17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (2024)

St. Patrick’s Day is coming up on March 17th and we’ve got 17 (get it?) great St. Patrick’s Day recipes for you. Check them out!

17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (1)

Shepherd’s Pie: You could also go with Shepherd’s Pie for St. Patrick’s Day, which has to be one of the all-time greatest comfort foods. Although, I’m not a big lamb eater, so I’d go with Cottage Pie, which is made with beef. They’re both topped with mashed potatoes, though, so you can’t wrong! Unless you’re my kid who hates mashed potatoes. All my friends say this dish is a family favorite, though.

Meatloaf Shepherd’s Pie

Meatloaf shepherd's pie is a delicious comfort food without the hassle of making a meat pie from scratch. Rather than chopping and browning beef for a meat pie, useleftover meatloafto save time and money. You'll put leftovers to good use and make a whole new dish that your family will love.

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17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (2)

17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (3)

Corned Beef and Cabbage: This is probably the dish that most of us immediately think of when we hear “St. Patrick’s Day.” The twist on this recipe is that it’s made in your Instant Pot.

Instant Pot Corned Beef and Cabbage

The beef cooks up tender in only 90 minutes, and then the veggies are done in just a few minutes more. Then you put it all together on a platter, and your Irish meal is served.

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17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (4)

17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (5)

Reuben Egg Rolls: Looking for a whole different way to have corned beef and cabbage? I’ve got you covered with this recipe.

Reuben Egg Rolls

Frying egg rolls cansound intimidating,but it’s definitely worth it here.

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17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (6)

17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (7)

Colcannon: Here’s another Instant Pot recipe, this time for a yummy mashed potato and cabbage dish. If you want to make it the old-fashioned way, I’ve got a recipe for that, too.

17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (9)

Irish Colcannon Mac and Cheese: Did you look at a dish made of potatoes and decide it didn’t have enough carbs for you? Let’s be friends! Let’s also make this amazing recipe that blends mac and cheese with colcannon.

Irish Colcannon Mac and Cheese

You can make this dish in advance. Top it with the cheese and breadcrumbs and cover it with foil. Store it in the fridge, unbaked, and then just pop it in the oven.

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17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (10)

17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (11)

Vegan Shepherd’s Pie: Well, I don’t know that this dish is traditional exactly, but if, like me, you’re not into beef or lamb, this vegan shepherd’s pie option may be just the thing!

Vegan Shepherd’s Pie

Hearty vegetables in a brothy sauce topped with fluffy mashed potatoes, all baked to bubbly perfectly.

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17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (12)

17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (13)

Beef and Guinness Pie: My husband loves his Guinness Stout stew, and here’s something similar but in pie form!

Beef and Guinness Pie

Beef and Guinness Pie brings together Irish beef andGuinness, two of Ireland's most famous products. The long slow cooking of the filling creates not just perfectly tender beef, it also allows the flavor of the Guinness to permeate the meat and the vegetables and produce a thick, luscious sauce.

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17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (14)

Irish Nachos: Moving away from the traditional into the “inspired-by,” how about some Irish nachos? They’re Guinness beer cheese on potato chips—topped with bacon, of course. Count me in. Bennigan’s used to serve something like this years ago (I feel so old) and my husband and I loved them.

Irish Nachos

Most recipes for Irish nachos call for baking your own potatoes. We took a very big shortcut by starting with potato chips. Our cheese sauce ismade with Guinness and cheddar and a pinch of cayenne, and the whole dish is finished with crunchy bacon and freshly chopped chives. It's the perfect dish to celebrateSt. Patrick's Day(with a Guinness, of course).

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17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (16)

17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (17)

Potato Leek Soup: Now, I’m a sucker for a loaded baked potato soup (mmmmm, cheesy), but I’m intrigued by this healthier potato soup recipe. And also cooking with leeks, which seem to be very popular in Irish cooking, but which I’ve never used.

Irish Potato Leek Soup

Making this soup is so easy. You only need about 30 minutes. The ingredients are simple: butter, leeks, potatoes, salt, pepper and stock (vegetable or chicken). I will say this, if you can find Irish butter, use it. It tastes so much fresher and creamier than U.S. butter.

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17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (18)

17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (19)

Dublin Coddle: Here’s a traditional stew option for you non-beef people out there. This one’s got bacon and smoked sausage in it, plus potatoes and carrots. You can’t go wrong!

Dublin Coddle

Dublin Coddleis a hearty traditional Irish winter stew made with potatoes, sausages, and bacon. It’s an easy dinner idea that’s comforting, filling and perfect for cold winter nights.

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17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (20)

17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (21)

Bacon Cheddar Beer Bread: So, did Irish soda bread sound too boring, even if it was dressed up a bit? Well, then this bread should sound better because is chock full of flavor! Cheese, beer (and for St. Patrick’s Day it better be Guinness), bacon—who could ask for more?!

Bacon Cheddar Beer Bread

Beer bread is great and all but this one stuffed with bacon, cheddar, jalapeños, and cream cheese is really something extra special!

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17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (22)

17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (23)

Baileys Irish-Cream Chocolate Cheesecake: We can’t forget dessert, of course. Check out this decadent cheesecake option. It’s probably not traditional, but it’s got Irish cream liqueur so we’ll let it slide.

Baileys Chocolate Cheesecake

Two layers of intense chocolate flavor, well-balanced, and super creamy! This cheesecake recipe is one to make for a special occasion like St. Patrick's Day, to have frozen at all times (here it's a favorite dessert for dinner parties), or just because you're a baileys fan.

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17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (24)

17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (25)

Irish Soda Bread Pudding: I love bread pudding—it’s one of my favorite desserts. So make up some extra soda bread and use it in this delicious traditional dessert recipe.

Irish Soda Bread Pudding

Bread pudding, with its custardy bottom and crusty top, is the simplest way to turn pantry ingredients like eggs, sugar and bread, into a decadent dessert.

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17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (26)

17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (27)

Irish Scones: When I think of scones I think of England and tea time, but apparently they’re a legitimate Irish dessert. Serve them with fresh whipped cream and some jam.

Traditional Irish Scones

Learn how to make delicious Traditional Irish Scones, from a professional Irish chef!

Check out this recipe

17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (28)

St. Patrick’s Day Puppy Chow: Speaking of cereal recipes, you may have seen we recently shared one for Cinnamon Almond Butter Muddy Buddies. Depending on where you’re from may also know muddy buddies by their other name: puppy chow. Here’s a recipe for a St. Patrick’s Day version of puppy chow. Yum!

Share your favorite St. Patrick’s Day recipes (traditional or otherwise) in the comments!

17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (30)
17 Delicious Dishes for St. Patrick's Day Recipes (2024)


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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.