu6": "I have to be more or less specialized in all forms of medicine to be able to open my own practice.#$e#I trained in general medicine, but sometimes I call up a specialist if I need a second opinion.",
"summer_Thu10": "I somewhat expected my life as a singleton to be permanent.#$e#Meeting you here in Stardew Valley... it's enough to make even someone like me feel a sense of destiny about the whole thing.",
"summer_Fri2": "It's less common to get a cold during the summer, but they can be extra persistent. Keep taking good care, @.",
"summer_Fri4": "People don't get sick much during the summer. That's nice, but it also means less business for me.",
"summer_Fri6": "You really should avoid the mines, @. It's one thing if there's a team-based operation with onsite medical staff...#$b#...but to go in there alone? That worries me.#$e#Well, all I can do is give professional advice. The choice is ultimately yours.",
"summer_Fri10": "I went into this profession anticipating that it might be dehumanizing.#$e#What I've found has been quite the opposite.$l",
"fall_Sat": "Have you been going into the mines, @?#$e#It's a dangerous place. I recommend against it.",
"fall_Sat4": "It was a bit strange, at first, to move into an apartment directly above my workplace.#$e#I'll never have a better commute, though!$h",
"fall_Sat6": "I heard from an old colleague of mine. He sounded like he wanted to open a small countryside practice.#$e#He's paid quite well in the city where he works now, but his free time is almost nonexistent.",
"fall_Sat8": "I believe in a system of morality in which care is the only good and harm is the only evil.#$e#I think that's why I became a doctor, but I didn't quite learn to phrase it that way until a couple of years into med school.#$e#I just want to reduce the amount of suffering in the world.#$e#What drives you, @?",
"fall_Sat10": "What, me and Maru? No, of course not.$h#$e#She's a beautiful young woman, and Demetrius seemed pleased with the prospect, but it wouldn't have worked out.#$b#Where even to begin...?$l",
"fall_Fri": "When you eat certain foods you'll perform better.#$e#Eating a 'Farmer's Lunch' will give you the nutrition you need to water and harvest crops better!",
"fall_Fri4": "When you eat certain foods you'll perform better.#$e#Eating a 'Survival Burger' will give you the nutrition you need to forage edible plants and wood better!",
"fall_Fri6": "When you eat certain foods you'll perform better.#$e#Eating a 'Red Plate' will give you an extra boost of energy beyond what you normally have.",
"fall_Fri8": "When you eat certain foods you'll perform better.#$e#'Lobster Bisque' is quite a luxurious dish. I suppose it would make anyone feel ready to fish up a record-breaking catch!",
"fall_Fri10": "When you eat certain foods you'll perform better.#$e#'Lucky Lunch' is a bizarre dish, but I feel like I have no need for it when I'm around you.$l",
"winter_Wed8": "I've heard stories from my colleagues about iridium miners who wind up in the hospital in critical condition.#$e#Some of them don't make it. I don't think I've heard of a more dangerous profession.$s",
"winter_Wed10": "@, if you go into the mines, that's one thing...$s#$b#...but if you get seriously hurt, please consider how it affects those around you.$s",
"winter_Sat10": "*Sigh*... I'm starting to feel kind of old...#$e#The older you get the more memories you're burdened with. It can be overwhelming.$s#$e#I think I'll stay younger with you around.$l",
"winter_Sun4": "The Gotoro Emptire has quite an advanced system for providing healthcare to its citizens.#$b#But for obvious reasons, you couldn't pay me enough to move there.$h",
"winter_Sun8": "It seems like you never catch any illnesses, @.#$e#Be thankful for that strong immune system!$h",
"1_2": "Happy new year, @!$h#$b#It's a great day for a fresh start.",
"spring_12": "It's interesting how Pelican Town's first festival of the calendar year is also one of the more bizarre.#$e#Hey, that's not a complaint, though.$h",
"spring_23": "My old med school colleagues wouldn't believe that I literally dance in front of my patients.#$e#Well, technically it's not a part of the job description. But in choosing to live here, it might as well be.$h",
"summer_10": "I really hope nobody gets sick from the communal soup at tomorrow's luau.#$e#Potentially, it's a disaster waiting to happen. But this town sure loves its traditions.",
"winter_7": "With everyone outside in the cold tomorrow? No, I'm not worried. No more than usual, anyway.#$e#The cold weather itself isn't what causes the illness. People should still bundle up, though.",
"winter_28": "So... by the time this coming year ends, I'll be... how old? Hm.$s",
"spring_12_2": "Well, tomorrow's egg festival should be enjoyable, don't you think?",
"spring_23_2": "My old med school colleagues wouldn't believe that I literally dance in front of my patients.#$e#Well, technically it's not a part of the job description. But in choosing to live here, it might as well be.$h",
"summer_10_2": "I really hope nobody gets sick from the communal soup at tomorrow's luau.#$e#Potentially, it's a disaster waiting to happen. But this town sure loves its traditions.",
"winter_7_2": "With everyone outside in the cold tomorrow? No, I'm not worried. No more than usual, anyway.#$e#The cold weather itself isn't what causes the illness. People should still bundle up, though.",
"winter_28_2": "So... by the time this coming year ends, I'll be... how old? Hm.$s",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogueHarvey",
"Rainy_Day_0": "#c .5#Do you think you'd consider wearing a raincoat today?#It's a myth that rainy weather causes the flu. However, take care that you don't slip on the mud!#$e#I often worry about you.",
"Rainy_Day_1": "#c .5#It was so incredibly lonely living above the clinic by myself... I'm much happier now.$h#Now how on earth did I become such a morning person? Before med school, I'd never be awake at this hour. Yet here we are!",
"Rainy_Day_2": "#c .5#I woke up early, but I made sure not to wake you. You looked so peaceful.#Ohh... I know if I offer you a raincoat, you'll just say no, won't you?$s",
"Rainy_Day_3": "I don't mind the rain. Sure, I can't watch the planes go by, but I can still listen to the radio chatter.#$e#$c .5#I just hope the pilots are staying safe if they're up there in the clouds.#It makes the whole thing a little more mysterious.",
"Rainy_Day_4": "#c .5#I have a backlog of house chores I want to complete today. I've got plenty to keep me busy!#Any requests for chores today? I was going to sleep, but what else needs doing?",
"Rainy_Night_0": "#c .5#How was your day, honey? I was going to do the dishes but I got absorbed in the latest issue of \"Knee Surgery Enthusiast\".#Just a little secret, but... I had a couple pieces of candy this evening. Everything in moderation, including moderation, right?$l",
"patio_Harvey": "#$c .5#You know, this 'journal of tendon dynamics' is actually bearable when I'm reading out here.#There's always something new for me to be learning. Especially when there are no specialists in town.",
"Rainy_Night_1": "#$c .5#If you're enjoying life, who cares if it's a little repetitive? That's what I say.#There are thousands of little processes in the body that keep us alive. I used to worry myself at night, wondering what would happen if one malfunctioned, but not anymore.$h",
"Rainy_Night_2": "#$c .5#You look a little soggy, dear. Why don't you warm yourself by the fire?#Hey... Let's go to bed early...$l",
"Rainy_Night_3": "#$c .5#The sound of rain gives our minds something to focus on, so we're not distracted by random thoughts. That's my theory for why it's so soothing...#",
"Rainy_Night_4": "#$c .5#I'll never forget the latter half of our balloon ride. Hmmm... What do you say we...$l#I took it easy today... spent some time reading books, fiddled with my radio, and worked on a model airplane.#$e#It's important to take a day off now and then to relax... stress is unhealthy.",
"Indoor_Day_0": "I think we're all striving to reach some kind of balance in life. An equilibrium of complexity.#$e#$c .5#For one thing, just taking the walk into work helps me a lot. I got so lazy when I just had to roll out of bed and head downstairs.#For me, moving here was exactly what my body needed to find that balance.$l",
"Indoor_Day_1": "Good morning! I made you a nutritious breakfast.[201]#$e#$c .5#That's about as balanced a breakfast as you can get. Especially with your active lifestyle.#Eggs are a good source of essential nutrients, so eat up.",
"Indoor_Day_2": "#$c .5#This is really nice. I actually have some free time today. That wouldn't be the case if I worked in a big hospital.#I'm going to study the medical literature today. It's important for me to keep up-to-date so I can give my patients the best care possible!",
"Indoor_Day_3": "#$c .5#I'm going to listen to some jazz music and finalize my medical reports today. What do you have planned?#I can't say I miss medical school too much. What we have here is so much better.$h",
"Indoor_Day_4": "#$c .5#I was afraid of you when we first met. It's funny to think about now that we've come so far.$h#Any household chores that need doing today? I was going to dust and sweep. ...Oh, and do you think the kitchen could use a little scrubbing?",
"Indoor_Night_0": "#$c .5#I got in a little bit of exercise today. Did you? ...Er, well, of course you did.#You look exhausted, dear. Let me give you a massage tonight. I promise it will reduce the inflammation in your muscle tissue!$l",
"Indoor_Night_1": "I made us a nice healthy dinner. Only fresh, wholesome ingredients from the valley! [212 214 225 209 200]$h#$e#$c .5#This is one of my favorites. Enjoy!#Just make sure to eat a reasonable portion, dear.",
"Indoor_Night_2": "#$c .5#Good evening... did you finish everything you needed to do today?#$e#Don't worry about me. I'm very self-sufficient. If you have more work to do go right ahead.",
"Indoor_Night_3": "#$c .5#It's stressful to be a doctor, so it's really great to live somewhere as relaxing as %farm Farm.#Sometimes, my brain turns on at this hour. I've developed a pretty good habit, though, of resisting staying up late. ...Care to join me?",
"Indoor_Night_4": "#c .5#Oh! I was just daydreaming about the circulatory system and forgot what I was trying to do. It's a classic doctor's problem.#Thank you for letting me dote on you like I do. It's actually a really important outlet for me.",
"Outdoor_0": "#c .5#This is a very safe spot. You go on ahead and take care of business, don't worry about me.#This farm is pretty well hidden from the highway. I bet not too many people even know about it.",
"Outdoor_1": "#c .5#I believe this must be the ideal place to raise children, scientifically. What do you think?#The valley must be a pretty well kept secret. With the seasons and vegetation we get, I'm surprised it isn't more fully developed.",
"Outdoor_2": "#c .5#I may not be the most exciting guy, but I'll stay loyal to you for the rest of my life.$l#This is perfect. The sun's not too bright yet, and I don't even need my sunglasses.",
"Outdoor_3": "#c .5#Honey, I just wanted to say... you... you mean the world to me.$l#Would I get mornings like this, living just about anywhere else? ...I don't think so.$h",
"Outdoor_4": "#c .5#As a scientist I'm fascinated by the delicate interplay of insect and plant life.#Hey! Excited for another day? Just look out there; there's loads of potential.$h",
"OneKid_0": "#c .5#I'll make sure our little one gets the best medical treatment possible. Don't you worry 'bout a thing.#You and %kid1 are the most important parts of my life.",
"OneKid_1": "#c .5#I have to say, having my own child would have made my rotation in the pediatric trauma center a lot harder.$s#Little %kid1 is going to have the perfect childhood here. We're really fortunate to have this opportunity.",
"OneKid_3": "#c .5#I'm a healer of human life, but to be a co-creator of human life? This is a whole new level.$h#So far, I really like being a father!$h",
"TwoKids_0": "#c .5#Let's see... kids fed, diapers changed... I think we're good for a little play time now!$h#I already gave %kid1 and %kid2 their breakfasts. I'm trying to teach them to enjoy healthy food!",
"TwoKids_1": "#c .5#I believe a child should be allowed to play and explore to their heart's content. You're only a kid once.#The kids enjoy playing with my model airplanes. They get 'em a bit drooly, but that's okay.$h",
"TwoKids_2": "#c .5#The kids were playing with my stethoscope earlier. Both of them have healthy heartbeats!#Maybe %kid2 will grow up to become a pilot, like I never could?",
"TwoKids_3": "My life is devoted to you and the children now, and I'm very happy about it. I always dreamed of having a wonderful family.$l#$e#I had nightmares of being a bachelor forever.... I love you so much.$l",
"funLeave_Harvey": "#c .5#I'm going for a walk today. There's a lot of medical literature I need to catch up on, and I'll work better if I'm not cooped up.#I think I'll take a little walk today. I need to unwind.",
"funReturn_Harvey": "#c .5#Oh! Good timing. I just got home, too. How was your day?#I had a nice day. It's refreshing to spend some time alone now and then. Did you have a good day, honey?",
"spring_2": "Well, time for another year of work to begin! I hope everyone's been taking good care of themselves.",
"spring_9": "How are the crops coming along out there? I'm really craving some fresh produce.#$e#Or... how about something pickled? Do we have any pickles? ",
"spring_16": "I still get a little shy around the other villagers.$s#$b#Don't get me wrong... I love Pelican Town and I love knowing all my patients' faces, but it's easier for me to be a doctor than a neighbor.#$e#Sometimes it's tough to switch back and forth between roles.",
"spring_25": "Seeing you dash around with all that energy has actually motivated me to exercise more than I used to.#$e#No more dance aerobics for me. Gosh... That wasn't exactly my favorite chapter from my bachelor years.$l",
"summer_4": "The weather reports are already saying next week's going to be hotter, even if it rains. Be careful out there!#$e#Oh, I trust you'll be fine. Just... allow me this?$l",
"summer_16": "For me, providing care and avoiding harm... That's the end-goal. THE purpose. Nothing else comes after that.#$e#I mulled it over for months during my first year in med school, and I still do. No other answer manages to make sense to me quite as much as that.",
"summer_17": "Honey, of course, I don't demand that you have the exact same moral philosophy that I do.$h#$b#You love me, and I love you, and that's all I need from you.$l",
"summer_23": "Ooh, I've got a nasty mosquito bite that's just getting worse and worse.$s#$e#I don't get many of these, so when I do, they're really a pain. My body's not accustomed to them.",
"fall_4": "I have an oath not to share medical records with anyone. And yes, that even means you.#$e#Well, at least you know I'm good at keeping promises.$h#$b#And of course, I have a lifelong promise to keep to you.$l",
"fall_9": "I love my morning commute to work!$h#$e#Hah... If you can call it a \"commute.\"",
"fall_11": "I'm strangely nostalgic for some Urban Simulator 2000. I haven't really played any video games for years, but that one had me hooked when I was a kid.",
"fall_18": "When I get to the end of my career someday, the entirety of medicine will be completely different.#$e#Stem cell treatments, AI-driven surgeries, gene therapy... What we use now will look downright ancient!",
"winter_11": "Ooooh, it's so cold today. I could really use a hot cup of coffee... Do we have any?$s",
"winter_16": "When you opened that letter from your grandfather... you know, the one you told me about?#$b#It's strange to think how I didn't even know you then, but that moment changed the direction of my life forever.$l#$e#It makes you think... what else is going on in the world right now, that we don't know about, but will change our lives forever?",
"winter_24": "Ohhh, the Feast is tomorrow! I can't wait!$h#$e#Who, me? Feasting? Well, \"Everything in moderation,\" they say... \"Including moderation.\"",
"winter_26": "Hah! Look what was left over and completely unguarded at the Feast! [348]$h#$e#Let's open it tonight. Sorry, I know it's early. I just couldn't wait to show you.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Jas",
"Mon2": "So you live next door, right?$u",
"Mon6": "What's Zuzu city like? I've never been.",
"Mon8": "I wish there were some other kids to play with around here.#$e#Vincent's a nice friend, but I see him almost every day.",
"Mon10": "@! It's youuu!$h#$e#I love you.$h",
"Tue2": "Aunt Marnie said I'm supposed to say hi to you.$u#$e#Um... hi.$u",
"Tue4": "Aunt Marnie always tells me to stay away from the tower on the other side of the pond.#$b#That's a rule I don't mind following.",
"Tue8": "My dolls like going on adventures. I don't take the old ones outside, though, because I don't want them to get dirty.#$e#I don't know where the old ones came from. But they're my most special ones.",
"Tue10": "If you're good at taking care of animals, you're probably also good at taking care of dolls.#$e#A barn is kind of like a dollhouse, right? You have to go in and check on them and make sure they're all loved and happy.",
"Wed6": "Leah carved a little wooden doggie for me when she first moved in next door.#$e#She's really nice, but we haven't spent too much time with her since then.",
"Wed8": "I'm pretty good at drawing. Aunt Marnie went and got me a set of 48 crayons, so I draw her a lot of pictures.",
"Thu2": "Do you like taking good care of animals?$u#$e#I was just curious.$u",
"Thu4": "Ms. Penny is teaching me how to write in cursive.$h#$e#She has such pretty handwriting.",
"Thu6": "Sometimes I have to fix my own dinners. Usually I just microwave something, but I'm also pretty good at making eggs.#$b#And rice.",
"Thu8": "I like school. Sometimes it's hard to sit inside for so long, but Ms. Penny is the best.#$e#She's really smart, too.",
"Fri6": "Do you like skipping stones? It's easy if you know what kind of rock to look for.#$e#One time, Shane threw a rock that skipped six times in a row.$h",
"Fri8": "You're always so nice to me, Mr. @$h^You're always so nice to me, Ms. @.$h#$e#Grown-ups are usually mean and boring, but you're different.",
"Sat4": "Ms. Penny started giving us homework this year. I thought it would be hard, but it's actually kind of fun.#$e#And I'm already done with it this weekend!",
"Sat6": "Angelina used to be my favorite Courtwick princess, but these days I like Cordelia more. She has the same hair as me.#$e#Plus, her sidekick goat is really funny.",
"Sat8": "I'm glad you're a nice grown-up. Back when I lived with my parents, there were some grown ups who were not nice.#$e#They would come over at night and be really noisy. I couldn't sleep.$u",
"Sun4": "What's up in the mountains anyway?#$b#I've never even been.$u",
"Sun6": "Sometimes a traveling merchant comes through our neighborhood, and there's a pig who pulls the carriage.#$b#I named him Mumpy.",
"summer_ Mon4": "Our poor animals don't like these hot days.#$e#I wish we could just give the cows some ice cream.#$e#Eww, that'd be weird if it was their own milk!$h",
"summer_Tue4": "I saw a snake out in the woods.#$e#It wasn't really scary. You just have to stay away from them.",
"fall_Wed4": "Have you found any wild plums on the ground? They're really good.#$e#Or what if someone made a dessert out of plums? That would be even yummier!$h",
"fall_Thu4": "Fall flowers are my favorite. Are you growing any on your farm?",
"fall_Thu10": "I love fall.",
"winter_Fri8": "Can you keep a secret?#$e#One time, I threw a snowball at Vincent and it almost knocked him over.#$b#But I was hiding in the bushes, so he never even found out it was me!$h",
"winter_Sat6": "I love snow!$h#$e#One time, Shane came home at night when it was snowing. We danced under the back porch light until almost an hour after my bedtime.#$e#It was so pretty. *sigh*",
"Tue_inlaw_Shane": "I miss Shane. Is he going to move back in?$s",
"Tue4_inlaw_Shane": "Shane always used to look so sad, but then he met you.#$e#I love happy endings.$h",
"winter_28": "Happy new year, Mister @.^Happy new year, Ms. @.",
"winter_28_2": "Happy new year, Mister @.^Happy new year, Ms. @.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Jodi",
"1_2": "It's such a wonderful day today! Our family has so much to be thankful for!$h#$e#I'll never forget what it was like to see Kent step off that bus.$h",
"Mon2": "#$1 JodiAltar#Yesterday I visited Yoba's Altar to ask for my husband's safe return.#$e#I'm trying to stay positive, but it's hard sometimes.$s",
"Mon4": "Have you spent much time with Sam? Maybe he can show you his music skills.",
"Mon6": "I had enough time to take a nap the other day. I'd almost forgotten what it's like.$h",
"Mon8": "It's nice to have a family... but I'd be lying if I said I never long for the freedom of youth...$s",
"Mon10": "Vincent's grades have gotten a little better.$h#$e#As a mom, you never stop worrying, but it does ease my mind a little bit.",
"Mon2_inlaw_Sam": "I'm thankful for Sam's visit today. ...Is he picking up after himself?#$b#I hope he's not too much of a burden on you...",
"Mon6_inlaw_Sam": "I'm thankful for Sam's visit today.$h#$b#To tell you the truth, I wasn't sure how he'd turn out, but it makes me so happy to see the two of you together.",
"2_1": "My husband Kent is a soldier, working overseas. That's why he's not here right now.#$b#I know he'll come back safe once his tour is over!#$e#Need something?",
"Tue": "Hello.#$e#Do you need something? I'm a little busy.",
"Tue2": "It must be so enjoyable to see the plants on your farm grow.#$e#Do you ever just take a bite of the first-picked crop of the season? I know I would.$h",
"Tue4": "Exercise is important for staying healthy. I always make sure to set aside some time for it.#$e#As a parent, I don't have much time to devote to myself. So I try and make every minute count.",
"Tue6": "I want Sam to make some achievable goals for his future, but every time I talk with him about it, he just says he has everything under control.$s#$b#It's difficult being a parent when I know it's no longer my job to solve his problems for him.$s",
"Tue8": "I got Vincent to make his bed this morning. So that's one less thing I had to do.#$e#Then he started demanding candy for his 'work.'$s",
"Tue10": "I've always believed that childhood is something that should be cherished and protected, but...#$e#Maybe I made some mistakes. I just wanted the best for Sam and Vince. Did I try too hard?$s",
"Wed2": "I wish I had more time to spend outside. You must spend the majority of any given day outside, huh?",
"Wed4": "I started wearing rubber gloves to keep my hands soft.#$e#The older you get, the more work you have to do to stay healthy.$s#$e#Ok, bye!",
"Wed6": "Oh, I have so much to do today.#$e#I love my boys, but sometimes I feel like I've lost my identity to being a wife and mother.$s#$b#You start to forget who you were and what dreams you had when you were young.$s",
"Wed8": "When I was younger, I had dreams, yes. I wanted to be...#$b#Gosh, they seem just like silly little girl's dreams now.$s#$e#I wanted to be a singer, at one point.$s#$b#But I can live vicariously through Sam on that one.",
"Thu2": "Grapes are one of the few fruits I can get Vincent to eat. He just gobbles them up.$h#$e#Will you be growing any on your farm later this year?",
"Thu4": "I basically have to do the work of two parents. A lot of people just don't understand.#$e#Sam does a lot for Vince, but nothing really replaces the role of a father.",
"Thu4_2": "With Kent back, I thought things would get easier, but...$s#$e#I mean, um, how's that farm doing? Growing anything interesting?",
"Thu6": "With kids, it's always more, more, more! How does Vince still not understand that enough candy is enough?$3#$e#I'm sorry. It's been a rough day so far.$s",
"Thu8": "Hey um... if you have any leftovers that you won't eat, I'd happily take them off your hands.#$e#I could really use a day off from cooking dinner.$s",
"Thu10": "Thank you for being a good friend, @. I know Kent will return soon.",
"Thu10_2": "Kent cracked a smile this morning.$h#$e#It's important to be thankful for little things like that.",
"Fri2": "$d Joja#Sam's job at JojaMart has been good for him, but I wish he got an employee discount.|The food at Pierre's is so much fresher and healthier than anything I ever bought at JojaMart. I do miss those cheap Joja prices, though.",
"Fri4": "Today is a good day. No big mishaps and I'm ahead of schedule!$h#$e#It's important to be thankful once in a while.",
"Fri6": "Have any fun weekend plans?#$e#Me? Well, once upon a time. But that was many years ago.$h",
"Fri6_2": "We were watching a movie last night, and halfway through, Kent just stood up and walked out of the house without a word.$s#$e#I wonder... does he even enjoy things like that anymore?",
"Fri8": "@, please don't tell anyone, but I think I have a touch of OCD.$s#$e#I wasn't always this way. But over the past few years, it's gotten more and more difficult.$s#$e#I see dirt on everything after a while. I'd have so much more time if I didn't have to deal with it.$s",
"Fri8_2": "@, please don't tell anyone, but I think I have a touch of OCD.$s#$e#I wasn't always this way. But over the past few years, it's gotten more and more difficult.$s#$e#I see dirt on everything after a while. I'd have so much more time if I didn't have to deal with it.",
"Fri10": "You are truly a good person, @. Thank you for all you've done.",
"Fri10_2": "Kent made it through to the end of our movie night, instead of walking out.#$e#I wonder if he was just faking it for our sake?$s",
"Sat2": "Hi.#$e#Nice to see you again.",
"Sat6": "Where does all the time go? *sigh*#$e#I remember when Sam was a little baby wearing diapers. He was such a cute little kid.$s#$e#Don't tell him I said that.$h#$e#You must really like talking to me, huh?",
"Sat8": "I can't stand to think about the war too much. But sometimes, I can't help but worry what kind of world Sam and Vincent will inherit.$s#$e#What else is there to do but carry on?",
"Sun": "Hi, @.#$q 116/117 Sun_old#Sorry to ask, but do you pray?#$r 116 10 Sun_116#Yes#$r 117 0 Sun_117#No",
"Sun_old": "$p 116#Thank you for your prayers for my husband. It means a great deal to me.|My husband is overseas in the war. Have I mentioned that?",
"Sun_116": "That's great. If you would, could you please pray for my husband, Kent? Just for his safe return from the war.#$b#Thanks.",
"Sun_117": "I see. Sorry to bother you.",
"Sun2": "I'm taking a break from house chores today.$h#$e#If I don't spend any time outside, I'll go crazy!#$e#Plus I don't want my legs to turn soft.",
"Sun4": "I'm glad that Sam has gradually become a good role model for Vincent. Those two boys connect in a way a mother simply can't.",
"Sun6": "Have you heard Sam play his guitar recently? He's actually really good!$h#$b#...If a bit loud.",
"Sun_2": "I can't believe my husband is finally back!$h#$e#We should hang out more.",
"Sun2_2": "I'm taking a break from house chores today.$h#$e#If I don't spend any time outside, I'll go crazy!#$e#Plus I don't want my legs to turn soft.",
"Sun4_2": "Sam has come a long with Vincent. He really stepped up when Kent was first deployed.#$e#It did make me happy to see him grow and change like that.",
"Sun6_2": "Have you heard Sam play his guitar recently? He's actually really good!$h#$b#...If a bit loud.",
"Sun8_2": "I had a dream that I had complete freedom, no obligation to anyone but myself...#$b#...Then I woke up and realized I had a full day of house chores ahead of me...$s",
"spring_Wed4": "Hmm... I wonder if I should pick up some allergy medicine for Sam today...",
"spring_Wed8": "I wonder if anyone would say something if I skipped cleaning the house today...$s#$e#Who am I kidding? I would notice.$4",
"spring_Sat2": "The springtime air is wonderful.$h#$b#Just... please don't bring me any spring flowers. Sam's terribly allergic.",
"spring_Sat8": "The springtime air is wonderful.$h#$b#Just... please don't bring me any spring flowers. Sam's terribly allergic.#$e#He had a deathly serious reaction once, when he was little. I can't remember ever being more scared.$s",
"spring_Sat2_inlaw_Sam": "Sam's told you about his spring allergies, right? Just be sure to keep spring flowers out of your house.#$e#He might be too eager to please to tell you bluntly.",
"summer_Mon4": "Our summer garden helps cut down on the grocery bills a bit.#$e#We have to be creative here and there to make ends meet.",
"summer_Mon4_2": "Kent's retirement pension actually exceeds what he was paid during active duty.#$b#We can meet our bills decently, but... well uh...$s#$b#How are things going for you?",
"summer_Tue8": "Our summer garden helps cut down on the grocery bills a bit.#$e#We have to be creative here and there to make ends meet.",
"summer_Tue8_2": "It was such a relief to see Kent come home. I just never expected to see how much he had changed.$s#$e#If he's suffering, I want to suffer with him.$s#$b#But I'm also afraid that pushing him to open up will just make it worse.$s",
"summer_Wed8": "I'm glad you moved into town, @. There are few people I've met who are as generous and caring as you.",
"summer_Wed8_2": "Kent truly is a good man at heart. I wish you could have met him before his tour, @.$s",
"summer_Thu6": "Housework is frustrating because you're never finished.#$e#The day after I sweep the floor, it's dirty again.",
"summer_Thu6_2": "Some days are difficult. But Kent is home, and difficult or not, our family is complete.#$e#I have to take time to be thankful for that.",
"summer_Fri": "You must get your daily exercise pretty easily with your farmwork, huh?$h#$e#I only work out once per week. I always spend the time pushing to make up for the rest of the week.",
"summer_Fri6": "I'm thankful for the education that Vince gets from Penny. He wouldn't get as much one-on-one attention at a public school.#$e#Plus, commuting out of town to a public school is off the table, anyway.",
"fall_Mon4": "Sometimes I miss Zuzu City, where we used to live.#$b#But maybe my memories are just filtered through the nostalgia of my youth.",
"fall_Mon8": "Sometimes I miss Zuzu City, where we used to live.#$b#But maybe my memories are just filtered through the nostalgia of my youth.",
"fall_Mon8_2": "I wonder if things will ever go back to normal again with Kent.$s#$e#I wish he'd do more around the house, but whenever I get frustrated, I just start feeling guilty for expecting more out of him.$s",
"fall_Thu4": "Maybe I've spoiled the boys a bit. They've never had to do any chores.#$e#I guess I want them to be able to enjoy their childhood while they still can. Well, Sam's basically a man now, though.#$b#I hope he hasn't grown up to be lazy. That won't do.$s#$e#Being a parent isn't very easy.",
"fall_Fri": "Caroline and I are good friends. I tell her everything.",
"fall_Fri6": "$d Joja#Things got a little awkward the other day with Caroline. I hope she doesn't hold it against me that I don't shop at her husband's store...|I'm glad I don't have to worry anymore about Caroline asking when I'll shop again at her husband's store.",
"fall_Sun4": "When you become a parent, you have to leave your old lifestyle behind.#$e#Maybe that's not entirely true... but if you're not careful, it will happen.",
"fall_Sun8": "Do you ever have trouble sleeping, @? I can't seem to turn off my brain when I go to bed.",
"fall_Sun8_2": "Oh! Sorry, can you repeat that? I'm so tired today, it's like my brain is underwater.#$b#Kent didn't sleep much at all last night. Naturally, neither did I.$s#$e#Whenever I try to open him up, the more he just turns silent. I don't know.$s",
"winter_Wed4": "What do I do for fun? Hmm... That'a a good question.#$e#I like sleeping.$s",
"winter_Fri8": "Not too long before the year ends, huh? I can't believe it's already almost over.",
"winter_Sat10": "Thank you for being a good friend, @. I know Kent will return soon.",
"winter_Sat10_2": "When you make a commitment to marry someone, a lot of people don't realize something important...$s#$b#...that you're marrying not only that person today, but every person they will eventually become, too.$s#$e#Kent has changed. It's not always easy to accept that. Sometimes, I simply can't.#$b#But I still don't even know the full extent of what he went through. And how can I blame him for that?$s#$e#Well, marriage isn't about making your life any easier. It's about loving and being loved, because we can, because it's how we were created.#$e#Anyway, sorry. Please don't let me keep you from your day.",
"winter_Sun8": "Do you ever have trouble sleeping, @? I can't seem to turn off my brain when I go to bed.",
"winter_Sun8_2": "Oh, what did you say? I'm sorry, I'm just so tired today!#$b#Kent was tossing and turning all night. He must have been having bad dreams again.$s#$e#I'm afraid to ask what he dreams about.$s",
"winter_24": "Vince is so excited for tomorrow! It's hard to get the winter blues with his cute little face around here.",
"winter_28": "The boys are staying up late, but not me. I have a lot of prayers to say tonight.",
"winter_24_2": "Vince is so excited for tomorrow! It's hard to get the winter blues with his cute little face around here.",
"winter_28_2": "The boys are staying up late, but not me. I have a lot of prayers to say tonight.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Kent",
"Mon2": "...?!#$b#...#$e#Sorry, I thought I heard something.$s#$e#Uh... how are you?",
"Mon4": "If I'm inside, I feel claustrophobic. If I'm outside, I feel vulnerable...#$e#Sometimes I forget what it's like to be relaxed.",
"Mon6": "I don't know if I'll ever get used to being back home.#$e#The peacefulness of the town feels like a mask. That's probably just me though.",
"Mon8": "So, what are you looking forward to this week?#$e#I'm trying to find some ideas for things I can look forward to, myself.",
"Mon10": "I used to assign a deep meaning to the things I cared about: loving my family, contributing to society...#$b#I guess I can still do that, but only in a hollow sense.#$b#It's just way too easy to see through the sham of it all.",
"Mon_inlaw_Sam": "Seeing Sam married came as quite a surprise.#$e#Welcome to the family.",
"Mon_inlaw_Sam2": "How are things working out with you and Sam?#$e#What kind of man would you say he is?",
"Mon_inlaw_Sam4": "Hey. Maybe we should catch up at the saloon sometime.#$b#I guess that's what a father-in-law should do, right?",
"Mon_inlaw_Sam6": "Sometimes, asking about Sam's life with you feels like I'm asking about someone else's son.$s#$e#I know that I still love him dearly, though.#$b#I just wish I felt closer to him, is all.",
"Mon_inlaw_Sam8": "I'm glad to have you as a good son-in-law, @. I don't think my return would have gone as well if Sam had married someone else.$h^I'm glad to have you as my daughter-in-law, @. I don't think my return would have gone as well if Sam had married someone else.$h",
"Tue4": "So, do you have any hobbies?#$e#I'm just looking for ideas.",
"Tue6": "I wish we didn't live so close to a cemetary. I can't help but dwell on what's beneath the ground... so close to the place I sleep.$s",
"Tue8": "Jodi would send me photos of Sam and Vince while I was gone. I don't know if I would've even recognized them if I hadn't seen them growing and changing.#$e#Seeing them in person was still pretty disorienting, regardless.",
"Tue10": "I think I have an easier time living here than I would in some other places.#$q 018/019 Tue_old#What helped fuel your decision to move here?#$r 018 0 Tue_018#The guy in front of me at work literally died at his desk and nobody else noticed.#$r 019 0 Tue_019#My desk job felt like it had no purpose.",
"Tue_old": "$p 018#I still wouldn't trade places with the poor bastard who died at his desk job.$h|The city would probably drive me crazy at this point. Or even worse... the suburbs.$h",
"Tue_018": "...Seriously?#$b#...#$b#Heh heh heh...$h#$b#That's hilarious.$h#$e#Thanks. I needed to hear that.$h",
"Tue_019": "Hm. Sounds miserable. I'm glad you got out.#$b#Well, better to be retired military with a family you love than to spend your entire life in a cubicle. Thanks for sharing.$h",
"Wed2": "...So you're the grandson of the man who used to live on the farm?^...So you're the granddaughter of the man who used to live on that farm?",
"Wed4": "The kind of work you do sounds nice, @. Maybe that's where my calling should've been.$h",
"Wed6": "...I lost a lot of friends in battle.$s#$e#What's sad is that I can't even remember their faces.#$e#...",
"Wed8": "I have to wonder if Jodi and the boys are any better off with me here.$s#$b#Jodi admonishes me for doubting. It doesn't make much sense to me, but I guess that's something I have to take on faith.",
"Wed10": "@, I know you want to help me, and I appreciate it. But some things will never be the same again.#$b#What's a man to do? It's miles away from perfect, but all I can do each day is my best, for the kids, for Jodi...#$b#...and then pray to Yoba it's enough.",
"Thu2": "...!$3#$b#Sorry, bad headache.$s",
"Thu4": "What day is it again, today?#$e#I almost never remember anymore.",
"Thu6": "I've been up since 4 o'clock... sometimes I wonder if I'll ever get back into a normal routine.#$e#Sam has really grown up since I left. He's a man now.#$e#I wish I could've been there for him.$s",
"Thu8": "I talked to someone from my unit on the phone. He said watching cartoons with his daughter helped 'bring the color back.'#$e#I think I get what he means by that, but mostly in the abstract sense.#$e#It must be nice.",
"Thu10": "I had a good time playing with Vince yesterday.$h#$b#I could only sustain that feeling for a minute or two, but it reminded me briefly of how things are 'supposed' to feel.$h",
"Fri2": "I guess I'll go for a walk today.",
"Fri4": "This town is so quiet. I keep... expecting something.$s",
"Fri6": "Everyone looks so damn busy all the time. And what for, anyway?",
"Fri8": "Any plans for your weekend? I'm trying a change of pace. Don't want to stretch myself too thin.$h",
"Fri10": "In the war, it's drilled into your head relentlessly that survival is the only right... the only good.#$b#And the reality of the situation only confirms that.$s#$e#How does anyone expect someone like me to resume a normal life again after that?#$e#...Sorry.",
"Sat2": "I guess there are a few others who joined the community since I left.#$e#Jodi had me introduce myself to them, too.",
"Sat4": "The military let me take an early retirement.#$e#It's nice that they send checks that support the family.#$e#They deserve the money, even if I don't.",
"Sat6": "The boys turned out pretty well. Jodi's been a good mother to them.#$b#And there's still some time. Vincent's still just a boy.#$e#So many I served with won't even get to see their families again.$s",
"Sat10": "I wish I had some ideas for how to do something special for Jodi. She's really given a lot for Sam and Vincent.#$e#When I was younger, I did elaborate gestures all the time. ...I think. It's tough to remember them now.$s",
"Sun2": "Jodi's cooking is nice. I forgot how good it was.",
"Sun4": "I remember that sound of the river rustling by.$h#$e#It takes me back.$h",
"Sun6": "We used to live in Zuzu City, too.#$b#Sometimes I miss the noise, but you have so much more space to yourself out here. It's easier to get away from it all.#$e#Is that why you left?",
"Sun8": "What gets you through the day, @? It seems like no matter how hard I try, I can't bring myself... to try.#$e#That probably makes no sense.",
"Sun10": "I know I'm not the most fun person to talk to, @, but you keep coming around.#$b#Thank you for being such a kind friend.$h#$e#I've seen some horrible things. Talking about it doesn't fix anything that happened, but it seems to be the next best thing we've got.",
"spring_Tue6": "It's nice seeing the spring daffodils, don't you think?$h#$e#There's a poem I'd recite in my head to keep me going, about a field of daffodils. It takes my mind to a better place.$h",
"summer_Mon4": "My mother used to make a risotto with fiddlehead ferns. That was a staple of my childhood.$h",
"summer_Mon6": "It's nice to see Sam take Vincent to the beach in summer. I'm glad that they still spend time together.$h",
"fall_Mon4": "In Pelican Town, we'd be sitting ducks during an air raid.$s",
"fall_Mon6": "The smell of a campfire in the fall... I used to really like that smell.#$e#...$s",
"fall_Sun8": "I've been having this dream where I'm on the front lines again, but Sam's there trying to provide cover fire for me.$s#$b#Then for some reason, Vincent shows up.$s#$e#It all feels so real when it happens. I never had to face that image before I came home.$3",
"winter_Sat2": "I keep fooling myself into thinking I hear thunder on the horizon.#$b#Of course, that can't be the case.",
"winter_Sat8": "I'd just fallen asleep this morning when Vincent woke me up. I lost my temper with him, big time.$s#$e#Poor kid deserves better.#$b#I hope he'll forgive me someday. All I can do is my best.$s",
"winter_28": "Looks like tonight's the anniversary of my return.#$e#Strange. Doesn't feel like it.#$e#Oh. Yeah, happy new year.",
"winter_28_2": "Looks like tonight's the anniversary of my return.#$e#Strange. Doesn't feel like it.#$e#Oh. Yeah, happy new year.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Krobus",
"Mon": "Please, don't be alarmed. I am different from the others.#$e#I've spent a lot of time observing humans. I know you like to shop. Care to see my wares?",
"Mon2": "Back again? I suppose it does fit into my theory of human behavior.",
"Mon4": "...Have you encountered others like me, in the mines? I'm sorry if they were hostile towards you. You see, we've learned to fear humans... there have been too many... unpleasant encounters.#$e#You haven't... slain any of my friends, have you?",
"Mon6": "My friends and I have largely been shunned by our kind, for attempting to suppress our chaotic nature.#$e#But I cannot declare myself better than the violent ones. A life is a life.#$e#Please, even if you have slain any violent ones, I do not wish to know.",
"Mon8": "Dwarves? The dwarves slew us indiscriminately for ages, violent and non-violent alike.#$e#Please, I wish to have no more talk on this painful topic.",
"Mon10": "'Krobus' means 'bridge-crosser' in our language.",
"Tue": "I am too sensitive to sunlight to go out on most days.#$b#The conditions in here are perfect.#$e#Care to buy anything?",
"Tue2": "So you farm for a living? I occasionally carry a product that might help you. Check back on Friday.",
"Tue4": "There is a plant that grows in the springtime. Humans describe it as \"spicy,\" but for my kind, we find it...#$b#How shall I put it? There is no word in your tongue to describe what we experience when we consume it.",
"Tue6": "Yes, I call this place my home.#$e#I did not have a place to call my home for quite some time.",
"Tue8": "Rasmodius is a good man. He is one of the few humans besides you whom I would trust.#$e#His worldview is in much better alignment with reality than most humans'.",
"Tue10": "@, I have grown quite amiable of your frequent visits here.#$e#It is strange. Until recently, I never would have even considered friendship with a human.",
"Wed2": "Sometimes, objects come floating down the water and I collect them.#$b#I can also move freely within the shadows, unencumbered by gravity, which lets me sustain trade with others and rotate my stock.",
"Wed4": "A 1000 year war between my people and the dwarves recently ended. There's still a lot of resentment on both sides.",
"Wed6": "In rare cases, some tricksters belonging to my kind have made sport out of hiding in children's closets and scaring them at night.#$b#I do not condone any such kind of behavior.",
"Wed8": "A while ago, two human children contemplated finding a way in here.#$e#Regretfully, I had to scare them away. There would be no chance of them keeping my secrecy.",
"Wed10": "You've seen Junimo, too? I'm surprised. For a human, you seem to have quite a propensity for encountering elementals.",
"Thu2": "I hope you appreciate the risk I took with you, by not fleeing when you first appeared down here.",
"Thu4": "No, we are not born from a mother like you humans are.#$e#Where do we come from, then? Well, when does any shadow begin to exist?#$b#Are the shadows under your feet somehow \"new,\" or simply less hidden by the light?#$e#Likewise, when does any soul begin to exist?#$e#That said, I somewhat arbitrarily credit the start of winter as my \"birth\" of sorts.",
"Thu6": "I don't think you will find many interesting fish in this kind of water.#$e#I did see a rather large, strange looking fish swimming around, but just once.",
"Thu8": "I have observed your kind for many years. It has given me ample opportunity to learn your language.#$e#However, you are one of the first humans with whom I have had consistent interaction.",
"Fri": "...",
"Sat6": "Humans have some rather interesting customs for showing respect to Yoba.",
"Sat8": "I thank Yoba for bringing clarity to my chaotic nature.#$b#Without a doubt, I would have earned the title \"shadow brute\" long ago if not for her blessings and guidance.",
"Sat10": "Thank you for being respectful toward my devotion of silence on Fridays.",
"Sun2": "Please keep my location a secret. If the dwarves knew of me, they'd surely send an assassin.",
"Sun6": "I have safeguarded the Return Scepter for many years. Its origin predates both our species, significantly.#$e#As such, I hope you understand why I cannot sell it for an ordinary price.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Leah",
/*"Beach": null,*/
"Mon4": "Have you ever tried the wine from the Valley?#$e#Better yet, you could probably make your own wine on your farm. That would be amazing.$h",
"Mon6": "Marnie and Jas are great neighbors. I love walking by their cows on my way into town.#$e#Shane? Um... I uh... haven't talked to him much.$u",
"Mon8": "Hi @! I was just thinking about you and your farm.#$e#I was imagining how good it must feel to harvest a big bunch of crops.$h#$e#Wouldn't it be nice to have help, though?$l",
"Tue2": "I was wondering for a while whether someone would move into that farm. It's nice that you did!",
"Tue4": "Hi. Oh, you want to talk?#$e#The landscape around here gives me a lot of ideas. The terrain is almost like a sculpture itself.#$e#I don't make art for money. It's just an urge that I have.#$e#Farming seems like a very rewarding profession. You get to create delicious food for everyone!$h#$e#You're probably busy. Sorry.",
"Tue6": "I made a little painting for Elliott to hang in his house. Poor guy doesn't have very much to make his home feel cozy.#$e#I respect how much he sacrifices to pursue what he wants, though. We're both out here for similar reasons.",
"Tue8": "Hi. Oh, you want to talk?#$e#The landscape around here gives me a lot of ideas. The terrain is almost like a sculpture itself.#$e#I don't make art for money. It's just an urge that I have.#$e#Farming seems like a very rewarding profession. You get to create delicious food for everyone!$h#$e#You're probably busy. Sorry.",
"Wed2": "You've met my friend Elliott, right?#$b#Maybe we could all hang out at the next festival.",
"Wed4": "There's a beautiful tree west of my house. The fruit from it is delicious, though it is a bit hard to reach.",
"Wed8": "I've found some great pieces of driftwood for sculpting lately.#$q 225/226 Wed_old#So um... Do you like the sculpture I made for you?#$r 225 10 Wed_225#Yes, it reminds me of you when I look at it.#$r 226 -100 Wed_226#Uh, what's it look like, again?",
"Wed_old": "$p 025#I've been making more sculptures similar to the one I made you.|Don't worry, though. I won't impose on your home's floor space with more sculptures.$u",
"Wed_225": "Really? Oh, I'm glad!$h#$b#Sorry, I know it's not really professional of me to ask, but I just couldn't hold out any longer.",
"Wed_226": "Ahh... never mind.$s",
"Wed10": "Haha, yep. Same hairstyle today as always.#$e#It'll keep my hair out of your face if we're making out, though.$l#$e#Oh! did I say that out loud?$h",
"Thu": "I'm interested to see what you do with your farm, though there's also a natural beauty to the rocks and trees that have moved in.",
"Thu2": "There's actually a lot of wild food in this area, if you know where to look.#$e#I've been having fresh salads almost every day.$h",
"Thu4": "Foraging is a specialty of mine. Someday I'll make you a fresh salad.$h",
"Thu6": "Emily's salads at the saloon are pretty delicious. Her recipe is very similar to the one I use.",
"Thu8": "Let me know if you find anything tasty in the woods, okay?#$e#Sometimes it's tough living the poverty lifestyle, but I wouldn't want to eat any differently even if I had money.",
"Thu10": "Oh, @! Hi!$h#$e#Did your morning chores go okay?$l#$e#I hope I can help you sometime.",
"Fri4": "Nature itself will always be a greater artist than any one of us.#$e#You work directly with nature, though. Yeah, I'd say farming is an art, of sorts.",
"Fri6": "Hello, @. It's a nice day, isn't it?#$e#Stop by my cabin if you ever need someone to talk to.$h",
"Fri8": "If you ever find any interesting looking driftwood, I could use it.#$e#It would be special that you gave it to me.$l",
"Sat4": "Do you have much art in your house?#$e#A house only becomes a home when it has a creative touch.",
"Sat6": "Humans were born to be creative, don't you think? It's what makes us who we are.#$e#Of course, there are many ways to be creative. Painting and sculpting just happen to be a couple of my favorites.",
"Sat10": "Hey love.$l#$e#Wanna come visit me at the pond tomorrow in the late afternoon? I'll be there if it's not raining.$l#$e#Or you can just find me whenever. I don't mind it.$l",
"Sun2": "Stop by my home sometime. I'll show you my latest projects.",
"Sun4": "I bet you could grow wild produce on your farm. Have you tried that?#$e#Nothing beats the sense of reward that comes from finding something delicious in the forest, but it might be convenient if you don't have time to forage.",
"Sun6": "I can be frugal with my lifestyle, but sometimes I feel like my art career is a ticking time bomb.$s#$e#Do you know of anyone who's made it by on the starving artist lifestyle?$s",
"Sun8": "Hello, @. It's a nice day, isn't it?#$e#Stop by my cabin if you ever need someone to talk to.$h",
"Sun10": "Hey you.$l#$e#I've been thinking about you all day.$l#$e#So, tell me about your week.$h",
"summer_Mon4": "Such a lovely day, isn't it?#$e#Oh, by the way, I found these. I saved one for you. [396]#$e#To me, they just taste like summer memories.",
"summer_Mon6": "I have a good eye for wild fruit. Some day I'll make you a nice fruit salad.$h",
"summer_Mon8": "I'm glad you live just up the road. Life's better when you live next to people you care about.",
"summer_Mon10": "I'm glad you live just up the road.#$e#I'm always happy to see you.",
"summer_Tue2": "We wouldn't be able to survive without nature. It's good to remember that.",
"summer_Tue4": "I walked by Marnie's ranch yesterday, and the cows just kept looking at me.#$e#Their faces were so gentle.#$e#Do you have some cows, too?",
"summer_Tue6": "The simple things in life are best: a soft summer breeze, majestic clouds, and a goblet full of Stardew Valley red.",
"summer_Tue10": "One time, I went on a night hike with some friends and we unexpectedly wound up at an old vineyard.#$b#The owner of the vineyard invited us in. I remember that summer night air was so pure and warm. That was the first time I had a glass of wine.#$e#What's your favorite summer memory, @?",
"summer_Thu": "I visit the beach a lot during the summer.#$e#The sound of the ocean is so beautiful, isn't it?",
"summer_Thu4": "I never grow tired of the forest, but it's amazing how we have a beach here, too.#$e#I've found the most beautiful rainbow shells washed up on shore a couple of times.",
"summer_Thu6": "The seagulls must see the beach so differently from us.#$e#I've always envied their ability to fly. Do you?",
"summer_Thu8": "The sound of the ocean puts me into a meditative state. It's so peaceful.#$e#But you're always welcome to talk to me, too.",
"summer_Thu10": "*giggle* Why yes, I do like long walks on the beach. How perceptive of you to ask!$h",
"summer_Fri4": "Nature itself will always be a greater artist than any one of us.#$e#You work directly with nature, though. Yeah, I'd say farming is an art, of sorts.",
"summer_Fri8": "It's been really quiet in my cabin lately.$s#$b#I'm happy if you drop by.#$e#So, how's your day going?",
"summer_Sat4": "I keep up a pretty strict pescetarian diet. It's not that I'm morally opposed to eating meat, but...#$ long as everyone has their own way of showing respect for nature, I'm fine with 'em. This is just my way, for me.",
"summer_Sat6": "Yeah, I go to the beach a lot during the summer.#$b#Of course, you can join me. Don't be shy.$h",
"summer_Sat8": "Let me know if you find anything tasty in the woods, okay?#$e#Sometimes it's tough living the poverty lifestyle, but I wouldn't want to eat any differently even if I had money.",
"summer_Sat10": "Hey you.$l#$e#You're just the one who was missing from my day.#$e#I need a hug. C'mere.",
"summer_Sun4": "It's nice getting to see a little more of Elliott during the summer.#$e#Of course, it's always nice to see you, too.",
"summer_Sun6": "I can be frugal with my lifestyle, but sometimes I feel like my art career is a ticking time bomb.$s#$e#Do you know of anyone who's made it by on the starving artist lifestyle?$s",
"summer_Sun8": "Hello, @. It's a nice day, isn't it?#$e#Stop by my cabin if you ever need someone to talk to.$h#$b#It's just a little hot in there during the day, so I tend to be out and about in the afternoon.",
"summer_Sun10": "Oh, @! Hi!$h#$e#Did your morning chores go okay?$l#$e#I hope I can help you sometime.",
"fall_Mon4": "As a kid, I didn't really like mushrooms, until someone cooked them for me the right way.#$e#I don't really eat meat, so they're a good source of protein for me.",
"fall_Mon6": "#$c .5#I found some wild mushrooms over the weekend!#$e#I had a huge plate of wild mushrooms and eggs for breakfast today... I'm still full.#$e#Keep your nose to the ground and you'll find some mushrooms yourself... I'm sure of it.",
"fall_Mon8": "Hey! I went hunting for mushrooms and I found a bunch. Here's one I saved for you. [404]#$e#Ever try putting one of those in a stir fry?",
"fall_Mon10": "I was never crazy about starchy foods, but all Kel ever wanted to eat was 'breakfast for dinner' and I'd be the one to cook.$s#$b#I got so sick of those foods after a while.$s#$e#Sorry, that's unattractive of me. Let's change the subject.",
"fall_Tue": "So, what do you enjoy most about living on a farm?",
"fall_Tue2": "I wonder if I could make a collage out of dried leaves?#$e#They're just so colorful... I can't help but think of the potential for art projects.$h",
"fall_Tue8": "I've been feeling pretty inspired lately. Fall brings out a more personal side to me.",
"fall_Tue10": "I usually try to keep myself out of my art, and let it just exist for the sake of its own beauty, rather than myself.#$e#Sometimes, though, I can't help it. That sculpture I gave you would be one example.$l",
"fall_Wed2": "It's so nice living by the river.#$e#Sometimes, I can hear the salmon leaping and splashing out of the water.",
"fall_Wed4": "It's so nice to live by the river.#$e#I fall asleep to the soothing sound of water every night.",
"fall_Wed6": "Apparently, there was an old woman who lived in my hut before I did.#$e#After she died, Mayor Lewis held the property until I was able to come through and sign for it.",
"fall_Wed10": "@, thank you for always believing in me.#$b#I think you showed up just at the time when I needed you most.",
"fall_Thu": "Hey. How's the farm coming along?#$e#This season, there must be so many different seeds to choose from.",
"fall_Thu2": "Do you ever take a whole day off?#$e#It's a refreshing break.",
"fall_Thu4": "I bet you could grow wild produce on your farm. Have you tried that?#$e#Nothing beats the sense of reward that comes from finding something delicious in the forest, but it might be convenient if you don't have time to forage.",
"fall_Thu8": "I don't have much connection with my parents anymore. We just kind of grew apart.#$e#I call them every once in a while, but we've mainly got our own lives these days.#$e#Why, is that unusual to you?",
"fall_Fri2": "Hello. How's your day going?",
"fall_Fri4": "Have you ever tried the wine from the Valley?#$e#Better yet, you could probably make your own wine on your farm. That would be amazing.$h",
"fall_Fri10": "I was just looking at my fall decorations. I wonder if I'll have kids of my own someday who I can share that with?",
"fall_Sat": "If you hear any banging from inside my hut, it's probably just me working on one of my sculptures.",
"fall_Sat2": "Decorations accentuate the feeling of the season. I think it's a worthwhile tradition.",
"fall_Sat4": "Heyyy! So what do you think of my fall decorations?$h#$e#You should have some Spirit's Eve decorations for your farm. Nothing too creepy, though.",
"fall_Sat6": "It's nice just to make something fun and whimsical every now and then, like the decorations on my house.#$e#Gotta get in touch with that inner child, right?$h",
"fall_Sat10": "Hey. You should come by my place tomorrow morning. Bring a couple of omelets and we'll call it brunch.$h#$e#Sorry, if you're looking to get creative, there aren't a whole lot of other breakfast-y things I like.",
"fall_Sun4": "Hello, @. Is there something you wanted to talk about?",
"fall_Sun6": "Humans were born to be creative, don't you think? It's what makes us who we are.#$e#Of course, there are many ways to be creative. Painting and sculpting just happen to be a couple of my favorites.",
"fall_Sun8": "I never felt truly safe in the city. Here, though, I don't even have to worry about locking my door.",
"fall_Sun10": "Hey you.$l#$e#I've been thinking about you all day.$l#$e#So, tell me about your week.$h",
"winter_Mon4": "I keep up a pretty strict pescetarian diet. It's not that I'm morally opposed to eating meat, but...#$ long as everyone has their own way of showing respect for nature, I'm fine with 'em. This is just my way, for me.",
"winter_Mon6": "I love the way everything looks when it's covered with fresh snow.",
"winter_Mon8": "One of my earlier memories is from a time I went sledding. I sped down the slope and crashed into a pile of snow.#$e#I remember lying there, hearing to the silence and watching the sky, with the snow falling down on my face. I just wanted to stay there forever.",
"winter_Tue": "Don't you think the saloon has just the right atmosphere for winter time? It's so cozy.",
"winter_Tue4": "It gets pretty cold in my little cabin.$s#$e#I just snuggle up under a huge blanket, and I'm okay.$h",
"winter_Tue6": "I guess nature can be pretty harsh in the winter. It still provides enough for us to get by, though.",
"winter_Tue8": "Farming sounds so fun. I want to try it, someday.$l",
"winter_Tue10": "Hey. C'mere. Warm me up.#$e#Mmm, you're cozy.$l",
"winter_Wed2": "We wouldn't be able to survive without nature. It's good to remember that.",
"winter_Wed4": "I saw a snow rabbit early this morning! They're rare, aren't they?",
"winter_Wed6": "I never felt truly safe in the city. Here, though, I don't even have to worry about locking my door.",
"winter_Wed8": "Seen any snow rabbits out there? I think they're one of my favorite things in the woods this time of year.",
"winter_Thu": "I love to decorate for the different seasons.",
"winter_Thu2": "I'm having a hard time finding fresh food to eat.#$e#I've been eating a lot of bread.$s",
"winter_Thu4": "I hope Elliott's doing okay in his little house. I like to think I have it hard sometimes, but that guy really knows how to rough it out.",
"winter_Thu10": "Snow on the ground outside, someone who loves me in my arms... Yeah, this is pretty nice.$l",
"winter_Fri2": "So, what do you enjoy most about living on a farm?#$e#You must have a lot more time on your hands lately.",
"winter_Fri4": "Time seems to move slower here.#$e#When I lived in the city, the year went by so fast.",
"winter_Fri8": "I never felt truly safe in the city. Here, though, I don't even have to worry about locking my door.",
"winter_Fri10": "Hey. Whaddaya say we get a little tipsy together this evening?$h#$e#It's alright. I trust you.$l#$e#I just want to be asleep by around midnight, though.",
"winter_Sat2": "Hello. How's your day going?",
"winter_Sat4": "Hello, @. Is there something you wanted to talk about?",
"winter_Sat6": "Do you like the winter decorations on my house?#$e#I'm always excited to put them up, but I've got to wait until the weather's right.",
"winter_Sat8": "Do you ever get cold in that farmhouse of yours?#$e#Stop by my cabin if you want to huddle under one of my quilts and drink cider.$h",
"winter_Sun2": "I hate to be blunt, but if we don't treat nature with respect, our grandchildren will be doomed.#$e#Don't you think so?",
"winter_Sun4": "Apparently, there was an old woman who lived in my hut before I did.#$e#After she died, Mayor Lewis held the property until I was able to come through and sign for it.",
"winter_Sun6": "I can be frugal with my lifestyle, but sometimes I feel like my art career is a ticking time bomb.$s#$e#Do you know of anyone who's made it by on the starving artist lifestyle?$s",
"winter_Sun8": "Thank you for always believing in my work, @. I wasn't ever sure things would work out, but now I'm finally gaining a sense of momentum with my life.",
"1_2": "I thought I'd miss the snow, but I take it back. This is so much better. Happy new year!",
"spring_23": "I figure I'll dance at the festival tomorrow. I mean, why not?",
"summer_27": "I was awestruck the first time I saw the moonlight jellies. I'll never forget that year.",
"fall_15": "The Stardew Valley Fair makes me feel like a kid again. I'm glad our town hosts it.",
"winter_24": "Hey! Feeling in the holiday spirit yet?#$e#I'm more than ready, myself. Bring on the good eats!",
"winter_28": "A wonderful happy new year to you!$h#$e#It's was a good one. How about you?",
"spring_23_2": "I wonder how that little clearing way off in the woods is doing?#$b#I haven't been back there since last year's flower dance.",
"summer_27_2": "I was awestruck the first time I saw the moonlight jellies. I'll never forget that year.",
"fall_15_2": "The Stardew Valley Fair makes me feel like a kid again. I'm glad our town hosts it.",
"winter_24_2": "Hey! Feeling in the holiday spirit yet?#$e#I'm more than ready, myself. Bring on the good eats!",
"winter_28_2": "A wonderful happy new year to you!$h#$e#It's was a good one. How about you?",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogueLeah",
"Rainy_Day_0": "#$c .5#I sometimes find inspiration in the most unlikely of places.#Hmm, maybe I should put on some music. Something to wake me up.$s",
"Rainy_Day_1": "#$c .5#I used to find rain depressing when I lived in the city. But here in Stardew Valley it's beautiful.#Not a bad day for staying in. I've got some new project ideas I was hoping to try.",
"Rainy_Day_2": "Good morning! I got up early and did some mushroom hunting. Here, take one.[281 404 420 257]#$e#Searching for mushrooms is like going on a treasure hunt. It's a lot of fun.$h",
"Rainy_Day_3": "#$c .5#It's days like this I'm really happy about my heavy-duty boots.$h#The clouds get so thick here. It's almost like it's still nighttime.",
"Rainy_Day_4": "#$c .5#The trees have been begging for this rain... I'm happy for them.#You could go fishing today, if you want. Let me know if you find some driftwood.",
"Rainy_Night_0": "#$c .5#How was your day? Did you see any animals out there?#Did the animals stay dry today?",
"patio_Leah": "#$c .5#Don't look too close, it's a work in progress.#My wood sculptures sell relatively well, so I'm always working on a new one of these.",
"Rainy_Night_1": "#$c .5#I usually go for salad... but a wet night like this gives me cravings for hot soup.$h#It wasn't a bad day. I just had to readjust my expectations and make the best of it.",
"Rainy_Night_2": "#$c .5#It's going to be relaxing to fall asleep on a night like this...$l#Welcome home, love. Mmm, come here and kiss me.$l",
"Rainy_Night_3": "I made a little wood sculpture today, but it was so ugly I threw it into the fire.$u#$e#I think to become a great artist, you have to be critical of your own work.",
"Rainy_Night_4": "#$c .5#I'm glad you're home... It's a good night to get under the covers and stay warm.#I missed you today. We should... spend some time together tonight.$l",
"Rainy_Night_Leah": "#$c .5#How was your day today, dear? Muddy?#An old friend from the city commissioned me to do a painting for her. I almost finished it today.",
"Indoor_Day_0": "#$c .5#This house is a lot nicer than my old cabin! I don't miss it.#Hm, what am I in the mood for today? Painting or sculpting?",
"Indoor_Day_1": "#$c .5#Rise and shine! Look what finished growing in a pot out back. [16 18 20 22 90 259 396 402]$h#Good morning, @. I've planted these in a little pot out back... [16 18 20 22 90 259 396 402]#$e#I grew that with great love and attention. Enjoy it.",
"Indoor_Day_2": "#$c .5#Always remember to keep your eyes peeled for wild food! There's lots out there.#Good morning. What are you hoping to get done today?",
"Indoor_Day_3": "#$c .5#I couldn't resist. These greens were at peak freshness, so...#I was thinking... life's too short to eat bad food. Luckily, we live in one of the best regions for fresh greens and vegetables!#$e#Here, I made you a healthy salad. [196]#$e#I'm surprised you aren't sick of my salad yet!",
"Indoor_Day_4": "#$c .5#Good morning! I made us some coffee.[395]$h#My morning just wouldn't be complete without a hot cup of coffee.[395] How about you?$h",
"Indoor_Night_0": "#$c .5#Something about this time of night makes me thirsty.#Got some time to spend with me tonight? I've been thinking about you...$l",
"Indoor_Night_1": "#$c .5#The flow of time is so delicate... even the tiniest decision changes the future forever.#With the short lives we live, everyone leaves a mark on the world. I hope I'm doing my part to leave a good mark.",
"Indoor_Night_2": "#$c .5#It's so much lovelier here at night than the garish glow of the city.#Everything worked out perfectly for me. I'm very lucky.",
"Indoor_Night_3": "#$c .5#I never thought I'd receive a mermaid's pendant so soon after moving here! I'm happy about it, though.$l#Did you make any good memories today?",
"Indoor_Night_4": "#$c .5#I saw a wild rabbit today. I just wish I could pet one someday. They look so soft...#I saw some red-crested bluebirds today. They must be tucked nice and snug in their nests by now.",
"Outdoor_0": "#$c .5#The cool breeze feels nice. It reminds me of living by the river.#Heyyy, good morning. I was wondering when you'd find me out here.$h",
"Outdoor_1": "#$c .5#Hmm... I'm going to do some maintenance over here. I just get the urge to do some hammering now and then.#I can tell which parts of the house were added by Robin. Let me just say, she really knew what she was doing.",
"Outdoor_2": "#$c .5#It's going to be a special day, I can sense it.#Good morning! I'm feeling a little more awake now that I'm out here.",
"Outdoor_3": "#$c .5#Ah... that smell of fresh dirt. There's nothing quite like it.$h#You can tell the air is clean here... it feels good in the lungs.",
"Outdoor_4": "Don't overwork yourself, dear.#$e#$c .5#It's not as if we're starving, so there's no rush, right?#Make sure and take a break every now and then, or get something to eat.$h",
"funLeave_Leah": "#$c .5#I'm going to take a nature walk today. I need to get out of the house.#I'm going for a long walk today, so hopefully I'll see some neat things. You'll see me in the evening.",
"funReturn_Leah": "#$c .5#I had a nice, relaxing time today. How did your day go?#The woods were beautiful, as usual. I feel like I discover something new each time I visit it -- bugs, little flowers, you know.",
"OneKid_3": "#$c .5#Stardew Valley is a great place for a child to learn an appreciation for nature, don't you think?#It's fun to be a parent. I want to make sure %kid1 grows up to have a love for the outdoors.",
"TwoKids_3": "#$c .5#We've got a wonderful farm and a full family. Our new life has really turned out well, hasn't it?#I hope %kid1 and %kid2 find healthy outlets for their expression. It doesn't have to be painting or sculpting; just whatever makes them happy.",
"spring_4": "Did you get all the crops in the ground yet? Or... is it better to stagger it out?#$e#I'm just curious. I trust your judgment.",
"spring_19": "There's a coffee house in Grampleton that wants to hang a sampling of my work. Guess I've got my work cut out for me!#$e#I just hope some of it sells.",
"spring_25": "Elliott says beauty is experienced in the mind, so he thinks words most resemble our thoughts and are best for creating beauty.#$e#But... don't we also think in images? And aren't image-based thoughts usually more potent?#$b#...I dunno. What do you think?$u",
"summer_8": "Sorry if I'm wet to the touch... I was sweating all night in the heat.",
/*"summer_9": null,*/
"summer_12": "It was nice catching up with Elliott at yesterday's festival. Seems like he's in a pretty good place with his lifestyle.",
"summer_15": "Ahhh, I'm so glad we still have a good chunk of summer left.$h#$e#I'm not ready for it to be over.",
"summer_20": "It take a bit of guts to know my work sits on display in other people's homes.#$e#I pour myself into those pieces, so it's almost like they can spy on a piece of my soul. Does that make sense?#$e#Well, your work winds up on other people's dinner tables. So that's kind of the same thing.$h#$b#That's just the consequence of leaving a small impact on the world, I suppose.",
"summer_24": "I wonder how my old neighbors are doing. Marnie, Jas...#$e#...Oh right. And Shane.#$e#I guess I'm still technically neighbors with them, huh?$u",
"fall_7": "I wonder if I should check out Caroline's dance aerobics class again. I've only ever been... twice? ...I think?#$e#Oh yeah! Once, Dr. Harvey was there. It was cute.$h#$b#Hey, more power to him.",
"fall_10": "Emily's still working at the Saloon, isn't she? Hm, I wonder if she'll ever move out of town?#$e#I've never gotten to know her super well, but I always got the sense she was meant for more than waiting tables.",
"fall_13": "I basically get to live my dream. @, I hope you understand that I don't take that for granted, right?",
"fall_24": "The coffee shop in Grampleton was displaying some of my paintings and they finished selling the last piece! Score!$h#$e#Maybe they'll ask me again.",
"winter_4": "Hmm... I wonder how Elliott's doing with all this cold? Do you think maybe he'd appreciate a hot meal from us?",
"winter_11": "Sorry, I let it get pretty cold in here last night, didn't I?#$e#I cracked the windows last night to let out the paint fumes. I just... let's just keep the fireplace running through the day.$s",
"winter_16": "Sometimes, it's tough to sell a piece I feel really proud of.$s#$e#I mean, if we're good on money, maybe I'll just... keep some of them?$l",
"winter_20": "Feast of the Winter Star-themed art is so fun and easy to do. I can just make it as unapologetically joyful as I want.$h",
"winter_27": "The snow was melting and dripping repeatedly off this one spot on the roof. And then the sun started refracting through it.#$b#It sent these tiny little flashes through part of the room. So beautiful.#$e#Oh, this was just a few mornings ago.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Lewis",
"cc_Bus": "@, did you hear? It seems the old town bus started working again overnight!$h#$b#That old thing has been dormant for some time... This is truly a great mystery.",
"Mon": "It's a good season to start thinking about gardening, even for us non-farmers.#$e#The valley is known for producing some of the finest spring flowers!$h",
"Mon2": "Your grandfather and I used to chat a lot about gardening. I learned a good chunk of what I know from him.",
"Mon6": "It must be difficult to be a child in Pelican Town. There aren't as many kids as there used to be...#$e#I commissioned to have that play structure built a few years back. I hope Jas and Vincent know they're well loved here.",
"Tue8": "Our community sure has changed over the years. I remember there was an old, run-down house where the JojaMart stands today.#$e#I'm not sure if anyone even occupied that house since the time I was born. As a boy, though, I made sure to steer clear of it.",
"Wed2": "Sometimes you can tell if there's something buried underground. Just keep your eyes open.",
"Wed6": "One reason I love this town is for its rich history. People have inhabited the Valley since well before Pelican Town was built.",
"Thu": "Hi there, @! Nice to see you out and about.#$b#It's good to spend time socializing with the townsfolk every now and then.$h",
"Thu2": "The saloon can get pretty lively at night. Sometimes we even put a coin in the jukebox *chuckle*$h#$e#I like to visit once a week or so to catch up on things, anyway.",
"Thu6": "I don't suspect Emily's and Haley's parents will return to Pelican Town any time soon, if ever. It was always their dream to live freely around the world.#$e#Their girls reached adulthood, and then... poof! They were gone.#$e#Normally, you'd expect the kids to be the ones who do that.$h",
"Fri2": "The museum's previous curator held private ownership over the exhibits. I wish we'd had the funding to hold onto them.",
"Fri4": "In a little town like this, I get to be the hands-on event planner. I wouldn't have the same luxury if I were mayor of a big city.#$e#Sure, it's more stressful, but I can't argue with the kind of fulfillment I get out of it.$h",
"Sat2": "I'm glad our town was able to get Dr. Harvey. The timing of his arrival was impeccable.#$e#When our previous doctor announced his retirement, we weren't sure if we'd all have to start commuting for medical care.",
"Sat8": "I'll never have any children of my own, so I think of the spirit of Pelican Town as my child, in a way.#$e#If I leave my mark on the people who find a home in this town, that's all I can hope for.",
"Sun": "Some of the townsfolk are wary of strangers. You'll have to win their trust before they open up to you.#$e#Just be persistent and you'll get through to them.$h",
"Sun2": "Leah and Elliott each moved here about a year before you did. Have you talked to them much?#$e#They spend a decent amount of time together at the festivals, though they're not a couple. ...I don't think so, anyway.",
"Sun4": "Growing flowers on your farm can really enhance the aesthetics.#$b#If I were you, I'd just grow 'em and leave 'em until the end of the season.$h",
"summer_Mon4": "Cultivating a garden is both a literal and figurative pursuit. My flower beds are my garden, but in a way, so is Pelican Town as a whole. #$q 007/008 summer_Mon4_old#I'm sure you understand, @?#$r 007 5 summer_Mon_007#Yes, my farm is a reflection of my soul.#$r 007 5 summer_Mon_007#Yes, I want to cultivate my community, not just my farm.#$r 008 -15 summer_Mon_008#No, not really...#$r 008 -15 summer_Mon_008#Uh... what?",
"summer_Mon4_old": "$p 007#For people like you and me, it's the way we'll win out in the long run.|I hope you come to understand that someday.",
"summer_Mon_007": "That's fantastic! It looks like we're speaking the same language, then.$h",
"summer_Mon_008": "Hmm... never mind.$s",
"summer_Mon10": "Hello, there, @!$h#$e#I hope your work has been rewarding. Just know that we all appreciate what you do.",
"summer_Tue4": "Do you talk to Willy from time to time? He's lived in that shack for about as long as I can remember.#$e#He's a good man.",
"summer_Tue8": "One of the things I like most about gardening is seeing people stop to admire your work.#$e#Do you ever feel that way about the aesthetics of your farm?",
"summer_Wed6": "I learned a few gardening tips from Evelyn. It's always worthwhile to spend time with a good soul like her.",
"summer_Thu": "Hmm... I wonder if it's anyone's birthday today? I'd better check the calendar by Pierre's shop.",
"summer_Thu4": "The saloon gets pretty lively at night.#$e#I like to visit once a week or so to catch up on things. And to get a taste of Gus' authentic spaghetti.",
"summer_Fri": "Hey there, @! It's good to spend an evening at the saloon when you can. Everyone needs a break now and then.$h#$b#Your grandfather always worked himself too hard... I'll have an extra beer in his honor tonight.",
"summer_Sun6": "It's the perfect time to be cooking with some spicy peppers! Got any growing this summer?",
"fall_Mon": "Robin and I like to give each other a hard time. I hope we weren't offputting when we first welcomed you off the bus way back when.$h#$e#She and Demetrius have brought great hope to our community.#$b#And please know that you do, too!$h",
"fall_Mon4": "I've been Mayor of Pelican Town for over twenty years!#$e#No one ever runs against me when it's time for an election. I like to think that it means I'm doing my job well.#$e#I like being Mayor.",
"fall_Tue": "Not many people tend to visit Clint, what with his shop being on the outskirts of town. Why not pay him a visit?#$e#I'm sure he could use the company. And the business.",
"fall_Tue6": "It was around this time of year when I first became Mayor, over twenty years ago.#$e#That makes me feel really old.$s",
"fall_Wed4": "Every Wednesday I have buckwheat waffles and coffee for breakfast. It's a little tradition I keep to keep the bachelor life interesting.$h",
"fall_Thu4": "Do you have any bee houses on your farm?#$e#If you place them near flowers you can get different types of honey.",
"fall_Fri10": "I feel like I've become as close with you, @, as I was with your Grandfather. It's strange yet heartwarming to see how times change.#$e#For every life that leaves this world, a new one comes to replace it. We must not forget that.",
"fall_Sun4": "Ah... There's nothing like a strong cup of tea in the morning.",
"winter_Tue": "I've got to balance the budget before the end of the year. I hope I don't have to cut any festivals just to keep the minimum for basic maintenance.#$e#I imagine I'll find a way. Always do. But there are no guarantees.",
"winter_Tue6": "I've got to start coming up with a plan for improving our town next year!",
"1_2": "Cheers to the new year! You've got a lot of work in these early days of the season, haven't you?",
"spring_3": "Have you planted any spring crops yet? The season doesn't last forever, you know.",
"spring_12": "Did you get my letter about the Egg festival? I sure hope you can make it!#$e#I've got some good ideas for hiding spots in the egg hunt. Just you wait.$h",
"spring_14": "I think we've got all the hidden eggs from yesterday cleaned up.#$b#...Pretty sure, anyway.",
"spring_23": "I sure hope the Flower Dance is a success again this year.#$e#Sometimes those old traditions die hard, though...$s",
"summer_10": "I didn't sleep much last night. The Luau is always the most stressful festival of the year for me.#$e#Don't let that get in the way of you having a good time, though!$h",
"summer_28": "I think tonight's festival is my favorite because I don't have to worry about a thing. The Moonlight Jellies do all the work for me!$h#$e#It's a nice change of pace after the Luau earlier this month.",
"fall_15": "I take it you got my letter about the Stardew Valley Fair?#$b#This festival's my specialty. I'm sure it's going to go great.$h",
"fall_28": "I'm not even sure how the town gets everything cleaned up after Spirit's Eve. Each year, I wake up expecting a mess, but it's like you'd never even know it happened.",
"winter_1": "Well, winter is here! That means the townspeople will be spending most of their days indoors.#$e#At least you'll know where to find them!$h",
"winter_7": "It looks like everything's in place for the Festival of Ice to be a success tomorrow.#$b#Remember, if I'm not too old to play in the snow, neither are you!$h",
"winter_15": "The Night Market isn't something I plan myself. These traveling merchants just show up on their own each year, and frankly, I'm glad that they do.#$b#Not every small town gets that privilege.",
"winter_24": "I can't take much credit for the Feast of the Winter Star. I can plan it on paper, sure, but the way everyone shows up in such a jolly mood...#$'s simply magic!$h",
"winter_28": "It's not just the end of another year, it's the anniversary of your arrival! I'll never forget when you stepped off that bus.$h#$e#The snow melted early that year, I remember.#$e#Thanks for a good year, @.",
"spring_14_2": "I think we've got all the hidden eggs from yesterday cleaned up.#$b#...Pretty sure, anyway.",
"spring_23_2": "Well, our flower dance just keeps truckin' along. I suppose it'll remain a tradition for a long time.",
"summer_10_2": "I just got off the phone with the Governor. He confirmed he's already en route here. *gulp*",
"summer_28_2": "I think tonight's festival is my favorite because I don't have to worry about a thing. The Moonlight Jellies do all the work for me!$h#$e#It's a nice change of pace after the luau earlier this month.",
"fall_15_2": "I take it you got my letter about the Stardew Valley Fair?#$b#This festival's my specialty. I'm sure it's going to go great.$h",
"fall_28_2": "I'm not even sure how the town gets everything cleaned up after Spirit's Eve. Each year, I wake up expecting a mess, but it's like you'd never even know it happened.",
"winter_7_2": "It looks like everything's in place for the Festival of Ice to be a success tomorrow.#$b#Remember, if I'm not too old to play in the snow, neither are you!$h",
"winter_15_2": "The Night Market isn't something I plan myself. These traveling merchants just show up on their own each year, and frankly, I'm glad that they do.#$b#Not every small town gets that privilege.",
"winter_24_2": "I can't take much credit for the Feast of the Winter Star. I can plan it on paper, sure, but the way everyone shows up in such a jolly mood...#$'s simply magic!$h",
"winter_28_2": "It's not just the end of another year, it's the anniversary of your arrival! I'll never forget when you stepped off that bus.$h#$e#The snow melted early that year, I remember.#$e#Thanks for a good year, @.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Linus",
"Mon6": "There's nothing like the feeling of making it through another winter with just the gifts of the mountain.$h",
"Mon8": "Me? Married? Haha, no, I've never been married.$h#$e#I've never demanded that anyone else should conform to my lifestyle.",
"Tue2": "Is there something that you want?",
"Tue6": "A long time ago, yes, I grew up in a family. I haven't seen them for many years.#$e#I don't think I can even remember their faces anymore...$s",
"Wed": "I don't know you well enough to trust you. Sorry.",
"Wed6": "I spend a lot of time thinking.#$e#If you can fully understand the reasons behind your thoughts, you'll have reached a new level of being.",
"Thu": "...Hmm? Do you want something from me?",
"Thu2": "...Maybe I need to pack up my tent and move again.$s",
"Thu6": "Yes, you saw me taking food from the trash cans that one time...$s#$e#Usually, I just live on the food that nature provides, but the food that others throw out goes to complete waste if I don't take it.$s#$e#Is that any way to treat the world that provides for us?",
"Thu8": "Sometimes, people don't understand me, but that doesn't make them bad.#$e#It just bothers me when they show hostility.",
"Thu10": "There is a beauty in caring for others.#$b#So if I find something delicious and there's enough for two, I'll leave it in your mailbox.$h",
"Fri": "Please don't destroy my tent.#$e#It's happened before.$s",
"Fri2": "Why do you keep visiting me?",
"Fri8": "Where do we go after we die? I suppose I'll go into the ground.#$e#Just back into the flow of nature, is all.#$e#It doesn't have to be so bad, if you think about it.#$e#I guess I'm not quite ready for that yet, though.$h",
"Sat": "I'm happy by myself, you know.#$e#I don't need new friends.",
"Sat2": "...Hello, again.",
"Sat6": "I don't imagine I'll stay here much longer.#$e#Don't be alarmed if you come up here and my tent is suddenly gone.#$e#That's how I've always done it.",
"Sat8": "Perhaps I'll stay here another year.#$e#I don't normally stay put in one place for this long, but...$s",
"Sat10": "At this rate, I may just stay here indefinitely.$h#$e#I can live in nature as much as I want, but I'm not too far away from at least one good neighbor. Thank you, @.",
"Sun2": "You don't have to speak to me if you don't want to.",
"Sun4": "It would be nice if the townspeople could accept me for who I am.$s#$b#I like living out here in the open air. That's what they don't understand.",
"Sun8": "When I first met you, @, I was sure I would be leaving the Valley soon. Thank you for helping to change my mind.",
"summer_Tue8": "Marlon and Gil? Yes, I see them every now and then.#$e#We mostly keep to ourselves.",
"summer_Sun6": "I once caught a bass in the lake that was longer than my arm.$h#$e#That was a long time ago. I don't know that I'll ever break that record.",
"fall_Mon8": "I'll admit, I've followed you into the mines before, from a distance.#$e#I'm sorry. I just want to make sure you stay safe...",
"fall_Tue10": "Hi there, @!$h#$e#Find any good foraging spots today?",
"fall_Wed8": "The mountain owes us nothing, yet it still gives. Anything we take is an undeserved gift. We must never forget to be thankful.",
"fall_Sun10": "Have you tried fishing with wild bait yet?",
"winter_Mon6": "I could hide from the cold in the hot spring, but that isn't where I live.#$e#I'd rather not step on anyone's toes. The building belongs to the village.",
"winter_Tue8": "If I play things right, I can go for a week or so without food.#$e#It isn't my first choice, but I can do it if it becomes necessary.",
"winter_Wed8": "Rasmodius is a good friend. We only run into each other every now and then, but we always pick up where we left off.",
"winter_Thu8": "The family in that house seemed annoyed by my presence when I first settled here. Lately, though, they seem fine with me.",
"winter_Sun8": "It's important to know that we don't really matter. The world will carry on whether we humans exist or not.",
"1_2": "Breathe in that spring air!$h#$b#The Valley is coming to life.$h",
"summer_10": "I think I might take a risk tomorrow at the Luau and share a little of my cooking.",
"winter_15": "I caught a glimpse of the ships docking at the beach, from my view up on the mountain.#$e#Maybe I'll give them a look up close.",
"winter_28": "We made it.$h#$e#*chuckle*$h",
"summer_10_2": "I think I might take a risk tomorrow at the Luau and share a little of my cooking.",
"winter_15_2": "I caught a glimpse of the ships docking at the beach, from my view up on the mountain.#$e#Maybe I'll give them a look up close.",
"winter_28_2": "We made it.$h#$e#*chuckle*$h",

"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Marnie",
/*"Saloon": null,
"Saloon_Tue": null,
"Saloon_Wed": null,
"Saloon_Sun": null,
"Saloon_Sat": null,*/
"Mon2": "I order all our supplies from a company I've done business with for almost two decades.#$e#I've got a special deal worked out, so it's cheaper for me to order the equipment.",
"Mon4": "Leah's been a good neighbor. I can tell she has a deep appreciation for the natural world.#$b#And that includes animals, of course.$h",
"Mon6": "Animals are so innocent, so sweet. And If I don't look after them, who will?$s#$e#I just hope my chickens aren't too upset when I take their eggs.$s",
"Mon8": "What can I say? I guess it's in my blood to care for others.#$e#I'd say you have to be if you want to stick with this line of work.",
"Tue2": "I'm sorry if Shane was a bit rude to you.$s#$e#It's just... I hope it's not too much to ask if you could be a friend to him.$s",
"Tue4": "Shane is Jas's godfather. Has anyone mentioned that to you yet?",
"Tue6": "Jas simply adores Shane.#$b#There's a strange distance between the two of them, though.$s#$e#She always calls me \"Aunt Marnie,\" but she just calls him \"Shane.\"$s",
"Tue8": "Poor Jas. Did I ever tell you? Her parents died in a drunk driving accident several years ago.$s#$e#I just can't believe how strong she's been through it all.$s",
"Tue10": "Shane was not in a good place when Jas's parents died, and in no shape to suddenly become an adoptive father.$s#$e#What else could I do? I had to take her in.$s",
"Wed": "You can use a scythe to cut feed from grass.#$e#Just make sure you've got a silo to keep it in.#$e#Robin could help with that.",
"Wed2": "You can use a scythe to cut feed from grass.#$e#Or you can buy it from me, of course!$h#$e#I could use the cash...$u#$e#Adios.",
"Wed4": "I've lived on this ranch all my life. I was operating it singlehandedly by the time I was twenty.#$e#Times sure have changed.",
"Wed8": "If your silo gets full, you can also store hay in a box.#$e#Just a little tip.$h",
"Fri2": "This sure is a messy lifestyle, but nobody ever lived well without getting their hands a little dirty!$h",
"Fri6": "I wonder if Mr. Lewis gets lonely in that big house of his...$s#$e#It seems so empty in there, doesn't it?",
"Sat2": "I'm glad you moved in, @. I'd almost given up hope that we'd ever see a neighbor up north of us again.",
"Sat4": "Lily was my favorite cow back when I was a kid. I've never had one quite like her since.#$e#She was just a pure, loving soul, plain and simple.",
"Sat6": "I always see Clint at the saloon but he won't talk to anyone. He just glances over his shoulder now and then.$s",
"Sat8": "Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who can keep this family going.$s#$e#Heck... That's not just how I feel. That's just how it is.$s",
"Sun4": "Have you looked up how to craft a mayo maker?#$e#I never liked mayonnaise until I tried it homemade. That store-bought stuff just isn't the same.",
"Sun6": "If I spend my life caring for the people and animals I love, then I'd say it's a life well lived.",
"summer_Mon2": "Another one of our cows gave birth last night.$h#$e#I don't think I'll ever grow tired of watching how life continues on like that. It'll always find a way.",
"summer_Wed4": "Shane's been distant since he moved in. He won't even sit with me at the saloon.$s#$e#I get that he needs his independence. He's an adult.$s#$e#And I'm not his mother, either.$s",
"summer_Wed6": "*sigh*... I wasn't very productive this morning.$s",
"summer_Thu": "How're you handling that heat?#$e#It rains enough in the summer that you shouldn't have to worry about your water sources running dry.",
"summer_Thu6": "Hoo, it's hot, but it's not too hot. We shouldn't have to worry about sunstroke with any of the animals.",
"summer_Fri6": "I spilled a whole bucket of milk on the floor today. It was horrible.$s#$e#And such a waste of my poor Belinda's hard work.$s",
"summer_Fri8": "I wonder if Mr. Lewis gets lonely in that big house of his...$s#$e#It seems so empty in there, doesn't it?",
"fall_Wed": "Are you stocking up on hay right now?#$b#Just take the number of animals you've got and multiply by 28. That's how much hay you'll need to make it through winter.",
"fall_Wed8": "You and me! We'll make sure together that our animals last through the coming winter.$h#$e#Just swing by if you start to run low on hay.",
"fall_Thu": "I sell heaters. Make sure you pop one of those down anywhere your livestock is housed.#$b#They'll be thanking you when the snow starts coming down.$h",
"fall_Thu6": "Jas brought home another hundred-percent quiz from school. I sure am proud of that girl.$h#$e#She's come such a long way.$h",
"winter_Wed": "Got enough feed for the winter?#$e#If you need me to sell you some, just make sure you don't wait until last minute.",
"winter_Thu": "If I hadn't been a rancher, I wonder if I'd wound up as a cake baker.#$e#Hmm? Oh, no, I don't bake. I uh... I just really like fancy cakes.",
"winter_Thu8": "Yes, Jas moved in first. Sometime later, I checked in on Shane, and it became clear that I'd need to take him in, too.",

"winter_Fri": "Every now and then, I deliver a little cloth to Emily.#$e#It's exciting to see what she makes with it.",
"winter_Fri4": "We make our own cheese and ice cream here.#$e#I never get tired of 'em if they're made the right way.",
"winter_Fri8": "Yep. That tower near our ranch still gives me the creeps.#$e#I just try not to think about it.",
"1_2": "Happy new year!$h#$b#The animals are just dying to get outside.",
"spring_12": "I've been delivering eggs to Gus and Lewis for the past week.#$e#I sure hope they have enough.",
"fall_15": "I've been scrambling to get a good grange display for tomorrow's fair. Have you?#$e#Whoops. \"Scrambling.\" That was a bad pun.",
"winter_24": "Hey there! I hope to see you at the Feast tomorrow.$h",
"winter_28": "We did it! Our animals made it through the winter.$h",
"Tue_inlaw_Shane": "I'm so glad Shane met you. You take good care of him now, you hear?",
"Tue8_inlaw_Shane": "I'm so glad Shane met you. When he first moved to town, I wasn't sure how things would work out, but here we are!$h",
"spring_12_2": "I've been delivering eggs to Gus and Lewis for the past week.#$e#I sure hope they have enough.",
"fall_15_2": "I've been scrambling to get a good grange display for tomorrow's fair. Have you?#$e#Whoops. \"Scrambling.\" That was a bad pun.",
"winter_24_2": "Hey there! I hope to see you at the Feast tomorrow.$h",
"winter_28_2": "We did it! Our animals made it through the winter.$h",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Maru",
"Mon2": "Hi. Have you seen anything interesting on your walks around town yet?",
"Mon4": "A lot of technical work must go into designing and running a farm. What do you do to clear your mind when you get a bit flustered?",
"Mon6": "Sometimes my head gets so cluttered with nonsense I can hardly think. Does that ever happen to you?#$e#Getting some fresh air usually helps.",
"Mon8": "Isn't it funny how the solution to a tough problem can just appear in your head as soon as you stop thinking about it?",
"Mon10": "These days, I take walks just because I hope I'll run into you.$l#$e#Looks like today's my lucky day!$h#$e#How about tomorrow, too?",
"Tue2": "Stop by our house when you need to upgrade your buildings.#$e#It's always nice to have visitors.",
"Tue4": "Hmm... I wonder if there's anything I could craft that would make my mom's job easier...#$e#With the way she works, you'd think she was twenty years younger.$h",
"Tue6": "I worry about my mom when she works in the rain. What if she got struck by lightning?$s#$e#Do you have some lightning rods on your farm?",
"Tue8": "My mom's always been really supportive of me in my pursuits. So has my dad.#$e#I don't think I would've done as well if I'd had anyone else as parents.",
"Tue10": "Everyone needs a happy place to retreat to and be alone. The bench by the community center is mine.#$e#There's the other bench by the saloon, but that's where I meet up with Penny.#$e#Though, I wouldn't mind it if you joined me at the happy bench.$l",
"Tue6_inlaw_Penny": "Penny used to talk about you all the time.#$b#Eventually, I was like, \"Hey! You'd better ask that boy out if he doesn't ask you out first!\"$h^Eventually, I was like, \"Hey! You'd better ask that girl out if she doesn't ask you out first!\"$h",
"Wed2": "Days at the clinic are nice when I get to learn something new.#$e#If I don't learn something new every day, the day just ends up feeling incomplete.",
"Wed4": "Dr. Harvey was about to throw out his defibrilator, but I opened it and fixed it up no problem.#$e#Unfortunately, he still had to replace it. Something about protocol and avoiding lawsuits...$s",
"Wed6": "The heart monitor in the clinic's treatment room could really use a few improvements.#$b#It wouldn't be too hard to install a voice command system on it. That's just one thing.#$e#It's just wishful thinking, though. I know I can't tamper with standardized medical equipment.$s",
"Wed8": "I work at Harvey's clinic on Tuesdays and Thursdays.#$e#He's nice, but not really my type...",
"Thu4": "Looks like it'll be another slow day at the clinic.#$e#There's only so much I'm licensed to do, anyway.",
"Thu6": "I plan on spending a lot of time with my telescope this summer.#$e#You should join me on an evening when the weather's clear.$h",
"Thu10": "Oh, @! Is there anything you want to talk to me about?$l",
"Fri": "Hey, sorry if I seem cranky... I'm a little sore from work yesterday.#$c .5# I had to carry ten boxes of medical files to the attic!#$e#I had to sort patient records for four hours straight!",
"Fri2": "Penny's a great friend. We've gotten along ever since my family moved here.#$e#Be sure to say hi, okay?",
"Fri4": "My mother is a carpenter and my dad is a scientist. I guess it makes sense that I'm into building gadgets.",
"Fri6": "Ooh, what a week. I didn't make as much progress on my projects as I'd hoped.$s#$e#Did your week go well, though?",
"Fri8": "It's important to sit back and enjoy the finer things in life.#$e#Sometimes, my brain starts going a mile a minute and it gets overwhelming.#$b#But thankfully, I've managed to settle down now.",
"Sat": "Do you know my dad, Demetrius? He's a scientist. I have a lot of fun helping him out in the laboratory.",
"Sat2": "My dad's studying the unique properties of the Valley. You won't find a lot of ecosystems around the world like this one.",
"Sat4": "I haven't quite decided what kind of science I want to pursue as a long-term career.#$e#Maybe I'll just keep doing a little bit of everything.$h#$e#Though, it would be nice to have some kind of contribution to the world.",
"Sat6": "Rocket propulsion was an early interest of mine. I still dabble in it, from time to time.",
"Sat8": "I want to save up so I can order some iridium from a hardware catalog. The stuff is crazy-expensive, though.$s#$e#But... oh, the things I could do with it!$l",
"Sat10": "What do you think farming will look like, a hundred years from now?#$e#I guess there's no replacement for the human touch, is there?$l",
"Sun8": "You must enjoy your work quite a bit if you've stuck around town this long.#$e#I'm really happy for you.$h",
"Sun10": "You must enjoy your work quite a bit if you've stuck around town this long.#$e#I do, too. We make a good pair, don't we?$l",
"summer_Mon": "Hmm... What sort of gadget should I tinker with this summer?",
"summer_Mon2": "I've got a lot on my summer to-do list with my gadget projects. I hope I can get through it all!",
"summer_Mon4": "Hmm... What sort of gadget should I tinker with this summer?",
"summer_Mon10": "Whenever I'm working on a project these days, I'm always keeping you in mind as I work.#$e#You're somewhat of a muse, I guess. I just want to see your reactions to things.$l",
"summer_Tue2": "My brother only tends to come out of his room in the afternoon.#$e#Sometimes we go for a couple of days before our paths cross.$s",
"summer_Tue8": "@, you're looking sharp today.$h",
"summer_Tue4_inlaw_Sebastian": "Heyyy, brother-in-law!$h^Heyyy, sister-in-law!$h#$e#Sebastian seems so much happier now that he doesn't have to live here. I hope things are well!",
"summer_Wed2": "Ick, it's incredibly hot. I bet Sebastian's room is really cool right now by comparison.#$e#I wouldn't know for sure, though. I rarely actually go down there.",
"summer_Wed4": "Is it just me or did it suddenly get really hot?#$e#I guess it's just me.",
"summer_Wed6": "Tonight's a good night to do some stargazing. You should stop by.",
"summer_Wed8": "I wonder if I can find some celestial bodies I haven't seen before tonight?",
"summer_Wed10": "It's strange. Looking at the cosmos through my telescope seems a little lonely these days.$s#$e#Just lonely... without you with me.",
"summer_Thu10": "How do your hands stay so soft with all that farm work?",
"summer_Fri4": "Dad and I sometimes go out for ice cream. Sebastian used to come too, but he doesn't anymore.",
"summer_Fri6": "I'm glad I get to work at such a slow clinic. If we lived somewhere else, it'd take up so much more of my time.#$e#The hours I work each week are perfect for me.",
"summer_Fri10": "Hey @. We should hang out sometime by the lake and share some ice cream.#$e#Do you like that idea?",
"summer_Sat": "Hey, have any interesting farm stories to tell me?#$e#Guess not.",
"summer_Sat2": "Trying to build something mechanical is a game of problem solving. I enjoy having to think outside the box.#$e#Is anything in your job like that, too?",
"summer_Sat4": "Hmm... I wonder if robots will ever be popular enough to replace animals as pets?#$e#Well, probably not during our lifetimes.",
"summer_Sat6": "My parents support my work, but they draw the line at bringing a nuclear reactor into the house.#$e#What? I could handle it.$h#$b#In theory, anyway. They're not that dangerous if you know what you're doing.",
"summer_Sat10": "It's in the middle of summer like this when I see you, @, and my whole heart just feels warm.$l#$e#In the evenings, especially, it's just a time that I know will be nostalgic later in life.",
"summer_Sun": "I bet you're growing some interesting crops right now.#$b#Dad says a lot of exotic plants grow in the valley this time of year.",
"summer_Sun4": "I can keep myself pretty disciplined. It helps to stick to a schedule.#$e#How about you?",
"summer_Sun8": "I wonder if I should apply for a job as a researcher in a university.#$e#I'd miss the Valley, though. And I can do pretty much everything I want to out here, though, so...",
"summer_Sun10": "I wonder if I should apply for a job as a researcher in a university.#$e#I'd miss the Valley, though. And I can do pretty much everything I want to out here, though, so...#$e#And there's you.$l",
"fall_Mon4": "Remember how margarine used to be more popular than butter, because it was supposedly healthier?#$e#Then they found out margarine is actually even worse for you than butter. So now we're back to butter.#$e#Research is a funny journey, sometimes.$h",
"fall_Mon6": "Hmm, the air smells nice. Today's a good day to be outside.",
"fall_Mon8": "You should come visit me at the clinic tomorrow. I work from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.$h",
"fall_Mon_inlaw_Sebastian": "Oh, hey @! How's my brother doing?",
"fall_Tue2": "The colors of this season are what really make me love it so much.#$e#We all have a good excuse to go outside.",
"fall_Tue4": "@, I just love how the trees look right now!#$e#I know you like them too.",
"fall_Tue8": "Days like these remind me of when I first went to school as a little girl.#$e#Any nostalgic memories for you, @?",
"fall_Tue10": "Mmm, this weather's making me crave sweets.#$e#...And you. *giggle*$l",
"fall_Wed4": "If you have any extra metal lying around, I could always use it for one of my projects.#$e#But only if you don't need it yourself.",
"fall_Wed6": "You've probably crafted some pretty neat devices of your own. Have you made a mayonnaise machine?#$e#It's actually pretty easy. The properties of the earth crystal do most of the work for you.",
"fall_Wed8": "Gold is for much more than just decorative purposes. It's also a really good conductor for electrical equipment.#$e#But it's not like anybody just has some of it just lying around, right?$h",
"fall_Wed10": "Mmm, this is nice. Beautiful autumn day, light refreshing breeze...#$b#...boyfriend on my arm...$l^...girlfriend on my arm...$l",
"fall_Thu": "In other parts of the world it's spring right now. Imagine that!",
"fall_Thu4": "It sure would be interesting to see artificial intelligence interact with organic intelligence.#$e#It'd be even more interesting if we could meld the two in one lifeform. Got any cows who'd be up for a 'bionic cow' experiment?$h#$e#Ha, just kidding.",
"fall_Thu6": "Ugh, I can't stop my thoughts from spinning like a whirlwind.$s#$e#Sorry.$s",
"fall_Thu8": "Ugh, my thoughts are just spinning out of control right now. It's like my brain is in overdrive.$s#$e#Can you rub my back? I've got to breathe slowly. *sigh* ...One, two, three, four, five, six, seven...$s#$e#One more time...#$e#...$s#$e#Thanks. I'll be okay.$l",
"fall_Fri4": "Dr. Harvey seems to be in good spirits, lately. It was a good week at the clinic this week.",
"fall_Fri6": "I've been feeling especially optimistic lately...$h",
"fall_Fri8": "Artificial intelligence is really fascinating. I'm not quite as good at programming as Sebastian is...#$b#...but there are some preset AI modules that I've tried altering myself.#$e#Even some basic emotion algorithms should be possible, but of course I keep it relatively rudimentary.",
"fall_Fri10": "Rocket propulsion, arm robotics, artificial intelligence... the synthesis of these elements is something really special.#$e#There's still a long way to go in each science. Endless possibilities, really.",
"fall_Sat4": "The way all the organisms in the wild perish and survive to sustain one ecosystem...#$b#...there's a lot we can learn and apply to making any complex system stable.",
"fall_Sat6": "My dad had a really cool experiment earlier this week.#$b#The microbes in the lake actually stabilize the lake's pH levels. But in order to do that, the microbes have to die in massive quantities.#$e#Am I bad if it was fun to replicate the process in the lab?$s#$e#Well, you know, nature's both cruel and beautiful.",
"fall_Sat8": "Ever heard of a crystalarium? They seem a bit tricky to make, but not impossible.#$e#I would make one if I had the materials.",
"fall_Sun2": "Any plans for next week? Or just taking it day by day?",
"fall_Sun4": "Hey, here's to another good week! *toast*",
"fall_Sun6": "Hey, nice running into you. How was your week?",
"fall_Sun10": "You have a leaf in your hair. Let me get it for you.#$e#...$h",
"winter_Mon2": "My snowman looks a tiny bit different each year, but my inner kid pretends it's the same soul who always comes back to visit.",
"winter_Mon4": "You're never too old to build a snowman.#$b#Anyone who's tired of snowmen is tired of life.$h",
"winter_Mon6": "I think I'll do a little patch-up work on my snowman today. Maybe I can get him to last until the new year.$h",
"winter_Mon8": "Hi @!$h#$e#Hey, don't you think my snowman looks kind of like you?",
"winter_Tue4": "Hey, do you have any ideas for a new gadget I can make?#$e#Mhmm. I trust your opinion.",
"winter_Tue6": "I wonder if I could make a device that could keep my hair from getting frizzy when the weather's dry...",
"winter_Tue8": "One of my first ideas for an invention was an automatic snowball maker and thrower.#$e#I never actually finished the project, because I had the idea when I was seven.#$b#Still, though, shouldn't be too hard...",
"winter_Wed4": "Hm. I'm a little bored today. How do you pass the time in the winter?#$e#My current projects just aren't doin' it for me, lately. I need a change of pace.",
"winter_Wed6": "To tell the truth, I feel like I learn even more from Penny than she learns from me.#$e#The way she understands kids and literature, and art... We're a couple of nerds, but we balance each other out.",
"winter_Wed6_inlaw_Penny": "I'm so happy you wound up with my best friend. I always had a feeling about you and Penny.$l",
"winter_Wed10": "The world just looks perfect after a fresh-fallen snow.#$e#@, you're a really good person. I hope you recognize that about yourself.$l",
"winter_Thu4": "I hope Sebastian's okay. I feel like he barely sees the sun during the winter. It's not healthy.$s",
"winter_Thu6": "I tried asking Sebastian if I could join him and Sam the next time he comes over, but he looked really unenthusiastic.$s#$e#I mean, I'd understand if I did something wrong, but honestly, why does he single me out like that?$a",
"winter_Thu8": "I let Sebastian do his own thing these days. I think he just wants to be left alone.#$e#It sucks. I've tried all these years to be a good sister, but I don't think he'll ever stop pushing me away.$s#$e#Well, not every sibling relationship winds up perfect.$s",
"winter_Thu10": "@, come closer. I'm cold.$l#$e#My hands are so dry from the winter air. I'm sorry about that.$l",
"winter_Thu4_inlaw_Sebastian": "I did a voicechat with Sebastian this morning. Now that he's moved out, it's a lot easier to get along with him.#$b#Isn't it funny how that works?$h",
"winter_Fri4": "We treated a patient with the flu yesterday. Ugh. I really hope I don't get it, too.$s#$e#No, I can't tell you who it is. Patient confidentiality.#$b#Just be sure to wash your hands a lot.",
"winter_Fri6": "You look fresh today. I guess it's that crisp winter air.",
"winter_Fri10": "Your cheeks are all rosy. *giggle* So cute.$l#$e#Mmm, give me a hug.$l",
"winter_Sat4": "Mmm, if only I could go into the caves and get some precious metals. The amount of things I could accomplish...!#$e#But... I don't want to make my parents worry themselves sick.",
"winter_Sat8": "@! I'm glad to see you.#$e#It's been a bit of a rough week, but seeing you makes things a little better.#$e#You're just always a pleasant person to be around. It's nice.",
"winter_Sun": "I get so sleepy when it's cold...",
"winter_Sun2": "I want to wrap myself up in a blanket, but then I'd just fall asleep. Hmm.#$e#That'd really mess up my sleep cycle if I took a nap.",
"winter_Sun4": "I get so sleepy when it's cold...",
"winter_Sun6": "Time travel is theoretically possible. It would just take more energy than anyone can harness.#$e#We're talking... pretty much all the kinetic and potential energy in the world. In one place.$s",
"winter_Sun10": "Time travel is theoretically possible.#$b#But even if I could travel through time, I wouldn't want to change anything.$l",
"1_2": "A good day to you, sir!^A good day to you, @!#$e#How's your year so far?",
"summer_1": "This is going to be a great season for stargazing.",
"summer_27": "You'll be at the beach tomorrow night, right? I hope so!",
"fall_15": "The Stardew Valley Fair is so much fun. It's one of my favorite days of the year.#$e#You should try some of the games they have.",
"winter_1": "Oh man, it's so cold...$s",
"winter_7": "I love my snowman, but I'm interested to see what other people build tomorrow.",
"winter_28": "Have a good night tonight. Let's count our lucky stars!",
"summer_27_2": "You'll be at the beach tomorrow night, right? I hope so!",
"fall_15_2": "The Stardew Valley Fair is so much fun. It's one of my favorite days of the year.#$e#You should try some of the games they have.",
"winter_7_2": "I love my snowman, but I'm interested to see what other people build tomorrow.",
"winter_28_2": "Have a good night tonight. Let's count our lucky stars!",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogueMaru",
"Rainy_Day_0": "#$c .5#I bet my brother just went to bed an hour or two ago. What a goof.#I wonder how Penny is doing? Maybe I'll give her a call later today.",
"Rainy_Day_1": "#$c .5#Have you seen my flathead screwdriver with the yellow handle? I'm always misplacing that thing...$s#I was just daydreaming... do you think MARILDA is okay? I hope she finds some place where she truly belongs...",
"Rainy_Day_2": "Hey! I had trouble sleeping last night so I fiddled around in my workshop for a bit. Here, I made this for you. [688 369 338 325 287]#$e#$c .5#I'm happy to contribute where I can.$h#I hope you can find some use for it.",
"Rainy_Day_3": "#$c .5#Phew, I thought I slept like a baby, but I'm still tired.#The only thing I dislike about rain is the fact that I can't do any stargazing!",
"Rainy_Day_4": "#$c .5#Some of my electronics are getting a bit dusty. That's something I could work on today... or maybe some reading.#Do I hear a leak in the roof? I'll have to check it out. I know a thing or two about carpentry from watching my mother.",
"Rainy_Night_0": "#$c .5#I stayed inside because of the weather. Not too exciting, but it was relaxing. I kicked back with the latest 'Schematics Weekly'.#Make sure you don't leave your tools out in the rain! You wouldn't want them to get all rusty.",
"patio_Maru": "#$c .5#When this one's done, it should be useful for helping me cook food. Y'know, MY way, just for fun.#I'm not sure what this is, yet... but it's fun to turn the old wrench now and then.",
"Rainy_Night_1": "Hi @. How was your day... soggy?#$e#$c .5#Why don't we do an indoor date night tonight? What're you craving?#This weather gives me gadget ideas... maybe if I funnel the rainwater it could power a mill?",
"Rainy_Night_2": "Dad's been tracking the weather patterns for the last twenty years.#$e#$c .5#I really hope the climate doesn't change to the point where it negatively affects your farming.$s#It's a little too early to tell, but the results have revealed some abnormal trends.",
"Rainy_Night_3": "#$c .5#Come here. *kiss* I need some human contact tonight.$l#Can we have spaghetti in bed tonight?",
"Rainy_Night_4": "#$c .5#Look what I made. And I didn't even use an oven! Guess how? [232 234 223 220]$h#I made some dessert! Make sure to brush your teeth before bed, though. [232 234 223 220]$h",
"Indoor_Day_0": "#$c .5#I have so many little projects I want to work on today... Maybe I should write down a list, before my brain gets too cluttered.#Hmm? Sorry, sometimes I get so lost in thought that I don't even realize what I'm doing.",
"Indoor_Day_1": "#$c .5#Got any ideas for how we could put this to use? I just don't like wasting good equipment. [286 287 205 732]#I found this in my scrap pile. Think you could find a use for it? [286 287 205 732]",
"Indoor_Day_2": "#$c .5#There's something about farm life that gets me up early. I don't know what it is. It just feels right.#Finally, you're up! I was getting so hungry... *rumble*$h",
"Indoor_Day_3": "#$c .5#What can we do to make today a little more special? Anything fun you've been meaning to get to?#One of the best things about living on the farm is waking up to a chorus of songbirds.",
"Indoor_Day_4": "#$c .5#I used to wonder where I'd end up after moving out. I never imagined it'd be right down the road. How funny.$h#How do you keep your hands so soft with all that farmwork?",
"Indoor_Night_0": "#$c .5#One day, we'll look at the stars the same way early man looked at the horizon: distant but surmountable.#Did you see the moon tonight? It always looks spectacular on the horizon.",
"Indoor_Night_1": "#$c .5#There are always little optimizations that can be made on the farm, but perhaps more important is whether the layout's pleasing to you.#I saw a shooting star earlier. I like to pretend it's MARILDA stopping by to check on us.$h",
"Indoor_Night_2": "I can't decide if I'm craving chocolate cake or ripe strawberries. Or maybe both...?#$e#$c .5#Life's too short not to eat more goodies.$h#Be honest... am I gaining weight?$s",
"Indoor_Night_3": "#$c .5#You did good work today! You deserve to relax the rest of the evening.#Oh, there you are! I was just hoping you'd come home.$l",
"Indoor_Night_4": "#$c .5#I'm really starting to love this old house. It's so cozy at night. Mom's done a great job improving the place.#I'm really proud of the work you do. You know that, right?",
"Outdoor_0": "#$c .5#Oh good! You found me. I was hoping to share a bit of the morning outside with you.#Ahh... the farm smells great, it reminds me of the mountains near my parent's house.",
"Outdoor_1": "#$c .5#I'm sure if my mom were here, she could tell you a little story about every single piece of wood on this side of the house.#With a little planning, we could automate most of the farm work and just relax!",
"Outdoor_2": "#$c .5#No matter how advanced technology gets, I hope this farm and these woods are here for a really, really long time.#It's going to be clear tonight... I wonder if the %noun constellation will be visible?",
"Outdoor_3": "#$c .5#Good morning! Mind if I watch you from here?#Don't worry, I won't mind if you track mud into the house. It's fun to get a little dirty now and then.",
"Outdoor_4": "#$c .5#So, what was it like when you first moved here? It's almost tough to remember when I was just your acquaintance.#I never realized the amount of care and planning necessary to run a farm! It's a lot like working in the laboratory.",
"OneKid_0": "#$c .5#I'll ask Penny for some kid advice. I know she works with big kids, but she just has a way with the little ones.#Have you spent any time with %kid1 today? Kids need playtime in order reach their full potential.",
"OneKid_1": "#$c .5#What? No, of course I'm not going to make a parenting robot. You can't find a substitute for the human touch.$h#What do you think... will %kid1 grow up to be a farmer? Or an engineer?",
"OneKid_3": "#$c .5#My parents are thrilled; they just said they never expected to be grandparents at so young an age. Well, Mom and Dad, surprise!#I have high hopes for our child. I've been reading all the scientific data on the best ways to raise children.",
"TwoKids_3": "#$c .5#Good thing we have good healthcare here. Dr. Harvey will see our kids in a heartbeat if we need to.#My own workshop, two wonderful kids, and a beautiful plot of land. Life is pretty good.",
"funLeave_Maru": "#$c .5#My parents are probably missing me a bit. That's where I'm headed today.#I think I'll visit my parents today. I haven't seen them in a while.",
"funReturn_Maru": "#$c .5#Well, it was good to go home today, but now it's even better to come 'home-home.' My heart's really here, now.$l#Mom and Dad are doing just fine. Their routine is still the same, even with me gone. How was your day?",
"spring_9": "Working in a university would be interesting, but honestly, what would I do there that I don't already do?#$b#Invent? Learn? Experiment? I already do all that.$h",
"spring_15": "I'll see if I can get one of my robots to do the cleaning for us today.#$b#It's more work to get the robot set up and calibrated than if I just did it myself, but it's also more fun.$h",
"spring_16": "I wonder if my walk to work is shorter or longer now, compared to where I used to live...?",
"spring_26": "MARILDA really was a one-off kind of invention for me. I'm not even sure I could reproduce another robot like her... And even if I could, hmm...$s#$b#A big part of me wants her to remain special, one of a kind.",
"summer_4": "I remember one year, when I was a kid, the strawberries came really late in the season.#$b#We were still eating them fresh at around this point on the calendar.#$e#What? Of course I remember! They were just that good!$h",
"summer_9": "Another day of work for me today.#$b#Hmm... I hope no one comes in with heatstroke.$s",
"summer_16": "Eldra, one of the 'feuding brothers' constellations was at its highest point in the sky last night.#$b#Half a year from now, his brother will take his place. Our ancestors were really creative, the way they made so many detailed stories to explain the sky's phenomena.",
"summer_23": "There's a beauty to human technology, but then there's also an even greater beauty to nature.#$b#I feel like the ultimate beauty would be a harmony between the two. What do you think?",
"summer_27": "Just a couple more evenings until the Moonlight Jellies arrive. I'm really excited!#$e#To be honest, though, I'm probably nowhere near my dad's level of excitement.",
"fall_9": "Have a good day today, honey. I'm just going to put the finishing touches on my plutonium destabilizer.#$e#Kidding.$h#$e#No, seriously, I keep the plutonium destabilizer in my secret lab. The one under the wood pile.#$e#Please tell me you didn't just fall for that!$h#$b#Er, well... oh. I guess I did have a secret lab at my old place.$s#$e#No, I didn't install a secret lab! This is your house, you goof!$h",
"fall_15": "Yesterday was the last day to be able to plant pumpkins in time for Spirit's Eve.#$e#Actually, if you forgot, you could still do it. It'd just take a little Speed-Gro.",
"fall_18": "Living within walking distance of my parents' house... in a house my mom remodeled...#$b#Well, I know my situation isn't exactly typical. Let me know if it ever gets weird for you, okay?#$e#You are my priority, you are my love. Now come here and kiss me.$l",
"fall_22": "Penny lent me a book a few days ago. I think I'll get it started later today, maybe while I'm out.",
"winter_11": "I learn best by doing things more than anything else, and I try to learn something new every day.#$e#For me, knowledge is its own end. I don't have any plans to sell an invention for big money.#$b#I'm open to changing my mind on the subject if it ever becomes necessary, though.",
"winter_22": "I love fireplaces... even more than I love central heating. Is that weird for a technophile like me?#$e#It's just that woodfire smell, and the feel of the natural heat. You can't beat it.",
"winter_23": "I've almost finished the book that Penny lent me a while back.#$e#I don't know how she speeds through books the way she does. I only read through a few books per year.",
"winter_28": "Happy new year, honey. Let's celebrate tonight! [232 234 223 220]$h#$b#Don't stay out too late.$l",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Pam",
/*"Saloon_Wed": null,*/
"Saloon_Mon": "Hey kid, I'd buy you a drink if I could afford it!",
"Saloon_Thu": "*gulp*... I've been looking forward to this beverage all afternoon. Heh heh.",
"Saloon_Entry": "Ah... Finally./I need a drink./Gus! Gimme the usual./Hey, I'm back!/Ooh boy, am I thirsty!/I'm parched!",
"Trailer_Entry": "Penny! Did you make dinner?/Penny! You done your chores?/Penny! You home?/Hey! I'm home!",
"Mon": "#$1 PamDrank#urghh... my head...$k#$e#You know, I'd eat healthier food if I could afford it.#$e#Hey, you probably have a lot of tasty grub growin' on your farm, hm?",
"Mon2": "I could sure go for some parsnips.#$e#What? Don't believe I eat healthy sometimes?",
"Mon4": "Maybe if you do real well on your farm it'll boost the local economy.#$e#Then everyone will have a job and we'll all be happy, right?",
"Mon6": "If my legs weren't so stiff I'd visit the mountains every now and then.",
"Mon8": "$d bus#Don't you worry 'bout a thing. I know I'm at the saloon a lot, but I always drive sober.|I sure do miss my job.$s",
"Tue2": "Oh, it's Mr. @.^Oh it's Miss @.#$e#Do you need my help or something?",
"Tue4": "I was reading the newspaper this morning but then I got depressed. It's a rotten world, kid.#$e#Keep your head screwed on right and you'll make it through in one piece...#$b#That's what my Pappy always used to say. Heh heh heh.$h",
"Tue6": "If I could start all this over again...? Nahh, I don't think about those kinds of things.#$e#It ain't gonna happen, so there's no point.#$e#Maybe I'd punch that husband o' mine in the mouth a couple extra times.",
"Tue8": "I had hopes and dreams like you, once... But look at me now.$s#$e#Life doesn't always turn out like you expect.#$e#Ah well. There's no sense dwellin' on what you don't have.",
"Wed2": "$d bus#You don't know how glad I am that the bus is up and running! I feel alive again.|Ever since I got laid off, I can't help but wonder if Mayor Lewis is gonna do something to get that bus fixed.",
"Wed4": "$d bus#You don't know how glad I am that the bus is up and running! I feel alive again.|I talked to Lewis about fixin' the bus. He said he can't 'legally' fix it, 'cause the town don't own it. For cryin' out loud!",
"Wed6": "$d bus#I don't need anything too complicated for work. Just give me somethin' to drive and I'm happy.$h|I called up the bus company again. Said they still ain't got the money to fix it. Budget cuts.$s",
"Wed8": "$d bus#It's nice havin' a reason to get up in the morning again.|That damn bus company! Who do they think they are, givin' me a bus that just ups and breaks on ya?",
"Wed10": "$d bus#I do enjoy my morning walks out to the bus stop. Nothing beats the smell of that fresh air.|Some of us just can't win in this world, kid.$s",
"Thu4": "Hey, what do you think of that Sam fellow? Heard anything about him?",
"Thu6": "Sam seems like a good guy, if a bit young.#$b#Penny says he's got some growing up to do.",
"Thu8": "Penny says I spend too much time at the saloon...$s",
"Fri": "Hi, stranger.",
"Fri2": "Each day's just the same as the last...$s#$b#If only I'd been born rich...$s",
"Fri4": "You know, I've been thinking... I wish I had a hobby. Something to do other than hanging around at that saloon every night.#$e#You got any ideas?#$e#...Ehh. Maybe I'll play checkers against myself.",
"Sat2": "Havin' a local farm is good for our town.",
"Sat4": "Hey kid. What're you up to?#$e#I'm just passin' time, same as always.",
"Sat6": "I wish a team of elves would come during the night and tidy up my house. Hahahaha.$h",
"Sun4": "*Sigh*... I guess I'll be popping a frozen dinner into the microwave tonight.$s",
"Sun6": "$d bus#Good thing I got my job back when I did. A few more weeks and I would've been clean outta cash.|I don't know how much longer I can go before Gus kicks me outta the saloon for not payin' my tab...$s",
"summer_Mon8": "$d bus#I'm a safe driver, kid. Ain't had a single ticket since I was younger than you.$h|Damn this weather, huh kid?",
"summer_Wed10": "$d bus#Ain't no way I'm missin' my unemployment days, nuh uh.|Some of us just can't win in this world, kid.$s",
"summer_Thu2": "Oh, hi there, farmer.#$e#Did I see you at the saloon the other night?",
"summer_Fri8": "Well, the world can't be all bad if there are still some good ones like you left.#$e#How'd you turn out so nice, anyway?",
"summer_Sat2": "Don't mind that ol' dog next to the house.#$b#He might look at you cross, but he'll never get up from that box in a hunderd years.#$b#The old boy's name? It's Dusty.",
"fall_Mon10": "It's around this time of year, I always remember...#$e#That idiot husband o' mine just stood up and walked on out.#$e#I don't really care where he is. Penny's grown up just fine, and she's too good for him, anyway.",
"fall_Wed10": "$d bus#I ain't rich, but I'm glad I don't have to worry about money so much anymore.|Some of us just can't win in this world, kid.$s",
"winter_Mon": "It's so dry in winter. My skin feels like old parchment.",
"winter_Mon6": "You got any hogs on that farm?",
"winter_Tue4": "I just hope Penny has a good life ahead of her. If you ever have kids you'll know how I feel.",
"winter_Wed10": "$d bus#You don't know how glad I am that the bus is up and running! I feel alive again.|Some of us just can't win in this world, kid.$s",
"winter_Fri8": "It's cute seein' how Penny works with those kids.#$e#Well, even if it's too late for me, at least Penny's doin' something good for the world.",
"winter_Sat8": "Fishin' in the Ice Festival is pretty fun. I figure I should do it more often.$h#$e#Maybe I just need an audience to motivate me.#$e#Heh... like someone's got time for that.",
"winter_Sun8": "Your farm sure is pretty in the snow. Makes for a nice view.#$e#Don't you let it go fallin' apart, y'hear?$h",
"1_2": "Any plans for the new year?#$e#Yep, we'll see.#$e#Gotta keep that head up, huh?",
"spring_23": "I can't wait to see Penny dance tomorrow!$h#$e#I just hope she dances with someone good enough for her.",
"winter_7": "Time for me to try my hand at fishing tomorrow. You gonna be there at the festival?",
"winter_28": "Welp, time for another year to walk into the sunset!#$e#Make sure you don't let your life go whooshin' by, kid.",
"spring_23_2": "I can't wait to see Penny dance tomorrow!$h#$e#I just hope she dances with someone good enough for her.",
"winter_7_2": "Time for me to try my hand at fishing tomorrow. You gonna be there at the festival?",
"winter_28_2": "Welp, time for another year to walk into the sunset!#$e#Make sure you don't let your life go whooshin' by, kid.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Penny",
"Introduction": "Hi...#$e#Did you want something?#$e#Oh! Sorry. I'm Penny.#$b#Nice to meet you.",
"Mon": "Hi... #$e#Oh, did you want something?",
"Mon2": "So, I guess you're staying in Pelican Town for the long haul? That's good.",
"Mon4": "*sigh*... My mother definitely has a problem with going to the saloon too much.$s#$q 237/238 Mon_old#But it's best not to dwell on bad things, right?#$r 237 50 Mon_237#Right. It's best to be positive!#$r 238 10 Mon_238#I think it's good to be realistic.",
"Mon_old": "#$p 237#But if I keep trying I think I can get her to change.|I guess it makes sense. There's not much I can do to change it, anyway.",
"Mon6": "If you're ever looking for something my mother will enjoy, you can't go wrong with parsnips.#$e#She uses it in a hangover remedy, but at least it's better than something that causes the hangover in the first place.$u",
"Mon_237": "That's how I feel. I'm just going to focus on making the future better.",
"Mon_238": "Maybe you're right. It's better to cope with reality.$u",
"Tue2": "I tutor Vincent and Jas just three days a week: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.#$e#It's not quite a full school week, but having only two students helps me give them a lot of individual attention.",
"Tue6": "Teaching children involves so many more respnonsibilities than I originally thought.#$e#Has the same proven true for your farming?",
"Tue8": "$d bus#I'm trying to save money from my tutoring job, but it's hard with my mother out of work.|Maybe now that my mother has her bus driving job back, I can start saving more money. Things are looking a little brighter.",
"Wed6": "Ms. Eleanor was my teacher when I was growing up. A lot of the things I teach Vincent and Jas, I learned from her.#$e#I've also learned a lot just from the books in the library.",
"Wed8": "It's tough trying to fill the shoes of the woman who had my job before me, but having only two students makes it a bit easier.#$e#Ms. Eleanor had nine of us one year. There were just more kids in town when I was growing up.",
"Thu2": "It's nice just having two students. We get a little more flexibility with when we meet for class.",
"Thu4": "Some book suggestions? Hm, well, the 'Marcie' series is really good. Everyone loves those.#$e#For my personal favorites, just about anything by Nora Sealy is hard to go wrong with.",
"Thu8": "Hi @!$h#$e#It's been a great week so far. The kids did really well on their quizzes yesterday.#$e#How's your week coming along?",
"Thu10": "When I was a little girl, I always thought I'd grow up and marry Sam. We barely even spend time together anymore, though.#$e#Heehee, no, you don't have to be jealous.$h",
"Fri2": "Teaching is a lot of work. I can't even imagine how a 'real' classroom teacher does everything with a full-sized class.",
"Fri6": "Becoming a teacher will mature you up quite a bit. I feel like I've grown up five years' worth in the last two years alone.",
"Fri10": "Hi there, @!$h#$e#It's strange. I feel somehow older and younger at the same time around you.",
"Sat6": "I want to do what I can to help the world, even if I'm just helping the people around me.#$e#You must feed a lot of people with the work you do, huh?",
"Sat8": "Jas draws me the cutest pictures sometimes. My favorite so is one where she drew your farm next to hers.#$e#She drew every little fence post. It was adorable.$h",
"Sat10": "The romance novels I read as a kid have been making a lot more sense to me, lately.$l#$e#What? ...Oh, sorry, nothing.$l",
"Sun2": "I apologize if my mother is... well, a bit much.#$e#Everyone else is already aware of us, so...",
"Sun6": "I've seen a decent number of people come and go in Pelican town. You won't be leaving anytime soon, will you?",
"Sun8": "Hi @! It's always great to see you.",
"Sun10": "It's so embarrassing. I keep spacing out in the middle of teaching lessons.$l#$e#You know why, right?$l",
"summer_Mon2": "Maru's a good friend. I feel like I learn so much every time I have a conversation with her.#$e#She gives me good ideas that I can use for science lessons with the kids.",
"summer_Mon4": "Maru tells me that every family's got issues of one kind or another.$u#$b#It just bothers me sometimes, when it feels like half the town's judging my mother and me.$s#$e#Uhm, sorry, how's your day going?",
"summer_Mon8": "In my first year of tutoring, I'd go home crying at least once a week. I just thought, 'I can't do right by these kids.'$u#$e#But it did eventually get easier. I think I was overly critical of my own performance and how the kids would receive it.",
"summer_Tue": "I have the kids on a summer reading schedule. It's nice to take it a little easier this time of year.",
"summer_Tue2": "I do hope Vincent's doing his summer reading today...$u#$b#But I'm not supposed to be thinking about him right now. The goal is to build independence.",
"summer_Tue4": "I have the kids on a summer reading schedule. It's nice to take it a little easier this time of year.",
"summer_Tue10": "Sam and I were like Vincent and Jas when we were younger. We've really grown up in different ways since then, though.#$e#Sam is just in a different place in his life. He's still growing up.",
"summer_Wed": "We don't do a full summer vacation, because we have to make up for our short school weeks during the regular year.#$e#Jodi and Marnie requested we do it that way, instead of doing things the way a normal school would.",
"summer_Wed4": "I look forward to getting outside just as much as the kids do. The world outside is our classroom, too!$h#$e#Though, Vincent sometimes just wants to run around, rather than do a science lesson.$u",
"summer_Wed8": "Today we're learning about the water cycle. I had figured this would be a lesson best taught outside.",
"summer_Wed10": "@! Oh, hi!$l#$e#Sorry, is it just unusually hot today?$l",
"summer_Sat2": "Today's a playground day for the kids.#$e#It doesn't have anything to do with my tutoring job. I just do this for fun.",
"summer_Sat4": "$d cc#Thanks for fixing the community center back up. I guess you're kind of a town hero.|Hello, @. It's nice to see you're doing well.",
"summer_Sat8": "I think children's laughter is the nicest sound in the world.$h#$e#That pure, unadultered joy... that's what it's all about, isn't it?",
"summer_Sat10": "Do you like seeing the kids play, too?#$e#It reminds me of those perfect, bygone days, but in a way that recaptures that perfection and gives me hope.$h",
"summer_Sun": "So... do you like to decorate your farm house?#$e#It must be nice having your own place to decorate.",
"summer_Sun2": "I found a library book just lying in the dirt. How could someone be so irresponsible?$s#$e#If you find any others, please be sure to send them back where they belong.",
"summer_Sun4": "So... do you like to decorate your farm house?#$e#It must be nice having your own place to decorate.",
"summer_Sun6": "What do you think I should do with the kids this coming week? I was thinking of trying a little drawing game for practicing vocab.",
"summer_Sun8": "Sometimes, I look at myself, and I wonder if I'm a good enough role model for the kids.$s#$e#If I'm supposed to show them where education can lead them in life... well...$s#$e#...I just tell myself it'll be okay. As long as they find happiness one day in the future...$u",
"summer_Sun10": "Lately, I've found myself with more confidence in what I do.#$e#Even more than ever, I'm reminded of the importance of showing care and support for the ones around me.",
"fall_Mon6": "Maybe I could find a job as a full classroom teacher someday. But I don't know that it would be better for me.#$e#I just can't imagine having the same connections with twenty or thirty students like I have with Jas and Vincent.",
"fall_Mon8": "Maru and I became fast friends when her family moved here. I'd miss her greatly if she ever had to leave.",
"fall_Mon10": "If I met my dad again, I don't know what I'd do... and I don't really care to know.$a#$e#Everything I have right now is zero thanks to him. So, screw him, you know?$a",
"fall_Tue": "I have Vincent come in a little early each day, for a little extra help.#$e#He's been making good progress, even if he has to be a trooper about it sometimes.$h",
"fall_Tue10": "I walked by your farm the other evening as I dropped off Jas at her home. I saw you in the distance, and...#$b#...the landscape was beautiful, but you were my favorite part about it.$l",
"fall_Wed4": "I've been an avid reader for as long as I can remember. Books are one thing that have always been there for me.",
"fall_Wed6": "Books are good for a little escapism now and then. I think everybody needs some form of that.",
"fall_Thu10": "Vincent asked yesterday if I was in love with you. That boy, I swear...$a#$e#...$l",
"fall_Thu8": "It's always a struggle to care for my mom, but after Dad left, the two of us agreed to stick together no matter what.$u#$e#Everyone needs someone who watches their back, you know?$u",
"fall_Fri4": "...$s#$e#Oh, sorry @. I was just thinking. Fall is always a difficult time for me.$s#$e#I'll tell you about it sometime.",
"fall_Sun10": "@! I was just thinking about the future...#$e#Where do you picture yourself in ten years?$l#$e#I have a few ideas for myself...$u",
"winter_Mon": "On the 25th we'll be having the Feast of the Winter Star. It's one of my favorite events.#$e#It's supposed to be a time to show gratitude for all the good things in your life... but for most people it's just a time to relax and exchange gifts.",
"winter_Mon6": "There's a lot of excitement for this year's Feast of the Winter Star. I wonder who I'll get this year?$h",
"winter_Mon10": "I was reading before bed last night, but I only got through a couple pages.#$e#My mind kept wandering...$l",
"winter_Tue4": "Elliott's a novelist, isn't he? I'd love to read some of his work, but I don't know him very well...",
"winter_Tue8": "Elliott shared some of his writings with me. It wasn't the type of stuff I usually like to read, but I made sure I was polite.#$e#He's still very talented.",
"winter_Tue10": "With the Feast of the Winter Star approaching, I was counting my blessings.#$b#I'm very thankful to have gotten to know you, @.$l",
"winter_Wed": "I love that the library has a fireplace. It makes it so much nicer to just curl up with a good book.",
"winter_Wed4": "I'm looking forward to seeing what your farm looks like in the spring.#$e#It's going to be so fresh and beautiful.$h",
"winter_Wed8": "I have no idea whether Vincent will ever go to college. I never did.$u#$e#But if he grows up one day to be a fine and caring young man, I can't ask for anything more.",
"winter_Thu4": "I have to make sure I do my best with my job. If the parents don't feel like their kids are learning enough...$u#$b#...they'll put them on a bus each day for the long commute to a public school.#$e#So far, so good, though.",
"winter_Thu6": "Hey, @, I was wondering... you haven't given my mother any alcoholic beverages, have you?$u#$e#Sometimes I wish Gus would just ban her from the saloon.$s",
"winter_Thu10": "Oh, hi @.$l#$e#Sorry, I didn't sleep much last night. I was up late...$s#$b#...uh, reading. It's a really good book I can't put down.$l",
"winter_Fri": "...yes?$u",
"winter_Fri2": "Are you friends with Linus? He lives in a tent up in the mountains.#$e#Everyone ignores him, the poor guy. He's actually really nice... Just a little odd.#$e#It must be so cold to live in a tent this time of year.",
"winter_Fri6": "George doesn't go outside of his house as much as he used to. I hope everything's okay.$u",
"winter_Sun6": "I have to hide most of the money I make from my job. Otherwise, my mom might drink it away.$s#$e#My mom still loves me. She doesn't do it all the time, but it has happened before.",
"winter_Sun10": "Sometime soon, we should go back to my place in the evening and cozy up together with a book.$h#$e#If you can make it, just try to show up before 8. I don't want my mom to come home early and make things awkward.",
"1_2": "It's a bright new start to the year! I hope the morning was nice for you.$h",
"spring_12": "We decorated a few eggs earlier this week in preparation for the egg festival.#$e#Are you going to be there, too?",
"spring_23": "I have pleasant memories of the flower dance.#$e#I imagine the dance would seem a little old-fashioned for a newcomer, but the steps are really easy to learn.",
"summer_10": "Mmm... I can already almost taste the food at tomorrow's luau.#$e#I just hope no one ruins the soup this year...$a#$e#That's one reason why I don't hang out with Sam as much as I used to.$a",
"fall_15": "I love the Stardew Valley fair.#$b#Those carnival games can be a little tough for the kids, though.#$e#Maybe you can win a prize, @.",
"fall_26": "Spirit's Eve used to scare me when I was little. These days, though, I enjoy it.#$e#Everyone's got to be a little adventurous from time to time, right?$h",
"winter_7": "Snow really brings out the child in everyone. Tomorrow's festival should be a lot of fun.",
"winter_24": "Tomorrow's the big day! It's the most magical day of he year.$h#$e#Watching the expressions on the kids' faces when they open their presents is really special.",
"winter_28": "Happy new year...! ...tomorrow!$h#$e#I wonder what's in store for our little town this coming year.",
"spring_12_2": "We decorated a few eggs earlier this week in preparation for the egg festival.#$e#Are you going to be there, too?",
"summer_10_2": "Mmm... I can already almost taste the food at tomorrow's luau.#$e#I just hope no one ruins the soup this year...$a#$e#That's one reason why I don't hang out with Sam as much as I used to.$a",
"fall_15_2": "I love the Stardew Valley Fair.#$b#Those carnival games can be a little tough for the kids, though.#$e#Maybe you can win a prize, @.",
"fall_26_2": "Spirit's Eve used to scare me when I was little. These days, though, I enjoy it.#$e#Everyone's got to be a little adventurous from time to time, right?$h",
"winter_7_2": "Snow really brings out the child in everyone. Tomorrow's festival should be a lot of fun.",
"winter_24_2": "Tomorrow's the big day! It's the most magical day of he year.$h#$e#Watching the expressions on the kids' faces when they open their presents is really special.",
"winter_28_2": "Happy new year...! ...tomorrow!$h#$e#I wonder what's in store for our little town this coming year.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialoguePenny",
"Rainy_Day_0": "#$c .5#On rainy days my thoughts always drift toward cinnamon and cookies.#It's quite a trek to get to the library in the rain, but it's worth the extra distance if I get to live here.",
"Rainy_Day_1": "I wonder if Maru and Dr. Harvey will ever get together? I'm sure Harvey likes her...#$e#$c .5#...but I think their age gap makes both of them indecisive.#I think Maru will have to make the first move, though.$h",
"Rainy_Day_2": "#$c .5#Hi, honey! I did some shopping this morning and got this for you.[186 180 770 535]#Oh right! I picked this up yesterday, but I forgot about it.[186 180 770 535] I thought you could use one of these.",
"Rainy_Day_3": "Hmm... maybe I should experiment with a new recipe. You liked the last recipe I made, didn't you, honey?#$e#What was it called... 'Chili de @'?",
"Rainy_Day_4": "#$c .5#On days like this, I love to curl up with a good book.#A good book and some tea. Mmm, that sounds wonderful right now.$h",
"Rainy_Night_0": "#$c .5#How was your day, honey? I spent my afternoon reading a novel.#I know some people find fulfillment, reading between the lines for a deeper meaning. Me, I just find joy in the story itself.",
"patio_Penny": "#$c .5#This is a lot more peaceful than my old spot in town. I'm very happy here.#Care to join me for a bit? ...Or, I guess you must have a lot to do, right?",
"Rainy_Night_1": "#$c .5#I'm sure Mom's at the saloon right now... But I don't feel so bad about it anymore. It's out of my hands.#Has my mother been nice to you lately? You know what they say, 'When you marry someone, you marry into the whole family.'",
"Rainy_Night_2": "#$c .5#I was just thinking about that night we met in the bathhouse. I'll never forget that night...$l#Hm, I didn't finish all the grading I'd hoped. Maybe I can wing it first thing in the morning.$s",
"Rainy_Night_3": "#$c .5#The sound of rain used to bother me, when I lived in that old metal trailer. But it's quite soothing here.#I hope Vincent and Jas are nice and snug in their beds, too.",
"Rainy_Night_4": "#$c .5#I felt like making a nice dinner. I hope you like it. [212 214 225 209 200]$h#I think I've gotten a little better at cooking, if I say so myself. [212 214 225 209 200]Dig in!$h",
"Indoor_Day_0": "#$c .5#It's so peaceful here. I used to have the most horrific nightmares, but now I sleep like a baby.#Growing up, I always wondered about this farm. Who knew I would actually live here someday?",
"Indoor_Day_1": "#$c .5#Good morning! I made you a hot breakfast.[195 210 211] It's important to me that you leave here with a full belly.$h#Good morning! I woke up hungry, so I made enough for two. Enjoy![195 210 211]",
"Indoor_Day_2": "#$c .5#You know, I think I'll read a book today. I picked up something new from the library last time I was there.#Gunther asked me to say hi. Do you know if we have anything to donate?",
"Indoor_Day_3": "#$c .5#I love to hear about all the artifacts you've found. To think... there may have been farmers at this very spot 10,000 years ago.#I got a brand new book from the library. It's always exciting when there's a new shipment.$h",
"Indoor_Day_4": "#$c .5#Was I shy when we first met? It's funny to think about, now that we've come so far.$h#Just wanted to say... I love the way you look this morning.$h",
"Indoor_Night_0": "#$c .5#Good evening, honey. Did you accomplish everything you wanted to today? If not, that's okay. We've got all the time in the world!#When the light's dim, you have these little glowing stars in your eyes. You're so lovely.$l",
"Indoor_Night_1": "#$c .5#Hmm... skirt or pants tomorrow? Oh, who am I kidding... I always go with the skirt.#So this is what happily ever after feels like.$l",
"Indoor_Night_2": "#$c .5#We should always try and remember those less fortunate than us. I'm just very grateful for what we have.#Phew. Did I mention? Over the last week, Vincent won't stop pummeling me with little kid questions about married life.",
"Indoor_Night_3": "Mom's probably pretty lonely now that I'm gone. I just hope she doesn't visit the saloon more to make up for it.#$e#You shouldn't feel bad! Mom has to solve her own problems. ",
"Indoor_Night_4": "#$c .5#Ready to tuck in? I made the bed and everything...#Hee hee. I can, um, finish this chapter later if you wanted to head to bed.$l",
"Outdoor_0": "I only ever dreamed of living in such a beautiful place, and now it's come true.#$e#$c .5#I realize how much I was missing before you moved into town.$l#I was so miserable back home.$s",
"Outdoor_1": "#$c .5#Isn't this a perfect place to raise children? I would've been so happy growing up on a farm.#I understand that you have to get straight to work, honey. Will you be home early tonight, though?",
"Outdoor_2": "#$c .5#Hey. Are you going to be shipping anything unusual today?#Hi, honey! If I knew more about farm work I'd help you out more. Sorry!#$e#I'll be thinking of you.$h",
"Outdoor_3": "#$c .5#I just saw a songbird flying due west. In Stardew Valley that's a very good omen.$h#I think I'll do a little reading out here on the porch.$h",
"Outdoor_4": "#$c .5#Ahh... It feels great to be outside. I could spend all day right here, observing every little thing.#Oh! I just had a good lesson idea for Jas and Vincent. I'm trying to mull over the details.",
"OneKid_0": "#$c .5#Have you had any time to play with our little one today? Maybe a second child will make things better.#Oh right. My mom visited yesterday to spend some time with %kid1. It's kind of surreal, getting to see that nurturing side of her personality.",
"OneKid_1": "#$c .5#The kids don't allow me quite as much time for reading as I used to have. Maybe I'll have to settle for audiobooks.#Little %kid1 is going to have such a great childhood here.",
"OneKid_3": "I feel a lot older now that we have a child. Maybe it's just this new responsibility weighing on me.#$e#It's not bad! I've wanted this for a long time.",
"TwoKids_0": "#$c .5#The kids keep me so busy, but I want to make sure I'm not neglecting you. ...How are you?#I already gave %kid1 and %kid2 their food. They're such hungry children!",
"TwoKids_1": "#$c .5#The kids love it if you sing to them. They just pause and get so attentive. It's so precious.$h#We have to make sure and give %kid1 a lot of attention now that we have %kid2. We don't want any jealousy between them.",
"TwoKids_2": "#$c .5#Kids don't stay in their cribs forever. I'm trying to enjoy every moment with them.#I've had this dream that %kid2 grew wings and flew into the night sky. What does it mean?",
"TwoKids_3": "#$c .5#A nice house, two wonderful kids, and a beautiful plot of land. We're so very fortunate.#With the way I grew up, I never really thought I'd amount to much. But seeing our children like this makes me feel so lucky.$l",
"funLeave_Penny": "#$c .5#Today's not a work day. I just need some time outside today.#I'm going to head into town today, just for fun. I'll be back in a while!",
"funReturn_Penny": "#$c .5#I had a nice time... It's good to stay in contact with everyone. Tell me about your day.#A lot of people were out and about. I'm glad I was able to chat with a few of them.",
"spring_1": "We've got a long, warm year to look forward to. Let's make it a productive one.",
"spring_4": "Spring is probably my favorite season. There's a certain freshness in the air that fills me with hope.",
/* "spring_8": null,*/
"spring_12": "School's off today. I'll be heading into town for the egg festival. Are you coming, too?",
"spring_16": "Ah, the 'spring cleaning'... I'm actually going to enjoy this.",
"spring_19": "It's really nice seeing my mom proud of me. I wondered, briefly, if she'd be jealous of me.#$b#But that turned out not to be a problem!$h",
"spring_26": "I've got an art project that Jas and Vincent are going to love, using some flowers left over from the festival.#$b#I'm really looking forward to it.$h",
"summer_9": "Reading an actual printed book is so different from using an e-reader. It's about the texture of the pages...#$b#...the sounds they make as you turn them, and the way your memory associates each part of the story with how many pages are behind you.#$e#I know my books may take up an entire shelf, but it's worth it.$h",
"summer_10": "Those full-classroom teachers must really be enjoying their summer break right now.#$e#Oh well. To be honest, every day feels like summer break here, even if I have to go to work.$h",
"summer_19": "I've never really been drunk, to be honest. Maybe a little tipsy, once, but I can't say I even enjoyed the experience.$s#$e#Just... too many negative connotations.$s#$e#Not everyone needs to have every experience under their belt, you know?$u",
"summer_23": "I'll be honest. I don't really have a clear lesson in mind for teaching today. I'll probably just wing it.#$e#It'll be fine. I've been doing this long enough.",
"fall_10": "I wonder what Jas and Vincent will be when they're all grown up.#$e#They're the only students I've ever had. I know that's not normal for a teacher.",
"fall_12": "Sometimes, I wonder if my mother will meet someone and fall in love again. I kind of doubt it, though.",
"fall_16": "No school today, of course. Will I see you at the Stardew Valley Fair?",
"fall_19": "I got to catch up with Maru yesterday. It's weird that we're in different phases of our lives now.#$b#But she's just as good a friend as ever.$h",
"winter_5": "The falling snow reminds me of grandma, rocking by the fire. I mostly remember her shadow flickering against the orange wood. That was long ago.",
/*"winter_6": null,*/
"winter_9": "It's been so long since N. R. Sealy released any new books. I wonder if she's ever even going to get around to it.$s#$e#Sorry, just thinking out loud. I'm sure I'll find something to read today.",
"winter_12": "I wonder if Vincent will ever learn to enjoy reading...$s#$e#It's just not enough for me to teach him skills he'll never use. I want him to find joy in it.#$b#Plus, I don't want to let Jodi down.",
"winter_16": "Brr... Such a long walk in the snow, to get to school this morning.$s#$e#Yep, out here in the country, I guess we still walk uphill both ways.#$e#...$h",
"winter_26": "I think I've had enough of the snow for a while. I hope it melts soon.#$e#It's getting a bit slushy out there, anyway.",
"winter_28": "I baked a cake for New Year's tonight. Be sure to be back home early so we can celebrate! [220 221]$h",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Pierre",
"Mon2": "How is the farm?#$e#I think we could really have a nice business setup, you and me.#$b#So I hope you stick around!",
"Mon4": "Hi, @. Need any seeds or fruit tree saplings?",
"Mon6": "Caroline and I met in school. We never actually dated anyone besides each other.#$e#I know, it's a little unconventional. But it's worked so far!$h",
"Mon8": "$d Joja#Well, at least some residents of our town believe in supporting local businesses. ...*sigh*$s|I'll admit, work's actually a little more fun without JojaMart around. ...It all seems like it matters again, knowing it won't end in ruin, y'know?",
"Tue2": "Hey, glad to see you again!#$e#Thanks for supporting the local economy!",
"Tue4": "If we look out for one another, that's how our community will make it in the long run.#$e#Anyway, would you like to buy anything?$h",
"Tue10": "$d Joja#Apparently, the mom-and-pop grocer in Grampleton closed not too long ago. I wonder when it's gonna be my turn?$s|I did some research. Turns out JojaMart was selling at quite a loss. Their general strategy isn't even to turn a profit until after the local businesses are extinguished.",
"Wed6": "#$1 pierre1#*sigh*... No matter how well the business does, it's never enough to satisfy my desire for success. What's wrong with me? Maybe I'm just bored with domestic life.$s#$e#Some day I'm going to open a new shop in the city and make a killing.#$e#Unfortunately, business is so slow I can hardly save any money...$s",
"Thu4": "Hey, @. You're my number one customer!",
"Thu6": "$d Joja#I support a free market as much as anyone, but who exactly is it 'free' for when Joja holds the kind of power it has?$s|Just another beautiful day in the neighborhood!",
"Thu8": "It's easier to keep in a positive mood when there are more familiar faces dropping in.#$e#So... thanks for visiting!$h",
"Fri4": "With her online classes, Abigail's already formally more educated than I've ever been. I'm proud of her.#$e#I started out as a courtesy clerk as a kid, and then I worked my way up until I could open this store.",
"Fri6": "I've thought about writing stories to pass the time. Nothing really gets me inspired, though.#$e#I don't know how Elliott does what he does.#$e#Maybe I need a change of scenery.",
"Fri8": "$d Joja#Everything that Morris does is technically legal, but it doesn't change the fact that he sees our town for its money and nothing else.$3|My stress nightmares about JojaMart have finally stopped. ...Did I tell you I'd been having nightmares? Yeah, that was a thing.",
"Sat2": "I like it best if I can sell produce that's local.#$e#I just want to do what I can that's right by the environment.#$e#Plus, there are no shipping costs when it's local.",
"Sat4": "Sometimes, operating a small business really takes it out of you.#$b#But I wonder, what would this community be like without my store?",
"Sat6": "Sometimes it's tough making dinner conversation with my family. At the end of the day, all that's on my mind are order forms, profits, sales...$s#$e#I guess I can see how that'd be boring...$s#$b#But at any rate, a man has to do what's necessary for his family, regardless of whether they can appreciate it or not.",
"Sun2": "Thanks for stopping in!$h#$e#I hope your day goes well.",
"Sun4": "Providing basic necessities to the people of this community... That's worth a legacy, isn't it?",
"Sun6": "I sometimes wonder... what percentage of my life will I spend behind this counter?$s",
"Sun8": "$d Joja#Can a community have a soul? I want to believe in this place, but it's difficult when it seems like people's wallets are their number-one priority.$s|I feel very lucky. In the end, it looks like Pelican Town is a special place after all!",
"summer_1": "I've got summer seeds available! You'd better stock up.",
"summer_Tue": "JojaMart doesn't even have lower prices than we do, unless you count those 50% off coupons that they're always handing out.$a#$e#You've never gotten one, huh? Yeah, neither have I. Makes sense why.",
"summer_Tue6": "Ugh... It's so hot in here.",
"summer_Thu6": "Abigail will always be my little girl. It was love at first sight, when I saw her for the first time.",
"summer_Fri6": "Summer is a good time to eat a refreshing salad, don't you think?",
"fall_1": "Fall seeds are here! Crops don't grow in winter so this is your last shot until spring.#$b#Better go all out, huh?",
"fall_Mon4": "I just can't really get into following Gridball.#$e#Ha ha, go Tunnelers, I guess! Right?",
"fall_Mon8": "I heard there was a big sportsball game last night.#$e#Joseph Sports ran all the yards and scored the goal.$h",
"fall_Mon_inlaw_Abigail": "Hello, er... my son?$s^Hello, er... daughter?$s",
"fall_Mon4_inlaw_Abigail": "Hi, @. How's Abigail doing? Tell her that we've been missing her around here.",
"fall_Sun": "Hi there. Is your farm still doing well?#$e#Maybe a few of my seeds will spruce things up.$h",
"fall_Sun2": "I'm happy to buy whatever you produce on the farm.#$e#Yes, I do resell it for a profit... but that's the benefit of being an established shop owner.#$e#Don't get any ideas...",
"fall_Sun4": "It's starting to get cold outside...#$b#That means more people come into the shop to warm up... hehe.",
"fall_Sun8": "If I didn't have this shop to run I would be outside right now...#$e#The leaves look great and the mushrooms are sprouting.",
"winter_1": "You can't grow any crops during winter... so I have no seeds to offer you.#$e#It's really going to cut into our profits.",
"winter_Mon4": "I just can't really get into following Gridball.#$e#Ha ha, go Tunnelers, I guess! Right?",
"winter_Mon10": "The thing about gridball is that it's all about giving it 110%.#$e#The other team only gave it 108%, though, so that's why they didn't score more goal points.#$e#Hehehe... sorry.$h",
"winter_Mon_inlaw_Abigail": "Hello, er... my son?$s^Hello, er... daughter?$s",
"winter_Mon4_inlaw_Abigail": "I used to worry about Abigail's future, but I can see that she's wound up exactly where she needs to be.#$e#You be good to each other now, alright?$h",
"winter_Wed": "#$1 pierreDin#I'm going to surprise Caroline tonight with dinner and a bottle of Stardew Red. Don't tell anyone! Finally, a day of relaxation.$k#$e#",
"winter_Thu2": "I mainly deal in edibles, so if you've got any ores or wood you'd better try selling them somewhere else.",
"winter_Thu4": "Is it just me or is there a cold draft in here?",
"winter_Thu6": "Caroline really is wonderful. I don't think I could last through this cold season without her.",
"winter_Sat": "If I didn't have this shop to run I would be outside right now.#$e#It would be fun to throw a snowball.",
"winter_Sat6": "Is it just me or is there a cold draft in here?",
"winter_Sat8": "#$1 pierre2#Does Abigail look anything like me? Don't tell my wife, but sometimes I wonder if I'm really the father.$k$s#$e#Don't tell my wife, but I hate to cook dinner.",
"spring_12": "Tomorrow's the Egg Festival! I'll have some special seeds that are on sale only at the festival, so be sure to save some cash!",
"spring_23": "I'm going to have a kiosk open at the Flower Dance tomorrow, with some exclusive items. Be sure to swing by!",
"fall_15": "I'm feelin' pretty good about my grange display for tomorrow.$h#$b#Though I do welcome the competition.",
"fall_26": "I'll be selling rare goods again at the Spirit's Eve festival. I hope you'll come and take a look!",
"winter_28": "Happy new year, @. Thanks for stopping in.",
"1_2": "Aha! I figured you'd come by. Better get some seeds into the ground, huh?",
"spring_12_2": "Tomorrow's the Egg Festival! I'll have some special seeds that are on sale only at the festival, so be sure to save some cash!",
"spring_23_2": "I'm going to have a kiosk open at the Flower Dance tomorrow, with some exclusive items. Be sure to swing by!",
"fall_15_2": "I'm feelin' pretty good about my grange display for tomorrow.$h#$b#Though I do welcome the competition.",
"fall_26_2": "I'll be selling rare goods again at the Spirit's Eve festival. I hope you'll come and take a look!",
"winter_28_2": "Happy new year, @. Thanks for stopping in.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/rainy",
"Abigail": "#$c .5#The valley looks more interesting in the rain... don't you think?#The lake's a beautiful place to visit when the weather's like this.",
"Robin": "#$c .5#The rain doesn't stop me from getting a job done! ...Although soggy wood isn't a joy to work with.#Your roof isn't leaking, is it? Let me know if it that ever happens.",
"Demetrius": "#$c .5#Greetings. Stay inside if you want to keep warm.#The low acidity of this rain should be good for your crops.",
"Maru": "#$c .5#When it rains I have a good excuse to work on my gadgets all day. ...It must be kind of boring for you, though.#Ah, another rainy day, just like I predicted.",
"Sebastian": "#$c .5#If you're lucky, you might see a frog in this weather.#Looks like a good day for some ocean gazing.",
"Linus": "#$c .5#A warm rain is a pleasant way to get clean.$h#It looks like the rain doesn't bother you much, either.",
"Pierre": "#$c .5#Most people stay indoors on days like this... It's not good for business.$s#I'm glad you made it here in the rain. The shop's been really quiet.",
"Caroline": "#$c .5#My garden is happy today... And our water bill will be lower this month.#I hope the sun comes out soon. What did the weather report say today?",
"Alex": "#$c .5#Hmmph. This is not good weather for sports, but... oh well, I can always lift weights inside.#Nothing like a hardcore game of mud gridball. As long as you've got buddies who are up for playing.",
"George": "#$c .5#It's awful cold, isn't it? What a rotten day.#Why do I even bother getting out of bed when the day looks like this?",
"Evelyn": "#$c .5#I think the roof might be leaking. In the old days, George would've scampered right up and fixed it... *sigh*$s#These days affect my energy a lot more than they used to...$s",
"Lewis": "#$c .5#Hi there. Taking a break? Seems like a good time for one.#Goodness, I hope the river doesn't overflow...$s",
"Clint": "#$c .5#Today would be a good day to explore the mines... Who knows, you might find some rare ores.#My shop feels even more isolated when it's raining.",
"Penny": "#$c .5#The raindrops are really loud on the metal roof of our trailer. ...It's soothing, though.#Looks like a good day to curl up with one of my favorite books.$h",
"Pam": "#$c .5#Howdy, kid. Stayin' dry?#Heh. Guess I'll warm up with a nice pint tonight.",
"Emily": "#$c .5#It never rains in Calico Desert... That's where my friend Sandy lives. Wish I could've visited her today.#If you stand in the rain and listen carefully, the raindrops sound like little whispered conversations.",
"Haley": "#$c .5#I spent all morning doing my hair... now the rain could mess it up. *sigh* ... Life is hard sometimes.$s#Yikes. No offense, but you are soaked.",
"Sam": "#$c .5#Rain muffles sound, so I can play my guitar louder without my Mom getting mad. Hehe.$h#It feels kinda badass to walk through the rain without letting it faze you.",
"Leah": "#$c .5#Maybe I should cook something new and exciting today. Something spicy.#I always look forward to how the forest looks all glisteny after the sun returns.",
"Shane": "#$c .5#Hmm... this weather makes me thirsty.$s#Oh joy. Another rainy day.$s",
"Marnie": "#$c .5#Hey there. You look like you're poor thing!$h#Hey @. You don't have any critters stuck outside, right?",
"Elliott": "Sometimes when I lie in bed I can hear a distant foghorn cut through the rain.#$b#But when I look out the window I see only a curtain of gray.",
"Gus": "#$c .5#There's nothing like a glass of dry red wine on a day like this, huh? Hehehe, I love my job.#Need something to warm you up tonight? Don't be shy!",
"Dwarf": "#$c .5#Rain... It's almost mythical to us. Some of us dwarves live our entire lives without ever experiencing it.#Humans seem to complain about rain, yet you choose to live on the surface. Why is that?",
"Wizard": "#$c .5#Stormy days are the only time I can commune with certain elementals. I don't expect you to understand.#If you have extra time on days like these, why not enter the mines and slay a few monsters?",
"Harvey": "#$c .5#Hi there. Er... Read anything interesting in the library lately?#Days like these make me hungry for a hot meal. How about you?",
"Krobus": "#$c .5#Ah, the sewers are flowing quickly today. It'll get nice and humid in here... Just how I like it.#Rain is truly a lifegiving force. Give thanks to Yoba today.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Robin",
"cc_Begin": "Oh, that old Community Center? Yeah, I would fix it up, but Lewis hasn't really been clear with me what he wants to do with it, exactly.",
"Mon": "Hey there, @.#$e#I was just daydreaming about some new carpenty projects.#$e#Are you doing OK at your place? How's the woodwork in your cottage holding up?",
"Mon2": "Have I told you that I built our house from the ground up?#$e#It's definitely been the highlight of my career so far.",
"Mon4": "Nahh, I don't go into the mines all that much. Too dark and dangerous.#$e#Let me know if you find anything neat down there, though.",
"Mon6": "Demetrius's work technically brought us out here. I'd say it's worked out pretty well, though.",
"Tue2": "There used to be some great buildings on your farm, but they're all gone now.#$e#I'd love to help restore the farm anew. Just let me know what I can do.",
"Tue4": "Leah's got a good handle on woodworking, too. I just prefer to make things with a little more practical use.",
"Tue6": "Mmm, I'm craving a ripe peach. Do you have any on your farm?",
"Tue8": "I must say, you've certainly been quite a support for our business since you moved into town.$h",
"Wed": "Hey, how are things going?#$q 604/605/606 Wed_old#Are you settling in okay?#$r 604 0 Wed_604#So far so good.#$r 605 0 Wed_605#I'm alright, just overwhelmed.#$r 604 0 Wed_604#This place is refreshing.#$r 606 -10 Wed_606#This place sucks. Why am I here?",
"Wed_old": "$p 006#I hope things are starting to get better.|Be sure to drop in anytime.",
"Wed_604": "I'm glad to hear it. Let me know if you need anything.$h",
"Wed_605": "Hang in there. It'll get better.#$b#Remember, we didn't even have a house when we first moved out here. I'm sure you'll land on your feet soon, too.",
"Wed_606": "Oh gosh, I didn't realize it was that bad.$s#$b#Thank you for being honest. Please know you're never alone here. We're all on your side.",
"Wed2": "When we first moved here, we had to rough it out in a trailer until I could get the house finished.#$e#Demetrius had a separate trailer for his lab.",
"Wed4": "Do you have some good furniture for your home yet?#$e#I just can't imagine coming home to a house that I don't love.#$e#Sorry, I mean, whatever works for you, though, right?$h",
"Wed8": "Sebastian's father? He was a good guy. Things just didn't work out.#$e#We were both very young.",
"Thu2": "Have you tried reaching out to Sebastian yet?",
"Thu4": "I hear strange electrical noises coming from Maru's room from time to time.#$e#I always wondered whether her interests would take after me or Demetrius. Guess it was a little of both.$h",
"Thu6": "I met Demetrius in college while working an aprenticeship and raising Sebastian.#$e#My head still spins when I wonder how we managed to find time for it all!",
"Thu8": "Sometimes, I wonder if Sebastian passively resents me for not having his father around.$s#$e#Maybe he feels like Maru's got it all, and he lives in her shadow...$s",
"Thu10": "@, it's great to see you!$h#$e#Having you as a neighbor has been one of the best things that's happened to us since we moved here.",
"Fri2": "Sam comes over occasionally to play games with Sebastian. Maybe they'll invite you join them sometime.",
"Fri_inlaw_Maru": "I did think you and Maru would get along well. It really makes me happy to see the two of you together.",
"Fri8": "It's strange. I don't feel old enough to be the mother of two adult-aged children.#$e#Life just gets faster and faster as you go, I guess.",
"Sat4": "Ugh, I wish Sebastian wouldn't smoke.$s#$e#I don't even know where he picked that up from.$s",
"Sat6": "Demetrius is usually laid back about everything, with the exception of anything Maru-related.#$e#That's the one area in which you really have to earn his trust.#$e#Sorry if he's ever said anything standoffish. It's not just you.",
"Sat8": "Out here, I get a little more flexibility to do the projects that interest me.#$e#I don't think I'd get that kind of freedom working in the city.",
"summer_Tue6": "Demetrius may be a bit stoic, with his scientific brain, but I learned pretty quickly how to get through to his romantic side.#$e#I did teach him how to dance with me, after all.$h",
"summer_Tue10": "Have you tried anything creative with note and drum blocks yet?#$e#Remember that you can change the tones on them.",
"summer_Wed": "I'll work in the direct sun if I need to. Don't worry, I've got some of the heaviest-duty sunscreen you can find.",
"summer_Wed8": "What? You're worried I work too late on my construction projects? No, I take plenty of breaks throughout the day.#$b#Just not when you're looking, I guess.$h#$e#Besides, it takes a lot of work to build as quickly as I do.",
"summer_Fri_inlaw_Sebastian": "Has Sebastian been getting outside much lately?#$e#Make sure you two take good care of each other!$h",
"summer_Fri_inlaw_Maru": "Has Maru been tinkering around with anything neat lately?#$e#Make sure you two take good care of each other!$h",
"fall_Mon4": "Has Maru showed you any of her latest projects yet?",
"fall_Mon8": "It was about when Maru became a teenager that I knew she was something else with machines.#$e#As a kid, she would always take apart our electronics, though she couldn't always put them back together.#$e#But eventually, she reached a point where she'd put them back together in her own way, with modifications.#$b#I'm really proud of how advanced she's become.",
"fall_Thu8": "When things work out for us, it's our duty to help others in need.#$b#Don't you think so, too?",
"fall_Fri6": "Hardwood is tough to come by, but there's nothing better to work with.#$e#I don't suppose you have any extra lying around, do you?$h",
"winter_Mon6": "Do you like your fireplace? Let me know if you ever want to remodel it.#$e#The right fireplace makes the biggest difference in making a room's appearance come together.",
"winter_Mon8": "I've always had a passion for building things, even when I was a kid.#$e#Sometimes I'd get a \"look\" from others about my hobbies. I just didn't let it bother me.",
"winter_Wed": "I think I need a little me-time. A visit to the hot spring might be in order.#$e#Do you ever go?",
"winter_Wed6": "Architecture styles and home fashions might come and go, but they all have one goal in mind: to make a better place to live.#$e#Humanity has always sought a better place to live. It's as old as history itself. So I enjoy the feel of that connection in my work.",
"winter_Fri_inlaw_Maru": "Is Maru staying cozy over at your place?#$e#Be sure to tell her to visit soon!",
"winter_Sat8": "As a girl, I remember looking up how to make a real igloo and then putting it together.#$e#It turned out pretty good! I acted as foreman and put a couple of my friends to work.$h",
"winter_15": "I thought we might head down as a family to that Night Market on one of these nights.#$e#I don't know if I can get Sebastian to go, though...",
"summer_27": "I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing the Moonlight Jellies with Demetrius.#$e#I hope you can make it, too.",
"fall_15": "The Stardew Valley Fair is really something else. I hope you'll put together a grange display for us to see!",
"winter_28": "Another year down. Another couple decades of this and I'll be old.#$e#I'll keep doing what I'm doing for many years, though.$h",
"1_2": "Happy springtime! Hey, now's a good time to let me know of any projects you might have for me.",
"winter_15_2": "I thought we might head down as a family to that Night Market on one of these nights.#$e#I don't know if I can get Sebastian to go, though...",
"summer_27_2": "I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing the Moonlight Jellies with Demetrius.#$e#I hope you can make it, too.",
"fall_15_2": "The Stardew Valley Fair is really something else. I hope you'll put together a grange display for us to see!",
"winter_28_2": "Another year down. Another couple decades of this and I'll be old.#$e#I'll keep doing what I'm doing for many years, though.$h",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Sam",
"divorced": "I'm sorry, @. I don't think I can still be your friend.$s",
"Mon2": "Hey, how's it going?#$e#Last night I practiced guitar for 4 hours straight. My fingers hurt like crazy.$s#$e#Bye, I've got something to do...",
"Mon4": "I got into skateboarding when I was a little kid.#$e#It's rewarding to do the same hobby as an adult, though. You really end up viewing it in a whole new light.",
"Tue2": "Hey, @.#$e#So, do you play any video games?",
"Tue4_2": "I tried fixing a bowl of cereal for my dad, but as soon as I poured milk on it, he flipped out. What was up with that?$s",
"Tue8": "Sometimes I look at other people and notice how everyone changes. Some people I grew up with just aren't the same.#$e#It sucks to have to leave behind those parts of your childhood. Why does everyone settle for it?",
"Tue8_2": "Sometimes I look at other people and notice how everyone changes. Some people I grew up with just aren't the same.#$e#It sucks to have to leave behind those parts of your childhood. Why does everyone settle for it?",
"Wed": "I'm trying to come up with a new song for my band, but I'm blanking...#$q 319/320 Wed_old#Hey.. What do you think my new song should be about?#$r 320 30 Wed_320#Farming, mining, and chopping wood.#$r 8820 30 Wed_320#A city in the sea.#$r 8821 30 Wed_320#Trains.#$r 319 -50 Wed_319#Choose anything. It'll still be a horrible song.",
"Wed_old": "$p 319#But I already know what you think about it.$a|Thanks to your help I'm already done with the lyrics!$h",
"Wed_319": "Hey, man... what the heck is your problem? Sorry I asked.$a",
"Wed_320": "Hey, you know what? That sounds perfect. Thanks!$h",
"Thu_2": "Well, my Dad is back. You've met him, right?#$b#I'm just glad he's okay.",
"Thu2_2": "Well, my Dad is back. You've met him, right?#$b#I'm just glad he's okay.",
"Thu4": "I think my Dad might be coming back in a year or so.#$e#I guess you might be able to meet him, then. If you're still living here.#$e#You wouldn't abandon the farm after putting so much effort into it!",
"Thu4_2": "...I have mixed feelings about my father being back. He seems strange.$s#$b#But I guess I haven't seen him in 3 years... so that could explain it.",
"Thu8": "I'm amazed we've made friends with each other as quickly as we have! You are seriously the best person ever, @!",
"Thu8_2": "Hey, if you get to talking with my dad, just uh... show him some support, if it's not too much to ask.#$e#He doesn't really like talking about himself around me, so maybe it's easier if you're not as close?$s",
"Fri2": "I miss the city sometimes, but if I moved there again, I'd end up working around the clock just to get by.#$e#I wonder which is more worth it?",
"Fri10": "The older I get the more attached I feel to the Valley.#$b#Although I could be biased... for a certain reason.$l#$e#So, how are you doing today?$h",
"Sat2": "I picked up guitar just a few years ago. It came to me pretty naturally.#$e#I've still had to practice a lot, though. There's 'good,' but then there's 'actually good,' y'know?$h",
"Sat4": "Oh! I just remembered I'm supposed to call my Grandma. Okay, I'm going to put this rubber band on my wrist so I don't forget.#$e#I have to make little reminders for myself or else I'll totally forget to do things.$h",
"Sat6": "Abby came up with a cool drum solo. I just have to figure out how to incorporate it into one of our songs.#$e#I didn't think too much of Abby when I was younger, but it turns out she's really creative.",
"Sat8": "Abby came up with a cool drum solo. I just have to figure out how to incorporate it into one of our songs.#$e#I didn't think too much of Abby when I was younger, but it turns out she's really creative.",
"Sat8_2": "Having my dad back has been... even more different than I expected.$s#$e#I just don't know I'm supposed to act around him. Like, am I a kid again or am I a man?$s",
"Sun2": "If I head outside, sometimes I start getting ideas for lyrics just popping into my head.#$e#You must like working outside a lot, huh?",
"Sun4": "I've been experimenting with an effects pedal. It's a lot of fun, but we'll see if I can find a place for it in our band's music.#$e#If you create a sound that's just gimmicky, it ends up sounding cheesy. High risk, high reward, I guess.",
"Sun8": "Sometimes I wonder if my mother is actually happy with her life...$s#$e#I asked her once and got the feeling she was hiding some inner pain.",
"summer_Mon": "There's a little less pollen in the summer... my nose is really happy.",
"summer_Mon10": "Getting to play in Zuzu City was a dream come true, but I feel like I've gotten that out of my system.#$e#My thoughts have been moving onto other things, lately.$l",
"summer_Tue6": "Hmm, tomorrow morning should be a pancake day.#$e#I bet Vince would really like that.",
"summer_Tue10": "Maybe I should learn how to cook#$b#You wouldn't mind being my taste tester, right?$h#$e#I dunno, I just thought it might be something you'd like.$l",
"summer_Wed6": "$d Joja#Another shift at JojaMart today. Yay, another few hours of my life wasted.$s|If I work quickly, Gunther sometimes lets me off my shift early. Morris never would've let that slide.",
"summer_Thu": "Dad was telling me one time about our national enemy, the Gotoro Empire... They sound like a ruthless bunch.",
"summer_Thu4": "Sebastian has some pretty cool board games.#$b#A long time ago, I wasn't into board games, but he knows how to make them fun.$h",
"summer_Thu6": "@, thanks for reaching out to me like you have. Things have been tough lately with my dad being gone.$s#$e#No news is good news, right? Gotta stay positive.",
"summer_Thu6_2": "Sometimes I can hear my Dad pacing down the hallway at night.$s#$b#...But he won't tell us what's troubling him.",
"summer_Fri4": "Oh man. I ate an entire large pizza at like... eleven last night.#$e#I just opened the fridge, and I was like, 'jackpot'!#$e#...Haha, nope, I feel fine.$h",
"summer_Fri6": "I was homesick a lot when we first moved here, but that was ages ago.#$e#This is really the only home Vince has ever known. Seeing him fit in makes it easier for me, too.",
"summer_Fri10": "I've been writing a song lately.#$e#It's uh... it's about you.#$e#Hey, c'mon, don't laugh!",
"summer_Sun2": "Hey, having a good summer?#$e#Stop by my place if you're looking for somewhere to cool off.",
"summer_Sun4": "Booyah! I got another set of lyrics cranked out last night!$h#$e#I'm on fire lately. Still lots of work to do, though, before we're ready to play live.",
"summer_Sun6": "Hoo. I could go for some donuts right now.#$e#It doesn't matter what time of day it is. It's always donut time.",
"summer_Sun8": "Ever notice how there are a ton of single old dudes in Pelican Town?$s#$e#It's just kinda weird, don't you think?$s",
"summer_Sun10": "You know, I don't think I miss my old home anymore. It's fun to do a gig in Zuzu City, but I don't really have any urge to actually live there again.",
"fall_Mon2": "I like taking walks in the forest this time of year. The temeprature is so comfortable#$e#...$h",
"fall_Mon6": "Band practice went awesome last week. Abby and Sebastian have been putting in a lot of hard work.",
"fall_Mon6_2": "My dad? Yeah, I dunno. It's easier just to stay out of his way most of the time.",
"fall_Mon10": "You're the best, @. I can't wait for my dad to meet you when he gets back.$l",
"fall_Mon10_2": "I told my dad, \"Look, Dad, you don't have to hide stuff from me. I'm not a kid anymore.\"$s#$b#For one second, he looked like he might actually open up, but then he just stood up, did this weird smirk, and walked away.$s#$e#I think he'll never give up wanting to protect me. If it hasn't happened now, it probably won't ever happen.$s",
"fall_Tue6": "After Dad left for his tour, I made a conscious decision to give Vince the best childhood he can get.#$e#I realized, if I don't help make that happen for him, who else will?",
"fall_Tue8": "I did a little cleaning up around the house to make things easier for my mom, but she doesn't actually seem any happier.#$e#She was thankful, but... I dunno. She's always saying that's her biggest source of stress. I'm not so sure, though.",
"fall_Wed4": "My mom makes pretty awesome pizza, as long as she doesn't put any weird toppings on it.#$e#Don't tell her, but the pizza at the saloon is downright perfection. Gus knows his stuff.",
"fall_Wed6": "I think I'm becoming a pizza purist. Toppings are nice, but if you get just the right blend of cheeses, that's all you really need.#$e#I wish I could cook.$s",
"fall_Wed8": "Been cooking any pizza lately? Man, I could really go for a slice.",
"fall_Wed10": "It's tough for me to focus on writing lyrics lately. I think some of my muse came from feeling isolated in this town#$e#But that's... not really an issue anymore.$l",
"fall_Thu4": "Hi @.#$e#Hmm... I wonder if I could grow a cactus in my room?",
"fall_Thu6": "I think my Dad might be coming back next year.#$e#I guess that's kind of soon. Weird.",
"fall_Thu6_2": "I guess I should start thinking about moving out soon...$s#$e#...But I would miss Mom's fish casserole, so I dunno...$s#$e#I hate making decisions.",
"fall_Fri6": "...I stayed up late playing games on my computer last night. I really wish I'd focused on writing some more lyrics.",
"fall_Fri8": "I got my paycheck yesterday. Hmm... should I save it or should I spend it...",
"fall_Sat2": "Hi @.#$e#Hmm.. I wonder if I could grow a cactus in my room?",
"fall_Sat4": "I'm lucky to have the biggest room in the house to myself.#$e#I guess there's advantages to being the oldest child.",
"fall_Sat8": "$d Joja#So glad I have the day off. Working at JojaMart's been really grating on me lately.|I was looking at the exhibit displays during my shift at the museum. We've got some pretty cool stuff in there.",
"fall_Sun4": "Oh man, I scraped my knee so badly on my skateboard a couple days ago.#$e#Nahh, it doesn't hurt. Just a little battle damage.",
"fall_Sun6": "It's hard to have fun on Sunday... I keep thinking about having to go to work tomorrow.$s",
"fall_Sun8": "@, what gets you out of the Sunday-night blues? Y'know, when you have to go back to work the next day?#$e#Oh, right. You never take a day off.#$b#Well, you must really love what you do, then. I'm envious.$h",
"winter_Mon2": "Everyone's indoors during the winter, so I can play guitar as loud as I want.$h",
"winter_Mon6": "We had another good band practice this weekend! Things are coming along.$h#$e#Oh, don't worry, I'm definitely getting you tickets to our first show.",
"winter_Mon10": "Hey, if we lived together, would you get annoyed at me playing guitar too loud?#$e#There's no wrong answer. It'd be whatever worked for you.",
"winter_Tue8": "Penny and I used to hang out a lot when we first moved here.#$e#We still hang out occasionally, and we've got this weird, almost... flirty? ...thing going, but we don't have a lot in common anymore.$s",
"winter_Tue8_inlaw_Penny": "I'm glad things worked out for you and Penny! I always kinda wondered about her.$h",
"winter_Wed6": "$d Joja#I know our jobs are kinda crap, but it'd be nice if Shane was a little friendlier at work to pass the time.|I wonder how Shane's doing? He always seemed like he hated his JojaMart job even more than I did.",
"winter_Wed10": "Heyyy... you aren't... 'hiring' at your farm, or anything, are you?$l",
"winter_Thu4": "I think my Dad is coming back this spring.#$e#It's been 3 years since I've seen him. This is going to be strange.",
"winter_Thu4_2": "Dad's been back for a while now. I guess I'm finally getting used to it.",
"winter_Fri4": "I'm hoping for some more dry, powdery snow before everything outside turns to slush.",
"winter_Fri6": "Vince and I had an epic snowball fight yesterday. We're almost getting evenly matched.$h#$e#A couple more years, and I'll legitimately have to watch my back.",
"winter_Fri8": "Snowboarding's a lot of fun, but I've only been a couple times. Too bad there aren't any good slopes nearby...",
"winter_Fri10": "@! It's so good to see you!$h#$e#Give me a hug. ...Ooh! You're nice and warm!$l",
"winter_Sat6": "After we moved here, Penny and I grew up together. Now she's my little brother's teacher. How does that even happen?#$e#Maybe it's high time I actually get a move on my life. Sebastian's got the right idea.#$e#You do, too, for that matter.",
"winter_Sun4": "I caught Vince at the door with wet shoes. Glad I caught him before he went running into the kitchen.",
"winter_Sun6": "Try not to make a mess in the house. My Mom's pretty OCD about keeping things clean.#$e#Hmm, I wonder if she actually has OCD for real...$s",
"winter_Sun10": "Maybe if I moved out, my mom would finally be a little happier.#$e#I wonder if she's stressed just because she's worried about me?",
"1_2": "Hey @, pretty amazing start to the year, isn't it? I thought last year would never end.$h#$e#Thanks for stopping by.",
"spring_12": "My little brother gets so excited for festivals. He's been talking about tomorrow's egg hunt all day.",
"spring_21": "Sometimes those spring petals that float around make my nose drip.$s#$e#I like summer best, myself.",
"spring_23": "Why couldn't the flower dance be today so I could get work off?$s",
"winter_7": "One time, Gus fell in the river during the Ice Festival. We had to build a huge fire in the saloon to dry him out.#$e#We were all worried we'd never taste his famous spaghetti ever again.#$e#",
"fall_7": "The first week of fall is already over. Man, that went by fast.$s#$e#Whatever. I'm just happy that you came to visit me!#$e#So do you have anything new to tell me?",
"fall_9": "I ordered a new pair of shoes online. They're the same style so I know they'll fit right.",
"fall_16": "I ordered some shoes online more than a week ago! Man, they're really taking a long time.#$e#I guess we must really live in the middle of nowhere.$s",
"fall_23": "Ah, my feet feel great in these new shoes. They're a little crisp, but they'll break in. Especially after I run through the haunted maze this weekend.$h",
"fall_26": "Tonight, after everyone is asleep, that weird old man who lives in the woods will set up the haunted maze. He always makes sure no one is around to see him working.",
"summer_10": "I don't have to work tomorrow! I've never been so happy.$h",
"winter_24": "The Feast of the Winter Star is supposed to be a time to show gratitude for all the good things in life.#$b#Me? I'm mostly interested in the food. Hehe.$h",
"winter_28": "I've got a strange feeling about tonight. Something big is about to happen.#$e#I just hope it's a good something.",
"winter_28_2": "Guess I'll stay up late with Vincent tonight. I figure there's only a limited number of times he'll want to do that.",
"spring_12_2": "My little brother gets so excited for festivals. He's been talking about tomorrow's egg hunt all day.",
"spring_23_2": "Why couldn't the flower dance be today so I could get work off?$s",
"winter_7_2": "One time, Gus fell in the river during the Ice Festival. We had to build a huge fire in the saloon to dry him out.#$e#We were all worried we'd never taste his famous spaghetti ever again.",
"fall_7_2": "The first week of fall is already over. Man, that went by fast.$s#$e#Whatever. I'm just happy that you came to visit me!#$e#So do you have anything new to tell me?",
"fall_26_2": "Tonight, after everyone is asleep, that weird old man who lives in the woods will set up the haunted maze. He always makes sure no one is around to see him working.",
"summer_10_2": "I don't have to work tomorrow! I've never been so happy.$h",
"winter_24_2": "The Feast of the Winter Star is supposed to be a time to show gratitude for all the good things in life.#$b#Me? I'm mostly interested in the food. Hehe.$h",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogueSam",
"Rainy_Day_0": "#$c .5#Might be a good day to sit back and jam on the guitar... Hey, you can relax too if you want.#Hey, sweet. Looks like good ol' nature's doing your work for you today. Take advantage of that!",
"Rainy_Day_1": "#$c .5#Do you think Sebastian and Abigail will ever hook up? Heh... now that I'm married I'm trying to get everyone else married too.#Sebastian's a few years older than me. I never expected I'd beat him to the punch with tying the knot.",
"Rainy_Day_2": "#$c .5#Hey, I found one of these rolling around in the back of a drawer. [90 88 86 535]I thought you might be able to use it.#Aw man, I was gonna go skateboarding today.$s",
"Rainy_Day_3": "#$c .5#Aw, man. These cloudy days are kind of a drag...$7#Maybe today's a good day for me to give Punkman 2 another try. I never did beat that game.",
"Rainy_Day_4": "#$c .5#How'd you sleep? The sound of rain really makes me zonk.#I hope my mom's mood is okay today. At least she won't have to worry about me tracking footprints in the house.",
"patio_Sam": "#$c .5#*Sigh*... I'm never gonna land this trick...$s#Aw man! You just missed it! I landed a perfect kickflip just a little bit ago.$h",
"Rainy_Night_0": "#$c .5#Hey, how was your day? I just layed around and read comics most of the day... it was great.$h#I love living here, with no neighbors! I cranked my amp up to eleven!$h",
"Rainy_Night_1": "#$c .5#It was a pretty low-key day for me... colas, frozen pizza, a few hours noodling around on the guitar. I feel relaxed.#It'll be fun when Vince grows up a bit, into a teenager. Think he could crash here for movie nights?",
"Rainy_Night_2": "Earlier, I listened to our live recording from that show we played. Remember that? Man, was that sloppy.#$b#It made me a little nervous that you were there, I didn't want to mess up and have you think I was a loser!$l",
"Rainy_Night_3": "I hope Vincent's not too lonely now that I'm gone... I kinda felt responsible for the little guy.$s#$e#$c .5#You know, he's probably going to be fine. It's not like I moved across the country, or anything.#But, life's all about change... right? Kids need to learn that, eventually... Or else adulthood will destroy them.$7",
"Rainy_Night_4": "#$c .5#Hey, I tossed a couple frozen pizzas into the oven. Here's yours. [206]$h#Here you go. The only frozen pizza we had was barbecue chicken. Sorry, I had the four-cheese. [206]",
"Indoor_Day_0": "#$c .5#Phew... I'll tell you one thing I don't miss about my old life... working at JojaMart.#I'll get some cleaning done today. At least that's one good thing I learned from my old job.",
"Indoor_Day_1": "Hey, I made you some instant pancakes. Enjoy. [211]$h#$e#$c .5#What? I never learned to cook... mom always did that.#I consider myself to be an instant pancake connoisseur. Just... you probably don't want me to try cooking much else.",
"Indoor_Day_2": "#$c .5#Hey. I know I joke around a lot, but I want you to know that I seriously love you...$l#Oh! 'Morning. Does my hair look okay today?$l",
"Indoor_Day_3": "Do you have big plans for the day?#$e#$c .5#Oh, not me... I usually decide what to do a few moments beforehand...#I might play some old favorites on my guitar.",
"Indoor_Day_4": "#$c .5#Maybe Sebastian's going to be online later. I just kinda feel like playing video games today.#Um... Maybe I'll help out on the farm some other day. I feel lazy today.$s#$e#You're not mad?",
"Indoor_Night_0": "#$c .5#Hey, you look tired. Let me help you relax tonight, okay? Maybe I'll give you a massage later.#Whoa, you're home! Guess that's my cue. OK, relax-o time for you! [184 346 206]",
"Indoor_Night_1": "#$c .5#My day? Oh... I can hardly remember. I didn't really do anything of note. Just relaxed and had a good time.#I dusted and swept today. And I cleaned the kitchen. See? I do stuff sometimes, too.",
"Indoor_Night_2": "#$c .5#Hey, sorry I didn't make the bed. You know I'm sloppy... that's why you like me, right?$h#Me? Oh, I got caught up on some shows today. I'm feelin' a bit stir crazy; they were kinda intense.",
"Indoor_Night_3": "#$c .5#The only thing I miss about living at home is Mom's fish casserole.#Hey. I kinda missed you today. I went looking for you at one point, but I figured you were probably busy.",
"Indoor_Night_4": "#$c .5#Ready to hit the hay? I actually made the bed for once...#Want me to play you a guitar lullaby? I'm in no rush to fall asleep, myself, but you're probably pretty tired.",
"Outdoor_0": "#$c .5#Maybe I should get some off-road wheels for my skateboard. Mayor Lewis can't touch me out here.$h#Hah, if it weren't for all the trees in the way, you could probably see my house from here. Kinda funny, isn't it?$h",
"Outdoor_1": "#$c .5#I always keep an eye on the wide blue sky... you never know when a UFO might go by.#This quiet kind of morning... It's nice. It's probably healthier than being some kind of tweaked out rockstar.",
"Outdoor_2": "#$c .5#Hey, got a good feeling about today? I don't wanna throw off your morning routine.#Hi, @! If I knew more about farm work I'd help you out more. Sorry!#$e#I'll try and help you with encouraging thoughts.$h",
"Outdoor_3": "#$c .5#Something in the air makes me feel positive... maybe it's the faint whiff of pizza from Gus' ovens.#Do I ever miss living in the city? Ha, nope. Not a bit.$h",
"Outdoor_4": "#$c .5#Wow... you look great today, and the specks of mud just add some extra charm.$l#Hoo... I was thinking I didn't sleep so well last night. But just stepping out here makes me feel awake all the sudden!",
"OneKid_0": "#$c .5#Sorry. I'm realizing how much I slacked off when we first got married. Being a dad is definitely keeping me busy now, though.#I'll change %kid1's diaper... don't worry about it. You've got enough on your plate.",
"OneKid_1": "#$c .5#It's weird, but I really like being a father!$h#*yawn* Man oh man, I'm definitely feeling a new appreciation for stay-at home parents.$s",
"OneKid_3": "#$c .5#I think we should have another kid. Why stop now?#Sure, being a dad is way more exhausting than I imagined, but I'm up for a challenge!$h",
"TwoKids_0": "I woke up early, fed the kids and changed their diapers! We're all set. You can just focus on raking in that sweet money.$h#$e#I'm just kidding... I didn't marry you for the money.",
"TwoKids_1": "#$c .5#Two kids... Crazy. Well, if my mom can survive it, so can I!#We have to make sure and give %kid1 a lot of attention now that we have %kid2. We don't want any jealousy between them.",
"TwoKids_2": "#$c .5#It's fun to see the babies playing with each other. I think they're going to be very close.#I think I'll do a private concert for the kids today. That's the only kind of audience I really need!$u",
"TwoKids_3": "#$c .5#I never thought I'd become such a family man, but I'm really satisfied with what we've built here. Life is going great.$l#My parents are still pretty young. They could easily live to see great grandbabies. Or maybe even great-great grandbabies!$u",
"funLeave_Sam": "#$c .5#I'm gonna visit the family today, okay? I'll be home in the evening.#I've gotta go see my family today, make sure everyone's okay. I'll see you tonight, though, okay?",
"funReturn_Sam": "#$c .5#Seeing family is nice, but it's also kind of depressing in a weird way. Like... our lives are totally separate now, and everything feels more formal than it used to.$7#My family's doing alright, but they're all struggling with something or other. I hope it's cool with you if I see 'em again soon.$7",
"spring_3": "I went and got some allergy meds. I don't like using 'em, though. I just feel really spacey.$s",
"spring_8": "Sebastian lent me a big ol' stack of his comics. That pretty much carves out my reading for the next month.$h",
"spring_16": "It's kind of weird, knowing I'll never be a kid again.#$b#But... knowing my old track record, maybe that's a really good thing.$h",
"spring_25": "How many days until summer now? Heh, I can't wait.",
"summer_5": "I hope tomorrow's a good day to hit up the halfpipe.#$e#You wanna come by and watch me for a bit?",
"summer_12": "It was nice seeing Penny at the festival yesterday. We only hang out every once in a while these days.#$b#Plus, now that I'm married to you, there's less awkwardness hanging in the air between her and me.",
"summer_17": "Today marks the anniversary of when my family moved to Pelican Town.#$b#Or... I think it was this day?$s#$e#Maybe I'll ask my mom.",
"fall_4": "This is Abby's favorite season, right? I bet she's enjoying herself.#$e#I noticed, whenever she's in a good mood, Sebastian seems to be pretty happy, too.",
"fall_9": "I keep getting the sense that some people think we got married too young.$7#$b#Look, I get how they could think that, but I just want to let you know that for me, this is real.$s#$b#We can do this, right? I'm on board... you're on board...#$e#We're gonna conquer the world together.",
"fall_13": "I thought Pelican Town was a prime spot for doing things how you want, but... dang. On this farm, we really can do whatever we want, huh?$u",
"fall_23": "One year, I went a bit overboard with Vincent on the Spirit's Eve candy.#$b#That was a mistake. Poor little guy couldn't keep it all down. So gross.$h#$e#Uh, yeah, Mom cleaned it up. I felt pretty bad.$s#$e#Not doing that again. Don't worry.",
"winter_3": "So, does anything actually grow in winter...? Or...",
"winter_14": "If you're not as busy this season, is there a day that we can just spend lounging around? I really kinda miss you.$l",
"winter_20": "I hope Vincent gets everything he wants this year for the Feast. I love seeing that kid open presents.",
"winter_26": "I wonder how my dad's doing...$7",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Sandy",
"Mon2": "You made it out here again! I'm so glad.$h#$e#What's new in the Valley?",
"Mon4": "One time, a couple literally camped out here for their honeymoon. Whatever floats their boat, right?",
"Mon6": "I got lunch with Emily not too long ago! It was so great to catch up with her.$h#$e#We talked for a bit about you, actually. All good things, I promise!$h",
"Mon8": "Emily's got a real knack for reading people. It's like she's on a different wavelength, or something.#$e#She can't help but treat everyone with equal respect, though, no matter how the other person acts. I admire that.",
"Mon10": "Hey honey! Made any of that tom kha soup lately? I don't think I'll ever get tired of the flavor.#$e#Grab a coconut before you go, if you see one.",
"Tue2": "That skeleton out back is a 'sand dragon.' As a kid, did you love dinosaurs, too?#$e#Sometimes, tourists will stop to take pictures.",
"Tue4": "My name's not really Sandy, you know. It's just good for business.#$e#But everyone calls me Sandy anyway, so I've just gotten used to it.",
"Tue6": "I complain about the heat nonstop, but nothing can really beat the coolness of the desert when the sun goes down.#$e#The way a desert sunset looks is hard to beat, too.",
"Tue8": "Hi!~ Stay as long as you like.#$e#The air conditioning sure feels nice, doesn't it?",
"Tue10": "Well gosh! How many times have you ridden that bus out here now?#$e#Hey, I appreciate every visit.",
"Wed2": "Hey there, sweetie!$h#$e#How's Emily doing? I hope Haley's not too much of a handful.",
"Wed6": "I see all sorts of folks out here. Sometimes, they're on road trips or they work in shipping.#$e#But most regular customers just head for the back room.",
"Wed8": "Isn't it expensive, coming to the desert so often like you do?#$e#You must really like to see me, huh? Hmmm... $h",
"Wed10": "Hey, it's @! I'm glad to see you, kid. I was starting to think you'd never come back!#$e#If I didn't have this shop to run I'd come back to the valley with you for a day or two... just you and me on the old farm.$s#$e#You'll just have to visit me more often so I don't get depressed.$h",
"Thu4": "Hey... I think I can trust you. You can keep a secret, right?#$b#*whisper* That guy in the back... it's some kind of exclusive club. I've never been inside myself, but they pay me a generous monthly rent so I don't ask any questions.#$e#SOOOOoo! How's that Stardew Valley weather right now?",
"Thu6": "Those antenna-like structures northeast of here? No idea.#$e#Apparently, they were featured on an old episode of 'Mysteries of the Unknown.'#$e#They must have been built there for some reason, anyway!",
"Thu8": "I know it doesn't look like it, but business has been decent lately.#$e#Part of it's thanks to you. Cost of living out here is dirt cheap, so just a simple seed purchase goes a long way!$h",
"Fri2": "I think the thing I miss most about the Valley is the wild flowers. Just a lotta good memories that go with them.#$e#Bring some by if you find any, okay, sweetie?",
"Fri4": "Well look who's here! How you been?#$e#I just got done reading the best book. 'Marcie and the Underground Castle.' Definitely worth the read, if you've got time.",
"Fri6": "I listen to the radio sometimes. After you hear the same pop song twice an hour for a month, though, it's tough to keep it going.$s",
"Fri8": "Hey there! How's the farm, sweetie?#$e#I'm guessing things must be in good shape if you're able to spare the time to trek out here.#$e#It's always a treat to see you.$h",
"Sat": "Hi! Welcome to Sandy's Oasis, the number one destination in Calico Desert!#$e#*whisper* Did I sound professional?$h#$e#Make sure to check out our seasonal seed selection.",
"Sat2": "The cavern north of here is best worth avoiding.$s#$e#I peeked inside once. There's this door? ...and *shiver* Ugh, never again.#$b#Never. Again.$s",
"Sat4": "You look really thirsty. Here, have a taste of this ice cold milk. [184]#$e#Tasty, huh?$h",
"Sat8": "@! Come on in. I've got a treat for you. [233]#$e#I figured you'd love it.$h",
"Sat10": "Hey @. It's free sample day! Enjoy. [218]",
"Sun2": "Hi there, honey. Yep, it's just me, alone in this big old shop. Hmmm...#$e#Well, except for that creepy guy in the back. But he never moves a muscle, so I often forget about him.",
"Sun4": "I floated around in the Valley for a few years. Wish I could live there, but it's pretty hard to find reliable work.#$e#So that's how I wound up here!",
"Sun6": "I guess I've seen at least one guy from the back room who occasionally heads up north.#$e#I wonder if he's headed for that freakish cavern?$s",
"Sun8": "I took a trip to Zuzu City last month. Can't miss out on living it up at the clubs every once in a while!$h#$e#I don't waste a second. I stay out all night.#$e#There are college kids who can't even keep up with me! Heehee!$h",
"Sun10": "The cavern? Look, if you've been in there, I don't wanna know.$s#$e#I trust you'd stay safe if you did, though, huh?",
"winter_Fri": "I can't believe there's snow right now where you live.#$e#Oh well. Sand is kind of like snow. It'll have to do for me.",
"winter_Fri6": "At least it's a little cooler here in the winter. That sun sure doesn't let up, though.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian",
"Mon2": "Uh... what's up?",
"Mon8": "It seems pretty narcissistic to assume that we matter in the grand scheme of things.$s#$e#But I guess we're all floating downstream. Gotta enjoy the ride while it lasts.",
"Mon10": "It seems pretty narcissistic to assume that we matter in the grand scheme of things.$s#$e#That said, though, you matter to me, no matter how indifferent the universe might be.$l",
"Tue4": "When you throw a rock in the lake, it sends out ripples. But then the ripples eventually reach the edge and stop.#$b#Everything ends, so how can things with a lasting effect be any more important?",
"Wed4": "I get bored by plain, ordinary life stuff. How do people get excited about the most mundane things?#$e#Like for example, Abby's parents got a new washing machine a few months ago, and they'll tell stories about that thing for hours...#$ it's the most important thing that'll ever happen to them.#$e#In one sense, it's kind of funny, but in another, it's just depressing as hell.$s",
"Wed10": "It's nice having a reason to stay here in Pelican Town.#$e#Um, you know what I'm talking about, right?$l",
"Thu4_inlaw_Maru": "It's a little easier not having to live with Maru anymore. How are you holding up?",
"Fri2": "*sigh*... If gas wasn't so expensive I'd ride my motorcycle to the city today.#$e#$q 415/416 Fri_old#So what do you do when you aren't working?#$r 415 0 Fri_bad#More Farming#$r 416 30 Fri_good#Comic books#$r 415 -30 Fri_bad#Shopping#$r 415 -30 Fri_bad#Sports",
"Fri_old": "$p 416#Hey, if you're bored feel free to hang out in my room...$h|You probably prefer the small-town life, huh?",
"Fri8": "What's new?$h#$e#I'll be at the saloon tonight destroying Sam at pool again.$h",
"Sat4": "You don't smoke, do you?#$b#...Yeah, no problem, it's all good.",
"Sat6": "Maybe I should do something creative this weekend.#$b#I wonder if my client would mind if I redesigned the logo for his program?",
"Sat8": "Sam almost beat me in pool last night.#$e#Well, 'almost' is a relative term, but he has been getting better.$h",
"Sat10": "Hi, @. How's your day going?$h",
"summer_Mon2": "Everyone perking up when the sun's out... It's such a cliche.$a",
"summer_Mon4": "Don't you ever get sick of the sun? When the heat's beating you silly, you're all sweaty, and dirty...#$b#...and you have to smear smelly goo on your skin just to keep it from burning... Wny do people like summer, again?",
"summer_Mon10": "I've gotta say, @, when I first met you, I didn't think I'd like you. You seemed so... peppy?$h#$e#But I'm glad I was wrong. It was probably just me projecting assumptions on someone who willingly moved to Pelican Town.$l",
"summer_Tue4": "It's definitely better to be too cold than to be too hot.#$b#Too cold? Put on a sweatshirt. Problem solved.#$b#Too hot? You're screwed.",
"summer_Tue6": "Summer evenings are decent, at least, if it cools down enough.#$e#When it's pitch dark outside and you still feel that wave of heat, stepping outside... that's messed up.",
"summer_Tue8": "My biological dad? Yeah, I've met him a few times.#$e#He's staggeringly unremarkable.#$e#That's about it.",
"summer_Wed4": "It's nice, getting that sense of accomplishment when you fix a bug that was eluding you for days.$h#$e#Oh, sorry, that's probably pretty boring for you to hear about.",
"summer_Wed6": "Damn it. Today's not a good day.$a#$e#If you can give me some space, I'd appreciate it.#$e#Look, you understand how I work.",
"summer_Wed8": "Why am I grinning? I guess I've been unusually happy lately...$h",
"summer_Thu": "Getting out and making small talk with the locals, just for the fun of it. ...That's probably your kind of thing, isn't it?",
"summer_Thu2": "I definitely don't want to go swimming, if that's what you're going to ask.$s#$e#Oh, you just stopped to say hi? Sorry.",
"summer_Thu6": "I just feel so stuck, living here. My life doesn't change from one year to the next.$s",
"summer_Thu8": "I feel stuck. How the heck did you do it, @, just quitting your life and moving away?#$e#I'd kill to be able to do that. But the cost of living keeps jumping in the city.$s",
"summer_Fri2": "You've been up since how early? *yawn* ...Damn.",
"summer_Fri4": "I have to stay up late. It's the only time the house isn't sweltering.#$e#I can't sleep when it's too hot to get under the covers.",
"summer_Sat2": "I'm really in the mood for some coffee, but it's way too hot for it.#$e#And iced coffee just isn't as good.",
"summer_Sat4": "Sam and I originally bonded over music, a while back.#$e#He's a good guy. Most people don't care about my hobbies, but he's pretty much always willing to try the things I like.",
"summer_Sat6": "There are all sorts of creatures lurking underground, but people hardly ever talk about them. I don't get it.#$e#It's like some people specifically choose to be boring.",
"summer_Sat10": "Maybe it'd be fun to ride my bike out in a nighttime thunderstorm.#$e#I mean, uh, scratch that. Too dangerous, I know.$l#$e#I know you'd worry. I've got to think of that.",
"summer_Sun6": "Some people look up at the night sky and start to feel insignificant.#$b#But I feel that way all the time. For me, it's actually a comfort for the sky to remind me of that simple truth.",
"summer_Sun8": "The best thing with the lake is when there's a full moon right above it. It gives the whole area a nice, serene glow.",
"fall_Mon6": "Why does Maru have to be instantly good at everything she does?$s#$e#I'm still better than she is at music... and programming...#$b#...but even with programming, she's crazy good at installing the AI scripts for her robots.$s",
"fall_Mon6_inlaw_Maru": "Don't get me wrong, I'm happy you and Maru got together, but...#$'s just another reminder about how she keeps upstaging me. Everything just has to work out perfectly for her.$s",
"fall_Mon8": "Does it make sense if I say that the more crowded a place is, the lonelier it is?#$e#I was in a nightclub in Zuzu City a couple of years ago. It was too crowded to dance and too loud to talk.#$b#Kind of defeats the whole purpose, doesn't it?",
"fall_Tue2": "Maybe I should pay Abby a visit soon.$u#$e#...I dunno.$u",
"fall_Tue4": "Pumpkin spice this... pumpkin spice that... man, I do get sick of these seasonal fads.",
"fall_Tue8": "I'm not really mad that Mom married Demetrius. She can live her own life.#$b#I just wish they'd let me live my own life, too.",
"fall_Wed4": "I stayed up most of the night finishing a job for one of my clients. It was actually a lot of fun.#$e#I don't even feel tired, for one thing.$h",
"fall_Wed6": "*sigh* If I lived in the city, I could join a 'Solarian Chronicles' group and do some of those epic 8-person raids.$s#$e#Oh well. I guess it's not really the same when you don't know anybody in the group.",
"fall_Thu4": "My room might be a little less depressing if I had a window...$s",
"fall_Thu6": "Hm, maybe I should move my synthesizer back here from Sam's place. It'd be a lot easier to practice.#$e#Or I can just practice on my computer keyboard. That's how I first learned, anyway.",
"fall_Thu8": "I know I should try more to connect with Maru. It's just...#$b#...if I try to meet her on her level, getting all excited with her, it feels wrong. It's just not me.#$e#Does that make any sense?",
"fall_Fri": "*yawn*... I was up until 3 reading this new book...#$q 462/463 fall_Fri_old#Do you read, @?#$r 462 -30 Fri_bad#Yep. The classics.#$r 463 30 Fri_good#Only Sci-fi and Fantasy#$r 462 0 Fri_bad#I like a good Romance#$r 463 -30 Fri_bad#No, I don't read books",
"fall_Fri_old": "$p 462#You probably wouldn't like it.$s|I think you'd like it.",
"fall_Sat6": "Eventually, I have to get up in the morning so my parents don't patronize me. I'd rather not be treated like a kid.",
"fall_Sat8": "How the heck do you get up so early each day? I don't get it.#$e#That's officially your superpower. 'Early-Morning Man.'^That's officially your superpower. 'Early-Morning Girl.'",
"fall_Sat10": "@, hey! I'm glad I ran into you.$h#$e#I'm just having a really good day. I wanted to see how you were doing.",
"fall_Sun4": "A lot of people seem self-obsessed. Some can't get into a book or TV show if the characters don't remind them of themselves.#$b#The exact opposite of that is why I like reading fantasy.",
"fall_Sun6": "People act completely different in big groups. They all put on this mask, this persona...#$b#...and it's just so other people will accept them.#$b#Don't they get a little too comfortable losing touch with the real version of themselves?",
"fall_Sun10": "Hey. Want to stay out late with me tonight?#$e#When there's a glow on the horizon, that's usually when I can tell it's time to head for bed.",
"winter_Mon6": "People always say \"just be yourself,\" but I think for most of them, it's just a saying.#$b#They don't actually mean it when they say it.",
"winter_Mon8": "Feast of the Winter Star's coming up. I know I should try to think of things I'm grateful for, but...$s#$'s tough when there are so many people my age moving on with their lives.$s",
"winter_Mon10": "I was just thinking... I'm really thankful I have you in my life.$l#$e#Just something I was thinking about, with the Feast of the Winter Start coming up.",
"winter_Tue2": "You want to talk? Uh... I'm kind of busy at the moment.#$e#Okay, not 'busy' busy, but...$s#$b#...Sorry, today's just not a good day. Maybe later.",
"winter_Wed6": "Sam's being needy again. And we just gamed online last night.#$e#Oh well. He's still happy if I only say yes one in every four or five times he asks.",
"winter_Wed10": "Abby's a great girl, don't get me wrong. She's cooler than most of the people in town.#$b#But she's a little young. And besides, I've got you.$l",
"winter_Thu4": "I used to like my sushi dressed up as much as possible. But if the fish is good, everything else just gets in the way of the flavor.#$e#Maybe a little soy sauce.#$e#Plus, uh, one of my favorite characters from a series I read has a thing for sashimi, so...$s",
"winter_Thu10": "Here, you wanna finish my coffee? I've had a few cups already. [395]#$e#Gotta get you warmed up!$h",
"winter_Fri4": "Hmm... I wonder if I can brave the cold to go for a ride tonight...$s",
"winter_Fri6": "I'm really excited. There's a new volume of 'Cave Saga X' coming out next month.$h#$e#I've already pre-ordered mine.$h",
"winter_Sat4": "You must not spend very much time at home, with the way you're always running around.#$e#Sounds exhausting.",
"winter_Sat10": "Man, I've got to move out of here, fast.#$e#Anything new on your farm, despite the snow?",
"winter_Sun4": "I built a snowgoon but Demetrius made me get rid of it.#$b#You know your life's going in reverse when your stepdad treats you like a six-year-old.$u",
"winter_Sun6_inlaw_Maru": "I can't believe Maru still comes out here to build her snowman.#$e#Are you sure it was a good idea to marry someone who lives within walking distance from your farm?#$e#Sorry. I mean, whatever works for you.$s",
"1_2": "I should browse the forums for some more clients. Anything to keep me busy indoors this spring.",
"spring_12": "I'm not too big on festivals. Lots of commotion, too much social interaction... More stress than fun, if you ask me.",
"spring_23": "Ugh... Tomorrow is the worst festival of the year by a mile. Just wait and see how stupid I look during the flower dance.",
"summer_10": "Hehe... It might be funny to put something disgusting in the potluck soup tomorrow. Just don't poison anyone.#$e#Why ruin the potluck? Hmm... I guess some people feel liberated when the rigid structures of society break down a little. Maybe I'm weird.",
"summer_27": "Tomorrow we'll all be gathering at the docks to see the migration of the moonlight jellies. I think it starts at ten o'clock.",
"fall_20": "Are you looking forward to the halloween festival? It's probably my favorite.$h",
"fall_26": "The halloween festival is tomorrow. I really hope they have those skeletons on display again this year.$h#$e#I almost feel like they're my friends at this point.",
"winter_24": "It's the eve of the winter star today. Better make sure you've got an empty stomach for the feast tomorrow.",
"winter_28": "It'd be nice if we could skip the first part of the year.#$b#Everybody makes empty resolutions they'll never keep. I wish more people could at least be genuine.",
"Mountain_47_23": "I come here for the peace and quiet.",
"summer_Mountain_58_35": "#$c .5#The tempurature only starts to get comfortable at night.#$e#It always seems to stay a little cooler by the lake.",
"spring_12_2": "I'm not too big on festivals. Lots of commotion, too much social interaction... More stress than fun, if you ask me.",
"spring_23_2": "Ugh... Tomorrow is the worst festival of the year by a mile. Just wait and see how stupid I look during the flower dance.",
"summer_10_2": "Hehe... It might be funny to put something disgusting in the potluck soup tomorrow. Just don't poison anyone.#$e#Why ruin the potluck? Hmm... I guess some people feel liberated when the rigid structures of society break down a little. Maybe I'm weird.",
"fall_20_2": "Are you looking forward to the halloween festival? It's probably my favorite.$h",
"fall_26_2": "The halloween festival is tomorrow. I really hope they have those skeletons on display again this year.$h#$e#I almost feel like they're my friends at this point.",
"winter_24_2": "It's the eve of the winter star today. Better make sure you've got an empty stomach for the feast tomorrow.",
"winter_28_2": "It'd be nice if we could skip the first part of the year.#$b#Everybody makes empty resolutions they'll never keep. I wish more people could at least be genuine.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogueSebastian",
"Rainy_Day_0": "#$c .5#Finally... some heavy rain. I get bored of sunny weather easily.#I think I'm going to have a good day today. And you enjoy yourself, too, okay?$h",
"Rainy_Day_1": "#$c .5#Hey. I was just thinking about my old room in the basem*nt. I felt comfortable there, but this is a lot more interesting. And I don't miss the smell...#I couldn't really hear the sound of the raindrops in my old basem*nt room. It's nice being able to in this house.$7#$e#I felt kind of embarrassed living in my mom's house for so long.",
"Rainy_Day_2": "Hey. I couldn't sleep last night so I took a walk to the caves. I found this... want it?[575 769 767 84 66 78]#$e#$c .5#I just have trouble sleeping sometimes, it has nothing to do with you. I love you.$7#I just kept walking, and I guess I got a bit carried away. Sorry, I don't mean anything by it.",
"Rainy_Day_3": "#$c .5#Seems like a pretty good day to just lie around, maybe read a book or something... what do you think?#It's on the edge of my brain... I was stumped yesterday by this one coding problem, but today, I think I can make it work.$7",
"Rainy_Day_4": "#$c .5#Hey, another rainy day... perfect.#$e#You look cold... here, come closer.$l#Remember that day we had at the beach? Under the umbrella?$l",
"Rainy_Night_0": "I'm trying my best to quit smoking now that we're married... I don't wanna die on you. It's a bad habit.#$e#I want to have a future together.$l",
"patio_Sebastian": "#$c .5#Need something? I'll just be over here working on my bike for a while.#I just want to make sure everything in perfect shape. Next time I ride, I don't want any worries on my mind.",
"Rainy_Night_1": "#$c .5#I was in a musical mood today, so I played around with a synth program. Wish I did it more often; it's really gratifying.$h#I did some work on the laptop today. I was actually brainstorming some ideas for a game I want to make.#$e#With your farming income, I can afford to do what I want with my life. It's pretty amazing. Thank you.$h",
"Rainy_Night_2": "#$c .5#Oh, dang! I was supposed to take out the trash today, wasn't I? I'll... do it in the morning.$s#Sorry, I didn't make any dinner. We might have a frozen pizza in the fridge or something.#$e#I dunno, my mind was elsewhere. It's hard to remember to do chores...",
"Rainy_Night_3": "How was your day? Did you slay any monsters?$h#$e#$c .5#It feels good to take out your aggression now and then, doesn't it?#In either case, I'm glad you know how to avoid being boring.$7",
"Rainy_Night_4": "#$c .5#Maybe a witch will visit us tonight? Hah.. if only life were that interesting...#Hey, let me know when you're ready to turn in for the night...$l",
"Indoor_Day_0": "The older I get, the less I'm drawn to the city. It had a certain mystique to it, once.#$e#$c .5#But it turns out that was just a romantic fantasy. The city's so busy, so full of people... I don't belong there. I'm a loner.#Living out here... it's just the right kind of loneliness for me. The kind that makes me look forward to seeing you again each day at home.$7",
"Indoor_Day_1": "Hey... want some coffee?[395]$7#$e#$c .5#I needed some... woke up early from a nightmare and I just couldn't fall back asleep.#This is the good stuff. Not that Joja-brand garbage.",
"Indoor_Day_2": "I couldn't sleep last night so I went for a night ride on the motorcycle.#$e#$c .5#I need to stay independent, even though we're married. That's just how I am. I still love you, though.$7#The moon was bright enough to cast shadows through the trees. It was just the perfect night.$7",
"Indoor_Day_3": "Hey. How'd you sleep last night?#$e#$c .5#I heard you mumbling. You seemed scared, but I have to admit... it was kind of cute.$l#It wasn't too bad a night for me, but I'll admit I'm jealous how you can sleep like a log sometimes.$7",
"Indoor_Day_4": "#$c .5#Living here with you is teaching me to come out of my shell a little bit. I think it's good for me.$7#The way you've put this farm together... I've got to say it's given me an appreciation for where our food comes from.$7",
"Indoor_Night_0": "Hey. I just hung out around the house, today. Nothing interesting...#$e#...#$e#$c .5#Oh, I got all the dishes and laundry caught up. So there's that.#The view from our house is perfect. You can see the sun setting over Pelican Town from the front porch.",
"Indoor_Night_1": "Maybe I drank too much coffee... I don't feel very tired.#$e#$c .5#I just didn't want it to go to waste. That, and it was a flavor I really like.#I'm still trying to adjust to the farm schedule. I used to stay up until 5am and sleep in until 2pm, sometimes.$h",
"Indoor_Night_2": "#$c .5#I thought living down the road from my family wouldn't be quite far enough. But things feel a lot less tense just from not having to share a roof.#It's really cool to have our own place. I can do whatever I feel like and not have people nagging at me all the time.#$e#I'm sure Maru's happy that I'm gone.",
"Indoor_Night_3": "#$c .5#I spotted a bat out the window earlier. It's kind of hard to see, but if you stay focused you can often catch them flittering about. They're out there.#I thought living down the road from my family wouldn't be quite far enough. But things feel a lot less tense just from not having to share a roof.",
"Indoor_Night_4": "#$c .5#I often felt unappreciated back home... but here I feel like I really belong. Thanks for making me feel welcome.$l#I don't feel tired, but I'll try to go to bed. I just want to have a chance to see you before you leave for the day.$7",
"Outdoor_0": "#$c .5#I feel like I want to do something today... but I'm not sure what. Do you ever have that problem?#Hah, I stayed up almost the whole night out here, reading under the porchlight. I might need a nap later.$h",
"Outdoor_1": "Hmm... sometimes I have to force myself to stay outside for health.#$e#$c .5#I dunno what it is, but I like being indoors. Maybe I'm just so used to my dark basem*nt.#The sun's starting to get pretty bright. I'll probably head back in soon.",
"Outdoor_2": "#$c .5#I'll just watch you from here. I enjoy watching you.$h#Standing here on the porch like this... I wonder if someday I'll grow to be a mysterious old mentor for some kid in town.$7",
"Outdoor_3": "#$c .5#I don't want to get soft now that I'm a married guy. Maybe I should start eating more hot pepper and working out? Just an idea...$h#I went for a little walk just before you got up. Sounds like some animals are already up and alive.$7",
"Outdoor_4": "We should raise more slimes... In big quantities they can be pretty profitable. And they're so easy to raise.#$e#Also, different colored slimes produce different items. I dunno, I think it'd be kind of a fun hobby for us.",
"OneKid_0": "#$c .5#I'm still getting used to being a father. Don't worry, I'll take good care of our kid! It's just... something new.#Well, we've finally done it. We've discovered someone whose sleep schedule is even more erratic than mine. Thanks, %kid1.$s",
"OneKid_1": "#$c .5#Being a dad is so much harder than I ever would've thought... but I know you're the one earning our keep, so I promise I'll do my best every day.#Maybe when %kid1 is a little older, I'll get a sidecar for the bike and we can all go for a ride.$h",
"OneKid_3": "#$c .5#Have you smelled %kid1? Maybe it's time for a bath...#I didn't think I could love a tiny little human being so much. Seriously, I would do absolutely anything for %kid1.$l",
"TwoKids_0": "#$c .5#I'm trying to keep the kids on a schedule to preserve my sanity. My own schedule's still all over the place, though.#Don't worry, I already fed the kids... %kid2 spilled the chocolate milk all over my shirt again.",
"TwoKids_1": "#$c .5#I can't say this is exactly the kind of life I imagined when I first met you. But it does feel more purposeful than I ever would've imagined.$l#I hope %kid1 and %kid2 are nice to each other. Maru and I always fought as kids. ...If I think back on it, it was mostly my fault...",
"TwoKids_2": "#$c .5#Sometime soon when the kids are both sleeping, I think I'll need some alone time. The kids have been running me ragged.$s#I've had this recurring dream that %kid2 is wearing a shadow shaman costume and sitting on a glowing pumpkin. Weird, huh?",
"TwoKids_3": "We've come a long way, @. Look at our family. To be honest, I never really thought I'd end up in this situation.#$e#Now that I'm here, I like it...$l",
"funLeave_Sebastian": "#$c .5#I'm going to take a walk today. I need some time to myself. I'll see you in the evening.#Got a lot of stuff on my mind today. I'll let you know in the evening if it's still bothering me, but for now, I just need to go for a walk.",
"funReturn_Sebastian": "#$c .5#My day was fine, nothing much to tell you about. Why don't you tell me about yours?#Hmm? Oh, I'm in a pretty good mood, actually. How about you?$7",
"spring_8": "My right eyelid keeps twitching. It's been doing that for almost a month.#$e#It's funny. I don't feel that stressed.#$e#Maybe it's from looking at screens so much. But I'm not giving those up for a little thing like this.$u",
"spring_16": "I got picked on a lot as a kid. Doesn't really bother me anymore, though.#$e#If anything, it just helps me appreciate the present more.$7",
"spring_26": "The wait's finally over. There's a new Cave Saga X that should be delivered later today.$h",
"spring_28": "Man... I completely binged my way through the new Cave Saga X. I can't believe it's back to the waiting game again.#$e#I'll have to look through it again. There's probably some foreshadowing or secrets I missed.",
"summer_5": "Are you putting on sunscreen today? Ugh. I'm sorry.$u#$e#Look, you're the one bringing home the bacon. You spend the money how you want. I won't complain.$u#$e#I'll... do some cleaning around the house today.$u",
"summer_15": "Never a good sign when it's 6 AM and I've already stuck my head in the freezer once...$u",
"summer_19": "There's a video game charity drive that's livestreaming today. I think I know what I'll be doing to keep my mind off the heat today.$h",
"summer_22": "Don't you ever get tired running around all the time? I swear, you must have energy drink syrup for blood.$7",
"fall_6": "I took another freelance job yesterday with an old client. This should keep me busy for a few days.$7#$e#I'm actually kind of excited to work on this one.$h",
"fall_17": "Okay, I admit, I was smoking yesterday at the fair. But it was a special occasion. I promise you, I'm not getting back into it.$s",
"fall_22": "I try to keep things in perspective when I recognize that everything is temporary. Everyone fades away eventually.#$e#Yeah, sometimes I go a bit overboard with these thoughts, but... I need them.$u#$b#Maybe that seems weird, but I really do.",
"winter_3": "This kind of season is perfect for late night rides.$7#$e#Don't worry, I won't go if the roads are iced over. I'm not an idiot.$h",
"winter_12": "The air is so dry and crisp. Just the way I like it.$h",
"winter_19": "Hm. I usually go for coffee, but maybe today's a hot chocolate kind of day.$u#$e#With marshmallows.$7",
"winter_23": "We'll be sitting down with my whole family tomorrow. You know... I'm actually kind of looking forward to it.$h",
"winter_26": "...The snow's melting. *sigh*$s",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Shane",
"Introduction": "I don't know you. Why are you talking to me?",
"JojaMart": "%Shane's hard at work. He doesn't seem interested in talking.",
"Mon": "I don't know you. Why are you talking to me?",
"Mon6": "I learned a while ago that it's easier to shut new people out before they get to know me.#$e#A lot of people just turn out to be jackasses.",
"Mon8": "Emily's a pretty good girl. She gives me beer and she listens. Not much else I need.#$e#You're pretty cool, too.",
"Tue8": "Clint's a bit awkward. I don't know how Emily puts up with the obvious hots he's got for her.#$e#Or maybe she's just oblivious...$u",
"Tue10": "It never would've worked out for me and Emily... for obvious reasons. I'm glad I have you.$l^Emily and I were always just friends. I'm glad that we kept it that way.$l",
"Wed2": "...'Suuuuup.$s",
"Wed4": "Have I ever gotten really weird and vulnerable with you while I was drunk? I have the tendency to do that.$u#$e#Whatever I said, don't read into it.$u",
"Wed6": "$d Joja#*sigh* ...Every day is the same. Stocking those horrible shelves, going to the saloon, tossing and turning all night.$s|I hated my job at JojaMart, but now that I'm unemployed I feel even worse.$s",
"Wed10": "My counselor's been helping me out a lot with my thoughts of suicide.#$b#Alcohol is still a tough one, though.#$e#A lot of people don't get it. I can't just 'stop going' to the saloon.$s",
"Thu2": "...'Ey.$s",
"Thu10": "I have my ups and downs still. But lately, things seem to be a bit better.#$e#Like, today's good, right? You stopped to talk, for one thing.$h",
"Fri2": "You're just not gonna leave me alone, are you? $s",
"Fri10": "@, I appreciate you being there for me. But you realize that you're not gonna fix me, right?#$e#I'm just saying, what you see is what you get.#$e#Give it some thought. I don't want to hurt you.$s",
"Sat10": "Oh man, I got really drunk before I went to bed last night.$s#$q 530/531/532 Sat_old#You must be disappointed in me.#$r 530 -250 Sat_530#Yeah! I thought you wanted to get clean!#$r 531 0 Sat_531#Recovery has its ups and downs.#$r 531 0 Sat_531#Sorry, I know it's hard for you.#$r 532 -50 Sat_532#No prob. You do you.",
"Sat_old": "$p 530#Look, I'm doing my best. I'm sorry if I let you down sometimes.$s|But I appreciate that you're always around, no matter what.",
"Sat_530": "...#$b#Well clearly I'm not good enough for you.#$b#It's cool. Go hang out with someone else.",
"Sat_531": "...#$b#How are you such a good person? Don't you ever get mad about anything?$s#$e#Thanks, though.",
"Sat_532": "...#$b#Seriously, what the hell. Do you even care about what I do?$a",
"Sun2": "You again? How many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone?$s",
"Sun4": "Hmm... it's %time. Should I throw a frozen pizza in the microwave, or should I wait?$u",
"summer_Mon6": "$d Joja#I think I'll spend a little extra time in Joja's back room freezer when it's hot like this.$u|Hmm... what can I do to pass the time today?",
"summer_Mon8": "I think Emily's nice just for the sake of being nice. I don't need her pity, but...#$b#...I don't -not- need her company, either.$u",
"summer_Mon10": "Jas and I played a pretty fun game yesterday. We made a little obstacle course outside.$h#$e#I know I haven't been a great influence on Jas, but you have to admit I have my moments.",
"summer_Tue8": "$d Joja#My walk to work in the morning is nice during the summer. It's just so calm and not too hot yet.|Those chickens sure do get me up early. But at least the air's nice in the summer when the sun first comes up.",
"summer_Tue10": "Maybe I fell for Emily a little bit, at one point or another, but...$s#$'re different in that you actually seem to be serious about wanting something from me, too.$l",
"summer_Wed6": "$d Joja#*sigh* ...Every day is the same. Stocking those horrible shelves, going to the saloon, tossing and turning all night.$s|I hated my job at JojaMart, but now that I'm unemployed I feel even worse.$s",
"summer_Wed8": "Marnie and Jas have put up with a lot of my crap. I actually feel motivated to do my best for them.#$e#That's not something I've felt in a long time.",
"summer_Thu6": "Looking forward to gridball season?#$e#Sometimes it's fun to watch the junior league in the off-season, too. Tickets are cheaper.",
"summer_Thu8": "Man, the chickens won't stay out of trouble lately. Breaking stuff... Getting stuck in stuff...#$b#Hah, at least they need me for something.$h",
"summer_Thu10": "When your two best friends die on the same exact day, it really kind of messes you up.$s#$e#I had problems before they died, but that's really still the worst of it.",
"summer_Fri6": "What a hot day. I could really use a cold one.#$e#You in?",
"summer_Fri8": "Seeing people who have it all... the money, the house, the honor-student kids...#$ almost seems even more depressing than what I've got.#$e#Hey there, sport! Congrats on another straight-A report card! Let's get ice cream!$10#$b#Gross.$u",
"summer_Fri10": "Out of a million people, I bet you're the only one who wouldn't have bailed on me by this point.#$e#Hey, I don't take these things for granted.",
"summer_Sun6": "Looks like I'm gettin' a little gut. Oh boy. Soon I'll be the guy who has it all!$u",
"summer_Sun8": "$d Joja#Back to work for another week tomorrow. Yayyy...$s|I kind of miss having actual weekends, like I used to. But I guess that's the tradeoff for being a full-time chicken man, now.",
"summer_Sun10": "@, one thing you should probably know is that I'm technically Jas's godfather.$s#$e#Marnie's really the one who's been raising her, though. I really screwed that one up.$s",
"fall_Mon6": "I saw some old classmates' photos online.$s#$e#The most revolting ones are of the people who can't take a photo without their freakin' baby in the shot.",
"fall_Mon8": "I missed the gridball game last night. Whatevs. It's better live, anyway.",
"fall_Mon10": "Do you ever feel like the whole world is scrutinizing you like some disgusting insect?",
"fall_Tue8": "Well, at least Clint's life is crappier than mine. Guy lives alone.#$e#Sorry, yeah, that was a crappy thing to say.$s",
"fall_Tue10": "It's strange how I don't ever seem to get bored with seeing you, @.#$e#That's never happened for me before.$l",
"fall_Wed6": "$d Joja#*sigh* ...Every day is the same. Stocking those horrible shelves, going to the saloon, tossing and turning all night.$s|I hated my job at JojaMart, but now that I'm unemployed I feel even worse.$s",
"fall_Wed8": "I guess I've grown attached to Marnie and Jas. We're a ragtag bunch but it kind of feels like a weird family.#$e#I never really had much of a family as a kid.$s",
"fall_Thu6": "Hey @.#$e#So, are you drinking tonight? It's cool if you want to join me.",
"fall_Thu8": "You like talking to me? I guess I believe you... maybe you're as weird as I am.$h",
"fall_Thu10": "I have my ups and downs still. But lately, things seem to be a bit better.#$e#Like, today's good, right? You stopped to talk, for one thing.$h",
"fall_Fri4": "$d Joja#That guy Sam? Yeah, I work with him. Don't really talk to him much, though.|That guy Sam? Yeah, we worked together. Never really talked to him much, though.",
"fall_Fri8": "I'll definitely be going to the saloon tonight. What else is there to do?",
"fall_Fri10": "@, I appreciate you being there for me. But you realize that you're not gonna fix me, right?#$e#I'm just saying, what you see is what you get.#$e#Give it some thought. I don't want to hurt you.$s",
"fall_Sun6": "...I think I might be gaining weight.$s",
"fall_Sun8": "If I watch more TV maybe I can forget about life. That would be relaxing.$u",
"fall_Sun10": "A new chick hatched on our farm last night. It's been a good day so far.$h",
"winter_Mon8": "I don't get how someone like Emily is so content with her life.#$e#I couldn't put up with her job and her life if I were in her shoes.#$e#And I probably wouldn't hang out with guys like me, either.$s",
"winter_Mon10": "When your two best friends die on the same exact day, it really kind of messes you up.$s#$e#I had problems before they died, but that's really still the worst of it.",
"winter_Tue4": "Poor little mother cluckers are stuck inside all winter long. Gotta take good care of them.#$e#You got that I meant chickens, right?$u",
"winter_Tue8": "Do chickens have it better or worse than humans? Hmm...$u#$e#Worse, I'd say.#$b#Unless they're free-range chickens. Then... I don't know.",
"winter_Tue10": "My counselor's been helping me out a lot with my thoughts of suicide.#$b#Alcohol is still a tough one, though.#$e#A lot of people don't get it. I can't just 'stop going' to the saloon.$s",
"winter_Wed6": "$d Joja#*sigh* ...Every day is the same. Stocking those horrible shelves, going to the saloon, tossing and turning all night.$s|I hated my job at JojaMart, but now that I'm unemployed I feel even worse.$s",
"winter_Wed8": "I try to do my best for Jas. She says she has some good memories with me already.#$e#I don't remember some of the ones she mentions, though.$s",
"winter_Thu6": "Kind of a crappy day today...$s#$e#So what's the drunkest you've ever been?",
"winter_Thu8": "You like talking to me? I guess I believe you... maybe you're as weird as I am.$h",
"winter_Thu10": "I'll say... I had you completely wrong.#$b#First time I saw you, I thought you'd be an absolute tool. I'm glad I was wrong.$h",
"winter_Fri6": "I'll definitely be going to the saloon tonight. What else is there to do?",
"winter_Fri8": "Seeing people who have it all... the money, the house, the honor-student kids...#$ almost seems even more depressing than what I've got.#$e#Hey there, sport! Congrats on another straight-A report card! Let's get ice cream!$10#$b#Gross.$u",
"winter_Fri10": "$d Joja#The thought of getting to see you is what gets me through the day. Are we hanging out tonight?|Hey, I hope you're staying warm. I've got an old coat you can borrow if you need it.",
"winter_Sun6": "It's been an interesting gridball season.#$e#Or so I hear. I've missed a ton of the games.",
"winter_Sun8": "What's it like for those functional alcoholic millionaires? Like, the CEOs who always have half a minibar behind their desk?#$b#Do they just stay plasterd all day and get paid for it? 'Cause if so, sign me up.#$e#Looks like I missed my calling.",
"winter_Sun10": "What you have to understand, @, is that when I do my best, it looks a lot worse than what other people do.$s#$e#I just thought you should know that.",
"winter_28": "Another year gone? Man.$u#$e#Take a wild guess what I'm doing all evening.",
"1_2": "Buh, my head.$s#$e#Can I just sleep through this whole year?$s",
"winter_28_2": "Another year gone? Man.$u#$e#Take a wild guess what I'm doing all evening.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogueShane",
"Rainy_Day_0": "I hope Jas and Marnie are doing alright without me.#$e#I'm not too worried... Jas is old enough now to take care of the animals on her own.",
"Rainy_Day_1": "#$c .5#You know what? I think I've lost some weight since moving in with you.$6#My knees are kind of stiff today. Does that ever happen to you, or is that just me?$s",
"Rainy_Day_2": "#$c .5#Here... take this.[346 174 303 305 215] I bought some of those a while ago and they're almost expired...#Here, take this for later. [346 346 303] Just a little reminder not to work too hard when you can afford to be lazy.",
"Rainy_Day_3": "#$c .5#Buhh... I don't feel like being productive today.#...Alright. Screw it. I'm dipping my pizza in ranch dressing today.$u",
"Rainy_Day_4": "#$c .5#Well, should I do something useful today?... or just nap forever?#I was so dedicated last night to doing some sit-ups today. But this rain is really killing my motivation.",
"Rainy_Night_0": "Hmm... seems like a good night to microwave a few pizza rolls.#$e#Some people like to cook them in the oven, but it just takes too long for me. Plus I like that squishy texture.$h",
"patio_Shane": "#$c .5#Charlie's doing well.$8#If Charlie's in a good mood, I'm in a good mood, too.$8",
"Rainy_Night_1": "#$c .5#The tip-tappa-tip of the rain takes me to a different time... a different place.#I hope Charlie's not scared out there.$u",
"Rainy_Night_2": "#$c .5#I guess... if I had some pants I might've gone outside today... but, nah.#What if we just let Charlie live inside? It's not like there'd be that big a mess...$u",
"Rainy_Night_3": "#$c .5#I like gloomy weather, but I feel kinda bad for the hens.#I still can't believe how you spend all that time outside when it rains, just like it's no big deal.",
"Rainy_Night_4": "#$c .5#Tip-tappa-tip-tappa-tip... I'm starting to feel thirsty.$6#Do we have any homemade brews? Guess I'm feelin'... fancy tonight.",
"Indoor_Day_0": "#$c .5#Buh... sometimes life feels like a slow, gray blur... know what I mean?#Here's to the end of another pointless day. Hey, not that that has to be a horrible thing.",
"Indoor_Day_1": "#$c .5#Hey. Take this... I put a bit too much in the microwave. [195 215 206]Sorry if it's squishy.#Open your mouth. And close your eyes. And you'll get... a big surpriiiise. [195 215 206]",
"Indoor_Day_2": "#$c .5#Do me a favor... when I pass away, use my dust to fertilize some corn for the hens.#Does it ever annoy you, that I'm not as peppy as a stereotypical dream husband?",
"Indoor_Day_3": "#$c .5#*smooch*... Mmm, it tastes like someone's been nibbling on pizza rolls.$6#Hey, don't brush your hair. You're looking hot this morning.",
"Indoor_Day_4": "#$c .5#I may keep to myself a lot, and I may seem unhappy sometimes... but I do appreciate all the work you do. I'm a lucky guy.$6#Give me something positive to focus on. I know it should feel like a good morning; I just need some help getting there.",
"Indoor_Night_0": "#$c .5#I'm just gonna have a couple more beers before closing my eyes for the night.#I took a nap while you were out. I hope that doesn't screw up my sleep cycle.",
"Indoor_Night_1": "If... If only... ah, I was just thinking back on the glory days, when I played gridball on the varsity team.$6#$b#Now I'm old and weak, though...",
"Indoor_Night_2": "#$c .5#Ughh... *gurgle*... I feel a little bloated... oof... too much Joja all-purpose dipping sauce.#Hey, I was good today. I wanted to finish the bag of Carbo Cones, but I held off.",
"Indoor_Night_3": "#$c .5#Buh... I wish I was six inches taller and a whole lot smarter... But you like me for who I am? I still have a hard time understanding that...#Hey. Want to... go to bed when I do?$l",
"Indoor_Night_4": "#$c .5#I spent all day watching TV and now my legs feel like soft dough. Guess I'll have to take it easy until tomorrow.#Maybe I should drink something to help me sleep. Not a good solution, but it'd beat staying up all night.",
"Outdoor_0": "I didn't sleep well last night so I'm hoping this fresh air will get the juices flowing.#$e#What juices, you ask? Heh... you're weird.$h",
"Outdoor_1": "Sometimes I stop and realize that I'm nothing more than a bag of juicy, squishy flesh.#$e#But hey... that's just fine... what's life, anyway?$h",
"Outdoor_2": "#$c .5#When I stop and think about it... I'm in a good place. My life is pretty nice.$6#I can't really think of a better place to be right now, than here. Gotta keep things in perspective, right?$6",
"Outdoor_3": "#$c .5#Ooohh... my tongue is swollen from eating too many pepper poppers.$s#Dang. I didn't realize how stagnant the air in my lungs was till I got out here.",
"Outdoor_4": "#$c .5#Hey. You were sleeping like a baby so I slipped out of bed and went for a morning walk around the farm. Everything looks fine.#I don't know why, but I'm just feeling pretty good this morning. I must've slept well.$h",
"OneKid_0": "#$c .5#It's weird, when I was younger I swore I'd never have a kid. I wonder what happened to me?$6#I want to make sure I don't screw things up for %kid1. Just... have some patience with me.",
"OneKid_1": "#$c .5#Let's make sure to give this kid lots of eggs... Baby's gotta grow those legs!#I want to give %kid1 the best childhood ever. I've got to make up for at least some of my screw-ups of the past.",
"OneKid_3": "Papa Shane reporting for duty...$6#$e#Buh... I've become corny in my old age.",
"TwoKids_0": "#$c .5#Well, if the kids stop behaving themselves today, I can always bust out some tunes for a spontaneous dance party.#I already fed the kids two bowls of pizza puffs cereal. They'll be full for a while.",
"TwoKids_1": "#$c .5#I'll be honest... two kids is enough for me.#Oh my god, how does anyone ever raise more than two kids? I'm so exhausted.$s",
"TwoKids_2": "#$c .5#Whew... I hope the kids wind up with more of your traits than mine.#Ugh... %kid2 is being a little brat today. Must've gotten that from me...",
"TwoKids_3": "*Sigh*... If only we could send the kids off to Joja work-camp for a season...#$e#I'm just kidding.$h",
"funLeave_Shane": "#$c .5#I'm going to go out today, alright?#Time for me to get a change of scenery or the walls'll close in. I'll be back later today.",
"funReturn_Shane": "#$c .5#Sorry if I'm sweaty... That was quite a walk... Buh, I'm out of shape.$6#Yeah, I had a good time going out. Don't worry, though. I was good.",
"spring_2": "It was awesome yesterday, seeing the chickens get outside for the first time in a while.$h",
"spring_14": "Buh, I think I'm on post egg festival withdrawal. Just not a lot to look forward to for a while.$s#$e#Don't worry, I'll be alright in the long run. This always happens to me.",
"spring_19": "Eventually, everyone gets tired of everything.#$b#Ha, am I just ahead of my time, or something?$h",
"spring_27": "I'll admit I did not... drink in moderation the other night.$s#$b#But still, I'm a helluva lot better off than I was before I met you. I just hope that makes sense from your perspective.#$e#I mean, you haven't discovered me passed out cold any time lately, right?",
"summer_2": "We're growing hot peppers this summer, right?",
"summer_4": "Man, I miss Jas. Today's her birthday, too.#$e#I knew there was something I was forgetting.",
"summer_12": "Ha, it was awesome yesterday, seeing Emily do her thing on the dance floor. Glad she's as well as ever.$h",
"summer_16": "...Another year's gone by since I 'adopted' Jas. And then promptly screwed it all up.$s#$e#Things are turning out alright for her. No thanks to me.$s#$e#I guess things would've been different if it happened now. With you around, I'm a lot more stable than I used to be, believe it or not.",
"summer_17": "How do people like you and Marnie just keep it together all the time? I don't even know where I'd be if Marnie hadn't taken in Jas... and me.$s#$e#Well, and then you came along.$l",
"fall_3": "I suddenly felt like cooking, so I made omelets. Here you go. [195]#$e#Just don't ask me to do much real cooking besides this. Seriously. You'd regret it more than I would.$h",
"fall_7": "Oh that's right. Gridball season just started. I'll have to check if there are any good games coming up.",
"fall_10": "Today's a good day for a playthrough of Turbo 2. Or maybe Paths of Fury 2.#$b#Hm. ...Or maybe both.$u",
"fall_12": "I was walking around yesterday, looking all over the farm. It's really something else, isn't it?#$e#YOU'RE really something else, I mean.$h",
"fall_23": "We live for sleep. Everything we do is about it. We work, so we get tired, so we can sleep.#$b#We eat, so we're not hungry, so we can sleep. We do creative things so we feel fulfilled, and then we sleep.#$b#Are we all just unknowingly training to get more comfortable with our inevitable deaths?$u",
"winter_1": "Any big plans this winter? I'll probably end up watching a lot of TV and just hanging out around the house.",
"winter_28": "Well, another year gone by... I look a little older, but that's about all.$6",

"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Vincent",
"Mon2": "My brother's really good at video games. I like watching him play more than I like playing against him.",
"Mon4_2": "Sam threw out some of his old computer games after Dad got back.$u#$e#I think they were the shooting ones.$u",
"Mon8": "Mom gave me a haircut. She's the one who usually does it.#$e#A long time ago, Sam gave me a haircut. He got in big trouble!$h",
"Mon8_2": "Mom made me stop playing just to show me Dad sleeping in.$u#$e#Then she started crying. It was really weird.$u",
"Mon10": "@, maybe you can be my dad until my real dad comes back!^Even though you're a girl, maybe you can be my dad until my real dad comes back.",
"Mon10_2": "@, was your dad ever like mine?$u",
"Tue2": "Red flavored gummies are really good, but the purple kind in this new brand is really REALLY good.#$e#The only problem? The other colors that come with the purple kind aren't as good.#$b#Hmmmmmmmmm...",
"Tue4": "I like to collect Foroguemon cards.#$e#My big brother only plays with me sometimes, though.",
"Tue8": "Can you keep a secret, mister?^Can you keep a secret, miss?$u#$b#I wanna marry Miss Penny when I grow up.#$e#Just don't tell her, okay?$u",
"Tue8_inlaw_Penny": "It's so cool how you're married to my teacher.#$e#I never thought that would have happened!",
"Wed6": "I found a millipede outside yesterday.#$b#Is it really called a millipede because they have a million legs?",
"Wed8": "I wanna look for bugs, but Mom gets mad when I'm all dirty.#$b#It's a tough choice.",
"Wed_inlaw_Sam": "How's my brother doing?#$e#I can't believe we're related now!$h",
"Thu6": "It's fun living so close to Marnie's Ranch.#$e#I saw a cow wink at me one time.",
"Thu8": "If I had a farm like you, I'd want it to be a candy farm!$h#$e#I know, I know, I'm just being silly.",
"Fri": "Oh no... Mom's making lentil soup tonight.$s",
"Fri2": "Mom said she's making yellow curry tonight. Does that have curry powder in it?$u#$e#It does? Awwwww.$s",
"Fri4": "Do you grow anything good on your farm?",
"Fri8": "Sam used to be kind of mean to me when I was little. But these days, he's a lot nicer to me.",
"Sat": "Dad's coming back soon!#$b#I hope he brings me some toys.$u",
"Sat_2": "Dad seems weird since he came back. I wonder what happened to him?$s",
"Sat4": "My dad's gone, but Jas's mom and dad aren't around either.#$e#She never talks about them. And Ms. Penny says I shouldn't ask.",
"Sat4_2": "I'm having fun today! Are you?",
"Sat6": "*sigh*... When's Dad coming back?$s",
"Sat6_2": "Dad seems weird since he came back. I wonder what happened to him?$s#$b#He doesn't play with me anymore.$s",
"Sat8": "My dad's gone, but Jas's mom and dad aren't around either.$u#$b#She never talks about them. And Ms. Penny says I shouldn't ask.$u",
"Sat8_2": "I had a bad dream last night.$s#$e#I dreamt that Dad was gone again. Forever.$s#$e#I know. It's not real. But it was still scary.$s",
"Sat10": "@, was your dad around much when you were a kid?$u",
"Sat10_2": "I wish Dad would play with me more...$u",
"Sun4": "Ms. Penny makes me read a new book every week.$s#$b#At least she lets me pick them, sometimes!",
"Sun8": "I tried some of Mom's yellow curry. It was actually really good.#$b#But ONLY because of the sauce. Vegetables are still icky.",
"summer_Tue": "Hey Mister @.^Hey Miss @.#$e#Is there anyone in town who you like?#$e#Yeah, like... LIKE like.$h#$e#Aw, c'mon, tell me!",
"summer_Tue4": "What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?#$e#Mine's mint chip.",
"summer_Wed": "Whoa! Cool! You're all sweaty!",
"summer_Wed6": "The rock-climbing wall is pretty fun, but I've climbed it so many times.",
"fall_Wed": "Did you know? My big brother is basically a rock star.$h",
"fall_Wed_inlaw_Sam": "How's my brother doing?#$e#I guess he's a real grown-up now!",
"fall_Wed8": "My big brother lets me try his guitar every once in a while.#$e#I can't play anything, though. I don't think I'll ever be as good as him.",
"fall_Tue": "I've been collecting leaves. I found a bunch of really bright red ones!",
"fall_Sun4": "There's so much mud outside!#$e#Mom's not a big fan.",
"fall_Thu4": "I tried throwing a gridball back and forth once with that guy Alex, but I couldn't keep up with how far he'd throw.",
"fall_Thu8": "Jas is pretty cool. And not just for a girl, either.#$e#She's really smart, too.",
"fall_Fri": "Ew, it's boiled beet night again...$s",
"winter_Mon": "I can't wait for the Feast of the Winter Star!$h#$e#I hope I get some toys! Or maybe something yummy!",
"winter_Tue4": "I built a block tower yesterday that was even taller than my brother!$h#$e#I had to stand on a stool to make it.",
"winter_Wed": "Mom doesn't count hot chocolate as junk food when it's snowy.#$e#It's nice.",
"winter_Wed_inlaw_Sam": "So are you and my brother like... really super in love?#$e#Hahaha!$h",
"winter_Fri": "Ms. Penny's a pretty good teacher.#$b#I don't get a lot of questions right, but she's always really nice.",
"winter_Fri10": "A long time ago, I hit Jas when we were playing.$u#$e#I always make sure I'm nice to her now.",
"spring_12": "Finally! The egg festival is tomorrow!$h#$e#I always find the eggs that all the grown-ups are too tall to notice.$h",
"fall_26": "It's Spirit's Eve tomorrow! I'm gonna get so scared!$h",
"winter_24": "Feast of the Winter Star! I can't believe it's finally happening tomorrow!$h#$e#Are you excited, too?",
"winter_28": "I get to stay up until midnight tonight!",
"1_2": "I am so happy today! Eeeeee!$h",
"spring_12_2": "Finally! The egg festival is tomorrow!$h#$e#I always find the eggs that all the grown-ups are too tall to notice.$h",
"fall_26_2": "It's Spirit's Eve tomorrow! I'm gonna get so scared!$h",
"winter_24_2": "Feast of the Winter Star! I can't believe it's finally happening tomorrow!$h#$e#Are you excited, too?",
"winter_28_2": "I get to stay up until midnight tonight!",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Willy",
"Mon": "Any progress with fishing yet? Stick with it. It'll get easier with time.",
"Mon2": "Ahoy there, son.^Ahoy there, lass.#$b#Looks like decent weather for fishing, eh?",
"Mon6": "Pierre helps me sell a lot of the fish that come through here. Maybe if you sell me some of your catches, you'll see them show up in his shop!",
"Mon8": "I'll post some more fishing challenges on Pierre's bulletin board if the mood fancies me. I hope you'll keep an eye out for 'em.",
"Tue2": "There are two worlds: the one we live in, and the much, much older one beneath the water.#$e#I think of what I do as a dialogue between those two worlds.",
"Tue4": "To take the life of a fish, you have to respect it first. You certainly won't last long in this profession, otherwise.",
"Tue8": "I'm happy that I entrusted you with my old rod, @, back when we first met. You've been a good friend.$h",
"Wed2": "The waves are pretty calm at our beach. That's the only way I can manage to have my shop out on the dock itself.",
"Wed4": "Have I ever been lost at sea? No. Never.#$b#I always take the appropriate precautions. If you know what you're doing, you never compromise your safety.",
"Wed6": "Remember, anywhere there's water, there's likely to be fish.#$b#You get out a little more than I do, so I hope you find some exotic varieties.$h#$e#Just don't bring it to me if it's a bit TOO exotic, though.$s",
"Wed8": "I've never been married, no.#$e#I loved someone once, long ago. She left me for another man.#$e#Sometimes, the one that gets away, stays away forever.$s",
"Thu2": "It never ceases to amaze me how much trash winds up in the water.$s#$e#It's up to us to take care of it. Preferably, it should be recycled.",
"Thu4": "Sometimes I can find someone who'll play checkers with me at the Saloon.#$e#It's important to have a little human contact every now and then, no matter how comfortable I can be by myself.",
"Thu6": "There's rumors of some very rare fish in these parts... but only an experienced angler could stand a chance against them.#$e#You'll need the finest bait you can get if you want a rare fish to bite.",
"Thu8": "My biggest catch ever was from when I was young, like you.#$b#Who knows, though? It's still possible that I could outdo myself.$h",
"Fri": "How's your rod holding up?",
"Fri2": "If you really want to get the fish biting, make sure you put some bait on your hook.",
"Fri4": "If you ever catch a lobster in a crab pot, be sure to share some with Elliot. It's his favorite.",
"Fri6": "Made any good chowder yet?$h#$e#It's an old classic.$h",
"Fri8": "We can all agree that fishing'll teach you patience. I can't think of a better skill to practice.#$b#Life itself is a waiting game. And then it ends. I pity anyone who never learns how to wait properly.",
"Sat2": "I've learned some good fish recipes over the years. Maybe I'll share some with you sometime.",
"Sat4": "If you see me out fishing, you just come on up beside me and cast your line, too.#$b#You're always welcome to.$h",
"Sat6": "When you're waiting for a bite, listening to a bit of music on the radio is a great way to pass the time.#$b#Our ancestors had no such luxuries, though. So sometimes I cut the music and listen to the sounds of nature, out of admiration for the old ways.",
"Sun4": "Sometimes, I reel in a little sunken treasure. I've found some pretty amazing things over the years.#$e#I hope you find some interesting treasures, too!",
"Sun6": "I'm sorry I don't ask enough about your farming. How is that going along?",
"Sun8": "My old neighbor passed away some years ago and entrusted his home to me.#$b#I'm glad Elliot was able to purchase it and move in. He's been a good neighbor.",
"spring_Fri2": "Catfish will only bite when it's raining. You can catch 'em in fresh water in the spring and fall.#$e#Just thought I'd mention it. Catfish is one of my favorites.$h",
"spring_Fri8": "If you catch a really common fish, it's actually more profitable to clean it and cut it yourself.#$e#That's if you're sellin' elsewhere. Me, I only buy whole fish.",
"summer_Thu2": "It's rainbow trout season.#$b#And this is the only season when you can get 'em. Be sure to stock up if you like cooking with them.",
"summer_Thu6": "If you're fishing for tilapia this summer, make sure you do it in the morning.#$e#Sometimes, they'll show up in the early afternoon, but it's not too often.",
"fall_Mon2": "The Walleye is one of the rarest fish you'll find in these parts. Try casting a line in fresh water when it rains this season.",
"fall_Fri2": "When it rains this month, be sure to catch some eels in the ocean. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until spring.",
"fall_Fri6": "A lot of salmon have come swimming upstream. Be sure to catch 'em while they're here.#$e#You can only find salmon in the fall.",
"1_2": "Ahoy there! A happy new year to you, too!$h#$e#I'm surprised you found time to visit me. Today's such a busy day for your farm, right?$h",
"summer_4": "Looks like tuna have shown up off the coast of our beach. Be sure to stock up on 'em. They'll be gone again until winter.",
"winter_7": "Will you go ice fishing tomorrow at the festival? I don't even care whether I win these days. I just like to see more folks fishing.$h",
"winter_15": "I think I'll be needin' some peace and quiet from the night market after these next few days.#$e#I'll just have to manage until then.",
"winter_28": "Another year down. The passage of time is a beautiful thing if you can learn to appreciate it.",
"winter_7_2": "Will you go ice fishing tomorrow at the festival? I don't even care whether I win these days. I just like to see more folks fishing.$h",
"winter_15_2": "I think I'll be needin' some peace and quiet from the night market after these next few days.#$e#I'll just have to manage until then.",
"winter_28_2": "Another year down. The passage of time is a beautiful thing if you can learn to appreciate it.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Wizard",
"Introduction": "Ah, yes. I predicted your arrival a long time ago, young @.#$e#However, your fate is ultimately in your own hands.",
"Mon2": "If you are looking for some kind of supernatural assistance with your farmwork, I am afraid this is the wrong place to be.#$e#It isn't that there is nothing I can do. Rather, there is nothing I SHOULD do.",
"Mon4": "I will post a message in town if I need help stabilizing the local elemental forces. The creatures in the mine sometimes throw it out of balance.#$e#If you can't get to it, Marlon usually can, but his leg slows him down.",
"Mon6": "My potions typically help me communicate with a variety of spirits who require my attention. Such was the case with you.#$e#But they also put me in the right physical state, in order to cast certain spells.",
"Mon8": "To weild arcane power, one must have the highest integrity. Personal problems must never cloud our judgment.#$e#My friend Welwick is like this. She keeps up a gambling habit, but she refuses to apply her gift of clairvoyance in a card game.#$b#Even at the risk of financial ruin.",
"Tue2": "Ahh, @, welcome. Would you care for something to drink?$h#$e#Oh, but I have more than just what is in that cauldron.$h#$e#Actually, come to think of it, never mind.",
"Tue8": "I tried living for my own selfish pursuits some time ago and it didn't end well.#$b#The truth is that there are greater things for me to worry about than myself.",
"Wed2": "It takes tireless effort to keep the valley's natural environment in balance.#$e#For that reason, I must continue my work.",
"Wed4": "I am most interested in objects that hold strong mystical properties.#$b#But a man also has to eat, so if you were to bring me a hot meal, I wouldn't say no.",
"Wed8": "I am used to being treated with apprehension, but I appreciate your repeated visits, @.#$e#Normally, have no interest in mundanes. But you remind me that I cannot neglect my human side.",
"Thu4": "Stardew Valley is a special place. It is rich with bountiful, living things.#$e#You can thank the spirits for that.",
"Thu6": "The art of reshaping the human soul is something I do not wish to pursue. You would have to ask a shadow being about that.",
"Thu8": "The biologist who lives near the mines is actually quite bright. I respect his ability to understand the natural world.#$e#My practice is different, in that I focus on bending the natural world, through use of the world beyond.",
"Fri": "Think of me as an ambassador between this world and the world of spirits.#$e#That is but one of my duties, anyway.",
"Fri2": "I believe the townsfolk are afraid of me.#$e#It is unfortunate, but I suppose it is human to be afraid of the unknown.",
"Fri4": "My ability to teleport took a lifetime to develop, but a similar technique is also possible through use of warp totems.#$e#Your connection with the forest spirits should allow you to craft warp totems eventually.",
"Sat6": "Rrrgh. My head is killing me. I was testing out a potion.#$e#No, this is perfectly normal. I'll be fine.",
"Sat8": "I traveled for years before I found a place rich enough in magical energy to construct this tower.#$e#No, of course I did not lay the bricks by hand. I weild the power of summoning for a reason.$h",
"Sun4": "Though I am looking for an apprentice, I can safely tell you that it will not be you.#$e#Do not be disappointed. This responsibility is not enviable.",
"Sun6": "In the elemental wars, the dwarven race was almost completely wiped out by the shadow beings.#$b#But the war has finally ended. I hope that those who remain can move on.",
"Sun10": "Ah, @. I am glad you are here.#$e#Yes, I am happy to take a break from my work. How are you?",
"fall_Mon2": "Ahh, the spirits are very active during this season.#$e#It is an exciting time for my craft, but let us hope there are no... incidents this year.",
"winter_Mon4": "The affairs of mundane folk matter little to me, but the elementals like a chance to see you up close.#$e#It is for them that I created that silly maze at the Spirit's Eve festival.",
"winter_Wed4": "Yes, am quite well aquainted with Linus, though we typically only meet once per year.#$e#He understands the mountain better than most others. There is much you could learn from him.",
"fall_26": "Will I see you tomorrow at the Spirit's Eve festival?#$e#No, I didn't look into my scrying orb for that one. I just figured it'd be easier to ask.#$e#What is it that you think I do here all day, anyway?",
"winter_28": "Another year with no disasters. I've brewed up a special potion with my name on it.$h#$e#No, you may not have any. Your body is not properly adjusted to it.#$e#That potion when we first met? That was about a 2. This is a 9.",
"1_2": "You came out here when you should be getting your farm back in shape for the new year?",
"fall_26_2": "Will I see you tomorrow at the Spirit's Eve festival?#$e#No, I didn't look into my scrying orb for that one. I just figured it'd be easier to ask.#$e#What is it that you think I do here all day, anyway?",
"winter_28_2": "Another year with no disasters. I've brewed up a special potion with my name on it.$h#$e#No, you may not have any. Your body is not properly adjusted to it.#$e#That potion when we first met? That was about a 2. This is a 9.",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogue",
"jobLeave_Harvey": "#$c .5#I've got some appointments today at work. I'll see you in the evening!#I have to go into the clinic today. Have a nice day, okay?",
"jobLeave_Penny": "#$c .5#I have to go into town today. Don't work too hard, and eat something good for lunch!$h#Looks like I'm all prepared for work. Be sure to take good care of yourself today!$h",
"jobLeave_Maru": "#$c .5#It's another work day for me. Shouldn't be too stressful! But we'll see.#I have to leave for work soon. I'll see you tonight. I'll be thinking of you!$h",
"jobReturn_Harvey": "#$c .5#Hi, honey. How was your day?#$e#*Phew*... I'm exhausted...$s#$e#My patients are still healthy, so it was a good day.",
"jobReturn_Penny": "#$c .6#Good evening. My day was fine, thanks! How was yours?$h#$e#Jas and Vincent weren't behaving very well today. I'm still all wound up...",
"jobReturn_Maru": "#$c .5#Well, it was just another boring day at the clinic.#Hey. Did you have a more exciting day than me? I hope so.#$e#Well, It's time to kick back and relax. Did you leave me any dinner?#$e#I'm just looking forward to bed-time.$h",
"OneKid_0": "#$c .5#I've been reading this book on child development. Looks like our child is perfectly healthy.#Have you spent any time with %kid1 today?",
"OneKid_1": "#$c .5#Phew, staying at home with a kid is teaching me how to stretch my energy further than I ever have.#I wonder if %kid1 will grow up to be a farmer like you?",
"OneKid_2": "#$c .5#Leave the parenting to me today! I've got things under control, so be sure not to stress while you're out.#Don't worry, I'll feed %kid1 today. You can just focus on running the farm.",
"OneKid_3": "#$c .5#I wonder what our child's favorite foods will be? Maybe something you grow yourself?#Life's a lot different now that we have a child.",
"TwoKids_0": "#$c .5#I'm planning on having lots of little adventures with the kids today!$h#I already gave %kid1 and %kid2 their breakfast. They were hungry!",
"TwoKids_1": "#$c .5#I'm trying to keep the kids on a schedule. It helps with everyone's sanity.#We have to make sure and give %kid1 a lot of attention now that we have %kid2. We don't want any jealousy between them.",
"TwoKids_2": "#$c .5#With a marriage and kids, I feel like I can see further into the distance of our life than ever before.#You know, I think %kid2 has your nose.",
"TwoKids_3": "#$c .5#I'm actually glad that I've got my hands full with the children. You do so much work, so I'm glad I can contribute to our household.#A nice house, two wonderful kids, and a beautiful plot of land. What's left?",

"LogName": "Year 2 Festival Egg Festival - spring13.xnb",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Data/Festivals/spring13.xnb",
"Abigail": "Sam? Sebastian? Did you guys even try last year?",
"Robin": "Hey, @. Good to see you here.#$e#You must be in full swing with your crops by now, huh?",
"Demetrius": "Gus's buffet is pretty spectacular this year. Are any of the eggs in there from your farm?",
"Maru": "I think I'll give the egg hunt another shot this year. Why not?$h",
"Sebastian": "Egg hunts are just too simple for me. If I'm going to play a game, there needs to be some kind of depth to it. You know? Context. Narrative.",
"Linus": "It's worth it to brave the looks people give me, if it means I get to eat something delicious.",
"Caroline": "Did you visit Pierre's kiosk yet?$h",
"Alex": "Maybe I overdid it a bit with the buffet this year... but it'll be easy to work it off.#$e#I could go for a run later tonight.",
"George": "It was another rerun on TV. But this festival is like a rerun, too, so y'all should be thankful I'm here.",
"Evelyn": "Oh George. You like the free food and you know it.",
"Clint": "I made sure to get here extra early this year, before everyone else raided the buffet. I really had my fill.$h#$e#Wait... does that mean I hogged someone else's share?$s",
"Penny": "We did an egg-decorating art project earlier in the week. If you see a purple one, it might be Jas's, and one of the yellow ones is Vincent's.",
"Pam": "I've done this festival so many times, it's tough to remember 'em all.#$e#Why? Did anything interesting happen last year?",
"Emily": "I glued some costume jewels to a few of the eggs that I decorated this year. I hope you like the patterns.$h#$e#Nope, they're not worth any extra points. They're just fancy.",
"Haley": "Deviled eggs are so gross and slimy.#$b#What, do you like them, too, or something?$s",
"Jodi": "Sounds like Emily really puts her heart and soul into this festival.$h#$e#Maybe I need a new hobby, too.",
"Marlon": "I come to every festival, but I have to wonder whether some of these people even know who I am...",
"Sam": "*sniff* ...Hey, it's hard to go crawling in the bushes for eggs when you've got a full-blown sneezing fit going on.$s",
"Leah": "Where's that punch from last year? That stuff was to die for.#$e#Yeah, I know why is was good. I'm not dense.$h#$e#Okay, well, maybe it took a few glasses for me to figure it out.$u#$b#But it was worth it!",
"Shane": "I always feel a little better at this festival. All the hard work I actually care about finally pays off.#$e#Hey, you enjoy.$h",
"Marnie": "Shane was a big help this year. I'd say he just about put more work into making it happen this year than I did!$h",
"Elliott": "Across cultures, eggs symbolize the promise of perpetual life through rebirth.#$b#For us here, the festivities breathe new life into the human spirit. We all relate to the beauty of it on a subconscious level.$h",
"Gus": "That's right! Fried eggs, boiled eggs, poached eggs, deviled eggs, scrambled eggs, chocolate eggs... you name it!#$e#I hope I lived up to last year's feast.$h",
"Harvey": "Mayor Lewis is letting me help hide a few eggs this year. I've been scouting some good locations.#$e#Oh, you're participating? Well... who knows? Maybe I won't hide them where you think I will!",
"Jas": "Maybe I should just team up with Vincent and we can split the prize?#$e#Hmm... maybe not. That's probably not allowed.",
"Vincent": "I heard the prize this year might be 1000G! That's SO much money!$h#$b#That's like... enough to buy 1000G worth of ice cream!$h",
"Willy": "The children of this town don't care too much for what I spend most of my time doing. And that's fine.#$b#Helping out with this event helps me connect with them a little, even if indirectly.$h",
"Year": "2"
"LogName": "Year 2 Festival Flower Dance - spring24.xnb",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Data/Festivals/spring24.xnb",
"Abigail": "Can't we just have a flower dance without the dance? I don't mind the dress.$u",
"Robin": "A flower feature can really make the aesthetics of your home come together. Have you seen the crafting recipe that Pierre has for sale?",
"Demetrius": "It makes me so proud to see Maru in this festival. Kids sure do grow up fast.",
"Maru": "I wonder if my dad's going to be videotaping this?#$b#I guess he can if he wants. He never really goes back and watches old videos, anyway.",
"Sebastian": "After a while, these festivals get... routine.#$e#I think I'm just numb to this one, at this point.",
"Linus": "I wondered if it would be a good idea for me to show up this year.#$b#Well, thank you for visiting with me.$h",
"Caroline": "Abby needs to learn that a little dance once a year is far from anything that will kill her.#$e#I think she's more insecure than she realizes, and there's only one way to fix that!",
"Alex": "Dancing's really fun if you've got the right partner!$h",
"George": "My body'll be screamin' at me tomorrow for pushing myself all the way out here.#$e#It's the least I can do, though.",
"Evelyn": "George won't let me push him out here to the clearing. Says he still wants to do it himself.",
"Clint": "*sigh*$s#$e#...What? Oh, I wonder if I should see who's over by the river.",
"Penny": "Okay. I just have to breathe. And not think about who's watching.",
"Pam": "Heh heh. Mayor Lewis can't help but keep an open wine bar at this event. It's tradition, after all!$h",
"Emily": "It's good to see Haley in a purely positive mood. I do my best to help make this day special for her.",
"Haley": "One two three, one two three...#$b#...nailed it. Okay. I think I'm ready.",
"Jodi": "I can't wait to see Sam dance again. He never does stuff like this at home.$h",
"Marlon": "Gil told me he used to go to this festival, long ago.#$e#Apparently, it's been about thirty years. Maybe longer. He said he lost count.",
"Sam": "You just can't be afraid to have some fun, you know?$h",
"Leah": "Hey @. Don't mind us. Elliott and I were just debating aesthetics again.",
"Shane": "Hmm... good thing I'm not too big into wine. It's tempting, though.$u",
"Marnie": "Hey @. D'you think if I just went over and...$s#$b#...Er, never mind.$s", //Double Check This
"Elliott": "The true beauty of flowers comes from their very temporary nature, not just their physical appearance.#$b#The shorter something lasts, the more precious it can potentially be.$h",
"Gus": "Well, everybody seems to be having a good time. Looks like another success.",
"Harvey": "I wonder how many of my colleagues would be willing to dance at an event like this?$h",
"Jas": "I wanna see Ms. Penny's flower dress!$h",
"Vincent": "If you dance with someone, it doesn't mean you have to promise to marry them, right?$u",
"Willy": "Hmm... what is there for someone like me to do at a festival like this?#$e#I think I'll stay until the dance wraps up. It's only polite.",
"Year": "2"
"LogName": "Year 2 Festival Luau - summer11.xnb",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Data/Festivals/summer11.xnb",
"Governor": "Ah yes, the natural beauty here is lovely, Lewis, but campaigning for Stardew Valley as a tourist destination remains to be decided.#$e#Do tell me about the annual fall fair. Can we expect it to be filled with delicious cuisine?",
"Abigail": "Hey, I think I saw a whale spouting on the horizon.#$e#Wait! There it is again!$h",
"Robin": "Emily's fine. She does that all the time in aerobics class.",
"Demetrius": "Are you sure Emily is okay, honey? She started dancing long before we did.",
"Maru": "Mmm, I'm saving room for Linus's roast. Looks like it's just about done.",
"Sebastian": "If the soup turns out terrible, I'm sure Sam's going to challenge me to a contest to see who can eat the most.#$e#He'll win.$h",
"Linus": "Ah, good morning, @! Would you like a piece of breakfast?$h#$e#Oh, right. We're past breakfast time. I must have slept in later than I realized.",
"Pierre": "I got done speaking with the Governor right before you arrived.$h#$e#It went... fine.#$e#He didn't actually respond to me.$s",
"Caroline": "I chopped up some parsnips and put them into the potluck soup. They're really good.$h",
"Alex": "Now this is what I'm talking about! Why don't we just do this kind of party every day?$h#$e#We could make Pelican Town into a beach paradise spot for tourists.$h#$e#Hey, maybe I should be mayor someday.",
"George": "I liked the luau better, back when we didn't have those big electronic speakers ruining the atmosphere of the beach.#$e#This was... oh, twenty, twenty-five years ago.",
"Evelyn": "This is just about the spot where I'd build sandcastles as a little girl, all these years ago. I can still picture it.",
"Lewis": "*psst*... I'm on the verge of getting the Governor to promote the Stardew Valley Fair.#$b#Make sure you leave him impressed today!",
"Clint": "Welp, time for another helping.",
"Penny": "I have to admit it's a bit fun to watch Mayor Lewis's different facial expressions throughout the day.$h#$e#I hope his conversation with the governor goes well.",
"Pam": "Marnie better be watching that soup carefully. I'm countin' on taking home some leftovers for tomorrow's lunch.",
"Haley": "*giggle* My sister is such a dork sometimes.",
"Jodi": "It's nice having a day off from cooking on a day like today.",
"Marlon": "This festival is especially uplifting, after spending so much time underground and in the dark.",
"Sam": "Alright, Penny, alright. The anchovies thing was just one year. I promise I won't put anything gross in the soup.#$b#*psst* You, on the other hand, @...$h",
"Leah": "Aren't the first local melons of the season about to come in? Ooh, that sounds so delicious right now.",
"Shane": "I'll eat spicy food any time of year, but for some reason, the hotter it gets outside, the better it tastes.",
"Marnie": "I just love seeing everyone together like this.",
"Elliott": "I didn't forget about the luau this year!$h#$e#Well, Leah reminded me, anyway. That helped.",
"Gus": "I could make a delicious soup, no problem, but the potluck soup is supposed to be more a reflection of the whole Valley, not a reflection of me.#$e#I just have to step back and let it be what it'll be!",
"Wizard": "Ever notice how it's always sunny on festival days?#$e#Yeah, you're welcome for that.",
"Harvey": "Is Emily still dancing? Good grief. I told her, dehydration and dance meditation are not the same thing.$11",
"Jas": "Nobody needs a squirt gun to dance, Vincent.",
"Vincent": "You should get a squirt gun and shoot it at my feet, like a cowboy! Then I'll dance like, woo-woo-woo!",
"Willy": "I hope everyone cleans up better than they did last year. This might as well be my backyard.",
"Year": "2"
"LogName": "Year 2 Festival Moonlight Jellies - summer28.xnb",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Data/Festivals/summer28.xnb",
"Abigail": "Ahh, my favorite day of summer. And not just because it's over.",
"Robin": "My first year in town, I saw the old candle-boat they were using, and I said, \"Hey, I can build something like that.\"#$b#So I went ahead and made one, and Lewis liked it.",
"Demetrius": "In my field of study, it helps now and again simply to pause and truly absorb the beauty of the natural world.#$b#It reminds me that we have so much more to learn about nature. In the grand scheme, we've only just started.",
"Maru": "This evening is always important to me. I hope you to enjoy it as much as I do.",
"Sebastian": "Once, I saw some sort of green creature with a round head poke up above the water.#$e#It was raining, so it was kind of tough to tell what it was.",
"Pierre": "The harvest season begins tomorrow. It's tough to believe it's already here. Are you all set?#$e#Erm, sorry. I'd love to chat about tomorrow, but it's date night tonight.",
"Caroline": "Oh, Pierre, this is exactly what I needed right now.",
"Linus": "It's nice to see everyone being so appreciative toward nature. She provides everything we need, especially beauty.#$e#I'll sneak up when the jellies arrive. Don't worry. I won't miss this for the world.",
"Alex": "I made some really good memories this summer. My only complaint is that it's all over.$s",
"George": "Can't see much of anything. I'm counting on those jellies letting me know where they are.#$e#They always do.$h",
"Evelyn": "What a lovely way for the year's youthful days to end. I couldn't ask for more.#$e#I'm still making lots of plans for the fall, though.",
"Lewis": "Good evening, @. I saved a spot for you here on the deck.#$b#Let me know when you've settled in for the jellies to visit.",
"Clint": "Can you believe another year's already half gone?#$e#I can't say the first half turned out how I'd hoped, but it did turn out how I'd expected.#$e#You get used to things after a while.#$e#Anyway, thanks for dropping by.",
"Emily": "*sigh* This evening is like a long goodbye kiss from the season. Sad but sweet.",
"Penny": "The jellyfish have such a simple existence...#$e#And when I think about things in the grand scheme, so must we, by some relative standard.",
"Pam": "Fall's coming up. It's a tough time for Penny, so you outghta do something nice for her.#$e#I reckon she'd appreciate that.",
"Haley": "I actually remembered my camera this year. There should be some really good shots for me to take.",
"Jodi": "I'm so glad you're with me this year, Kent.",
"Sam": "Hmm, I just got the best idea for an album cover.",
"Leah": "Summer's an extra special time of year for me. I just need an evening by myself to give it proper closure.",
"Shane": "I'm going to miss these longer days.",
"Marnie": "I love animals because I can look direclty into their faces. But these little guys don't have any faces.#$e#They're still absolutely breathtaking, though. It must be a different kind of beauty.",
"Elliott": "'The harbinger of hope sighs out his light#$b#While ancient moonlamps serenade the night.'#$b#Oh, @, that's the last two lines of a poem that's fluttering into my head.#$e#I don't keep a poem if I rhyme 'light' with 'night,' so this one's just for the moment.$h",
"Gus": "It's nice to take the night off. I don't get many of 'em.",
"Wizard": "The Lunaloos were going to make a modest showing this year. I managed to pull some strings with the sea's spirit guardians, to fix that.#$e#Please don't make a big fuss about it. I'm hiding back here for a reason.",
"Harvey": "I just have to get a glimpse of everyone. I spend so much time making sure everyone's body's in working order...#$b#...that it's really a touching moment to see everyone so well and peaceful.",
"Jas": "I hope I see the rare green jelly like Vincent saw last year.",
"Vincent": "Jas said there were babies last year. I'm going to look for them this time.",
"Willy": "This might be my favorite festival. Fishermen around the world would give an arm and a leg just to witness this once.",
"Year": "2"
"LogName": "Year 2 Festival SDV Fair - fall16.xnb",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Data/Festivals/fall16.xnb",
"Abigail": "I wish we had a 'Tent of Horrors' or something like that, as a place to spend star tokens.",
"Robin": "It's been good catching up with Leah! We don't normally run into each other a lot, but we've got a lot in common.$h",
"Demetrius": "I've thought about doing a grange display, but if it were truly a representation of my best work...#$'d have to look at it under a microscope.#$e#So... that's a bit of a problem.$h",
"Maru": "I came back for the barbecue sandwiches, but maybe I'll have a burger this year.$h",
"Sebastian": "Just serving my time here. If I'm after fun, I've got dozens of games at home that I'm more invested in.$u",
"Pierre": "Oh, hey @. Uhh... did one of those pumpkins actually come from your farm?",
"Caroline": "Pierre feels like the success of the store depends on his grange display. I tell him not to worry so much.#$e#We sell the products of everyone who's entered here, including you. So it doesn't make a big difference in the long run.$h",
"Linus": "These animals have gentle souls. They deserve the best.$h",
"Alex": "I'm saving up for that fedora, but it's taking a while with just the 'Strength' game alone.$s",
"George": "I won't say no to a good-quality meal. At least with this festival, I don't have to travel far to reach the food.#$e#And at least there's something besides eggs.",
"Evelyn": "George, we need to make sure we're watching your cholesterol.#$e#If you don't eat it, I won't either.",
"Lewis": "@! Welcome! Can we expect a grange display from you this year?$h#$b#I called in mostly the same entertainers and vendors as last year. But if it ain't broke, don't fix it!$h",
"Clint": "I know you're familiar with my work on your own tools, but if you want a little more reassurance, take a close look at these.$h#$e#Marlon sells my weapons at his guild, in case I haven't told you.",
"Emily": "It's cute how Haley gets so invested in the fortune teller. I think I can claim credit for that one.#$e#Well, we can all use a little something to look forward to.",
"Penny": "Last year, I made off like a bandit at the wheel of chance.#$b#I've been unable to recreate my success, so I'm trying to figure out if orange or green wins more often.",
"Pam": "I'm taking a break before I go back in there and whip that fishing game again.$h#$e#It's definitely the best place to earn star tokens.",
"Haley": "Everything the fortune teller told me last year came true. She's amazing.#$e#I hope my fortune comes true this year, too!$h",
"Jodi": "Excuse me, uh... Mr. Clown? Do you tell a joke if we give you a tip? Is that how this works now?$s",
"Sam": "I got a 4x multiplier at the slingshot game for having perfect accuracy! The star token payout was insane!$h",
"Leah": "Hanging out at Robin's display is like getting a free woodworking class.$h#$e#Sometimes I miss being a student.",
"Shane": "Marnie put me in charge of the petting zoo. Go ahead. Give 'em a pet.#$e#Oh, right. Don't you already have animals on your farm?$u",
"Marnie": "If only the displays were based on taste, rather than looks. Then maybe I'd have a fighting chance in the competition.",
"Elliott": "It's a marvelous view of the fairgrounds up here, isn't it?$h",
"Gus": "Goodness! Some folks really like to slather on that barbecue sauce!$h#$e#I take pride in my secret sauce, but make sure you can still taste what's under it!$h",
"Wizard": "I refrain from telling my acquaintances about their futures, for fear of the consequences. Welwick is different.#$b#She is uniquely gifted and will tell you exactly what you need to know.",
"Harvey": "If human medicine had been too much for me, I suppose I could have easily wound up working as a veterinarian.#$b#The work's still quite rewarding, I'm sure.",
"Jas": "Do you like our animals?",
"Vincent": "I wanna ride one.#$e#Will you lift me over the fence?#$e#Aw, c'mon!#$e#...Where's Sam?",
"Marlon": "I wonder if I could get my investment back if I purchased one or two of these blades for the guild's stock?",
"Willy": "I'm most proud of that Dorado. Have you caught one of 'em before?#$e#It's hard to put together a good grange display when a beautiful fish's shelf life is so short.",
"Year": "2"
"LogName": "Year 2 Festival Spirits Eve - fall27.xnb",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Data/Festivals/fall27.xnb",
"Abigail": "Nnnngh... I was really hoping the spiders wouldn't be here again.$s",
"Robin": "What are you planning to do in your upcoming off-season?",
"Demetrius": "This festival is fun, but I feel like sometimes people can take their own idea of fun a little too far.",
"Maru": "What I need is some kind of device that can track my location and steps.$s",
"Sebastian": "Nice. They've got the skeletons again.$h#$e#It's a pretty expensive special effect, so I wasn't sure if they'd have 'em.",
"Caroline": "I'll just stick to the food. The maze really isn't for me.",
"Alex": "I brought my bat just in case something jumps out at me.#$b#Remember, it's always the sports star who saves the day in the horror movies... right?",
"Lewis": "This is a pretty hands-off festival for me. Somehow, it comes together each year, but I'm not entirely sure how.",
"Clint": "I'm reasonably aware... if it's Marlon who's brought these monsters, they're probably the real deal.",
"Emily": "What an exciting night! The square is buzzing with activity from spirits we can't see.",
"Penny": "Is someone playing tricks on me? How did I wind up here?$u#$e#This cauldron... It's... familiar.$s",
"Pam": "Was it just me, or did I hear a scream come from the direction of the maze?",
"Haley": "I got a little ways in, and then in the shadows I saw something moving out of the ground.$s#$b#...I think I'm done.$s",
"Jodi": "I'm sure Vincent only wants to go into the maze because Sam makes it seem like no big deal.$4#$e#I don't think he realizes what he'd be getting into.",
"Sam": "I swear this maze is the same as last year's.#$b#But my memory gets... unnaturally fuzzy when I try to remember where I went after the graveyard.$s",
"Leah": "Who made this cobbler? It's delicious.",
"Marnie": "I'm glad this event isn't held close to our farms. The animals would go into a panic.",
"Elliott": "Soon, the world will fall inevitably into a deep, deathly sleep.#$b#But just as inevitable is the struggle to stay awake just a little longer, in nature and within ourselves.$h",
"Gus": "Everyone needs a slice of pumpkin pie this year! I insist!$h",
"Harvey": "An open-heart surgery never bothered me, but this... THIS is too much.$s",
"Shane": "The animatronics on these skeletons are still pretty impressive.",
"Jas": "Aunt Marnie, I know there's no such thing as monsters and ghosts. Why can't I go in?",
"Vincent": "I bet Sam got to go into the maze all the time when he was my age.$s",
"Marlon": "To slay a skeleton is one matter, but to capture one is a different feat altogether.",
"Year": "2"
"LogName": "Year 2 Festival Ice Festival - winter8.xnb",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Data/Festivals/winter8.xnb",
"Abigail": "I think next, I'll try to eviscerate this snow goon's belly with some kind of creature crawling out.#$b#Maybe I can use a few fish from the competition. Ew!$h",
"Robin": "This should be ready in an hour or two. I hope there are some people who are still around to see it then.",
"Demetrius": "Can you believe how borderline tropical it'll be around here, in just half a year?",
"Maru": "Sebastian makes some pretty cool snowmen. I feel like I could learn a thing or two from him, if he'd let me.",
"Sebastian": "Nah, this isn't too cold. Cold is when you go outside with wet hair and it freezes.",
"Pierre": "Finally! I can spend some time outside and throw a snowball!$h#$e#Hmm... is there anyone I can hit? Or... they'll just be mad, won't they?$s",
"Shane": "Two words: Pizza. Festival. Seriously, that needs to happen this year.#$e#It'd be so easy, too. We'd just order a crap-ton of pizzas from Gus and pass 'em around.",
"Caroline": "I actually think Abby's snow goon is pretty funny.$h",
"Linus": "I travelled all over the place when I was younger. Some places are like this year round.#$e#I don't think I could handle living on the tundra anymore. That was when I was younger.",
"Alex": "Heyyy, I've got an idea. Maybe we could take some sports jersies and have the snowmen wear them.#$e#Actually, would a jersy even fit on a snowman's body?#$b#Ohhh, they'd make my favorite athletes look all fat.$s",
"George": "I brought my extra-heavy blanket for this.",
"Evelyn": "My joints will be stiff from spending so much time in the cold, but the visit is worth it.#$e#This festival is very important to me, you know.",
"Lewis": "Hi there, @! Glad you could make it. Be sure to say hi to everyone.$h",
"Clint": "Well, look at this, Emily! It's like this snowman's our own little kid! You're the mom and I'm the dad! Heh heh.$h",
"Emily": "Oh, yeah Clint. Um, I guess?$u#$e#Maybe I can be this snowman's aunt.",
"Penny": "$y 'Hmm... What kind of snowman should we make?_A classic one. Carrot nose, top-hat, scarf._I guess maybe it's best to stick with the classics, huh?$h_Something funky. Icicle antennas, pine cone eyes._Okay! That sounds like fun.$h_Snowmen are boring. Think outside of the box!_Um, okay... I think I might stick with something more conventional.'",
"Pam": "I actually practiced a little bit in preparation for the competition.$h#$e#Er, well, what I mean by that is... I didn't practice. At all.$s#$e#Does the fishing tent from the fair last month count?",
"Haley": "I should look through my wardrobe for some winter fashions. I've got some really cute fur coats that I've never even worn.",
"Jodi": "I love the forest when it's silent. When the snow falls off the branches, it makes that soft thump.#$b#I just love that.$h",
"Sam": "We live right across the street from a river. I'm amazed that I still don't know how to fish.#$e#Oh yeah, I guess I'd get bored pretty quickly, wouldn't I?",
"Leah": "I got here extra early this morning so I could get started on my sculpture right away. What do you think?",
"Marnie": "Mmm. Tonight'll be nice, sitting by a fire, with hot chocolate, snuggling up next to...#$, I mean, just feeling snuggly.$s#$e#So what's new?",
"Elliott": "Willy taught me some fishing tricks a while back. I wonder if he'll be watching me to see if I remembered?#$e#Don't want to let him down.",
"Gus": "...What? Sorry. Just daydreaming. I'm already crafting my plans for the Feast of the Winter Star.",
"Wizard": "Sneaking off to visit my weird tower? You're odd for a mundane.",
"Harvey": "Well, no one had hypothermia last year, so I guess I can lighten up a bit.$h",
"Jas": "Ms. Penny, do you have a hat we can use?",
"Vincent": "Look! If you stomp really hard, little cracks appear in the ice.#$e#What? Why is that bad?$u#$e#Oh...$u",
"Year": "2"
"LogName": "Year 2 Festival Winter Star - winter25.xnb",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Data/Festivals/winter25.xnb",
"Abigail": "Mom, are you okay?$h",
"Robin": "@, cheers to you, for two great years with you in Pelican Town!$h",
"Demetrius": "What a great time to be alive!$h",
"Maru": "Oh good. I told my mom, \"Mom, we have to get a table that has the green stuff at it.\"$h",
"Shane": "I was thinking maybe I'd start getting into better shape. Welp, that's out the window now.",
"Sebastian": "I have half a dozen things on my mind that need doing.#$e#Well, it's just hobby stuff, but I was in the middle of it before we came down here.",
"Pierre": "I spent so much time worrying about the store this year, but that all seems so far away right now.#$e#I'm really thankful when the year comes together like this.$h",
"Caroline": "Pierre... you're two drinks behind me! Yoohoo, where are you?$h",
"Linus": "Everyone looks quite joyful today, don't they? It's okay. I'll just stay back here.",
"Alex": "I'm on plate number five. Feelin' alive!$h",
"George": "Bah. It feels like we just did one of these Feasts last week.",
"Evelyn": "I know there's lots to eat, dear, but I hope you save room for one of my cookies.",
"Lewis": "Just when we think the long winter will never end, we all spontaneously break into a joyful celebration. Cheers!$h",
"Clint": "I should probably call my family.",
"Emily": "$y '@! What are you hoping to find under the spirit tree?_A rare gemstone._Oh! I bet you must have the perfect place to display it at home, huh?_Something tasty._Oh yeah! Edible items are tough to go wrong with when you feel like you have everything you need.$h$h_A tea set._Hmm, oddly specific, but who knows? You might get it!'",
"Penny": "It's so cold out, and yet I don't even feel cold at all.$h",
"Pam": "Hey, kid. Here's to another year.",
"Haley": "My parents used to get the most epic gifts for this.#$e#I hope they're doing well... wherever they are.$s",
"Jodi": "Here, Kent. Why don't you eat the rest of what's on my plate?",
"Kent": "Good afternoon, @. Happy Feasting.",
"Sam": "I'm thankful for my dad being back this year.#$e#It's been... different than how I expected, but it's nice to have everyone together again.",
"Leah": "Joining our table for a little while? Here. Have some nog. Gus is on about his candy canes again.#$e#I think it's literally the same spiel as last year.",
"Marnie": "I hope you can walk home tonight after you're done eating!$h",
"Elliott": "The beach was especially lonely this morning. I took a quick walk up here and discovered a wonderfully warm company!$h",
"Harvey": "I couldn't believe this festival during my first year here. Eating out in the cold? But it all somehow works, doesn't it?$h",
"Jas": "Aunt Marnie, can we eat now?",
"Vincent": "Preseeeeeents!$h",
"Marlon": "I spent some time in the lava mines this morning. My body isn't properly adjusted to this.",
"Year": "2"
"LogName": "Year 3 Festival Egg Hunt - spring13.xnb",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Data/Festivals/spring13.xnb",
"Abigail": "Are you bringing your A-game again this year?$h",
"Robin": "I'll build as many coops as you like. Each one is just as enjoyable for me as the last.",
"Demetrius": "The grass in the Valley is very nutritious for chickens, perhaps even better than the corn they're fed on most other farms.",
"Maru": "I'm trying to come up with egg-themed lesson ideas for Penny. It's tough when Jas already knows just about everything about them.",
"Sebastian": "This festival must look really bizarre to someone with zero context for it.#$b#An entire day we're supposed to take, so we can talk about... eggs. I mean, really?#$e#What was it like, anyway, your first year here?",
"Linus": "I'm helping myself to modest portions. Hopefully, there'll be some leftovers I can take home.",
"Caroline": "You must have a lot of cash stockpiled. Is there anything we have for sale that you don't already own?",
"Alex": "I try to eat at least three eggs every day.#$e#I need that protein for my legs.",
"George": "Half the town would make a fuss over it if I stayed in. I figured it's easier just to get this over with.",
"Evelyn": "How many years have you been here now, dear?#$b#Well, I sure am glad you decided to stay. It's important for George and I to know Pelican Town's got a future.",
"Lewis": "Enjoying yourself, @?$h",
"Clint": "I just went ahead and took one of everything this year. Nobody'll get mad, right?",
"Penny": "The children have been looking forward to this festival for weeks.",
"Pam": "I wonder if Gus'll teach me some of his recipes someday?",
"Emily": "I've been up since dawn coloring eggs... it's always my favorite part of the season.$h",
"Haley": "This festival is alright... but what I'm really looking foward to is the Flower Dance.",
"Jodi": "Vincent loves this festival... it's a joy to see him so happy.",
"Kent": "I'm still not big on this festival much, myself, but it is nice to see Vincent in a good mood.",
"Marlon": "Even with my bad leg, I never miss a town festival.",
"Sam": "I took some allergy medication this morning. Now I feel kind of loopy.#$e#It always hits me on the day of this festival, for some reason. Maybe it's just from spending so much time outside.",
"Leah": "Nothing special in the fruit punch this year. That's totally fine.#$b#I'm a little older than I was when I first moved here.",
"Shane": "Our hens have been working overtime to prepare for this festival.#$b#They deserve the best tonight... bowls full of sweet yellow corn!$h",
"Marnie": "I think things turned out pretty well this year!$h",
"Elliott": "This environment isn't particularly inspiring to me in the literary sense, but I am enjoying myself quite nicely.$h",
"Gus": "I hope everyone's enjoying the food... I've been cooking for days to get everything ready.#$b#Fried eggs, boiled eggs, poached eggs, deviled eggs, scrambled eggs, chocolate eggs... you name it!$h",
"Wizard": "Hmm... And what about raw lizard egg sprinkled with blackened marrow?",
"Harvey": "This year, I was looking forward to the egg festival like it's an old family tradition.#$b#I'm really lucky I wound up in this town.",
"Jas": "I'll do the egg hunt, but I think I'll just look for the eggs I decorated.#$e#It's too hard to compete with grown ups.",
"Vincent": "When does the egg hunt start?! I'm so excited!!$h",
"Willy": "Sometimes I'll hide an egg too well and no one finds it...#$b#Well, until summer rolls around. Then the hot air starts to bring out the rotten smell... Hehe. $h",
"Year": "3"
"LogName": "Year 3 Festival Flower Dance - spring24.xnb",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Data/Festivals/spring24.xnb",
"Abigail": "Here we go again.$u#$e#Guess I'll live through this one, too.",
"Robin": "Ahh... The air smells so sweet with all these flowers.$h",
"Demetrius": "The timing of this festival is in almost perfect congruence with a swell in the ecosystem's activity.#$e#I'm sure that's no coincidence. Humans are connected to the natural world more than we realize.",
"Maru": "I like dancing, but this one is a little stilted. The old timers really love it, though.",
"Sebastian": "Ugh...",
"Linus": "Oh, hello there. It's nice of you to talk to me.#$b#Spring is almost over... what a shame.",
"Caroline": "Has Pierre even sold anything today...?",
"Alex": "I'm just enjoying the scenery... hehe.",
"George": "I wonder how many more of these festivals I've got left in me...?#$e#Oh, don't worry. I don't plan on quitting any time soon.",
"Evelyn": "I hope you like the flower arrangements, dear. I put in a little extra effort every year.",
"Clint": "Emily's a pretty good dancer, you know.#$e#I hope the men she dances with appreciate that.",
"Penny": "I know the dance'll be fine. It always is. But my nerves can never seem to settle down.",
"Pam": "Now this is the life... Huh, kid? Sweet wine, a babbling brook, warm air... Did I mention wine?",
"Emily": "I remember your first year at the flower dance. That was a good year!",
"Haley": "One of these years, I know I won't be the flower queen anymore. But for now, no one seems to have a problem with it.",
"Jodi": "I wonder how many more years until Vincent's old enough for this?",
"Marlon": "Marnie looks lovely today...",
"Sam": "Hey, I don't care who knows that I like flowers. Anyone who's comfortable in his masculinity has to be honest.",
"Leah": "Moving water is really hard to paint. I'm trying to get the image of this river etched in my mind.",
"Shane": "Hmm... good thing I'm not too big into wine. It's tempting, though.$u",
"Elliott": "I'm feeling particularly inspired by this scene. I should dig up some of my old sonnets and see if they need any revision.",
"Gus": "Frog season is really starting to pick up.",
"Harvey": "This dance is supposed to be for young people.#$b#I... guess that means I can still participate.$11",
"Jas": "Some day, I'm going to be the flower queen!",
"Vincent": "That's not fair... Why can't I be the flower queen?",
"Willy": "I should've brought my fishing pole.",
"Year": "3"
"LogName": "Year 3 Festival Luau - summer11.xnb",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Data/Festivals/summer11.xnb",
"Governor": "That one year, the soup was delicious! Was that last year, or...?#$, perhaps it was a different year? Ah, I can't remember.",
"Abigail": "It's quieter over here. Did you come over here for the same reason?",
"Robin": "Ow... you stepped on my foot, dear.",
"Demetrius": "This is tiring, honey. Are you ready to visit the buffet soon? *pant*",
"Maru": "Mmm, pulled pork and those slippery rice noodles. I think those are my favorite together.",
"Sebastian": "If it suddenly rained right now, people would scramble and run away like the rain's made of poison.#$e#Is it bad if the thought of that sight makes me really happy?$h",
"Linus": "A slow, continuous rotation is key to achieving the perfect roast.",
"Pierre": "Hmm... maybe if I get on the governor's good side he'll give my business a tax break...#$b#I wonder if he likes aged whiskey?#$e#Now if only the Mayor would stop shmoozing with him all afternoon.",
"Caroline": "Where's Abigail? Did she wander off again?",
"Alex": "Perfect weather for a beach party, huh?",
"George": "That music! It's too loud.#$b#Can't I have a little peace and quiet to enjoy the ocean?",
"Evelyn": "Ahh... The smell of the ocean takes me back many years. Long before you were born.",
"Lewis": "Look sharp! The governor's here for his annual visit.#$b#If you brought something for the potluck make sure and add it to the soup cauldron.",
"Clint": "Let's see... what else haven't I tried yet?",
"Penny": "Okay, here's a game. Watch the mayor and every time he smiles and says 'Absolutely!' to the governor, you get a point.#$e#It's adorable. I've just glanced over my shoulder a few times and I'm already at five points,",
"Pam": "Heh... free buffet. One of the perks of living here. Enjoy it, kid!",
"Haley": "Sipping a drink out of a coconut is the best. Have you ever tried it?",
"Jodi": "I hope the soup is good this year.",
"Marlon": "I'll be back here by the trees... the air is a lot cooler.",
"Sam": "I don't know if I have it in me anymore to be a prankster. It's been a nunmber of years since I pulled anything.#$e#I've gotta set a good example for Vincent.",
"Leah": "Hey, have you seen any good pieces of driftwood lying around?#$e#I always wonder how long it stays out at sea before it comes back home.",
"Shane": "Hoo... I'm getting a little overheated here from all this spicy food. What is there to drink?",
"Marnie": "*yawn* I'm tired. I think I'll sleep like a log tonight, especially after such a feast.$s",
"Elliott": "There's a marvelous lobster bisque on the table closest to the ocean. Have you had some yet?$h",
"Gus": "These blasted sand-flies keep landing on the food!",
"Wizard": "The merpeople are curious about your festivities.#$e#They become upset when you litter into the ocean.",
"Harvey": "I trust everyone here enough to take decent care of themselves in this heat.#$b#But it's still my job to nag everyone, anyway.$h",
"Jas": "Vincent isn't a good dancer.",
"Vincent": "I'm bored...",
"Willy": "Hi there, @. Taking a breather?#$e#To tell you the truth, I'd rather be fishing right now.",
"Year": "3"
"LogName": "Year 3 Festival Moonlight Jellies - summer28.xnb",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Data/Festivals/summer28.xnb",
"Abigail": "The air smells nice tonight, don't you think? A premonition of fall.",
"Robin": "Hmm, I wonder if that candle-boat needs a little patching up this year.",
"Demetrius": "The moonlight jellies' bioluminescent glow helps them survive in the midnight zone of the ocean.#$b#Very few places around the world see such a phenomenon, much less every single year on the same evening.",
"Maru": "It's kind of cold, actually. I guess fall is right around the corner.",
"Sebastian": "I thought I saw something moving in there... something big, something dark.#$e#Just trying to scare you...$h",
"Pierre": "Psst... Make sure to swing by the shop tomorrow to get your fall seeds!",
"Caroline": "These candles are romantic, aren't they?",
"Linus": "I'll just sneak up when the jellies arrive... I don't want to bother anyone.",
"Alex": "Did you make any good memories this summer?",
"George": "Of course I can stay up this late. How frail do you take me to be?",
"Evelyn": "What a wonderful night. George and I have spent so many of these together.#$e#I still haven't quite had my fill of them.",
"Lewis": "Good evening, @. The Moonlight Jellies are close... I already saw one glowing in the distance.#$b#Once we launch the candle-boat they'll come up to the docks and say hello.",
"Clint": "I wore my special shoes tonight... No one noticed.$s",
"Emily": "Look out there, at the endless sea. Deep underwater, all kinds of life forms are moving around in the dark.#$b#Eerie, isn't it?",
"Penny": "Life is so easy for a jellyfish... just letting the waves carry you onward forever.",
"Pam": "I miss standing next to Penny during this festival. I get it if she needs her space, though.",
"Haley": "I think maybe I won't take any photos this year. I want to enjoy the moment rather than hide behind a camera.",
"Jodi": "There! I just saw something glowing!#$b#Oh... It's gone.$s",
"Kent": "It's nice. I actually feel at peace tonight.#$e#Got to enjoy it while it lasts.$h",
"Sam": "I wonder if they're poisonous?#$e#Maybe I shouldn't push Sebastian in the water after all...$h",
"Leah": "Hey. I'm paying my respects to another bygone summer. ",
"Shane": "Glad I have my hoodie. Some people here look like they'll be shivering by the end of the night.",
"Marnie": "I actually feel a bit of a desire to sing something. The atmosphere just feels right.#$e#Maybe I'll just hum. I don't want to disturb anyone.",
"Elliott": "If we keep polluting the oceans, the jellies will surely go extinct. It's already in the process of happening.#$e#What a shame... we have no respect for nature anymore.",
"Gus": "'Moonlight Jellies'... I wonder how they taste?$h#$b#I would never try it, of course!$u",
"Wizard": "How did you find me back here? I thought I was well-hidden.#$b#Perhaps you are blessed with the gift of clairvoyance.#$b#Oh wait. No, you probably just remember me being here from last year.",
"Harvey": "I just have to get a glimpse of everyone. I spend so much time making sure everyone's body's in working order...#$b#...that it's really a touching moment to see everyone so well and peaceful.",
"Jas": "I hope there are babies this year!",
"Vincent": "I wanna see the rare green jelly!",
"Willy": "As tempting as it is to go get my net and scoop one of these up, it's not my place to do such a thing.#$e#That would be disrespectful to the ocean.",
"Year": "3"
"LogName": "Year 3 Festival SDV Fair - fall16.xnb",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Data/Festivals/fall16.xnb",
"Abigail": "I got my fill of the games here over the past couple of years.#$b#Oh well. Maybe I'll grind for some more star tokens for another prize or two.",
"Robin": "Woodworking is an ancient tradition that I'm very proud to be a part of.$h",
"Demetrius": "I always knew that Robin would do great things for this community if the locals hired her.#$e#Hey, thank you for your patronage.",
"Maru": "I wish I could just take home one of these bottles of barbecue sauce. But I guess then there'd not be enough for everyone.",
"Sebastian": "So much noise. Maybe I'll take my bike out for a ride later to unwind.",
"Pierre": "Hi @. I was wondering, do you really need the star tokens for winning first place this year?#$e#I mean, don't let me deter you, I just...",
"Caroline": "Pierre is very serious about his grange display. He's been setting aside the best-looking produce for weeks in preparation.#$e#Hey, best of luck to you if you enter!",
"Linus": "These animals never judge people by their looks. The same can't be said for humans.",
"Alex": "I think I'll stay away from the 'Strength' game this year. What other games do they even have here, anyway?",
"George": "Heh... time for a little indulgence!$h",
"Evelyn": "I wish Gus would include a vegetarian option. Some zucchinni skewers, maybe?",
"Lewis": "Hello there, @! I suppose you know the drill by now.#$b#I'd love to see what you've brought this year.$h",
"Clint": "Unfortunately, I don't have any iridium bars for display. That stuff's too valuable not to use.",
"Emily": "Maybe Haley would like it if I got her a balloon? You're never too old for balloons.#$e#Whoever's tired of balloons is tired of life.$h",
"Penny": "Back when I won the wheel of chance ten times in a row, I guess it amounted to a 1 in 1024 chance.$s#$e#But that's assuming the orange and green sides both come up evenly.",
"Pam": "I can never seem to get my fishing hobby off the ground, 'cept at festivals.#$e#Maybe if I was younger again...",
"Haley": "The fortune teller? I dunno. I forgot my fortune from last year. I'm kind of over it.#$e#I still do it for fun, but I wnt to live for what I want, not just for what someone said might happen to me.",
"Jodi": "Well, at least he's not the same clown as when Sam was still a boy.#$b#I think Sam's the reason why Mayor Lewis keeps hiring budget clowns.$s#$e#Um... don't ask.$s",
"Kent": "...Why?#$e#Just why...?",
"Sam": "I got almost 600 points in the slingshot tent this year! I don't even know how many star tokens that earned me!$h#$e#They just gave me a big ol' bag of tokens.$h",
"Leah": "I really admire Robin's carpentry skills. I use a lot of the same techniques in my own line of work.",
"Shane": "These cows are responsible for the giant cheese wheel Marnie's got on her display. And these are two of our best chickens.#$e#The pigs just needed a day out.",
"Marnie": "Is there anything I can do to make my display more visually appealing?",
"Elliott": "This barbecue is a symphony of flavor.$h#$b#I wonder if everyone else even knows it's here?",
"Gus": "Eat as much as you like! It's all free today... compliments of Mayor Lewis.$h#$e#Oh! Make sure to dribble some of my secret sauce on there.",
"Wizard": "Welwick and I have known each other for a long time... she is a remarkable diviner, and a good friend.#$e#...#$e#That clown... I know him from somewhere.#$e#Was it the school of illusion? Or maybe the Carnival of Secrets? Hmm...",
"Harvey": "And just a few steps over there, Gus is grilling up a batch of pork ribs... Yikes.$s#$e#I've got some soul-searching to do...$11",
"Jas": "Ow! A hen pecked my little finger!$u",
"Vincent": "Moooo!",
"Marlon": "Clint's blades get sharper every year.#$e#So do his prices...",
"Willy": "I had just about the biggest catfish you've ever seen, early in the season.#$e#Too bad it didn't last until today.#$e#Well, a man's got to eat...$s",
"Year": "3"
"LogName": "Year 3 Festival Spirits Eve - fall27.xnb",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Data/Festivals/fall27.xnb",
"Abigail": "What do you mean, about the spiders not being real? They definitely move when I poke my head around the corner.$s",
"Robin": "Hey @. Are there any crafting recipes you haven't tried yet?#$e#Winter's going to be a good time to do that. Or you could redecorate your home.$h",
"Demetrius": "Maru just finished her dinner. I just saw her go into the maze.",
"Maru": "I just got started. Go on ahead if you'd like.#$e#Weird... it's like my feet are made of lead. When did this happen?$s",
"Sebastian": "I was already in the maze. It's pretty well done.",
"Caroline": "Um, if you see Abby in the maze, can you tell her not to miss dinner? They've got some of her favorites here...",
"Alex": "I made it to the end last year, but all I found was an empty box. Someone must've beaten me to it.#$e#Now if I could just remember where I went after this...$s",
"Lewis": "I can't decide whether I love this festival or hate it.#$e#It's definitely impressive, but I can't ever seem to find answers for how that old man puts it together and cleans it up.",
"Clint": "One of my iridium-infused maces would make quick work of these things.",
"Emily": "I have a lot of fun carving pumpkins. They just don't last long, so Haley gets pictures of all my best ones.",
"Penny": "I think there's... something that pulls me here, every year. *yawn* ...But why?$s",
"Pam": "I'll come to any event with free grub! You won't see me in the haunted maze, though.",
"Haley": "I'm getting pictures of people as they come out of the maze. No way am I going in there again myself, though.",
"Jodi": "*yawn* ...Is it bedtime yet? The older I get, the less I can stay out late like this.$s",
"Kent": "I used to love stuff like this when I was a kid. These days, though, it seems like...#$b#...I dunno, just a waste of adrenaline, if that makes sense.",
"Sam": "I think I finally figured it out.$h#$b#You're here at the same time as me, though, so... if you want the prize, it's all yours.#$b#I'll just head to the end if you've got no strong feelings about it.",
"Leah": "Surreal horror art suddenly sounds appealing. Been a while since I made anything like that.#$e#When you live alone and you spend too much time with your mind steeped in that genre, though, it can mess with you a bit.#$b#Hmm, maybe not.$s",
"Marnie": "Hi, @. Have you had a productive fall?#$e#It's starting to get quite cold... crops won't hold out for much longer.",
"Elliott": "I read read some classic horror stories earlier today. Such fun!",
"Gus": "It's a lot of fun to cook with pumpkin. Such an interesting fruit.",
"Harvey": "I don't have quite enough energy for socializing, so I came here.#$e#I knew there weren't any jump scares in this part of the maze.#$e#Guess I'll rejoin the living in a few minutes. Heh.",
"Shane": "So what's this about an underground frozen fortress? The adventurer guy was saying something about it.",
"Jas": "Hehe, I love staying up late!$h",
"Vincent": "Sam brought me into the maze, but...$s#$e#...Maybe next year.$s",
"Marlon": "You've come a long way, @. Sights like these probably don't even faze you anymore, huh?",
"Year": "3"
"LogName": "Year 3 Festival Ice Festival - winter8.xnb",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Data/Festivals/winter8.xnb",
"Abigail": "Nope, I think it's safe to say that I'm morally incapable of creating normal looking snowmen.",
"Robin": "I know I'm late getting this done again, but it has to be architecturally accurate!",
"Demetrius": "You know what? I probably should've worn a jacket.",
"Maru": "I can be creative with making gadgets, but my creativity has to serve a function.#$e#So, this snowman is serving his function. He's being a very snowman-y snowman.",
"Sebastian": "Cold? Nah, I never get cold.",
"Pierre": "Ahh, I love getting outdoors in the winter.",
"Shane": "Mmm, pizza...$u#$e#Sorry, just got a really wicked craving.",
"Caroline": "How's winter coming along for you, @?$h",
"Linus": "Igloo-building's an art I picked up from the tundra dwellers who live beyond the frozen sea.#$e#That was many years ago.$h#$e#An Igloo makes a nice home, but it's easier to just stay in my tent year-round.",
"Alex": "At least there are still a couple of gridball games left this season.",
"George": "Cold? Sure, I'm cold. But I'm always cold, more or less.#$e#But, yeah, this is pretty cold.$s",
"Evelyn": "Did I ever tell you how George and I first met? He actually pelted me with a snowball in this very festival.#$e#He was a gentleman back then, and came over to see if I was okay.$h",
"Lewis": "@! Glad you could make it.$h#$b#I sure have seen a lot of fish teeming under the ice this year. Be sure to look forward to it!",
"Clint": "Oh, hey Emily. You can um, fix this one if you'd like. It's not very good.",
"Emily": "Well, this snowman just needs a little love and care. Then he'll be just right.",
"Penny": "$y 'Hmm... What kind of snowman should we make?_A classic one. Carrot nose, top-hat, scarf._I guess maybe it's best to stick with the classics, huh?$h_Something funky. Icicle antennas, pine cone eyes._Okay! That sounds like fun.$h_Snowmen are boring. Think outside of the box!_Um, okay... I think I might stick with something more conventional.'",
"Pam": "I plan on winning the ice fishing competition!#$e#Willy is gonna be pretty hard to beat, though... He does this kinda stuff day and night.$s",
"Haley": "I've been watching a lot of cheesy romantic comedies on TV. The ones in the winter are always best.",
"Jodi": "The forest looks beautiful in the winter, doesn't it?",
"Sam": "I hope we get a blizzard soon. Nothing compares to the big snow we got when I was Vincent's age.",
"Leah": "What do you think? Is an art project more beautiful if it lasts a long time or if it disappears quickly?",
"Marnie": "I feel bad for all the poor, cold animals out there.$s",
"Elliott": "I don't know how you find time for fishing with all of your farmwork on top of it all.",
"Gus": "Sorry there's no food.#$e#Just wait until the Feast of the Winter Star. You'll be stuffed for days.",
"Harvey": "It's a mystery to me how the people who live in perpetually frigid regions managed to survive for thousands of years.",
"Jas": "I want to make our snowman really tall this year.",
"Vincent": "Don't the fish get cold?",
"Year": "3"
"LogName": "Year 3 Festival Winter Star - winter25.xnb",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Data/Festivals/winter25.xnb",
"Abigail": "My mom almost never drinks except for this day. She must get it all out of her system at once.",
"Robin": "Hiya, @. You're welcome to join our family table if you need company.$h",
"Demetrius": "Any ideas on who your secret gift-giver might be?",
"Maru": "Mmm, finally. I've been looking forward to this all month.",
"Shane": "Days like these always give me something nice to look forward to.",
"Sebastian": "The food's good. I just don't have much to add to the conversation at our table.",
"Pierre": "My sales figures have been phenomenal lately... thanks to the Feast of the Winter Star!$h#$e#Boy, holidays are good for business. I wonder if I could invent some new ones...",
"Caroline": "Hot cocoa, spiced cider... Is there any plain water? I don't want to get a nog hangover.$h#$e#Eh. It's probably fine.$h",
"Linus": "I'd join in... but I don't think I'm welcome.$s",
"Alex": "Whoa. At some point, I think I lost my hollow leg metabolism.$s#$b#I've only had four plates of food so far, but I feel like I might already be at my limit.$s#$e#Well, they were big plates.",
"George": "How is it possible that another year's already gone by since our last Feast?",
"Evelyn": "Oh, another year with the whole town together! It truly is special.$h",
"Lewis": "Today is a time to be thankful for this year's good fortune. Forget your worries for a day and relax!",
"Clint": "*sigh*... All these happy families. But for me, just another lonely year.",
"Emily": "$y '@! What are you hoping to find under the spirit tree?_A homemade meal._Aww, that'd be special, wouldn't it? A little personal touch._A puppy._Ha, if only, right?$h_A new couch._Um... yeah. Maybe? I don't know how that'd fit in any of these boxes.$u'",
"Penny": "What a beautiful tree.$h",
"Pam": "Hmmph... I'm still upset I didn't win the ice fishing competition.$4",
"Haley": "I think I've got a good idea of who my secret gift-giver is.",
"Jodi": "It's not a good time of year for a diet...$s",
"Kent": "Hey. Having a good time?#$e#Me? ...Yeah, actually. Thanks for asking.$h",
"Sam": "It was a good year. I think I'm gonna miss this one.",
"Leah": "I can't believe Gus doesn't talk more about the food he spent all week prepping.#$e#Maybe candy canes is just his go-to subject when he's exhausted from cooking and he breaks down.$u",
"Marnie": "Welcome to the Feast of the Winter Star!$h",
"Elliott": "Oh, is Gus still talking? I must have tuned him out.",
"Harvey": "I'm thankful there were no medical emergencies this year!",
"Jas": "I wonder if I'll get another princess doll this year?",
"Vincent": "I wish today was every day.",
"Marlon": "Happy Feasting. Gil sends his regards.",
"Year": "3"
}, ]

Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion (2024)


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.