10 Tested And Perfected Recipes For Rosh Hashanah (2024)

10 Tested And Perfected Recipes For Rosh Hashanah (1)

Rosh Hashanah is right around the corner. From Matzo Ball Soup to Apple Cake, these foolproof recipes will make your New Year's meal extra meaningful and delicious.

10 Tested And Perfected Recipes For Rosh Hashanah (2)

Making chicken soup is a bit of a "potschke," as my mother would say, but it's not hard -- you pretty much throw everything into a pot and forget it. And these delicious matzo balls are made from a mix. GET THE RECIPE


10 Tested And Perfected Recipes For Rosh Hashanah (3)

This is my favorite brisket recipe, and it's surprisingly simple to make. There's no wine, stock or bottled sauces added; instead, the brisket is cooked on top of a massive heap of onions, which slowly caramelize and release their juices, making a flavorful French onion soup-like braising liquid all their own. It's perfect for entertaining because it feeds a crowd and is best made ahead of time. GET THE RECIPE

10 Tested And Perfected Recipes For Rosh Hashanah (4)

Made with carrots, sweet potatoes, apples and honey, this savory soup with a hint of sweetness and spice is perfect for the holiday. The secret ingredient is curry powder, which doesn't give the soup an Indian flavor like you might think, but instead lends a subtle hint of autumn spice. The flavor of the soup actually improves when made a few days in advance. GET THE RECIPE

10 Tested And Perfected Recipes For Rosh Hashanah (5)

Baked pears are always so enticing, especially when served in a gorgeous pomegranate syrup. Make this light dessert a day ahead of time and serve with Italian-style cookies, such as Almond Biscotti, Double Chocolate Biscotti or Italian Cornmeal Cookies. GET THE RECIPE

10 Tested And Perfected Recipes For Rosh Hashanah (6)

These brussels sprouts are roasted in a high temperature oven until golden brown and crisp, then tossed with a touch of balsamic vinegar and honey. Make extra -- they're as addictive as french fries! GET THE RECIPE


10 Tested And Perfected Recipes For Rosh Hashanah (7)

This old-fashioned dessert of warm baked apples and scarlet cranberries with a crunchy streusel topping comes from Rustic Fruit Desserts by Cory Schreiber and Julie Richardson. It can be made ahead of time and reheated after dinner -- and leftovers are delicious for breakfast the next day with a hot cup of coffee. GET THE RECIPE

10 Tested And Perfected Recipes For Rosh Hashanah (8)

This cauliflower purée is creamy and comforting, and it just happens to taste remarkably like mashed potatoes. It also has the benefit of being easier to make, healthier and lower in carbs. But don't make it just for that reason -- it's delicious in its own right. GET THE RECIPE

10 Tested And Perfected Recipes For Rosh Hashanah (9)

Delicious to eat and fun to make, rugelach are miniature crescent-rolled pastries posing as cookies. They're made by rolling a triangle of dough around a sweet filling of fruit, nuts, chocolate or pretty much anything your heart desires. If you've never had them or made them from scratch, definitely roll up your sleeves and give this classic walnut-raisin version a try. Fresh out of the oven, they're buttery, crisp and flaky, with a sweet cinnamon scent that will tempt you to eat the entire batch. GET THE RECIPE

10 Tested And Perfected Recipes For Rosh Hashanah (10)

Chicken Marbella is probably the most famous dish to come out of the beloved Silver Palate Cookbook by Julie Rosso and the late Sheila Lukins. I grew up eating this dish -- in fact, my mother still makes it on holidays and special occasions. The chicken is marinated in garlic and herbs, and then baked with wine, brown sugar, prunes, capers and meaty green olives. GET THE RECIPE

10 Tested And Perfected Recipes For Rosh Hashanah (11)

You can't have Rosh Hashanah without apple cake. This one, made with chunks of sweet apples nestled in a tender, buttery rum cake, is my absolute favorite. GET THE RECIPE


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Taste Rosh Hashanah
10 Tested And Perfected Recipes For Rosh Hashanah (2024)


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Name: Kieth Sipes

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.