Breakfast Smoothie Recipes - Tinylovebug │ Blogging, Lifestyle & Entertainment (2024)


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Breakfast Smoothie Recipes - Tinylovebug │ Blogging, Lifestyle & Entertainment (1)

If you are like me, too lazy to think about making breakfast in the morning, not hungry at all when you wake up and often on the go, but you also know all the benefits of having breakfast in the morning, this post is for you. If you’re looking for some quick breakfast ideas, keep reading.

Yes, my friend, I struggled with breakfast all my life. But as everyone knows, breakfast is the most important meal of the day,so I really needed to find a solution – and I did! And of course, I’m going to share it.

You will find lots of yummy healthy breakfast recipes so

But let’s start from the beginning.

Table of Contents

Why you should eat breakfast:

The benefits of having breakfast are numerous. It gives your body energy to jump-start your day, restores glucose levels to helps your cognitive function, and maintains your body until lunch. It has long-term health benefits, too. Eating breakfast can reduce risk of obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes.

To be honest, I could go on forever listing the benefits of eating breakfast.

But what I really want you to understand is that yes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it has to be healthy.

This is one of the reasons why I have listed these breakfast smoothie recipes.

The other reason is because I know how hard it can be make a healthy breakfast in the morning when you are in a rush or when you’re like me and your stomach doesn’t wake up until 11am.

Yea, after years of struggling, I found the solution: fruit and vegetable smoothies.

Breakfast Smoothie Recipes - Tinylovebug │ Blogging, Lifestyle & Entertainment (2)Breakfast Smoothie Recipes - Tinylovebug │ Blogging, Lifestyle & Entertainment (3)

Benefits of having smoothies for breakfast:

They’re healthy

Drinking a smoothie in the morning is one of the best breakfasts that you can have. You can consume lots of veggies without even noticing. Plus, you can put all the supplements that you need, but don’t really like, in the smoothie.

They’re light

If you don’t enjoy having a big meal in the morning, they’re the perfect solution. But if you’re one of those people who love eating as soon as they wake up, you can still have a smoothie bowl. You can make any of the smoothie recipes listed in this post in a smoothie bowl by simply adding your favourite fruit or nuts.

Breakfast Smoothie Recipes - Tinylovebug │ Blogging, Lifestyle & Entertainment (4)

They’re the perfect on-the-go breakfast

Every morning I leave my house with a glass of smoothie in my hand!

Smoothies are the perfect breakfast on the go!Click To Tweet

They’re quick to make

They are the quickest breakfast that you can think of. Yes, they’re one of the best quick breakfast ideas. You can chop all your ingredients, prepare some smoothie bag and throw them in the freezer ahead of time. So, in the morning the only thing you need to do is blend.

Ok, I need to be honest, this part at the beginning wasn’t so easy. Sure, I was making the smoothie in less than two minutes but then it was really annoying to clean the blender.

And then my mother in law gifted me with one of the best tools ever!

My secret weapon to make the smoothie and clean everything in less than two minutes

Hey girls, say hello to NutriBullet!One of the best presents ever. Now my breakfast is literally always on the go! To be precise, I’ve had breakfast every morning since getting the NutriBullet.

Before the NutriBullet, I had already started experimenting with some healthy smoothie recipes but cleaning the blender was so annoying (it doesn’t fit in the dishwasher and it’s hard to handwash) that most of the times I skipped my breakfast all together.

And you know skipping breakfast is really bad so I can say that NutriBullet changed my life.

I really recommend you to buy one. You can find some on eBay for a discounted price.


Or if you feel more confident with Amazon you can find Nutribullet on Amazon.


Anyway, since I love it so much, I’m planning to write a complete review on NutriBullet soon so stay tuned.

But now let’s go back to our delicious smoothie recipes.

Breakfast Smoothie Recipes - Tinylovebug │ Blogging, Lifestyle & Entertainment (5)Breakfast Smoothie Recipes - Tinylovebug │ Blogging, Lifestyle & Entertainment (6)

What I put in every single smoothie

The recipesare all different and they can help with different things. But there are some ingredients that are never missing from my smoothies:

Chia seeds: They are an excellent source of Omega 3, they are rich in antioxidants and they’re a great resource of fiber. You can read 11 proven health benefits of Chia Seedsto learn more about them.

I buy them on Amazon but you can easily find them at your grocery shop.

Spirulina: Among its numerous health benefits, Spirulina works great for boosting your energy levels. You can read more about the effects that Spirulina has on your energy here.

I buy it on iHerb (I really love their website)

Collagen: Collagen does wonders for skin, hair and nails. And I heard so much about “Vital Proteins, Marine Collagen” that I decided to try them, and wow, I’m shocked with the results.

I have not had time to write a review on them yet, but you can watch this video by Sabrina AnnMarie on YouTube to learn more.

I buy them on iHerb(I told you I love their website)

But now let’s dig in the recipes!

Breakfast smoothie recipes:

Boost your energy

Breakfast Smoothie Recipes - Tinylovebug │ Blogging, Lifestyle & Entertainment (7)

Best smoothie to boost your energy!Click To Tweet

1/2 cup cherries

1/2 cup blueberries

1/2 cup blackberries

1 banana

1 cup almond milk

1 tablespoon flax oil

1 teaspoon honey

dash of cinnamon

Make your skin glow

Breakfast Smoothie Recipes - Tinylovebug │ Blogging, Lifestyle & Entertainment (8)

Best smoothie for glowing skinClick To Tweet

2 cups spinach or kale

2 frozen ripe bananas

1 cup chopped pineapple (frozen or fresh)

1 cup chopped mango (frozen or fresh)

1/2 avocado, sliced

1/2 cup plain coconut water

1 Tablespoon ground flax or flaxseed oil (optional)

And if you really want the best skin I have another secret.

kickstart your metabolism

Breakfast Smoothie Recipes - Tinylovebug │ Blogging, Lifestyle & Entertainment (9)

Best smoothie to kickstart your metabolism!Click To Tweet

2 cups spinach

1/4 cup fresh mint leaves

2 stalks celery

1 large grapefruit

2 cups pineapple chunks (frozen)

1/2 large avocado

1 cup brewed green tea (cooled)

dash of ground cayenne pepper (optional)


Breakfast Smoothie Recipes - Tinylovebug │ Blogging, Lifestyle & Entertainment (10)

Best smoothie to detox!Click To Tweet

1 ½ cups kale

1 stalk celery

½ red or green apple

1 tbsp ground flax seed

⅔ cup almond milk (unsweetened)

1 teaspoon honey (optional)

Reduce your stress

Breakfast Smoothie Recipes - Tinylovebug │ Blogging, Lifestyle & Entertainment (11)

Best smoothie to reduce stress!Click To Tweet

1 pear

1/4 avocado

½ cup blueberries

½ tsp lavender

½ tsp maqui berry powder

½ cup gluten free oats

1 cup water

Let me know if you tried any of these or your favourite breakfast smoothie recipe in the comments.

And don’t forget to pin this article for next time you feel like a smoothie.


Breakfast Smoothie Recipes - Tinylovebug │ Blogging, Lifestyle & Entertainment (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.