Asheville Citizen-Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)

THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, Saturday, July 1, 1972 7 Sunday School Lesson Man Must Not Stop Searching For God 1 A torn -if Cf! fit 'Mb if." A St. LI rdr JOB'S CONFESSION Job "Then Job answered the Lord: I know that thou canst do all things." Job 42:1,2. A great deal is passed over when we skip from chapter 23 to the last chapter. In the opening verses of the final chapter, Job comes to a true state of humility and is sorry for anything and everything that he may have said amiss. Now Job is a worshiper, humbly confessing his sinfulness and entering into an experience of divine forgiveness.

What a change in Job's attitude. Job realized that he had been talking beyond i understanding. God is too great to be understood by moral man. Only faith in His power and goodness will suf-lice when darkness falls upon our lives. "Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge? Therefore, I have uttered what did not understand, tilings too wonderful for me, which I did not know." Job 42:3.

Job's long night is past and now his heart is filled with joy. He acknowledges that he lias indeed spoken without understanding ''things too wonderful for me, which I did not "Hear, and I will speak; I will question you. and you declare to Job 42:4. Verse four is a reference to God's question of Job. He was willing to take back his words; realizing now his limitations, shortcomings and lack of knowledge.

Job repents. "1 had heard of thee by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees Job 42:5. Many feel that verse five is the key verse for the entire hook. Head knowledge about God is not enough. We must sec him.

Because he has made himself known in his Son, we may say "Christ is the answer." "Therefore, I despise myself, and repent in dust and ashes." Job 42:6. The mood of Job was changed by his vision of the Lord. The result of seeing God was self-humiliation in contrast to his earlier self-justification. Dust and ashes are symbols of repentance. The faith which Job has maintained at all costs is now made absolutely firm and established and our lesson title is realized, "Discovering a Meaningful Faith." LESSON IN LIFE Suffering can help us toward a right sense of values.

Present problems are nothing compared with God's promise for the future. It can encourage greater dependence upon God. Finding the end of our own strength, we can learn that divine grace is without limit. It can be a vital part of our Christian witness. We may sometimes feel the fame way Job did when we are thrust into the dark night of the souf.

No experience of a sensitive person can be more excruciatingly painful than this inability to find God. Faith does not come easily to most people, but neither does trying to live without faith. Journeying through life without faith is like walking through a dark forest without a light. Faith to be meaningful, however, must be exercised. Faith helps us look our troubles squarely in the face and to survive them by the help of God.

yillllllllllillllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIII 1 UNITY 11 NITER 1 Affiliated With Unity School of 1 Christ-anitv and Association of Unity Churches, Unity Village Mo. Suite 210, Parkway Bulldlm A.M. SUNDAY SERVICE 11 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL WWNC Sun. 2:30 Broadcast classes 1 Tuesday 7:30 P.M.

Wednesday It A.M. and Saturday 1 P.M. Come in And See Our Metaphysical Book Selection OFFICE HOURS. 1 A Counselinq Bv Appointment Telephone 253-1771 Dial-A BIessing, 2S4-25S5 Florence Anderson, Minister 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinr- severe than his fault deserved. That is the way it always seems.

"Oh, that I knew where I might find him, that I might come even to his seat!" Job 23:3. Job expressed a passionate desire to find God in order that he could have a personal confrontation with him. There he would learn from God himself the reason for his suffering. Or at least, he would plead his cause before God certain that his innocence would be established. This is one of the most poignant sentences in all scriptures.

Unhnppy is that person who gives up the search for God. Job was not of that company. The deeper his need, the stronger his cry for God to make himself known. Can man by searching find out God? Unless God chooses to reveal himself to man, we have no certain knowledge of Him. God did subsequently speak to Job, and later His full revelation to man was given through Christ.

"I woviW lay my case before him and fill my mouth with arguments-." Job 23:4. If he could find God, he would present his cause very carefully. He would even have a mouthful of arguments all ready. Job believed that God would be fair with him. Bold faith is seen here as Job sought God.

He showed strong confidence in God's fairness. "God has made my heart faint: the Almighty has terrified me" Job 23:16. The body of Job had become faint. At the beginning of the chapter. Job was troubled by God's absence.

Now he is troubled by his presence! Job was expressing the awe he felt when he considered God's greatness. "For I am hemmed in by darkness, and thick darkness covers my face" Job 23:17. Job was in the dark as far as knowing the reasons for God's acts toward him, but iie had hope. He did not give up on God. Queen Size Litter ers, miniature poodles normally have no more than four or five.

Holding Fifi's nine sons and daughters is Jimmy Tucker, 13. (Staff Photo by Malcolm Gamble) Fifi, a one-year-old miniature poodle owned by James R. Tucker of 4 Birchwood Lane, recently had her first litter, and it turned out to be an unusually large one, with nine pedigreed puppies. According to the Tuck Youlh Council FRAZIER The big question to Job was "Why?" Why was it his lot to have to bear such anguish and suffering? His friends had not been able to give him any other soultion than he was a sinner. He knew they had no answer.

They advised him to call on God in repentance. realized, only God could answer the why of his suffering but where was God to be found? Overwhelming trouble brought Job to doubt and despair, but a view of the splendor of God changed his despair to faith and belief. This is what must help people today to find. The Christian must be prepared to share answers, to help people find a way out, through commitment to Jesus Christ. People are desperate for answers to their deepest needs.

God has provided the answer; it is up to Christian people to show others how God has met their needs. JOB LONGS FOR GOD Job 16, 17 "Then Job answered: 'Today also my complaint is bitter, his hand is heavy in spite of my Job 23:1,2. Job tried to control his complaints against God. However, on this occasion, he could restrain himself no longer. He felt that God's hand was heavy upon him in spite of his groans.

It was because God did not answer his questions, "Why?" that Job became so depressed. Job felt that his punishment was far more West Asheville 6:30 PM Dr. Blevint 7:15 PM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM ABCYC Budget May '3 EDITOR'S NOTE: Dr. Frazier teaches a Sunday School class at the First Baptist Church of Asheville and has authored and edited a number of works about the Bible. By DR.

CLAUDE FRAZIER Job 16, 17 RSV The book of Job deals with the problem of a righteous man who was subjected to terrible suffering. The possessor of great wealth, he was also blessed with a seemingly happy family that included seven sons and three daughters. Then, without warning, all of his flocks and herds were either destroyed or taken by raiders. His children also were killed all at one blow in a great windstorm. Yet this was not all.

He himself was striken with a painful, loathsome disease. Thus to his mental suffering there was physical pain without cessation. Judge Finds Probable Cause In Forgery Case Tommy Jo Grant, 21, of 14 Crestwood Road, was bound to Superior Court Friday after District Court Judge Dennis J. Winner found probable cause on three charges of forgery, three charges of uttering forged checks and three charges of false pretense. A capias was issued for George IH.

Thomas, 21, of Monroe, who failed to answer when called for trial on a charge of operating a boat without life preservers. He was arrested by Wild Life Protector sworn by Wild Life Protector V. L. Worley, charged that his boat with machinery of less than 10 horsepower was in public waters without preservers, lite belt, ring buoy, or any other prescribed device for each person on board. Two Employes At Oteen Retire Two employes at Oteen VA Hospital retired Friday after 29 years of federal service apiece.

Miss Elizabeth G. Parker of Oteen Church Road, a supply clerk, has been with the hospital since 1946. Her first federal employment was at Moore General Hospital in Swannanoa from November 1942 to March 1946. She worked briefly at Langley Air Force Base in Langley Field, before returning to Moore General Hospital and then moving to Oteen. Mrs.

Mildred B. Fisher of 98 Fairway Drive, secretary to the chief of staff, also began her federal service at Moore. She transferred to Oteen in November of 1946 and has worked in the chief of staff's office since September, 1947. Tumblers To Give Show At Montreat The Tumbling Tumbliers of First Presbyterian Church, Charleston, W. will present circus acts of acrobatics gynv nasties at 7:30 p.

Wednes day in Moore Center in Mon treat. The touring group is com posed of 15 young members from the fourth largest church in the U. S. Presbyterian as sembly. A full-time activity program is carried out by the church and includes all types of recreational and sports activities.

Canoe racing is classified ac cording to the difficulty of the water traversed, on a scale of 1 to 6. Nantahala River is a Class 3 river of medium difficulty with numerous high waves, rocks, eddies and raoids with narrow passages. Classes will be set up for kayaks, foldboats and decked and open canoes, paddled solo an tandem. Also there will be special classes for juniors and novices and a parent-child race. Much of the racing can be! watched from U.

S. Highway 19. Spectators can watch the race from the banks of the river along the highway. Beverly Hills Baptist Church 777 TUNNEL ASHEVILLE, N. C.

Siinrlnv lulu 9 Baptist Church tiSL 926 Haywood Rd. Sunday School Worship Rev. H. S. Elliott Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 A.M.

MORNING WORSHIP 11.00 A.M. "Peace and War Current Crisis" EVENING WORSHIP 6 P.M. Community Patrhtic Service VA Hospital GrounJs Oteen, N.C. Sneaker Conqrcwnan Rov A. Tavlor Rev.

Edward C. Barron, associate pastor and Minister To Youth PRAYER MEETING WED. 7:30 PM Dr. James Blevins Interim Pastor Vespers A "Exolo 7 2" Led bv Youlh Dick Sharon Strouo Debbv Werhan Church Training Double budget. Such an increase will be of great assistance in furthering the work of the council.

By Carolyn Woody City Council is expected to act this month on the reappointments of three adults to the ABCYC's Adult Advisory Board. They are, Mrs. Doris Foster, the Rev. W. A.

Eason and Mrs. Don Williams. SPOTLIGHT Richard Kirk Toomey a senior at Christ School in Asheville. Richard, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Robert RICK TOOMEY Toomey of Greenville, is president of the senior class at Christ School and a member of the Severs Guild. He plans to attend the University of North Carolina at Chapel Bill upon graduating from high school. Richard says, "I believe that the youth of the United States should express their beliefs peacefully. With the democratic system in the U. 3.

all people are given a chance to seek public office if they do not like the way something is being done. With this chance available, anyone who does not agree with the issue should take the opportunity to run, if he doesn't, he would lose the chance to change it." Cfturch trectort) Denominational Church Directory, Please Call Miss Tate EDITOR'S NOTE: This is one of a series of columns reporting activities of the Asheville-Bun-combe County Youth Council and other outstanding activities of young people. Edited By By LYNN BLANKENSHIP The A ville-Buncombe County Youth Council has been HEAR REV. FRED TOMS OF KISSIMMEE, FLORIDA Founder and President ALDERSGATE RETIREMENT CENTER for SENIOR CITIZENS HEAR ORIAN OSBORNE The Blind Organist from Elkhart, Indiana TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 216 SHELBURNE ROAD West Asheville, N. C.

DATE JULY 5th Wednesday through JULY 9th Sunday SERVICES Each Evening 7:30 P.M. Sunday Afternoon, July 9 3 P.M. Mr. Orian Osborne will give an Organ Concert. ALL ARE INVITED PASTOR REV.

RALPH SEXTON "We Urge You To Attend" PLACE included in Buncombe County's proposed 1972-73 fiscal-year budget and the $6,600 allotment doubles the amount received by the Council last year. Several members of ABCYC attended a recent meeting of the Youth Council of North Carolina in Lexington. Those attending were Harold Purcell, Tucker Rivers, Kitty Grimslcy and Hoey Houser. The council adopted a motion that will allow representatives of ABCYC to conduct the Youth Legislative Assembly, scheduled for early next year in Raleigh. The A ville-Buncombe County Youth Council would like to express "special thanks" to County Commissioners Gordon Greenood, John Daniels and Roy Trantham for including the council in the county's proposed "YOU CAN REMEMBER WITHOUT GRIEF" On the next broodcost of "The Truth That Heals," three people discuss God's ever-present help and how spiritual qualities like kindness, love, and intelligence can't be extinguished.

Listen to "You Can Remember Without Grief" on the radio stations listed below. WSKY. Asheville, A. M. WKKE, Asheville, 7:45 A.

M. WWNC. Asheville, 10:45 P. M. WPTL (MO KC) Canton, 12:30 P.M.

WHKY (1290 KC) Hickory, 10:00 A.M. WMNC, Morganton, 6:15 P.M. First Church of Christ, Scientist N. French Broad Asheville, N.C. Sunday Service 11:00 a.m.

Wednesday Eve 8:00 p.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. The TRUTH That HEALS A Christian Science radio tenet Temple Baptist Church 985T2 Patton Ave. (Next to K-Mart) AN INDEPENDENT BIBLE BELIEVING CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 A.M.-Sunday Servict 11:00 A.M.-Preachitig Hour 6:00 P.M.Bible Institute Hour 7:00 P.M.-Evening Service DEAF SERVICES PROVIDED VISITORS WELCOME NURSERY PROVIDED Joe Olachca Pastor Nantahala Boat Racing Scheduled Today, Sunday To Be Represented In Assembly of God ASSEMBLY OF GOD Hi Havwood Road. 95-S19.

Rev. George S. Patterson, Castor, 553-8200. sun. 10, it a.m..

rjup.ra Missionary Baptist WT. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 17 Eagle Street. 252-0515. Jr. John While, Pastor 1:30 a.m., Sunday 11:00 a.r?., Morning worship p.m.

OTUi 6 p.m. Evening Worship. p.m. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting. Ah p.m.

Teachers Meeting. Southern Baptist CUMBERLAND AVE. BAPTIST CHURCH Corner of Cumberland and West Chestnut Rev. Mack A. Burgin, Pastor sundav School.

9:45 Worship 11 a.m. Tralnlna Union. Worship. VIERRIMON AVENUE SAPT'ST JU Mernmon Avenue 252-2761 milv nine. Pastor sundav School, and 11:10 Worship Children's Church 10:00 10:00 A.m.

SENT CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH Located on Brevard Road Pastor: Rev. Bob E. Hamilton Sunday School 9:45) Worship 10:50. Training Union Even. Worship 7:30.

MORNINGSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Bcaucatche. -Mineral sprinqs Rd. Rev. Joe R. Babb 254-1280 1.5.

worsnio lltiu wor. HOMINY BAPTIST CHURCH Candler School Road T. Noel Coooer. Pastor, 667-2471 Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Worshio 10:30 a.m.

Church Training 7 p.m. Evenino Vesoer p.m. Independent Baptist RICHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH II Chestnut Ridge in Woodlln. Pastor: Rev. Glenn Callahan.

2525413. Vm. Sch. 9:45 a.m.; Worship 11, 7:30 ViiO-weeK service weonesoav. p.m.

tRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 115 Shelbourna Road Palnh Seytftn. Pastnp lun. Schoo; 10, Mornlna worsnio s.m., fcve. MiaweeK rrayer 40RTH ASHEVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH it Pnr.vthA 3t Rav. Robert Rurhanan t.S.

10; Worshio 11. Eve. 7:30. Wed. 7:30 Free Wilf Baptist CALVARY FREE WILL BAPTIST Swannanoa, N.C.

6A6-330B Paslor: Rov. Frank Cantrell Catholic IT LAWRENCE, 97 Haywood Strati ether Lswson Howie, Pastor lunday Masses, 7:30 a.m.. 9:30 a and Noon Days: 7:3 A.M. Neon, Of PJ. ST.

EUGENE CHURCH Culvern St. Oil Beaverdam R9. tun. Masses i.m.-1l:l o.m. Latter Day Saints REORGANIZED CHURCH OP JESUS LnK lo I Of LAI I CK DAT SAINTS Pastor Dean Weir 614-0572 Sunday School 10:00 Worship 11-00 Skv.

land Community Building, Overtook kunv Near vauev springs ROYAL PINES BRANCH "Mormon" Sweeten Creek Skyland Sunday 10:00 PM (44 4911 252-5611, Ext. 251 Pentecostal Holiness V'f PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS Pfsoah View Road Sunday School 10:00 Worshio Serv. 11-00 Rev Richard A. Qulllan 1 Youlh Service 6:30 Evangelistic 7:1 Wednesday Pravor Mealing Methodist OAKLEY UNITED METHODIST Pastor, Rov. R.

E. Boggan -74-7656 Church School, 9:45 a.m.. Worship I a. HAYWOOD ST UNITED METHODIST 297 Havwood Street 252-4564 Rev Thomas J. Howard Minister Church School 9:45 a.m.

Worship Service 11:00 o.m. TRINITY UNITED METHODIST Raloh L. Reed 253-5761 Michael Anderson 254-4736 UMY 6:00 P.M.-Church 253-5471 Free Methodist KM "ODIST CHURCH 671 Sand Hill Rd. Lvle Ward: Pastor: 252-39 71 Wesleyon Methodist WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH 32 Richmond Avenue 253-3980 Rev. G.

K. Andrews, Minister Sun. Sch: 9:45 Morning Worship II Weslevan Youth Omega 6:00 ounoay Evening Church of the Nazoreno FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE N. Louisiana Ave. Haielmill Rd.

vw.cKM unca, rosier. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship, 10:45 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Presbyterian WEAVetRVILI Alabama Avenue One block otf Main Proclaiming God's Eternal Word Church School 9:45, Worship 11 a.m.

Sunday night and Midweek, 7:30 o.m. Rev. David L. Parks, Pastor BLACK MOUNTAIN PRESBYTERIAN Montreat Road, Black Mountain. Rev.

Richard, G. Shelor, Minister Church School 9:45: Worship. 11 a.m. WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN 15 Ovarbrootc Plar Aurlu uui. Church School.

9:45 WnrHr. II 6 Adults. Pioneer Seniors. Junlovs ev. Archtt L.

McNtlr. Ptor WARREN WILSON UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Warren Wilson College Swannanoa. Frederick G. Ohler, Paslor, 291-7471 Worshio Service at 11 a.m. AROEN PRESBYTERIAN CHl'RCH Hlohwav 25 South Below Skvlanrf Edwin P.

Graham. Minister A84.7791 Morn. worship 11 a.m. 1 Nursery Prt vlriAri Youth activities Sun. 3 to 7 p.m.

OAK rORtyi "trfke" bundav 7:45 WorsntP Serv.t 11: Rev Thomas C-wk AAlnlitar "The Birth of the Kino." Quaker ASHFVILLE FRIENDS MEETINO a rrencn aroaa 2YB-UV44 Discussion 10 a.m. Worship a.m. Seventh Day Adventttt POSTER MEMORIAL SEVENTH DA ADVENTIST, 375 Hendersonvlllt Row 852-0411. Herman E. Davis, Mlnist Sabtattt School, Saturday i n.

Wort ft a.m. Pravar Mtaimaa, 7- Episcopal ALL SOUL'S PARISH IN 5'LTMORE The Rev. C. A Zabriskle. Rector.

Holy Communion 8:00 A.M. Morning Praver: 9:30 A.M. Holv Communion: 11:15 A.M. ST. JOHN's-290 Old Haw Creek Rd.

Vicar: Phillip E. Gill. 298-742? Holv Communion. 8 a.m.; Church School lor all, 9:30 a.m.; Dally Office 10:45 a.m. CALVARY U.S.

25. at Fletcher Services: 8 and 11 a.m.; Church School a.m. Tne Rev. Mark Jenkins. Rector ST GEORGE'S PARISH 2 School Road, West Asheville.

Sunday Services. 8:00 and a.m. Wednesday Healing Service 10:30 A.M. ST. MARY'S 33 CHARLOTTE ST.

Father Paul Chaolln. Rector Sunday Masses: 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. Weekday Masses. GRACE CHURCH Merrlmon at Oltarl. The Rev.

William G. Edwards. Rector Services, 8 Holv Communion, a.m. Family Fucharst and Church School durina late Service. Nursery, 10:00 a.m.

TRINITY CHURCH (DOWNTOWN) Church and Aston Strrets. Sunday Services 8 and 10:30 a.m. Friday Service II e.m. ALL WEI COME THF CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER 120' Riverside Drive (NC191 North at Jorestown Road, in woodfln) Father Hugh Edsall. Vicar Sunday Service 10:00 AM.

Holy Com munion and Church School. ST MATTHAIS PARRISH 1 Dundee 5 reel Morning Praver 11:00 A.M. 1st. 3rd and 5th sunriavs Holy Communion 11:00 A.M. 2nd and 4th sundavs Inter-Denominational ASHEVILLE FULL GOSPEL TABERNO CLE 225 Summit! Street, Rev.

Bovde McClaren Assistant, Darrell McClaren Sunday school, 10:10 a.m. worship 11 a.m. Sunday nloht 7:45 Wednesday night praver meeting, 7:30 WORDS OF LIFE TABERNACLE Avprv'r. rrpnv nn Cllpnn nr nop pnifl Rev. James Lee.

Sunday School 1 Wednesday Praver Service 7:30 p.m, a m. worsnio 11:00 Evening ELBETHEL CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY SF corner Charlotte Sunset Parkway Rev. Mr. and Mrs. w.

ward wr gnt. Pastors. 5.5 Morning ser io-so Eve. 7:00. Fri.

Eve. 7:30, Bible sruov Lutheran NATIVITY CHURCH-Hwv. 25 at Arden Rev. E. Edward Lono, Pastor (Church in Amricai Sunday School Worshio 11 o.m.

MAPK'? I IITHFRAN CHURCH Corner of Chestnut and Liberty Streets a.m. worshio. ev. Jonn M. Hawn, pastor.

urserv Faculties avatlahla (Missouri Synod) MAAANIIFL LUTHERAN CHURCH WMshlro Park-252-1795 oev. Jemes R. Wesson ft-4s a m. Sunday School Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Pentecostal PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST Pastnr- F.

K. Methls U' Havw-d 252-1769 inurs. p.m. Services Sunday 10:00 a.m. 1 7:30 P.m.

UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 3rd Street (Oakley) services: sunoav 10 a. m. ana 7:30 p.m. Rev Wednesday Bible study 8 0. m.

D. K. Edwards, Paslor 252-8467. Church of God 615 FAIRVIEW ROAD S.S.IO a.m., worship 11 and 7 Wednesday: 7:30 YPE and Prayer Rev. Joseph N.

Phillips Minister 274-7218 OF GOD 60 State Street-West Asheville Sunday School 9:45 Worship 11:00 a.m. Evangelistic Service 7:30 D.m. Wednesday Youlh and Praver Meettnn 7:30 o.m. S. A.

Lankford, Pastor 252-8529 CHURCH OF GOD Svlva, N.C. Corner Sunrlst Park ant) tnsiev street Rev. Edward G. Porrolt, Pastor 586-5165 Sun. Sch: 10 a.m..

Morning Worshio ii a.m. tvening 7 p.m. Young People service CANDLER CHURCH OF GOD, Pisoah Hwv. Sun. School 10 a.

worship 11 a. and 7:30 o. m. Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 p. m.

W. L. Owenbv, Pastor. Christian Science 1ST. CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Sun.

Service and Sunday Schou, 11:00 Wed. Evening Testimony Meeting .1:00. 64 North Fronch Broad Avenue Church of Christ FAST fHFSTNUT rHIIPCH DP rWRICT 127 East Chestnut St. Dowrtnuun 9Si.777C j. m.

roweu, Minister 454.202 Services: Sunday 10. 11 and 6:00 BILTMORE CHURCH OF CHRIST 873 street (Oft Hendersonvlllt Services 10 a.m., 11 a.m., end p.m. WATC Joroan Evangellsr, tit THE HERALD OF TRUTH. SYLVA, N.C. CHURCH OF CHRIST R.

M. Rlnrlon. Minister SfM.992? Sun. 10, II a.m. 1 Eve.

6 p.m 7:30 CANDLER CHURCH OF CHRIST Pisoah Hlohwav, Route No. 151 Sunday Service. 10 and 11 a.m. MARION, N.C 1101 State Street filbert Trloo. Minister.

-697-5083 10-11 a.m., 7 p.m., Wed. 7:30 Congregational (United Church of Christ) FIRST CHURCH 308 Merrlmon Avenue Rpv David L. Crook Worshio Service 10:30 a.m. "Sand In the Eves." Unitarian Universalitt UNITARIAN CHURCH OF ASHEVILLE Charlotte Street at Edwin Place n- Dr Tmev M. Pul man There will be no Sunday mornlna services durlno July and August.

Discussion, 11 a.m. jiiiv 7. Call 669-2163 lor Information. what 1 Be eve Aoour goo ana man." Christian FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 20 Oak Street Rev. Jack M.

Donlcll "Decently and In Order." ANTIOCH CHPISTIAN CHURCH New Haw Creek Road Harry J. Bowers. Minister 252 4603 Worshio 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Evening Service 7:30 o.m Christian (Missionary Alliance) CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY ALLIANCE 12 South French Broad.

Nathan Peniand Sun School Worshio II s.m., 7 P.m. The Georgia Canoeing Association will hold the fourth annual Nantahala River Slalom and Whitewater Races Saturday and Sunday on the Nantahala River near Bryson City. This year the race is the Southeast ern National Championships and will attract competitors of national standing. Slalom events will begin at 9 a. m.

Saturday in the Nantahala Falls area near Wesser. Downriver racing will begin at 10 a. m. Sunday just below the Nantahala Power and Light Company powerhouse and will continue eight miles downriver to Wesser. JAMIE BUCKINGHAM Pastor from Melbourne, Florida Speaking at 4th Annual Convention ELBETHEL CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY Corntr el Charlotte St.

and Sunset Parkway on Monday, Tuesday Wednesday July 3rd, 4th 5th at 7:30 P. M..

Asheville Citizen-Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)


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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.