Bryan Times from Bryan, Ohio (2024)

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If PAGE THREE THE BRYAN TIMES BRYAN OHIO AlteRS RAULREVERE A $1250 TO $6195 SALZMAN ELECTRIC 1004 Mulberry attend SPECIAL OR SATURDAY UNITEX lat Wall PAINT 180 OOT BOOM from a 70 ton crane lifts the new steeple (left) for the Old North church In Bos 99c Quart $349 Gallon that RAY PHILLIPS ATURDAY Mrs Kathryn Roy Stambaugh URPRISE PECIALS Promoted MEAT I SPECIALS OR THIS WEEKEND Taute Mrs Arms Pioneer'Ciass' Of T927k Williams Center EUB Church La Aid ice cream social Thurs day July 14 on church lawn Serv ing starts at 5:30 pm Chicken weiner sandwiches potato salad baked beans pie cake ice cream coffee pop U9t4 held a lewwon at the 'school I Camdsuiwith Attends Your Paint Problems to Paint BUSY INGERS The Busy ingers 4 Club met at the home of Mrs Leo Cline The roll call was answered by tell ing something members did to pre vent home accidents A bake sale will be held at Paint Shop on July 9 Jeanne Hutchison gave a demonstration on putting a hem in a skirt Linda Smith and Jeanne Hutchison brought refresh ments Next meeting will be on Monday July 11 at Mrs home DANCINGilT COLD SPRINGS LfiKE "the BLUE BARRONS Starting RIDAY JULY 8 thru JULY 23 bancing' Nightly Monday through Saturday! No increase in prices! Beverages served in dance hall in separate room Minors permitted in dancing area only! Sunday July 10 Ice cream social at St Joseph Church Blakeslee Serving at 5: 30 pm cup tournament at Orchard Hills at 9 am al numbers will intersperse the scenes The LTL wiHalso pre sent WILL TEACH THIS ALL Lieut Willard Kammeyer completed his Marine Corps serv ice after separation in May and he with his family spent several weeks with their parents Mr and Mrs Edward Kammeyer and Mr and Mrs Allen in the armer area At present he is attending graduate school at OSU After September 1 they will be living in Alexandria Ohio where Mr Kammeyer has accepted a teach ing position in the high school Their present address is 139 West Northwood Ave Columbus Ohio Jackson Co Sheriff aces New Charge JACKSON (INS) Jackson embattled sheriff had a new fight on his hands today only months after being freed of a mor als charge Sheriff David Trago father of 13 children and only elected Demo crat in his county pleaded inno cent to a new count of contribut ing to delinquency in nearby Gal lia county He was freed on $2500 bond af ter a brief hearing in Gallipolis Probate Court where he was ac cused of and encourag a 17 year old local youth engage in an unnatural Signing the complaint was the mother of the boy who claimed Trago picked up the youth while hitch hiking last riday night The sheriff was arrested at his home Wednesday night oh a sum mons presented by a Gallia coun ty deputy attor neys were present arid accompan ied him to Gallipolis where he post ed appearance bond of $500 Still pending against the sheriff are 16of the 17 indictments pre sented jast year in which he was accused of similar misconduct with other youths A two week trial on one of the indictments last January resulted in acquittal and the remaining charges were not pressed The boy was home on furlough prior to ovcrseasassignment PIONEER OICERS The following officers were in stalled at a recent Legion Auxil iary meeting president Mrs Yem Harrington 1st vice president Mrs rank Smart) 2nd vice presi dent Mrs James Leidy secretary Mrs Mierke treasurer Mrs Charles Reifel historian Clarence Herman Sgt at Mrs Ted Smart Montpelier Completes ire Truck Payments MONTPELIER July The vil lage has completed payment for its new fire truck two years ago at a total cost of $23260 The unit a GMC with a 750 gal lori per minute capacity pump was outfitted by the American ire Ap paratus Co of Battle Creek Mich and is one of the finest pieces of municipally owned equipment The purchase became possible when Montpelier citizens approved a 45 mill levy for three yearsat the general election in Novem 1952 The measure design ed to raise an estimated $25000 over a period of three years was approved by a margin of 1272 to 643 7 Basic cost of the truck was $19 870 and to this amount was added $2100 for new hose $540 for an auxiliary pump and $750 for a portable generator By the time the levy expires it is expected that an additional will come into the village treasury This money be used for additional facilities for the fire department In addition to the new truck the department has an older Dodge fire truck and two water carriers LEGION AUXILIARY TO OMIT r1 The American Legion Auxiliary had a good attendance Wednesday night despite the humid weather The Auxiliary and Legion members decided to omit their usual sum mer time ice cream social this year but plan to have another taste tempting smorgasbord some time in October The meeting scheduled for Wednesday August 3 will be the only one for month Hotrods Lose Again The Hotrods came awfully close to beating the Spitfires for the first time in their series of soft ball contests played at the Garven Recreation field but the Spitfires' came out on top yesterday as usual winning 16 15 The Spitfires in a tense duel parlayed 15 hits into their 16 runs while the Hotrods' were 14 hits for 15 runs 1 1 rr 1 1 1 COMING EVENTS 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 riday July 8 Pulaski Grange at 8:30 Gloria Haghi exchange student Iran is guest speaker Gr OBMV IVIAZELEII PRINTERS STATIONERS 123 SOUTH MAIN STREET BRYAN OHIO ALL KINDS fiNS CHOICE SIRLOIN STEAK ONLY 79c CHOICE CLUB STEAK 59c GROUND BEE 3 LBS $100 LARGE BOLOGNA 3 LBS $100 OUR OWN HICKORY SMOKED MEATS WHOLE OR ONLY 59c lb SAUSAGE ONLY 49c lb SLAB BACON 59c lb the branch As grocery merchandiser he will be responsible for buying and selling of all grocery items for the 59 Kroger retail stores in the Wayne branch area Douglas served as an auditor and accounting supervisor1 before entering the merchan dising department in 1946 He was named grocery buyer tn 1948 A graduate of George Washing ton University Taute ioined Kro ger a year ago following several years experience in the food field I He was assistant grocery buyer I in Madison Wis prior to moving I Wayne as grocery buyer RIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Plastic Pools And Beach Toys X1295 POOIA Reg $529 Reg $800 $529 Reg $800 $529 Reg $200 BEACH TOYS $L19 Reg $169 A 180 OOT BOOM from a 70 ton crane lifts tne new steeple (leit) ror tne uia norui wiurvu ous ton and sets it in place (right) all ready for another Pau) Revere Last August Hurricane Carol toppled the steeple and donations by school children throughout the nation in a campaign spon sored by Hearst newspapers provided money to replace it It was in the steeple of this churcii that lanterns were if by land two if by to start Paul Revere on his historic ride through the ccu tryside to warn colonists the British were coming (International Soundphotos) y' And4houghthe If mothers foo" had paid 'vacations Siebenaler Douglas Appointment of Dale Sieben aler as grocery merchandiser forthe Wayne branch of the Kroger Co nas been announced by Arthur Rose branch man ager who until recently was grocery merchandiser Siebenaler who was formerly in charge of grocery sales pro motion for the branch be succeeded by Leonard Douglas who has been grocery buyer Carl Taute who was associated with the Madison Wise branch now becomes grocery buyer in rt Wayne Both Douglas and Siebenaler began as grocery clerks in the Wayne branch Douglas in 1931 and Siebenaler five years later After serving as a store man ager Siebenaler joined the person nel training de partment Since 1951 he has been in charge of gro eery sales promotion for were give: the letter Mrs Wiima Lockhart tne theme being Tests Growth MrsZ Evelyn Kerr presented thtT topic" Tncreas ing Your Knowledge 'poem The Poet Considers Perfection was read by Mrs Lucille Kerr The Bible study Growth In Ypur Christian byJVIrs Ruth ulmer The Hymn In the Gar den" was sung by Arlene Lockhart Mrs Eloise Gilbert My Gardenia poem was read by Mrs Anna Obermeyer and the poem Leay It With Him was given by Mrs Anna Moog A read ing The Banquet of the Virtues Mrs Paye Musser The leader read Plant These in your Gar den The Missionary News Ex cerpts from Jane letter was presented by Mrs Donna Ridenour Mrs Willa Connin gave The Ni gerian Evangelistic Campaign and Mrs Helen Scott" presented A Visit to the Higi Area New officers elected were: presi dent Mrs Wilma Lockhart vice president Mrs Wava Corwin sec retary Mrs Eloise Gilbert assist ant Mrs Mary Knappenberger treasurer Mrs Lenore Oxenrider corresponding: secretary Mrs Carolyn Diehl signal lights Mrs Ruth ulmer assistant Mrs Lu cille Jones There were 22 present Refreshments were served by the committee Mrs Susie Spiegel Mrs Donn Ridenour and Mrs Ruth Lockhart A A INSTITUTION MisonaiyS9cktf Elects Ne Officersj jternatio'nal Relatiarfr coHk Junior ct miuee WJa Crim vorotny Lmq ren Church ncfat the Ann Kamrass arti zxuuf cnai iztr ui mv Professional Women's Club are Supper be served at pm at Mbore Park shelterhouse Members bring ahot dish salad or dessert" the meat rolls and beverage will be furnished also take own" table service No res ervatioris are required BRYAN LOCALS Mrs Louise Bankey was a dinner guest at the home of her son in law and daughter Mr and Mrs Don Walters at Archbold Mrs Edith Gleason has returned home from Muncie Ind where she spent the past month with her sister Mrs Walter Burt Edna Bayes had for visitors over the weekend and the 4th her sister Wilda Bayes of Cleveland and her nephew James Sanford of Vermil lion Mr and Mrs Dally and family are home from a visit with her 'parents Mr and Mrs James Spencer at Windsor Ontario Canada Mrs Pearl Breininger and son John have returned from Archbold where they attended the funeral of her uncle Jacob enstermaker John yas a pall bearer Bobby Sharrock' has gone to his home" in Toledo after a visit with STRYKER LOCKER PHONE 2271 VACATIONED IN EAST Mr and Mrs Edgar Allison and sons Larry and Rpnnie and Mrs father Alfred Cooper have returned from a 9 day tour of visiting relatives at Butler Pa then on to Washington Wil liamsburg and Norfolk They took in the sights at Ocean View and Virginia Beach then on to Colum bia where' they visited an old friend of Mr Allison (they had served together in the service) and returned home by way of the Blue Ridge Mountains 1 ance i of were of the I rtannine a picnicker Monmy 'S a ui represented vere roitsuan ixi i A Kansas 'Cleveland Toledo Swanton Hamlera xtd Montpelier Ohio and Detroit Mi: lan lawton and Adrian Mich Letters 7verereceived from Roberts of Spring Arbor Mrs' Genevieve Coulon Bristol of Los Angeles Calif1 Wave Perry of At lanta Ga and Wilford Dick of Texas Officers elected were president Archie Willacet of Adrian Mich secretary treasurer 'Mrs Beryl Duty of Pioneer It was voted tohold another reunion in 5 years at the same location Howard Maneval and Mr and Mrs Sharrock He attended Bible srhnnl at the EUB Church Mrs olk had for a guest will fill the character parts music several days her cousin Pierre Barbar from Tonawanda All were at Archbold to visit his cou sins Mrs John McKams and Mrs Henry Stotzer Mr and Mrs Roy Eyer and son Tommy had for Thursday after noon and evening visitors Mr and Mrs Charles Cleveland and chil dren Susan Sandra and Steven and Mrs mother from Napanfce Ind Mr and Mrs Robert Lockhart entertained the Willing Hearts Class of the irst Brethren church Devotions were given by Mr and Mrs Arthur Spiegel Colored slides were shown by Mr and Mrs Condit Newcomer of their trip thru the southern states Refreshments were served by the hostess and co hostess Mrs red Brandon Jr Mr and Mrs John Celestino and family had for visitors her father William Hageman and her aunt Mrs Stella Carrothers from Ney( and their daughter Vicki Celestino of Wauseon ARMER GRANGE OPEN MEETING The public is invited to the armer Grange program Tues day evening July 12 at 8:30 pm his grandparents Mr and Mrs The main feature will be drama tization ot rorKS in ine isuu a playlet presented by the local WCTU Youth of the community CAMERON HOSPITAL July Mr and Mrs Carson Watts Bryan boy Larry Lee weight 7 pounds 13 ounces juiy Mr and Mrs Raymond Browneller Adrian Mich girl Deborah Sue weight 7 pounds riday July 8 1955 STfiKKER JVEiyS Mr and Mrs Russell Carlin and family spent Saturday evening with Mr and Mrs Harold Lipp and family of near Defiance Mr and Mrs Melvin Sullivan and family were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr and Mrs Gard ner Banfield in Toledo Jennifer Geesey of West Unity spent the week end with his grandmother Mock and family Mr and Mrs with Mr and Mrs Glen Stambaugh and family of Brunswick Ga and Miss Lucille Stambaugh of Bryan were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Leon King and family of Alvordton Week end guests of Mrs Alta Nofzinger and Marie were Mr and Mrs Norzinger Linda and Jimmy of Kolma California Mr and Mrs Dwight Nofzinger and family of Lewistown Mr and Mrs George Rhodes Jr and fam ily of Bryan Mr and Mrs Lindy DeGroff and family Mr and Mrs James Nofzinger and family Mr and Mrs William Nofzinger and family red Allison Stryker and Mr and Mrs Arthur Rupp of Arch bold Mr and Mrs Ellsworth Karnes Joyce and Jerry Mike Britten riker with Mr and Mrs Harold Witham of' Elkhart Ind spent Sundav at Buck Lake Ranth Mr "and Mrs Rolland Wyse and family and Mrs Edith Short at tende'd the King Reunion at the Stryker Shelter House Park Mr and Mrs Duane Stoner of Toledo were Sunday evening sup per guests of Mr and Mrs Ray mond Gansmiller and family Mr and Mrs John ielitz and family called Thursday evening on Mr and Mrs Archie ielitz and familv in Archbold Mr arid Mrs Ralph Davis and family of armer were Sunday evening guests of her parents Mr and Mrs Roy Stambaugh of near Stryker Mr and Mrs John Hartman and Dianne of Wauseon were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Cleo Stark and family Mrs Herbert Garber family spent the week end at nu ob a Mirhicran VOlUWdlVL LXIA' Mr and Mrs loyd Martell and family of Orville Ohio spent Thursday and riday in the home of Mr and Mrs Clifford Stuckey and family near Stryker Mr and Mrs Nofzinger and family and Mrs Alta 'Nof zinger and Marie called Sunday evening in the home of Mrs Lydia Nofziger in Adrian Mich and I Mrs Vemetta Bayes in Wauseon uijiwr no 7s 'rrMBi I 1 A 1 1 I i i XKWWV855fl60ww556OTOTW 1 i 38 W'W oWWi 4 OTsrSSR I 27 27 SIZE ASSORTED 77 A 4 LANNELETTE Soft comfortable highly absorbent diapers Cotton Plisse and muslin Slips with eyelet irst quality Regular $259 One day only! trim No iron Nylonized Slips with Nylon 1 lace trim Sizes: 32 to S2 85c 54 INCHES WIDE CHAMBRAY $149 INDIAN HEAD SUITING WORK SHIRTS ulL54ichwldthamowJndanHd 2 sohd color sanfomed cotton Suiting irst Lmited amMn quality sells at $149 a yard These are 2 slightly irregular so you save Six plain 7 colors and white VI All yd 89c 39c QUALITY $199 10 OZ TOWELING DUNGAREES 16 inch Startex all cotton of the Quality 10 oz blue denim Dungarees in the absorbent toweling in fast color famous BUCKEYE make Zipjoer front stripe pattern A mill close out brings you 29 to 42 A quality dungaree at a new this low price low yd si 59 i i.

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Bryan Times from Bryan, Ohio (2024)


What is Bryan Ohio famous for? ›

Also known as the Fountain City, Bryan earned the nickname thanks to a network of underground springs. These cold, artesian wells were valuable to the area's first settlers, both as a means of fresh water and as a way to preserve food before modern refrigeration.

Is Bryan Ohio a good place to live? ›

Bryan is a town in Ohio with a population of 8,670. Bryan is in Williams County. Living in Bryan offers residents a sparse suburban feel and most residents own their homes. Many families and retirees live in Bryan and residents tend to be conservative.

Who is the mayor of Bryan, Ohio? ›

Is Bryan a city in Ohio? ›

Bryan city, Williams County, Ohio is a city, town, place equivalent, and township located in Williams County, Ohio.

What is the ethnicity of Bryan Ohio? ›

Population & Diversity

Bryan, OH is home to a population of 8.67k people, from which 99% are citizens. As of 2022, 1.73% of Bryan, OH residents were born outside of the country (150 people). In 2022, there were 51.8 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (8.03k people) in Bryan, OH than any other race or ethnicity.

What is Bryan named after? ›

The given name Bryan is a variant of the given name Brian. Its spelling is influenced by the surname Bryan. The given name Brian is thought to be derived from an Old Celtic word meaning "high" or "noble".

What is the crime rate in Bryan Ohio? ›

Bryan has an overall crime rate of 12 per 1,000 residents, making the crime rate here near the average for all cities and towns of all sizes in America. According to our analysis of FBI crime data, your chance of becoming a victim of crime in Bryan is 1 in 84.

What is the safest county in Ohio? ›

Delaware County

#1 Best Counties to Live in Ohio.

What is the most peaceful city in Ohio? ›


With a population of 6,937, Kirtland's total crime rate is 529 per 100,000, which is 75% lower than the Ohio average. Kirtland is not only safe but consistently ranks as one of the best places to live in Ohio. Kirtland offers a great sense of community, reasonable housing, and great entertainment venues.

What is Bryan Ohio close to? ›

Chicago, Detroit, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati are all within a few hours by car, with some accessible by train as well.

Who is the mayor of Clyde Ohio? ›

Who is the mayor of Northfield Village Ohio? ›

Mayor Domzalski is a graduate of the Nordonia Hills School system and has spent the majority of her life living here in the Village. She is currently employed by Cleveland Clinic where she has been for a decade.

What is Bryan Ohio's nickname? ›

Bryan was formed in 1840 and named after John A. Bryan, a former Ohio auditor and the person who donated the land for the county seat. Also known as the Fountain City, Bryan earned the nickname thanks to a network of underground springs.

Who founded Bryan, Ohio? ›

Bryan was platted in 1840 by John A. Bryan, and named for him. It was incorporated as a village in 1841, and reincorporated as a city in 1941.

What is the meaning of the name Bryan? ›

The name Bryan is of Irish origin and means "noble" or “giving”. It is derived from the Irish word "Brigh", which means "strong" and "virtuous". The name was first introduced to England by the Normans in the 11th century. It has been a popular name in England ever since.

What is the candy cane capital of the world? ›

Live the sweetlife in Bryan, Ohio!

From our downtown shops and excellent locally-owned eateries to our family-focused, candy-coated roots, our sweetness springs forth from every angle. Join us in Bryan, the candy cane capital of the world, and find out just how sweet life can be!

What is the history of Spangler Candy Company? ›

History. Spangler Candy Company was established August 20, 1906 when Arthur G. Spangler purchased the Gold Leaf Baking Powder Company of Defiance, Ohio for $450 and moved it to 204 W. High Street in Bryan, Ohio.

What to do in Bryan, Ohio today? ›

Top Attractions in Bryan
  • Stoney Ridge Winery. Wineries & Vineyards. ...
  • Bill's Locker Room 3. Factory Outlets.
  • Imagination Station. Speciality Museums.
  • Opdyke Park. Parks.
  • Garver Park. Parks.
  • Bryan Parks and Recreation. Parks.
  • Spangler Candy Factory. Speciality & Gift Shops. ...
  • Spangler Candy World. Speciality & Gift Shops.

How many students attend Bryan High School? ›


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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.